Margarida Rosa Apolinário de Pinho “Time slows down whenever you are around” for women but not for men Universidade do Minho Escola de Psicologia Junho de 2017

Margarida Rosa Apolinário de Pinho - core.ac.uk · é estudar a relação entre perceção temporal e a atração num cenário mais realista, investigando se alterações no tempo

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Page 1: Margarida Rosa Apolinário de Pinho - core.ac.uk · é estudar a relação entre perceção temporal e a atração num cenário mais realista, investigando se alterações no tempo

Margarida Rosa Apolinário de Pinho

“Time slows down whenever you are

around” for women but not for men

Universidade do Minho

Escola de Psicologia

Junho de 2017

Page 2: Margarida Rosa Apolinário de Pinho - core.ac.uk · é estudar a relação entre perceção temporal e a atração num cenário mais realista, investigando se alterações no tempo


Dissertação de Mestrado

Mestrado Integrado em Psicologia

Trabalho efetuado sob a orientação da

Professora Doutora Joana Arantes

Margarida Rosa Apolinário de Pinho

“Time slows down whenever you are

around” for women but not for men

Junho de 2017

Universidade do Minho

Escola de Psicologia

Page 3: Margarida Rosa Apolinário de Pinho - core.ac.uk · é estudar a relação entre perceção temporal e a atração num cenário mais realista, investigando se alterações no tempo



Acknowledgments ..................................................................................................................... iii

Resumo .................................................................................................................................. …iv

Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... v

Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 6

The speed dating methodology ........................................................................................... 6

Physical attractiveness ........................................................................................................ 7

Time perception .................................................................................................................. 9

Current study ........................................................................................................................ 10

Method ..................................................................................................................................... 11

Participants ........................................................................................................................... 11

Mesures ................................................................................................................................. 12

Demographic questionnaire .............................................................................................. 12

Pre-event questionnaire ..................................................................................................... 12

Post-meeting questionnaire ............................................................................................... 12

Equipment ............................................................................................................................. 12

Procedure .............................................................................................................................. 12

Data analysis ......................................................................................................................... 13

Results ...................................................................................................................................... 14

Attractiveness and Timing .................................................................................................... 15

Perception of physical attractiveness of the partner ............................................................. 16

Discussion ................................................................................................................................ 17

Limitations and Future research ........................................................................................... 21

Conclusion ............................................................................................................................ 22

References ................................................................................................................................ 23

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“It's okay not to know all the answers. It's better to admit our ignorance than to believe

answers that might be wrong. Pretending to know everything, closes the door to finding out

what's really there.”

Neil deGrasse Tyson

“The important thing is not to stop questioning.”

Albert Einstein

Em primeiro lugar, gostaria de agradecer à orientadora da minha tese de mestrado, a Professora

Doutora Joana Arantes, pela disponibilidade, ajuda e compreensão, e pelo conhecimento

transmitido ao longos destes últimos anos. Estou extremamente grata por me ter acolhido no

grupo de investigação em Psicologia Evolutiva e me ter proporcionado 5 anos de valiosa


À minha família, que sempre esteve ao meu lado e me apoiou incondicionalmente.

Particularmente, agradeço aos meus pais a educação e valores transmitidos ao longo da minha

vida, que contribuíram para a pessoa que hoje sou. Obrigada pela confiança que depositaram

em mim e pela liberdade que me deram para que eu pudesse seguir os meus sonhos.

Aos meus irmãos, pela boa disposição e alegria que me proporcionam todos os dias, animando-

me sempre a continuar esta caminhada.

Ao meu namorado, pelo exemplo que é para mim, pelo companheirismo, carinho, paciência, e

por nunca falhar com uma palavra de incentivo.

Aos meus amigos, que acompanharam todo este percurso e que sempre acreditaram que eu

conseguiria finalizá-lo. Obrigada pelos momentos partilhados, pelo apoio e amizade.

Por fim, não posso deixar de agradecer ao proprietário do Tropical Bar pela amabilidade de ter

cedido o espaço para a realização dos eventos e aos meus amigos que me ajudaram nesses dias.

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“O tempo abranda quando estás por perto” para as mulheres mas não para os homens

O que acontece quando inesperadamente vemos um potencial parceiro atraente? Estudos

anteriores em contexto laboratorial sugerem que a visualização de fotografias de pessoas

atraentes e não atraentes influencia a perceção do tempo. O objetivo principal desta investigação

é estudar a relação entre perceção temporal e a atração num cenário mais realista, investigando

se alterações no tempo subjetivo durante um speed dating estão associadas com a atração. No

evento, a duração dos encontros era variável e os participantes tinham que estimar o tempo que

passou. Além disso, entre outras medidas, os participantes avaliaram os potenciais parceiros em

termos da sua atratividade física antes e depois dos encontros e reportaram se estavam

interessados em trocar contacto com eles. Os resultados mostraram que, numa situação de speed

dating real, quando há a perceção do parceiro como sendo fisicamente mais atraente, as

mulheres tendem a estimar a duração do encontro como sendo maior, enquanto que os homens

tendem a estimar a duração como sendo menor. Estas alterações podem refletir adaptações

evolutivas que tornam o sistema cognitivo humano mais responsivo em situações relacionadas

com o fitness reprodutivo.

