Military Officers Association of America Mahoning Shenango Valleys Chapter Navy Operational Support Center Youngstown • MSVC–MOAA 3976 King Graves Road Bldg 540 • Vienna, OH 44473-5980 and Military Officers Association of America May 2015 • Volume 5 Issue 5 www.moaa.org www.msvc-moaa.org Mahoning and Shenango Valleys Chapter was Very Busy in April A group of dignitaries cut a ribbon to celebrate the opening of the USO Lounge at Youngstown Air Reserve Station (YARS) during a ceremony here, April 11, 2015. From left are 910 th Airlift Wing Commander Col. James Dignan, YARS USO Sup- port Office Director Mr. Bruce Bille, USO of Northern Ohio Board of Directors Vice President Ralph Burr, Youngstown State University President James Tressel and 910 th Airlift Wing Com- mand Chief Master Sgt. Steven Larwood. e lounge, the first to open and operate on an Air Reserve Station in the continental United States, was created to support YARS Servicemembers who, for personal, financial, medical or religious reasons, wanted an alcohol-free alternative to the installation’s all services club. (U.S. Air Force photo/Master Sgt. Bob Barko Jr.) Why a picture of a refrigerator? is was MSVC donation to the USO Lounge. Since many of our MOAA members are ROA members. At our joint Christmas party last December hosted by the ROA ladies auxiliary. e auc- tion of wrapped Christmas gifts enabled the ROAL to donate $640 to the USO Lounge. April 17 th JROTC cadet Mar- vinia Fulks accepts the MOAA medal and certificate from CPT Mike McNair at East High School. April 23 rd CPT Mike McNair presents the MOAA medal, certificate and a $300 scholar- ship to ROTC cadet David Smith at YSU. April 23 rd Lt Col Chaker Fadel accepts the MSVC flag set from President Rod Hosler. Chaker along with LTC John Marino presented on Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve. April 23 rd LTC Rod Hosler presents “Gold Bars,” 1 st LT shoulder boards and officer guide to 2LT Jared Hideg. It is cadet David Smith accepting these items for Jared. April 25 th MSVC hosted the Ohio Council of Chapters quarterly meeting by providing breakfast at the USO Lounge. May 2 nd Lt Col Ralph Minton presents the MOAA medal and certificate to AF JROTC Cadet Autumn Hensley at Trumbull Career and Technical Center. Remembering those who paid for our freedom Take time to attend a ceremony May 25, 2015

Mahoning Military Officers Association of Americamsvc-moaa.org/wp-content/uploads/newsletters/2015-05_MSVC-MOAA_News.pdfRank and organization: Major, 33rd Infantry, U.S. Volunteers

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Page 1: Mahoning Military Officers Association of Americamsvc-moaa.org/wp-content/uploads/newsletters/2015-05_MSVC-MOAA_News.pdfRank and organization: Major, 33rd Infantry, U.S. Volunteers

Military Officers Association of AmericaMahoningShenangoValleys Chapter Navy Operational Support Center Youngstown • MSVC–MOAA

3976 King Graves Road Bldg 540 • Vienna, OH 44473-5980


Military Officers Association of America May 2015 • Volume 5 Issue 5


Mahoning and Shenango Valleys Chapter was Very Busy in April

A group of dignitaries cut a ribbon to celebrate the opening of the USO Lounge at Youngstown Air Reserve Station (YARS) during a ceremony here, April 11, 2015. From left are 910th Airlift Wing Commander Col. James Dignan, YARS USO Sup-port Office Director Mr. Bruce Bille, USO of Northern Ohio Board of Directors Vice President Ralph Burr, Youngstown State University President James Tressel and 910th Airlift Wing Com-mand Chief Master Sgt. Steven Larwood. The lounge, the first to open and operate on an Air Reserve Station in the continental United States, was created to support YARS Servicemembers who, for personal, financial, medical or religious reasons, wanted an alcohol-free alternative to the installation’s all services club. (U.S. Air Force photo/Master Sgt. Bob Barko Jr.)

Why a picture of a refrigerator? This was MSVC donation to the USO Lounge.

