Manawatu Marine Boating Club Inc. The 51 st Annual General Meeting (AGM) is to be held at the clubrooms, Hartley Street, Foxton Beach on Sunday 27 August 2017 at 2.00 p.m. Agenda Minutes of the previous AGM 28 August 2016 Matters Arising Reports Election of Officers Remits General Business Please remember to bring this information booklet with you to the AGM.

Manawatu Marine Boating Club Inc. · PDF fileManawatu Marine Boating Club Inc. The 51st Annual General Meeting (AGM) is to be held at the clubrooms, Hartley Street, Foxton Beach on

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Manawatu Marine Boating Club Inc.

The 51st Annual General Meeting (AGM) is to be held at the clubrooms, Hartley Street, Foxton Beach on Sunday 27 August 2017 at 2.00 p.m. Agenda Minutes of the previous AGM 28 August 2016 Matters Arising Reports Election of Officers Remits General Business Please remember to bring this information booklet with you to the AGM.



PRESENT: P Bary (Chair), K Swinbank (Vice-Commodore), G Paul (Secretary),

R Scott (Treasurer), M Bartlett (nominated Treasurer), P Jamieson (Patron), and 42 members and guests

APOLOGIES: Donna & Geoff McBrydie, Alison Thomas, Bruce White, Karen Graves, Jude Moxon, Larry & Jane Ellison, Peter Jamieson, John Vertongen, Ngaire & Bill Curtis, Marilyn Stratford, Charlie Baker, Ross Brannigan, Marcia Bowler, Dave Hardman, Moved: Ian Pederson Seconded: Val Hirst All Agreed MINUTES: Minutes of the 49th Annual General Meeting were taken as circulated and read. Moved: Gary Stratford Seconded: Keith Swinbank All Agreed MATTERS ARISING FROM 2015 AGM: Nil COMMODORE’S REPORT: Paula Bary gave her report and informed people of what has been done during the year. “At the close of my first year as Commodore I reflect on a year where a lot has been achieved in many areas. The committee have concentrated on maintenance by painting the exterior of the clubhouse, resurfacing our deck and in addition to this we replaced the entrance door and tidied up the entrance. The last items on our scheduled maintenance list is replacing the 3 garage doors and installing lighting at the ramp, which are on this year’s budget. We have also done some work on the landscaping plan by making a pathway to the ramp and installing lighting along that side of the carpark. We, in conjunction with the HDC are looking to replace the BBQ area this upcoming year. So first glance of the balance sheet it may look like we have run at a loss. Only, we have just spent budgeted maintenance money. I am sure you will agree that the club and grounds are looking wonderful for it. At the beginning of this year, thanks to significant cash input by Profab Engineering the wharf and boat ramp were upgraded. This was a hugely stressful time and as with anything involving tides and weather it did not exactly go to plan, and in the end resulted in the club contributing $23,000 to the upgrade, but the overall result is a boat ramp which will not require maintenance in the foreseeable future and the club has benefited from a substantially revalued ramp. In the coming weeks Profab plan to bring another boat to the beach which they will launch on air bags with minimal inconvenience to our members who use the ramp.

