Benefit He Received from Paine's Celery Comi On December 14, last, the proprie¬ tors of Paine's Celery Compound found the following letter among Iheir mail : They had no correspondence on the tuibjcct; they did not know Mr. Mus- liain, except by reputation. Like every testimonial of this great medicine that was ever printed, it came to them un¬ solicited and unsought. Thc proprie¬ tors of Paine's Celery Compound have never found it necessary to manufac¬ ture or edit any testimonial. They have never found it necessary by any trick advertising to promote mythical men in far off place·· to positions in legislatures or offices «thai never heard of them. It is the one of all remedies thc popularity of which has. increased on account of what it docs, instead of what it says. It appears that Fire Chief Musham, the head of the Chicago Firo Depart¬ ment, which is thc mode] of the world, has been for forty years in thc service; as brave as a lion, industrious, cool- headed, with a record for fighting «1res, and quite as distinguished for nerve and generalship as other heroes upon whom nations hnve_ bestowed public honors for service in no less hazardous undertakings. Chief Mus¬ ham, in tbe spring of 1901, obtained With Perfect Nerves and Good Blood He Has Won the Highest Po¬ sition in His Calling. the highest recognition that it is pos¬ sible for a man in his business to have .promotion for merit to the head of the finest fire-fighting brigade on earth. Hc began at thc bottom. Read what he says of thc medicine that has also enabled thousands of other men and women to achieve what by intelligence ar.d ambition they were cut out to do. And bear in mind that what Paine's Celery Compound has done in the case of Marshal «Musham. and for thou¬ sands o«' others who have voluntarily expressed iheir gratitude in similar words, it will do with unvarying cer¬ tainty in the case of every person whose nervous system, from whatever cause, begins to show the effects of disease, and whose symptoms manifest themselves in the various distressing ways that are so familiar to every reader. "Gentlemen :. Your remedy, Paine's Celery Com¬ pound, is all that you claim for it, and is·certainly a boon to humanity. I have tried it. and have secured great benefits from it when suffering from indigestion or its companion, nervous¬ ness. I am told that many of the boys in the department arc using Paine's Celery Compound with very satisfac¬ tory results. Ï can heartily recommend Paine's Celery Compound for those who suffer from lack,of energy, ner¬ vousness, indigestion and similar ail¬ ments. Your? trulv, "W. If. MUSHAM. "Fire Marshal." Chicago. 111., Dec. n, 190G, NORTH STATE FLYING MACHINE Sente«"ced for Kidnapping His Wife's Young Sister.Said to Be a Kleptomaniac. (Spedai Dispaici, to The Times.) TnNS'ION-SAki.M. ?, C«, Feb. M..Mr. Dnko Hill, ot Stokes county, who lins iii- nlod «an airship, announces that lie has decid «i ?«, outer thc flying-machine con· lest at tin· St. Louis Exposition, and he it confident that his ship will win the ? a tee. Gcoriye McMahan, «aged sixteen, was nS to Jail to-day for four months for ir< ii.". Ills father, who is one. ot Davle «.«i;nt.\'s best ctizens, testified in cunt that George was a kleptomaniac. The lather wants him soul to .? reformatory, Samuel Tucker plead guilty in court t«>- ....and was: sentenced t.> comity roads for fifteen mouths for kidnapping and j unnlng away with his wife's fifteen.· year-old sister. ASHBY VERDICT SATISFACTORY. Noble Conduci ot Marye Family Qrcntly Aa* mired.Mass .«e tin-»;. si,.·« ?.·:] r>i«iiRt-»ii t«. 'ili,· Times.) NEWPORT NEWS, VA.. Feb. 11..Tin» verdict in the Ashby case is Uie to;»ie .of general discussion to-day. The acquit¬ tal of the popular young lawyer seems to have given universal satsfaction. It. Plea: \ en tho». ·¦ «svho had before the trial exnresKcd an opinion Uiat hc should he punished, for the .videi·.,·.· v.-;is of fiutili nature Üi \t no other verdict than acquittal was possible. The evidence of Mr. Mary \\*. Garnett. mother-in-law of Mr. Asbbj*. was the most important. In i;:- effect, offered, «and the jury, it is said, was ready t.> return l'..· verdict when >hc left the stand. in¬ deed after thc trial μ.??.·· word to this r:¿« ? was «seul Mrs. Garnett, The Bcenes :i the lîarnotl-Afchby heme jR^t niehi a·.-«..! this ihbnninc were memor¬ able for the family. Hundreds of friends <al!.-,l t.. <.!Ter their congratulations and *S' »0 W iSn<i The stVtendid conduct of the ,Marye familv throughout the whole sad affair has been ih«·· «>Mèct of penerai -avoraKe comment. Nothing finer, perhaps, ha.s . ver been known in this part of the Slate. A mass-meeVntj will he ¡n!«i at <h<"* Ca¬ sino next Ti'es«'!,v nWfal In ihe interest of the »·-.->··¦..>.¦«! sailors' hqnie that Is to .be <»staM!--he>l here bv · x-Ch·»:»',»'»· Specie. ?: pral ?. ? t,.*.?:·?.? :? iroTiipent rc- ti>.·.! pftny o<*fle*r ßt»? pfirident of the Olive Eranch of the Y. SC. C. ?.. will he vinone the sneakers. John Mitchell, thc sailors' t.o^rOinc·- hoiix« xTiofc-*..»· who was port to the V·-.!- ^1 .«.?-?^^?-p· tn JyH- .«MO f«·- for¬ gery, hns returned to the city, having served his time. MltchfiM wsp on*> of the most notorious men of his business In the couture, «and pie conviction enured quit« a --esation in shipping'-house circles nt the time. WM *'ov* tn R*ch'"'»n'?. (Siii-rlnl îtlKiintch to Tbi» Times.) «CÀHTEKSVIIXE. VA., Feb. It.Mr. Jamison «and Mr. H<mrv Bobms arc pre- jwring to take their famil'ee to the h*w*c which th-» f..r'ii.»r has ju«t rir*chaseil just Outside i.f Richmond. Mr. Jamison has rcoently «sold Me home «Geencaft'j with its goodly aer-v io in: Paulus Irving, of Richmond. Va. McMr». Jamison and Robins will run á truck farm just outside <>f t¡'.» city. These I «· ..· j will be greatly mteeed In this commuiilty. Ü1.·..· STllHc England« who has been vis- Hing her brother in Kichmond, is ex¬ pected lionie to-morrow. Sho will spend a day "r two in Cartersville. Plans are on foot for the entertainment of the young people of Cartersville and vicinity at their regalar montlhiy "Young Folks' Social" to bo had this month at ti-..e home of "Miss Mary Eleanor Pal m ore. Though given under the auspices of tlie ISiJWortli League, these socials are for tho enjoyment and benefit of all who may come.of all denominations. DIED IN THO JAIL DOOR. A Scandal In t'iî County Work House.Mea« s'es arce" Scarlet F:ver. (Special Dispatch to The Times.) DülíHAM, X. G, Feb. 11..?. J. Carroll, aged sixty-six, died yesterday under pecu¬ liar circumstances. Mis wife had a war- issued for his arrests as a lunatic. Just as ho cnt< rc.I the jail enclosure he collapsed, and died with what the doctors say was hearl disease before the jail door was reached, lie was buried to-day. Will Ligón ana1 Walter Baker, two lif- lei-n-year-old boys, havo run away, nnd their parents have the police hunting for them. Chief of Police Woodall expressed thc opinion this morning that the State would Hot lie able to bring back the horseman Baumgardner from Ohio upon tlie charge of embezzlement, nur did he think the charge of larceny in Richmond, Va», would bo recognized by Governor Xash. There i.s much friction between the coun¬ ty commissioners and tho members of the last grand jury. A scandal at tlie county workhouse causea it. The board are sus¬ taining their appointees, bin public opin¬ ion 'is not. An investigation will be de- manded. Tho Bel! Telephone Company has about compieteci its new line in this section. Measles aitd scarlet fever are epidemic in Uie city. ¦""*« Da< cor receipts for the week are fairly large, ar.d prices on common grades very high. ID-lp t'H« Ov«rw vU d "can..Is the gical curine which 'pumps life througlü yotir system, hard pressed, over-taxed. r.roaning ¿muer its load because disease, has clogged it? Dr. Agnew's Cure for tho Heart is nature's Lubricato* and cleanser, and daily demonstrates to heart sufferers that it is the safest, sujv*-t, and mo»·. spctdy remedy tbat medical science know.