Mahila Kisan Sashaktikaran Pariyojana Training Module on Package of Scientific Cultivation of Lac Udyogini Vimalayan, 1 st Floor, 33 Saket Nagar, Opp. Premsons Motors, Kanke Road, Ranchi 834008

Mahila Kisan Sashaktikaran Pariyojana · Mahila Kisan Sashaktikaran Pariyojana Training Module on Package of Scientific Cultivation of Lac Udyogini Vimalayan, 1st Floor, 33 Saket

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Page 1: Mahila Kisan Sashaktikaran Pariyojana · Mahila Kisan Sashaktikaran Pariyojana Training Module on Package of Scientific Cultivation of Lac Udyogini Vimalayan, 1st Floor, 33 Saket

Mahila Kisan Sashaktikaran Pariyojana

Training Module on Package of Scientific Cultivation of Lac

Udyogini Vimalayan, 1st Floor,

33 Saket Nagar, Opp. Premsons Motors,

Kanke Road, Ranchi 834008

Page 2: Mahila Kisan Sashaktikaran Pariyojana · Mahila Kisan Sashaktikaran Pariyojana Training Module on Package of Scientific Cultivation of Lac Udyogini Vimalayan, 1st Floor, 33 Saket

Training Module on Package of Scientific Cultivation of Lac

Table of Contents Session -1: Introduction and Ice breaking .................................................................................................... 3

Session Description: .................................................................................................................................. 3

Objectives: ................................................................................................................................................ 3

Planning: ................................................................................................................................................... 3

Activity ...................................................................................................................................................... 4

Expected outcomes: .................................................................................................................................. 4

Session-2: Understanding the Objectives and importance of the training on PSCL ..................................... 5

Session Description: .................................................................................................................................. 5

Objective: .................................................................................................................................................. 5

Planning: ................................................................................................................................................... 5

Activity ...................................................................................................................................................... 5

Expected outcomes: .................................................................................................................................. 6

Session-3: To gain knowledge and skills of Host Plant Management ........................................................... 7

Session Description: .................................................................................................................................. 7

Objective: .................................................................................................................................................. 7

Planning: ................................................................................................................................................... 7

Activity: ..................................................................................................................................................... 8

Expected outcomes: .................................................................................................................................. 8

Session-4: To gain knowledge and skills of Inoculation Strategy.................................................................. 9

Session Description: .................................................................................................................................. 9

Objectives: ................................................................................................................................................ 9

Planning .................................................................................................................................................... 9

Activity ...................................................................................................................................................... 9

Expected Outcome: ................................................................................................................................. 10

Session-5: To gain knowledge about Spraying Schedule ............................................................................ 11

Session Description: ................................................................................................................................ 11

Objective: ................................................................................................................................................ 11

Planning: ................................................................................................................................................. 11

Activity: ................................................................................................................................................... 12

Expected outcomes: ................................................................................................................................ 12

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Training Module on Package of Scientific Cultivation of Lac

Session-6: Identification of pest and its management techniques ............................................................. 13

Session Description: ................................................................................................................................ 13

Objectives: .............................................................................................................................................. 13

Planning .................................................................................................................................................. 13

Activity .................................................................................................................................................... 14

Expected outcomes: ................................................................................................................................ 14

Session-7: Visit to a nearby cultivated field ................................................................................................ 15

Session Description: ................................................................................................................................ 15

Objectives: .............................................................................................................................................. 15

. Planning: ............................................................................................................................................... 15

Activity: ................................................................................................................................................... 15

Expected outcomes: ................................................................................................................................ 16

Annexure ..................................................................................................................................................... 17

Annexure-I: Training for PSCL ................................................................................................................. 17

Annexure-II: Host Plant Management: ................................................................................................... 19

Annexure-III: Inoculation of brood lac: ................................................................................................... 22

Annexure:-IV: Spraying schedule ............................................................................................................ 25

Annexure:-V: Identification of pest and its management techniques .................................................... 26

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Training Module on Package of Scientific Cultivation of Lac

Session -1: Introduction and Ice breaking

Session Description: In the first day of training most of the participants are not

acquainted with each other. So they are uncomfortable in mixing with one another. Since

learning has to be done in group and so the requirement of our training is to capacity

building of self-help groups, it is very much necessary that the participants get to know

each other well and are at ease throughout the training period. Therefore, it is necessary to

start this session with certain activities which will help the participants to gel up easily.

Prior to this, the participants need to be told about the objectives of the training

programme. Their previous knowledge about lac cultivation and their expectations from

the training programme have to be assessed and together define the boundary of the

training programme.

Objectives: To get familiar with each other

To ensure better participation of all the participants

To create friendly environment for better learning during the sessions

To get the expectations of the participants


Duration 2 hours

No. of facilitators 2

Pedagogy Group exercise and discussions

Training materials Chart paper, white board, markers, white board, I- card, plastic

bowls, bingo card, scissor.

