Madeira Today Summer 2011

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Madeira Today is published for alumnae, parents and friends of the School.

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Milestones“Our mother’s bequest to Madeira is significant; the School’s impact on our mother’s life was significant.”

December 2, 2010

Dear Madeira School,

Our mother passed away over six months ago, we miss her dearly but find

some comfort in sharing the countless stories that defined her life. We

thought it would be appropriate to share her favorite story about Madeira.

Sara Taylor grew up a tomboy spending countless hours outside in Texas

and Pennsylvania. More times than not, she had a gun or a fishing rod in

hand and she enjoyed every moment of the adventure. After her 8th grade

year in San Antonio our grandparents decided that mom would benefit

from a boarding school education. They felt the correct school would

provide a top education and expose her to a new community.

Not only did Madeira offer both, there was the added benefit of no boys!!

Our grandparents’ enthusiasm was equaled by our mother’s lack of

interest. By the time mom arrived at Madeira she had made up her mind

that she would find a way to be kicked out within weeks, days if possible!

The most serious offense was smoking in the dorms due to the fire hazard.

Though mom was not a smoker, she figured that being caught smoking

would earn her a quick trip back to Texas. While the punishment would

be significant, it would still be better than being stuck at boarding school.

Our mother purchased a pack of cigarettes and spent every free moment

hanging out of her window smoking hoping that she would be caught. For

two weeks countless teachers, administrators and even Ms. Madeira herself

walked by her dorm yet not one person noticed she was smoking. Mom

thought the faculty was truly clueless. How they could not catch her? “What

is wrong with these people?” she asked. Little did our mother know that our

grandfather had asked Ms. Madeira to please “be patient” with our mom. He

felt that she might try to “earn” a ticket home in the first couple of weeks but

if they gave her time, the behavior would improve and she would embrace

the community and even flourish. He was correct, after several weeks,

mom realized that Madeira was a wonderful community, full of interesting

students, a caring faculty and a curriculum that engaged her intellect.

Our mother’s bequest to Madeira is significant; the School’s impact on

our mother’s life was significant. If anything, we think our mom would

remind you that your students are kids, and don’t forget that making a few

mistakes is what growing up is all about. Good kids do dumb things and

there is nothing wrong with giving them a second chance.

With warm regards,

The children of Sara Taylor Swift

Sara Taylor Swift, known as Sally, from the class of 1948, passed away on April 15th, 2010. Madeira, along with many other causes, was close to her heart. She remained loyal to the School throughout her years through various volunteer roles and continued support. Sally was a Madeira legacy along with her sister, Ruth Taylor Campbell’37 and her daughter, Virginia Butterfield ’69.

As a member of the Greenway Society, Sally left a generous bequest to Madeira in her estate plans.

These unique and meaningful gifts are an important way to help secure Madeira’s future. Sally’s bequest is an unrestricted gift that will support Madeira in many different ways; from scholarships to endowed funds, from maintaining grounds to new construction projects, planned gifts are simple and sustainable ways to give to Madeira.

Planned gifts such as bequests, trusts, gifts of life insurance and charitable reminder trusts significantly impact not only the School, but the donor as well through tax and other financial benefits. The Greenway Society, established in 1992, honors those who have left Madeira in their estate plans with gifts that continue to support the School for generations to come. As Madeira moves further into its second century, alumnae and parents alike are welcome and invited to consult with the Development Office about making a planned gift.

The following is a note from Sally’s ten children to Madeira. Each girl has their own unique experience at Madeira, and this story is a reflection of Sally’s growth during her time here and the everlasting effect Madeira had on her life.

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MadeiraTodaySummer 2011, Number 184

Published by The Madeira School 8328 Georgetown Pike McLean,Virginia 22102

Editor: Megan Butterfield

Design: MarketingAhead.net

Photography: Maximilian Franz, Nancy Magnus, Cade Martin, Louise Peterson, Ali Southworth, Bob Stone Photography, Eli Turner, Lloyd Wolff


Maryetta Anschutz ’93

Katherine Armstrong (Meg ’10)

Jean Ann Stewart Banker ’73

Tamera Smith Brown ’83

Benton Burroughs, Jr. (Rachel Walker ’03)

Pilar Cabeza de Vaca, Head of School

Carolyn Alford Cason ’69

George Chuzi (Sarah ’03)

Arthur Dean (Angela ’08, Christina ’11)

Mona Touma Elliot ’91

Mary Frediani (Virginia ’11)

Richard Hall

Elizabeth Meehan Hewitt ’92

Kimberly Hughes ’81

Prill Hurd ’38, Director Emeritus

Susan Kristol (Anne ’03)

Melissa Landau (Rebecca ’04, Danielle ’09, Nicole ’12), President, Parents’ Association

Jane Krumrine Lawson-Bell ’76, President, Board of Directors

Nancy Miller Montgomery ’60

Lori Parker ’82

David Parks (Maddy ’10, Micah ’12)

Clark Ragsdale (Lindsey ’07)

Catherine Harris Shraga ’70, President, Alumnae Association

Anne B. Skae ’58

Peggy Styer (Torey ’10)

Betsy Licht Turner ’77

Linda Waterman ’58

G. Cabell Williams, III (Virginia ’07, Katherine ’11)

Madeira Today is published for alumnae, parents and friends of the School. Please send any letters to the editor, comments or suggestions to [email protected].

2 Headline

4 Graduation 2011

5 Reunions 2011

8 Summer Reading List

9 Cottages

11 Winter/Spring Events

12 Classnotes

40 Milestones

Contents SUMMER2011





MADEIRA GIRLShave something

to say

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I t is difficult to believe that I have been here at Madeira almost an entire year; it seems only yesterday that I was unpacking boxes and trying to get settled both in my new home and at my office. Starting a new job in a new environment, tucked away in a rural cocoon, I rather imagined that it would be somewhat of a rollercoaster,

what with getting used to new people, going through reverse culture shock, and having withdrawal pangs from my addiction to city life. I could not have been more mistaken. My transition has been as smooth as if I had ordered it custom made, and as I look back on this, my learning curve year, I continue to be thankful that I am surrounded by fabulous girls who make every day a joy, and by a dedicated, inquisitive, reflective, and supportive team of administrators, faculty and staff. Even more important, my Board has been there to support, nurture, and work with me to plan for the future.

Madeira is strong. We have outstanding curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular programs that challenge our students to achieve their personal best. Our faculty and staff are devoted both to Madeira and to her mission to educate young women. Our campus is beautiful and offers the best of both worlds: the rural landscapes and seclusion as well as the proximity to the nation’s capital, with all the wealth of culture, politics, and internationalism that come with it. Our residential program permeates our culture, and all girls, whether they are coming from far away, or from down the street, boarding or day, are exposed to an adult community that nurtures learning and promotes our core values of honesty and respect for self and community. Madeira is a place where everyone is expected to work hard, but also to learn to balance disciplined work with a healthy dose of fun and relaxation.

To help me learn about my new community I set out to interview all the members of our Board, our faculty and staff, a group of local alumnae, and, now, I have had the pleasure of meeting many of our alumnae from other cities and states: Boston, New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, London, Geneva, Florida, Charlotte, Pittsburgh, Lexington, KY, and Greenwich, CT., in addition to all those who attended Alumnae Weekend. One of my favorite activities has been to have our senior class, in small groups, over to dinner with me at The Land. I had originally hoped to have all our girls, but found that for this year, it would have been a bit overwhelming. It has become a perk reserved for the first months of every school year. Everything I have seen reaffirms the strength of Madeira’s girls and of our school’s ability to send forth feisty, courageous, strong women who do make a difference in the world.

