Making Sense of Mechanical Vibration Period with Sub-millisecond Accuracy Using Backscatter Signals * Lei Yang *† , Yao Li , Qiongzheng Lin , Xiang-Yang Li , Yunhao Liu * Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Primary Affiliation) School of Information Science and Technology, Tsinghua University (Primary Affiliation) School of Computer Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China {young, yao, lin}@tagsys.org, [email protected], [email protected] ABSTRACT Traditional vibration inspection systems, equipped with separated sensing and communication modules, are either very expensive (e.g., hundreds of dollars) and/or suffer from occlusion and narrow field of view (e.g., laser). In this work, we present an RFID-based so- lution, Tagbeat, to inspect mechanical vibration using COTS RFID tags and readers. Making sense of micro and high-frequency vi- bration using random and low-frequency readings of tag has been a daunting task, especially challenging for achieving sub-millisecond period accuracy. Our system achieves these three goals by discern- ing the change pattern of backscatter signal replied from the tag, which is attached on the vibrating surface and displaced by the vibration within a small range. This work introduces three main innovations. First, it shows how one can utilize COTS RFID to sense mechanical vibration and accurately discover its period with a few periods of short and noisy samples. Second, a new digi- tal microscope is designed to amplify the micro-vibration-induced weak signals. Third, Tagbeat introduces compressive reading to in- spect high-frequency vibration with relatively low RFID read rate. We implement Tagbeat using a COTS RFID device and evaluate it with a commercial centrifugal machine. Empirical benchmarks with a prototype show that Tagbeat can inspect the vibration pe- riod with a mean accuracy of 0.36ms and a relative error rate of 0.03%. We also study three cases to demonstrate how to associate our inspection solution with the specific domain requirements. CCS Concepts Networks Cyber-physical networks; Computer systems organization Embedded and cyber-physical systems; Keywords RFID, Backscatter, Vibration, Sensing, Wireless * This work was conducted at Tsinghua University and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full cita- tion on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or re- publish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected]. MobiCom’16, October 03-07, 2016, New York City, NY, USA c 2016 ACM. ISBN 978-1-4503-4226-1/16/10. . . $15.00 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2973750.2973759 1. INTRODUCTION Vibration is a mechanical phenomenon whereby oscillations oc- cur around an equilibrium point. It incurs a time-based periodic or cyclic displacement of its surface around the point [41]. In many cases, vibration is undesirable and must be observed accurately. For example, rotating machineries nowadays are widely employed in industrial equipment. Their unexpected downtime due to its un- desirable vibrations has become more costly than ever before [25]. Similarly, every building or bridge has a “fundamental frequency” at which it vibrates. The frequency is related to how a structure may respond to forces like wind, or even earthquakes. On the con- trary, vibrations sometimes are useful. For instance, heterogeneous mixtures (e.g., blood samples) are separated into different layers by using a shaker (or a centrifuge machine). A recent interesting application is to modulate packets of information through physical vibrations produced by the motors in mobile phones for near field communication [31, 32]. These applications are from quite differ- ent areas but have a common interest: vibration period (or vibration frequency, equivalently). Traditional approaches for vibration sensing require specialized sensors (e.g., acceleration, velocity or displacement sensor), and most of them are neither non-intrusive nor universal. For example, accelerometers suffer from the issue of frequency-selections. Ve- locity sensors like laser [6] are the best choice for high-resolution and high-speed measurements, but fail in the absence of a line-of- sight to the objects. High-speed cameras may become the third option, but are seldom adopted in industry due to their cost and deployment/usage challenges. Recent work, ART [42], exploited a new way of eavesdropping loudspeaker sounds through wireless vibrometry. However, it is not a universal solution for vibration sensing because it requires an extremely quiet environment. Any neighboring vibrations (e.g., the spinning of fans) would introduce large errors. In this paper, we turn our attentions to a mature technology, RFID, which is evolving as a major technology enabler for iden- tifying and tracking objects all around the world [14, 37, 39, 40]. Many industries are already rapidly attaching RFID tags on their products as a replacement to barcodes. In this work we supplement the RFID communication functionality with fine-grained sensing. The concept underlying making sense of vibration using RFID is to inspect the vibration through the random and low-frequency read- ings of tag, where each reading is viewed as one sampling of the vibration. Specifically, vibration displaces the tag attached on the vibrating surface within a small range, resulting in a regular change pattern of backscatter signals. Tagbeat can reveal the relevant vibra- tion information like frequency or period by discerning such com- munication pattern without specialized sensors. In comparison to

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Making Sense of Mechanical Vibration Period withSub-millisecond Accuracy Using Backscatter Signals ∗

Lei Yang∗†, Yao Li†, Qiongzheng Lin†, Xiang-Yang Li‡, Yunhao Liu†∗Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Primary Affiliation)† School of Information Science and Technology, Tsinghua University (Primary Affiliation)

‡ School of Computer Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China

{young, yao, lin}@tagsys.org, [email protected], [email protected]

ABSTRACTTraditional vibration inspection systems, equipped with separatedsensing and communication modules, are either very expensive (e.g.,hundreds of dollars) and/or suffer from occlusion and narrow fieldof view (e.g., laser). In this work, we present an RFID-based so-lution, Tagbeat, to inspect mechanical vibration using COTS RFIDtags and readers. Making sense of micro and high-frequency vi-bration using random and low-frequency readings of tag has been adaunting task, especially challenging for achieving sub-millisecondperiod accuracy. Our system achieves these three goals by discern-ing the change pattern of backscatter signal replied from the tag,which is attached on the vibrating surface and displaced by thevibration within a small range. This work introduces three maininnovations. First, it shows how one can utilize COTS RFID tosense mechanical vibration and accurately discover its period witha few periods of short and noisy samples. Second, a new digi-tal microscope is designed to amplify the micro-vibration-inducedweak signals. Third, Tagbeat introduces compressive reading to in-spect high-frequency vibration with relatively low RFID read rate.We implement Tagbeat using a COTS RFID device and evaluateit with a commercial centrifugal machine. Empirical benchmarkswith a prototype show that Tagbeat can inspect the vibration pe-riod with a mean accuracy of 0.36ms and a relative error rate of0.03%. We also study three cases to demonstrate how to associateour inspection solution with the specific domain requirements.

CCS Concepts•Networks → Cyber-physical networks; •Computer systemsorganization→ Embedded and cyber-physical systems;

KeywordsRFID, Backscatter, Vibration, Sensing, Wireless∗This work was conducted at Tsinghua University and The HongKong Polytechnic University.

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal orclassroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributedfor profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full cita-tion on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others thanACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or re-publish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permissionand/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected].

MobiCom’16, October 03-07, 2016, New York City, NY, USAc© 2016 ACM. ISBN 978-1-4503-4226-1/16/10. . . $15.00

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2973750.2973759

1. INTRODUCTIONVibration is a mechanical phenomenon whereby oscillations oc-

cur around an equilibrium point. It incurs a time-based periodic orcyclic displacement of its surface around the point [41]. In manycases, vibration is undesirable and must be observed accurately.For example, rotating machineries nowadays are widely employedin industrial equipment. Their unexpected downtime due to its un-desirable vibrations has become more costly than ever before [25].Similarly, every building or bridge has a “fundamental frequency”at which it vibrates. The frequency is related to how a structuremay respond to forces like wind, or even earthquakes. On the con-trary, vibrations sometimes are useful. For instance, heterogeneousmixtures (e.g., blood samples) are separated into different layersby using a shaker (or a centrifuge machine). A recent interestingapplication is to modulate packets of information through physicalvibrations produced by the motors in mobile phones for near fieldcommunication [31, 32]. These applications are from quite differ-ent areas but have a common interest: vibration period (or vibrationfrequency, equivalently).

Traditional approaches for vibration sensing require specializedsensors (e.g., acceleration, velocity or displacement sensor), andmost of them are neither non-intrusive nor universal. For example,accelerometers suffer from the issue of frequency-selections. Ve-locity sensors like laser [6] are the best choice for high-resolutionand high-speed measurements, but fail in the absence of a line-of-sight to the objects. High-speed cameras may become the thirdoption, but are seldom adopted in industry due to their cost anddeployment/usage challenges. Recent work, ART [42], exploiteda new way of eavesdropping loudspeaker sounds through wirelessvibrometry. However, it is not a universal solution for vibrationsensing because it requires an extremely quiet environment. Anyneighboring vibrations (e.g., the spinning of fans) would introducelarge errors.