Preparation The trainer’s should prepare card sheet of the chart paper and small

chits in which some name (for instance Palash, Ber, Kusum,

Semialata) are written. The training team will prepare I-Card, bingo

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Training Module on Package of Scientific Cultivation of Lac

card for the participants.

Activity After registration of the participants is complete, the trainers will distribute I- card, pen or

paper to each participant.

A bingo card (annexure-VIII) which is already prepared by the trainers is given to each

participant. A bingo card is a 5 by 4 grid on a piece of card which is duplicated for everyone in

the group. Each box can contain one of the statements like given below.

The bingo card concept encourages the group to mix, talk to everyone to try and complete their

card. If one of the items listed on the bingo card relates to the person they are talking with,

have them sign their name in that box.

Is already doing lac cultivation

Is wearing blue

Cannot Speak Hindi

Grows paddy

Has more than 2 children

Has been to Ranchi

Gas a goattery

Name begins with an s

Has a TV

Likes to get up early

Someone over 6ft tall

Has 2 or more siblings

Is a member of SHG

End the activity after 10 minutes and review some of the interesting facts the group has

discovered about each other. The trainee can add his/her own statements appropriate for the


Expected outcomes: An environment where the participants come closer to each other and feel free to

participate in the various activities during the training sessions

Initiation of a process where the participants start discussing their own knowledge,

skills, drawbacks and differences in practices of lac cultivation.

The participants are able to visualize the objectives of the programme clearly.

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Training Module on Package of Scientific Cultivation of Lac

Session-2: Understanding the Objectives and importance of the training


Session Description: First of all the trainees must understand the whole model of the

training i.e. the features, structure, objectives and also the content of the training on PSCL

(Package of Scientific method of Cultivation of Lac- Annexure-I). This session is going to

deal with these ideas so that at the end of the session the participants can understand the

actual need and importance of the training.

Objective: To understand the objectives of the training programme

To understand the concept of PSCL (Package of Scientific Cultivation of Lac)

To know the importance and objectives of the training

To understand and know the benefits of the implementation of the scientific method

of lac cultivation


Duration 2 hours

No. of facilitator 2

Pedagogy Discussions, questionnaires, case studies, presentation.

Training material white board, marker, chart sheet, pictures

Preparations The trainer should deliver the idea and content of PSCL and make the

participants understand the benefits. She/ he should either make a

presentation or charts/ posters describing the procedures of scientific

method of lac cultivation and its objectives.


Keeping in view the expectations of the participants, the objectives of the training

programme is put forth and the trainers tries to make an alignment of the objectives of the

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Training Module on Package of Scientific Cultivation of Lac

training programme with the expectations of the participants so that the participants can

understand the meaning of the training programme. Any question on this discussion should

be answered by the trainer very patiently. After discussing the objectives the trainer

discusses the main contents of the curriculum and various training methodologies to be

used in the learning process.

Trainers should share 2-3 case studies (Annexure-VI) i.e. examples of such women

farmers of lac who have been cultivating lac in scientific method for quite a long time and

enhanced the livelihood by increasing the family income quite drastically.

Using these examples the trainer must make the participants understand about the

concepts of scientific methods of lac cultivation, difference between traditional practices

and the scientific practices.

Trainers should make use of chart and poster to explain the concept of PSCL and discussing

with the trainers.

Expected outcomes:

The participants understand the whole idea of PSCL.

They can assess themselves for the competencies that they possess and what

competencies they require to build in themselves

They are motivated to practice the scientific method of lac cultivation after knowing

the advantages of practicing so.

To understand the benefits of this scientific method and the ways in which they can

make sustainable profit margin through this.

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Training Module on Package of Scientific Cultivation of Lac

Session-3: To gain knowledge and skills of Host Plant Management

Session Description: The trainees should know the proper host plant management

techniques without which lac cultivation will result in failure. This session is going to deal

with proper techniques and knowledge of Host Plant Management with some particular

dos and don’ts, so that at the end of the session the participants can understand the

importance of host plant management.


To know what is to be done to manage a host plant through selection, raring and


To know the importance of host plant management.

To know the proper time table of operation to be done for this purpose.

To understand and know the benefits of the implementation of the practices of the

Host Plant Management.

To motivate the participants to practice the scientific method of lac cultivation after

knowing the advantages of practicing so.


Duration 2 hours

No. of facilitator 2

Pedagogy Discussions, questionnaires, presentations, flowcharts.

Training material white board, marker, chart sheet, pictures, mobile projector

Preparations The trainer should deliver the idea and content of Host plant

management to the trainees referring to different examples with

reference to different stains and plants. She/ he should either make

presentations or charts/ posters describing the procedures,

importance and time table of Host Plant Management for lac


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Training Module on Package of Scientific Cultivation of Lac

Activity: In this session the trainees should give the idea about host plant management in a more

detailed manner with special reference of Flemingia semialata. This session will includes the

discussion about the topics– Different host plant, training for host plant selection, Pruning of

host plants, grading of host plant etc. (Annexure-II).

