OCTOBER 2016 Mary & Martha’s Message There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of the people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will have truly defeated age. Sophia Loren, actor and singer (b. 20 Sep 1934) A Julian Gathering is open to everyone Wednesday, October 11 1:00 - 2:45 PM St. Dunstan's 6205 University Avenue Madison, WI 53705 Julian of Norwich was a 15th Century English mys- tic and anchoress. Little is known about Julian's life, but she wrote a book, as far as we know the first in English written by a woman, about a series of revela- tions which opened her to the depths of God's uncon- ditional love for us in Jesus Christ. Nearly forgotten for 600 years, Julian's insights and gentle wisdom are becoming ever more widely known and appreciated. Thomas Merton called her "the greatest theologian for our time." Julian prayed often in silence, and at a Julian Gath- ering we support each other in the practice of contem- plative prayer and contemplative spirituality. The Gatherings are open to all who want to deepen their life of faith through the practice of contemplative pray- er, for beginners as well as those already practicing. Each meeting includes time for contemplative prayer, fellowship, and reading/discussion of Julian's book. We meet the second Wednesday of each month. For additional information, contact Susan Fiore, ObJN: [email protected] Julian Gatherings are initiated and supported by the Order of Julian of Norwich, a contemplative monastic order in the Episcopal Church: www.orderofjulian.org Women's Fall Gathering & Retreat Nurturing the Spirit Join us for a weekend of faith, fellowship, and education. October 27-29, 2017 DeKoven Retreat Center Racine, Wisconsin Presented by the ECW, Diocese of Chicago Information on pages 4 & 5 Editors Note: The musician for this retreat is the same musician who was at Miniweek 2017! Women across the diocese meet weekly or monthly in small groups to discuss the Bible and other books. Four current groups and their books: Grace, Madison - A Man Called Ove by Fredrick Backman Christ Church, Whitefish Bay - The Book of Jeremiah Diocese of Milwaukee Just Mercy by Bryan Steven St. Dunstan's Madison - Hillbilly Elegy by J.D. Vance Everyone would like to know what youre reading! Send to Connie Ott, [email protected] What are YOU reading?

Mary & Martha’s Message - Constant Contactfiles.constantcontact.com/436a0e9e001/9384c049-7c10-4482... · 2017-10-04 · to Benedictine Spirituality as a framework for the whole

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Mary & Martha’s Message

There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind,

your talents, the creativity you bring to your life

and the lives of the people you love. When you

learn to tap this source, you will have truly

defeated age. Sophia Loren,

actor and singer (b. 20 Sep 1934)

A Julian Gathering is open to everyone —

Wednesday, October 11 1:00 - 2:45 PM

St. Dunstan's 6205 University Avenue

Madison, WI 53705

Julian of Norwich was a 15th Century English mys-tic and anchoress. Little is known about Julian's life, but she wrote a book, as far as we know the first in English written by a woman, about a series of revela-tions which opened her to the depths of God's uncon-ditional love for us in Jesus Christ. Nearly forgotten for 600 years, Julian's insights and gentle wisdom are becoming ever more widely known and appreciated. Thomas Merton called her "the greatest theologian for our time." Julian prayed often in silence, and at a Julian Gath-ering we support each other in the practice of contem-plative prayer and contemplative spirituality. The Gatherings are open to all who want to deepen their life of faith through the practice of contemplative pray-er, for beginners as well as those already practicing. Each meeting includes time for contemplative prayer, fellowship, and reading/discussion of Julian's book. We meet the second Wednesday of each month.

For additional information, contact Susan Fiore, ObJN: [email protected] Julian Gatherings are initiated and supported by the Order of Julian of Norwich, a contemplative monastic order in the Episcopal Church: www.orderofjulian.org

Women's Fall Gathering & Retreat

Nurturing the

Spirit Join us for a weekend of faith, fellowship,

and education.

October 27-29, 2017

DeKoven Retreat Center

Racine, Wisconsin Presented by the ECW, Diocese of Chicago

Information on pages 4 & 5

Editor’s Note: The musician for this retreat is the same musician who was at Miniweek 2017!

Women across the diocese meet weekly or monthly in small groups to discuss the Bible and other books. Four current groups and their books: Grace, Madison - A Man Called Ove by Fredrick Backman Christ Church, Whitefish Bay - The Book of Jeremiah Diocese of Milwaukee Just Mercy by Bryan Steven St. Dunstan's Madison - Hillbilly Elegy by J.D. Vance Everyone would like to know what you’re reading! Send to Connie Ott, [email protected]

What are



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E-NEWS reaches 200+ women in the Milwaukee and Fond du Lac Dioceses. Please send information about events coming up in your parish or area that might interest women to Connie Ott, [email protected] To add someone to the mailing list, send the e-mail address to Connie Ott.

