School Performance Plan for Margaret Brent Elementary/Middle 1 of 38 SY 2015-2016 School Performance Plan 053, School Number Margaret Brent Elementary/Middle, School Name Pamela A. Smith, Principal Tammie McIntire-Miller, Executive Director Stacy Walton, Network Facilitator SER Visit in SY 2014-15: Purpose: The School Performance Plan (SPP) is a tool designed to support principals and school leadership teams in improving overall school performance, with an emphasis on instruction and student achievement. The tool acts as an anchor in a year-round reflective evaluation process that relies on data-informed decision making to drive documented school-level strategic planning. It is designed to capture strategies aligned with resources that support instructional priorities, a culture of achievement, and community and parent engagement to promote improved student outcomes.

Margaret Brent Elementary/Middle School

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School Performance Plan for Margaret Brent Elementary/Middle 1 of 38

SY 2015-2016

School Performance Plan

053, School NumberMargaret Brent Elementary/Middle, School Name

Pamela A. Smith, PrincipalTammie McIntire-Miller, Executive Director

Stacy Walton, Network FacilitatorSER Visit in SY 2014-15:

Purpose:The School Performance Plan (SPP) is a tool designed to support principals and school leadership teams in improving overall school performance, with an emphasis on instruction and student achievement. The tool acts as an anchor in a year-round reflective evaluation process that relies on data-informed decision making to drive documented school-level strategic planning. It is designed to capture strategies aligned with resources that support instructional priorities, a culture of achievement, and community and parent engagement to promote improved student outcomes.

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I. COMPOSITION of ILT and KEY POINTS OF CONTACT............................................................................................................................................................................3

II. PREVIOUS YEAR SPP OUTCOMES AND REFLECTION...........................................................................................................................................................................6

III. INQUIRY..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................7

IV. SCHOOL'S DATA SECTION...................................................................................................................................................................................................................8

V. ANALYZE DATA TO PRIORITIZE STRENGTHS AND NEEDS ....................................................................................................................................................................9

VI. ESTABLISHING SMART GOALS, STRATEGIES, AND RESULTS INDICATORS .......................................................................................................................................11

ACADEMIC SMART Goal #1: ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................11

ACADEMIC SMART Goal #2: ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................14

CLIMATE/SCHOOL CULTURE SMART Goal #3: ...................................................................................................................................................................................17

ADDITIONAL SMART Goal #4:............................................................................................................................................................................................................19

VII. MONITORING AND EVALUATING PROGRESS: ACTION PLAN ..........................................................................................................................................................21

VIII. MONITORING AND EVALUATING PROGRESS: MID-YEAR REFLECTION ..........................................................................................................................................24

IX. MONITORING AND EVALUATING PROGRESS: END OF YEAR REFLECTION .......................................................................................................................................26

APPENDIX A: TEMPLATES AND TOOLS ..................................................................................................................................................................................................28

APPENDIX B: FAMILY COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT PLAN AND TITLE I PLANS .....................................................................................................................................29

Appendix B.1: Family and Community Engagement Plan .................................................................................................................................................................29

Appendix B.2: Title I School Wide Plan..............................................................................................................................................................................................33

APPENDIX C: SCHOOL FAMILY COUNCIL DOCUMENTED REVIEW (SANE ) ............................................................................................................................................37

SPP SUBMITTAL PAGE ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................38

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• In this section, document your school’s Instructional Leadership Team members and additional points of contact at your school.

Instructional Leadership Team Members

Name Position

Pamela A. Smith Principal

Danielle N., Davis Assistant Principal

LaShelle Taylor Ed Associate - SPED

Sarah Lee Pre-K Teacher

Cherae Sneed 2nd Grade Teacher - Literacy Rep

Audra Trusty MS Math Teacher - Math Rep

Michelle Thaniel Physical Education Teacehr

Rachel Prince Visual Arts Teacher

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Key Points of Contact at Your School

Position Name Email Contact

Professional Development Point of Contact/Monitor Pamela A. Smith [email protected]

New Teacher Mentor(s) Sarah Lee [email protected]

New Teacher Mentor (s) Cherae Sneed [email protected]

Mathematics Representative Audra Trusty [email protected]

Literacy Representative Cherae Sneed [email protected]

Test Coordinator Michelle Thaniel [email protected]

School Family Council Chair TBD TBD

Family and Community Engagement Representative Sharicca Boldon [email protected]

Technology Contact TBD TBD

SST Chair Danielle Davis [email protected]

Attendance Monitor Beverly Williams [email protected]

SLO Ambassador Akif Soylu [email protected]

Other (e.g. CTE or Bridge Coordinator)

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Principal, please confirm that this section is complete in order to inform reviewers so that feedback can be provided

I confirm that this section has been completed per the standards set forth in the SPP Guidance Manual

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• In this section, document the outcomes from last year's goals and reflect on the root causes surrounding why your school met or did not meet those goals.

