Maisie O’Meara World History

Maisie O’Meara World History To Block or Not to Block? Bono Fav’s Blocked Oprah Winfrey Fav’s Blocked

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Maisie O’MearaWorld History

To Block or Not to Block? Bono

Fav’s Blocked

Oprah Winfrey Fav’s Blocked

Five Fav’s

Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey is in the entertainment business just like Bono, and she is also an extremely charitable person. Oprah and Bono have very similar views and values. Also, they both have devoted much of their lives to helping others. For these reasons, Oprah Winfrey would definitely be on Bono’s “five fav’s” list.

Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi and Bono have several obvious similarities. He was very focused on spiritual and religious aspects of life, as is Bono. Gandhi is a very generous person, just like Bono, and both would definitely prefer peace over violence. Therefore, Gandhi would be a very likely person on Bono’s “five fav’s” list.

Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa was a social activist and really cared about all people, just like Bono. Both Mother Teresa and Bono have done extreme amounts of work all for the good of other people. They both value generosity and encourage others to try and help out those in need. Hence, it is likely that Mother Teresa would be on Bono’s “five fav’s” list.

The Edge

The Edge, also known as David Howell Evans, is a member of U2 and a very good friend of Bono’s. He is the guitarist of the band, and has been since the band’s career began when they were just teenagers. Bono and The Edge have a lot in common, especially their Christian beliefs. Because they have been able to grow so close over the years, The Edge would definitely be included in Bono’s “five fav’s”.

Larry Mullen

Larry Mullen is another member of U2 and Bono’s very close companion. He is the drummer in the band, and when he was fifteen years old, he was the one who held auditions to form the band that eventually became U2. Larry and Bono have grown together over the years as friends and in their Christian faith. Therefore, since Larry Mullen had such a significant role in forming U2, he would obviously be on Bono’s “five fav’s” list.

Five Blocked

Brendan Robert Hewson

Brendan Robert Hewson is Bono’s father. The two had clashing personalities and never really got along. Brendan often said, "to dream is to be disappointed.” This was, at times, very discouraging for Bono, and it really was a major factor that caused the poor relationship. Although it may be surprising, Brendan Hewson would most likely be blocked on Bono’s phone.

Chris Martin

Chris Martin is the lead singer of the famous band, Coldplay, and just recently, Bono and Martin became enemies. The two bands used to be friendly rivals, but some new issues have broken out ever since Coldplay has been nicknamed “the new U2”. Bono rudely insulted Chris Martin and his band; therefore, he would most likely block a call from Martin if he were ever to call.

Adolph Hitler

Adolph Hitler was one of the most evil men in history. He had no concern for the wellness of others and did not have problems with causing people severe harm and pain. These qualities are obviously ones that Bono would not approve of since one of his main goals in life was to help people ; therefore, Hitler would definitely be a person that he would block from his phone.

Josef Stalin

Josef Stalin is another very cruel man in history. In fact, he was extremely similar to Hitler. He held purges which killed hundreds of people at a time, and oftentimes those people were killed for extremely ridiculous reasons. This man would definitely not have been someone Bono would be associated with, so he would most likely be blocked from his phone.

The Killers

The Killers are another band that U2 is somewhat competing against. The two bands’ music can be similar, and the Killers’ success may eventually match that of U2’s. Bono has not yet said anything degrading about the Killers, but one can be sure that he is threatened by the popular band. Although the Killers are not true enemies of Bono and his band, it would not be surprising if members of the rival band were blocked from Bono’s phone.

Five Fav’s


Bono and Oprah have several very similar qualities. Both of these famous figures work in the entertainment business and have been very successful in that area. They have also both taken part in an endless number of generous deeds throughout their lifetimes. Bono and Oprah are not close friends, but because of their similarities, one can be sure they would get along great. Hence, it is likely that Bono would be on Bono’s “five fav’s” list.

Dr. Phil

Dr. Phil is a famous psychologist whose fame can be greatly credited to Oprah. When Oprah was being sued, she hired Dr. Phil to help in the trial, and after he helped her to win it, he began appearing regularly on her show. He later created his own series that immediately became very popular. Dr. Phil and Oprah have grown to be pretty good friends and therefore, it is likely that he would be on her “five fav’s” list.

Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou is a very famous author whose life has been very similar to Oprah’s. After Oprah read Angelou’s book, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, she felt a deep connection to the author. Angelou has become a mentor and very close friend to Oprah. In fact, Oprah says they have a “mother/sister/friend relationship”. So, it is obvious that Maya Angelou is one of Oprah’s “five fav’s”.

President Barack Obama

President Barack Obama has a had a very significant influence on Oprah. She has been known for staying out of the arena of political endorsements; however, Obama changed her mind. Oprah was a very firm follower of Obama and his views, and she spent a good amount of time campaigning for him during some crucial parts of the election. Because Oprah felt so strongly about Obama and his election, he would definitely be found on her “five fav’s” list.

Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa is a very famous social activist who is somewhat similar to Oprah. She had a very generous personality, just like Oprah, and they both have given a great amount of their time towards the benefit of other people. Both women have become very famous because of their charitable actions, and, for these reasons, Mother Teresa would be a likely person on Oprah’s “five fav’s” list.

Five Blocked

Texas Cattlemen

In 1996, Oprah and a man named Mr. Lyman were sued by some angry Texas cattlemen. These men were filing this lawsuit because Mr. Lyman and Oprah had violated a Texas law concerning false statements about agricultural business. Oprah won the case, but was surely still frustrated that it even took place. For this reason, the Texas cattlemen would surely be blocked from her phone.

Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin was the Republican vice presidential nominee for the 2008 election. She was invited to appear on several talk shows, but Oprah only agreed to have her on the show after the election. Oprah did not have anything against Palin, but she campaigned for Obama, and having her on the show probably would not have looked very good. Palin was not extremely upset about this ordeal but she was a bit disappointed. Hence, Sarah Palin might be someone that Oprah would block from her phone.

Maury Povich

Maury Povich is a talk show host of a show that is somewhat similar to the Oprah Winfrey Show. Maury has been in the entertainment business for approximately forty years, and he has had a great amount of success. Oprah and Maury have never really had any problems with each other, but one can guess that the competition between the two shows may cause a slight amount of tension. Hence, Maury Povich would possibly be someone who Oprah would block from her phone.

Adolph Hitler

Adolph Hitler was one of the most wicked men in history. He did not care at all if his actions caused other people to suffer severely, and, unlike Oprah Winfrey, he did not care about people with troubled lives. In fact, basically if a person was not almost perfect according to his standards, he would kill him/her. These qualities are obviously very unappealing to Oprah Winfrey; therefore, Hitler would definitely be a person that she would block from her phone.

Josef Stalin

Josef Stalin is another very malicious man in history. Actually, he was, in many ways, very similar to Hitler. He held purges which killed hundreds of people at a time, and oftentimes those people were killed for rather ridiculous reasons. Stalin would certainly not be someone Oprah Winfrey would want to talk to often, so he would certainly be blocked from her phone.