Manchester Airports Group Investor Presentation FY15 Interim Results December 2014

Manchester Airports Group · Focused investment in growth schemes – refurb of STN Satellite 1, MAN T1 security extension and other MAN terminal enhancement options. On-going investment

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Page 1: Manchester Airports Group · Focused investment in growth schemes – refurb of STN Satellite 1, MAN T1 security extension and other MAN terminal enhancement options. On-going investment

Manchester Airports Group

Investor PresentationFY15 Interim Results

December 2014

Page 2: Manchester Airports Group · Focused investment in growth schemes – refurb of STN Satellite 1, MAN T1 security extension and other MAN terminal enhancement options. On-going investment



Page 3: Manchester Airports Group · Focused investment in growth schemes – refurb of STN Satellite 1, MAN T1 security extension and other MAN terminal enhancement options. On-going investment



Ken O’Toole FCA – Chief Commercial OfficerKen was appointed as Chief Commercial Officer in January 2012. Prior to that he spent six years with Ryanair Holdings plc, joining initially as Head of Revenue Management and latterly as Director of New Route Development. A qualified Chartered Accountant, his previous experience includes Musgrave Group, a leading Irish and UK based retailer, and Credit Suisse First Boston.

Neil Thompson ACA, CTA – Chief Financial OfficerJoined MAG in 2005, being Commercial FD and then Corporate FD, prior to taking on the role of Chief Financial Officer in March 2011. Neil previously held senior finance roles at The MAN Group and ALSTOM, with responsibility across businesses in the UK, Europe, North America, Canada, India, Singapore and Australia. Prior to the power generation sector, Neil spent seven years in financial practice, specialising in Corporate Finance and M&A transactions, latterly with PricewaterhouseCoopers

Page 4: Manchester Airports Group · Focused investment in growth schemes – refurb of STN Satellite 1, MAN T1 security extension and other MAN terminal enhancement options. On-going investment

Contents FY15 H1 Highlights

Passenger Growth & Commercial Development

EBITDA & Capital Investment

Financing & Cash


Page 5: Manchester Airports Group · Focused investment in growth schemes – refurb of STN Satellite 1, MAN T1 security extension and other MAN terminal enhancement options. On-going investment

FY15 H1 Highlights


Page 6: Manchester Airports Group · Focused investment in growth schemes – refurb of STN Satellite 1, MAN T1 security extension and other MAN terminal enhancement options. On-going investment

Continued strong growth in passenger numbers – up 8.5% to 28.1 million for FY15 H1.

STN is now the fastest growing major airport in London.

Continued expansion of the route network with important developments in the Group’s offering.

EBTIDA ahead of target – 8.7% growth through increased passengers and increased commercial yields.

STN security and terminal transformation on track.

Successfully refinanced STN acquisition bank debt through the issuance of a second listed bond in April 2014.

Sir Adrian Montague appointed as new Chairman.

FY15 H1 Highlights


Group Pax: 28.1m (+8.5%)

Commercial strategy driving passenger growth

MAN Pax: 13.2m (+7.3%)

MAN passengers close to pre-recession peak

STN Pax: 11.3m (+11.9%)

STN is the fastest growing major London airport

EMA Pax: 3.1m (+3.3%)

EMA continues to growth

EBITDA: £183m (+8.7%)

Strong EBITDA growth ahead of plan

Cash generated from operations: £167m (+32%)

Excellent cash conversion

Capex: £46m (+£1m)

Ongoing capital investment

Leverage: 3.5x (-0.1x)

Stable financial leverage

The success of MAG’s commercial and operational strategy is reflected in a 8.7% year-on-year increase in EBITDA

Source: MAG FY15 Interim Report, management information (all figures relate to the 6 months ended September 2014 with the prior period being the 6 months ended September 2013)

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Passenger Growth & Commercial Development


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Mar-11 Mar-12 Mar-13 Mar-14 Sep-14

Acquisition -February 2013











Mar-11 Mar-12 Mar-13 Mar-14 Sep-14

Passenger Growth & Commercial Development


MAN continues to grow strongly and STN is back on an upwards trajectory and recapturing lost market share

MAG continues to grow passenger numbers:

8.5% up to 28.1 million for the 6 months to Sep-14:

MAN: 13.2 million (+7.3%); and

STN: 11.3 million (+11.9%).

