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Manual Lg t375

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P/N : MFL67481613(1.0) www.lg.com

User Guide


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Note: Changing the local language settings. You canchange the language setting for your phone by pressing

Menu ->Settings->Device settings->Languages then select


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Disposal of your old appliance

1. When this crossed-out wheeled bin symbol is attached to a

product it means the product is covered by the e-waste

(Management and Handling) Rules, 2011.

2. All electrical and electronic products should be disposed of

separately from the municipal waste stream via designated

collection facilities appointed by the government or the localauthorities.

3. The correct disposal of your old appliance will help prevent

potential negative consequences for the environment and human


4. For more detailed information about disposal of your old

appliance, please contact your city office, waste disposal service

or the shop where you purchased the product.

5. This product does not contain any of the hazardous substances

as specified in the rule 13 (1) and (2) of the e-waste

(Management and Handling) Rules, 2011.

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Some of the contents in this manual may differ from your phonedepending on the software of the phone or your service provider.

LG-T375 User Guide - English

Product Registration Program

Dear LG Mobile customer, You are entitled for one year warranty on this model.

For automatic registration, One SMS containing the IMEI no. of your phonewill be automatically sent to LG servers.

In return you will get one year warranty from the date of purchase at anyauthorized LG Mobile Service center.

We assure you the information will be kept confidential and used for

internal purpose only.LG Electronics India Pvt. Ltd. does not have any revenue sharing with anycellphone operators for proceeds from SMS of automatic registration.

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Guidelines for safe and efficient use ...........................................6

Installing the SIM card and the handset battery .......................13

Phone Components .......................................................................15

Using your touch screen ................................................................16

Menu Screen ...................................................................................17

Calls .................................................................................................19

Contacts ..........................................................................................21

Messaging .......................................................................................22

Entering Text ...................................................................................23Keypad Information .......................................................................26

Setting up your email ....................................................................34

Camera ............................................................................................34

Video camera ..................................................................................35

Music ...............................................................................................37

Managing files ................................................................................38

Application ......................................................................................38

PC Suite ..........................................................................................39

The web ...........................................................................................40

Social Network................................................................................40

Games and Apps ............................................................................41

Dual SIM setting ............................................................................41

Settings ...........................................................................................42

Wi-Fi ................................................................................................45

Software update .............................................................................46

Accessories .....................................................................................47

Technical data .................................................................................48

Troubleshooting ..............................................................................49


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Please read these simple

guidelines. Not following theseguidelines may be dangerousor illegal.

Exposure to radiofrequency energy

Radio wave exposure andSpecific Absorption Rate

(SAR) informationThis mobile phone modelLG-T375 has been designedto comply with applicablesafety requirements forexposure to radio waves.These requirements arebased on scientific guidelinesthat include safety margins

designed to assure the safetyof all users, regardless of ageand health.

• The radio wave exposure

guidelines employ a unitof measurement knownas the Specific AbsorptionRate, or SAR. Tests forSAR are conducted usingstandardised methods withthe phone transmitting at itshighest certified power levelin all used frequency bands.

• While there may bedifferences between the SARlevels of various LG phonemodels, they are all designedto meet the relevantguidelines for exposure toradio waves.

• The SAR limit recommendedby the International

Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection(ICNIRP) is 2 W/kg averagedover 10g of tissue.

Guidelines for safe and efficient use

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• The highest SAR value for

this model phone tested byDASY4 for use close to theear is 0.718 W/kg (10g) andwhen worn on the body isN/A W/kg (10g), which is100% compliant with IndianStandards and Safe.


Product care andmaintenance

 WARNING: Only usebatteries, chargers andaccessories approved foruse with this particularphone model. The useof any other types may

invalidate any approvalor warranty applying tothe phone, and may bedangerous.

• Do not disassemble this unit.Take it to a qualified servicetechnician when repair workis required.

• Repairs under warranty, atLG’s option, may includereplacement parts or boardsthat are either new orreconditioned, provided thatthey have functionality equalto that of the parts beingreplaced.

• Keep away from electrical

appliances such as TVs,radios, and personalcomputers.

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• The unit should be kept away

from heat sources such asradiators or cookers.

• Do not drop the phone.

• Do not subject this unitto mechanical vibration orshock.