Outcomes (Effect Data): Complete the chart below

Last Year's Goals (auto-populate) Final Outcome (Do not analyze here, just state end outcome)

Was the goal met or not met?

Analyze and provide reflection on last year’s outcome(s)

Goal 1: The number of students in grades k – 4 scoring well below and below grade level on TRC will decrease from 127 to 65 by June 2015.

The number of students in grades k - 4 scoring well below and below grade level on TRC decreased from 127 to

Not Met The number of students projected to improve from being below or well below on TRC was not realized; students improved but the anticipated levels of improvement was not attained

Goal 2: 65% of students in grades 1 – 8 will score proficient or advanced on the quarter 4 interim math assessment in June 2015.

59% of students in grades 1 - 8 were proficient or advanced on the quarter 4 interim math assessment

Not Met Students made gains in Math as the year progressed; gains were not consistent nor sustained

Goal 3: By the June 2015 school-wide average attendance will increase from 93.1% (June 2014) to 95% (June 2015) as measured by MSDE.

The average attendance for SY 14 - 15 was 93.8%

Not Met Attendance improved from the previous year but we did not make the gains we projected

Goal 4:

Reflections on SER Visit: If your school had SER visit then reflect on your SER visit to answer the following questions.

Reflection Questions Responses

Did the findings from the SER align with your perception of your school’s performance at the time of the site visit? Which findings were surprising? Deflating? Encouraging?

In reviewing the SER findings along with your performance data (qualitative and quantitative) what is the school identifying as an area of focus?

Define your current state. What preferred state would you like to reach?

What actions you would take to reach your preferred state?

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In this section, document your questions that your Instructional Leadership Team has regarding teaching, learning, and leadership to support planning for the next academic school year. Keep a focus on past and future shifts in instructional programming in response to standards; and expectations regarding programmatic goals, scheduling and collaborative planning.

This is a tool to support the activity of Inquiry which should come before looking at data. o Generating questions before looking at your school’s data supports a focus for the data analysis.o Questions focused on a deeper understanding of contents and grade level expectations for MCCRC and PARCC assessments.o Ask questions directly related to raising the “Bar” for every student.

Teaching (Adult Actions) Questions Learning (Student Outcomes) Questions Leadership (ILT Actions) Questions

What data analysis protocol is in place? How is student data communicated to the students? What is the process used by the ILT to review data?

Is there a data analysis protocol? Do students feel supported? Are we visible enough? ILT? Administrators?

Do we have any exemplary data analysis/use protocols in classrooms or on grade levels that could be implemented school wide?

Do the students have access to the necessary supports for their success?

Have we ensured that teachers have the materials and resources needed to successfully implement their instructional program?

Are teachers seeking support and implementing the strategies provided from informal/formal observations?

Are students being held accountable - academically and socially?

How often are we doing learning walks?

How often are teachers receiving feedback about their practice?Are the teachers feeling supported?

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In this section, provide additional data that supports your school's understanding of previous years' performance. This section will also contain the EOY ILT Tool provided by the district with the following data.

o Climate Attendance, Chronic Absence, Suspensions as of 5/30

o HS Academic Data Bridge (# of students with 1 Bridge, # of projects by subject) GPA and At Risk indicators by grade HS Subject Exams (MOC/MT and EOC/Finals) % Proficient

o K-8 Academic Data TRC/Dibels BOY and EOY (% Proficient , % Well Below) RISE Reading Comprehension BOY and EOY (% Proficient , % Warning) Math Units (% Proficient on all Post Tests) Literacy Modules (% Proficient)

o Administration rates or # tested for all district assessments For previous years' State Assessment data, please refer to the student-level files on Data Link and/or Principal's Dashboard.

List additional school based data here:Additional School-Based Data (if applicable)

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Select the data that can answer your inquiry questions and analyze it to document top three strengths and needs within your school. Use this data to identify the problem(s) of practice by conducting a root cause analysis (strengths and needs based on evidence) Prioritize the problem of practice (needs)

Prioritized Strengths based on Effect Data (Student Outcomes) Inferences (Why is this an area of strength?)

1. The number of kindergarten students that scored Basic in Math, as measured by the interims, decreased from 15 at BOY to 5 by EOY.

Students need a strong math foundation in the early grades to set them up for future success in Math as they move up grade levels.

2. By EOY, 84.4% of the fourth graders were correct on ELA standard R.I. 1.4 The teacher made sure that students were exposed to informational text (an other genres) during small group instruction.

3. The number of seventh graders that scored Basic in Math, as measured by the interims, decreased from 24 at BOY to 12 by EOY.

The students have a better grasp of the math skills which will be built upon during their seventh grade year.