Each topic will be discussed thoroughly with Charts, Drawing and presentations.

To illustrate the concepts in easier way it would be better to show them through movies or

videos with Mobile projector.

Any question on this discussion should be answered by the trainer very patiently. After

discussing the objectives the trainer discusses the main contents of the curriculum and various

training methodologies to be used in the learning process.

Now the participants are asked to form few groups consists of 4-5 members of each and each

group is given chart sheet, paper and asked to write down what they understand from the

discussion. They are also encouraged to draw pictures and flow chart.

Each group can be given different topic to discuss and write down such as- host plant selection,

pruning of host plants, grading of host plants, what are the different host plant of lac

cultivation, over all host plant management etc.

Then a member of each group will be asked to read out and present what her group has

thought and draw in the chart sheet given followed by introducing their group members.

Other participants are allowed to ask if they have any doubt in the presentation given by each

group and if they are not able to answer then the trainee should come up with the answer.

By this session the participants can have a clearer picture on host plant management.

Expected outcomes:

The participants understand what host plant management is.

They gain knowledge about what , when and why of host plant management

They can have a clearer idea about this through the activity session.

They are motivated to practice the scientific method of lac cultivation after knowing

the advantages of practicing so.

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Training Module on Package of Scientific Cultivation of Lac

Session-4: To gain knowledge and skills of Inoculation Strategy

Session Description: The method by which the lack insects are introduced on to a lac host

is known as infection or inoculation. Once the participants have been made aware of the

various host plants on which Lac cultivation can be undertaken then he/she should know

how the inoculation of Brood Lac is to be done. This is of paramount importance because

any delay in inoculation will further affect the production which will have an impact on the

financial resources.


To make the participants aware of the methods of brood inoculation.

To make them aware of the most suitable time for brood inoculation on the

concerned trees like Kusum, Ber and Palash.


Duration 2 Hours

No. of facilitators 2

Pedagogy Group discussion, power point presentations and case study -

based exercise

Training Materials Copy of the Case Study, List of cost items along with classification

under different heads, charts, Sketch- pens

Preparation The trainer should explain the inoculation process clearly and not

leave any loop holes in the explanation process to the participants.

He should be well versed with the strategy material read the

enterprise case very thoroughly. He should prepare a list of cost

items and work out the totals in advance.


The aims and objectives of the session should be made clear in front of the participants by

the trainers. Trainers should carefully explain the various methods of brood inoculation

with illustrations so that the participants may be able to comprehend the methods. Power

point presentation should be prepared to make the topics appealing and interesting.

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Training Module on Package of Scientific Cultivation of Lac

The trainer should answer patiently and in detail the queries of the participants.

The participants now will be divided into groups after the understanding process is over

and then they will be asked to explain through charts what understanding they have

obtained from the Trainer. Trainers should share 2-3 case studies (Annexure-VI) i.e.

examples of such women farmers of lac who has been cultivating lac in scientific method

for quite a long time and enhanced the livelihood by increasing the family income quite


Through these example the participants should be able to understand the concepts of

brood inoculation of lac cultivation, difference between traditional practices and the

scientific practices.

Expected Outcome:

The participants will be able to understand the various methods of brood

inoculation after the training s provided to them.

They will be able to know the most opportune time when brood inoculation should

take place so that they can ensure a sustained lac production.

They will understand the importance of brood inoculation in host trees in a proper


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Training Module on Package of Scientific Cultivation of Lac

Session-5: To gain knowledge about Spraying Schedule

Session Description: To ensure maximum production through the standing crop need

timely application of fungicides and pesticide. After inoculation it is very much essential to

spray them in a particular time gap to get disease free brood and the participants should

know the proper techniques and schedule for Spray. This session is going to deal with

proper techniques and knowledge of application of spray. This will help the participants to

get knowledge about the schedule of spray, techniques of spraying through this session


To know the importance of spraying as well as importance of following the schedule

without fail.

To know the timely schedule of application of spray with proper time table of

operation to be done.

To understand and know the benefits of the implementation of spraying practices to

the inoculated host Plant.

To motivate participants to practice the spraying application in lac cultivation

through discussing about the advantages of practice and the disadvantages of not

practicing so.


Duration 2 hours

No. of facilitator 2

Pedagogy Discussions, questionnaires, presentations, flowcharts, bowl, chits.

Training material white board, marker, chart sheet, pictures, spray machine

Preparations The trainer should deliver the need of spraying in the host plant after

inoculation of brood and tell the participants about the adverse affect

of not applying pesticide and fungicide after the inoculation to protect

their crop from several damages. She/ he should either make

presentation should discuss with charts/ posters describing the

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Training Module on Package of Scientific Cultivation of Lac

procedures, importance and time table. The trainee should prepare

chits written with different name of pesticide and fungicides.


In this session the trainees will discuss about the spraying schedule in a more detailed manner.

