Magazine May 2014 No 630 ‘Our aim is to draw closer to God and to each other, so that, through us, He can make known to all people the joys and challenges of following Jesus’ Vision Statement 2009 Libertonkirk.net Sea of Galilee - After the Resurrection John 21,4-9

Magazine - libertonkirk.files.wordpress.com · Magazine May 2014 No 630 ‘Our aim is to draw closer to God and to each other, so ... gress, and not without setbacks. One of these

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May 2014 Page 1




No 630

‘Our aim is to draw

closer to God and to each

other, so that, through

us, He can make known to all people the joys and

challenges of following

Jesus’ Vision

Statement 2009


Sea of Galilee - After the Resurrection

John 21,4-9

Page 2 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.630

page Change of Address form 26 Christian Aid Booksale - St Georges West 12 Christian Aid Week 28 Crèche Rota 13 Crossword for May 9 Crossword - April answers 26 Elder’s Sunday Duties 16 Family Car TREASURE HUNT 18 Flowers 13 Food Bank 12 Fresh Start 11 Gateway Cafe 6 and 24 Guides, Frances Anderson appreciation 8 Heart and Soul 2014 10 June Diary 16 Kirk Magazine deliverers 12 Liberton Names and Addresses 27 Life and Work 11 May Diary 14 Messy Church 6 Minister’s letter 3 Neighbourhood Scheme 12 Organ Music in Church 5 Our page 7

Rotary Club of Braids 8 Senior Citizens Club 12 Sermon Recordings 7 Take time to Pray 2 Useful ‘phone numbers 25 Web Addresses 25 Welcome Desk Rota 13 World Mission News 17 Youth Report 4/5 Adverts Alan Johnstone Plumbing 23 Ascot Decorators 20 Bluebird Care 22 Cello Lessons 26 D Whyte Garden Care 19 HCC Electrical 21 John Cameron Blacksmith 20 Julie Bell Piano Care 21 Lemon Squeezy Driving School 22 Local Garden Services 24 Parkinson’s UK Ceilidh 19 Toddlers Groups 23


Take Time to Pray

Forgive my sins, O Lord, both past and present. Forgive the sins of my soul and the sins of my body. Forgive the sins I have done to please myself, and those I have done to please others. Forgive my casual sins, and my deliberate sins. Forgive the sins I have sought to hide from myself and those I have presumed to hide, even from you; and all of these for your love and your mercies' sake. Amen.

Thomas Wilson (1663-1755)

Come to us, O Christ, as the wind that blows the autumn leaves, as the song that soothes the troubled child, as the melody that lifts the anxious spirit, and fill us with affection for you that is unbounded, desire for you that is unrestrained and a yearning for you that throws caution to the winds, and this for your own love's sake. Amen. Richard Rolle (c.1290-1349)

Page 2 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.630

May 2014 Page 3

Web Address www.libertonkirk.net Scottish Charity Number SC011602

South East Edinburgh is well known for the good relations that exist between its churches. This has come about because our shared ideal has been to consider ourselves part of the one body – the body of Christ on earth. As Paul says (1 Corinthians 12), when one part of the body suffers, we all suffer, just as when one part rejoices, we all rejoice.

Five years ago our unity bore fruit in the linkage of Liberton Kirk with neighbouring church of KLM.

(No! We don’t mean the church of a Dutch airline company, we mean Kaimes Lockhart Memorial Church, serving the people of Gracemount, Southhouse, and Burdiehouse). The aim of the linkage was not to close down another church, but rather to revive it and build it up again. So, when Dave Rankin was appointed as the new KLM minister, 12 members of Liberton went along with him to help.

Since then, the revived KLM church has been making steady pro-gress, and not without setbacks. One of these happened within weeks of Dave’s appointment, when the KLM building had to be demolished. The

congregation continued with Sunday worship,

meeting first in St Catherine’s Hall, and now in the Libertus Building,

opposite the Leisure Centre, as well as meeting at the old KLM Manse for midweek fellowship. They also run a toddlers group in the Community Centre, homework clubs, after school clubs and holiday clubs, and their members are involved in a number of other community initiatives in the area.

Dave Rankin’s appointment was for five years, and he has done a good job. On an average Sunday morning you will find between two and three dozen people worshipping together at the Libertus building, and many of them also meet up during the week. Numbers are slowly growing, mainly in the area of families with young kids due to all the connections being made. The average age of the con-gregation is now lower than we have here at Liberton Kirk.

Bearing all this in mind, Dave’s announcement, last month, that he had been called to serve the congre-gation of Riverside church, in Perth, caused much sadness and concern. What would the future hold for the people of KLM?

