EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING 1 March 2012 A Guide for Conscious Living March 2012 ~ Vol. IV, Issue 1 X volving Annual Annual Annual Health & Wellness Health & Wellness Health & Wellness Directory Directory Directory Inside this Issue Inside this Issue Inside this Issue Essential Oils Essential Oils Essential Oils in in in the Kitchen the Kitchen the Kitchen Flex Your Flex Your Flex Your Brain Brain Brain and and and Create Create Create Balance Balance Balance Try a Try a Try a Nutrient Nutrient Nutrient-Dense Dense Dense Diet Diet Diet Music Music Music Therapy Therapy Therapy

March 2012

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The March issue of EVOLVING is all about health and wellness.

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Page 1: March 2012


A Guide for Conscious Living

March 2012 ~ Vol. IV, Issue 1

X volving

Annual Annual Annual Health & Wellness Health & Wellness Health & Wellness

DirectoryDirectoryDirectory Inside this IssueInside this IssueInside this Issue

Essential OilsEssential OilsEssential Oils in in in the Kitchenthe Kitchenthe Kitchen

Flex Your Flex Your Flex Your BrainBrainBrain and and and Create Create Create BalanceBalanceBalance

Try a Try a Try a NutrientNutrientNutrient---Dense Dense Dense


MusicMusicMusic TherapyTherapyTherapy

Page 2: March 2012


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Page 3: March 2012


Departments: News 4

Journey to Wholeness 6

Wisdom Within 7

Let’s Get Naked 8

Holistic Medicine 10

Healthy Bytes 11 Food Conscious 11

In the Kitchen w/Bonnie 12

Horoscope 20

Events 22

Publisher Jill Dutton 913-944-1298

[email protected]

Editorial Assistant Judy Kirkpatrick

Ad Design Maitreya Zohar


Heidi Alfrey, Deena Beneda, Janalea Hoffman, Bethany Klug, Jude LaClaire, Aluna Michaels, Moira Mulhern, Bonnie Rabicoff, Nancy Russell, Suzette Scholtes,

Dori Thomas



EVOLVING© 2012 all rights reserved. The opinions expressed are those of the authors. The articles in EVOLVING are not meant to represent any form of medical or psychiatric care. No portion of the publication may be reproduced without express written permission

from the publisher. Distribution by PDS, Inc.

Dear Friend, Welcome to our annual edition on health and well-ness. I think a lot about this topic every day. Wellness, in general, is part of every facet of my life and of this publi-cation. I am always attempting to learn about wellness, health, healing and wholeness. What does the term wellness actually mean? I believe it’s a way of living, a belief system and a quest for more. Don Ardell, Ph.D., of the Living Well Center at the Uni-versity of Buffalo defines wellness as: “Wellness is first and foremost a choice to assume responsibility for the quality of your life. It begins with a conscious decision to

shape a healthy lifestyle. Wellness is a mind set, a predisposition to adopt a series of key principles in varied life areas that lead to high levels of well-being and life satisfaction.” This spectacular issue encompasses many paths on your quest for wellness. Ex-ploring wellness in this issue we have everything from eating a nutrient-dense diet, to maintaining optimum brain function, to music therapy for wellness. Enjoy the wide variety of health-ful, health-inspiring articles, then read through our annual Wellness Directory, inserted inside this month’s issue. In the directory you’ll find about 100 different Kansas City businesses offering nearly every form of health and wellness modality imaginable. Save this directory to reference year-round. We have such an abundance of health and wellness products and services available in the Kansas City area; It’s important we show them our support so they may continue to nurture and heal us all. Here’s to living a varied lifestyle with high levels of well-being and satisfac-tion—wellness, that is.

Jill Dutton

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Connie “Crash” Humiston

Karen E. Cowdry


“Still”: Acrylic on canvas with found objects by Stephanie Gray. Stephanie is passionate about the transforming qualities of creativity and believes we are all artists. She is co-owner of Creative Nectar Studio where she co-facilitates process painting workshops with her business partner Jenny Hahn. www.creativenectarstudio.com or e-mail Stephanie: [email protected].

Photo by: Penny Thieme ©2011, pennythiemephotography.com

Features... Publisher’s Letter...

Tavern in the Village ...13

Spice it Up: Essential Oils

in the Kitchen ...13

Music Therapy...14

Complementary &

Alternative Medicine … 14

Jacia Humiston

Create Balance by Flexing the Brain...15

Page 4: March 2012


Shawnee Mission Holistic Care to Host Ribbon-Cutting

Join Shawnee Mission Medical Cen-ter’s newest physician practice, Shawnee Mission Holistic Care, at a ribbon-cutting event with the Overland Park Chamber of Commerce on Thursday, March 29 at 4 p.m. Lead by naturo-pathic doctor Megan Schlick, ND, and nurse practitioner Paula Vogt, ARNP, Holistic Care integrates conventional Western medicine with natural thera-pies to help you restore and maintain your best health. Stop by to learn more about the services provided, meet the practitioners and enjoy light refresh-ments. For more information, visit ShawneeMission.org/HolisticCare. Shawnee Mission Medical Center

(SMMC) is a 504-bed facility with nearly 20,000 inpatient admissions and more than 200,000 outpatient admissions annually. SMMC has the busiest emer-gency department in Johnson County, the area's first accredited Chest Pain Emergency Center, a nationally recog-nized Center for Women's Health and delivers more babies each year than any other hospital in the metropolitan area. SMMC employs more than 2,900 local residents and supports an exceptional staff of 700 physicians representing 50 medical specialties, the largest medical staff in Kansas City. Visit us on the Web at ShawneeMission.org.


Become a Better You! Are you living an authen-tic life? Are you simply exist-ing or actually living your life to the fullest degree pos-sible? Becoming a Better YOU! is a workshop based on Shelly Wilson’s 28-day course and includes gentle, loving guidance brought forth to allow you to heal and grow — and empowers you to take control of your life. The time is now to cease existing and start living. Are you ready to let go of the past, live in the present and look to the fu-ture? Are you ready to live an authentic life, be the best you can BE, and learn to LOVE yourself? Join this workshop and tap into your inner power as you explore

who you really are. Shelly Wilson holds a BS degree in Business with a minor in Psychology and is an Usui/Karuna Reiki Mas-ter. She is a motivational speaker and hosts “Believe and Believ ing” and “Journey into Conscious-ness”, which can be found on iTunes and Blog Talk

Radio. Workshop will be held Mar 17, 1-4 p.m. at Unity Church of Overland Park. $40 includes course material to be e-mailed to you as a .doc or .pdf file. Please indicate preference. Accompany-ing audio files are in mp3 format. Please e-mail [email protected] or call 918-782-4778 to register.

Dr. Michael Ulm’s “Healing Miracles” Services Coming to Unity Village

Dr. Michael Ulm, an internationally known healer, will present a series of five “Healing Miracles Services” at Unity Village April 4, 5, & 7. Dr. Ulm, a colleague of the late world-renowned healer, Dr. Willard Fuller, is known for generating frequent healings and miracles. In his services, partici-pants have experienced teeth and fill-ings turning to gold, wounds healing quickly, chronic pain disappearing, the release of traumas and cases of stage-four terminal cancer healing. The Services will be held at the Unity Hotel and Conference Center at Unity Village on Wednesday April 4 at 1 p.m., Thursday, April 5 at 1 & 7 p.m., and again Saturday, April 7 at 1 & 7 p.m. The services are open to the public at no charge with participants offered the

opportunity to make a free-will dona-tion to Dr. Ulm’s All Light Ministries. “My work expands minds as it heals dis-ease and leaves participants pro-foundly moved by the transformative power of Divine Love,” Dr Ulm pro-claims. Dr Ulm holds a Bachelors of Holistic Health from the Mediforphic Institute where he studied natural medicine un-der Rev. Hanna Kroger. He is a National Board Certified Counseling Intuitive and is a doctoral candidate in Energy Medi-cine with Holos Graduate Seminary. For more information about the Unity Village services contact Rev. Al-berta Boccaleoni at 816-554-1733 or [email protected]. For more in-formation about Dr. Michael Ulm and All Light Ministries International visit www.alllightministries.com.

Take what you will and leave the rest Augustine


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Page 5: March 2012


Spirit Soars in Singer’s Song

Bukeka Shoal’s sec-ond CD, Spirit is Alive! is released. Bukeka, lauded a s a n a t i on a l l y -recognized singer, song-writer and speaker, touches the souls of audi-ences of all ages and backgrounds. Her lyrics convey powerful, inspir-ing messages set to music for dancing and reflec-tion. “To me, music and message go hand in hand,” Bukeka explains. “My music is not just about my experience, but it’s about the human experience.” In The

Universe is Calling, Bukeka challenges each and every one of us to step up to the plate and make a difference. In November, 2011, Bukeka shared her music and message in working with orphans and caregiv-ers in Cape Town, South Africa. Planning is under-way for a national tour

through the country. Her first live cd is due to be released in June of this year. Spirit is Alive! is available for purchase online at www.bukeka.com, cdbaby.com and on ITunes.


Jin Shin Jyutsu 5-Day Basic Seminar Coming to Kansas City

Linda Meserve and Nancy Steele, Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioners and self-help instructors, announce a Jin Shin Jyutsu 5-Day Basic Seminar will be held in Overland Park April 25-29, 2012. Jin Shin Jyutsu is an art of harmoniz-ing body energy pathways through gen-tle touch. It is a physio-philosophy that touches us physically, mentally and spiritually. Translated from Japanese, Jin Shin Jyutsu means “Art of the Crea-tor through knowing and compassionate man”. This Basic Seminar is for those who want to study and practice Jin Shin Jyutsu and to apply the Art on them-selves and others. Kansas City is very fortunate to have Wayne Hackett as this year’s instructor for the class. Although Mr. Hackett originally received a B.S. Ed degree and he worked in both state and private in-stitutions as a teacher/counselor, his

interest turned toward holistic health and education and, in 1977, he discov-ered Jin Shin Jyutsu. He currently makes his home on the Island of Kauai in Hawaii, where he continues to study Jin Shin Jyutsu and maintains a private practice. He travels extensively, present-ing Jin Shin Jyutsu lectures in the United States and throughout the world, and has a particular fascination with the esoteric significance of symbols (numbers) and cosmic geometry (planetary relationships). Jin Shin Jyutsu, Inc is an approved Continuing Education provider for nurs-ing, acupuncture and massage therapy. Class details and registration informa-tion may be found at www.jsjkc.com, or by calling 913-706-3107.

The energy pulsing out of the Student Union Multipurpose Room is palpable. Once through the doors, the intrepid visitor is swept up in a swirl of sound and healing vibes. This is UMKC/Communiversity’s Wholistic Health Fair, a bi-annual event since 1999 where a plethora of alternative-health practi-tioners gather to share their knowledge, experience and philosophies with the public. During the Wholistic Health Fair, Communiversity also offers some great workshops at a bargain price. You can take three workshops for only $7. Work-shops include: Managing Migraines with Lifestyle Changes; A Council of Grandmothers; Steps to Kick Your Sugar Habit; Hawaiian Spirituality;

Channeling; Improve Indoor Air; Cook-ing with Less Time; Diabetes Education; Staying Young Your Next 100 Years; Environmental Art; Experience the En-ergy of Healing; and much more! The workshops offer participants a chance to enhance their knowledge and ask questions of the presenters. Twenty workshops will offer the health fair attendee new ways of dealing with physical and spiritual issues, while over sixty exhibitors will introduce their products, know-how and services. Call 816-235-1407, pick up a catalog of up-coming classes and the show guide at any public library or visit our website www.umkc.edu/commu for more infor-mation.