This should be discussed thoroughly with charts detailed with the schedule.

The trainer should show the sprayer to the participants to illustrate the concepts in an easier

way. It would also be better to show them movies or videos through Mobile projector.

Any question on this discussion should be answered by the trainer very patiently. After

discussing the techniques the trainer should discusses the schedule of spraying.

If the participants are new to lac cultivation, it would be harder for them to memorize the name

of the different fungicides and pesticides. So to acclimatize with the name of the pesticide and

fungicide an activity is done with them, where they were given to choose a chit from a bowl. In

each chit there will be a name of different pesticide or fungicide used in spraying.

Each participate has to come up and introduce herself as the name of different fungicide and

pesticide given in the chits and also has to describe the time at which it is sprayed and why its

sprayed .

Other participants are allowed to ask if they have any doubt in the presentation given by each

group and if they are not able to answer then the trainee should come up with the answer.

By this session the participants can have a clear picture of spraying schedule.

Expected outcomes:

Gain knowledge of spraying importance and schedule.

They gain knowledge about what , when and why of host plant management

They can have a clearer idea about this through the activity session.

They are motivated to practice spraying the pesticide and fungicide two times after

inoculation of brood lac after knowing the advantages of practicing so.

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Training Module on Package of Scientific Cultivation of Lac

Session-6: Identification of pest and its management techniques

Session Description: The pest identification and its management techniques was aimed

at eradication of pests by use of chemical (synthetic) pesticides. After the participants have

been made aware of the spraying schedule the trainer should now focus on the

identification of pest and it’s management techniques. This session will mainly focus on

how to identify the insect pests and provide management techniques to control their

population which would lead to a successful Lac cultivation program


To identify different harmful insects of lac cultivation

Symptoms of different insect damage and its management

To understand the tools of pest management

To gain knowledge about managing insect pests in lac cultivation


Duration 2 Hours

No. of facilitators 2

Pedagogy Group discussion, PowerPoint presentations and charts for pest

identification and sketches.

Training Materials Charts depicting the various insects, pests and some scientific

material illustrating methods to identify pest and their various

management techniques.

Preparation The trainer should be well versed in the various methods of

management of pests and should have clear knowledge about

them so the training is a success.

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Training Module on Package of Scientific Cultivation of Lac


The trainer should first of all make the participants aware of the various names of the pests

and the disease caused by them. After they are comfortable with the names then he should

show them the various pictures of the insects and allow them to get acquainted with the

charts. This should be followed by making the participants aware of the various

management practices required to control the pest number and protect the Lac crop. This

however would lead to the end of the theoretical part of the training schedule.

This training schedule needs to be immediately followed by practical exposure of the

participants which is of paramount importance because without field visit the participant

won’t be able to comprehend what has been taught in class and the entire exercise would

be rendered futile. Field visits thus help in providing the complete picture about the

identification of the insect pests and the various management steps required to counter the

menace caused by them.

Expected outcomes:

The participants get aware of the various diseases caused by the menacing pests to

the Lac crop.

They can also identify the various insect pests after the theoretical and field


They get motivated and enlightened to follow the various pest management

techniques on offer to effectively control the pest population.

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Training Module on Package of Scientific Cultivation of Lac

Session-7: Visit to a nearby cultivated field

Session Description: An exposure visit program aims to enhance participants’

knowledge through exposure to best practices in lac cultivation.


To gain practical knowledge on successful lac cultivation.

To physically visit the site and see the work in progress.

To interact with the community people and get their suggestions and observations

regarding the various processes of Lac cultivation.

To interact and share mutual experiences and challenges with the lead contact.

To broaden perspectives of the participants who are responsible for planning and

management of lac cultivation in scientific method.

. Planning:

Duration 4 hours

No. of facilitator 3

Pedagogy Description, discussion.

Preparations The trainers will escort all the participants to the selected field and

describe them the procedures. The trainer should know the place to

be visited so that he/she can refer the special cases like diseases

affecting host plant, healthy host plant, and also can show the places

where any activity is going on regarding lac cultivation like pruning of

host plant, brood inoculation, preparation of brood lac etc.


An exposure visit is conducted for the participants to a nearby lac cultivated area or village

where lac is growing successfully in compliance with scientific methods.

The participants are introduced to the lac farmers who cultivate lac as per PSCL.

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Training Module on Package of Scientific Cultivation of Lac

Expected outcomes:

They will be motivated to practice the scientific method of lac cultivation seeing

others to do so.

In a village like environment they will feel free to ask questions to other farmers

present in the concerned place.

A practical based understanding and knowledge will build on the scientific practices

of lac cultivation.

They will replicate the practice of scientific method of lac cultivation as per PSCL.

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Training Module on Package of Scientific Cultivation of Lac


Annexure-I: Training for PSCL

Training objectives of PSCL (Package of scientific method of cultivation of Lac): The

training shall be a combination of theory and practical session. The theory-session

including registration of trainees, mobilisation of beneficiaries explaining them about the

Scientific Cultivation of Lac and other supports will to be provided by MKSP.

