Making Knowledge Count Maximising the value of Research for Development John Young: ODI, London [email protected]

Making Knowledge Count Maximising the value of Research for Development John Young: ODI, London [email protected]

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Page 1: Making Knowledge Count Maximising the value of Research for Development John Young: ODI, London j.young@odi.org.uk

Making Knowledge Count Maximising the value of Research for DevelopmentJohn Young: ODI, [email protected]

Page 2: Making Knowledge Count Maximising the value of Research for Development John Young: ODI, London j.young@odi.org.uk

Overseas Development Institute

• Development Think Tank

• 60 researchers

• Research / Advice / Public Debate

• Rural / Humanitarian / Poverty & Aid / Economics / Policy Processes

• DFID, Parliament, WB, EC

• Civil Society

For more information see: www.odi.org.uk

Page 3: Making Knowledge Count Maximising the value of Research for Development John Young: ODI, London j.young@odi.org.uk

RAPID Group• Promoting evidence-based

development policy & practice• Through

– Research – Advice – Public Affairs– Capacity-building

• Working with:– researchers– policymakers– parliamentarians– southern think tanks

for further information see: www.odi.org.uk/rapid / www.odi.org.uk/cspp

Page 4: Making Knowledge Count Maximising the value of Research for Development John Young: ODI, London j.young@odi.org.uk

Definitions• Research: “any systematic effort to

increase the stock of knowledge”

• Policy: a “purposive course of action followed by an actor or set of actors”

• Evidence: “the available information supporting or otherwise a belief or proposition”

• Evidence-based Policy: “public policy informed by rigorously established evidence”.

Page 5: Making Knowledge Count Maximising the value of Research for Development John Young: ODI, London j.young@odi.org.uk

Policy Processes

Identify the problem

Commission research

Analyse the results

Choose the best option

Establish the policy


Implement the policy

Page 6: Making Knowledge Count Maximising the value of Research for Development John Young: ODI, London j.young@odi.org.uk

Monitoring and Evaluation

Agenda Setting


Policy Implementation

Policy Formulation

Policy Processes

Civil Society




Private Sector

Page 7: Making Knowledge Count Maximising the value of Research for Development John Young: ODI, London j.young@odi.org.uk

Chronic Poverty in Uganda

Kate Bird et al, Fracture Points in Social Policies for Chronic Poverty Reduction, ODI WP242, 2004 (http://www.odi.org.uk/publications/working_papers/wp242.pdf)

Page 8: Making Knowledge Count Maximising the value of Research for Development John Young: ODI, London j.young@odi.org.uk

…in reality…• “The whole life of policy is a chaos of

purposes and accidents. It is not at all a matter of the rational implementation of the so-called decisions through selected strategies 1”

• “Most policy research on African agriculture is irrelevant to agricultural and overall economic policy in Africa2”

• “Research is more often regarded as the opposite of action rather than a response to ignorance”3

1 Clay & Schaffer (1984), Room for Manoeuvre; An Exploration of Public Policy in Agricultural and Rural Development, Heineman Educational Books, London2 Omamo (2003), Policy Research on African Agriculture: Trends, Gaps, and Challenges, International Service for National Agricultural Research (ISNAR) Research Report No 213 Surr (2003), DFID Research Review

Page 9: Making Knowledge Count Maximising the value of Research for Development John Young: ODI, London j.young@odi.org.uk


Experience & Expertise



Values and Policy


Habits & Tradition

Lobbyists & Pressure Groups

Pragmatics & Contingencies

Factors influencing policy making

Source: Phil Davies Impact to Insight Meeting, ODI, 2005

Page 10: Making Knowledge Count Maximising the value of Research for Development John Young: ODI, London j.young@odi.org.uk

Different Notions of Evidence

• Colloquial (Contextual)

• Anything that seems reasonable

• Policy relevant

• Timely

• Clear Message

Policy Makers’ Evidence

Source: Phil Davies Impact to Insight Meeting, ODI, 2005

• ‘Scientific’ (Context free)

