MATERIAL DE APOYO INGLES II (3ER CORTE) READING CURRICULUM FOUNDATIONS (Tomado de: Zais, S. (s/f) Curriculum: Principles and Foundations) Curriculum foundations are those basic forces that influence and shape the content and organization of the curriculum. Curriculum foundations often are referred to in the literature as the sources or determinants of the curriculum. Although the precise areas included in the term “foundations” still are disputed by specialists, most would agree that some, if not all, of the following areas should be included. PHILOSOPHY AND THE NATURE OF KNOWLEDGE. Philosophy and philosophical assumptions, of course, underlie all of the foundational areas. However, basic assumptions about philosophy and the nature of knowledge are particularly relevant and influential in curriculum work since education’s major focus is knowledge and learning. Curriculum objectives and content will vary considerably depending, for example, upon whether one believes that “true” knowledge exists out there in the “real world” or whether “true” knowledge is located internally, within the subjective recesses of the individual mind. In the former instance the curriculum will emphasize symbolic and metaphorical studies, such as literature and art. Inquiring into the nature of knowledge is often referred to in the literature as epistemology. SOCIETY AND CULTURE. In as much as schools were invented by social groups to secure the survival of the cultural heritage, it is not surprising that society and its culture exert an enormous influence in the curriculum. Traditional (and often unconscious) assumptions, values, and ideas about what is important or unimportant, good or bad, are translated into curriculum objectives, content, and learning activities. Some notion of the influence of culture on curriculum may be gained by examining and comparing British and American textbooks that deal with the American Revolution. Not only will the objectives and content of the texts differ, but the prominence and importance accorded the event itself tend to be much greater in American texts. THE INDIVIDUAL. The nature of the individual human organism influences the curriculum on at least two levels. First, the biopsychological nature of man places certain limits on the content and organization of the curriculum. Man is capable of learning only what his genes will allow him to learn. Thus, a curriculum intended to teach students to fly unaided by mechanical devices or to learn 1

MARERIAL DE APOYO INGLES II 3ER CORTE€¦  · Web viewREADING. CURRICULUM FOUNDATIONS (Tomado de: Zais, S. (s/f) Curriculum: Principles and Foundations) Curriculum foundations are

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Page 1: MARERIAL DE APOYO INGLES II 3ER CORTE€¦  · Web viewREADING. CURRICULUM FOUNDATIONS (Tomado de: Zais, S. (s/f) Curriculum: Principles and Foundations) Curriculum foundations are


CURRICULUM FOUNDATIONS(Tomado de: Zais, S. (s/f) Curriculum: Principles and Foundations)

Curriculum foundations are those basic forces that influence and shape the content and organization of the curriculum. Curriculum foundations often are referred to in the literature as the sources or determinants of the curriculum. Although the precise areas included in the term “foundations” still are disputed by specialists, most would agree that some, if not all, of the following areas should be included.

PHILOSOPHY AND THE NATURE OF KNOWLEDGE. Philosophy and philosophical assumptions, of course, underlie all of the foundational areas. However, basic assumptions about philosophy and the nature of knowledge are particularly relevant and influential in curriculum work since education’s major focus is knowledge and learning. Curriculum objectives and content will vary considerably depending, for example, upon whether one believes that “true” knowledge exists out there in the “real world” or whether “true” knowledge is located internally, within the subjective recesses of the individual mind. In the former instance the curriculum will emphasize symbolic and metaphorical studies, such as literature and art. Inquiring into the nature of knowledge is often referred to in the literature as epistemology.

SOCIETY AND CULTURE. In as much as schools were invented by social groups to secure the survival of the cultural heritage, it is not surprising that society and its culture exert an enormous influence in the curriculum. Traditional (and often unconscious) assumptions, values, and ideas about what is important or unimportant, good or bad, are translated into curriculum objectives, content, and learning activities. Some notion of the influence of culture on curriculum may be gained by examining and comparing British and American textbooks that deal with the American Revolution. Not only will the objectives and content of the texts differ, but the prominence and importance accorded the event itself tend to be much greater in American texts.

