Dear brothers and sisters, This is the Lenten season. We started our Lent with the ob- servance of “Pethurtha” Sunday on 19th and Ash Monday on 20th February. The meaning of the Syrian (Aramaic) word “Pethurtha” is to look back, to reconcile, and etc. The primary purpose of Lent is spiritual preparation for the cele- bration of Jesus‟ death on Good Friday and his resurrection on Easter Sunday. The Church tries to achieve this goal by leading her chil- dren to “repentance,” a type of conversion. Repentance leads us to reorder our priorities and change our values, ideals and ambitions, with the help of fasting, prayer and mortification. Hence, the Church ordains fasting and ab- staining on assigned days of Lent. Lent should be for us a time for personal reflection on where we stand as Christians and how well we are accepting the gospel challenges in thought, word and deed. It is also a time for us to assess our relationships with our family, friends, working colleagues and the other people we encounter. We should examine what positive contributions we are able to make to other people's lives and what we can do in the community to help eradicate the abuses which are part of our society. For the children, this is the time for you to do your studies well. Ask your parents about Lent and understand what it means to be a Christian. Sacrifice, abstinence, and loss are part of our existence. We never get all what we have expected. So Lend helps us to reconcile with ourselves and to under- stand the naked realities of life. May God Bless you all. -Lijoyachan (Fr Lijoy Thanikkal) St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church, 14640 Soucy Place, Centerville, VA-20120 St. Jude Syro-Malabar Catholic Mission of Northern Virginia Mission of Greater Washington Syro-Malabar Catholic Diocese of Chicago We gather for worship, Sunday school and other activities at March 2012 Volume 3 Issue 3 Weekly Mass: Sundays at 3:00 PM Sunday School: Sundays at 1:50 PM Mission Director: Fr. Joseph Elamparayil (703 999 4179) Trustees: Jilson Joseph (703 599 6748) Regi Alexander (703 636 1995) Paul Pottanat (703 790 1933) Our Vision is to create a vibrant Syro-Malabar community that nurtures spiritual growth, celebrates the sacraments, and fosters community ties and leadership. INSIDE THIS ISSUE Message From Fr. Lijoy Thanikkal 1 തിരീലക പിിലല താരം 2 10 Things To Remember For Lent 3 The Importance Of St Joseph’s Blessings To Receive God’s Mercy 4 Fund Raising event 5 Parish Council— Contacts 6 Calendar of Events 6 Announcements & Thank you 7 At your Service Advertisement 8 Message From Fr Lijoy Thanikkal

March 2012 St. Jude Syro-Malabar Catholic Mission of ... Bulletin_2012_03(Mar).pdfDear brothers and sisters,INSIDE THIS ISSUE This is the Lenten season. We started our Lent with the

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Page 1: March 2012 St. Jude Syro-Malabar Catholic Mission of ... Bulletin_2012_03(Mar).pdfDear brothers and sisters,INSIDE THIS ISSUE This is the Lenten season. We started our Lent with the

Dear brothers and sisters,

This is the Lenten season. We started our Lent with the ob-

servance of “Pethurtha” Sunday on 19th and Ash Monday

on 20th February. The meaning of the Syrian (Aramaic)

word “Pethurtha” is to look back, to reconcile, and etc. The

primary purpose of Lent is spiritual preparation for the cele-

bration of Jesus‟ death on Good Friday and his resurrection

on Easter Sunday. The Church tries to achieve this goal by leading her chil-

dren to “repentance,” a type of conversion. Repentance leads us to reorder

our priorities and change our values, ideals and ambitions, with the help of

fasting, prayer and mortification. Hence, the Church ordains fasting and ab-

staining on assigned days of Lent.

Lent should be for us a time for personal reflection on where we stand as

Christians and how well we are accepting the gospel challenges in thought,

word and deed. It is also a time for us to assess our relationships with our

family, friends, working colleagues and the other people we encounter. We

should examine what positive contributions we are able to make to other

people's lives and what we can do in the community to help eradicate the

abuses which are part of our society.