6.7% up to 46.0 million for the 12 months to Sep-14:

MAN: 21.7 million (+5.7%); and

STN: 19.1 million (+8.4%).

Passengers back on a positive trajectory at STN – fastest growing major airport in the London system.

Expect MAN to surpass pre-recession peak of 22 million and STN to breach 20 million in FY15.

Long-term commercial agreements driving increased frequencies, additional capacity and new routes.

Flybe – 10 new routes at three airports, delivering extra 0.5 million passengers.

New routes for Winter 2014 and Summer 2015.

MAN Passengers – 12 months (million)

STN Passengers – 12 months (million)

Significant passenger growth…

Source: Management information

Page 9: Manchester Airports Group · Focused investment in growth schemes – refurb of STN Satellite 1, MAN T1 security extension and other MAN terminal enhancement options. On-going investment

Passenger Growth & Commercial Development


STN is now the fastest growing major airport in the London system…

Passenger Growth – FY15 H1 vs. FY14 H1 (%)






0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12%




London City


Period-on-period growthSource: CAA

Page 10: Manchester Airports Group · Focused investment in growth schemes – refurb of STN Satellite 1, MAN T1 security extension and other MAN terminal enhancement options. On-going investment

FY15 H1 Revenue


£31 million (or 8.1%) increase in revenues driven by the significant increase in passenger numbers and growing commercial yields

Revenue (£ million)

Source: MAG FY15 Interim Report

52 50

71 77

63 74

205 221











FY14 H1 FY15 H1

+£17m (+8.1%)

+£12m (+18.4%)

+£6m (+8.5%)

(-£3m) (-5.0%)

£421 million

£390 million

+£31m (+8.1%)


Re tail

Car Parking


Page 11: Manchester Airports Group · Focused investment in growth schemes – refurb of STN Satellite 1, MAN T1 security extension and other MAN terminal enhancement options. On-going investment

FY15 H1 Revenue


Balanced growth across major revenue categories evidences the success of the Group’s commercial growth strategy

Robust growth in passengers at MAN (+7%), STN (+12%) and EMA (+3%) continues to drive our strong aeronautical revenue performance.

Aeronautical yields are broadly stable with the yield down marginally from £7.90/pax to £7.88/pax due to an evolving passenger mix.

The MAG aeronautical strategy is focused on making the best use of capacity and incentivising off-peak traffic, new carriers and new routes.

Product innovation, new distribution deals and investment in car parking capacity and facilities continues to underpin the significant increase in car parking revenue.

Yields have increased significantly across all of the airports with the Group-wide yield up from £2.41/pax to £2.64/pax (+9.3%).

The MAG car parking strategy is focused on providing more choice for customers and maximising car park utilisation.

Passenger growth drives most of the retail revenue increase with retail yields increasing slightly from £2.72/pax to £2.73/pax (+0.2%).

The terminal re-development plan at STN will depress yields whilst the development is put in place but once completed yields are expected to increase significantly.

Retail yields will benefit from the STN terminal re-development plan from FY16 onwards.


£221 million

(+£17 million)(+8.1%)

Car Parking

£74 million

(+£12 million)(+18.4%)


£77 million

(+£6 million)(+8.5%)

Page 12: Manchester Airports Group · Focused investment in growth schemes – refurb of STN Satellite 1, MAN T1 security extension and other MAN terminal enhancement options. On-going investment

Stansted Transformation


The Stansted Transformation Project is proceeding to plan and will transform the passenger experience and drive up commercial yields

Relocation of check-in desks to free up space for the reconfigured retail and security areas.

New security area opened in December 2013:

Additional lanes;

Dedicated channels for Fast Track, families and passengers needing assistance; and

Increase in operational efficiency.

25,000 sq. ft. walk through Duty Free store opened in July 2014.

Next’s largest tax free store opened in November 2014.

New Escape Lounge opening in early 2015 based on the successful MAN template.

A further 16 retail units opening in Autumn 2015 including mix of high end fashion, accessories, and gifting.

Page 13: Manchester Airports Group · Focused investment in growth schemes – refurb of STN Satellite 1, MAN T1 security extension and other MAN terminal enhancement options. On-going investment

Revitalised Food and Beverage offering to open in Spring 2015.

70 tenders for 12 available units – significant demand allowed MAG to tailor the F&B offering.