THE INDIVIDUAL.The nature of the individual human organism influences the curriculum on at least two levels. First, the biopsychological nature of man places certain limits on the content and organization of the curriculum. Man is capable of learning only what his genes will allow him to learn. Thus, a curriculum intended to teach students to fly unaided by mechanical devices or to learn Chinese in a week would be doomed to failure. Second, and no less important, man’s philosophical conceptions of his own nature will exert a significant influence on the curriculum. For example, notions about the innate goodness or badness of man will greatly affect the curriculum. If man is perceived as innately good, the curriculum is likely to allow learners substantial latitude in pursuing their studies. But if man is perceived as innately evil (as in the Calvinist doctrine), the curriculum will be highly prescriptive and even coercive. LEARNING THEORY. Notions about how human begins learn will affect the shape of the curriculum. For example, the nineteenth –century theory (called “faculty psychology”) that the mind was analogous to a muscle and would develop its powers through mental exercise let to curricula that emphasized drill in difficult academic subjects such as Latin and mathematics. Another popular theory of learning has held that individuals “learn by doing”. This point of view eventuated in curricula that provided students with problems and “raw materials” and required them to “discover” knowledge and skills.


Page 2: MARERIAL DE APOYO INGLES II 3ER CORTE€¦  · Web viewREADING. CURRICULUM FOUNDATIONS (Tomado de: Zais, S. (s/f) Curriculum: Principles and Foundations) Curriculum foundations are

LECTURA ANALÍTICA PARA UBICAR INFORMACIÓN ESPECÍFICA. - COHESIÓN GRAMATICAL: REFERENCIAS CONTEXTUALES. INSTRUCCIONES: Presta especial atención a las palabras y frases que relacionan distintas partes del texto refiriéndose a informaciones que están por mencionarse y/o aspectos ya mencionados. Responde en español las preguntas correspondientes. PREGUNTA Nº 1 According to most curriculum experts, what areas should be included in the term “foundations”?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Para responder la pregunta anterior es importante determinar a qué se refieren algunas palabras y expresiones del texto. En la página siguiente ilustramos lo anterior, refiriéndonos a la parte del texto que nos permite responder la pregunta.

En el primer párrafo del texto “Curriculum Foundations” se expresa lo siguiente:

“Although the precise areas included in the term “foundations” still are disputed by specialists, most would agree

that some, if not all, of the following areas should be included”

La palabra “MOST” (la mayoría) se refiere a “SPECIALISTS” (sinónimo de la palabra “experts” que aparece en la pregunta). Las palabras “SOME” (algunas) y “ALL” (todas) hacen referencia a la frase “THE FOLLOWING AREAS” la cual a su vez nos remite a los cuatro subtítulos que introducen los párrafos 2, 3, 4 y 5. Por lo tanto, la frase “the following areas” se refiere a: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ahora continúa con las preguntas restantes. PREGUNTA Nº 2 Explain, using the examples given in the text, how philosophy and the nature of knowledge affects the curriculum?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Page 3: MARERIAL DE APOYO INGLES II 3ER CORTE€¦  · Web viewREADING. CURRICULUM FOUNDATIONS (Tomado de: Zais, S. (s/f) Curriculum: Principles and Foundations) Curriculum foundations are

¿Qué partes del texto tuviste que relacionar para contestar la pregunta anterior? ¿Qué palabras y/o frases relacionan la información requerida para contestar la pregunta? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ PREGUNTA Nº 3 La frase “This point of view” ubicada en el último párrafo del texto se refiere a: ____________________________________________________________________________________________Ahora responde la siguiente pregunta: What theory promotes a curriculum based on the discovery of knowledge and skills?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