Palavras-chave: speed dating, atração, atratividade física, perceção temporal.

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“Time slows down whenever you are around” for women but not for men

What happens when we unexpectedly see an attractive potential partner? Previous studies in

laboratorial settings suggest that the visualization of attractive and unattractive photographs

influences time. The major aim of this research is to study time perception and attraction in a

realistic social scenario, by investigating if changes in subjective time measured during a speed

dating are associated with attraction. In the event, the duration of the dates was variable and

participants had to estimate the time that passed. Among other measures, participants also rated

the potential partners in terms of their physical attractiveness before and after the dates and

reported if they would like to exchange contact with them. Results showed that, in a real speed

dating situation, when there is a perception of the partner as being physically more attractive,

women tend to overestimate the duration of that meeting, whereas men tend to underestimate

its duration. Such changes may reflect evolutionary adaptations which make the human

cognitive system more responsive in situations related to reproductive fitness.

Keywords: speed dating, attraction, physical attractiveness, time perception.

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The development of research in romantic attraction had its apogee in the 1960s and

1970s (Finkel, Eastwick, & Matthews, 2007) and most studies that investigated this theme

demonstrated principles of attraction in laboratory settings (e.g., Byrne, Griffitt, & Stefaniak,

1967; Dion & Dion, 1973; Walster, 1965; Kephart, 1967; Stroebe, Insko, & Thompson, 1971).

However, most of these studies were conducted among participants who have never interacted

with the target of their attraction and who did not actually have the opportunity to form a real

intimate relationship after the study (Luo & Zhang, 2009; Finkel, Eastwick, & Matthews, 2007).

Finkel, Eastwick and Matthews (2007) suggested that the best way to overcome the limitations

of this type of research and increase the explanatory power of the results was to study initial

romantic attraction and early relationship development before the two partners met.

Mechanisms of attraction are important both because impact that attraction processes have on

individual’s life and because increasing knowledge in their mechanisms improve our

understanding of ongoing relationship dynamics (Finkel, Eastwick, & Matthews, 2007;

Schindler, Fagundes, & Murdock, 2010; Simpson, 1990). Therefore, and because of

methodological problems of retrospective reports, like systematic memory and selection biases,

the real social scenario seems to be a better way to study the genesis of romantic attraction

(Sprecher, Wenzel, & Harvey, 2008) and early relationship development from before two

partners meet (Finkel, Eastwick, & Matthews, 2007). A more realistic method that provides a

naturalistic context to observe how prospective partners interact and that has been used in recent

years by social scientists is the speed dating (Turowetz & Hollander, 2012).

The speed dating methodology

The speed dating was invented by Rabbi Yaacov Deyo in the 90’s, with the purpose of

helping single Jews of Los Angeles to meet each other. In this paradigm, people interested in

meeting potential romantic partners have, approximately, 10 to 25 brief meetings with a series

of partners (Finkel & Eastwick, 2008), which typically last from three to ten minutes each (Janz,

Pepping, & Halford, 2015; Ranganath, Jurafsky, & McFarland, 2013; Todd, Penke, Fasolo, &

Lenton, 2007; Turowetz & Hollander, 2012). After the event, the participants report if they are

interest or not to exchange contact with each potential partner (Finkel & Eastwick, 2008). Speed

dating quickly became an element of pop culture, spread to metropolitan areas of EUA, United

Kingdom and Australia and emerging in diverse countries like Japan and South Africa

(Eastwick & Finkel, 2008a). The mediatisation of speed dating through TV programs such as

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“Sex and the city” (2000), “House M. D.” (2010), “Lost girl” (2010), “Partners in crime”

(2016), movies like “The 40-year-old virgin” (2005), “Hitch” (2005), “Speed dating” (2010),

“Movie 43” (2013), allowed speed dating to quickly evolve into a business that involves

millions of people and tens of millions of dollars to access this events (Finkel, Eastwick, &

Matthews, 2007).

Speed dating enables researchers to access a large battery of background information

about individuals before they meet one another, to introduce them to one another and to follow

them after the event in order to examine relationship dynamics over the ensuing days, weeks,

and beyond (Finkel, Eastwick, & Matthews, 2007). This methodology also allow researchers

to study the dyad as the unit of analysis and not only one person’s perspective and the attraction

dynamics between two individuals who can actually create a relationship in the future (Finkel

& Eastwick, 2008). Eastwick and Finkel (2008a) presented eight features of the ideal paradigm

of speed dating: study real relationships with a potential future; study both interactions;

maintain experimental control; give participants multiple romantic options; get background

characteristics before participants meet; implement experimental manipulations; collect

“objective” ratings of participants; and follow potential relationships into the future.

