Magazine: 50p each or £5 per year

Magazine: 50p each or £5 per year - Microsoftbtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site547/April 2016 Magv2.pdf · It has something to do with a lion’s roar. In the holy Scriptures,

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Page 1: Magazine: 50p each or £5 per year - Microsoftbtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site547/April 2016 Magv2.pdf · It has something to do with a lion’s roar. In the holy Scriptures,

Magazine: 50p each or £5 per year

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APRIL Sunday 3 April 2nd Sunday of Easter Exodus 14.10-31; 15.20-21 John 20.19-31 Sunday 10 April 3rd Sunday of Easter Zephaniah 3.14-20 John 21.1-19 Sunday 17 April 4th Sunday of Easter Genesis 7.1-5,11-18; 8.6-18; 9.8-13 John 10.22-30 Sunday 24 April 5th Sunday of Easter Genesis 22.1-18 John 13.31-35 Sunday 1 May 6th Sunday of Easter Acts 16.9-15 John 5.1-9 MAY Sunday 8 May 7th Sunday of Easter Acts 16.16-34 John 17.20-26 Sunday 15 May Pentecost Romans 8.14-17 John 14.8-27 Sunday 22 May Trinity Sunday Romans 5.1-5 John 16.12-15 Sunday 29 May 1st Sunday after Trinity Galatians 1.1-12 Luke 7.1-10

Coffee Carrots & eggs

A chef helped his daughter to

understand the significance of Jesus’ death and resurrection by

boiling carrots, eggs and ground

coffee beans in three saucepans. Each had faced the same adver-

sity, boiling water, but each reacted differently.

The carrots went in strong and unrelenting but after being in the water became softened and

weak. The eggs had been fragile, their thin outer shells had protected their liquid interior, but after

being in the boiling water became hardened.

However, the coffee beans were unique because after they were in the boiling water they changed

the water to become coffee.

He asked his daughter, “When difficulties come in

your life, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean?”

Suffering on the cross did not harden Jesus to selfish behaviour but he could forgive those who

caused him pain. He said, “Father forgive them,

for they know not what they do.” He could think of his mother’s needs, asking John to take care of

her. It did not weaken him in that he could not carry out the Father’s will in dying for the sins of

the whole world, and being victorious. Even the

Roman centurion was changed by him, and said “Truly this man was the Son of God”. The hard-

ened criminal next to him was changed.

“Remember me when you come into your king-dom”, to which Jesus replied, “Today you will be

with me in Paradise.”

Jesus in the Resurrection was like a coffee bean,

because he not only overcome death for himself, but the Resurrection of Jesus for Christians who

believe and trust in him has changed everything, the way we live and the way we die, and that

death can never be the end because we live

eternally with Christ.

Reverend Graham Gittings

Associate Minister

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Sunday St. Andrew’s St. Peter’s All Saints

3rd April 2nd Sunday of Easter

10am Service of the Word


10.30am Holy Communion

10am Family Service & thanksgiving

10th April 3rd Sunday of Easter

10am Holy Communion by Extension


10.30am Family Service & thanksgiving

10am Holy Communion

17th April 4th Sunday of Easter

10am Family Service with Messy Activities


10.30am Holy Communion

10am Service of the Word & Baptism

24th April 5th Sunday of Easter

10am Holy Communion (Pilgrim material)


10.30am Service of the Word & Baptism

10am Holy Communion by Extension

Alpha @ The Red House Beginning Tuesday 5 April

See Page 7 for more info Fun, food, discussion,

exploring the Christian Faith…

Please see pages 4 to 9 for details of our spe-

cial Spring services and events. All welcome -

please invite family & friends!

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All Saints Church


Invite all to

A Royal High Tea

In Celebration of Our Queen Elizabeth’s

90th Birthday

In the Church on Thursday 21st April

From 6pm to 8pm

Together with a special ring of ‘Queens’ by the Bell Ringers


Donations towards the up-keep of

the Church will be gratefully received

Enquiries to PCC members: Jackie Kent Treasurer 07759664700 [email protected]

Ros Daybell Tower Captain 07518020246 or [email protected]

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Come and celebrate our Patron Saint and

enjoy a cream tea, served from 2pm to 4pm

Also the 400th Anniversary of the death

of our most famous writer

William Shakespeare

Hear the bells ring on this

auspicious occasion

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Sunday 17th April - Messy Fun! Please join us for a Family Service with Messy Activities

at St. Andrew’s at 10am. These take place at

St. Andrew’s on the third Sunday of each month -

please invite family and friends - great services

for children and families to enjoy!. Following

Messy Fun dates: 15th May, 19th June & 17th July

(none in August), St. Andrew’s Church, 10am. All Welcome!

