ISSN: 2455-2631 © February 2021 IJSDR | Volume 6 Issue 2 IJSDR2102001 International Journal of Scientific Development and Research (IJSDR) www.ijsdr.org 1 Management information system on export promotion schemes of India 1 Bhomala Indraja, 2 G. Sabitha Department of Management Anurag University Abstract: The Foreign Trade Policy Statement clarifies the vision, objectives and destinations supporting the Foreign Trade Policy for the period 2015-2020. It depicts the market and item system imagined and the measures required for send out advancement as well as for the improvement of the whole exchange biological system. The executives Information System (MIS) alludes to the PC based data handling to help the board choices inside an association. A MIS depends for the most part on inside wellsprings of data gathered inside the association on a continuous premise and procedures this data to create summed up reports to help in checking and assessment of projects/arrangements. This paper discusses the theme beneath management system impact on export promotions. Growth in exports can even have a play impact to connect service industries. The paper also indicates that foreign economies square measure in higher form than the domestic economy. Keywords: Export Promotion Schemes, Export Promotion Council, Incentives, MIS, Indian Schemes Introduction: Reinforcing duties for trade help and setting up thorough projects to grow send out exercises of firms are a piece of the open approaches in practically completely created and creating nations. Not just have governments expanded the sums committed to these activities in late decades, yet the quantity of help offices for send out has significantly increased with regards to creating national methodologies for worldwide fares. Regardless of the way that commitments regarding the matter have been on the plan of numerous creators for more than thirty years, reasonable and methodological difference perseveres with respect with the impacts and effects of the selection of fare programs on the presentation of the beneficiary firms. Considering (I) that administration assets are scant and require a significant exertion for ideal allocate productivity, and (ii) that, all things considered, open strategies must be emphatically grounded on the proof, a noteworthy group of experimental investigations gave to the comprehension of fare support has as of late been created in the zone of International Business. The point of this paper is to evaluate the current status of issues identified with the advancement of fares and to build up a more profound comprehension of the wonder, in light of a study of the exact investigations regarding the matter distributed somewhere in the range of 1992 and 2011. Every one of the 25 recognized articles were coded by a similar strategy for examination, in light of target standards. The examination shows that the creation has advanced between the two sub time frames overviewed, both in amount and quality, and confirmations a development over the period dissected, particularly comparable to the enhancement of the loci of exploration, the selection of more hearty measurable procedures, and the approach of longitudinal investigations. Certain restrictions, in any case, were as yet watched, even in later investigations, and in these cases, a few proposals for specialists are made. Objectives: The objective of the study is to analysis different types of export promotion schemes in India which are for trading with the world and to valuate the performance of export promotion scheme annual report of 2018-2019 in detail. Scope of the study: A study on export promotion schemes of different assistance for exporters in settings up by independently. Schemes of different export promotion from 2014-2017. The evaluation time period is considered within last 4 years. LITERATURE REVIEW Deepak Nayyar (1975) has accomplished a spearheading take a shot at Indian fares. In his paper named "Indian fares and arrangements in 1960" found that ware sythesis impact send out seriousness. If there should be an occurrence of India, it has been called attention to that it couldn't in any way, shape or form increment a lot of world fare as the product piece of its fare was a 'deplorable one'. In any event, when India began sending out non customary items. Such fares were to a great extent dependent on moderate moving items. He additionally recommended improvement in the fare strategy of India. H.C. Olson (1975) in his work named "concentrates in trade advancement" considered effect of the fare advancement program on firm conduct. As indicated by Olson, Government send out 1 Nayyar, Deepak, 'Indian Exports and Export arrangements in 1960s', Cambridge,1975, p340 Olson, H.C., "Studies in trade Promotion", ACTA Universities Upsalienis, Stutia economies Negotrium to, Stockholm, Alquist and Wiksell International,1975.promotion program go about as autonomous variable and genuine or future fare volume of an organization as a needy variable. Fare advancement program assembles the choice base in the organization, which makes organization ready to pass judgment on the value of setting out on a related course of fare activity, as aftereffect of which the firm chooses to act in like manner, arranges its significant exercises lastly makes send out deals. Henry Simon Bloch (1976) opines despite the fact that exporters give the correct item, value, advancement and circulation, non serious exchange financing can constrain them to lose the arrangement. At the point when they are contending with unfamiliar

Management information system on export promotion schemes

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ISSN: 2455-2631 © February 2021 IJSDR | Volume 6 Issue 2

IJSDR2102001 International Journal of Scientific Development and Research (IJSDR) www.ijsdr.org 1

Management information system on export promotion

schemes of India

1Bhomala Indraja, 2G. Sabitha

Department of Management

Anurag University

Abstract: The Foreign Trade Policy Statement clarifies the vision, objectives and destinations supporting the Foreign Trade

Policy for the period 2015-2020. It depicts the market and item system imagined and the measures required for send out

advancement as well as for the improvement of the whole exchange biological system. The executives Information System

(MIS) alludes to the PC based data handling to help the board choices inside an association. A MIS depends for the most

part on inside wellsprings of data gathered inside the association on a continuous premise and procedures this data to create

summed up reports to help in checking and assessment of projects/arrangements. This paper discusses the theme beneath

management system impact on export promotions. Growth in exports can even have a play impact to connect service

industries. The paper also indicates that foreign economies square measure in higher form than the domestic economy.

Keywords: Export Promotion Schemes, Export Promotion Council, Incentives, MIS, Indian Schemes


Reinforcing duties for trade help and setting up thorough projects to grow send out exercises of firms are a piece of the open

approaches in practically completely created and creating nations. Not just have governments expanded the sums committed to

these activities in late decades, yet the quantity of help offices for send out has significantly increased with regards to creating

national methodologies for worldwide fares. Regardless of the way that commitments regarding the matter have been on the plan

of numerous creators for more than thirty years, reasonable and methodological difference perseveres with respect with the impacts

and effects of the selection of fare programs on the presentation of the beneficiary firms. Considering (I) that administration assets

are scant and require a significant exertion for ideal allocate productivity, and (ii) that, all things considered, open strategies must

be emphatically grounded on the proof, a noteworthy group of experimental investigations gave to the comprehension of fare

support has as of late been created in the zone of International Business. The point of this paper is to evaluate the current status of

issues identified with the advancement of fares and to build up a more profound comprehension of the wonder, in light of a study

of the exact investigations regarding the matter distributed somewhere in the range of 1992 and 2011. Every one of the 25 recognized

articles were coded by a similar strategy for examination, in light of target standards. The examination shows that the creation has

advanced between the two sub time frames overviewed, both in amount and quality, and confirmations a development over the

period dissected, particularly comparable to the enhancement of the loci of exploration, the selection of more hearty measurable

procedures, and the approach of longitudinal investigations. Certain restrictions, in any case, were as yet watched, even in later

investigations, and in these cases, a few proposals for specialists are made.

Objectives: The objective of the study is to analysis different types of export promotion schemes in India which are for trading

with the world and to valuate the performance of export promotion scheme annual report of 2018-2019 in detail.

Scope of the study: A study on export promotion schemes of different assistance for exporters in settings up by independently.

Schemes of different export promotion from 2014-2017. The evaluation time period is considered within last 4 years.


