Welcome: Prelude: I Call on Thee, Lord by J.S. Bach Invocation: The SOURCE of Creation’s LOVE, the passion of CHRIST, and the power of the SPIRIT is with you all. Thanks be to ALL that IS HOLY! Music printed under LiscenSing #1975 WORSHIP: THIRD Sunday of Lent Thomas Berry Holy Cross Lutheran Church Progressive In Approach:Christlike In Action! March 7 th 2021 Temples in Creation Pastor Dawn Hutchings, Musician: Marney Curran Worship Team: Marney Curran, Eric Schultz, Andrew Slonetsky, Petra Vollmerhausen, Sharon Willan, Jane Winstanley If there is anywhere on earth a lover of God who is always kept safe, I know nothing of it, for it was not shown to me. But this was shown: that in falling and rising again we are always kept in that same precious love. Let nothing disturb you. Let nothing frighten you. Everything passes away except God. Julian of Norwich (1342H1416)

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Welcome: Prelude: I Call on Thee, Lord by J.S. Bach Invocation: The SOURCE of Creation’s LOVE, the passion of CHRIST, and the power of the SPIRIT is with you all. Thanks be to ALL that IS HOLY!

Music printed under LiscenSing #1975

WORSHIP:THIRD Sunday of Lent

Thomas Berry

Holy Cross Lutheran Church Progressive In Approach:Christlike In Action!

March 7th 2021

Temples in Creation Pastor Dawn Hutchings, Musician: Marney Curran

Worship Team: Marney Curran, Eric Schultz, Andrew Slonetsky, Petra Vollmerhausen, Sharon Willan, Jane Winstanley












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Music: SPIRIT Open My Heart Text: Ruth Duck; Music: WILD MOUNTAIN THYME

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Prayer of the Day

Upon this sanctuary we call the Earth, we Earthlings are held in the embrace of the ONE who IS BEYOND our ability to express. Created to thrive upon the bounty of the Earth we offer thanks and praise to our MAKER for blessings beyond measure. We pause now to gather our hearts and minds in worship of the ONE who lives and breathes, in, with, through, and beyond us. May our worship empower us to walk gently upon the Earth as we receive without hording, use without destroying, admire without acquiring, and share with grace, so that all creatures may thrive in harmony. We pray in the name of the ONE who IS +++ our CREATOR, CHRIST, and SPIRIT, ONE, now and forever. Amen.

Hebrew Scriptures: ISAIAH 40:12, 21-23

Who else measures the waters of the sea in a hollowed hand, and by the breadth of a hand marks off the heavens? Who else holds the dust of the Earth in a basket, or weighs mountains on a scale and hills on a balance? Have you not known? Have you not heard? Has it not been told you from the beginning? Have you not understood from the foundations of the earth? It is YAHWEH who sits above the circle of the Earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a tent to live in; who brings princes to naught, and makes the rulers of the Earth as nothing.

Music: Show Us the Way of Compassion

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PRAYER for the EARTH: Earth as the Original Cathedral by Christine Valters Paintner

May you find sanctuary among trees and stones, and feel Earth preparing a place for you to sit and breathe and be. Let the long limbs of branches form a canopy above your head, let the hills open up a place for you to soar. May the stones form an altar and see how the sun makes everything shimmer and glisten so that everything shines forth from within. Let the tender vine climbing the trunk show you what it is to reach to the sky, let all the living creatures that gather, winged and four-footed ones, offer a new companionship. All around you, see yourself as part of this glorious cathedral, the lake and holy wells are the fonts of baptism, the river rushes carrying gifts down from the mountains, the oaks and sycamore create a sacred circle, the face of the CREATOR incarnate and immanent illuminated with each gaze. Feel the veil between heaven and earth slip away until you know this sanctuary of soil and sunlight, listen to the sky whisper her secrets on the wind, lifted by wings and song.

God LOVES us extravagantly, ridiculously, without limit or condition.

Roberta Bondi

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Music: Strong Gentle Children Text & Music: Daniel Charles Damon







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Strong, Gentle Children 233

Words and Music © 1993 Hope Publishing Company


TWILIGHTWords and Music: Daniel Charles Damon, 1955– , alt.

