Make Money While You Sleep - Mark from Iowamarkfromiowa.com/l7/makemoneysleeping.pdf · payments and other debts and is now living paycheck to paycheck. Most Americans can relate

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Page 1: Make Money While You Sleep - Mark from Iowamarkfromiowa.com/l7/makemoneysleeping.pdf · payments and other debts and is now living paycheck to paycheck. Most Americans can relate
Page 2: Make Money While You Sleep - Mark from Iowamarkfromiowa.com/l7/makemoneysleeping.pdf · payments and other debts and is now living paycheck to paycheck. Most Americans can relate

Make Money While You Sleep


Joe is your average American. He studied hard to get the 'right' job.

He puts in the time at work. He tries really hard. He truly applies himself. He gives 100%. Still, at the end of every month, Joe is barely able to make ends meet. It seems his bills just get bigger and bigger while his income... well... you know the story about the median American household income. According to US government figures, the median household income has actually shrunk and shows no sign of recovering anytime soon.

Not surprisingly, Joe, like most other middle-class Americans and according to government reports, are one emergency away from bankruptcy and personal financial disaster.

What went wrong?

Page 3: Make Money While You Sleep - Mark from Iowamarkfromiowa.com/l7/makemoneysleeping.pdf · payments and other debts and is now living paycheck to paycheck. Most Americans can relate

After all, Joe works hard. He plays the game by the rules. He doesn't cut corners.

Joe thought he was chasing The American Dream the way it was supposed to be chased.

Sadly, he has no retirement savings. He is up to his gills in mortgage payments and other debts and is now living paycheck to paycheck.

Most Americans can relate to the Story of Joe. Indeed, Most Americans ARE living Joe's life. If you're struggling, you must have reached a point where you asked yourself: 'Is this all there is to it?' or 'What am I doing wrong?!'

You might think that there's nothing else besides the monthly ordeal of trying to keep your head above water. You might be thinking that you're doomed to a life where the more you earn, the more you spend. It might seem that this ordeal never ends and there is really NO POINT to it all. Frustrating, right?

You might even be asking yourself if there is a BETTER WAY to dig yourself out.

Page 4: Make Money While You Sleep - Mark from Iowamarkfromiowa.com/l7/makemoneysleeping.pdf · payments and other debts and is now living paycheck to paycheck. Most Americans can relate

Part 1:

Understanding YOUR reality: Working for money is FOR AVERAGE AMERICANS

If you think about it hard enough, the word 'Job' actually stands for 'Just Over Broke.' If your only source of income is your job, you're in trouble. Seriously. Why? Your job wasn't meant to make you rich. In fact, it was meant to pay you just enough to keep you producing for someone else. Your job pays you just enough so you can stay in place and MAKE SOMEONE ELSE RICH.

Why are most jobs ENGINEERED to FAIL?

Unless you're the CEO of General Electric or Apple, most jobs are engineered to FAIL to make you rich. How? You have to keep working to get paid.

Page 5: Make Money While You Sleep - Mark from Iowamarkfromiowa.com/l7/makemoneysleeping.pdf · payments and other debts and is now living paycheck to paycheck. Most Americans can relate

If you stop working, you stop getting paid. Clear?

If you don't believe me, try stopping work. Call in sick. Burn through your vacation leave pay. What happens after you burn through those benefits? That's right-you get fired and you don't earn any more money. Jobs require constant work. You're caught like a monkey pulling a lever to get a reward. You stop pushing that button or pulling that lever, the rewards stop.

To make matters worse, even if you put in your very best effort at your job, the best you can hope for is a raise. Don't get your hopes up-most raises are barely enough to cover inflation. You're simply treading water. At this rate, you're not going anywhere financially. You're certainly NOT GETTING RICH.

To truly gain FINANCIAL FREEDOM, you have to wake up to this reality: Working for money is for AVERAGE AMERICANS.

Now, you might be thinking about alternatives like SELF-EMPLOYMENT or running YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Wrong answers!

Seriously. Both lead to dead ends.

Even if you're a lawyer or doctor with your own small practice, you are still stuck in the same treadmill as the typical American caught in the rat race. You're still selling your time. Sure, you dictate the price which you charge for your time but you are still selling your time.

Page 6: Make Money While You Sleep - Mark from Iowamarkfromiowa.com/l7/makemoneysleeping.pdf · payments and other debts and is now living paycheck to paycheck. Most Americans can relate

If you don't work, you don't get paid. You have to actively put in work or you don't get paid. It's not like patients or law clients would throw money your way in exchange for you doing nothing.

