. . At first I --~ ~ARRv RYAN it's only Sings r-- d A.\Jl. extrao~ inary- ~..,~~ -- ' RE CO R DS l TO . ' MARBLES FIRST APPEARANCE . . -then it starts to grow on y9u. 3~ SOHO SOUARE. LON DON W.1 C•S-8106 01-734 .,.,

MARBLES - WorldRadioHistory.Com · At first I --~ ~ARRv RYAN it's only ~ Sings r-- extrao~ d inary-A.\Jl. ~..,~~ RECORDS l TO MARBLES FIRST . . APPEARANCE -then it starts to grow

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    At first I --~ ~ARRv RYAN it's only ~ Sings r--

    d A.\Jl. extrao~ inary- ~..,~~ --

    ' RE CO R DS l TO . '


    -then it starts to

    grow on y9u. 3~ SOHO SOUARE. LONDON W .1


    01-734 .,.,

  • l RECORD MIRROR. Week ending April 19, 1969

    ... want to let off steam? Any questions on the scene? Any problems? Then drop a

    line to VAL or JAMES, . . letters dept.

    GET FACTS RIGHT FJRST---R.M. reader TITLE TWIST " { HF.ARD IL Ttlru lhe f;rtlJ)cvine"

    . t hat "You've l1:1&l lti:tl Ltwlnc t,'cc-JJniC. "PIC-ilk 01.H'l 'l (;c,",

    " Vbu'rc n\J.' 1,:,•1.•ry1hini::" ;and ·•1'111 t :nnn;i 111;110: YllU 1,1)\/(_: Mc'',

    I.Aok lnu.i;. lhr()U~li "The wh)(l , lllllls of FOUi" Mi:nd'' anll re111~rtab~r " TIie w;i,• It Ufit.'CI t(I H~". Y;(,• used 11• ~o " 0:tnclnFt m the Stn-cf'. Ou y1111 n;,ttembcr ·111c fl'irst or M.iy" when we "'·ere Juln " l'a&Sln~ Slr~n• f-:('.rs ... in "'f~ fljd 1)3d Old 03YS he Joni You l.oved Mc". Theo w1ten I saw )'OU I i.aid to mYSClf " Ob,1.'l , dt Ol l-La•d;t", "SOmethini,:'s flWin~ lo let )'OU ··Surround V1m;l'lr .. n (h SuP·c,u l,1w(• Her" lht-n k1.>t'P h~r. ••

    SO .. e1,r.incei. many rans of the world·s t()!I inMrumenialisl,

    Duane EddY. -.·ill Ile: u11;111·urti 1h;)l ,,.e arc fortunate -.:nou~h lh bave Duane in 8ritain just now, as J)art or an exieni;in: ,•ii.it to Eunme.

    I wai. lueky and 1n.1na.a.:l ·d to $('(' one -01 OUane·s Jive appearances wl'llc:h 11•:•ll all e,:cmn~! .tnd 1remt?n• dous .1S e::,•er. :md 11, spe:ik 10 Ouanc. whn mw;t bC 11u: 11k'r:Sl atu1 lnendllest person in lht world .

    Fo r .iny of his rans who are no1 ;, w;ire, Ou;,_ne i!l: dom11; ,l si>eOd and ~"·uni: brlllh1lltl)' thro~1~h .- Jiv

  • RECORD MIRROR, Week ending April 19, 1%9

    "Get Back" is the Beatles new single. It's '

    the first Beatles record which is as live as can be, in this electronic age.

    There's no electronic watchamacallit. "Get Back" is •a pure spring-time rock

    number. On the other side there's an equally live

    number called ''Don't let me down''. Paul's got this to say about Get Back ...

    "we were sitting in the studio and we made it up out qf thin air ... we started to write

    words there and then ... when we finished it, we recorded it at Apple Studios and made it into a song to roller-coast by''.

    P.S. John adds, lt:s John playing the fab live guitar solo.

    And now John on Don't let me down. John says don't let me down about "Don't let me down".

    In "Get Back" and "Don't let me down", you'll find the Beatles, as nature intended. Get Back/Don't l·et me down (Parlophone 5777)


    / Apple Records


  • • RECORD MIRRO R. Week ending Apt il 19, 1969


    11 WEEK FOR STEVE! (WITHOUT GIRLS HE COULDN'T LEAP .... L'Rl t-:'\US. hf'', pul do\l\>n 1hr pint, and ,c-otc-ht>d the· I' Sc-otrh . H111 lhnt ,houldn·1 bt• too mulA~t' prt>i\entalton .,..o, hurdl~ loc'klng lr1_ purt' ,ltnfll) and In fact Stfi'\t' himM·lf mu,t ht• In prt'tl~ µood 1'ihOpt- to ~··r(' Dn lnteR:ral part of 1hr otmoo;.phnt• and that I, e,..,t>nttnl Without tt I ('oulctn't lt>np nbout am1 I llkf" lraolng nbm11.

    Thl'rl' I, a hint in th(' nir of a pos.slblt' fortheomlng 1.P lrom th1· Lon- Affair, wri1ten entlreh· b~ Phlllp Goodhand-TaH. tht• m.on bt'hlnd the pennlnK sidt' of their ,lz.ablt' hll ~t'rle ...

    "That', ,till 1n thf' air at tht> moment . We'v,• ht•ard .. oml" or th(" .. ong!i. and It "-Ound11o greot. but ,n-'d t..lnd or llkl' to do ,omt• or our o-..·n stuff u, '-" t>II. t•:vt>nluall)·, \\-·t•'II pul oul on olbuni nl strlctlv our 1>""n ,ong"-. Thf•

    v to " ·au and set->.

    "Somt>ont• a,"-t>d me lt Wf' were a Jltllt'" upspt "'Ith Philip since "'l' didn't make the top lt>n with 'Onr Road'. The answer h, no. Thl" song ,..·as m~ant for th,• most port. to e~tabllsh our vers.otlllt)'-nnd It did. We wnntt>d ,omethln~ a bit different for that relea~e. I thought It would gf't n llttJt> higher In thl• charts, but I 'm certainly not dlssntlsfil'"d with the reC'epUon for It. Thl' next slnglf" will probnbl) bf' upbeoted ogoln and could ht> callrd. 'Orin,; On Bork The Good Times'."

    The good times ha\·e nt-ver been OWD)' for Ste\'p ond tht- (.,()\'f.' Affair. and I eommented on bow well he, was looklnK for the amount of work thot hod to be put In. II looked to nw a .. If he'd hod o '-''t>ll sculptured haircut rf'"ef>ntb.

    "'1",r nr,rr had n halrn11, ·· :-..lt',1· ..:rinnt•d "t1 ~ur1• that one oul'." Thert> ~ould bl" se,.-erol answers to thl.., nn~p,uhop, Lo\'l' Affair fans eould fill In lhl' RM n, to why they think Ste,,e ha~ never had a halreut. BlologkaJI,· ,peaking, or fourst', It f)t>t'ms to ht' a necessity .

    "I'll tt>II you ,omelhlng that's a good laugh". uld SU~\'f' with an e>IH ba,{'mrnt and ,wll Affair'. ,\ftt>r a i.nmpll' of Steve's humour, how about o o;.omplt> of his mut' b reak halfwa)' throul{h , lb• t tn Pll f tl tounda u.tra-n(dlnarll)' Ilk\! Mick J 1,o;1:1r, Own UJJ lfm t.!? I n thttr think ,!j(t. 8 111)• Prti•ton 1>h1)·11, u11eful ciri,ran lo RU uu1 lh t heav>· beat. Vl•ff lntecuous. The IYi>e "' lh in1o1 a ll lhe Marquee 1.trOuPIH will l!l~erl)' add 10 thdr n:tP1:1rtolre. o..,.11,t.1cib• not • h! l fur &IU)'OOf! bul th e n~tt.lh!&, All 1h..-s:11nt I nthi,r like it .