• Switch off the phone in anyarea where you are required

by specific regulations. Forexample, do not use yourphone in hospitals as it mayaffect sensitive medicalequipment.

• Do not handle the phonewith wet hands while itis being charged. It maycause an electric shock and

can seriously damage yourphone.

• Do not charge a handsetnear flammable material asthe handset can become hotand create a fire hazard.

• Use a dry cloth to cleanthe exterior of the unit (donot use solvents such as

benzene, thinner or alcohol).

• Do not charge the phone

when it is on soft furnishings.

• The phone should becharged in a well ventilatedarea.

• Do not subject this unit toexcessive smoke or dust.

• Do not keep the phone nextto credit cards or transport

tickets; it can affect theinformation on the magneticstrips.

• Do not tap the screen witha sharp object as it maydamage the phone.

• Do not expose the phone toliquid or moisture.

• Use the accessories like

earphones cautiously. Donot touch the antennaunnecessarily.

• Do not use, touch or attemptto remove or fix broken,chipped or cracked glass.Damage to the glass displaydue to abuse or misuseis not covered under the


Guidelines for safe and efficient use

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• Your phone is an electronic

device that generates heatduring normal operation.Extremely prolonged, directskin contact in the absenceof adequate ventilation mayresult in discomfort or minorburns. Therefore, use carewhen handling your phoneduring or immediately after


Efficient phoneoperation

Electronic devices

All mobile phones may getinterference, which couldaffect performance.

• Do not use your mobilephone near medicalequipment withoutrequesting permission. Avoidplacing the phone overpacemakers, for example, inyour breast pocket.

• Some hearing aids might bedisturbed by mobile phones.

• Minor interference may affectTVs, radios, PCs, etc.


• Use a wireless hands-free system (headphone,headset) with a low powerBluetooth emitter.

• Keep your calls short or sendtext message (SMS) instead.This advice applies especiallyto children, adolescents andpregnant women.

• Use the cell phone in goodquality network signal.

• People having active medicalimplants should preferablykeep the cell phone at least15cms away from theimplant.

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Road safetyCheck the laws andregulations on the use ofmobile phones in the areawhen you drive.

• Do not use a hand-heldphone while driving.

• Give full attention to driving.

• Pull off the road and parkbefore making or answeringa call if driving conditions sorequire.

• RF energy may affect someelectronic systems in yourvehicle such as car stereosand safety equipment.

• When your vehicle is

equipped with an air bag, donot obstruct with installed orportable wireless equipment.It can cause the air bagto fail or cause seriousinjury due to improperperformance.

• If you are listening to musicwhilst out and about, please

ensure that the volumeis at a reasonable levelso that you are aware ofyour surroundings. This is

particularly imperative when

near roads.

Avoid damage to yourhearing

Damage to your hearing canoccur if you are exposedto loud sound for longperiods of time. We therefore

recommend that you do notturn on or off the handsetclose to your ear. We alsorecommend that musicand call volume is set to areasonable level.

• When using headphones,turn the volume down ifyou cannot hear the people

speaking near you, or ifthe person sitting next toyou can hear what you arelistening to.

NOTE: Excessive soundpressure from earphonescan cause hearing loss.

Blasting area

Do not use the phone whereblasting is in progress.

Guidelines for safe and efficient use

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Observe restrictions, and follow

any regulations or rules.

Potentially explosiveatmospheres

• Do not use the phone at arefueling point.

• Do not use near fuel orchemicals.

• Do not transport or storeflammable gas, liquid, orexplosives in the samecompartment of your vehicleas your mobile phone andaccessories.

In aircraft

Wireless devices can causeinterference in aircraft.

• Turn your mobile phone offbefore boarding any aircraft.

• Do not use it on the aircraftwithout permission from thecrew.


Keep the phone in a safeplace out of the reach ofsmall children. It includessmall parts which may cause a

choking hazard if detached.

Emergency calls

Emergency calls may notbe available with all mobilenetworks. Therefore, youshould never depend solelyon the phone for emergencycalls. Check with your local

service provider.

Battery informationand care

• You do not need tocompletely discharge thebattery before recharging.Unlike other battery systems,there is no memory effect

that could compromise thebattery’s performance.

• Use only LG batteries andchargers. LG chargers aredesigned to maximise thebattery life.

• Do not disassemble or short-circuit the battery pack.