The news, however, is good. We are being given the money to appoint a replacement, and we hope to start advertising soon. In the meantime the KLM leadership are going to be thinking and praying about their vision for the future, and particularly their vision for the plot of land in the heart

We are all part of the one body

Page 4 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.630

May is the month when many of the young people sit final exams at school. During this time we find that there is a dip in our numbers at events due to studying and time catching up on rest. I ask that you pray for all of our young people who are going through this time just now. I also ask for your prayers that we are able to support the young people in the best ways possible. May is also an exciting time for myself as it marks the end of my 4 years at the International Christian College (ICC). All my course work is done and handed in and now I wait with baited breath to find out my results.

Although my time at the ICC is finished, I don't stop working with Liberton Kirk until August and we have a summer of really exciting programmes to keep all of the young people of south-east Edinburgh busy! We have Stage’N’Slam, Middle Park in Wales and Summer Buzz as well as meet up days, football matches and many McDonalds meals with young people. It may be my last summer as one of Liberton Kirk's student youth workers but I am going to make sure that it is the best one yet!

For me, the recent highlight was our Youth Service on 23rd March. For several weeks leading up to it, we visited each uniform group and presented lessons and activities to do with the theme of “Starlight”. It was so much fun to meet lots of children and leaders, and to do fun things like building and launching “rockets” in the back garden! At the service itself, it was very impressive to see the flags marching in, and the young people did a wonderful job participating with music and a game.

At Gracemount Primary School, we are enjoying our after-school Transform-ers programme, which is a very active hour of games, music, craft, DVD, and a snack. Messy Church continues to be a highlight of each month, and I love the way that the children zoom in and get down to business with the crafts and play! And in our Sunday clubs, it has been great to review the Easter story, and

of Gracemount where the old KLM building once stood. The vision that results will then give them a good idea of the sort of leader they will need to appoint. So, how can we help? Here are some thoughts – �� We can keep praying – that God

would make this transition time a time of real blessing

�� We can support – why don’t you give up one of your Sunday

mornings at Liberton, and join with the people worshipping at the Libertus building

�� We can volunteer – The one area where KLM really needs our help just now is in looking after the children who have begun to come on a Sunday morning.

We say we are all part of the one body. Now’s the time to show it. Much love

May 2014 Page 5

It’s an awful moment when you realize that you have got something terribly wrong. The good news that Peter preached after the Resurrection was the message of forgiveness, and that forgiveness works through repentance. The Easter message exhorts us to consider what mistakes we might turn back from, confident that God is ready to set aright that which has gone wrong. Sincerely, Calum

th The Third Sunday of Easter Before Nixon Adoro te Devote During Blackwell The True and Living Bread After Homilius Christ lag in Todesbanden

th - The Fourth Sunday of Easter Before Nixon Dominus Regit Me During Rawsthorne Brother James’ Air After Gárdonyi Be Thou My Vision

th - The Fifth Sunday of Easter Before Harris Fantasy: Easter Hymn During Walther Lobe den Herren, den machtigen Konig der Ehren After Clarke Rondeau, from the Price of Denmark’s March

th - The Sixth Sunday of Easter Before Vann St. James During Archer Franconia After Puitti Meine Hoffnung steht auf Gott

to remember why it is such a special season. Lastly, it was amazing to watch the community pull together to support the

pupils and staff at Liberton High School, after their tragedy on 1st April. The way that the churches united to offer support to so many grieving people was such a testimony of God’s love. I’m proud to be a part of this special community!

This past week alone has been an incredible roller coaster ride, starting with the Kirkgate Trust concert. It was great to be able to MC it with Ben Ferguson, a fabulous first year from Gracemount High School, and we really enjoyed each act of the show.

The concert however seems like an eternity away given the happenings at Liberton High School. It was hard seeing so many young people upset and shaken and even though often I had no words to say, it felt so important to just be there with and for them. It was probably one of the hardest things so far and yet God has been faithful, and I have been blessed by seeing so many people working together, to provide the love and care the young people needed more than anything else.

Page 6 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.630

(Messy Church logo © BRF2012)

Open Tuesday and Wednesday evenings (see diary page for details),

The Gateway is a relaxed café in the Kirk Centre where you can meet friends for a cuppa, have a meeting, read a book, study for exams or wait for the kids while they’re at Brownies or Cubs. There is a great selection of muffins, flapjacks, brownies

and tray bakes. As well as a choice of hot chocolate, teas, coffee and milkshakes.