«-» Si. Sold by Tragio Medicine Co. ALEGACY <)l·' THi Giti!» is often a run-down system. Weakness, nervousness, lack of appetite, energy and ambition, with disordered liver and kid¬ neys, often follow an attack of the tched disease. The greatest need then ! Is Electric Bikers, tho splendid tonic, biood purifier and regulator of Stomach Liver and Kidneys. Thousands have proved that they wonderfully strengthen t)je nerves build up the system and re¬ store to health ar.d good spirits after an ....«»? òf -îrip. If suffering, try them. Only 50c. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed by Owens and Minor Drug Company. aniiT.io **· iti ro\v>i:K, The wonderful activity of the new cen¬ tury is shown by an enormous demand for the world's best workers.Dr. Idng's Xew ! Life Pills. For Constipation, Sick Head- i ache. Bilibusnes or any trouble of-Stòm- nrh. liver or Kidneys they're unrivaled. Oniy 25c. at Owens and Minor Drug Corn- ?any. BCOKLKVS _»,N_.-A OALiVE. Tho best and most famous compound in thc world i«> conquer aches and' kill pains. * uros Cuts; heals Burns and Bruises', subdues Inflammation, masters Piles. Million's of boxes sold yearly. Works wonder» ir» Boil», Fleers, Felons, Skin Eruption:» It cure», or no pay. 25c. at Owens and Minor Drug Company. FARMERSTOLDHOW TO IMPROVE SOIL Institute to Be Held in Freder¬ icksburg Next Week. MOULDERS' STRIKE STILL ON A Colonial Beach Merchant Qets His 5kull Fractured Wolle Coon Hunting.Dan- nehl CompfiDy to Run Hotel end Make Wine. (Special Dispatch to Thc Times.) Ï· HEuEKICKSBURG, VA., Feb. 11.. Much interest is taken in the Farmers' Institute to be held in thc courthouse here Thursday, February 2'Jth, at 11 o'clock. The feature of the occasion will be an ad¬ dress on "The Improvement of the Soil," by Professor W. F. Mas-.ey. ot Norm Car¬ olina, and the farmers will be given an opportunity to discuss this and other sub-· .iccts that may be introduced. There will be two sessions, morning and afternoon, and the attendance is expected to «wì large. Mrs. T. S. Jones, of Upper Spotsylvanla county, is dead, after an illness of two months of pneumonia. She was*, a daugh¬ ter of Mr. ar.fi Mrs. George W. Broaddus, of Caroline county. She is survived by her husband and three small children. The remains were taken to Caroline coun¬ ty for interment in the family burying grou nd. SKULL· FRACTURED. Mr. J. S. Snyder, a merchant of Colonial Beach, went coon hunting with some friends. A coon was located in a tree and the tree was cut .down. As it. fell, a large limb rebounded, striking Air. Synder on the head. It is thought his skull Is frac¬ tured. He is lying in an unconscious state j and fears that he cannot recover are en¬ tertained. Firo destroyed the stable on the proper¬ ty of Mr. James T. Lowery, in the lower part of the city. The stock was hot in the building at tho time, but some harness and provender were consumed. Origin ol fire, is not known. Partially insured. The striko of the moulders at the Hunt¬ er Plow Works remains unchanged. The men, who demanded an increase of fif¬ teen cents a day .declare they will not return to work unless their demands are met and tho owners of thc plant state that their places will be filled next week by other men, unless they resume their labor by Monday morning at the old wages of $1.35 per day. NEW CHARTER. The Dannchl Company has been char¬ tered to conduct the hotel lousiness hero and manufactturo wine frcm grapes, witn Henry Dannchl president; Valentine "Dan¬ nchl, vice-president; Augustus Dannchl, secretary and manager. These gentleman have been conducting the Hotel Donneili and also malting wine from grapes gath¬ ered from their own vineyard, but expect to do business on a larger scale. Art accident occurred' on the Piedmont, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad (narrow gauge) which is remarkable for the small amount of damage that result¬ ed. As the train was within two miles of this c'.ty, returning from Orange, a box car jumped thc track and rolled «down an embankment. The passenger coach was back in the rear and no one was hurt The passengers were transferred to a forward freight car and l>roug!it to the city. Later, the car was replaced on the track and was founjOi to he hut slightly« damaged. t * A BROKEN RAIL. Seaboard Traia Wrecked and Engineer Dad J Injured. (Special Dispatch to Tbo Times.) ????-ÎST, X. C, F«. airy ? wreck occurred just outslaé the yard hero this morning about S o'clock, by whivh engine of train tìiì, north-bound, was completely demolished and the mail car badly damaged. Engineer Vaughan was seriously, though not necessarily fatally, injured aud the negro fireman slightly cut about the head. The passengers escaped un¬ injured. A broken rail is said to havo caused thc wreck. Cleveland in Virginia. (Special Dispatch to The Times.) NORFOLK", VA., February 11..Form¬ er President Grover Cleveland arrived here this morning from Princeton via Phila¬ delphia, bound to Ragged Island on a gun¬ ning trip. Professor Van Dyke, of Princeton Uni¬ versity, and several northern sportsmen accompanied «Mr. Cleveland. The party were taken in charge by President Seelinser, of the Ragged Islanu Gunning Club ,and left for thc North Carolina sounds. The party will remain there ten days. The cx-Presiclent stated that ho had en¬ tirely recoverd froom his recent illness, and anticipated a season of good sport. Burned Over Their Heads, (¡»¦pedal Dispatch to The Times.) NORFOLK, VA., February 11.. Three tomines wero rendered homeless by fire in Brighton, a suburb of Portsmouth, at G o'clock this morning. Thc occupants barely had timo to escape in their night clothing and suffered' because of the freez¬ ing temperature. They lost all of their furniture and household effects. The fire at one time threatened thc suburb, but the volunteers prevented thc flames from spreading. Ucknown Dead Man. 'Special Dispatch to The Times.) FKKDEUICKSBURG, VA., February 14..An unknown white man, with his leg broken and a railroad tic across his neck, was found dead beside the. Rich¬ mond, Fredericksbrug and Potomac road north ot Widewater. Two gold riñes were en his hand. Nothing was found to dis¬ close his id-.ntity. It is supposed he was lulled by a train. Judgtn nt Agrainst Prince. (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 14.-Judg- ment by default for $30,000 against Prince Fuiwha. the second son of the King of Korea, was entered hy Chief Justicu Bingham in the Circuit Court for the District of Columbia to-day. The plain¬ tiffs are Wolfe Brothers & Company, of New York city and Philadelphia, who sued on a promisory note made by the Prince. They hope to collect the money through the Korean Legation. The Prince, who was in this city at the time the suit was instituted, sub¬ mitted no defense, but in an interview admitted ho owod the money. RANSOM PAID. Delivery of Mis· Stone and Madame Tsilka Hourly Expected. (By Associated Press.) CONSTANTINOPLE. Feb. 1-i_f?r> P.M.