The webcams have quite honestly become a source of frustration to us and so when Horizons agreed to supply and maintain the web cams we welcomed them with open arms. The camera on the club rooms has been replaced with a wider lens one and we are relocating the bar camera to the Waitarere side of the river. This camera should be up and running shortly (weather depending). Thanks must go to Les Welch for persisting with this. Social events have been well patronized over the year and it is gratifying to see people who are new to the club joining in the social side of the club. Events such as the Rugby pic the score organized by Tracy make the club interesting and we could do with more member organized events. At times the social committee struggles to think of things which will entertain or be of interest to our members and this is where we could do with help. Please put your hand up to stand on the committee – this is not the exclusive domain of females. We could do with some male influence to! This year we celebrated the clubs 50 years with a day of nostalgia it was a reunion of old faces which have jointly helped form this club and was enjoyed by all who attended. We have had a few movements within the Executive during the year. Kevin Giles resigned as Vice Commodore to concentrate on the job of Fishing Co-Ordinator, which he is very good at. Keith Swinbank stepped up as Vice Commodore, a position he has taken to like a duck to water. John Haverkamp is standing down this year, he had dedicated the past 5 years to the club, 3 of them as Commodore. We sincerely thank you John for the time you have put into this club. Richard Scott resigned as Treasurer at the end of this financial year, Richard has done an outstanding job as Treasurer for the past 3 years and kept us all grounded – he has now left us for a quieter life. Thank you for the past 3 years Richard. We are very fortunate to have replaced Richard with an equally well qualified person in Margaret Bartlett. – Welcome to the Beach Margaret and welcome to the role of Treasurer. My job has been made easier by the support of a good executive committee and good staff and a fabulous husband, thank you all. Special thanks go to Julie as club manger she keeps this club ticking along with everything under control. Thank you Julie. Our Bar Volunteers have been working the bar during the week for the past 6 years now – that is a huge saving to the club – could you stand up so that the members know who you are – these people deserve a round of applause. Thank you so much. And last but certainly not least, The A Team – this group of members are the life of the club, they are the ones who don’t have to be asked they just do it. For instance, after the river duped a sea of driftwood at our front door recently – they just turned up. You are the ones who make the job of Commodore enjoyable. Thank you. To you the members, it is not just your annual subscriptions that sustains this club it is your participation. Use the club’s facilities – enjoy the social events, be a part of your club.” Paula asked that her report be accepted

Moved: John Haverkamp Seconded: John Story All Agreed SAILING CO-ORDINATOR’S REPORT: David Collin gave his report. “We have had a season with a very disappointing start due to particularly unsettled spring weather. This mixed bag of weather hampered the running of most of our club championship races up to the end of the 2015 year. Thankfully this did not continue throughout the remainder of the season. We have this year taken the step of replacing our Naiad inflatable rescue boat. Although this boat has been reliable it has had issues with the hull and trailer that is consistent with its age. The Naiad Rescue boat was sold toward the end of summer and its replacement arrived shortly afterwards. This has been a major purchase for us and has only been possible due to the fund raising that we have taken on over a number of years and with the assistance of a $10,000 grant from the Pelorus Trust. We have run the majority of our events in the new year including an introduction sailing day for a group of rangers. Due to the many cancellations of our club championship races early in the season we made a decision to run three rather than two races on each of our scheduled sailing days and out reserve day, this proved popular. We are still seeking sponsor/s to purchase naming rights on the new resue boat. We would prefer to have a business or businesses that have an association with the club as our major sponsor. Anyone who would like to take this opportunity please contact me or another member of the Sailing Committee. We have had some offers to regularly drive our support boats for the coming season, however we would welcome anyone else who can assist with this or other roles on race day. If you wuld like to assist with this, please approach me later for more details. I would like to thank all of those who have helped out on the sailing committee, our regatta or on our race days. Special thanks to the club members who helped us by using their private boats to act as support boats while we awaited delivery of our new support boat.” David asked that his report be accepted Report attached Moved: Lil Giles Seconded: Ian Pederson All Agreed MATTERS ARISING: Nil FISHING CO-ORDINATOR’S REPORT: Kevin gave his report: “Fishing has had another great year with the Kids Fishing and the Easter Fishing Competition going really well. We finally managed to run a club fishing contest with 26 Boats and 68 Fishing entrants.