The Gateway


. . . . will be on Saturday 31st May, and, as usual, it runs from 4pm to 6pm, with activities and crafts in the first hour, then a lively time of worship, and then tea together to finish. All young families (with children of 0 – P7) are welcome – if you know families who find Sundays difficult, encourage them to try Messy Church, which is once a month on Saturday afternoon. More information on the website or from me,

Ruth Davies tel. 664 3608.

1815 2015

May 2014 Page 7

CDs of Sunday Sermons are available from Derek Jardine.

Phone 664 7112; text 07913 265 912; email [email protected]

Julian was a woman who lived in Norwich, and in 1373, on the 13th May, she had a series of visions of Jesus that were so important to her that she spent the next 20 years learning to read and write so that she could share these visions with others. Imagine the hard work and trouble that must have caused because it was very rare for any woman to read and write at that time, let alone an unim-portant countrywoman. Julian lived most of her life in a small room that joined onto one wall of St Julian’s Church in Norwich. And you can actu-ally visit the room (it was bombed during the Second World War but re-built).

Dame Julian wrote about the love of God and you can still read her book ‘The Revelations of Divine Love’ to-day. The book ends with the words “before God made us, he loved us”. Before we were born, God chose us for the work we are to do. And as we know, God doesn’t make mistakes. He chose you and me, and he loves us. What a wonderful promise!

All the answers start with the letters NOR. Answers at the bottom of the page.

What NOR is . . .

�� The language of the Vikings.

�� A compass point.

�� Three English counties.

�� A country.

�� A man’s name and a style of church building.

�� The town where Julian lived.

�� It’s not unusual.

Inspector Norse.

They have the same middle name.

1. Norse 2. North 3. Northumberland, Norfolk and Northampton-shire 4. Norway 5. Norman 6. Norwich 7. normal


Page 8 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.630

I know a lot of people in the congregation knew Frances Anderson who died recently. An appreciation, which appeared in the Scottish guide magazine, is printed below. Eleanor Grieve.

Frances Anderson, County Commissioner for Inverness-shire from 2006 to 2011, died suddenly on 28th December 2013 at the age of 65. She had been involved in Guiding for many years in both Edin-burgh and Inverness-shire and will be missed by her many friends. Frances was never a Brownie or Guide herself but took the path of many, by becom-ing a unit helper when her elder daughter joined Brownies. On moving to Kincraig, near Kingussie, Frances had several months off before helping to restart 1st Aviemore and Rothiemurchas Brownies. Before long Frances picked up additional roles such as District Commissioner, outdoor adviser, arts adviser and, in 2006, she became county commissioner for Girlguiding Inverness-shire. Frances’ much loved husband, John, was of great support to her in her many guiding roles, becoming an ambassador for guiding, and proudly wore his ambassador badge at Frances’ memorial service I would like to say that Frances was a unique lady - definitely one of a kind. Whenever people talk about her they smile, Frances had that kind of effect. She was a tremendous asset to Girlguiding Scotland and Inverness-shire and to the many leaders and girls who called her their friend. At her memorial service every pew in the church was taken, the aisles were full. Every nook and cranny in the church was full of friends and still there was an overspill in a bitterly cold churchyard. She will be sadly missed by us all.

Sue Walker, Scottish Chief Commissioner.

The Rotary Organisation has 1.2 million members, 50 of whom meet each Wednesday lunchtime in The Tusitala Pavilion 47 Buckstone Terrace Edinburgh EH10 6QJ (12:30 for 1:00). Our meetings consist of a two course lunch taken in a relaxed atmosphere followed by a speaker. We finish sharp at 2:00pm to allow members to return to work – or the garden or the golf course!

The object of Rotary is the advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace, through a world fellowship of men and women united in the ideal service, applied in each Rotarian’s personal, business and community life.

As a club we are non-denominational and non-political. We socialise, we have outings and we have fun. We work hard to raise charitable funds for use locally, nationally and in the developing world.

If you would like to know more about Rotary, visit www.Rotary Club of Braids, or come along to our open evening at the Tusitala on May 28th at 7:00pm. Alternatively you can contact Ken Logan, or come along to one of our lunch time meetings. You will be made most welcome!