    " Don' t L~t M t! Down.. All lhu ue~111lr11 onh· releue IW4) or th rtrt

    -lllllJdl:'lJ 11 )'t'Ur, couldn' t W\'" Clt0t(1 •oru~•thlnN lll(IJ't' lha.n lhlf Qu lle l>le.tsranl ln ll l'tt l htr me(llnet·•· IMlfld t.-SCfiOI Ii li ld l!, II c,:ru:n1y could have- ht!en tnclOOrtd on " Rut,.. bt-r Mui' ' Lennonl M tC'ntnc>' C'\lr• 1al111)• b.iven ' t eKern:d their w rtUm: 1:,lenu ,111 tttl.l rtt'tlrd. Rather

    11n1,roi,r1:.11· lldd h,r both Aldt.t. • r1d quil Oc dllUll)POlnHn-:,

    HEX (:OM f:S1 Tl,e l'fl.tllflll IIUlt d IHI lttrt• In

    lhl•lr lHU•mo, to tt!V\\'fl lh l! Roell n' ROIi \trJI whh lhi!lr ··Lad)' MadMn;i" jlm:11!, Thli. lime, lher ,rnnd JI )lood C'h &ll(.'f'. Tbilnka 10 Dilly P r,•1ton 0,1 111:1no. P,iuJ tor •ouud1111c 111111 u h·otcal l>fat ~roup tln ,-ro:r, .lohn wllh h h• Ch uck JJOtt)' Rh)' thm, l:fl1o1·n", wllh U n• non snundinll real iroulful 11II 1h11 wo, l'ott ld h l\,\'CI twen a dou blt " A" Sidi! l'UHfh!, eith er WU)' 11· s1:rnd1, a wood Mu.iac tal)f'i-; •·he-rt! tr~OOM:Uers C1111 m tttler !ntc> Cl~lr 1'C'Otch and t.'11klttf " h')' m an, 11-:~ Jo.,Ju·!I m ade II al hu11 ju,il like Jude,"

    ir, llOod, I don'l object 10 II, JUII Uke I don't obk-ct 10 earl)! Rollins: Slooes r.:cordl. P('ffllPI lhat' a lht! dlttcllon wo'rt htudlni: tn. WJ10 know,. I doo·t know. GOd ltnow,.

    " Cxln'I l..el Mr Down .. let1 "w d0wn .

    VALERIE MAB8S: •·th.'1 Bad " fraturni • · •rock-it•

    to-rue" itound renunlst'en l of d1y11 ico~ b)' In ,;mok e tlllcd, lbd1tl)' lllt"ll,•(I clui,.,. Rc:i~IIUV\" lht Otll)' i,.•rk!I fN)m P1u1, ... b11-cktd UP by Mlmf.' l)lu t!t)' .CUiiar WQr1t NI)! llOn t:P\/• demk, Pe rh:11>¥ ! hi$ IJI :,nt11her \'C:Stbo: Of th\l n )('k .ind roll paJUCht . howtver . It'~ ven· UlUCh ll'U l 'O(lli:OlCUOUS lh lm " L ad}'

    JOHN LENNON Madonna." 11~1.I'• Am cd11 wlll 11 11 on 1ht1lr m o1orblku.

    " Don' t l,tt Me Down" 11Ch>1 nimbly PH1 mid.a.,nmr y and st0c1s sudde:111y al abt>ut 15158 "''hen nas:;11 whlntt and l-"'ab111.n 1meer~ w~r..: 111 voi:,ue. An evtn more un!IQual('d hmo Wllh d.ilfoqut:nl Jyr ict, lhll lllUJI be d C

  • RECORD MIRROR. Wttk •ndinJ April 19, 1969

    0he · · 00d~ 8lues ©n 0he 0hrue0h0ld

    of 0 ®rue0m 0 SML103c, «)pie aren't going 10 be disappOlntcd." ·

    "We've appeared In many tcJevlslon shows. particu-lar1y on the Continent." added Trevor, •·and I think you have to prove yourself more through that medium tha:1 anything else. On singe ir you sing a bad note ii can go by a lmost unnoticed, but with a recording it's played over and over so everything should be exuctly right."

    Marbles are now laced with the problem or flnding a group to accompany them on gigs.

    "We had origfaally planned to use Trifle as our group,'' Graham told me. "but they wanted to do thlng.s ror themselves, and you can't blame lhcm for that. Now our mann1tement have found n 1,.'Toup for us. w c·rc due to rnect then-. lmormw. We would have pref-erred to ~et our own bnnd together but we'll be hiding ourselves uway in Scotland ror a while to rchc:arse wlth this group, so it should work out.''

    ''We'll probably u!'e something like three saxes a bass player und drummer," Graham continued, Ond add~d with a smile: "Trevor and I both play piano and bass, which I think is good for a duo! . I don't like to mention names. but Peter and Gordon, for example, never played on their own record!., they always used session men."

    Trevor and Graham ha,1e almost completed work on their new album, which is due for release in the beginning or May.

    "We'"e recorded the album over quite a l.ong period."' Graham told me, "I reel now I'd like to do 60me of the vocals again, as you can get dissatisfied with them after a lime. The final mixing hasn't been compJctcd yet. so we may be able to do some tracks again."

    Marbles have recorded 14 tracks (or the a lbum, some of which are their Wil compositions :

    ' 'We compose quite a few songs now.'' said Trevor, "but something we really hope to do is wrile fllm soundtracks. We'd like to act in a fllm too," he nddod enthusiastically, petering off at the sound or anxious mutterings -from a member or his management! 8ut it's obviouslY. something to watch out for.

    Grahum then returned to the subject of Mnrb1os· LP. "Ovt.'r hair o f the numbers hn.vo been arranged by Jiml Horowitz. We must gh1c him u plug! There won·t be nny loud numbers. us we Hke folk und pretty sounds, though my voice can be powerful-just thought I'd get that in!

    "I used to sing harmony in tho school choir and my teacher once stopped ttvcryone and said 'Bonnet, stop singing so loud!' My volte was stronger than all the othl'rs pu1 together! M)' mother's the ori.glnal Aretha fo'rankHn, you know."

    Graham had been lhumbing through Record Mirror, and a t this point turned to a letter which was written in defence or Marbles, against. accusations that they were only in the business for the money. This brought the t-Onversatlon round to the importance or hit records.

    "I think it 's very lmportan1 to have chart hits," said Graham, turning to his cousin Trevor and enquiring, "That's right, isn't it?" Al lhls Trevor nodded In agree, ment and leH (;raham to continue: "The whole Idea of music is to please the public. and a hit record proves that's what you are doing.''

    During our conversation Graham had sat sweltering in a heavy navy overcoat. but refused to take it off, saying: "'It's pal't of my new Image. When everyone else Is walking around In summer clothes rlt be different wllh my overcoat!"

    So I left Graham and Trevor sweltering In the office. and conven tionally joined t h(! crowd outside!


  • 6



    WITH lhree product>rs lhrow1ng ,n their -.,aried lalenls --M essrs Jerry Wexler. Tom Dowd and Ard Mard ,n-Dusly Sprmgl1eld was clearly ;n happy mood v.ay down in Tennessee when shC' v1s!le-d there lo mak e her nt'W ,1!bum.

    Dusty In Memphis 15 ,1 sl,1nd-oul album . Judged by ,1ny sl and,1rds . II dO('sn I preclude her continuing lo record 1n 8r11am bul 11 does p1n-pom1 se-.er.il slarll1ng \laltalions tn style, power c1nd ove,ral1 produclton. Let's look al the .llbum more closel y track by track .