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For all your support and prayers for our Church activities and

collections this Easter. Please see pages 10 & 12 for feedback

from the St. Peter’s Easter Fair and thank you messages for all

your kind donations. Please continue to keep the ministries

and activities or our team of Churches in your prayers.

Annual Parochial Church Meeting 2016

The Joint APCM for Caverswall and Dilhorne

will this year be held on Monday 25th April,

7pm at St. Andrew’s.

The APCM includes the Election of members to the two PCCs and the

preliminary Election of Churchwardens meeting, as well as providing a

review of the 2015 year, Church finances and considering future vision.

Please join us to support the Church in prayer and vision, giving thanks

for the continuing ministries of the three Churches within our local

communities and for all those in our Church family.

Electoral Roll members are entitled to vote in proceedings at the APCM.

The deadline for amendments or additions to this year’s Electoral Roll

release for the APCM has now passed. Copies of the released roll will be

made available soon for information. Any further amendments will now

be made after the APCM.

Alpha Course: April to June 2016 @ The Red House, Caverswall

(Meeting in the Function Room, ST11 9ED)

Begins with Intro Session: Tuesday 5 April, 7pm

For more info. & to book on the course, contact St. Andrew’s Parish Office:

01782 312570 / [email protected]

Course includes a meal* and discussion in a relaxed and friendly environment. * Suggested voluntary donation of £5 per person each week towards the cost of a hot meal

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A Benefice Holy Communion and Confirmation Service will be

held on Sunday 8th May, 10am at All Saints, Dilhorne, with

the Bishop of Stafford, the Rt Rev’d Geoff Annas, presiding.

Please keep all those being Confirmed in your prayers as they

prepare and for their continuing journey of faith with Christ.

There will be no 8am service held on this Sunday. If anyone is interested in being confirmed, please speak to Reverend Steve,

Reverend Linda or the Office. Preparation will be arranged for those who

would like to be confirmed.

‘Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live

with him.’ Romans 6 v 8

All Saints Dilhorne - Bell Ringers All welcome to join:

Practices on Thursday evenings, 7.30pm-9pm, with Sunday ringing 9.30am for 10am service.

For more info., please contact Ros Daybell, Tower Captain, 01782 399369 / [email protected]

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All Welcome to join us for

Parish Prayers and Mid-Week Communion

Parish Communion: Wednesdays, 10am - 11am Parish Prayers: Sundays, 6pm - 7pm & Thursdays, 9.30am - 10.30am

All held at St. Andrew’s during term-time. All Welcome! 2If you would like anyone or any situation to be prayed for at Parish Prayers, or if you would like

any names to be added to the monthly prayer diary, please contact the Parish Office.

Easter Holiday note: Please note that Sunday evening and Thursday Parish Prayers, Wednesday Parish Communion and Life Groups will begin again from Sunday 10th April.

We hope that you can join us for mid-week prayer and worship.

Sunday St. Andrew’s St. Peter’s All Saints

1st May 6th Sunday of Easter

10am Service of the Word


10.30am Holy Communion

10am Family Service

8th May 7th Sunday of Easter

Confirmation Service at All Saints

No 8am service Confirmation Service at All Saints

10am Benefice Holy Communion & Confirmation Service

15th May Pentecost

*Gift Day* 10am Family Service with Messy Activities & Baptism

*Gift Day* 8am BCPHC

10.30am Holy Communion

10am Service of the Word

22nd May Trinity Sunday

10am Holy Communion


10.30am Service of the Word & Baptism

10am Holy Communion by Extension

29th May 1st Sunday after Trinity

10am Holy Communion


10.30am Holy Communion

10am Service of the Word (Joint Service with Methodist Churches)

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Thank You for all your support and all those who helped at the St. Peter’s Easter Fair on 19th March.

A wonderful £556 was raised for Church funds and much fun had at the event.

