Market Analysis Case Study

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  • 7/23/2019 Market Analysis Case Study


    !" $%&'(& ) *(+&(,-.'/ 0%,1 2(-(&3(- ) 4',15-.- ) 67158 9:;??> +% DG?=CAD3(11(%) +%))-/ () >?@>H I,(/ &-J&-/-)+/ 5 '-$&-5/- () $%51 J&-/-&7-/ %9/%3- @>HFK %7-& +,5+ +-)LA?P U9 $%2&/- (9 8- (35*()- 5 /$-)5&(% 8,-&- *1%B51 $%51 $%)/23J+(%)

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    Natural gas production continues togrow year-over-year

    Despite lower prices and reduced drillingcompared with a year ago, natural gasproduction in the United States is running

    nearly 7% higher in 2015 than it was forthe same period in 2014. Total U.S. pro-duction growth continues to be driven by

    regional shale production, concentratedin the Marcellus area in Pennsylvania,West Virginia, and Ohio.

  • 7/23/2019 Market Analysis Case Study


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  • 7/23/2019 Market Analysis Case Study


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