- Para responder a preguntas de información específica es necesario realizar una lectura más analítica. - La lectura analítica es una lectura más lenta e intensiva que requiere de fijaciones y regresiones sobre partes del texto en las cuales el lector supone que puede estar ubicada la información que desea obtener. - En muchos casos, la respuesta correcta a preguntas que exigen la búsqueda de información específica, depende de la capacidad de interpretar las palabras y frases de referencia presentes en el texto. - La referencia es un mecanismo de cohesión textual que permite establecer una relación entre un elemento lingüístico y la expresión a la cual se refiere, evitando las repeticiones innecesarias y la redundancia extrema en el discurso. Dicho en otras palabras, las referencias son elementos lingüísticos que se refieren a algo previamente mencionado en el texto o a algo que se mencionará posteriormente. - Una referencia puede ser un pronombre, adverbio o un grupo de palabras. Puede referirse a una sola palabra, a una expresión u oración o a todo un párrafo. - Las referencias se dividen en CATAFÓRICAS y ANAFÓRICAS. - Las REFERENCIAS CATAFÓRICAS son aquellas que hacen referencia previa a algo que va a mencionarlas posteriormente. Por ejemplo, en el siguiente diagrama la frase “three periods” es una referencia catafórica porque se refiere a los tres períodos o etapas que se mencionan posteriormente. - Las REFERENCIAS ANAFÓRICAS son aquellas que se refieren a algo que ya ha sido mencionado en el texto. Por ejemplo, en el diagrama siguiente la frase “each of these periods” hace referencia a los tres períodos del desarrollo intelectual que ya han sido mencionados. Las referencias “its”, “which”, “his”, “himself” y “him” también son referencias anafóricas. Las referencias anafóricas son más frecuentes que las catafóricas. Piaget divides intellectual development into three periods: a

sensory-motor period, a period of concrete operations and a

period of formal operations.

Each of these periods derives its name from the way in

which a child organizes his growing knowledge of himself

and the world around him .


Page 4: MARERIAL DE APOYO INGLES II 3ER CORTE€¦  · Web viewREADING. CURRICULUM FOUNDATIONS (Tomado de: Zais, S. (s/f) Curriculum: Principles and Foundations) Curriculum foundations are

Transfiere del diagrama anterior los referentes de cada una de las referencias siguientes. (Escríbelos en inglés)

three periods: _______________________________________________________________________________

each of these periods: _________________________________________________________________________

its: _______________________________________________________________________________________ which: ____________________________________________________________________________________ his: ______________________________________________________________________________________

himself: __________________________________________________________________________________

him: ___________________________________________________________________________________


Page 5: MARERIAL DE APOYO INGLES II 3ER CORTE€¦  · Web viewREADING. CURRICULUM FOUNDATIONS (Tomado de: Zais, S. (s/f) Curriculum: Principles and Foundations) Curriculum foundations are

EVALUACIÓN I (20%)En el siguiente párrafo, las palabras resaltadas se refieren a algo mencionado antes o después en el texto. Lee cada párrafo (1 y 2) cuidadosamente y completa los cuadros respectivos a cada texto con la información requerida. PÁRRAFO 1In the preoperational period, the beginnings of, appear. As these develop, the child begins to deal with his environment through mental manipulation rather than direct, overt actions, the latter having been internalized as images, or mental pictures. When this kind of representation appears, it becomes possible for the child to deal with objects when they are not physically present or when they are partly hidden. This means that the child attributes permanency to objects; that is, he begins to attribute a substantial basis to an object, so that when it is completely or partially removed from his immediate perception, he knows that it still exists.



these X reversible systems, or operations


Page 6: MARERIAL DE APOYO INGLES II 3ER CORTE€¦  · Web viewREADING. CURRICULUM FOUNDATIONS (Tomado de: Zais, S. (s/f) Curriculum: Principles and Foundations) Curriculum foundations are

PÁRRAFO 2 Instrumental conditioning experiments can be classified according to the type of reinforcement into those using rewards and those using punishment. Both reward training and omission training use rewards. The former type of experiment is illustrated by the famous “Skinner box.” There are two main kinds of experiments using reward: escape training and avoidance conditioning. The latter can be subdivided into passive and active avoidance.