Since many of our MOAA members are ROA members. At our joint Christmas party last December hosted by the ROA ladies auxiliary. The auc-tion of wrapped Christmas gifts enabled the ROAL to donate $640 to the USO Lounge.

April 17th JROTC cadet Mar-vinia Fulks accepts the MOAA medal and certificate from CPT Mike McNair at East High School.

April 23rd CPT Mike McNair presents the MOAA medal, certificate and a $300 scholar-ship to ROTC cadet David Smith at YSU.

April 23rd Lt Col Chaker Fadel accepts the MSVC flag set from President Rod Hosler. Chaker along with LTC John Marino presented on Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve.

April 23rdLTC Rod Hosler presents “Gold Bars,” 1st LT shoulder boards and officer guide to 2LT Jared Hideg. It is cadet David Smith accepting these items for Jared.

April 25th MSVC hosted the Ohio Council of Chapters quarterly meeting by providing breakfast at the USO Lounge.

May 2nd Lt Col Ralph Minton presents the MOAA medal and certificate to AF JROTC Cadet Autumn Hensley at Trumbull Career and Technical Center.

Remembering those who paid for our freedomTake time to attend a ceremony

May 25, 2015

Page 2: Mahoning Military Officers Association of Americamsvc-moaa.org/wp-content/uploads/newsletters/2015-05_MSVC-MOAA_News.pdfRank and organization: Major, 33rd Infantry, U.S. Volunteers

May 2015 MSVC Newsletter

www.msvc-moaa.org Page 2 A MOAA Chapter in Action

President’s NotesWe had a great April meeting with very good turnout. The MSVC-MOAA hosted the Ohio Council of Chapters Quarterly Meeting at the new USO Lounge at the Youngstown Air Reserve Station. We did a great job if I do say so myself. The Chapter presenting several awards to outstanding cadets from YSU Army ROTC,

East High School Army Junior ROTC and the Tumble County Technical Center Air Force Junior ROTC. We also presented the Second Lieutenant insignia of rank and Offi-cer’s Guide to an YSU Army ROTC graduating cadet. Well done Cadets!Our membership continues to be strong and I continue to urge all MSVC chapter members to become MOAA Na-tional members. MOAA National is our direct voice with those in power in the halls of government and our hard earned benefits as well as those currently serving could be in jeopardy. Visit our chapter web site at MSVC-MOAA.org and share our newsletter. As always, I continue to salute MSVC-MOAA members for their stalwart accomplishments and yeoman work for the Chapter. With the tireless efforts of our chapter leadership, we and MOAA will succeed. The MOAA National legislative efforts to improve the armed forces (active, reserve and retired) that depend on the Fed-eral government for sustainability continues to be strong and leads the campaign to be heard on Capitol Hill. MOAA National is in the forefront of leading the charge to main-tain the force, keep TRICARE viable, ensure the Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission doesn’t gut military benefits with sweeping changes, and end the “Sequestration” that is devastating the military and down grading our national defense. This can only be done by the vast numbers of MOAA National members that make up our organization. Let’s carry the fight to maintain our strong armed forces, sustain our retires, and the ensure the secu-rity of our nation. You still make a difference. LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD. Lastly, I continue to say, any organization is only as only as good as its membership and their active participation, and the MSVC-MOAA is becoming one of the bet-ter chapters in Ohio and perhaps the country. We have much to be proud of, and I encourage all MSVC-MOAA members to continue to attend our dinner meetings, to meet other officers, renew old acquaintances and meet new members. It’s up to US to keep our chapter active, vibrant and strong. Thanks for your continued support to MSVC-MOAA and MOAA National.

Rod Hosler, MSVC President

“It’s important that people know what you stand for, and what you won’t.”

MSVC-MOAA 2015 CalendarDate Location and Program


Placing the flags at Calvary Cemetery Mahoning Ave. 0800 see page 3Armed Forces Day at Buhl Park Hermitage PA 1000–1900 see page 4YSU ROTC Commissioning Ceremony Reception Kilcawley Center 1200-1330Ponderosa Restaurant on Elm Road in Warren will donate a portion of their profits to the USO on this day. When you place your order mention USO.