In this paper, we turn our attentions to a mature technology,RFID, which is evolving as a major technology enabler for iden-tifying and tracking objects all around the world [14, 37, 39, 40].Many industries are already rapidly attaching RFID tags on theirproducts as a replacement to barcodes. In this work we supplementthe RFID communication functionality with fine-grained sensing.The concept underlying making sense of vibration using RFID is toinspect the vibration through the random and low-frequency read-ings of tag, where each reading is viewed as one sampling of thevibration. Specifically, vibration displaces the tag attached on thevibrating surface within a small range, resulting in a regular changepattern of backscatter signals. Tagbeat can reveal the relevant vibra-tion information like frequency or period by discerning such com-munication pattern without specialized sensors. In comparison to

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(a) Anemometer

Test tube



(b) Centrifugation


Ground truth

(c) Car engine

Figure 1: Applications of Tagbeat. Tagbeat measures wind speedfreely, monitors the shaking of blood samples in high-speed cen-trifuge, and troubleshoots auto engine.

existing vibration sensors, RFID-based vibration sensing offers anappealing alternative, with the advantages of being cost-effectiveand applicable to occluded and non-line-of-sight objects, e.g., in-specting chemical tubes in a centrifuge machine. Moreover, theRFID tag contains the object ID, enabling the system to automati-cally associate the vibration with the particular vibration object.

In this paper, we present Tagbeat to make sense of vibration us-ing COTS RFID. Our objective is to enable universal solution thatis low-cost, battery-free and non-intrusive. While vibration inspec-tion is conceptually simple, performing it without objectionable ar-tifacts requires considerable rigorous design. First, most displace-ments induced from daily vibration (e.g., shaking of auto engine)are extremely tiny, making the vibration signal hard to be well-perceived. The mobile tag is usually randomly read for about 40times per second on average. Even more challenging is that suchrelatively low read rate (i.e., 40Hz) is far less than the vibration fre-quency, leading to sub-Nyquist sampling. Third, it is well knownthat backscatter signal measurement is affected by noise at the re-ceiver side. How to quickly derive a definite and accurate vibrationfrequency from a few discrete and noisy samples remains challeng-ing.

The COTS RFID reader (e.g., ImpinJ R420) supports millidegreeresolution as well as microsecond-level timing accuracy in detect-ing the phase of the received backscatter signals. These two fea-tures offer an opportunity to resolve the vibration period with highaccuracy. We discern the vibration period through the changes ofphase. To this end, we design a group of novel signal processingalgorithms to tackle above challenges. First, we introduce a newtype of digital ‘microscope’ for micro-vibration in §3, which usesa special technique of signal processing to amplify the phase val-ues. Second, recent advances inspire us to deal with the aliasingchallenge using compressive sampling (CS). Unlike past CS-basedsystems, which need schedule sampling with a prepared plan, wevirtually construct measurement matrix and sampling results after-wards via existing readings of tag, without any modification onlow-layer of COTS readers (see §4). We take advantage of the in-herent randomness in RFID reading time to design a compressivereading. Third, we design RF Folding (see §5) to quickly searchvibration period even given a few periods of noisy samples, andfurther enhance the correlation at correct period stochastically.

Summary of Results: In comparison to existing solutions, Tag-beat is relatively cheap and does not require heavy instrumentationof the environment. It naturally solves the object recognition prob-lem by using the unique ID stored in the RFID tag. We built a

prototype of Tagbeat using a COTS reader equipped with one di-rectional antenna (see §6). We used our prototype to inspect thespinning (i.e., a controllable case of vibration) of a centrifuge ma-chine in our micro benchmarks (see §7). Our experiments lead tothe following findings:• Tagbeat can exactly recover the signal of high-frequency vibra-

tion feeding with over 1-second samples. In LOS scenario, the pe-riod error of the recovered vibration signal has the 50th percentileof 0ms and the 90th percentile of 0.5ms. Tagbeat also achievesa mean error of 0.36ms over different RPMs. On average, therelative error rate (i.e., the ratio of the error to the true period) ofTagbeat is 0.03%, while that of Laser meter is 0.01%. Such sur-prisingly high accuracy makes Tagbeat a competent equivalent ofspecialized sensors.• Tagbeat can discover the vibration period with a mean error

of 1.56ms when given 3 periods of discrete and noisy samples.Increasing the number of samples to more than 4 periods, it canrapidly reduce the mean period error to 0.011ms.• Tagbeat can successfully amplify the micro-vibration with 1cm-

radius by 20× while keeping the period error within 0.5ms.Case Study. We also study three cases shown in Fig. 1 to asso-

ciate Tagbeat’ inspection solution with the specific domain knowl-edge (refer to §8). The first case demonstrates how to freely mea-sure the wind speed, breaking the limitations of power and cables.The second case utilizes Tagbeat to track blood samples in real-time, which are being shaken by a high-speed (i.e., 6, 000 RPM)centrifuge machine. Lastly, we attempt to troubleshoot our autoengine through its vibration.

Contributions: Tagbeat is the first RFID-based system that makessense of mechanical vibration within sub-millisecond accuracy us-ing tag’s backscatter signals. It solves a practical problem for vibra-tion related domains, which need inspection method that is highlyaccurate, cost-effective, and capable of dealing with occlusion. Tag-beat introduces a group of novel signal processing algorithms, whichare almost immune to most negative impacts (e.g., from diversity,noise, multipath effect and Doppler effect), without the need ofideal communication model. Furthermore, we implement and eval-uate the prototype with micro benchmarks and case studies, demon-strating the practicality and effectiveness of our design.

2. OVERVIEWTagbeat is an RFID-based universal solution for inspecting vi-

bration frequency of any objects. Although we present the systemin the context of spinning in most of the time, Tagbeat’s techniquecould be applied to any modalities of vibrations, like shaking ofbridge and car engine.

2.1 System ScopeThe ultimate purpose of vibration inspection is application-dependent.

For example, engineers inspect the vibrations of engine for auto-mobile diagnose, or architects want to know the fundamental fre-quency how a building responds. Since our goal is to provide auniversal service for various upper applications, we mainly con-centrate on their common interest, vibration period or vibrationfrequency, in this paper. How to associate our service with thepurpose of the application will be demonstrated in §8. Generallyspeaking, vibration is a mechanical phenomenon whereby oscil-lations occur about one equilibrium point. In context of multipleequilibrium points, we could treat all vibrations as if they camefrom a single virtual point, thanks to the linear superposition ofmechanical waves.

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T 0


Vibrating source

�(t) ⇡ �r(1� cos(2⇡fvt))


Figure 2: Vibration model.

Time(s)0 5 10 15 20











(a) d0 = 560cm

Time(s)0 5 10 15 20











(b) d0 = 540cm

Time(s)0 5 10 15 20











(c) d0 = 520cm

Figure 3: Vibration signal acquired with different distances.

2.2 Problem FormulationWe leverage the periodic changes of backscatter signal to fea-

ture the target’s vibration. Backscatter signal is composed of twometrics, amplitude and phase. We treat the phase resolved fromthe received backscatter signals as the vibration signal for two rea-sons. First, the amplitude of signal is notably distorted due to mul-tipath effect and has a terrible resolution. Second, most COTSRFID products support milli-degree resolution and microsecond-level timing accuracy in the detecting the phase of the receivedbackscatter signals [43], such that anymm-level and instant move-ment of tag can trigger a change on phase value. Thus, we frameour problem as follows:

PROBLEM 1. Given a sequence of measured phase values, {θ[t1],θ[t2], · · · , θ[tN ]}, with the length of N , how to find out the vibra-tion period Tv such that θ[t] = θ[t+ Tv]?

The vibration period and fundamental frequency are denoted as Tvand fv respectively. They are equivalent, i.e., fv = 1/Tv . Thestandard unit of frequency is Hz. However, mechanical engineerswould love to represent vibration or rotation in the unit of RPM(Revolution Per Minute) where 1Hz = 60RPM. Following theirpractices, we sometimes also express the vibration in RPM. In ad-dition, the reader is required to remain motionless for few secondsduring the measurement to avoid the errors incurred by its move-ment like other vibration method (e.g., laser).

2.3 Solution SketchIn this paper, we propose a holistic solution, Tagbeat, to address

the vibration problem. Querying the RFID tag attached to the vi-brating surface continuously, at a high level Tagbeat goes throughthe following three main steps:•Magnifying micro-vibration: Tagbeat magnifies the tiny vibra-

tion signal induced from micro-vibration, using the technique in §3,if the amplitude of the vibration signal is less than a small thresh-old.• Recovering vibration signal: Tagbeat recovers the vibration

signal using compressive reading with few samples, as described in§4.• Discovering vibration period: Finally, Tagbeat discovers the

fundamental vibration period from the recovered signal (see §5).The next few sections elaborate on the above steps, providing the

technical details.