For the children, this is the time for you to do your studies well. Ask your

parents about Lent and understand what it means to be a Christian. Sacrifice,

abstinence, and loss are part of our existence. We never get all what we

have expected. So Lend helps us to reconcile with ourselves and to under-

stand the naked realities of life.

May God Bless you all.

-Lijoyachan (Fr Lijoy Thanikkal)

St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church, 14640 Soucy Place, Centerville, VA-20120

St. Jude Syro-Malabar

Catholic Mission of Northern Virginia Mission of Greater Washington

Syro-Malabar Catholic Diocese of Chicago We gather for worship, Sunday school and other activities at

March 2012 Volume 3 Issue 3

Weekly Mass: Sundays at 3:00 PM Sunday School: Sundays at 1:50 PM

Mission Director:

Fr. Joseph


(703 999 4179)


Jilson Joseph

(703 599 6748)

Regi Alexander

(703 636 1995)

Paul Pottanat

(703 790 1933)

Our Vision is to create a vibrant Syro-Malabar community that nurtures spiritual growth, celebrates the sacraments, and fosters community ties and leadership.


Message From Fr.

Lijoy Thanikkal 1


പിനനിലല താരം 2

10 Things To

Remember For Lent 3

The Importance Of

St Joseph’s Blessings

To Receive God’s



Fund Raising event 5

Parish Council—

Contacts 6

Calendar of Events 6

Announcements &

Thank you 7

At your Service —

Advertisement 8

M e s s a g e F r o m F r L i j o y T h a n i k k a l

Page 2: March 2012 St. Jude Syro-Malabar Catholic Mission of ... Bulletin_2012_03(Mar).pdfDear brothers and sisters,INSIDE THIS ISSUE This is the Lenten season. We started our Lent with the

Our Vision is to create a vibrant Syro-Malabar community that nurtures spiritual growth, celebrates the sacraments, and fosters community ties and leadership.

S t . J u d e S y r o - M a l a b a r M i s s i o n o f N o r t h e r n V i r g i n i a P a g e 2

സകഺര‍ ചെയയനനവചരയഺണ‌ ലഺകം എനനഽം ആദയം ശശദധകകഽനനത. ഫഽടബഺളല‍ ഗഺള‍ േടഽനനവേഺണ‌ തഺരം. ഗഺളലകകഽളള പഺസസകളം, ഗഺള‍ തടയഺേഽളള ശശമങങളം, ഗഺള‍ േടഽനനവചെ ശപഭയല‍ പന‍േരയലചകകഺതഽങങഽനനഽ. റവവഽം കാടഽതല‍ ഗഺള‍ തടഽകകഽനന ഗഺള‍ കപപര‍കക തചെ പരല‍ ആരഽം സഽവര‍ണപഺദഽകം േല‍കഺറല . മലയഺളസേമയലഺചണങകല‍ േഺയകേഺണ‌ എനനഽം ആരവങങള‍കകഽ േടഽവല‍. േഺയകേഺചടഺപപമഺ, തേഽം മചലയഺ ഭേയശഷ ശപകടപപകകഽനന സഹേടന‍ പലപപഺഴഽം േഺയകന വഴമഺറചകകഺടഽകകഽനനഽ. മകചച േടേഽളള പഽരസകഺരങങളം േഺയകേഽ മഺശതം േകകവയകകകചപപടടരകകഽനനഽ. തഺജ മഹലചെ ബഹഽമത മഽഴഽവന‍ ഷഺജഹഺന തചറഴഽതഽനന െരശതം, തേഽ പനനല‍ വയര‍പപം െഺരയഽചമഺഴഽകകയ ശളെപകചള പരഗണകകഺറഽ ഺ

ഒരഽ മഹതതഺയ കഺരണതതേഽ വ ചെറഽതല ഺതത തയഺഗങങള‍ സഹചച ഒരഽ വശഽദധന‍ േമഽകകഽ . ഒറവേഺടടതതല‍ ഭഺഷതതരം എനന സഺധഺരണ മേഽഷയര‍ െനതകകഽനന ഒരഽ കഺരയതതേഽ മഽനനടടറങങഺന‍ ധരത കഺടടയ ഒരഽ പഺവം ആശഺര, തരഽകകഽടഽംബതതചെ കഺവല‍കകഺരന‍, വ. ചയൌസപപതഺവ.

