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In this magazine you will find different topics about current situations national and international that will update you on what is happening in the world. You can read about cultural interest as well as business and technology. You will find tips about different subjects such as business and addictions or articles on what’s new in technology and what’s happening in Costa Rica and other parts of the world. We hope you will enjoy reading our magazine and find everything you are looking for.

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To the reader

In this magazine you will find different topics about

current situations national and international that will

update you on what is happening in the world. You

can read about cultural interest as well as business

and technology. You will find tips about different

subjects such as business and addictions or articles on

what’s new in technology and what’s happening in

Costa Rica and other parts of the world. We hope you

will enjoy reading our magazine and find everything

you are looking for.



To the reader ................................................. 2

Customs ...................................................... 5

Cuba ......................................................... 5

Dinner in a Japanese House ........................... 10

Islam ....................................................... 14

Holi in India ............................................... 16

Techniques or strategies ................................. 22

Five “S” and Time management ....................... 22

Empowerment ............................................ 25

Health at work ............................................ 28

Local/National News International news .............. 35

Facebook .................................................. 35

Tax ......................................................... 37

Sedentary behavior and obesity in children .......... 41

Addictions ................................................. 47

Sports ....................................................... 49

London 2012 Olympics .................................. 49

The Olympic Games. .................................... 53


Interviews ................................................... 56

Women .................................................... 57

Men ........................................................ 58

Typical Questions Interview. .......................... 59




Cuba a socialist

country? or

communist? in the 21st

century what that

means .their music,

their literature, their

normal life teach us

about Cuban culture

and it will give us a clue

about the government,

but why we wanted to

know it?

Nowadays we listen the

word communist many times .but socialist is a new

word, at least for the majority of us. Well socialist is the

method; communism is an interpretation of the method


so socialism is the control by the society. Cuba’s

constitution, amended in 2002 states that Cuba is a

socialist state irrevocably, preventing any chance of

changes on their socio -economic system

The Cuban government has been accused of violating

human rights as the death penalty, repression of

citizens and political prisoners. This help us to

understand Cuban culture because Cuba is not only

geographically the largest Caribbean island , it is also

the most populated .

Considered one of the most diverse

populations in the world as the political

and economical situation of Cuba

through the years has been problematic

the islanders are struggling every day to live a

hopefully life but they are suffering many limitations of

freedom and economy problems as limited access to


technology and wealth is not evenly distributed. Cuba

has a crime rate near zero although it does not mean


Under the leadership of Fidel Castro .Cuba has made

significant social gains especially visible in education

and health. Subjects in which came to be

a model for developing countries, on the

other hand the political and cultural cost

has been enormous, for keeping that

government ,it has required a dictatorial exercise of

power contempt for individual liberties and pluralism

,under continuous monitoring of the state

To address the economic crisis the government had

taken measures such as free peasant farmer markets,

small private utilities ,such as a

restaurants,cafes,individual work on their own

(previously only admitted working with state

enterprises)and enacted laws that allow foreign


investment in certain economic sectors and provided in

partnership with state enterprises. The measures

alleviated the economic crisis and have allowed a

degree of national economic recovery

However despite the problems.

Cuba keeps its music ,dances

and literature.one of the most

important on the island is

undoubtedly the dancing ,All the

great latin American dances

have their origins here, many

rhythms emerged from the days

of slavery ,keeping his melodies

and instruments among the great dances that the

island offers are the following Cuban

song,Bolero,Rumba,Mambo,Cha-Cha Cha,Merengue

and of course regueton .


We cannot forget their literature, Cuban writers are not

only known in the world. Also they are a pride for the

people of the island an example will be Ernest

Hemingway .he is considered a legend in Cuba and in

the world

In conclusion We want to know about Cuba because

the most of us know that it’s a communist country, but

what does it means? I will give you a clue, China who

has the same type of government which is also

thriving, and is allied country of Cuba .is one of the

wealthiest countries in the world and has the same

government. Does it mean that Cuba has a future? or

is a country that one day will get freedom from the

oppression is Cuba a country that live in the darkness.