In the last years, speed dating methodology has been used by different researchers

(Berrios, Totterdell, & Niven, 2015; Eastwick & Finkel, 2008abc; McClure & Lydon, 2014;

Schroder-Abé, Rentzsch, Asendorpf, & Penke, 2016; Spielmann et al., 2013; Todd, Penke,

Fasolo, & Lenton, 2007; Turowetz & Hollander, 2012) to study several relevant aspects in

research on intimate relationships. Among others, research using the speed dating methodology

has studied variables such as attachment (Eastwick & Finkel, 2008b; McClure & Lydon, 2014;

McClure, Lydon, Baccus & Baldwin, 2010; Spielmann et al., 2013), physical attractiveness

(e.g., Eastwick & Finkel, 2008b; Luo & Zhang, 2009; Back et al., 2011), personality (e.g., Back,

Penke, Schmukle, & Asendorpf., 2011; Back et al., 2013; Luo & Zhang, 2009), and sex (e.g.,

Eastwick & Finkel, 2008c).

Physical attractiveness

Physical attractiveness is one of the most relevant variables studied in speed dating

context (Eastwick & Finkel, 2008c; Jauk, Neubauer, Nairunteregger, Pemp, Sieber, &

Rauthmann, 2016; Luo & Zhang, 2009; Todd, Penke, Fasolo, & Lenton, 2007). In light of

evolutionary psychology, the research suggests that physical attractiveness is a large indicator

of good health, high reproductive value and good genes. Physical attractiveness is a cue to

female fertility (e.g., Buss 1989; Miller 2000) which seems very important on both short-term

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and long-term relationships. Women preferentially desire men as short-term mates who possess

cues to good genes, but value social stability and economic security above traits relating to

fertility and physical appearance for long-term relationships (Regan, 1998). Other studies using

the speed dating methodology have also shown that physical attractiveness is very important in

attraction for both man and woman (e.g., Back et al., 2011; Eastwick & Finkel, 2008b; Luo &

Zhang, 2009). Luo and Zhang (2009) analysed many variables to know which of them were

attractive, namely demographics, interests, values, political attitudes, personality, affectivity,

attachment and self-esteem, finding that physical attractiveness is the most important variable

in attraction to both sexes.

Some studies found that when people perceive a conversation partner as physical

attractive, they tend to form a positive first impression (Dong & Wyer, 2014). There is much

evidence that the sight of a physically-attractive person engages the appetitive motivational

system, resulting in physiological responses associated with positive affect (Arantes, Berg, &

Wearden, 2013). Experienced emotions are founded on the activation of neural circuits that

evolved in the mammalian brain to guarantee the survival of individuals and their progeny

(Lang & Bradley, 2010). Dong and Wyer (2014) suggested that social and motivational factors

that influence people's focus of attention can have an impact on both their perceptions of

duration and the judgments they base on these perceptions. Maner, Gailliot, Rouby and Miller

(2007) defend that motivational states can affect perceptual and evaluative processing of goal-

relevant stimuli in a rapid and automatic manner. Their results show that mating primes

interacted with functionally relevant individual differences to promote attentional adhesion to

reproductively relevant social targets. These authors found that there was a selective processing

bias for physically attractive potential mates among participants with unrestricted sociosexual

orientation. Despite of some authors suggesting that implicit cognitive processes may be

evolved in mating and that cognitive resources might be attuned to stimuli related to mating

opportunities (Maner et al., 2003), less is known about the role of automatic and instinctive

cognitive processes in attraction, such as time perception. Moreover, there are no studies using

a speed dating to understand what happens when people met a physical attractive potential

partner in terms of their time perception. The only three studies (Arantes, Berg, & Wearden,

2013; Dong & Wyer, 2014; Odgen, 2013) that discussed the relation between attractiveness and

temporal perception were conducted in laboratory circumstances, so it seems important and

relevant to study this in a real scenario, such as a speed dating event. Studying time perception

in these settings is important because, as mentioned previously, physical attractiveness is one

of the most important variable in attraction, and seems to influence the temporal perception

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when people see a person of the opposite sex.

Time perception

Humans, like other animals, can estimate time (Block, 1990; Ferguson & Martin, 1983).

This ability is very important in terms of survival and, on humans, time estimation is always

regarded as a part of life necessary to carry out everyday chores (Pande & Pati, 2010). However,

subjective duration often diverges from objective duration and when this occurs time feels

distorted. Humans may perceive the time as passing more quickly or more slowly than the

reality (Sackett, Meyvis, Nelson, Converse, & Sackett, 2010). There are some factors studied

involved in time perception accuracy, such as emotion (Droit-Volet, Fayolle, & Gil, 2011;

Droit-Volet & Meck, 2007; Zhang, Zhang, Yu, Liu, & Luo, 2017), arousal (Schwarz, Winkler,

& Sedlmeier, 2013), attention (Brown, 2008; Gibbon, Church, & Meck, 1984; Zakay & Block,

1996) and memory (Brown, 1997; Staddon, 2005).

Odgen (2013) did a study with female participants exploring whether the attractiveness

of a female face affected its perceived duration. Results showed that participants judged

female’s unattractive faces to be shorter than neutral and attractive faces of the same duration.