Deepak Nayyar (1975) has accomplished a spearheading take a shot at Indian fares. In his paper named "Indian fares and

arrangements in 1960" found that ware sythesis impact send out seriousness. If there should be an occurrence of India, it has been

called attention to that it couldn't in any way, shape or form increment a lot of world fare as the product piece of its fare was a

'deplorable one'. In any event, when India began sending out non – customary items. Such fares were to a great extent dependent

on moderate moving items. He additionally recommended improvement in the fare strategy of India.

H.C. Olson (1975) in his work named "concentrates in trade advancement" considered effect of the fare advancement program on

firm conduct. As indicated by Olson, Government send out 1 Nayyar, Deepak, 'Indian Exports and Export arrangements in 1960s',

Cambridge,1975, p340 Olson, H.C., "Studies in trade Promotion", ACTA Universities Upsalienis, Stutia economies Negotrium to,

Stockholm, Alquist and Wiksell International,1975.promotion program go about as autonomous variable and genuine or future fare

volume of an organization as a needy variable. Fare advancement program assembles the choice base in the organization, which

makes organization ready to pass judgment on the value of setting out on a related course of fare activity, as aftereffect of which

the firm chooses to act in like manner, arranges its significant exercises lastly makes send out deals.

Henry Simon Bloch (1976) opines despite the fact that exporters give the correct item, value, advancement and circulation, non –

serious exchange financing can constrain them to lose the arrangement. At the point when they are contending with unfamiliar

ISSN: 2455-2631 © February 2021 IJSDR | Volume 6 Issue 2

IJSDR2102001 International Journal of Scientific Development and Research (IJSDR) www.ijsdr.org 2

makes, serious exchange financing is an amazingly powerful instrument in advancing fares, especially those of little and medium

estimated exporters. These exporters are generally hesitant to be advanced in the fare business, since they need exchange fund


P.K. Jain (1984) Research take a shot at 'Fare Marketing: Problem, Procedure and Prospect" illuminates India's fare exchange,

designing products businesses, 4Ps of showcasing and statistical surveying. The point of the exploration was to dissect and inspect

in detail, the issues of Indian designing products enterprises particularly in the field of fares. The exploration uncovered the issues

looked by designing fares viz., scarcity of fare advancement accessible to the exporter, high frequency of the cargo rate and cargo

incongruities between areas, evaluating imperatives, helpless steel gracefully for sends out, insufficient flexibly of framework

offices, and so on. Examination work likewise proposed significant estimates like provincial expansion of designing fares, making

of extra limit, smooth and productive working of economy, co-ordinated endeavors required for special work and sober mindedness

in trade commitment plans.

H.B. Desai's(1984) research concentrate on 'Indian transportation viewpoints' assessed troubles and issues business firms need to

face and how they need to bring about additional costs on support of extraordinary foundations at seaports, undertaking incessant

excursion to port urban areas for sifting through procedural bottlenecks with customs and port specialists and investing energy and

cash on correspondence for data and prompts through wire, messages and calls. The examination study's emphasis was on job of

Delhi dry port, mechanical advancement, holder transportation framework (for quicker and dependable conveyance of merchandise,

to have better security in load dealing with cost), compartment cargo rates and foundation of national delivery board. As indicated

by the analyst, there is need of a quantum bounce in up-gradation and modernization of port framework and techniques for tasks.

Report of Review Committee on Export advancement gathering headed by Shri Prabu V. Mehta (May 1965) came out with

significant suggestion with the essential thought of fortifying the EPCs, especially remembering the fare target and the means that

must be taken both in the matter of delivering exportable surpluses and for meeting the developing scene rivalry.

Mathur. B.P (1985) in the paper named "Modern fares and creating nations – India's quest for countervailing power" expresses

that a conspicuous arrangement of development for India is to move into the fields of mechanical items. The fundamental spotlight

was on legitimate division of universal market; utilization of joint endeavor methodology to go into the unfamiliar market; formation

of 'institutional organizations' looking like 'guide and credit enterprise' and 'partnership for advancing Joint endeavor' Studies led

by Joint warning gathering at the International Trade place UNTAD/GATT (1975) and manual for assess the fare at full scale level,

creating advancement programs. ITC States the accompanying reasons as hidden their assessment: to analyze exercises completed

under a given program in offer to find out the extent of the outcome accomplished and the adequacy of progamme, to reveal

execution issues what's more, distinguish potential arrangements, to collect understanding from the execution of specific exercises

and of program all in all, to quantify the effect of program and find out whether the outcomes legitimize the usage of the progamme,

to help in characterizing exercises that will contribute more positive to the viability of projects. The investigations likewise centered

around the matter of effect of exchange advancement progamme. As indicated by this exploration study two expansive objectives

underlie government endeavors in giving fare advancement support; first at macro level, creating a good exchange equalization or

decreasing an import/export imbalance, and second, at the small scale level, improving the global serious skill of household

enterprises and organizations.

Garry Pursell (1987) in the article named "How to quantify and analyze Export Incentive?" Found that in India, any individual

fabricated item which is traded will commonly profit by an assortment of fare motivations and consequently it is of significant

enthusiasm to have a proportion of consolidated effect everything being equal. The scientist clarified the idea of powerful assurance

and how it very well may be utilized to evaluate and break down the Indian fare motivating forces. As per his observation, if the

administration makes send out similarly beneficial as import substitution benefits, for similar items, it could set the motivations

with the goal that the compelling appropriation for trades is equivalent to powerful insurance the local market.

Rolf Seringhaus Ontario (1988) in his examination paper named "A Methodological Approach to the Evaluation of Government

Export – Promotion Programs" found that the effect of government send out advancement supposedly occurs at a few distinct levels,

extending from the broadest conceivable impact on a nation's exchange position to the exceptionally explicit outcome an exporter

may understand utilizing a specific fare program. Likewise gave outline work for assessment of government send out advancement

research concentrating on government help develop containing worldwide measure. This examination remembered for all fare

showcasing help administrations or program offered by the legislature. Second were thin worldwide estimates which remembered

for comparable reason administrations like giving data to send out arranging and market passage and individual estimates like

individual help gave by explicit organization viz. Canadian exchange commission Service. Explicit measure included explicit help

gave by explicit progamme.

Subrata Banerjee's (1988) examination paper on 'India's unfamiliar exchange and modern turn of events' put accentuation on the

then practically speaking 'import advancement' as essential system of fare advancement. The essential standard of imports for

modern turn of events and fares must be changed, to guarantee that import progression addresses need issues of industry, not

indigenously accessible or prone to be created inside a brief timeframe. The paper discusses the need if there should arise an

occurrence of non-customary products, to tolerate at the top of the priority list relative bit of leeway and develop push regions as

liable to have a proceeding and growing business sector over a sensible time span.

ISSN: 2455-2631 © February 2021 IJSDR | Volume 6 Issue 2

IJSDR2102001 International Journal of Scientific Development and Research (IJSDR) www.ijsdr.org 3

Yung-Chul Kwon's(1988) research take a shot at 'Exchange Finance as a serious Tool: A diagram' obviously uncovers the job of

exchange money as a significant determinant of universal seriousness. This paper manages job of exchange account, wellsprings of

exchange financing, counter-exchange, exchange fund dangers, exchange credit and assortment and exchange money the executives

and association. Accordingly, with regards to promoting, intensity relies upon 4Ps. Anyway on universal level, in any event one

other factor is associated with making a serious offer, that is, exchange financing which regularly has the effect in getting a request

especially when the item and cost offered are serious with those of other industrialized countries. The exploration paper says that

to utilize exchange financing as a serious apparatus, exchange financing projects of the Government and exchange financing

strategies of the individual exporters must be compelling and productive.