Dinner in a Japanese House We are going to talk about

Japanese culture, in

special their customs at

dinner. What do they do?

And why it is to important

follow the rules, also we

will try to learn the correct

behavior if we are in a

Japanese house as a


In japan elderly people are

very traditional and normally they follow the code of

conduct based on respect for the family and work

.That is why the expectations of social behavior is very

high, even though some customs

have changed over the course of

Japanese history, their customs

have been considered very

important to them

It is considered an honor to be

invited to some ones home in japan

.something interesting about Japanese culture, is the


fact that people take off their shoes before entering in

any house, in fact wearing shoes inside houses or

temples is unforgivable .this custom is deeply rooted in

Japanese people ,so much so no matter how small or

how westernized their house be .it always will have a

place to remove their shoes before entering.

There are different theories trying to explain this

fact.One of them is that they take off their shoes

because they have the idea that to reach a household

without bad vibes ,they must not wear their shoes

because it will bring bad vibes from abroad and, that


is why they remove the shoes before getting in

,another one is that they do that in order to avoid sand

or dust that may be attached to their shoes,so,shoes

are removed and replaced with slippers. And finally no

less important is remind this detail .The shoes will

turned around so that the toe faces the door after

taking them off.

What we should and should not do in a Japanese

house at dinner.Generally ,as in many cultures, the

guest takes priority ,as example you should not offer

yourself to help the owner in the kitchen. .According to

the rules of Japanese culture ,visitors are not allowed

to go into the kitchen .

The other thing you probably should not do is praise

pictures or ornaments in the house .If you

do that, your Japanese hosts might feel

they have to give the object to you .In

japan also is considered impolite to leave

half-eaten food on a plate, you do not

have to eat everything that is offered to you ,but if you

take something, you must finish it.

When a Japanese host invites you to have a drink at

the end of the evening .you should refuse gently.


Otherwise you could be there all night because they

usually will invite you until you refuse it.

As a conclusion, if we are honored to be invited in a

Japanese house as a guest we must remember these

tips in order to respect their culture, and enjoy the



Islam Islam is a monotheistic religion based on the Qur'an, a

text considered by its adherents to be the word of God,

and by the teachings and normative example of

Muhammad, considered by them to be the last prophet

of God. An adherent of Islam is called a Muslim.

Muslims believe that God is one and incomparable and

the purpose of existence is to love and serveGod.

Muslims also believe

that Islam is the

complete and

universal version of a

primordial faith that

was revealed at many

times and places

before, including

Abraham, Moses and

Jesus, whom they

consider prophets. They believe that previous

messages and revelations have been partially changed

or corrupted over time, but consider the Qur'an to be

both the unaltered and the final revelation of God.


The majority of Muslims are Sunni, being 75–90% of all

Muslims. The second largest sect, Shia, makes up 10–

20%.The most populous Muslim majority country is

Indonesia home to 12.7% of the world's Muslims

followed by Pakistan (11.0%), India (10.9%), and

Bangladesh (9.2%). Sizable communities are also

found in China, Russia, and parts of Europe. With over

1.57 to 1.65 billion followers or over 22 to 24% of

earth's population, Islam is the second-largest and one

of the fastest-growing religions in the world

Ritual prayers, called Ṣalah or Ṣalat, must be

performed five times a day. Salah is intended to focus

the mind on God, and is seen as a personal

communication with him that expresses gratitude and

worship. Salah is compulsory but flexibility in the

specifics is allowed depending on circumstances. The

prayers are recited in the Arabic language, and consist

of verses from the Qur'an

Fasting, from food

and drink (among

other things) must be

performed during the

month of Ramadhan.


The fast is to encourage a feeling of nearness to God,

and during it Muslims should express their gratitude for

and dependence on him, atone for their past sins, and

think of the needy. Flexibility is allowed depending on

circumstances, but missed fasts usually must be made

up quickly.

Holi in India

According with a tradition Hindu, every year, thousands

of Hindus participate in the festival Holi. The festival

has many purposes. First and foremost, it celebrates

the beginning of the new season, spring. Originally, it


was a festival that commemorated good harvests and

the fertile land. Hindus believe it is a time of enjoying

spring's abundant colors and saying farewell to winter.

