Mangina Artigo Sobre Ipsilateral1 s2.0 0167876096000220 Main

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  • 8/17/2019 Mangina Artigo Sobre Ipsilateral1 s2.0 0167876096000220 Main





    LS VI R

    International Journal of Psychophysiology 22 ( 1996 1-8

    Direct electrical stimulation of specific human brain structures

    and bilateral electrodermal activity

    Constantine A. Mangina *

    J. Helen Beuzeron-Mangina

    M ontreal Research and Treatment Center and Neurosurgery Deparhnent. M ontreal Neurological Insti tut e, M cGil l Uni versit y, M ontreal,

    Quebec, Canada



    uly 1995; revised 7

    February 19%; accepted 13 February 1996


    We are presenting data of research conducted for the first time with human subjects in whom specific intracerebral sites

    were electrically stimulated through intracerebral electrodes with the concomitant recording of bilateral electrodermal

    activity. Direct electrical stimulation of specific intracerebral structures for which electrodermal responses

    w ere


    were the amygdalae, the anterior and posterior hippocampi, the anterior cingulate gyri, the frontal cortical convexities and

    the mid-region of the second temporal gyri, bilaterally. ANOVA data (side stimulated X stimulation intensity X hand) have

    shown that significant main effects were found for side stimulated and stimulation intensity for limbic structures only, These

    results provide strong evidence that human bilateral electrodermal activity is under strong ipsilateral control when limbic

    structures are stimulated. Moreover, with the stimulation of cortical sites, either absence of response or weak ipsilateral,

    contralateral, or bilaterally equal influences seem to be operative

    in the elicitation of bilateral electrodermal activity.

    Keywords: Electrical brain stimulation; Limbic structure; Cortical site; Hemispheric control; Intracerebral modulator; Bilateral electrodermal

    activity; Human

    1 Introduction

    In psychophysiological research, electrodermal

    activity is a valid and reliable electrophysiological

    variable of sympathetic nervous system arousal for

    investigating various normal and pathological condi-

    tions (Roy et al., 1993).

    Bilateral electrodermal activity has been used for

    the psychophysiological evaluation and the treatment

    of learning disabilities (Mangina, 1986, 1989; Mang-

    Corresponding author. 3587 University Street Montreal, Que-

    bec, Canada, H3A 2B1. Fax: (514) 2841707.

    ina and Beuzeron-Mangina, 1988, 1992a,b). In our

    previous research, we had identified and standard-

    ized bilateral electrodermal parameters of normal

    subjects as well as those with learning disabilities.

    Moreover, subjects with learning disabilities were

    characterized by important bilateral electrodermal

    asymmetries which were identified and standardized.

    While subjects with an adequate learning potential

    maintained the standardized electrodermal activity

    bilaterally during cognitive workload, those with

    learning disabilities were unable to do so. Conse-

    quently, we had devised a psychophysiological treat-

    ment methodology for learning disabilities consisting

    of a complex procedure during which a variety of

    0167-8760/%/ 15.00 0 1996 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    PII SO167-8760 96)00022-O

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    2 CA. M angina, J.H. Beuzeron-M angina/Int ernati onal Journal of Psychophysiology 22 1996) 1-8

    neurophysiologically significant perceptual tasks are

    presented by manipulating and maintaining the indi-

    vidual’s bilateral electrodermal activation level within

    the identified and standardized ‘optimally high’ range

    as described elsewhere (Mangina and Beuzeron-

    Mangina, 1992a,b). The striking bilateral electroder-

    ma1 asymmetries found in children and adolescents

    with learning disabilities combined with the applica-

    tion of bilateral EDA manipulations during the treat-

    ment procedure led us to hypothesize that the psy-

    chophysiological treatment procedure was involved

    in the manipulation of some neuroanatomical struc-

    tures implicated in the modulation of bilateral EDA

    which contributed in part to the positive treatment


    Very little is known about the hemispheric control

    and intracerebral modulators of



    activity (Boucsein, 1992; Hugdahl, 1984; Miossec et

    al., 1985; Roy et al., 1993; Sequeira and Roy, 1993).