2017 Gala in Fort Atkinson

Downton Abbey: The Roaring 20's St. Peter’s Gala a Huge Success

...thank you... The evening was filled with music, dancing, lively conversation, wonderful food and energetic bidding on all of the wonderful donations gathered from our parishioners and generous merchants. Thank you to everyone who contributed in all of the ways to make this event so meaningful for so many people. There has been noth-ing like it offered to Fort Atkinson and the surrounding communities and for us to pull off the event attended by 96 guests, with volunteer chefs, period costumed wait staff, parishioners in so many roles in planning and execution (who are still probably feeling the ef-fects of the activities required) is something to be very proud. Our preliminary accounting shows about $12,000 in profit for the event—more than we have ever raised in a single event to benefit St. Peters! Thank you again to everyone! Virginia Newcomb Event Coordinator

Being the People of God Wednesdays

Good Shepherd Sun Prairie

Eucharist — 6:30 pm Class — 7:15 pm

Good Shepherd, Sun Prairie invites you to join them for eight Wednesday evenings with Fr. Steven Peay. Each session will begin with a Eucharist, and Being the People of God teaching sessions will follow at 7:15 pm. These sessions will explore the Bible, what it means to "be Church," the Book of Common Prayer, and more. Come to Good Shepherd! October 11, 18 & 25, November 1, 8 & 15, and De-cember 6 & 13. For more information or if you have questions, please contact [email protected] or 608-837-3308.

Good Shepherd Episcopal Church 3416 Swansee Ridge Sun Prairie, WI 53590

Christ Church Whitefish Bay

Monday — October 9 — 7 pm The purpose: to increase understanding of racial and social justice issues and to encourage personal involvement. The topic: "The Blue-Eyes/Brown-Eyes Exercise: Understanding the Effects of Racism," presented by John Haydon, assisted by Danielle Harris-Robinson. For questions or information regarding this event or subsequent topics in this series, please contact John, [email protected] or 414-732-5013. Christ Church 5655 North Lake Dr. Whitefish Bay, WI

Where Does the News Come From? Every month, for several years, you have received Mary and Martha’s Message. The co-editors watch each month for information regarding upcoming events — getting information from parish websites and the Diocese of Milwaukee E-News. Better yet — we get notices from parishioners! YOU! As we move into fall and Advent, we would like to share your concerts, quiet days, bazaars, etc. Don’t assume someone else will promote your event! Send your information to Connie Ott, [email protected] by the 20th of the month so it can be added to the news in M&M!

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Kettlewood Retreat at Cedar Valley An Advent Retreat

The Transformative Power of Blessing

Friday, December 8, 2017 9:30 am — 3 pm

Retreat Leader: Holly Whitcomb Cost: $50 for Retreat and Lunch

“For this retreat, we will delve into Blessing as we consider: How did Je-sus live in blessing? How do we offer and receive blessing? From whom are we withholding blessing? How do we turn blessing into daily practice?”

To register: Send check for $50 made out to The Rev. Holly Whitcomb. 2095

Elm Tree Ct., Elm Grove, WI 53122 Registration deadline: December 2 Cedar Valley Retreat Center is near West Bend

For more information: 262-784-5593

A School for God’s Service Saturdays

October 29 — December 1

9:30 — 11 am All Saints' Cathedral is offering a 6 week course to: 1. Introduce the participants to Benedictine Spirituality as a framework for the whole of one's personal spiritual life. Using the Rule of Benedict as our guide we will look at how worship, formation, service and recreation form the whole Christian person. 2. Expose the participants to a variety of lay and clergy who are engaged in active minis-try outside the walls of their respective con-gregations, and some of the spiritual tools that these people employ in their ministries. Provide space for discernment. There will be no "hard sell" for people to sign up for any particular task. Throughout the sessions, and especially on the last day which will be set aside as a day for reflection, participants will be given space to process some of what they have heard and see where the Holy Spirit is leading them. Questions? Contact The Very Rev. Kevin Carroll at the Cathedral office at [email protected] or (414) 271-7719. All Saints’ Cathedra 818 E. Juneau Ave Milwaukee WI 53202

The Ultimate Altar Guild Adventure!

What a time we had in Washington D.C.! Twenty-eight hearty souls from the Milwaukee diocese took a whirlwind tour of our nation’s capital, wonderfully planned by Leslie Thorkelson and American Christian Tours [Rice Lake, WI] for the Diocesan Al-tar Guild. We visited important monuments: Viet Nam, Jefferson, Lin-coln, Korean War, and the new WWII Memorial. Most moving was the changing of the guard and our participation in a wreath laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery. Among the museums and government buildings, the Library of Congress and the African American History Museum stood out. It is obvious that a young America was declaring its place in the world of thought and literature with its sumptuous nation-al library! The new African American History Museum is beau-tifully conceived and organized, a source of deep reflection for all of us. In addition to these usual attractions, ACT tailored the trip to us, including prominent churches – St. Matthew’s Roman Catholic cathedral and Ascension and St. Agnes Episcopal church. We took turns sitting in the President’s pew in St. John’s Episcopal Church across the street from the White House enjoying our guide’s stories of its history. Most memo-rable of the churches, however, was the National Cathedral. We were given a special “needlework tour” as the initial pur-pose of our trip was to see the kneeler with our diocesan seal that we paid to have refurbished. Sung Evensong capped the day and was eerily appropriate as the Dean of the Cathedral presented awards for service and commissioned the National Cathedral Altar Guild for the coming year! The Diocesan Altar Guild is planning another Altar Guild Adventure this spring – closer to home, but still an Adventure!

Altar Guild Adventurers at the National Cathedral

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Page 5: Mary & Martha’s Message - Constant Contactfiles.constantcontact.com/436a0e9e001/9384c049-7c10-4482... · 2017-10-04 · to Benedictine Spirituality as a framework for the whole

Nurturing the Spirit Women’s Fall Retreat October 27—29, DeKoven Center