Maintenance management By m.shahbazi 5/9/2011 1 اﻟﺮﺣﻴﻢ اﻟﺮﺣﻤﻦ اﷲ ﺑﺴﻢMaintenance Management Part 3 Related regulation

Maintenance Management 4

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Maintenance management         By  m.shahbazi                                    5/9/2011 1

بسم اهللا الرحمن الرحيم

Maintenance Management

Part 3Related regulation

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contracting state implementation

Chicago Convention

The 1944 Convention on International Civil Aviation was signed in Chicago by 52 countries (member States), but didn’t officially come into being until 1947, when the 26th State ratified the Convention.

ICAO SARPs and contracting state implementation

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Develops ICAO SARPs (ICAO Annexes)

ICAO and StatesSTATES :

Develops National Regulation for ICAO SARPs implementation(National Codes)

Annex 1:4.2 Aircraft maintenance


4.2.1 Requirements for the issue of the licence Age

The applicant shall be not less than 18 years of age.

Example Part-66 :

66. A.15 Eligibility

An applicant for an aircraft maintenance licence shall be at least 18 years of age.

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Annex 6:

8.7.5 Facilities The facilities and working environment shall be appropriate for the task to be performed.

Example Part-M :M.A.605 Facilities

The organisation shall ensure that:

(a) Facilities are provided for all planned work, specialised workshops and bays are segregated as appropriate, to ensure protection from contamination and the environment.

CHAPTER 8: Aeroplane maintenance

8.7: Approved maintenance organization

Convention on International Civil Aviation

Annex 6: Operation of Aircraft

Part I: International Commercial Air Transport —


International Civil Aviation Organization

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Russian and CIS country AP

Other States

IRAN ……..

States Aviation Regulation

• EASA• JAR• National Regulation

• National regulation

• Follow other State Regulation

FAA Rules and Framework

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EASA Rules and Framework

EASA Rules and Framework

(Part M)Continuing airworthiness



Organisation approvals

(Part-66)Certifying Staff

(Part-147)Training organisation


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EASA Rules and Framework

Part OPS

Part FCL

Part MED

Part MContinuing airworthiness


EASA Rules and Framework














Personnel Licenses



Part‐ FCLPart‐OPS



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Maintenance OrganizationApproval

Requirement: Part-145

Issue CRS an organisation qualify for

the issue or continuation of an approval for the for the maintenance of aircraft and components.

Maintenance RegulationsContinuing AirworthinessManagement Organization

Requirement: Part-M

Issue ARC an organisation qualify for the

issue or continuation of an approval for the management of aircraft continuing airworthiness.

CRS= Certificate of Release to serviceARC= Airworthiness Review Certificate

66.A.1 Scope

(a)This subpart establishes the requirements for the issue of an Aircraft Maintenance Licence and conditions of its validity and use, for aeroplanes and helicopters of the following categories:

Category A :Line maintenance certifying mechanic

Category B1:Maintenance certifying technician-mechanical

Category B2:Maintenance certifying technician-avionic

Category C :Base maintenance certifying engineer

Aircraft Maintenance Licence (Part-66)

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66.A.1 Scope

(b) Categories A and B1 are subdivided into subcategories relative to combinations of aeroplanes, helicopters, turbine and piston engines. The subcategories are:

A1 and B1.1 Aeroplanes Turbine

A2 and B1.2 Aeroplanes Piston

A3 and B1.3 Helicopters Turbine

A4 and B1.4 Helicopters Piston

Aircraft Maintenance Licence (Part-66)

Aircraft Maintenance Licence (Part-66)

A B1 B2 C

BASIC 650‐800 2000‐2400 2400 2000‐2400

Experience 1/2/3 2/3/5 2/3/5 3/5


Task training

‐ ‐ ‐

Privilege line Line/base base base

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Maintenance organisation requirement (Part-145)

