Magellan GPS Data Transfer With ArcGIS

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  • 7/27/2019 Magellan GPS Data Transfer With ArcGIS


    Magellan GPS Data Transfer with ArcGIS

    Software needed:


    ExcelDelorme Topo USA v.5.0

    Templates (optional) download at


    To send waypoints to GPSR from ArcGIS:

    Step 1:

    In ArcCatalog, Convert Datum from Albers to NAD27 (or whatever datum you

    choose that is supported on your GPSR)o Select project from ArcToolbox to reproject the feature (Figure1).

    Figure 1

    o Select the desired input .shp file and rename output file and select an

    output coordinate system that is compatible with the GPSR.
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    Step 2:

    After creating the newly projected .shp file, x and y coordinates need to be

    assigned to the attributes table.

    o Select Add xy Coordinates from ArcToolbox (Figure 2)

    Figure 2

    o Then select the newly projected .shp file to assign the coordinates.

    Step 3:

    Now open ArcMap and add the newly projected .shp file.

    o Right click on the under layers and select Open Attributes Table

    o In the attributes table window select options and click export (Figure 3).

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    Figure 3

    o Click OK to export the file. The file will be saved as .dbf format

    Step 4:

    Now open Microsoft Excel

    Click file, click open, there will be two files with .dbf extensions. Select the

    one that does not have xml file type, the other one is the true .dbf file

    (Figure 4).

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    Figure 4

    o Now that the file is open, the x and y coordinate data should be displayed

    (Figure 5).

    Figure 5

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    Step 5: Now open a new document in Excel while leaving the dbf file open.

    o In the Excel document fill in the following cells (Figure6) . (This will be

    the file used in Delorme Topo program and then transferred into the



    o Use the figure above to serve as a template. Template file

    Template_Delorme_txt.txt can also be downloaded from the web, see

    link on page one. In cell A1 write BEGIN SYMBOL. Below that are allthe latitude values. In column B there are longitude values. In column C is

    the names of the waypoints, and column D is the icon type used in the

    Delorme map, which the icon type is not really important since it willupload into a GPSR, so just fill the cell with the default Red Flag.

    o It is important to adjust the cells significant figures because digits can be

    dropped when changing to a .txt file.

    o With the .dbf file open copy and past the latitude, longitude, and waypointnames into the new Excel file. Know the capacity of your GPSR, most

    units can hold up to 500 1000 waypoints.

    o Be sure to include END at the end of column A.

    o Next, click Save As and under save as type select Text (Tab

    delimited) (Figure7).

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    Figure 7


    Step 6:

    Open Delorme Topo USA Program.o First verify that Delorme maps are in the correct datum by selecting map

    display, then units. Under datum there are three possibilities, in this

    example has been using NAD27 (Figure 8).

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    Figure 8

    o Select Draw then select file (Figure 9)

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    Figure 9

    o Next select Import in the lower right. A window will appear, open the

    .txt file that was saved in Excel, (Figure 10).

    Figure 10

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    o The waypoints should appear on the


    Step 7:

    Connect the GPS to the computer via serial or USB port and configure the GPS to

    work with Delorme Topo USA. (This part varies depending on the type of GPS

    and is not covered here.)

    o Select the GPS tab and then select exchange (Figure 11)

    Figure 11

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    o In the next window select send object to device and select draw file.

    Then click next. The next page under draw file make sure theappropriate file is listed. Uncheck the box that assigns prefixes to the

    waypoints, this feature adds numbers in front of your waypoint name and

    may be confusing when searching for waypoints in your GPSR. Then click

    send to device. If all goes well, you should be able to see the waypointsin the GPSR.

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    To send waypoints to ArcGIS from GPSR:

    The methods discussed here are very similar to those above, but in reverse order and withsome differences.

    Step 1: Open Delorme Topo USA Program

    o Download the waypoint by selecting the GPS tab then clicking on


    o Under receive from device for object type, select waypoints and then

    select user map data waypoints

    o Click next, be sure to name the file, then click receive from device.

    o The waypoint should be displayed on the map. After the waypoints have

    been downloaded, select the draw tab. Then click file in the lower leftcorner.

    o Next click export in the lower right side of the menu. Save the .txt file to

    the desired folder. Be sure to select the desired datum when saving!

    Step 2:

    Open up Microsoft Excel.

    o Click open and search for the .txt file. Make sure the file type is All

    Files otherwise Excel wont be able to see it.

    o After selecting the file, Excel will ask how to read the text. Select

    delimted then click next. Under delimiters check coma. Then click

    next. Then click finish.

    o Note that the latitude and longitude coordinates may not contain enough

    significant digits, and you may need to correct this before saving as a


    o While leaving the current Excel file open create a new document.

    o In the new document in cell A1 type POINT_Y for cell B1 POINT_X

    and for cell C1 PLOTKEY The PLOTKEY is the waypoint ID. Copy

    and paste accordingly, (Figure 12).

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    Figure 12

    o After editing the new document click

    save as and give it a file name and under save as type be sure to select

    DBF 4 (dBASE IV).

    Step 3:

    Open ArcCatalog

    o Find .DBF4 file, right click and select Create Feature Class. Then select

    From XY Table See figure below. Note you have to close the Excelprogram to get this function to work.

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    o Next select POINT_X for the X Field then select POINT_Y for the Y


    o Verify desired output file name

    o Click ok (this will save waypoint to a .shp file)

    Step 4:

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    Open ArcMap

    o Click add layer icon and choose the newly created .shp file.

    o The points should be displayed!