1 অজিত মার রায় মানব সযতার দীঘ সামাজিক ইজতহাসর উসŌখসযায টনাবজিসক যজদ তাজিকাব করা হয় তসব সই তাজিকায় উনজবশ শতাĺীসত মাঘ ও তার তসের আজবঘাব অįতম উসŌখসযায টনা জহসাসব সবঘ াসে Ūান পাসব তাসত কাসরা সেহ সনই। দশঘন, রািনীজত, অঘনীজত, সমািতে, সৌেযঘযতে, ানতে, ধমঘ তে, কাবয-সাজহতয, জশŐকিা, জবানদশঘন, নতে, ইজতহাস ইতযাজদ এমন সকান জবষয় সনই সয আসিাচনায় এই একিন মাſসষর তেজচনা আধজনক বা উর আধজনককাসিও Ĵাসজিক হসয় ওসে না। সযতার ইজতহাস মাঘ জ জিতীয় আর সকান এমন উদাহরণ জবরি। যারা রািননজতকাসব মাসঘর মতাſসারী, যারা তার Ĵবিজবসরাজধ, যাসদর সকান Ĵকাř রািনজতক অবŪান সনই এব যারা জনসিসদরসক সাষণা কসরন জনরসপ জবসŚষক জহসাসব ইতযাজদ সয সকান Ĵকার বযজির িারা মাſষ, সমাি, অঘনীজত ইতযাজদর আসিাচনায় আিও মাঘ Ĵবিাসব উপজŪত হসবনই। কজমউজনŞ মযাজনসেসŞাĴকাশনার বছরসক চনাজবƏ জহসাসব জবসবচনা করসি বিা সযসত পাসর সয এর পরবতঘ ী উনজবশ ও জবশ শতাĺীর দীঘ সময়কাসির জচনার সĴজত ও পজরসর উয়সকই মাঘ এমন সমৌজিকাসব পজরবতঘন সাধন কসরজছসিন সয তার তে বা জবসŚষণ পজতসক উসপা কসর উপসরাজŌজখত সকান জবষসয়র পাে ও অধযয়ন সłণঘ করা সŅব হয় না। সযতার ঊষাি সক মſţ সমাি-সযতা সয একজট ববাজনক জনয়ম অſসরণ কসর জবকাশ িা কসরসছ, বদব আসদসশ অবা Ĵকজতর অজনজŔত সখয়াসি আজব ঘত সকান বযজির সশৌযঘয-জবসযঘযর কারসণ ইজতহাসসর জনমঘাণ সট জন - সই ঐজতহাজসক বƎবাদী বযাখযা জদসয় জতজন সযতাসক জচনবার, ব ঝবার নব ĴকŐ উপজŪত কসরজছসিন। কজমউজনŞ মযাজনসেসŞাসিখার আসই জতজন জিজপব কসরজছসিন সয দশঘসনর কাি Ƅধ জবśসক নানাাসব বযাখযা করা নয়, মি কাি হসিা তাসক পজরবতঘন করা 1 । আমরা িাজন সকান অজũশীি সার পজরবতঘসনর জনয়ম িানা াকসিই Ƅধমা সই সার পজরকজŐত পজরবতঘন সাধন সŅব। দশঘসনর মি কাি পজরবতঘন করা এই নবউপিজসত উপনীত হসি সযতার মজবকাসশর ববাজনক বযাখযা অসেষণ একান আবřক কতঘ সবয পজরণত হয়, সকননা তা জ পজরবতঘন সাধন সŅব হয় না। সই অſসাসনর পস সমািজবকাসশর সাব জবান ঐজতহাজসক বƎবাদ জতজন উপজŪত করসিন। জতজন বিসিন এ যাবৎকাসির যত সযতার অজũসর ইজতহাস আমরা িানসত পাজর তা, আজদম ũর বযতীত, সবই সŘজণ সোসমর ইজতহাস এব সইসব সŘজণর উব, জবকাশ ও পজরণজতর সাſসাসর জতজন সদখাসিন সয বযজিত সłজর অবসান2 হসিা সমািজবকাসশর চড়ান পজরনজত। মাসঘর প সবঘই নানা ধরসনর সমািতাজĮক মতবাদ সই সমসয় Ĵচাজরত জছি। সইসব ধারণাসক মাঘ এব এসিিস অনবাজনক সমািতĮ বসি সমাসিাচনা কসরসছন কজমউজনŞ মযাজনসেসŞাসত। সই সমসয় জবদযমান 1 মাঘ ‘Theses on Fueurbach’ এ ১৮৪৫ সাসি জিসখজছসিন, যজদও Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophyবইসয়র পজরজশসŞ সযি হসয় Ĵম Ĵকাজশত হয় ১৮৮৮ সাসি। 2 In this sense, the theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property. (Communist Manifesto)