5/28MSVC at YARS–ROTC/JROTC recognition din-ner. The chapter will be asking for donations to help defray the cost of the guests meals.

6/20Wounded Warrior Amputee Softball Team 1st Game Starts at 5:00 p.m. Double header Fires-tone Stadium, Akron Tickets $10

6/25 MSVC Meeting Golden Corral, Hermitage, Pro-gram: Comfort Dogs for Deployed Troops

7/23 MSVC Picnic at Centennial Park in Salem, Pro-gram TBA

TBA Scrappers Game

8/9Wings-n-Wheels Show Ernie Hall Aviation Mu-seum SLOAS Airfield 4033 North River Road Warren, 44484 www.erniehallaviationmuseum.org

8/21-22 D-Day Conneaut, Ohio www.dddayohio.us

8/27MSVC at YARS–Steak Fry/Corn RoastProgram TBA

9/24 MSVC at YARS–Program TBA


MOAA Ohio Council of Chapters Convention at Fairborn Holiday Inn, Dayton Chapter Hosts. Hotel room $101.75 includes tax. Registration $80 includes all meals.

10/22 MSVC YARS–Speaker TBA

12/6 MOAA/ROA Christmas PartyYARS - Youngstown Air Reserve Station, Vienna, OhioTBA - To be announcedSuggestions for programs contact: Rod Hosler at [email protected] 330-788-3270 or Gary Williams at [email protected] 330-385-4873

Page 3: Mahoning Military Officers Association of Americamsvc-moaa.org/wp-content/uploads/newsletters/2015-05_MSVC-MOAA_News.pdfRank and organization: Major, 33rd Infantry, U.S. Volunteers

Military Off cers Association of America

2014Col Marvin J. Harris Communications Award

WinnerCategory V

Mahoning and Shenango Valleys ChapterLegislative Coverage - Print Newsletter

Col. John Koshan, USAR (Ret)

April 9, 2015Date

Norbert R. Ryan, Jr., Vice Admiral, USN (Ret)President, MOAA

Legislative ContactsMOAA Weekly legislative updates www.moaa.org or 1-800-234-6622 ext. 215Pres. Barack Obama (D)The White House1600 Pennsylvania Ave.Washington DC 20500Switchboard: 202-456-1414www.whitehouse.govOHIOSenator Sherrod Brown (D)United States Senate713 Hart Senate Office Bldg.Washington, DC 20510Phone: (202) 224-2315Fax (202) 228-6321www.brown.senate.gov Senator Rob Portman (R)United States Senate448 Russell Senate Office Bld.Washington, DC 20510Phone: (202) 224-3353www.portman.senate.govRepresentative District 6Bill Johnson (R)192 East State St.Salem, OH 44460Phone (330) 337-6951 Fax (330) 337-7125http://billjohnson.house.govRepresentative District 13Tim Ryan (D)241 West Federal St. Youngstown, OH 44503Phone: (330) 740-0193Fax: (330) 740-0182http://timryan.house.govPeNNSyLVANIASenator Robert Casey Jr. (D)393 Russell Senate Office Bld. Washington, D.C. 20510Phone: (202) 224-6324Fax: (202) 228-0604www.casey.senate.govSenator Patrick Toomey (R)248 Russell Senate Office Bld.Washington, D.C. 20510Phone: (202) 224-4254Fax: (202) 228-0284www.toomey.senate.govRepresentative District 3Mike Kelly (R)33 Chestnut AvenueSharon, PA 16146Phone: (724) 342-7170Fax: (724) 342-7242http://kelly.house.gov/

Email the legislative contacts through their w

eb site. MSVC Newsletter May 2015

www.msvc-moaa.org A MOAA Chapter in Action Page 3

Legislative Issues – May 2015, Congratulations John!Legislative Affairs Co-Chair, COL John KoshanOur legislative team of John Koshan and Florence Hosler each had family commit-ments out of state that made it difficult to prepare a legislative page. Their com-mitments enable to fill the page with these certificates. Three legislative pages from 2014 were submitted to MOAA national for judging, also three newsletters.