വവഺഹം ചെയയഺചേഺരഽങങയ ചപണ‍കഽടട ഗര‍ഭവതയഺചണനനഽ കള‍കകഽോഺള‍, ചതഺരഽ സഺധഺരണപഽരഽഷേഽം തഺനനഽനനചതഺചകകയ, ചയൌസപപതഺവേഽം തഺനനയടട ഺവാ. വവഺഹതതല‍ േനനഽ പനമഺറഺചേഺരഽങങയ േഹതതേഽ മഺലഺഖയഽചട സേശം ഒരഽ പരകഷണം തചനന ആയരഽനനരകകഽം. എനനടടം ഈ മഹഺസംരംഭതതലഽളള തചെ ോറഺള‍ോ എചനതനനഽ മഺലഺഖ സവപേതതല‍ വരഽനനഽവനന ആ രഺശതയല‍ തചനന േഹം മേസസലഺകകയടട ഺവണം. തേഺടഽ സമരസചപപടടപഺകഺന‍ തരഽമഺേചചടടമഽ ഺവഺം. ഒരഽ ഭര‍തതഺവല‍ േനന ഒരഽ കഺവല‍കകഺരേലകകഽളള മഹഺദാരമശതയഽം ഒരഽ രഺശത ചകഺ ഽ തചനന േഹം തഺ കകഴഞഞരഽനനഽ എനനഽവണം കരഽതഺന‍!

ചതഺരഽ വലയ തരഽമഺേമഺയരഽനനഽ. ഇതതര വലപപമഽളള മേസസ വ തരഽമഺേം. മഹഺതമഺകകചള സഺധഺരണ മേഽഷയരല‍ േനന വര‍തരകകഽനനത ഇതതരം തരഽമഺേങങളഺവഽം. ഒരഽ വലയ രഹസയതതേഽ കഺവല‍ േനന മേസസ. സവനതമല ഺതത കഽഞഞചേ സവനതം കഽഞഞഺയ ക വളര‍തത വലഽതഺകകയ ഒരഽ ചഛചെ മേസസ.

ദഭഽതങങളചട എണണം േഺകക വശഽദധര‍കകഽ വലയടഽനന ഒരഽ കഺലതത ചയൌസപപതഺവചേപപഺചലയഽളളവചര മറനനഽപഺകഺന‍ ചറ എളപപമഺണ‌. മഺര‍ചച 19 വ. ചയൌസപപതഺവചെ തരഽേഺളഺണ‌. ജവതതതചെ തഽ മഖലയലഺയഺലഽം വഗണേ ഒരഽ ഭഺരമഺയ മേസസചേ വല ഺചത ലടടനന വസരങങളല‍ േമഽകക ചയൌസപപതഺവചേ ഓര‍മകകഺം.

V o l u m e 3 I s s u e 3

തിരശശീലയകക പിനനിലല താരം by Alex Jacob

Page 3: March 2012 St. Jude Syro-Malabar Catholic Mission of ... Bulletin_2012_03(Mar).pdfDear brothers and sisters,INSIDE THIS ISSUE This is the Lenten season. We started our Lent with the

Our Vision is to create a vibrant Syro-Malabar community that nurtures spiritual growth, celebrates the sacraments, and fosters community ties and leadership.

P a g e 3 S t . J u d e S y r o - M a l a b a r M i s s i o n o f N o r t h e r n V i r g i n i a

1.Remember the formula. The Church does a good job capturing certain truths with easy-to-remember lists and formulas:

10 Commandments, 7 sacraments, 3 persons in the Trinity. For Lent, the Church gives us almost a slogan—Prayer, Fasting

and Almsgiving—as the three things we need to work on during the season .