·.The ransom of Miss "¿lien M. Stone j aud her companion, Madame Tsilka. lias been paid. The limit of time allowed for ] the release of the captives has not yet expired, hut their delivery to the Auiv.-i- i can agenta is expected hour'y. ik* be-sí family laxative It is pure. It is gentle. It is pleasant. It is efficacious. It is not expensive. It is good for cliildren. It is excellent for ladies. It is convenient for business men. It is perfectly safe under all circumstances. It is used by millions of families the world over. It stands highest, as a laxative, with physicians. If you use it you have the best laxative the world produces. Because Its component parts are all wholesome. It acts gently without unpleasant after-effects. It is wholly free from objectionable substances. It contains the laxative principles of plants. It contains the carminative principles of plants. It contains wholesome aromatic liquids which are agreeable and refreshing to the taste. All are pure. All are delicately blended. All are skillfully and scientifically compounded. Its value is due to our method of manufacture and to the orginality and simplicity of the combination. To get its beneficial effects.buy the genuine. Manufactured by ¡VriIp£ San Fra.r_c.sco, Cal. Louisville. Ky. New York. N. Y. FOB SALE BY ALL LEAVING DRUGGISTS. CHAPTER NAMED FOR JÜBAL4. EARLY Lawyers in Lynehburg Burlesque Constitutional Convention. TAKE OFF LEADING MEMBERS cv. George Braxton Taylor Declines a Call. Amherst and -amjpbell Counties Bidding Strong ior the Piece of Road to Be Made By' Good Roads Train. (Special Dispatch to The Times.) LYNCHBURG, VA;> Feb. 14..Miss Ruth Early received a letter yesterday iron, tha átate président the Unitèd Daughters of the Confederacy, telling her that sha ¡had recently formed at Rocky »Mount the "JuOal A. Early" Chapter, named In honor of General Jubal Ander¬ son Early, of Lynehburg, uncle of ¿Miss Early. Rev-, George Braxton Taylor, of "West Appomattox, has declined a call recently tendered him fcvy the Baptist churches of tho Holiins li.id, /and. .vili remain pastor of "Liberty Baptist Church, at West Appomattox. COIIEX.WEINSTIEN". Mr. Harry Cohen, a well known young business man of Bluolleld, W. Va., and -Miss Esther Miriam Weiristicn, daughter of Mr. J. Weinstien, of this city, were married bere, lost evening, tho cere¬ mony being performed in the presence of a large assemblage of relatives and friends by Babbi "Moses Becker. Amherst and Campbell counties are making strong bids for the sample of road to be built b;· the good roads train on the occasion of its visit here March 3d to 10th. Ambers» lias offered to pay the entire fivo hundred dollars necessari/ to ¡¡et tlie train, and Campbell has bid four hundred dollaiv. Campbell has a de¬ cided advantage, for the reason that tho road which it proposes to improve is just outside the corporate limits of Lynehburg, and it will probably be chosen by the committee having at-arge of the matter. CHRISTIAN ENBRAVOR. Mr. C. E. Eb?rman, fleid secretary of the United Society of Christian Endeav¬ or, addressed a mass meeting of Christian Endeavoters held at the Methodist Pro¬ testant Church last night. He left here for Kichmond. The Aboque Hoc Club, an organization of tho younger lawyers of Lynehburg, will give a banquet at Hotel Carroll next week. The programme to be carried out will be a burlesque of the Constitutional Convention. Thc members of the club will represent prominent members of the convention, and will endeavor to "take off" their characteristics. Reports will bo made b.y committees, and resolutions will be adoptad. ft'.orriseite.Overton. (Special Dispatch to The Times.) FARM VILLE. VA., Feb. li..? ? ex¬ ceedingly imposing marriage «as sol¬ emnize.", last Wednesday evening at 6 o'clock, in the 'nomo of Mr. K. Overton, tho contracting parties being Miss Lena Rivers Overton and Mr. Joseph J. Mor¬ risette. a prosperous young farmer ol Princo Edward county. The house was «elaborately decorated with potted plants «and evergreens. Nu¬ merous lighted tapers on the' altar and about the beautiful arches atfded greatly to the scenic effect of tlie room. The bride was handsomely gowned G? a gray traveling suit, and carried lilies tho valley. The maid of honor ,Mtes Louise Over- ton, was dressed in pink organdy and car¬ ried white roses. Tho other attendants were: "Miss Willie Walthall and Mr. Kit Overton; Miss Sudie Overton and Mr. Ben Walton; Miss Ber¬ nice Bradshaw and Mr. Samuel Overton; Miss Lilio Walton and Mr. Tucker ASEfrt- sette; Miss Eliie Overton and Mr. Herman Bradshaw; Miss Bernice Bondurant and Mr. Rossi'e Hillsman; Miss Maud Wiley and Mr. Goodrich Overton; Miss Bettle Sears and Mr. Willie Budd. The young ladles wore pink ribbons and carried whito carnations. Imme¬ diately preceding the bridal party to the altar the little flower girls had strewn crushed flowers along the path. The ush¬ ers were Messrs. Claud Bondurant and Semple Weaver. The groom's best man was Mr. Willie Morrisette. While the wedding selection was playing the brälal party entered the room, and the ser¬ vices were Impressively performed by Rev. S. O. Southall, of the Farmville Episcopal Chrurch. After tho ceremony elegant refresh¬ ments wero served. There were many beautiful and useful presents. CAPTAIN CRALLE RESIGNS. First Lieutenant Matt Gills Also Contemplates Resigning.A New Councilman. (Special Dispatch to The Times.) FARMVILLE. VA., Feb. U..Mr. O. T. Wicker was elected a member of the To-wn Coancil Tuesday night to succeed Mr. AV. E. Davidson, who resigned. Captain ilV. B. Cralle has tendered his resignation to Governor (Montague as captain of the Farmville Guards. Cap¬ tain Cralle's reasons for resigning have not as yot been made public. Tho com¬ pany will meet the 1st of March to elect a succesor to Captain Cralle. Mrs. Willie Bradner. of 'Darlington Heights, was out in the yard skating this week and fell, sustaining injuries which rendered her unconscious for about twelve hours. Mr. (Horace Carter lost his son that was paralyzed in his left side Wednes¬ day, February öth. His burial took place at Douglas Church Thursday, eve¬ ning at half-past 3 o'clock. His family are In great distress. They are afraid they will lose their other son, who got shot- Miss Mary Blodgett will give her first lessons in Bible study in the lecture-room of the Methodist Church Sunday after¬ noon. Tho Covenanters' Society of the Pres¬ byterian Church held their annual enter¬ tainment in the lecture-room of thc church to-night. Mr. Matt Gills will shortly offer his resignation to tho Governor as first lieu¬ tenant of the Farmville Guafüs. Lieu¬ tenant Gills is one of tho finest drilled men in tho company, and will be greatly missed. LUMBER BARGE BURNED. Tbe Strange Monster Tbat Eats Dog« Nansemond. (Special Dispatch 'to The Times.) «SUFFOLK, VA, Feb. 11..Brlnkley and Wilson, young Suffolk men, own a saw mill plant one and one-half miles from Orbit Yesterday üiey ïînished paying for a barge and started out a cargo of first-da»?** boards-. The crew built a fire to keep warm. When near Reid's Ferry, everybody left the craft, forgetting to put out the fire. Later tho vessel was afire. The whole cargo was destroyed and the barge was burned to th'e water's edge and is useless. There is no insur¬ ance at all. The loss is several hundred dollars. The same firm reports that a sail ves¬ sel containing a cargo of lumber had run aground in Nanseraond River. The loss and delay are considerable. Tho strange Dismal Swamp monster, which one day this week killed seven of "Ed. Smith's dogs, ate two of them, and later attacked Mr. Smith himself, has been seen again. Mr. Smith* lives about twelve miles from Suffolk. Last night Is, Frani. Ames, a merchant, who lives near Bennett's Creek, saw the same thing and suffered from its ravages. Hearing a. strange noise, Mr. Ames went out with a pistol. Ho thought at first it was a strange dog. When he learned it was the much-sought monster Mt. Ames shot several times, but with¬ out effect. The. thing growled savagely. Being sent after it, six dogs refused to have a conflict and fled in terror. They could not be induce".