3. MAGNIFYING MICRO-VIBRATIONIn most of the time, the displacements induced from routine vi-

bration are within a few centimeters, making the changes of backscat-ter signal too small to be perceived. This section introduces a newtype of digital ‘microscope’, a microscope for vibrations.

3.1 Vibration-induced BackscatteringPassive RFID system communicates using a backscatter radio

link. The tag with no battery equipped, purely harvests energy fromthe reader’s signal. The tag modulates its ID on the backscattersignal using ON-OFF keying [20].

Modeling vibration. To intuitively understand vibration, weshow a basic geometric model in Fig. 2. The tag is attached onthe position B and the vibration source is at position O. The dis-tance r from vibration source to the tag is called as vibration ra-dius. When vibrating with the surface, the tag follows a typicalsimple harmonic motion, which can be typified by the motion of amass on a spring. Define δ(t) to be the displacement of the tag withrespect to the reader, then displacement model can be given by:

δ(t) ≈ βr(1− cos(2πfvt)) (1)

where fv is the vibration frequency and β is a constant coefficient.Notice, we treat the spinning (i.e., β = 1) as an extreme case ofvibration, whose displacement is between 0 and 2r. Spinning isalso an easily controllable modality of vibration so that we will testour solution most of the time using such vibration.

Phase of backscatter signal. The phase is a common parametersupported by COTS readers, which employ preamble correlationfor acquiring and tracking carrier signal [22]. Let d0 be the distancefrom equilibrium point B to reader R. Then the phase shift duringvibration can be expressed as:

θ(t) =

(2(d0 + δ(t))

λ× 2π + c0

)mod 2π (2)

where c0 denotes the constant phase shift introduced by the hard-ware [22, 43]. Notice the total distance is 2(d0 + δ(t)) becausethe signal traverses a double distance back and forth in backscattercommunication. Substituting Eqn. 1 into Eqn. 2,

θ(t) ≈ φ0 −4πβr

λcos(2πfvt) mod 2π (3)

where φ0 = 4πλ

(d0 + βr) + c0 is the initial phase. From theequation, we see that the vibration signal is a cosine signal.

To visually figure out what the vibration-induced backscatter sig-nal looks like, we show a sequence of phase in Fig. 3, which is ac-quired from a tag attached on a turntable with vibration frequencyof 2.8Hz (see §7 for details). In experiment, our empirical studiestestify that a COTS reader has a mean read rate of 40 (i.e., with sam-pling frequency of 40Hz). Fig. 3(a) shows the phase sequence inthe time domain when d0 = 560cm. We observe a close-to-perfectrepresentation of the vibration signal agreeing with our model. Itis a perfect cosine curve as we expected. Decreasing d0 to 540cm,the sequence is segmented into upper and lower parts due to thefunction of mod, as shown in Fig. 3(b). If we continue to reduced0, the lower sequence successively increases while the upper one

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Time(ms)1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000











1# 1.5# 2.5# 3.5# 4.5# 5.5#

Original signal

(a) Feasibility

Time(ms)200 400 600 800 1000 1200














1cm-vibration 3cm-vibration 3#1cm-vibration

(b) Effectiveness

Figure 4: Illustration of magnification. (a) shows the originaltiny vibration signal and the amplified ones. (b) plots the virtuallyand physically amplified vibration signal.

decreases (see Fig. 3(c)). However, the one merged from these twoparts is still as same as the one shown in Fig. 3(a).

3.2 Magnifying Tiny Vibration SignalTagbeat bootstraps its algorithm to deal with tiny vibration sig-

nal induced from the micro-vibration. We say a vibration signal istiny when its amplitude follows within a small defined range (e.g.,0.3 radians). Recalling our purpose is to look for the vibrationfrequency and period, our magnification algorithm cannot changethem.

Rational behind. Revisiting Fig. 2, the displacement highly de-pends on the vibration radius (i.e., the distance from source to tag).Intuitively, moving tag far away from the vibration source (i.e., in-creasing vibration radius) could make the tag move in a larger rangeand could increase displacements. This can be also explained usingEqn. 1, which implies that δ(t) is approximately proportion to ther. Therefore, our strategy is to increase the vibration radius from rto αr where α is called as amplification factor (α > 1).

Unfortunately, many practical constraints do not allow us to phys-ically adjust the tag’s position. We need to find a way to virtuallyextend the vibration radius. To facilitate our analysis, we removethe mod operation from the Eqn. 3:

θ(t) = φ0 −4πβr

λcos(2πfvt) (4)

The removal is reasonable because the tiny vibration cannot makephase value greater than 2π. Even when the initial phase (w.r.t.θ(t) = φ0) is close to 0 or 2π, we could adjust the reader’s po-sition to obtain a continuous phase sequence. Following Taylor’stheorem, we can expand Eqn. 4:

θ(t) = θ(0) +θ1(t)



2!t2 + · · · (5)

= θ(0) + βr


λsin(2πfvt) +


2!λcos(2πfvt) + · · ·


where θ(n) is the nth order derivative. The first term θ(0) =

φ0 − 4πβrλ

, which is the Direct Constant (DC) component. Wedo not care about DC component since it does not affect the peri-odicity. LetB(t) be the reminder after filtering the DC component.Namely,

B(t) = βr


λsin(2πfvt) +


2!λcos(2πfvt) + · · ·


The above equation implies that B(t) is also proportional to r, soamplifying r by α is equivalent to amplifying B(t) by α. Let B(t)be the amplified non-DC component, which is given by:

B(t) = αβr


λsin(2πfvt) +


2!λcos(2πfvt) + · · ·

)= αB(t) (7)

Now, we put our thoughts together to show our methodology:

α× θ(t)⇒ α× δ(t)⇒ α× r ⇒ α×B(t)

Magnification methodology. We firstly filter out non-DC com-ponent B(t) by a DC filter from original signal θ(t) as well asobtain the DC term θ(0) = θ(t) − B(t). Given an amplificationfactor α, the amplified signal θ(t) can be calculated as follows:

θ(t) = θ(0) + B(t) = θ(t)−B(t) + αB(t)

= θ(t) + (α− 1)B(t) mod 2π (8)

The amplified phase value may be beyond [0, 2π], so we add theoperation of mod to wrap the amplified phase, enabling the resultwithin a reasonable range.

Fig. 4(a) shows a tiny vibration signal, whose amplitude is within0.8 radians. The tiny signal is amplified by 1.5× ∼ 5.5×. It iseasy to validate that the vibration period remains unchanged eventhe signal is magnified by 7.5×. This is understandable becauseTagbeat never changes the harmonic frequencies in Eqn. 6. It isworth noting that there exists small sawtooth when zooming in thecurve, due to the side-effect of magnification that noise is amplifiedtoo. We will discuss how to choose an appropriate α in §7. Further,we also conduct the second experiment in which we acquire vibra-tion signals from 1cm- and 3cm-vibration (i.e., r = 1cm, 3cm).Meanwhile, we amplify the signal of 1cm-vibration by 3×. Thesethree vibration signals are shown in Fig. 4(b). In theory, the ra-dius of 3cm-vibration is 3× than that of 1cm-vibration, so 3cm-vibration-induced signal should be the same as 3× signal of 1cm-vibration-induced. From the figure, we see the two signals matcheach other well as expect.

4. RECOVERING VIBRATION SIGNALAs will soon become clear, the samples fail to represent the orig-

inal vibration signal due to frequency aliasing. We must recoverthe vibration signal before discovering its period. This sectionstarts out with the sampling fundamentals and two important in-sights about RFID reading. Finally, we delve into the details ofcompressive reading for high-frequency vibration.

4.1 Sampling FundamentalsThe sampling is the process of converting a continuous domain

signal into a set of discrete samples in a manner that allows toapproximately represent or exactly reconstruct the original signalfrom the discrete samples. First of all, let’s briefly review two dif-ferent sampling techniques.

Nyquist sampling. The most fundamental principle on sam-pling is the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem, which states that

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Frequency (Hz)5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100








(a) Sparse spectrum

Read Time(ms)0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000




(b) Random reading

Figure 5: Two observations. (a) shows the spectrum of a periodicvibration signal. (b) shows the sequence of read time where eachbar indicates the time when the tag is read.

when a continuous domain signal is band-limited to [0, fmax], onecan exactly recover the band-limited signal by just observing dis-crete samples of the signal at a sampling rate fs which is greaterthan 2fmax. The spectrum of the sampled signal s(t) is copied andshifted every fs in the Fourier domain. Since fs > 2fmax, thecopied versions are isolated well so that one version can be sepa-rated for reconstructing the signal. Otherwise, the copied versionsare aliased, making the reconstruction erroneous.