Communiversity’s Wholistic Health Fair

Page 6: March 2012


“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything

else in the universe.” —John Muir

T his statement was written over a century ago by John Muir, naturalist and founder of Sierra Club. It has been the belief of

many cultures for millennium and has been proven by many branches of sci-ence in the 20th century. What keeps us from believing this, taking it to heart and making it practical in our lives? Sometimes an illness or accident, a loss or catastrophic event can become the catalyst to wake us up to a different approach to our physical and mental health. Recently, someone suggested I check out A TEDx talk on You Tube by Dr. Terry Wahls entitled Minding Your Mitochondria. This 18 minutes power-fully encapsulated Dr. Wahls’s amazing journey from a chronic, debilitating dis-ease to better health. She describes her life as a healthy, athletic woman who became a clinical professor of medicine at the University of Iowa. She shared her life with her spouse and two children. In 2000 every-

thing changed when she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. She underwent chemotherapy in an attempt to slow the disease but continued to decline and by 2003 was in a tilt-recline wheelchair. She knew she had to do something. She began doing her own personal research and, eventually, turned to searching for vitamins and supplements that helped myelin tissue and any kind of brain disorder. She found vitamins and minerals that were essential to mye-lin tissue and brain health. She theorized that if these supplements could help, she could get these brain nutrients from food. She changed her diet dramatically to fruits, vegetables and lean meats. She relates, “In December, 2007, I began my intensive directed nutrition along with a program of progressive exercise, electrical stimulation and daily meditation. The results stunned my phy-sician, my family and me: within a year, I was able to walk through the hospital without a cane and even complete an 18-mile bicycle tour.” Dr. Wahls’s journey is remarkable. Her story is one that encapsulates the principles of holistic health:

• Focus on strengthening systems

rather than suppressing or trying to eradicate them.

• Honor the body-mind connection.

• Find and use the resources within ourselves, our relationships and our environment for healing.

• Believe in what we do or act as if we believe, suspending judgment.

It is difficult to do the work it requires to be the leader in our own health pro-gram. Though Dr. Wahls had the advan-tage of her medical training, each of us can do our own research. Using the internet, connecting with other people with similar issues, finding resources in the community, strengthening our per-sonal relationships, finding our own inner strength and courage, all help in this journey of healing. Dr. Wahls is now working on a book, Up From the Chair: Defeating Progres-sive MS Without Drugs. She is spending her time working, researching, teaching and lecturing about her journey. She is donating fifty percent of the profits from sales of her DVDs and CDs to support clinical research in the area of nutrition, meditation, massage, exercise and neu-

romuscular electrical stimulation in the setting of progressive MS. You and I can do the same. When we have acute or chronic physical or mental health issues, we can do our research, get help, ask questions and take a brave path to heal ourselves. We can find and use the inner and outer resources needed to strengthen the parts of our being that are being weakened by stress, illness or other causes. As you listen to her 18 minute TED talk, I hope you find the inspiration to walk the holistic path of healing your life. Jude LaClaire, Ph.D., LCPC, LCSW is a coun-selor, educator and author. For counseling appointments, semi-nars, training, speaking engagements or infor-mation on Neurobehav-ioral Programs call 913-322-5622. For more information about Jude LaClaire or the Kansas City Holistic, go to www . k c h o l i s t i c . c om . Em a i l : [email protected]

Journey to Wholeness—by Jude LaClaire, Ph.D.

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Page 7: March 2012


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H ere we are with a new opportunity to share a story of people in the world who are willing to

live a life of authenticity and trans-parency. This month, I feature a Conscious Couple — a spiritual partnership that is based on inner connection rather than outer illu-sion. Life partners, Steven Franklin and Nate Meador have developed a “healthy relationship habit” of working together, supporting each other and continually growing in every aspect of their own individual lives as well as their partnership. They are often asked, “How can you be together 24/7 and still be laugh-ing?” They always respond, “We live our life by celebrating the good and healing the 'not so' good.” To them, relationships are about creat-ing healthy habits together. Habits for these two are not defined by the number of days it takes to undo an old routine, but by the new habit of love that can create a lasting life-style. Steven and Nate have dedi-cated their relationship to one of continuous growth and inner explo-ration. Another key to their “lasting life-style” is the appreciation of each other’s strengths. Steven, a life coach, is a nurturer who focuses on relationship building, communica-tion and attention to detail. With a background in leadership and mar-keting, Nate is a planner and moti-vator with an enthusiastic eye on the big picture. Steven has a saying, “When we build roads together in our life, Nate is the one who lays down the asphalt and I smooth it out.” Speaking of asphalt, Conscious Couples must start with a strong foundation. For Nate and Steven it was discovering the values they had in common: monogamy, honesty, positivity, healthy living, spiritual growth and a sense of hu-mor. Growing together from this fertile soil of spiritual agreement has created safety for each to evolve as the relationship grows and changes, as all relationships do. There must be space for soul ex-pansion to happen.

Discovering essential relationship tools are one thing, living them is another. No couple is an island. The support of like-minded individuals is paramount in realizing you and your partner are not alone in the issues your partnership faces. Nate and Steven are committed to con-tinuously being connected to other transparent individuals and couples to not fall into the "no one can un-derstand this" trap. Through these interactions, the focus be-comes thriving versus surviving. From that spirit of thriving, this dynamic duo has created a spiritual opportunity for others to cele-brate every "life story" by remem-bering the "star that you are." Do you see your life as an ever-unfolding adventure and cast your-

self in the leading role, or are you a bit part or a supporting actor or maybe just a stage hand? Nate and Steven are the founders of LifeCast-Now.com, inspired by the vision of empowered living combined with enlightened online community. This life service invites spiritual seekers to connect with mentors, virtual courses, life tools and the emotional support needed to live a fulfilled, authentic and grateful life. They are currently developing the final touches for the launch of this dynamic interactive online community, offering Life Members an online platform to cast the story of their life as the headlining star! A quote from Brian Tracy em-bodies the vision that Nate and Ste-ven have for LifeCastNow.com. Brian says, “Feed your mind with mental protein, not mental candy. Read, listen to and watch positive, uplifting material.” Nate and Ste-ven invite others to turn off the news, drama, self-doubt and tune into LifeCastNow.com. Build the best habits there are...tell your story, live your life, let yourself and others see into you. Intimacy: Into Me See! Watch how everything you need shows up. Nate and Steven are there to show you the way. They are living exam-ples of the power of Love as a Lifestyle.

Heidi Alfrey holds a Masters degree in Counseling and is a Unity minister, serving as one of the ministers at Unity Temple on the

Plaza. She has a spiritual counseling practice and teaches many lively classes that remind men and women "who they are" and the "power within." Tune into

her online radio show at www.unity.fm on Mondays at 3:00 p.m. CST or anytime in the archives

at www.letsgetnaked.us.

Let’s Get Naked—by Heidi Alfrey

Being the Star that You Are

Conscious Couples must

start with a strong


For Nate and Steven it

was discovering the

values they had in

common: monogamy,

honesty, positivity,

healthy living,

spiritual growth and a

sense of humor.

Page 8: March 2012


H e was a crusty, tough guy. At a young age, I knew Dad used this disguise to shield his tender heart. He

was raised on the streets of Chicago, attending the University until, “The last dime was in my pocket.” So he was an innovator — few poor kids from Italian immigrants went to col-lege in 1938.

He had an astute wisdom not eas-ily understood. For example, when my sister died of a suicide, he said, “How selfish of her.” Then later when I divorced by husband of l8 years, I heard that he had said, “How selfish of her.”

Like the Godfather, family was numero uno and nothing came be-tween.

With our huge family, all of us lived in the family farmhouse. It was too many people. So he built a huge addition which made a very odd look-ing structure, with the 100-year-old roof contrasting the modern architec-ture of the new wing. He placed a huge family room in the center. He hand cut marble stone for the floor.

Then he built the master bedroom as far away from the children’s quar-ters as possible to block out our fights and mischief making. If we became too loud, we would hear his voice boom, “What the hell is going on? You DO NOT want me to come up there!”

This column now takes a strange turn; but, this is what I remember. I was sent to a Catholic boarding school when the rural schools consolidated and Dad questioned the quality of the education. Despite my protest, off I went. So, before the word was a word, I became “anorexic” in anger of being shut in this place away from the fam-ily. I overcame the stress; but, my sister (a year younger) did not and was later diagnosed as schizophrenic.

Here’s where this story gets really weird. As seniors in the boarding school, we had visited the mental hos-pital and sat with patients who were “non-violent.” What the hell were they thinking…vulnerable teens spending time in a place filled with hopelessness and despair? We had dreaded the Tuesday field trip each week.

So where does my sis go when diagnosed? My heart broke to know she was in that dreadful place.

After they took off her straight jacket (in the 60’s it was sad how they treated the mentally ill), Dad asked

me to go with him to visit her. I didn’t think it was possible to cry that many tears. She drew herself together like a child. She no longer spoke to me as probably the Thorazine drug froze most of her brain.

On the way home he stops at our hog farm (five miles from the main house), which was so innovative it was a cover feature in Farm Journal for its organization and sanitation.

In our old hog house, I feared those creatures. Have you ever seen their teeth, sharper than dogs? Did you know they eat their young if they sense it is weak? Do you know they will attack you if provoked and espe-cially if you try to transfer their litter? Indeed, pigs are a mysterious life form.

But this place was bright and it smelled okay. The babies slept on straw separated from the mama pig so her 250 pounds would not squish them. Dad placed a newborn into my arms.

Tears welled up in his eyes. Here I am holding the pig while Dad shines the big light of his love around me. He could not talk to me about our tragedy nor could he have prevented it. And I knew he felt deep. And I knew he felt guilt and remorse and regret.

I finally trusted him and loved him at the same time, thinking he was as tender as my sis who was too ten-der for this crazy world. Thank God for his shield.