On the other hand, Arantes, Berg and Wearden (2013) tested the hypothesis that female’s

duration estimates of briefly-viewed male, but not female, photos would be modulated by

attractiveness. Their results showed that duration estimates of attractive male photos were

significantly longer than corresponding estimates for attractive and unattractive female photos.

Their findings are consistent with the hypothesis that the timing system contains adaptations

which provide flexibility in situations related to reproductive fitness.

Dong and Wyer (2014) conducted an experiment in which participants engaged in an 8

minutes’ conversation over the internet with an opposite sex person in which they could only

hear each other voices without a visual display. Before the conversation, each participant

received an attractive or unattractive photo that they thought was of the potential partner, which

was in fact manipulated by the researcher. They concluded that when both male and female

participants perceived a partner as physical attractive, they estimated immediately after the

conversation the time engaged has been passed quickly because they based their judgement on

the involvement. However, this experiment was conducted under laboratorial circumstances,

and important cues of attractiveness were not present, such as eye contact, smiling and body

language (Muehlenhard, Koralewski, Andrews, & Burdick, 1986). Therefore, it seems relevant

study the relationship between attractiveness and time perception in a conversation in a

naturalistic scenario.

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Current study

The major aim of the present study is to investigate the relationship of physical

attractiveness and temporal perception in a relationship initiation using a speed dating


Our first hypothesis is that temporal perception in a speed dating event is related to the

attractiveness that the participant feels towards the potential partner (Arantes, Berg, &

Wearden, 2013). However, we expect this relationship to be different for both males and

females. More specifically, we hypothesize that: a) For women, when they perceive their

potential partner as very attractive, they will estimate the duration of the date as being longer;

and b) For men, when they perceive their potential partner as very attractive, they will estimate

the duration of the date as being shorter. These hypotheses can be understood in the light of the

evolutionary psychology (Buss, 1995). We expect this results for women because according to

Trivers (1972) parental investment theory women are the most investing sex and when they

perceive the potential partner as physically attractive, they will allocate more mental resources

to evaluated other characteristics of the partner that are important to them (e.g., economic

resources, intelligence) to make the choice based in elevated range of characteristics. The use

a lot of cognitive resources would make the perceived duration of the date longer (Ornstein,

1969). For men, we imagined this possibility, because according to Trivers, males are less

selective than woman and they may feel attracted to potential partners based mostly on their

physical attractiveness (Todd, Penke, Fasolo, & Lenton, 2007). So, when men have a meeting

with a potential partner they perceived as physically attractive, they do not waste a lot of

resources like women to evaluate the partner and they may feel more motivated to talk and

experience this conversation as being enjoyable. Consequently, they may estimate the time that

passed as being shorter. This hypothesis is also based on the idea that “time flies when you are

having fun”, supported by some studies, (e.g. Danckert & Allman, 2005; Glabe & Poole, 2012)

that, for example, found out time is underestimated when participants are not boring or are

motivated and is overestimated when participants are boring or not motivated.

The secondary aim of our study is to analyse the influence of meeting a potential partner

in an attractiveness judgment. We hypothesize that on a speed dating context, when participants

stay interested and want to exchange contacts with a potential partner for keep in contact in

future, the perceived attractiveness will increase, and when they do not want it, it will not

change. Some laboratorial studies have shown that the evaluated attractiveness of opposite-sex

people is influenced by their personality. For example, Lewandowski, Aron and Glee (2007)

found that when positive personality information about the person shown in a photograph was

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presented, participants rated that person as more physically attractive and when photographs

were paired with negative personality information, participants rated that person as less

physically attractive. This results are consistent with Kniffin and Wilson (2004) naturalistic

studies which showed that non-physical characteristics such as familiarity, liking, respect,

talent, and effort have a greater influence in physical attraction judgements. Nevertheless, there

is no research using speed dating to understand the effect of characteristics of the potential

partner perceived by the participant in attractiveness evaluated of the partner by asking the

participant to rate the physical attractiveness of the partner before and after the meeting.

However, there are no studies in which participants rate the potential partner in terms of

physical attractiveness before and after the speed dates. In the majority of studies using real

contexts as speed dating, the physical attractiveness was measured by external observers (e.g.,

Back et al., 2011; Jauk, Neubauer, Nairunteregger, Pemp, Sieber, & Rauthmann, 2016) and in

the few studies in which attractiveness of potential partner was measured by participants, this

evaluation is made only one time in the event (e.g., Selterman, Chagnon, & Mackinnon, 2015),

whereby it could be influenced by other characteristics of the partner and by whether they like

it or not.



Our sample was composed by 36 participants, 17 females and 19 males. More

specifically, in the first speed dating were present 21 participants, which 11 were females and

10 males and in the second event attended 16 participants, 7 females and 9 males. This yielded

a total of 173 speed dates. Participants were aged between 18 and 27 years old (M = 21.78, SD

= 2.36). Males (M = 22.19; SD = 2.33) were older than females (M = 20.88; SD = 2.08),

t(250.20)= -4.40, p < .001. None was involved in a romantic relationship. Males reported having

more relationships in the past (M = 3.30; SD = 2.95) than females (M = 2.13; SD = 1.67),

t(250.20) = -4.40, p < .001.