2. It’s a time of prayer. Lent is essentially an act of prayer spread out over 40 days. As we pray, we go on a

journey, one that hopefully brings us closer to Christ and leaves us changed by the encounter with him.

3. It’s a time to fast. With the fasts of Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, meatless Fridays, and our personal disciplines

interspersed, Lent is the only time many Catholics these days actually fast. And maybe that‟s why it gets all the attention.

Fasting is actually a form of penance, which helps us turn away from sin and toward Christ .

4. It’s a time to work on discipline. The 40 days of Lent are also a good, set time to work on personal discipline in general.

Instead of giving something up, it can be doing something positive. “I‟m going to pray more. I‟m going to be nicer to my

family, friends and coworkers.

5. It’s about dying to yourself. The more serious side of Lenten discipline is that it’s about more than self-control –

it’s about finding aspects of yourself that are less than Christ-like and letting them die. The suffering and death of

Christ are foremost on our minds during Lent, and we join in these mysteries by suffering, dying with Christ and

being resurrected in a purified form.

6. Don’t do too much. It’s tempting to make Lent some ambitious period of personal reinvention, but it’s best to

keep it simple and focused. There’s a reason the Church works on these mysteries year after year. We spend our

entire lives growing closer to God. Don’t try to cram it all in one Lent. That’s a recipe for failure.

7. Lent reminds us of our weakness.

Of course, even when we set simple goals for ourselves during Lent, we still have trouble keeping them. So lent

shows us our weakness also. This can be painful, but recognizing how helpless we are makes us seek God’s help

with renewed urgency and sincerity.

8. Be patient with yourself.

When we’re confronted with our own weakness during Lent, the temptation is to get angry and frustrated. “What a

bad person I am!” But that’s the wrong lesson. God is calling us to be patient and to see ourselves as he does, with

unconditional love.

9. Reach out in charity. As we experience weakness and suffering during Lent, we should be renewed in our

compassion for those who are hungry, suffering or otherwise in need. The third part of the Lenten formula is

almsgiving. It’s about more than throwing a few extra dollars in the collection plate; it’s about reaching out to others

and helping them without question as a way of sharing the experience of God’s unconditional love.

10. Learn to love like Christ. Giving of ourselves in the midst of our suffering and self-denial brings us closer to

loving like Christ, who suffered and poured himself out unconditionally on cross for all of us. Lent is a journey

through the desert to the foot of the cross on Good Friday, as we seek him out, ask his help, join in his suffering,

and learn to love like him.

V o l u m e 3 I s s u e 3

10 Things To Remember For Lent by Chinchu Johny

Page 4: March 2012 St. Jude Syro-Malabar Catholic Mission of ... Bulletin_2012_03(Mar).pdfDear brothers and sisters,INSIDE THIS ISSUE This is the Lenten season. We started our Lent with the

Our Vision is to create a vibrant Syro-Malabar community that nurtures spiritual growth, celebrates the sacraments, and fosters community ties and leadership.

S t . J u d e S y r o - M a l a b a r M i s s i o n o f N o r t h e r n V i r g i n i a P a g e 4 V o l u m e 3 I s s u e 3

The Importance Of St. Joseph’s Blessings To Receive God’s Mercy by Emmanuel Joseph

We know a lot about St. Joseph, yet a lot more about him is a mystery. The Bible teaches us that he was a descendant of King

David, that he was not blessed with a lot of wealth, and that he was instrumental in saving infant Jesus from King Herod. But

he is nowhere to be seen in Jesus’ public life; no reference about St. Joseph requesting to perform a miracle for a family in

distress, nothing about him visiting Jesus while He was preaching to a house full of followers and believers, and no mention

about him being there to console Jesus and to accompany Him to Mount Calvary. Over the years, all these unknowns have

turned into a lot of misunderstandings which has made many neglect the need of St. Joseph’s blessings to receive God’s mer-

cy. So here are three points to think about:

1. God the Father chose St. Joseph to take over as father to Son of God in flesh and blood, to take care of His only Son, to

protect Him from all earthly dangers, to support Him with a father’s love and affection. Abraham was chosen to father Israel,

God’s chosen people; Joseph was chosen to be the stepfather of God the Son. Moses was trusted with God’s people to lead

them to the Promised Land; Joseph was trusted with the Promise itself.