Suzette Scholtes is Director of Teacher’s Training and Founder of The Yoga School of Therapeutics, 10400 W. 103rd Street, Overland Park. Her writings have appeared in national magazines and published by New Leaf Publishers, Atlanta. The yoga school calendar of public classes and workshops may be found at www.theyogastudio.com or Email [email protected] or call


Wisdom Within—by Suzette Scholtes

An Invisible Shield

Page 9: March 2012


H eadaches are one of our coun-try’s number one pain problems and are one of the most com-mon reasons why people seek

medical care. "What kind of headache do I have,", you may ask? Many people have several different kinds of headaches, so the evaluation and treatment can be complex. Headaches, including the migraine type, are so widespread that many people consider them a normal occurrence. A chronic headache is one that recurs daily, sporadically or is related to a certain trigger, whether that be foods, chemicals, environmental or hormonal. Migraines are severe (pulsating or throbbing) headaches, sometimes associated with flashing lights, zigzag lines, light and sound sensitivity, blind spots, dizziness and nausea. Causes of Headaches A migraine attack may be triggered or aggravated by a variety of factors. Common precipitating causes include physical activ-ity, menstruation or hormonal changes, alcohol consumption (especially red wine), sleep disturbance, birth control pills, a missed meal or a change in the weather. Certain foods and food sensitivities can also trigger headaches in many patients. Headaches are a signal from your body that something is wrong. Often it can be a symptom of dehydration and increased toxins. Removing the cause and letting the body accomplish its self-cleansing tasks can result in reduction or even resolution. When metabolic waste products are elimi-nated, people can regain freedom from pain. First, try increasing your intake of water. Next, determine food triggers by food sensitivity testing or elimination diets. Seek out a physician familiar with dietary detoxification. Many headaches respond to a careful detoxification program. Other lifestyle areas that impact the cause and incidence of headaches are to-bacco and alcohol intake, sleep deprivation, environmental allergies, lack of exercise and food intolerances. Exposure to toxins such as lead, arsenic, morphine, carbon monoxide, pesticides and noxious fumes can cause headaches. Toxicity from the drugs used to treat headaches can keep the process going. Urine testing can be ob-tained to assess for toxic metals. Mental and emotional disturbances such as anxiety, depression and personality dis-orders can have a higher incidence of ten-sion headaches. Headaches can also indicate distur-bances in the body and may be a result of a disease process that needs diagnosis and treatment. These include high blood pres-sure or rare diseases such as brain tumors, meningitis, trigeminal neuralgia, glaucoma and temporal arteritis. Some of these disor-ders can be life threatening and if trigemi-nal neuralgia and glaucoma are left un-treated can lead to blindness. Head injuries and diseases or infections of the eyes, nose, teeth and ears and allergic conditions and chronic sinusitis are also causes of headaches. Mechanical issues can

be addressed by a doctor of chiropractic or dentist to assess for spinal malalignment or TMD-temporal mandibular dysfunction. By prescribing the headache patient Imitrex®, Cymbalta®, Tegretol®, Elavil®, Excedrin®, Fiorinal®, which contain caf-feine, anti-depressants, vaso-constrictors or barbiturates, we do not remove the cause. In fact, they can perpetuate the problem. Analgesic overuse with some of the above medications or even over-the-counter Aleve, Motrin or Aspirin can lead to re-bound headaches. The Solution Can Be Simple or Com-plex A basic approach to rid one’s life of head-aches is to increase your intake of water. Do this for several days and monitor the re-sults. With practitioner direction, start a nutritional program based on blood type and food sensitivities as well as eliminating all sugar and caffeine-containing products. From the start, headache sufferers should discuss with their practitioner a plan to taper off medications. All herbal prepara-tions, food supplements, teas, soft drinks, coffee and caffeinated beverages should be omitted, as well. Since the use of medication, even in low quantities, can be the cause of headaches, one of the best things a practitioner caring for headache patients can do is to carefully withdraw their medication. Drugs to relieve pain are rarely necessary if headache suffer-ers are allowed to detoxify at the first sign of headache symptoms. Patients trying to detoxify and eliminate dependency on medication often find it useful to retire to a dark room and use ice compresses or a tight ice wrap around the head to reduce pain. An alternative can be to stand in a hot shower with hot water beating on the pain-ful area. Sometimes headaches continue for a few days to a few months while the body is still eliminating retained wastes; but, this nutri-tional approach usually results in the elimi-nation of the patient’s problems. If food elimination and detoxification does not eliminate headaches, testing neurotrans-mitter levels can be helpful. Once a definite recovery has been achieved and the patient is free of headaches for one month, some healthful natural foods that were prohibited in the first phase may be added back to the diet. Nancy Russell, M.D. is a holistic Internal medicine physician and has practiced in the Kansas City north-land for 30 years. Dr. Rus-sell blends traditional and alternative medicine in her holistic medical practice, Nurturing Optimal Well-ness. As a founding mem-ber of the American Board of Holistic medi-cine, she is board certified in holistic medi-cine. For more educational newsletters: www.nancyrussellmd.com.

Holistic Medicine—by Nancy Russell, M.D.

My Head Hurts: What Can I Do?

March 31, 2012

Page 10: March 2012


I would like to share some of the comments I was fortunate enough to give during a weekly Sunday Brunch at the Uptown Theater in Westport. The participants share a great ve-

gan brunch and discuss various aspects of health and healing. My topic for that Sunday was Hor-mone Balance. Hormones are substances produced and se-creted by the glands of our body in response to sig-nals. Glands and tissues that secrete hormones are: pineal, hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, pancreas, adrenals, the gut and the gonads (ovaries and tes-tes). Why do we have so much hormone disrup-tion in our modern world? One reason is that our glands are sensitive to environmental toxins, infections, poor nutrition, inflammation, chronic stress, overweight, underweight, food allergies and smoking. Also, these glands are not 100 percent vital to our existence. The body goes to great lengths to protect the lungs, heart and brain; but when the body gets overwhelmed by toxins and poor diet, the bad effects can get pushed out into our glands. Then the glands don’t function well and

we notice this dysfunction because our hormones become unbalanced. Do we always understand the dancing hor-mones? To really understand hormones, you have to understand how they constantly interact with one another. For example, high cortisol from the adrenals causes higher insulin from the pancreas and, in turn, affects testosterone, estrogen and pro-gesterone. What is a feedback loop? Glands are continu-ally stimulated by our body’s signals to secrete hor-mones or to stop secreting hormones. For example, the pituitary gland tells the thyroid when to work. When the body has enough thyroid hormone to do its job, the thyroid tells the pituitary to stop stimu-lating. So back and forth they go. The Thyroid Gland is in the neck and thyroid hormones are responsible for energy and metabo-lism. In functional medicine, we use a question-naire of your symptoms to diagnose imbalances. If you would like a questionnaire, contact through this website. We also use laboratory testing. The thyroid gland is sensitive to: gluten, mercury, stress, infection, inflammation and certain drugs (like birth control pills). About one in seven people have symptoms of low or sluggish thyroid hor-mones. Some signs would be: dry skin, hair loss, fatigue, weight gain, constipation, memory prob-lems and headache. The Adrenal Glands are in our back on top of the kidneys. They function to keep us vigilant and

on-guard. They also help us wake up in the morn-ing and face a new day. Symptoms of adrenal im-balance would be fatigue, poor sleeping or early wakening, headache, metabolic syndrome and cravings. Sometimes we can become hyper-vigilant with stress and worry or “wired and tired”. This is called adrenal fatigue. Sometimes increased cortisol from the adrenals will cause us to deposit fat (adiposity). This is a vicious cycle of increased cortisol, increased insulin, depositing of adipose tissue, increased inflammation, stress and more cortisol causing more fat--thought by many to be the mechanism of harmful, increased thickening of fat around the waistline. In functional medicine, we test for adrenal imbalance using questionnaires. You can request a questionnaire by contact through this website. When we need laboratory information, cortisol and DHEA from the adrenals are tested by saliva samples taken four times throughout the day. Are female Sex Hormones deficient or just out of balance? There are several female sex hormones and their obvious function is during re-production and pregnancy. As we go through the stages of our lives, these hormones can change; but, the changes are less likely to be deficiencies and more likely to be imbalance. Even in meno-pause, the hormones need to be in balance for you to feel vital, vibrant and healthy. There are natural hormone balancers and herbs and super foods that help regulate the hormones. Perimenopause is a time when women notice changes in their hor-mones. Perhaps we feel that we are deficient in estrogen; but, changes occur in perimenopause that are actually signs of a high estrogen-like state: fibroids, irregular bleeding, breast tenderness, bloating and weight gain. The answer for many women is to balance or support the female hor-mones at this time. Balance is the key. If you wish to read a list on lifestyle and diet that supports your hormones, contact the author below. Remember your diet, first and foremost, and let your food be your medi-cine. Many foods in the standard American diet and environment have xenohormones (hormone-like substances) that interfere with the balance. An organic, plant-based diet can help you avoid in-flammations, toxins and infections and will be friendly to your hormones.

If you are concerned about hormone balance in your body or are still having symptoms after making all the right changes in your diet and life-style, contact Naturally Health-care for Women at 816-719-1588. We will be happy to answer your ques-tions!

Women’s Health—by Deborah Jantsch

Balancing the Hormones

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Page 11: March 2012


Eating Well in Kansas City

Heal Your Self

T he new Film, Heal Your Self,' takes a deep dive into the effects of food, stress, environmental toxicity and the power of the mind in protecting your health. Heal Your Self, about taking responsibility for our own health, was released on DVD. With a focus on creating positive lifestyle changes, Heal Your Self

examines topics like food, emotional stress, environmental toxicity, self education and the power of the mind. In Heal Your Self, first-time filmmaker Norm Hacker speaks to a diverse mix of doctors, researchers and survivors of serious conditions and illnesses including cancer, obesity and Crohn's disease. These survivors took their health into their own hands, took charge of their lives and healed themselves. Heal Your Self features experts like Bernie Siegel MD, Seventh Generation co-founder Jeffrey Hollender, bestselling author John Gray and cancer survivor Susan Ryan Jordan (mother of actress Meg Ryan), as well as the voices of integrative health advocates, health researchers and scholars."If there already was a cure for cancer, if obesity rates weren't rising, if the rates of disease were in decline, if our population was enjoying greater health and wellness, this film wouldn't be necessary — but that's not the case," Hacker said. "How many Americans are in poor health, and how many have little or no access to medical care or health insurance? This film is intended as a jour-ney of empowerment, to help you take control of your own health." "Heal Your Self offers a timely message to viewers: It's time to abandon your past, find inspiration, use the information and take responsibility for your health," Dr. Siegel said. Heal Your Self (region-free, 70 minutes, 4:3 NTSC color) is available online at www.healyourself.tv for $24.95. Also available is the Heal Your Self meditation CD with easy-to-follow meditations and relaxation exercises, and a downloadable 220-page eBook in PDF and iPad format with transcripts of more than 20 interviews con-ducted for the film.

Healthy Bytes

Health & Wellness Sponsorships

H ealth professionals wanting to promote to their clients the benefits of eating a local and organic diet can now do so with the Kansas City Food Circle’s new Health and Wellness Contributorship. For a $100 annual fee, participating Health and Wellness providers (naturopaths, nutritionists, chiropractors,

health coaches, etc.) receive:

• Up to 50 printed Directories to distribute to their clients.

• A Kansas City Food Circle speaker presenting on topics related to local, organic, free-range food. Some topics include: the health benefits of eating local, free-range, or-ganic food; factory farming/animal welfare issues; how to find local, free-range, or-ganic food in Kansas City, latest research on the dangers of pesticide and hormones in food, or how to prepare and/or preserve local, free-range, organic food.

• A “Welcome” mention in our Update member newsletter.

