March 8, 2013

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Bilingual English and Punjabi Newspaper for Abbotsford and the Fraser Valley

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  • B.C. unveils new pension option

    New legislation introduced by the B.C. government will create an important option for people to save for retirement and provide an ad-ditional financial safety net for the ap-proximately two-thirds of B.C. workers who do not have access to group pension plans, Finance Minister Michael de Jong said today.

    Following on the heels of similar legisla-tion enacted by the federal government in December, de Jong introduced the Pooled Registered Pension Plans Act, which will make all workers in B.C. eligible to enrol in defined-contribution pension plans.

    The bill is part of a national effort to make well-regulated, low-cost pension plans available to millions of Canadians who do not have occupational pension plans.

    Pooled Registered Pension Plans (PRPPs) will be managed by licensed financial institutions, reducing administrative burdens for employers and providing tax advantages to employers that are not available under alternative models such as group RRSPs.

    Based on consultations with stakeholder groups, including the Vancouver Board of Trade, the B.C. Chamber of Com-merce and the Canadian Federation of Independent Business, B.C. has elected to make employer enrolment in these plans optional. If an employer chooses to offer a PRPP to its employees, they will be automatically enrolled and have the right to opt out.

    Employers will not be obligated to make matching contributions. Workers whose employers do not set up a PRPP will be able to deal directly with a PRPP admin-istrator to open an account similar to opening an RRSP.

    The Office of the Superintendent of Fi-nancial Institutions, a federal regulatory agency, has established a framework for licensing and regulating financial insti-tutions that are interested in becoming PRPP administrators.

    Quebec, Alberta and Saskatchewan have signalled their intention to pass similar PRPP legislation. B.C. has been working closely with the federal government to ensure this additional savings instrument is available to British Columbians as quickly as possible.

    Friday, March 8th, 2013PAGE 2Punjabi Patrika

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  • John van Dongen, MLA Abbotsford-South is ques-tioning the recent nomina-tion of Marvin Hunt as the BC Liberal Candidate for Surrey-Panorama. In a media inter-view with the Surrey Leader, Marvin Hunt identified himself as a proponent of building a waste-to-energy incinerator in North Surrey.

    In the interview Hunt is re-ported as saying, The critics need to see what has been accomplished in other areas of the world. Most of them

    cannot comprehend what has been done in Paris, they can-not comprehend it being right in the downtown. At this point in time, my proposal would be we put it in industrial areas that surround the downtown, pos-sibly just off the South Fraser Perimeter Road.

    It is unbelievable to me that the Premier is supporting the nomination of a BC Liberal candidate who is encouraging the building of an incinerator in the Lower Mainland, said van Dongen. Why would they nominate a candidate who is an advocate for a waste-to-energy incinerator which would di-rectly impact our airshed and which is so strongly opposed by the citizens of the Fraser Valley?

    Earlier this week, van Don-gen rose in Question Period to grill Environment Minister Terry Lake regarding Metro Vancouvers lack of real and meaningful consultation with

    the Fraser Valley Regional District (FVRD) as he had previously promised.

    Van Dongen reminded the Leg-islature that in July 2011 the minister made a controversial decision when he approved a solid waste management plan that opened the door for a large garbage-burning incinerator in the Lower Mainland expected to have a serious impact on the Fraser Valley airshed.

    I worked hard with the com-munity and other leaders to shut down SE2 and I will continue to fight the incinera-tor project, said van Dongen. My question is, given the total lack of consultation by Metro Vancouver with the FVRD, is the BC Liberal government prepared to draw a line in the sand and stop any plans to build a large incinerator in the Lower Mainland? Citizens living in the Fraser Valley deserve to know where the BC Liberals truly stand on this issue.


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    bIqy 2 mfrc,2013 nUM `nOrQ zYltf skUl, srI(kYnyzf) ivKy `ggndIp isMG-lfiev ien knsrt` krvfieaf igaf| drkf dI coKI hfrI ny ieh sfibq kr idwqf ik cMgI gfiekI qy cMgI fierI nUM cfhux vfilaf dI qfdfd Gwt nhI| sMjIdf gfiekI nUM psMd krn vfly lok Kqm nhI hoey|dUro-nyiVE pirvfrf dy pirvfrf df phuMcxf, nfd pirvfr dI ies suQrI koi nUM Pl-Puwl lwgx vflI gwl hY| drkf ny ggndIp isMG dI gfiekI nUM rwj ky suixaf qy mfixaf| drkf nfl gwl krn ` qy sB df iehI kihxf sI ik ies iksm df oa pihlI vfr vyiKaf hY ijs ivwc `rfg` nUM ieMnI iwdq nfl inBfieaf igaf| ikrXog hY ik oa dOrfn ggndIp horf dI aYlbm `dsqk` vI irlI kIqI geI|

    so,ies oa dy sPlqfpUrvk nypry cVHn dI ggndIp isMG qy Ehnf dy pUry nfd pirvfr nUM mubfrk| AumId hY ik Eh hmyf cMgy sMgIq qy fierI nUM afpxI rsIlI afvf ivwc iBE ky sfnUM suxfAudy rihxgy|

    Friday, March 8th, 2013 PAGE 3Punjabi Patrika

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  • iek skUl ivc 16 dsMbr 2012 nUM idwlI ivc hoey vihIafnf jbr-ijnfh aqy Aus qoN bfad dy soc ivcly bdlfa bfry kuVIaF qy muMizaF df zIbyt krvfieaf igaf. mYN AuWQy hI iksy hor mukfbly ivc bqOr jwj hfr sI. vYsy hI jigafsf-vs mYN ies bihs nUM suxn leI vI ruk geI ik vyKF dsvIN jmfq dy bwicaF dy ies bfry kI ivcfr hn?

    pihlF iek kuVI bolI ik muMizaF nUM kuVIaF nfl TIk slUk krnf cfhIdf hY qy bxdI iewq dyxI cfhIdI hY. jbr-ijnfh krn vfilaF nUM sf-ey-mOq imlxI cfhIdI hY. iPr iek muMzy dI vfrI sI. Aus ny ikhf ik ies ivc ikqy vI muMizaF dI glqI nhIN kwZI jf skdI. jy kuVIaF Gr aMdr hI rihx qF AunHF AuWqy hmlf hovygf hI nhIN. iesy leI kuVIaF nUM afpxI hwd bMnH lYxI cfhIdI hY qy BVkfAU kwpVy pfAuxy Cwz ky burkf pf lYxf cfhIdf hY.

    kuJ aijhy hI ivcfr agly do muMizaF dy sn. iek qF ieh vI kih igaf ik kuVIaF nUM skUlF-kfljF ivc Byjx dI QF Gr aMdr hI mfstr lf ky pVHfAuxf cfhIdf hY. myry leI ies qoN vwD suxnf asih sI. ieh sfzI aglI pnIrI iks soc nUM mn ivc pf rhI hY? kI asIN agFhvDU bx rhy hF jF ipCFhiKwcU? kuVIaF qy muMizaF dy ivcfrF ivc ieMnf aMqr! ijwQy kuVIaF asmfn CUhx dIaF gwlF kr rhIaF sn, AuWQy muMzy AunHF nUM GrF dIaF vlgxF aMdr bMd krky rihx dI gwl kr rhy sn.

    mYN pihly iqMn muMizaF nUM, ijhVy boly sn, puwiCaf qF pqf lwigaf ik AunHF dIaF mfvF kMm AuWqy bfhr nhIN sI jf rhIaF qy GrylU kMmF ivc hI jutIaF sn qy AunHF iqMnF dy GrF ivc BYxF nhIN sn. cOQy muMzy dy Gr ivc BYx sI, pr Aus AuWqy vI kfI sqfeI rwKI geI sI qy Auh pUrI qrHF ipE jF Brf dI ingrfnI hyT sI. Aus dI mF dI mOq ho cuwkI sI. ies qrHF dy GrylU mfhOl ivc p rhy bwcy, skUlF ivc pVH ky, ieMtrnYWt, abfrF qy afly-duafly pRqI pUry scyq hox dy bfvjUd afpxI soc nUM agFh nhIN sn vDf sky qy aOrq pRqI AunHF df rvweIaf ikMnf ajIb aqy nrIaf ikMnf qMg sI! ieh awgoN afpxIaF pqnIaF pRqI jF DIaF pRqI kI vqIrf rwKxgy, ies ivc koeI do rfie nhIN. nfl pVH rhIaF kuVIaF pRqI AunHF dI soc ikho ijhI hovygI, ieh AunHF dy lYkcr qoN hI pqf lwg irhf sI.

    burikaF aMdr bMnH ky, kuVIaF nUM GrF aMdr qfV ky, ikhVI sdI vwl kuVIaF nUM GVIs rhy sn Auh bwcy? bihs dOrfn vI kuVIaF vwloN pUrf ivroD krn dy bfvjUd Auh cfro muMzy ts qoN ms nhIN hoey. Auh qF bs iewko hI gwl AuWqy aVy rhy ik sfrIaF bMidF kuVIaF AuWqy hI lfgU hoxIaF cfhIdIaF hn qy muMzy pUrn rUp ivc affd. ieh soc afr AunHF dy mnF ivc ikwQoN vVI? AunHF df GrylU mfhOl hI aijhy ivcfr AunHF dy mnF aMdr vsf irhf sI.

    ies df mqlb spwt sI ik pihlI iswiKaf jo GrF aMdroN mfipaF vwloN imlxI cfhIdI hY, Auh ndfrd ho rhI hY. aOrq pRqI nrIaf jo ipE ny mF nfl Aus bwcy sfhmxy kr ivKfieaf, AuhI Aus bwcy ny mn ivc vsf ilaf. skUlF ivc vI zfktr qy ieMjInIar qF bxfAux leI pUrf or lfieaf ipaf hY, pr sdfcfr dI iswiKaf mnI ho cuwkI hY. iMdgI nUM ijAux df vwl qy iek-dUjy nUM iensfn smJ ky KuwlH dyx aqy iewq dyx, iek-dUjy df iafl rwKx, afid vrgy ivcfr ienHF dy mnF ivc kOx vsfvygf? jy mF cfhuMdI hY ik AusdI DI shury Gr suKI vwsy qF nUMh leI Aus nUM vDIaf mfhOl isrjxf hI pYxf hY. idno-idn vDdy jFdy aOrqF pRqI ho rhy jurm qF awgy hI sfzy smfj

    nUM inGfr vwl iljf rhy hn. kuJ plF leI qF mYnUM Aus skUl dI hwd aMdr KVHy ho ky ieMJ lwigaf ik jy iksy ny doglypx dI isr vyKxI hovy qF Bfrq aMdr qwk skdf hY. iek pfsy nF hovy mF dy nF nUM smrpqBfrq mfqf` qy dUjy pfsy XUnIsy aYlfn kry ik dunIaF Br ivc aOrq jfq vfsqy sB qoN qrnfk dy Bfrq hY, qF kI ieh doglypx dI isKr nhIN hY?

    iewQy mMdrF-gurduafiraF aMdr mF dy nF dy nfary lfey jFdy hn qy mwQy rgVy jFdy hn, pr GrF aMdr mfvF-BYxF dI iewq qfr-qfr kr idwqI jFdI hY. aijhI soc vfly muMizaF kol koeI jvfb hY ik ijhVIaF inwkIaF bflVIaF GrF aMdr afpxy ipE, cfcy, qfieaF qy BrfvF hwQoN srIrk ox df ikfr ho rhIaF hn, AunHF nUM ikhVy vwKry vfVy aMdr qfV ky rwKx dI loV hY qy ikAuN nf aijhy biGafVF AuWqy ikMjf kisaf jfvy, ijhVy sVkF AuWqy aOrq jfq nUM vyK ky afdm-bo, afdm-bo krdy iPrdy hn? ies dy aMdr ieh koeI nvIN gwl nhIN sLurU hoeI. sdIaF qoN aOrq iek pYr dI juwqI qoN AuWqy smJI hI nhIN geI. ies dIaF iewCfvF dn krky rfjy-mhfrfijaF dy hrmF dI igxqI vDfAux qoN lY ky drbfr ivc ncfAux qy rfj-mihmfnF dI BuwK imtfAux dI loV qwk sImq krky ies jfq AuWqy mrd ny hr dOr ivc afpxI cODr dI mohr lfeI hY.

    dyvdfsIaF df nF dy ky mMdrF dy pujfrIaF ny vI rwj ky rfs lIlf kIqI. ikqy ivDvf df Twpf lf ky, ikqy rMzI kih ky ies nUM bffrU vsqU bxf ky rwK idwqf igaf. ivafhF dy smfgmF ivc ncfAuxf, Aus koloN dfrU vrqfAuxI qy lfl bwqI vfly kuJ fs lokF dy alsfey mfs nUM rMgIn rfqF ivc qbdIl krn df kMm iesy jfq koloN ilaf jFdf irhf hY. iPr rOlf sLurU hoieaf agFhvDU smfj df! iek aijhf smfj, ijs ivc aOrq df AuDfr kIqy jfx dI gwl hoeI. ieh ikhf igaf ik aOrq hux brfbr dy hwk mfx skygI qy iensfn khfAux df hwk rwKygI.

    kuJ plF leI sB Buwl hI gey ik ieh Aus QF AuWqy gwl cwl rhI hY, ijwQy doglypx dI isKr hY. ieh Auh QF hY, ijwQy kfnUMn isr AunHF dI rfKI leI bxfey jFdy hn, ijhVy lfl bwqIaF dIaF gwzIaF aMdr bMd, cuPyirEN puils krmIaF nfl iGry hI qurdy hn qF jo Auh kukrm, ijhVy Aus Gyry dy aMdr cwl rhy hn, Aus dI iBxk vI ikqy bfhr nf pY jfvy. AunHF leI Aus surwiKaf Gyry qoN bfhr ivcrn vfly isrP kIVy-mkOVy huMdy hn. Blf iksy ny suixaf hY ik kIVy-mkOiVaF dI rfKI leI kdy kfnUMn bxfey gey hox? jy nhIN, qF iPr rOlf kfhdf hY? grIbF jF dilqF dI qF pihlF hI koeI igxqI nhIN qy kIVy-mkOiVaF dI igxqI krky iksy ny kI krnf hY? Pyr awgoN ienHF kIVy-mkOiVaF dIaF DIaF-BYxF jF mfvF bfry kOx ikrmMd hovygf?

    iehI kfrn hY ik 75 pRqIq jbr-ijnfh dy kys ipMzF, dilqF, ivDvfvF, grIbF jF nbflgF dy ho rhy hn, ijnHF nUM afvf kwZx dI iejfq nhIN qy aijhy kys kdy-kdfeIN hI lokF dI nr ivc afAuNdy hn. bhu-igxqI aijhy kys dn ho jFdy hn. jy mfnisk aqy mnoivigafnk pwK Jfkxf hovy qF ijhVy vI muMzy jF mrd, aOrqF nUM jF bwcIaF nUM itwcr krdy, lIl krdy, blfqkfr jF kql krdy vyKy gey jF PVy gey


    zf[ hriMdr kOr

    Friday, March 8th, 2013PAGE 4Punjabi Patrika

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  • hn, AunHF dI mfniskqf ikqy zUMGI mI hoeI lwBI geI hY. BIV ivc, iekwT ivc jF rfq dy hnHyry ivc, iekFq ivc, ijwQy ikqy pCfx lukfAux df rIaf lwB jfvy, AuWQy ieh lok aOrq jfq nUM hIx ivKfAux df Xqn krdy hoey Aus nUM igVigVfAux jF rox aqy kmor hox df aihsfs krvfAux ivc KuI mihsUs krdy hn qy afpxy aMdrlI mYN` nUM sihlf ky u ho jFdy hn ik hfly vI mrd dI aOrq AuWqy cODr kfiem hY. ieh mfVI soc isr Bfrq aMdr hI nhIN, blik

    ivksq smfj df vI iGnfAuxf rUp hY, ijwQy sVkF AuWqy, bwsF ivc jF gwzIaF ivc aOrqF qy bwcIaF dI CyVCfV afm ho cuwkI hY. luiDafxy vrgy ihr ivc jy iek aYzvokyt hI nbflg bwcIaF nUM vrglf ky, AunHF dI 13 qoN 16 virHaF dI Aumr ivc tubYktmI krvf ky, grB kdy nf Tihrn aqy sdIvI qOr AuWqy ijsm vycx dy DMdy ivc Dwk irhf hovy qF ieh aiq dI smfijk igrfvt nhIN mMnI jfxI cfhIdI?