• Keep the metal contacts ofthe battery pack clean.

• Replace the battery whenit no longer provides

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acceptable performance.

The battery pack may berecharged hundreds of timesuntil it needs replacing.

• Recharge the battery if ithas not been used for a longtime to maximise usability.

• Do not expose the batterycharger to direct sunlight oruse it in high humidity, suchas in the bathroom.

• Do not leave the batteryin hot or cold places, thismay deteriorate the batteryperformance.

• There is a risk of explosion ifthe battery is replaced by anincorrect type.

• Dispose of used batteriesaccording to themanufacturer’s instructions.Please recycle when possible.Do not dispose as householdwaste.

• If you need to replace thebattery, take it to the nearestauthorised LG Electronics

service point or dealer forassistance.

• Always unplug the chargerfrom the wall socket after

the phone is fully charged

to save unnecessary powerconsumption of the charger.

• Actual battery life will dependon network configuration,product settings, usagepatterns, battery andenvironmental conditions.

• Make sure that no sharp-edged items such asanimal’s teeth or nails, comeinto contact with the battery.This could cause a fire.

Guidelines for safe and efficient use

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Installing a MemoryCard

Remove the back cover ofyour phone. Push the memorycard inside with the goldcontact facing downwards.To remove the memory card,gently pull it outside.

NOTE: A memory card isan optional accessory.

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Phone Components

Proximity sensorEarpiece

Call keyDials a phone number and answersincoming calls.

Back keyGo back to a previous screen.

End key

• End or reject a call.

• Come back to idle screen frommenu.

Volume keys• When the screen is

at the Home screen: Ring tone and touchtone volume.

• During a call:Earpiece volume.

• Down volume key:Press and hold toactivate/ deactivateSilent mode.

Handsfree or Stereo earphone


Power/Lock key• Short press to turn on/off the


• Long press for power on/off.

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Using your touch screen

Touch screen tips• To select an item, touch the

centre of the icon.

• Do not press too hard. Thetouch screen is sensitiveenough to pick up a light,firm touch.

• Use the tip of your finger totouch the option you require.

Be careful not to touch anyother keys.

• Whenever your LG-T375 isnot in use, it will return to thelock screen.

Control the touchscreen

The controls on the LG-T375touch screen changedynamically depending on thetask you are carrying out.

Opening Applications

To open any application,simply touch its icon.


Drag from side to side toscroll. On some screens, suchas the Logs list, you can alsoscroll up or down.

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You can drag from side to

side to scroll what you need

right away in all menu screen.

To swap between the menu

screens just swipe quickly over

the display from left to right, or

right to left.

Screen 1

You can open Contacts,

Messages, Voice call, Logs,

Camera, Music, Calendar,

Alarms, Memo, Browser,

Games and apps and Settings

modules from this screen.

Screen 2

You can open E-mail, SNS,

Google, My stuff, Messenger,

YouTube , Gallery, FM Radio,

Tasks, Profiles , Wi-Fi and

Dual SIM settings modules

from this screen.

Menu Screen

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Screen 3

You can open Voice recorder,

Bluetooth, Date finder ,

World clock ,Calculator, Unit

converter and Stopwatch 

modules from this screen.

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CallsMaking a Call

1  Touch to open thekeypad.

2  Key in the number usingthe keypad.

3  Touch to initiate the


NOTE: To make a call fromSIM2 touch the forwardarrow mark on icon.

TIP! To enter + for makingan international call, pressand hold “0”.

Press the power key to lockthe touch screen to preventcalls being made by mistake.

Making a call from yourcontacts

1  From the home screentouch to open theContacts.

2  Tap the search field box onthe top of the screen andenter the first few letters ofthe contact you would like

to call using the keypad.

3  From the filtered list, touchthe Call icon next to thecontact you want to call.The call will use the defaultnumber if there is morethan one number for thatcontact.

4  Or you can touch thecontact name and selectthe number to use if thereis more than one numberfor that contact. You canalso touch to initiatethe call to the defaultnumber.

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NOTE:Self call - Self call imitatesa real incoming call. Press‘#*#’ on the Dialpad tomake a self call. Thisdoesn’t charge any fee.

Answering and

rejecting a callWhen your phone rings, press

key to answer the call.