With thanks to the children and staff at St. Peter’s CE Primary also for their Easter Art Display.

Please see some photos from the Easter Fair below.

The Easter Garden that the children helped to construct.

The Easter Cake Stall proved popular!

‘ “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send

some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not

grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.” ’

Nehemiah 8 v 10

‘ “But I came to give life - life that is

full and good.” ’

John 10 v 10

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Dear Friends,

God is not incensed and angry with you!

The Bible tells us that the devil walks about like a roaring

lion, seeking whom he may devour. 1 Peter 5:8. But

have you ever wondered why he acts like a roaring


It has something to do with a lion’s roar. In the holy

Scriptures, the roaring of a lion speaks of the king’s

wrath - “The king’s wrath is like the roaring of a lion.” Proverbs 19.12. So when the

devil, your adversary, prowls around like a roaring lion, he is trying to con you with

the idea that the King is angry with you. And when you mistakenly believe that

God is exasperated with you, the devil knows that he has got you.

When you think that God is annoyed or displeased with you, you will not be confi-

dent of His love toward you. Instead, you will expect and fear punishment from

Him. And you will want to stay away from Him because you do not wish to incur

His wrath.

But the Good News is that God is not infuriated with you, even when you fail; be-

cause all your sins have already been judged in the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus. As

the Lamb of God, Jesus became your burnt offering. That is why He said, “I

thirst.” (John 19:28)

Those who heard Him say that at Calvary that day thought that His thirst was only

physical. Actually, His thirst was spiritual also; because He was being “burnt” by

the fire of God’s wrath. He was being judged for our sins. His body absorbed all

of God’s rage until every claim of God’s holiness was satisfied and God's anger

was appeased!

There is a law called “the law of double jeopardy”, which states that the same

crime cannot be tried twice. Today, the fire of God’s fury will never fall on you as

a believer because it has already fallen on His Son at Calvary. God judged your

sins that were laid on His Son.

So right now, you are not under the King’s wrath but His favour. And His favour

rains down on you like dew on the grass every morning! Proverbs 19.12

Do keep this in mind as you remember and celebrate Jesus’ death, burial and res-


With love, George, Joyce, Amen and Chrioni

N. B. Please pray as the Word continues to go out in these parts - concerning the

love of God. Thank you so much.

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Thank You for all your donations on Palm Sunday for the Bishop’s Lent Appeal, ‘Standing up for Children’. £235.19 was raised, which will go to support vulnerable children in the UK through the Children’s Society and also Friends of the Holy Land, helping our brothers and sisters in Christ facing challenging life circumstances in Israel. Please keep the good work and ministries of the Children’s Society and Friends of the Holy Land in your prayers, for the staff, resources

and for all the individuals and communities in need that they support, for God’s peace, wisdom and deliverance in difficult circumstances.

Many thanks for all your kind donations for the Leprosy Mission’s Mozambique flood appeal. £211.10 has been raised. Please continue to keep the charity staff, volunteers, their good work and all those affected by the devastating flooding in your prayers. fund, supporting all those who have lost their homes in devastating flooding.

Thank for all your kind donations to the Church Mission Society. £440.91 has been raised for the Charity. Please continue to keep the charity, their staff, volunteers and those they serve in your prayers. Maureen Virgo & Shirley Nicol

Many thanks for all your kind donations to Church funds. £110 has been raised for Church funds.

For all your kind contributions to our collections

this Easter season, including:

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The Right Reverend Dr Michael Ipgrave has been

named as the new Bishop of Lichfield.

He assumes responsibility for one of the Church of Eng-

land’s largest dioceses, leading an episcopal team with

the Bishops of Wolverhampton, Stafford and Shrewsbury.

Bishop Michael (57), the current Bishop of Woolwich in the

Diocese of Southwark, will be the ninety-ninth Bishop of

Lichfield, in a line going back to St Chad in the seventh

century. He succeeds the Right Reverend Jonathan

Gledhill, who retired last year.

On the day of the announcement of his appointment, 2nd March 2016, Bishop Mi-

chael visited Wolverhampton, Stoke-on-Trent, Little Drayton and Lichfield on a tour

meeting churches and communities across the Diocese.