Compressive Sampling. Intuitively, inadequate uniform sam-pling rate makes the instances of sampling in every cycle are identi-cal, so these repeated instances are useless. Recent advances in thefield of compressive sampling (or called compressive sensing) havedeveloped reliable recovery algorithms for inferring sparse repre-sentations if one can randomly measure arbitrary linear combina-tions of the signal, then the signal could be reliably reconstructedthrough solving a l1 optimization problem.

4.2 Two ObservationsNowadays, a modern COTS RFID reader has the ability of 40

readings per second on average, offering a sampling frequency of40Hz. According to the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem, Tag-beat is able to monitor the vibration signal with a frequency oflower than 20Hz, which is apparently insufficient for most casesin daily life. Can we break the limitation of Nyquist-Shannon to in-spect the high-frequency vibration? In order to explain the intuitionbehind our work, we firstly observe the following two facts:

OBSERVATION 1 (SPARSE SPECTRUM). A vibration signalis a periodic signal, which has a maximum of 2K + 1 nonzeroFourier coefficients. Thus, it has a very sparse representation inthe Fourier domain.

Vibration is a kind of simple harmonic motion thereby its signalis a periodic signal. We assume that the vibration keeps its fun-damental frequency in a short time or only one fundamental fre-quency dominates its vibration each time. It is well known that anyperiodic signal with fundamental frequency fv can be expanded asa linear combination of phasors via the exponential Fourier series,namely,

s(t) =



(a) (b)

· · ·

· · ·

· · ·




y = �

Signal ModelMeasurement Model

y = �s = � �1S


No read



1st frame

�1s· · · · · · ·

· · · · · · ·· · · · · · · ·

2nd frame· · · · · · · · · · ·· · · · · · · · · · ·

M ⇥N N ⇥N N ⇥ 1N ⇥ 1

M-th frame



Figure 6: Illustration of compressive reading. It involves twocomponents, signal model and measurement model.

where kfv is the kth harmonic frequency of the fundamental, akrepresents the coefficient of the kth, and Kfv corresponds to themaximum nonzero harmonic frequency. It can been seen that a pe-riodic signal is composed of 2K + 1 harmonic signals. Althoughthe signal is not sparse at all in its time domain, it is more compactand sparse in Fourier domain. Fig. 5(a) illustrates a spectrum exam-ple of a vibration signal, which can be represented with 5 nonzerocoefficients in the Fourier domain.

OBSERVATION 2 (RANDOM READING). COTS reader ran-domly read tag, offering an inherent random sampling.

COTS RFID readers adopt Q-adaptive anti-collision algorithm[2], which is a variant of ALOHA algorithm. Specifically, thereader divides the time into small slots and allows tag to randomlypick up a slot to backscatter its ID. Fig. 5(b) shows the 5-secondreading trace captured in a COTS RFID system consisting of oneImpinJ reader [4] and one Alien tag [1]. We cannot find any spe-cific pattern via visual inspection. We perform the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (KS-test) to study their randomness. We find that theread time is verified to follow a uniform distribution with 0.5 sig-nificant level. Overall, we can believe the tag is read at a randomtime point, offering an inherent random sampling of the vibrationsignal. Such random sampling is able to ensure a set of samplinginstances for any two cycles to be different. As long as sufficientsamples are obtained, it is possible to recover the periodic signal.

4.3 Compressive ReadingInspired by the previous two observations, Tagbeat attempts to

recover the vibration signal using compressive sampling. We callthis process compressive reading, which contains two key tasks:(1) projecting the time-domain vibration signal into Fourier domainfor a compressible and sparse representation. (2) constructing themeasurement matrix to schedule the sampling. A diagram of thecompressive reading is shown in Fig. 6. The input is a sequenceof two-tuples, {< t1, θ[t1] >,< t2, θ[t2], . . . , < tN , θ[tn] >},where θ[tn] is the phase value read at time tn.

Modeling vibration signal. The compressive sampling requiresthe recovering signal to be very sparse. Observation 1 suggeststhat vibration signal has a very sparse representation in the Fourierdomain. However, the phase sequence may be cut into several sub-sequences due to the operation of mod (see Fig. 3(c)). The dis-continuous signal goes against the analysis in frequency domain.To remove the mod operation, we redefine our vibration signal bytaking sin of θ(t) and denote it as s[t]. Namely,

s[t] = sin(θ[t]) (9)

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Apparently, s(t + Tv) = sin(θ(t + Tv)) = sin(θ(t)) = s(t), sos(t) has the same period as original phase sequence 1. Based ondiscrete Fourier transform, we have

S[k] =N∑n=1

s[n]e−J 2πN

(k−1)(n−1) =


s[n]W(k−1)(n−1)N (10)

where WN = e−J 2πN and n, k = 1, 2, . . . , N . Correspondingly,

the vibration signal can be transformed to Fourier representationwith Ψ as follows:

S = Ψs or s = Ψ−1S (11)

where N × N matrix Ψ is the Fourier basis and S is the sparsecoefficient vector in Fourier domain. As the right side of Fig. 6shows, the vibration signal s can be represented in a sparse N -dimensional coefficient vector S.

Modeling measurement. The second task is to construct mea-surement matrix Φ. Existing CS systems create measurement ma-trix in advance and schedule the sampling based on the matrix.This fashion does not work in our scenario, because Tagbeat lever-ages COTS RFID system to sample the vibration. We can nei-ther make any modification nor access low-level layer to sched-ule COTS reader. It is also impossible to command COTS tag toreply at a specific timing like proposed in [38]. The inherent ran-dom reading shown in Observation 2 reveals an opportunity forcompressive sampling via its own inherent randomness. Harvest-ing this opportunity however requires more than simply aggregat-ing the reading results. Unlike the past systems, Tagbeat constructsthe measurement matrix and sampling results based on the existingreadings afterwards instead of making them beforehand.

We discretize the total read time into N basic time slots, {t1,t2, . . . , tN}, at millisecond level. Each reading (or sampling) onlyoccurs within a time slot. The left side of Fig. 6 illustrates thestructure of matrix Φ. The matrix contains M × N elements andeach row corresponds to the timeline from t1 to tN . We aggregateQ time slots into a read frame. Each row involves one read frameand the adjacent frames are staggered in two different rows. In thisway, there are totallyM = dN/Qe frames and rows. Formally, themth read frame starts at the ((m− 1)Q+ 1)th time slot and endsat the (mQ)th time slot in themth row. The elements in the matrixare set to 0 (e.g., blank grid) or 1 (e.g., green grid). If Φ[m,n] = 1,it implies that the tag was read at the nth time slot and within themth frame. Otherwise, Φ[m,n] = 0 implies that the tag was notread in the nth time slot or the nth slot is beyond the mth frame.Let N × 1 dimension vector y be the measurement result. Theelement y[m] is the aggregated result of the mth frame, which isdefined as follows:

y[m] =


Φ[m,n]s[n] (12)

Since Φ[m,n] is either 0 or 1, y[m] is actually the sum of thevalues of the vibration signal sampled in the mth frame. Overall,the measurement model can be given by:

y = Φs+ η (13)

1If T is the period of θ(T ), i.e., θ(t + T ) = θ(t), then T is alsothe period of sin(θ(T )) because sin(θ(t+T )) = sin(t). However,nT can be also the period of sin(θ(t)) because sin(θ(t+ nT )) =sin(θ(T )). It might mistakenly think nT to be the period of θ(T ).In fact, nT is indeed a period of θ(T ) but not the minimum pe-riod. We could brute-forcing probe nT/2, nT/3, · · · to find outthe minimum period. The lower bound period is 1ms.

where η represents the measurement noise. Notice that the secondTagbeat’s difference from the past CS systems is that the measure-ment result y is virtually aggregated based on the existing readingsrather than physically produced by the media, allowing us to re-cover the signal without physical control of the reader.

Putting Things Together: Putting together the signal and mea-surement models, we have

y = Φs+ η = ΦΨ−1S + η (14)

Recovery of the periodic vibration signal in Fourier representationamounts to solving the linear system of Eqn. 14. In the equation,Ψ is the general Fourier basis and known in advance. Φ is thebinary measurement matrix constructed with the read time. y is thesampling vector calculated using the under-sampled results. Theframe size Q is a user-defined parameter.