It also has a religious purpose, commemorating events

present in Hindu mythology. Although it is the least

religious holiday, it is probably one of the most

exhilarating ones in existence. During this event,

participants hold a bonfire, throw colored powder at

each other, and celebrate wildly. Together, the rich and

poor, women and men, enjoy each other’s presence on

this joyous day. No one expects polite behavior; as a

result, the atmosphere is filled with excitement, fun and



Also, Holi is about fun, frolic and colour. The

colorful festival brings people closer and reignites

relationships. The best way to celebrate this joyful

festival with your friends, family and loved ones, is take

a little planning and a few easy tips to ensure your

guests and you. To share a great time you must have

music, food, water and colors.

A Holi party is incomplete without music; you can

organize some live music, a dance floor and DJ where

guests can put in requests for their favorite songs to be

played. However, if you're planning a small party, you

can compile a list of popular Bollywood Holi numbers

like Rang Barse , Holi ke din , Do me a favor lets's play

Holi. Something about food, keep a menu simple, for a


day party, you can getaway with serving loads of finger

foods and something like biryani with sauces and dips

in the main course, also you can put aside trays of

sweets like burfis, which your guests could even carry

back as a return present. Holi is the festival of colors

but make sure to use organic colors that don't ruin the

skin. Keep plates of dry colour on each table from

where your guest can easily access them. And don't let

your guests get away without getting wet, you need

install sprinklers or hoses to get a great party.

Finally a good advice for your Holi is be careful with

the colorant because the lack of control over the quality

and content of these colors, is a problem, as they are

frequently sold by vendors who do not know their


origin, used dry colors, also called gulals, are toxic,

with heavy metals causing asthma, skin diseases,

temporary blindness and are associated with health



Krishnamurti Indian writer

Was an Indian writer and speaker of

philosophical and spiritual subjects.

Indians believed a new messiah was

coming to bring hope and wisdom to

their people. Jiddu Narianiah and

Sanjeevamma parents of Krishnamurti where visit by a

prophet who claim that they were having a child that

was the messiah and they had to name him

Krishnamurti after the Hindu deity Krishna

Krishnamurti was born was born on May 1895 in

the small town of Madanapalle in Madras Presidency.

His father was employee of the colonial British


administration. His mom died when he was ten. His

parents had a total of eleven children of whom six

survived childhood.

He often taken to be mentally retarded, and was

beaten regularly at school by his teachers and at home

by his father. At the age of eighteen he started

describe physic experiences with his sister who died in

1904 and his mother who died in 1905.

Krishnamurti teaches in his speeches and books

about fear, pleasure, meditations, education and world

crisis. He founded several schools around the world

such as: Global outlook, Concern for man and the

environment and Religious spirit, which includes the

scientific temper. After traveling around the world with

his teachings Krishnamurti died February 17, 1986 at

the age of 90 in Ojai, California.


Techniques or strategies

Five “S” and Time management

Having a good budget of one’s time and

organizing the workplace are tools that

will definitely define the success of

people, not only in the professional area

or in business but in life in general. “Five

S” and the “time management” are two

methods currently used to maximize

efficiency of people all around the world.

On the one hand, it is important to say that according to

experts time management is a method similar to managing

one’s life: “too much time loss can be equated too many

great things and opportunities missed”1. Time management

1 Harris, J. (2008) Time management: 100 success secrets, retrieved on July 14th, 2012 from http://books.google.co.cr/books?id=4LC0vQRoSqEC&printsec=frontcover&dq=time+management+tips&source=bl&ots=YEd_wROUZy&sig=eAxvOs7v6Me2F7dv1gVl8QZSBfY&hl=es&sa=X&ei=cKgBUPaWD5Gk8ATDlK2qCA&ved=0CD0Q6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=time%20management%20tips&f=false


should not only be used in work tasks but in daily activities,

such an in school or college, home chores, planning free

time and so on. On the other hand, “five S” is a Japanese

method, an structured program to implement workplace

organization and standardization. This method implements

some skills like safety, work efficiency, productivity,

ownership and, as a consequence, people motivation on

their jobs.