Ken Logan: 664 4165; e-mail [email protected]

May 2014 Page 9

Sense of right and wrong (1 Corinthians 8:7) (10) Coming (John 11:17) (7) ‘All I have is — , and all you have is mine’ (John 17:10) (5) Smarten (Acts 9:34) (4) Hold back (Job 9:13) (8) Member of the Society of Friends (6)

At ague (anag.) (6) Citizen of the Greek capital (8)

So be it (Galatians 6:18) (4) Twentieth-century poet and dramatist who wrote Murder in the Cathedral, T.S. — (5)

Empowers (Philippians 3:21) (7) Imposing (1 Samuel 9:2) (10)

Healed (Luke 7:21) (5) Central space in a church (4) Co-founder of Spring Harvest and General Secretary of the Evangelical Alliance 1983–97,

Clive — (6) Moses killed one when he saw him beating a Hebrew labourer (Exodus 2:12) (8) Bravery (Acts 4:13) (7) It interrupted Paul and Silas singing hymns in a Philippian jail (Acts 16:26) (10)

Transgression (Psalm 36:1) (10) Irish province in which Dublin is situated (8)

Same hit (anag.) (7)

‘The Spirit of God was hovering over the — ’ (Genesis 1:2) (6)

Author of the immortal stories of Winnie the Pooh, A.A. — (5)

Cab (4)

The Bible version used in the

crossword is the NIV.

Crosswords reproduced by

kind permission of BRF and John Capon, originally

published in Three Down,

Nine Across, by John Capon

(£6.99 BRF). Answer next


Page 10 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.630

HEART AND SOUL 2014 A Celebration for the whole Church

On Sunday 18th May 2014 in Princes Street Gardens (West) come and join in the celebration of the life of the Church

May 2014 Page 11

The May issue contains articles on

�� Reports to the Assembly �� Preview of Heart and Soul �� Assembly and Fringe Timetables �� A new Moderator-Designate

Light in a Dark Place: a report on the work of a Christian Aid partner in Colombia The Big Question: What is your church doing for Christian Aid Week? A Month in a Life: Mary Davidson, co-ordinator of the Christian Aid book sale at St Andrew’s and St George’s West, Edinburgh

Jackie Macadam meets the Scottish chaplain working with women in Kenya’s prisons.

The principal of New College, Edinburgh, the Rev David Fergusson, highlights the hardship now faced by ministry students.

John R Hume reveals the connection between an Angus parish church and one of Scotland’s great inventors.

The Rev Dan Carmichael highlights the importance of encounter in worship.

The Rev Dr Martin Fair considers Acts 6: 1-7 and explains why everyone has a gift of ministry.

all the usual columnists, news, reviews, letters and crosswords – all for just £2. visit us at www.lifeandwork.org, or find us on Facebook and Twitter, for daily updates from the General Assembly.

To all keen walkers > Fresh Start are having their Annual Walk for Charity on Friday 30th May. Its approx 8 miles, starting at 10am from Jubilee Gardens Stockbridge, and ending at the Fresh Start premises at Harrison Park, where lunch will be served. I have taken part a few times, and while group I walk with always finish last(!), that doesn’t matter, as its not the time it takes to complete, its the taking part. Its a fun day out. Singing up sheets showing the exact route are on the welcome desk, or contact me on 0131 664 3189. Fresh Start are looking for three or four people to help on the curtain team. This involves sorting, measuring, packing and occasionally sewing. The curtains go into the community to people who have been homeless and have been offered a tenancy. The volunteers would be needed for a few hours every fortnight. Anyone interested please complete an application form on the website www.freshstartweb.org.uk or contact Fresh Start on 0131 476 7741. Sylvia Bennett

w o r k i n g t o e n d h o m e l e s s n e s s

Page 12 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.630

Magazine Deliverers required for . . . district 58 – Howdenhall Drive (9 Magazines) and district 53 – Loanhead (11 Magazines). If you could help, even in the short term, please contact me on 0131 672 1314. Thank you, Karen Ross

in St Andrew's and St George's West, Edinburgh. Come to the 40th anniversary of this fundraising event to support

Christian Aid and its work with some of the poorest people in the world

Please remember the South East Edinburgh Foodbank when you are shopping. Boxes are situated in the Offering House for donations, and there is a special request this month for Rice Pudding, cus-tard, biscuits and cereals. Cheques payable to “Blythswood Care” are also welcome. If you wish a special collection, please contact David Lamb on 664 3059.