Scientific Lac cultivation by the tribals on Kusum, Ber, Palas and many other trees which

are virtually owned by them in their own fields as well as available in the forests can

substantially enhance their income. This cultivation process is a time consuming activities

i.e. each crop/season carries 06 months duration and entire activities of lac cultivation

from inoculation to harvesting is spread over six months duration. So

Experts/Trainers/Implementing Agencies should provide inputs of all practical operation

to the trainees at least for a crop/season so that in subsequent crops, they may not face

technical difficulties. The objective of the training is:

To impart scientific training to tribal women in all processes of Lac Cultivation in

commercial way covering the entire gamut of backward and forward linkages for

Lac Cultivation.

To organize Lac grower for developing sustainable enterprises

Training Content – The training contents must include different aspects about the

commodity as mentioned in Annexure-1. Some of the main aspects to be included are as


a. Introduction of Trainees and Resource Persons / Experts / Trainers, Programme

objectives, Group Discussion on merits and demerits of the current practices adopted by

the Lac Growers. Detailed discussion on up-gradation of knowledge & skills on

management of Lac cultivation in grassroot level.

b. Practical training on different activities of Scientific method of lac Cultivation processes

such as:

i. Discussion on Schedule activities and its time / month for different crops

such as Kusumi and Rangini etc.

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Training Module on Package of Scientific Cultivation of Lac

ii. Host Plant Management: Type of Host plants, Pruning of host trees- Why,

When and How;

iii. Inoculation Strategy and process of brood Lac- Selection of Brood lac,

Inoculation and self-inoculation process– When and How;

iv. Spraying Schedule: Spraying of Pesticide and types of pesticides – Why, When

and How;

v. Removal of Phunki – Why and When;

vi. Identification of pest and its management techniques: identification of

different pest of Lac insect and the pest of host trees and proper management of

those pests.

vii. Inoculation Strategy for brood lac

a) Visit to a nearby cultivated field, if possible to know better management of lac

field with different processes, interaction with experienced beneficiaries in the

practical field;

b) Cultivation of Lac through Semialata Plantation- its prospects;

c) Uses of different tools and its maintenance;

d) Knowledge on application of lac in different fields, Value addition of Lac at field

level, semi-processing activities of lac, grading of different types of lac, storing,

packaging etc; Trainees may be taken to nearby processing unit to know the

technical issue & learn tie-ups with that processors for supplying/ processing/

value addition.

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Training Module on Package of Scientific Cultivation of Lac

Annexure-II: Host Plant Management: About 113 varieties of host plants are mentioned as lac host plant. Out of which the followings

are very common in India:

1. Butea monosperma (Vern. Palas)

2. Zizyphus spp (vern. Ber)

3. Schleichera oleosa (Vern. Kusum)

4. Acacia catechu (Vern. Khair)

5. Acacia arabica (Vern. Babul)

6. Acacia auriculiformis (Vern. Akashmani)

7. Zizyphus xylopyrus (Vern. Khatber- grown in part of M.P. & U.P.)

8. Shorea talura (Vern. Sal grown in mysore)

9. Cajanus cajan (Vern. Pigeon-pea or Arhar)

10. Grewia teliaefolia (Vern. Dhaman preferred in Assam)

11. Albizzia lebbek (Vern. Siris/Gulwang)

12. Flemingia macrophylla (Vern. Bholia)

13. Ficus benghalensis (Vern. Bargad)

14. Ficus religiosa (Vern. Peepal)

Of these host plants, palas, kusum, ber and khair are of major importance, while others are of

regional and minor importance. It is also important to mention that the quality of lac is directly

related to the host plant and to the strain of lac insects. Based on industrial parameters,

kusumi lac is better and fetches higher price in market. In this respect, ber tree as a potential

kusumi lac host is already getting momentum. This host species is available in plenty and can

supplement and fulfill the kusmi brood lac requirement in many areas. Similarly, siris (Albizzia

sp.) has also been identified as good host for kusumi brood lac. The trees can be raised and

utilized within a period of 5-6 years of plantation in comparison to around 15 years for kusum.

Flemingia semialata is a bushy host plant and has also been identified as well as established as

a good kusumi lac host on plantation basis. Thus, these three hosts viz., ber, siris, semialata and

lately Prosopis juliflora (in Gujarat areas) are expected to enhance kusumi lac cultivation.

Adoption of this activity may enhance lac production to the tune of 3-4%.