I would like to thank all the club members who helped out with fishing during the year, especially the Fishing Committee, the Weigh asters and the Radio Operators. I would also like to thank the Sponsors who supported the Fishing Section. I have to acknowledge that a number of these sponsors have been very loyal sponsorship providers for a long time. Without these great businesses and people, the MMBC would be hard pressed to keep the club up to the great standard it is at the present time. I have to make a special thank you to Paula Bary who continued her role as Tournament Director as well as taking on the role of Commodore. Thank you.” Kevin asked that his report be accepted Moved: Murray Lucas Seconded: John Story All Agreed MATTERS ARISING: Nil POOL SECTION REPORT: Report attached John Bary gave the pool section report: The MMBC Pool Club has had a busy successful year with 32 members competing over a 12-month period for Champion of Champions in 2 x 12 week competitions run throughout the year. We have had four away games against other clubs and hosted 5 clubs at our club rooms. In August, we ran for the Boating Club the J & J Story Open Doubles Competition which is open to all MMBC Members. 18 teams entered and the cup was won by Nippy and John Mitchell with Bryon Griffith and myself coming second. Between now and Christmas we look forward to the Hermies Doubles competition and also the Memorial Singles competition which ware strongly competed by our pool club members. The year will close with a Christmas Dinner and Awards night in December John Bary asked that his report be accepted Moved: John Story Seconded: Richard Stratford All Agreed MATTERS ARISING: Nil FINANCIAL REPORT: Richard Scott the retiring Treasurer presented his financial report for 2016 Richard thanked Geoff McBrydie who has been treasurer for the Pool Club and Julie the manager. He has enjoyed working with them. The accounts went to Colbert Cooper Ltd on 21 July. With the AGM scheduled for 28th August we had less than a month for the accountants to produce a draft set of accounts, for

the accounts to be audited and adjustments made before publishing the accounts. There are two corrections. Correction on pg. 13 – The ‘sundry income’ figure should read $422, the column total is correct, ad on page 17 the ‘depreciation’ figure should read $30,319 – the total expenses figure on page 18 is correct. The bar has done well and up $5129 from the previous year, some of which is due to Julie’s negotiations. The kitchen has not done as well. Turnover of $117,106 is down $3000 and profit a like amount. The profit in the kitchen was $10,635 or 9.08% of sales, well short of what it should be. The issue is patronage particularly on Friday nights. The committee has this under review. Subscriptions at $41,735 are down %404 on the previous year. Fishing’s surplus of $7092 is a reflection success of the Easter Fishing Tournament. A reflection of the hard work put in by the team to make this event so successful. Raffles contributed $4963 and the pool club has a surplus of $1121 and Sailing a surplus of $6382. Pelorus came through with a $10,000 grant towards the cost of the new $23,600 Rescue inflatable for the sailing section and we received a $2,000 donation towards the costs associated with the Repeater and a further $1,000 from Electra Energy due to the generosity of a club member. We received a donation towards the wharf costs There has been planned maintenance expenditure this year. The clubhouse has been painted, the deck sealed and painted and the front door has been replaced. There was a new bench top in the kitchen, and a new chiller, a security camera and some ground works resulting in R & M costs as follows: Grounds $6,617 – some of which we will recover from HDC at some point. Clubhouse $68,430 Equipment $6,141 Wharf/ramp $3,775 Sailing’s New Rescue Inflatable $23,600 offset by the Pelorus grant Wages at $85,904 (down $7,902 on the previous year) And depreciation $30,139 And then there was the ramp. ProFab sought the Club’s permission to launch another boat undertaking to meet the cost of alterations required to accommodate the boat at the river end of the ramp. ProFab contracted with Caldow Builders to do the work. With the work, underway additional work was recommended at a cost of $23,000. This additional cost put expenditure for the year over income by $9,618 before depreciation. Club assets have been reviewed and provided a revised listing to the accountants. As a consequence, items passed their use-by-date, lost or unserviceable, having a book value of $2,013 were written off.

I have been asked where the Rescue boat ad ramp costs show in the accounts. Both are in Non-Current Assets, Property, Plant and Equipment $820,862 on page 19. The detail is summarized on page 15 of the final accounts which is not published. Even then you have to be able to reconcile the ramp figure of $179,385 which requires access to the depreciation schedule. The detail is as follows: Ramp $50,380 Lights $3,710 Signs $794 Floating jetty $1,501 Revaluation $100,000 Improvements $23,000 Total $179,385 The outcome for the year is reflected in “Equity” – see page 19 of the AGM document which takes into account the re-valuation of the ramp Opening balance $900,374 Surplus (Deficit) $39,757 ($30,139 of this is depreciation) Revaluation of Ramp $100,000 Moved: Richard Scott moved that his final report be accepted Seconded: Bill Stratton All Agreed MATTERS ARISING:

Paula received an email from Larry Ellison with questions on the finances. Paula has personally replied to Larry’s questions and they were read to the meeting and replied to the members. The questions were:

• Because of the loss this year, he would like a breakdown of the costs that lead to the loss.