    Dusty In M €."mphis --Jusl A l1llle loviri So Much Love. Son 01 A Pre.1cher Man I Oon ·1 Wanl To HrJr About 11 Anymore . Don't Forget Aboul MC' . Brt.•,1ldas1 In Bed Jusl One Smile . The Wmdm• lls 01 Your Mind . In Thl• L.rnd QI M,,kt> B('l 1('vt• No Easy Way Down I Can I M ak e II A lone f Philips SBL 7889).

    First track . a Mann -WC'tll song S£>1S ;1 su1l,1bly sou!lul rom,"lnt •c 11100d n1 c (' ~'.h-., lempo. simp ly b,1cked ,,I lusl. then building l1n~ly !h is ,s Ously 1n ,1 voc,111y thoughtful n,ood. ll£'1 1ble sh1mm1;•11n~ O'JN lhC' Could be th.JI lhose who dig Dusty re.tl ly bt•lt1,g out sluff will be disappointed bt'Cause :hcrt• 1s somewh al srmll.u1ly ol s,lyl~ and tempo 1n the mal e,rnl soloclcd. Ag,-,inst that 1s !he lacl l hal C'ach song 1s a comple!t" C'nlily usually lolling .J slory. oflcn s,id lmgcd . which sulls Ously well .

    If on(' lnk cs it .1s ,--. slcp ,1ho.1d, ,--. ch,1ngc of direction . 11 stands up ,,s the bes! yC'I from Dusty. For sht'Ose a s lipper tree l, a strange idea tor a sonx-bot Lincoln h:u, M>mc wild ideas. I like writing with him - 1 used to write much more on my own. but now I think we can get some thing good ,:olnw: between us. /\ lot or 1>eoplc criticise our records t.>ttaUsc they ~Y our lyrics arc very rc1>clitivo. and we don't pu1 cnotuth into th(' words. Out I think you ha\·e to decide how imfMJrtanl the words ore-and if you can say cverylhing that's n~s.,u:1ry in jus l ten lines, lhe n you don 't need to wrilc more. Besides, our soni:s ar c very bcaty and they jusl don't need comJll iC'a lcd lyri~~. The only time we tried to do anythin" n bit differe nt was with 'Laurel rind Ha rd>•'-h wos a s light ch rm gc of sty)(', and it d idn't d o very we ll at a ll,

    "Our re4,.-0rds still do much better on lhc Con lincnt-ln la.cl just about everywhere bar Britain and America, which is a shame because I 'd like our records to do helte r in this country, We spend a lot or time abroad, obviously, l'm we're really working quite hard at lhc moment. Wc'vt.' jus t got bAck from three wee.ks in ls:roel- it was su1>poscd to have been two weeks but we were virtually kidn:apf>t-d by gangsters.

    " We we re book t•d 10 go o,•er lhcrc tor two weeks- bu! It was n \'c ry s tranuc sct•u1>. The prortl(1ter found thnl he wnsn·t J;Clling h is money back on all the ~igs ho'd anon1;ed tor u s- he'd had to let ,;omc othc-r gangste r In on the deal cand split 311 the money or Mtmcthing- so he held us there by thrcntenln1; u s with vtolenc' Cak'b'. Lortna L,11111 (who. tnf"Mltn1~111, stole the tl.rst ball Of lht .'lhOW), Pbll $ncl)' and Tht-Ralt('bl:T$. The Qranft Hl• ~m Sead, Jan n • .,.,... we11 ffilldlt. aau, JOMI Wtsk)' RJkti, Mf'n1JI MMtt, 1'1lot- UW.Wl-en, Larry

  • RECORD MIRROR. w.,k •nding April 19, 1969


    SOCKS YA. • •

    ~k in our Disc Jockt y Do1..en. ,eror Rosko. 1glcs he considers to be half six of the best or the current urilc I.J'. - now be r~ady 10 pick it up. o my s ix all-time favourites," just as easily s tart with the

    ,n~. As a unit single, it is rig -singles that ha.I o( ntW s tuff. Ont of 1hc 1rat"k$ I llh wbt('b I &wn know lhO na~ of, I o H ''rhe Clod:'. ll 'i; • fHlUtie LP and acre,it tor dll('C)lh(-Que!l. I lmulne lha t In a «MJPlf! of n an it rnL

  • 8 RECORD MIRROR. Week endlna April 19, 1969

    ' revie wed by Peter Jone1 new :ingle1 reviewed by Peter Jone1 new 1i ng les reviewed by Pe ter Jone


    Ruamuftin Man; A .. 8 " Sldt-lfontaH TF LIU) . Not •• llnt i,urll\l tllltlr mc,11( com,nerdal. yet 11 c,>upk of ,01ns pull II In t1,e ob· ,•h>us hll nlf:«On'. n.t.re·~ a 5trldtnt &ouclt '" tile \lo-tal u 11 hulkb, and UH! main dton111 l• t-al)' lo lilt tn, mtnUlll)'. ln Dirts • bil dbk,ltttf:d, but no m.1tkr - U'a; OOlh ,ner!(t'Ur. and mu,Jdanly. A1' nl now, l'U be s lll,tn,c a.kln1 with ll. PUp: tma.-a·uctve but dead wtrtd.




    Hum, • l,uma; Oh What A ur, .Oecea F llttS). Can't be 1ur.-1bou1 UIII une ber.ause Du~ llas bern Jon,r ti~ out cir UU! fflatls. n,u 11·, wortll t0mmt11dlnc b«auw II fH hU'ff one Ori Ult bell tole-es ilCI tlle lltt!lle .. d (b(l *°"' hH • mos, tc:lmmtrdal dlt rus, Wr1tlen b)' tbt: «lll-ed8,td ltam or JClllb Ca.rler and C,Nff Sle1>111eflll, Atmos--pllerlc. l--'11p: Lh'tl>' s~,c and . ... 111 Wt.U pe.rformtd.


    THE BACHELORS Where ne Slue Of T'be Night;

    Cakrlna (Dctca P2UJI). A df,ubh! h A" rc' • pop lYl>t of Mini lltrf!. "'"" t.HD)' 1elltn1 UUl IIIO'l' of a be1 who ,.u, fllr 11": , ·1r1 nt.XI doclt

    - and ~ n·1 tven 1e11 hb tedd>'· our abctul It. A 11•in• l1•r an •ict!I, .. IM mJJCbl ~ k. •nd • tlo•lid re, st.orr the enertct-114' l ,UDY 10 1114' Cftaru. sr:numm·1al, of ~f'ff. b1.11 wtt•l'!C •• WNJIIIJ Wltll lhal? Pllp: HU\' )' mid • l•moo pl~te. IUld Ulttl)'.


    ACE KeFFORD ~'TAND For Your Love; Grn, Uoob>·

    Jamm CAllanUc 551WH&). Group fur. med by 111·e b~a1r;a,,.,. Movr mem, ber. now fca,torlnJ: hb OWII VO~ -,utd • 11:IICMI \lt>k-e II 111. tff, 1'Ntublc b • IH'lt Of dl:rtt.ht~S In the cart, 111ag~ htn!-, bul tlfttt h Jttb under w •1 u could oro,•~ " mo!II ~mmcrrlal bel, Cf'rtatnly a lot of UIOOPI Wtftl Into tlle Pffl• d1tdkln - b u a grow • Olli . J'ltU UPUI, to toln • phrau. FUp. A WIidiy rnm• alladc i11s1rumen1a1:,.


    DES O"CONNOR O&C:lt: • A • O•m , Oum: Pot 1..&,y,.