    Investigations based on brain-lesion data (Luria and

    Homskaya, 1963, 1970; Sourek, 1965; Tranel and

    Damasio, 1994) and MRI techniques (Raine et al.,

    1991; Lencz et al., 1996) provide some useful in&

    rect information about certain brain regions that

    might be involved in bilateral electrodermal activity.

    On the other hand, as compared to these useful

    methods, the direct electrical stimulation of specific

    human brain structures provides unique possibilities

    for investigating the modulators of concomitantly

    recorded bilateral electrodermal activity.

    No research has ever been conducted in the past

    reporting findings of bilateral electrodermal activity

    through electrical stimulation of the human brain

    (Mangina and Beuzeron-Mangina, 1994). Thus, given

    the usefulness of identified and standardized bilateral

    electrodermal activity in our procedures, we have

    undertaken an investigation pertaining to the hemi-

    spheric control and intracerebral representation of

    Table I

    Electrical stimulation parameters

    neural modulators of electrodermal phenomena

    (Mangina and Beuzeron-Mangina, 1994).

    In this paper, we are reporting data from research

    conducted for the first time with human subjects in

    whom specific cerebral sites were electrically stimu-

    lated through intracerebral electrodes with the con-

    comitant recording of bilateral electrodermal activity.

    2. Method

    2 1 Subjects

    Subjects were five young adult surgical patients

    (three males and two females, age range 19 to 31

    with a mean age 23 years) with intractable epilepsy

    with no other brain lesions in whom electrodes were

    stereotaxically implanted. Two of the five patients

    had epileptic foci suspected to be located in the right

    mesio-temporal lobe, another two, in the left mesio-

    temporal lobe and one patient in the right frontal

    neo-cortex. One week prior and during electrical

    stimulation, all five patients were free of anticonvul-

    sants and or any other medication. All subjects had

    left hemispheric dominance for speech and were

    right-handed as evidenced by the Sodium Amytal



    Apparatus and procedure

    Stereotaxic implantation of depth electrodes was

    based on Digital Subtraction Angiography, which

    includes Stereoscopic Angiography and Magnetic

    Resonance Imaging for anatomical accuracy of elec-

    trode placement.

    Each electrode was composed of nine recording

    contacts. Each contact covered 1 mm* of tissue and

    Stimulatig current intensity

    Square-wave bipolar stimulation

    Bipolar stimulation electrode tip exposure

    Stimulating electrode intertip separation

    Stimulation duration


    0.50-0.75 mAmp

    0.5 ms symmetrical pulse duration

    1.0 mm*



    Nuclear Chicago stimulator

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    CA. M angina, J.H. Beuzeron-M angina /I nternat ional Journal of Psychophysiol ogy 22 1996) 1-8


    the distance between adjacent recording contacts was

    5 mm. The reference electrode was placed in the

    skull, without touching the dura, at the level of the

    right parieto-occipital junction. The correct position

    for each electrode was verified on CT scan. The

    EEG was recorded from 32 contacts.

    The coverage of frontal lobes was performed by

    implanting two arrays of horizontal electrodes with

    an orthogonal approach. One electrode was inserted

    in the orbital frontal region, passing through the 3rd

    frontal gyms in front of the insular vessels and

    reaching the mesial surface of the first frontal gyms.

    The second electrode passing through the 2nd frontal

    gyrus was implanted in the anterior cingulate region.

    A lateral orthogonal approach was used for the

    stereotaxic coverage of the temporal lobes. Three

    depth electrodes were implanted through the second

    temporal gyms and inserted horizontally in the

    amygdala, the anterior hippocampus and the poste-

    rior hippocampus, bilaterally. Table 1 indicates the

    direct electrical stimulation parameters used in this


    For each surgical patient, 48 stimulations were

    delivered. This represents a total of 240 stimulations

    for all patients combined which were administered

    with two different current intensities of 0.50 mAmp

    and 0.75 mAmp. Of these 240 stimulations, 120

    were delivered with 0.50 mAmp, and another 120

    with 0.75 mAmp current intensity. Each site received

    two stimulations with 0.50 mAmp and another two

    stimulations with 0.75 mAmp current intensity. The

    interval between each electrical stimulation was at

    least 3 min. All surgical patients had no knowledge

    when electrical stimulation was delivered to a spe-

    cific intracerebral site.