New concepts, celebrity chefs and old favourites.

In summary…investing £40 million in the terminal with our retail partners contributing a further £40 million will:

Double the retail airside space;

Improve passenger flows and experience;

Provide comprehensive footfall for all retailers; and

Increase retail yields.

Stansted Transformation


The Stansted Transformation Project is proceeding to plan and will transform the passenger experience whilst driving an increase in commercial yields

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EBITDA & Capital Investment


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MAG EBITDA growth of £15 million (or 8.7%) from £168 million to £183 million with Legacy MAG contributing £8 million growth and STN contributing £7 million


Source: MAG FY15 Interim Report, management information

MAG commercial strategy yields strong results…

Group EBITDA up £15 million to £183 million (+8.7%).

Legacy MAG EBITDA up £8 million (+7.2%); and

STN EBITDA up £7 million (+11.4%).

Passenger numbers and increased aeronautical and commercial yields driving EBITDA growth for Legacy MAG.

Cost increases to support volume, income growth and customer service - inflation and infrastructure increases mitigated by efficiencies.

The benefits of MAG ownership are now flowing through to the STN bottom line.

Long-term commercial agreements & new security facilities pax growth.

Product expansion and investment in capacity driving car parking revenues.

One-off costs in prior year not required this year or going forward: Q6 review and separation costs.

But…some planned short-term retail disruption during the STN terminal re-development.

Group FY15 H1 EBITDA is ahead of our Business Plan and with a sustainable and growing run rate into FY15 H2.

59 66

109 117












FY14 H1 FY15 H1

+£8m (+7.2%)

+£7m (+11.4%)

£183 million

£168 million

+£15m (+8.7%)

Legacy MAG


Page 16: Manchester Airports Group · Focused investment in growth schemes – refurb of STN Satellite 1, MAN T1 security extension and other MAN terminal enhancement options. On-going investment

FY15 H1 Capital Investment


Continued investment in asset base including maintenance of existing assets and new value generating developments

Well invested asset base with discretionary spend based on need Capital Investment (£m)

Source: Management information

£40m STN Terminal Transformation Project on track while the £12m EMA terminal redevelopment

nears completion.

Significant investment in IT infrastructure to enable the Group to manage its assets more efficiently.

Continued expansion in the car parking estate across the Group’s airports.

Focused investment in growth schemes – refurb of STN Satellite 1, MAN T1 security extension and

other MAN terminal enhancement options.

On-going investment in maintenance of core airport assets – £16 million.

Revenue diversification from low-risk investment in property estate - £8 million.















H1 FY15

Maintenance Growth Property


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Financing & Cash


Page 18: Manchester Airports Group · Focused investment in growth schemes – refurb of STN Satellite 1, MAN T1 security extension and other MAN terminal enhancement options. On-going investment

Stable Financial Leverage & Strong Interest Cover


On-going commitment to conservative financing structure…the successful issuance of a £360m bond in April 2014 substantially completed the refinancing of the STN acquisition facility

MAG is committed to maintaining strong investment grade ratings and conservative leverage is core to that objective.

Baa1 rating reaffirmed by Moody’s in August.

BBB+ rating reaffirmed by Fitch last week.

Proceeds from April issuance of MAGAIR £360m 4.125% 2024 applied to repayment of bank debt.

No net increase in leverage.

Stable Net Debt / EBITDA with the reduction in interest cover in line with plan and due to the entry into the bond market.

Significant headroom in financial covenants.

Leverage at 3.5x vs. lock-up at 6.0x.

Interest cover at 6.9x vs. lock-up at 2.0x.

Sufficient liquidity to fund operations and invest in growth with the £300m Revolving Credit Facility unutilised at 30 September 2014.

No requirement to return to the bond market in the short-term.

3.6x 3.5x






FY14 FY FY15 H1

Prudent financing and dividend policy… Leverage: Net Debt / EBITDA

Interest Cover: EBITDA less Tax / Finance Charges

7.6x 6.9x


FY14 FY FY15 H1Source: Management information

Page 19: Manchester Airports Group · Focused investment in growth schemes – refurb of STN Satellite 1, MAN T1 security extension and other MAN terminal enhancement options. On-going investment

Strong Cash Generation


Strong trading performance combined with an excellent cash conversion ratio underpins prudent financial leverage

Source: MAG FY15 Interim Report

Strong cash generation from operating activities allows the Group to continue to invest in the asset base and fund growth.