Self-employment is simply glorified employment. You just swapped bosses. Instead of selling your time to your boss, you put yourself in charge of selling your time. You're still selling your time and you're really no better off. In fact, unlike a JOB where you can rely on a regular paycheck, self-employment can be a feast or famine situation depending on how good you are at getting clients.

With self-employment, you trade the 'security' of a regular paycheck for the 'freedom' of working for yourself. Sadly, for most Americans who try this, the tradeoff is usually not worth it.

How about owning your own Business?

Surely, owning a business and finding someone else to run it is better than a J-O-B or self-employment, right? Well, technically, yes... but BARELY. When you run a business, you have to deal with employee drama. Even if you hire managers and supervisors to oversee your employees, you'll still have to deal with interpersonal drama. Whenever you deal with other people, drama is always not far behind.

Page 7: Make Money While You Sleep - Mark from Iowamarkfromiowa.com/l7/makemoneysleeping.pdf · payments and other debts and is now living paycheck to paycheck. Most Americans can relate

Running your own business can also be very random. Some months, you have tons of business. Other months, you are running on fumes. In fact, given the true state of the economy, most businesses are in the latter category.

How can that be? You have to stress about inventory, rent, insurance, and a wide range of other costs and issues that wear on your nerves and grind down your profit margins.

Did you know that most small businesses in the US are simply struggling to get by? Most could barely pay their rent. In fact, after factoring in the meager salary their owners take, most small businesses don't produce enough profit.

Indeed, the profit margins of so many American small businesses are so minuscule you'd think they aren't worth the bother. And they aren't! They don't produce enough return on effort!

How about INVESTING?

By this point, you're beginning to see the sad financial state of most middle class Americans. Since most struggle with jobs, self-employment, and business ownership, maybe traditional INVESTING is the way to a bright financial future?

Page 8: Make Money While You Sleep - Mark from Iowamarkfromiowa.com/l7/makemoneysleeping.pdf · payments and other debts and is now living paycheck to paycheck. Most Americans can relate

Sadly, for most people, the answer is: WRONG, try again!

Simply put, making money through traditional investments is too RISKY. That's right-you can LOSE YOUR SHIRT! While the Dow Jones seems to be in a hot streak lately, you have to time your entry and exit in stock positions or else you might find yourself holding an empty bag... for a long time. Don't be one of those poor suckers who buy in at the 'peak' of the market.

Your worst LOSS in the stock market is not the decrease of your portfolio value but YOUR WASTED TIME. When you get stuck in a mediocre, under-performing, or losing stock, you have essentially FROZEN YOUR MONEY. It's not going anywhere. You could have invested it into something else that would have INCREASED YOUR NET WORTH. See what's wrong with this picture?

Wait, there's more bad news with traditional investing: bad cash flow. Unlike other opportunities, you can't tap your stock investments for ready cash to take care of your monthly bills, expenses, and liabilities. For the most part, YOU'RE MONEY IS STUCK!

Do you now understand the financial reality for most Average Americans? Everything clear?

Page 9: Make Money While You Sleep - Mark from Iowamarkfromiowa.com/l7/makemoneysleeping.pdf · payments and other debts and is now living paycheck to paycheck. Most Americans can relate

I understand if you're feeling a bit discouraged, distressed, or even depressed at this point....

Thankfully, there's a BETTER WAY. There IS a solution to all the Income Generation DEAD ENDS we covered above. The solution? Make money through our simple to implement Automated Income Generation system.

Page 10: Make Money While You Sleep - Mark from Iowamarkfromiowa.com/l7/makemoneysleeping.pdf · payments and other debts and is now living paycheck to paycheck. Most Americans can relate

Part 2:

Automated Income Generation Is Your Key to a BRIGHT FINANCIAL FUTURE

What if I told you that there is a perfectly legal way for you to make money while you sleep?

You might be rubbing your eyes or maybe even rolling your eyes at this point. After all, you may have heard of all sorts of 'made for you' 'turnkey' business opportunity' systems in the past. I can't say I can blame you if you are a bit skeptical. But stay with me here. The Automated Income Generation System I will tell you about addresses the PROBLEMS you have with the 4 common ways of generating income described above. In fact, this Automated Income Generation System is a WINNING OPTION compared to other income generation options because it has the following features:

This system beats a job because you don't have to physically show up anywhere or do anything to generate an income. It just produces income whether you are around or not. The system makes your money work for you instead of you working for your money. The income system I will tell you about does exactly that! In fact, it does such a good job, you can make money while you SLEEP. Literally!