145 . X . XX

Part 145 Section A or B

145.B.30 قسمت دوم 145يعني بخش(B) 30بند :مثال

1قسمت عمومي بند 145يعني بخش 145.1

Sub Section

145 . X . XX

Aircraft Maintenance Licence (Part-66)

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Maintenance organisation requirement (Part-145)

145.A.10 Scope145.A.15 Application145.A.20 Terms of approval145.A.25 Facility requirements145.A.30 Personnel requirements145.A.35 Certifying staff and category B1 and B2 support

staff145.A.40 Equipment, tools and material145.A.42 Acceptance of components145.A.45 Maintenance data145.A.47 Production planning145.A.50 Certification of maintenance

Section A

145.1 GeneralGeneral

Maintenance organisation requirement (Part-145)

145.A.55 Maintenance records145.A.60 Occurrence reporting145.A.65 Safety and quality policy, maintenance procedures

and quality system145.A.70 Maintenance organisation exposition145.A.75 Privileges of the organisation145.A.80 Limitations on the organisation145.A.85 Changes to the organisation145.A.90 Continued validity145.A.95 Findings

Section A (cont.)

Section B


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145.A.20 Terms of approval

The organisation shall specify the scope of work deemed to constitute approval in its exposition (Appendix IV to Annex I (Part-M) contains a table of all classes and ratings).

Maintenance organisation requirement (Part-145)

Class & Rating:

Maintenance organisation requirement (Part-145)

A1 Aeroplanes (Large)

A2 Aeroplanes (Small)

A3 Helicopters

A4 Aircraft other than A1, A2 and A3

B1 Turbine

B2 Piston





C1 Aircondition & Pressurization

C2 Auto flight

C22 Structural

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Maintenance organisation requirement (Part-145)

NDT method(s) to be specified



C1 to C22COMPONENTS rating other than complete engines OR APU


B2 Piston

B1 Turbine


No limitationA4 Aircraft other

than A1, A2 and A3

Line & Base

A3 Helicopters

Base5,700 Kg and belowA2 Aeroplanes (Small)

Line & Base

Above 5,700 KgA1 Aeroplanes (Large)



145.A.20 Terms of approval

Line maintenance?

Base maintenance?

Maintenance organisation requirement (Part-145)

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FAA Class & Ratting:

1. Airframe ratings.

2. Powerplant ratings.

3. Propeller ratings.

4. Radio ratings.

5. Instrument ratings.

6. Accessory ratings.

7. Limited ratings.

Maintenance organisation requirement (FAR-145)

Aircraft Maintenance Licence category (part 66) :

1. Cat A line maintenance

2. Cat B1 Technician mechanic

3. Cat B2 Technician avionic

4. Cat C Engineer

Maintenance organisationcategory (Part 145 or subpart F part M ):

1. Cat A aircraft

2. Cat B engine/APU

3. Cat C component

4. Cat D NDT

Organization category and AML category

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ality system



ce Data





Maintenance organization

Hanger , workshop, bay , ….

Office accommodations.

Secure storage facilities.

Appropriate working environment( temperatures, dust,

lighting, noise,…)

145.A.25 Facility requirements

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Humidity Noise







GSE (Ground Support Equipment)




145.A.25 Facility requirements

accountable manager Nominated person or group of persons A person responsible for Quality system monitoring.

sufficient staff

NDT specialised task person Competence of personnel Maintenance man-hour plan

145.A.30 Personnel requirements

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accountable manager

The organisation shall appoint an Accountable Manager who has corporate authority for ensuring that all maintenance required by the customer can be financed and carried out to the standard required by this Part.

145.A.30 Personnel requirements

The Accountable Manager shall:

1. ensure that all necessary resources are available to accomplish maintenance in accordance with 145.A.65(b) to support the organisation approval.

2. establish and promote the safety and quality policyspecified in 145.A.65(a).

3. demonstrate a basic understanding of this Part.

145.A.30 Personnel requirements

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Nominated person (s)

The organisation shall nominate a person or group of persons, whose responsibilities include ensuring that the organisation complies with this Part.