    pwCmI GumMz sMsfr dI sB qoN vwzI smwisaf bx cuwkf hY. pwCm dy sB qoN sLkqIsLflI dysL amrIkf ny hMkfr dI iswKr Coh leI hY . sLfied hI sMsfr dy ieiqhfs ivc aijhI koeI Audfhrx imldI hovy, ijWQy iksy smfj ny hMkfr nUM ieMnI pRvfngI idwqI hovy, ijMnI awj amrIkn smfj ny idwqI hY. amrIkf ny mnuwK vwloN hjLfrF sflF dy qjrby `coN kwZI ies iswiKaf ik inmrqf mnuwK df srvoqm gux hY, iblkuwl puWTf gyV idwqf hY. BfvyN amrIkf ny hMkfr leI siqkfirq sLbd vrq ky ies qrHF krn dI koisLs kIqI hY ik ijvyN gMd `qy Puwl pf idwqy jfx, pr Puwl gMd dI bdbU nUM ijLafdf dyr nhIN lukf ky rwK skdy aqy aslIaq sfhmxy af jFdI hY. amrIkf ny mnuwK ivc hMkfr nUM Auqyijq krn leI dUjy sLbd vrqy hn, ienHF nUM zrfeIv, asrsLn aqy aYgrYsLn ikhf jFdf hY. zrfeIv df arQ hY pRfpqI leI sfhs, Audm aqy sLkqI. asrsLn df arQ hY afpxy hwk df dfavf krnf, aYgrsYLn df arQ afpxf hwk lYx leI hmlfvrI ruK rwKxf. pUrb ny hjLfrF sflF dy qjLrby ivwcoN ieh qwq kwiZaf ik mnuwK ivc iqMn pwDr dy gux huMdy hn, rjo,qmo aqy sqo. ieh iqMn rMgF dy ley gey sLbd hn. qms kflf, rjs lfl aqy sqv icwtf. mnuwK dy sB qoN GtIaf pwDr dy qmo gux hn, ijnHF ivwc eIrKf, hMkfr aqy bdlf lAU Bfvnf afid sLfml hn. rjo gux mnuwK ivc kuJ pRfpq krn dI sLkqI idMdy hn. sqo gux mnuwK ivc sMqoK, sbr aqy dieaf vrgy gux idMdy hn. amrIkf dy zrfeIv aqy pUrbI rjo gux ivc Prk hY. amrIkf ivc zrfeIv qfmsI guxF qoN ijLafdf pRBfivq hY, ijs ivc eIrKf sfVf aqy hMkfr BfrU hn, jdoN ik pUrbI pRfpqI krn dy gux rwjo gux ivc qmo guxF nUM Cwz ky pRfpqI krn `qy jLor idwqf igaf. dUjy sLbdF ivc ijwQy amrIkf ivc pRfpqI leI mnuwK dy sB qoN GtIaf pwDr dy guxF nUM Auqyijq kIqf jFdf hY, AuQy pUrbI sMklp pRfpqI nUM mnuwKI ivkfs nfl joVn df Xqn hY.

    hMkfrI mnuwK nUM afKr mUMh dI KfxI pYNdI hY aqy lMby smyN ivc inmrqf ivc rihx vflf mnuwK siqkfr hfsl krdf hY. ieh isDFq dysLF ` qy vI lfgU huMdf hY. 50ivaF ivc amrIkf dy ivdysL mMqrI Pfstr zwls hMkfr dI iswKr `qy phuMcy hoey sn. iek kOmFqrI mIitMg ivc cIn dy pRDfn mMqrI cU aYn lfeI ny Pfstr zwls nfl hwQ imlfAux leI afpxf hwQ awgy vDfieaf qF zwls ny afpxf hwQ iKwc ilaf. BfvyN ik isLRsLtfcfr dy nfqy pRDfn mMqrI df ruqbf ivdysL mMqrI nfloN Aucf huMdf hY, pr swqrivaF ivc vI amrIkf nUM mUMh dI KfxI peI. jdoN amrIkf ny dyiKaf ik Bfrq aqy sovIaq XUnIan df amlI qOr `qy gwTjoV ho igaf hY qF amrIkf nUM lwgf ik hux Aus kol cIn nfl gwTjoV krn qoN ibnF hor koeI rfh nhIN bicaf. amrIkf dy ivdysL mMqrI corI iCpy cIn gey aqy iek qrHF gwTjoV krn leI imMnqF-qrly kIqy. AunHF ny amrIkn pRDfn nUM cIn ivc jfx leI gwlbfq kIqI. jo sLrqF cIn ny inksn dy cIn afAux leI lfeIaF, AunHF nUM sMGfeI smJOqf ikhf jFdf hY. ies nUM smJOqf nhI smrpx ikhf jf skdf hY, ikAuNik amrIkf ny cIn

    dIaF sfrIaF sLrqf mMn leIaF. ienHF ivcoN muwK sLrq ieh sI ik amrIkf ibnHF iksy iJjk dy qfievfn nUM cIn df ihwsf smJdf hY. huxy-huxy pfiksqfn ivc iPr amrIkf nUM afpxy hMkfrI rvweIey kfrn mUMh dI KfxI peI hY. kuJ smF pihlF amrIkf dy iek Auc aiDkfrI ny pfiksqfn dy iek Auc aiDkfrI nUM ikhf sI ik jy pfiksqfn ny sfzI gwl nf mMnI qF asI pfiksqfn ` qy ieMny bMb sutFgy ik pfiksqfn nUM brP Xuwg ivc phuMcf idwqf jfvygf. pr hux Ausy pfiksqfn qoN amrIkf ny muafPI mMgI hY ik Aus dy zron hmly ivc pfiksqfnI POjI mfry gey sn. amrIkf nUM pqf lwgf hY ik aPLgfinsqfn ivc amrIkI POjF nUM rsd phuMcfx df Aus kol pfiksqfn qoN ibnHF hor koeI cfrf nhIN hY.

    inwjI qOr `qy vI amrIkf nUM ies hMkfrI rvweIey ny bhuq nuksfn phuMcfieaf. amrIkF dI pRfpqI nfloN amrIkf ivc ies rvweIey ivwcoN Aupjy mfnisk qxfa kfrn BYa, icMqf aqy AudfsI dIaF BfvnfvF hI pRbl hoeIaF hn. awj ienHF ibmfrIaF qoN pIVq mrIjLF dI igxqI ivc amrIkf sfry sMsfr nUM ipwCy Cwz igaf hY. QoVHy smyN ivc kIqIaF pRfpqIaF lMby smyN ivc inGfr aqy pqn df kfrn bx geIaF hn. pVHfeI dy Kyqr ivc amrIkf sfry ivkisq dysLF nfloN pCV igaf hY. amrIkn skUlF dy ividafrQIaF dy bfkI ivkisq dysLF dy ividafrQIaF nfloN Gwt nMbr afAuNdy hn aqy skUl dI pVHfeI pUrI nf kr skx vfilaF dI igxqI amrIkf ivc bfkI ivkisq dysLF dy mukfbly sB qoN ijLafdf hY. awj koeI vI pYmfnf vrq ky dyK leIey BfvyN Auh Auqpfdn df Kyqr hovy, BfvyN ivwidak Kyqr, smuwcy qOr `qy pUrb pwCm nUM ipwCy CwzI jf irhf hY. pr sB qoN duwK dI gwl hY ik pUrb ivc gulfm mfniskqf ivkisq ho cuwkI hY aqy ies mfniskqf ivcoN hIx Bfvnf AupjdI hY. pUrbI lokF dI hIx Bfvnf pwCmI hMkfr nUM bVfvf idMdI hY. ieh iek aijhI bdiksmq GuMmx GyrI hY, jo ik smuwcI mnwuKqf df nuksfn kr rhI hY. loV qF ieh sI ik asIN pUrbI isafxp qy mnuwKI ivkfs dy pUrbI qjrby nUM pwCm nUM smJfAux leI vrqdy ik Auh glq rfh ` qy cwl rhy hn aqy AunHF nUM shI rfh lwBx ivc shfieqf krdy. pr asIN pwCm dI vkqI AunqI qoN ieMny ckf-cOND ho gey hF ik asI BMzF vflI BUimkf inBfa rhy hF qy AunHF dIaF JUTIaF qfrIPF krI jf rhy hF. huxy-huxy ieMglYNz ivc iek srvyKx ivc ieh qwQ sfhmxy afieaf ik BfrqI mUl dy lok aMgryjLF nfloN vI ijLafdf ibRitsL kdrF-kImqF dy kdrdfn hn. myrf 40 sfl df amrIkf ivc rihx df vI ieh hI qjrbf hY. BfrqI lok amrIknF nfloN vI ijLafdf amrIkf dI qfrIP krdy hn. keI isafxy amrIkn ieh smJdy hn ik amrIkf ivc sB kuJ TIk nhIN ho irhf aqy amrIkf df BivwK DuMdlf hY, pr BfrqIaF dI bhuigxqI ieh svIkfrn nUM iblkuwl iqafr nhIN hY.

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  • Super Visa is Super PopularOver 15,000 Parent and

    Grandparent Super Visas Issued More than 1,000 Super Visas Issued each Month

    More than 15,000 Parent and Grandparent Super Visas have been issued since the programs launch in December 2011, Citizenship, Immigration and Multi-culturalism Minister Jason Kenney announced today.

    The Parent and Grandparent Super Visa provides families with flex-ibility, and it is clearly growing in popularity, said Minister Kenney. Our government is committed to family reunification. I am pleased to see that more and more parents and grandparents are getting the opportu-nity to spend longer periods of time with their loved ones in Canada.

    With over 1,000 Super Visas issued monthly, approval rates remain high at 86 percent. The Super Visaa

    multiple entry visa valid for up to 10 yearsallows parents and grand-parents to visit Canada for up to two years at a time. This Super Visa gives visiting parents and grandparents the freedom to travel back and forth be-tween Canada and their home country without long waits.

    The process for getting a Parent and Grandparent Super Visa is simple and straightforward. Applicants for the Super Visa must provide proof that the host child or grandchild meets a minimum income level, demonstrate that they have purchased compre-hensive Canadian medical insurance and undergo the immigration medical examination. Almost 99 percent of Super Visa applicants who met these requirements also went on to meet all other standard admissibility criteria.

    Generalized Anxiety Disor-der, unlike other anxieties or phobias, could be de-scribed as the fear of noth-ing or the fear of anything. People who suffer from it are often crippled by the worry and agitation and often experience physical symptoms as well: racing heart, upset stomach, muscle tension. Fast-acting remedies are available, but the best results come from cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and antidepressants.

    Relaxation exercises can contribute to a better sense of wellbeing. While some are more involved, some mini exercises can be pulled out in just about any situation. Deep breathing is a relaxation classic especially when combined with slowly counting down from 10. Deep breathing can also be used with progressive body relaxation if time allows. Repeat as needed!

    Mental health issues are rarely dis-cussed, but the fact is that they repre-sent a burden to the health care system that is more than 1.5 times greater

    Article Provided by Gladwin Pharmacy, See advertisement Below.

    than cancer and 7 times greater than infectious diseases! Yet, these issues receive much less attention than other conditions. In the report coming out of Ontario was hope that shedding light on the burden will help direct more spending where it is sadly needed.

    Have the dark days of winter been getting you down? Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is real and results in clinical depression for about 2% of the population. It is thought to be related to the lower levels of daylight in the winter and the main treatment is light! Just 30 minutes of daily exposure to special lightboxes, which produce intense light of about 10,000 lux, usually do the trick.

    Medical grade lightboxes are available without a prescription. Talk to our pharmacists to find out if this therapy may be appropriate for you.

    Friday, March 8th, 2013PAGE 6Punjabi Patrika

    PAGE 6

  • Theres an app for that: privacy, security and your smartphone

    While the clunky mobile devices and car phones of the 90s may have disap-peared, the advances of smartphone technology in the 21st century have created new challenges when it comes to protecting personal information.

    To mark March as Fraud Prevention Month a month-long national initiative that helps Canadians recognize, prevent and report fraudulent activities the Ministry of Justice, Consumer Protection BC, and the Office of the Informa-tion and Privacy Commissioner for B.C. have teamed up to share important information about privacy and security for smartphones.

    YOU ARE A TARGET FOR SMARTPHONE FRAUD IF......your smartphone is your other half.Tips to lessen the risk: Limit the personal information you store on your mobile device to what is absolutely necessary, as mobile phones and tablets are prone to loss or theft. Dont send personal data over public wireless networks as they may or may not be secure. Make yourself aware of privacy controls available through your service pro-vider, online account settings or mobile applications.

    ...you use your birthday as your password.Tips to lessen the risk: Weak passwords are easy to crack. Secure your smartphone with a hard-to-guess password use a combination of letters, numbers and special characters to keep would-be fraudsters out. Set the automatic lock feature so a password is required to unlock your device and access information.

    ...you arent too concerned about smartphone data theft.Tips to lessen the risk: Attacks on mobile devices are on the rise. Consider using encryption technology and install and run anti-virus and anti-spyware software on your mobile device for added protection. Ensure that personal data stored on your old smartphone is purged prior to disposal.

    Friday, March 8th, 2013 PAGE 7Punjabi Patrika

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  • ?pMjfb dy lokF dy mnF ivc ieh afm ivsLvfs pRcwlq hY ik swp dy isr ivc iek hIry vrgI cmkdfr vsqU huMdI hY ijsnUM mxI afiKaf jFdf hY. kihMdy hn ik ieh rfq nUM bhuq cmkdI hY. swp dy isLkfr PLVn ivc vI ieh mdd krdI hY. rfq nUM cfnxI ivc ieh ies mxI dy nfl Kyizaf krdf hY. ies smy keI ivakqI ieh mxI cuwk lYNdy hn. ies df iewk gux ieh vI mMinaf jFdf hY jo keI pMjfbI lok-gQfvF ivc vI vrnx kIqf imldf hY ik ies mxI nUM hwQ ivc PVky jy smuMdr ivc vI jf vVHIey qF pfxI rfh idMdf jFdf hY ies qrHF lokI smuMdr vI pfr kr lYNdy aqy smuMdr dy ql dy pey hIry moqI vI hUMJ ilafAuNdy aqy rfqo rfq amIr bx jFdy. ies mxI nUM bhuq lokIN swp df mxkf vI afKdy hn aqy krIb hr spyry aqy XogI dy koly ieh huMdf hY. Auh ivsLvfs krdy hn ik swp dy kwty dy jKLm qy iesnUM lf dyx nfl ieh sfrI jLihr cUs lYNdf hY qy afdmI dI jfn bc jFdI hY.

    ieho ijhy ivsLvfs sdIaF qoN lokF dy mnF ivc pwky qOr qy Gr krI bYTy hn. AuhnF ny iehnF gwlF dI swcfeI jfnx leI prK krn dI jrUrq nhIN smJI.

    pr ajoky ivigafnk Xuwg ivc swpF nUM pfilaf jfx lwg ipaf hY. iehnF dI jLihr iekwTI krky keI iBafnk rogF dy ielfj leI vrqI jFdI hY. iewQoN qwk swp kwty dy ielfj leI vI swpF dI jLihr qoN iqafr kIqy tIky hI lfey jFdy hn.

    mdrfs snyk trwst, hYPkIn ieMstIicAUt bMbeI, sYNtrl irsrc ieMstIicAUt ksOlI aqy keI hor sMsQfn ies kfrj juwty hoey hn. iewQoN dy irscrc skflrF, Koj ivigafnIaF aqy swpF dy mfihrF ny bhuq sfry swp dI cIrPfV kIqI hY, aYks ry lfhy hn aqy Auh ies iswty qy puwjy hn ik swp dy mxky jF mxI vrgy guxF vflf koeI vI aMg swp ivcoN nhIN imilaf. ieh ivigafnI dwsdy hn ik ijhVy mxky jogI jF spyry leI iPrdy hn AuhnF ivwc aijhf koeI gux nhI huMdf. Auh swp dy iksy aMg nUM zwbI ivc bMd kr ky leI iPrdy huMdy hn. ies zwbI ivc hldI jF sMDUr vI pfieaf huMdf hY qF ik ieh aMg suwkf rhy. mxikaF bfry aqy iesdy guxF bfry lokF ivc pRcfry jFdy iviKafn pIVHI dr pIVHI cwly af rhy aMD ivsLvfs hI hn . asl ivc ieho ijhI koeI vsqU swp dy aMdr nhI huMdI.