To mute the ringing, touch onSilent tab in alerting screen.This is useful if you forgot tochange your profile to Silentfor a meeting. Touch on Rejecttab to reject an incoming callin alerting screen.

Changing the callsetting

1  Touch Call settings in the Settings menu.

2  From the screen touchSIM1/SIM2.

• Call rejection list - You can

select numbers from Logs,Contacts, Enter manually,All unknown callers and Allunknown numbers.

• Send my number - Choosewhether to display yournumber on an outgoing call.

• Auto-redial - Slide the switchleft for ON or right for OFF.

• Minute minder - Slide theswitch left to ON to hear atone every minute duringa call.

• Save new number - SelectON or OFF to save a newnumber.

Changing the commoncall setting

• Answer mode

  Press send key: Allows youto only answer an incomingcall by pressing the key.

  Press any key: Allows you toanswer an incoming call by

pressing any key, except thekey.

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• BT answer mode - Select

Always to handsfree to beable to answer a call using aBluetooth headset, or selectAlways to handset to press ahandset key to answer a call.

Timed Call( > Settings>Callsettings > Common Settings >Timed call)

Outgoing calls will beautomatically disconnectedafter the set duration. Theuser can initiate a timedcall from the optionsmenu(contacts, call log, dialingscreen) if timed call is enabledin Settings>Call settingsCommon settings>Timed call.


Searching for a contact

1  Touch Contacts.

2  You see a list of contacts.Typing in the first letter ofa contact’s name in theSearch field will jump themenu to that alphabetical

area of the list.

Adding a new contact

1  Touch Contacts and touchAdd.

2  Choose whether to savethe contact to your Internalmemory, SIM1 or SIM2.

3  Enter your first and lastname.

4  You can enter up to fivedifferent numbers percontact.

5  Add an email addresses.You can enter up to twodifferent email addressesper contact.

6  Assign the contact to oneor more groups.

7  Touch Save to save thecontact.

Changing your contactsettings

You can adapt your contact

TIP! LG Customer Carenumber is available bydefault in Contact list(1800-180-9999) .

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settings so that your Contacts suits your own preferences.

Touch Options key  andtouch Settings.

• Display name - Choosewhether to display the first orlast name of a contact first.

• Contacts view - Choosewhether to display Name or

Name & number.• Copy - Copy your contacts

from your SIM1 to yourinternal memory, SIM2 toyour internal memory or viceversa, SIM1 to SIM2 or viceversa. You can do this onecontact at a time, or all atonce.

• Move - This works in thesame way as Copy, but thecontact is stored at the newlocation only. Therefore, oncea contact is moved from theSIM to the Internal memoryit will be deleted from theSIM memory.

• Send all contacts via

Bluetooth - Sends allcontacts to other handset viaBluetooth.

• Back up contacts / Restore

contacts - Save or restorethe contacts data to theother storage.

• Delete all contacts - Deleteall your contacts. Touch Yes if you are sure you want todelete all your contacts.

MessagingYour LG-T375 combines SMSand MMS into one intuitiveand easy-to-use menu.

Sending a message

1  Touch Messages in menuand touch Write message to begin composing a newmessage.

2  Touch Insert to add animage, video, sound,template and so on.

3  Touch To at the top ofthe screen to enter therecipients, then enter thenumber or touch toselect a contact. You caneven add multiple contacts.

4  Touch when ready.

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NOTE: To send a messagefrom SIM2 touch theforward arrow mark on


 WARNING: If animage, video, sound,New slide and so on is

added to an SMS it will beautomatically converted toan MMS and you will becharged accordingly.

TIP: User can Copy aselected text from anyeditor and can paste thesame in any other editor.

Ex: Go to MessageEditor,Type some text. NowSelect the Text you want tocopy by scrolling over thetext. Now Place the cursorat a point you want to pastethe text. Go to Optionand Click on Paste,so thatcopied text will get Pasted.

NOTE: Spam Message- You can block theunwanted messages bygiving Spam numbersor Spam words. Thosemessages will get stored inSpam Box Folder.

Entering TextYou can choose your inputmethod by tapping andInput method.Touch to turn on T9mode. This icon is only shownwhen you choose Keypad asthe input method. Touch to

change between numbers,symbols and text input. UseShift key to change betweencapital or lowercase input.