    Direct electrical stimulation of intracerebral struc-

    tures for which electrodermal responses were ana-

    lyzed were the left and right amygdalae, left and

    right anterior and posterior hippocampi, left and right

    anterior cingulate gyri, left and right frontal cortical

    convexities and left and right mid cortical region of

    the second temporal gyri.

    Of all 240 stimulations delivered, 70 of them

    were rejected from the electrodermal analysis mainly

    because of movement artifacts, non-specific electro-

    dermal responses prior to brain stimulation and elec-

    trical stimulations which triggered epileptic dis-


    Bilateral electrodermal activity (EDA) was

    recorded in terms of Skin Conductance Levels (SCLs)

    and Skin Conductance Responses (SCRs) by a con-

    stant voltage system (0.5 V). Bipolar 1 cm2 Ag/AgCl

    disc electrodes in direct contact with the skin were

    attached to the index and middle distal phalanges of

    both hands. Firm attachment was secured with Mi-

    cropore Medical Tape. Prior to attachment of elec-

    trodes, skin surface was cleansed with alcohol. Arti-

    fact-free and seizure-free bilateral SCRs with an

    amplitude higher than 0.05 pmhos and occurring

    within 6 s after the onset of electrical stimulation of

    specific cerebral sites were statistically analyzed.


    Statistical analysis

    For statistical analysis, a 2 X 2 X 2 ANOVA

    comparing side stimulated X stimulation intensity

    X hand for each intracerebral site was conducted.

    The variable ‘session’ could not be analyzed because

    of rejected electrodermal values which occurred ei-

    ther within the first or the second stimulation session

    of the same intracerebral sites as described earlier.

    3. Results


    Side stimulated

    As shown in Table 2, a significant main effect for

    side stimulated was found for the amygdalae, the

    anterior and posterior hippocampi and the cingulate

    gyri. Our data indicate that when the left amygdala,

    left posterior hippocampus, left anterior hippocam-

    pus and the left cingulate gyms were stimulated, the

    amplitude of the left SCRs was significantly higher

    than that of the right SCRs. The reverse was found

    for the amplitude of the right SCRs when the same

    limbic structures in the right side were stimulated.

    Thus, these data confirm that ipsilateral excitation of

    EDA was present in the hand ipsilateral to the side

    electrically stimulated in limbic structures. However,

    this main effect was not significant for the left and

    right frontal cortical convexities and the mid-region

    of the second temporal gyri. This reveals that the

    amplitude of SCRs was not different with the stimu-

    lation of these cortical regions. Moreover, for these

    cortical sites, our results indicate that SCRs were

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    CA. M angina, J.H. Beuzerun-M angina /I ntemutional Journal r?f sychophysiol ogy 22 1996) 1-8

    Table 2

    Direct electrical stimulation of specific intracerebral sites and summary of ANOVA results (side stimulated X stimulation intensity X

    hand) for left and right SCRs




    Cing. Fr.Cx.


    Factor (df = 1.4)








    P F PF P

    Side stimulated (SS) 2334.49 O.lE - 05 123.80 0.0003 195.42 0.0001 38.07 0.003 0.662 ns. 0.357 ns.

    Stimulation intensity (SD 30.16 0.005 Il.71 0.026 20.5 1 0.01 25.83 0.007 0.878 n.s 7.34 0.053

    Hand (LH/RH) 0.193 ns. 2.81 n.s. 0.152 n.s. 3.35 n.s. 3.64 n.s. 0.101 ns.

    ss x SI 19.13 0.01 I 11.27 0.028 21.85 0.009 13.07 0.022 0.016 ns. 2.14 ns.

    SS X LH/RH 1.99 ns. I 80 ns. 0.321 n.s. 0.531 ns. 0.468 n.s. 0.062 ns.

    SI X LH/RH 0.360 n.s. 0.002 n.s. 0.149 ns. 0.042 ns. 0.665 n.s. 0.354 n.s.