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Gospel: John 2:13-22 The Passover of the Jewish people was near, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. In the temple he found people selling cattle, sheep, and doves, and the money changers seated at their tables. Making a whip of cords, Jesus drove all of them out of the temple, both the sheep and the cattle. He also poured out the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. He told those who were selling the doves, “Take these things out of here! Stop making my Father’s house a marketplace” His disciples remembered that it was written, “Zeal for your house will consume me.” The Judeans then said to him, “What sign can you show us for doing this?” Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” The Judeans then said, “This temple has been under construction for forty-six years, and will you raise it up in three days?” But Jesus was speaking of the temple of his body. After he was raised from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this; and they believed the scripture and the word that Jesus had spoken.

Sermon: Earthlings’ Temples

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Music: Drawing Power from the Storm TEXT: Daniel C. Damon; MUSIC: KELVINGROVE

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Drawing Power from the StormKELVINGROVE

words by Daniel C. Damon


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As we journey deeper into the wilderness of LENT, we do so trusting that we live and move and have our being in the MYSTERY which is LOVE. To that LOVE we open ourselves to express our gratitude, our longings, our fears, and our desires for Creation and for our neighbours. Let our prayers move us, shape us, and release us to embrace the power of the LOVE who IS, BEYOND the BEYOND, and BEYOND that Also, our CREATOR, CHIRST, and SPIRIT, ONE:

Francis of Assisi rightly named Earth his relations: Brother Sun, Sister Moon, Mother Earth. Holy One, you are creation's LOVE letters to all of us. As the sun’s rays spread across this early morning sky, we see everyone and everything as sacred. We walk the holy ground of city, country, farmland, mountains, and beach in deep gratitude. But we too often forget that these are all gifts for our use. We abuse the seas as refuse, air fills with smoke and smog from factories, the land becomes defaced, and wildlife disappears. We lose our sense of self and turn against each other. We obscure your image here. This Earthen Temple, our sanctuary is filled with modern day money changers who make commodities of people, land and wildlife. I pray that we do not allow ourselves to become consumed with trivial things. Let us recognize the Goodness in which we were created. Let us listen to the LOVE letters you have written and be filled with a deep passion to protect our interconnection with all of creation. Let us walk softly upon Mother Earth wakening to those thin spaces where we encounter MYSTERY. I hear an echo of the words of Jesus in today’s gospel. HOW DARE YOU! HOW DARE YOU! These are the words of Greta Thunberg and others who warn us of climate change. I give thanks for such angry, prophetic voices challenging us to face the disaster which is already evident. How dare we deprive other life forms of their habitat and take from the earth to make a profit? May God forgive us our greed. I pray that our anger increases and that with the energy released we DARE to make urgent changes to our lives. May the SPIRIT of LOVE inspire us to fall more deeply in LOVE with this planet, our Mother Earth. May the grace of God empower us to reorder our future, ensuring life for future generations. We see the evidence in Creation of the coming of spring: the increasing length of the day and strength of the sun; the return of more varieties of birds to the feeders and green spaces; and the gradual disappearance of the snow. May this encourage us to continue with patience to await the vaccine deliveries and administration, and gradual lifting of restrictions to allow us to be together again. Our memories of special encounters with nature can develop into a rich volume of experienced stories…. Experienced through our senses…. Our eyes taking in grand vistas and exquisite detail in water droplets on a spider’s web. Our noses remember the fall air, and fragrance from flowers. Our ears take in the sound of water lapping and crash of thunder. Our mouths savour the complexity of fine wine or the intense flavour of a fresh raspberry. Our sense of touch remembers love expressed and the breeze on our face. Let us take time enough to pay attention to such loving expressions and let our hearts be full. Trusting the LOVE that is God, we breathe deeply of the Spirit and taking our lead from Jesus, and our strength from one another, we journey into the wilderness of Lent, so that we might discover all that we were created to be. All praise, honour, and thanksgiving, we offer to the ONE who IS our LOVER, BELOVED and LOVE Itself, now and forever. Amen.

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Music: God Has No Body Now But Yours Text: Adapted by Stephen C Warner from St. Teresa of Avila; MUSIC: Rick Gunn

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With all Her beauty, with all Her grace, with all Her miracles our Mother the Earth is inviting us to breathe deeply of Her magnificence, so that we might join the Earth and sing together our hymns of praise with deep resonant harmonies and share Her bounty with grace. May you return again and again to the Earth to find sanctuary where you too can offer praise and thanksgiving to the ONE who IS ….YAA…WEH…YAA…WEH…YAA…WEH… the ONE who IS BEYOND the BEYOND and BEYOND that Also, Our LOVER, BELOVED, and LOVE Herself, now and always, yours in each and every breath. Amen.