-, to make an attack. Tho unknown animal escaped without being harmed. Afterward it appeared at the home of Henry Jordan, coloree!, and sat defiantly on a covered well. The {lescrintion ia like the one furnished by Mr. Smith.a Iarce. gaunt form, long yellow fiair and vicious eyes. DROPPED DEAD IN STREET. Mr. W. W, Parsons, Widely Known Man In Surry, Dies Suddenly. (Special Dispatch to The Tunen.) WAKEFIELD, VA., Feb. 14..About four o'clock this afternoon the commu¬ nity at Surry was suddenly thrown in into great grief when the news spread rapidly that Mr. W. W. Parsons had dropped dead in tho street from heart failure. Mr. Parsons rose this morning In his usual apparent health and attended liis usual duties as agent of thc S., S. aud S. railway, not feeling thè least uncom¬ fortable or indisposed', and death came without tho least warning. "Mr. Parsons had lived all his life in Surry county, wnerc lie was most highly esteemed ;is an honorable Christian and Virginia gen¬ tleman, loved hy all with whom he came in contact. Mr. Parsons was fceventy-two years of age. having lost his wife many years ago, and had never married again. He leaves two devoted sons.T. F. Par¬ sons, of Petersburg, and R. C. Parsons, of Columbia, N_ C. PREACHERS COUNCIL Radford District Meeting Largely Attended Governor Tyler Not Lonesome. .Special Dispatch to The Times.) EAST RADFORD, VA., Feb. 11..The Preachers' Council and Missionary Insti¬ tute of the Southern Methodist Church for the Radford district began its ses¬ sions here Weeinesday. This is a very large district, embracing several of tbe counties of Southwest Virginia and a portion of West Virginia. Rev. G. A. Maiden, the Presiding Elder of the dis¬ trict, is presiding as moderator of the Council. There is quite a large attendance of preachers ar.d laymen, and much interest is manifested in the sessions. Rev. Tyler 1'Yazlcr, of Blue-field, preached to a very large congregation last night. Rev. I'ra- zier preached to Jackson's soldiers for several years during the war, ar.d is idolized by the veterans throughout this action of the States Tlie weather is still -very «cold and windy, discouraging to the farmer« «»ndi stockmen. Mr. H. C. Tyler is making a -rood atari ln his chosen profession.the law.tuwlmt oponed an office in the Tinsley building ¦where his father, the Governor, may fre¬ quently be found chatting with his oidi friends "from the country-" Hustings Court convened on Monda*·»· with but a small docket to dispose of. Judpe Seiden Longley. judge of Pulaski County Court, wife and daughter, «ar» spending a few weeks at Hotel Norwood. BIGAMIST SENTENCED. Miss Kefauver Seriously injured by a Fa] On tbe Ice. (Special Dispatch to The Times.) ROANOKE?, VA., Feb. 11..In the Hus¬ tings Court to-day Samuel Huffman, the bigamist, plead guilty, and was given three years in the penitentiary. Huffman, married Miss Rhodes, of Vinton. while he had a wfe and child in Radford. While skating to-day. Miss Boyd Ke¬ fauver fell on the ice, striking her head, and it is feared that she is seriously in¬ jured. Kart.Spotts. (Special Dispatch to Thu Times.) AVON*. VA., Feb. 14.."Mrs. Lena Stuart Spotts, daughter of Dr. William L. Wil¬ liams, of Avon, and Mr. John N. Hare wero married Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock in the Presbyterian manse In Charlottesville, Rev. G. I* Pétrie officiat¬ ing. They were accompanied to Charlottes¬ ville by Dr. and Mrs. J. Fulton Williams and Dr Forest A. Williams, brothers and sister of the bride'. Mr. and Mrs. Hart left ou a northbound train for Washington, New York and other Northern cities, and after an ex¬ tended tour will return to Portsmouth, Where they will reside. The charming bride, who Is a beautiful brunette, was becomingly gown.ed in a liandsomc traveling suit of gray cloth, with ur accessories, andi carriel* la» Fiance roses. The groom is a popular business man of Fortsmouth. where her own^ «and conducts a largo lumber factory. -.-.. Buried In Solid Rock. (Sb.»c¡.iI TMspatch to The Times.} WINCHESTER, VA., FcU 11..The body Miss Betsy Bromley, an aged lady who died Wednesday night, was InteTed this afternoon in Mt Hebron Cemetery in a crave of roek. An order was given yesterday mornins to have tho grave dug, but rock was stuck a few inches below the surface and a large quantity of dynamite liad to be used. The grave was not completed when the funeral· procession arrived and thu mouners left thc corpse near by until the grave was finished!. Tae I ropo«ed Sblp Plant. (Special Dispatch to The Times.) NORFOLK. VA., Feb. 11..Ex-Governor5 Atkinson and others, promoting a great shipyard which they hope to build ai Sewell's Point, are still in prívate confer-» eneo here. They believe that thoy will probably organize to-morrow and may» then give out details. Store Burn cd in Oranje. (Special Dispatch to Th« Times.) FREDT*rR.ICI»ISBURG. VA., Feb. IL.???» large store of R. B. Harris, ae Unionvllie, Orange county, with stock ot goods was destroyed by fire last night. Origin unknown. Loss thirty-five hundre..| dollars; insurance, nineteen hundred doU lara. Why Don't Yo« Seek Relief? A really healthy wo-nan has little pain or discomfort at the menstrual period No woman need» to have any. Wine of Cardui will relieve all those smarting menstrual paini and dragging head, bad. and side aches caused by falling of the womb and irregular menses. March 29,1900. Mrs. W. H. Jones, of Cameron. Mo., wrote the following to The (Chattanooga Medicine Company : "1 ask you for advice for the treatment of my complaint I hear a great rnany women In my condition are cured by Wine of Cardui, so î send for the medicine." The medicine was sent with plain directions regarding treatment required, and August 31,1900, she wrote again s "Per¬ haps you will remember Mrs, W. H. Jones who wrote to you six months ago asking for advice which you so kindly gave her. î never will be able to thank you enough for it 1 suffered terribly at my monthly periods for three years. 1 would sometimes go for seven months with no flow at all Now I have my health back again and am expecting to be confined in January, I cannot praise your meat· cine enough," has brought permanent relief to i.000,000 women who suffered every month. ? makes the mtn- struai organs strong and healthy and gives women relief from the terrible aches and pains that blight so many homes. The only thing necessary is to seek relief.to go to & drug store and $d a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui and take tlie medicine in the privacy of your own home. ("rteenwood, L_u, Octebet li, 1900, I have been very sick for some time. I -was taken «with a severe pain in my side and cotdd not get any i«._iirfca_Ulti-edabottkofWi_ieofC_«»t*d_d. Before I fiad taken of it I was relieved. lied &^**T to say that you have a wonderful medicine, Mrs. M. YOUWi· Fbr adrice and literature, address, «*-***lnij Symptoms, "The Ladies' _-d*riao»y Department," The Ohattaaooga Medicine Co-apanj-, CÌ*-itt--nooga, Tena.