Neighbourhood Scheme If you need help with shopping or small jobs, please contact Morag

on 664 1458, who will try to find someone to help

A warm welcome awaits ALL senior citizens and their friends on Thursdays from 2 to 4 pm in the Anderson Hall, Kirk Centre, Kirkgate. (Doors open at 1pm) We welcome (of Singing Kettle) to entertain us on 1st May, and are looking forward to our Sunday Church Service on 4th May. Our closing party for the year, with entertainment from , is on 8th May. I hope that all members have a good summer, and I look forward to welcoming you back when our season starts in September Patsy Grant, 664 4096

May 2014 Page 13

4th May Vicky McCallum

11th May Anne Shepherd

18th May Jenny Thomasi

25th May Alison Sutherland

4th May Evelyn Ogilvie 664 1171 Jessie Burns 664 4193 11th May Chris Young 664 6615 Louise Ogilvie 448 2544 18th May Fiona Knight 672 1041 Jane Thomson 664 1512 25th May Bill Mercer 664 2152 Ann Morgan 672 2063

11am service door (for month of May) Linda Haggerty

1st June Tom Baxendale 666 1371 Jill Snowden 07823 335 585 8th June Sally Cuthbert 664 3479 Jean Wilson 664 0368 15th June Margaret Goldie 258 1996 Margot Brandie 664 1637 22nd June Fiona Knight 672 1041 Mary Lonie 664 4052 29th June Evelyn Ogilvie 664 1171 Jane Thomson 664 1512

11am service door (for month of June) Bill Robb

Anne Shepherd 664 4756

Web Address www.libertonkirk.net Scottish Charity Number SC011602

4th May Mrs Helen Whyman, Gracemount Avenue, and Mrs Dorothy Parr, Buckstone Hill, 445 5152

in memory of Aileen and Jim Whyman 11th May Helen Hodgkinson, 5 Backlee in memory of Janet McGregor 18th May Mrs Ann Weir, Captains Road in memory of Hamish Weir 25th May free

Page 14 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.630

Thursday 1st 2.30pm – Communion Service at Braeside House

7.30pm – Alpha Reunion in the Wilson Hall

Sunday 4th (Scots communion) (with Crèche & BBC)

Theme: You have heard it said . . . part II (Mt. 5.33-47)

Preacher: John Young (Alan Perry at 9.30) 10.20am – Prayer Time in the Elders’ Room (All welcome)

2.30pm – Service at Ellen’s Glen House (SEECAT)

Monday 5th 10.00am – 12.00 noon – Monday Café @ the Gateway Tuesday 6th 10.00am – 12.00 noon – Coffee Shop @ the Gateway

2.30pm – Remembrance service at Braeside House 3.00pm – Pram Praise in the Small Hall 5.30-8.30pm – the Gateway Café

Wednesday 7th 6.00-9.00pm – the Gateway Café 7.00pm – Dave Rankin’s induction at Riverside church, Perth (Bus leaves from Bank Corner at 5.45pm and from Riverside at 10pm) 7.00pm – Justice and Peace Group (SEECAT) at St Catherine’s, on the work of Bethany Christian Trust 7.30pm – World Mission Team @ LKC

Thursday 8th 2.00pm – Senior Citizens’ closing party 7.30pm – Alpha Follow-up Course @ LKC


(with Crèche, Sunday Club, CC & BBC) Theme: Kingdom piety (Matthew 6.1-24) Preacher: David Hill 10.20am – Prayer Time in the Elders Room 3.00pm – SEECAT meeting at St Barnabas’

Theme: Abraham and Hagar (Genesis 16) Preacher: David McNeish

Monday 12th 10.00am – 12.00 noon – Monday Café @ the Gateway

May 2014 Page 15

7.30pm – Kirk Session & District Visitors meet in LKC

Tuesday 13th 10.00am – 12.00 noon – Coffee Shop @ the Gateway

5.30-8.30pm – the Gateway Café 7.30pm – Huddle#2 @ LKC

Wednesday 14th 6.00-9.00pm – the Gateway Café 7.00pm – Minister available @ the Gateway

8.00pm – Gathering for Praise in the Kirk Thursday 15th 7.30pm – Alpha Follow-up Course @ LKC th th

th (with Crèche, Sunday Club, CC & BBC)

Theme: Kingdom concerns (Matthew 6.25-34) Preacher: John Young 10.20am – Prayer Time in the Elders’ Room (All welcome) 1.00pm-6.00pm – in Princes St. Gardens

Theme: Abraham and the three visitors (Genesis 18.1-15) Preacher: Anna Krabbenhoft

Monday 19th 10.00am – 12.00 noon – Monday Café @ the Gateway Tuesday 20th 10.00am – 12.00 noon – Coffee Shop @ the Gateway

5.30-8.30pm – the Gateway Café Wednesday 21st 11.00am – Pram Praise in the Small Hall

2.30pm – Service @ Braid Hills Nursing Home 6.00-9.00pm – the Gateway Café 7.00pm – Minister available @ the Gateway