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Training Module on Package of Scientific Cultivation of Lac

a) Training for host plant selection

Training for host plant selection is the most crucial step before starting scientific lac cultivation. For different strains of lac cultivation the trainings can be planned as follows;

Name of the strain Suitable timing for


Tentative timing for


Kusmi on Kusum January Nov – Dec

Kusmi on Ber July May – June

Rangeeni on Palash Oct Mar – April

Rangeeni on Ber July May - June

b) Pruning of host plants

Pruning 1of host plant is essential for any

strain of Lac since this is directly involved

with the productivity of the particular

host plant. For different strains of Lac

cultivation pruning can be planned as


Name of the strain Suitable timing for

Inoculation Tentative timing for pruning

Kusmi on Kusum January one and a half year before inoculation

Kusmi on Ber July January – February

Rangeeni on Palash Oct February - March

Rangeeni on Ber July January – February

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Training Module on Package of Scientific Cultivation of Lac

c) Grading of host plant

Depending upon the emergence of new

shoots after pruning, the host plant use to

be graded as “1”, “2” and “3”. In case of Ber

and Palash trees the significance of the

these numbers are as follows;

“3” – brood requirement of the tree varies

between 0-2 kg; “2” – brood requirement

of the tree varies between 2-4 kg; “1” -

brood requirement of the tree is 4 kg and



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Training Module on Package of Scientific Cultivation of Lac

Annexure-III: Inoculation of brood lac: The method by which the lack insects are introduced on to a lac host is known as infection or

inoculation. Inoculation should be done on trees which are being prepared for such purpose by

pruning in due time. For kusum, Ber and Palash trees, the usual period of inoculation2 is as


Name of the strain Suitable timing for Inoculation

Kusmi on Kusum January

Kusmi on Ber July

Rangeeni on Palash Oct

Rangeeni on Ber July

1) Fully matured and healthy broodlac – free from enemy insects – should be used. This will

ensure maximum infection of the trees and also reduce enemy infestation of the ensuing crop.

2) Broodlac meant for inoculation cannot be kept long and should preferably be used

immediately after cutting. Usually most of the Lac larvae emerge from the brood within a week

or ten days from the time of first emergence and to get best result inoculation should not be

delayed beyond 2-3 days of noting larval emergence from the broodlac.

3) Self-infection as far as possible should be avoided unless forced by circumstances. For

instance, in localities where labour is scarce in June-July, or in very hot localities where

artificial infection may not be quite successful in June-July, self-infection of trees may be found


4) Correct amount of brood lac, neither less nor more, should be used for infection. Ordinarily a

well covered healthy brood lac stick gives adequate larval settlement over 15 to 20 times its

length, on the twigs of the tree to be infected and hence, brood lac at this rate should be used

for infection.

5) Selected brood lac in lengths of about 6 to 12 inches should be first tied into bundles of 2 to

3 sticks and then such bundles tied on to the branches of the trees at such places that the twigs

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Training Module on Package of Scientific Cultivation of Lac

above (with 15 to 20 times the total length of brood sticks used in the bundle) get full infection.

This will ensure full and uniform distribution of the brood and consequently full and uniform

infection of the tree.

6) While tying brood bundles, care should be taken to tie them securely on to the upper surface

of branches and in such a way as to give maximum contact of the bundles with the branch. This

prevents sagging or falling of brood bundles from the trees and allows the lac larvae to crawl to

the tree easily.

7) Brood lac bundles should be kept on the tree for the minimum period required for complete

infection. Ordinarily, it may not be necessary to keep the brood lac on the tree for more than

two or three weeks. If kept longer i.e. even after the complete emergence of the lac larvae, there

is the danger of a large number of enemy insects emerging from the empty (phunki) brood lac

sticks and starting heavy infestations in the field.

8) While infection goes on, it is likely that brood bundles will fall to the ground due to a variety

of causes such as the activity of squirrels and rats, and therefore, one should go round the

infected trees now and then and put such fallen bundles back on the tree. Further it will also be

found necessary to rotate brood bundles on the trees, so that they are shifted from places

where larval settlement has taken place, to places still to be infected.

9) The quantity of broodlac used usually depends on the size of the tree. In case of Palash trees,

the amount would be 300 gm. In cases of small trees and up to about 1 Kg. For large trees may

be used.

Inoculation of Brood lac Three ways of inoculation of broof

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Removal of Phunki lac Replacing brood from one branch to another

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Annexure:-IV: Spraying schedule Usage of fungicide and pesticide in standing crop: The tentative schedule for applying

these pesticides and fungicides are as follows;

Name of

the strain

Schedule for 1st



icides to be


Schedule for

2nd spray


to be used

Kusmi on


Within 30-35

days after


Nukil liquid and

Bavistin powder

Within 60 -65

days after


Nuwan Liquid and

Bavistin powder

Kusmi on


Within 30-35

days after


Nukil liquid and

Bavistin powder

After 30- 35

days of first


Nuwan Liquid and

Bavistin powder


on Palash

Within 30-40

days after


Nukil liquid and

Bavistin powder

After 30-40 days

of first spray

Nuwan Liquid and

Bavistin powder


on Ber

Within 30-35

days after


Nukil liquid and

Bavistin powder

After 30-35 days

of first spray

Nuwan Liquid and

Bavistin powder

Spraying after inoculation of brood lac

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Training Module on Package of Scientific Cultivation of Lac