145.A.30 Personnel requirements

Nominated person (s) shall :

1. ultimately be responsible to the accountable manager.

2. represent the maintenance management structure of the organisation.

3. be responsible for all functions specified in this part.

4. be identified and their credentials submitted in a form and manner established by the competent authority.

145.A.30 Personnel requirements

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Nominated person (s) shall :

5. be able to demonstrate relevant knowledge, background and satisfactory experience related to aircraft or component maintenance and demonstrate a working knowledge of this Part.

6. Procedures shall make clear who deputises for any particular person in the case of lengthy absence of the said person

145.A.30 Personnel requirements

A person responsible for Quality system

The accountable manager shall appoint a person with responsibility for monitoring the quality system, including the associated feedback system as required by 145.A.65(c).

The appointed person shall have direct access to the accountable manager to ensure that the accountable manager is kept properly informed on quality and compliance matters.

145.A.30 Personnel requirements

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NDT and specialised task

The organisation shall ensure that personnel who carry out and/or control a continued airworthiness non-destructive test of aircraft structures and/or components are appropriately qualified for the particular non-destructive test in accordance with the European or equivalent Standard recognised by the Agency.

145.A.30 Personnel requirements

NDT and specialised task

Personnel who carry out any other specialised task shall be appropriately qualified in accordance with officially recognised Standards.

By derogation to this paragraph those personnel specified in paragraphs (g) and (h)(1) and (h)(2), qualified in Part-66category B1 may carry out and/or control colour contrast dye penetrant tests

145.A.30 Personnel requirements

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competence of personnel

The organisation shall establish and control the competence of personnel involved in any maintenance, management and/or quality audits in accordance with aprocedure and to a standard agreed by the competent authority.

In addition to the necessary expertise related to the job function, competence must include an understanding of the application of human factors and human performance

issues appropriate to that person's function in the organisation.

145.A.30 Personnel requirements

maintenance man-hour plan

The organisation shall have a maintenance man-hour plan showing that the organisation has sufficient staff to plan, perform, supervise, inspect and quality monitor the organisation in accordance with the approval.

the organisation shall have a procedure to reassess work intended to be carried out when actual staff availability is less than the planned staffing level for any particular work shift or period.

145.A.30 Personnel requirements

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Part 66 Basic Training

Certificateof Release to Service

Company Procedures

Type Training

Aircraft Maintenance Licence



145.A.30 Personnel requirements

aircraft type rated / task trained certifying staff

aircraft type rated task trained

certifying staff certifying staff

category B1, B2 and C category A

145.A.30 Personnel requirements

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Required staff

Line maintenance

Base maintenance other aircraft

Component maintenance


Large aircraft


145.A.30 Personnel requirements

Line maintenance

Category B1&B2 certifying staff

task trained certifying staff qualified as category A

145.A.30 Personnel requirements

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Base maintenance of Large aircraft

category C


category B1 and B2 support staff

145.A.30 Personnel requirements

Base maintenance of aircraft

other than Large aircraft

category C + category B1 and B2 support staff.


category B1 and B2 certifying staff.

145.A.30 Personnel requirements

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EASA Part‐66: Line Maintenance Licenses

- high basic knowledge (AML) - qualified for the whole A/C, system oriented - field: airframe & powerplant - all routine and non - routine work - release to service for own work and work of others

Release to Service



- good basic knowledge (AML) - qualified only for task oriented routine work A/C type - fields: all - all routine work with job cards - release to service for own work only

Release to Service



Mechanicnot qualified

non-certifyingno requirements, works under supervision only

- high basic knowledge (AML) - qualified for the whole A/C, system oriented - fields: electric & avionics - all routine and non - routine work - release to service for own work and work of others

Release to Service



*LMCM = Line Maintenance Certifying Mechanic**LMCT = Line Maintenance Certifying Technician

Note:The B1 license covers electrical systems too!

EASA Part‐66: Base Maintenance Licenses

Note:Personnel with an A or B1/2 qualification may work in the line as well as in the

base maintenance. The difference is only the CRS!