In this personal welcome message to the Diocese, Bishop Michael says:

“I’ve had twelve wonderful years in London but I am so looking forward to coming

back to the Midlands. Lichfield is the mother church of the Midlands, and the city of

St Chad, a man of great humility and profound Christian faith.”

The Bishop of Wolverhampton, the Right Reverend Clive Gregory welcomed the

news: “A year ago on St Chad’s Day, Bishop Jonathan announced his retirement as

Bishop of Lichfield. Today, on St Chad’s Day, we can share the wonderful news that

Bishop Michael is joining us here in the West Midlands. He brings with him a rare com-

bination of gifts, as theologian and teacher, pastor and mission enabler, which will

greatly enrich our life as a Diocese.”

The Reverend Sarah Schofield, Vicar of All Saints, Wolverhampton, said “I’m excited

that Bishop Michael is coming first to Wolverhampton, to see our diverse churches

and discover the joys of the Black Country and its people."

The Right Reverend Geoff Annas, Bishop of Stafford, said “I am really thrilled by the

news of this important appointment. Our new Bishop brings a valuable wealth of ex-

perience and expertise, especially in the area of Inter Faith relations.”

The Archdeacon of Salop, the Venerable Paul Thomas, said “I have known Michael

since we were both students at Oriel College, Oxford and I hold him in high regard as

a person of deep integrity, high intelligence and wide-ranging interests. I believe he

will bring both enrichment and encouragement to Christians in North Shropshire, and

a genuine openness and attentiveness to people of other persuasions and perspec-


The Very Reverend Adrian Dorber, Dean of Lichfield, said “I’m extremely pleased to

welcome Bishop Michael to Lichfield. He is a person of proven experience and wis-

dom, combining his many gifts with great approachability and personal warmth.”

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The Bishop of Southwark, the Right Reverend Christopher Chessun, said “I rejoice that

Bishop Michael Ipgrave has been appointed to the See of Lichfield. He will bring to

his new role a heart for mission and a humble, gentle, yet purposeful manner which

will be a blessing to the people of Lichfield Diocese. He will be much missed and we

will all pray for him as well as the parishes and people of his new Diocese.”

About Bishop Michael

The Right Reverend Michael Geoffrey Ipgrave OBE, MA, PhD is currently Bishop of

Woolwich in the Diocese of Southwark. He grew up in a small village in Northampton-

shire. He studied mathematics at Oriel College, Oxford, and trained for the ministry at

Ripon College Cuddesdon, Oxford after a year spent working as a labourer in a fac-

tory in Birmingham.

He was ordained Deacon in 1982 and Priest in 1983 in the Diocese of Peterborough.

After more than twenty years’ ministry in Leicestershire and Japan, he became Arch-

deacon of Southwark in 2004. He was Canon Missioner at Southwark Cathedral from

2010 to 2012, Chair of the Southwark and London Diocesan Housing Association, and

Anglican Borough Dean of Southwark. Prior to this he had been Inter Faith Relations

Adviser to the Archbishops’ Council and Secretary of the Churches’ Commission on

Inter Faith relations.

He was awarded the OBE in the New Year’s Honours List in 2011 for services to inter

faith relations in London. Since 2012 he has been Area Bishop of Woolwich in the Dio-

cese of Southwark. He chairs the Council of Christians and Jews, and is co-Chair of

the Anglican-Lutheran Society and of the Church of England’s Mission Theology Advi-

sory Group.

Bishop Michael has written extensively on inter faith issues, religion and human rights.

He has edited six volumes on Christian-Muslim relations, is the author of Trinity and In-

ter Faith Dialogue (Peter Lang, 2003), and has contributed about thirty journal articles

and book chapters.

Bishop Michael is married to Dr Julia Ipgrave, a Senior Research Fellow in the Depart-

ment of Humanities at Roehampton University. They have three grown up sons, one

with a German and one with a Russian wife, and are looking forward to the birth of

their first grandchild in Germany.

Michael and Julia are enthusiastic about things Japanese. They enjoy walking, and

are looking forward to exploring Staffordshire and Shropshire on foot. He is a sup-

porter of Leicester City FC.

Please keep Bishop Michael and his wife Julia in your prayers as they

prepare to re-locate from London and as Bishop Michael prepares to

undertake the important role of serving and steering the Churches and

Mission within the Lichfield Diocese, and for continued growth and

guidance within our Diocese, Churches and communities.