    Or MontY (C:Cllumbla OB UM). Wr1Uen bJ IM • hkllUllll115 Jim Oak!, "'ls Is 0a In • llurry • akin~ n-.ocl. Already ¥taceel hr crltk& whit re, 11-mt his very pn,1mtt 11'1 the IMIIP Rltkl. II 11:l nevtnltt~s • tuneful. u tchy umber Hd lie. •IIIIP H wllll beGII IIYkl Md P('.no111111Hl,J. $deb rt11:ht In the mind. Can ·1 sins aloa• wUb lllb, ene,i,t In &be main d 1onaJ. Fllpi An O'Connor Mtflll .,, charm.


    PA\!L JONES 11·.11 CelUns Detter; Not Bdore

    1lme cColumbt• OB mn Pa.ul looked llke 111'.rltlns away on .. AQuarlu1," but then: wa:,i: 10 n1uth wmpethlon. Thts, however. 111 a reh1rn 1A1 IUP form-lhollllil In parts It tlnt'&ll'l cvm 110.asul ll\:11 , ... ,... A M•Jln,Wrill SOO!f Of dlarm a nd 91>tll'.l1Hm a.nd a la,lah,lab tori tit baddns d1onu1. 11·• not 11.uetlr • mhlU(IUJI but It i~ Jane, ta Vf'rY "ood qJck, Flip: Latin dnammtn~ and E•S:tcrn premlu, a1Uf.1calfr, •r"9 a Hlf-~nnccl numbtr H Nr• monlea. CHA.HT PR06ABILITV

    CHICKEN SHACK I 'd Hattltr Go ntlnd: Nl1hl Ure

    (CRS HIS). With a .. , allMlm under thdr roHtcUn Nil, lbt hls:tHaknltd lf:HI '°"'"' ... , de U1 t.1Mel\lfl!ill a faYOU.r In tlle .. ... rbJitl•. u·• • ··•••tne\ltnS .... . piece, a bit o,n lite mar•IIIH •*· 'WI"' Cbrt~i.e Petfttl Ckliila a lrtl• nt.- Mb, llllf!tlallY N ~~ Y.al lllide. A ud munbtr, .-.,.._,., Otl SPttlaUSI IPllffl, Yl!I 1llllllar ma.krt.al hH made die dlartl lie· f9~. ttlat •••·• FIio: Slow, aplll: blue,iy, e11 °' a thrte,ynr-old I.ad IPCIU-ina hil now famous " 504..1' U 10 me" and " LoYt tht Beaklei" 11:ne:~ver, calehY m ain !tOflK, wllb \!Ont ,;.roui,. \\' ho know•! Could m ake.it. * * * *

    STEAMIIAMMER: JualiltN waiu ... : WJnchnlU CCB8 ,un. b lU!I lime lo rtaist'1r. with • lc•na in&tTUmtntal i11trod~n. tl'len it UteraUr hammers into a worthwhile 1ltce al British bluet. Cood 11utr, but ratMr for the IE~ht.llllt fi"ld. * * • * .

    JAMl:!S ROYAL: t',•t S•m11U1ln.1r RN On Ny MIN: $11,e'.t ,.. l ndepeadNM ICBS 41311. Another Record ot lhe Week. James rH.11:r 15 • 8.rst-ralf' Kl)'lill. Oon' l lhlnk th.la pa,Uculu •ona II atrons enoug;h, but ii builds lnlo (Ille l1f hi• b 'Plt.i.11)' blocllbutl1ln1 effort.JI .• * ••• *

    ORLANDO: Am I ~ Same Guy: Petr Utile Mt «Nt'm1 cut). Oka1 -lYJM! and bri111E balh1d-with brass hen and the.re, but It's one 0( 1hose itwln• ••lon~ 11W-rt or l>eat 1ml, with Cindy An•l slngln.a, wl1h • 1n:at deal uf Pf$naUtY, I, RtCOtd 11f lht Week, C'ould elicit, * * * # * *

    OON PARDON: COH Lovin' : l\ubl''I Pkh•.re't. On My W1U O•ye Jn1. UtUl. S111r who mtltH II Jn ollH!r countrleA-Slill 101°' on tiere. Thill h v.eU,performf>d m a hard-t.dae-11 w n of wa)' a Rd lhe anan((emen1 ,~

    ,;plendhl. * * * * l'Al'~ fl DRAGON: Aprll •'ool : Gc-1 Somrlhln:-c G•tlaa rnen Hl,L 11w,. Rrilhth 5:ruup rccvrd("d b)I SIi.'\'(' Ruwlancl for the labfll C1u1ld 1Jo well. 1:lvc,n a iMmPOUr1, lhUuJcl, t here is sc,mt"lhlnt:t rrnllnisc~nt abuu1 lhe Mm,:

    il~('Jf, • * * * (¥ORI: SINGLES ON PAGI:


    l"AUI, SLAOB: Sound Of l..4•ve: Od111stcy CDett• F LINS). Another Rc.-.:urour H.o•Jo11T; Valat O'Amour (Deeta f Dlll). 1-:urovllliu.n ll,Orl{( or con11l' of dubloos ~•ra OllC"t IUIN! J.Aee; a.-.t' paa.111tnett (Ottu I! IIIN). Ooltat el : buo on:hatral rtc!Ord!I come out monthl)' b1u tbore '5 atwa)'ii IOmtlhitlS IOtau, d ilUnc:ttv• a.bout tM Chacqftcld 1om1d. Thl!i L" a IO'H:IY thtmt. dreaecl up in a weller .ol sounds. 11trl:og,11tc.'1 ~ r• bn~ Hauntblc Is lM word, * * * • *

    Phyllis newman's Warld af musit it's a happy place

    SHK/HAK 8387

    12 • S1ereo or ·Mono LP London Records o divi 1lon oJ Th• O•cco Record Company l imited Oecco Hou,e Albe,, Embankment Londo n S.E.I,

    .,(().'\ Y)()}\:

    T RB JOHN HAWKINS OIICH r-------------'-------------------------tome UD with • catch)' UUle themCI I• ''Tour 0. Praatt" fPrMldtnl PT Ml-nothtu 100 amblUOUI, JUIII a catdll' llltle dltme. P'rom At.-KONO t.&TNC'St "Meile Clrc.lt" CPltUlpl: BF t'N4,. wbk:il hu h1 moqaall bu\ Hlffll ...... el)' lO mau •* prolJ"ttl. t Another ClldlY UIUf Plttt GI eoufdlrabM IIOft•YOleff tUrm: "Brlllht Reel Bui To Pt«adlU," b1 TII& P IN.&£& tKIM KO HIS,), but a11Jn Ult:elY to mlN out. " Mr. and Mn. Reu.rdl" I))' THB P'ACTOT\IMI ,ces .... , II baa1caUy ralht:r a tcood l(lnit , nletlf IUNI - but lhttrll .. IOfflt• 1111,ur m"''"" ,omewbert:.

    NOLA CAMPRRl.L 1in.ic1 " Pic-tUra. Of You" COH um. one of her own ton... Witt.I conakierable 1u, and u.. baclttn• la buuur effec, dve. Prom THE TE(:HNIQUBS: " W°hY You Gonna RWl To" cc11me1 CA II), 11enUy bhN°beal and per • aJa:tenl - b1u for the 81)eeiali1tl sort of ltd .1lftd infeclJ(>IIS • . •. could N!~l,ter . LeONlE oomcs up wH.h " Move And Croove" CJoll)' JV 015). Y1111K wflh ·" ONtan b:icllimc for lhll main t1ooounc on 11 11,.k•·lYDe 11or1 or 11 lftfllt1 c.·at~h>',

    WIIITI:! llAHBIT enwri.:e from th, hat with ' 0 Aln'·1 That SOmtthlna" (Nem, 416$), a livcl)' •or1 o r per -formance oo a •oaK that d eve101>11o well-'" ~ia TIIE HARRY SOUTH STEREO UHASS (PhlJlp• UP 177D) . full of Are 11,.nd in11runum1:il ,,u,.ncf>.t. Abo orc::heatral: "'The WindmUIR Of Your Mind" 4RCA Vl¢101' 11118). by the HENRY MANCINI orche11r:1 a nd c:horua-nicil' l rcatmt:f\ t of an a lready bl$( bit !MJCU(. And "Ch i ll)' CblUJ' uanK uanFJ:" bY MANTO• VANI AND 1115 ORCH, coecca f' 12910), :an albUm track and .i J(ood umple of 1be " Mamovanl Scenu."

