MADONNA DEL SASSO CATHOLIC CHURCH Sacrament of Marriage Couples must contact the parish office six months prior to proposed wedding date. Las parejas deben ponerse en contacto con la oficina de la parroquia seis meses antes de la fecha propuesta para la boda. Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) Weekdays Available by appointment. Saturday 2:30 p.m.– 3:30 p.m./Sábado 2:30 p.m.—3:30 p.m. Appointments for weekday-call parish office. 831-422-5323 Citas durante la semana-llame a la oficina parroquial. Sacrament of Baptism You may pick up an infant baptism packet from the church office. Please allow two months between the baptism class and the desired date of baptism. Usted puede recoger un paquete de bautismo infantil en la oficina de la iglesia. Por favor permita dos meses entre la clase pre bautismal y la fecha deseada de bautismo. Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick Notify the office when needed. Please contact the parish office before surgery, during hospitalization, or if a person’s health declines. Notificar a la oficina cuando sea necesario. Póngase en contacto con la oficina de la parroquia antes de la cirugía, durante la hospitalización, o si la salud de una persona decae. Mdschurch.org All Masses are indoors. Weekdays (Mon-Fri) 8:15 a.m. and LIVESTREAMED Weekends: Saturday 4:00 p.m. English, 6:00 p.m. Spanish Sunday 7:00 a.m. (livestreamed), 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. English; 1:00 p.m. & 3:00 p.m. (livestreamed) Spanish; 5:00 p.m. English First Tuesday (Spanish) & First Friday 7:00 p.m. Holy Days Please see Bulletin Monday-Tuesday, Thursday-Friday: 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Wednesday 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Fax: (831) 422-0536 ************************************************ , Wed. & Fri. 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Or by appointment.


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Sacrament of Marriage�

Couples must contact the parish office six months prior to proposed

wedding date.

Las parejas deben ponerse en contacto con la oficina de la parroquia

seis meses antes de la fecha propuesta para la boda.

Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession)�

Weekdays Available by appointment. �

Saturday 2:30 p.m.– 3:30 p.m./Sábado 2:30 p.m.—3:30 p.m.

Appointments for weekday-call parish office. 831-422-5323

Citas durante la semana-llame a la oficina parroquial.

Sacrament of Baptism�

You may pick up an infant baptism packet from the church office.

Please allow two months between the baptism class and the

desired date of baptism.

Usted puede recoger un paquete de bautismo infantil en la oficina

de la iglesia. Por favor permita dos meses entre la clase pre

bautismal y la fecha deseada de bautismo. �

Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick�

Notify the office when needed. Please contact the parish office before

surgery, during hospitalization, or if a person’s health declines.

Notificar a la oficina cuando sea necesario. Póngase en contacto con

la oficina de la parroquia antes de la cirugía, durante la

hospitalización, o si la salud de una persona decae.

Mdschurch.org All Masses are indoors.

Weekdays (Mon-Fri) 8:15 a.m. and LIVESTREAMED

Weekends: Saturday 4:00 p.m. English, 6:00 p.m. Spanish

Sunday 7:00 a.m. (livestreamed), 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. English;

1:00 p.m. & 3:00 p.m. (livestreamed) Spanish; 5:00 p.m. English

First Tuesday (Spanish) & First Friday 7:00 p.m.

Holy Days Please see Bulletin

Monday-Tuesday, Thursday-Friday: 9:00 a.m.-6:00

p.m. Wednesday 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

Fax: (831) 422-0536


, Wed. & Fri. 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Or by



The 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time 2

First Reading � � Is 53:10-11 �

The LORD was pleased to crush him in infirmity.�

If he gives his life as an offering for sin, he shall see

his descendants in a long life,and the will of the

LORD shall be accomplished through him.�

Because of his affliction he shall see the light in

fullness�of days; through his suffering, my servant

shall justify many, and their guilt he shall bear.�

Second Reading � � Heb 4:14-16 �

Brothers and sisters:�

Since we have a great high priest who has passed

through the heavens,��

Jesus, the Son of God,�

let us hold fast to our confession.�

For we do not have a high priest�

who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses,�

but one who has similarly been tested in every way,�

yet without sin.��

So let us confidently approach the throne of grace�

to receive mercy and to find grace for timely help.�

The School of Ministry is pleased to offer the in-person Specialization of

Liturgical Ministry. It will provide formation and training in multiple

liturgical ministries so important to the celebration of the Sunday

Eucharist in our parishes. The 4-Saturday Series will address; meeting

Christ in multiple ways in the Liturgy; the centrality of the Paschal

Mystery; focus of the 2nd Vatican Council in the Liturgy’s renewal;

difference of Liturgical prayer from devotional prayer; the history of ministries utilized in the Liturgy; serving as an Extraordinary Minister,