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Changing your textmessage settings

Touch Messages and touchSettings. Select Text message.

Text message centre - Enterthe details of your messagecentre.

Delivery report - Slidethe switch left to receiveconfirmation that yourmessages have beendelivered.

Validity period - Choose howlong your messages are storedat the message centre.

Message types - Convertyour text into Text, Voice, Fax,X.400 or E-mail.

Character encoding - Choosehow your characters areencoded. This impacts thesize of your messages andtherefore data charges.

Send long message as -

Choose to send longmessages as Multiple SMS oras an MMS.

Changing yourmultimedia messagesettings

Touch Messages and, touchSettings and Multimediamessage.

Retrieval mode - Choose

between Home network orRoaming network. If you thenchoose Manual you will receiveonly notifications of MMS andyou can then decide whetherto download them in full.

Delivery report - Choose torequest and/or allow a deliveryreport.

Read receipt - Choose torequest and/ or allow a receipt.

Priority - Choose the prioritylevel of your MMS.

Validity period - Choose howlong your message is stored atthe message centre.

Slide duration - Choose how

long your slides appear on thescreen.

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Unsupported attachment -Choose whether theunsupported attachment isrestricted or not.

Delivery time - Choose howlong to wait before a messageis delivered.

MMS centre - Choose one

from the list or add a newmessage centre.

Secret message( >Messages>Secret Messages)

You can store confidentialmessages in secret messagefolder. Select a message>options>move to secret

message. You need to enterthe security code to use thismenu to protect your secretmessage privacy.

Flash SMS ( >Messages>Write new>FlashSMS)

Message that is sent as FlashSMS will be viewed by thereceiver immediately.

TIP: You can send SMS tomany contacts at a time.User can select/deselectall contacts for sendingthe message. Only 20contacts can be markedand if user select Select allonly first 20 contacts willbe marked.

To send the SMS toa particular group ofcontacts select GroupOption and selectparticular group.

NOTE: Excuse message

- During Incoming callalert,a preset Messagecan be send as SMS onclicking Excuse msg.

NOTE: SMS Sorting -Inbox Messages can besorted with the given

sorting options for aneasy access of messages.(Date, Sender, Read andUnread)

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Keypad InformationHINDI (Multitap)



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BENGALI (Multitap)




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KANNADA (Multitap)


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TELUGU (Multitap)


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TAMIL (Multitap)


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MARATHI (Multitap)


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MALAYALAM (Multitap)



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ORIYA (Multitap)




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Using the advancedsettings

From the viewfinder, touchto open all advanced settingsoptions.

After selecting the option,touch the OK button.

Size - Change the size of thephoto to save memory.

White balance - Choosebetween Auto, Incandescent,Sunny, Fluorescent, andCloudy.

Colour effect - Choose a colortone for your new photo.

Continuous shot - Choosefrom Normal shot, Three,

Six or Nine and position thesubject in the viewfinder, thenpress the capture button as iftaking a normal photo to takecontinuos shot.

Self-timer - The self-timerallows you to set a delay afterthe shutter is pressed. SelectOff, 3 seconds, 5 seconds,

or 10 seconds. This is ideal ifyou want to be included in aphoto.

Night mode - Useful to user in

dark places.

Select storage - Choosewhether to save your photos tothe Handset memory or to theExternal memory.

Show captured image -Choose On to check thepicture you took right away.

Shutter sound - Select to

make Shutter Sound On orOff.

Reset settings - Restore allcamera default settings.

Video camera

Making a quick video

To switch to the camera modeor video mode, slide up/down the camera or videoicon on the right centre of theviewfinder.

1  Holding the phonehorizontally, point the lenstowards the subject of thevideo.

2  Press the red dot .

3  REC will appear at thebottom of the viewfinder

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with a timer at the bottom

showing the length of thevideo.

4  To pause the video, touchand resume by

selecting .

5  Touch on screen to stopvideo recording.

After making a videoA still image representing yourcaptured video will appearon the screen. The name ofthe video is displayed at thebottom of the screen.

The following options areavailable.

  Touch to play the video.

Touch to

Send Via - To send the videoas a Message, Email or viaBluetooth.

  Touch to delete the videoyou have just made andconfirm by touchingYes. The viewfinder will

reappear.  Touch to shoot another

video immediately. Yourcurrent video will be saved.