• In light of the $40,000 loss the MMBC made this year, the $68,000 spent on repairs and maintenance to the Clubhouse is the largest contributing factor to this loss. Could you please give the meeting a breakdown on the $68,000 spend. It would be prudent to record the major items and the money spent on those items in the AGM minutes.

• The revaluation of the wharf: - Why was it carried out? Who did this revaluation? How did the valuer arrive at the nice round figure of $100,000?

• On page 19 under non current assets, property, plant and equipment, our assets increased from $703,000 to $830,000. By taking into account, the $100,000 revaluation and the $31,000 depreciation, what other assets worth $48,000 did the club purchase? I suggest in the future, the members of this club receive the full set of accounts showing the asset schedule so all members can see what the club is spending money on.

In reply to these queries: It was always known that this year was going to be a high maintenance year, this is why there were excess funds in the bank. Q2a - $68,000 has been spent on painting the clubhouse, resurfacing the deck, replacing the entry door and upgrading the entrance ceiling.

Q2b – The wharf and ramp have had a very low value for quite some time, a fact which was brought home to us when with the recent work carried out by Caldow Builders, and this was questioned when renewing our insurances and discussed when having the clubhouse revalued this year. It is an agreed value rather than an actual value. Richard put the figure to the Executive Committee and they accepted them. Q2c The club spent $48,000 toward helping the purchase of a new rescue boat, contribution to ramp replacement, CCTV and a Freezer. Richard said he has enjoyed his time at the club and handed over to Margaret Bartlett ELECTION OF OFFICERS: COMMODORE: Paula Bary Nomination: Geoff McBrydie Seconded: John Story VICE COMMODORE: Keith Swinbank Nomination: Peter Jamieson Seconded: John Vertongen COMMITTEE: Donna McBrydie Nomination: Marilyn Stratford Seconded: Keith Swinbank Ian Pedersen Nomination: Garry Marsh Seconded: Charles Baker Gary Stratford Nomination: Keith Swinbank Seconded: Pat Bergin Les Welch: Nomination: Peter Jamieson Seconded: John Vertongen SAILING CO-ORDINATOR: David Collin Elected by sailing committee FISHING CO-ORDINATOR: Kevin Giles Nomination: Jude Moxon Seconded: Nippy Hughson Commodore: Paula Bary (Uncontested) Vice Commodore: Keith Swinbank (Uncontested) Executive Committee: Donna McBrydie, Les Welch, Ian Pederson, Gary Stratford Sailing Co-Ordinator: David Collin Fishing Co-Ordinator: Kevin Giles PATRON: Peter Jamieson Moved: Phil Brown, Keith Swinbank, John Haverkamp Seconded: Kelvin Hirst Carried There are 2 vacant positions – which can be filled during the year.