    Note: Amyg. = amygdalae; aHpc = anterior hippocampi; pHpc = posterior hippocampi; Cing. = cingulate gyri; Fr.Cx. = frontal-cortical

    convexities; Mid-T2 = mid-region of the second temporal gyri.

    either weak, absent or bilaterally equal as compared

    to deep limbic structures.

    3 3 Left/ right hand SCR amplitudes

    3.2. Stimulation intensity

    A significant stimulation intensity main effect was

    found for the amygdalae, the anterior and posterior

    hippocampi and the cingulate gyri, except for the

    frontal cortical convexities and the mid-region of the

    second temporal gyri. These data indicate that with

    the increase of stimulation intensity in deep limbic

    structures, a concomitant increase in the amplitude of

    SCRs was obtained (see Table 2).

    As for this factor, no significant left and right

    hand effect was found. These results imply that when

    the left hand SCR amplitudes from the stimulation of

    the deep structures of the left side were compared to

    the right hand SCR amplitudes obtained from the

    stimulation of the deep structures of the right side,

    there was no difference in the amplitude between left

    and right hand SCRs. The same relationship was

    found with the comparison of left and right hand

    SCR amplitudes obtained ipsilateral to the side not

    stimulated (see Table 2).

    Table 3

    Direct electrical stimulation of specific intracerebral sites and means and standard deviations of elicited SCRs amplitudes ( pmhos)

    Intracerebral Stimulation intensity 0.50 mAmp Stimulation intensity 0.75 mAmp


    Left SCR amplitude Right SCR amplitude

    Left SCR amplitude Right SCR amplitude

    Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)

    L. Amyg. 3.49 (0.41) 0.27 (0. i 8) 4.07 (0.57) 0.39 (0.28)

    R. Amyg. 0.26 (0.06) 3.25 (0.38) 0.64 (0.32) 3.84 (0.45)

    L. aHpc. 2.59 (0.70) 0.11 (0.05) 3.30 (0.73) 0.14 (0.03)

    R. aHpc. 0.07 (0.02) 2.38 (0.82) 0.13 (0.04) 3.05 (0.21)

    L. pHpc. 2.65 (0.64) 0.10 (0.06) 3.24 (0.56) 0.12 (0.11)

    R. pHpc. 0.09 (0.04) 2.53 (0.61) 0.15 (0.07) 3.14 (0.37)

    L. Cing. 2.14 (0.83) 0.04 (0.02) 2.54 (0.70) 0.2 1 (0.27)

    R. Cing. 0.05 (0.03) 1.90 (0.77) 0.06 (0.04) 2.40 (0.79)

    L. Fr.Cx. 0.84 (0.56) 0.91 (0.42) 0.95 (0.3 1) 0.96 (0.37)

    R. Fr.Cx. 0.90 (0.43) 1.020.42) 0.96 (0.38) 0.99 (0.42)

    L. Mid-T2 0.04 (0.08) 0.08 (0.11) 0.14 0.08) 0.08 (0.05)

    R. Mid-T2 0.06 (0.10) 0.02 (0.04) 0.11 (0.11) 0.18 (0.09)

    Note: L. = left;

    R. = right; Amyg. = amygdala; aHpc. = anterior hippocampus; pHpc. = posterior hippocampus; Cing. = Cingulate Gyms;

    Fr.Cx. = frontal-cortical convexity; Mid-T2 = mid-region of the second temporal gyms.

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    CA. M angina. J.H. Beuzeron-M anginu /Int ernati onal JOWM~ of sychophysiol ogy 22 1996) 1-8 5


    F,.etr Hid-72


    Fig. 1. Hierarchy of left hemispheric intracerebral modulators for left SCRs.

    3 4 nteractions

    Interactions were also examined in this investiga-

    tion for all factors. A significant two-way interaction

    found was with side stimulated X stimulation inten-

    sity for the amygdalae, the anterior and posterior

    hippocampi, and the cingulate gyri. That is, the

    magnitude of SCRs in deep limbic structures was

    dependent upon the interaction of these two factors.