Page 11: Make Money While You Sleep - Mark from Iowamarkfromiowa.com/l7/makemoneysleeping.pdf · payments and other debts and is now living paycheck to paycheck. Most Americans can relate

This winning income generation system beats a business or self-employment because the system has no employees. It generates you an income without any business-related hassles like employee drama, employee costs, employment insurance and other headaches. There is no possibility of office politics and office drama or people talking behind your back. Since this system doesn't use employees, there's no chance of you getting frustrated because your employees have low productivity. You don't have to worry about low work output because your workers call in sick, throw tantrums, or simply get tired. Also, you don't have to stress about workers asking for pay raises. You can kiss all that employee-related headaches good-bye because this income generation system is FULLY AUTOMATED. It runs using high-tech software.

Software doesn't get tired. Software doesn't have an attitude. You don't have to stroke software’s ego. Finally, this system offers an AMAZING return on investment (ROI) compared with typical stock and bond investments. Remember, with typical Wall Street investments, you have to WAIT A LONG TIME TO MAKE MONEY because, most of the time, your investments are simply moving sideways instead of up. Also, your investments average returns are minimal if you stick to traditional investments like stocks, bonds, and index funds. This automated income system BLOWS AWAY the slow and maddening pace of traditional investments' rate of return.

Page 12: Make Money While You Sleep - Mark from Iowamarkfromiowa.com/l7/makemoneysleeping.pdf · payments and other debts and is now living paycheck to paycheck. Most Americans can relate

You can enjoy SUBSTANTIAL returns... not on a quarterly basis. Nope. In fact, this system can produce positive returns DAILY! You read that right-not weekly, not monthly, not quarterly like traditional investments. How can we do it? Well, our system is tied into to the BILLION dollar daily cryptocurrency marketplace, where Billions of dollars in value changing hands... DAILY!

Isn't it time you got your share of the action?

Page 13: Make Money While You Sleep - Mark from Iowamarkfromiowa.com/l7/makemoneysleeping.pdf · payments and other debts and is now living paycheck to paycheck. Most Americans can relate

Part 3:

Why getting involved with your own “AUTOMATED Income Generation System” may be your best move yet!

To make money while you sleep with the system I will tell you about, you have to have a minimum of $100 but $600 works best. We’ll also show you an option to make even more money by sharing this system with others. Now, you might be hemming and hawing. You might be thinking that $600 is quite a chunk of change. You might think that's too expensive.

Well, if you were to add up all the cash you spent on junk food, junk snacks, useless trinkets you buy on impulse, you'd realize that you quickly BLOW THROUGH $600 easily month after month. Put it this way, you don't think twice when you have to pay Uncle Sam your taxes come April 15. You also don't make a fuss when you have to fork over sales tax whenever you buy anything. Well, think of this $600 as a TAX. But instead of the regular tax you pay that is often wasted by the government or goes to programs you may not agree with, this $600 'tax' you're paying WORKS ONLY FOR YOU. You're investing in your very own financial freedom.

This is ONE tax you should gladly pay because YOU are its ONLY beneficiary! Since most of your money is already wasted through impulse buys and taxes, voluntarily pay this 'tax' for a brighter financial future for you and your family. Impose this 'tax' on yourself and you'll be sure to see the benefits-unlike the huge list of regular taxes you pay! Are you ready to spend a modest one-time $100 to $600 for a gateway out of the rat race? Are you ready to pay a small fee for a new lease on your financial life? Isn't $600 a small price to pay for finally saying good-bye to the sad end-of-the-month ritual of scrounging around for cash to pay your bills? If you answered YES, there's even more great news with this system. Read the next part, it's an eye-opener.

Page 14: Make Money While You Sleep - Mark from Iowamarkfromiowa.com/l7/makemoneysleeping.pdf · payments and other debts and is now living paycheck to paycheck. Most Americans can relate

Part 4: Use this Automated Income System and Avoid All Sorts of Problems

It's easy to think of this Automated System as simply producing money that will give you some breathing room as far as your finances are concerned. It does that but it's also good for so much more... You can avoid all sorts of problems with this system. You're struggling with your monthly hassle of having to try and pull money out of thin air to cover your bills. You're struggling with the drama of strained emotions with your loved ones as you try to borrow, beg, or even steal to keep sinking further in the red. You're laboring under the stress of time and time again having to make ends meet by stretching your precious few bucks. This system FREES YOU FROM ALL OF THE FRUSTRATIONS ABOVE.