• Proven empirically

• Theoretically driven

• As long as it takes

• Caveats and qualifications

Researchers’ Evidence

Page 11: Making Knowledge Count Maximising the value of Research for Development John Young: ODI, London j.young@odi.org.uk

Existing theory1. Linear model2. Percolation model, Weiss3. Tipping point model, Gladwell4. ‘Context, evidence, links’

framework, ODI5. Policy narratives, Roe6. Systems model (NSI)7. External forces, Lindquist8. ‘Room for manoeuvre’, Clay &

Schaffer9. ‘Street level bureaucrats’, Lipsky10. Policy as social experiments,

Rondinelli11. Policy Streams & Windows,

Kingdon12. Disjointed incrementalism,

Lindquist13. The ‘tipping point’, Gladwell14. Crisis model, Kuhn15. ‘Framework of possible thought’,

Chomsky16. Variables for Credibility, Beach

17. The source is as important as content, Gladwell

18. Linear model of communication, Shannon

19. Interactive model, 20. Simple and surprising stories,

Communication Theory21. Provide solutions, Marketing I22. Find the right packaging, Marketing

II23. Elicit a response, Kottler24. Translation of technology, Volkow25. Epistemic communities26. Policy communities27. Advocacy coalitions etc, Pross28. Negotiation through networks,

Sebattier29. Shadow networks, Klickert30. Chains of accountability, Fine31. Communication for social change,

Rockefeller32. Wheels and webs, Chapman &



Page 12: Making Knowledge Count Maximising the value of Research for Development John Young: ODI, London j.young@odi.org.uk

Existing theory – a short list• Policy narratives, Roe• Systems of Innovation Model, (NSI)• ‘Room for manoeuvre’, Clay & Schaffer• ‘Street level bureaucrats’, Lipsky• Policy as social experiments, Rondene• Policy streams and policy windows,

Kingdon• Disjointed Incrementalism, Lindblom• Social Epidemics, Gladwell

Page 13: Making Knowledge Count Maximising the value of Research for Development John Young: ODI, London j.young@odi.org.uk

An Analytical Framework

The political context – political and economic structures and processes, culture, institutional pressures, incremental vs radical change etc.

The evidence – credibility, the degree it challenges received wisdom, research approaches and methodology, simplicity of the message, how it is packaged etc

External Influences Socio-economic and cultural influences, donor policies etc

The links between policyand research communities – networks, relationships, power, competing discourses, trust, knowledge etc.

Page 14: Making Knowledge Count Maximising the value of Research for Development John Young: ODI, London j.young@odi.org.uk

Case Studies• Detailed:

– Sustainable Livelihoods– Poverty Reductions Strategy

Processes– Ethical Principles in

Humanitarian Aid– Animal Health Care in Kenya– Dairy Policy in Kenya– Plant Genetic Resources

• Summary– GDN x 50– CSPP x 20– Good news case studies x 5– Mental health in the UK

Page 15: Making Knowledge Count Maximising the value of Research for Development John Young: ODI, London j.young@odi.org.uk

Professionalisation of Public Services.

Structural Adjustment → collapse of services.

Paravet projects emerge.

ITDG projects.


ITDG Paravet network.

Rapid spread in North.

KVB letter (January 1998).

Multistakeholder WSs → new policies.

Still not approved / passed!





Professionalisation of Public Services.

Structural Adjustment


ITDG Paravet network and change of DVS.

KVB letter (January 1998).

Multistakeholder WSs → new policies.

ITDG projects – collaborative research.

The Hubl StudyDr Kajume

Animal Healthcare in Kenya

International Research

Page 16: Making Knowledge Count Maximising the value of Research for Development John Young: ODI, London j.young@odi.org.uk

A Practical Framework

External Influences political context


Politics and Policymaking

Media, Advocacy, Networking Research,

learning & thinking

Scientific information exchange & validation

Policy analysis, & research

Campaigning, Lobbying

Page 17: Making Knowledge Count Maximising the value of Research for Development John Young: ODI, London j.young@odi.org.uk

What you need to knowThe external environment:

• Who are the key actors?