Cash generated from operations up by £40 million (or 31.8%) from £126 million to £167 million.

Net cash before distributions broadly stable period-on-period, due to the timing of capital investment and higher interest costs from long-term bonds vs. the STN acquisition facility.

Interest rate swaps fully unwound following the April bond issue and resulted in a cash payment of £18 million.

Commitment to sustaining strong investment grade credit ratings drives the dividend policy.

Dividend of £46 million paid in July following publication of the FY14 Annual Report & Accounts.

In line with the Group’s dividend policy and market norms an interim dividend of £31 million will be paid December 2014.

Dividends supported by the above plan YTD trading performance and strong forecast outlook.

£m FY15 H1 FY14 H1

Cash generated from operations 166.5 126.3

Interest paid / received (38.5) (13.7)

Tax paid (4.5) (4.7)

Purchase of property, plant and equipment (58.9) (32.3)

Purchase of intangible assets - (10.0)

Net cash before distr ibutions 64.6 65.6

Dividends paid to shareholders (46.0) (50.0)

Net change in borrowings (16.3) -

Loss on settlement of interest rate swaps (18.0) -

Net movement in cash (15.7) 15.6

Cash and cash equivalents at 1 April 19.0 56.9

Cash and cash equivalents at 30 September 3.3 72.5

Modest reduction in net debt of £10 million from £1,148 million to £1,139 million (including the Shareholder Loan, derivatives and other non-cash items).

Strong cash generation

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FY15 H1Group

FY14 H1Var iance

(£)Var iance


Aeronautical 221.2 204.7 +16.5 +8.1%

Car Parking 74.1 62.6 +11.5 +18.4%

Retail 76.5 70.5 +6.0 +8.5%

Other 49.6 52.2 (2.6) (5.0%)

Revenue 421.4 390.0 +31.4 +8.1%

Employee costs (83.2) (72.4) (10.8) (14.9%)

Non-employee costs (155.3) (149.2) (6.1) (4.1%)

Operating Costs (238.5) (221.6) (16.9) (7.6%)

Disposal of fixed assets - (0.1) +0.1 n/a

EBITDA 182.9 168.3 +14.6 +8.7%

Group Income Statement

FY15 H1 Financial Results


Group EBITDA up by £15 million (or 8.7%) from £168 million to £183 million

Source: MAG FY15 Interim Report

Page 23: Manchester Airports Group · Focused investment in growth schemes – refurb of STN Satellite 1, MAN T1 security extension and other MAN terminal enhancement options. On-going investment

FY15 H1 Financial Results


The benefits of MAG ownership are now flowing through to the Stansted bottom line – STN EBITDA up £7 million (or 11.4%) year-on-year

Source: Management information

Legacy MAG Income Statement STN Income Statement

Source: Management information


FY15 H1Legacy

FY14 H1Var iance

(£)Var iance


Aeronautical 141.4 128.2 +13.2 +10.3%

Car Parking 46.7 40.3 +6.5 +16.0%

Retail 49.2 44.9 +4.3 +9.5%

Other 37.3 38.3 (1.0) (2.7%)

Revenue 274.6 251.7 +22.9 +9.1%

Employee costs (52.1) (45.8) (6.3) +13.6%

Non-employee costs (105.6) (96.8) (8.8) +9.1%

Operating Costs (157.7) (142.6) (15.1) +10.6%

Disposal of fixed assets - - - n/a

EBITDA 116.9 109.1 +7.8 +7.2%



FY14 H1Var iance

(£)Var iance


Aeronautical 79.8 76.5 +3.3 +4.3%

Car Parking 27.4 22.4 +5.0 +22.5%

Retail 27.3 25.5 +1.8 +6.9%

Other 12.3 14.0 (1.7) (11.9%)

Revenue 146.8 138.4 +8.4 +6.1%

Employee costs (31.1) (26.6) (4.5) (16.9%)

Non-employee costs (49.7) (52.5) +2.8 +5.3%

Operating Costs (80.8) (79.0) (1.8) (2.3%)

Disposal of fixed assets - (0.1) +0.1 n/a

EBITDA 66.0 59.3 +6.7 +11.4%

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LoanDividends Airpor t City Other