    ?nhI ieh Dfrnf AuWkf hI glq aqy gYr ivigafnk hY-hQOlf iksy vI rog df ielfj nhIN pr swp dy kwty keI ivakqI ies qrF bwc vI jFdy hn. iesdf kfrn hQOly dI sLkqI nhIN huMdI. blik ieh qwQ huMdf hY ik sfry swp jLihrIly nhIN huMdy. jdoN iksy ivakqI nUM swp zMgdf hY qF ies dy zr dy kfrx hI ivakqI dihl jFdf hY ikAuNik swpF bfry AusnUM koeI jfxkfrI nhI huMdI. iek srvyKx anusfr hr sfl Bfrq ivc koeI 200000 ivakqIaF nUM swp zMgdy hn.

    1954 ivc iehnF ivcoN mrn vfilaF dI igxqI isrPL 15000 sI. 1969 ivc jo aMkVy iekwqr kIqy gey Auh ies qrF hn : jMmU ksLmIr ivc 832 kysF ivcoN mry 33-pMjfb ivcoN 28 ivcoN mry 7-ihmfcl pRdysL 27 coN mry 15- hirafxf `c 259 co mry 8- AuWqr pRdysL ivc 1351 coN mry 84- ibhfr ivc 899 coN mry 21- pwCmI bMgfl ivc 7234 coN mry 488- nfgflYNz ivc 64 coN miraf 1- nyPf ivc 11 ivwcoN miraf 1- AuVIsf ivc 895 coN mry 27- mwD pRdysL ivc 1612 coN mry 20- rfjsQfn ivc 1426 coN mry 14- aFDrf

    pRdysL ivc 141 coN mry 23- krnftkf ivc 968 coN mry 31- pFzIcrI ivc 135 coN mry 10 aqy kyrlf ivc 1142 coN mry 361- jy Auprokq aMkiVaF dI qulnf Bfrq dI kuwl afbfdI dy sMdrB ivc kIqI jfvy qF mOq dr 0[0005 pRqIsLq qoN vI Gwt bxdI hY.

    ies qrF jy mhFrfsLtrf dy 1971 dy aMkVy vyKIey qF 1403 mOqF swpF dy zMgx nfl hoeIaF. ies sUby dy 26 ijLly hn aqy iesdf KyqrPl koeI 307762 vrg iklomItr bxdf hY. Aus smy afbfdI 50412000 sI. jy ies kuwl afbfdI dy sMdrB ivc mOq dr dI gxnf krIey qF ieh isrPL 0[002 pRqIsLq bxdI hY. ies leI ieh ivsLvfs krnf ik hQOly nfl swp dy zMgy df ielfj huMdf hY shI nhI hY.

    jLihrIly swp dy zMgx df ielfj swpF dI jLihr qoN hI iqafr kIqy tIky lfky kIqf jFdf hY. ies leI zfktrI shfieqf qurMq lYxI cfhIdI hY. keI mOqF qF zfktrI shfieqf lYx ivc kIqI dyrI dy kfrx hI ho jFdIaF hn. hornF ibmfrIaF nfl mrn vfilaF dI qulnf ivc ieh igxqI bhuq hI ingUxI hY

    Friday, March 8th, 2013PAGE 8Punjabi Patrika

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  • ?pMjfb dy lokF ivc ieh dMd kQf vI afm pRcwlq hY ik vwg afid ivc bfhr cr rhIaF gAUaF dIaF ipClIaF lwqF nUM inafxf pfAux dI BFiq lpytf mfrky swp AuhnF df duwD cuMG jFdy hn. keI bjLurg qF ieh dfavf vI krdy hn ik AuhnF ny aijhf huMdf Kud afpxy awKIN vyiKaf hY. pr aslIaq ivc ies gwl ivc koeI dm nhI huMdf aqy ieh isrPL suxI suxfeI hI huMdI hY ikAuNik koeI vI psLU swp dy iqwKy dMdF nfl cwizaF qy vwZI dMdI dI qfb nhIN shfr skdf. jy swp nUM vYsy vI duwD iplfieaf jfvy qF Auh iek awDI Guwt hI Brdf

    hY ikAuNik duwD swp dI Kurfk nhI hY. swpF dy duwD pIx dy ies ivsLvfsL dy kfrx hI keI aMDivsLvfsI lok nfg pMcmI dy idn swpF nUM duwD ipafAuNdy hn.

    pMjfb dy ipMzF ivc qF ieh afm hI pRcwlq hY ik sLfmI Dfr kwZx qoN bfad bfltI ivwcoN duwD nUM kfVHnI ivc pf dyx bfad Aus bfltI ivc pfxI pf ky huMgfl ilaf jFdf hY ies qrF duwD qoN bxI kwcI lwsI df sfry Gr ivc iCwtf idwqf jFdf hY qFik swp dyvqf ivKfeI nf dyvy. ieh sB glq ivsLvfsL hn.

    ?BFvy jfpdf ieh ajIb hI hY pr hY iewk swc ik swp dI jIB isLkfr nUM inglx ivc mddgfr nhI huMdI sgoN bfhrI gMD nUM suMGx ivc shfeI huMdI hY. swp dy hyTly jubfVy dI bxqr hI kuwJ aijhI huMdI hY ik swp dI ieh dusFgy vrgI jIB mUMh bMd hox dy bfvjUd vI vfr-2 bfhr inkldI rihMdI hY. hvf ivwcoN jIB bU dy kx iekwqr krky isr ivc siQWq iek joVf suxn aMgF qwk phuMcfAuNdI hY. iehnF aMgF nUM vomrnyjl afKdy hn. ieQoN ies bU bfry sMdysL awgy Byjy jFdy hn ijhnF qoN swp nUM ieh pqf lwg jFdf hY ik awgy koeI KLqrf hY jF nhI jF isLkfr iks iksm df hY. ies leI swp dI jIB iek igafn ieMdrI vjoN kMm krdI hY. jy awgy koeI Kqrf hovy qF swp dI

    jIB vfr-2 bhuq qyjL rPLqfr nfl bfhr aMdr inkldI hY.

    jfpdf ieMJ hY ik ijvyN swp Quwk irhf hovy. pr swp kdy vI jLihr bfhr nhI Quwkdy aqy jy swp jIB lf dyvy qF koeI nuksfn nhIN huMdf. jdoN swp ny isLkfr qy Jwpt mfrnI huMdI hY qF jIB dI hrkq DImI pY jFdI hY. gMD dy bfhroN jIB rfhIN iekwTy kIqy kx ijs aMg ivc Byjy jFdy hn AusnUM jYkobsn aMg df nF idwqf igaf hY. swp dI jIB bhuq hI vwD sMvydnsLIl huMdI hY. iesdI shfieqf nfl hI Auh afpxy sfQI dI Bfl krdf hY aqy keI mIl dI dUrI qwk pfxI dI hoNd bfry vI ies jIB dy rfhIN hI swp nUM jfxkfrI iml jFdI hY.

    ?ijs ivakqI dI afvjL typ qy irkfrz krnI huMdI hY Auh ivakqI mfeIkroPon dy nyVy boldf hY. mfeIkroPon ies avfjL nUM ibjlI Dfrf ivwc bdl idMdf hY. ieh ibjlIDfrf Gwt huMdI hY ies leI iewk aYNplIPfier duafrf ies nUM vDfieaf jFdf hY. hux ies ibjlI Dfrf nUM lohy dy tukVy AuWpr lpytI qfr ivwc dI lMGfieaf jFdf hY qF lohy df tukVf cuMbk bx jFdf hY. ies df cuMbkI pRBfv bdlI hoeI afvfjL nfl vDdf Gtdf rihMdf hY. hux cuMbkI pdfrQ afiern

    afksfeIz vflI typ iewk ibjlI dI motr duafrf ies cuMbk dy ivwc lMGfeI jFdI hY. ies qrHF afvfjL typ qy cuMbkI Kyqr dy rUp ivwc aMikq ho jFdI hY. jdoN ies typ nUM suxnf huMdf hY qF iewk cuMbkI Kyqr nfl ibjlI Dfrf pYdf kIqI jFdI hY. ieh

    ibjlI Dfrf afvfjL ivwc bdlI jFdI hY. ies nUM iPr aYNplIPfeI krky lfAUz spIkr ivwc Byj idwqf jFdf hY. ies qrHF ieh typ ivwc drjL afvfjL sfnUM suxfeI idMdI hY.

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  • The Abbotsford Arts Council and the University of the Fraser Valley Present Momentum, the Visual Arts Diploma Graduating Student Exhibition of 2013

    The Abbots ford Arts Council an-nounces its next show at the Kariton Art Gallery: Momentum, showcasing artwork by students graduating from the University of the Fra-ser Valley in 2013 with a diploma in visual arts. The exhibition highlights the different disciplines used by students during the completion of the two-year diploma. Seven artists will be featured in the exhibition, including:

    a.. Jenni Boldt, present-ing a collection of acrylic paintings on canvas titled An Intimate Sorrow, expressing a personal experience of grief after a significant loss;

    b.. Kinsey Knights, showing sculpture pieces that are everyday objects with a new twisted fate;

    c.. Xiao Liu, exhibiting photographs that portray people rejected by so-ciety;

    d.. Ashleigh Miller, whose work focuses on portraiture and works with a variety of painting materials and sizes;

    e.. Jeff Rasmussen, an interdisciplinary artist showing Visions of the Future, a collection of work that incorporates sculpture, video and digi-tal ink media;

    f.. Carolin deChamplain, revealing the process of printmaking by showing the printing plate along with the mirrored print it produces; and

    g.. Laurie Cazander, making use of the gallery walls with her installation project.

    The show will run from March 8 to April 2 at the Kariton Art Gallery, located in Mill Lake Park at 2387 Ware Street. The gallerys hours are Tues-day to Friday from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m., and Satur-day to Sunday from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The artists will be present at an opening reception on Sunday, March 10, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. For addi-tional information, please contact the Abbotsford Arts Council by phone at (604) 852-9358, by email at [email protected], or visit our website at abbotsfor-dartscouncil.org.

    About the Abbotsford Arts Council

    Established in 1972, the Abbotsford Arts Council acts as a resource for lo-cal artists while promot-

    One of Canadas best, right on your doorstep.


    ufv.ca/cicsLearn more.

    ing the vision, creativity, and energy of the Abbots-ford community through the arts. We consist of members, volunteers and directors representing di-verse artistic, economic, and cultural interests of

    community members of all ages. We showcase the talents of local artists at the Kariton Art Gallery and at a number of events throughout the year in-cluding the Envision Concert Series, the Arty

    Awards and the Christ-mas Artisan Gift Fair. To learn more about the Abbotsford Arts Council, visit our website at ab-botsfordartscouncil.org.

    Friday, March 8th, 2013PAGE 10Punjabi Patrika

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  • Limited time only! Get up to a $75 in-store credit on select smartphones.

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    AvailableMarch 8th to 12th

    COME CHECK US OUT!#116 - 3250 Mt. Lehman Rd, Abbotsford604.857.2355

    Friday, March 8th, 2013 PAGE 11Punjabi Patrika

    PAGE 11

  • 2 mfrc 2013 nUM nOrQ zYltf sYkMzrI skUl ivc nfd PfAUNzysLn vwlo sfihqk gIqF dI iek sLfm df pRbMD kIqf igaf. gfiek ggndIp isMG ny qrlok jwj, surjIq pfqr , ivjya ivvyk qy hrmn vrgy sLfierF dy rcy gIq pysL kIqy. ggndIp isMG ny pRo pUrn isMG dI KuwlHI kivqf nUM gf ky sRoiqaF nUM hYrfn kr idwqf. ggndIp isMG dy nfl nfd PfAUNzysLn dy sMgIq aiDafpk amrjIq isMG, zf[brUs hfrizMg, lyitn pYWk,

    sYNzI Kihrf qy bljIq isMG ny pRBfvsLflI sMgIq idwqf. ies mOky ` qy gfiek ggndIp isMG dy gIqF dI sI zI dsqk vI lok arpx kIqI geI, ijs ivc gurdyv isMG mfn, pRo[ mohn isMG, zf[hrBjn isMG, iqRlok isMG jwj, hrmn aqy isLv kumfr btflvI dy gIqF nUM bol idwqy gey hn. ies sI zI df sMgIq zf[ brUs hfrizMg, lyitn pYWk, koc sMDU, amrjIq isMG, sYNzI Kihrf, dIpk sLrmf, mfsI EsmfnI qy bljIq isMG ny iqafr kIqf hY.

    '' -

    mfrc 1-2 nUM hoeI sfry bI[ sI[ dI kusLqI cYNpIanisLwp ivwc mIrI pIrI dy hoxhfr pihlvfnF ny afpxy-afpxy Bfr vrg ivwc mwlF mfrIaF.

    ivktorIaf qy nnfiemo ivwc pYNdy Coty ijhy sLihr zkn ky ivwc ies sfl 2013 bI[ sI[ cYNpIan isLwp df ijMmf ilaf. ies sLihr dI KUbsUrqI ny vI vwK-vwK sLihrF qoN afey bI[ sI[ dy pihlvfnF df vI mn moh ilaf. ijs ivwc afpxy aYbtsPorz dy ivwc cldf kusLqI aKfVf mIrI pIrI rYsilMg klwb dy pihlvfnF ny vI afpxy bI[ sI[ dy pihlvfnF dy nfl pMjf lVfieaf, jIhdy ivwc mIrI pIrI dy BlvfnF ny 6 qgmy ijwqy. iehnF dy koc suwcf isMG mfn df kihxf hY ik mIrI pIrI dy Coty Bfr dy pihlvfnF ny ies cYNpIan isLwp ivwc kmfl hI kr idKfieaf. 41 iklo Bfr vrg ivwc mukfblf dyKx vflf sI ijs dy ivwc mIrI pIrI df pihlvfn nvdIp qUr qy ipCly sfl df bI[ sI[ cYNpIan pihlvfn kYmrn hfeIk iehnF dy ivwc mukfblf bhuq rOckdfr sI. sfZy iqMn imMtF dy ksLmksL dy bfad ivwc nvdIp qUr ny dUjy pihlvfn dI ipwT lgf idwqI qy golz mYzl ijwiqaf. 70 iklo Bfr vrg ivwc hoxhfr jsitn ny arsdIp atvfl nUM vI tfeIm qoN pihlF puwTf kr idwqf. afpxy gly ivwc sony dy qgmy df mfn pRfpq kIqf 84 iklo Bfr vrg ivwc ipCly 5 sfl qoN ijwqdy af rhy jobn

    Pulky ny iksy nUM kusLqI dy mYdfn ivwc KMgx nhIN idwqf, jo vI sfhmxy afieaf sfiraF nUM idny qfry idKf idwqy. jobn ny ies Bfr vrg ivwc iksy vI iek pihlvfn nUM aMk nhIN lYx idwqf, sfry aMk afpxI hI jyb ivwc pfeI igaf. iesy qrHF ipCly sfl dy Western Canada dy jyqU pihlvfn rfjn igwl ny vI jwdo-jihd dy bfad 90 iklo dy ivwc cFdI df qgmf ijwiqaf. ipCly sfl df kYnyzf cYNpIan dybU pUryvfl ny vI afpxIaF kusLqI dIaF qknIkF vrqIaF qy cFdI df qgmf ijwiqaf. dybU pUryvfl ipCly idnF qoN hwQ dI swt dy nfl jLKmI sI pr iPr vI Aus ny PfeInl mukfbly qwk phuMcx df hOslf kIqf ies qrHF Auhdy pRYkits pfrtnr suKmn iswDU ny vI ipCly idnF qoN cldI af rhI gozy dI swt dy bfvjUd vI qFby df qgmf ijwiqaf qy sfiraF qoN Cotf pihlvfn isMG srdfr jskrn isMG iswDI awTvIN klfs df ividafrQI ny vI do kusLqIaF ijwq ky swqvyN sQfn qy irhf. idwlI hnUmfn aKfVy dy pihlvfn koc suwcf isMG mfn df kihxf hY ik jI qoV imhnq dy nfl ieh mwlF mfrIaF ik mYnUM AumId hY ik ieh nOjvfn muMzy ies qrHF hI afAux vfly smyN ivwc vwzIaF vwzIaF mwlF mfrngy. mIrI pIrI kusLqI aKfVy dy pRDfn srdfr kulivMdr kUnr df kihxf hY ik aKfVf iesy qrHF cVHdI klf ivwc rhy.