Military Off cers Association of America

April 9, 2015Date

2014Col Marvin J. Harris Communications Award

WinnerCategory V

Mahoning and Shenango Valleys ChapterPrint Newsletter

Janet Oglesby, Editor

Norbert R. Ryan, Jr., Vice Admiral, USN (Ret)President, MOAA

Help Decorate Calvary CemeteryIf you can assist in decorating the Calvary Cemetery on Saturday, 16 May, at 0800 meet just inside the front gate. Calvary Cem-etery is at the corner

The third year in a row that Janet has been a winner with our newsletter.

Two other honoreesThe Cleveland De-partment of Veter-ans Affairs honored volunteers from the Belmont Avenue VA clinic. Two of the many volunteers honored were MOAA members Ron Hosler 4,400 hrs. and Dennis Mc-Mahon 1,000 hrs.

John A. Logan, Jr.Medal of HonorRank and organization: Major, 33rd Infantry, U.S. Volunteers.Place and date: At San Jacinto, Philippine Islands, 11 November 1899.Entered service at: Youngstown, Ohio.Born: 24 July 1865, Carbondale, Ill.Date of issue: 3 May 1902.Citation: For most dis-tinguished gallantry in leading his battalion upon the entrench-ments of the enemy, on which occasion he fell mortally wounded.Burial Information:Location: Youngstown, OhioCemetery: Oak Hill Cemetery

of Mahoning and S. Belle Vista Avenues in Youngstown. On the average it takes 1.5 hours to do the cem-etery. Remember to bring a bottle of water and a screwdriver.

Why Celebrate Memorial Day at Oak Hill Cemetery?

Continue on page 5

Page 4: Mahoning Military Officers Association of Americamsvc-moaa.org/wp-content/uploads/newsletters/2015-05_MSVC-MOAA_News.pdfRank and organization: Major, 33rd Infantry, U.S. Volunteers

MSVC Newsletter May 2015

Page 4 A MOAA Chapter in Actionwww.msvc-moaa.org

President ....................................... LTC Rod Hosler, USA, Ret. [email protected] .......................(330) 788-3270

1st Vice President .................LTC Gary Williams, USA, Ret. [email protected] ...........................(330) 385-4873

2nd Vice President ........ An individual that can sell the chapter and MOAA. No computer skills required.

Secretary ....................................................... Janet Oglesby, Aux. [email protected] .....................................(330) 568-4456

Treasurer ..................................... Former LT Bruce Bille, USN [email protected] .............................(330) 856-7958

Board Member ex oficio .........MAJ Peter Mihai, USA, Ret. [email protected] .......................................(330) 704-5541

Board Member at LargeFormer LT Florence Hosler, USN

[email protected] .................. (330) 788-3270Chapter Programs Officer ................................Gary Williams [email protected] ...........................(330) 385-4873

MSVC Officers and Committee Chairs


Articles in this newsletter are the opinions solely of the individual authors and do not necessarily express the policy or opinions of the newsletter’s editor or publisher. Also, the individual opinions do not reflect an en-dorsement by the Mahoning Shenango Valleys Chapter or the national organization of the Military Officers Association of America, unless so indicated [Copyright 2011 Military Officers Association of American All rights reserved.] For the benefit of the members. Questions or comments should be directed to: LTC Roderick Hosler USA, Ret. E-mail: [email protected]

Chaplain ...........................Lt Col Ralph Minton, USAF, Ret. [email protected] ............................. (724) 674-6642Chapter Development Chair, OH Council of Chapters

Col. Dick Calta, USAF, [email protected] ....................................(330) 576-6404

Historian Officer ..................LTC Donald Rasile, USA, Ret. [email protected] ........................(330) 758-3348Legislative Affairs ..................COL John Koshan, USA, Ret. [email protected] .............................(330) 883-0192Membership Data Input .................................... Janet Oglesby [email protected] .....................................(330) 568-4456Nominations & Elections…