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There's a wideness in God's mercy like the wideness of the sea;

there's a kindness in his justice, which is more than liberty.

There is no place where earth's sorrows are more felt than in up heav’n;

there is no place where earth's failings have such kindly judgment giv’n.

But we make his love too narrow

by false limits of our own; and we magnify his strictness

with a zeal he will not own. There is plentiful redemption

in the blood that has been shed, there is joy for all the members

in the sorrows of the Head.

For the love of God is broader than the scope of human mind,

and the heart of the Eternal is most wonderfully kind.

If our love were but more simple, we should take him at his word;

and our hearts would find assurance in the promise of the Lord.

Frederick William Faber (1814-1863) alt

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St Peter’s Primary is a Church school situated in the village of Caverswall, in rural

Staffordshire and accepts children between the ages of 4 and 11. There has been a school

on the site for well over 100 years. Our School provides a warm and welcoming

place for children to achieve their potential and develop a love of learning.

School Office: 01782 393118 / [email protected]

Please visit: www.st-peters-caverswall.staffs.sch.uk

Dilhorne Endowed CE (VA) Primary is a popular village school in the heart of the Staffordshire

countryside. We pride ourselves in creating a school that offers a friendly and secure Christian

environment, within which everyone is encouraged to grow in confidence and achieve their full

potential. Our aim is to provide an environment for individuals to learn, laugh and

leave with happy memories. Contact: 01538 753168 / [email protected]

Please visit: www.dilhorne.staffs.sch.uk

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Pray for Pastor Mario Felix Lleonart Barroso, Arrested during Obama's Cuba Visit - Cuba While President Obama was watching baseball in Cuba, Pastor Mario Felix Lleonart Barroso was sitting in a police station. Barroso, a Bap-tist pastor, blogger and friend of VOM, was thrown to the ground, handcuffed and detained at his home (which also serves as his church) just hours before Air Force One landed in Havana. The Cuban government de-cided to make sure there would be no “distractions” during President Obama’s visit, so Barroso and dozens of other dissidents were detained by police in the days leading up to the president’s arrival. A few hours after the president left Cuba, Pastor Barroso was set free and returned to his family. He was tired and weak, having fasted through-out his detention, but happy to be home. Please pray for Pastor Barroso and his wife, Yoaxis, as the pastor recovers from his recent detention. Pray for Danjuma's Upcoming Eye Surgery - Nigeria Danjuma, a 13-year-old Christian boy who was severely injured during an attack on his village, is scheduled for surgery to repair damage to his eye. On Jan. 28, 2015, Islamic militants attacked Danjuma with a machete, cutting into the left side of his head and later cutting out his right eye. As a result of the attack, Danjuma is blind and unable to distinguish any light in his left eye. He navigates his surroundings with a walking stick and will soon be attending a school for the blind. Please pray for Danjuma’s upcoming eye surgery, as it is unclear whether it will help him regain any vision. Pray also for his continued education. Pray for a Christian Family's Child, Run Over by a Motorbike - Middle East The child of a Christian family in the Middle East was badly injured recently when someone on a motorbike ran over the child and fled the scene. The child was rushed to the hospital and will require several surgeries. The Christian family began to face persecution from neighbors last month after the community learned that the family had come to faith in Jesus Christ. Despite severe persecution, all of the family mem-bers say they are ready to die for Jesus. Pray for this child’s healing and for the fam-ily’s continued encouragement and strength. Also pray that the family will be able to forgive the persecutors and try to share the gospel with them. Pray for Tom Uzhunnalil, Who Was Kidnapped During a Violent Attack - Yemen A Christian man from India, Tom Uzhunnalil, was kidnapped on March 4 during a vio-lent attack on a Christian nursing home in Aden, Yemen. Gunmen burst into the resi-dential facility and went room to room, handcuffing both full-time and volunteer staff members before executing 16 of them. Among those killed were workers from India, Kenya, Rwanda, Ethiopia and Yemen. The facility cares for 60 to 80 poor, elderly and disabled Yemeni citizens, none of whom were harmed in the attack. Please pray for Tom Uzhunnalil and those mourning the loss of those killed in the attack.