Prioritized Needs based on Effect Data (Student Outcomes) Inferences (Why is this an area for growth?)

1. Attendance - 9 out of 10 grade levels ended the year with an average attendance rate that was less than the state's mark for satisfactory attendance.

In order for students to be successful, they need to be present daily to access the instruction and information provided; some students are living outside of the immediate communities surrounding the school and on inclement weather days and/or days when transportation is not readily available they do not come to school.

2. Grade 6 students went from 26 scoring proficient/advanced on the quarter 3 Math interim assessment to 13 scoring proficient/advanced on the quarter 4 Math interim assessment.

Gaps in knowledge, skill and content need to addressed so that the students' proficiency in math does not continue to decline; teacher pacing, teacher and student absenteeism in previous grades lead to gaps in their current understanding of math concepts because of missing prerequisite skills.

3. Between 21 and 24 seventh grade students scored in the basic range each quarter on the ELA interim assessment.

Gaps in knowledge, skill and content need to addressed so that the students' proficiency in reading does not continue to decline; teacher pacing, teacher and student absenteeism in previous grades lead to gaps in their current understanding of ELA concepts because of missing prerequisite skills..

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In this section, document your school's SMART goals, strategies, and results indicators for the year. SMART goals are derived from prioritized needs (Problems of Practice). Strategies should be directly related to prioritized needs. A Result Indicator will be identified for each strategy. A result indicator refers to the measurable interim steps that take place to progress towards an

identified goal: If we use (strategy), then the following will result (student impact, effective implementation behavior).

ACADEMIC SMART Goal #1:40% of students in grades 3-8 who scored below level on the 2015-2016 BOY iReady Reading assessment on Vocabulary will be on or above grade level by EOY 2016.

Strategies (If...) Results Indicators (Then...)

Instructional 1. If teachers provide targeted instruction for Vocabulary using the Baltimore City Schools curriculum and supplemental supports in vocabulary development

2. If teachers engage students in a school-wide mandatory extra weekly vocabulary development practice time which includes small group instruction

1. Then teachers will provide vocabulary instruction on a daily basis and 100% of students will have reinforcement in Vocabulary and reach mastery by EOY 2016.

2. Then students will have more instructional time per week to review and master Vocabulary before EOY 2016.

Organizational Strategies 1. If teachers engage students in a school-wide mandatory extra weekly vocabulary practice time which includes small group instruction

1. Then students will have more instructional time per week to review and master vocabulary development before EOY 2016.

Family Involvement Strategy 1. We will host a school-wide family literacy night, once a semester, to provide families with strategies to support their child's vocabulary development at home.

2. As needed, grade level teams will have parent meetings to provide parents with grade level specific strategies for enhancing vocabulary development.

3. The school will share pertinent information with our OST provider about our focus being on improving students' vocabulary skills so the OST provider can provide supports in that area as well.

1. Then students and their families will engage in activities that will support their student's vocabulary skills at home.

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40% of students in grades 3-8 who scored below level on the 2015-2016 BOY iReady Reading assessment on Vocabulary will be on or above grade level by EOY 2016.

Strategies (If...) Results Indicators (Then...)

Leadership Strategies 1. If staff initiates and maintains parental contact with updates on vocabulary performance throughout the year

2. If the administrators and mentor teachers engage in weekly informal observations with feedback

1. Then parents will have access to student data to help support students to be more successful in school in Vocabulary

2. Then teachers will be provided with frequent, actionable, specific and timely feedback to help support improvement of their instructional practices.

Programmatic Strategies (Programs to Purchase or Adopt if applicable)

1. If we adopt an after school coach class to address Vocabulary skills for grades 6-8

1. Then our middle school students will have more time to improve their vocabulary by EOY 2016.

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ACADEMIC SMART Goal #2:40% of students in grades 3-8 who scored below level on the 2015-2016 BOY iReady Math assessment on Numbers and Operations will be on or above grade level by EOY 2016.

Strategies (If...) Results Indicators (Then...)

Instructional 1. If teachers provide targeted instruction for Numbers and Operations using the Baltimore City Schools math curriculum and supplemental supports

2. If teachers engage students in a school-wide mandatory extra weekly math review practice time which includes small group instruction

1. Then teachers will provide math instruction on a daily basis and 100% of students will have reinforcement in Numbers and Operations and reach mastery by EOY 2016.

2. Then students will have more instructional time per week to review and master Number and Operations before EOY 2016.

Organizational Strategies 1. If teachers engage students in a school-wide mandatory extra weekly math review practice time which includes small group instruction

1. Then students will have more instructional time per week to review and master Number and Operations before EOY 2016.

Family Involvement Strategy 1. We will host a school-wide family math night, once a semester, to provide families with strategies to support their child's Number and Operations development at home.