    From lh• two plunC'ldl of RONNIK Al~DRICII, plus the London Ft-all• val ()rchmnra: " Ride. Mr. se.e.Saw" !Oe«,a F" IHUI), r plend d a.rranJ(e• mf'nt rrom the Pluuo 4 album " ll't lh1os,enlnJ:." THE HICH sinsc " Lon)( l,h•t Th ~ HIJ(h" ,ens flM >. whlt"h UI fair tmowch-or.011 a nd voieca ,ind a l:ani:ruid sort (If sontt which comes on quilt' 1Hct1Y. "Slep Out Of Your Mund·' l)y TllB KOOL CCDS lM$) fi.lrly bla.1111 c.ff from 1he tint bar-,•ery full \'(!('al harmOftlec 1tnd a Ckl

  • RECORD MIRROR, Wttk ,ndlns April 19, 1969 9





    Joan Baez sings Bob Dylan . . ! JOAN UAP.7,: "All)' Oay Nr,w",

    - U,\' I"' Milin" :t..tro: Ni,rlh cuunlt)' Hluts: \ ' ou At11'1 t:oln' Newbert: Orltltr'~ E~c:1111ot: I PIIY nu: rtHir h1Jml3nn1 : Te•NI o, R11e: 1'tad• En•CI Lid.>' Of Thti 1...ciwlatuH; LA1VC' Ill Jusl ,\ Four-1.ctt4'r Wotd: I Orcam~I I Suw SL Aur111tllnt: The Wall!> Of R4'd Wlna : Our l,a11dlt1rd: 0111~ Too Many Mom• lop: I Sh•U lk' Reltased : Uools 01 S11111n1Sh Lcathn: \Y•lkln ' Oown The l.lll:'ICk .:ind lhrow• In II f11w lritc: realimc drnwln~tr b)' ht,r own pen. ~•>m e hf~•n•me

    mu~ICl:IIR.'f help out 00 th~ b.itk.lnitll and ihtOUKhOUl lhere ll an air ol • dmlratlon In lh~ way .Joanie 1>utii ac:ro,s Ille U)'lan L)'rlQII. Jlftrd l(l ,11(-k l)UI lndl\' ld1,u1l t r:.t.t..'f from t UCh a IU!llllt of m11tcr1,1 but lhe marathon "Sae A ~In.bow; 1'11111 It M.y Song; Tbe Cat In The Window Cl')'f! SttrHI N5PL ISIG),

    Sgur.fi:XPLANATORY t-0Uec1fon of Lhe sort of mr.tcrlal llu1 puta Pel Into the CbitrU • II

    ovor the world, Very L1m,ely wrf1tl'!n bY J aC:kl41 Trtnt 11.nd T'o,u,. 1111t h , but with • rew other11 lhrown 11'1 fnr Mood measure . A

    • • • • • • • •

    ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' . ' ' . , ,

    , : , , , , , , ' , ' , '

    • • •• ..........


    It's a apP.ening-enson style.

    Five groovy new ones from Denson. A ll set to take a foothold this season. 1 Featherwei11ht Suede Zip boot. Designed to be l ight and comfort-

    able. A cool, simple style w ith the longli fe sole, In Olive and Sand suede.

    - - - - - - -r-For the name and addrei>S o f your nearest Denson Stockist just w rite to:

    S ty le 933. I 2. A bold casual in t he VP.f Y latest chunky sty le AntiQue broyvn

    adds the f inal touch. Style & 15,;1,· · I 3. These Oxfords really ,re the latest. In new. beautifu l ly soft Glace

    Kid . Lightweight, comfortable dazzlers in a uniQue Loam colour. also in sof1ee black and I.Jr own Siyle 804 I

    ~ Suede Chukka boot for sun chas,ng o r doll v chns,ng o r 1us1 p la111 la,v r1Jys A very com fortable, s1yl1sh loa fer ,n O live suede. St v ie 820. I

    ~ Another bold casual ,n an l ique brow,, This one w 11h ~ d1scree1 b101l/e medallion decoration. Style 8 19.

    The Denson range o f fashion shoes ,s ,n town now A grea t «1nge o f fabu lous styles at prices from as li1tle as 49/11 10 79/ 11

    Denson Footwear.42-44 Kingsland Road. London E2, Name



    v«1 r)' m u.slclanly 11nd professJon•I aerte11 or traclu1 • •••

    CUBV A~"'IO TUE (ll,11.ZAHOS: "Ot-solallon".-Ph.Ulps Stu. 1174.

    A VF;RY lively Dult·h b lues bandh lauded bF AlulJ KQrftl:r io c • i.leeve ncuu ,

    Is tj;I.ICCll'IJ!lfUI 11111 lhroui.h tht tll.l IOUCh \.'I rr(l1n a C'hiip nam~ Harr)'. ••• *

    UI...ADYS KN1GUT ANI) THH PlrR: ''SIIII 'n' Soul",-t Wbb ll Wo"14 Ratu n e Look or 1.o,•e; Goin' Oul Of My IIHd; Vouudu: Groovtn•; Vou'Ye I.Mt 1"bat Lovta· f'eellll'; 'nlemt From vann Of Ttw: 00111; Haby I Ned Your LovUII; To,elher: TM Track Of M>' Tuni: VCMt' tt My EVf!.rythtr11: Every LIIUe 011 U1trt1 fTamla Motuwn m1. JI HO),

    GLADV'S bttrsl'II is l)flfl (JI m)' favounte 1u•oup lead votcca-a hl.gh-lS7ini;i Klrl Wllh an j p..

    1tinct for doM>k uacu, thci rbdu lhkll( 10 a at'l of l)'rlc•. Tht.' lhroo PIJ)I com])ltmetu her 11tnae or fltt and s m oott1nc11. Tht soul 11 h t ff au riahl, bUt So 100 18 a ICIOSS)" profetslonausm lhllt smooth l'S 1hc whole lhlnlC out ntet:ly. Com• mc11ded fo r 1ai1ns>llinM : " l,oylfl ' f{4!f!lln' " And Yf!.11-lt rd1)'"

    • •••• JACKIE! WILSON : "I t:et The Swcekt:1 f'r:eUna .. - v.u Keto Me Hanicln• On : On Nt In A LUellme; Wllo can 1 'f'uni To; rcapk, Don't c;., To s1ru.aen: I Get 'Otoe SwetleSI PeeUna: Yl}M Brou.Pt AbOUt A C'banJe ln Mc: Nelhlna Hut Hlue St.1,11; A woman Nffeb To ue Luvtcl; Growtn• TaU; SfnH Yeu Slllluwed Me llow Tn n,, "•PP>' (MCA MUPS #CO,

    SUPER-SELECTIVE •t:I frorn I.ho fireball w1th the acrob11tc votoe, One or th!! besl rt1Aden

    (It a 14:t or lyrks In lhe bu1Jneg1. 1om ti lirtlff o verwhthntd h-1r\! in 1 welter of ba elclnJC sounds but inostlY ho ldln.t his own at hui uwn lewet. And that tJ aome1htn1ot else. • • * • •