Volunteers were recruited through online social networks and advertisements at Minho

University and at the bar where the event was held. Participants did not receive any kind of

reward for participation besides the snack we offered after the event, while the participants were

waiting for the remaining people, which was not announced previously.

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Demographic questionnaire

Participants answered to a demographic questionnaire that included questions about

their age, sex, nationality, and number of previous romantic relationships.

Pre-event questionnaire

Before the event, we presented photographs of all potential partners and participants

rated them in terms of their physical attractiveness, using a 10-point scale, from 1 (“not

attractive at all”) to 10 (“very attractive”).

Post-meeting questionnaire

After each date, participants answered to a brief questionnaire in which they were asked

to evaluate: how long the date lasted (by marking on a line from 1 to 8 minutes); the physically

attractiveness of the partner, on a 10-point scale, from 1 (“not attractive at all”) to 10 (“very

attractive”); how much attracted they felt toward the potential partner; and how much attracted

they believed the partner was toward them, on a 10-point scale, from 1 (“nothing”) to 10 (“a

lot”). Then, they were asked whether they would like to exchange contact details with that

person. Finally, participants were asked if they already knew that person. Those that answer

affirmatively were asked to specify the degree of proximity.


To take the photographs of participants before the event we used an instant camera

Fujifilm instax wide. Using this camera enabled us to take a photo just before the event in a less

informal and more comfortable way, because we could give participants their own photos in

the end of the event.


As instructed on the advertisements, participants interested in participating on the speed

dating events sent an e-mail to the researchers. Later, they were contacted and given a brief

explanation about the experience and some indications for the event.

The event was held in a bar near to Minho University and before the event, males and

females were directed to different spaces of the bar: men to the right and women to the left and

all participants received a sticker with a number. Those spaces were separated by a wall and

participants entered by different doors to avoid visual contact with the other sex participants.

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Then, they were asked to take individual photos. They were offered a snack while they waited.

Afterwards, each participant was given photos of the potential mates, printed on paper, and

evaluated them in terms of physical attractiveness. Subsequently, men were given directions to

go to the left space.

In each speed dating event, participants experienced dates with all the opposite sex

participants, each date varied in duration from 180 to 375 seconds (M = 269 s; SD = 73.12 s)

and the durations of the dates were selected in randomized order. Immediately before the event,

the participants were asked to remove their watches and cell phones. Each date ended with the

sound of a bell, followed by a quick post-meeting survey that was given to every participant

about the concluded date. After each interaction men moved to the next date and women

remained in the same table. At the end of all the speed dates, participants answered a

demographic questionnaire. After the event, those who indicated mutual interest received each

other’s contact details via email.

Follow-up sessions 3 and 6 months later were held to know if any participants got

involved in a romantic relationship.

Data analysis

The data collected in this research was analysed with Statistical Package for Social

Sciences (SPSS; v. 24). Analysis comprehended t-tests for dependent samples to analyse

differences between subjective and real time, Pearson’s correlations to study associations

between time perception and attractiveness measures, and repeated measures with linear mixed

model to analyse the changes between rated attractiveness of the partner before and after in

function of exchanging contact and sex (Field, 2005). To analyse the data, were excluded the

participants that already met the speed date partner.

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In general, participants tend to estimate the duration of the dates as being shorter

(Msubjective = 221.96 s, SD = 81.19 s) than it was in reality (Mreality = 268.26 s, SD = 72.76 s), t

(320) = 9.39, p < .001. Figure 1 shows that as actual time increases, the perceived time also

increases. This shows that participants were able to estimate the time.

Figure 1. Subjective time average cross real time average.

To measure the timing, we calculated the ratio between subjective duration and real

duration of the date. Figure 2 present the ratio of subjective/real time across real time and show

that participants overestimate the time for durations bellow 205 seconds and underestimate the

durations above that value. This pattern show that the estimated time in this research is

according to Vierordt’s Law (1868), that say that for shorter durations participants tend to

overestimate the time and for longer durations underestimate.

Figure 2. Ratio of time perceived/real time average cross real time.











180 205 240 265 300 325 350 360 375






Real time








180 205 240 265 300 325 350 360 375



n r


Real duration

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Attractiveness and Timing

Tables 1 and 2 show the Pearson’s correlations to study associations between time

perception, attractiveness and attraction for females and males, respectively. Table 1 show that

when female participants perceive a potential partner as being physically more attractive before

and after the meeting, they report more attraction to the partner, rbefore(149) = .57, p < .001,

rafter(163) = .89, p < .001. Similarly, table 2 show that when male perceive a potential partner

as being physically more attractive before and after the date, they report more attraction to the

potential partner, rbefore(160) = .54, p < .001, rafter(160) = .86, p < .001. In addition, the more

attracted the participants felt for their partners, the more attracted they judged that the partner

would be to them. This was observed in both female and male, rfemale(163) = .63, p < .001,

rmale(163) = .74, p <. 001. When females judge a potential partner as physically more attractive

before and after the date and the more attracted they were to him, the longer they estimated the

time of the speed date, rbefore(148) = .26, p = .002, rafter(162) = .19, p = .02, rattraction(162) = .24,

p = .002. However, in case of males, the perception of the partner as physically more attractive

before and after the meeting and the more attraction they felt to their female potential partners,

the shorter they estimated the time of the speed date, rbefore(159) = -.18, p = .02, rafter(159) = -

.20, p = .01, rattraction(159) = -.23, p = .004.