2. As needed, grade level teams will have parent meetings to provide parents with grade level specific strategies for enhancing numbers and operations development.

3. The school will share pertinent information with our OST provider about our focus being on improving students' numbers and operations skills so the OST provider can provide supports in that area as well.

1. Then students and their families will engage in activities that will support their student math skills at home.

2. Then parents will have access to student data to help support students to be more successful in school in Numbers and Operations in math.

Leadership Strategies 1. If the administrators and mentor teachers engage in weekly informal observations with feedback

1. Then teachers will be provided with frequent, actionable, specific and timely feedback to help support improvement of their instructional practices.

Programmatic Strategies (Programs to Purchase or Adopt if applicable)

1. If teachers follow the Baltimore City Schools math pacing and curriculum

2. If we adopt an after school coach class to address Numbers and Operations skills for grades 6-8

1. Then students will have access to math instruction at least 75-90 minutes daily and will be able to work on their areas of growth daily.

2. Then our middle school students will have more time to improve their numbers and operations fluency by EOY 2016.

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CLIMATE/SCHOOL CULTURE SMART Goal #3:By the June 2016 school-wide average attendance will increase from 93.8% (June 2015) to 94.5% (June 2016) as measured by MSDE.

Strategies (If...) Results Indicators (Then...)

Instructional 1. If homeroom teachers accurately record attendance data and praise students for attending school daily,

1. Then the attendance team will have accurate data for student recognition events and for implementing next steps for students with attendance issues.

Organizational Strategies 1. If school staff accurately record and enter student lateness in SMS daily,

1. Then the attendance monitor will be able to ensure that students who enter school late are properly coded as being tardy instead of absent.

Family Involvement Strategy 1. Identified members of the attendance team will conduct home visits, as needed. for students at risk for chronic absenteeism.

2. Parents (families) will be recognized at achievement assembly for their child having good and/or perfect attendance

3. Attendance incentives will be offered during winter months when attendance tends to drop off.

1. Then families will understand the correlation of attendance and its impact on student achievement.

Leadership Strategies 1. If I ensure the attendance team develops and monitors attendance tracking procedures/protocols

1. Then the teachers will implement the protocols to ensure students that at are risk for chronic absenteeism are identified and supported.

Programmatic Strategies (Programs to Purchase or Adopt if applicable)

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ADDITIONAL SMART Goal #4:Note: For schools serving grade 9-12, this SMART goal should be focused on college and career preparation

Strategies (If...) Results Indicators (Then...)


Organizational Strategies

Family Involvement Strategy

Leadership Strategies

Programmatic Strategies (Programs to Purchase or Adopt if applicable)

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VII. MONITORING AND EVALUATING PROGRESS: ACTION PLAN• In this section, develop a monitoring plan for how your school will collect data and monitor progress towards your goals.

Goals Data To be Collected Data Collection Dates

Person(s) Responsible for Collection and


ILT Meeting Dates to Review Data Outcomes

Goal 1:40% of students in grades 3-8 who scored below level on the 2015-2016 BOY iReady Reading assessment on Vocabulary will be on or above grade level by EOY 2016.

iReady Literacy ReportsProgress Monitoring DataFormative Assessment Data

October - to review BOY dataJanuary - to review MOY dataApril - to review EOY data

School Test CoordinatorAdministratorsILT MembersTeachers

1st and 3rd Thursdays - Monthly

Goal 2:40% of students in grades 3-8 who scored below level on the 2015-2016 BOY iReady Math assessment on Numbers and Operations will be on or above grade level by EOY 2016.

iReady Math ReportsProgress Monitoring DataFormative Assessment Data

October - to review BOY dataJanuary - to review MOY dataApril - to review EOY data

School Test CoordinatorAdministratorsILT MembersTeachers

1st and 3rd Thursdays - Monthly

Goal 3:By the June 2016 school-wide average

Attendance Summary Reports


Attendance MonitorAdministratorsTeachers

1st and 3rd Thursdays - Monthly

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Goals Data To be Collected Data Collection Dates

Person(s) Responsible for Collection and


ILT Meeting Dates to Review Data Outcomes

attendance will increase from 93.8% (June 2015) to 94.5% (June 2016) as measured by MSDE.

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VIII. MONITORING AND EVALUATING PROGRESS: MID-YEAR REFLECTION The purpose of this section is for ILTs to evaluate progress towards accomplishing the SMART goals and decide whether the school will stay the course or

make midcourse corrections to the strategies.

Mid-Year Evaluation Plan

GoalsAre you on pace

to meet your goal?

What data point(s) support your


What is the progress of strategy implementation

Will you continue to use these strategies in the future? Why or

why not?

What will you do differently to implement these strategies at a

higher level?

New strategies? (As applicable)

40% of students in grades 3-8 who scored below level on the 2015-2016 BOY iReady Reading assessment on Vocabulary will be on or above grade level by EOY 2016.