Among the things I have learned:

1 Our Co-Curriculum continues to define Madeira. It is a wonderful opportunity for our girls to explore potential career choices, network in the political world, or simply to explore things for the fun of it. These are its strengths. However, over the years it has become somewhat disjointed from the rest of our educational program, and this is something we will need to correct. My aim is to make our current Co-Curriculum an

interdisciplinary program that reflects what the girls are learning in the classroom, applies their problem solving skills and creativity to real life situations, and continues to provide them with the networking and exposure to the workplace. Over the longer term, this is a program we are looking to expand to include global internships focusing on a diversity of topics: community service, women’s health and education, entrepeneurship, environmental stewardship, ethical leadership, among others.

2 We have a strong academic program, delivered by passionate faculty doing what they like best: working with young girls, sharing their knowledge of each content area, inspiring their students to be curious, creative, diligent, disciplined, and to achieve their personal best. It has been a true pleasure to observe and be part of this group of professional educators.

3 Our STEM program is not only ambitious, but it inspires girls to choose science and math as options. Our annual science fairs show off what they have achieved, and our students are diverse and creative in their approaches to chemical research, to applying physics to develop better aides for ageing populations, to looking at alternative cures for Alzheimer’s among other exciting topics. Madeira is the only school in our area outside of Thomas Jefferson High School to offer advanced math options such as Multivariable Calculus and Linear Algebra.

4 Our Wednesday schedule allows time for faculty work, and they take advantage of it to develop a wonderfully aligned program in all subject areas. Teachers work together collaboratively, building on each others’ strengths to develop improved lesson plans, assessment models that test for real learning and comprehension (in other words the “perfect” test).

5 Our Fine and Performing Arts Program, which includes a new film program and dance, are stellar. Our musical performers have grown in numbers and quality; our dance program is led by professionals and covers a variety of genres from classical to rap, and our new film program has drawn on state of the art technology to produce both documentaries and short films, both of which showcase our students’ creativity and technical skills.

6 Technology is an area where we will focus increasingly to ensure that we use it as a teaching and learning tool and that we are proactive about the proper use of social networking, research, and etiquette. In an era in which the students we teach are “digital natives,” and where resources are so easily accessible through the internet and where cyber bullying has become an issue, it will be a constant challenge to ensure that we maintain our values of academic honesty and integrity and that we continue to enforce the value of respect among our students.

7 Our Riding Program now has a new director who has successfully brought a significant deficit under control, reconfigured and reduced our herd so that we now have a smaller, but healthier one. The paddocks have been redone and completed, the barn is well tended, and we have replaced the footing in the indoor and outdoor rings with a higher quality, thus allowing for better use. Based on student and parent feedback, we continue to strengthen the program by ensuring the correct balance between competitive and

The State of Madeira


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recreational riding always focusing on safety first. We are fortunate to have alumnae and parents involved in this process, and their feedback and support have been invaluable.

8 The Athletics Program, also under new direction, had a winning streak this year in volleyball, hockey, and soccer, and we continue to do well in swimming, lacrosse, softball, squash and track and field. Participation in team sports is high and enthusiastic. Two of our students have been selected to play in national or regional leagues.

9 College admissions: girls will attend mostly in Eastern states, with 70% of our students attending private and 30% public colleges and universities. At a time when girls are the predominant applicants to four year colleges, we are still very competitive.

10 Our Financial structure is solid. We have a coherent and well planned budget process. Like everyone else, our endowment was affected by the recession, but it has recovered almost totally. We have very strong Finance and Investment Committees who have steered us through difficult times with wise, strategic advice.

11 Madeira’s Campus remains one of our greatest assets. Our buildings are beautiful, but ageing, requiring heavy maintenance and upkeep. Keeping our buildings well maintained to support our mission will be an increasing challenge.

12 Admissions continue to be strong, but are not growing significantly. We are optimistc, however, that with a new shuttle from Maryland next year, we will access students who otherwise might not consider us. Madeira’s great reputation continues to garner interest in the community.

13 Fundraising, although limited to the Madeira Fund this year, has been highly successful. In addition to full participation from the Board of Directors, the year 2011 has been one of many firsts:a. 100% Participation in The Madeira Fund from Faculty

and Staffb. 100% Participation in The Madeira Fund from Senior

Parents and reaching the goal of $120,000 for the Senior Parent Gift Program

c. 100% Participation in The Madeira Fund from the Class of 2011 in record time

d. 93% Participation in The Madeira Fund from the parent body (compared to 86% parent participation last year)

e. Our biggest challenge is to engage our alumnae and get all of you on our side by making Madeira a priority in your giving. We have set a pragmatic goal for this year: 30% participation.

14 Resdential Life: We now have a total of 38 houses and apartments, including the Griffith Cottages, which truly allow us to continue to foster a strong sense of residential community life. And what remains the same is that Madeira is a very special place for outstanding girls and young women; a place where relationships with adults and peers are lifelong; a place where our girls remember many important firsts in their lives and the people they shared them with; a place definitely worth taking into its next century with conviction, determination, strength, and loyalty.

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This is the context in which together with the Board, the Administration, and the faculty and staff we set out to develop an institutional strategic plan to establish the course for the next few years. We held a retreat in March, in which we focused on addressing both immediate and longer term challenges, gathered information about potential opportunities, and brainstormed many of the tactics that will allow us to achieve our goals. Out of the retreat came a re- affirmation of what we are and wish to continue being: a school offering state of the art education for girls in grades 9-12 in a combination of boarding and day, and a resolution to grow beyond our current numbers to ensure financial sustainability.

The next steps are for us to polish and refine our goals, begin to work on establishing action plans, timelines for completion, and benchmarks for success; analyzing financial implications, and determining who will be responsible for the accomplishment of each task. Like Lucy Madeira when she founded the school, we are ambitious: we aim to offer a cutting edge, twenty first century education that embraces globalization, ethical leadership, creativity, and that celebrates diversity in all its forms. We aim to use all the resources and tools at our disposal: high tech communication and learning hardware and software; local and global settings for internships to promote interdisciplinary connections, service, and experiential learning; faculty, staff, alumnae and parent expertise to expose our girls to cutting edge trends in the sciences, humanities, and the arts; buildings and facilities equipped to offer comfort and resources for life-long wellness; our proximity to a cosmopolitan capital and all it offers, and last, but not least, this wonderful nurturing sense of residential community that is one of Madeira’s greatest strengths.

Yes, we do have very lofty goals. We intend to ensure that Madeira continues to be a first choice for girls well into its next hundred years. This will be an exciting challenge at a time when not all girls choose to attend single-sex institutions; when the current economy is starting to reign in tuition growth at private independent schools; and when only a small percentage of our alumnae are engaged and giving to our cause. The great advantage we have is that Lucy Madeira’s vision sustains us as a leading school for girls; we have a forward thinking, committed Board of Directors, an administrative team, faculty and staff that are devoted to carrying out our mission, and most of all, a wonderful group of girls who are not only eager to learn, but who thrive in our environment.