Manufactured by ¡VriIp£ · Agnew's Cure for tho Heartis nature's Lubricato* andcleanser, and daily demonstrates to heart sufferers that it is the safest, sujv*-t, and mo»·. spctdy

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Page 1: Manufactured by ¡VriIp£ · Agnew's Cure for tho Heartis nature's Lubricato* andcleanser, and daily demonstrates to heart sufferers that it is the safest, sujv*-t, and mo»·. spctdy

Benefit He Received from

Paine's Celery Comi

On December 14, last, the proprie¬tors of Paine's Celery Compound foundthe following letter among Iheir mail :

They had no correspondence on thetuibjcct; they did not know Mr. Mus-liain, except by reputation. Like everytestimonial of this great medicine thatwas ever printed, it came to them un¬

solicited and unsought. Thc proprie¬tors of Paine's Celery Compound havenever found it necessary to manufac¬ture or edit any testimonial. They havenever found it necessary by any trickoí advertising to promote mythicalmen in far off place·· to positionsin legislatures or offices «thai never

heard of them. It is the one of allremedies thc popularity of which has.increased on account of what it docs,instead of what it says.

It appears that Fire Chief Musham,the head of the Chicago Firo Depart¬ment, which is thc mode] of the world,has been for forty years in thc service;as brave as a lion, industrious, cool-headed, with a record for fighting «1res,and quite as distinguished for nerve

and generalship as other heroesupon whom nations hnve_ bestowedpublic honors for service in no lesshazardous undertakings. Chief Mus¬ham, in tbe spring of 1901, obtained

With Perfect Nerves andGood Blood He HasWon the Highest Po¬sition in His Calling.

the highest recognition that it is pos¬sible for a man in his business to have.promotion for merit to the head ofthe finest fire-fighting brigade on earth.Hc began at thc bottom.Read what he says of thc medicine

that has also enabled thousands ofother men and women to achieve whatby intelligence ar.d ambition they were

cut out to do.And bear in mind that what Paine's

Celery Compound has done in the caseof Marshal «Musham. and for thou¬sands o«' others who have voluntarilyexpressed iheir gratitude in similarwords, it will do with unvarying cer¬

tainty in the case of every personwhose nervous system, from whatevercause, begins to show the effects ofdisease, and whose symptoms manifestthemselves in the various distressingways that are so familiar to everyreader."Gentlemen :.Your remedy, Paine's Celery Com¬

pound, is all that you claim for it, andis·certainly a boon to humanity. Ihave tried it. and have secured greatbenefits from it when suffering fromindigestion or its companion, nervous¬ness. I am told that many of the boysin the department arc using Paine'sCelery Compound with very satisfac¬tory results. Ï can heartily recommendPaine's Celery Compound for thosewho suffer from lack,of energy, ner¬vousness, indigestion and similar ail¬ments. Your? trulv,

"W. If. MUSHAM."Fire Marshal."

Chicago. 111., Dec. n, 190G,


Sente«"ced for Kidnapping HisWife's Young Sister.Said

to Be a Kleptomaniac.(Spedai Dispaici, to The Times.)

TnNS'ION-SAki.M. ?, C«, Feb. M..Mr.Dnko Hill, ot Stokes county, who lins iii-\« nlod «an airship, announces that lie hasdecid «i ?«, outer thc flying-machine con·lest at tin· St. Louis Exposition, and heit confident that his ship will win the? a tee.Gcoriye McMahan, «aged sixteen, wasnS to Jail to-day for four months for

ir< ii.". Ills father, who is one. ot Davle«.«i;nt.\'s best ctizens, testified in cuntthat George was a kleptomaniac. Thelather wants him soul to .? reformatory,Samuel Tucker plead guilty in court t«>-

....>· and was: sentenced t.> comity roadsfor fifteen mouths for kidnapping andj unnlng away with his wife's fifteen.·year-old sister.

ASHBY VERDICT SATISFACTORY.Noble Conduci ot Marye Family Qrcntly Aa*

mired.Mass .«e tin-»;.si,.·« ?.·:] r>i«iiRt-»ii t«. 'ili,· Times.)

NEWPORT NEWS, VA.. Feb. 11..Tin»verdict in the Ashby case is Uie to;»ie.of general discussion to-day. The acquit¬tal of the popular young lawyer seems

to have given universal satsfaction. It.Plea: \ en tho». ·¦ «svho had before thetrial exnresKcd an opinion Uiat hc shouldhe punished, for the .videi·.,·.· v.-;is offiutili :« nature Üi \t no other verdict thanacquittal was possible.The evidence of Mr. Mary \\*. Garnett.

mother-in-law of Mr. Asbbj*. was themost important. In i;:- effect, offered, «andthe jury, it is said, was ready t.> returnl'..· verdict when >hc left the stand. in¬deed after thc trial µ.??.·· word to thisr:¿« ? was «seul Mrs. Garnett,The Bcenes :i the lîarnotl-Afchby heme

jR^t niehi a·.-«..! this ihbnninc were memor¬able for the family. Hundreds of friends<al!.-,l t.. <.!Ter their congratulations and*S' '¦ »0 W iSn<iThe stVtendid conduct of the ,Marye

familv throughout the whole sad affairhas been ih«·· «>Mèct of penerai -avoraKecomment. Nothing finer, perhaps, ha.s. ver been known in this part of theSlate.A mass-meeVntj will he ¡n!«i at <h<"* Ca¬

sino next Ti'es«'!,v nWfal In ihe interestof the »·-.->··¦..>.¦«! sailors' hqnie that Is to

.be <»staM!--he>l here bv · x-Ch·»:»',»'»· Specie.?: pral ?. ? t,.*.?:·?.? :? iroTiipent rc-

ti>.·.! pftny o<*fle*r ßt»? pfirident of theOlive Eranch of the Y. SC. C. ?.. will hevinone the sneakers.John Mitchell, thc sailors' t.o^rOinc·-

hoiix« xTiofc-*..»· who was port to the V·-.!-

^1 .«.?-?^^?-p· tn JyH- .«MO f«·- for¬

gery, hns returned to the city, havingserved his time. MltchfiM wsp on*> of themost notorious men of his business Inthe couture, «and pie conviction enured

quit« a --esation in shipping'-house circlesnt the time.

WM *'ov* tn R*ch'"'»n'?.(Siii-rlnl îtlKiintch to Tbi» Times.)

«CÀHTEKSVIIXE. VA., Feb. It.Mr.Jamison «and Mr. H<mrv Bobms arc pre-jwring to take their famil'ee to the h*w*cwhich th-» f..r'ii.»r has ju«t rir*chaseil justOutside i.f Richmond. Mr. Jamison has

rcoently «sold Me home «Geencaft'j with its

goodly aer-v io in: Paulus Irving, ofRichmond. Va.McMr». Jamison and Robins will run á

truck farm just outside <>f t¡'.» city. TheseI «· ..· j will be greatly mteeed In thiscommuiilty.

Ü1.·..· STllHc England« who has been vis-

Hing her brother in Kichmond, is ex¬

pected lionie to-morrow. Sho will spenda day "r two in Cartersville.Plans are on foot for the entertainment

of the young people of Cartersville andvicinity at their regalar montlhiy "YoungFolks' Social" to bo had this month atti-..e home of "Miss Mary Eleanor Palm ore.Though given under the auspices of tlieISiJWortli League, these socials are for thoenjoyment and benefit of all who maycome.of all denominations.

DIED IN THO JAIL DOOR.A Scandal In t'iî County Work House.Mea«

s'es arce" Scarlet F:ver.(Special Dispatch to The Times.)

DülíHAM, X. G, Feb. 11..?. J. Carroll,aged sixty-six, died yesterday under pecu¬liar circumstances. Mis wife had a war-

issued for his arrests as a lunatic.Just as ho cnt< rc.I the jail enclosure hecollapsed, and died with what the doctorssay was hearl disease before the jaildoor was reached, lie was buried to-day.Will Ligón ana1 Walter Baker, two lif-

lei-n-year-old boys, havo run away, nndtheir parents have the police huntingfor them.Chief of Police Woodall expressed thc

opinion this morning that the State wouldHot lie able to bring back the horsemanBaumgardner from Ohio upon tlie chargeof embezzlement, nur did he think thecharge of larceny in Richmond, Va»,would bo recognized by Governor Xash.There i.s much friction between the coun¬

ty commissioners and tho members of thelast grand jury. A scandal at tlie countyworkhouse causea it. The board are sus¬taining their appointees, bin public opin¬ion 'is not. An investigation will be de-manded.Tho Bel! Telephone Company has about

compieteci its new line in this section.Measles aitd scarlet fever are epidemic

in Uie city.¦""*« Da< cor receipts for the week are fairly

large, ar.d prices on common grades veryhigh.