Bibek Debroy (1989) in his examination work named 'China's External Trade – A Review" illuminated change process began in

China how it has helped china's Foreign exchange. Broadened changes in China have been initiated since 1978 which have been

founded on three wide boards of first were the change in country financial association, Viz. conception prevention, changes and

changes in legitimate approach outline work. Second, there were changes in urban monetary association to make industry more

adaptable and increment creation, and thirdly change in outer exchange division concentrating on decentralization and

straightforwardness. Changes in unfamiliar exchange have helped China to increase quick monetary development.

R.K.Pandey's (1989) examination paper on "Fare limited time framework in India—Need for a New Strategy" places in legitimate

point of view the job, which send out advancement measures should play to guarantee proceeding with development and expansion

of India's fare with regards to profoundly serious, mind boggling and quick changing global showcasing condition. As per the

creator, the whole fare advancement measures in India , must be redesignd and deductively arranged to send out advertising

advancement needs as opposed to simply obliging cost decrease and expanding benefit destinations, which in fact have a few, yet

constrained, commitment to trade development and expansion endeavors of the nation. A famous technique for assessing profits by

trade advancement measures in India has been to analyze the net unfamiliar trade realistion from sends out with the complete

expense of controlling fare advancement measures to national exchequer—'a fiscalist approach'. The advantage investigation of

fare advancement framework in any nation ought to be that as it may, essentially be founded on an examination between 'Local

asset Gain' just as 'Net Foreign Exchange Earning'.

Maurice D. Levi (1990) in his paper legitimizes the fare advancement, in view of the occupations and wages that get from a sound

fare division, it has become standard practice for governments around the globe to assist their exporters with shrinks by offering

trade financing. This financing can be present moment, medium term or long haul development and takes various structures. An

enormous piece of legitimate fare financing appears as installments to exporters, with unfamiliar shippers than paying the

administration organization. V.R. Panchmuki, C.J. Batliwala, C.K. Reddy, V.L. Roa, Philip Thomas and I.R.

Mukharji (1991) in their joint examination work named 'Fare financing perspectives in India' considered the accompanying

viewpoints, for example, center around trade money for the development of fares in India. The credit necessities of exporters have

been assessed utilizing different scientific procedures. The current fare advancement approaches have been completely broke down.

It likewise gave far reaching data on explicit guidelines/conditions relating the dispensing of credit. Analysts suggested unique

credit plans for little exporters. As indicated by them, trade impetuses ought to be reached out to backhanded fares and government

and exporters must concentrate on the quality up degree.

Kapoor S.N. (1991)in his paper has applied steady piece of the overall industry model to get to the exhibition of Indian fare to 21

created advertise economies for the period 1960 to 1984. Fare development was deteriorated into two wide segments: the auxiliary

impact and serious impact (cost and non – value factor). Aftereffect of the examination demonstrated that showcase circulation

impact had been sure recommending the India's fare were hardly weighted for quickly developing markets. The product creation

impact was troublesome. The high negative ware synthesis impact proposed that fixation on moderate developing items was

essentially liable for discouraging fare development. Tarun Bandyopadhyay and Indrajit Ray (1991)16 in his paper named "The job

of IDBI in the provincial lopsided characteristics in West Bengal: An Empirical Assessment" endeavored to evaluate the push of

Industrial Development Bank of India for a decent local advancement in the nation. This paper digs into: the general extent of its

help to the discouraged locale; and the spatial heading of linkage impacts of the IDBI initiated improvement in both progressed and

discouraged districts. The progression of linkage impacts from cutting edge area to discouraged district accept a key significance

in arranging particularly without least framework base in the last locale which forces enormous scope units to set up in the previous.

The investigation uncovers the administrative staff and semi-skilled workers are employed from outside the state than what they

employed from backward region. The arrangements for remedy of territorial uneven characters should, in this way, perceive the

discernment for a prompting to the ventures having generous advancement impacts on in reverse districts, at all may be their areas.

Charles Caudwell (May 1992)(State Export Promotion and Small Business). This investigation inspected a significant road of

help for the little firm hoping to grow their business sectors on board; state send out advancement programs. Nine contextual

investigations of fare advancement programs were led to survey the regular qualities, help techniques, and relative adequacy for

private venture of the projects in different conditions of US. The examination made the accompanying proposals:

1. State councils ought to build up unequivocal objectives for send out advancement programs and ought to recognize the objectives

of the fare programs planned for expanding the dollar estimation of the fares (momentary outcomes) and planned for expanding the

quantity of independent venture exporters (long haul trade capacity).

ISSN: 2455-2631 © February 2021 IJSDR | Volume 6 Issue 2

IJSDR2102001 International Journal of Scientific Development and Research (IJSDR) www.ijsdr.org 4

2. States should actualize charges for administrations. Courses and trainings ought to have humble support expenses. . Program

chiefs ought to comprehend the restrictions of fare help and maintain a strategic distance from over aspiring guarantees of

sensational monetary impacts from a state trade help exertion.

3. States ought to recognize explicit criticism instrument for send out advancement movement to assess the viability of projects.

4. State should verbalize the near preferred position of different state-upheld trade help suppliers and increment co-appointment

and joint exposure.

M.R. Narayana (1992) examination on 'Fare sponsorships in India: Need for a key methodology' says that the continuing exchange

awkward nature, mounting outer obligation and its adjusting trouble, exhausting unfamiliar trade saves have frequently prompted

considering send out advancement as an arrangement options for India. Be that as it may, our proceeding with dependence on

mechanical market economies for trades underlines the significance of fulfillment in item quality cost. This present exploration's

principle center was around sponsored trade financing from EXIM bank and fare credit appropriation plans of 1968. The diagnostic

aftereffects of this examination work indicated that the basic blemished market structure of India's passage trading is portrayed by

count’s duopoly, the impact of toll gifts can be perfect similar to greater bit of the general business for home conveying firms. The

outcomes of this work offered strong monetary assistance for the key passage system, yet to be figured in India, or avocation for

the current fare strategy if just the financed sending out household company's conduct is vital. The examination study gave the

monetary premise to exact estimation of fare income by a vital fare sponsorship strategy when contrasted with the current, non –

key arrangement.

O.P. Sharma (1992) work on "Fare Competitiveness Some applied issues' illuminated the word 'intensity'. The idea of seriousness

has been managed diversely at the various occasions in the exact work on worldwide exchange stream. There is no single proportion

of seriousness. At the best it is a composite idea in light of the fact that various measures (value, trade offers, productivity and unit

cost and so on.) give various outcomes. The exploration distinguished a few proportions of seriousness which were quantifiable,

which notwithstanding—send out pieces of the pie, specialization of modern structure of mechanical work power. This exploration

tried to clarify a portion of the applicable issues associated with understanding the idea.

Vijaya Katti's (1992) examination on "Development Industry and Consultancy Services and Exports : Problems and Prospects"

managed the subtleties of consultancy sends out in farming, building, preparing and the executives, and so on and the offices

stretched out by the Exim bank alongside the Government's approach measures for the advancement of consultancy administrations.