These techniques are really important in a corporate

world since that when one person use them properly, he or

she will assure successes because it will improve the

efficiency, proactivity, motivation, productiveness and will

develop the activities or task a better way, avoiding the “last-

minute” stress.


However, for the operation of these methods it is necessary

to take into account some tips. In the case of time

management, people should use planners or make lists

about the pending tasks, use the time wisely and prizing

yourself for every accomplished goal. For five s, it is

important to understand the meaning of every “s” word: sort,

set in order, shine, standardize and sustain and then

evaluate the application of the program.

We chose these topics because we consider them

necessary to learn how to organize the time and workplace

in a way that allows us, as future professionals, to attend all


our commitments but also enjoy free time with family and

friends. As well, we believe that part of the success of

outstanding people has to do with the manner in which they

divide their time and activities: they can enjoy their jobs but

also they can spend quality time when they are not working.




Empowerment is the process of increasing the capacity

of individuals or groups to make choices and to

transform those choices into desired actions and

outcomes. Central to this process are actions which

both build individual and collective assets, and improve

the efficiency and fairness of the organizational and

institutional context which govern the use of these

assets. In other words, is the process to empower

decision and responsibility to an individual.

The spiral of empowerment says that within human

nature are deep needs for fairness, cooperation,

effectiveness and meaning, so we are capable of

learning the skills of deliberate problem-solving so

democracy becomes no longer a fixed structure but an


evolving value driving cultures we create. Rules set

democratically keep wealth widely dispersed so

markets remain open, competitive and life serving as

guide by democratic polities. Political decision making

is freed from the influence of wealth so more and more

people have a voice in problem solving.

The triangle of empowerment asks three

questions: what? How? And purpose? Care answers

the what: the learning, work for income, caring tasks

and cultural activities. Safety answers the how: Health,

role, power and communication. Responsibility

answers the purpose: values and beliefs, rights and

duties, motivation, obligation.

Benchmarking is the process of comparing

business processes and performance metrics to

industry bests or best practices from other industries.

The process typically measures quality, time and costs.

In this process, management indentifies the best

companies in the in their industry or other industry with

similar process and compare the results to our own

results and processes. With this process you learn

how the target performs and why these companies are



Health at work

In this essay we are going to introduce the field of

occupational health and relate it to dentistry in order to

exemplify the importance of this discipline work

environment. Also let’s talk about the branches of

occupational health and their importance in the

workplace. Occupational health is the control of risk in

the workplace; it helps to maintain a safe and healthy

work environment.

One of the main activities that must be implementing in

any work team is first aid. This team strategy must be

implemented by rofessionals or people trained in

emergency care who have the capacity to serve

personnel who have suffered an accident or injury.


The implementation of

first aid can make a

difference between life

and death. The

importance of

receiving immediate

first aid is to protect

the wounded of other

complications that may

occur by the type of

injury that the person


Among the topics involved in first aids is a wound.

Wounds are classified in open, is when the bone is

exposed to the surface, and closed when the bone not

exposed to the surface. Another topic is the burns who

is the redness of the skin, burns it’s classified in three

grades: one grade who is a redness of the skin, second


grade that is redness of the skin with blisters and third

grade in type of burn you see the skin with necrosis.

Another issue involving first aid is cardio pulmonary

resuscitation; this maneuver is given to a patient who

loses pulse or respiration. This maneuver includes five

cycles with 30 compression of the cheat of the person

per 2 ventilations.

Currently companies try to avoid accidents with good

training and security policies. Also a way to prevent

accidents from happening by researching the causes in

order to every incident loss causal model helps as find

the causes of accidents. It is easy to understand and it

analyzes the causes of incidents. However this model

also has some disadvantages; for example, you spend

long time determining interview a witness, that who

may not always tell the truth. Is fundamental known the

causes of accidents because you can put rules to get


changes in comportments of the workers and with

these reduce the indices of accidents.