MAHL consolidated

Revenue 421.4 - - - - 421.4

EBITDA 182.9 - - - - 182.9

Operating Result 111.5 - - (1.8) - 109.7

Net Finance Costs (29.7) (15.2) - - - (44.9)

Prof it Before Taxation 81.8 (15.2) - (1.8) - 64.8

Non-current Assets 3,155.4 - - 17.7 - 3,173.1

Current Assets 281.9 (45.6) (118.0) (23.1) 11.0 106.2

Current Liabilities (204.6) - - - 8.8 (195.8)

Non-current Liabilities (1,268.6) (251.4) - - - (1,520.0)

Net Assets 1,964.1 (297.0) (118.0) (5.4) 19.8 1,563.4

Income Statement

Balance Sheet

Appendix 1 – Reconciliation of Security Group Consolidation to Group Results


MAGIL to MAHL reconciliation

Source: MAG FY15 Interim Report, MAGIL FY15 Interim Report, management information

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The terms and conditions below set out important legal and regulatory information about the information contained in this presentation and all documents and materials in relation to this presentation (the “materials”) by Manchester Airport Group Investments Limited and its shareholders, affiliates or subsidiaries (the “MAG Group Companies”). No other third party has been involved in the preparation of, or takes responsibility for, the contents of the materials.The materials are confidential and are being provided to you solely for your information and may not be copied, reproduced, forwarded or published in any electronic or physical form or distributed, communicated or disclosed in whole or in part except strictly in accordance with the terms and conditions set out below, including any modifications to them from time to time. 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Any investment decision in any offering should be made solely on the basis of the information contained in the prospectus relating to any transaction in final form prepared by the MAG Group Companies. Neither the materials nor any copy of them may be taken or transmitted into the United States of America, its territories or possessions, or distributed, directly or indirectly, in the United States of America, its territories or possessions. Any failure to comply with this restriction may constitute a violation of U.S. securities laws. The materials are not an offer of securities for sale in the United States. The MAG Group Companies do not intend to conduct a public offering of any securities in the United States. The securities issued under any offering may not be offered or sold in the United States except pursuant to an exemption from, or transaction not subject to, the registration requirements of the Securities Act.This presentation is made to and is directed only at, and the materials are only to be used by, persons in the United Kingdom having professional experience in matters relating to investments who fall within the definition of "investment professionals" in Article 19(5) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotions) Order 2005 (the "Order"), and to those persons to whom it can otherwise lawfully be distributed (such persons being referred to as "relevant persons").In respect of any material, none of the MAG Group Companies makes any representation as to the accuracy of forecast information. These forecasts involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that will occur in the future. There are a number of factors that could cause actual results or developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forecasts. No other persons should act on or rely on it. The materials may include forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements include statements concerning plans, objectives, goals, strategies, future events or performance, and underlying assumptions and other statements, which are other than statements of historical facts. The words "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "intends," "estimate," "forecast," "project," "will," "may," "should" and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements include statements regarding: strategies, outlook and growth prospects; future plans and potential for future growth; liquidity, capital resources and capital expenditures; growth in demand for products; economic outlook and industry trends; developments of markets; the impact of regulatory initiatives; and the strength of competitors.The materials may contain statements about future events and expectations that are forward-looking statements. Any statement in these materials that is not a statement of historical fact is a forward-looking statement that involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the MAG Group Companies’ actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. No person should rely on such statements and the MAG Group Companies do not assume any obligations to update the forward-looking statements contained herein to reflect actual results, changes in assumptions or changes in factors affecting these statements.The forward-looking statements in the materials are based upon various assumptions, many of which are based, in turn, upon further assumptions, including, without limitation, management's examination of historical operating trends, data contained in the MAG Group Companies’ records and other data available from third parties. Although the MAG Group Companies believe that these assumptions were reasonable when made, these assumptions are inherently subject to significant uncertainties and contingencies which are difficult or impossible to predict and are beyond its control, and the MAG Group Companies may not achieve or accomplish these expectations, beliefs or projections. Neither the MAG Group Companies, nor any of their members, directors, officers, agents, employees or advisers intend or have any duty or obligation to supplement, amend, update or revise any of the forward-looking statements contained in the materials.The information and opinions contained herein are provided as at the date of the materials and are subject to change without notice.