2. God the Son, as an infant, child and youth relied on St. Joseph and Mother Mary for all His needs; Joseph had to sweat to

provide food, clothing and shelter to Savior Our Lord. He felt the warmness of Joseph’s hands as an infant, obeyed to Joseph

as a child, and helped Joseph with work as a youth. The Church with all the Apostles, all the Saints, and all the believers obey

and follow Jesus in His path; Jesus, growing up, obeyed and followed Joseph.

3. God the Spirit trusted Joseph to be the abstinent husband for the Holy Bride. Joseph was the man chosen by Holy Spirit to

protect and provide for the woman who is blessed among all women, who could also any carnal temptations and preserve the

holiness of the Blessed Virgin Mother. Holy Spirit bestows God’s mercy on all of his chosen people; Joseph was chosen to

care for God’s mercy when it took the human form.

St. Joseph realized that it was not his greatness that made him to be trusted by God the Father, God the Son and the Holy

Spirit; he recognized God’s mercy in all that happened and stayed humble. It is impossible to think that God would not re-

quire us to recognize, respect and receive St. Joseph and his blessings, since God himself recognized, respected and received

St. Joseph and fruits of his labor.

May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved

and preserved throughout the world, now and for ever.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, worker for mir-

acles, pray for us. St. Jude, help of the hopeless, pray for us.

Say 9 times per day for 9 days. Prayer will be answered by

the 8th day. Publication must be promised. Never been

known to fail.

Thank you St. Jude, for prayers answered.

- A Devotee

St Jude Novena—Thanks for Prayers Answered

Page 5: March 2012 St. Jude Syro-Malabar Catholic Mission of ... Bulletin_2012_03(Mar).pdfDear brothers and sisters,INSIDE THIS ISSUE This is the Lenten season. We started our Lent with the

Our Vision is to create a vibrant Syro-Malabar community that nurtures spiritual growth, celebrates the sacraments, and fosters community ties and leadership.

S t . J u d e S y r o - M a l a b a r M i s s i o n o f N o r t h e r n V i r g i n i a P a g e 5

”Coming together is a beginning.

Keeping together is progress.

Working together is success.”

- Henry Ford

As we all know our community has seen tremendous growth and we now need financial stabil-

ity and financial flexibility more than ever to ensure that the community can continue to serve

the needs of the Syro Malabar Catholics in the Northern Virginia region.

The needs of the community is second to the needs of the parishioners of the church we rent.

Hence longer term plans to build a church need to be initiated now, if the community even has

a chance of fulfilling it‟s dream of owning a church in the next five to ten years. Weekly offerings and other donations, hardly

meet the community‟s operational expenses. With our tremendous growth, we now need to plan on continuance of services

and hence contingency funds that can be used to address risks associated with rented church or other unplanned events, is a

must. The capital campaign aims to raise funds that will be set aside for such expenses.

The American Thriller Express Show is a cultural event that showcases Indian music, dances and comedy. The event will be

hosted on May 19th 2012 at 6.pm and venue will be at Herndon High School Auditorium , 700 Bennett St, Herndon,

VA 20170 .This show will play to an audience of over 1000 in the region. The event showcases famous movie stars from

Kerala, India and includes over 3 hours of nonstop programming.

Please visit “Upcoming Events” section of www.stjudenva.org to know more about this event details, including St Jude

capital campaign sponsorship proposals and sponsorship committee contact information. To make your reservation for this

show, please contact [email protected] or Parish Council.

Let us hold hands and support our community by extending our heartfelt invitation to all Malayalees outside our church to

attend the „American Express Thriller show‟. By supporting the fundraising Initiative, we are becoming responsible Christian

citizens who are dedicated towards building the body of Christ - the church.