Since we discretize the read time at ms-level, the minimum re-solvable granularity Tagbeat can achieve is 1ms in theory. In otherwords, Tagbeat could inspect the vibrations with a maximum vibra-tion frequency of 1KHz (or 60, 000 RPM). We believe such highfrequency is sufficient for major applications because our majorgoal is to inspect the mechanical vibrations in our daily life. Forexample, the fast medical centrifugal machine in hospital has amaximum RPM of 21, 000. The engine of Tesla Model S couldspin at 16, 000 RPM at most. The voiced speech of a typical adultmale has a fundamental frequency from 85 to 180Hz, and that of afemale from 166 to 255Hz [35]. All of them are far less than ourupper bound.

4.4 Reconstructing Vibration SignalThere are only K nonzero elements in S (i.e., S is K-sparse).

The number of nonzero elements as well as their positions in Sare unknown. A striking result in compressive sampling is that itis still possible to recover S with high probability by solving thefollowing l1 optimization problem:

S = arg minS‖S‖1 s.t. y = ΦΨ−1S (15)

where ‖ · ‖1(2) is the l1- (or l2-) norm. However, the signals arealways measured with noise (denoted by η in Eqn. 14), the recon-struction would be achieved in practice by solving a relaxed l1-minimization problem:

S = minS‖S‖1 s.t.

{‖y −ΦΨ−1S‖2 < ε

−1 ≤ S ≤ 1(16)

The ε is a predefined error threshold. It has been shown that theabove l1-minimization problem can be resolved with linear pro-gramming technique [21]. There is numerous on-going work look-ing for low-complexity reconstruction techniques in order to reducethe cost of computing when N is too large. However, this topic isout of our scope. In addition, we add one more condition that thevalue of S should be in [−1, 1], because we take sin of the phase.

Compressive sampling theory tells that a K-sparse signal can bereconstructed from M measurements if M satisfies the followingcondition [18]: M ≥ b ·µ2(Φ,Ψ) ·K · logN where b is a positiveconstant, and µ(Φ,Ψ) is the coherence between measurement ma-trix Φ and representation basis Ψ. The coherence metric measuresthe largest correlation between any two element of Φ and Ψ, is de-fined as: µ(Φ,Ψ) =

√N · max1≤i,j≤N |〈φi, ψj〉|. Based on the

above equation, we can see that the smaller the coherence betweenΦ and Ψ is, the less measurements are needed to reconstruct thesignal. Thanks to the inherent randomness in RFID reading time,

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Time(ms)0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100











Original Recovery Samples

Figure 7: The reconstructed vibration signal. The signal can besampled less than three times on average in each cycle (i.e., 8/3),but the recovered signal is almost as same as the original signal.

we can approximately consider that the measurement matrix is ran-domly generated. Thus, Φ is a random matrix. It has been shownthat a random Φ is largely incoherent with any fixed representationbasis Ψ, and M = 3K ∼ 4K is usually sufficient.

An example of vibration signal and its recovery using compres-sive reading is shown in Fig. 7. The fundamental frequency of thevibration signal equals 33Hz ( Tv ≈ 33ms). In our experiment, wesetN = 5, 000,Q = 5, andK = 10. We see that the signal can besampled less than three times on average in each cycle (i.e., 8/3),but the recovered signal is almost as same as the original signal.

4.5 Achieving Continuous SpectrumThe fundamental vibration frequency may be time-variant. Some-

times, the upper applications are interested in frequency distribu-tions over time (e.g., troubleshooting auto engine). Tagbeat canachieve continuous spectrum by sliding a window function, whichis nonzero for only a short period of time, over the original vibra-tion signal. Mathematically, this is written as:

s[n] =


s[n]w[n− w] (17)

where w[n] is the window function, commonly a Gaussian windowcentered around zero. For example, we monitor the spectrum of aturntable with dynamic vibration frequencies. In the experiment,we firstly start the device and immediately adjust its vibration from0 RPM to maximum (2, 000 RPM). We then slowly decrease the vi-bration to 1, 000 RPM (16Hz), and finally change it back to 2, 000RPM again. Tagbeat uses the above approach to obtain its contin-uous spectrum, as shown in Fig. 8. From the figure, we can ob-serve two apparent stages as we performed. The frequency quicklyreaches to 33Hz and then swings between 16Hz and 33Hz, whichfully fits our operations. This example shows Tagbeat is able tomonitor time-varying vibration.

4.6 Discussion on PracticalityWith respect to the practicality of compressive reading, some

issues are worth noting:• Impact of diversity: The diversity (i.e., c0 in Eqn. 3) stems

from the varieties of hardware, imposing impact on the measuredphase [22, 43, 44]. Fortunately, the diversity term keeps constantfor a particular pair of reader and tag [44]. It only affects the initialphase φ0 instead of the periodicity of θ(t), while compressive read-ing is independent on the initial phase. Thus, Tagbeat is immune tothe hardware diversity.• Impact of thermal noise: It is well known that backscatter

Time (s)0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160



cy (












Start turnable Adjust RPM

Figure 8: Achieving continuous spectrum. The continuous spec-trum recovered from time-varying vibration.

signal measurement is affected by noise at the receiver side. Weintroduce l2 norm to tolerant the noise as described in Eqn. 16.Thus, Tagbeat has the ability to combat with the thermal noise.After conducting many simulation tests, we find that Tagbeat failsto recovery the signal when the standard deviation of the phasevalue is beyond 0.7 radians. Our empirical experiments show thatthe actual standard deviation is usually less than 0.1 radians. Thus,Tagbeat is highly noise-tolerant.• Impact of multipath and Doppler effect: The signals propa-

gating along different paths overlap together, making the receivedbackscatter signal seriously distorted. Actually, compressive read-ing is independent on any specific communication model like de-scribed in Eqn. 3. Tagbeat can recover any distorted signal based ona simple assumption that the backscatter signal remains the samewhen it is emitted from the same position where the tag repeatedlyarrives. In fact, the distortion of backscatter signal due to multipatheffect (or Doppler effect) benefits to identifying its period, becauseit would be able to break the signal’s symmetry (see §7 for morediscussions). Similar to the multipath, Tagbeat is also independenton Doppler effect. Thus, Tagbeat is also immune to both multipatheffect and Doppler effect.

5. DISCOVERING VIBRATION PERIODAfter recovering the vibration signal, Tagbeat needs to discover

its vibration period. Since we have reconstructed the coefficientvector S in Fourier domain, the naive approach is to obtain thefundamental frequency by calculating the greatest common divisorof all the harmonic frequencies ∈ S. As we will show in §7, suchnaive method however has a very bad accuracy (> 100ms) becausethe result could easily fly away due to noisy frequencies.

Estimating the fundamental frequency has received a lot of at-tentions in speech processing [15, 28]. The popular one is to fastfold (or auto-correlate) the time-domain signal such that the foldinginputting with correct period hypothesis spikes at the positions ofthe multiple of the fundamental period [27, 34, 46]. Fast folding isa general algorithm looking for the period of a signal. It can be ap-plied to any periodic signal, but needs to wait for dozens of periodsof samples to derive the correct period. For us, it is not fast enoughto look for the period of vibration signal in real-time. Recallingthat our vibration signal is the phase sequence, we can utilize thecharacteristic of radio signal to accelerate the folding. Suppose wehave reversed the phase sequence (i.e., arcsin(s[t]) ) from the re-covered signal and denote it as {θ[1], θ[2], . . . , θ[N ]}, our foldingis defined as follows. Given an assumed period of T , the foldingdivides the phase sequence into L sub-sequences, each of whichhas T elements, where L = bN/T c. They are denoted as {Θ1,Θ2, . . . , ΘL}. It further superimposes these L sub-sequences in

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(a) Dashboard (b) Recovered signal

Figure 9: Tagbeat user interface. The user can adjust parametersand view the recovered vibration signal in real-time through theuser interface we have developed.

an element-wise fashion as follows:

FT [t] =1



wl[t]eJ(Θl[t]−µ[t]) (18)

where µ[t] = 1


∑Ll=1 Θl[t]

∆Θl[t] = µ[t]−Θl[t]

wl[t] = 2F (| sin(∆Θl[t]|); 0, 0.009)

In particular, | · | and F(x;µ, σ) denote the abstract operation andthe cumulative probability function. Next, we progressively explainthe above definition.