- signs single CRS**** after base mainten. checks - qualification via B1 / 2 or - graduated engineer with high experience in A/C maintenance...

Release to Service



BMT**CAT. B1/2


- high basic knowledge (AML B1) - qualified for the whole A/C, system oriented - fields: airframe & powerplant / avionics - all routine and non - routine work - signs executed work .

No Release to Service!

- good basic knowledge (AML) - minor scheduled line & base maintenance on trained aircraft - fields: all - routine work with job cards - signs executed work..

No Release to Service!



Mechanicnot qualified

non-certifyingno requirements, works under supervision only

*BMM = Base Maintenance Mechanic**BMT = Base Maintenance Technician***BMCE = Base Maintenance Certifying Engineer****CRS = Certificate of Release to Service

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Part-147 / NAA

Basic Knowledge

Approved Training


Continuation Training

Maintenance Experience

Part-145Staff Data Recording



Aircraft Maintenance


Approved Type / Task


Maintenance Experience


ProcedureTraining and Assessment


Certificateof Releaseto Service


Category B1 and B2 support staff : means those category B1 and B2 staff in the base maintenance environment who do not hold necessarily certification privileges.

Certification authorisation : means the authorisation issued to certifying staff by the organisation and which specifies the fact that they may sign certificates of release to service within the limitations stated in such authorisation on behalf of the approved organisation

145.A.35 Certifying staff and category B1 and B2 support staff

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adequate understanding of the relevant aircraft and/or components

six months of actual relevant aircraft or component maintenance experience in any consecutive two yearperiod.

continuation training

record of certifying staff and category B1 and B2 support staff.


145.A.35 Certifying staff and category B1 and B2 support staff

The organisation shall retain the record for at least two years after the certifying staff or B1 or B2 support staff have ceased employment with the organisation or as soon as the authorisation has been withdrawn.

In addition, upon request, the maintenance organisation shall furnish certifying staff with a copy of their record on leaving the organisation.

The certifying staff shall be given access on request to their personal records as detailed above.

145.A.35 Certifying staff and category B1 and B2 support staff

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Records Maintenance







145.A.40  Equipment, tools and material

145.A.42 Acceptance of components


Satisfactory condition

Unserviceable UnsalvageableStandard


Raw &consumable


EASA Form 1 145.A.42(d)145.A.42 IPC /Maintenance


Meets the requiredspecification


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145.A.42  Acceptance of component

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145.A.60 Occurrence reporting

Occurrence reporting

ExternalOccurrence Reporting

InternalOccurrence Reporting

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Competent Authority

State of Registry

Organizationresponsible for design


ExternalOccurrence Reporting

145.A.60 Occurrence reporting


145.A.65 Safety and quality policy, maintenance procedures and quality system



Audits & feedback reporting system

Safety and quality Policy

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145.A.70 Maintenance Organisation Exposition

(a) ‘Maintenance organisation exposition’ means the document or documents that contain the material specifying the scope of work deemed to constitute approval and showing how the organisation intends to comply with this Part.

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Maintenance organisation requirement (Part-145)

145.A.10 Scope145.A.15 Application145.A.20 Terms of approval145.A.25 Facility requirements145.A.30 Personnel requirements145.A.35 Certifying staff and category B1 and B2 support

staff145.A.40 Equipment, tools and material145.A.42 Acceptance of components145.A.45 Maintenance data145.A.47 Production planning145.A.50 Certification of maintenance

Section A

145.1 GeneralGeneral

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Maintenance organisation requirement (Part-145)

145.A.55 Maintenance records145.A.60 Occurrence reporting145.A.65 Safety and quality policy, maintenance procedures

and quality system145.A.70 Maintenance organisation exposition145.A.75 Privileges of the organisation145.A.80 Limitations on the organisation145.A.85 Changes to the organisation145.A.90 Continued validity145.A.95 Findings

Section A (cont.)

Section B


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Any Question?