    (;RAl'EYR UIT t " Aruund Gr•~ trull".-Antt\er G)unt: Ye-ttr• day'~ Sun511tne: EJevaior: Yf!tl; C'Mon Ma rianne; Lullaby; Rooncl G41lnA R~11d: Dear DeUlah; nl!i Lltlle Man: Affl 't It Good; TIie.me Por T'WlltlY: Somtdaiv Soon f81a le• #Ide SL Mlilt),

    THOU(;H ll'te Vlll(lrtt'I of atnicle e:hirt se~cuon someUinea ob· acura lhe r,ct. cra.Defrult and.

    a a1ron;c, youn;c. hnd,icr.hlin• And talented tum •nd lhCIJ' bulkS thel.r perform,11ncu on a •olid bu• Of material penn1td by baaaiat Ceonte Alexander. Sorne of thue are ob-vi>c IS-ab)'; To)' Soldler: ~••11 U•nic On: Don' t Think TMce: Worfltn• MY Way Hack To Yl•U: Op11s lli Sherry; HIA' Girl• Don't C'rY: Walk Like A Man: Candy (;tr1 : M ar• lt na; Punut,; ; AJn' t 111at r\ Sh1me : lhwn: Stay: 81.8 Man Ill To,m: Al(lllc: SH«! It For Mel Girl Contt- n.,umtn,: : nonnw: t··n Got You U11der 11,1)' Skln: Tell H 1'1, The" Rain: Be,cA'tn': sn~uc• l!f Golden; C'Mon Marianne: Wa td1 n.c f'k>wtn Grow: WIii vou sun Love lie 1'omorn,w

  • 10


    The PrlC~ for cla.sisitl~d :1dvcrt1$e, utfnts ill 9d. Per Wl)td, pr1t-t)t ld tor .t1U 11,:c:!loris. Po,ua l otde.ni Should be ( tOSlltid .ind 11111;dc 0 11)'· .ibh.• 10 Ri:t'Qrd MiITor

    No money, tn any fern, , •houlric;,•~- Moore. 7:1 Mill Road, l.AHllhlOII R1nu rd necl.!a r . f' t,;A'rtnms. M Curll$ H. S11lt, U. 1:-1111o1'1:, R , nti.'l'lllltd O'K.wf~. ll3 M'kin•. o n:icon, f', ('1um,i1:r . J Of'€' Al Oownirllol, .J11M't'II anti i,_;(tdk.'. i,:: l•'C'lf11.ill1e. R . Ha ll . I,., Ltlhit•I, Tht1 llnwk. W. M' T ANDY'S tarnc>ui< tn11II urdt'r t'll(ltlrl .serv1{'c 1inct ~t!t all )'Our records t1111tkh· and C't1uply. Oet11ll!I •nd f r~ li~ti• of 114:M' r c-l11lllllol'1( rrnm:-TANOV'S 1RM1, :ta \\'o4nrrham1>ffUe~h lre. RF.CORD RAZAAR ,0,000 from 21, \Vnlt (or h1111; 1141,, Ar-c1le f. lrefl l, G IU.S'lOW'

    AMERICAN rt:c:ord• lll~l iOII . S.3.ttlS ad , dre11S~d t11velocie 111· Su~. t:/ o 2,1,311 Theob•lds Rd •• L,ood{H'I , w.r..l. KJ:::NNY UALI. Al'l'HtU.:fA'rlVN SVCl b~r\' . - 8,tt.4.1, to Miu Pat ~andeu, JI Culls!• Strte1, 1.une1.ou.. w.1. Ul'!OttGlt; ... AMI•: 1-'AN Cl.Ull -S~rntar,. M OM roinphm Stl'l'-l'I l,Olldon. \V. I,

    " ·TURN ON to Tony HlaC'kburn.'' -.'\.1 .e. LO ~Ml, nox: 2JT. 285/ 241 Reic~nt Street, r...ondon, w . 1.

    UAV),,: l 'LAHK 5. S.A.~ 16 ~h1.u~n, ell> Harnhl Davison Lt(I .• t:1$1241 lkicent !i1tee1. Ulr~fln, w .1

    ·•ug I N nOSKO'S aANC.E HS" -::i.~.e. t/1• HS Mork')' Avt • J.on• don. N ,12.

    JA(.'K JONt::s o m c:htl F.ul'Ol,11!.tn 1-'~n Club: 1.11,e A1U:e.li1 g dtn. t.t 11QJ~W3II noad. Soulllrltn(HOII, SO I ,mw nu: ()to'f' JCI.AI, M,AIWIN C.:A \' ij t-' AN n ,uo. - S.:1 e. :fl N U11, El~,. LPir l'f' r.-1urr1 10 : '.\l1>or,•, 16 Leighton Ro~cl. l...c1ichton lhu

    11rd. Ltnll.ad~, lk?dl

    WE UtJV t,1•·s 4~ . Wrllr1 r.ir 1•,1111, 178 N11rth t,;11d IC01J1d. Kensini.1011, IAmO,m. \\' 14

    tt t-;l'O lll)S wanl..-ll f(II' 1.a~h u.. 8d 1,a1cl for l!Niitlt.J 4$11 or any T11111l11 l&tld '10111 fl) flil' Olht'r;\, 1(1!. fnr l,l'll and 1-i 8d for E Ps C'a,'ih .,,. return 1)r .'iend lb.-L!I ,,. J . Kh11C • Rt."("or(l;'H, f,0 S IJC:fMll!lw c:ar(h.lll\, l.t•lt'l"-li lrr

    TOI' l' H ICES lll\'f.ln ((Ir UIIWUJHi.-d r1.-corcts St:tld lhn and $ .a ,(', tor Olltl'r .-R. N1Jw ton. ~ Oin lCle Hoaid. C'l11yh 11n~l!r, llrownhlll.J, \ \'alllall. .C.1;ilfi1

    /'olH, l.l,\M Clounct,r, fol) C' f!Ph U A\'c, IIUC. S1t1mey (:re-.'". 1.011d1u, l-: I WIii bU)' "rock" re-cords . LPI, EP1, Sln~lt'S C11Uers wtl((lmt' . .in)' c,•en• lllll alter 6 P.111

    e peraonal t:XCITIN(O OATI!.$ lJ"i' C'OMl"'UT€ft r,-on lt\1£HVONF: E \' f:tt,'W11ERE


    JAN6 scorr t•>r .itnuuu, rrte,10,, lft1rodu('Clon1 (lPPOIIIU •o wllh ,111-cerll)' and tllUUl[Clll fulnHil!, l>elall!I free . !Id. stamp to ,Jiwf! St-1>11. ~0/RM Maddo• t-itree1. l.c,nd(lfl, \\1.1

    e onnouncement• ULUSlUNG. shyness, nerveit quk kly uverconie bY my runow; 40·Yt"ilr• old remed.,r.-\\'r t1ci now tu: Hemry Rfv .. r.a (JUIIO, 2 St, Mary•• S 1rt1t1 I , 11w,11n~n

    e for tale \ 11CTORIA.N AO\' t.:RTIS£MENT POSTERS, Send II. Iii .a, lllr e11la l01t1Je 1he:1n . P• ul oe1.a ney, H~II. 11 fleath (:arcten1. SnUhull. Wnwk kahirt.

    l 'SVCUEDEUC IMA.GE$! llavc> YOOf favoUrtte ph:.1uru or Photo, .11.Hlph, (p0R,'4Qtr, tlWffth«• r l, pel ,·tc.) l'!holoon turn full)'•PrIJblishmg company tiay th.it thlrtec-n i{ntcJe:J e1 t Kenny Youn.s ,on1r~ a.rci now due for ttleHe Whlth ean•1 be bad •.•

    Pettr "Peret· tlowc.s t2:0, 1 rum~: Mick t:rander 09), bast: H ay S1r-lck!io11 c2n. lt~d: Ptul Prewer 08). Jud vocal: O,rty Hodtn•Prl« t22~. rhyl hm t ktyboard . A h il ro r 11184 In 196$1


    M~SSRS. 'l'ONY MAC'AULAY arid JOhr1 MC.Let)(!, hll $Ollfl:~•rlleti, a rc broadcnln~ their horil(lns. With twelve hil.s behind them, tfW?1 a.re now connected with new ;roup th,c, F'l>'ina Machine-

    Tony u writer a nd producer, J ohn 011 1he man,1a:cm ent ii~. Group, n,•c:-Jit ron1t, come s f rom Northam 11tt>tt--and ,·on)' rcct uns 1h:11 uie.lr fir$! di". "SmJh! A LIU.ht Smllt For Mo", on Pye, 1, CHW or tht most commtirci:al he'it •Tllten , , produced ln col1abonll. ·niL" Pl)'lmc Machine ,o;hould ta.ke oft .