Entre los elementos lingüísticos que actúan como referencias anafóricas tenemos: - Pronombres personales: he, she, it, they, etc. - Adjetivos posesivos: his, her, its, their, etc. - Pronombres relativos: which, who, whom, etc. - Pronombres objetivos: her, him, them, it, etc. - Pronombres reflexivos: himself, herself, itself, etc. - Los demostrativos: this, that, these, those. - Adverbios: here, there, etc. - Cuantificadores: some, all, many, a few, etc. - Expresiones completas como: these activities, this kind of problem, the former instance, some of these, etc. Las referencias catafóricas son siempre expresiones completas (grupos nominales) como por ejemplo: the following areas, two main kinds of problems, etc. Como conclusiones generales de esta sección podemos señalar las siguientes: - Para comprender un texto escrito es necesario desarrollar la habilidad de reconocer los elementos que relacionan las diversas partes del texto (referencias anafóricas y catafóricas) y sus referentes respectivos. - El desarrollo de esta habilidad implica evitar la lectura lineal y centrarse en una lectura detenida e interactiva.


Page 7: MARERIAL DE APOYO INGLES II 3ER CORTE€¦  · Web viewREADING. CURRICULUM FOUNDATIONS (Tomado de: Zais, S. (s/f) Curriculum: Principles and Foundations) Curriculum foundations are

COHESIÓN GRAMATICAL: LOS CONECTADORES Además de los mecanismos de cohesión léxica (palabras repetidas, sinónimos, palabras relacionadas, etc.,) y la cohesión gramatical manifestada mediante las referencias, existe otros elementos de cohesión gramatical que seexpresan a través del uso de un conjunto de palabras y expresiones denominadas CONECTADORES. Estas palabras y expresiones unen las ideas presentes en el texto, estableciendo algún tipo de relación lógica entre ellas (causa-efecto, contraste, limitación, oposición, secuencia, adición, etc.). Para más información ir a las paginas Después de haber leído esta breve introducción, realiza las siguientes evaluaciones que se te indican. INSTRUCCIONESA continuación presentamos una lista de los conectadores que aparecen en cada párrafo. Remítete al texto titulado “Curriculum Foundations” (página 1), ubica cada conectador y determina qué ideas está relacionando. Después de haber realizado la actividad anterior, escribe en las líneas correspondientes el equivalente en español de cada conectador y el tipo de relación que establece entre las ideas correspondientes. EVALUACION II (20%)Actividad Nº 1PÁRRAFO CONECTADOR


1(Although) aunque Introduce una consecuencia o resultado


Page 8: MARERIAL DE APOYO INGLES II 3ER CORTE€¦  · Web viewREADING. CURRICULUM FOUNDATIONS (Tomado de: Zais, S. (s/f) Curriculum: Principles and Foundations) Curriculum foundations are

Actividad Nº 2Lee el siguiente texto. Presta atención a las palabras resaltadas en el texto.

WHY STUDENTS COMMUNICATE IN THE CLASSROOM AFFINITYAffinity between two people is often the desired outcome of communication. Most students have an inner need for warm relationships with other people, including teachers. Almost no one wants to be isolated from fellow human beings. Consequently, students often seek to communicate with others in order to establish close affinity relationships with people. Some students have a lower need for affinity than others, and they will probably initiate less communication on a social level than will students with higher affinity needs.

Most students do desire to establish an affinity relationship with their teacher. This is a particularly strong motivation for communication at the lower levels and only declines slightly as the student moves through the educational system. Thus, the student will often initiate communication with the teacher that has little to do with the subject matter at hand. The student will also initiate communication with other students in the classroom in order to establish affinity relationships with them. These are normal outcomes of normal communication motivations. However, problems can occur as a result of this affinity need.