Observations on the OvalPilar Cabeza de Vaca,

Head of School

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Madeira Legacies 2011: Front Row (L-R) Evelyn Burke, Britney Garcia, Cristina Dean, Maya Holder, Alison Kayes, Christian Saunders. Middle Row (L-R) Sarah Smith, Rachel Begeman, Alexandra Doan, Faith Whang, Pallavee Trehan, Hannah Cohn, Olivia Boyle. Back Row (L-R) Brenna Healy, Charlotte Cutts, Katie Williams, Jessica Parent, Hanseul Kim

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Reunions 2011WEEkEND S NApS hOT

From left to right: 1961 Lockett Miller, Colles Baxter Larkin, Monnie Bell and Eleanor Rubottom Odden on Main Terrace; Beverley Mbu ’06 and Angelina de Rosa ’06 at Dinner by the Bite; Anne Hale Johnson ’41 was honored as the most senior reunion attendee; Anne Archbold Collins ’56 with Assistant Director of Development, Patti Collins; Carolina Kuczynski Reid ’81 and Ande Torgerson McCally ’81 enjoy lunch on the Terrace with their daughters, Violet Reid and Georgia McCally

Thank you to all those alumnae volunteers who made the weekend possible.

Anne Murray Gambal ’81, Natalie Ambrose ’76, Anne Leavitt Sexton ’66, and Wendy Berol Gifford ’66 with Head of School Pilar Cabeza de Vaca at Legacy Cocktails

From left to right: Reunion Keynote Speaker and Alumnae Achievement Award recipient Milbry Polk ’71; CeCe Turner Haydock ’71 presented on Edith Wharton & The Villas of Rome; Terry Huffington ’72 received the Louise Wheelock Willson ’48 Outstanding Volunteer Award

Madeira Alumnae Panel: Sarah Pettit Daignault ’66, Eva DeWeever ’01, Eleanor Brown ’91, Colles Baxter Larkin ’61, Barbara Quandt Breslau ’61, and Avery Miller ’86 …go online to read more about our panelists at www.madeira.org/alumnae-relations.

To see more photographs from Reunion weekend go to www.madeira.org and visit the alumnae photo gallery.

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1991: Angela Powell, Eleanor Brown, and Cassee Stevens Olson catch up following the Alumnae Panel

2001 Girls enjoy lunch on Main Terrace: Kathleen McDermott, Nora Al-Haroun, Liz Logan, Anita Butani, Sarah Amsbary, and Julia Collins

Breanna Byecroft ’01, Nicole Renaud ’86, Diana du Pont ’71, and Heidi Hill ’71 participated in Saturday morning’s Riding Clinic

Former Faculty Members: Sports Teacher Nancy Spicer Reilly and Science Teacher Helen MacMurray Huling joined Reunion goers for the Red, White and Bluegrass Picnic Lunch

1996 Classmates catch up in Main Living Room: Carl Zaug, Jackie Maisano, Sara Barokas Shalva, Phoebe duPont Harris, Anna Brooke, Erica Stukel Probst, Christina Lehmejian-Karaszewski, and Vicken Yegparian

Gail Guinee Inman ’81 and Elsie Conyngham McHale ’81 gear-up for the Zip Wire

Reunions 2011WE E kE ND SNApShOT

To see more photographs from Reunion weekend go to www.madeira.org and visit the alumnae photo gallery.

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Reunion GivingAs of Reunions 2011, April 28 – May 1, 2011, over $230,000 was raised for The Madeira Fund. Thank you to everyone who so generously supported Madeira in honor of your reunion.

This year two new challenge cups were introduced to The Madeira Fund and awarded at the lunch on Saturday, April 30. These cups recognized reunion classes who went above and beyond in their efforts for The Madeira Fund. The winning classes celebrated with champagne throughout the weekend.

The Festina Lente CupAwarded to the reunion class that reached the highest level of participation in The Madeira Fund as of Reunions 2011.

Class of 1961 (tie) . . . . . . . 37%Class of 1986 (tie) . . . . . . . 37%

The Madeira CupAwarded to the reunion classes that reach or exceed their fundraising goal for The Madeira Fund as of Reunions 2011.


Dollars Raised as of Reunions 2011

Class of 1961 $7,500 $11,292

Class of 1971 $10,000 $11,500

Class of 1986 $42,500 $43,400

Class of 2001 $4,000 $5,582

Class of 2006 $3,500 $3,570

Class of 1961

Class of 1971

Class of 2001

Class of 2006

Class of 1986

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Madeira Women have always had something to say. Below is a small sampling of what we have in our Alumnae Book Collection. To see a list of Madeira authors and their work, go to the Alumnae Relations section of our website (www.madeira.org/alumnae-relations).

Mountain Voices, Warren Moore (Miller) ’68

The Wages of Sin, Faith (’70) and Ginny (’76) Semmes

Expecting to Fly: A Sixties Reckoning, Martha Tod Dudman ’69

A Page Out of Life, Kathleen Reid ’82

The Weird Sisters, Eleanor Brown ’91

Thin Places: A Pilgrimage Home, Ann Armbrecht ’80

Ham Biscuits, Hostess Gowns, and Other Southern Specialties, Julia Reed ’78

Class Action: The Landmark Case That Changed Sexual Harassment Law, Clara Bingham ’81 and Laura Leedy Gansler

My Country: 50 Musicians on God, America and the Songs They Love, Melanie Dunea ’89

Gender and International Aid in Afghanistan: The Politics and Effects of Intervention, Lina Abirafeh ’92

Once a Madeira girl, always a Madeira girl. Don’t neglect your summer reading list!

If you are a published author

and would like to be added

to the list, please let us know.

We would like to grow our

collection of Alumnae books

and showcase your work. Please

send a copy to the Alumnae

Relations Office, The Madeira

School, 8328 Georgetown Pike,

McLean, VA 22102.

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Jeanne Jessup, President of the Mary Mae Foundation, Dr. Betsy Griffith and Pilar Cabeza de Vaca cut the ribbon unveiling The Griffith Cottages.

Diana Cochrane Prince ’62 on the porch of the Daisy Cottage named for her daughter, Daisy Prince ’93.

The fifth cottage is named in honor of Louise Wheelock Willson ’48.

On April 30, after two years of hard work The Griffith Cottages were officially opened with a celebratory ribbon cutting ceremony and are now home to five Madeira faculty and their families. The four families, who so generously gave to the “Cottages for Community” campaign, along with many others, came back to campus to see the opening of the homes that now bear their names.


CeCe Davenport ’89, with sister-in-law Siobhan Howard Davenport ’89, her husband Corey Davenport and their two children, Carys and Chase.

Ruth Campbell Austin ’61 representing the Campbell Family.

Representing the thirteen family members that gave to the campaign, sisters Bettie McGowin Miller ’60 and Eleanor McGowin Adams ’58 on the front porch of the McGowin Cottage. The family members that gave to the campaign included Bettie McGowin Miller ’60, Eleanor McGowin Adams ’58, Florence “Flo” McGowin ’56, Grace Adams ’10, Rossell Studer Weinstein ’88, Mary Alice McGowin Beck ’72, Elizabeth McGowin ’72, True McGowin Nicolson ’75, True Nicolson ’10, Lucy McGowin Moore ’78, Almena McGowin Morgan ’88, Essie Stallworth McGowin ’95, and Josephine Grasselli Winter ’49.

To see more photographs, please go to www.madeira.org/alumnae-relations.