    OUT ON NEMS: rromJ$t, • nfw icrou i1>, aoo "Just Por You". Proml!le l!I • icroup ot flvo. au of whom pl11)'ed wllh other grouos. and a.II lived on proml~ irom various m,l\nagcrs ancl

    oromoteu. But thOUQ:'h lhfl proml$ts didn' t ((jll\(l Off, lheY ,1111 h l\'f round ll namt: lt lhtm$plvu-Prombe- and throu11n Nems. C,irll Black and t heir own aaencr Robin Entert1inmcnh1 u.rtr IOClkini:t ff.'I - That':,.

    M)' a., cMuo11mtnl MON l fU). Allbou1 b llllJe lnftuenc:e '"' 11~ bH· wur1hlnU $ h)dlll)'. Ilk- tc,rinal Clf thb br(lhl Uld bouJtc)' RCI Vfh y liORJ ba.ii: Ill 1un1 llne •If shnH1r ttSls/orlY ·eo,s fure-runnn,; fRa71' uwn ''Abab Tht Arab'' In· d udfll). and Jw,t J'eflU ul nos., 1111,111 h)I' old-Um .. rii: IUl:e IUC! (Nf'trrnu~ Non u• b a name that lhU)' w lll thlr.k uf, • mun• l)lht:nll 8aiik:a.llr . l)\' t!r 11, bro•• rM.:' lmctnbe'.") l'IOISN, 111kt wa>bllle IM wbole k11. A.s ca.n bt' «Pl!Ctcd of Ray itt de.c>rly and 11111111,- ullrtubr •rttk•~ 11·)i • UII ! ~,lnftlrtt' lo l!lh'llllt •P lhl•

    • U.S. dl•rc~ tbl11 t:oold f U II)' ..... • m • 11s141 r herl' loci - ,iw- first of Its l'-d 11,b1te ''Mr. Uas~ Man .. , \ 1cit•I bllPltl(' IIOISt'.11 a I• Hult lbrrl~ ltad 11'11.u a n1or~ kdkHb ntp - ti.II Ud• C'QUPINI WIiii ' 'Glarun" make •n Idol r ttorfl

    ,for a ll c:hlJdrc-n (:1oer111w;11n • f'HAHT P'MOhABILITV,

    TONY CLARKE TM f:t1ltrt1lu,e.r : Aln' I Lovt•

    l'"rlil'Ud tCktla: CRS tnu. 1'brSt' two ela.Hte dl11t0Ulcouc- JiOWld.1' tt· 1Ji1ut:d l:ladt,to-b•tk tu1Jce Oftl' 1,11 l"e besl Vllut' re,cord: • rtt)'Ulnl r.bunrr wit• '9m e nke w m..-h••••P"• and Ola11a's YOlce ltttn• t• s •vt.r•all. Uae.xe,eptlNaJ bul O.k ~ 1111 •• a l 1t-1i111 • ffflffl an a...P,


    ·ruE CHECKMATES, LTD· I.Al\'e b All I n n.. Tt1 ,:,vr :

    Ntver Should IIHt U d (Alrfttl AMS nn. With 1••11 $pect.lr"li R ... hlH US HmtMtli an,d Tina T unitt r1Hctea..-.e 11 CWln1 Jn w• li •uin. Cbtre wlll ,lobvlctulilr II(' n ._,, 11f auenllon Pl~ tu thl~. u 1tu,1,1waHt4t N'EW SoetlGr p,o. duc;Uon. IC has all ol Ms ~ u.al u ld lrade-m11rk11 (Uaundtrlll lC drMm", "••&na il trtn,11, m•ndc,Nnli, au recorded In what souncb Ille i:,·err •vaU,hle ~lltu ffl• nlft,c-r a.nd wind tuMtl in I.M luuclcs), plu:-, at mt. , lffl, a 11PIJ' ltddle 111111 reaU.r It'll>!! )'011? TIM: v1~a11,u "' thbl ... k, blltk •1111 wllhe, INJl"P IIW!ld,i .. flldtll1b Ulle HIii Jledle,i (Of Mike> HarTb• II llf S.-tl: r T .. aa>, •ad 1he with' 11IOUINI Ill .._ll~l,i dNnt-llldat -1,..1:Rt 1,5, lht IIWWY'III Ml ton IWtt, l"!lffdo RNkllna,t,i~ IIOlll "" llp, ralllwr Hite. the C'IYN.btr,. B""8ierv. Jnlu·«Un1 111 Mk': KlQ MC'dle r•• NIii rttc.tr~ lhr RlosllO,_ 1lrt~ INI.. del,ia "Lctvin' FttHn' •• far tht. St• tN.

    C,IART 1'0$$lflll,1TV.

    UJ LL\' S'rEWAR'r: Sunuocrtlmt : I Do 1.0,·t Yuu (l;h tlt-'- Cit~ 111'2). Sto-r,mlol a bn strangf! ror this '° ilisur1,·twt 1eft .fie1'1 hit of 1hree year. ll.1(0 11> be r-e.tt-ltH•!d, 1!11,._.f'hdh' as IUI A,,-ide. 011 h ,t'l, tt'c lht let.Jo' well uipu~d tlip Uho\lJl:h ll'a lamou.s •mona Sou l r.imr), " I DI) l~we You' '-th11 ullr•-tioulful, ullr1•1>re1t)', ullr1-dehc1111e. ullra-5.low,t-Urnt st.ind.$ & 1wus fl ip ut • 1101twir l,Jl 1rack Uhe btJtol of whic:h b "El Nuevu 8.arrtna'a. * * * * •

    WI LSON l'l( KE'l'T: M ini-Sk irted Minnlr; ffack lo Your Arm~ (Allantlr 5&4HU. 1'hl~ 1sn'1 uacUy Sl'lllinfi the U.S. Chart,i on fire, ;and • .ilthOUJ:ll a1u- new l 'letceu is 111wa)'s welt"Om e, It won'1 bt ar1 earch-1ih11ke r here • Uher. ll'f Just rouune br11n ·n · c111c:k1 noltt, w1U1 Wtl1loP,U .1> before 1ome1bln11 new .ind ou 1a11hrh1" * * * *

    IKE .t TINA 1'URNER : 1·m G UMI' Oo AU I Can ITtt Oo IUaht Jjy M f Man, : Y•nt'l' f Col Tott Ma.ny T it,.: Tl\at Kind !~Unit MLV' lltll). In a way, n·, a ~h•mt! thtt TI11a ill lumbertd w ith 1uch a dlsllnc:llvc v1,k'i', 111 one co.o tltH 100 much of a .11:ood lllinu, Here • .!IM doe• • eouplf! (I( ,fllOWttl f Prod\lCfd b)' Ille with W111H!' MIIC'hell l 1h11 are both Vfr)' iO. Vtt,i PNIIY l11bel and 1lcievt dt.11•·n for Soul Cit)' '• new record outlet, w