TíID-lp t'H« Ov«rw vU d "can..Is thegical curine which 'pumps life througlüyotir system, hard pressed, over-taxed.r.roaning ¿muer its load because disease,has clogged it? Dr. Agnew's Cure for thoHeart is nature's Lubricato* and cleanser,and daily demonstrates to heart sufferersthat it is the safest, sujv*-t, and mo»·.

spctdy remedy tbat medical scienceknow.«-» Si. Sold by Tragio Medicine Co.

ALEGACY <)l·' THi Giti!»is often a run-down system. Weakness,nervousness, lack of appetite, energy andambition, with disordered liver and kid¬neys, often follow an attack of thewñ tched disease. The greatest need then

! Is Electric Bikers, tho splendid tonic,biood purifier and regulator of StomachLiver and Kidneys. Thousands haveproved that they wonderfully strengthent)je nerves build up the system and re¬store to health ar.d good spirits after an.·....«»? òf -îrip. If suffering, try them.Only 50c. Perfect satisfaction guaranteedby Owens and Minor Drug Company.

aniiT.io **· iti ro\v>i:K,The wonderful activity of the new cen¬

tury is shown by an enormous demand forthe world's best workers.Dr. Idng's Xew

! Life Pills. For Constipation, Sick Head-i ache. Bilibusnes or any trouble of-Stòm-nrh. liver or Kidneys they're unrivaled.Oniy 25c. at Owens and Minor Drug Corn-?any.

BCOKLKVS _»,N_.-A OALiVE.Tho best and most famous compound

in thc world i«> conquer aches and' killpains. * uros Cuts; heals Burns andBruises', subdues Inflammation, mastersPiles. Million's of boxes sold yearly.Works wonder» ir» Boil», Fleers, Felons,Skin Eruption:» It cure», or no pay. 25c.at Owens and Minor Drug Company.


icksburg Next Week.


A Colonial Beach Merchant Qets His 5kullFractured Wolle Coon Hunting.Dan-

nehl CompfiDy to Run Hotelend Make Wine.

(Special Dispatch to Thc Times.)Ï· HEuEKICKSBURG, VA., Feb. 11..

Much interest is taken in the Farmers'Institute to be held in thc courthouse hereThursday, February 2'Jth, at 11 o'clock.The feature of the occasion will be an ad¬dress on "The Improvement of the Soil,"by Professor W. F. Mas-.ey. ot Norm Car¬olina, and the farmers will be given an

opportunity to discuss this and other sub-·.iccts that may be introduced. There willbe two sessions, morning and afternoon,and the attendance is expected to «wì

large.Mrs. T. S. Jones, of Upper Spotsylvanla

county, is dead, after an illness of two

months of pneumonia. She was*, a daugh¬ter of Mr. ar.fi Mrs. George W. Broaddus,of Caroline county. She is survived byher husband and three small children.The remains were taken to Caroline coun¬

ty for interment in the family buryingground.

SKULL· FRACTURED.Mr. J. S. Snyder, a merchant of Colonial

Beach, went coon hunting with some

friends. A coon was located in a tree and

the tree was cut .down. As it. fell, a large

limb rebounded, striking Air. Synder on

the head. It is thought his skull Is frac¬

tured. He is lying in an unconscious state jand fears that he cannot recover are en¬

tertained.Firo destroyed the stable on the proper¬

ty of Mr. James T. Lowery, in the lower

part of the city. The stock was hot in

the building at tho time, but some harnessand provender were consumed. Origin ol

fire, is not known. Partially insured.The striko of the moulders at the Hunt¬

er Plow Works remains unchanged. The

men, who demanded an increase of fif¬

teen cents a day .declare they will not

return to work unless their demands are

met and tho owners of thc plant state

that their places will be filled next week

by other men, unless they resume theirlabor by Monday morning at the old

wages of $1.35 per day.NEW CHARTER.

The Dannchl Company has been char¬tered to conduct the hotel lousiness hero

and manufactturo wine frcm grapes, witn

Henry Dannchl president; Valentine "Dan¬

nchl, vice-president; Augustus Dannchl,secretary and manager. These gentlemanhave been conducting the Hotel Donneiliand also malting wine from grapes gath¬ered from their own vineyard, but expectto do business on a larger scale.Art accident occurred' on the Piedmont,

Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad(narrow gauge) which is remarkable for

the small amount of damage that result¬

ed. As the train was within two miles

of this c'.ty, returning from Orange, a

box car jumped thc track and rolled «down

an embankment. The passenger coachwas back in the rear and no one was

hurt The passengers were transferred to

a forward freight car and l>roug!it to the

city. Later, the car was replaced on the

track and was founjOi to he hut slightly«damaged.



Seaboard Traia Wrecked and Engineer Dad J

Injured.(Special Dispatch to Tbo Times.)

????-ÎST, X. C, F«. airy ?¬

? wreck occurred just outslaé the yardhero this morning about S o'clock, bywhivh engine of train tìiì, north-bound,was completely demolished and the mail

car badly damaged.Engineer Vaughan was seriously,

though not necessarily fatally, injuredaud the negro fireman slightly cut about

the head. The passengers escaped un¬

injured. A broken rail is said to havo

caused thc wreck.

Cleveland in Virginia.(Special Dispatch to The Times.)

NORFOLK", VA., February 11..Form¬er President Grover Cleveland arrived herethis morning from Princeton via Phila¬

delphia, bound to Ragged Island on a gun¬ning trip.Professor Van Dyke, of Princeton Uni¬

versity, and several northern sportsmenaccompanied «Mr. Cleveland.The party were taken in charge by

President Seelinser, of the Ragged Islanu

Gunning Club ,and left for thc NorthCarolina sounds. The party will remainthere ten days.The cx-Presiclent stated that ho had en¬

tirely recoverd froom his recent illness,

and anticipated a season of good sport.

Burned Over Their Heads,(¡»¦pedal Dispatch to The Times.)

NORFOLK, VA., February 11..Three tomines wero rendered homeless byfire in Brighton, a suburb of Portsmouth,at G o'clock this morning. Thc occupantsbarely had timo to escape in their nightclothing and suffered' because of the freez¬ing temperature. They lost all of theirfurniture and household effects. Thefire at one time threatened thc suburb,but the volunteers prevented thc flamesfrom spreading.

Ucknown Dead Man.'Special Dispatch to The Times.)

FKKDEUICKSBURG, VA., February14..An unknown white man, withhis leg broken and a railroad tic acrosshis neck, was found dead beside the. Rich¬mond, Fredericksbrug and Potomac roadnorth ot Widewater. Two gold riñes wereen his hand. Nothing was found to dis¬close his id-.ntity. It is supposed he was

lulled by a train.

Judgtn nt Agrainst Prince.(By Associated Press.)

WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 14.-Judg-ment by default for $30,000 against PrinceFuiwha. the second son of the King ofKorea, was entered hy Chief JusticuBingham in the Circuit Court for theDistrict of Columbia to-day. The plain¬tiffs are Wolfe Brothers & Company, ofNew York city and Philadelphia, whosued on a promisory note made by thePrince. They hope to collect the money

through the Korean Legation.The Prince, who was in this city at

the time the suit was instituted, sub¬mitted no defense, but in an interviewadmitted ho owod the money.


Delivery of Mis· Stone and Madame TsilkaHourly Expected.