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The Eleanore De Sole OctagonThe Octagon in the Student Center has been named in honor of Madeira alumna, former Board member and past parent Eleanore Leavitt De Sole, Class of 1968. Given by her husband Domenico and their two daughters, Laura ’00 and Rickie ’02, the Eleanore De Sole Octagon commemorates the years of service, support and stewardship Eleanore has given to Madeira. An active volunteer, Eleanore has served on the Alumnae Association Leadership Council, The Parent’s Association, the Centennial Campaign Steering Committee and Principal Gifts Committee, as a hostess for Madeira events from New York to London not to mention two terms of Board service. Madeira has benefitted greatly from Eleanore’s passion for education and learning through her gifts of endowed funds and master teacherships alongside her continuous support of The Madeira Fund. Madeira students, faculty, staff and alumnae alike are grateful to Eleanore and her family’s continued commitment to the School.

Rickie ’02, Laura ’00, Domenico and Eleanore ’68 on vacation in Turks and Caicos.

Reunion weekend provided alumnae with an opportunity to participate in trail rides and a riding clinic with Director Dianna Rankin. Both events were well received. The paddock renovation is almost complete and we hope to move onto the new grass later this summer. New indoor footing, funded in part through the generosity of donors, and repairs to the two outdoor rings have resulted in three excellent teaching spaces. In addition to frequent trail rides and the Annual Madeira Horse Show, our riders had an excellent season with Madeira girls successfully competing at A-rated USEF shows such as The Virginia Intermont Classic in Lexington, VA, and the HITS Culpeper Show in Culpeper, VA, winning against the best horses and riders in the country. Some of these Madeira riders competed on our own Madeira horses and some competed on their own horses which they board and train with our knowledgeable staff at Madeira.

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Riding Update

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Winter/Spring Events

Left: Hostess Lyn Alford Cason ’69 with fellow alumnae Rossell Studer Weinstein ’88, Nini Mirkil Sakaguchi ’74, and Maryetta Anschutz ’93 at The Athenaeum in Pasadena, January 2011Right: Event Hostesses Diana Sanson ’82, Kimberly Hughes Moazed ’81, Dana Schmidt ’80, Hannah Klein Connolly ’80, and Alison Blume ’80 with Pilar Cabeza de Vaca at the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco in January 2011

Left: Nancy Rodwell Tuohy ’88, Adrienne Thompson ’89, and Stacey Campbell Rutherford ’89 with Co-Hostess Gaither Smoot Deaton ’88 and Pilar Cabeza de Vaca at Gaither’s home in Charlotte, March 2011Right: Jennifer McLaughlin ’98 and Co-Hostess Mary Crosby Rinehart ’57 at the Charlotte Event

Left: Pilar Cabeza de Vaca and Greenwich Hostess Betsy Richmond Phelps ’52 in May 2011Middle: Judy Mertz GP Chelsea Boyle ’09 and Olivia Boyle ’11, Mary Florence Kern Brown ‘50, Pilar Cabeza de Vaca, Kimberly Boyle PP Chelsea ’09 and Olivia ’11, Co-Hostess Lucy Simpson Douglas ’63, Betsy Amis Former Faculty, Betsy Bell Martin ’43, Babs Landauer Widdoes ’45, Kristen Chow ’07, Co-Hostess Marnie Nimick Silbert ’72, and Co-Hostess Lili Avery ’72 at the Pittsburgh event in April 2011Right: Jean Ann Stewart Banker ’73, Laura Freeman ’75, and Pilar Cabeza de Vaca at the Keeneland event in Lexington, Kentucky hosted by Jean Ann Stewart Banker `73, Cathy Stewart Brown ’82, Sarah Robinson Cowden ’81, Pat Headley Green ’45, Jean Henry ’80, Patricia White Johnson ’72

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class notesMADEIRA GIRLShave something

to say

All ClassNotes, whether from Secretaries or individual alumnae, should be submitted ahead of the published deadline to the ClassNotes e-mail inbox, [email protected]. The Communications Office also accepts notes by mail, phone, or fax, prior to the deadline.Class Secretaries who receive notes directly from their classmates may forward those notes directly to [email protected], or craft a composite column. While the Communications Office reserves the right to edit notes for any reason, our goal is for ClassNotes to represent the multitude of Madeira alumnae voices. To that end, we generally limit editing to spell-check and formatting. Alumnae should be mindful that they are submitting to a school publication and utilize appropriate grammar, punctuation, spelling, and word choice and subject matter. The thoughts and opinions expressed in ClassNotes do not reflect those of The Madeira School.


New career? New house? New baby? New adventure?Send updates to your class secretary, or…Email updates to: [email protected] updates to: The Alumnae Relations Office The Madeira School 8328 Georgetown Pike McLean, VA 22102Note: to be sure that your information will be in the nextedition, you must submit updates by September 15, 2011.We hope to hear from you soon.— The Madeira School Alumnae & Communication Offices

How to submit photos:

Please submit your digital photos at their full resolution, or as high as possible, to ensure the best quality reproduction. Photos with very low resolution will not be included. Prints can be mailed to the address above. Prints cannot be returned. Please include a caption with all submissions, your name and class year.

Note: All gift totals are as of May 15, 2011.


Become Lucy’s Friend on Facebook and a Fan of Madeira Alumnae.

Lucy Madeira is the Facebook profile for The Madeira School Alumnae Office. Miss Madeira

invites you to friend her and to become a fan of the official Madeira School Alumnae Fan Page. By becoming Lucy’s friend, you help the Alumnae Office stay current and connected. We provide a place for you to connect with other Madeira women, to share opportunities and accomplishments, to showcase alumnae events, and to inform you of pertinent School news. Post your photos and news and don’t forget to tag your classmates!

Not sure where to go? Become Lucy’s friend here: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000815063475 and a Madeira Alumnae fan here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Madeira-Alumnae/37583445895.

Want to know what’s happening as it happens? Follow us on Twitter! To track and retweet visit us at www.twitter.com/madeiraalumnae.

Do you have a job to post? Are you looking for new job opportunities? Or perhaps you want to mentor another Madeira girl? Join The Madeira School group on LinkedIn to make professional

connections: http://www.linkedin.com/groups?mostPopular=&gid=166296&trk=myg_ugrp_ovr.

To see more and connect right away go to www.madeira.org/alumnae-relations.

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1948Madeira Fund Total: $2,165Participation: 23%

Received by MadeiraFrom Elizabeth “Gay” Griggs Dorn News 2010-2011: Had a great trip to the Greek Islands, Istanbul, Jerusalem, and Cairo last May 2010 with my daughter Leslie. Good summer in Siasconset, Nantucket where I got to play a nun in the musical Nonsense. Much fun! Came back to MD in October and had a hip replacement – slow recovery – much physical therapy and now more spinal stenosis in same side means more surgery in October 2011. Bah humbug! However, all my volunteer joys keep me busy and my two great-grandsons are a constant delight. Being 80 is not all bad!!

1949Madeira Fund Total: $79,762Participation: 37%Hope to hear from you soon.

1950Madeira Fund Total: $7,815Participation:33%

Class AgentDiana Hopkins Halsted2618 Bowling Green DriveVienna, VA 22180-7027(703) [email protected]

Class SecretaryJean “Jeanie” Milholland Shriver21 W Pomegranate RoadRancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275-5912(310) [email protected]

News was rather sparse this spring. I made a few phone calls, but some of you (and you know who you are) didn’t respond to my desperate pleas for help. On the other hand, I had a terrific talk with Jeanne “Bug” Morgan Cortner who was

with Nature.  In this extraordinary work of art, Adele shares her long life’s journey of appreciation of the beauty of nature through her dramatic paintings, her rich memories, and her eloquent poetry. It is this deep spirit of love for all things beautiful that she shows us is essential for the health and peace of the world and it is through organizations such as her Gardens For Humanity that she shows us that there is hope for a better world for our Grandchildren.My poor words cannot do justice to this extraordinary book, so I suggest you get it for yourselves from Sanctuary Publications, PO Box 20697, Sedona, AZ 86341. And if this publication objects to this commercial tendency, you can always get it from me at [email protected] or at (706) 736-5194. I hope for the next News to glean more goodies from more of you.