Actually there are literally

millions of people working

behind a desk; most of them

spend the majority of hours

sitting in a chair doing their

daily assignments. This cause

sedentary and it is no healthy.

It may cause neck and back

pain, cause muscle stiffness and increase tiredness,

one way to stop this is to incorporate active breaks into

your daily work. Active breaks are exercises that help

people at work; it takes from 10 to 15 minutes and

helps improve the working environment. They are

activities workers can perform in order to stretching,

breathing and posture exercises that help combat


sedentary lifestyles, improve such as health and lower

absenteeism. Here are some ways to take an activity

break work:

1. Leave of your chair; try to stand up as

possible for example to the water cooler to grab a

drink of water or to get a cup of coffee

2. Eat your lunch out of the coffee: lunch time is

the best opportunity to take an active break so it is

important do not eat in the office , make sure to eat

in a quiet place and requires a few minutes of


3. Stretch the kinks of your joint: there are some

stretches do not even require you to get up from

your seat like sitting stretches.

What are hazard materials? According with to NOISH

pocket guide: “chemical products or dangerous

goods are solids, liquids or gases that can harm

people, other living organisms, property, or the


environment”. The professionals in

OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH are responsible for care

the health of coworkers , the work places water,

animals and plants. To solve the problem related

with this materials, like, information related with risk,

use, manipulation, transportation labeling, storage,

disposal or any emergency condition, the UN

created an international and standard regulation

labels ( a diamond placard with specific colors and

numbers) with a categories:

1. Explosives

2. Gases

3. Flammable liquids

4. Flammable solids

5. Acidizing agents or organic peroxides

6. Toxic or infectious

7. Radioactive

8. Corrosive and


9. Miscellaneous. Nowadays, with this symbols,

all employees , drivers of fire fighters can

understood the risk and type of any material, the

next step is know the name or ID of the product.

Finally it is important to understand the importance of

Occupational Health and safety polices in every

workplace, applying them also to our daily acts. As

we said occupational health must be present in all

careers, for example dentistry: the dentists have to

maintain a good posture at the time of attending the

patient, also the dentist always have to use safety

equipment such a gloves, cap, and in the room there

must be specific trashcans for the different supplies

like needless to avoid any injury. It is also important

to indicate the emergency exists, have a plan of

accidents well established, and of course the right

equipment and installations for disable persons.


Local/National News

International news

Facebook is the world’s biggest social

networking site. In a

blog post, the site’s

founder, Mark

Zuckerberg, states

that Facebook will

continue to in order

to stay the web’s

number one

communication site.

The company started in a dorm room in 2004. Today it

has 150 million active users, more than the 130 million

of rival MySpace.

Facebook is different from other social networking

sites because you can communicate with people you

really know and trust and be aware about what’s

happening around you. Facebook has given people a

safe and trusted environment for people to interact


online. It has changed the way people view the world.

A friend from any country is only a few clicks away.

It was back in February 2004 when Zuckerberg

started “The facebook” from a Harvard student’s room.

The aim was to help students get in touch with each

other over the Internet. Within 24 hours over a

thousand students had signed up and soon after that

the network spread out to other universities

By 2005 a research study showed that about 85% of the students in the network had a Facebook account. Another survey showed that Facebook was almost as important as an iPod. Today the site has been translated into 35 languages.

More than half of its users are not at college anymore and the fastest growing group are the 30 to 40 year olds. Every day 15 million users update their profiles to tell their friends and the world what’s happening to them. They also share photos, upload videos, chat, make friends, join groups or simply have fun.



To try to establish a policy on

the fiscal plan that was

approved in first debate and

then by procedural errors in its

mainly discussion and

approval, the Constitutional Court established by judgment

of invalidity of the law passed. It really is difficult to establish

a single criterion for or against because there are three

major issues in the reform, namely:

The first is an amendment to the Tax Code whose purpose

is to improve the control which is important for the country

that requires resources and a form control is increasing,

which basically seeks reform: increase the power of sanction

that is currently the Tax Administration imposing fines are

doubled and the possibility of fines but not determinative

process is completed tax; an acceleration control procedures

and determination of tax obligations, which highlights an

increase in the period of limitation and reduction instances to


which the taxpayer can appeal, and finally provide the Tax

Administration the possibility of charging. It would authorize

perform administrative liens and charges directly, without

recourse to courts.