The potential regions of co-activity with the creating nations have additionally been clarified in this paper.


Foreign National Trading Policy 2015-20 and alternate schemes give promotional measures to spice up India’s exports with the

target to offset infrastructural inefficiencies and associated prices concerned to supply exporters grade taking part in field.

Temporary of those measures area unit as under:

MEIS: Under this theme, exports of notified goods/ product to notified markets as listed in Appendix 3B of reference of

Procedures, are granted freely transferable duty credit scrip’s on realized FOB price of exports in free interchange at specified rate


Duty Credit Scrip’s are provided for exports to diversify markets and offset the disadvantage round-faced by exporters with

relevancy freight prices, transport hurdles and alternative disabilities. They are like debit notes which might be used to pay import

duties. Such duty credit scrip’s may be used for payment of custom duties for import of inputs or product, payment of excise duty

on domestic procurance, payment of service tax and payments. Exports of notified product of FOB price upto Rs 25, 000 per

consignment, through traveler or foreign post workplace victimization e-commerce shall be entitled for MEIS profit.

SEIS:Service suppliers of notified services as per Appendix 3E area unit eligible for freely transferable duty credit scrip

@ 5% of internet foreign interchange attained.

Duty exemption & remission schemes: An businessperson should take Advance Authorization (AA) from the regional

DGFT offices if he uses his imported product as an input to manufacture his resultant exported product. No Advance Authorization

will clearly lean for import of prohibited things. Advance Authorization will but lean for import of restricted things with bound

conditions. Things reserved for import through State Trading Enterprises (STEs) will be foreign against Advance Authorization/

DFIA provided the item Copernican is canalized/ bought through STEs or once getting no objection Certificate from STEs.

Advance Authorization Scheme: Under this theme, duty free import of inputs are allowed, that are physically

incorporated within the export product (after creating traditional allowance for wastage) with minimum 15% price addition.

Advance Authorization (AA) is issued for inputs in relevance resultant merchandise as per SION (Standard Input Output Norms

prescribed in reference work of Procedures Vol. II) or on the premise of self-declaration, as per procedures of FTP. AA usually

contains a validity amount of 12 months for the aim of constructing imports and a amount of 18 months for fulfillment of Export

Obligation (EO) from the date of issue. AA is issued either to a manufacturer businessperson or merchandiser business person tied

to a supporting manufacturer(s).

Advance Authorization for annual requirement: Authorization holders who are commerce for a minimum of 2 years

will get annual Advance Authorization. This gives them the pliability to export any product throughout the year falling below an

ISSN: 2455-2631 © February 2021 IJSDR | Volume 6 Issue 2

IJSDR2102001 International Journal of Scientific Development and Research (IJSDR) www.ijsdr.org 5

export product cluster exploitation the duty exempted imports. However specific inputs got to be tallied with the resultant exports

as per SION/ prescribed spontaneous norms.

Duty Free Import Authorization (DFIA) Scheme: DFIA could be a variant to Advance Authorization theme. It’s totally

different from Advance Authorization as the next minimum price addition of 20% is needed, as compared to only 15% prior to

Authorization. It’s sanctioning provision for fungibility of authorization or materials foreign against it. DFIA will be obtained on

post export basis similarly. Its popular exporters who export initial and so acquire the Authorization, which might be over subscribe


Duty Drawback of Customs/Central Excise Duties/Service Tax: The theme is run by Department of Revenue. Below

this theme merchandise created out of duty paid inputs are initial exported and thenceforth refund of duty is claimed in two ways:

i) All Business Rates : As per Schedule

ii) Whole Rate : As per application on the premise of data/documents

Rebate of Service tax through all industry rates

Refund of service tax paid on fixed output services used for export of product is on the marker at fixed all business rates zero.


Zero duty EPCG scheme: Zero duty EPCG theme permits import of capital products for preproduction, production and

post-production (including fully Knocked Down/ Semi Knocked Down there of similarly as laptop software systems) at zero tariff,

subject to an export obligation akin to 6 times of duty saved on capital product foreign below EPCG theme, to be consummated in

6 years reckoned from Authorization issue-date.

The theme will be taken each post exports and pre exports. The export obligation discharged would need fulfillment of specific

export obligation additionally to the prevailing Average export performance over a amount of three years.

Period Copernican would be 9 months. Exporters availing profit below Technology Up gradation Fund Scheme (“TUFS”) also can

avail advantage of Zero duty EPCG theme. Import of motor cars, SUV’s, all purpose vehicles by hotels, travel agents, or tour or

transport operators and corporations owning/in operating golf resorts not allowed. Export Obligation for domestic sourcing of

capital product below EPCG schemes has been reduced by 100% to encourage import substitution.

Post Export EPCG Duty Credit Scrip Scheme: A Post Export EPCG Duty Credit security theme shall be accessible for

exporters who shall import capital product on full payment of applicable duty in money.

EOU/EHTP/STP & BTP SCHEMES:Units endeavor to export their entire production of products and services is also

came upon below this scheme for import/ procurable domestically while not payment of duties. For details of the theme and edges

accessible in that FTP is also needed.


Towns of Export Excellence (TEE): Selected cities manufacturing product Rs.750crores or a lot of are notified as TEE

on potential for growth in exports and supply monetary help below MAI theme to recognized Associations. Rebate of duty on

“export product” and “material” utilized in manufacture of such goods.

Rebate of duty paid on excisable product exported or duty paid on the fabric utilized in manufacture of such export product is also

claimed below Rule of 18 of Central Excise Rules, 2002.

Export of goods under Bond i.e. without payment of excise duty: Rule 19 of Central Excise Rules 2002 provides

clearance of excisable product for exports while not payment of central excise duty from the approved plant, warehouse and

alternative premises.

Market Access Initiative (MAI) Scheme: Under this theme, monetary help is provided for export promotion activities

on focus country, focus product basis to EPCs, business & Trade Associations, Authorities Agencies and Indian business Missions

abroad to try to market surveys, subject matter campaigns, participate in International Trade Fairs, set showrooms/ warehouses etc.

Details of the theme I on the market at www.commerce.nic.in

Status Holder Scheme: Upon achieving prescribed export performance, standard recognition together Export House, two

Star Export House, three star export house, four star export house and five star export home is accorded to the eligible candidates

as per their export performance. Such standing Holders are eligible for varied non-fiscal privileges as prescribed within the Foreign

Trade Policy. In addition to the higher than schemes, facilities like 24X7 customs clearance, single window in customs, self-

assessment of tariff, previous filing facility of shipping bills etc. are accessible to facilitate exports.


India’s exports narrowed in recent months because of sluggish demand in western markets. India’s exports declined for the eighth

straight month by 10.3 per cent in July to $23.13 billion, pushing the trade deficit to $12.81 billion. In July 2014, the merchandise

export was at $25.79 billion. Last time exports registered a positive growth was in November 2014 once shipments expanded at the

ISSN: 2455-2631 © February 2021 IJSDR | Volume 6 Issue 2

IJSDR2102001 International Journal of Scientific Development and Research (IJSDR) www.ijsdr.org 6

speed of 7.27 per cent. To push export growth, exporters will take facilitate of the government schemes. Here are prime export

schemes of the Indian Government.