One problem that may occur when students seek communication with their teacher in order to establish an affinity relationship is that such an attempt may be misperceived by either the teacher or other students. We are all familiar with the label “apple polisher.” Whether it be true or not, most students believe that if a student has a friendly relationship with a teacher, the student will get more rewards from the teacher. If the teacher perceives the student initiating an unusually large number of social interactions, the teacher may be turned off. He or she may perceive the student as being a “phony,” interested only in garnering the benefits that come from beings pals with the teacher. Similarly, other students who observe these interactions may develop a negative attitude toward the student involved. Since most students are somewhat lacking in maturity, it is very difficult for them to know when they are approaching the line of normal affinity interaction and when they pass the point at which they would be perceived as apple polishing. Another problem arising from the need for affinity is that the student may become a “social butterfly” in the classroom—that is, a person who seeks to communicate a great deal with other students in order to satisfy a high affinity need. Again, there is nothing abnormal about this motivation or behavior, but it can get in the way of effective learning. Such communication attempts are often reprimanded by the teacher, particularly in the self-contained classrooms in the lower grades. While there is a definite need to keep such interactions under control, regulating them may cause problems in communication between the teacher and the student. The student sees nothing wrong in his or her behavior, and is likely to interpret the teacher’s attempts to regulate the extent of affinity-seeking communication behavior as an abuse of power. NOTA:Las palabras subrayadas en el esquema anterior son CONECTADORES. Reflexiona acerca del tipo de relación lógica que estas palabras establecen en el texto (causa-efecto, adición de información, secuencia, contraste, oposición y/o limitación de ideas, ejemplificación, condición, etc.). En el cuadro que presentamos a continuación se ha colocado en la primera columna diferentes tipos de relaciones que establecen los conectadores. Ahora deberás completar el cuadro de la siguiente manera: - En la columna B copia todos los conectadores subrayados en el esquema al lado de la categoría correspondiente. - Escribe en la columna C el significado en español de cada conectador según el tipo de relación lógica que establece en el contexto correspondiente.


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Los conectadores son elementos de cohesión gramatical, los cuales forman parte de la estructura esquemática de un texto. Estos elementos permiten establecer relaciones entre las distintas partes que forman un texto, proporcionándole una secuencia lógica.


Ejemplo:First the students listened carefully to the teacher.


they copied the outline on their notebooks.

(Primero los estudiantes escucharon atentamente al profesor. Luego, copiaron el esquema en sus cuadernos).

Otra relación lógica es la de causa-efecto:Ejemplo:

Language and thought are intimately related.


children are able to solve some kinds of transposition only when they areold enough to state the solution in words.

(El lenguaje y el pensamiento están íntimamente relacionados. Por eso, los niños son capaces de resolver algunos tipos de transposición de problemas únicamente cuando son lo suficientemente maduros para formular la solución

en palabras).


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Una tercera relación lógica es la de contraste:Ejemplo:

Many learning theorists tend to regard learning as a function of what the experimenter does,

rather than

what the subject knows, or is interested in, or thinks and feels about the learningexperience or the material to be learned.

(Muchos teóricos del aprendizaje tienden a considerar el aprendizaje en funciónde lo que hace el experimentador, en vez de lo que el sujeto sabe, le interesa,

piensa y siente acerca de la experiencia de aprendizaje o el material a seraprendido).

Una cuarta relación lógica es la de adición: Ejemplo:

One difficulty with traditional and prescientific teaching-learning theoriesis that they are almost entirely concerned with the kind of learning that results

from instruction.


they ignore phenomena such as differences in learning rates, motivation,incidental learning, unlearning, and relearning.

(Una de las dificultades que presentan las teorías de enseñanza-aprendizajetradicionales y precientíficas es que se interesan casi exclusivamente en la clasede aprendizaje que resulta de la instrucción. Además, ignoran fenómenos talescomo las diferencias en el ritmo de aprendizaje, la motivación, el aprendizaje

incidental , el no aprendizaje y el reaprendizaje).