RF Folding. The RF folding’s key difference from fast foldingis the way of superimposition, i.e., the definition of FT [t], wherebyvirtual interfered signals are constructed and superimposed. Weuse eJΘl[t] to denote the measured RF signal in complex represen-tation with the measured phase and unit amplitude. Our basic ideais to interfere the measured RF signal with the theoretical one. If allmeasured signals conform with the theoretical signal, the interferedsignals will reinforce each other. The key question is: how do weknow the theoretical signal? Since our approach is independent onany specific geometric model, it is impossible to get theoretical sig-nal by assuming tag’s position like proposed in [43]. Fortunately,the law of large numbers states that the sample mean convergesto the distribution expectation as the sample size increases. Thus,we use the mean of phase values to approximate their expectation,namely, µ[t] = 1


∑Ll=1 Θl[t], where µ[t] denotes the expectation

of the tth phase value over L sub-sequences.Enhanced RF Folding. To enhance the superimposition at the

correct period, we assign a weight wl[t] for each interfered signal.wl[t] equals cumulative probability of (Θl[t] − µ[t]). However,we observe a phenomenon, called as singularity, that when the ex-pected value is close to 0 or 2π, the instance may be far away fromthis expectation due to the function of mod, leading to their subtrac-tion beyond the reasonable variance. For example, if µ[t] = 6.279and Θm[t] = 6.30 mod 2π = 0.0168. Actually, the instance6.30 follows within the variance (i.e., σ = 0.1), but their differ-ence ∆Θm[t] = 6.26� σ is far beyond its variance. To deal withthis issue, we take sine of the difference so that the mod could beremoved. We know that phase value follows Gaussian distribution,i.e., ∆Θl[t] ∼ N (0, 0.1), so sin(∆Θl[t]) ∼ N (0, 0.009) basedon Lemma 1 (We omit the proof due to space limit.). Finally, ifthe folding happens to divide and align these sub-signals with thetrue period, the superimposing reinforces each other and make theaverage energy of final superimposed signal maximum. Namely,the correct periods must yield the maximum average energy of thesuperimposed signal.

LEMMA 1. If the random variable θ ∼ N (0, σ), then sin(θ)follows Gaussian distribution withE(sin(θ)) = 0 andD(sin(θ)) =12(1− e−2σ2




Reflective markerr




Figure 10: Experimental setup. An RFID tag and an infrared-reflective marker are attached on a turntable which is remade from amiddle-sized centrifuge machine. They are respectively monitoredby RFID antenna and laser meter (for ground truth) installed on thetop.

6. IMPLEMENTATIONWe built a prototype of Tagbeat using ImpinJ Reader [4] and the

Alien tags [1].Hardware: We adopt an ImpinJ Speedway R420 reader (for

China region, firmware version is without any hard-ware or software modification. The reader is compatible with EPCGen2 standard. The whole RFID system operates in the 920 ∼ 925MHz band. The reader is connected to host through the wirelessnetwork (TCP/IP). It has local clock and attaches a timestamp foreach tag read. We adopt the timestamp provided by the reader in-stead of the received time as the timing measurement to calculatethe phase values, in order to eliminate the influence of network la-tency. One reader antenna with circular polarization manufacturedby Yeon technology [12] is employed to provide≥ 8dB gain in twodirections. Four types of tags from Alien Corp [1], modeled Glint,2× 2, Square, and HiScan are employed.

Software: We adopt Impinj LLRP Tool Kit (LTK) [7] to com-municate with the reader. ImpinJ reader extends this protocol forsupporting the phase report. The client software is implemented us-ing Java (for network connection) and Matlab (for signal process-ing). In our experiment, we run the software at a MacBook Pro,equipped with 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 and 16 G memory. To betterunderstand Tagbeat, we also develop a friendly user interface withthe web frameworks of Bootstrap and AngularJS, as illustrated inFig. 9.

Open source: All benchmark samples, source codes and runnableversion of Tagbeat have been submitted to Github [9] for free down-load.

7. MICRO BENCHMARKSWe start with a few experiments that provide insight into the

working of the system. Specifically, we inspect the spinning ofa controllable turntable, as detailed below.

Experiment setup. Fig. 10 shows the main experimental setupwhere an RFID tag is attached on a turntable (i.e., remade from acommercial centrifugal machine). The frequency of the machinecan be adjusted from 0 to 2, 000 RPM. We evaluate the system incontext of spinning because it is the most controllable modality ofvibration, whose ground truth is easily accessible. The vibrationradius equals 5cm and distance from vibration source to antennaequals 1.5m by default. In our experiment, we command the readerto continuously query the RFIDs using a fixed carrier frequency of

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Time(ms)380 400 420 440 460 480 500










500ms 1000ms 5000ms 10000ms Samples




Figure 11: Impact of sample length

Time (ms)0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140








Without multipathWith multipath

1st period 2nd period 3rd period 4th period

Figure 12: Impact of multipath

Frequency(RPM)/Period(ms)1250/48 1355/44 1462/41 1551/38 1738/34 1875/32 1996/30 2018/29




or (m








1551RPM with period of 38ms

Figure 13: Impact of RPM

Tag ModelSquare 2# 2 HiScan Glint


or (m






Antenna size: 40mm#15.5mm

Antenna size: 27mm#9.7mmAntenna size:


Antenna size: 44mm#44mm

Figure 14: Impact of diversity

Time(ms)0 50 100 150 200 250










2cm 5cm 10cm1 Period

Figure 15: Impact of radius

Distance1m 2m 5m 7m 10m


or (m











Figure 16: Impact of distance

Tag number2(#1565) 5(#1577) 10(#1060) 15(#1110) 20(#1040)


or (m










Figure 17: Impact of tag number

Number of period (#)2 3 4 5 6 7 8


r (m











6 7 80







Figure 18: Searching period

Magnification factor0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40


r (m









Magnification factor0 5 10 15 20 25


r (m








Figure 19: Magnification error

922 MHz2. We also set the reader at high-performance mode. Thedetailed reader and RO (reader operation) configuration files can befound at [10]. This setup is deployed in our office.

Ground truth: The laser radar can measure micro displacementvery accurately, because tiny motion can alter the reflection an-gle. We use laser to collect the ground truth. As Fig. 10 shows,we install a hand-held laser meter on the top, meanwhile attach aninfrared-reflective marker on the vibrating surface.

7.1 Recovering Vibration SignalWe are most interested in evaluating whether Tagbeat can exactly

recover the high-frequency vibration through compressive readingwith respect to the following factors:

Impact of parameters. There are two crucial parameters, Nand Q, in compressive reading. These two parameters are definedin advance. The parameter N indicates how many (or how long)samples should be collected for one recovery. Setting Q = 5, weattempt to recover the same signal over N samples where N =500, 1, 000, 5, 000 and 10, 000. The recovered results are shownin Fig. 11. It can been seen that the recovered signal becomessmoother as N increases. This is because larger N brings more

2The reader for China region can fix reading at a specific channel.We will discuss how to deal with frequency hopping in §9 whenusing the readers for other regions.

observations from the original signal, improving the quality of re-construction. However, largerN also incurs much more delays andcomputations. There is a trade-off choosing N between real-timeand accuracy. In practice, we suggest to set N = 3, 000. Thesecond parameter Q is the frame size specifying how many readsshould be aggregated. We find that Q imposes very little impact onthe recovery accuracy when it is less than the period of the signal.Our experience suggests to set Q to 5.

Impact of multipath effect. One of the RFID benefits over bar-code is that it can identify objects without the need of line-of-sight(LOS) owing to the multipath effect. However, multipath is con-sidered as harmful in many scenarios like tracking and symbol in-terference. We study the impact of multipath effect on Tagbeat.We conduct experiments in two scenarios. First, we deploy theturntable in a very clear environment without any multipath effectand set the RPM to 1, 723 (with the period of 35ms). Second, weplace five metal plates around the instrument to build a multipath-rich environment. Fig. 12 plots the vibration signal recovered inthese two scenarios respectively. It can been seen that the vibra-tion signal is seriously distorted in the multipath-rich environmentcompared with that in clear environment. Even so, it has the sameperiod as that recovered without multipath. This implies compres-sive reading is independent on the multipath effect. Interestingly, itis much easier to identify the period of a distorted signal because

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the distortion due to multipath breaks its symmetry. The results alsotestify our assumption that the backscatter signal remains the samewhen it is emitted from the same position where the tag repeatedlyarrives.

Impact of RPM. We randomly adjust the RPM of the turntablefrom 1, 250 to 2, 018 with 8 levels. For each level, we conduct 50experiments to recover the vibration signal and search its period.Fig. 13 shows the errors in these 8 levels. Totally, the mean erroris 0.3624ms over these 8 levels and the average relative error rate(i.e., the ratio of the error to the true period) equals 0.03%. Suchsurprisingly high accuracy makes Tagbeat a competent equivalentof specialized sensors, like laser meter which has a relative errorrate of 0.01%. Even the worst case (at 1, 738 RPM) only has amean accuracy of 0.8490ms with a standard deviation of 0.98ms.