V o l u m e 3 I s s u e 3

If you wish to donate to church or even have Mass Intentions, please contact the Trustees or Council members. Your contribu-

tions are greatly appreciated and would be used towards introducing new activities or improving existing activities for kids, youth,

choir etc. In addition we are always in need of volunteers especially in the areas highlighted below:

Altar Service: The church is seeking volunteers for altar service. If you are interested in becoming an Altar Serv-

er, please contact Mr. Sergin John (703 395 2469) for further information.

Lectors: If you would like to be a reader at Sunday Masses, please contact Mrs. Rinsy Jimmy (703 437 5396)

Music Ministry: Do you love to sing? Come; get acquainted with a great group of adults and kids. Have some fun!

No prior experience required. Please contact Mr. Shaju Joseph (703 901 6504) for further information.

Catechism Classes: If you wish to enroll your child or volunteer for teaching, please contact Mr. Tomy Paul (703

470 0708).

Fellowship and Refreshments: To sponsor refreshments for our community, please contact Mr. Sajith Thoppil

(571 224 5067).

Parish Bulletin: If you wish to contribute to our parish bulletin by way of articles, stories, or reflections, please

contact Mrs.Shyla Joseph (703 880 8274).

Advertising in the Parish bulletin:For advertising space in the parish bulletin, contact Mr. Charles(703 599

6748) .

L o o k i n g f o r W a y s t o C o n t r i b u t e

Our Dream

Page 6: March 2012 St. Jude Syro-Malabar Catholic Mission of ... Bulletin_2012_03(Mar).pdfDear brothers and sisters,INSIDE THIS ISSUE This is the Lenten season. We started our Lent with the

Our Vision is to create a vibrant Syro-Malabar community that nurtures spiritual growth, celebrates the sacraments, and fosters community ties and leadership.

C a l e n d a r o f E v e n t s

April 1, 2012 Palm Sunday

April 5, 2012 Holy Thursday

April 6, 2012 Good Friday

April 8, 2012 Easter Sunday

S t . J u d e S y r o - M a l a b a r M i s s i o n o f N o r t h e r n V i r g i n i a V o l u m e 3 I s s u e 3 P a g e 6
















Fr. Joseph Elamparayil 703 999 4179

Paul Pottanat 703 790 1933

Jilson Joseph 703 599 6748

Regi Perimchellor 703 636 1995

Sujith Abraham 703 310 9985

Jojo Joseph 703 349 2921

Tomy Paul 703 470 0708

Rony Thomas 571 261 9221

Smitha Regi 703 542 7726

Joseph Ayoorkaran 650 867 1443

Sajith Thoppil 571 224 5067

Shaju Joseph 703 901 6504

Shyla Joseph 703 880 8274

Vinson Palathingal 703 568 8070

Antony Kalikka 703 573 3178

Dilip Vadakkot 571 230 3444

George Manalel 703 631 4580

Regi Jose 703 542 7726

Justin Jose 301 216 0678

Jereesh Jose 703 477 3207

Pushpa Andrews 703 772 2234

Amit Antony 703-971-4394

Thomas Thomas 703 659 0874

Jimmy Jose 703 437 5396

Jose Thomas 571 643 0833

Special Offices

Dr. Francis Thomas 703 402 0210

Johnson Myalil 703 464 0831

Saju Thomas & Sojan


703 659 0874 &

703 281 1020


Sergin John 703 395 2469

Joseph Jacob 703 322 1424

Rinsy Jimmy 703 437 5396

M a r r i a g e

P r e p a r a t i o n

C o u r s e

The upcoming Marriage Preparation Course:

Date: March 25-27, 2012

Location: Mar Thoma Sleeha Syro-Malabar

Cathedral, Chicago, IL

Contact: Fr Antony Thundathil at

[email protected]


New To The Parish

We extend a warm welcome to all our new members!