Lector/ Reader, Greeter, and Minister of Hospitality, usher, and Minister of Liturgical Environment. Fr. Peter will also address the Instituted

Ministries opened to the laity recently promulgated by Pope Francis. He will address as well, in practical ways, how your ministry will help to

enliven and enrich the Sacred Liturgy. This will be an excellent series for all who are involved in parish Liturgical Ministries, those who aren’t

but would like to be, as well as for parish leaders in Liturgy. You will enjoy this series!

Dates: Saturdays – November 20th, December 11th, January 22nd, and January 29th

Cost: $ 110.00 – includes the cost of four Liturgical books

Location: St. Joseph Church, Spreckels, CA

Time: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Presenter: Father Peter Bosque, Ph.D., Retired priest of Diocese of San Diego

We will begin accepting registrations on October 6th through the diocesan School of Ministry website -

https://www.dioceseofmonterey.org/school-of-ministry. Please register early as we expect much interest! For more information,

please contact, Program Coordinator, Ann Ventura, at [email protected] or at 831-645-2848.


First Reading: �

Isaiah speaks of our redemption through the suffering of

the Lord’s servant. When have you experienced God’s

presence in your suffering? �

Second Reading: �

Hebrews tells us that Jesus is able to sympathize with

our weaknesses because he, too, “has been tested in eve-

ry way.” What are some ways that you are tested in life?�

Gospel: �

Jesus uses the request of James and John as a teach-

able moment for his disciples on the importance of

humility and service to others. What other qualities

do you think are necessary for true discipleship?��

Gospel� � � � Mk 10:35-45��

James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came to

Jesus and said to him, "Teacher, we want you to

do for us whatever we ask of you."��

He replied, "What do you wish me to do for you?"��

They answered him, "Grant that in your glory�

we may sit one at your right and the other at your


Jesus said to them, "You do not know what you

are asking.�Can you drink the cup that I drink�

or be baptized with the baptism with which I am


They said to him, "We can."��

Jesus said to them, "The cup that I drink, you will

drink, and with the baptism with which I am �

baptized, you will be baptized; but to sit at my

right or at my left is not mine to give but is for

those for whom it has been prepared."��

When the ten heard this, they became indignant

at James and John.��

Jesus summoned them and said to them,�

"You know that those who are recognized as �

rulers over the Gentiles lord it over them,�

and their great ones make their authority over

them felt.�But it shall not be so among you.�

Rather, whoever wishes to be great among you

will be your servant; whoever wishes to be first

among you will be the slave of all.��

For the Son of Man did not come to be served�

but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for




Primera Lectura� � Is 53, 10-11

El Señor quiso triturar a su siervo con el �

sufrimiento. Cuando entregue su vida como �

expiación, verá a sus descendientes, prolongará

sus años y por medio de él prosperarán los �

designios del Señor.�

Por las fatigas de su alma, verá la luz y se saciará;�

con sus sufrimientos justificará mi siervo a �

muchos, cargando con los crímenes de ellos.�

Segunda Lectura Heb 4, 14-16

Hermanos: Puesto que Jesús, el Hijo de Dios, es

nuestro sumo sacerdote, que ha entrado en el cielo,

mantengamos firme la profesión de nuestra fe. En

efecto, no tenemos un sumo sacerdote que no sea

capaz de compadecerse de nuestros sufrimientos,

puesto que él mismo ha pasado por las mismas

pruebas que nosotros, excepto el pecado.�

Acerquémonos, por lo tanto, con plena confianza

al trono de la gracia, para recibir misericordia, �

hallar la gracia y obtener ayuda en el momento


Lecturas para el 29º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

Grupo de Apoyo para el

Duelo y Perdida

El grupo de apoyo es para adulto mayores que han

experimentado una pérdida significativa de alguien

en su vida. El propósito de este grupo es para

aprender más información sobre el proceso de duelo

y compartir experiencias que ayuden con la emoción

de aislamiento.�

SEMANAL: Viernes 12:30�


REUNIONES: Iglesia Madonna

Del Sasso Centro de Cronin �


Llame a la Alianza de Envejecimiento Programa de

Consejería Senior Peer Counseling 831.758.4011�

Evangelio� � � Mc 10, 35�45��

En aquel tiempo, se acercaron a Jesús Santiago y

Juan, los hijos de Zebedeo, y le dijeron: “Maestro,

queremos que nos concedas lo que vamos a pedirte”.