Table 1

Correlations for duration ratio, physical attractiveness before the date, physical

attractiveness after the date, participant attraction towards partner and perception of partner

attraction toward her, for females.

Note. PA - Physical Attractiveness.

* p < .05; ** p < .01; *** p < .001












towards them

Duration ratio

PA before .26**

PA after .19* .61***

Attraction towards Partner .24** .57*** .89***

Expected attraction towards them .06 .32*** .55*** .63***

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Table 2

Correlations for duration ratio, physical attractiveness before the date, physical

attractiveness after the date, participant attraction towards partner and perception of partner

attraction toward him, for males.

Note. PA - Physical Attractiveness.

* p < .05; ** p < .01; *** p < .001

Perception of physical attractiveness of the partner

Data were entered into a 2x2x2 repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) with

male/female and exchange/not exchange contact as between-subjects and physical

attractiveness before/after the date as within-subject (Table 3). This analysis found a significant

main effect of attractiveness before and after the date, F(1, 305) = 21.38, p < .001. Post-hoc

analysis determined that participants tend to evaluate the physical attractiveness of the partner

as being higher after the date (M = 5.62) compared with before the date (M = 5.17). Results also

showed a significant interaction between physical attractiveness before/after and sex of

participant, F(1, 305) = 13.39, p < .001. Post-hoc analysis showed that women rated the partners

as being more physically more attractive after the date (M = 5.64) compared to before the date

(M = 4.77). For men, their attractiveness perceptions of the partners did not change between

before (M = 5.71) and after the date (M = 5.83). There was a significant interaction between

exchange/not exchange contact and physical attractiveness before/after, F(1, 305) = 29.56, p <

.001. When participants chose to exchange contacts with a partner, their perception of their

partner’s physical attractiveness increased after the date (M =6.82) compared with the rating

before the date (M =5.85). On the other hand, when participants do not show interest in

exchanging contacts, the physical attractiveness rating of the potential partner does not change

after the date (M =4.41) compared with before the date (M =4.49). The three-way interaction

between sex, contact and physical attractiveness was not statistically significant, F(1,305) =












towards them

Duration ratio

PA before -.18*

PA after -.20* .57***

Attraction towards Partner -.23** .54*** .86***

Expected attraction towards them -.18* .40*** .56*** .74***

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.02, p = .893.

Table 3

Physical attractiveness of the partner perceived by the participant before and after the speed

dates in function of the interest in exchange or not contact with them for females and males.

Note. The values presented are mean and standard deviation.

For follow-up, were contacted all participants. Participants of the first speed dating event

were contacted after three and six months, and those who responded, we were informed that

two intimate relationships were formed. In case of the second event, we were only able to

perform the three-month follow-up and since the participants from whom we got feedback,

we were informed of one formed relationship.


The main objective of this research was to study time perception and attraction in a

realistic social scenario by investigating if changes in subjective time measured during a speed

dating were related with attraction and liking. In the event, the duration of the dates were

variable and participants had to estimate the time that passed. Participants were asked to rate

the potential partners in terms of their physical attractiveness before and after the dates and to

report if they wanted to exchange contacts with them. Our data suggest, consistently with our

hypotheses, that the estimated time of the dates were associated with the physical attractiveness

of the potential partners perceived by participants.

More specifically, our results showed that the more females rated a potential partner as

physically attractive, the longer they perceived the duration of the date. That goes along with

the popular idea that “time slows down whenever you are around” (Swift, 2010). This may be

due to a bigger allocation of women’s cognitive resources to process more information of the

meeting (Loftus, Schooler, Boone, & Kline, 1987) and of the potential partner they are

interested in. More specifically, even though physical attractiveness is important in a potential

Contact No contact

Physical attractiveness before Female 5.41 (2.02) 3.91 (1.87)

Male 6.3 (1.50) 5.08 (1.47)

Physical attractiveness after Female 6.71 (1.50) 4.19 (1.72)

Male 6.93 (1.41) 4.64 (1.70)

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partner, for women there are other characteristics that have a higher value, such as good

economic perspectives (Buss & Barnes, 1986; Bech-Sørensen & Pollet, 2016). Therefore,

searching for cues of positive traits in a potential mate requires the use of cognitive resources.