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  • B.C. launches elder abuse prevention strategy

    British Columbia today launched a strategy outlining short- and long-term mea-sures to prevent, recognize and respond to elder abuse in British Columbia.

    Protecting seniors from all forms of abuse is a priority for myself and for our government, said Minister of State for Se-niors Ralph Sultan, With this collaborative strategy, we hope to bring about a positive change where all British Columbians are involved in protecting seniors from abuse and creating a culture where older adults are respected in every way.

    Elder abuse may be physi-cal or sexual, psychologi-cal or emotional, or finan-cial. It can be at the hands of a spouse, an adult child or other family member, a caregiver, a service pro-vider, or other person in a position of trust or situa-tion of dependency. Abuse can take place in a seniors home, a care facility and in the community.

    Actions outlined in the strategy entitled Together to Reduce Elder Abuse B.C.s Strategy include:

    o Expanding the Seniors Abuse and Information Line. Longer hours will make it easier for people to get information, advice, emotional support and assistance with respect to elder abuse by calling 604 437-1940 or toll free 1 866-437-1940.

    o Providing information kits to help community groups, front-line service providers and individuals recognize elder abuse and encourage individuals to have the confidence to speak out or to ask for as-sistance.

    o Establishing a multi-sector Council to Reduce Elder Abuse, responsible

    for galvanizing society to commit to taking action to prevent elder abuse.

    o The council will be supported by an office, located within the Seniors Directorate in the Min-istry of Health that will also be responsible for co-ordinating implementa-tion of the strategy across government.

    o Reviewing processes and staff training for in-formed consent to care, including moving into a residential care facility and use of restraints, to ensure that the rights of vulner-able adults are protected.

    o Supporting training and awareness-building initia-tives for health profession-als and others to improve their ability to recognize abuse and to take appropri-ate action.

    Areas for work on longer term actions are identified in the strategy and will be prioritized as the initial phases of the strategy are evaluated and renewed.

    Elder abuse is, unfor-tunately, happening all across Canada, said Mar-tha Jane Lewis, executive director, BC Centre for Elder Advocacy and Sup-port. Together to Reduce Elder Abuse B.C.s Strat-egy will provide extra sup-ports for those who need help and create a culture change to help make elder abuse a thing of the past.

    The total cost committed to specifically supporting the strategy is just under $1 million. This funding includes $850,000 funded through the Provincial Health Services Author-ity to support the Seniors Abuse and Information Line, $100,000 for infor-mation kits and $37,500 to the National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly to support an elder abuse prevalence study.

    The B.C. government last year provided $1.4 mil-lion to the BC Association of Community Response Networks. This investment provided extra support for prevention and education activities, in collaboration with local stakeholders, to reduce elder abuse and neglect in B.C. There is currently Community Re-sponse Network activity in over 70 communities around the province and the number is growing.

    This collaborative strat-egy supports grassroots efforts to help educate, prevent and ultimately end elder abuse, said Sherry Baker, executive director of the BC Association of Community Response Networks. The BC Com-munity Response Network applauds the provincial governments commit-ment to make B.C. com-munities safer for their most vulnerable.

    Developing a strategy to prevent, identify and re-spond to elder abuse is a commitment in Improv-ing Care for BC Seniors: An Action Plan and also supports B.C.s 10-year mental health and sub-stance use plan, Healthy Minds, Healthy People. It was also part of B.C.s Family Agenda and was emphasized in the 2013 throne speech.

    Protecting vulnerable se-niors from elder abuse is a key component of B.C.s Family Agenda for British Columbia. To learn more, visit: www.familiesfirstbc.ca

    For more information on preventing elder abuse and Together to Reduce Elder Abuse B.C.s Strat-egy, please visit: www.seniorsbc.ca/elderabuse

    Friday, March 8th, 2013 PAGE 15Punjabi Patrika

    PAGE 15

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    pMjfbI sihq sBf aYbtszorz dI mfisk imlxI imwqI 3 mfrc 2013 nUM sBf dI pRDfn bIbI gurbcn kOr iZwloN dI pRDfngI hyT aqy sBf dy koafrzInytr igafnI kyvl isMG inrdo dI idsLf inrdysLnf hyT Kflsf dIvfn sosfietI aybtszorz gurU Gr dI lfiebryrI ivwc hoeIijs ivwc 26 dy krIb mYNbrF ny ihwsf ilafies ivwc pMjfbI XfqrUaF nUM eyarlfeInF ivwc af rhIaf drpy muklF vfry gMBIr ivcfrF hoeIaFigafnI kyvl isMG inrdo ny suJfa py kIqf ik iewk vwKrI mIitMg ivwc iekwly iekwly lyKk vfry jfnx df mOkf idwqf jfvyijs df sfry mYbrF ny iek mq hoky svfgq kIqfigafnI kyvl isMG inrdo ny srdfr hrpfl isMG lwKf vfry sMKyp ivwc jfxkfrI idwqIies dy nfl hI pRo[ gurmIq isMG itvfxf ny qyjf isMG iqlk nUM sBf dy mYbrF nfl imlfieaf. kmlpRIq kOr igwl nUM vI sBf dy mYbrF vwlo jI afieaF ikhf igafies qo bfad kivqfvF dy dOr ivwc mhUr jlgo mihmf isMG qUr ny jl ibKVf pYzF dUr bVf suxfeIigafnI kyvl isMG inrdo ny jl aOrq dy cfr rUp sFJI kIqIpRo[ gurmIq isMG itvfxf ny kuJ kImqI gwlF sFJIaF kIqIaFjsvMq kOr ivrk ny kivqf hOkf vy suxfeI bIbI gurbcn kOr iZwlo ny pMjfbI bolI qy kivqf sFJI kIqI kmlpRIq kOr igwl ny pMjfbI bolI vfry kivqf

    suxfeImnbIr isMG mIlU ny gIq vqnF dI imwtI qrMnm ivwc suxfieafgurbK isMG Zwt ny iewk nm byVI ny kMZy nhI lfAuxf aqy surjIq isMG shoqf ny qyrf nfm jd suixaf Auh KVy ho gey aqy nf Ku ho asI hfly Bwjy nhI suxfeIaFqyjf isMG iqlk ny gIq dUjI vfr df ivdfvf qrMnm ivwc suxfieafhfkm isMG sfgr ny gIq gurdfs nMgl dy sLhId suxfieaf sR[ kuldIp isMG syKo ny gIq iewk dI joq sfJF kIqfbldyv isMG Bfgsr ny ihMdosqfn ivwc PYlI ihMsF vfry jl suxfeIgurivMdr isMG DflIvfl ny ikhf ik 16 mfrc nUM ieMzIaf bYkuiet hfl srI ivwc gdr lihr dy sMbMD ivwc sYmInfr ho irhf hY gurpRIq isMG cihl ny gIq qIrQF qy nfAux vfilAu suxfieafmhUr gIqkfr aqy gfiek sqivMdr isMG iswDU ny kynYzf dy pRDfn mMqrI sRI stIPn hfrpr vwlo khy bd ik iswKF nUM awqvfdI kihx vfly sO vfr socx dy sMbMD ivwc aMgryjLI ivwc ilKI kivqf suxfeIaKIr ivwc sR[ hrpfl iMG lwKf ny gIq ivwc kynYzf pMjfbI bolF qrMnm ivwc suxfieafaMq ivwc sBf dI pRDfn aqy koafrzInytr ny sB mYbrF df DMnvfd kIqfsBf dI aglI imlxI apYRl 7 nUM hovygI

    pRYs skwqr:- gurpRIq isMG cihl


    (:) CA

    pMjfbI sfihq sBf aYbtsPorz (rijL:) dI PrvrI mhIny dI mIitMg gurdvfrf sfihb dIvfn susfietI sfAUQ PryjLrvy ivKy hoeI.

    ivwCVy sfihqkfrF nUM sLrDFjlI qoN bfad kivqf dOr sLurU hoieaf ijs ivwc surjIq isMG awcrvfl, gurdyv, buwtr, bldyv sIhrf, jgrUp igwl, bldyv suwKI rozy, gurmyl brfV qy hrpRIq iZwloN ny bldyv sIhrf dI gLjLl qyrI AuzIk `c qrwnm `c pysL kIqI. tI[ vI[ host arcnf jI ny sfrI kfrvfeI rIkfrz kIqI,

    jo ik afpxI avfjL tI[ vI[ pRogrfm `c pysL kIqI geI. drsLkF dy qOr qy, rijMdrpfl, bhfdr isMG qy surjIq isMG bdysLf sLfml hoey. sBf dy bhuqy mYNbr, pvn igwlF vflf, surjIq klsI, hkUmq isMG inwJr, mfstr mlkIq isMG ieMzIaf PyrI qy hn. aglI mfrc dI mIitMg 31 mfrc nUM hovygI.

    hor jfxkfrI leI gurdyv buwtr 855-6737 jF bldyv suKI nUM 758-1427 qy Pon kr skdy ho.

    Friday, March 8th, 2013PAGE 16Punjabi Patrika

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  • idwlI dy smUihk blfqkfr kFz AuprMq aOrqF ivrwuD jurmF sbMDI AuWTI afvfjL df iewk hFdrU pwK ieh sfhmxy afieaf hY ik aijhf mfhOl pYdf krn vfly klfkfr iKLlfPL jn-cyqnf pRcMz hox lwgI hY. lKnAU dy iewk afeI[pI[aYs[ aiDkfrI aimqfB Tfkur duafrf rYpr qy sMgIqkfr hnI isMG ivruwD aOrqF pRqI ieqrfjLXog,asLlIl aqy BvkfAU gIq gfAux sbMDI kys drj krvfAux nfl lwcr gfiekI ivruwD iewk jyhfd KVHf ho igaf hY. ihMdI lyKk klpnf msLIr, nfmvr pwqrkfr brKf dwq, vIr isMGvI, inrUpmf dwq aqy AuWGy gfiek gurdfs mfn smyq anykF buwDIjIvIaF aqy smfijk sMsQfvF ny swiBafcfrk pRdUsLx PYlfAux vfly lyKkF, gfiekF aqy klfkfrF nUM smfijk mfx-mirafdf ` c rihx dI apIl krdy hoey srkfr nUM Xog kdm cuwkx leI ikhf hY. iesqrI jfigRqI mMc pMjfb ny jlMDr ivc ivvfdF `c iGry gfiek klfkfr hnI isMG df puqlf PUk ky asLlIl gfiekI ivruwD lihr nUM hor hulfrf idwqf hY. nvF sLihr siQq smfjsyvI sMsQf hYlp ny ijLlHf pulIs muwKI nUM hnI isMG ivruwD kys drj krn leI isLkfieq drj krvfeI hY. sLosLl sfeItF ` qy ienHF gfiekF ivruwD pRqIkrmF df hVH af igaf hY. ijLkrXog hY ik hnI isMG ny 2012 ivwc XU-itAUb dy 10 pRcilq vIzIEjL `coN sB qoN AuWpr QF bxfeI sI aqy ihMdI iPLlm kfktyl aqy iKlfVI 786 ivwc vI gIq gfey hn. hfl hI ivwc Aus duafrf gfey aqy iPLlmfey gey keI asLlIl gIqF ny lokF ivwc BfrI roh pYdf kIqf hY. ies gwusy qoN Gbrfey hnI isMG

    ny afpxI ipClI gLlqI svIkfr kridaF hux sB kuJ TIk-Tfk krn df dfavf kIqf hY pr aswiBak gfiekI ivruwD pRqIkrm rukx df nF nhIN lY irhf.

    ies gwl ivwc koeI do rfie nhIN hY ik smfj ivwc aOrqF ivruwD vD rhy jurmF df hornF qoN ielfvf iewk muwK kfrn swiBafcfrk pRdUsLx df vDxf hY. asLlIl gfiekI, iPLlmF qoN tI[vI[sIrIal `c nMgyjL, aOrq-mrdF df asmfijk pihrfvf, ieMtrnYWt/sosLl sfeItF dI durvrqoN aqy pwCmI pRBfv hyT aOrq-mrd sbMDF ivwc afeI sImf-rihq KuwlH ky BfrqI swiBafcfrk mfx-mirafdf df Gfx kr idwqf hY. ienHF kfrn pYdf hoey smfijk vfqfvrn ny mnuwKI mfniskqf nUM bImfr krky rwK idwqf hY ijs df iswtf aOrqF ivruwD jurmF, bjLurgF dy apmfn aqy smfijk kdrF-kImqF dy inGfr dy rUp ivwc sfhmxy af irhf hY. ieh sfry qwq swiNBafcfr df sLosLx krn lwgy hoey hn. smfijk kdrF-kImqF Buwl ky hnI isMG ijhy gfiek GtIaf gfiekI aqy aYksLn shfry rfqo-rfq supr stfr bx ky kroVpqI bxn dI hoV ivwc lwgy hoey hn. ies sB kuJ ipwCy pUMjIvfdI qfkqF df hwQ hox qoN vI ienkfr nhIN kIqf jf skdf. srmfeydfr qfkqF aijhy kfrjF rfhIN aiswDy rUp ivwc swiBafcfr nUM pRdUisLq krky lokF dI axK dI Dfr nUM KUMZI krdIaF hn qF jy AunHF ivwco luwt-Ksuwt ivruwD jhfd krn df mfdf KLqm ho jfvy. nOjvfn pIVHI nUM pRdUisLq swiBafcfr rfhIN vrglfAuxf sOKf huMdf hY aqy Auh aCoply ijhy

    ieh kfrj kr rhIaF jfpdIaF hn. hnI isMG vrgy gfiek jfxy-axjfxy pUMjIvfdI qfkqF dy aijhy mnsUibaF dy hwQ Toky bx ky smfijk kdrF-kImqF nUM lIro-lIr kr rhy hn. ienHF nUM nf hI rYp sMgIq dy ipCokV df pqf hY aqy nf hI hI ies dy aslI arQF df. rYp sMgIq aPLrIkI lokF df dwuK-drdF df pRgtfvf krn vflI strIt sMgIq vMngI dy rUp ivwc sLurU hoieaf sI ijs nUM bfad ivwc amrIkf dI pUMjIvfdI srkfr ny gumrfhkuMn swiBafcfr dy sfDn vjoN vrqxf surU kr idwqf. awj-kwlH sfzI nOjvfn pIVHI ies df isLkfr bx rhI hY.