This system enables you to avoid all the problems above. No fuss. No need to pull teeth. No need to work your fingers to the bone or pull your hair out due to stress. Instead, you sleep soundly and the system produces income. Rain or shine. Sleet or snow. In fact, this system FINALLY HELPS YOU GAIN the freedom you've always WANTED.

Page 15: Make Money While You Sleep - Mark from Iowamarkfromiowa.com/l7/makemoneysleeping.pdf · payments and other debts and is now living paycheck to paycheck. Most Americans can relate

You end up with more time to focus on the things that are truly important in your life. You can spend more time with your family. You can spend more time with your kids instead of slaving away at your boss' office or your own business. Say good-bye to the long hours at work far from your children.

This system doesn't require you to monitor it 24 hours a day seven days a week. You don't have to break a sweat as it operates and worry over every penny it makes. You don't have to do any of that. Instead, you can rest assured that you can get your life back while the software runs in the background and continues to bank while you focus on what is truly important. Gain the freedom to finally focus on what's important in your life.

Besides giving you the freedom to spend more time with your loved ones, this automated system helps you get more out of every valuable second of your life. Remember: for every second you waste worrying about money or chasing money in frustration at your job or your business, you won't be seeing that second again. It's gone for good. You could have spent that time doing something truly important and truly meaningful.

Instead of wasting your time slaving, worrying, and stressing you could be exploring hobbies and personal interests that make your life so much more meaningful and fulfilling. Instead of toiling, you could be traveling and exploring the world. You could also be out on a glorious golf course enjoying yourself at the links. In other words, you could be out LIVING LIFE instead of WASTING YOUR LIFE working or worrying. Which would you rather choose?

All it takes is about $100 to $600 - an amount you're probably already WASTING every single month on useless gadgets, snacks, extra meals that only make you fatter, and taxes. Isn't it time you used your money to finally LIBERATE you from the hassles you've always struggled with?

Page 16: Make Money While You Sleep - Mark from Iowamarkfromiowa.com/l7/makemoneysleeping.pdf · payments and other debts and is now living paycheck to paycheck. Most Americans can relate

Part 5:

Get Ready To Take Your Life To the Next Level!

Now, you might be thinking that you get the fact that this Automated Income Generation System is:

Supplemental and scalable – you don't have to quit your existing job or shut down your business to use this system. You can set it up and earn from it while you work at your full-time job or run your regular business.

You can either scale up this system to achieve Financial Freedom or just keep it running for purely supplemental income. This system is very flexible and doesn't eat up your time to set up or maintain.

Automated – it works on autopilot and you don't have to actively monitor it to generate income. This system helps you make money while you sleep. Non-location Specific – This system works online so you don't have to be tied to a desk or stuck at a particular place to make money like a job or regular offline brick and mortar business.

Software-driven - There are no employees (and therefore, no employee-related drama) involved with this way of making money. You only run software and it helps you generate income.

You might be saying, 'I get all that but how does this system work?'

First, you can make money directly off this software as it taps the patterns of a Multi-Billion dollar GLOBAL cryptocurrency marketplace.

Page 17: Make Money While You Sleep - Mark from Iowamarkfromiowa.com/l7/makemoneysleeping.pdf · payments and other debts and is now living paycheck to paycheck. Most Americans can relate

This software-based system simplifies this specific financial market quite a bit. It puts you in a better position to make the right informed decisions.

Second, you can make money helping others discover an automated way to make money that enables them to also earn while they sleep.

What is so EXCITING ABOUT THIS AUTOMATED INCOME GENERATION SYSTEM is that it has been engineered from the ground up to help you make money.

All its features are aimed at taking the guesswork, as much as possible, out of what would otherwise be a confusing, complicated, and outright INTIMIDATING system. Simple. Easy to set up. This Automated Income Generation System has everything you need to get going and start making money in your sleep.

Go to: makemoneysleeping.biz to get more information on this system and

finally say good-bye to your end-of-month financial struggles.

Thank you for your interest in “Make Money While You Sleep”. Your success mentor,

Mark Oestreich http://makemoneysleeping.biz