Yes No

Not Implemented: Partially Implemented: Implemented Fully:

40% of students in grades 3-8 who scored below level on the 2015-2016 BOY iReady Math assessment on Numbers and Operations will be on or above grade level by EOY 2016.

Yes No

Not Implemented: Partially Implemented: Implemented Fully:

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GoalsAre you on pace

to meet your goal?

What data point(s) support your


What is the progress of strategy implementation

Will you continue to use these strategies in the future? Why or

why not?

What will you do differently to implement these strategies at a

higher level?

New strategies? (As applicable)

By the June 2016 school-wide average attendance will increase from 93.8% (June 2015) to 94.5% (June 2016) as measured by MSDE.

Yes No

Not Implemented: Partially Implemented: Implemented Fully:

Yes No

Not Implemented: Partially Implemented: Implemented Fully:

To be checked by the Executive Director:

I confirm that in consultation with the Principal, I have reviewed the progress of the school’s goals and implementation of strategies. I approve changes made to the strategies detailed in the table above.

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IX. MONITORING AND EVALUATING PROGRESS: END OF YEAR REFLECTION The purpose of this section is for ILTs to evaluate progress towards accomplishing the SMART goals and decide which strategies will be implemented for

the following school year and which new strategies will be added.

End of Year Evaluation Plan

Goals Are you on pace to meet your goal?

What data point(s) support your


What is the progress of strategy implementation

Do you need to make a change in your strategy?


New strategies? (As applicable)

40% of students in grades 3-8 who scored below level on the 2015-2016 BOY iReady Reading assessment on Vocabulary will be on or above grade level by EOY 2016.

Yes No

Not Implemented: Partially Implemented: Implemented Fully:

40% of students in grades 3-8 who scored below level on the 2015-2016 BOY iReady Math assessment on Numbers and Operations will be on or above grade level by EOY 2016.

Yes No

Not Implemented: Partially Implemented: Implemented Fully:

By the June 2016 school-wide average attendance will increase from 93.8% (June 2015) to 94.5% (June 2016) as measured by MSDE.

Yes No

Not Implemented: Partially Implemented: Implemented Fully:

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Goals Are you on pace to meet your goal?

What data point(s) support your


What is the progress of strategy implementation

Do you need to make a change in your strategy?


New strategies? (As applicable)

Yes No

Not Implemented: Partially Implemented: Implemented Fully:

To be checked by the Executive Director:

I confirm that in consultation with the Principal, I have reviewed the progress of the school’s goals and implementation of strategies. I approve changes made to the strategies detailed in the table above.

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Template 1: ILT Team Data Analysis

Performance Behaviors Inferences


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Appendix B.1: Family and Community Engagement Plan

Goal #140% of students in grades 3-8 who scored below level on the 2015-2016 BOY iReady Reading assessment on Vocabulary will be on or above grade level by EOY 2016.

Family Involvement Strategy #1

1. We will host a school-wide family literacy night, once a semester, to provide families with strategies to support their child's vocabulary development at home.

2. As needed, grade level teams will have parent meetings to provide parents with grade level specific strategies for enhancing vocabulary development.

3. The school will share pertinent information with our OST provider about our focus being on improving students' vocabulary skills so the OST provider can provide supports in that area as well.

Goal #240% of students in grades 3-8 who scored below level on the 2015-2016 BOY iReady Math assessment on Numbers and Operations will be on or above grade level by EOY 2016.

Family Involvement Strategy #2

1. We will host a school-wide family math night, once a semester, to provide families with strategies to support their child's Number and Operations development at home.

2. As needed, grade level teams will have parent meetings to provide parents with grade level specific strategies for enhancing numbers and operations development.

3. The school will share pertinent information with our OST provider about our focus being on improving students' numbers and operations skills so the OST provider can provide supports in that area as well.

Goal #3 By the June 2016 school-wide average attendance will increase from 93.8% (June 2015) to 94.5% (June 2016) as measured by MSDE.

Family Involvement Strategy #3

1. Identified members of the attendance team will conduct home visits, as needed. for students at risk for chronic absenteeism.

2. Parents (families) will be recognized at achievement assembly for their child having good and/or perfect attendance

3. Attendance incentives will be offered during winter months when

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attendance tends to drop off.Family Involvement Strategy #4

Back to School Night Parent and Meeting WorkshopsDate: 9/21/15 Time: 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.Families are invited to attend the Back to School Night to learn about our programs and requirements. Families will gain further knowledge on grade-level expectations, curriculum, and student progress. Families will have opportunities to review and provide feedback in the following areas:

X School Performance Data (State Assessment results; Common Core State Standards; District Benchmark results)

X School Budget

X Parent Involvement Plan

Service Learning

X Parent Portal

College and Career Readiness

Parents please join us throughout the school year for the following meetings and workshops:(Insert topic and brief description)

X Workshop/Meeting #1: Supporting your pre-kindergarten student - parents will get information about ways they can support their child's early development in academic, social an emotional areas.