    hnI isMG aqy aijhy hor gfiek, klfkfr aqy AunHf dy hmfieqI BfvyN AunHF ivruwD AuWT rhI afvfjL nUM ivcfrF dy pRgtfvy dI afjLfdI `qy Cfpf mfrn dI dlIl dy rhy hn pr afpxy hwkF dI gwl kridaF Auh smfijk ijLMmyvfrI qoN Bwj nhIN skdy. lyKkF/klfkfrF df PLrjL smfj nUM syD dyxf huMdf hY nf ik kurfhy pfAux df . cMigafeI nUM vizafAuxf aqy burfeI nMU CuitafAuxf nf kyvl AunHF dI ijLMmyvfrI hY blik PLrjL vI hY. ijhVf gIq-sMgIq Gr pirvfr ` c bYT ky suixaf vyiKaf nhIN jf skdf , Auh lok pwKI nhIN ho skdf aqy ies nfl nYiqk igrfvt afAux qoN ienkfr nhIN kIqf jf skdf . sOVy vpfrk aqy pUMjI-vDfAU mMqvF leI smfijk kdrF-kImqF df Gfx krn dI afigaf iksy vI lyKk jF klfkfr nUM nhIN idwqI jf skdI. jmhUrI rfj pRbMD ivwc iksy vI nfgirk nUM ivcfrF dy pRgtfvy dI afjLfdI iewk insLicq sImf

    aqy ijMLmyvfrI dI Bfvnf aDIn hI huMdI hY nf ik mnmfnIaF krky dUijaF dI suwK sFqI Kohx leI lyKkF, gIqkfrF aqy klfkfrF nUM afpxI smfijk ijLMmyvfrI smJxI cfhIdI hY aqy koeI vI aijhI kfrvfeI nhIN krnI cfhIdI ijs nfl smfijk kdrF-kImqF nUM Zfa lwgy.

    lwcr gfiekI ivruwD AuWTI afvfjL dyr nfl sLurU hoeI drusq kfrvfeI khI jf skdI hY. srkfr nUM vI ies pRqIkrm nfl jfgxf cfhIdf hY. iPLlm sYNsr borz vFg sfry rfjF ivwc gfiekI sbMDI vI sYNsr borz bxfey jfx dI jLrUrq hY. jnqk QfvF aqy bws ivwc asLlIl gIq-sMgIq aqy vIzIE clfAux `qy mukMml pfbMdI lfAux dI loV hY. smfj AuWqy burf pRBfv pfey jfx vfly gIq-sMgIq AuWpr jy mukMml pfbMdI lfAuxI sMBv nhIN qF ey vrg dIaF iPLlmF vFg tI[vI[ aqy hor sfDnF AuWpr clfAux df smF jLrUr inrDfrq kIqf jf skdf hY qF jo bwcy aqy afm lokF nUM mwlomwlI ieh imwTf jLihr nf iplfieaf jf sky. Dfrimk aqy smfijk sMsQfvF nUM lok-ivroDI gIq-sMgIq ivruwD jmhUrI ZMg nfl afvfjL AuTf ky jn-cyqnf pYdf krnI cfhIdI hY. GtIaf gIq-sMgIq nUM huMGfrf dyx qoN guryjL kIqy jfx dI loV hY. ishqmMd swiBafcfr hI aOrqF aqy bjLurgF df snmfn df jfmn ho skdf hY. ajy vI zuwly byrF df kuJ nhIN ivgiVaf. lok cyqnf ivksq krky asLlIl gfiekI dy durpRBfvF qoN bwicaf jf skdf hY. smUihk XqnF qoN bgYr asLlIl gfiekI nUM TwlH pYxI sOKI nhIN jfpdI.

    svrn isMG tihxfFriday, March 8th, 2013 PAGE 17

    Punjabi Patrika

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  • $1.6 M for LiveSmart BC Small Business program

    The $1.6-million LiveSmart BC: Small Business program will be extended another year, until March 31, 2014 announced Rich Cole-man, Minster of Energy, Mines and Natu-ral Gas and Naomi Yamamoto, Minister of State for Small Business.

    This successful program, launched in January 2011, will continue to help British Columbia small businesses save energy and money by making energy efficient improvements such as replac-ing incandescent bulbs with LED bulbs.

    The program has served over 10,000 British Columbia businesses, helping them save 150 gigawatt-hours of elec-tricity or enough to power 13,500 homes for one year. It has also saved over 1,620 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions, the equivalent of taking 306 vehicles off of the road.

    Small businesses who are interested in making energy efficient improvements

    can contact a business energy advi-sor near them. There are currently 15 LiveSmart BC business energy advisors throughout the province, working out of organizations like local chambers of commerce. Energy advisors guide small business owners through the process of energy efficiency upgrades. They deliver free energy assessments to determine what upgrades are needed and help small business owners understand and find available product incentives and cash re-bates. They also help co-ordinate energy efficient product installation.

    A request for proposals for organizations to host business energy advisors will be posted on the BC Bid site until March 13, 2013

    Funding will be provided to organiza-tions, like chambers of commerce, in-dustry associations or local governments, to hire, manage and support these energy advisors.

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  • King Road Industrial FireOn Monday, MARCH 4, 2013, the Abbotsford Fire Rescue Service (AFRS) responded to a report of a smoke and fire showing from a warehouse unit at 33733 King Rd.

    On arrival, AFRS crews found a large industrial complex with smoke and fire coming from one of the units. Fire crews on arrival made an aggressive attack from the exterior allowing them to gain access and contain the fire to the single unit.

    Nine units were dispatched to the incident and 34 firefighters attend-

    ed the incident. BC Hydro, Fortis Gas, Abbotsford Police (APD) and BCAS all attended the scene.

    Currently the fire is under investi-gation. Members from AFRS and APD are still on scene. Cause for the fire is unknown.

    The total fire loss was estimated at more than $30,000.00, but could climb once the owners are able to enter and assess the damages. The warehouse unit contained art supplies.

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  • nON julfeI 2012 nUM asfm dI rfjDfnI guhftI ivwc iewk aijhI rmnfk Gtnf nUM aMjfm idwqf igaf, ijs ny rfjnIqk aqy smfijk pRbMD AuWqy svflIaf icMnH lfAuNdy hoey BfrqI smfj nUM vI rmsfr kr idwqf hY. iewk skUlI lVkI nUM ihr dy BrvIN abfdI vfly ielfky ivwc guMizaF dy iewk smUh ny ryafm PVky CyVKfnI kIqI. AunHF doIaF ny sfrI Gtnf dI vIizE bxf ky XU-itAUb AuWqy pf idwqI, ijs nfl lokF dIaF awKF PtIaF dIaF PtIaF rih geIaF. roh ivwc afey lokF ny srkfr aqy pRfsn nUM kosxf sLurU kr idwqf ijs nfl asfm pRfsn aqy puils vI afKr nUM hrkq ivwc af hI geI aqy iPr iqMn idnF bfad (13 julfeI) nUM AunHF ny cfr doIaF

    nUM igRPqfr kr ilaf hY. aOrqF nfl ieho ijhf iGnfAuxf vqIrf iekwlI asfm dI Gtnf nhIN hY. ieho ijhf vihIafnf vqIrf 31 dsMbr 2011 nUM guVgfEN dy shfrf mfl dy sfhmxy lgpg 500 ivakqIaF dI mOjUdgI ivwc vfpiraf sI ijs kys ivwc pulIs ny bhuq afnfkfnI qoN bfad aYP[ afeI[ afr[ drj kIqI sI.

    AuWqr pRdy dy bfgpq ilHy dI iewk pMcfieq ny aOrqF nfl huMdI ihMsf dy vfDy nUM dyKdy hoey afpxy ipMz dIaF aOrqF leI iewk Kfs Prmfn jfrI kIqf hY. ies Prmfn rfhIN pMcfieq ny 40 sfl qoN Gwt Aumr dIaF aOrqF leI iekwly bffr jfx aqy ipMz ivwc qy Gr qoN bfhr mobfeIl Pon dI vrqoN AuWqy pfbMdI lf idwqI hY aqy aOrqF nUM

    zf: guirMdr kOrhmyF isr Zwk ky rwKx dI sKq hdfieqI vI kIqI hY. pMcfieq ny ies nUM nf mMnx dI sUrq ivwc sKq sf dyx df hukm vI suxfieaf hY. pMcfieq anusfr AunHF ny ieh Prmfn ies leI jfrI kIqf hY ikAuNik bffr ivwc kuVIaF nUM muMzy CyVdy hn. ies qrHF dI CyV-CfV ivwc ksUr qF muMizaF df huMdf hY pr hmyf ikMjf aOrqF AuWqy hI kisaf jFdf hY. aijhf vqIrf asl ivwc sdIaF purfxf hY aqy Aujfgr rUp ivwc aijhIaF rmnfk GtnfvF sfzy sfhmxy afAuNdIaF rihMdIaF hn. iewkHIvIN sdI dy Bfrq ivwc hr iewk GMty ivwc lgpg 18 aOrqF iksy nf iksy ihMsf df ikfr huMdIaF hn. ies df sB qoN iBafnk pwK qF ieh hY ik Bfrq ivwc aOrqF AunHF QFvF AuWqy vI asurwiKaq hn ijhVIaF QFvF AunHF leI sB qoN vwD surwiKaq hoxIaF cfhIdIaF hn. irAUtr PfAUNzyn vwloN dunIaF Br ivwc krvfeI geI rfieumfrI dy anusfr Bfrq aOrqF dy rihx leI dunIaF df drjy pwKoN cOQf Kqrnfk dy hY ikAuNik iewQy aOrqF nfl sbMDq jLurm AunHF dy jnm lYx qoN pihlF hI sLurU ho jFdy hn aqy iMdgI dy hr pVfa AuWqy AunHF nfl-nfl cldy hoey mrn qk AunHF dy nfl jFdy sn. bVy aPsos dI gwl hY ik aOrqF nfl sbMDq hr qrHF dy jLurmF ivwc bVI qyI nfl vfDf ho irhf hY. dy dy nYnl krfeIm irkfrz ibAUro dI irport anusfr 2008 ivwc ieh aMkVf 1,95,857 sI ijhVf 2011 ivwc vD ky 2,28,650 ho igaf hY ijMnF ivwc 42,968 kys aOrqF nfl CyVKfnI krn dy, 35,565 kys aOrqF nUM gYrknUMnI KrIdx-vycx aqy cuwkx dy, 24,206 kys blfqkfr dy aqy 8570 kys isrP ijxsI CyV-CfV dy hn. bhuq sfry mfmly qF drjL hI nhIN huMdy.

    aOrqF nfl sbMDq juLrmF dy bhuq sfry kfrn hn ijnHF ivwcoN sB qoN pihlf aqy vwzf kfrn smfj dI inGrI hoeI soc, mrI hoeI mfniskqf aqy rUh-ivhUxI nYiqkqf hY. guhftI aqy guVgfEN dy kysF ivwc aOrqF nfl CyV-CfV iksy suMnsfn QF AuWqy nhIN hoeI, ieh qF BIV-BVwky vflI QF AuWqy ryafm 100 qoN 500 lokF dy sfhmxy hoeI hY pr AuWQy KVy hoey lok rfPq df colf pf ky iewk bwcI dI byvsI aqy guMizaF dI vihIaq df qmff cuwpcfp dyKdy rhy. kI asIN iesy nUM BfrqI smfj dIaF AuWcIaF kdrF-kImqF kihMdy hF? jF ieh aKOqI rfPq df iGnfAuxf swc hY? lfhnq hY aijhI rfPq aqy BfrqI smfj dIaF aKOqI AuWcIaF kdrF kImqF AuWqy ijhVI iewk byvs bwcI nUM bcf nhIN skI. kf! jy ieh BIV socdI ik pIVq bwcI AunHF dI hI hY.

    mF-bfp nUM afpxy puwqF nUM aOrqF dI iewq krn aqy bxdf siqkfr dyx bfry iswiKaq krnf cfhIdf hY. jy mF-bfp afpxy puwqF nUM iswiKaq nhIN krdy qF Auh afpxy qy afpxy bwicaF aqy smfj leI Kqrf pYdf kr rhy hn. hux jy guhftI vfly kys ivwc, doI muMizaF dy mF-bfp AunHF dI ies iGnfAuxI hrkq qoN bfad vI AunHF dy bcfa leI Auprfly krdy hn qF AunHF dy vI iensfn hox AuWqy lfhnq hY. ies sbMD ivwc dUjf kfrn pulIs dI iZwlI kfrgufrI hY. kyNdr vI aOrqF nfl sbMDq jurmF pRqI sMjIdf nhIN hY. sfl 2011 dI jngxnf qoN ieh qwQ AuBr ky sfhmxy afieaf sI ik sfzy dy ivwc Cy sfl qoN CotI Aumr dIaF bwcIaF dI igxqI lgfqfr GtdI jf rhI hY. lokF nUM afs sI ik hux srkfr kuVIaF dI igxqI vDfAux leI koeI sKq kdm cuwkygI pr

    Bfrq srkfr dy Xojnf kimn ny srkfr nUM pI[ aYn[ zI[ tI[ aYkt ivwc iZwl dyx dI isPfr kr idwqI. ies qoN pihlF jUn 2010 ivwc blfqkfr dy vDdy kysF nUM dyK ky Xojnf kimn ny aOrqF dI iewq df mfk AuzfAux vrgf iewk suJfa ryp mnI` dy rUp ivwc srkfr nUM idwqf sI. aOrqF nfl sbMDq jurmF dy kys lMmy arsy qk adflqF ivwc ltkdy rihMdy hn aqy bhuqy lok adflqF dI Kwjl-KuafrI qoN zrdy kys vfps hI lY lYNdy hn. ijhVy kys adflq ivwc cldy hn, AunHF ivwc kyvl iewk-cOQfeI doIaF nUM sf huMdI hY aqy Auh vI nf-mfqr hI hY. aOrqF nfl sbMDq jLurmF AuWqy kfbU pfAux leI srkfr nUM cfhIdf hY ik POrI qOr ` qy kfrvfeI krky doIaF nUM igRPqfr kIqf jfvy aqy Pfst trYk adflqF rfhIN doIaF nUM sKq sbk isKfAuxXog sfvF idwqIaF jfx ikAuNik ies qrHF dy jurmF nfl pIVq aOrq dy mOilk aiDkfrF df hnn hox dy nfl-nfl Aus dI mfx-mirafdf aqy mfniskqf vI burI qrHF pRBfivq huMdI hY. keI vfrI qF kuVIaF afpxf mfnisk sMquln hI Ko bYTdIaF hn. inaF pRxflI nfl sbMDq aiDkfrIaF nUM cfhIdf hY ik doIaF nUM bxdI sf idvfAux nhIN qF ieho ijhy vihI dirMdy pqf nhIN hor ikMnIaF aOrqF dI iMdgI nUM nrk bxf dyxgy.