Thursday 22nd 7.30pm – Alpha Follow-up Course @ LKC

th (with Crèche, Sunday Club, CC & BBC)

Theme: Kingdom attitudes (Matthew 7.1-12) Preacher: David McNeish 10.20am – Prayer Time in the Elders’ Room (All welcome) 2.30pm – Service at Liberton Hospital (SEECAT)

Film night: How to train your dragon – ‘love your

enemies’ Preacher: David McNeish

Monday 26th 10.00am – 12.00 noon – Monday Café @ the Gateway Tuesday 27th 10.00am – 12.00 noon – Coffee Shop @ the Gateway

Page 16 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.630

9-30am service East door east area Chris Young Eric Brown West door west area Rossie Carmichael Pearl Kelly north door plate Tom Baxendale Stuart Fleming

11-00am service West door extreme west Bill Robb Jane Thomson East door extreme east Helen Colley Chris Brandie North door centre west Brenda Lamb Christine Johnson front gate centre east David Colley Janet/Rodger Philp Gallery west gallery west Derek Jardine Rink van Dijke &west plate Gallery east gallery east Jill Niven Netta Rough

Any elder unable to attend must arrange a substitute.

Alison Walker 664 3631

2.30pm – Service @ Guthrie Court 3.15pm – Service @ Guthrie House 5.30-8.30pm – the Gateway Café 7.30pm – Worship Group meets @ LKC

Wednesday 28th 6.00-9.00pm – the Gateway Café 7.00pm – Minister available @ the Gateway 8.00pm – Gathering for Praise in the Kirk

Thursday 29th 7.30pm – Alpha Follow-up Course @ LKC st

st (with Crèche), (with real wine)

Theme: Kingdom challenges (Matthew 7.13-29) Preacher: John Young 10.20am – Prayer Time in the Elders Room (All welcome)

2.30pm – Service at Ellen’s Glen House (SEECAT)

Theme: Hearing God - David Preacher: David McNeish

May 2014 Page 17

South Sudan – impending food crisis

The situation in South Sudan remains precarious. An estimated seven million people in South Sudan are at risk of severe food insecurity this year, with the UN Security Council now warning that the deteriorating humanitarian situation and continuing violence could result in famine at the beginning of 2015. Amos Nderi, Christian Aid's South Sudan country manager says ‘Once the rains arrive, two thirds of the country will be cut off so we urgently need to pre-position food and essential items. However, the on-going violence continues to impede humanitarian access and worsen civilian suffering’. Christian Aid has an emergency appeal to support the impending food crisis in South Sudan. In correspondence from our partner church in South Sudan, the need for peace and reconciliation is acknowledged, from lifting the state of emergency and building trust in the short term to longer term solutions through education and the establishment of sound, democratic institutions. Three ministers of the Presbyterian Church of South Sudan are known to have been killed since the fighting started in December 2013.

Churches take action to combat human trafficking

The World Council of Churches (WCC) recently held an ecumenical consultation on human trafficking. Joy Ngozi Ezeilo, the UN Special Rapporteur on Traffick-ing in Persons, indicated that human trafficking is on the increase, no single country or entity has been able to stop this practice and the responsibility of faith-based organisations in addressing human trafficking is paramount. In many parts of the world human trafficking is organised by criminal syndicates for organ transplantation and the sexual exploitation of women and children. The International Labour Organization estimates that 20.9 million people are victims of forced labour worldwide. This includes people who have been forcibly removed from their homes to be enslaved in degrading activities. The Church of Scotland has contributed to an ACTS (Action of Churches Together in Scotland) initiative to highlight and respond to human trafficking. This follows up a report to the General Assembly in 2012. Two leaflets have been published “Human Trafficking – what are the indicators?” and “Human Trafficking – the human stories” Available on the Church of Scotland Website

Page 18 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.630

Family Car Treasure Hunt

Tuesday 3rd June Leaving Liberton Church Halls from 7pm

Join us for a fun evening touring the area, and testing your local knowledge about Liberton and

its surroundings.

Entry £2.00 per person All Proceeds to The Kirkgate Trust.

For further information please contact Jill Snowdon on 07823 335585

May 2014 Page 19


Fundraising Ceilidh

Date - Saturday 24th May from 7 to 11 pm Venue - Stewart Melville’s Rugby Club, Ferry Rd, Edinburgh

Tickets - £10 Live band

Bar Plenty free parking

Tickets available from 8th April from Louise Ogilvie on 0791 267 8475 You can also contact her on [email protected]

A great night is guaranteed!!