X Workshop/Meeting #2: Family Fun Literacy Night - parents will get information about how to read/understand the diagnostic data reports that went home and strategies they can use at home to support their child's vocabulary development.

X Workshop/Meeting #3: Family Fun Math Night - parents will get information about how to read/understand the diagnostic data reports that went home and strategies they can use at home to support their child's development in the Numbers and Operations domain.

Workshop/Meeting #4: Communications Accessibility

We will communicate with all families through:

X The Monthly Weekly Newsletter Newsletter

X The Weekly Newsletter website

X Monthly parent and community meetings

X Quarterly Parent – Teacher Conferences

X Parent Link


X Other: Facebook, Twitter, Blog

We will accommodate all families by providing:

X Timely notification of school events.

X Updated school website(www.baltimorecityschools.org/xxxx)

X Flexible meeting times

X Staff available via email or by setting up a parent teacher conference with the specific teacher.

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Partner Programs

The following partners provide resources for our school community:

Community Partner Opportunities Offered

Village Learning Place

After school programming that provides academic reinforcement and extracurricular opportunities; also facilitates monthly parent night out meetings where parents are able to meet with other parents and discuss school related matters

Maryland Food Bank Allows for food and other supplies to be provided to families serviced by Margaret Brent

Church of the Guardian Angel Provides school supplies and uniforms for students

Strong City Baltimore Aligns resources and partnerships to meet the diverse needs of the student body

JHU Provides support (fiscal and other forms) to the development of the schools proposed flagship program.

Parent Activities/Resources

Please list all activities and resources that will empower parents to support their children automatically.

Is Funding Required?Parent Activities Describe how this activity or resources supports

the identified SMART Goals DateYes/No Amount Funding Source

Pre-K Parent Meeting

Families will engage in activities that support the development of pre-k students in the areas of vocabulary and numbers and operations and will come away with strategies and activities they can use at home to further support that development.

Various Dates No

Grade Level Parent Meeting

Families will engage in activities that support the development of pre-k students in the areas of vocabulary and numbers and operations and will come away with strategies and activities they can use at home to further support that development.

Various Dates No

Family Fun Math Night

Families will engage in activities that support the development of students in the area of vocabulary and will come away with strategies and activities they can use at home to further support that development.

11/16/15 Yes $500 Title I Parental Involvement

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Family Fun Literacy Night

Families will engage in activities that support the development of students in the area of vocabulary and will come away with strategies and activities they can use at home to further support that development.

10/26/15 Yes $500 Title I Parental Involvement

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Appendix B.2: Title I School Wide PlanDoes your school receive Title I Schoolwide funds?• If yes, complete Appendix II below.• If no, continue to Appendix III.

Questions Title I Schoolwide Strategies Person(s)Responsible Timeline Title I Funding

1. How will your school support student achievement among high achieving students?

We will offer afterschool enrichment opportunities that will engage and enrich our high achieving students. These opportunities will be hosted by various community partners and through teachers hosting special clubs on campus.

We will continue to implement research based strategies and a research based curriculum that supports the needs of high-achieving students.

Using the various data sources available to the school, students will be identified based on their mastery of state standards; we will ensure that their thinking is continually pushed to new levels so that they will continue to excel.

Sharicca BoldonTeachersAdministrators

October 2015 - June 2016 Title I Part A

2. How will your school support low-performing students achieve at proficient or advanced levels?

We will offer Saturday coach classes to students in grade 6 in Reading and Math to support their acquisition of pre-requisite skills needed for their success in mastering the grade level standards.

We will employ temporary tutors to work with small groups of students based on assessment data and/or teacher recommendations.

Pamela A. SmithAudra TrustyPatricia KellyTeachersTemporary Tutors

October 2015 - June 2016

Title I Part AAdditional 20% Grant

3. What are the processes within your school for (a) identifying students struggling to meet high academic standards, and (b) providing and (c) monitoring instructional interventions?

Any students demonstrating academic deficiencies will be referred to SST. A plan of support will be developed and monitored. Revisions to the plan will be made as needed or the students may be referred to CST, if improvements are not observed in a timely fashion.

Pamela WillisDanielle DavisPamela A. SmithTeachers

September 2015 - June 2016

No additional funds required

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Questions Title I Schoolwide Strategies Person(s)Responsible Timeline Title I Funding

4. What does your school do to recruit and retain highly qualified and effective teachers in core subjects? Include a description of principal support.

In partnership with the Human Capital Office, we solicit teacher candidates based on the current needs of the school. We participate in the district sponsored job fairs, work with TFS and BCTR to seek out potential candidates and spread the word of our vacancies using our website, newsletter and community partners.