Besides that, research has shown that when women perceived the partner as attractive, they tend

to be more motivated to make a good impression on the partner and pay more attention to the

things they say that might influence this impression (Dong & Wyer, 2014). According to

Ornstein’s storage size model (1969), when people store more information in memory, they

tend to perceive the duration of that interval of time as being longer. Furthermore, women may

consider the experience with a partner who they consider physically attractive as positive in an

emotional view. This result is also consistent with that study of Kellaris and Kent (1992) in

which time did seems to slow downs when participants were exposed to positively balanced

music, compared to participants exposed to negatively balanced music. The authors suggested

that when people receive positive emotional information they tend to pay more cognitive

resources to listening to music. Therefore, they tend to perceive the received stimulus

information as bigger and remember the event as being longer (Ornstein, 1969). Besides that, a

study conducted by Zhang, Zhang, Yu, Liu and Luo (2017) showed a reliable sex differences

in temporal distortion with an emotional stimulus. Women, compared to men, tended to

overestimated the durations presented in lexico-semantic level using emotional words.

However, for men, our results showed that time does not seems to slow down whenever

someone attractive is around. In fact, the more males rated a female participant as physically

attractive, the shorter they perceived the duration of the speed date. This seems to be consistent

with the idea that “time flies when you are having fun”. Research has shown that men’s

preferences for potential mates are based mostly in physical attractiveness (Todd, Penke,

Fasolo, & Lenton, 2007). Therefore, when they have a meeting with a potential partner that

they perceive as being physically attractive, they do not need to spend much cognitive resources

searching for other cues, feeling automatically motivate to be with her. Consequently, they will

tend to estimate the time that passed as being shorter. This result also suggests that time

perception in males during the dates may be affected by motivation because, according to

previous literature, positive approach motivation causes the perception of time to be shorter

(Gable & Poole, 2012). Besides that, the subjective perception of the passage of time seems to

be an important component to evaluate the experience of boredom (Danckert & Allman, 2005).

So, when males are interested and motivated in the date with a physical attractive potential

partner, they tend to estimate the date duration as shorter and, on the other hand, this time

underestimation reinforces the perception of an interesting date (Sackett, Meyvis, Nelson,

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Converse, & Sackett, 2010). Underestimate the duration of the date may prolong approach-

motivated behaviour (Gable & Poole, 2012) and this increases the probability of a successful

mating. On time, Einstein said “Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute and it seems like an

hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute”.

According to Trivers (1972) theory, the relative parental investment of the sexes in their

offspring is the key variable controlling the operation of sexual selection. A sexual intercourse

that for a male is a reduced investment, for a female can produce a 9-month investment. For a

female, this investment requires more choosiness in the partner choice. Besides that, prior

research showed that females tend to be more selective (Kurzban & Weeden, 2005) and more

discriminating (Todd, Penke, Fasolo, & Lenton, 2007) than males. Therefore, it is expected that

females allocate more attention to capture a greater number of characteristics of the potential

partner in addition to physical attractiveness, such as intelligence, earning prospect and other

signs suggesting he could be good partner in the future. This process seems to imply an

exhaustive evaluation in the first meeting which required spending a lot of cognitive resources.

On the other hand, men are attracted for less characteristics of the partner compared to females

(Luo & Zhang, 2009). So, males do not waste so much energy and resources in cognitive

processing of information and focus more energy in having fun with the partners they perceived

as being more attractive. Such changes may reflect evolutionary adaptations which make the

human cognitive system more responsive in situations related to reproductive fitness.

Williams (2012) suggested that sex differences in timing might be due to the effects of

circulating estrogen in adult females versus testosterone in adult males. Besides that, gonadal

hormones had been found to influence sexual motivation (Wallen, 2001). In men, testosterone

increases interest in a woman, engagement in self-presentation, smiling and making eye contact.

(Meij, Almela, Buunk, Fawcett & Salvador, 2011). Meij, Almela, Buunk, Fawcett and Salvador

(2011) suggested that during encounters with the opposite sex, testosterone may promote the

display of affiliative behaviours that increase a man’s mating prospects and during social

contact with a potential partner testosterone is linked to the initiation of courtship behaviours.

On the other hand, in women estradiol seems to be a significant positive predictor of sexual

desire (Roney & Simmons, 2013).

Estradiol is one of the natural estrogens and has been revealed to increase striatal

dopamine release, that may modify temporal perception and timed performance in a manner

similar to indirect dopamine agonists such as amphetamine and cocaine (Pleil, Cordes, Meck,

& Williams, 2011). Estrogen as a dopamine agonist facilitate striatal dopaminergic activity

(Sandstrom, 2007), stimulating the dopaminergic transmission and, consequently, producing an

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overestimation of time intervals (Cheng, MacDonald, & Meck, 2006). Pleil, Cordes, Meck and

Williams (2011) investigated the sex differences in the rapid and acute effects of estradiol on

time perception in adult male and females rats. According to the authors, their results are

consistent to the idea that there are multiple mechanisms of estrogens’ action in the striatum

that modulate dopaminergic activity and are differentially organized by gonadal steroids during

early brain development. Additionally, Becker (1999) found that striatal dopaminergic release

is affected by estrogen only in females. Striatum is one of the components of basal ganglia that

have been suggested to be a fundamental component of timing process (Ivry & Spencer, 2004)

and multiple studies, specifically with patients with dopamine system disorders as Parkinson

(Leranth, Roth, Elsworth, Naftolin, Horvath & Redmond, 2000; Michel, Frederic, Marc, &