(By Associated Press.)CONSTANTINOPLE. Feb. 1-i_f?r>

P.M.·.The ransom of Miss "¿lien M. Stone

j aud her companion, Madame Tsilka. liasbeen paid. The limit of time allowed for

] the release of the captives has not yetexpired, hut their delivery to the Auiv.-i-

i can agenta is expected hour'y.

ik*be-sí family laxativeIt is pure.It is gentle.It is pleasant.It is efficacious.

It is not expensive.It is good for cliildren.

It is excellent for ladies.

It is convenient for business men.

It is perfectly safe under all circumstances.

It is used by millions of families the world over.

It stands highest, as a laxative, with physicians.If you use it you have the best laxative the world


BecauseIts component parts are all wholesome.It acts gently without unpleasant after-effects.It is wholly free from objectionable substances.

It contains the laxative principles of plants.It contains the carminative principles of plants.It contains wholesome aromatic liquids which are

agreeable and refreshing to the taste.

All are pure.All are delicately blended.All are skillfully and scientifically compounded.Its value is due to ourmethod of manufacture and to

the orginality and simplicity of the combination.

To get its beneficial effects.buy the genuine.Manufactured by

¡VriIp£San Fra.r_c.sco, Cal.

Louisville. Ky. New York. N. Y.



Lawyers in Lynehburg BurlesqueConstitutional Convention.


cv. George Braxton Taylor Declines a Call.

Amherst and -amjpbell Counties BiddingStrong ior the Piece of Road to BeMade By' Good Roads Train.

(Special Dispatch to The Times.)LYNCHBURG, VA;> Feb. 14..Miss

Ruth Early received a letter yesterdayiron, tha átate président o£ the UnitèdDaughters of the Confederacy, telling herthat sha ¡had recently formed at Rocky»Mount the "JuOal A. Early" Chapter,named In honor of General Jubal Ander¬son Early, of Lynehburg, uncle of ¿MissEarly.Rev-, George Braxton Taylor, of "West

Appomattox, has declined a call recentlytendered him fcvy the Baptist churchesof tho Holiins li.id, /and. .vili remainpastor of "Liberty Baptist Church, atWest Appomattox.

COIIEX.WEINSTIEN".Mr. Harry Cohen, a well known young

business man of Bluolleld, W. Va., and-Miss Esther Miriam Weiristicn, daughterof Mr. J. Weinstien, of this city, weremarried bere, lost evening, tho cere¬mony being performed in the presence ofa large assemblage of relatives andfriends by Babbi "Moses Becker.Amherst and Campbell counties are

making strong bids for the sample ofroad to be built b;· the good roads trainon the occasion of its visit here March3d to 10th. Ambers» lias offered to paythe entire fivo hundred dollars necessari/to ¡¡et tlie train, and Campbell has bidfour hundred dollaiv. Campbell has a de¬cided advantage, for the reason that thoroad which it proposes to improve is justoutside the corporate limits of Lynehburg,and it will probably be chosen by thecommittee having at-arge of the matter.

CHRISTIAN ENBRAVOR.Mr. C. E. Eb?rman, fleid secretary of

the United Society of Christian Endeav¬or, addressed a mass meeting of ChristianEndeavoters held at the Methodist Pro¬testant Church last night. He left herefor Kichmond.The Aboque Hoc Club, an organization

of tho younger lawyers of Lynehburg,will give a banquet at Hotel Carroll nextweek. The programme to be carried outwill be a burlesque of the ConstitutionalConvention. Thc members of the clubwill represent prominent members of theconvention, and will endeavor to "takeoff" their characteristics.Reports will bo made b.y committees,

and resolutions will be adoptad.

ft'.orriseite.Overton.(Special Dispatch to The Times.)

FARMVILLE. VA., Feb. li..? ? ex¬

ceedingly imposing marriage «as sol¬emnize.", last Wednesday evening at 6o'clock, in the 'nomo of Mr. K. Overton,tho contracting parties being Miss LenaRivers Overton and Mr. Joseph J. Mor¬risette. a prosperous young farmer ol

Princo Edward county.

The house was «elaborately decoratedwith potted plants «and evergreens. Nu¬merous lighted tapers on the' altar andabout the beautiful arches atfded greatlyto the scenic effect of tlie room.The bride was handsomely gowned G? a

gray traveling suit, and carried lilies o£tho valley.The maid of honor ,Mtes Louise Over-

ton, was dressed in pink organdy and car¬ried white roses.Tho other attendants were: "Miss Willie

Walthall and Mr. Kit Overton; Miss SudieOverton and Mr. Ben Walton; Miss Ber¬nice Bradshaw and Mr. Samuel Overton;Miss Lilio Walton and Mr. Tucker ASEfrt-sette; Miss Eliie Overton and Mr. HermanBradshaw; Miss Bernice Bondurant andMr. Rossi'e Hillsman; Miss Maud Wileyand Mr. Goodrich Overton; Miss BettleSears and Mr. Willie Budd.The young ladles wore pink ribbons

and carried whito carnations. Imme¬diately preceding the bridal party to thealtar the little flower girls had strewn

crushed flowers along the path. The ush¬ers were Messrs. Claud Bondurant andSemple Weaver. The groom's best man

was Mr. Willie Morrisette. While the

wedding selection was playing the brälalparty entered the room, and the ser¬

vices were Impressively performed byRev. S. O. Southall, of the FarmvilleEpiscopal Chrurch.After tho ceremony elegant refresh¬

ments wero served.There were many beautiful and useful


CAPTAIN CRALLE RESIGNS.First Lieutenant Matt Gills Also Contemplates

Resigning.A New Councilman.(Special Dispatch to The Times.)

FARMVILLE. VA., Feb. U..Mr. O. T.

Wicker was elected a member of theTo-wn Coancil Tuesday night to succeedMr. AV. E. Davidson, who resigned.Captain ilV. B. Cralle has tendered his

resignation to Governor (Montague as

captain of the Farmville Guards. Cap¬tain Cralle's reasons for resigning havenot as yot been made public. Tho com¬

pany will meet the 1st of March to elect

a succesor to Captain Cralle.Mrs. Willie Bradner. of 'Darlington

Heights, was out in the yard skatingthis week and fell, sustaining injurieswhich rendered her unconscious for abouttwelve hours.Mr. (Horace Carter lost his son that

was paralyzed in his left side Wednes¬

day, February öth. His burial took

place at Douglas Church Thursday, eve¬

ning at half-past 3 o'clock. His familyare In great distress. They are afraidthey will lose their other son, who gotshot-Miss Mary Blodgett will give her first

lessons in Bible study in the lecture-roomof the Methodist Church Sunday after¬noon.Tho Covenanters' Society of the Pres¬

byterian Church held their annual enter¬

tainment in the lecture-room of thc

church to-night.Mr. Matt Gills will shortly offer his

resignation to tho Governor as first lieu¬tenant of the Farmville Guafüs. Lieu¬tenant Gills is one of tho finest drilledmen in tho company, and will be greatlymissed.

LUMBER BARGE BURNED.Tbe Strange Monster Tbat Eats Dog« i°

Nansemond.(Special Dispatch 'to The Times.)