    This interaction however, was not significant in cor-

    tical structures. No other significant interactions were

    found (see Table 2). Means and standard deviations



    RIWIT INTF4ii&lEE FlAL 51T~(.50+.75mA)

    Fig. 2. Hierarchy of right hemispheric intracerebral modulators for right SCRs.

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    CA M angina, J.H. Beureron-M anginn /I nternat ional Journal of Psychophysiol ogy 22 1996) 1-8

    of SCR amplitudes elicited by the direct electrical

    stimulation of specific cerebral sites with 0.50 and

    0.75 mAmp stimulation intensities are indicated in

    Table 3.

    As illustrated in Figs. 1 and 2, based on data

    available from two stimulation sessions for each

    level of stimulation intensity combined, we were

    able to establish a hierarchy of left and right hemi-

    spheric intracerebral modulators for left and right

    EDA. For both hemispheres, the amygdala appears

    to be first in the hierarchy followed by the posterior

    hippocampus, then the anterior hippocampus and the

    anterior cingulate gyrus composing the limbic modu-

    lators. On the other hand, the frontal cortical convex-

    ities were weak contributors and the mid-region of

    the second temporal gyri showed a rather very weak

    or no contribution as modulators of bilateral EDA.

    4. Discussion

    The results provide the first direct evidence that

    the elicitation of human bilateral EDA is under

    strong ipsilateral control when limbic structures are

    stimulated. On the other hand, when cortical sites are

    stimulated, either absence of response or weak ipsi-

    lateral, contralateral, or bilaterally equal influences

    seem to be operative in the elicitation of human

    bilateral EDA.

    Our subjects were anxious, apprehensive and re-

    sponsive young adults which might explain the very

    high SCRs measured particularly when the amyg-

    dalae were electrically stimulated. Moreover, it is

    reasonable to assume that the direct electrical stimu-

    lation of specific anatomical structures which modu-

    late EDA could potentiate SCRs as compared to

    other stimuli such as auditory tones or cognitive

    tasks. In connection with this, in our investigation,

    when the electrical stimulation intensity was in-

    creased from 0.50 to 0.75 mAmp, a concomitant

    increase in SCR amplitudes was found only for the

    limbic structures and in particular for the amygdalae.

    This may imply that as compared to cortical sites,

    the deep limbic structures have significantly lower

    thresholds which in turn may reflect the neuronal

    synaptic plasticity which characterizes these limbic

    regions (Gloor, 1990). Above-threshold stimulation

    of the basolateral part of the amygdaloid nucleus in

    lightly anesthetized cats triggered not only phasic but

    also tonic EDA (Lang et al., 1964). Amygdalectomy

    in monkeys (Bagshaw and Benzies, 1968; Bagshaw

    et al., 1965) and in humans (Dallakyan et al., 1970)

    attenuated or abolished EDA. An investigation con-

    ducted by Tranel and Damasio (1989) however, with

    a 60-year-old patient whose both amygdalae were

    missing due to herpes simplex encephalitis which he

    had developed 12 years ago, suggests that his Skin

    Conductance Orienting Responses to stimuli such as

    his first name and faces of relatives were normal. In

    a latter MRI study of brain-damaged subjects and

    SCRs in which the amygdalae and hippocampal for-

    mation were not investigated, the same researchers

    suggested that amygdala is an important central me-

    diator of autonomic activity and that “...the role of

    the amygdala remains to be clarified fully” (Tranel

    and Damasio, 1994). Our direct brain stimulation

    data provide compelling evidence of the modulating

    effects of the stimulated amygdalae upon bilateral

    EDA in subjects in whom all limbic and other

    neuroanatomical structures were present. In fact, our

    results established a hierarchy of hemispheric intrac-

    erebral modulators for left and right EDA (see Figs.

    1 and 2). Stimulation of both amygdalae appear to

    yield the highest SCRs in the hierarchy followed by

    the other limbic structures. This could be interpreted

    by the existence of projections of neuronal circuits

    mutually linking the amygdalae with regions of auto-

    nomic representation in the hypothalamus and lower

    brainstem (Fish et al., 1993; Kapp et al., 1989; Gray,

    1989; Price, 1981).