Market Development Assistance Scheme:

Description Entrepreneurs get funding for collaborating in trade fairs. It assists exporters

for export promotion activities.

Nature of assistance The theme offers funding up to 90 per cent in respect of to and fro air fare for

the participation by MSME entrepreneurs in overseas fairs/trade delegations.

The theme conjointly provides funding for manufacturing subject matter

material (up to 25 per cent of costs) sector specific studies (up to Rs 2 lakh)

and for contesting anti-dumping cases (50 per cent up to Rs 1lakh).

Who will apply Exporters, entrepreneurs, etc.

From whenever to apply FIEO, Export Promotion Council and Ministry of Commerce.

Export Oriented Unit (EOU) Scheme:

Description EOU theme provides an internationally competitive nontaxable surroundings

not to mention higher infrastructural facilities for export production

Nature of assistance The units are allowed to import or procure regionally while not the payment

of duty all sorts (of product’s) as well as capital goods, raw materials,

components, packing materials, consumables, spares and varied alternative

fixed classes of kit

Who will apply Exporters, entrepreneurs, etc. From wherever to apply: FIEO, Export

Promotion Council and Ministry of Commerce

Market Access Initiative (MAI) Scheme:

Description MAI theme is an Export Promotion theme, envisaged to act as a catalyst to

market India’s exports on a sustained basis.

Nature of assistance The theme is developed on focus product focus country approach to evolve

specific market and specific product. These activities are eligible for

monetary help promoting comes abroad, capability building, support for

statutory compliances, studies, project development, etc.

Who will apply Exporters, entrepreneurs, etc.

From whenever to apply FIEO, Export Promotion Council

Software Technology Park (STP) Scheme:

Description STP theme coble be a 100 per cent export-oriented theme for endeavor

software system development for export exploitation.

Nature of assistance The approvals are given below single window clearance mechanism. All

imports of hardware and software system in standard pressure units are fully

duty free, and import of second-hand capital product and re-export of capital

product are also allowable.

Who will apply Exporters, entrepreneurs, etc.

From whenever to apply FIEO, Export Promotion Council and Ministry of Commerce

Services Exports from India Scheme (SEIS):

Description The SEIS has been introduced to extend exports of notified services.

Nature of assistance The rewards below SEIS shall be admissible for exports made/services

rendered on or once the date of notification of this policy. The duty credit

scrip’s shall be granted as rewards below SEIS. The duty credit scrip’s and

products imported/domestically procured against them shall be freely


Who will apply Exporters, entrepreneurs, etc.

From whenever to apply FIEO, Export Promotion Council and Ministry of Commerce

ISSN: 2455-2631 © February 2021 IJSDR | Volume 6 Issue 2

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The Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS):

Description The MEIS has been introduced for the export of specific product to fixed


Nature of assistance Rewards for the export of notified product to notified markets below MEIS

shall be due as share of complete FOB price.

Who will apply Exporters, entrepreneurs, etc

From whenever to apply FIEO, Export Promotion Council and Ministry of Commerce

Export Promotional Capital Goods (EPCG) Scheme:

Description The target of the EPCG theme is to facilitate import of capital product for

manufacturing quality product and services to boost India’s export fight

Nature of assistance EPCG theme permits import of capital product for preproduction, production

and post-production at zero tariff.

Who will apply Importers, entrepreneurs, etc.

From whenever to apply FIEO, Export Promotion Council and Ministry of Commerce

Advance authorization theme: This scheme permits businesses to import inputs among the country while not paying any

duty. However, such inputs ought be utilized additional for the assembly of an export item.

Advance authorization for annual requirement: This theme is for those exporters who have had glorious export

performance for the last two years. Such exporters will enjoy the Advance Authorization for Annual demand theme.

GST tax rebate: The Government of Bharat conjointly offers rebates on GST to exporters, if such output services for the

export product are fixed.

Nontaxable import authorization: This theme, that is provided by the Government of India, is clubbed with the Duty

Exemption Entitlement Certificate (DEEC) (Advance License) and Duty Free Replenishment Certificate (DFRC) in order that the

exporters will get free imports on bound merchandise.

Export Promotion Capital Goods' (EPCG) zero duty theme: This scheme applies to any or all the exporters who are

into electronic product. Zero percent tariffs is to be paid by the businessperson just in case the export price is a minimum of six fold

that of the duty saved on imports of capital product for production, pre-production, and post-production. The businessperson should

ensure the worth that is an duty, among six years of the difficulty date.

Post Export EPCG duty credit security theme: As per this scheme, exporters will get an EPCG license and directly pay

to the customs officers if they’re unsure regarding paying the export obligation. The government will refund the business person

taxes that were paid earlier and that satisfy export obligations.

Towns of Export Excellence (TEE): The cities of export standing are such cities that manufacture and export product

that are higher than a selected price in a number of the known sectors. Such statuses given to the cities are supported their

performance and potentiality of exports in order that they’ll enter new markets.

Market Access Initiative (MAI) theme: This scheme provides monetary recommendation to such agencies who directly

or indirectly are attached promoting activities like market research, capability building, branding, and compliances in mercantilism


Marketing Development Assistance (MDA) theme: The most motive of this scheme is to encourage export activities

abroad, facilitate the export promotion councils to market their merchandise and to require such alternative measures to promote


Scheme associated with Merchandise Exports: This theme applies to the export of bound product to some explicit

markets. Edges for exports below this theme are due as share of the price.

Rebate of State Levies: This theme permits the exporters to say refunds from the middle for all such levies and duties that

are paid by the exporters at the state level

Freight help to Exporters: The government has introduced Transport and Marketing Assistance (TMA) theme to boost

the exports of agricultural merchandise by providing a precise quantity of freight charges as compensation and to produce facilitate

to the exporters for the selling of agriculture product. The Five-year Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) 2015-20 free on 01.04.2015

provides a framework for increasing exports of products and services. With the discharge of the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) 2015-

20, FTP Statement, vade mecum of procedures, Appendix and Aayat-Niryat forms were conjointly free on 01.04.2015.vade mecum

of procedures notifies the procedure to be followed by associate degree bourgeois or businessperson or by the licensing/Regional

Authority or by any authority for purpose of implementing the provisions of Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act,

Rules and Orders issued underneath the provisions of Foreign Trade Policy. The FTP for 2015-2020 seeks to produce a stable and

property policy surroundings for foreign inter change merchandise and services; link rules, procedures and incentives for exports

and imports with different initiatives like create in India, Digital India, Skills India and easy doing business to push the

diversification of India’s export the basket by serving to numerous sectors of the Indian economy to achieve world aggressiveness.

The Foreign Trade Policy through its numerous schemes serves the target of neutralization of duty incidence, encourage

technological up gradation and provides promotional measures to spice up India’s exports with the target to offset infrastructural

inefficiencies and associated prices concerned so as to produce exporters a level enjoying field.

ISSN: 2455-2631 © February 2021 IJSDR | Volume 6 Issue 2

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A new form for exporters to use underneath SEIS theme was notified vide Public Notice 15 dated 28.06.2018, that will away with

the surplus fields. The web module for SEIS supported the new type has conjointly been launched, with a facility to transfer all

documents needed underneath the ANF 3B.