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EXPLICACIÓN DE LOS DIFERENTES TIPOS DE CONECTADORES1. CONECTADORES QUE ESTABLECEN UNA RELACIÓN DE SECUENCIA:Hacer una lista, enumerar y dar instrucciones, indican un ordenamiento de lo que se está diciendo. En el siguiente cuadro se presenta una lista de los conectadores o señales que se utilizan para ordenar las ideas pertenecientes a categorías claramente establecidas.

1, 2, 3, etc.one, two, three, etc.

first(ly), second(ly), third(ly)in the first, second, third place

next, then finally, lastly

Ejemplo:Generally speaking, we can say that socialization is brought about in two ways: Firstly, as a result of the child’s

upbringing, or the natural interaction with the members of his family and other people in his immediate social environment, and, secondly as a result of formal education.

2. CONECTADORES QUE INDICAN SECUENCIA TEMPORALComo ya sabemos, los eventos no ocurren sólo antes, durante o después de otros eventos. Esta secuencia de tiempo puede ser cronológica, lógica o causal. Los siguientes cuadros son ejemplos de conectadores que expresan secuencia temporal. -Antes de la referencia de tiempo dada

Already, previously, formerly, prior, so far,up to now, before, until now, before then,

in the beginning.

Ejemplo: She studied a week before the exam.

- Simultáneamente a la referencia de tiempo: durante

at the present , meantime , at this point, meanwhile , at the momentwhen, for the time being, today ,in the meantime

Ejemplo: The students sat down when the teacher arrived.

- Subsiguiente o posterior a la referencia de tiempo dada: después.

following, after by the end , afterwards, since, since then , eventually by the time ,next

Ejemplos:- Since the development of the chip, computers have become cheaper and more compact.

- The investigators selected a series of closely associated three-word chains after referring to a list that specifies the words most frequently associated with certain other words.


Page 12: MARERIAL DE APOYO INGLES II 3ER CORTE€¦  · Web viewREADING. CURRICULUM FOUNDATIONS (Tomado de: Zais, S. (s/f) Curriculum: Principles and Foundations) Curriculum foundations are

3. CONECTADORES QUE SEÑALAN UNA RELACIÓN DE CAUSA Y EFECTO.Cuando se lee es muy importante comprender las diferentes formas de expresar la relación entre las causas y los efectos de una acción. Si un argumento comienza con efectos o resultados, las causas son las razones que lógicamente conducen a esos resultados. La relación causa-efecto es utilizada con frecuencia en los textos académicos. La relación causa-efecto puede darse de dos formas: A BCAUSA EFECTO A produce B A es la causa de B

Ejemplo: Dust causes the recording condition of disks to deteriorate

B AEFECTO CAUSA B resulta de A B es causado por A Ejemplo: Deterioration in the recording condition of disks is caused by dust. Verbos que expresan relación de causa-efecto:

result , be caused by , cause, allow, bring about , result in, prevent, result from,enable , be produced by,

Ejemplo:The idea of keeping instructions for the computer incide the computer’s

memory brought about significant changes in computer technology.


due to, because , as a result of, since ,as, in response toas the result of

Ejemplo: A theory of instruction is a normative theory because it sets up criteriaand describes the conditions that are required for any particular way of teaching


with the result that, so that, therefore, thus , consequently, hence, for this reason,on the contrary, conversely, on the one hand…on the other hand, opposite, in comparisonby contrast, by way of contrast, alternatively, rather, instead, but, then, whereas, howeverin spite of , despite that, nevertheless, although, even if, nonetheless, even though, though

Ejemplos:He has not studied. Consequently, he gave a poor exam.

He did not bring his books. Therefore, he could not study.