«SUFFOLK, VA, Feb. 11..Brlnkley andWilson, young Suffolk men, own a saw

mill plant one and one-half miles fromOrbit Yesterday üiey ïînished payingfor a barge and started out a cargo of

first-da»?** boards-. The crew built a fireto keep warm. When near Reid's Ferry,everybody left the craft, forgetting to

put out the fire. Later tho vessel was

afire. The whole cargo was destroyedand the barge was burned to th'e water'sedge and is useless. There is no insur¬ance at all. The loss is several hundreddollars.The same firm reports that a sail ves¬

sel containing a cargo of lumber had run

aground in Nanseraond River. The lossand delay are considerable.Tho strange Dismal Swamp monster,

which one day this week killed seven of"Ed. Smith's dogs, ate two of them, andlater attacked Mr. Smith himself, hasbeen seen again. Mr. Smith* lives abouttwelve miles from Suffolk. Last nightIs, Frani. Ames, a merchant, who livesnear Bennett's Creek, saw the same thingand suffered from its ravages.Hearing a. strange noise, Mr. Ames

went out with a pistol. Ho thought atfirst it was a strange dog. When helearned it was the much-sought monsterMt. Ames shot several times, but with¬out effect. The. thing growled savagely.Being sent after it, six dogs refused to

have a conflict and fled in terror. Theycould not be induce".-, to make an attack.Tho unknown animal escaped without

being harmed.Afterward it appeared at the home of

Henry Jordan, coloree!, and sat defiantlyon a covered well. The {lescrintion ialike the one furnished by Mr. Smith.aIarce. gaunt form, long yellow fiair andvicious eyes.

DROPPED DEAD IN STREET.Mr. W. W, Parsons, Widely Known Man In

Surry, Dies Suddenly.(Special Dispatch to The Tunen.)

WAKEFIELD, VA., Feb. 14..Aboutfour o'clock this afternoon the commu¬

nity at Surry was suddenly thrown ininto great grief when the news spreadrapidly that Mr. W. W. Parsons haddropped dead in tho street from heartfailure.Mr. Parsons rose this morning In his

usual apparent health and attended liisusual duties as agent of thc S., S. audS. railway, not feeling thè least uncom¬fortable or indisposed', and death camewithout tho least warning. "Mr. Parsonshad lived all his life in Surry county,wnerc lie was most highly esteemed ;is

an honorable Christian and Virginia gen¬tleman, loved hy all with whom he came

in contact. Mr. Parsons was fceventy-twoyears of age. having lost his wife manyyears ago, and had never married again.He leaves two devoted sons.T. F. Par¬sons, of Petersburg, and R. C. Parsons,of Columbia, N_ C.

PREACHERS COUNCILRadford District Meeting Largely Attended

Governor Tyler Not Lonesome..Special Dispatch to The Times.)

EAST RADFORD, VA., Feb. 11..ThePreachers' Council and Missionary Insti¬tute of the Southern Methodist Churchfor the Radford district began its ses¬sions here Weeinesday. This is a verylarge district, embracing several of tbecounties of Southwest Virginia and a

portion of West Virginia. Rev. G. A.Maiden, the Presiding Elder of the dis¬trict, is presiding as moderator of theCouncil.There is quite a large attendance of

preachers ar.d laymen, and much interestis manifested in the sessions. Rev. Tyler1'Yazlcr, of Blue-field, preached to a verylarge congregation last night. Rev. I'ra-zier preached to Jackson's soldiers forseveral years during the war, ar.d isidolized by the veterans throughout this

action of the StatesTlie weather is still -very «cold and

windy, discouraging to the farmer« «»ndistockmen.Mr. H. C. Tyler is making a -rood atari

ln his chosen profession.the law.tuwlmtoponed an office in the Tinsley building¦where his father, the Governor, may fre¬quently be found chatting with his oidifriends "from the country-"Hustings Court convened on Monda*·»·

with but a small docket to dispose of.Judpe Seiden Longley. judge of Pulaski

County Court, wife and daughter, «ar»spending a few weeks at Hotel Norwood.

BIGAMIST SENTENCED.Miss Kefauver Seriously injured by a Fa]

On tbe Ice.(Special Dispatch to The Times.)

ROANOKE?, VA., Feb. 11..In the Hus¬tings Court to-day Samuel Huffman, thebigamist, plead guilty, and was giventhree years in the penitentiary. Huffman,married Miss Rhodes, of Vinton. whilehe had a wfe and child in Radford.While skating to-day. Miss Boyd Ke¬

fauver fell on the ice, striking her head,and it is feared that she is seriously in¬jured.

Kart.Spotts.(Special Dispatch to Thu Times.)

AVON*. VA., Feb. 14.."Mrs. Lena StuartSpotts, daughter of Dr. William L. Wil¬liams, of Avon, and Mr. John N. Harewero married Wednesday morning at 10o'clock in the Presbyterian manse InCharlottesville, Rev. G. I* Pétrie officiat¬ing.They were accompanied to Charlottes¬

ville by Dr. and Mrs. J. Fulton Williamsand Dr Forest A. Williams, brothers andsister of the bride'.Mr. and Mrs. Hart left ou a northbound

train for Washington, New York andother Northern cities, and after an ex¬tended tour will return to Portsmouth,Where they will reside.The charming bride, who Is a beautiful

brunette, was becomingly gown.ed in a

liandsomc traveling suit of gray cloth,with ur accessories, andi carriel* la»Fiance roses.The groom is a popular business man of

Fortsmouth. where her own^ «and conductsa largo lumber factory.-.-.. V·

Buried In Solid Rock.(Sb.»c¡.iI TMspatch to The Times.}

WINCHESTER, VA., FcU 11..Thebody oí Miss Betsy Bromley, an aged ladywho died Wednesday night, was InteTedthis afternoon in Mt Hebron Cemetery ina crave of roek.An order was given yesterday mornins

to have tho grave dug, but rock was

stuck a few inches below the surface anda large quantity of dynamite liad to beused. The grave was not completed whenthe funeral· procession arrived and thumouners left thc corpse near by until thegrave was finished!.

Tae I ropo«ed Sblp Plant.(Special Dispatch to The Times.)

NORFOLK. VA., Feb. 11..Ex-Governor5Atkinson and others, promoting a greatshipyard which they hope to build aiSewell's Point, are still in prívate confer-»eneo here. They believe that thoy willprobably organize to-morrow and may»then give out details.

Store Burn cd in Oranje.(Special Dispatch to Th« Times.)

FREDT*rR.ICI»ISBURG. VA., Feb. IL.???»large store of R. B. Harris, aeUnionvllie, Orange county, with stock otgoods was destroyed by fire last night.Origin unknown. Loss thirty-five hundre..|dollars; insurance, nineteen hundred doUlara.

Why Don't Yo« Seek Relief?A really healthy wo-nan has little pain or discomfort at the menstrual period No woman need»

to have any. Wine of Cardui will relieve all those smarting menstrual paini and dragging head, bad.and side aches caused by falling of the womb and irregular menses.

March 29,1900. Mrs. W. H. Jones, of Cameron. Mo., wrote the following to The (ChattanoogaMedicine Company : "1 ask you for advice for the treatment of my complaint I hear a great rnanywomen In my condition are cured by Wine of Cardui, so î send for the medicine." The medicine wassent with plain directions regarding treatment required, and August 31,1900, she wrote again s "Per¬haps you will remember Mrs, W. H. Jones who wrote to you six months ago asking for advice whichyou so kindly gave her. î never will be able to thank you enough for it 1 suffered terribly at mymonthly periods for three years. 1 would sometimes go for seven months with no flow at all Now Ihave my health back again and am expecting to be confined in January, I cannot praise your meat·cine enough,"

has brought permanent relief to i.000,000 women who suffered every month. ? makes the mtn-struai organs strong and healthy and gives women relief from the terrible aches and pains that blightso many homes. The only thing necessary is to seek relief.to go to & drug store and $d a $1.00bottle of Wine of Cardui and take tlie medicine in the privacy of your own home.

("rteenwood, L_u, Octebet li, 1900,I have been very sick for some time. I -was taken «with a severe pain in my side and cotdd not get any

i«._iirfca_Ulti-edabottkofWi_ieofC_«»t*d_d. Before I fiad taken aü of it I was relieved. lied &^**Tto say that you have a wonderful medicine, Mrs. M. A» YOUWi·

Fbr adrice and literature, address, «*-***lnij Symptoms, "The Ladies' _-d*riao»yDepartment," The Ohattaaooga Medicine Co-apanj-, CÌ*-itt--nooga, Tena.