A second issue is the reform of added value: For example in

the case of reforms to the value added tax or what is known

as sales tax is certainly not appropriate to move from 13% to

14% tax on all items already taxed, but the change to tax a

number of utilities with different base and minimum do not

pay today, or tax all professional services such as education

and some private health with minimum rates (which also

allows control professionals), are aspects that are positive

and also makes us equal in the sense that we all have to

contribute to the state.

In the case of income tax, has positive aspects as

decreasing the rate of small businesses and SMEs in some

ranges, for example gravel also to cooperatives and

solidarity that some think this is negative, but the fact that if

Through these mechanisms also creates wealth should

contribute to the state. Reform also alters aspects of

territoriality of income and comprehensive income

constitutes, this basically means that those who are

domiciled in Costa Rica have to account for all the wealth

they produce even abroad, that's fine, many advantage of

the current limitation of territoriality, make the wealth


apparently occurs abroad and contribute nothing to the


Then there are many items that can defend or attack. The

reform also included a number of issues that the Tax Office

provides legal and regulatory changes that allow it to be

more efficient in monitoring and collection. I think the country

needs tax reform, in my opinion the current balance showed

enough so that it was acceptable to a lot of sectors of the

country. The country needs more resources, the state needs

additional tools to manage it, and the ongoing reform

provided some of those needs.

In the case of income tax, has positive aspects as

decreasing the rate of small businesses and SMEs in some

ranges, for example gravel also to cooperatives and

solidarity that some think this is negative, but the fact that if

Through these mechanisms also creates wealth should

contribute to the state. Reform also alters aspects of

territoriality of income and comprehensive income

constitutes, this basically means that those who are

domiciled in Costa Rica have to account for all the wealth

they produce even abroad, that's fine, many advantage of

the current limitation of territoriality, make the wealth

apparently occurs abroad and contribute nothing to the



Then there are many items that can defend or attack. The

reform also included a number of issues that the Tax Office

provides legal and regulatory changes that allow it to be

more efficient in monitoring and collection. I think the country

needs tax reform, in my opinion the current balance showed

enough so that it was acceptable to a lot of sectors of the

country. The country needs more resources, the state needs

additional tools to manage it, and the ongoing reform

provided some of those needs.

Thoroughly written by Natalia Morales.


Sedentary behavior and obesity in


Despite for many of us, our infancy was very

active, this reality is not the same nowadays, and many

children have a very inactive life in recent years. The

children prefer being in his houses in front of a

television, video games, computer…, instead of playing

football in the neighborhood.


The problem is not that they

play with these games but

they spend the whole day

playing with this technology

and it can become addicted

as many children around the

world, but there are certain

factors that do that these

children become in addicts.

First, at the majority of the

homes the father and mother

are employed full time, and

they prefer that the children

spend el rest of the day in the

house instead of in the street

playing with the neighbors for

his safety, which is very

important, nowadays we live

in a very insecure country

where we have to take care

more of the children, second is the food that children

receive in schools, colleges. And home. But this is no



Parents, enjoy the weekends nowadays in a very

peculiar way, for example, they prefer go to eat snack food,

instead of go to a park to playing outdoors, this is creating a

way of living very sedentary and when these children grow

up and become in teenagers, it is provable that develop


Studies by the WHO World Health Organization

states:"Obesity and inactivity are not problems unique to the

first world. According to a report by the World Health

Organization (WHO), about a third of the world's children

spend at least three hours a day watching TV or computer.

The study involved more than 70,000 children from 34



"As far as physical activity is concerned, we found no

significant differences between rich and poor

countries," stressed Regina Guthold, lead author of the

report, a member of the Department of Chronic

Diseases and Health Promotion at WHO. "Growing up

in a developing country does not necessarily mean that

children are more active." (WHO, 2010).