Please contact the trustees or any council member if

you have any questions. Do also reach out to them to

understand how to get involved and become active

members in the parish . To receive updates about our

community and apply for membership, please join our

email group at :http://groups.google.com/group/NVA-


For up-to-date information, please visit community cal-

endar at http://www.my.calendars.net/


Page 7: March 2012 St. Jude Syro-Malabar Catholic Mission of ... Bulletin_2012_03(Mar).pdfDear brothers and sisters,INSIDE THIS ISSUE This is the Lenten season. We started our Lent with the

Our Vision is to create a vibrant Syro-Malabar community that nurtures spiritual growth, celebrates the sacraments, and fosters community ties and leadership.

Sunday Readings

March 4, 2012

First Reading : Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18

Second Reading : Rom 8:31b-34

Gospel : Mk 9:2-10

March 11, 2012

First Reading : Ex 20:1-17

Second Reading : 1 Cor 1:22-25

Gospel : Jn 2:13-25

March 18,2012

First Reading : 2 Chr 36:14-16, 19-23

Second Reading : Eph 2:4-10

Gospel : Jn 3:14-21

March 25,2012

First Reading : Jer 31:31-34

Second Reading : Heb 5:7-9

Gospel : Jn 12:20-33

P a g e 7 V o l u m e 3 I s s u e 3

T h a n k Y o u


Special thanks to the parishioners from Aldie/South Riding area for setting

up the refreshments and cleaning for the month of February.

All parishioners from Woodbridge/Alexandria ward are requested to vol-

unteer for the month of March.


Article “Submission” Deadline

The deadline for submitting articles and announcements for the bulletin for the

month of April is 21st March. If you have questions, please contact Mr. Binochan

Pavu (571-230-4142). A big “Thank you” to all the contributors for this month.

March Bulletin edited by Binochan Pavu

S t . J u d e S y r o - M a l a b a r M i s s i o n o f N o r t h e r n V i r g i n i a

The members of St. Jude Syro-Malabar Catholic Mission of Northern

Virginia expresses their sincere gratitude to Rev. Fr. Thomas Valayathil

for celebrating Holy Mass.

Last but not the least, Heartfelt Thank you to Rev. Fr. Lijoy Thanikkal

for celebrating Holy Mass and homilies and also for his spiritual guidance

for the month of February.

A c c o u n t I n f o r m a t i o n

M o n t h o f F E B R U A R Y

Total Collection: $2002.00

For more information contact Mr. Jojo Mathew (703 349 2921).

All your financial contributions to the parish are tax deductible and

hence, in order to receive acknowledgment for your contributions at

the end of the fiscal year, please make your contributions by check pay-

able to Syro-Malabar Catholic Mission of GW:NVC or if you are

contributing in cash, please enclose it in a sealed envelope with your

mailing address.

E d i t o r i a l


Shyla Joseph 703-880-8274

Sony Kuruvilla 703-327-7231

Binochan Pavu 703-286-7586

Asha Tony 703-893-0203

Jophy Jose 585-750-9202

Charles Thomas 703-222-4682

Jeril Philip 571-246-0670

Alex Jacob 410-603-2911

Page 8: March 2012 St. Jude Syro-Malabar Catholic Mission of ... Bulletin_2012_03(Mar).pdfDear brothers and sisters,INSIDE THIS ISSUE This is the Lenten season. We started our Lent with the

Our Vision is to create a vibrant Syro-Malabar community that nurtures spiritual growth, celebrates the sacraments, and fosters community ties and leadership.

S t . J u d e S y r o - M a l a b a r M i s s i o n o f N o r t h e r n V i r g i n i a V o l u m e 3 I s s u e 3 P a g e 8

Prayer for Our Church Fund-raising

God our Father, today we gather as a community united

in the Holy Spirit.

We thank you for your love and wisdom that provides us

with the strength to work together.

You always provide us with all we need.

We know that our community needs your support to

thrive and grow.

We promise to use the gifts you give us to support our


We ask for your guidance about our future plans and

trust that you will give us the answers in your time.

As we journey into the future, help us continue to work

together as a family

built on your gifts of faith, hope and love.

This we ask through Christ Our Lord.


St. Jude: Pray for Us