We seek out candidates that meet the criteria for highly qualified status in the area(s) for which the vacancy exists.

The principal, assistant principal and other selected member rom with the ILT, staff or SFX participate in panel interviews for any candidate we are interested in. The input from the panel is used to help the administrators in making the final staffing decision. Once qualified candidates are hired, they are assigned a mentor that meets with them regularly. The mentor also engages in peer observations with the new teacher and provides feedback and other suggestions for improved practice.

To ensure that teachers and administration continues to learn new information about best practices for closing the achievement gap, increasing academic rigor, improving attendance and implementing research-based strategies in the classroom, teacher and administration participation in conferences will be encouraged.

Pamela A. SmithDanielle DavisTeacher MentorsNew TeachersSharicca Boldon

August 2015 - June 2016

FSF - Stipends for Mentors

5. What is your process for informing parents if teachers are not Highly Qualified?

During Back to School Night/Annual Title I Meeting,parents were made aware of their rights as a parent of a child that attends a Title I School. Parents were informedof the process for requesting the qualifications of their

Pamela A. Smith September 21, 2015 No additional funds required

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Questions Title I Schoolwide Strategies Person(s)Responsible Timeline Title I Funding

child's teacher and Non-HQ letters are sent home, monthly, as appropriate based on the teacher's credentials.

6. How will your school incorporate extended learning activities, before/after-school, summer and school year extension opportunities into your instructional and student support strategies?

In partnership with Village Learning Place, our students have access to extended learning activities through an afterschool program and a summer program.These programs provide academic support and enrichment as well as cultural enrichment and extracurricular opportunities. The school provides after school clubs for enrichment opportunities and coach classes every Saturday of each month for sixth grade students.

Liesje Gantert (VLP)Pamela A. Smith No additional funds


7. What are your school’s plans for assisting children and families in transition from: Early learning programs to

elementary school; Elementary to middle

school; Middle to high school; and

High school to college and career?

Open houses are offered for parents of students entering in early learning programs - the parents can come in and see the school, meet with the administration and meetthe teacher to hear about the academic program. Students in grades five and eight (and their parents) meet with the Social Worker to discuss their options for middle school and high school. The Social Worker assists the student and their family in completing theapplication and making appropriate choices based on the students interests, abilities, and the overall program offerings.

Pamela A. SmithSharicca BoldonPre-K and K TeachersPamela Willis

July 2015 - June 2016 No additional funds required

8. How will your school ensure that teachers are actively engaging in collaborative planning and instructional adjustment strategies?

The master schedule has been arranged so that teachers can engage in vertical planning with colleagues. During collaborative planning sessions, the teams meet to discuss Literacy related matters (data analysis, student work analysis, pacing, scope and sequence); the teams also meet to discuss Math related matters (data analysis, student work analysis, pacing, scope and sequence).


August 2015 - June 2016

No additional funds required

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Questions Title I Schoolwide Strategies Person(s)Responsible Timeline Title I Funding

9. Describe how professional development opportunities will be provided to enable teachers, paraeducators, and administrators to increase the number of students who meet state standards.

Teachers will engage in systemic professional development provided on some of the scheduled professional development days. Teachers, principals and paraeducators will also have an opportunity to participate in school specific job-embedded professional development based on the MSDE approved Focus Grant, teachers will also have access to professional development presented by the school administrators and/or Network personnel based on the observed needs of the staff.

Pamela A. SmithDanielle DavisNetwork Personnel

August 2015 - June 2016 Title I Focus Grant

10. How will your school coordinate and integrate federal, state and local services and programs (for ex. violence prevention, nutrition, housing, adult education, vocational and technical training)?

All funding and resources are allocated according to the needs of our students. The school has worked hard to try to align the goals and objectives of the Focus Grant withthe SPP, the school specific strategic plan and the implementation plan of SFA and other mandated curricula.

FSF dollars are used to secure highly qualified staff members and support the bulk of the operational costs for the schoolyear. Title I Part A dollars are used to secure high qualified staff members, provide enrichment opportunities for students, purchase supplemental supplies and materials. The Title I Parental Involvement funds will be used to provide opportunities for parents to learn about MCCRS and how to best support their child in mastering those standards. The Title I Focus Grant funds will be used to provide professional development to teachers on the effective use of high yield strategies toclose the achievement gap between targeted sub-groups of students.

Pamela A. SmithDanielle DavisSFCTeachersILT

July 2015 - June 2016

FSFTitle I Part ATitle I Parental InvolvementTitle I Focus Grant

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• This page must be attached to the SPP as SANE for schools receiving Title I targeted or schoolwide funds. SANE =

The School Performance Plan has been reviewed and approved by the School Family Council as indicated by the signatures below:

Name Signature Position Date


Teacher 1

Teacher 2

Student Support Service Provider

Classified Staff


Parent 1

Parent 2

Parent 3

Community Representative 1

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I am acknowledging completion of the School Performance Plan, and am submitting the document for review by my Executive Director. This School Performance Plan is completed in accordance with the SPP Guidance Manual and rubric.