    Reviewing all research pertaining to hemispheric

    influences on bilateral EDA is beyond the scope of

    this paper since such reviews were published by

    Hugdahl (1984), Miossec (1985), Boucsein (1992)

    and Sequeira and Roy (1993) and in psychosis by

    Gruzelier (1979). The overall picture emerging from

    these reviews is that task-dependent asymmetries are

    interpreted in terms of contralateral inhibition

    (Lacroix and Comper, 1979) or by contralateral exci-

    tation (Myslobodsky and Rattok, 1975). The diffi-

    culty of ascertaining which tasks are ‘purely’ right or

    left hemispheric coupled with the lack of any direct

    anatomo-physiological evidence casts doubts about

    the validity of explanations on the contralateral in-

    hibitory or excitatory effects. Studies with brain-

    damaged subjects hint towards ipsilateral excitation

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    CA. Mangina, J.H. Beuzeron-Mangin a/lnternational Journ al of Psycho phys iology 22 1996) I-8


    (Luria and Homskaya, 1963; Sourek, 1965) while

    Darrow (1937) and Holloway and Parsons (1969)

    found increased EDA in the hand contralateral to the

    damaged hemisphere.

    In our present investigation, the fact that higher

    ipsilateral SCRs were obtained when limbic struc-

    tures were electrically stimulated should not be sur-

    prising since direct pathways connecting the left and

    right limbic structures are very limited in humans

    and in primates (Amaral et al., 1984; Brazier, 1964;

    Lieb et al., 1986, 1987; Pandya and Rosene, 1985;

    Wilson et al., 1987). Moreover, the weak and bilater-

    ally equal SCRs observed when cortical sites were

    stimulated can be explained by the fact that the

    neocortical commissural pathways allow the rapid

    interhemispheric transfer of activity to contralateral

    sites (Lieb et al., 1986, 1987; Wilson et al., 1987).

    Nevertheless, even though this interhemispheric

    transfer takes place at the neocortical sites, these

    same sites remain weak modulators of human SCRs

    as our results indicate.

    It is worth mentioning that as we descend the

    phylogenetic scale, strong functional connections be-

    tween the left and right limbic structures of the cat,

    rabbit and rat do exist (Andersen, 1959; Hjorth-

    Simonsen, 1977; Ramon y Cajal, 1909, 1911) as

    opposed to, when ascending the phylogenetic scale

    to monkeys and humans (Brazier, 1964; Wilson et

    al., 1987). For this reason, researchers who find

    bilaterally equal electrodermal responses when stim-

    ulating either left or right limbic structures of cats

    for example, should not assume that this is also the

    case with humans. Our research shows that such an

    assumption does not hold true when human intra-

    cerebral structures are electrically stimulated. More-

    over, as evidenced for the first time in our research,

    the direct electrical stimulation of the brain appears

    to be the best procedure for the investigation and

    understanding of specific hemispheric intracerebral

    modulators of human bilateral EDA and it should be

    conducted with unanesthetized and unmedicated hu-

    man subjects. Nevertheless, in the absence of possi-

    bilities to investigate bilateral EDA modulators

    through direct electrical stimulation of specific hu-

    man brain structures, other indirect techniques such

    as MRI correlates, brain-lesion studies as well as

    animal preparations could perhaps supplement, ex-

    pand and integrate knowledge in this area.

    Finally, bilateral EDA appears to be a viable

    autonomic indicant of the relative activation of spe-

    cific left and right hemispheric human brain struc-

    tures. Since bilateral EDA can be continuously ma-

    nipulated, monitored and recorded under certain very

    rigorously controlled and standardized clinical condi-

    tions, it becomes a convenient tool for diagnostic and

    treatment purposes. For instance, rigorous manipula-

    tion of standardized bilateral EDA has been applied

    and has provided one of the important components

    of an effective psychophysiological treatment method

    for learning disabilities (Mangina and Beuzeron-

    Mangina, 1992a,b).


    The authors wish to express their gratitude to Dr.

    Herbert H. Jasper for his helpful comments and


    This research was funded in part by the Scientific

    Research Grants Foundation of M.R.T.C. for L.A.D.


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