    Bfrq ivwc jn-sMiKaf aqy aOrqF AuWqy ho rhy jurmF ivwc lgfqfr qy vfDy nUM iDafn ivwc rwKdy hoey pulIs dI igxqI ivwc loVINdf vfDf aqy Aus dI afDuink smyN ivwc kIqy jf rhy jurmF nUM kfbU krn leI ZukvIN tryinMg df pRbMD aqy pulIs dy kMm kfj ivwc rfjnIiqk dKl AuWqy pUrn lok lfAux dI loV hY. Gwt sMgIn jurmF dy sbMD ivwc sf pUrI krn qoN bfad vI ieho ijhy aprfDIaF nUM jnqk QFvF AuWqy jfx dI mnfhI hoxI cfhIdI hY. ies qoN ibnF ienHF aprfDIaF nUM iksy vI sUrq ivwc vfeIt-kflr` nOkrIaF aqy iksy vI qrHF dI srkfrI mdd dyx Aupr pUrn rok lfAux df pRbMD krnf cfhIdf hY. dy dIaF adflqF ivwc iswD hoey blfqkfr kysF dy sbMD ivwc qF aprfDIaF nUM Aumr kYd dI aijhI sf idwqI jfxI cfhIdI hY ik aprfDI afpxI iMdgI df afKrI sfh vI jylH ivwc hI lYx.

    glI-guaFZ, irqydfr, imwqr-dosqF nUM vI cfhIdf hY ik ieho ijhy vihIaF nUM smfijk kfrjF ijvyN ivafh, jnm-mrn afid mOikaF AuWqy GrF ivwc vVn nf idwqf jfvy Bfv purfixaF simaF vFg brfdrI ivwcoN Cyk idwqf jfxf cfhIdf hY. DIaF dy mfipaF nUM cfhIdf hY ik AunHF nUM svYrwiKaf leI iswiKaf idvfAux qF ik loV pYx AuWqy Auh afpxI rwiKaf afp kr skx. srkfr, smfj, pRfsn aqy inaF-pRxflI dy aiDkfrIaF aqy AuWc ahuidaF AuWqy bYTIaF aOrqF nUM cfhIdf hY ik aOrqF nfl huMdy ivqkry aqy jLurm ivruwD afvf AuTfAux aqy smfj ivwc aOrqF nUM AunHF df bxdf snmfn aqy sQfn idvfAux leI sMjIdgI nfl Auprfly krn. ieh kihxf aqkQnI nhIN hovygI ik aOrq mmqf dI mUrq, dieaf dI dyvI aqy blIdfn dyx dI ijAuNdI-jfgdI imsfl hY pr aOrq nUM jy ryafm iesy qrHF lIl kIqf jFdf irhf qF iewk idn iehI aOrq cMzI df rUp vI Dfrn kr skdI hY. ies leI sfnUM rl-iml ky smfj ivwc aOrqF pRqI ihMsf dI burfeI nUM dUr krn leI isr qoV Xqn krnf cfhIdf hY qF ik asIN iewk qMdrusq aqy cMgI soc vfly inwgr smfj dI isrjxf kr skIey.

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  • keI vfr ijLMdgI ivwc koeI sDfrx ijhI gwl hI iksy iensfn qy aYsf zUMGf asr kr jFdI hY ik Aus idn qoN bfad Ausdf ijLMdgI ijAUx df njLrIaf hI bdl jFdf hY aqy ijLMdgI df mksd pihlF ijhf sDfrx nhIN rihMdf. gwl dsMbr 2011 dI hY iewk idn dIsL syKoN jo ik pysLy vjoN iewk PotogRfPr hY afpxy aYbtsPorz ivcly Gr ivwc bYTI ieMtrnYWt qy aYvyN iewDrlIaF-EDrlIaF vYWbsfeItF qy njLr mfr rhI sI ik acfnk iewk iPlm iet iejL df grl qy ingHf peI. ieh iewk dsqfvyjLI iPlm sI jo ik dunIaF Br dIaF AunHF 20 kroV kuVIaF dI khfxI sI jo ik jF qF jMmx qoN pihlF hI kuwKF `c mfr idwqIaF geIaF, jy jMm peIaF qF glHy Guwt ky jF DrqI `c dwb ky pfr bulf idwqIaF qy jF Pyr GridaF ny cuwp-cupIqy iksy Drm duafry dy gyt qy cVHf ky mwQf tyk idwqIaF geIaF afid.

    ieh iPlm dIsL qy aYsf asr kr geI ik Aus dI ijLMdgI df Aus idn qoN bfad insLfnf hI hor df hor ho igaf. dIsL dI godI ` c suwqy pey Aus dy byty vwl dyKky Aus ny soicaf ik ikAuN aYny sohxy qy msUm bwicaF nUM AunHF dy afpxy hI mfpy mfr idMdy ny, isrP ies krky ikAuNik Auh muMzy nhIN sn? myrf ieh afpxf bytf jy kuVI huMdI qF mYN iehnUM Gwt ipafr krdI jF kdy suwtx bfry vI socdI? kdy vI nhIN, Auhny soicaf. iPr dunIaF Br `coN 20 kroV msUm bwcIaF df kI ksUr sI ik Auh mfr idwqIaF geIaF?

    ksUr krn j ogIaF qF ajy hoeIaF vI nhIN sn. iehnF svflF n y dIs L n U M JMjoV ky rwK idwqf. AusdI nINd hrfm ho geI.

    Ausy idn dIsL ny mn `c Dfr ilaf ies smwisaf nUM vDxoN rokx leI Auh kuJ krygI. bUMd-bUMd nfl smuMdr Brdy ny, so kI pqf AuhdI inwkI ijhI koisLsL vI koeI vwzf ienklfb lY afvy. pirvfr aqy dosqF nfl ivcfr sFJy kIqy, sB bhuq KusL hoey ik sfzy ivwcoN vI koeI AuWiTaf hY jo ies smwisaf nUM vDxoN rokygf. iksy ny dws pfeI ik jlMDr lfgy iek afsLrm hY jo bysLhfrf kuVIaF nUM sFBdf hY. Auh kuVIaF jo kuwK `c mrnoN qF bc geIaF pr AunHF afpxy hI mfipaF nUM Auh Bfr jfpIaF jo AunHF Gr `c nhIN rwKIaF.

    ieh afsLrm ieho ijhIaF byshfrf lvfirs kuVIaF df Gr hY. dIsL ny afsLrm nfl gwl krky iksy qrHF dI shfieqf phuMcfAux dI gwl CyVI qF AunHF dwisaf ik AuWQy hr Aumr dIaF kuVIaF hn qy AunHF nUM hr cIjL dI loV hY jo iewk Gr ivwc rihMdI kuVI nUM huMdI hY. dIsL dy Grdy pMjfb jf rhy sn. dIsL ny tIcf rwiKaf

    - ik iehnF kol iewk atYcI smfn df Br ky jlMDr Byjxf hY. pirvfr qy dosqF ny Aus dy AuWdm nUM aYnf mfx idwqf ik atYcI iewk dI bjfey cfr ho gey qy GridaF ny vI ikhf ik kuVI ny smfj nUM cMgf bxfAux leI pYr puwitaf hY, nFh nhIN krnI, sfry atYcI jfxgy BfvyN koloN pYsy dy ky hI iljfxy pYx. kuJ idnF bfad dIsL nUM afsLrm ivwcoN kuJ kuVIaF df DMnvfdI Pon afieaf, AunHF sB dy gwc Bry hoey sn. dIsL dIaF awKF vI KusLI `c Br afeIaF ik Aus dI koisLsL iksy arQ lwgI hY. hux Aus nUM iewk syD iml cuwkI sI, hwQ qy hwQ Dr ky bYTxf aOKf sI. mfrc 2012 ivwc ies nyk kfrj nUM

    awgy qorn leI iewk sMsQf bxfAux df inrxf kIqf aqy agsq 2012 ivwc dIsL ny sMsQf grlkfeINz bxf ky rijstr kr leI. huMgfrf aYnf jLbrdsq sI ik kuJ hI idnF ivwc sYNkVy lok sMsfr Br qoN ies sMsQf nfl juV gey aqy awj qwk hjLfrF hor juV cuwky hn.

    grlkfeINz df mksd sMsfr Br ivwc AunHF byksUr byshfrf kuVIaF dI shfieqf

    ggndIp isMG bdysLf

    (bfkI pMnf R12 qy)

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    Abbotsford students win wrestling medals, title at BC Championships

    Abbotsford wrestlers medal and WJ Mouat wins title at BC Provincial wrestling championships

    It was a successful weekend on the mats at the BC High School Wrestling Championships for athletes represent-ing five schools in the Abbotsford School District. WJ Mouat Hawks won their first Provincial Boys title - the third consecutive year an Abbotsford school has taken the boys provincial title.

    Hawks wrestlers won four individual medals, while wrestlers represent-ing Rick Hansen Secondary and Yale Secondary won two medals each and an Abbotsford Traditional Secondary wrestler medaled. One of the more remarkable results was Eugene Re-imer Middle Schools grade 8 student Navdeep Toor, competing at the high school level and facing competitors from grades 10, 11 and 12, winning gold in the 41 kg category. Six other boys and one girl from Abbotsford schools achieved top six finishes in the

    provincial competition, held in Duncan last weekend (March 1-3.)

    Three Abbotsford schools finished in the top ten in the boys competition: in addition to Mouats top placing, Rick Hansen was 5th and Yale finished 9th. No Abbotsford girls teams finished in top 10.

    Individual results:

    W J Mouat Secondary Amrit Benning 60 Kg Gold Nishan Randhawa 78 Kg Gold Austin Batra 84 Kg Silver Pavan Sangha 45 Kg Bronze

    Rick Hansen Secondary Joban Phulka 84kg Gold Justin Gill 70kg Gold

    Yale Secondary Matt Dignan 57kg Gold Devin Prewal 78kg Silver

    Abbotsford Traditional Secondary Sukhman Sidhu 78 kg Bronze

    Eugene Reimer Middle Navdeep Toor 41 kg Gold

  • sLhId Pfrm vrkrF, srbjIq kOr isWDU, amrjIq kOr bWl, suKivMdr kOr pUnIaf dI Xfd ivwc 10 mfrc, 2013 nUM 1[30 vjy bfad dupihr isvk plfjf (istI hfl aqy lfiebryrI dy ivckfr) kYNzl lfeIt ivjLl ho irhf hY| sfry BfeIcfry nUM puWjx dI apIl kIqI jFdI hY| ies smyN ieh vrnxXog hY ik 7 mfrc 2007 nUM hoey ies bhuq hI drdnfk hfdsy ivc aYbtsPorz dy iqMn Pfrm vrkrF dI mOq ho jfx dI gmgIn Kbr ny sB nUM

    JMjoV ky rWK idwqf sI| ies AuprMq Pfrm vrkrF dI rfeIz leI vrqy jFdy vhIklF dI syPtI bfry vI pRsLn icMn lWg igaf sI|

    ies kYNzl lfeIt ivjLl ivwc pirvfrk mYNbrF dy nfl, BfeIcfry dy numfieMdy, srkfr dy numfieMdy vI puWj rhy hn| ies ivjLl sbMDI hor jfxkfrI lYx leI jgjIq isMG isWDU nUM 604-825-7437 qy sMprk kIqf jf skdf hY|

    - A@

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  • fpU bpFq E` Yphg

    pfl ! afpxy ipqf jI nUM jLor dy ky afK, mYnUM pitafly lY ky cwlxf

    mYN afKFgf, qUM iPLkr nf kr.

    crn smJdf sI, ieh ipE pwuq dIaF pfxI mfrvIaF qswlIaF hn. Aus nUM XkIn nhIN afAuNdf sI, ijMnf icr BrqI nhIN krvf afAuNdy. jfgIrdfr nUM nf qF Auh jLor dy ky kih skdf sI aqy nf hI Aus ibnF hor koeI afsrf smJdf sI. iewk KLflI AuzIk Aus nUM cuBdI: kMm qFGdI Aumr dy sLfndfr idn ikAuN ajfeI bIq rhy hn? Aus dy supinaF dIaF lVIaF mfXUs iKlf ivwc byqrqIb avfrf sn.

    awgy Aus df ipqf hI vfhI df kMm krdf sI, Auh ivhly crn nUM vI kMm krn leI afKxf sLurU kr idwqf. hux Auh pVHfeI df bhfnf nhIN sI lf skdf. kflj pVHfAux dI Gr ivwc smrwQf nhIN sI, ijs krky crn ny afp hI nf afiKaF. mF-bfp dIaF

    afsF vI crn dI nOkrI `qy hI lwgIaF hoeIaF sn. hl qoN ibnF psULaF nUM pwTy dwQy aqy pfxI-DfxI df sfrf kMm hOlI-hOlI crn dy juMmy af ipaf. svyry AuWT ky zMgrF nUM pwTy pfAuNdf aqy iewk BrI pwiTaf dI lYx cilaf jFdf. hflI dI rotI dy ky afAuNdf, pwiTaf dI BrI iPr cuwkI afAuNdf. pwTy kuqrn vyly vI Auh hI afp hwQ-msLIn nUM lwgdf huMdf sI. Qwky afey hflI ipqf df Aus nUM bVf iKafl rihMdf. kwqy df mhInf iewk qrHF nfl pMjfb ivwc iksfn dI imhnq df iemiqhfn huMdf hY. aYnI krVI aqy idn-rfq dI dohrI imhnq qwk ky crn df aMdr kMb jFdf aqy awKF mItidaF Aus dy mMUhoN avwsL inkl jFdf, jwtf, qyrI DMn kmfeI.

    gwl kI crn KyqI dy kMm ivc mYry dI nvIN BoieM vFg vfihaf igaf. EDr hvfldfrI dI afs idno-idn pqlI pYNdI jf rhI sI. Aus dy idl idmfg ivwcoN afsLfvfdI klpnf QoVHf vwqr cVH gey Kyq dIaF iewtF vFg AuWTdI, pr hflfq df suhfgf iPh ky pwDr kr jFdf.

    kwqf lMG jfx ` qy Aus nOkrI leI iPr hwQ-pYr mfrny sLurU kr idwqy. hvfldfrI nf shI, CotI-motI klrkI hI sI, afpy imhnq kr ky qrwkI kr jfvFgf. Aus df idl vfhI dy kMm qoN ienkfrI sI. Aus dyK ilaf sI, KyqI ivwc psLU bxy rihx `qy vI kuJ pwly nhIN pYNdf. aKLbfrF dy loV hY dy kflm Aus iDafn nfl vyKxy surU kr idwqy. QF pr QF drKLfsqF idwqIaF. awsI PLIsdI koeI jvfb nf afieaf, ijwQoN afieaf, AunHF ieMtrivAU leI nf swidaf aqy ijnHF ieMtrivAU leI bulfieaf, AunHF koeI isPLfrsL nf hox krky aPLsos hY dy imwTy sLbdF nfl vfps kr idwqf. Aus df suMn hoieaf idmfgL socdf, aYnI sLfndfr Pst zvIjLn qy

    mjLbUq ishq nfl vI mYN hr QF qoN rIjYkt kIqf jFdf hF, afKr ikAuN?

