Management of Management of Written and Oral Written and Oral Communication Communication Preeti Shirodkar Preeti Shirodkar

Management of Written and Oral Communication

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Page 1: Management of Written and Oral Communication

Management of Management of Written and Oral Written and Oral CommunicationCommunication

Preeti ShirodkarPreeti Shirodkar

Page 2: Management of Written and Oral Communication

Format Of The DiscussionFormat Of The Discussion

Management of Oral and Management of Oral and Written CommunicationWritten Communication

Etiquettes in communicationEtiquettes in communicationFormats in Oral Formats in Oral

CommunicationCommunicationFormats in Written Formats in Written


Page 3: Management of Written and Oral Communication

Importance of Effective Importance of Effective CommunicationCommunication

Shapes the approach of an individual Shapes the approach of an individual towards anothertowards another

An individual represents not merely An individual represents not merely her/himself but the her/himself but the organisation/institutionorganisation/institution

Page 4: Management of Written and Oral Communication

What are Etiquettes?What are Etiquettes?

Unwritten Norms of Unwritten Norms of CommunicationCommunication

That Makes Interaction PleasantThat Makes Interaction Pleasant

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General EtiquettesGeneral Etiquettes

Offering a seatOffering a seat Offering a glass of water, tea etc.Offering a glass of water, tea etc. Awareness about gender, age, positionAwareness about gender, age, position Intimating about a change as early as Intimating about a change as early as

possiblepossible Common courtesies – opening the Common courtesies – opening the

door, allowing women/ older people to door, allowing women/ older people to enter/exit first, holding out the coat, enter/exit first, holding out the coat, rising to greetrising to greet

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Etiquettes in Verbal Etiquettes in Verbal CommunicationCommunication

Greeting an individualGreeting an individual Introducing oneselfIntroducing oneself Precision and clarity in Precision and clarity in

communicating a messagecommunicating a message Use of languageUse of language Pleasant PartingPleasant Parting Keeping up to date with changing Keeping up to date with changing

techniques in written communicationtechniques in written communication

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Etiquettes in Verbal Etiquettes in Verbal CommunicationCommunication

Using politically correct languageUsing politically correct language Impact of spellings, punctuation and grammarImpact of spellings, punctuation and grammar Impact of pronunciationImpact of pronunciation Impact of toneImpact of tone Impact of speedImpact of speed Importance of timeImportance of time Avoiding unnecessary intimacy/ dwelling on Avoiding unnecessary intimacy/ dwelling on

personal detailspersonal details Avoiding excessive use of jargonAvoiding excessive use of jargon

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Etiquettes in Non Verbal Etiquettes in Non Verbal CommunicationCommunication

Adopting the correct postureAdopting the correct posture Norms of interacting with Norms of interacting with

men/womenmen/women Impact of facial expressionsImpact of facial expressions Impact of gesturesImpact of gestures Eye contactEye contact A handshake should always be firmA handshake should always be firm Maintaining a comfortable physical Maintaining a comfortable physical


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Media and Modes of Media and Modes of Communication in an Communication in an


Face-to-faceFace-to-face TelephoneTelephone Tele-conferencingTele-conferencing Meetings/briefingsMeetings/briefings Speeches (rare)Speeches (rare)


SmsSms E-mailE-mail FaxFax LettersLetters ReportsReports Minutes/Agenda/Minutes/Agenda/

NoticesNotices NotesNotes MemosMemos PresentationsPresentations

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Formats in Oral Formats in Oral CommunicationCommunication


Do’s and Don’tsDo’s and Don’ts Read/provide non verbal cuesRead/provide non verbal cues Maintain eye contactMaintain eye contact Do not cut off any section of the Do not cut off any section of the

receiversreceivers Do not interruptDo not interrupt

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Formats in Oral Formats in Oral CommunicationCommunication


Do’s and Don’tsDo’s and Don’ts Seek immediate clarification if Seek immediate clarification if

requiredrequired Be alert to/provide tonal variationsBe alert to/provide tonal variations

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Formats in Oral Formats in Oral CommunicationCommunication

Tele- conferencingTele- conferencing

Do’s and Don’tsDo’s and Don’ts The time should be convenient to all parties The time should be convenient to all parties

and should be intimated well in advanceand should be intimated well in advance The agenda should be known well in The agenda should be known well in

advanceadvance Combination of etiquettes related to Combination of etiquettes related to

telephonic and face-to-face communicationtelephonic and face-to-face communication

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Formats in Oral Formats in Oral CommunicationCommunication