The subsequent table shows the main point of issue of scrip’s underneath MEIS and SEIS together with price of scrip’s and FOB

price of exports throughout 2017-18 and 2018:

Export Promotion theme’s a pair of 2017-18 2018-19

Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS)

Table 1

Range of Scrip’s 2,18,402 2,98,350

Value of Scrip’s 25,994.22 39,29,8.41

FOB price of Exports 9,78,286.29 12,46,771.74

Service exports from India Scheme (SEIS)Table 2

Range of scrip’s 5,569 6376

Price of scrip’s 3,475.05 4,262.80

FOB price of exports 15,87,378.86 13,72,212.46

Export promotion schemes 2017-2019

Focus market scheme (FMS)Table 3

Vishesh Krishi & Gram Udyog Yojna (VKGUY)Table 4

Range of scrip’s 484 123

Price of scrip’s 15.33 4.36

FOB price of exports 331.04 99.06

Served From India Scheme (SFIS) Table 5

Number of scrip’s 751 259

Price of scrip’s 308.54 193.83

Status Holder Incentive Scrip (SHIS)Table 6

Number of scrip’s 61 20

Price of scrip’s 36.84 21.50

IEIS ( incremental export incentivisaion scheme)Table 7

Number of scrip’s 61 20

Price of scrip’s 36.84 21.50

Incremental export incentivisation scheme (IEIS)Table 8

Number of scrip’s 519 189

Price of scrip’s 114.00 66.26

The following area unit the varied export schemes provided by the Government of India so that the Indian economy grows with a

corresponding increase in interchange reserves:

Number of Scrip’s 2,044 917

Value of Scrip’s 163.92 88.64

FOB value of exports 4,951.61 2,671.70

FPS(focus product) 6,142 2,910

Price of scrip’s 371.79 369.28

FOB value of exports 15.985.10 18,004.39

ISSN: 2455-2631 © February 2021 IJSDR | Volume 6 Issue 2

IJSDR2102001 International Journal of Scientific Development and Research (IJSDR) www.ijsdr.org 9

Advance authorization theme: This scheme permits businesses to import inputs among the country while not paying

any duty. However, such inputs ought to be utilized more for the assembly of associate degree export item.

Advance authorization for annual requirement: This theme is for those exporters who have had wonderful export

performance for the last two years. Such exporters will have the benefit of the Advance Authorization for Annual demand theme.

Customs, central excise, and export duty drawback scheme: during this scheme, the exporters will get a refund of all

duty and taxes that were obtained the inputs against the exported product. The Duty disadvantage is nothing however the refund

that’s received by the bourgeois. If the export schedule doesn’t have the main points of the duty disadvantage theme, the bourgeois

will speak to the tax authorities to urge a whole rate as per the duty disadvantage theme.

GST tax rebate: The Government of India also offers rebates on GST to exporters, if such output services for the export

product area unit fixed.

Duty-free import authorization: This theme that is provided by the Government of India is clubbed with the Duty

Exemption Entitlement Certificate (DEEC) (Advance License) and Duty Free Replenishment Certificate (DFRC) so the exporters

will get free imports on sure products.

Export Promotion Capital Goods' (EPCG) zero duty theme: This scheme applies to any or all the exporters who area

unit into electronic product. Zero percent customs duty is to be paid by the bourgeois just in case the export price is a minimum of

six fold that of the duty saved on imports of capital product for production, pre-production, and post-production. The bourgeois

should make sure the worth that is associate degree tariff ,among six years of the difficult date

Post Export EPCG duty credit certificate theme: As per this scheme, exporters will get associate degree EPCG license

and directly pay to the customs officers if they’re undecided concerning paying the export obligation. The government will refund

the bourgeois taxes that were paid earlier and that satisfy export obligations.

Towns of Export Excellence (TEE): The cities of export standing area unit such cities that manufacture and export

product that area unit higher than a selected price in a number of known sectors. Such statuses given to the cities area unit supported

their performance and potentiality of exports so they will enter new markets.

Market Access Initiative (MAI) theme: This scheme provides monetary recommendation to such agencies who directly

or indirectly are involved with marketing activities like market research, capacity building, branding, and compliances in importing


Marketing Development Assistance (MDA) scheme: The most motive of this scheme is to encourage export activities

abroad, facilitate the export promotion councils to push their product and to require such different measures to plug internationally.

Scheme associated with Merchandise Exports: This theme applies to the export of sure products to some specific

markets. Edges for exports underneath this theme area unit collectable as a proposition of the completed Freight on Board (FOB)


Rebate of State Levies: This theme permits the exporters to say refunds from the middle for all such levies and duties that

area unit paid by the exporters at the state level.

Freight help to Exporters: The government has introduced Transport and Marketing Assistance (TMA) theme to boost

the exports of agricultural product by providing a precise quantity of freight charges as compensation and to produce facilitate to

the exporters for the selling of agricultural product. Considering that the Indian economy is one amongst the quickest growing

economies within the world, the Government of India has created numerous economic policies which might enhance India’s

economic progress. Raising Indian exports is one such set up of the government. Thus, the government has taken a quite an few

steps towards enhancing the exports of India by introducing the export profit schemes as mentioned higher than. The most objective

of those export profit schemes is to change the whole export method and create it easier. These export profit schemes area unit a

mixture of socially freelance and liberal policies.

Types of Export Incentive Schemes & edges in India:

India’s economy is one amongst the quickest growing economies within the world. As a district of economic reforms, the

government has developed several economic policies that have junction rectifier to the country’s gradual economic development.

Underneath the changes, there has been associate degree initiative to boost the condition of exports to different countries. With this

regard, the government has haunted a number of actions to profit businesses within the export trade. The first objective of those

edges is to change the complete export method and create it a lot of versatile. On a broader scale, these reforms are a mix of each

social democratic and relaxation policy.

Since the initiation of the relaxation set up within the 1990s, the economic reforms have emphasized the open market economic

policies. Foreign investments have are available numerous sectors, and there has been smart growth within the customary of living,

per capita financial gain and Gross Domestic Product. Moreover, there has been a larger stress on versatile business. Some of the

various forms of export incentive schemes and edges that the government has initiated are:

Advance Authorization Scheme:

As part of this theme, businesses area unit allowed to import input within the country while not having to pay duty payment, if this

input is for the assembly of associate degree export item. Moreover, the licensing authority has fastened the worth of the extra

export product to not below than 15%. The theme has the validity amount of 12 months for imports and 18 months for winding up

the Export Obligation (EO) from the date of issue generally.

ISSN: 2455-2631 © February 2021 IJSDR | Volume 6 Issue 2

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Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS): This theme applies to the export of sure product to specific markets. Rewards for exports underneath MEIS are going to be

collectable has a proposition of completed FOB price.

Thanks to of these schemes, exports have accrued by a right margin, and there’s good atmosphere among the businessmen the

government is additionally coming with several different edges to strengthen the export sector of the country more.

Figure 1 depicts the worth of scripts issued underneath numerous export promotion schemes 2017-2019

Export promotion council:

To give data this is beneficial for exporters or its members in increasing their exports, they’re imagined to create the

exporters alert to the Government Schemes and different edges.

Export Promotional Council collects export and import Information of its members, similarly as different information that

as relevance to International Trade to create a applied mathematics base to math trade growth.


hey organize Trade Delegations to explore opportunities of commerce product in different countries.

