Maintaining Healthy Family Lifestyle

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Parenting Skills

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• A healthy person is one who has no signs of pain, discomfort or disturbance which signifies some kind of imbalance (Nik Suryani, 2006)

• Being healthy can be associated with mental health.• A Muslim have a different aim in life (to seek Allah’s pleasure),

therefore, mental health plays an important role in order to function in daily activities.

• In Islam, a mentally healthy person is free from some negative elements in his/her personality.

• Among those elements are riya’, backbiting, telling lies, gluttony, rage, love for worldliness and etc.

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Nutrition and FamiliesDEFINITION OF NUTRITION• All processes used by adults and children to take in food and digest,

absorb, transport, utilize and excrete food substances (Endres, 1994)• NUTRIENT : component or substances found in food. Example, protein,

carbohydrate, vitamin, fat and etc.

• FOOD : a very important necessity. It gives energy to human beings. It is one of the contributing factors of mental and physical growth and wellness of human being. Malnutrition and undernourishment are the effects of unbalance food and nutrient intake.

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Sources : food must come from hygienic sources and prepared in hygienic manner

Trend in our society• Dual-income families : the mother is not a full-time housewives

therefore is unable to prepare for balance and nutritional food.• Some families tend to buy food instead of cooking by

themselves due to some restriction.• Those food might come from1. Night markets2. Fast food joint3. Frozen or canned food

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FOOD : Implication On Growth• Certain food can cause illneses if consumed in frequently and/or in

large quantities.• Example of disease caused by food : Obesity, heart-related illness,

hypertension and diabetes.

• For a healthy life, one must consider taking nutritious food with vitamins and minerals to help the body to develop resistance to illness and infections.

FOOD : For Pregnant Mothers• Some mother lose the appetite to eat. Nausea and vomiting can lead

to malnutrition.• Cravings should be managed wisely. It can be fulfilled as long as it

does not harm the other and/or the baby.• Some mothers may have an increasing appetite.• Food taken during pregnancy will affect the well-being of the baby,

therefore, mothers need to have control over what they consume.

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• Breast milk vs. formula

• Solid food1. Can be introduced to babies after four months. Introducing babies to

solid food must be done slowly in small amounts.2. Parents must observe the babies reactions to the food intake

• For children1. Vegetables2. Less junk foods3. Sweets and chocolates as rewards

• Preparing food1. Food safety2. cleanliness

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HALAL VS. HARAAMSource of Rezeki• Parents need to ensure that their income is from permissible sources.

Type of jobs, the integrity in working (free from riba’ and bribery).• Parents must also purify their wealth by always performing zakat.

Sources of Food and Its Origin• Halaal label• Food must come from hygienic sources, not from unreliable sources

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Principles of Good Nutrients • Carbohydrates• Protein• Fat• Water• Fibers• Minerals• Vitamins

The Food Pyramid

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WHAT IS STRESS?It is defined as “any disruption, change or adjusment in aperson’s mental , emotional or physical well-being caused by an external stimulus either physical or psychological.”

Types of stress• Eustress : Good, positive and enjoyable stress. Example, holiday celebrations,

weddings• Distress : bad stress causing negative demands, caused by personal losses or setbacks.

Example, death, divorce, separation.

Symptoms of stress• Physical signs : fatigue / weakness, sleep disorder, impulsive bahviours, hyperactivity,

cold hands, diarrhea• Emotional signs : moody, lack of sense of humor, loss of control, nervous and anger.• Mental signs : forgetfulness , confused, disorganized, lack of interest.

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STRESS IN FAMILIES• Death in families• Divorce• Crises and conflicts in families• Financial difficulties

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Effects of stress on personal, professional and family development.

1. Work performance : unfulfilled demands from work can spill over to family

2. Personal and health : one’s personality such as being disorganized,procrastinating, perfectionist, and workaholic are potential to stress.

Stress can affect personal well-being of a person. Stress affect one’s health, thus leads to stress-related ilnesses such as hypertension, heart attack, stroke, etc.3. Children and families : one may not be able to function well in the family. Prolonged stress interferes with profession and enjoyment of life. It

affects one’s emotional state as well as it can lead to physical illnesses.

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• Safety : behavior and practices that protect children and adults from risks and injury.

Feeling safe means that one is likely to to get hurt by anyone or anything.

• Why is safety important?People have to move and change in order to grow.A small child will only release the attachment from their mother when they feel safe.Safety and security is one of the important elements in

the hierarchy of needs.

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• PHYSICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICALParents provide physical and psychological environment

that is not threatening to the child.For example, parents ensure that the floor is not slippery, the

house gate is locked.Parents must be aware of posing any demand that is

threatening the child’s psychological well-being.How parents respond to children (verbally/ non-verbally)

• CONDUCIVE, SAFE AND CLEAN.This mind of environment will not retard the process of

growth and development of children.From here, they can have a healthy mind and body.Basic Islamic foundation is a prerequisite to build a happy family.Islam provides strong foundation and strengthens the spiritual

needs of individual in families.

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SAFETY OF THE FAMILY MEMBERSParents must start educating children at their early developmental age

1. Child-friendly homeThe house must be child friendly for families with growing up children and babies2.Educate children and adolescent about safetyHelp them learn basic things3. Handling emergencies and management of home injuriesChildren and care-takers must be taught how to react in times of emergenciesParents must keep first aid kits and fire extinguisher at home.

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4. Ensuring safety outsideChildren should not be left alone without adult supervision. They should be taught the rules of riding a bus, playing at the playground and how to react when they encounter strangers.

5. Safe travellingParents must practice safety when taking families on the transportation.Children must be taught about obeying road regulations.When taking families on along journey, parents have to more coutious of unfamiliar surroundings.

6. Child abuse , neglect and domestic violenceThese form of action can be subjected to legal action under the Child Protection Act.