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  • 1

    , , , , , , , -, , , , , , , ,

    - , - - , , 1 , , , , 2

    1 Theses on Fueurbach , Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German

    Philosophy 2 In this sense, the theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private

    property. (Communist Manifesto)

  • 2

    3 () ()

    , , , ; , 4 , - Physiocrat Merchantalist- - -

    3 Engels,Socialism: Utopian and Scientific,Sel. Work, Vol-III, Prog Pub, Moscow (1970),p-133

    4 Markham S. F.,(1930), A History of Socialism, A & C Black Ltd, London, p-4

  • 3

    (-) An Inquiry Into The Nature And Causes Of The Wealth Of Nations (-), (-), . . (-), 5 , , , ... , 6 , ( ) ... , 7 , ,

    , , - , -

    5 (- ) (Boisguillebert, -) ( -) Engels, Historical Notes on the Analysis of Commodities in Marx, A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy, Sel. Works, Vol-29, p-292 (http://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/cw/volume29/index.htm)

    6 Adam Smith (1776), An Inquiry Into The Nature And Causes Of The Wealth Of Nations, Book-1, Chapter-VIII,

    An Electronic Classics Series Publication, p-47

    7 Adam Smith (1776), An Inquiry Into The Nature And Causes Of The Wealth Of Nations, Book-1, Chapter-VIII,

    An Electronic Classics Series Publication, p-60

  • 4


    , , , ; ( , ) - , ; , , , , , 8

    () , () () 9 () (social production capacity) (means of production) () (social labour) (class) - , 10

    , 8Engels, F.(1888), Preface to the English Edition of 1888, Manifesto of the Communist Party, Moscow (1975)

    9 Das Capital, Vol-III, p-261

    10 They also contradict the conditions under which this swelling capital augments its value. Hence the crises. Das

    Capital, Vol-III, p-261

  • 5

    , 11 12 (Labour Theory of Value),

    The Poverty of Philosophy

    Insofar as modern socialism, no matter of what tendency, starts out from bourgeois political

    economy, it almost without exception takes up the Ricardian theory of value. The two

    propositions which Ricardo proclaimed in 1817 right at the beginning of his Principles,

    1) that the value of any commodity is purely and solely determined by the quantity of labour

    required for its production, and

    2) that the product of the entire social labour is divided among the three classes: landowners

    (rent), capitalists (profit) and workers (wages)

    , -


    Engels, Principles of Communism, p-81

    12 The above application of the Ricardian theory that the entire social product belongs to the workers

    as their product, because they are the sole real producers, leads directly to communism. But, as Marx indeed

    indicates in the above-quoted passage, it is incorrect in formal economic terms, for it is simply an application

    of morality to economics. According to the laws of bourgeois economics, the greatest part of the product

    does not belong to the workers who have produced it. If we now say: that is unjust, that ought not to be so,

    and then that has nothing immediately to do with economics. We are merely saying that this economic fact

    is in contradiction to our sense of morality.- Frederick Engels, Preface to the First German Edition, The Poverty of Philosophy

  • 6

    , , , , (subjective) (utility) ,

    , , - ( vulgar economist )

    , , , , , , , , , , , since the Fabian Society positively pullulates with Jevons-Mengerians who look down with infinite contempt on a Marx they have long since outdistanced.

    13 , , , 13

    Engels, Letter to Conrad Schmidt, 1892, Col. Works, Volume 49, pp 525-528

  • 7

    , , , (falling rate of profit) (real wage) , , (price) (value) ( ) (price) (transformation problem) - (price) (value) , (value) (price) , (variables) (stock concept and flow concept)

    , , very, very much below the average low level 14 , , - ( ) ... , ,

    petitio principii15 -

    , - ,


    Engels letter to Danielson, Collected Works, Volume 48, pp 135-137

    15 assuming the conclusion

  • 8

    (theory of marginal utility) 16

    , , ( ) ( , ) - () () () () - , , , , (price) Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities ()

    , , , (labour theory of Value) (falling rate of profit)

    (Labour Theory of Value)

    (real wealth) ? ? ? , (physical goods)


    I am going to start on the fourth volume-the history of the theory of surplus-value as soon as it is in any way possible.