    Aus dI rMglI jvfnI ivwc KusLk akyvF joLro-jLor pRvysL kr irhf sI. Aus dI gory nsLoh ichry ivc ikDry qlKLIaF dy Joly AuWBr pYNdy. inwkI-inwkI dfVHI nfl sMjIdgI Auqr rhI sI. Auh ikqy Kloqf jf bYTf socF dy vihx ruVH jFdf, afKLr ikAuN mnuwK dIaF afsF pUrIaF nhIN ho skdIaF? ijvyN mnuwK cMgf socdf hY, Ausy qrHF ho ikAuN nhIN jFdf ?

    svfey rfj aqy BrpUr dIaF imlxIaF aqy icwTIaF dy Aus dI ijLMdgI ivcoN suafd lwgBg KLqm hI ho igaf. Aus iewk vfr rfj nUM iliKaf.

    qusIN mYnUM CyqI KLq iliKLaf kro, mYN bVf Audfs ho jFdf hF. mYN cfhuMdf hF mYnUM quhfzy ibnF kuJ nf idsy. ies cMdrI dunIaF ivwc ipaf hI kI hY? rfj! mYN swc afKdf hF, myrI sfrI Aumr quhfzy kysF ivwc gvfc jfx leI iewk rfq ho jfvy. mYN icwtIaF qlKL dupihrF nhIN vyKxf cfhuMdf; quhfQoN dUr mYN iksy qrHF df vI akyvF brdfsLq nhIN kr skdf. kdo, afpxIaF plkF dy bUhy KolH ky aMdr af jfx dyvogy, iewk ipafsy, Btkdy aqy Qwky-tuwty rfhI nUM? hor bs[[. crn do BYxF df Brf sI. vwzI ivafhI hoeI sI aqy CotI ivafhux vflI sI. Gr rihx krky crn nUM kbIldfrI df KLrc mihsUs hox lwgf. Aus df ipqf loVINdI cIjL vsq crn qoN hI mMgvfAuNdf. Gr dI mfmUlI afmdn qoN bhuq KLrc qwk ky Auh kMb jFdf. ies qrHF gujLfrf ikvyN hovygf. nOkrI dI Bfl ivc Kwjl-Kuafr huMidaF sfAuxI ipwCoN hfVI af geI. Aus df ipqf jvfn DI df ivafh ies sfl kr dyxf cfhuMdf sI. lhU sukfAux vflIaF socF

    Aus nUM ipqf qoN vrfsq ivwc iml rhIaF sn. Aus dy mfqf-ipqf smJdy sn ik jwtF iksfnF leI KusLhflI dy smyN bhuq Gwt lwgy hn aqy bhuqf TUTy nfl kunflf hI vwjdf afieaf ey. smyN df Jwj cMgf nhIN, ies leI kuVI dy ivafh bfry AunHF pwkI Dfr leI. BuwKy irhf jf skdf ey, pr afx-iewjLq aqy iewjLq nUM hwQoN nhIN gvfieaf jf skdf. aYqkI hfVI ivwc dfxy AunHF nUM mr ipMn ky sfl Br dy KLrc jogy msHIN hoey sn. kuwl nON Gumf pYlI AunHF dI mlkIaq sI aqy dsF GumF dI AunHF jfgIrdfr nUM vtfeI idwqI sI. mflIaf, hwtI dI AuDfr, blHdF dI Kurfk, bI bhOVf aqy lUx-qyl dy hor sYNkVy KLrc hn, ijhVy AunHF dI sMkoc nUM JuptF mfr rhy sn. crn dy ipqf rqn isMG ny Aus nUM jvfn aqy brfbr df jfx ky slfh puwCI,

    afty koty df qF ivafh nUM sr jfvygf, bI vflI kxk iphf lvFgy aqy kwqy nUM ivafjI `qy lY ky bI pf lFgy, tUMm asF kuVI nUM pfAuxI koeI nhIN, nf pf eI skdy aF. KMz, iGE qy cOlF dy sIdy dI musLkl ey.

    crn dI mF swdI, ivcoN hI bol peI,

    kuVI nUM cfr aYiraF qoN ibnF hI qor idEgy? mfVy moty sMdUk dIaF PwtIaF vI cfhIdIaF ey?

    crn nUM koeI KLfs gwl nf aOVI. Auh aijhy mfmilaF ivc ipaf nhIN sI.

    sfnUM bfpU jI, KLrc QoVHy qoN QoVHf krnf cfhIdf ey.

    Blf dws qF shI, QoVHf ikvyN krIey. rqn isMG dy kxk vMny rMg ivc icMqf dy icMnH sfPL idwsdy sn aqy Auh krV-brVI dfhVI Kurk irhf sI.

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  • myl AuWkf hI nf swdo aqy jMJ dy pMj afdmI, bws.

    swdI ny isr mfridaF aqy hwQ dy iesLfry nfl rokidaF ikhf,

    pihly ivafh ivwc asIN myl nhIN swd sky, jy hux vI nf swidaf, nwk vwiZaf jfvygf. kuVI aqy pRfhuxy nUM ikvyN nf swdogy. jMJ ibnF kuVI df ibgfny Gr vsybf ikvyN hoAU. kuVI nUM agly sfrI Aumr imhixaF nfl sfVngy, beI qyry mfpy nIq dy cMdry sI, ijhVy cfr afdmI jMJ dy vI nf swd sky.

    rqn isMG ny DIrj nfl afiKaf,

    BfgF vflIey ! isafxy afKdy aY, ijhI vf, Ehf Ehlf.

    asIN BfvyN sfrI Aumr aOKy rhIey, pr DIaF df duwK nhIN shfr skdy. asF awgy cMgf sfhf kIqf ey, hux nwk nhIN vZfAuxf.

    cMgf qyrI mrjLI aY, nwk rhU jF JuwgI dy kwK rihxgy.

    Gr QoVHIaF bhuq cFdI dIaF purfxIaF tUMbF peIaF sn. Auh sfrIaF vyc idwqIaF. iek kImqI bld vyc idwqf aqy hor kMm sfrn vflf ssqf lY ilaf. rkm hfly vI QoVHI sI. crn ny pfl nUM do ku sO rupeIey dI shfieqf leI ikhf. pfl dy afpxy kol qF nhIN sI, pr iPr vI jyrf krky afpxy ipqf qoN mMg kIqI. jfgIrdfr nUM jdoN pqf lwgf ik do sO crn kol jfxf eyN, Aus sfPL nFh kr idwqI.

    quhfnUM crn nfl kI, rupeIey moVn df mYN ijLMmyvfr aF. pfl ny QoVHI dlyrI nfl afiKaf.

    mYN Aus dI koeI mwdd nhIN krnI.

    ikAuN ?

    Aus ny ajy prsoN bKLqgV iksfnF dy jlsy ivwc njLm pVHI sI jdoN Aus awgoN ipwCoN sfzy leI swp bxnf ey, myrf idmfg KLrfb hoieaf ey AuhnUM duwD ipafvF. jfgIrdfr ny pfl vwloN mUMh Pyr ilaf.

    nhIN ipqf jI, ieh JUT hY. AuhnUM hfly qwk ieho ijhI koeI pFh nhIN. mYnUM cMgI qrHF pqf hY Auh myrf Xfr hY. hF Aus df bol srIlf krky aYNvy iksy Dwko-DwkI BfvyN styj `qy KVf kr idwqf hovy. mYN agFh vfsqy Aus nUM qfV dyvFgf. pfl ny crn dI hr sMBv sPLfeI pysL kIqI, pr jfgIrdfr `qy koeI asr nf ipaf.

    nhIN, myry kol koeI pYsf nhIN. jfgIrdfr isr mfrdf ivhVy ivwcoN cubfry nUM cVH igaf. pfl ny crn nUM bVy aPLsos nfl jvfb idwqf, ik ipqf jI iksy qrHF vI nhIN mMny. Auh qyrI bKLqgVH dI kivqf krky vI guwsy sn. crn bhuq mfXUs ho igaf. Aus dy idmfgL ivwc jfgIrdfrF dI XfrI dIaF keI qsvIrF AuWBrIaF, hwlfsLyrI, iPr lfry aqy ipwCoN sfPL nFh. Aus nUM BrpUr dIaF afKIaF gwlF Xfd af rhIaF sn. vwzy afdmI kdy CoitaF dy Xfr nhIN ho skdy.

    ikqy hwQ nf aVdf vyK rqn isMG nUM pMj sO rupeIaf ivafj ` qy lYxf ipaf. crn nUM afpxf Gr KLrcF dI Kwz jfipaf, ijhVI ivwcy ivwc pqf nhIN ikwDr nUM inwGrdI jf rhI sI. Aus dy afsF dy svrg dIaF pOVIaF asloN tuwt cuwkIaF sn. Auh Gr vwloN awKF mIt lYxf cfhuMdf sI aqy nhIN sI cfhuMdf, Aus nUM BYx df ivafh idsy, ivafj lYxf vflf syT, acfbq vflf bfxIaf aqy mfmly vfly nMbrdfr qoV-qoV KFdy idwsx. vtfeI lYNdf jfgIrdfr hux Aus nUM jmdUqF vFg GUr irhf sI.


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  • Bank of Canada says rates to stay low for a period of time but eventual withdrawal of stimulus still in the cards - RBC Economics

    a.. Bank of Canada left the overnight rate unchanged at 1.00% as expected

    b.. Tweaks forward-looking guidance again: rates to stay low for a pe-riod of time then some modest withdrawal of stimulus likely to be required

    c.. Todays statement supports our view that the Bank will maintain the overnight rate at 1.0% in 2013.


    The Bank of Canada left the overnight rate unchanged at 1.00% at todays meeting and al-though altered the lan-guage in the forward-looking statement main-tained the directive that policy stimulus will be

    withdrawn in time. The statement now reads that the considerable mon-etary policy stimulus currently in place will likely remain appropri-ate for a period of time, after which some modest withdrawal will likely be required. This follows Januarys statement that any removal of monetary policy stimulus had be-come less imminent.

    The tone in todays state-ment was similar to the January outlook and statement. In January the Bank presented the be-low-trend increase in real GDP in the third quarter as likely to be short-term with the economy ex-pected to pick up pace in 2013. These views were reiterated in this morn-ings statement with the Bank characterizing the

    economys slow fourth quarter headline growth rate, which was released last week, as masking solid growth across most domestic sectors and due to the pullback in inventories. Once again the Bank states that the economys growth rate is expected to pick up through 2013.

    On inflation, the Bank gave a nod to the weaker than expected core rate and attributed the weak-ness to material excess capacity and forecasted that the rate will increase to the 2% target over the projection horizon which hints that in the April forecast update, the Bank will revise its forecast to show that the inflation rates at 2% somewhat later than the third quarter of 2014 that

    was assumed in Januarys forecast.

    The Bank made small tweaks to the global outlook maintaining the main themes that the US economy is growing at a gradual pace, Chinas economy has improved and Europes recession is continuing.

    The economys disap-pointing performance in the fourth quarter pro-vided a poor hand-off to 2013 especially given the deep declines recorded in the manufacturing and retail sectors in Decem-ber. Early January data showed auto sales re-bounding though housing starts sank and employ-ment fell. Likely some of this weakening reflected concerns about what was happening in the US re-

    garding the fiscal outlook with some speculating that the tax increases and spending cuts risked a severe growth slowdown. After incorporating the tax increases and spend-ing cuts, our forecast is for the US economy to expand by 2.0% this year. Given the U.S. hous-ing recovery underway and increased demand for motor vehicles, even this half-hearted pace of growth should be enough to raise demand for Ca-nadian exports. Canadas domestic economy is benefitting from very easy financial conditions which we expect will keep both households and businesses spend-ing. Todays statement indicates that the BOC agrees with our view that the economy will pick

    up pace over the course of the year emphasizing that the weakness in Q4 largely emanated from inventories. Still, given the unexpected widen-ing in the output gap and lower than expected inflation, the pressure, at least in the near term, is for the Bank to main-tain policy support, not remove it. Additionally, the persistent slowing in the pace of housing sales and credit growth are lessening the pressure on the Bank to raise interest rates. Todays statement underpins our view that the Bank will maintain the overnight rate at 1.0% this year.

    RBC contacts: Dawn Desjardins, Assistant Chief Economist

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  • mF dI godI ijhf inwG quhfnUM ikqy nhIN imldf. mF jgq jxnI hY qy mF df koeI dyx nhIN dy skdf. mF afp igwly ibsqry ivwc pY ky puwqF-DIaF nUM suwkI QF pf ky pfldI hY. puwq dy pflx-pox bfry ikhf jFdf hY:

    roNdf DoNdf mF df,

    hwsdf Kyzdf ipAu df,

    Pyr ibgfnI DI df.

    mF qpwsvI hY. bwcy pflxy qp krn dy sfmfn hn. bwicaF dI pflxf mF leI mukqI dy sfmfn hY:

    ijhVI mukqI nf imldI

    sMqF nUM DUxy qfp ky,

    jnfnI pf lYNdI mukqI,

    bfl nUM pfl ky.

    mF bwcy df pihlf aiDafpk hY. mF hI bwcy nUM bolxf qy AuNglI lf ky cwlxf isKfAuNdI hY. bwcy nUM mF jo bxfAuxf cfhy, bxf skdI hY. sMsfr ivwc jo mhfn hsqIaF hoeIaF hn, AunHF dy jIvn ivwc mfvF jF

    pqnIaF Bfv aOrq df vwzf hwQ hY.

    bwcy jo KuI, byiPkrI mfipaF dy isr `qy kr skdy hn, Auh sfrI Aumr nhIN BuwldI aqy nf hI Auh smF muV ky afAuNdf hY:

    husn, juafnI, mfpy, iqMn rMg nhIN lwBxy.

    bwcy jd vwzy ho jFdy hn qF AunHF df sfrf smF rotI, kwpVf qy mkfn dIaF rUrqF pUrIaF krn ivwc hI lMG jFdf hY. mfipaF isr bcpn ivwc gufrI by-ikrI sB ivsr jFdI hY:

    kuwlI, guwlI, juwlI,

    sfrI Klkq BuwlI.

    Buwl gey rfg rMg,

    Buwl geIaF XwkVIaF,

    iqMny gwlF Xfd rhIaF,

    lUx, qyl, lwkVIaF.

    ieh mF hI hY ijhVI asih jnm pIVf sih ky bwcy nUM jnm idMdI hY. mF afpxy bwcy leI hr kurbfnI qy duwK sihx krn leI hmyF iqafr

    rihMdI hY. mF lorIaF idMdI hY, asIsF idMdI hY. mF nUM afpxf bwcf sB nfloN sohxf qy ipafrf lwgdf hY. mF afpxy bwcy nUM sMsfr dIaF sfrIaF KuIaF dyxf cfhuMdI hY. mF dI syvf krn qoN vwzf koeI puMn nhIN. mF vrgf inrsuafrQ ipafr hor iksy pfsoN nhIN imldf. mF nUM afpxf bwcf sfry bwicaF nfloN sohxf lwgdf hY.

    mF dy ipafr dI kImq Aus qoN puwCo ijs ny mF df muwK nf qwikaf hovy jF jy iksy df bcpn mqryeI mF dy vws pY jfvy, Aus qoN hI mF dy ipafr dI QuV df pqf lwg skdf hY:

    AuWz-AuWz kfvF vy,

    qYnUM cUrI pfvF.

    mrn mqryeIaF vy,

    jwg ijAUx skIaF mfvF.

    mfvF hmyF afpxy bwicaF df Blf locdIaF hn. mfvF dIaF nyk slfhF bfry nYpolIan` ilKdf hY, mfvF vwloN idwqI cMgI nsIhq dfrinkF dy kQnF qoN vwD asrdfr huMdI hY.`` puwqF-DIaF df mF vrgf

    ihqYI koeI nhIN huMdf. mF dI axhoNd bfry ikhf jFdf hY:

    mF nf BYx kOx kry vYx?

    Auh bwcy bdiksmq huMdy hn, ijnHF dIaF mfvF CotI Aumr ivwc mr jFdIaF hn. jd iksy dI mfVI iksmq dwsxI hovy qF ikhf jFdf hY: mF nIN mF myry nfl kMDF vI lVdIaF hn. ikMnf asos hY, ijhVI mF lukfeI dI jnm dfqI hY, Aus nUM mrd dy brfbr smJxf qF iewk pfsy irhf, sgoN Aus nUM pYr dI juwqI dI qrHF smiJaf jFdf irhf hY. nfQF, jogIaF, ikwsfkfrF ny mF, aOrq nUM sfrIaF burfeIaF dI jVH ikhf hY. ieh qF bfbf nfnk sI ijs ny mF Bfv aOrq nUM snmfnXog QF idMdy hoey ikhf:

    so ikAu mMdf afKIaY ijqu jMmih


    isafxy kihMdy hn, mF rwb df rUp huMdI hY. mF dI pUjf rwb dI pUjf dy sfmfn hY. rwb qF iksy ny dyiKaf nhIN pr rwb vrgI mF hr dI huMdI hY. mF jy iksy kfrn guwsy vI huMdI hY

    qF vI QoVHy plF leI. mF dI mmqf Pyr jfg pYNdI hY. ijhVy GrF ivwc mF nUM afdr, mfx siqkfr imldf hY, Auh Gr svrgF dI inafeIN huMdy hn. ijhVy mF-bfp dI syvf krdy hn, AunHF nUM iksy qIrQ sQfn dI Xfqrf krn dI loV nhIN pYNdI. AunHF dy qIrQ sQfn AunHF dy mF-bfp hI huMdy hn. ijhVy GrF ivwc mF df siqkfr nhIN huMdf, Auh Gr nrk smfn huMdy hn.

    mfvF soNhdIaF qF iafdf puwqF nfl hn pr awj-kwlH bVI puwTI hvf vgI hoeI hY. puwq jd ivafhy jFdy hn, Auh afpxI mF nUM ivsfrnf surU kr idMdy hn. pqnI nUM mF nfloN iafdf mhwqv dyxf surU kr idMdy hn jdoN ik pqnI dI afpxI QF hY aqy mF df afpxI:

    mfeIaF ikDroN afeIaF?