1944Madeira Fund Total: $29,611Participation: 21%

Class AgentAnn Chase Hendrie Bellweather2 Warrens Point RoadLittle Compton, RI 02837-1433(401) [email protected]

Hope to hear from you soon.

1945Madeira Fund Total: $7,450Participation: 16%Hope to hear from you soon.

1946Madeira Fund Total: $14,146Reunion 2011 Giving Total: $14,146Participation: 24%Hope to hear from you soon.

194765TH MADEIRA REUNIoNAPRIL 27-29, 2012Madeira Fund Total: $7,440Participation: 32%

Class SecretaryJoyce Kelley Constantine8101 Connecticut AveApt C704Chevy Chase, MD 20815-2837(301) [email protected]

Hope to hear from you soon.

1938Madeira Fund Total: $3,365Participation: 17%Hope to hear from you soon.

1939Madeira Fund Total: $3,025Participation: 10%Hope to hear from you soon.

1940Madeira Fund Total: $2,202Participation: 25%

Class AgentJulia Cuniberti 1635 19th St NWWashington, DC 20009-1637(202) [email protected]

Hope to hear from you soon.

1941Madeira Fund Total: $8,435Reunion 2011 Giving Total: $8,435Participation: 25%Hope to hear from you soon.

194270TH MADEIRA REUNIoNAPRIL 27-29, 2012Madeira Fund Total: $5,380Participation: 16%

Class Agent and Class SecretaryAdelaide “Addie” Marshall Donnan6625 Snake River Ranch RdWilson, WY 83014-9684(307) 733-3278

Received by MadeiraFrom Joan Humphreville Fitzgibbon ’68Dear Friends, Joan Powers Humphreville died March 31, 2011 in New London, CT. She was engaged and vibrant until her four day decline. She was the mother of Joan Humphreville Fitzgibbon ’68 and Ellen Humphreville McGuire ’71.

1943Madeira Fund Total: $3,150Participation: 23%

Class SecretaryHester Spencer Bliven617 Scotts WayAugusta, GA 30909-3253(706) [email protected]

The best news from our class comes from our President Adele Herter Seronde with the publication of her beautiful book Our Sacred Garden - The Living Earth - Reuniting us

1931Madeira Fund Total: $0Reunion 2011 Giving Total: $0Participation: 0%Hope to hear from you soon.

193280TH MADEIRA REUNIoNAPRIL 27-29, 2012Madeira Fund Total: $500Participation: 3%Hope to hear from you soon.

1933Madeira Fund Total: $0Participation: 0%Hope to hear from you soon.

1934Madeira Fund Total: $0Participation: 0%Hope to hear from you soon.

1935Madeira Fund Total: $0Participation: 0%Hope to hear from you soon.

1936Madeira Fund Total: $7,643Reunion 2011 Giving Total: $7,643Participation: 10%Hope to hear from you soon.

193775TH MADEIRA REUNIoNAPRIL 27-29, 2012Madeira Fund Total: $1,719Participation: 13%Hope to hear from you soon.

1944 Mary Gerstenberg hulitar and pilar Cabeza de Vaca in Florida.

1942 Eloise kennedy Walsh - age 5 - great grand daughter of Adelaide Marshall Donnan, granddaughter of Ann Marie hauck Walsh ’56 and Adelaide Donnan Valentine ’65, and daughter of kimberly Valentine Walsh ’90.

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14 Madeira Today SUMMER2011

Tuppy ’86 on one of our car trips between Toronto and La Quinta, California. I’m never one for driving in a straight line!Anne Fitch Foulkes spent the winter with the whole Foulkes family near their favorite Resort, Stratten Mountain, in Vermont. Three Generations on the slopes and great fun was had by all.Carlyn Kaiser Stark has written stating that “getting old is hard work!” She has resigned from all her Committees to help her mate who has not been well but is happily on the road to recovery.And finally…. I received a card from Calvert Jones Armbrecht. In my last ClassNotes I mentioned she had been traveling but neglected to mention that in her travels not only did she see Emmy Champion Knobloch but she saw Luvie Moore Owens and was very happy that she had been able to visit with Ann Lindsay Gardner before Ann sadly passed away. She and Ted were supposed to leave on a trip with the Harvard Museum of Natural History the following week to visit Syria and Jordon but I somehow think that trip was cancelled due to the continuing unrest in the Middle East. She and Ted will be in Paris in April to attend Teddy’s wedding and hopefully Sally ’86 will be there also. Just got news of Georgia Harwood Blackmore and she and her husband Bill continue to work as volunteers with their local Humane Society in Port St. Lucie, Florida where they go during the winter.  They foster groups of dogs brought in as uncivilized and rowdy and otherwise unadoptable.   Their Society has a new program with the local Prison (work camp - minimum security) in which the dogs live with the inmates for an 8 week obedience training session.  All the dogs are adopted at Graduation, Georgia mentioned that the dogs we foster beforehand go into this program.  We socialize them and give them lots of love and people contact. All I can say is those dogs that Georgia and Bill work with could never have had better mentors.  Great news, Georgia!I am sorry to be the conveyor of sad news but we have lost two more of our classmates - Jean Lethbridge Cutting and Agnes “Aggie” Fort More. Both passed away in April. Aggie was killed by a falling tree as she went out to move her car during one of the many of tornados that ravaged our country in the spring.  On behalf of all of us - I send Aggie’s family and friends our deepest sympathy - her smile and laugh will be missed next year at our 60th Reunion. As our Class approaches

To return to the news of Nancy Blair D’Angelo – she and her husband did not get to Hawaii this winter but stayed home. They were hoping to get there in March. She said she wouldn’t have missed the Blizzard of “11. She had her 2nd knee replacement also this winter – doing well now.Betsy Richmond Phelps writes that she and Stan were just back from Antigua and spent two weeks in Boca Grande this March with children and “grands” coming and going. We all can relate to that. The Election in Canada is set for May 2nd and Anne Rhoades Farquharson wrote me “I am ‘neck-deep’ in Politics!”Dare I ask?????????Carole Bailey Babcock is also knee-deep with children and “grands”. She is sculpting in stone and is planning a show in Colorado Springs to benefit their film festival. Way to go! Her husband Mike keeps busy making furniture and they spend their time between California and Oregon.I was saddened to hear from Nina Stuart Wood that she and Daphne Mayo Marinovich and Ceci Carusi Pose had all lost their husbands – that is so sad and I send them the class’s deepest sympathy and wishes. I am hoping that many of our class will return next April 2012 for our 60th – time is a-fleeting as we all know too well.Marcia van der Voort Bates wrote that she and Jane Richards Roth and Suzie Spencer ’58 were planning a trip to Egypt but with the news of Egypt – obviously the trip had to be cancelled.Weedie Fulton Block is busy, busy…. sitting on two independent school Boards – one K-8 coed where she taught and was an administrator for some 30 years (The Norwood School) and the other school was only for boys (The Walker School) and was named after John Walker - their first African- American Bishop. It is an Episcopal school in one of our poorest neighborhoods. She plays Bridge three times a week and the summers are spent in Nantucket with her husband of many years, Roger. Lolly Goodrich Simonton writes that she missed the Reunion attended by Bevo Wortham Rimer and Elbelle Johnson Moore in New York City (one of these days I am going to that Reunion!) and she writes she doesn’t think she’ll be there for the mini-Spring Reunion. Lolly also mentioned and I totally agree with her that the Hot Springs of Reykjavik, Iceland remind her of Yellowstone National Park. I visited Yellowstone with my daughter

1951Madeira Fund Total: $11,392Reunion 2011 Giving Total: $11,392Participation: 27%

Class AgentMargaret “Peggy” West Valentine207 Lock Lane SRichmond, VA 23226-1712(804) [email protected]

Hope to hear from you soon.