Paolo, 2002; Wearden et al., 2008), schizophrenia (Michel, Frederic, Marc, & Paolo, 2002;

Riecher-Rössler & Häifner, 1993; Seeman & Lang, 1990) and others, found an interaction

between gonadal steroid hormones as estrogen in basal ganglia mechanisms (Hartesveldt &

Joyce, 1986). So, because of the fact that estrogen is a predictor of sexual desire and sexual

motivation, this may increase their circulation in women during a speed date with physical

attractive partners and, subsequently, increase dopamine release in striatum. Besides that, some

studies found that women, on average, have higher presynaptic dopamine synthesis capacity

(Laakso et al., 2002) and lower D2 receptor affinity (Pohjalainen, Rinne, Någren, Syvälahti, &

Hietala, 1998) that suggests an increased endogenous dopamine in women’s striatum,

comparing to men. So, neural sex differences in dopaminergic circuit in striatum could explain

this sex differences on the influence of physical attractiveness in time perception. So, it is

possible that sexual hormones on males have an opposite effect in striatum (Myers, Anderson,

& Dluzen, 2003).

Our results may diverge from Dong and Wyer (2014) study because sex differences in

their study could be masked by lack of cues in the interaction that could influences attraction

mechanisms. Specifically, the reduction of nonverbal information influence more the response

of females because, according to a vast literature (Mehrabian, 1972; Mehrabian & Ksionzky,

1972; Zahn, 1973, 1975), females are more sensitive to nonverbal information and males to a

verbal information.

Our study also demonstrates that for the decision of exchanging or not contact with the

partner, physical attractiveness seems to be an important factor for both sex because when

participants perceived the partners as physically attractive, they tend to exchange contact with

them. In addition, consistently with our second hypothesis, the physical attractiveness of the

potential partner perceived by the participant changes according to the interest in exchanging

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contact him/her. In other words, interest or not in the meeting with a potential partner and the

desire or not to keep in contact in the future influences the physical attractiveness perceived of

them. Particularly, when participants are interested in a potential partner in the end of the date,

they perceive their physical attractiveness as being higher compared to the initial evaluation

(i.e., before the date). When participants are not attracted to partners in the end of the date,

expressing the desire not to exchange contacts with them, they not change the evaluation of the

potential partner’s physical attractiveness. These results suggest that there may be an effect of

other characteristics of the potential partner in the physical attractive evaluation. This is

supported by some laboratorial studies that have shown that the evaluated attractiveness of

opposite-sex people is influenced by the personality of them. For example, Lewandowski, Aron

and Glee (2007) found that when was presented positive personality information about the

person shown in a photograph, participants rated her as more physically attractive and when

photographs were paired with negative personality information were rated as less physically

attractive. These results are also consistent with Kniffin and Wilson (2004) naturalistic studies

that showed that non-physical characteristics such as familiarity, liking, respect, talent, and

effort have a greater influence in physical attraction judgements. Nevertheless, this is the first

research that uses speed dating to understand the effect of an interaction with a potential

romantic partner and knowing information about them in physical evaluation of the partner’s.

Limitations and Future research

First, the age of the participants, who are relatively young people, represents a limitation

of the present study. Therefore, it seems important to understand if the results of this study are

extensible to older ages, in future research. Second, previous studies found that preferences in

mate selection are influenced by the type of desired relationship, short or long-term. Thus, in

future research it seems relevant to question participants in the speed dating event if they would

like to have a short or long-term relationship with the partners they show an interest in

exchanging contacts with. Third, this research shows that in a realistic scenario where two

people meet each other, changes occur in time perception and seems plausible to us that other

implicit cognitive processes are affected in this context. However, there are no studies about

other implicit measures in speed dating event, as memory or attention, and future research

should focus on this theme. Finally, in terms of time perception and attractiveness, our data

were correlational, which do not provide evidence for a causal influence of the physical

attractiveness on timing. Our results suggest that the two variables are associated but it would

be interesting to understand if are a causal relation between them.

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Results of the present study open access to new knowledge about what happens when

an individual feels attracted to other of the opposite sex. This is the first research to study time

perception in a real speed dating event. Our data show that changes in timing are associated

with attraction, particularly, when the meeting is with someone perceived as physically

attractive. On one hand, the more women perceive men in a date as physically attractive, the

longer they estimate the duration of the meeting. On the other hand, the more men rate the

potential partner as physically attractive, the shorter they estimate the duration of the date. This

research is also the first to analyse the perceived physical attractiveness of a potential partner

before and after the meeting. Our results demonstrate that when people show an interest in a

potential partner, the perceived physical attractiveness of the partner increases.

Our research will help to understand what happens automatically and instinctively in

the cognitive system in situations related to interpersonal attraction and provides new evidence

for probable human timing adaptations that may respond differently according to sex to a

stimulus related with mating. So, it seems that implicit cognitive processes may be involved in

attraction when people meet for the first time and could be explained in the light of evolutionary

psychology. Besides that, it opens a new line of research on intimate relationships outside the

lab, in a real-life event.

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