Press SAVE DATA to Submit.

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1DMC Revised 10/21/15

Office of Strategic School ImprovementFeedback for 2016 Title I Schoolwide Plan

Name of School: __Margaret Brent EMS #53__________________ Title I Reviewer: __D. Holley__________ Phone Number of Title I Reviewer: 410-396-8937 Date: __10/29/15___________________

Title I Schoolwide Component Location in SPP Observation Points Yes/No Comments

Relevant data is analyzed. YesSubgroup performance is discussed.

No Are there academic gaps in the performance of your subgroups?

Root causes were identified. No Contributing factors were discussed.

1. A comprehensive needs assessment of the entire school based on information which includes the achievement of children in relation to the State academic content standards and the State student academic achievement standards. [Section 1114(b)(1)(B)]

Section IV: School Data Discussion

Section V: Analyze Data to Prioritize Strengths and Needs

Priorities are aligned to the data discussion.


Strategies based on scientifically based research are indicated.


Extended learning opportunities have been identified.


Strategies to identify, support and monitor the academic needs of struggling students have been identified.


Schoolwide Reform Strategies that - Provide opportunities for all children to meet the State’s proficient and advanced levels of student academic achievement; Use effective methods and instructional strategies that are based on scientifically based research (SBR) that… (A) strengthen the core academic program (B) increases the amount and quality of learning time (before/after-school, summer programs, extended school year)(C) include strategies to address the needs of all children, but particularly the needs of low-achieving students and those at risk of not meeting state standards;(D) addresses how the school will determine if such needs have been met. [Section 1114(b)(1)(C)]

Section VI: Establishing SMART Goals, Strategies, and Results Indicators

Section VII. Part B.1: Questions #1, #2, #6

Strategies that support the academic needs of high performing students have been identified.


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2DMC Revised 10/21/15

Title I Schoolwide Component Location in SPP Observation Points Yes/No Comments

3. Instruction by Highly Qualified Teachers (Teachers and paraprofessionals meet highly qualified requirements; parents are aware of the highly qualified status of all teachers. All teachers are assigned to the areas in which they are qualified to teach.)[Section 1114(b)(1)(C)]

Section VII. Part B.1: Question #5

A process for notifying parents of the non-HQ status of teachers is identified.


Highly qualified PD is planned for all staff.

Yes4. High Quality and Ongoing Professional Development for… Teachers , Principals, Paraprofessionals[Section1114(b)(1)(D)]

Section VII. Part B.1: Question #9

PD will build teacher capacity to implement instructional strategies.


5. Strategies to Attract High-Quality Highly Qualified Teachers to “High-Need” Schools[Section 1114(b)(1)(E)]

Section VII. Part B.1: Question #4

Strategies to recruit and retain highly qualified teachers are identified.


Parent involvement strategies will build parents’ capacity to help students improve performance in academic areas identified as priorities.

Yes6. Strategies to Increase Parent Involvement [Section1114(b)(1)(F)]

Section VI: Establishing SMART Goals, Strategies, and Results Indicators- Family Involvement Strategy under each goal

Section VII. Part A.: Family Community Engagement Plan

The Parent Involvement Plan is aligned with the priorities and goals identified in the School Performance Plan.


7. Plans for Assisting Preschool Children in the Transition from Early Childhood Programs to Elementary School Programs. [Section1114(b)(1)(G)]

Section VIII. Part B.1:Question #7

Transition plans have been identified.


8. Measures to Include Teachers in Decisions Regarding the Use of Academic Assessments[Section1114(b)(1)(H)]

Section VII. Part B.1: Question #8

A plan to include teachers in decisions, such as collaborative planning is provided.


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3DMC Revised 10/21/15

Title I Schoolwide Component Location in SPP Observation Points Yes/No Comments

An effective plan to ensure that teachers work together to make decisions on academic assessments is provided.


9. Activities to Ensure that Students Having Difficulty Mastering Proficient or Advanced Levels of Academic Achievement Standards Are Provided Timely Additional Assistance[Section1114(b)(1)(I)]

Section VII. Part B.1: Question #3

Interventions are specified to support struggling students.


The use of federal, state, local, and other funding sources are specified.

Yes10. Coordination and Integration of Federal, State, and local services and programs.[Section 1114(b)(1)(J)]

Section VII. Part B.1: Question #9

The coordination of funds and services is indicated.


Status of Plan:

__________Approved _____X_____Conditionally Approved _________Incomplete/Needs Revisions