…LTC Michael Wisniewski, USA, Ret. [email protected] .............................(330) 856-1162

Personal Affairs

Cards to Shut-ins .............................Don & Bonnie Rasile [email protected] ............... (330) 758-3348

Public Relations ..........LTC Michael Wisniewski, USA, Ret. [email protected] .................................. (330) 856-1162USO Area Representative ...............................................Bruce Bille [email protected] .............................(330) 333-0397 cell

Previous Honorees continue from page 6fly HH-60M Blackhawk helicopters and become a 67J (MEDEVAC pilot).Aloha! From Lorin DelgrosSince graduation the most notable change I’ve made is my last name! Well, that and moving half way across the world. After com-missioning I attended Quartermaster Basic Officer Leaders Course in Fort Lee, Virginia. I graduated Fort Lee on the Commandants List and as the Iron Woman of Class 14-007. Currently I am stationed on the beautiful island of Oahu, Hawaii as part of the 25th Infantry Divi-sion, 25th Combat Aviation Brigade. I am serving as the Supply Platoon Leader in Alpha Company, 209th Aviation Support Battalion. Our company motto is “Always Ready”, my platoon is the sole provider of parts and equipment to the entire aviation brigade. If I had to pick one thing I love about being a Platoon Leader, I would say that I have 61 of them, my Soldiers!Thank you to Rick Williams for contacting the ROTC graduates.

Page 5: Mahoning Military Officers Association of Americamsvc-moaa.org/wp-content/uploads/newsletters/2015-05_MSVC-MOAA_News.pdfRank and organization: Major, 33rd Infantry, U.S. Volunteers


Membership Application for Mahoning and Shenango Valleys ChapterName: __________________________________ Military Status _________ Spouse Name______________________

Component________Branch of Service_______ Rank________

☐ Regular Member (Retired, Former, Active* Officer of the seven uniformed US Services Membership $20/year)

☐ Widow(er)– Auxiliary Member (Auxiliary membership is available for surviving spouses of officers Membership $10/year) ☐ Spouse (local MOAA chapter only, not national, spouse is member of chapter) Membership $20/year)

Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________

Primary Phone: _______________________________________ Secondary Phone _____________________________

E-mail: ___________________________________________ Applicant DOB _________ Spouse DOB ___________

☐ Newsletters will be emailed, if you prefer postal service, check this box

Member of MOAA National ❏ Yes ❏ No #________________________Chapter dues from Jan. 1, 2015 to Dec. 31, 2015Make Check Payable to: MSVC-MOAA mail to address on rightYou may pay regular and auxiliary dues (not spouses) with a credit card at: www.moaa.org/OnlineChapterDuesPayment you may use credit card and PayPal and paid, regular, spouses and auxiliary dues at msvc-moaa.org/membership

Navy Operational Support Center YoungstownAttn: MSVC-MOAAJanet Oglesby Secretary3976 King Graves Road Bldg 540Vienna, OH 44473-5980

MSVC Newsletter May 2015

A MOAA Chapter in Action Page 5

☐ Active *(Regular)—☐ Reserve*—☐ National Guard* *Free chapter membership if under government contract. A non military email address is preferred, return this form

May 28th Membership Meeting–ROTC/JROTC Recognition of MOAA Award RecipientsWhen: Thursday, 28 May 2015Where: Youngstown AF Reserve Station

Consolidated Activity Center 3976 King Graves Rd Vienna, OH 44473

Who: Members, Spouses, GuestsLounge and Cash bar opens at 1600Social: 1745 (5:45 p.m.)Dinner: 1830 (6:30 p.m.) Reservations Required for

the DinnerProgram: 1930 (7:30 p.m.) Welcome to join the dinner guests

for the programSuggested Attire: Cadets and 2LTs will be in uniform. Sport

coat is requested.Speaker: CPT Stephaine Crawford,

YSU Military Science Professor Menu: Garden tossed salad, London broil, stuffed chicken

breast, twice baked potato, mixed vegetables, dessert, rolls, coffee/tea, tax and gratuity included for $20.00

RSVP: 1. Call Janet Oglesby, 330-568-4456 (leave a message if no answer).