For further prayer requests, updates and information, please visit www.persecution.com

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Cuppa and Comfort

If you would like to meet with others who are

bereaved to chat informally over a cup of coffee

and receive support and friendship, join us on the

1st Thursday of every month at 10.30am.

Next meeting: Thursday 7 April

Caverswall & Cookshill Women’s Institute

Meets in the in Caverswall Village Hall on the 1st

Wednesday of the month at 7.15pm. We offer

good company, good speakers, good food and

much, much more. Visitors are most welcome.

Weston Coyney Flower Club

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 12th April

at 2pm in the Village Hall, Weston Coyney. After a

short AGM, Derek Higgott of Shugborough Hall will

give a talk entitled "Shugborough through the

Seasons". Visitors will be most welcome. The

Flower Club committee are again privileged to do

the Easter Flower arrangements at Shugborough

Hall for the last time before it is taken over by the

National Trust. All are welcome.

For more details contact: Gay: 01782 263215

or Sylvia: 01782 315274.

Weston Coyney Women’s Institute

Meetings usually held on the third Tuesday of the

month at 7.30pm in Weston Coyney Village Hall.

Visitors £2. Tel. 01782 594262 / 327598

April 19th: ‘Changing Face of Popular Music’

Speaker: Mr Alan Hopkin

The Ladies' Fellowship

Usually meets 3rd Monday of each month, 2pm.

United in Faith, Fellowship and Fun.

Next meeting: Monday 18 April

Model Railway Club

Open to anybody enthusiastic about trains. Meets

every Monday, 7.30-9.30pm. All welcome. For

more info., please contact Phil on 01782 397821.


Thursdays 6.30pm-7.30pm. For more info., please

contact Liz Archibald on 01782 397349.

For more details, please contact the above numbers or call into or contact the Parish Office:

01782 312570 / [email protected] (Mon to Fri, 9am to 1pm)


Tuesdays, 6.30-7.45pm (term-time only). Girls are

welcome between the ages of 7-10 years. For

more info., please contact Carole on 01782 318413.

Guides and Rangers (Senior Section)

3rd Caverswall Guide Unit and Senior Section

(Rangers) meets on Mondays,

7-8.30pm (term-time only). Girls are welcome

between the ages of 10-15 years (Guides) and

14-25 years (Rangers). Enquiries to

Andrea Smith through the Church Office please.

St. Andrew's with St. Peter's Pre-School

For 2-5 years olds. Monday to Friday,

9.30am to 2.30pm. Some funding available.

The Early Years Foundation is followed.

For more info., please contact the

Pre-School on 01782 314270 (M-F, 9-1).

Parents & Toddlers

A friendly and informal group. Meets once

a week on Mondays , 10am to 11.30am, during

term time. For more info., please contact the

Pre-School on 01782 314270 (M-F, 9-1).

Young at Heart

Lunch and friendship. Held on the last Friday of

the month, 2.30pm - 4pm. All senior citizens

welcome. Next meeting: Friday 29 April

All senior citizens welcome.

Please see Fred Hall, Barbara Colclough or

contact the Parish Office for more details.

Zumba Fitness

Please note that Zumba will no longer

be held at St. Andrew’s Centre

Ladies Only Kickboxing

Wednesdays, 7pm-8pm, 14 yrs upwards

For more info contact 0800 0351507 or text

07903 922 657. www.TGAuk.com

Children's Karate / kickboxing Classes

Wednesday's, LITTLE G'S (4-6yrs) 5-5.45pm

JUNIORS (7-12yrs) 5.45-6.45pm

For more info contact 0800 0351507 or text

07903922657. www.TGAuk.com

New Alpha Course: April to June 2016

@ The Red House, Caverswall Beginning with an Intro. Session on

Tuesday 5 April, 7pm. See page 7 for details. Fun, food, discussion,

exploring the Christian Faith…

Page 20: Magazine: 50p each or £5 per year - Microsoftbtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site547/April 2016 Magv2.pdf · It has something to do with a lion’s roar. In the holy Scriptures,


Photocopying / Printing Charges

St. Andrew’s Church Office

Black & White A4 10p per copy

Colour A4 15p per copy

Black & White A3 15p per copy

Colour A3 20p per copy

Black & White A4 Card 15p per copy

Colour A4 Card 20p per copy

Rooms for Hire also available at

St. Andrew’s Church & Centre

Please contact the Parish Office

for more information.