Annexure:-V: Identification of pest and its management techniques Measures for the control of insect pests of lac are:

1) Immersion of freshly harvested stick lac, not wanted for brood, as well as phunki lac (i.e.,

broodlac after larval emergence is complete) in running or deep stagnant water

2) Scraping of lac from twigs immediately after harvesting and killing larvae and pupae of the

pests by burning, crushing, drowning or by fumigation with carbon disulphide (1 oz. /10cu.ft.

of space) before storage

3) Avoiding cultivation of early and late maturing varieties of lac, at least for brood purposes, in

the same locality to prevent the spread of pests

4) Encasing of broodlac for inoculation in 60-80 mesh wire gauze baskets, c. 30 cm x 7 cm in

size. The last method is particularly recommended for areas where lac cultivation is being

introduced for the first time. The baskets permit free exit to lac larvae but exclude enemy

insects. Proper management of host plants with a view to ensure their vitality and vigour helps

to reduce damage by parasites.

5) Parasites and Predators emerge from lac cells in large numbers towards the close of the

emergence of lac insect larvae. The practice of leaving broodlac on trees even after swarming is

complete, therefore, favours the spread of enemy insects. To reduce the risk to the minimum,

removal of phunki lac from inoculated trees should be completed as early as possible, i.e.,

within 2-3 weeks of the date of swarming. For the same reason, self or natural inoculation of

host trees should be avoided except where absolutely necessary.

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Training Module on Package of Scientific Cultivation of Lac

Annexure-VI: Case studies

Case studies of Kunti Devi: Kunti Devi is a resident of Bundu block of Ranchi district in

Jharkhand. In the year 2000, she was married to Ramesh Sahu. To support their four children

along with them, they were dependent on some of agricultural crops like paddy, pulses, madua.

Her husband also worked as daily laborers in others farmlands, and from all these activities they

earned only Rs 10,000 per annum. This low amount of income was a challenge on their survival

in past few years, education of their children was nowhere the family concern, and her children

were deprived to even have two time meals a day.

Udyogini’s intervention on capacity building of the community which is based on

Package of Scientific Cultivation of Lac (PSCL) was initiated in different villages of Ranchi

district. Kunti Devi joined a Women Enterprise Group (WEG) named Srishti Ujjwal one year

back which is a group of 20 rural women. From this WEG, she got to know about scientific

method of lac cultivation through Udyogini. Firstly 4kg brood lac was provided to encourage

them in getting started with lac cultivation. For the first time they tried to cultivate the Kusumi

strain of lac on Ber trees, about which they were totally unaware and skipping the six month

cycle of Kusumi strain on Ber tree. It was certainly a very forward step she took as inoculation of

this 4 kg of brood lac results in 40 kg lac at the end of 6months. Out of which she sold 36kg @

Rs220/kg and inoculated the rest 4 kg of brood lac of the same strain on Kusum tree. In the next

6 months, this results into 66.5kg of brood lac of which she sold 53.5 kg of brood lac @

Rs220/kg and remaining 13 kg was kept for next inoculation which helps in progressing further

in this self sustainable occupation.

Now they are earning Rs.60,000/ annum entirely from the cultivation of lac apart from the

income generated from agricultural crops. This remarkable increase in income helps to build up

their confidence in producing lac on large scale as well as increasing their standard of living,

such that they have bought TV and commercial heavy duty bike to sell their products in market.

It also helps them to avail proper healthcare and education for their children in private school.

Recently she opened her saving bank account too.

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Training Module on Package of Scientific Cultivation of Lac

Now she became the source of inspiration in her WEG as well as in her village exhibiting how a

scientific meticulous approach with proper use of pesticide, host trees and brood for only 6

months in a year can turn out to be a door step solution to the day to day livelihood problems

faced by them. Seeing the income- increment in her family, about 15 members of her WEG

started lac cultivation in the same scientific method that is followed by Kunti Devi. During the

meeting they discuss about the scientific cultivation of Lac and its proper follow-up. Moreover,

Udyogini also encourages her to plant semialata (Flemingia semialata) as a new host tree for lac

which is now a days the prime mater of discussion in the group. She already planted 600 saplings

of semialata in her field and continuing in their raising.

This successful method of lac cultivation increases the confidence of the villagers in producing

lac in a larger scale as now there is no need to buy brood lac from outside and they are expecting

an income in excess of Rs. 60,000 from the next year of lac cultivation. They are planning to

buy a mobile phone for Kunti Devi talking of which brought smile on her face!

Case study of Christina Khes: Mrs. Christina Khes aged 38 years is a resident of Namkum block

of Ranchi district. She has been married to Mr. Roshan Gulab Khes in 1996. Christina is a

mother to 4 boys and a minor girl. At present, her three sons are enrolled in a school for their

education. The family prior to 2013 was involved in income generation activities such as:

cultivation of Paddy and Madua; and collection of Mahua. They did not have cattle and were not

engaged in any other kind of income generation activities. The family’s average annual income

was 60,000-1 lakh per annum.