195260TH MADEIRA REUNIoNAPRIL 27-29, 2012Madeira Fund Total: $11,254Participation: 34%

Class SecretaryKatharine “Kitty” Jarvis Blair2045 Lakeshore Boulevard WestSuite #1001Toronto, Ontario CanadaM8V 2Z6(416) [email protected]

We have a winner for our Wheel of Fortune/The World quiz. Nancy Blair D’Angelo beat the rest of the Class by returning the Postcard by return mail. Congratulations!! We had a number of Runners-up and some Postcards were returned with news but no answer. The Runners-Up were (not in order) Carlyn Kaiser Stark, Anne Fitch Foulkes, Lolly Goodrich Simonton, Weedie Fulton Block, Carole Bailey Babcock, Betsy Richmond Phelps, Pam Sattley Morse. Miss Madeira would be so happy to know that we really listened in Geography Class!! The prizes have been mailed and the Quiz is officially finished!!! Thank you to those of you who participated.Now to the News:Emmy Champion Knobloch is about to embark on her summer in Wyoming – she’s been playing Bridge and taking Tennis lessons. She said that her opponents were really nice as they hit the ball right to her. She is wondering if she’ll have enough energy for our 60th next year.Pam Sattley Morse lost her wonderful husband of 46 years and has happily remarried. They have been traveling to Rome, Paris and Egypt (they were not there during the current unrest). She also spends time with her daughter at her farm in Vermont and squeezes visits to Maine and Florida In her busy life. She has 5 children and 8 “grands” – when does she sleep!!!!!

her usual charming self. She told me that she and Paula Ridley Wilson went to Naples, Florida in March and were invited to Mary Florence Kern’s house for a sociable drink. Bug was fleeing the snows of Philadelphia which seemed to be non-stop over the past winter.As we talked, I suddenly realized I’d actually been in Bryn Mawr in February, tramping through the snow to tour Bryn Mawr College because I wanted to see the beautiful campus from which my mother graduated in 1925. Bug said she lived really close to Bryn Mawr and we did much moaning and groaning about not connecting. Truthfully, the fault was mine. Next time…I also had a wonderful phone conversation with Sylvia “Knobby” Knobloch Brown who said she still uses her Madeira nickname. Knobby has lived in Denver more or less forever and her biggest involvement there is with the Denver Botanical Gardens. She is also concerned about budget cutbacks in the public schools and has joined with a friend to try to promote choral music in the elementary grades. As a singer at Madeira and Smith, Knobby knows how much singing can add to your life. Knobby is also a traveloholic and last year went to….hold your breath…Tanzania, Vietnam and India! Possibly worn out by all the time she spent on airplanes, she’s planning shorter and more local trips in the near future.In the course of our conversation, I mentioned how I had sometimes read assigned books for English and then summarized them for lazier classmates who actually paid me for the favor. As an athlete I was a complete failure, but if speed reading had been a sport, I’d have made first team! See what happens, when you don’t send me news? You get to read about my Madeira petty crimes. Which gives me an idea. I’m sure the statute of limitations has run out on the class of 1950, so why don’t you write or call and share some of your own school transgressions? It’s my impression that we were a pretty innocent bunch, but go ahead and surprise me!

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their grandson at Washington College. “They still travel with their dog Nikki who is about 14 years old now and is as ornery as ever!”, according to Ellie.  Lynde and Mike, as previously reported, are back in Greenwich in order to be near her mother, in whose garage apartment they’re residing. Her mother, Muriel Selden Paris, ’36, is 92 years young and doing well -  she sees fellow nonagenarian friends for lunches, etc. As to Ellie and John themselves, they love their spacious new abode and at last report were busy working on landscaping. She said “we’re enjoying our new digs now that all pictures, etc., are hung. The place looks great!! Daughter Lisa canceled 4 plane tickets down here in the month of Jan. due to snow. She has recently rebooked for the first weekend in April. Hope she will make it this time!! Son Philip, Laura, Zach and dog Annie were here for a quick weekend visit - a one night stand - but it was good to see them.” Lisa did in fact arrive safely and I got a happy p.s. from Ellie about her visit: “She finally made it, but barely, due to a lock down at the school where she teaches a few hours before she was to leave for the airport. All was well and she made it with minutes to spare. We had a fun time and Lisa and Philip gave me an iPod and stereo docking station for my birthday. Lisa, thankfully, was here to set me up and show me (the tech idiot) how to work it. I am having lots of fun downloading all our CDs to my computer that they gave me on my last birthday. What great kids! I am truly blessed!!”  In closing, Ellie also said they “would love for friends to come and visit. We have a large, comfortable guest room!!! 56 Davis Lane, Easton, MD 21601.” Since she soon emailed again that Anne Skae was planning a visit after her spring board meeting at Madeira, it seems obvious people are taking the Taylors up on their offer!Midge Cochran Johnson is still loving life in Santa Fe and spent time this past winter in Scottsdale with Linda Clark Waterman. She was also in San Francisco over Thanksgiving (where she had dinner at the yacht club with a daughter and friends, which just happened to include my best friend from Oklahoma City. Small worlds/six degrees…). Also, the Wall Street Journal recently had a big spread, including photo, featuring Midge’s attorney daughter Jennifer Johnson who is a public defender in San Francisco working with people suffering from mental illness in

grandchildren.  We are still actively sailing in the summer and skiing in Vermont in the winter.  We did the biennial Newport Bermuda Race and return passage again last summer in our J-44, my 7th and my 8th Bermuda-Newport passage.  The race gets in your blood; it’s never the same and always a mental and physical challenge.  Our crew is made up of family and friends, so there is plenty of laughter as well as a good competitive effort.   As we do at the end of each summer, we spent a couple of weeks at our place on the Bras d’Or Lake on Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Our neighbor and dear friend across the harbor is Diana Russell, who also shares our enthusiasm of sailing in the summer and skiing in the winter. Larry teases us about having to chase 2 Outing Club members on our hikes! Grateful to report that all is well with us.”Jill Williams has a new book coming out this spring.  It’s a memoir titled Confessions of a Love Addict (Aberdeen Bay Books). She is very excited about it, as well as her burgeoning career as an artist.  Check out her website at: www.sedonarugpaintings.com. Says Jill, “I’ve been trying to get together with Kay Harvey on several occasions but so far, we’re two ships passing in the night!”And from the class secretary, Kay Harvey, “I am having a one person show in Santa Fe opening April 8th. It is curated by John Mulvany who I have had a great time working with for several months going through my work. You can see a virtual catalogue on the 222shelbystreet.com website.Also I am very grateful to all of my classmates who sent in their notes before April 9th as I am leaving for 3 weeks, thank you everyone!!! “

1958Madeira Fund Total: $18,083Participation: 47%

Class AgentJoan Hulme Perera121 Old Concord RoadLincoln, MA 01773-3607(781) [email protected]

Class SecretaryLeslie Meek Fitch3930 Georgetown Court NWWashington, DC 20007(202) [email protected]

Ellie Ward Taylor reported a wonderful visit in March with Lynde Sudduth Karin and husband Mike who were in the area to see

Class SecretaryLouise “Beebe” Graham 218 N Main StreetWolfeboro, NH 03894-4311(603) [email protected]

Hope to hear from you soon.