With this situation MEP (Department of Public

Education) This institution prohibited the sales of

sodas, sweets, fritters and all the delicacies, the idea

was to diminish the percentage of children with

overweight, according to realized studies, nowadays in

the schools there is approximately 20 % of obese

children, nevertheless this news was very controversial

since many of the schools did not know what to sell in

the schools, because the delicacies were very well

accepted by the children, nevertheless the schools had

to be more responsible with the feeding of children.

But for this problem so it is necessary that parents

with schools create good eating habits for good

nutrition, for example, one of the ways for parents to

reward children with food, reward them with eat at

McDonald's, ice cream, go to a mall for junk food ... But

to solve this problem, it is necessary that parents with

schools create good eating habits for good nutrition, for

example, one of the bad habits that have the most

parents is to reward children with food, they bringing

their children to eat at McDonald's, ice cream, go to a

mall for junk food ... this must stop.For example some

good habits could be:


Accompany meals with water or natural juices.

Eat fruit for dessert.

Avoid cooking are high in salt or seasonings.

Exercising with the family.

Reward their efforts with rides and games

It's about responsibility, our body needs to be

healthy for the good performance of all activities, harm

a child with food is as bad as not providing education,

families should be aware of the food they give their

children, being a chubby child, it does not mean a

healthy child as many ignorant parents believe ... it is

about balance.







Currently addictions are very popular because people

feel the need to feel better being addicted to something

to go out of the reality, forget the stress and concerns

that they face every day at work or at home.

Addiction according to the WHO World Health

Organization, is a physical and psycho-emotional

dependency to a substance, activity or relationship, It

represents signs and symptoms characteristics.

Psychologists say that people become addicted by

three factors: First. Biological: the genetic each person

has. Second, social environment: in which the person

lives including friends and finally psychological: such

as personality, depression, compulsiveness.

Every time is more common that we have a family member or friend addicted and this often seems normal


to all of us, and more when addiction are not drugs, for example addiction to shopping, work, video games, television… Sometimes people do not see it as addiction, they think that It does not take part of an addiction, but additions are very serious problems and they involve families and friends.

Currently, technology has been one of the reasons of addictions for example: cell phones, video games, social networking, television, work, tattoos, shopping, plastic surgery, exercise, sex, gambling and white teeth…Sometimes it is very difficult to detect all of these activities or hobbies such as addiction, but experts say we can detect a person addictive to these factors: violent behavior, personality changes, loss of appetite, trouble with the law, stealing money, loss of interest in things important, talking to myself, problems at school, lack of concentration , friendships change ... the important thing first is that the addicted person recognizes that he is addicted and is willing to change, to help or a psychologist to help you, for example attending groups support rational recovery, methods of guidance, open your mind and be willing to change.




London 2012 Olympics

Mexico takes gold

medal in men´s


To continue waiting,

Brazil. It is Mexico´s

turn to celebrate his

first Olympic gold in football.The last Saturday Mexico

won the gold medal to beat Brazil 2 goals to 1, the first

goal was at 28 second of the game, that match was at

Wembley Stadium.It is the first time that Mexico takes

a gold medal in an Olympics games in soccer.

That medal is too much important from Central

America because it is the first time that is happened,

congratulation from Mexico for that amazing act.


Usain Bolt wins his third London gold medal,

anchors Jamaica to worls record in the 4x10

Mexico The final act of the

spectacular quadrennial event

known as The Usain Bolt Show

came to a close on Saturday

night, with another gold medal,

another world record and yet

another sprint trifecta at the

Olympic Games.

From beginning to end, the last

night of track and field before

the usual 80,000 people in

Olympic Stadium was dominated

by multi-medal athletes in full

glory, including Mo Farah, who

might be the most popular man

in Mother England just now,

after capturing the 5,000-meter gold to go

with his 10,000 gold, and Allyson Felix, who won the

last of her three gold here by running the fastest leg of


the U.S.’s 4x400 relay leg – the highlight of a night that

jacked the U.S. medal total to 29 – the most for the

Americans since Barcelona in 1992.