  Touch to view a gallery ofsaved videos and images.

Using the advancedsettings

From the viewfinder, touchto open all advanced settingsoptions. You can change thevideo camera setting after

selecting the option, touch theOK button.

Colour effect - Choose a colortone to use for your new view.

White balance - The whitebalance ensures that thewhite areas in your videoare realistic. To enable yourcamera to adjust the white

balance correctly, you mayneed to determine the lightconditions. Choose betweenAuto, Incandescent, Sunny,Fluorescent, and Cloudy.

Duration - Set a durationlimit for your video. Choosebetween Normal and MMSto limit the maximum size to

send as an MMS message.

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Select storage - Choose

whether to save your videos tothe Handset memory or to theExternal memory.

Reset settings - Reset all thevideo camera settings.


To access the music player,touch Music. From here, youcan access a number offolders:

Recently played - Playsthe songs you have playedrecently.

All tracks - Contains thesongs you have on your phone

except the pre-loaded defaultmusic.

Artists - Browse through yourmusic collection by artist.

Albums - Browse through yourmusic collection by album.

Genres - Browse through yourmusic collection by genre.

Playlists - Contains all the

playlists you have created.

Shuffle tracks - Play yourtracks in a random order.

Transferring musiconto your phone

The easiest way to transfermusic onto your phone is via

Bluetooth or the data cable.To transfer music usingBluetooth:

1  Make sure both deviceshave Bluetooth switched onand are connected to eachother.

2  Select the music file on

the other device and selectsend via Bluetooth.

3  When the file is sent, youwill have to accept it onyour phone by touchingYes.

4  The file should appear inMusic > All tracks.

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Managing filesYou can store multimedia filesin your phone’s memory soyou have easy access to allyour images, sounds, videos,documents and other content.You can also save your filesto a memory card. Using amemory card allows you to

free up space in your phone’smemory.

By touching My stuff, you canopen a list of the folders thatstore all your multimedia files.

Secret box

(My stuff > All > Secret box)You can Move the multimediafiles to Secret box to avoidunauthorized use. You willneed a security code toaccess the data.Default Phonepassword is “0000”

ProfileYou can adjust and customizethe phone tones for differentevents, or environments.


Adding an event toyour calendar

1  Touch Calendar.

2  Select the date you wouldlike to add an event to.

3  Touch Add.

NOTE : Timed Profile(Select a Profile > Device> Time Settings )

User can set a requiredprofile automatically for thepre define Time. For Ex : Ifuser wants handset profileto be silent from 2:00PM~3:00 PM, then set thetime and select profile assilent for the time frame.

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Schedule SMSPress ( >Calendar> Options

> New scheduled SMS)

User can schedule an SMS, sothat it can be sent to the predefine Recipient on Set dateand Set time.

Indian calendar ( >Calendar> Options ) GivesPanchang, Festival list andKaal Information with somemore information.

DISCLAIMER for Festival list,Panchang info and Kaal info:The data has been collectedfrom various sources and

compiled.Even althoughatmost care is taken toprovide you the authenticatedinformation,the source oforigin of data may not be100%.

Setting your alarm

1  Touch Alarms.

2  Touch Add, then you canset and save your alarm inthis menu.

Voice recorderUse your voice recorder torecord voice memos or otheraudio files.

Using your calculator

1  Touch Calculator.

2  Touch the number keys toenter numbers.

Converting a unit

1  Touch Unit converter.

2  Choose whether youwant to convert Currency,Area, Length, Weight,Temperature, Volume orVelocity.

3  Then select the unit andenter the value you wouldlike to convert from.

PC SuiteYou can synchronise your PCwith your phone to make sureall your important details and

dates match. You can alsobackup your files to put yourmind at ease.

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NOTE: Install PC Suiteusing CD provided and

follow the Installation



disconnect your phone

during the transfer.

NOTE: On - Screen Phone

- On-Screen Phone allows

you to view your mobile

phone screen from a PC

via a USB or Bluetooth

connection. Default

password to connect

On-Screen Phone is


The webBrowser gives you a fast,colourful world of games,music, news, sport,entertainment and loadsmore, straight to your mobilephone. Wherever you are andwhatever you’re into.

Accessing the web1  Touch the Browser.