    BYxF qoN kI lYxf?

    aOrqF Gr dIaF dOlqF.

    puwqF nUM cfhIdf ieh huMdf hY ik Auh mF qy pqnI dovF nUM bxdf hwk qy siqkfr dyx.

    puwq sB kuJ afpxI pqnI nUM hI nf smJx:

    cOky bYTI mF, imwtI qy suafh.

    cOky bYTI BYx, lwgy zYx,

    cOkI bYTI rMn,

    cOkf ho igaf DMno Dn.

    mF dI sB qoN iafdf loV DIaF nUM huMdI hY. DIaF nUM bhuqIaF afdqF afpxI mF koloN ivrsy ivwc imldIaF hn

    mF pr DI, ipqf pr GoVf,

    bhuqf nhIN qF QoVHf-QoVHf.

    DIaF df jIa vI iafdf afpxIaF mfvF kol hI lwgdf hY:

    icVIaF cuwgdIaF kfvF kol,

    bVf jIa lwgdf mfvF kol.

    DI leI mfvF hI sB kuJ huMdIaF hn. DIaF df sB ipafr qy mfx mF nfl hI huMdf hY:

    mYN sO-sO ruwK peI lfvF,

    ruwK qF hry-Bry.

    mfvF TMZIaF CfvF,

    hirkysL isMG kihlFriday, March 8th, 2013PAGE 28

    Punjabi Patrika

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  • CfvF kOx kry?

    DIaF nUM pyky vI mfvF nfl hI

    cMgy lwgdy hn:

    cMnf vy qyrI cfnxI,

    pyky mfvF nfl.

    mfvF TMZIaF CfvF,

    mfx BrfvF nfl.

    lMmI sbfq ivwc ltYx hY nhIN,

    mfvF qoN bfJoN,

    pyky hY nhIN.

    pihly simaF ivwc sr pYdl kIqf jFdf sI ijs krky afAuxf-jfxf bhuq aOKf huMdf sI. ijhVI DI dUr ivafhI jFdI sI, Aus nUM afpxI mF qoN hmysF iglf rihMdf sI:

    AuWzIN-AuWzIN vy kfilaf kfvF

    lMmI qF lfeI vy AuzfrI.

    jf puwCIN myrI mF rfxI nUM,

    DIaF ikAuN idwqIaF dUr?

    dUr ivafhI DI nUM imlx dI qFG mF nUM vI rihMdI sI:

    sfzI ro ro puwCdI af mF,

    DIey nIN kdoN afvyNgI?

    sfzI kUMjF vflI PyrI,

    mfey nI kdy Pyrf pfvFgI.

    DI afpxI mF nUM imlx dI EnI hI iewCf rwKdI sI:

    AuWcI tfhlI `qy GuwgIaF df joVf,

    mfvF-DIaF df bVf eI ivCoVf,

    rwbf ikqy imlIey.

    ikqy imlIey nI myrIey mfey,

    hux qF pY geIaF vws prfey,

    rwbf ikqy imlIey.

    ikqy imlIey qF iml peIey jMz,

    gwlF krIey qF pY jfey TMZ,

    rwbf ikqy imlIey.

    ikqy imlIey qF iml peIey KUh `qy,

    gwlF kr leIey mfvF-DIaF mUMh

    `qy,[[[[[rwbf ikqy imlIey.

    mfvF qoN ipwCoN Gr dI muiqafrI BrjfeIaF kol af jFdI hY. ies leI Pyr DI df pyky Gr ivwc BrjfeIaF vwloN pihlF ijhf afdr-mfx nhIN huMdf:

    dUro qF afeI sF cwl ky nIN mfey,

    qyry dr ivwc rhI aF Klo.

    BfbIaF puwiCaf nf suwK df


    nf gl lwgIaF ro.

    aYbtsPorz (piqRkf ibAuro) lok ivrsf klcrl aYsosIeyn kmytI dI iek BrvIN mIitMg 26 PrvrI nUM rYz aYpl stor aYbtsPorz ivc hoeI ijs ivc hr sfl vFg ieiqhfsk lok ivrsf mylf mnfAux dI iqafrI dy sbMD ivc ivcfr crcf kIqI geI qy kuJ PYsly kIqy gey gdr pfrtI dy sO sflf idvs nUM DUm Dfm nfl mnfAux ihq vwKrIaF vwKrIaF kmytIaF bxfeIaF jfxgIaF qF jo afAux vflIaF pIVHIaF nUM dws skIey ik sfzy cMgyry BivwK qy Bfrq dI afdI leI sfzy vwz vzyiraF ny ikvyN afpxIaF jfiedfdF qy jfnF nUM kurbfn kIqf AuhnF dIaF kubfnIaF sdkf hI awj afpF bdyF ivc isr AuWcf cuwk ky rih rhy hF

    aYbtsPorz ivc hox vflf ies sfl df 19vF ieiqhfsk lok ivrsf mylf gdr bfibaF dI sOvIN vrHy gMZ nUM smrpq hovygf smuwcy BfeIcfry dy sihXog sdkf hI lok ivrsf afpxy ivrsy nUM sMBflx leI vcnbwD rihMdf hY

    ies myly dy sbMD ivc iksy jwQybMdI jF iksy ny ivaqIgq qOr `qy vlMtIar kMm krnf hovy, korIAugrfPI, sikwt afid ivc ihwsf lYxf hovy qF siBafcfrk ivMg dy iencfrj gurdyv isMG buwtr nfl 604 855 6737 `qy Pon kr skdf hY myly dI sPlqf leI suJf jF iksy hor jfxkfrI leI sMprk nMbr; 778 861 7741, 604 807 2554, 778 344 0066


    srI gurduafrf gurU nfnk srI zYltf vwloN pMjfbI mF bolI smripq kvI drbfr krvfieaf igafijs ivwc loar mynlYNz dy AuwGy kvIaF ny ihwsf ilafkvI jnF ny iswK ieiqhfs, pMjfbI mF bolI aqy gurbfxI afid iviaF qy invykly ZMg nfl sMgqF kivqfvF suxfeIaFkvIaF ny ieMny jo ivwc kivqfvF pVHIaF

    ik sMgqF afnMdpur sfihb dy kvI drbfr dI Xfd qff krvf idwqIkvIaF ivwc igafn isMG kotlI, drn isMG sMGf, syvf isMG, ikRn Bnot, mohn igwl, dljIq isMG kilafxpurI, gurmIq isMG iswDU, ieMdrjIq isMG DfmI, sqvMq isMG gryvfl, gurdIp isMG kMdolf, suwKdyv isMG gohlvVH qy prmjIq isMG inwjr hfr snstyj dI syvf aMgry isMG ny bfKUbI inBfeIaKIr ivwc gurduafrf sfihb dy jrnl skwqr sR[ krnYl isMG mfn ny sfry kvI jnF df DMnvfd kIqf qy ikhf ik kvI drbfr srvx krky bhuq afnMd afieaf hY asIN afAux vfly smyN ivwc hor vI vwzy pwDr qy kvI drbfr sjfAux df pRbMD krFgygurduafrf sfihb dy pRDfn BfeI rijMdr isMG ny sfry kvIaF ivy qOr qy snmfn icMnH dy ky snmfinq kIqfies smyN hornF qoN ielfvf sR[ jsipMdr isMG mwlHI, sR[ blkfr isMG qy gurjMt isMG sMDU hfr sn

    Friday, March 8th, 2013 PAGE 29Punjabi Patrika

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  • ipCly idnIN swrI ivKy iek afdmI ny 17 sflf lVky qoN isgrt mMgI| jdoN Auh lVkf isgrt nf sikaf qF isgtr mMgx vfly ny lVky dy pyt ivc Curf KoB idwqf| afr sI aYm pI dy sfrjYNt mwry hYzrsn df kihxf hY ik Curf mfrn vflf Gtnf sQfn qoN Bwj igaf aqy jKLmI hoey lVky ny nyVly Gr jf ky puils nUM ies vfrdfq dI sUcnf idwqI| AuprMq Gfiel lVky nUM aYNbUlYNs rfhIN hspqfl phuMcfieaf igaf |

    - -z

    aYQink vot dy ivvfdF df sfhmxf kr rhI pRImIar ikRstI klfrk df kihxf hY ik Aus df mMqrI mMzl iewk muwT hY| ieh gwl AuMnHF ny aYqvfr nUM hoeI mMqrI mMzl dI mIitMg qoN mgroN khI| ies bYTk ivc 18 mMqrI sLfml sn | klfrk ny ikhf, asIN sfry iek muwT hF| asIN bI sI leI bhuq kMm krnf hY| mYN afpxy ahudy qoN asqIPf nhIN dyvFgI| aYqvfr dI svyry hoeI mIitMg ivc ilbrl pfrtI dy 100 ku mYNbrF ny klfrk qoN asqIPy dI mMg kIqI sI| swiBafcfrk mfmilaF dy mMqrI ibwl bYnt ny ikhf , klfrk sfzI nyqf hY; sfnUM Aus Aupr pUrf Brosf hY | iesy qrHF trFsportysLn mMqrI mYrI polk ny vI ikhf , klfrk ny iKmf jfcnf kr leI hY| ies siQqI ivc ies qoN vwD Auh kI kr skdI sI| aYQink vot dy mfmly nUM loVoN vwD qUl idwqf jf irhf hY| izptI pRImIar irc kolmYn df vI kihxf hY ik mIaIzf ny ies mfmly nUM kuJ ijLafd hI hvf idwqI hY | AuMnHF ikhf ik ijwQoN qwk sfzf sbMD hY asIN pUrI vfh lf ky pRImIar df sfQ ididMaF cox lVFgy |

    XU bI sI dy sfzr skUL aOv ibjLnYs dI kfrj kfrnI aqy cIn dy sUby guafnzFg ivckfr hoey pMj sflf isiKaf smJoqy dy Bfg vjoN cIn dy 125 isvl krmcfrI kYnzf dy rfjnIqk ZFcy aqy lok nIqI bfry jfxkfrI lYxgy| hr sfl 25 cInI krmcrI XU bI sI ivKy 30 idn dI tRyinMg ilaf krngy| ies tRyinMg dOrfn AuMnHF nUM kYnyzf dy Aukq ivisLaF bfry ivafpk jfxkfrI AuplbD krvfeI jfieaf krygI| iesy qrHF bI sI dy sUbfeI, imAuinspl pwDr dy krmcfrI cIn dI sn XYt-syn XUnIvristI ivKy pbilk pRbMD dy tRyinMg pRogrfm ivc jfieaf krngy| ies smyN 7 mfrikitMg mYnyjr cIn , korIaf, ieMzIaf aqy jfpfn ivKy aijhy jfxkfrI pRogrfmF ivc lwgy hoey hn aqy ivdysLI mYnyjr Eknfgn, ipRMs jOrj, vYnkUvr tfpU, aqy loar mynlYNz df dOrf kr rhy hn|


    mYtro vYnkUvr dy pRsqfivq vyst-tU-ienrjI plYn df mslf ivDfn sBf ivc AuiTaf| aYbtsPorz dy ivDfiek jOn vYn zFgn ny vfqfvrn mMqrI tYrI lyk dI aflocnf kridaF ikhf ik mMqrI ny dfh-BwTIaF dy ivvfd gRsq plYn nUM pRvfngI dy ky PRyjLr vYlI dI hvf dy gMdy hox dI sMBfvnf aqy lokF dy qOKilaF nUM awKo pRoKy kIqf hY |

    pRMqU mMqrI ny aijhI pRvfngI dyx dI gwl nUM glq krfr idwqf| lyk ny ikhf ik Auh afp aqy muwK mMqrI ikRstI klfrk ies gwl leI vcnbwD hn ik pRsqfivq plYn nUM lfgU krn qoN pihlF mYtro vYnkUvr nUM lokF dI rfey lYxI pvygI aqy vfqfvrnk pRBfvF dI nrIiKaf kIqI jfvygI|

    ielYksLn bI sI aYimlI XUnIvristI dy ividafrQIaF nfl iml ky nOjvfnF nUM Auqsfihq krygf ik Auh sUbfeI coxF ivc afpxy vot dI vrqoN krn| 19 ividafrQIaF ny sosLl mIzIaf nUM vrqx aqy nOjvfnF nUM loVINdy sunyhyN Byjx dI ivAuNq bxfeI hY| ielYksNn bI sI dy bulfry zfn myn df kixf hY ik coxF df aYlfn hox mgroN nOjvfnF nUM iesLiqhfrF rfhI vot dI vrqoN krn leI Auqsfihq kIqf jfvygf| ieh iesLiqhfr tRFijLt stysLnf qy lfey jfxgy| ies qoN ibnF nOjvfnF dy smfgmF ivc jf ky vI apIlF kIqIaF jfxgIaF|

    4 mfrc dy srkfrI pRkfsLn ivc ikhf igaf hY ik srkfr sInIar syvfvF dy suDfr ihq Xqn jfrI rwKygI| ieh gwl styt minstr Pfr sInIarjL rYP sulqfn vwloN khI geI hY| AuMnHf ikhf, asIN PrvrI 2012 ivc sInIarjL aYzvokyt df dPqr sQfipq krn df vfadf kIqf sI jo hux pUrf kr rhy hF| mYN sUbf Br ivc jf ky bjLurgF, AunHF dy pirvfrF, kyar uigvrjL aqy bjLurgF nUM syvfvF pRdfn krn vfly sMgTnF nUM imilaf hF | pfrkivl kuaflIkm qoN myry dosq ivDfiek ny vI aijhf hI kIqf | bI sI invfsI aijhf aYzvokyt cfhuMdy hn| nvyN aYkt aDIn sInIar aYzvokyt: bjLurgF dI ishq sMBfl, inwjI loVF, tRfsportysLn, mkfnI loVF, afmdn shfieqf aqy hor kTnfeIaF dI insLfndyhI krygf| ieMnF dI pUrqI leI loVINdI nIqI bnfAux dI sPfrsL krygf| AuNJ ivDfiekF dI izAUtI hY ik Auh sInIarF dy qOKilaF vwl iDafn dyx aqy ieMnHF dy invfrn leI ivDfn sBf ivc suJfAu pysL krn| nvF kfnUMn ies idsLf ivc nvF kdm hovygf| jy ieh kfnUMn pfrlImYNt vwloN pRvfn ho igaf qF ieh kYnyzf Br ivc pihlf kfnUMn hovygf| iclfvYk dy ieMzIan rYsorYNt nUM nPrq-BrIaF eI-mylF pRFpq hoeIaF.afr sI aYm pI iclfvYk dy do ieMzIan rYsfrYNtF nUM imlIaF nPrq-BrIaF eI-mylF dI jFc-pVqfl kr rhI hY| sLMdr hwt ieMzIan kUjLIn nUM aijhI eI-myl 28 PrvrI nUM pRfpq hoeI sI| ieh eI-myl Byjx vfly ny iliKaf sI, iclfvYk nUM ieMzIaf aqy srI qoN afey lokF dI loV nhIN ijhVy sLihr nUM mlIn krdy hn| ieQy qIbr KfhsL hY ik qusIN iewQy muV ky nf afvo| ies rYstorYNt dy mflk sYm awtI dy byty df kihxf hY ik ipCly 28 sflF ivc aijhI ilKq kdI nhIN imlI| iesy qrHF dI eI-myl dUsry ieMzIan rYsorYNt by lIP rYstorYNt nUM aqy pMjfbI tYksI kMpnI n