Do’s and Don’tsDo’s and Don’ts The agenda and schedule should be The agenda and schedule should be

circulated well in advancecirculated well in advance Avoid interruptionsAvoid interruptions Contribute wherever possibleContribute wherever possible Be alert to your own and others’ verbal Be alert to your own and others’ verbal

and non verbal cuesand non verbal cues Be flexible and open to suggestionsBe flexible and open to suggestions

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Formats in Oral Formats in Oral CommunicationCommunication


Do’s and Don’tsDo’s and Don’ts Stick to the time and subjectStick to the time and subject Follow etiquettes – salutation, Follow etiquettes – salutation,

content, conclusion content, conclusion Be alert to tone and paceBe alert to tone and pace

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Formats in Written Formats in Written CommunicationCommunication


Do’s and Don’tsDo’s and Don’ts Avoid using short formsAvoid using short forms Take care to edit forwards before Take care to edit forwards before

sending themsending them Identify yourself Identify yourself Take cognisance of time zonesTake cognisance of time zones

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Formats in Written Formats in Written CommunicationCommunication

E-mailE-mailDo’s and Don’tsDo’s and Don’ts Always include the reasonAlways include the reason Avoid using short formsAvoid using short forms Always include salutation, content, Always include salutation, content,

complimentary close and signature linecomplimentary close and signature line State the attachment in the body of the textState the attachment in the body of the text Send attachments only when necessarySend attachments only when necessary Avoid sending random forwardsAvoid sending random forwards Respond promptlyRespond promptly Know when to call insteadKnow when to call instead

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Formats in Written Formats in Written CommunicationCommunication


Do’s and Don’tsDo’s and Don’ts Ensure that the original document is dark Ensure that the original document is dark Always mark the document to an individualAlways mark the document to an individual Include a clear subject lineInclude a clear subject line Check if the organisation/individual has a Check if the organisation/individual has a

dedicated fax number, else request them dedicated fax number, else request them to switch it to the fax modeto switch it to the fax mode

Follow up with a phone callFollow up with a phone call

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Formats in Written Formats in Written CommunicationCommunication

LettersLettersDo’s and Don’tsDo’s and Don’ts Use the Full Block Form for computer Use the Full Block Form for computer

generated lettersgenerated letters Use the semi block form for hand/type Use the semi block form for hand/type

written letterswritten letters Do not mix up formatsDo not mix up formats All official letters should be written on the All official letters should be written on the

letter headletter head No personal letters should be written on No personal letters should be written on

the letter headthe letter head

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Formats in Written Formats in Written CommunicationCommunication


Do’s and Don’tsDo’s and Don’ts As discussed earlierAs discussed earlier

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Formats in Written Formats in Written CommunicationCommunication


Do’s and Don’tsDo’s and Don’ts Should be sent well in advanceShould be sent well in advance Should include all relevant details – Should include all relevant details –

time, place, reasontime, place, reason An agenda should be enclosed An agenda should be enclosed

whereever possiblewhereever possible

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Formats in Written Formats in Written CommunicationCommunication


Do’s and Don’tsDo’s and Don’ts Should be sent well in advanceShould be sent well in advance Should be clearShould be clear

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Formats in Written Formats in Written CommunicationCommunication


Do’s and Don’tsDo’s and Don’ts The minutes should be sent soon The minutes should be sent soon

after the meetingafter the meeting The minutes should be detailed The minutes should be detailed

enough to serve as a reference pointenough to serve as a reference point

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Formats in Written Formats in Written CommunicationCommunication

Memos : Memos can either be Memos : Memos can either be informational or show causeinformational or show cause

Do’s and Don’tsDo’s and Don’ts Should be clear and preciseShould be clear and precise Should not be unnecessarily harsh Should not be unnecessarily harsh

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Formats in Written Formats in Written CommunicationCommunication


Do’s and Don’tsDo’s and Don’ts Should be indicativeShould be indicative Should be made using a different Should be made using a different

coloured pencoloured pen Should be made on the basis of Should be made on the basis of

whether they are for oneself or whether they are for oneself or othersothers

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Formats in Written Formats in Written CommunicationCommunication

Presentations: Can be either verbal or PowerPointPresentations: Can be either verbal or PowerPointDo’s and Don’tsDo’s and Don’ts The points on the PPT should be indicativeThe points on the PPT should be indicative Matter on the PPT should be easily visibleMatter on the PPT should be easily visible The number of slides should be determined by The number of slides should be determined by

the time allottedthe time allotted Avoid turning towards a PPT/ shuffling back and Avoid turning towards a PPT/ shuffling back and

forth constantlyforth constantly Use a laser pointer if neededUse a laser pointer if needed The hard copy should not be stapled togetherThe hard copy should not be stapled together Number the pagesNumber the pages

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