Announcements Peace Postlude Prayer to Jesus by George Oldroyd

A Benediction from the Jewish Prayer Book:

Days pass, and the years vanish, and we walk sightless among miracles. Fill our eyes with seeing and our minds with knowing. Let there be moments when your PRESENCE, like lightning, illumines the darkness in which we walk. Help us to see, wherever we gaze, that the bush burns, unconsumed. And we, clay touched by God, will reach out for holiness and exclaim in wonder, “How filled with awe is this place….”

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ZOOM LINK Topic: faith CHAT Time: This is a recurring meeting TUESDAYS @ 10am EST Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84227666621?pwd=Z1FtNnhzTm9BNTRVdit2RkU4ZkNoZz09 Meeting ID: 842 2766 6621 Passcode: 776087

faith chat

10am Tuesdays in Lent - ZoomAn opportunity to CHAT with fellow explorers. During our study of the book “faith after doubt” the desire to explore our common and not so common experiences of faith in these challenging times has prompted members of Holy Cross to host a weekly conversation over Zoom. This is a chance to come together to create community over conversations about our shared desire to explore what it means to be faithful in 2021, with all the doubts, challenges, joys, isolation, inspirations, discoveries and revelations we are encountering along the way.


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Meeting: Zoom LINK:

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82934746801?pwd=Y1hNRzQ0R2JwbktSR0QrSm82VHVRUT09 Meeting ID: 829 3474 6801 Passcode: 376309

Wednesday MARCH 10TH at 10am


WILDERNESS please Zoom in a few minutes before 10am so that we can begin on time.

LENT Morning PrayerGather with us over Zoom Wednesdays @ 10:00am

JOIN US March 10th

Morning Prayer followed by conversation about life

during these challenging times.

Guided by our Worship Team, we will begin with music, prayer, and images as we open ourselves to the MYSTERY which IS LOVE. Out of our brief Morning Prayer a question will emerge to inspire our conversation.To register: send an email to [email protected] we shall send you the Zoom link. Everyone is welcome to journey through LENT with us!

We worship as we live in the presence of MYSTERY…

www.holycrosslutheran.ca Progressive in Approach: Christlike in Action!

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Thomas Berry

Annual Congregational


March 18, 2021 7pm on Zoom

Thomas Berry

Informational Meeting

Thursday March 11, 2021

7pm on Zoom

Progressive in Approach: Christlike in Action!HOLY CROSS LUTHERAN CHURCHProgressive in approach: Christlike in action!

Pastor....The Reverend Dawn Hutchings B.A., M.Div. 905-868-0897 Musical Director…………………………….Marney Curran B.S.M.,A.R.C.T.

email……………………………………[email protected] of the Eastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada

Worship Videos posted Sundays at 10:45amwww.holycrosslutheran.ca

Gather with us! ONLINE Sundays @ 10:45am We are reviving the early Christian

practice of “Home Church.”Updated for these challenging times:

Online Worship Videos are posted

Sundays at 10:45am www.holycrosslutheran.ca

Opening ourselves to the MYSTERY

which is God who IS LOVE

Creation: the Original Sanctuary

Season of LENT


Topic: HCLC Informational Meeting Time: Mar 11, 2021 07:00 PM America/Toronto Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82957871631?pwd=bzFVSGhhMTR2Tm9COFI2eGR3MjlmQT09 Meeting ID: 829 5787 1631 Passcode: 704242

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E-transfer You can now transfer funds via email to:

[email protected]

please remember to designate your offering to the Street Outreach Van

Crosslinks Street Outreach Vanprovides a range of urgent-care services seven days a week.

Make a designated donation via E-transferSo that we can provide packaged food

items to be distributed by the Street Outreach Van

You can now transfer funds via email to:[email protected]

for more information go to


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Make sure you are on our MAILING LIST so that we can send you all the Zoom Links

We want to see your smiling face as often as possible! Send an email to: [email protected]

and we will be sure to send you all our news!

OFFERINGS: There are several ways to ensure that we are able to continue meeting our commitments.

You can mail in your offerings: Holy Cross Lutheran Church

1035 Wayne Drive Newmarket, On. L3Y 2W9

You can sign up to our Preauthorized Remittance Program PAR contact our Treasurer Sharon Smyth who will guide you

You can go to Holy Cross’ CanadaHelps page to donate just follow the link:


E-transfer You can now transfer funds via email to:

[email protected]