  • RECORD MIRROR. w .. k endine April 19, 1969

    I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    10 I I 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 22 23 23 25 26 26 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 37 39 40 41 41 41 44 45 46 47 48 48 50

    TIIE ISRA£Lt'f£

    Record Retailer and

    the BBC by The British Market



    S (3) Desmond Ot-k:Ju.-r & ACe$ (P,n.m1d) C:OOOOYE 2.5 (2) Man- Hcpkill. (Apolt) I HEARD IT TlmU' TB€ GRAPE VJNI:! I (!O Marvin Ca)'e. (Tamla Motown) UOOM UANCi•A·BANG '4 (t) Lulu (C.OtuJnbla) GENTLE ON MY r.llND % Ut) Dnn Marlin (RtPrt.~> t•JNlJALL WIZARD 17 fS) Tbe Wbo (Tratkl SORRY SUZANNE 3 (&) n,e nowes ct~arlopbont.> IN THB BAO BAO OLD OAVS 9 (4) PoundaUOOS GAMES PEOPI,E PLA V $ ri1t) I CAN REAR MUSIC 18 (7) Beacta BoY& MbNSIBUR DUPONT fl (9) 5al\Clle Shaw REt.1,0 WORLD 22 tJ) The Tremeloes CWa Slack CPartoobone) I OON'T KNOW WHY 26 (S) Stev~ Wotlde.r (Tam.la Motown> GOOD TIMES ll (7) Cliff Rltllard {(;C)lumbla) GET REA.DY IS '6) Tbt Temvtatioo.i;, (Talh.la MOCOwn) MAN OF THE WORLD - U> Fleetwood. Mac {Ho.rbon> WHERE DO YOO GO TO MY LOVELY 7 (10) Pe&er sars-ttdt 08-LA·Dl·OB·LA·DA 32 fll) Ma.nnalade-NOWBERE TO RUN - (I) Mani.a Ree\·es and Tbe Vartdellu (Tamla Mottnm)

    I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


    CAN'T BUY ME LOVE I Beatles ·s ,capitol1

    5 SOUND OF' MUSIC .\ Soundtrack (H{;A)

    6 DIANA ROSS & SUl'REMt-:.S JOIN ·ru£ 1'£MPTATIONS II f'tamla Mocown>

    7 l'OSTCARO 7

    - Mar,· Hopkin (APPie) HITS OF (,OLD - .Mamas and the PApas (OunbUn

    9 Gt:NTLE ON MY JttlNO 13 Dean Mardn (Reprise)

    1 Q 01,IVER 1 0

    H So1mdtraek

    12 t..EO ZEPP£LJN S Led 7,e:pPelln (Atlantte)

    ) 3 SONGS OF LEONARD COHt:N - Leonard Cohen

    14 PEI.JC'li\NO ' - Jose Ftllehu:io < nc;A Victor)

    ) 5 S88KERS L1VE AT THE TALK Of' THE 'fOWN 7 Stt.k('rS (("O(u1nhla)

    BOOK&NOS-Slm-00 & Garfllnkel SCOTT J-Scou Walker (Pb[llpS) COLOSSEUM-Joa JJeism.an•5 Col~ewn (Foatana> Tile:: BEATLES-Be-.allH (Apple) FAMILY ENTRRTAJNMENT-Famib (Reprise) ENGELBERT-Engelbert Hum_perdtntk (~cca) ANDY WILLIA.M'S SOUND OF MUSIC-Andy WWilms TOM JONES I.IVE AT 'THE TALK OF THE TOWN

    -Tom JOMS (Decca> BEAT OF THE BRASS-·Btrb Alpe.rt and the. ffluana Brass

    THE C.RADUATE-Slmon & Ga.rfunkd (CBS> f'OLSOM PRtSON-JobAnf Ca.sb (CBS)

    (A & M Records>

    YELLOW SUBMAR1NE-111e Beaues (Apple) PETER SARSTEDT""'."'Peter Sarstedt (United Artl51S) Bt:ST Of,' TB£ B8ACH l!OYS Vol I-Buth BOYS (Caa,1101> GIANT-Buddy Holly (MCA) ' -

    R & B SINGLES . I

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    10 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 17 18 19 19

    THE ISRAEUTE 2 Desmond Dekker (Pyramid t•YR 61$8) I ltEARO IT THRU :rn£ (ORAPEVlNE I Manin Gaye (Tami.a Motown TMC GU) HARLEM SRVFFLE S .8-0b & Earl (ISiand WIP M!Sl) SHOTGUN/ROAD RUNNER c Jnr. Walker & The All Stars (T11mla Motown TMG- QI) CUPID 7 Johimy Na:tll (Maior Minor M,M. 613l GAMES P,EOPLE- PLAY . .3 Joe SOUlh (CUIIOl Cl, JS57'9) 'd l'rke (;IGJ ll BIIIY Eckt.Une 441 c,o R.rookJJ11 Bridge rnuctctal)) BLBSSEO IS THE RA.IN RIVER IS WIDE - n, Grass n.ou fDlulhm>

    R & B ALBUMS TIGKTEN UP I Varioos Artistes (Trojan ttL I) TRIS IS ... DESMOND DEKXEJl - Dellntnd Dek'ter (TroJ.a• TTL 4) THIS IS SUE I \!arioos Ari.Isles (Sue ll"P 3>


    5 JOHNNY NASH $ Johny Null (Ma)or•Mbwt• SMLJ.> 47\

    6 TRIS IS SOUL 4 Varteus Artiste, (Atlanlk 6433(1U

    7 GREATEST HITS I S'4:.fie Wc>•de.r

  • 12

    HOUGH phmly df show-bit glamour tomes across whe-n she'~ s inging htr heart out on,stag.,, Vikki Carr dOt"sn't quite see It that " ·ay. ""I'ht. g lamour of show-bli - yuck !.. was her comment.

    "It's a Job. Ser Ont" ~ludlo and you've se~n them all. I useod to bt- a bank clerk, and a switchboard operator, and I loved I.hose Jobs too.

    "Oh sure, lhCre arc more opportunities in entertainment ror people to to oft their hends nnd become c:ompletelY neurotic. Fortunately, I was brought up in a home with much love. I love the people I work with, I Lrt'ut them ns l"d want to be treated and 1 don't come on strong."

    Arnold MIiis. her .· :1~ hat>1>)' with Chr(11 Jackson's " I'll Ne-\'er Por,:et. You" as 1he1r h:tndt1ut .su"" ~ts~ ... C'tt~I Atll.ns .iind .lcrry R4.'fil ap~artnx on Jtt.bnny Cash's rortht."()mlmt v.s. tele\'1slon ~ittrle.a . •• Stn11u·a eurre11lly doln~ his tl~t COunlrY 3n(I Western aU.:om • • tbt: Road Runners look!ng for ;i lud uultarlsl in tbe Colchesttr irea . , , 1he Uu,;UJH: wlUJ Ntl$0n Pleltlff'r are 10 bart OtarUt and IMI f'on • 'hen thit1Y tour t1ere lfl Mar . • Rool •n• J ,-nny JaekS()n'J next- "Ul's Go somewtiue" . . . ar.,pearing at 1he Roondhuusir on Ma, 31 111 akJ or A.C.O.R,0:- wm be Ji,hnnY OankWlff'th., Cleo Laine. OtUllry Moorf' an(I tht Sort Machi:il('.

    f:«-llin,a b i$ own late mght J1h 11w 011 Radio One- 1.i, l)J Stwan ll~nn , . . Alan M"r••a. writer 4 t th{, eurn:nt s1nsckl