Él les dijo: “¿Qué es lo que desean?” Le respondie-

ron: “Concede que nos sentemos uno a tu derecha y

otro a tu izquierda, cuando estés en tu gloria”. Jesús

les replicó: “No saben lo que piden. ¿Podrán pasar la

prueba que yo voy a pasar y recibir el bautismo con

que seré bautizado?” Le respondieron: “Sí podemos”.

Y Jesús les dijo: “Ciertamente pasarán la prueba que

yo voy a pasar y recibirán el bautismo con que yo se-

ré bautizado; pero eso de sentarse a mi derecha o a

mi izquierda no me toca a mí concederlo; eso es para

quienes está reservado”.�

Cuando los otros diez apóstoles oyeron esto, se in-

dignaron contra Santiago y Juan. Jesús reunió enton-

ces a los Doce y les dijo: “Ya saben que los jefes de

las naciones las gobiernan como si fueran sus due-

ños y los poderosos las oprimen. Pero no debe ser

así entre ustedes. Al contrario: el que quiera ser gran-

de entre ustedes que sea su servidor, y el que quiera

ser el primero, que sea el esclavo de todos, así como

el Hijo del hombre, que no ha venido a que lo sirvan,

sino a servir y a dar su vida por la redención de to-



Primera Lectura:�

Isaías habla de nuestra redención a través del sufrimiento del

siervo del Señor. ¿Cuándo has experimentado la presencia de

Dios en tu sufrimiento?��

Segunda Lectura:�

Hebreos nos dice que Jesús puede compadecerse de nuestras

debilidades porque él también "ha sido probado en todos los

sentidos." ¿Cuáles son algunas de las formas en las que eres pro-

bado en la vida?��


Jesús usa la petición de Santiago y Juan como un momento de

enseñanza para sus discípulos sobre la importancia de la humil-

dad y el servicio a los demás. ¿Qué otras cualidades crees que

son necesarias para el verdadero discipulado?�

October 24th is World Mission Sunday El 24 de octubre el Domingo Mundial de las Misiones.�

Envelopes are provided in your packets



7:00 PM to 8:30 PM �

Cross Hall at Madonna del Sasso Church ��

Join our Pastor, Father Greg Sandman and �

Erandi Garcia of the Hospice Giving �

Foundation for a reflective, hopeful program to �

explore ways to manage grief during the holiday �

season. ��

We will include a special segment to explore how to

honor our loved ones with arts and crafts. In this 90�

minute presentation we will hear experts talk about

grief and loss, especially as we remember those we

are missing. �

Workshops coordinated by MDS Ministry of the Caring for the Whole Person Initiative (CWPI)

For more information contact: Kathryn Lett (831)238�0118 �

Para mas información llame a: Yolanda Irinco (831)422�6043 ext.109 �

7:00 p.m. a 8:30 p.m. �

Cross Hall de Madonna del Sasso �

Únase a nuestro Vicario Parroquial, Padre Miguel

Aguayo y Erandi García de la Fundación de Hospice

Giving en un programa reflexivo y esperanzadora para

explorar formas para manejar el duelo durante la �

temporada festiva. ��

Se incluirá un segmento especial para explorar cómo

honrar a nuestros seres queridos con manualidades. En

esta presentación de 90 minutos escucharemos a los �

expertos hablar sobre el duelo y la pérdida, �

especialmente cuando recordamos a los seres queridos

que ya no están con nosotros. �

The Parish Pastoral Council of Madonna del Sasso

consists of a diverse group of parishioners. We are the

primary advisory body to the pastor and parish staff. As a

group, we plan, advise and collaborate with them on �

matters of pastoral concern. We work on long�range �

planning and evaluate and support activities of the parish.