• Inclusion of their business name and description and a link to their website from our “Health and Wellness Contributors" page. (More details can be found at http://www.kcfoodcircle.org/resources/health-wellness-contributors/.)

T his month, I will share how easy it is to make the nutrient dense, low glycemic Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine part of your

daily life. First, you need salad greens. I buy a few kinds, such as leaf lettuce, arugula and cress, and spice it up with radicchio, parsley and cilantro. This makes for a slightly bitter salad. If you prefer a sweeter salad, try different kinds of leaf and butter lettuces. Soon local salad mixes will be in season, which makes the whole job easier. I avoid commercial bagged lettuces because they are treated with chemicals. Tear up 2 to 3 handfuls of salad greens in a bowl, and then add a small amount of greens for color, texture and flavor such as radicchio, parsley and cilantro. Wash and spin out with a salad spinner. Then mix about 2 – 3 tablespoons salad dressing (see below) into the greens until well coated Top with a few slices of radish, red pep-per or fennel—1 – 2 tablespoons each at the most, and sprouts. It’s easy to make sprouts at home. See my website blog for instructions. Then sprinkle some sea let-tuce, kelp or dulse powder on top—1/4 to ½ teaspoon each at the most, if you are measuring. Green powder, such as Pure

Synergy is nice, too. I add 1 TBSP of ground flax seed to my husband’s bowl, which holds him until dinner. Simply grind 1 TBSP of flax seed in a spice or coffee grinder. Top with ¼ - ½ avocado and 2 – 3 TBSP of pate (see below) and enjoy. If you eat like most Americans, I advise tip toeing instead of diving into this style of eating. The influx of nutrients can cause detoxification that is easier to han-dle if taken slowly. You may consider working with a holistic physician who can offer ways to support your detoxification systems to ease the transition to this cleaner more nutrient dense way of eat-ing. The recipes below use a food processor with a steel S-blade, such as a Cuisinart, and a sturdy high speed blender. I de-stroyed several regular blenders until I finally plunked down the change for a Vita-Mix. Blend-tec is also highly recom-mended. If fresh spices are unavailable, use ½ the amount of dried spices. Pumpkin Seed Pate 2 cups pumpkin seeds, soaked at least 2 hours ½ cup sundried tomatoes, soaked until soft 2 TBSP olive Oil

1 TBSP fresh parsley, finely chopped 1 TBSP lemon juice 1tsp fresh oregano, finely chopped 1 tsp fresh thyme, finely chopped 1 tsp RealSalt sea salt Blend pumpkin seeds and sundried toma-toes in food processor with S-blade until smooth. Add remaining ingredients and blend until well distributed. The pate will last for a few days in the refrigerator. Creamy Dill Dressing ½ cup olive oil ½ cup pine nuts ¼ cup fresh dill, chopped 3 TBSP lemon juice Freshly ground pepper and RealSalt sea salt to taste Process all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Makes about 1 cup.

Food Conscious—by Bethany Klug, D.O.

Try the Nutrient-Dense Diet

New Restaurant in Old Westport

T he Boot Ristorante, a rustic-style Italian bistro landed in Kansas City’s Old Westport in February. The Boot Ristorante, created by chef-owners Aaron Con-fessori and Richard Wiles, is a full-service Italian eatery situated directly next to its French-inspired counterpart, Westport Café & Bar. Located at 415 Westport

Road, The Boot Ristorante is open daily, serving its full menu until 1:00 a.m., Monday through Saturday and until midnight on Sunday. The bar remains open past dining hours until 1:30 a.m., Monday through Saturday and midnight on Sunday.

Bethany Klug is a physi-cian for whom food is a doorway to personal, community and plane-tary health. Learn more about her practice of “Restoring Health with Holistic Medicine” at 913-642-1900 and


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Page 12: March 2012


Eating Well in Kansas City

O ne of Kansas City’s treasures is our world-class Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. The

Museum was originally built around a 15th-century Italian courtyard named in memory of Frank Rozzelle (family attorney for William Rockhill Nelson). The courtyard was eventually enclosed to become the Rozzelle Court Restaurant, with a mission to serve “artful cui-sine worthy of its glorious set-ting.” In addition to serving up “art on a plate,” chefs work with local growers and food product-makers to create fresh and sea-sonal signature dishes. The restaurant also conducts re-search to compliment special exhibits (Egypt, China, etc.) with the foods of those cultures. Executive Chef Daniel White (formerly Grand Street Cafe, Trezo Vino & Urban Table) now continues the mission of Rozzelle Court. Chef White has a history of devoting part of each day to research and pro-fessional development. Trained at the Scottsdale Culinary Insti-tute, Chef’s focus is to re-create classic recipes with a modern twist. The passion for the work in the restaurant reflects the devo-tion for the acquisition and care of the world’s great art. We would hope the founding fa-thers of the Nelson-Atkins Mu-seum would be pleased that the

spirit of Museum continues with the dining experience for its guests. Bonnie Rabicoff is the producer and host of the multi-media foodie series “In the Kitchen with Bonnie.” She has served as the Vice President of Develop-ment for KCPT Public Televi-sion and the Marketing Direc-tor of The Barstow School where she founded and coordi-nated “The Barstow School Or-ganic Farmers’ Market and Chef Series. Bonnie has worked in the television med ium f o r ov e r 2 0 years…Serving as a pro-ducer and host for a vari-ety of community pro-grams addressing educa-tion, the arts, social ser-vice and cooking. For a listing of upcoming fea-tures or to view the entire foodie series, visit in-thekitchenwithbonnie.com

In the Kitchen with Bonnie—by Bonnie Rabicoff

You Say Tomato

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Pan Seared Canadian Salmon with Avocado, Mango, Cucumber,

Heirloom Tomatoes and Fresh Herb Vinaigrette Prepared by Executive Chef

Dwight Hawkins Rozzelle Court (Nelson-Atkins

Museum of Art)

Ingredients For the Salmon: 1 tsp olive oil 6 oz Canadian salmon fillet, skin and bones removed Salt and pepper to taste

For the Salad: 1 each avocado, seeded and diced 1 each mango, peeled, seeded and diced 1 cup English cucumber, small diced 1 cup heirloom tomatoes, small diced 1 tsp fresh chopped basil Micro greens or baby lettuce for garnish Salt, pepper, and olive oil as needed Basil vinaigrette (recipe follows) 3 inch ring mold, 4 inches tall (not needed if you wish to make a “de-constructed” version of this salad)

For the Basil Vinaigrette: 1 cup mixed, stemmed fresh herbs: basil (cilantro, or parsley could also be added) 8 oz corn or salad oil 2 oz champagne or white wine vinegar 2 tsp granulated onion powder ½ tsp granulated garlic powder ½ clove fresh garlic, crushed and minced ¾ tsp kosher salt ½ tsp ground black pepper

1 tsp coriander, ground 2 tsp whole grain mustard 2 Tbsp honey Directions For the Salmon: Set a medium non-stick sauté pan over medium high heat. When the pan is hot, add the oil. Season the salmon with salt and pepper and add to the skillet, skin side up. Cook until golden brown and crisp on the bottom, about 4-6 minutes. Turn the salmon, lower the heat to moderate and sear until just cooked through. Reserve. For the Salad: Season the diced avocado with salt and pepper. Season the cucumber with salt, pepper, a splash of olive oil, a splash of red wine vinegar and ½ tsp of sugar. Season the tomato with salt, pepper, 1 tsp fresh basil and 1 tsp olive oil. Flake the salmon into large

pieces (From this point, you can make an “artful” arrangement of the ingredients on the plate, gar-nish with micro greens and finish with a drizzle of the herb vinaigrette, to create a “de-constructed” salad, If you wish to plate as shown in the picture, proceed as follows). Put the ring mold in the middle of the plate you want to use for service. Put a ½ the avocado in the bot-tom of the mold and tamp to make an even layer. Next do the same with the mango. Add the cucumber and then the tomatoes. Tamp the stack down firmly so it will stay together when you remove the mold. Add salmon to the top of the stack. Use your tamping tool and pull up on the ring mold, carefully removing it from the stack. Garnish the top of the salad with micro greens. Drizzle the herb vinaigrette around the stack. For the Basil Vinaigrette: Chop herbs in a food processor or blender and drizzle in salad oil with machine running. Add remaining ingredients and process well. Taste for balance, salt and pep-per. Adjust. Yield: Approximately 1-1/2 cups. (This is more dressing than you need for this recipe.) Vinaigrette can also be used to dress other salads or drizzle over pasta and grilled meats.

Page 13: March 2012


I s everything getting a little stale? Has there been moaning at the dinner table? Does everyone seem to be looking for something just a

bit spicier? Well, you can spice it up and increase the healthy aspect at the same time; and no, I don’t mean in your rela-tionships! A healthier lifestyle way of eating starts with our food preparation. We are trying to do everything right — we are shopping for organic and lo-cally-raised food to ensure we get the best for our bodies and we're preparing more meals at home using those fresh ingredients. And, although food can be sensual, it must also be healthy and nourishing. So, we often reach for seasonings and spices to flavor the dishes we prepare. But, those dried herbs lose up to 90 per-cent of their healing nutrients; therefore they offer very little benefit other than flavor. What if you instead reach for the essence of the plant, not only flavoring the dish, but also adding a therapeutic and increased wellness to your already healthy dishes? A properly distilled essential oil is 50-70 times more therapeutically potent than fresh or dried herbs. They have a chemical structure that is similar to hu-man cells and tissues. This makes them compatible with human protein and enables them to be readily identified and accepted by the body. Adding es-sential oils also increases the ion ex-change in the cells of the foods, increas-ing the cell surface and allowing more oxygen uptake which enhances greater enzyme function. Essential oils are known for their energizing and slim-ming effects, so adding them to your diet daily is very beneficial in so many ways. What a novel idea! Using essential oils in food is not a new idea; there are in fact thousands of food products that use essential oils for aroma and flavor, such as chewing gum, chocolates, candies and many more. Another benefit of using essential oils in your recipes is the relatively small amount that you need to use to flavor your dishes. It literally takes only a few drops to season an entire recipe that serves four people. Just 2 drops of an essential oil is equivalent to 2 ounces of

dried herbs. Having essential oils in your pantry is like having a garden in constant full bloom and you don’t have to pull any weeds! So which essential oils should we have in our pantry? There are, of course, the obvious choices such as oregano, black pepper, nutmeg and basil. There are also a wide range of oils you can use for baking or in beverages. You can include essential oils in many of your favorite recipes. Add lemon, rosemary, clove or peppermint to give wonderful flavor to salad dress-ings. Season cakes, frostings, puddings, and fruit pies, or enhance herbal tea with lemon, lavender, clove or pepper-mint. For a cold drink that even children will love, add lemon or peppermint to a pitcher of iced, distilled water as an al-ternative to sweetened sodas. Flavor honey by stirring in the essential oil of your choice and adding it to your favor-ite recipe. I recently made a batch of Squash Soup using fresh butternut squash and nutmeg and clove essential oils. It was delicious, healthy and I was able to freeze some to use later. Contact me for the soup recipe along with a great list of other recipes using essential oils. I can also help you modify your current recipes exchanging dried herbs for fresh essential oil. Because the food you eat directly im-pacts the way you look and feel, incor-porating essential oils into your daily diet can make it easier to obtain remark-able results – adding spice and in-creased nutrition to every meal. Dori Thomas lives in the KC metro with her h u s b a n d , daughter and many pets and loves to share Young Living Essential Oils with anyone interested in improving health and wellness. Adding essential oils to her family’s routine in 2008 has increased awareness and there have been fewer visits to the doctor. Find out more at www.m-o-m.ws or write her at [email protected].