Earlier in the area, lac cultivation was practiced traditionally, and was merely stuck to collection

of brood from the host trees. Package of Scientific Cultivation of Lac (PSCL) was started in

Christina’s village in 2013 with the assistance of Udyogini. Udyogini provided Christina and

many other women in Gara with a platform to embark on Lac cultivation. Christina was a part of

Jyoti Mahila Mandal a Women Enterprise Group (WEG) in her village and she pays a weekly

sum of Rs. 10 as membership fee of the WEG. She obtained 4 Kgs. of brood lac under the

program. With the support and scientific knowledge Udyogini her family started lac cultivation

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Training Module on Package of Scientific Cultivation of Lac

in 2013. The family attended the meetings conducted by Udyogini and their understanding on

PSCL got enhanced.

The cultivation of Lac brought about a change in their lifestyle. In the first Quarter itself they

had a good production of Lac amounting to 40kgs. The Lac which they grew was of Kusumi

strain and the host plant was Ber (Ziziphus mauritiana). This was for the first time when the

folks of this region started cultivating Kusumi strain on Ber. Apparently, this has reduced the

brood insufficiency in the region. The produced Lac was scrapped off and 35 Kgs. were sold in

the market @ Rs. 250/Kg. The cultivation of Lac provided the family with an additional income

of Rs. 8,750. So Lac cultivation provided the family with a new source of income which they

invested on the education of their children. The income generated was invested on the education

of their Children. The eldest son is studying in 10th

class at St. Xaviers School, Ranchi and the

others were also enrolled in the renowned school in Ranchi for their education except the girl

who is a minor.

This has motivated Mrs Chritina Khes to start following Lac cultivation she says, she is

looking forward for the cultivation in the near future.

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Training Module on Package of Scientific Cultivation of Lac

Annexure-VIII-Bingo Cards

Some examples of bingo card are given below. Each card will be different from each other.

In the signature part the participants are asked to get signature from the people (who are

present in the training) with accordance to the statement above the rows.

Bingo Card-1

Is already doing

lac cultivation

Is wearing blue Can not Speak


Grows paddy Has more than 2


signature signature signature signature Signature

signature signature signature Signature signature

signature signature signature signature signature

Bingo Card-2

Someone over

6ft tall

Has been to


Cannot Speak


Grows paddy Is already doing

lac cultivation

signature signature signature signature Signature

signature signature signature Signature signature

signature signature signature signature signature

Bingo Card-3

Is already doing

lac cultivation

Name begins

with an s

has a TV

Has more than 2


Has more than 2


Signature signature signature signature Signature

Signature signature signature Signature signature

Signature signature signature signature signature

Bingo Card-4

Likes to get up


Has 2 or more


Is a member of


Has more than 2


has a goatry

Signature signature signature signature Signature

signature signature signature Signature signature

signature signature signature signature signature

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Training Module on Package of Scientific Cultivation of Lac

Annexure-VIII-Activities undertaken by Udyogini till date

1) The target of MKSP project is the involvement of 4000 producers of Lac cultivation in

Angada, Bundu and Namkom blocks of Ranchi district. This involves mobilizing of already

functional 2000 lac producers into Institutions for value addition of lac with 2000

producers already into production to achieve sustainability and enhancement of income for

the producers at the village level.

2) Mobilization – Udyogini has undertaken mobilization and promotion of Producer group i.e.

686 women farmers in Namkum block. These 686 farmers have been provided with brood

lac to initiate Lac cultivation and tool kit has been provided to them to practice latest

scientific methods. Also PSCL (Package on Scientific Lac Cultivation) training has been

extended to these cultivators so that a good produce of Lac can be obtained.

3) CRP (Community Resource Person) Drive is one of the paramount activities which is being

undertaken by Udyogini. The main objective of CRP drive is to i) mobilize community for

scientific lac scientific lac cultivation. ii) build capacity of community through training. iii)

Sustainable livelihood for SHG members. The job for conducting the CRP drive has been

entrusted to Udyogini by JSLPS (Jharkhand State Livelihood Promotion Society). The CRP

drive is being undertaken with JSLPS in Manoharpur of Goilkera Block of West Singhbhum

district. This is a resource block of NRLM.

4) For conducting of Baseline survey a third party called DEVNet Ranchi has been identified.

5) For the use of “MIS Software” Microwave has been identified as the agency and a MoU is to

be signed shortly with Microwave. Microware has provided a offline version of software for

compilation of Mahila Kiasn Profile.

6) Apart from these the various ongoing activities being undertaken by Udyogini in MKSP

project are Mahila Kisan Profiling, DPR preparation and Technical Protocol Documentation.

Along with the above mentioned activities printing of existing training material for

circulation to CRP’s, providing equipment like secateurs and brood lac to initiate Lac