The council meets monthly. If you have any questions or

comments, please email:[email protected]

Thank you!�

El Consejo Pastoral Parroquial de Madonna del Sasso está

formado por un grupo diverso de feligreses. Somos el �

organismo asesor principal para el párroco y el personal de la

parroquia. Como grupo, planificamos, asesoramos y�

colaboramos con ellos en asuntos de interés pastoral. �

Trabajamos en la planificación a largo plazo y evaluamos las

actividades de apoyo de la parroquia. El consejo se reúne

mensualmente. Si tiene alguna pregunta o comentario, envíe

un correo electrónico a: [email protected]


Why Catholic is a Madonna del

Sasso Church Ministry where small groups of people come

together weekly to pray, to reflect on Scripture passag-

es, to share their life stories in light of the Word, and

commit to live out the Word in their daily lives. Partici-

pants form relationship that has a profound and lasting

influence in their lives, offer loving support to each other

and try to connect their faith to their everyday life situa-

tions. This ministry has ten active small community

groups. The groups meet once a week through Zoom at dif-

ferent days and times throughout the week.

Beginning the week of November 22nd, we will reflect on a

new liturgical year with the book, PRAYER TIME Cycle C.

New members are welcome to join. Sign-ups are available

after Mass on weekends of October 16-17 and October 23-


¿Por qué Catholic es un ministerio de la

Iglesia Madonna del Sasso donde

pequeños grupos de personas se reúnen semanalmente para

orar, para reflexionar sobre Pasajes de las Escrituras, para

compartir sus historias de vida a la luz de la Palabra, y

comprometerse a vivir la Palabra en su vida diaria.

Participantes Formen una relación que tenga una influencia

profunda y duradera en sus vidas, se brinden apoyo amoroso

y traten de conectar su fe con las situaciones de la vida cotidiana. Este

ministerio tiene diez pequeños grupos comunitarios activos. Los grupos se

reúnen una vez a la semana a través de Zoom en diferentes días y horarios

durante la semana. A partir de la semana del 22 de noviembre, reflexiona-

remos sobre un nuevo año litúrgico con el libro, TIEMPO DE ORACIÓN

Ciclo C. Los nuevos miembros son bienvenidos a unirse. Las inscripciones

están disponibles después de la misa los fines de semana del 16 al 17 de

octubre y del 23 al 24 de octubre.

¿Por qué ser católico?


Welcome Bienvendos Maligayang Pagdating 5

Knights of Columbus 5140�


Once again, the winter season comes into �

Salinas with its long cold nights and very cold

winds. Our kids need some help to protect

them from the cold weather and against the

flu. Last year everyone was extremely �

supportive of this event. The children of your

community Thanks You ...!�

We are, again, hoping you will help

us keep our kids warm,��

Coats for Kids will start in conjunction with

our of which all sales

will buy more coats. � �

The Pumpkin Sale will be held on Sunday, �

October 24 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.�

after all Masses in the Church Pavilion.��

Our Goal this Year is 150 coats. $20 will

add one coat to a case of 12. Your donation

will be greatly appreciated by your Knights of

Columbus, but especially by the children that

will put them on every day feeling the warmth

of generous Love..�

Simply send your donation to John Silva �

at 1544 Menlo Way, Salina, CA 93906. �

(Make checks payable to KOC 5140)��



Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me,

and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven

belongs to such as these. ” Matt 19:14�

This weekend, we are starting a �

Raffle Fundraiser �

for Madonna del Sasso Church and �

Council 5140 of the Knights of Columbus�

First prize is $10,000 �


and 3rd

prizes are $1,000 each�


and 5th

prizes are $500 each�

Tickets are $100 each and only 500 tickets will be sold

The drawing for prizes will be on�

Sunday December 5th


Multiple names can be on a ticket if you want to go in

together with friends or family. Tickets will be sold after

all the Masses until they are all sold.�

With no International Festival this year the parish did

not get this needed revenue, this is a great opportunity

to help support our parish. The International Festival

will return in 2022 God willing.�

Thank You for your time and support.�


OCTOBER 24-30.

October 24th

through 30th

is Childhood Lead Poisoning �

Prevention Week. Did you know that lead poisoning is �

dangerous for young children? Even small amounts of lead �

can harm a child’s health. A child with lead poisoning can �

have trouble learning, paying attention, and behaving. The �

only way to know if your child has lead poisoning is for your

child to get a blood test for lead. Has your child been tested �

for lead poisoning? For more information, call (831) 755�


Semana de Prevención del Plomo en los Niños.