Eating Well in Kansas City

Heat canola oil in sauté pan until the oil is rippling. Roll sushi grade tuna in ancho chili sea-soning until the entire block is covered. Place tuna in pan and quickly sear the entire piece of tuna until seasoning blackens. Place in refrigerator and let cool com-pletely before slicing into ¼ inch slices. Prepare 4 Bibb lettuce cups. Mix Nappa Cabbage slaw mix of carrots, spinach, and nappa cabbage in sriracha vinaigrette. Place equal amounts of cabbage mix in each lettuce cup.

Top each Bibb cup with ¼ inch slice of avocado. Place a slice of tuna on each bibb cup. Top with fresh jalapeno and a dot of Sriracha Chili Sauce. Sriracha Vinaigrette 2 oz. of Sriracha Chili Sauce 1.25 cups of Rice Wine Vinegar 3 cups of honey Nappa Cabbage slaw mix 1 head of julienned cabbage 1 carrot – julienned 1 cup of julienned spinach

Feature—by Dori Thomas

Spice it up! Using Essential Oils

in the Kitchen

Dining Local—by Jill Dutton

Tavern in the Village

W ith stone walls, an inviting fireplace and rustic art-work, Tavern in the Vil-lage resembles a ski lodge in Colorado; but, the

friendly owner and staff and the local favorites quickly make it clear you're still in Kansas. It's a relaxing environ-ment, perfect for celebrating with friends or an intimate dinner for two. The food is relaxed and fun, as well, but it’s far from what you’d expect in a tavern. Each dish is created with care and many have playful combinations. The calamari appetizer, for instance, has delightful bites of fried banana pep-pers in the mix and comes served with a chipotle aioli. The Asian Tuna Salad is another charming taste arrangement with seared rare tuna, nappa cabbage, mango, edamame, avocado, red pepper, sesame citrus vinaigrette, toasted al-monds and wonton strips. The salads come with a pretzel roll from hometown baker, Farm to Market Bread Company. All of the desserts are homemade and

well worth saving room for — especially the Cinnamon Sugarcoated Donuts, made-to-order little pillows of heaven served with a vanilla custard dipping sauce. For an after-work get-together, you can always dine at the bar and enjoy one of their starters: chili seared jumbo shrimp with a green chili cheddar grit cake, served with barbeque butter sauce is a wonderful choice. Or for a decadent dessert, try the Peach Cobbler, a gooey cake baked around cinnamon peaches topped with vanilla ice cream and cara-mel drizzle. Whether you're there to gather at the bar, or enjoying a celebration for two or twenty for dinner, plan time to savor the food as well as the atmosphere. Dinner at Tavern in the Village is a true event.

Tavern in the Village 3901 Prairie lane

Prairie Village, KS 66208 www.taverninthevillage.com


Spicy Ahi “Tacos” from Tavern in the Village

Page 14: March 2012


T he use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is increasing in the United States and it is ex-

panding to include a wide variety of services. In 1990, it was surveyed that 36.3 percent of adults used an alternative medicine practitioner. Patients spent $14.6 billion dollars on CAM practitioners, and the majority of these payments were out-of-pocket costs (Eisenberg et al, 1993). In 1997, the survey was repeated and found in the interval there had been a 65 per-cent rise in the number of patients who sought care from a CAM pro-vider, from 36.3 percent in 1990 (Eisenberg et al., 1998). The total expenditures in CAM were $34.4 billion dollars from 14.6 billion in 1990. The use of complementary and alternative medicine in the United States is extensive, especially among those with chronic medical problems such as cancer (Monti et al., 2002). Some reports place the use of CAM by cancer patients in an estimated range from 7 percent to 83 percent (Ernst and Cassileth, 1998; Richardson et al, 2000). What are CAM services or thera-pies? According to the National Cen-ter for Complementary and Alterna-tive Medicine (NCCAM), complemen-tary and alternative medicine is de-fined as a group of diverse medical and health care systems, practices and products that are not considered to be a part of conventional medicine. Complementary medicine is used together with conventional medicine. Alternative medicine is used in place of conventional medicine. Integrative medicine is described as the combina-tion of mainstream treatments and complementary methods. Integrative oncology is a term frequently used because some cancer treatments cen-ters and clinics now offer this option for patients. A NCCAM survey on CAM showed that in the past 12 months that: 37 percent used herbal products or die-tary supplements, 22 percent used massage therapy, chiropractic ma-nipulation, or other bodywork, 9 percent used mind/body practices, 5 percent used naturopathy, acupunc-ture, and homeopathy and 1 percent used other types of CAM products and practices. When asked why they used CAM approaches the most com-mon reasons were: 77 percent to pre-vent illness or for overall wellness, 73 percent to reduce pain or treat pain-ful conditions, 59 percent to treat a

specific health condition, and 53 per-cent was to supplement conventional medicine. When asked if they had discussed their use of CAM with any health care provider, 67 percent of those surveyed responded that they had not. Many people who have been diag-nosed with cancer use complemen-tary and alternative medicine. The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) in 2002 and 2007 found that more than one-third of adults had used some form of CAM. A special analysis of 2002 data found that CAM use was more prevalent among peo-ple with a prior diagnosis of cancer. About 40 percent of cancer survivors reported using CAM and 18 percent had used multiple CAM therapies, CAM use rates for cancer survivors were similarly rated for people with other chronic illnesses such as arthri-tis, asthma, IBS, or ulcers. The most popular CAM therapies among cancer survivors were herbal and other natu-ral products, deep breathing and meditation. Studies have found that cancer patients who use CAM usually do not expect the therapies to cure the disease. Instead they use CAM therapies to boost their immune sys-tem, relieve pain, or manage the side effects of the disease or its treatment. According to NCCAM more than one in three adults use some form of complementary and alternative medi-cine and for women and older Ameri-cans those numbers are even higher. It is important for patients and health care practitioners to work together to foster an open communication about the CAM therapies and CAM treat-ments that a patient is using or would like to use. Patients need to give their health care practitioners a full picture of what they are doing to manage their health. Some CAM approaches can have an effect on conventional medicine. Talking to your health care providers about CAM use will pro-mote coordinated and safe care in the management of your health. DDr. Beneda practices integrative medicine with a special emphasis on pediatrics and woman health. Utilizing a holistic approach Dr. Beneda develops a comprehensive plan tailored to the individual needs of the patients. Dr. Beneda currently works at the Sastun Center of Inte-grative Health Care in Overland Park and at Natural Medical Care in

Lawrence, KS.

O ne of the chaplains at Shawnee Mission Medical Center made me aware of a research study done by Blue Cross Blue Shield in which

they created a CD that had relaxing music with positive words to help alleviate anxiety and fears of patients facing surgery. What motivated this study is research showing that the more the patient is stressed prior to sur-gery, the worse the outcome. Fear and anxiety create negative energy in the body which in turn effects surgical outcomes. The study found that patients who listened to the CD had four positive effects: 1. less need for pain medication 2. fewer complications 3. less anxiety and fear 4. shorter hospital stays One interesting fact in the Blue Cross Blue Shield study was that patients who only lis-tened once or twice did not have as many positive effects. The results clearly showed that if a patient listened to the CD at least 3 times, or more, they benefited more from the experience. It seems as though one needs to allow the relaxing music and the positive suggestions time to “sink in.” The more one listened the more it became an inner experi-ence which translated to better surgical re-sults. This really makes sense for anyone practicing meditation or any inner oriented practice. The more you “go within” the more rewarding it gets. Another way to look at this is that patients need to rehearse for their surgery to have better results. There is a big difference in getting sick and going in with the attitude that “the hospital will fix me,” versus the attitude that one prepares with listening to relaxing/positive words to help prepare the body, mind and spirit for the healing experience. You are taking part in the responsibility for your own healing versus taking no responsibility and giving away all your power to outside forces such as doctors and hospitals. Given the inspiring results of this Blue Cross Blue Shield study, we decided to make our own CD at Shawnee Mission Medical Center and attempt to replicate the study. I created 50 beats a minute music, which is used to slow down the patient's heart rate and blood pressure so their body rhythms can relax without the patient having to con-sciously try to do this. The slow musical rhythms help to slow down body rhythms so that it is less effort for the patient. Most pa-tients facing surgery already have pain or anxiety about their health issue, so it is nice to have a tool to help with this anti-stress part of the equation. June Caler, Chaplain, created the words to the CD, which were designed to create a positive inner attitude with the pa-tient and to alleviate many inner fears--which are common for pre-surgery thoughts. We took 1,000 patients who were having joint replacement surgery and explained the study parameters to them. They all agreed to listen to the CD and keep track of how many times they listened. They were given a post-

test by nurses about their experience with surgery. Our results were very much like the larger Blue Cross Blue Shield study, in fact, some of the nurses said that they could tell in many cases who had “practiced” with the CD several times because when they walked in the room, these patients had a more positive outlook and seemed to recover quicker. The final results of this study are being compiled by one of the SMMC administrators who will be in charge of writing up the final study. This is a very important study because it shows how powerful a CD with very relaxing music combined with positive words about reducing anxiety and fear can be in a hospital setting. It also shows us as patients that we can “rehearse” for surgery by practicing a technique of slowing our bodies, clearing our minds of mental clutter that consists of fears, etc. which block our immune system’s ability to work at its optimum. Case Study: I met a woman at the Joints in Motion meeting which takes place about two weeks prior to having joint surgery. This lady told me that her doctor told her to prepare for a longer than usual recovery because she was overweight. His suggestion was that she would be in the hospital a week rather than the usual 3 or 4 days. She said, “I am so scared of this surgery that I lay in bed at night literally shaking with fear!” She agreed to be part of the CD study. Later, she reported that it had helped her tremendously to conquer her fears and to go into the surgery experi-ence actually feeling positive. She only stayed in the hospital for two nights rather than the week that the doctor had predicted! She at-tributed her “change in consciousness” to the pre-surgery CD. In summary, it is exciting that one of our local hospitals is embracing music therapy enough to embark on a major study with 1,000 patients. The results paid off for the hospital as well as the patients. As a result, SMMC is continuing to use this CD for all their orthopedic patients. Janalea Hoffman, founder of RHYTHMIC MEDICINE, is a pioneer in the field of Music Therapy. She is a musician, national speaker and director of the Rhythmic Medicine Cen-ter. She uses music and guided imagery to help clients get deeper insights into them-selves and their issues. Hoffman authored the book, RHYTHMIC MEDICINE, Music With a Purpose, and has published fifteen CD’s spe-cifically for therapeutic purposes. She was one of the first people to write music for spe-cific medical uses. In 2006, she founded a non-profit organization, SOUNDS OF COM-FORT, whose mission is to provide appropri-ate music for people who are very ill in hospi-tals and for the dying. Janalea received de-grees from the University of Missouri - Kan-sas City and master's degree from the Univer-sity of Kansas in music therapy. Contact

Janalea at 913-851-5100 www.rhythmicmedicine.com [email protected]

Feature—by Dr. Deena Beneda

Complementary & Alternative

Medicine Usage

Feature—by Janalea Hoffman, M.A., R.M.T.