Page 20 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.630





41 BLACKFORD GLEN ROAD, EDINBURGH EH16 6TP tel :0131 664 9101

e-mail : [email protected]

May 2014 Page 21

Need a small electrical job done? Extra socket required?

Light switch moved? No job too small!

Contact Harry Johnson on:

07932 603968

Julie Bell FdA BA (Hons) BSc (Hons)

Key Piano Care �� All aspects of piano care �� Tuning, regulation and repair. �� French Polishing �� Evening and Weekend Appointments Available

Tel: 0131 663 6672 Mobile: 07840 703249 Email: [email protected]

Address: 34 Woodburn Street, Dalkeith. EH22 2EN

Page 22 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.630

Lemon Squeezy Driving School Learning to drive? Lemon Squeezy is the easy learn to drive system. From sitting in the driving seat for the first time all the way to passing your test, we’ll make it easy every step of the way. Already passed your test but haven’t driven for a while? Book some refresher lessons and we’ll soon restore your confidence. We’ll even give you your first 2 hour lesson at half price. What are you waiting for? Book your lessons today! Tel: 07961 095 607 Email: [email protected] www.lemon-squeezy.co.uk

Standard Rate Adult £22/hour Student £21/hour Block of 10 Lessons Adult £210 Students £200

May 2014 Page 23

Alan Johnstone Plumbing & Heating

* Central Heating systems * Boiler Change over * Bathroom Installation * Kitchen Appliances * Fires * Servicing of all Gas heating & Appliances * Any leaks and General plumbing repairs . . . . .


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Website: www.alanjohnstone.net


Toddler Groups in LIBERTON KIRK

HALLS Tuesday Group 1.30-3.30pm

Wednesday Group 10.00am–12 noon

For more information,

contact Linda Wright 07850411596 or the Church office on 664 8264

Page 24 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.630

Lawn Maintenance Paths Turfing Borders

Tree cutting / Pruning Fences

Hedge Trimming Slabbing

Decking & Patios Planting

Grass Cutting Snow Clearing

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Contact John Gallagher for a free estimate - Today -

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experience, I can bring a wealth of knowledge and high quality workmanship to all your garden

maintenance needs


10am to 12 noon > Coffee and home baking

10am to 12 noon > Coffee and biscuits 5-30 to 8-30 pm > Hot drinks

6-00 to 9-00 pm > Hot drinks

May 2014 Page 25

Editors note Material for the issue covering June July and August,

should be in my hands

The deadline for the September (Parish wide) magazine is

Sunday 17th August Information can be left in my

box in the Offering House, or sent to me at 8 Fairmile Avenue,

phone 477 9156. email to @

BT Faults 0800 800 151 Virgin Media faults 0845 454 1111

(151 from a Virgin landline) Electricity - power loss 0845 2727 999 Gas Emergency 0800 111 999 Scottish Water 0845 600 88 55 Police . . . . . . non-emergency calls > > > > Police Police HQ 0131 311 3131

Royal Infirmary (all depts) 0131 536 1000 Sick Children’s Hospital 0131 536 0000 NHS24 08454 24 24 24

Edinburgh City Council 0131 200 2323 Clarence (Road Faults) 0800 23 23 23 Council Special Uplift 0131 529 3030 Council House Repairs 0131 200 2345 Scottish Government 0131 556 8400

First Edinburgh - Buses 08708 72 72 71 Lothian Buses 0131 555 6363 Train Times / Enquiries 08457 48 49 50

�� Liberton Kirk www.libertonkirk.net ���� Church of Scotland www.churchofscotland.org.uk �� Bethany www.bethanychristiantrust.com �� Bethany Christmas Trees www.caringchristmastrees,com �� Fresh Start www.freshstartweb.org.uk �� Healing Rooms www.healingrooms-scotland.com �� Mission Aviation Fellowship www.maf-uk.org �� City Council www.edinburgh.gov.uk �� What’s on in Edinburgh eventsedinburgh.org.uk �� Edinburgh Leisure www.edinburghleisure.co.uk �� Scottish Executive www.scotland.gov.uk �� Train times www.nationalrail.co.uk �� Bus times lothianbuses.com �� Bus tracker (city bus times) www.mybustracker.co.uk or, from your mobile . . mobile.bustracker.co.uk �� Airport arrivals www.edinburghairport.com �� Weather information www.metcheck.com/V40/UK/HOME �� Road traffic information www.trafficscotland.org

1815 2015

1815 2015

Page 26 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.630

Please note that the inclusion of an adver-tisement in the Magazine does not imply a recommendation - they are provided for information only. Contacts made with

advertisers are done at your own risk and no liability will be accepted by Liberton Kirk.