Octubre 24-30 del 2021.

La Semana de Prevención del Envenenamiento con Plomo en

los Niños es del 24 al 30 de octubre. ¿Sabía usted que el �

envenenamiento por plomo daña los niños? Hasta pequeñas

cantidades de plomo pueden hacerle daño a la salud de su �

hijo. Un niño que tiene envenenamiento con plomo puede �

tener problemas de aprendizaje y conducta. La única manera �

de saber si su hijo tiene envenenamiento por plomo es de�

asegurar que su hijo obtenga un examen de sangre para �

plomo. ¿Y usted, le ha hecho la prueba del plomo a su hijo?

Para más información, llame al (831) 755�4960.�







Confidence Pregnancy Center will be back

next weekend to pick up the baby bottles.

Confidence Pregnancy Center regresará el

próximo fin de semana para recoger los



MADONNA DEL SASSO PARISH �let us always be a welcoming community�6

Readings for the Week of October 17, 2021�

Las lecturas de la semana del 17 octubre de 2021 �

Sunday/Domingo: Live streamed at 7:00 a.m. & 3:00 p.m.�

Is 53:10-11/Ps 33:4-5, 18-19, 20, 22 [22]/Heb 4:14-16/Mk 10:35-45

or 10:42-45

Is 53,10-11/Sal 32, 4-5.18-19. 20. 22 [22]/Heb 4,14-16/Mc 10,35-

45 o 10, 42-45

Monday/Lunes: Live Streamed at 8:15 a.m.�

2 Tm 4:10-17/Ps 145:10-11, 12-13, 17-18 [12]/Lk 10:1-9

2 Tm 4, 10-17/Sal 144, 10-11. 12-13. 17-18 [12]/Lc 10, 1-9

Tuesday/Martes: Live Streamed at 8:15 a.m.�

Rom 5:12, 15, 17-19, 20-21/Ps 40:7-8, 8-9, 10, 17 [8 and 9]/Lk


Rom 5, 12. 15. 17-19. 20-21/Sal 39, 7-8. 8-9. 10. 17 [8 y 9]/Lc 12,


Wednesday/Miércoles: Live Streamed at 8:15 a.m.�

Rom 6:12-18/Ps 124:1-3, 4-6, 7-8 [8]/Lk 12:39-48

Rom 6, 12-18/Sal 123, 1-3. 4-6. 7-8 [8]/Lc 12, 39-48

Thursday/Jueves: Live Streamed at 8:15 a.m.�

Rom 6:19-23/Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4 and 6 [Ps 40:5]/Lk 12:49-53