But the scene, and the Stadium, remained the province

of Bolt, The World’s Fastest Man and

greatest track showman, a 25-year-old Jamaican

demigod who anchored a world-record performance in

the 4x100 relay, enabling the Jamaicans to smash their

own record by covering 400 meters in 36.84.

Nesta Carter and Michael Frater ran the first two legs

for Jamaica, before Yohan Blake, 100 and 200-meter

silver medalist, outran American Tyson Gay, who didn’t

have a great handoff with Justin Gatlin, brought the

baton home to Bolt.


Ryan Bailey, the U.S. anchorman, hung with Bolt for a

bit, but soon the 6-5 Bolt and his long legs were in full,

long-striding gear, reveling in his ‘triple-double’ –

becoming the first man in 108 years to win gold in the

same three events (100, 200 and 4x100) in

consecutive Olympics.

“I did what I came here to do,” Bolt said.



The Olympic Games.

This year we celebrated the Olympic Games in

London. Starting with the opening act, we were able

to realize the amazing event it was going to be.

This event gets together the best athletes from all

over the world. Greats figures like Usaim Bolt,

Michael Phelps, Roger Federer and many more,

continued to demonstrated why they are the best,

and also teach us that, it takes a lot of effort and

dedication to get to where they are, reason why they

are call the number one in the world.

Costa Rican athletes also represented us in this year

Olympics; unfortunately they were not able to

demonstrate what they are capable of doing.


Honestly I thought Nery Brenes was going to go

further in the competency, but due to an injury, he

was not able to continue.

In this Olympic Games my favorite athlete was Usaim

Bolt. I really admire him because he rose from a poor

country and break records and positioned himself as

the best and fastest man in the world, honestly I think

that is a lot to say.

This Saturday, the 2012 London Olympic Games

came to an end with an amazing closure act

including the best artist of England from the past 50

years, including songs from the Beatles, Queen, The

Spice Girls and many others that have impacted the

music world.


The Olympic Games is an event that unites the entire

world, and it is an international party where we can

see the best athletes breaking records and always

impacting us. I am looking forward for the next one in

Brazil 2016.



Interviews can often cause fear, anxiety and stress, but

these feelings should not be present at the interview,

as it could fail, it is important before going for an

interview to be very well prepared, because we must to

transmit to the interviewer safety and confidence in


To have a successful interview is important to know

what to do with our appearance such as clothes go,

how to behave, what to say and not say, for example

some tips for the interview to be successful:1. Antes de

ir a una entrevista es importante buscar información de

la empresa, conocer sus valores, objetivos, misión y



2. Punctuality is advisable to be fifteen minutes before

the interview.

3. Presentation, we should take care of our image and



Minimal use of makeup.

No more than one ring on each hand.

Shoes with conservative heels.

One set of earrings only.

If you wear nail polish, use a conservative color.



A silk necktie with a conservative pattern.

Dark shoes

Dark socks

No rings other than wedding ring or college ring.

No earrings


4. Do not lie, it is important to be honest.

5. Before speaking think very well what you say.

6. If you are missing some knowledge, it is important

that you say you can learn them.

7. Do not talk too much; do not tell the whole personal


8. Practice, Practice, Practice

Practice answering questions. List your skills, talents

and experiences that directly apply to this opportunity,

as well as any hobbies that relate to it, so you can tell

the interviewers about what you can do. Also practice

out aloud, this will help you sound more polished and

concise and less nervous in the actual interview.

Typical Questions Interview.

Tell us something about yourself.

Sample answers:

I am a team player with experience in solving


I try to make healthy lifestyle choices and to be a

responsible citizen.


I am an excellent communicator and enjoy working with


10. Do not forget to thank the interview for their time.

11. Our body language is crucial in an interview;

experts say it takes only 5 minutes to make a good or

bad impression.

12. Turn off your phone.

Today the competition is getting higher, so it is

important that our interview is successful, not only for

our physical appearance, also for our ability,

intelligence and preparation.

Lack of employment has been increasing each year

and no one wants to lose a job interview

Source: http://www.ext.colostate.edu/pubs/consumer/09151.html