From enthusiastic qualified teacher

Beginners of all ages Welcome

Adult instruments available for trial, also children’s sizes

for rent. 3/4 size for age 10-12

2x 1/2 size aged 8-9; maybe for 2 friends learning

together; and one 1/4 size for age 6-7

tel. 0131 664 3119

Change of Address If you have moved house recently, or are about to move, please fill in the address slip below and either hand it to your elder, or mail it to the Roll Keeper, Gary Ross, Liberton Kirk Office, 30 Kirkgate, Edinburgh, EH16 6RY Thanks very much Name (s) OLD Address

NEW Address NEW Telephone

Moving date

May 2014 Page 27

Hours of Services : 9-30am, 11am & 6-30pm

Services are recorded from time to time for distribution to the housebound. It may be possible to record a service on a one-off basis. Please contact

John Young or Ruth Davies if you have a special request. The Minister is usually available in the McDonald Room at the Kirk Centre,

on Wednesday evenings between 7pm and 8pm. Appointments can be made by telephone to see him at other times, but please note that he is available through the day on Mondays.

Minister: Rev JOHN N YOUNG, PhD MA BD(Hons), Liberton Manse, 7 Kirk Park, EH16 6HZ. Tel 664 3067. email: [email protected]

Reader: Ruth Davies, 4 Hawkhead Grove, EH16 6LS. Tel 664 3608. email: [email protected]

Pastoral Support Worker: Ray Bain, 43 Hawthornvale, Newhaven, Tel 477 4785, Mobile 07982 241 598

Probationary Minister: David McNeish, 2 Provost Milne Grove, South Queens-ferry EH30 9PJ, Tel 07914 432 258, email: [email protected]

Youth Worker: Andy Chittick, 15 Gilmerton Dykes Terrace, EH17 8LU. Tel 468 0326

Student Youth Worker: Alex Richards, Tel 07969 647 848, email: [email protected] Session Clerk: Christopher Brandie, 1F1 20 West Savile Terrace, EH9 3EA

Tel 668 1850, email: [email protected] Deputy Session Clerk: Rink Van Dijke, 21 Kirk Park, EH16 6HZ,

Tel 664 2178, email: [email protected] Treasurer: Judy Weston, 28 Longformacus Rd, EH16 6SE. tel 664 5684. Freewill Offering and Deed of Covenant Treasurer: E J Brown, 14

Liberton Drive, EH16 6NN. Tel 664 5008 Editor of the Magazine: John Gill, 8 Fairmile Avenue, EH10 6RN,

Tel 477 9156, email: [email protected] Organist: Calum Gubby, 19 North Gyle Terrace, EH12 8JT.

tel 07952 902 292. email: [email protected] Sunday Club Secretaries: John and Linda Skinner 12 Alnwickhill Terrace

Tel 258 2889 Church Officer: William Mearns, 30 Kirkgate, EH16 6RY, Tel 672 3576. Convener of Visitors to the Elderly: Morag Fowlie, 7 Gilmerton Station Road,

EH17 8RZ, Tel. 664 1458 Hall Secretary and Church Secretary: Jacqui Tait, Church Office, Kirk Centre,

Kirkgate, EH16 6RY. Tel 664 8264. Please note that there is a letterbox at the Office door, if Jacqui is unavailable

May 2014 Page 27

Page 28 Liberton Kirk Magazine No.630 Printed at The Dolphin Press, Tel 01592771652 www.dolphinpress.co.uk Data/Publisher/LibKirkMay14.pub Published 4th May 2014

Web Address www.libertonkirk.net Scottish Charity Number SC011602

War tears lives apart, Love can help piece them back together

‘The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer . . . in whom I take refuge.’ 2 Samuel 22:2-3

�� For a growing number of people across the world, the horror of war is a part of daily life.

�� Right now, fuelled by the devastating violence in both Syria and the Democ-ratic Republic of the Congo, the numbers of people driven from their homes by war is on the rise.

�� It presently stands at 42 million people – an appalling statistic, and a stain on the conscience of humanity. We can’t turn our backs. We must act now.

�� Together we can reach the 42 million people caught up in conflict and help them live a life free from fear.

could provide

blankets for refugee children to protect them from bitter night-time temperatures.

could provide enough good quality and nutri-tious food for two refugee children for a month.

could help us provide specialist emotional support for a child deeply traumatised by the horror of war that they’ve witnessed or experienced.

11-17 MAY