  • 9

    , 17 , , (price) , ( theory of value) , 18 , 19

    , 20 - ; 21 22 23 24 17 wages, profit and rent, are three original sources of all revenue as well as of all exchangeable value (page-362) 18

    Ricardo David, Principles of Political economy and Taxation, hird dn , p-46

    19 ... He (Ricardo) seems

    always to consider the whole produce as divided between wages and profits, forgetting the part necessary for

    replacing fixed capital , 20

    Smith Adam, The wealth of Nation, Chap-VIII, page-58

    21 Smith Adam, The wealth of Nation, Chap-V, page-31

    22 Smith Adam, The wealth of Nation, Chap-V, page-36

    23 He shares in the produce of their labour, or in the value which it adds to the materials upon which it is bestowed;

    and in this share consists his profit. (Chap-VIII, page-59)

    24 Engels, Historical Notes on the Analysis of Commodities in Marx, A Contribution to the Critique of

    Political Economy, Sel. Works, Vol-29, p-292 (http://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/cw/volume29)

  • 10

    , 25

    , , - - (labour power) (at its value) - (value) , , - (subsistence level) (historical and moral element) , 26 , 27 , ,

    , , ( - real terms) ( ) organic composition of capital 25

    On the one hand he must be reproached for not going far enough, for not carrying his abstraction to completion,

    for instance when he analyses the value of the commodity, he at once allows himself to be influenced by

    consideration of all kinds of concrete conditions. On the other hand, one must reproach him for regarding the

    phenomenal form as immediate and direct proof or exposition of these general laws, and for failing to interpret it.

    In regard to the first, his abstraction is too incomplete; in regard to the second, it is formal abstraction which in itself

    is wrong.

    26 Das Capital, Vol-1, chap-VI, The Buying and Selling of Labour Power, pp:167-176

    27 ... if it were adopted, it

    would reduce Marxs argument to circularity, for it would mean that the level of real wages determines the value of

    labour-power. (An Essay on Marxian economics, Macmillan, (1969 edn), p-30)

  • 11

    28 -

    , 29 (social reality) (embodiment) - (variable capital) (constant capital - c) , , (variable capital- v), (surplus value - s) ( ), ( . )


    ) , 30

    (labour theory of value)

    - 28

    And it is competition of capitalist in different spheres, which first brings out the price of production equalizing

    the rates of profit in the different spheres. Das Capital, Vol-III, p-177 29

    We see then that that which determines the magnitude of the value of any article is the amount of labour socially

    necessary, or the labour-time socially necessary for its production", Das Capital, Vol-I, p-39

    30 Instead of the real fact, we have false semblance of an association, in which laborer and capitalist divide the

    product in proportion to the different elements which they respectively contribute towards its formation. Das

    Capital, Vol-I, p-533

  • 12

    labour theory of value , ,

    , , , , , , , -

    ...- , -,

    ... , - - , ; 31

    , - - , - ... , , -, 32 , , ,


    Das Capital, Vol-I, pp-15-16

    32 Guy Routh, The Origin of Economic Ideas, Macmillan, (1975),p-204

  • 13

    , , , , , , (social law of Nature) , , , 33

    - 34 (concept) , , (use value), (exchange value), (surplus value), (labour power) , 35 , , , 36 33

    Karl Marx,Afterword to the Second German Edition, Das Capital, Vol-1, p-14

    34 Marx's criticism of the theories which predominated before his advent, and that Marx's theories were correct at

    the time they were first stated and a proper generalization of the data then at hand. What they claim is, that later

    developments have shown that they were based on insufficient data, and that our present knowledge requires the

    revision of some of his tenets or the supplementing of them by some qualifying truths, according to some, or that the

    whole system be thrown overboard, it having been built on false foundations, according to others. Most of the

    critics, however, stop at revision. Hence, the name Revisionists, under which most of the newer Marx-critics are

    known, and the term Revisionism applied to their writings and teachings.

    The Theoretical System Of Karl Marx: In The Light Of Recent Criticism, Louis B. Boudin, Chicago ( First

    Published In 1907), Charles H. Kerr & Company (1920), pp-10-1135

    Steve Keen,The Misinterpretation of Marxs Theory of Value, J. of the History of Economic Thought, 15, Fall,


    36 Das Capital, Vol-I, p-60

  • 14

    , 37

    On the other hand the vir obscurus has overlooked the fact that even in my analysis of the

    commodity I do not come to a halt with its dual way of presenting itself, but immediately proceed to

    show that in this duality of the commodity there presents itself the dual character of the labour whose

    product it is: of useful labour, i.e. the concrete modes of the labours which create use-values, and of

    abstract labour, of labour as expenditure of labour power, regardless of the useful way in which it

    is expended (on which the presentation of the production process later depends); that in the

    development of the value form of the commodity, in the final instance its money form, and thus

    of money, the value of a commodity presents itself in the use-value of the other commodity, i.e. in its

    natural form; that surplus-value itself is derived from a specific use-value of labour

    power belonging to it exclusively, etc., etc., that, in other words, for me use-value plays an

    important part quite different from its part in economics hitherto, but note bene it still only comes

    under consideration when such a consideration stems from the analysis with regard to economic formations, not from arguing hither and thither about the concepts or words use-value and value.