• What is their agenda?

• How do they influence the political context?


• Who are the key actors?

• Are there existing networks?

• How best to transfer the information?

• The media?

• Campaigns?

The evidence:

• Is it there?

• Is it relevant?

• Is it practically useful?

• Are the concepts new?

• Does it need re-packaging?

The political context:

• Is there political interest in change?

• Is there room for manoeuvre?

• How do they perceive the problem?

Page 18: Making Knowledge Count Maximising the value of Research for Development John Young: ODI, London j.young@odi.org.uk

What you need to doWhat need to know What need to do How to do it

Political Context:



• Who are the policymakers?• Is there demand for ideas?• What is the policy process?

• What is the current theory?• What are the narratives?• How divergent is it?

• Who are the stakeholders?• What networks exist?• Who are the connectors,

mavens and salesmen?

• Get to know the policymakers.• Identify friends and foes.• Prepare for policy

opportunities. • Look out for policy windows.

• Work with them – seek commissions

• Strategic opportunism – prepare for known events + resources for others

• Establish credibility• Provide practical solutions• Establish legitimacy.• Present clear options• Use familiar narratives.

• Build a reputation• Action-research• Pilot projects to generate

legitimacy• Good communication

• Get to know the others• Work through existing

networks.• Build coalitions.• Build new policy networks.

• Build partnerships.• Identify key networkers,

mavens and salesmen.• Use informal contacts

Page 19: Making Knowledge Count Maximising the value of Research for Development John Young: ODI, London j.young@odi.org.uk

Policy entrepreneurs





Page 20: Making Knowledge Count Maximising the value of Research for Development John Young: ODI, London j.young@odi.org.uk

Practical Tools for EBP

Overarching Tools - The RAPID Framework - Using the Framework - The Entrepreneurship


Context Assessment Tools- Stakeholder Analysis - Forcefield Analysis - Writeshops - Policy Mapping - Political Context Mapping

Communication Tools - Communications Strategy- SWOT analysis - Message Design - Making use of the media

Research Tools - Case Studies - Episode Studies - Surveys - Bibliometric Analysis- Focus Group Discussion

Policy Influence Tools- Influence Mapping & Power Mapping - Lobbying and Advocacy - Campaigning: A Simple Guide - Competency self-assessment

Page 21: Making Knowledge Count Maximising the value of Research for Development John Young: ODI, London j.young@odi.org.uk

Evaluating Policy Impact• Classical case studies…

– IFPRI, IDRC– Can capture depth and

diversity– Overestimate

role of research

• Episode Studies…– ODI– Focus on policy change– Historical– Underestimate role of


Page 22: Making Knowledge Count Maximising the value of Research for Development John Young: ODI, London j.young@odi.org.uk

Other Approaches

• Citations

• Tracking ideas

• Social Network Analysis

• Most Significant Change

• “Impact Box”

• Peer review

• Expert review

Page 23: Making Knowledge Count Maximising the value of Research for Development John Young: ODI, London j.young@odi.org.uk

Outcome Mapping

OUTCOME MAPPING:Building Learning and Reflection into Development ProgramsSarah Earl, Fred Carden, and Terry Smutylo


Page 24: Making Knowledge Count Maximising the value of Research for Development John Young: ODI, London j.young@odi.org.uk

RAPID Outcome Assessment

• An approach which combines– Literature Review– Case Study– Episode Study– Retrospective Outcome Mapping

• To identify critical factors

• Participatory

• Involves all stakeholders


Page 25: Making Knowledge Count Maximising the value of Research for Development John Young: ODI, London j.young@odi.org.uk

The PPPPPC Project• ODI/ILRI/ILRI Partners.• Purpose:

– To identify and institutionalise approaches to research that more directly lead to pro-poor policy outcomes.

– To develop better methods for evaluating the impact of research (ROA)

• Case Studies:– Policy focused research (SDP)– Research “around” a policy change (KUA)– Research with no policy impact (Ethiopia)

• Policy Engagement