Local Hospital Embraces Music

Therapy through Research

Page 15: March 2012


W hy is it, when presented with a problem, some will find creative answers while others will declare the problem unsolv-able?

Everyone wants to be creative, come up with new and innovative ideas, problem solve in a better way, handle situations with ease. What’s more, creative people want to be more creative. Anyone can be crea-tive; it just takes a bit of brain development – specifi-cally, areas in the right side of the brain. And al-though the distinction between the right and left brain is an oversimplification, you typically see pro-fessionals referring to creativity as a “right brain” activity. The two sides of the brain work together. The right brain focuses on the visual, and processes in-formation in an intuitive and simultaneous way, look-ing first at the whole picture then the details. The focus of the left brain is verbal, processing informa-tion in an analytical and sequential way, looking first at the pieces then putting them together to get the whole. Research shows that children start out as creative engines but the talent is gradually repressed. Schools and teaching methods with an emphasis on solving problems correctly (not creatively), focusing on grades, tests, degrees, job placements, etc. squelch creativity. This system dominates the first 20 years of life. The brain is structured in such a way that if neu-ral connections are not used, they atrophy. The old, “use it or lose it” is at play here. Failure to train the creative part of the brain causes those neural path-ways to wither. Using only the left brain becomes a habit. Neural pathways to the right brain must be consciously redeveloped. Anyone, no matter what their age, can do it. How? There are a variety of techniques. Write

• Record a stream of consciousness, capturing ideas as they occur, or write about your feelings every morning or evening. It will unclog the brain, lowering the noise level by moving or quieting emotions so ideas can bubble up.

• Pay attention to your dreams and keep a note pad by your bed, write down ideas upon waking. Organic chemist Friedrich August Kekule had a dream about snakes biting their own tails; it led to his eureka mo-ment when the next morning, he figured out that the chemical structure of benzene is ring-shaped. Challenge your brain

• Find tough problems to solve.

• Assess constantly.

• Look for new and innovative ways to solve/think about a situation.

The brain is like a muscle. The more active it is, the larger and more complex it becomes. Eric Kandel won the Nobel Prize for showing that when people learn

something, the ‘wiring’ of their brains change. Broaden your interests/circle

• Learn interesting new things

• Seek out innovative, creative people and listen to them and see how they think and do things. Take adventures once a week Do something outside the norm - go to a museum, a concert, out to the country, camping or hiking, find new places and experiences. Take a break and do something different while your brain incubates Change activities, do something relaxing, fun, or mindless.

The brain needs space to assimilate and incorpo-rate ideas. The Greek mathematician and mechanical wizard Archimedes was stepping into a bathtub when the principle of fluid displacement came to him. Exercise Moderate aerobic exercise helps integrate insights and intuitions Play Creative revelations come to most people when their minds are involved in an unrelated activity. This is because the brain continues to work on a problem once it has been supplied with the necessary raw ma-terials. Connections between ideas and imagination that already exist in the mind become weaker and are transformed by new information. A little relaxation and distance changes the minds perspective on a problem; the brain has the opportunity to clear away thought barriers and newly combined associations break through. There’s more to creativity than just new ideas. The most important creative work is useful, relevant and effective. The best creative ideas use both sides of the brain, the left, or logical side and the right, or intui-tive, side. Creativity needs the left brain for some common sense to keep the right brain in check. It is the left brain that does this self-evaluation as creative thoughts bubble up from the right side. For balance, both sides of the brain must be engaged. Building the ability to think creatively means more of the brain is engaged. The muscle is flexing and growing. Those who flex their brains and access more of its capabilities will have an advantage in 2012 and beyond. Dr. Mulhern is the co-founder/CEO of Turning Point: The Center for Hope and Healing. The mission is to empower and transform the mind, body and spirit of individuals, families and friends living with serious or chronic physical illness by providing innovative edu-cation services and tools that help them take charge of their illness and live life to its fullest. Programs are provided at no charge. Donors and volunteers are

always welcome as well. More info: www.turningpointkc.org; (913) 383-8700

Right Brain Inventory Left Brain Inventory

• Visual, focusing on im-ages, patterns

• Verbal, focusing on words, symbols, numbers

• Intuitive, led by feelings • Analytical, led by logic

• Process ideas simultane-ously

• Process ideas sequentially, step by step

• “Mind photos” used to remember things, writing things down or illustrating them helps you remember

• Words used to remember things, remember names rather than faces

• Make lateral connections from information

• Make logical deductions from information

• See the whole first, then the details

• Work up to the whole step by step, focusing on details, information organized

• Organization tends to be lacking

• Highly organized

• Free association • Like making lists and planning

• Like to know why you're doing something or why rules exist (reasons)

• Likely to follow rules with-out questioning them

• No sense of time • Good at keeping track of time

• May have trouble with spelling and finding words to express yourself

• Spelling and mathematical formula easily memorized

• Enjoy touching and feeling actual objects (sensory in-put)

• Enjoy observing

• Trouble prioritizing, so often late, impulsive

• Plan ahead

• Unlikely to read instruc-tion manual before trying

• Likely read an instruction manual before trying

• Listen to how something is being said

• Listen to what is being said

• Talk with your hands • Rarely use gestures when talking

• Likely to think you're naturally creative, but need to apply yourself to develop your potential

• Likely to believe you're not creative, need to be willing to try and take risks to de-velop your potential

Feature—by Moira Mulhern, PhD

Create Balance by Flexing the Brain

Page 16: March 2012


Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Mercury is retrograding in your

sign, so you’ll need a lot of patience!

Meditation will yield many insights

you’d miss if you were rushing

ahead in word and deed! Try to

tune into your body to see what

health changes you could make. You

could have the courage to release a

food or substance that you’re ad-

dicted/allergic to. You might get an

idea to start a new type of fitness

program that has great physical and

emotional results.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

You could be starting a new rela-

tionship, or making big strides in

your current one. Meditate on how

you can show your true feelings.

Sometimes you express yourself so

subtly, people miss your point. It’s

also important to shower yourself

with love and appreciation! Medi-

tate on how your can treat yourself

better. Say kind things when you

look in the mirror. Eat well. Enjoy

time outside. Get a massage. Show

yourself you’re valuable!

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

It’s time to ponder your friendships.

Do the people around you truly un-

derstand you and support you? Are

they just “fair-weather” friends? Or

can you share your deepest self with

them? If you had difficulties in your

family of origin, meditate to forgive

those negative experiences. Then

you won’t need to subconsciously

relive them by surrounding yourself

with subpar pals!

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Don’t make any hasty decisions

about work this month. A new job

offer might not be all that it seems.

Also, be careful about gossiping

since what you say will come back

to bite you in April! It’s a great time

to make new friends who are high

quality and on a spiritual path. You

need positive people who can give

you alternative outlooks on situa-

tions. Meditate and forgive people

who’ve offended you over these past

two years. Your mind will clear and

you’ll be able to make great choices

(for work or relationships) next


Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22)

It’s tempting to flip from one spiri-

tual path to the next when things

get boring or challenging.

Yogananda famously said that this

leads to “spiritual indigestion.”

Meditate to see if you want to make

a change because you’ve truly spiri-

tually outgrown a limited philoso-

phy, or if you’re running from inner

work. Sticking things out will give

you amazing breakthroughs.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)

As Mercury retrogrades this month,

you might be dwelling on times you

were betrayed in the past. Please

meditate to release these experi-

ences. The people around you could

be very trustworthy, but you won’t

rely on them. Clearing out your

heart will give you strong intuition,

and help you let go of fears that

keep you isolated. Make sure you

exercise each day to move stale en-

ergy out of your body.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

f your partner is open, begin a

meditation routine together. Even a

few moments of breathing quietly

together can begin to bind your

higher selves. This leads to less mis-

understandings and bickering ses-

sions. If single, don’t settle for any-

one who doesn’t share your spiri-

tual curiosity. Also, meditate on

your own to let go of old limiting

beliefs about relationships, so you

can embrace the good stuff the Uni-

verse is sending you in the present!

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)

You could be starting a new rela-

tionship, or taking great leaps for-

ward in your current one. This

sounds terribly cliché, but you

really need to love yourself before

you can receive love from someone

else. Meditate to forgive your flaws.

You just need to be kinder to your-

self. This means eating well, relax-

ing in the day (not running ragged),

and thinking positive thoughts

about yourself.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

If you’re having trouble at work, be

careful not to take things out on

your partner. If single, watch out for

gloomy thoughts about love. Medi-

tate on your childhood, and how

you may not have felt supported.

The Universe is trying to give you a

deep sense of stability, but first you

must heal experiences where you

felt the “rug was pulled out from

you” emotionally. Healing these

wounds will help you feel more fi-

nancial security, and will also help

you trust matters of the heart.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

Mercury is retrograde and can

cause misunderstandings at home

this month. It will help to meditate

and get insights into how to make

things better with family. I know

you’re busy, but making time to

connect with your soul will make

your whole day run smoother. Do-

ing some organization or releasing

of junk from your house or office

will also change your mood.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)

Your mind moves very quickly, but

this is a great month to try to still

your thoughts in order to make

great leaps with your intuition. Let

your developing higher mind blend

with your tried-and-true logical

mind. Be patient, breathe and sur-

render when racing thoughts come-

-because they will! Relaxing your

brain will make you more ap-

proachable in relationships. You’ll

also be more able to surrender your

heart and receive love!

Aluna Michaels

is a second-

generation as-

trologer and soul

e v o l u t i o n i s t

practitioner. She

also holds a Mas-

ters in Spiritual

Counseling and

has been teaching and consulting

for more than two decades. Her

book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 As-

trological Signs” is now on Amazon

in Kindle version. Ms. Michaels is

available for appointments in her

home or by phone.

Call (248) 583-1663 or visit


Spiritual Horoscope—by Aluna Michaels

March 2012

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Happy birthday Pisces! Meditating on prosperity and finances can give intuitive insights about how to in-crease your wealth, or how to overcome debt or money issues. Check out “Dynamic Laws of Prosper-ity” by Catherine Ponder. Present romantic partner-ships improve if you dwell on positive aspects and speak kind words about him/her. If single, use the same principle for past people so you can attract a great new relationship!

Page 17: March 2012


resources Include photo or logo, name, brief description and contact info. Will be edited to fit four lines. Due by the 15th of the month. $75 for three months, $120 for six months or $180 for a full year—or 1/2 price with a current display ad. Must be prepaid. Contact [email protected].