Impact of diversity. Keeping the turntable spinning at 1, 510RPM (i.e., period equals 39.7ms.), we repeat the evaluation overfour kinds of RFID tags (Square, 2× 2, HiScan and Glint) to studythe impact of tag’s diversity. For each model, we repeat the experi-ments for 50 times and report the average. Fig. 14 plots the perioderrors over these four kinds of tags. Totally, the mean errors areall below 0.72ms. However, the deviations have a little difference.For example, the tag of 2 × 2 has a standard deviation of 0.01ms,while that of Glint is 0.61ms. We find that the deviation highlydepends on the antenna size of tag. For example, the antenna sizeof 2×2 is 44mm×44mmwhile that of Glint is 27mm×9.7mm.Generally speaking, the tag with larger antenna absorbs more en-ergy from reader so they behaves much more accurate and stable.Glint is the smallest model we have used.

Impact of vibrating radius. Fig. 15 plots the recovered vibra-tion signals when the tag is attached with different vibrating ra-diuses but a same fundamental frequency. In the figure, a period ofsignal sequence is marked for the three signals. We can see that theperiod equals 50ms, 50ms and 51ms when the vibration radiusis set to 2cm, 5cm and 10cm respectively. The detected periodsare very close even the shapes of the vibration signals look verydifferent, because the distortions of the signals depend on the tag’spositions, i.e., radius. Thus, Tagbeat is irrelevant to the vibratingradius.

Impact of distance. Fig. 16 shows the accuracy with varyingdistances from 1m to 12m with the same setting. As we can see,Tagbeat does not exhibit strong correlation with the distance. How-ever, the accuracy indeed decreases a little when the distance isover than 10m, which is the range limit of the current RFID reader.When the tag is far away from the reader, the read rate would de-creases. As a result, the number of samples decreases and accuracyis affected.

Impact of tag number. Next, we investigate the relationship be-tween the accuracy and the number of tags. We attached extra tagsnearby our target tag. Fig. 17 shows the accuracy in five cases. Thetarget tag was totally read for #1565, #1577, #1060, #1110 and#1040 times within 30s when there are 2, 5, 10, 15 and 20 extratags around the target tag. The read rate of the target tag does notreceive any apparent effect from other tags. This shows that the Im-pinJ reader has very good performance on anti-collisions, becauseQ-adaptive protocol [2] dynamically adjusts the frame lengths inthe end of every round reading. In theory, as long as the read rateremains unchanged, the accuracy should maintain at a same level.However, there is a slight trend showing that the error increases asmore tags are involved. We think more tags may disturb the readingrandomness for a specific tag, making harder recovery, although thetotal reading distribution over multiple tags is still random.

Impact of NLOS. We conduct 100 experiments in line-of-sight

Error-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15









Laser Tagbeat


(a) LOS scenario

Error (ms)-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15











(b) NLOS scenario

Figure 20: Comparison between LOS and NLOS

and another 100 experiments in non-line-of-sight, comparing usingTagbeat and Laser to make sense of vibration. In each experiment,we maintain the same parameters (i.e., fv = 1, 666 RPM). In LOSscenario, we keep the reader antenna (or laser meter) and tag (or re-flective marker) all in direct line-of-sight of each other. Fig. 20(a)shows the CDF of the period error measured by laser and Tagbeat.The laser can achieve 100% correctness, since there is no occlu-sion. Tagbeat has a median error of 0ms and less than 0.5ms for90% measurements. In NLOS scenario, we put up a 1m × 2msolid wooden board between the reader antenna and tag, as wellas between the laser and reflective marker. Fig. 20(b) shows theCDF of the period error. Laser cannot locate the marker and hencefails to provide an estimate of how frequently the marker moves. Incontrast, RFID signal can penetrate obstacles and reach the RFIDreader even when the tag is occluded. The median error remainsunchanged, but 90th percentile of period error increases to 16.5msbecause the obstacles still reduce SRN, decreasing the number ofsamples available.

7.2 Discovering Vibration PeriodWe then verify the accuracy of the period discovering algorithm.

The frequency of turntable is adjusted to 187 RPM (Tv = 320.85ms).We collect 120s trace of vibration signal. We then randomly select# periods of data from the trace and search their periods by usingFast Folding (FF), RF Folding (RF) and Enhanced RF Folding (EF)respectively. Each experiment with same parameters is repeated for10 times and average results are reported.

Fig. 18 shows the period error as a function of number of periods.Each group of bars plots the errors when feeding with # periods ofsignals. For example, when inputting 3 periods of signal, FF, RFand EF can find out the period with an error of 62.32ms, 3.825msand 1.56ms respectively. The errors of RF and EF reduce to below1ms when feeding with more than 4 periods of signals, while FFhas a period error of 1ms even giving 8 periods of data. It showsthat RF and EF are faster and more accurate to look for the periodthan FF. This is mainly because FF is a general folding algorithmwithout caring the physical meaning of signal. It can converge intothe correct period as long as sufficient input data are given. Oncontrary, RF and EF introduce radio model for the vibration sig-nal (i.e., interference of signals), making the folding converge tocorrect period in a very short time. In particular, the error of EFreduces to 0.011ms when inputting 8 periods of data. Generally,Tagbeat could recover above 10 periods of signal. The standardvariance of RF is larger than that of EF. This agrees with the previ-ous analysis that the probabilistic weight produced by EF enhancesthe amplitude of signals close to their expectation.

For comparison, we also discover the fundamental period basedon greatest common divisor (GCD) of harmonic frequencies. In ex-periment, with regard to energy, top 5 ∼ 10 harmonic frequenciesexcluding the constant are selected to calculate the fundamentalperiod. As a result, we find the error is above 100ms no matter

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Figure 21: Measured wind field

how many harmonic frequencies are chosen. This is because GCD-based method is fragile to interference and noise, even 0.1Hz erroron harmonic frequency would lead to dozens times of error.

7.3 Magnifying Vibration SignalFinally, we investigate the effectiveness of magnification for micro-

vibration. In the evaluation, we want to know whether magnifica-tion changes or affects the vibration period. We amplify a vibrationsignal with different magnification factors and then look for its pe-riod. Fig. 19 shows the period error as a function of magnificationfactor. It shows that the errors are within 1ms when the vibrationsignal is magnified under 25×. However, its mean error and stan-dard deviation increase to 4ms and 7ms when the factor is overthan 30×, due to amplified noises. Our test suggests to keep mag-nification factor below 25. This phenomenon can be explained asfollows. As we aforementioned, Tagbeat fails to recover the vi-bration signal when the deviation of the noise is greater than 0.7radians3. The magnification is a double-edged sword. It amplifiesboth signal and noise at the same time. However, as long as the am-plified noise keeps lower than 0.7 radians (i.e., magnification factoris lower than 25×), the positive impact dominates signal and facil-itates the recovery as well as discovery. On contrary, the negativeimpact prevents the recovery when the signal is over-amplified.

8. CASE STUDYThis section studies three cases to introduce how to associate the

inspection solution provided by Tagbeat with the specific domainknowledge.

8.1 Case Study 1: Measuring Wind SpeedWind is caused by differences in the air pressure. The speed

of wind can be measured using a tool called as anemometer. Ananemometer has three cups, each of which is mounted on a cen-tral axis, like spokes on a wheel, as shown in Fig. 1(a). Whenwind pushes into the cups, they rotate the axis, enabling sensor in-side to transform the rotations to electrical signal. The traditionalanemometer must be wired to a meter which supplies energy tothe sensor and collects the signal. Thus, the anemometers must bedeployed at the top of telegraph poles or equipped with a solar bat-tery. This confines us to freely measure the wind speed, especiallyin the wild. Tagbeat provides a potential way to freely measurewind speed using backscatter nodes, which may be powered by aTV tower or a mobile station [26,30], breaking deployment limita-tion.

3It is a very interesting to study why and how far compressive sam-pling cannot recover the too noisy signal. However, this topic isbeyond our discussions in this paper.

Time(ms)2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800








1.5Recovery Samples

Figure 22: Recovered vibration signal of one test tube

To study the feasibility of using backscatter signals to measurewind speed, we deploy an industrial-sized fan to emulate the windsin our office as shown in Fig. 1(a). Meanwhile, we attach a Squaretag on one cup of the anemometer. The wind speed is measuredby using anemometer (for ground truth) and Tagbeat concurrently.The wind speed is expressed in the unit of m/s, so we calculatethe speed with the formula of 2rβ/Tv (i.e., perimeter to period).β is constant coefficient and can be calibrated in practice. r is thevibration radius and Tv is the inspected period. We use the proto-type to measure the wind in 40 different positions. The wind fieldis plotted in Fig. 21. In the figure, we add a small angle to sep-arate the ground truth and our results for comparison. Notice thewind directions are simulated in theory. We also sketch the con-tour of the wind based on our measurement. As a result, Tagbeathas a mean speed error of 0.6181m/s with a standard deviationof 0.33m/s. This case study fully shows the feasibility of usingTagbeat to measure the wind speed.