They supply recommendation to their members associated with Technology, Internal control, standards and specifications


They organize Trade Fairs, Exhibitions, Seminars, Meetings between patrons and sellers to push business etc.

They are to blame for promoting communication between businessmen and also the Government.

Functions and benefits:

On being admitted the member is granted Registration liquid body substance membership Certificate of the EPC involved.

For availing export import benefits or concessions in foreign national Trading Policy.

To meet patrons by collaborating in events conducted by EPCs.

To keep updated concerning latest trends within the several trade through the informational events and activities conducted

by EPCs for its members.

ISSN: 2455-2631 © February 2021 IJSDR | Volume 6 Issue 2

IJSDR2102001 International Journal of Scientific Development and Research (IJSDR) www.ijsdr.org 11




October 31, the WTO had dominated that export grant programs-Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS), Export headed

Units theme and sector specific schemes, together with natural philosophy Hardware Technology Parks theme and Bio-Technology

Parks Scheme; Export Promotion Capital product Scheme; and nontaxable Imports for Exporters Scheme-violated norms


A management information system (MIS) is a computer system consisting of hardware and software that serves as the backbone of

an organization’s operations. An MIS gathers data from multiple online systems, analyzes the information, and reports data to aid

in management decision-making.

The goal of an MIS is to be able to correlate multiple data points in order to strategize ways to improve operations. For example,

being able to compare sales this month to sales a year ago by looking at staffing levels may point to ways to boost revenue. Or

being able to compare marketing expenditures by geographic location and link them to sales can also improve decision-making.

But the only way this level of analysis is possible is due to data that is compiled through an MIS.

Running reports that gather disparate information points is associate degree an MIS’ key contribution. That feature, however, comes

with a big price. MIS implementation is a rich investment that features the hardware and software package purchases, similarly

because the integration with existing systems and coaching of all workers.

ISSN: 2455-2631 © February 2021 IJSDR | Volume 6 Issue 2

IJSDR2102001 International Journal of Scientific Development and Research (IJSDR) www.ijsdr.org 12

Management Information System (MIS) Management Information System (MIS) refers to the personal computer (PC) based mostly

informatics to support management choices among a company. Associate degree An MIS depends totally on internal sources of

information collected among the organization on associate degree in progress basis and processes this information so on generate

summarized reports to help in observation and analysis of programmers/policies. MIS reports are often within the kind of tables

with numerical values, visual displays or different key indicators. Reports are often in paper format, electronic format or each. This

publication ‘MIS Report on Export Promotion Schemes 2017’ is an effort during this direction. Board of directors General of

Foreign Trade (DGFT) problems numerous forms of scrip’s/ authorizations underneath totally different export promotion schemes

through its Regional Authorities (RAs) across India. All RAs furnish the data associated with numerous scrip’s authorizations in

MIS formats on monthly basis. The knowledge concerning year-wise export obligation, fulfillment of export obligation (EO) and

its pendency beneath Advance Authorization and EPCG schemes has been compiled and incorporated within the report. This MIS

data on varied parameters is useful in observance the performance of Regional Authorities normally and implementation of Foreign

Trade Policies specifically. The MIS Report would be helpful for policymakers and stakeholders to watch and value the export

promotion schemes likewise because the employment RAs. Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS) There have been

completely different schemes for reward-full merchandise exports with different varieties of duty scrip’s and with varied conditions

connected to their use. These schemes were (i) Focus Product Scheme (FPS), (ii) Focus Market Scheme (FMS), (iii) Market Linked

Focus Product Scrip (MLFPS), (iv) Vishesh Krishi and Gram Udyog Yojana (VKGUY), (v) Agriculture Infrastructure Incentive

Scrip and (vi) Incremental Export Incentive Scheme.

MEIS, introduced through the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) 2015-20 on April 1, 2015 could be a merger of these schemes

to push export of notified merchandise factory-made/ created in India. At the time of introduction, MEIS lined 4914 tariff lines at

8 digits. Keeping in mind the old wide economic worsening and therefore the adverse setting baby faced by exporters, it absolutely

was distended to incorporate further lines and presently it covers 7914 lines, all with world coverage. The initial envisaged annual

revenue departed of Rs.18,000 Crore was so increased to Rs. 23,500Crore. MEIS incentives square measure obtainable at 2, 3 and

5% of the FOB price of exports. Exporters were abinitio needed to submit landing certificate as a signal of consignment within the

destination country sure tariff lines world was not provided.

Obtaining landing certificate was an avertible price and exporters requested doing away with the Landing Certificate.

Consequently, on 4 the May, 2016 world coverage was extended to the notified MEIS product that have solely regional coverage

until then thereby dispensing with the necessity of landing certificate. The incentives square measure issued as duty scrips that may

be used for payment of variety duties/ taxes as well as the customs/ excise duty/ service tax. Scrip’s square measure totally

transferable. Major product teams lined beneath MEIS are:

Agricultural product, fruits, flowers, vegetables, tea, coffee, spices, price further and prepackaged product, handicraft,

handloom, jute product, textile and cloths, prescription drugs, surgical, herbals, project merchandise, car parts, telecom, computer,

electrical and natural philosophy product, railway, transport instrumentation, industrial machinery, IC engines, machine tools, parts,

hand tools, pumps of every kind , vehicles, two wheelers, bicycles, ships, planes, chemicals, plastics, rubber, ceramic and glass,

animal skin cloths, saddlery things, footwear, steel article of furniture, prefabs, lighters wood, paper, stationary, iron, steel, and base

metals, products. Supply of scrip’s beneath MEIS exaggerated by 408% through the second year (2016-17) of FTP 2015-20 over

the previous year 2015-16. The main points of supply of scrip’s beneath MEIS square measure within the following table.

Table 9

Issuance of Scrip’s, Duty Credit and FOB value under MEIS during 2015-16 and 2016-17 Years 2015-

16 2016-17

Years 2015-2016 2016-2017

Number of scripts 31375 159446

Duty credit 4140 18117

FOB 138014 688473

Services Exports from India Scheme is an incentive scheme for eligible service exports and it was introduced in the Foreign

Trade Policy (2015-20) replacing the Served from India Scheme (SFIS). SEIS offers reward at 3% or 5% of net foreign exchange

earned. Only Mode 1 and Mode 2 services are eligible. This scheme covers ‘Service Providers located in India’ instead of ‘Indian

Service Providers’, which was the case in the earlier policy. Under the new scheme, the incentive scrip’s issued are transferable.

Services covered under SEIS are as follows: (i) Legal, Accounting, Architectural, Engineering, Educational, Hospital services at

5% (ii) Hotels and restaurants, Travel agencies and tour operators, other business services at 3%. The total number of scrip’s issued

under SEIS was 1368 during the year 2016-17; no scrip was issued during the year 2015-16.

ISSN: 2455-2631 © February 2021 IJSDR | Volume 6 Issue 2

IJSDR2102001 International Journal of Scientific Development and Research (IJSDR) www.ijsdr.org 13

Number of scrip’s, duty credits and FOB value of exports under SEIS is given in the following:

Table 10

Issuance of Scrip’s, Duty Credit and FOB value under SEIS during 2015-16 and 2016-17 Years 2015-16 2016-17

Years 2015-2016 2016-2017

Number of scripts 0 1368

Duty credit 0 561

FOB 0 167172

Other Export Promotion Schemes beneath earlier Foreign Trade Policy Scrips also are issued beneath varied schemes viz.