Karen Elise Karen Elise Karen Elise Karen Elise ---- Psychic Entertainer & CoachPsychic Entertainer & CoachPsychic Entertainer & CoachPsychic Entertainer & Coach Tarot / astrology - corporate / private events Fun for weddings, birthdays & graduations 913-636-9502 - www.KarenElise.com



Dr. Jay PetersDr. Jay PetersDr. Jay PetersDr. Jay Peters Marriage & Addictions Counselor. Smoking/Weight Mgmt. Hypnosis. Regression/Past Life Hypnosis 913-339-9591 www.drjaypeters.com


Ronnie Wilson, Energy Healer, CranioSacral Ronnie Wilson, Energy Healer, CranioSacral Ronnie Wilson, Energy Healer, CranioSacral Ronnie Wilson, Energy Healer, CranioSacral TherapistTherapistTherapistTherapist Creator of Quantum Shift Energetix 913-906-9986 www.innerjourneyhealing.com

HYPNOSIS/EFT New Day Hypnotherapy, LLCNew Day Hypnotherapy, LLCNew Day Hypnotherapy, LLCNew Day Hypnotherapy, LLC www.newdayhypno.com Smoking, weight, stress and more 913-908-6907

Teri Higbee, Radiant Living ExpertTeri Higbee, Radiant Living ExpertTeri Higbee, Radiant Living ExpertTeri Higbee, Radiant Living Expert: Weight Loss, Energy Therapies, Prosperity, Empowerment Processes, Clarity of Purpose, Shamanic Astrol. LoveWisdomWellness.com; 913-219-6788.


Learn Bowenwork. Learn Bowenwork. Learn Bowenwork. Learn Bowenwork. Effective manual therapy for pain relief. Easy on the practitioner’s body. Leverage income—work on multiple clients. Ongoing classes. Nancy Pierson 512-750-4012.


PSYCHIC Nakala Akasie, Spiritual Psychic Medium. Channeled readings by phone. $45 for one hour, CD included. 913-206-1294 [email protected]

Daniel Baxley, Daniel Baxley, Daniel Baxley, Daniel Baxley, Shamanic Healing and Teachings, Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. Sweat Lodges, Workshops. 816-769-7343, www.shamanicpathways.net


Diane Davis ReedDiane Davis ReedDiane Davis ReedDiane Davis Reed, Pathfinders Consulting Pathfinders Consulting Pathfinders Consulting Pathfinders Consulting Shamanic Counseling, Bioenergetic Integrative Healing, Psychosynthesis, Red Moon Lodge, [email protected], 816-741-0820

At the Healing Place, At the Healing Place, At the Healing Place, At the Healing Place, Massage, Cranio Sacral Therapy, Reiki, ChanRi, Chakra Balancing, Astrol-ogy, Tarot, Past Life Regression, Intuitive Body-work (816) 415-2607 www.atthehealingplace.com

Nature Spirit HolisticsNature Spirit HolisticsNature Spirit HolisticsNature Spirit Holistics Energy Medicine expert Author Cathleen Miller—Intuitive therapies, Conscious life counseling, Spa events, seminars www.livingthespiral.com 913-499-8514

Justin & Sharon Orth Justin & Sharon Orth Justin & Sharon Orth Justin & Sharon Orth - Spring Forest Qigong Practitio-ners/Healers and Certified Qigong Level 1 Instructors. EFT (BAS/ADV) www.meetup.com/Spring-Forest-Qigong-Meetup-Group/ (913) 244-0167 for info.

Natural High Wellness CenterNatural High Wellness CenterNatural High Wellness CenterNatural High Wellness Center: Colon Therapy, Massage Therapy, Ion Cleanse, Far-infrared Sauna, and more. We are here to help; call us at (913) 901.8699 www.naturalhighwellness.com

BRASBRASBRASBRAS--------Thermography, Linda Bamber:Thermography, Linda Bamber:Thermography, Linda Bamber:Thermography, Linda Bamber: Breast Research Awareness and Support. Safe, pain-free, no radiation. Overland Park. Linda at

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Raphael Smith, PsyDRaphael Smith, PsyDRaphael Smith, PsyDRaphael Smith, PsyD – Clinical Psychologist specializing in Grief and Pet Loss Counseling, Depression, Anxiety, GLBT & Relationship issues. (816) 960-4525 or www.theStruanCenter.com

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Shelly Wilson, Reiki Master ~Shelly Wilson, Reiki Master ~Shelly Wilson, Reiki Master ~Shelly Wilson, Reiki Master ~ IntuitiveIntuitiveIntuitiveIntuitive, offers loving guidance enabling you to heal and grow. Live an authentic life and LOVE yourself in the process! ShellyRWilson.com 918-782-4778


Tamara Creighton, Tamara Creighton, Tamara Creighton, Tamara Creighton, Holistic Nutrition Coach, Cleanse With Friends, and Hawaiian LomiLomi [email protected], 913-232-6419 www.tcreighton.com

Ayurveda Practitioner, Ayurveda Practitioner, Ayurveda Practitioner, Ayurveda Practitioner, Stephanie Kieltyka Mohr works to find health & relieve disease with recommendations for diet, exercise and lifestyle. www.GoWithSteph.com

FENG SHUI LIZ BROWN,LIZ BROWN,LIZ BROWN,LIZ BROWN, Feng Shui expert since 1996 "Inspired Guidance for Great Change" Consultations, clearings/blessings, classes, workbooks. www.ahandinhealing.com 816-444-2725

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Page 18: March 2012


events Include date, title, text and contact info. Events are due by the 15th of the month. $18 for up to 25 words; $.25 a word after that. Featured events include a boxed frame with a graphic: $33 per

column inch. All events are prepaid. Contact [email protected].

March 1—31

CommUnity Books & Gifts

20% off all Course in Miracles products at Unity

Church of Overland Park, 10300 Antioch Road,

Overland Park, KS 66212 www.ucop.org.

March 2

Kaya's Terrific Tarot Party

Healing Journeys, Merriam, KS

Music, food & Enlightened Fun: Intuitive Body

readings, mini & full Tarot readings, guest psy-

chics, & more! 7 - 11pm. Details & Tix: Kaya-

Hewitt.com / 816-217-3359

March 3

Spring Cleaning, Naturally

Set up your toolkit using essential oils and

common household items. Make-and-take

class, 1-2 p.m., $25. Register: Elaine Johnson—

Healing Garden Herbs LLC, call/text


March 7 & 21

Readings and Energywork

Readings $25+, Energywork $40+, with Rich

Fine. Call for an appointment. Noon—6 p.m.

816-420-0820 Facebook/ Mystic Treasures,

7711 N Oak Trafficway, KCMO.

March 9

Elemental Forces of Nature Class #8

Work with the element of AIR and Etherial

Allies to clear energy cords. Prior registration

for 12-month series required. 7-10 p.m. in

Parkville. Info: Diane at Pathfinders Consulting


March 8

Join the Co-founders of Orenda International

to learn about a powerful anti-aging program,

that is helping people AWAKEN, CLEANSE and

FEED their body. 11:30 and 7pm. Call 913-583-

0392 for details!

March 9—April 7

Joyce Rotondi “411 Weeping Women”

Art Exhibit

View at VALA Gallery, 5903 Johnson Dr. in

Mission. Meet the artist March 9 (6-9 p.m.) or

April 7 (noon-4 p.m.). Hours/info:


March 10-11

Spirit Fair, Psychic Fair

Sat March 10 12noon-7pm; Sun March

11 12noon-6pm. Best Western Inn, 501

Southwest Blvd, KC KS Free general admission.

Aura Photos, Readings, Healings, Spiritual

books, tarot, crystals and stones...explore spiri-

tuality! www.SpiritFair.com

March 10

A Quantum Prayer Experience:

A Journey into Joy

With Cathy Combs (www.cathycombs.com),

$60, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. at Aquarius, 3936 Broad-

way, 816-931-6303, aquariusbooks.com.

March 10—11

Calling the Emerging Leaders

Sat. 9 – 6: Consensus Decision Making Facilita-

tion with Caryn Miriam Goldberg and Ken Lass-

man. Sun. 9 – 6: Nonviolent Communication

with Estelle Brighid. At The Light Center.

Info: [email protected].

March 10 & 23

OM Chant

Join us to raise your vibration and activate your

throat chakra. 6-7 p.m. Free. 816-420-0820.

Facebook/ Mystic Treasures, 7711 N Oak

Trafficway, KCMO.

March 11

Dream Makers Workshop

Healing Journeys, Merriam, KS

Hone your skills in envisioning, speaking, &

treasure mapping your future. Let the power of

group energy call forth your new reality. De-

tails & reservations: KayaHewitt.com


March 13

Core Star Energy Healing Clinic

7:15 pm $20 Experience the benefits of

energy healing. 6045 Martway, Suite 104, Mis-

sion, KS Reservations 913-831-4422


March 14 & April 18

Celestial Timings Resonance Repatterning®

Tele-Sessions. 7-9 pm A key celestial event is

chosen monthly to align and flow with the

energies of the Universe. $13 Teri Higbee: 913

-219-6788 or sign-up at


March 15

Gluten-Free Living

Noon-1:00 p.m. at Your Wellness Connection,

7410 Switzer, Shawnee. $20. Call

913-962-7408 to register.

March 16

Crossed Over Reunion

Mediumship messages from beyond the veil

with Julie Marie, 7-8:30 p.m. in Gladstone.

RSVP required, as group size is limited for a

quality experience for all. RSVP: 816-452-2927.

March 16

3rd Fri Nite in downtown OP

catch live music from 6:30-8:30 at The Tasteful

Olive along with free sampling of over 55 oils

and vinegars and special treats made from

some of them! Show this ad and receive the

March Madness coupon deal: buy one 750 ml

bottle oil or vinegar and get a 375 ml bottle at

half price! (excludes white truffle oil). 7945

Sante Fe Drive, Downtown Overland Park (913)

649-7900 www.thetastefulolive.com

March 17

Calming the Storm -Yoga for Anxiety

Learn how to identify, understand and manage

your anxiety so you can live life on your own

terms. Certified Viniyoga Therapist Trish Elting

will guide you on the path to living anxiety

free. 10:30- Noon, $75 ($57 before

March 9) www.SageStoneYoga.com

913 832 5297

March 17

St. Patrick’s Day Parade

Get to Aquarius early for free parking and you

will have a front row chair for the Parade.

Aquarius, 3936 Broadway, 816-931-6303,


March 17

Salsa-Bellydance Fusion Workshop

w/ Maya Zahira at Zona Yoga studio. 3-5:30

p.m. Register at www.mayazahira.com/events

March 17 & 18

Reiki I and II Classes

Dawn Goldman and Susan Warner, co-

teachers. $150/class, 10:15 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

each day. Kundalini Yoga Center, 3525 Walnut.

Info: Dawn at 913-909-7642 or dawnsdivine-

[email protected].

March 18

8 Gates Natural Health

will feature an instant raffle for free acupunc-

ture sessions at the UMKC Wholistic Health

Fair. 11am-6pm Booth #28


March 20

Weight Loss Your Way

Noon-1 p.m. at Your Wellness Connection,

7410 Switzer, Shawnee. $20. Call

913-962-7408 to register.

March 21

Spring Equinox Ceremony & Weds.