Office hours are 9am – 1pm, Monday to Friday

Tel. 01782 312570,

Email: [email protected]

Please help feed local people in crisis, by buying food from this list and donating it to Stoke-on-Trent Foodbank.

Food donations are welcome at all three of our Churches (St. Andrew’s, St. Peter’s and All Saints) on Sunday mornings.

Carrier bag donations are also very welcome.

Please continue to keep the work of the Food-bank in your prayers, both at St. Andrew’s and across the City, for all those receiving help from the service, and giving thanks for all who volunteer their time and make donations.

Central Stoke-on-Trent Foodbank tel.

01782 899018

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Would you like to advertise in our Parish Magazine? Reasonable rates, distribution over 300 copies.

For more info., please contact the Parish Office on 01782 312570

or e-mail [email protected]

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Page 24: Magazine: 50p each or £5 per year - Microsoftbtckstorage.blob.core.windows.net/site547/April 2016 Magv2.pdf · It has something to do with a lion’s roar. In the holy Scriptures,


Vicar Reverend Steve Osbourne, 8 Vicarage Crescent, Caverswall, ST11 9EW 079720 99941 / 01782 388037

[email protected] (please note new email address)

Assistant Minister Reverend Linda Lucking [email protected] 01782 312570

Lay Readers

Mr Terry Bagguley, 71 Caverswall Road, Weston Coyney 01782 319028

Mr David Beardmore, 8 Lockwood Close, Kingsley Holt 01538 751828

Mr Nigel Macdonald 01782 312570

Mrs Marlene Ferns 01782 312570

Pastoral Lay Member Mrs Dawn Barclay, C/O Parish Office 01782 312570


Church Wardens

Mrs Elizabeth Beardmore, 8 Lockwood Close, Kingsley Holt 01538 751828

Mrs Chris Lomax, 69 Coupe Drive, Weston Coyney 01782 314512

Tower Captain Mrs Nikki Turner-Farmer 01782 312570

Treasurer Mrs Yvonne Bagguley, 71 Caverswall Road, Weston Coyney 01782 319028

Secretary Mrs Hazel Beardmore, C/O Parish Office 01782 312570

Stewardship Mr Bob Yeomans, 14 Hester Close, Longton 01782 322059


Church Wardens

Mrs Audrey Salt, 19 Greenwood Rd, Forsbrook 01782 394947

Tower Captain Ms Ros Daybell 01782 312570

Treasurer Mrs Jackie Kent, C/O Parish Office 01782 312570

Secretary Mrs Caryl Laffey, C/O Parish Office 01782 312570


Editor Revd Steve Osbourne 079720 99941 / 01782 388037

Distribution Mrs Christine Lomax, 69 Coupe Drive, Weston Coyney 01782 314512


Headteacher: Mrs Sarah George, St. Peter's CE (A) School, School Lane, Caverswall, ST11 9EN 01782 393118

Email: [email protected], Visit: www.st-peters-caverswall.staffs.sch.uk


Headteacher: Mr Jared Eccles, Godley Lane, Dilhorne, Staffordshire Moorlands, ST10 2PF 01538 753168

Email: [email protected], Visit: www.dilhorne.staffs.sch.uk


Pre-School Manager: Mrs Danielle Cassidy 01782 314270

Email: [email protected], Visit: www.standrewswithstpeterspreschool.org.uk

PARISH OFFICE – Monday to Friday, 9am to 1pm

Please contact the Parish Office initially for enquiries regarding baptisms, weddings and general administration.

Ruth will be happy to assist. The clergy are always glad to be available in matters of urgency or by appointment for times of

private counsel or pastoral care.

Parish Office Administrator: Miss Ruth Bell

St. Andrew's Church and Centre, 375 Weston Road, Weston Coyney, Stoke-on-Trent, ST3 6HB

Tel: 01782 312570 (24hour answer phone) Email: [email protected]

Web Site: www.allsaintsstandrewsstpeters.btck.co.uk

The United Benef ice of St. Peter’s , Caverswal l with

St. Andrew’s , Weston Coyney and Al l Saints , Di lhorne

If you would like to contribute an article for the Parish Magazine, please email it to

the Parish Office: [email protected] (by the 15th of each month)