(i) Focus Product Scheme (FPS), (ii) Focus Market Scheme (FMS), (iii) Vishesh Krishi and Gram Udyog Yojna (VKGUY), and

(iv) Incremental Export Incentive Scheme, (v) Served From India Scheme, (vi) Status Holder Incentive Scrip (SHIS).

Focus Market Scheme (FMS) Focus Market Scheme was launched on 1.4.2006 for counter wailing high freight price and

different externalities to pick out international markets with a read to rain force India’s export fight within the countries. Exporters

of all product to notified countries (as in Table 1 & Table 2 of Appendix 37C of HBP vol.1) shall be entitled for Duty Credit Security

cherish three dimensional (3)% of FOB price of exports.

Focus Product Scheme (FPS) To incentivize export of such product that have high export intensity / employment

potential, thus on offset infrastructure inefficiencies and different associated prices concerned in selling of those products, a theme

known as Focus Product Scheme, was introduced on 1.4.2006. Exports of notified product (as in Appendix 37D of HBP vol.1) to

all or any countries (including SEZ units) shall be entitled for Duty Credit Security cherish 2% or 5% of FOB price of exports (in

free foreign exchange) for exports made up of 27.8.2009 a head.

Vishesh Krishi and Gram Udyog Yojana (VKGUY) Objective of this theme was to push employment generation in

rural and semi -urban areas. Duty Credit Scrip’s square measure granted with an aim to compensate high transport pries, and to

offset different disadvantages. Vishesh Krishi and Gram Udyog Yojana was bit by bit distended to incorporate export of Agricultural

Product and their price further products; Minor Forest manufacture and their price further variants; Gram Udyog Product; and

different Products, as notified beneath Appendix 37A of HBP vol.1, from time to time.

Served From India Scheme (SFIS) The target of the theme is to accelerate growth in export of services thus on produce

a strong and distinctive ‘Served from India’s complete, instantly recognized and revered the globe over. Indian Service suppliers,

of services listed in Appendix 41 of HBP vol.1, that as free interchange earning of at minimum of Rs.10 lakhs in current fiscal year

shall qualify for Duty Credit security. For Individual Indian Service suppliers, minimum free interchange earnings would be Rs.5

lakhs. Service suppliers square measure entitled to Duty Credit security @10% of the free interchange attained.

Status Holders Incentive Scrip (SHIS) With an objective to push investment in up gradation of technology of some

nominal sectors like animal skin, textiles, Jute, handicrafts, plastics, basic Chemicals, rubber product, glass and tableware, paper

and books, paints and allied product, play board and allied product, natural philosophy product, sports merchandise and toys,

engineering product viz. iron and steel, pipes and tubes, Ferro alloys etc., Standing Holders shall be entitled to a security @ 1

chronicles of FOB price of exports.

Incremental Export Incentivize Scheme (IEIS) It’s been set to grant incentive on progressive exports created through-

out amount the amount} January-March 2013 over the bottom period January-March 2012. The inducement would be granted to

AN IEC holder at the speed of twenty-two on the progressive growth of exports created to USA, EU and Asian Countries through

out this specific quarter i.e., January-March 2013. Bound exports like deemed exports, service exports, third party exports, export-

turnover of SEZ units etc. wouldn’t be eligible beneath the theme. Focus is on increasing export to bound specific destinations.

Progressive Exports incentivisation Schemes.


Through the study we will see however the theme beneath management system impact on export promotions because the

export promotion schemes is employed for the aim for the enlargement of products fot the foreign market. These merchandise earn

interchange that may be wont to facilitate development. Export promotion industries have a good market place for their manufacture

for each domestic and foreign markets.

If the importation is quite you export, more cash is exploit the country than is coming back in through export sales. On the

opposite hand, the additional a rustic exports, the additional domestic economic activity is going on.

Growth in exports can even have a play impact to connect 'service industries. 'For instance, the success of auto motive

exports in Sunderland can facilitate the native economy with native clubs and outlets taking advantage of exaggerated outlay.

Rising exports can facilitate increase AD and cause higher economic process.

ISSN: 2455-2631 © February 2021 IJSDR | Volume 6 Issue 2

IJSDR2102001 International Journal of Scientific Development and Research (IJSDR) www.ijsdr.org 14

A healthy economy is one wherever each exports and imports square measure experiencing growth. This generally

indicates economic strength and a property trade surplus or deficit. If exports square measure growing, however imports have

declined considerable, it should indicate that foreign economies square measure in higher form than the domestic economy.

A healthy economy is one wherever each exports and imports square measure experiencing growth. This generally

indicates economic strength and a property trade surplus or deficit. If exports square measure growing ,however imports have

declined considerable , it should indicate that foreign economies square measure in higher from than the domestic economy.


A blanket exemption in Customs can promote export without having too many complications that plague many of the

export promotion schemes that crowd the columns of policy books.

It helps in rising the communication between the foreign and domestic countries with completely different markets.

The idea is to relieve the goods of the burden of indirect tax. None of the schemes officially gives any subsidy, though

DEPB actually does. WTO permits only zero rating of export goods.

Helps to enhance the productivity and producing activities in an exceedingly equal thanks to method of evaluation.

These schemes however replace other schemes as there is a differences among them such as DEPB or drawback.


So exports is taken as a number one sector and a positive transmitter of economic process and development within the developing

countries. It absolutely was accomplished that export promotion was advantageous as a result of it’d increase the demand of our

output and so ultimately increase the amount of employment. The Government of India has recognized the importance of the arena

within the past and introduced the fight for the national capital merchandise Sector.' This scheme and different government

initiatives and schemes not nominal

MIS is to push exports and therefore the Government through this theme provides incentives and different monetary help to the

Exporters and importers. Significant exporters can even benefit of this provision however its imprudent for those that don’t expect

to manufacture the much or perhaps intend to sell their manufacture nearly entirely within the domestic market ao as to act for this

theme, as that might result in extreme pressure and it’d nearly become impossible-to-fulfill the obligations afterward.

Each business ought to so take this decision rigorously and conjointly not while not a close written analysis of the expected export

quantity. Trade has competed important role in Indian economic development. Throughout country rule, India was importation

finished materials and commerce the raw materials. India exported raw materials within the starting, however later the quantum of

her export modified in step with progress of Foreign Trade.

India has organic process imports and maintenance imports to make up fashionable India. Before Independence, the most exports

were ancient primary merchandise, whereas the producing product recognized the majority of imports. Before independence of

India, India could be a colonial state of British Rule, thus British doesn’t improved and promoted any foreign business activities in

large volumes. era. Deficit has exaggerated considerably over the years. India's Foreign Trade was modified because of devaluation

of rupee in 1949 and 1968.

Total price of exports has recorded quite 300 times throughout the amount type 1950-51 to 2000-01. The agricultural product

registered increasing share in total India's export. Factory made product have improved its share from 35.32% in 1950-51 to 84.65%

m 2000-01. The Government provides varied facilities for import of capital merchandise to facilitate These facilities allows the

exporters to scale back their price of production and become price competitive within the world market place. The employment of

foreign capital merchandise conjointly facilitates manufacture of higher quality product for exports. The impact of those facilities

is mirrored finally within the promotion of exports that is that the main thrust of the EXIM policy 1997-2002.