HON SOLICITOR: Simpson & Co, Foxton - Peter Barber was nominated by the Executive Committee to be the Clubs Honorary Solicitor for the 2016-17 year Moved: John Story Seconded: Keith Swinbank Carried AUDITOR: Burns Savage & Associates - Peter Savage was nominated by the Executive Committee to be the Club’s Auditor for the 2016-17 year Noting that under the new system our books only need reviewing at the new audit, not a full audit. Moved: Richard Scott Seconded: Ian Pederson Carried SUB COMMITTEES: The Commodore asked if any members were willing to take part in the various sub-committees The following put their names forward: SOCIAL COMMITTEE: Donna McBrydie, Paula Bary, Lilian Giles, Marilyn Stratford, Val Hirst, Elaine Pederson, Jan Stella FISHING COMMITTEE: Kevin Giles (Fishing Co-Ordinator) Glenda Paul (Secretary) Richard Crombie, Wayne James, John Bary, Murray, Chris Janes, Lil Giles, John Haverkamp, Kelvin and Val Hirst Pool committee yet to be decided. GENERAL BUSINESS: SUBSCRIPTIONS: The Executive moved to leave the subscriptions at $70 per year. Motion Richard Scott moved that we leave the subscriptions at $70 Seconded: Phil Brown All Agreed At the August Executive meeting, we unanimously nominated Kelvin Hirst and Val Hirst as Life members. John Haverkamp spoke to this. Kelvin is a humble man and probably will not want to accept this. They have both been on the fishing committee 16 years and Kelvin is the person who does all the repairs and hard work around the pace. Work on the wharf. Val has also been part of the social committee and helped with food and fishing events. Motion: John Haverkamp moved that we make Kelvin and Val Hirst Life Members. Seconded: Wayne James Very Unanimously agreed Flowers were given to Val and a life membership plaque was given to Kelvin. Kelvin and Val thanked us for this honour. Kelvin said it is really easy to help at the club and that he is not the only one that helps. He is grateful for the help we all give.

Phil Brown said that he is concerned about the kitchen. He said that the meals are not always up to standard. There are several other places that are putting on very good meals. He wants to know if the committee has looked at the possibility of leasing out the kitchen as other clubs do – no stock, no wages – the contractor is responsible for running it properly. He said many folks have told him they are not happy. He has no issue with most of the staff , just 2 but was not going to go into that. Paula replied, she said she understood that there have been problems in the past and we have tried to address them. We do know that we can do better. When you talk about leasing out the kitchen there is actually a lot of things that have to be considered. It has been mentioned before and we have considered it at the Executive Committee Meeting. It was not considered viable at that time but we have formed a Sub Committee to consider how we can improve the kitchen and use of the club. Keith Swinbank also confirmed that we have formed a subcommittee, and we are looking at all the possibilities. We have enlisted outside advice in this matter. We are aware that quality wise the food does vary a little bit. Phil Brown said he knows that we have a sub-committee he also asked if the club have any thoughts on an extension to go out to the left of the club. He is with the pool club and they find it a bit hard to play sometimes. Paula said we did get an estimate sometimes ago that was over $100,000 so was not done. We also looked at how many people would benefit from the extension and felt at the time that some prefer a smaller area. We do have a 10-year plan, that listed all the things we had to do and it came to over $80,000 and we still have the roof to do and the bar and the kitchen need upgrading so extensions were not in the plan at the moment. Richard Scott said that as earlier mentioned, Larry Ellison has suggested it would be prudent to record the major items of money spent in the minutes of the AGM Motion: Richard Scott moved that the list of costs be added to the financial accounts, with the larger amounts highlighted and it be recorded in the minutes. Seconded: Jeannie Smart All agreed We will therefore include the full listing of expenses including the major items. There was no further business Meeting closed at 2.52 pm

Commodore Paula Bary Treasurer Margaret Bartlett Major Expenditure Tractor repairs $3188.00 Garage Doors $17400.00 Kitchen Vat Hood, Extractor Fan, Chimney Hood $9490.00 Car Park Lighting $1815.00 Total $31893.00

Nominations received for 2017 – 2018 Executive are: Commodore Keith Swinbank nominated Don McGregor seconded Geoff McBrydie Vice Commodore Gary Stratford nominated Geoff McBrydie seconded Kevin Young Fishing Co-ordinator Kevin Giles nominated Alec Harris seconded John Bary Executive Committee Bill Curtis nominated Kelvin Hirst seconded Kevin Young Stephanie Brown nominated John Bary seconded Kevin Giles Paddy Doyle nominated Malcolm Bremner seconded John Haverkamp

Ian Pederson nominated Kevin Giles seconded Paula Bary Gary Stratford nominated Ron Ebert seconded Russell Brook Les Welch nominated Geoff McBrydie Seconded Julie Flannagan