Page 13: MARERIAL DE APOYO INGLES II 3ER CORTE€¦  · Web viewREADING. CURRICULUM FOUNDATIONS (Tomado de: Zais, S. (s/f) Curriculum: Principles and Foundations) Curriculum foundations are

4. CONECTADORES QUE SEÑALAN CONTRASTE. En los textos de lectura a menudo se omiten algunos conectadores sin que esto afecte seriamente el curso de inteligibilidad. Sin embargo, los conectadores que indican relaciones de contraste rara vez están ausentes, ya que sin ellos el texto no tendría sentido y sería confuso. En el siguiente cuadro aparece una lista de los conectadores que se utilizan con mayor frecuencia para expresar contraste, limitación y oposición de ideas.

Ejemplos: - A computer can solve a complex problem in seconds; by way of contrast, man would take weeks, maybe months to do the same operations. - Progressive education is not a reform, but a reconstruction in terms of the new area. - According to Piaget’s theory, cognition development is not simply a quantitative process of adding on new elements in a chain; rather, there are qualitative differences between levels.

5. CONECTADORES QUE ESTABLECEN UNA RELACIÓN DE ADICIÓNLas personas leen por muchas razones; pero en un medio académico, la lectura se realiza principalmente para obtener información sobre una materia particular. En este sentido, es importante que el lector comprenda la relación entre la información dada y la que le precede. Cuando se agrega información, a menudo ésta se presenta de forma tal que sugiere un refuerzo de lo que ya se ha mencionado, o muestra semejanza con lo dicho anteriormente. Los conectadores utilizados para señalar énfasis o refuerzo de una idea cuando se añade información son:

Furthermore, too, also, in addition, moreover, again, as well as, additionally, besides, what is more

Ejemplo: All of us communicate with one another nonverbally as well as with words.

Los conectadores que se utilizan para añadir información que sea similar a la información ya mencionada son:

Equally, similarly, correspondingly, likewise, in the same way

Ejemplo:The young child needs to play with mud and sand. He must be allowed to enjoy this “messy” but tactile stage of discovery before he is ready to go on to the less physical pleasures of toys and books. Similarly, throughout life,

each stage depends on the satisfactory completion o the one before.

Otros conectadores que se utilizan para agregar información son:

another, other, additional, further

Ejemplo:One of the commonest ways of grouping children within a school is the system known as “streaming.”

Another method of grouping is called “setting.”

6. CONECTADORES QUE INDICAN EJEMPLIFICACIÓN Y/O AMPLIACIÓN DE UNA IDEA. Dar ejemplos para explicar un punto o ilustrar una idea es de uso frecuente en los textos cuando el objetivo principal es enseñar al lector sobre alguna materia. Por eso, es importante diferenciar entre la idea o ideas presentadas y su ilustración mediante ejemplos. Los escritores a menudo señalan ejemplos explícitamente usando los conectadores que aparecen en el cuadro siguiente:


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for example, examples of, shown by, for instance, instances of, exemplifies, an example of this cases of,shows, as an example, illustrations of, illustrates, that is, exemplified by, such as, like, seen in, namely

Ejemplos:- Sociologists have studied many aspects of education. For example, the organization of schools, the curriculum,

and the interaction between teacher and pupil.- The community influences the actual organization of the school through such groups as governors, parent-teacher


Provided, if, unless

Ejemplo: The relationship between a task and a goal is extrinsic if it is arbitrarily or artificially established.


Perhaps, maybe, possibly

Ejemplo:Psychologists are not consistent in the way they use the word anxiety. Perhaps the most common meaning for

them is vague fear.


Certainly, in fact, obviously, of course, indeed, above all, as a matter of fact

Ejemplo:“Memory is the thing we forget with.” This school boy definition of the term memory is no more absurd than many

other existing ways. Indeed, many people still regard memory as something concrete.


as to, regarding, with respect to, concerning,

Ejemplo: The comments regarding your research project were excellent.


according to, in accordance with

Ejemplo: According to popular belief, students learn because they are interested.