    , - - , , - , , , , - - - Capital and Interest: A Critical History of Economical Theories (Book-V and Book-VI) (The Labour Theories) (The Exploitation Theory) Book-VI- (chapter) , , 38 The Positive theory of Capital

    37 Karl Marx, Notes on Adolph Wagner's, Lehrbuch der politischen konomie (Second Edition),

    Volume I, (1879)

    38 - , The Povert y of Phi l osophy -

  • 15

    , Capital and Interest , , Karl Marx and the Close of his System , -

    39 () ,

    - Capital and Interest Karl Marx and the Close of his System , ( ) 40 (-) -


    The learned and unlearned spokesmen of the German bourgeoisie tried at first to kill Das Kapital by silence, as they had managed to do with my earlier writings. Karl Marx, Das Capital, Vol-I, Afterword to

    the Second German Edition (1873), p-16 Marx-Engels, Address of the German Democratic

    Communists of Brussels(1846), Collected Works, Vol-6, p-59

    40 Eugen V. Bohm-Bawerk,Capital and Interest, A Critical History of Economical Theory, Brentanos, New

    York, (1922 Edn), p-390

  • 16

    41 Karl Marx and the Close of his System . . (), (), (Bortkiewich), (, , ) 42 - - , 43 . . (, ) - 44 - Karl Marx and the Close of His System- 45 - , - Karl Marx and the Close of his System


    Note in the 3rd German edition. In Marxs copy there is here the marginal note: Here

    note for working out later; if the extension is only quantitative, then for a greater and a smaller

    capital in the same branch of business the profits are as the magnitudes of the capitals advanced.

    If the quantitative extension induces qualitative change, then the rate of profit on the larger

    capital rises simultaneously. F. E. Das Capital, Vol-I,p-629

    42 Paul sweezy, The Theory of Capitalist Development:Principles: Principles of Marxian Political Economy ,

    Dennis Dobson Ltd, London, (1949)

    43 Joan Robinson,Essay on Marxian Economics, macmillan, St Martins Press,1942

    44 Paul Sweezy, Editors Introduction, p-xii, footnote-1 and Both of these, written in Pareto's characteristically arrogant

    and superficial manner, I consider definitely inferior to Bhm-Bawerk. ( p-xi, footnote-2)45

    Franz X. Weiss, Biographical Introduction to Bohm-Bawerk, (1924), pp-vii-vii (as quoted by Paul Sweezy in

    Editors Introduction )

  • 17

    - (Theory of Value), , - , , (whole value of commodities) -(theory of values) - ; , ; , , (means of production) , , , 46

    - - , ( ) 47 , - , , , - (in the long-run) , -


    Bohm-Bowerk, Marx and His Closed System, A.M.Kelley, New York, 1949, p-35 (First Published 1896)

    47 This law clearly contradicts all experience based on appearance. Das Capital, Vol-I,FLPH, Moscow

    (1959 Edn), p-307

  • 18

    , (theory of value) - - , , (Boudin), , - , - , , , , , , , , , ? (mystification)48 reductio ad absurdum , ? ? , - -


    quoted by Engels, Supplement to Capital, Vol-III,p-868

  • 19

    The whole difficulty arises from the fact that commodities are not exchanged

    simply as commodities, but as products of capitals, which claim participation in the

    total amount of surplusvalue, proportional to their magnitude, or equal if they are of

    equal magnitude.49

    , , , , , ? , ,

    The exchange of commodities at their values, or approximately at their values, thus

    requires a much lower stage than their exchange at their prices of production, which

    requires a definite level of capitalist development....50

    - ,


    Marx, Das Capital, Vol-III, Chapter-X, p-172 quoted Engels at page 872

    50 Marx, Das Capital, Vol-III, Chapter-X, p-174 quoted Engels at page 873

  • 20

    (utility) - , , , - - (ahistorical) (unsocial) , (use value) (value) , , - - - 51

    - - , (Walras) 52 Economic Theory of the Leisure Class , , , 53 , , , (law of diminishing marginal utility)


    On the other hand, the natural aspect of the commodity, its use value, lies outside the domain

    of political economy.Bhm-Bawerk, Karl Marx and the Close of His System,p-190

    52 Nikolai Bukharin, Preface to the Russian Edition, Economic Theory of the Leisure Class, 1927

    53 ,

    - Werner Sombart, Th.G. Masaryk, Paul Earth, Rudolph Wenckstern, Franz Oppenheimer, Ludwig Woltman, Tugan-Baranowsky, and Jean Jaures, Alfred Nossig. Louis B. Boudin, Theoretical System of Karl Marx:

    In the Light of Recent Criticism,C. H. Kerr & Co, Chicago, (1920), p-15

  • 21

    , , (objective) , - - (utility is not cardinal), (utility is ordinal) - , , , , , , , , , , , 54 (falling rate of profit) , Foreign Language Publishing House - Selected Works Moscow Progress Publishers , Collected Works ,


    Piero Sraffa, Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities: Prelude to a Critique of Economic Theory,Cambridge University Press, 1960

  • 22