1956Madeira Fund Total: $18,650Reunion 2011 Giving Total: $18,650Participation: 27%Hope to hear from you soon.

195755TH MADEIRA REUNIoNAPRIL 27-29, 2012Madeira Fund Total: $16,205Participation: 38%

Class AgentSallie Morris Collins4 Indian Hill LaneHilton Head Island, SC 29926-1259(843) [email protected]

Class SecretaryCatherine “Kay” McElvain HarveyPO Box 2148Santa Fe, NM 87504-2148(505) [email protected]

Mary Cosby Rinehart says, “Bruce and I are in Ocean Reef for a week and having a beautiful time!  The air is warm and the view over the ocean is magnificent.”Kit Bingham Stroh writes “by the time the Alumnae Bulletin goes to print, Leslie and I will be first time grandparents two times over: Graham and wife Eryn are giving birth in May in DC; Sarah and spouse Philip doing the same in July in Somerset, Virginia.”Mary Blair Vincent Koehl is enjoying life in Aiken, SC where “spring has burst forth in all its glory!  We are so lucky to be here, and to be in PA for the summer.”Jeanette Phelps Evans writes that all is well in her family which totals out at 15 now! She has taken on a new project which she really enjoys! She is an education docent at this fabulous Asian garden in Sonoma called Quarryhill. She takes 4th or 5th graders on a 2 ½ hr tour and they love it. She and the kids take samples and pretend they are plant explorers and just have a grand time. She is planning a visit to Blair Koehl this summer!Ann Dunlaevy Glenn writes, “Our life revolves around our family more and more, since our three children have blessed us with

our 60th Reunion - I think it would be so fitting if we all gathered together next year at school to honor not only Aggie and Jean - but all of our classmates who are no longer with us - we have lost many.Thanks to all of you for sending in your news. Keep in touch!!!

1953Madeira Fund Total: $37,433Participation: 32%

Class AgentHarriet “Poppy” Hamlin Holmes7 Tommys LaneNorwalk, CT 06850-4417(203) [email protected]

Class SecretarySara “Sally” Graff Cooke20 Haws LaneApt G26Flourtown, PA 19031-2055(215) 233-0130

Hope to hear from you soon.

1954Madeira Fund Total: $10,900Participation: 29%Hope to hear from you soon.

1955Madeira Fund Total: $61,731Participation: 30%

Class AgentsElenita “Nina” Milbank Drumwright1208 Princeton LaneWest Chester, PA 19380-5742(610) [email protected]

Caroline Parker Hoppin39 Cottage StreetBrookline, MA 02445-5901(617) [email protected]

1955 Naomi Reynolds Manders and Frederica Wheeler Johnson ’59 came to campus to meet Director of Riding, Dianna Rankin, and see the improvements at the barn. Naomi and Frederica met through riding.

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16 Madeira Today SUMMER2011

So that will be fun. Our son, who has been out of work for 14 months, has just gotten three offers in four days.  I hope that is indicative of the economy.   We are so ecstatic for him. I just got a flyer from Polly Pratt Brown of a photography show coming up next week in NH.  Sadly I drove by it last weekend on my way to VT to see my mother.  I have been occasionally hiking with Lucy Rockefeller Waletzky and Louise Stillman Lehrman ’58. I had a good catch up two weeks ago with Jae Barlow Roosevelt. Chris’ touring trips have taken me to Poland and to Cartagena and Bogota, Colombia in the last few months.I also had a lovely visit with Betsy Day Bolton and Tom as they stopped to see the Bok Tower here in Lake Wales, FL en route from his Mother’s Birthday Celebration. We had a delightful evening catching up and I hope to see them on a future drive thru western NC. From Chicago, March Durham Bracken sent some great photos of her 70th which I treasured. “This will be briefer than I would like it to be. I just turned 70. My sons and their gals were here, and my grandchild, for the weekend before my birthday. A cousin whose birthday is the day after mine was here for my birthday weekend. My fat old legs got tired from running all over this beautiful but chilly city. I cannot believe how old we are. Yes, I am still going to troubled spots in the city as a social worker. The people are hurting even more now because of loss of jobs and cuts in city services. My poetry and hanging out with friends and

of time traveling to our kids...Sam lives now in Tampa, Mia is in Carbondale, Illinois-a two hour road trip- and Rodney is in New York.  Gabe is home and though people think he is so difficult on us with muscular dystrophy, believe me, when I say, he is the easy one.  He is totally together.  Someone asked me who stays with him when we leave town?  I said I have no idea...and I don’t because he makes all his own arrangements...He has some 25 people who work with him in various capacities, and he handles them all.  He goes to Washington University and makes great grades.  We still have our large gangling home with no plans to downsize....actually it often sounds tempting but then comes spring and with it my acres of garden, which is my passion. My birthday is in April and ordinarily I wouldn’t know what you mean by this being a pivotal year...but it’s in my face.  I am having four parties given for me--if one more person calls and says “this is a BIG one” I am going to faint. But I guess it is. I work out with a trainer six days a week...three weight and three pilates.  I love my trainers and could not do it without them...so I am in pretty good shape.  (I don’t even mention the cardio which I do on my own!)  I have few health issues--a bit of high blood pressure and asthma-all controlled. I read that blueberries scare away Parkinson’s so every day on our table sits a mega sized crystal bowl filled with blueberries and to drive away Alzheimer’s, you are suppose to keep your mind active...I do this.. but can’t remember how!!  No joking....our lives will get more difficult in the next decade that is for sure....we will just know to carry on and remember we are finishing in style!!   I hope for each of our classmates that no one will believe that you could possibly be 70....I just say “this is the new 70” and it is...active, fun loving, spirited, energized, involved.   Happy 70th to each of you.“ Bunny/Eloise Morris Clark noted: “These days the mirror keeps telling me I am turning into my mother.   For my seventieth, I wanted to have the family together for a little family party but we are already doing that in July so it isn’t fair to gather everyone twice.  Since we have always wanted to go to Asheville, NC and never quite gotten organized, that is what we are going to do.  We are going to have dinner with Betsy Day and Tom Bolton and pick their brains about what we should do besides seeing Biltmore. 

February almost in its entirety – because we have a relatively short column this time and because the primary content, namely about the sad death of classmate Nancy Trainer Muse on January 28th of ovarian cancer and her memorial service in Pittsburgh on Feb.12th, is more detailed than I could provide on my own.  Margaret said: “Bob and I went out to Nancy’s memorial service last weekend. It was bittersweet. Al and the girls did a wonderful job. There was a reception before the memorial service which I thought a nice idea. The service was thoughtful and meaningful and short. Al’s niece Dede read an excellent poem that she had written for Nancy’s 65th birthday. Dede had been like a third child to Nancy. (Apparently, according to the girls, Nancy and Al went on a major trip in the fall on the Silk Route and when she returned her ovarian cancer came back very aggressively.  As everyone agreed, Nancy was a very private person so she did not share her illness with many.) Al hosted a lovely dinner at the Duquesne Club that evening. Am hoping to stay in contact with him and the girls….Also, I hosted a small Madeira luncheon at The Acorn Club around CeCe Haydock’s, ’71, landscape architecture lecture which was excellent. She will be giving the same lecture Reunion Weekend. Jane Krumrine Lawson-Bell ’76 (and Madeira Board Chair) was my guest.” That’s it for this time. If I’ve overlooked something or someone, please forgive but remind me and I’ll catch up next issue. In the interim, keep those emails and postcards coming.