2. Email Janet at [email protected] 3. Use the web site www.msvc-moaa.org and pay with

PayPal. It isn’t required to have a PayPal account to use the system. You will answer “no” to the message

asking if you have a PayPal account then you will be asked for credit card information. PayPal is a secure system.4. Pay at the door with a cash, check, credit or debit card.


May 21st


Asking for Sponsors“Buy A Dinner for a Cadet”For this meeting we have instituted a “Buy A Dinner for a Cadet” where a member can contribute $20 to offset the cost of the chapter, paying for the dinner for a cadet, their guest, or their military staff member. If you can assist by “buying a dinner” you may do so at the door. Any surplus of donations will be put into the scholarship fund. You may send a check to the address on the MSVC application below. Also a donation can be made on the web site www.msvc-moaa.org

John A. Logan Sr.(February 9, 1826 – December 26, 1886) was an Ameri-can soldier and political leader. He served in the Mexican-American War and was a general in the Union Army in the American Civil War. He served the state of Illinois as a state senator, congressman and senator and was an unsuccessful candidate for Vice President of the United States in 1884. As the 3rd Commander-in-Chief of the Grand Army of the Re-public, he is regarded as the most important figure in the movement to recognize Memorial Day (originally known as Decoration Day) as an official holiday.ROA Mahoning Chapter conducts a Ceremony at 0830 on Memorial Day.

Memorial Day from page 2

Page 6: Mahoning Military Officers Association of Americamsvc-moaa.org/wp-content/uploads/newsletters/2015-05_MSVC-MOAA_News.pdfRank and organization: Major, 33rd Infantry, U.S. Volunteers

Navy Operational Support Center YoungstownMahoning & Shenango Valleys Chapter 3976 King Graves Road Bldg 540Vienna, OH 44473-5980

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Welcome new memberIrv Maurer, Frm 1st LT USA

On May 28th MSVC will honor MOAA Medal Winners and 2LT’s—Where Are Our Previous Honorees?

Nathaniel Bacon (left) graduated from TCTC in ’13 enlist-ed in the Air Force and is presently stationed in Japan. Jvon Morton graduated from East High School in ’14 enlisted in the Army. This note from Jacob Rafidi. Upon graduation I started BOLC (Basic Officer Leadership Course) and active duty on June 23. I then got stationed in Germany on Nov. 05. I have traveled to over 10 countries since I have been here and I deployed to Turkey for 5 months as the S4 (logistics officer). I am now the field maintenance team PL (Platoon Leader) in SVC Co., (Service and Supply Company) and I take over XO (Exective Officer) in June. This note from Eric Hipply last year. I am currently sta-tioned at Joint Base Elmendorf Richardson just outside of Anchorage. Since commissioning, I have completed my Chemical Corps basic officer course training at Fort Leon-ardwood Missouri. Following that, I attended Airborne school at Fort Benning Georgia, becoming a Paratrooper. I now serve as an assistant to the S-3, or plans officer, for the

425 Brigade Special Troops Battalion (BSTB) which is part of the 4/25th Brigade (Airborne). I am awaiting an opening in the 95th Chemical Company in order to serve as a Platoon leader then hopefully as a Company XO.

Anna Hallam will graduate ’15 from TCTC and has enlisted in the USMC. Her basic train-ing starts this fall. Jasmine Dorsett will graduate ’15 and is undecided whether to enlist in the Army or go to college via ROTC.

This note from Tyler Strohecker. After gradu-ation ´14 I attended Medical Service BOLC in July 2014 and graduated in September 2014. Currently a Platoon Leader in F-Co 1-214 AVN REG MEDEVAC Army Reserve in Johnstown Pennsylvania.I’ll marry Tyler Severino on June 6, 2015 (Who commissions from KSU in May 2015) She will attend Field Artillery BOLC in October 2015 and then report to Fort Benning, Georgia for her first duty station.I will attend Flight School August 2, 2015 at the U.S. Army Aviation Center of Excellence at Fort Rucker to learn to

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