2  To go straight to thebrowser home page touchYes. Once page is loadedtap on settings button inthe right top corner formore options.

NOTE: You will incur extracost by connecting to these

services and downloading

content. Check data

charges with your network


Social NetworkYour LG-T375 has SNS (Social

Networking Services) that lets

you enjoy and manage your

social network. You can access

Social Network Menu in two


1. From go to SNS

>Facebook and Twitter.

2. From Idle Screen > Go toScreen 3

Then select the SNS feed.

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Facebook: Login with

Facebook account . View feeds

from friends and update your


Twitter: Login with Twitter

account. View tweets from

friends and update your


Games and appsFrom the Home Screen touch

select Screen 1 and Choose

Games and apps.

NewsHunt (Games and apps >

Applications > NewsHunt)

NewsHunt is a unique mobile

application designed toenable viewing and reading

newspapers in the regional

languages on the go.

Nimbuzz (Games and apps >

Applications > Nimbuzz)

Nimbuzz is a chat applica-

tion that lets you connect with

your buddies 24x7 on Gtalk,

Facebook, Yahoo, MSN etc.

LG Entertainment Portal

(Games and apps >

Applications >LG Entertain-

ment Portal)LG Entertainment Portal 

provides you easy access to

India’s premium digital en-

tertainment store front, Hun-

gama.com. It is your one-stop

destination to enjoy Unlimited

Entertainment ranging from

Top Bollywood.

Access to GoogleServiceTouch Google and select

Gmail,Blogger and other

Google applications.

Dual SIM settingYou can see two NetworkSignal icons on the left-top

of the screen when you insert

two SIM-Card.

NOTE: SNS feature is a

data intensive application.

An additional costs may be

incurred when connecting

and using online services.

Check your data charges

with your network provider.

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To select or switch the SIM

card, press Menu and select

Dual SIM settings.


Changing your phonesettings

Use the freedom of adaptingthe LG-T375 to your own


From the home screen, select

and touch Settings then

scroll to Device settings.

Anti-theft mobile tracker - 

When the handset is stolen,

handset sends the SMS to the

numbers configured by realOwner. To activate the ATMT

feature, you will need to set

ATMT on, and configure the

ATMT settings with Owner

name and Alternate numbers.

Default ATMT Code is “0000”.

NOTE: Anti Theft MobileTracker - ( > Settings >

Device settings > Security

> Anti-theft Mobile tracker)

When the handset is

stolen, handset sends the

SMS to the predefined

numbers configured by

real owner.

ATMT SMS will containinformation about the

stolen phone IMEI, Owner

name & phone number of

the person who is using

that handset.

Application lock ( >

Settings > Device settings >

Security > Application lock)To prevent unauthorized use

of phone applications, you

can enable application lock

which requires user to enter

a password when accessing

applications. Password is the

same as the security code

(Default password is 0000).

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SOS Service settings• SOS Service - This enablesSOS mode. After enablingif you press down volumekey 4 times when screen islocked, the SOS message issent and the phone stays inSOS Mode.

In the emergency situation

SOS message will be sent tothe assigned receivers andincoming calls by them willbe automatically accepted.All notification sound willbe muted. To exit the SOSmode, press the End key inHomescreen.

Changing yourconnectivity settings

Your connectivity settingshave already been set up byyour network operator, so youcan enjoy your new phoneimmediately. To change anysettings, use Menu > Settings > Connectivity.

Sending and receivingyour files using

BluetoothTo send a file:

1  Open the file you want tosend, typically this will be aphoto, video or music file.

2  Choose Send via. ChooseBluetooth.

3  If you have already pairedthe Bluetooth device,your LG-T375 will notautomatically search forother Bluetooth devices.If not, your LG-T375 willsearch for other Bluetooth enabled devices withinrange.

4  Choose the device you wantto send the file to.

5  Your file will be sent.

To receive a file:

1  To receive files, yourBluetooth must be bothON and Visible. SeeBluetooth settings for moreinformation.

2  A message will prompt you

to accept the file from thesender. Touch Yes to receivethe file.

3  You will see where the file

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has been saved. For image

files, you can choose toView the file. Files willusually be saved to theappropriate folder in Mystuff.


1  When you use aBluetooth headset ,

A2DP and AVRCPprofiles are notsupported while you playvideo. It means you willnot listen video soundif you use Bluetoothheadset.