Rom 6, 19-23/Sal 1, 1-2. 3. 4 y 6 [Sal 40, 5]/Lc 12, 49-53

Friday/Viernes: Live Streamed at 8:15 a.m.�

Rom 7:18-25/Ps 119:66, 68, 76, 77, 93, 94 [68]/Lk 12:54-59

Rom 7, 18-25/Sal 118, 66. 68. 76. 77. 93. 94 [68]/Lc 12, 54-59

Saturday/Sábado: �

Rom 8:1-11/Ps 24:1-2, 3-4, 5-6 [cf. 6]/Lk 13:1-9

Rom 8, 1-11/Sal 23, 1-2. 3-4. 5-6 [cfr. 6]/Lc 13, 1-9

Next Saturday/Sabado & Sunday/Domingo �

siguiente: Mass Live Streamed at �7:00 a.m. �

English; and 3:00 p.m. Spanish�

Jer 31:7-9/Ps 126:1-2, 2-3, 4-5, 6 [3]/Heb 5:1-6/Mk 10:46-52

Jr 31, 7-9/Sal 125, 1-2. 2-3. 4-5. 6 [3]/Heb 5, 1-6/Mc 10, 46-52 LPi

Saturday/sabado, October/octubre 16�

Vigil of the 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time�

4:00 p.m. † Alexander Cabrera�

6:00 p.m. † Almas del Purgatoria�

Sunday/Domingo October/octubre 17�

The 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time�

7:00 a.m. † Encarnacion Gomez�

9:00 a.m. † Maria Gomez�

11:00 a.m. † Maria de la Luz Valadez�

1:00 p.m. Sp † Ociel Montiel�

3:00 p.m. Sp † Salvador Oreiel�

5:00 p.m. For the Parishioners of MDS�

Monday/lunes October/octubre 18�

St. Luke, Evangelist �

8:15 a.m. † Faustino & Patrocinia Cabotage�

Tuesday/martes October/octubre 19�

Sts. John de Brébeuf and Isaac Jogues, Priests, and

Companions, Martyrs �

8:15 a.m. † Artemia C. Lagasca�

Wednesday/miércoles October/octubre 20�

St. Paul of the Cross, Priest �

8:15 a.m. † Jessie Tescareno�

Thursday/jueves, October/octubre 21�

8:15 a.m. Almas del Purgatorio y de Familia


Friday/viernes October/octubre 22�

St. John Paul II, Pope �

8:15 a.m. † Rudolfo Marzan�

Saturday/sabado, October/octubre 23�

Vigil of the 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time�

4:00 p.m. † Juanito Estamo�

6:00 p.m. † �

Sunday/Domingo October/octubre 24�

The 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time�

World Mission Sunday �

7:00 a.m. † Maria de la Luz Valadez�

9:00 a.m. † Martin Lorenzo Reneses�

11:00 a.m. † Shirley Breeden�

1:00 p.m. Sp † Gonzalo Navarro�

3:00 p.m. Sp † Luis Enriquez Canchola�

5:00 p.m. † Garland, James & Victor II



Steve Amaral, Charlie Apuan, Leland Bennett,

Kevin Blair, Alberto Camacho, Lilly Davalos,

Fr. Dan Derry, Sandra Luz Fernandez, Jeremy

Gallegos, Kurt & Maria Hanses, Jimi Heintz,

Richard & Nadine Kemp, Lorenza Lockett,

Alexis Kristin Martinez, Christopher Isual �

Martinez, Delfino Martinez, Annie McCarthy,

Alondra Medina, Diego Agustin Medina, �

Rodney Perez Sr., Samuel Perez, Veronica

Ramirez, Randy Rentar, Belinda Reyes, Janet

Richards, Teresa Robles & Family, Les St.

John, Donna Wagner, Vic Worden, Lila �

Vezollo, Isela Villanueva, and for the mentally

ill & the homeless and all our Parishioners

who have the Coronavirus. �

Email the Bulletin Editor to add names to this list. �

[email protected] or stop by the office�

Or call the office 422�5323 �

Dear Parishioners, This bulletin is published by

Liturgical Publications Inc. There is no cost to

Madonna because our advertisers pay for the cost of

publishing this bulletin. If we have enough advertisers

to cover their costs, LPI will rebate some funds back to

us. Our Finance Council does not allow us to give LPI

information to contact you to advertise in our bulletin. If

you are interested in doing so, please call Jaime

Martinez Arvizu at his cell phone number (602) 642-

4136 or at LPI (800) 950-9952 ext.5831 or email:

[email protected] Thank you. Your bulletin editor.


For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com Madonna Del Sasso Church, Salinas, CA. B 4C 05-0642

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(Laurel West Shopping Center)

Mark Washburn D.D.s.Family Dentistry

758-0959601 E. Romie Ln. - Suite #5

Salinas, CA 93901Knights of Columbus #5140

HealeyMortuary(831) 424-1848

405 N. Sanborn Rd.


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41 YEARS EXPERIENCEPersonal, Professional Service

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Commercial & Residential 831-757-5465

Llame a Jaime Martinez Arvizuhoy para su anuncio!

[email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x5831

Tristan Tschudin

(831) [email protected]

CA Lic.# 1043873

Contact Jaime Martinez Arvizuto place an ad today!

[email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x5831

Gonzalo SoteloGonzalo SoteloBroker AssociateBroker Associate

DRE #01186389DRE #01186389

Mobile: (831) 905-5802Mobile: (831) 905-5802 Showcase, REALTORS®

Knights of Columbus CounCil 5140In Service to One, In Service to All

Meet 1st Monday each month 920 Old Stage Road 7:30pmPancake Breakfast 1st Sunday of each Month

7:30am - 11am, Michael Cross Hall

Call Lee Alsop 831-809-0882 www.facebook.com/KofC5140