8.2 Case Study 2: Monitoring CentrifugationCentrifugation is a process which leverages centripetal force to

separate various heterogeneous mixtures by using centrifuge. Thisequipment is the most frequently used device in hospital. It canseparate whole blood into its various components, such as red bloodcells, white blood cells, plasma, etc. Our partner, Hospital X, needsto centrifuge thousands of blood samples every day. It is a burden-some task to manage so many bloods. Many patients were asked forre-test due to over centrifugation. Fig. 1(b) shows a real high-speedcentrifuge used in clinical laboratories. It supports 6, 000 RPM(i.e., 10ms period) of centrifugation. We attach Glint tags on 8 testtubes and let Tagbeat automatically associate the tubes with theircentrifugations. We use the machine to perform 2-minute centrifu-gation on these 8 tubes. We randomly pick up 600-ms recoveredvibration signal and show it in Fig. 22. It can been seen that major-ity of samples match the recovery well even for so high-frequencyvibration. In this case, we care about how much time are takenon centrifugation for each tube. Tagbeat can exactly track the vi-bration time. We find that the time error has a mean of 1.6s (i.e.,about 16 periods) with a standard deviation of 1.8s, implying thatTagbeat can accurately track the centrifugation of each tube.

8.3 Case Study 3: Troubleshooting EngineIf the vehicle shakes violently or the engine vibrates excessively

when parked with the engine on, this may be an indicator of enginebreakdown. A common way of troubleshooting engine is to inspectthe vibration of the engine by a specialized equipment at a qualifiedrepair shop or professional mechanic. Attaching a Square tag on thecover of the engine of our car, we put the car in neutral and utilizeTagbeat to inspect its vibration. During the testing, we dynamicallyincrease the RPM from 1, 000 to 4, 000. We troubleshoot engine

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by determining how well the inspected continuous spectrum fits therecords shown in the dashboard. We find that the car is in excellentcondition if the matching accuracy is above 85%. Otherwise, theremay be a problem about the engine.

9. REMARKS & LIMITATIONSMeasurement of vibration based purely on backscatter signal is

a challenging technical problem. We believe Tagbeat has taken animportant step toward addressing this issue. However, a few pointsare still worth discussing:

Reader cost. Our initial assumption is that the reader (e.g., Imp-inJ R420) has been deployed in warehouse or chemical laboratoryfor asset management. Tagbeat just supplements an extra func-tionality apart from identification, rather than serves as a dedicatedvibration meter. Since ImpinJ R420 is a universal RFID reader andoriginally designed for logistics and supply chain management, ithas relatively higher price. With regard to cost, the mobile readers(e.g., ImpinJ TSL [5] and ATID [3]) are more suitable for servingas dedicated vibration meters.

Sensing range. Tagbeat inherits the shortcoming that its sensingrange is limited within dozens of meters, from the RFID technol-ogy. Such relatively short range is apparently insufficient for windmeasurement in the wild, but Tagbeat provides a potential way forthis purpose when integrating with ambient communication tech-nology [26, 30].

Tolerant to ambient interference. Tagbeat has stronger anti-interference ability for four reasons. (1) Bit level: The reader usu-ally calculates the phase value over 96-bits of the ID and reportsthe average value [22]. The impact from sudden signal interfer-ences are smoothed. (2) Packet level: According to EPCglobal airprotocol [2], collided packets from different tags will be discarded,ensuring the packet interferences are not propagated to Tagbeat.(3) Channel level: There are dozens of frequency hopping chan-nels avaiblable. We can view the reading over different channel asindependent observations and fuse the inspecting results, to avoidthe enduringly inferences at one specific signal channel. (4) Signalprocessing level: The l2-minimization could relax the inaccuratemeasurement when recovering the vibration signal.

Our simulation suggests that Tagbeat could accurately recoverthe signal if the standard deviation of the phase value is within 0.7radians. Our empirical experiments also show that the value is usu-ally less than 0.3 radians for a mobile tag in practice. Totally, manyinherent characteristics of backscatter communication make Tag-beat highly noise-tolerant.

Channel hopping. The UHF reader for USA region hops be-tween 50 channels in the 902MHz∼ 928MHz ISM band. FCC reg-ulations specify that a reader can have a maximum channel dwelltime of 0.4 seconds in any ten second period to reduce interfer-ence in a channel [17]. The hopping breaks our assumption thatthe signal remains same when passing by the same position. Totackle with this issue, we could separate the phase sequences overdifferent channels and separately recover the vibration signals. Thesimple method is to average these independent results.

Energy consumption. A usual accelerometer based systemis wiredly connected to processing unit. Wired system is obvi-ously more energy-saving than any corresponding wireless system.However, the benefits of Tagbeat are also apparent. For example, itcould be applicable to occluded and non-line-of-slight objects, e.g.,inspecting chemical tubes in a centrifuge machine. Moreover, theRFID tag contains the object ID, enabling the system to automati-cally associate the vibration with the particular vibration object. Sowe believe it is worth sacrificing a little more energy for free andeasy deployment.

10. RELATED WORKIn this section, we briefly review the related literature in vibration

measurement.Measurement with accelerometers. Accelerometers are small

devices that are installed directly on the surface of (or within) thevibration object [6, 8]. They contain a small mass which is sus-pended by flexible parts that operate like springs. Vibrations athigher frequencies have greater accelerations than those at lowerfrequencies. For this reason, accelerometers are extremely insensi-ble to low frequency vibration. The recent advances made in sens-ing platform (such WISP [11], CRFID [13, 16], EkhoNet [45], etc)could integrate with the accelerometer component, offering poten-tial solutions for wireless vibration measurement. These platformsalso require RFID reader for energy supply, and are usually hun-dreds of more expensive than an RFID tag. Thus, Tagbeat is a rela-tively cheap solution compared with accelerometer based methods.

Measurement with displacement sensors. Displacement sen-sors [6], like laser, capacitive and eddy-current sensors, are thebest choice for high-resolution and high-speed measurements, be-cause they could enable sensing even micron displacement veryaccurately [19]. [29] demonstrated real-time nanometer-vibrationmeasurements by using a DPSSL (Laser-diode-pumped microchipsolid-state lasers) and the self-mixing modulation technique. Com-pared with laser, the advantage of Tagbeat is the ability to sensevibration through opaque obstacles.

Measurement with high-speed camera. Capturing high-speedevents, e.g., vibrations, requires fast and high-frame-rate cameraswith high photoresponsivity at short integration times. Veeraragha-van [36] leveraged the compressive sensing to turn an off-the-shelfvideo camera into a powerful high-speed video camera for observ-ing periodic events. Seitz and Dyer [33] introduced a general frame-work for image-based analysis of repeating motions. Jia [23] re-paired videos with large static background or cyclic motion. Laptevet al. [24] detected and segmented periodic motion based on se-quence alignment without the need for camera tracking.

Measurement with wireless vibrometry. ART [42] exploiteda new way of eavesdropping loudspeaker sounds through wirelessvibrometry. Unfortunately, ART requires an extremely quiet envi-ronment. Any ambient or neighboring vibrations would introducenoises, leading to relatively large errors. On contrary, Tagbeat at-taches different tags on different vibration objects so it well isolatedthe interferences from neighboring vibrations.

11. CONCLUSIONIn this work we present Tagbeat for real-time tracking of vibra-

tion using COTS RFID tags and readers. A key innovation is tomake sense of the vibration through the changes of tag’s backscat-ter signals. Tagbeat can sense the vibration period to an accuracy ofsub-millisecond, providing the necessary precision for many novelapplications, such as high-speed centrifugation. The system notonly has been tested and used in practical applications, but alsowill open up a wide range of exciting opportunities.

12. ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe research of Yang is supported by NSF China General Pro-

gram (NO. 61572282) and China Postdoctoral Science Foundationfunded project under NO. 2015M570100. The research of Liu issupported by NSF China Major Program 61190110. The researchof Li is partially supported by NSF ECCS-1247944, NSF CMMI1436786, NSF CNS 1526638, National Natural Science Founda-tion of China under Grant No. 61520106007. We thank all thereviewers and shepherds for their valuable comments and helpfulsuggestions.

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