2  Bluetooth filetransferring function will

be blocked under someapplications running.(Voice call, Camera,Music Player, UMS/PCSync)

Changing your Bluetoothsettings: Touch Bluetooth thenselect Options and choose


Pairing with anotherBluetooth device

By pairing your LG-T375 andanother device, you can setup a passcode protectedconnection.

1  Check that your Bluetoothis ON and Visible. You canchange your visibility in the

Settings menu.

2  Touch Search.

3  Your LG-T375 will search fordevices. When the searchis completed, Refresh willappear on screen.

4  Choose the device you wantto pair with and enter the

passcode, then touch OK.5  Your phone will then

connect to the other device,on which you will need toenter the same passcode.

6  Your passcode protectedBluetooth connection isnow ready.

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Software update

Phone Software updateLG Mobile Phone Softwareupdate from internet

For more information on usingthis function, please visit thehttp://update. lgmobile.com orhttp://www.lg.com/common/index.jsp→ select countryand language → Support. This

Feature allows you to updatethe firmware of your phone tothe latest version convenientlyfrom the internet without theneed to visit a service centre.As the mobile phone firmwareupdate requires the user’s fullattention for the duration ofthe update process, please

make sure to check allinstructions and notes thatappear at each step beforeproceeding. Please note thatremoving the USB data cableor battery during the upgrademay seriously damage yourmobile phone.

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There are various accessories for your mobile phone. You can

select these options according to your personal communicationrequirements.

Charger Battery

Stereo headset Data cable and CD


• Always use genuine LG accessories.

• Failure to do this may invalidate your warranty.

• Accessories may vary in different regions.

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This chapter lists some problems you might encounter while

using your phone. Some problems require you to call your serviceprovider, but most are easy to correct yourself.

Message Possible CausesPossible CorrectiveMeasures

USIM error

There is no USIMcard in the phoneor it is inserted


Make sure that theSIM card is correctlyinserted.

No networkconnection/Loosingnetwork

Weak Signal outsideof GSM network area

Operator appliednew services

Move towards awindow or into anopen area. Checkthe network operatorcoverage map.

See if the SIM cardis older than 6~12month.

If so, change your SIMat the office of yournetwork provider.

Codes donot match

To change a securitycode, you will needto confirm the newcode by entering itagain.

The two codes youhave entered do notmatch.

The default code is[0000]. If you forgetthe code, contact your

service provider.

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Message Possible Causes Possible CorrectiveMeasures

Anyapplicationcannot beset

Not supported byservice provider orregistration required

Contact your serviceprovider.

Calls notavailable

Dialing errorNew SIM cardinserted

Prepaid charge limitreached

New network notauthorised.

Check for newrestrictions.


Contact your serviceprovider or reset limitwith PIN 2.

Phonecannot beswitched on

On/Off key notpressed long enough

Battery is notcharged

Battery contacts aredirty

Press the On/Off keydown for at least two

seconds.Keep charger attachedfor a longer time.

Clean the Batterycontacts and insertagain.

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Message Possible Causes Possible CorrectiveMeasures


Battery is not


Outside temperature

is too hot or cold

Contact problem

No voltage

Charger defective

Wrong charger

Battery defective

Charge battery.

Make sure phone is

charging under normal


Check the chargerand connection to

the phone. Check

the battery contacts

and clean them if


Plug into a different

socket.If the charger does

not warm up, replace


Only use original LG


Replace battery.


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Message Possible Causes Possible CorrectiveMeasures

Number notpermitted

The Fixed DialNumber functionis on.

Check settings.

Impossibleto receive/send SMS &


Memory fullDelete some existingmessages in thephone.

Files notopen

Unsupported fileformat

Check the file formatthat can be supported

The screendoes not

turn on whenI receive acall.

Proximity sensor


If you use anyprotection tape orcase, check it iscovered the areaaround proximity

sensorMake sure that thearea around theproximity sensor isclean.

Hang up or


Intermittent software


Take out the batteryand insert battery.

Turn on the phone.

Try to do softwareupdate service viaweb site

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Customer Information Center

For any query related to the after sales service and customersupport please contact us at below details

1800-180-9999(Toll Free)

5757554(Send SMS)


[email protected]

  24 × 7 CALL CENTER