Night Link Up

At White Deer Lodge, 7–10 p.m. A free commu-

nity event; all are welcome. More info: Daniel

Baxley at [email protected].

March 21

Open Channeling Session

7 p.m. at White Light Bookstore and Crystals,

1808 W. 39th St., Unit B, KCMO. $10.


March 22

2012 The Galactic Alignment

Learn what Oden has shared, the Mayan Calen-

dar, what the Galactic Alignment means. $10. 7

p.m. at White Light Bookstore,


March 22

NAET Allergy Elimination Technique Demo

Facilitated by Dr. Dorothy Emery of Emery

Chiropractic & Allergy Clinic. All attendees,

children included, will receive testing, if de-

sired. 6 p.m. at 6506 NW Prairie View, KCMO,


March 23—24

Ignite Your Life!

Learn how to live your best life with Sharon

McGloin and a host of “thought leaders” on

personal transformation. At Crowne Plaza in

Lenexa. See ad on the back cover of this

Evolving issue.

March 23—25

Oracles of Aquarius—Our Own Psychic Fair

No admission charge. Aquarius, 3936 Broad-

way, 816-931-6303, aquariusbooks.com.

Julie Marie will be offering Past Life Readings at

Aquarius Books in Westport. Info from Julie

Marie: 816-452-2927.

March 23—25

Juice Fasting Retreat for Women

Spring cleaning for body, mind and Spirit with

Karen Kipp! Small group overnight. At The Light

Center. Call Karen Kipp: 913 302 4420.

March 24

The Goddess Meeting

Healing Journeys, Merriam, KS

You are a Divine creation! Claim your power,

beauty and divinity while having a blast and

making new friends. 4th Saturdays, 12 - 3pm,

Details: KayaHewitt.com 816-217-3359

March 24

Usui & Oden Reiki I

8 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Mission. Earn attunements/

certifications. $185. Reiki I or higher students

may come for Oden material and receive a

discount. Angela Holmes:


March 24—25

Oden Reiki & Usui Reiki Level II & Advanced

8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Receive certification in both

Oden and Usui Reiki Level II and Advanced.

$225. www.whitelightbookstore.com.

March 25

Intro to Meditation

A delightful afternoon of discovering easy

methods of meditation, 3-5 p.m. at Gardens of

Delight near Parkville. Register at

www.gardensofdelight.org or 816-584-0777.

March 27

Oneness Meditation w/Visiting Monk

from India

During the Meditation, the monk is filled with

divine energies transferred to participants

through the eyes, with no spoken words. At

Unity on the Plaza. Info:


March 27

Core Star Energy Healing Clinic

7:15 pm $20 Experience the benefits of energy

healing. 6045 Martway, Suite 104, Mission, KS

Reservations 913-831-4422


Page 19: March 2012


March 28—April 1

Wellness Lifestyle Retreat at Unity Village

Hosted by Your Wellness Connection. $1,499 single/$2,500

double. Contact Janet at 913-962-7408 for details and to


March 31

Introduction to Energy Healing Workshop

9 am – 4 pm Core Star Energy Healing School

6045 Martway, Suite 104, Mission, KS

913-831-4422 www.CoreStarEnergyHealing.com

March 31

Readings and Aura Paintings

Three lovely ladies will be doing paintings, tarot and intui-

tive readings. 1-5 p.m. Call for pricing: 816-420-0820. Face-

book/ Mystic Treasures, 7711 N Oak Trafficway, KCMO.

March 31—April 1

Reiki Weekend Intensive, Attunement to

Master Level

Julie Marie is a Reiki Master Teacher with 20 years’ experi-

ence. Receive the basics, activate your healing ability. Still

just $295—for all three attunements. 816-452-2927.

March 31

Prosperity Resonance Repatterning®

Tele-Series. Radiant Prosperity ~ Unlock the Mystery of

Money! Create a healthy understanding of prosperity in

your life, 6 session series. Teri Higbee: 913-219-6788 or

[email protected]

April 1—30

CommUnity Books & Gifts

20% off all Inspirational, Personal Growth Books at Unity

Church of Overland Park, 10300 Antioch Road, Overland

Park, KS 66212, www.ucop.org.

April 4

Healing Miracles Service with Dr. Michael Ulm

7 pm, Unity Hotel and Conference Ctr, Unity Village, Con-

tact Rev. Alberta at 816-547-3730,


April 5

Healing Miracles Service with Dr. Michael Ulm

1:00 pm & 7 pm, Unity Hotel and Conference Ctr, Unity

Village, Contact Rev. Alberta , 816-547-3730,


April 7

Healing Miracles Service with Dr. Michael Ulm, 1:00 pm &

7 pm, Unity Hotel and Conference Ctr, Unity Village, Con-

tact Rev. Alberta , 816-547-3730,


April 14

Cosmic Mass with Matthew Fox

Worship with movement, music and more at this "religious

rave.” $20 in advance. 7 p.m. at Unity Vil-

lage. unityvillage.org/cosmicmass

April 14

Herbal First Aid

Make first aid salve, tinctures, poultices and more using

the plants that grow nearby. 1-2 p.m., $25. Register: Elaine

Johnson - Healing Garden Herbs LLC, call/text


April 20-22, Overland Park, KS

Akashic Records with Linda Howe

Explore being spiritually awake, aware, and aligned with

your soul’s purpose. Learn simple, powerful strategies

through the Akashic Records. Fri 7 a.m.—10 p.m., Sat &

Sun 10 a.m.— 5 p.m. Early bird discount & registration:

Stephanie Forcier, 816-260-2438

[email protected]


Please join us at Mark Blanchard's Yoga at

8:30 on Sunday mornings to sit in this time

of quiet. 3665 W. 95th St., Ranch Mart

South Shopping Center in OP, 913-901-



Are you Off-balanced? Stressed out? Over-

whelmed by the chaos around you? Wor-

ried about the future? Discover a new way

of being in the world. Weekly group ses-

sions with renowned healer Nancy Lankston

begin Monday January 23. Join in online or

by phone www.heartofhealing.com or



Mondays and Saturdays for all ages at 9

a.m. $15 drop in or buy 10 for $120 and

receive a free aqua massage for each packet

purchased. www.rebmanchiropractic.com

in OP. 913.648.8600.



By Appointment. Since 2005 the Kansas City

Healing Project has been providing energy

healing sessions for cancer patients. Our

clients have been experiencing a reduction

of their stress, anxiety and pain levels from

their treatment and disease. Donation ba-

sis. Contact John Hoefer at 816-718-6358

for details.



4th Saturdays. 10-Noon. Overland Park.

Holistic Health and Well-being Professionals

in the Greater Kansas City area who offer

services in the areas of health/health care

and wellness/well-being, and who are inter-

ested in networking, exchange and per-

sonal/professional development. RSVP Barb

816.803.7418 or barb@body-wise-




Saturdays 10 a.m. – noon at Gardens of

Delight near Parkville. Gently stretch, open

the body, deeply relax and rejuvenate ma-

jor organs. $25. Pre-register at



Mondays at 6:45 p.m. at Gardens of Delight

near Parkville. Enjoy our innovative ap-

proach to pre-natal care and experience a

radiant pregnancy and healthy delivery.

$78/6-week session. Pre-register at



Join our community garden outside of Park-

ville. Your family receives a 10’ by 20’ plot.

Explore growing and eating your own or-

ganic produce. Information: 816.584.0777.



Practicing mindfulness in the tradition of

Thich Nhat Hanh since 1997, every Monday

except holidays at Unity Temple on the

Plaza, Classroom C, 7 - 9 pm. Info

at mindfulnesskc.org or

[email protected]


An evolving group of down-to-earth, real

women of all ages exploring, honoring, and

celebrating Goddess energy through ritual.

We meet twice a month in Lawrence. For

more information, kansaswomen-

[email protected]


First Tues of the month 7-9 PM,

Fee: Donation. Reservations: Kim Meisinger





Unity Church of Overland Park 10300 An-

tioch, OPKS. 2nd

and 4th

Mondays 7-9

p.m. Love offering. All welcome. Receive a

Reiki treatment. For flier:

[email protected].




or 3rd

Saturday monthly -

A beginning tantra class for singles and

couples to experience the Divine. 7-

9pm. Ipsalu Tantra Kriya Yoga

teacher. Leawood 816-523-4440, For flier

with topic and date,

[email protected]


Manual therapy for pain relief, repetitive

strain, chronic conditions, athletics. Works

when nothing else does. Ongoing classes OP

area: Nancy Pierson 512-750-4012.





& 4th

Thursdays, 7:30-9:00 p.m. with

Maya Zahira. Sacred aspects of belly dance

class. Aquarius, 3936 Broadway, 816-931-

6303, www.aquariusbooks.com.


Public Event: 6:30-7:30 p.m. at 435/Metcalf.

Love offering. Sally Caterer: (913) 341-2910.


Public Event: 7:30-8:30 p.m. in Parkville.

Love offering. Lily Berkley: (816) 510-6399.



Multiple days/times. This gentle, yet life

changing, traditional Chinese martial art

brings greater balance and harmony. Inner

Wisdom Wellness Center in Merriam. 913-

789-6965 for days and times.


A compelling and physical performance art,

intro through intermediate. Wednesdays

6:15-7 p.m. Inner Wisdom Wellness Center,

5807 Merriam Drive, Merriam, KS,



Sundays 5:15-6:30 p.m. Soothes, nourishes

and brings peace through gentle stretching

of the connective tissues. All ages and fit-

ness levels. Inner Wisdom Wellness Center

in Merriam, 913-789-6965.


1st (KC) and 3rd (Lee's Summit) Saturdays at

2 p.m. every month. Bring a dish and make

healthy friends. www.loveyjane.com.


With with Lovey Jane and family every

Thursday at 6 p.m. in Lee’s Summit.




and 4th

Sunday nights in Lee's Summit

with Lovey Jane, $20. Raw vegan demo and

a different topic each week.




Every Monday and every First Thursday 7-9

p.m. Meet at Charles Gruber's Office, 1425

New York, Lawrence, KS. More info: 913-

634-1711, kansascity.mkp.org.



Every Monday and Thursday 6:30 -8:30 p.m.

Meet at Unitarian Church, 2112 Morning-

side, Topeka, KS. More info: 785-379-9895,




Every Monday and Last Thursday of the

Month 6:30 -8:30. p.m. Locations in Mer-

riam and Southern Jackson County. More

info: 913-634-1711, kansascity.mkp.org




Wednesdays at 7 p.m. at Unity OP: Eve-

ryday tools for returning Veterans, families

and the public. Love offering, RSVP not

required. Colleen Nilson Counseling: cnil-

soncounseling.com; 913.244.6281.



2nd Thursdays 7:00-8:30 p.m. at Country-

side Christian Church, 6101 Nall, Mission,

KS. No Charge. Reservations: 913-384-4673;

[email protected].

Sundays, weekly--6:00 Belly Dance Fitness,

7:10 Beg/Interm Belly Dance with Maya

Zahira at Zona Yoga studio. Register at


Tuesdays & Thursdays, weekly—Reiki ses-

sions at Maya's Oasis. To book a session,

call 816-476-6292 or email oa-

[email protected].


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