1959Madeira Fund Total: $13,900Participation: 23%

Class SecretaryNancy Hale HoytPO Box 832Lake Wales, FL 33859-0832(863) [email protected]

2011 marks a major milestone year for most of us. We were born into the beginnings of World War II and are going strong as we tip into our seventh decade. As I gather your news, I am impressed by your vitality and diversity of interests and involvements as well as your perspectives on the years ahead. Josie Christian Weil responded to my appeal with her usual energy: “I have just a second to respond to your request.  We spend a lot

order to help them get back on their feet instead of into our jails. Midge emailed: “Luckily, economic times are finally driving recognition that, in fact, prison/incarceration doesn’t help those with mental illness who are usually using drugs to self-medicate, and it costs society lots of, now scarce, money. Jen has great data on the success of the program in San Francisco and has had some nice recognition of it. So hopefully things are moving in the right direction and politics can take a back seat on this issue.” Hats off to Jennifer for her work and successes, and to Midge for so successfully raising her daughter.Aubrey Clark-Thomson sent interesting news last winter: “my current commissioned art project may be of interest for the newsletter. I’m designing large scale prints for The Ivy Room at the Cornell Club in NYC. I will print this month so, if all goes well, they will probably go up sometime this spring.” Those of us in and around (or in and out of) NYC should try to trek by the Cornell Club to see Aubrey’s work if it’s still on display by the time this magazine is mailed out.In the spring, I ran into Elizabeth Frazier McCallie with her daughter Eleanor Nading as well as Virginia Gibb Pascoe at an elegant tea at the Belgian ambassador’s home on Foxhall Road. Both were looking very festive and Elizabeth said she would be back in town again for several weeks in June. It was fun to catch up a bit.Betsy Woodhall Rackley has been busy, busy, busy with her usual Garden Clubs of America activities, the spring Georgetown Garden Tour, and environmental concerns - including a wonderful film festival sponsored by her church. She and husband Charlie traveled to Palm Springs in the early spring for a nice bit of relaxation.The last weekend in April at Madeira brought reunions, AALC and board meetings, plus a ribbon cutting ceremony at Griffith Cottages, the wonderful new faculty housing project in honor of former headmistress Betsy Griffith. A circle of five spacious new dwellings has been added to existing faculty housing in a lovely area off the main road behind the gymnasium. One of the five, named McGowin Cottage, was funded largely by the McGowin family, including our own Eleanor McGowin Adams who was present for the ceremony along with her sister Bettie McGowin Miller, ’60.In closing, I’m submitting Margaret Bodine Wallis’ email from this past

1959 Libby Wiswall retired as Commander of the Downeast Maine Division of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary

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is just unsurpassed both to read aloud and to listen to. The next day, Sunday, June 5, I have been offered a venue to flog my own book, which is also quite astonishing since Hay doesn’t usually do religious books. The weekend of July 10, I am giving a major academic paper to the Early English Text Society at their triennial meeting. The paper will be published in the conference proceedings the following year. As the paper is controversial, I will probably pack my light armor. There are other events but this sample gives you the general idea. It’s good to be in Oxford for the long haul, to work in the Bodleian every day. Just walking in the door sets the neurons firing! My problem is that I now have more material than I will have years left to write up.” As we all go on filling our lives, enjoying our families, struggling with frailties of the body, working on our “bucket lists”, please keep in touch. The long time friends enrich our lives, connect us to our pasts and are part of the foundation of our futures. I look forward to hearing from all of you. Received by MadeiraElizabeth Nelson Wiswall, Madeira Class of 1959, has retired as Commander of the Downeast Maine Division of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary. Division 1 is the largest geographical division in the First Coast Guard District, extending over 2,000 linear miles from Port Clyde to the Canadian Border and comprised of six Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotillas.Commander Wiswall has previously served as Flotilla Commander and as First District Staff Officer for Human Resources. She has qualified as Vessel Examiner and Boat Crewman, is qualified in the Marine Safety specialties of Aids to Navigation Verification, Harbor Safety and Contingency Preparedness, and holds diplomas from Maine Maritime Academy as Ship Security Officer and Port Facility Security Officer under the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code. Among her decorations are the Coast Guard Auxiliary Achievement Medal and the Commandant’s Letter of Commendation, both with Operational Distinction, seven Sustained Service Awards and seven Surface Operations Awards.

at our October 21st Cambridge concert.  It is also good to be in touch with Delphine Oman Roberts and Josephine Christian Weil. I see Betsy Rowe Costle and Barbie Kellogg Stowe as often as possible ;( Barbie is a board member of MV).  Their friendship is one of the treasures of my life. Yes, I agree with you, let us live the next decade to the fullest!”Ann Funkhouser Strite-Kurz reported that “The antebellum cruise she took with American Cruise was delightful and Fall was the perfect time to enjoy this Intercoastal area between Charleston and Amelia Island.  I am really partial to the small boats and we look forward to doing either the Mississippi Riverboat tour aboard their new paddle wheel boat or their Columbia River cruise in 2012. We have been in Florida for the past two weeks, visiting my brother at Marco Island.  This year we made a lot of side trips to Key West, Sarasota, etc. to visit friends and also watched a cousin’s daughter ride in the Werllington Horse Show. I won’t turn 70 until next January and life is good except for the usual aches and pains from those abused joints from tennis, biking and all the other fun things we do.”Sister Martha Reeves’ life is full. She writes: “Yes, these issues that come with age are not to be taken lightly! I am in the UK living in a small loft in a private house near St Anne’s College in Oxford, which keeps me young—as long as my pegs hold out. I walk everywhere. My book Writing the Icon of the Heart using the penname Maggie Ross is due out May 20. The archbishop has written this comment for the jacket: ‘Maggie Ross clears away the ‘white noise’ that so often attends writing and talking about faith.  She invites us into real quiet, which is also real presence, presence to ourselves and to the threefold mystery that eludes our concepts and even our ordinary ideas of ‘experience’. A really transformative book.’  —Archbishop Rowan Williams- The book is available for pre-order through Amazon UK. I don’t yet have a US publisher. On Saturday, June 4, at the Hay-on-Wye literary festival I will be on a panel with novelist Howard Jacobson discussing the King James Bible. It’s the 400th anniversary of publication and there are KJV readings all over the UK, reading the entire text nonstop. I participated in one in Bath, which was an amazing experience. The music of the prose

I want to go take a cruise...but a very select small one with some selected friends (and my hubby)...to Alaska. I want to visit all my nearest and dearest friends. We all say we will do this, but something always stops us. This will mean many trips in the US and a few outside. Cammie is on my list for France. ( You know, with the web, cells, email etc . it’s so easy to be in touch now...and as marvelous as this is, I still want to flop on a bed and really talk... face to face ...and oh we look sooo different...but inside it’s the same...but way wiser).” Susie Bragdon Field is making those connections. “I’m off to visit Nina Lapsley Alexander in Montana in June...Nina will guide Bob and me into Yellowstone.  We continue with our music...2 local orchestras and a band and I paint daily, portrait commissions and landscapes.  Monhegan Island awaits me and my students for a summer workshop. Life in Gloucester with Bob is great.   Love to all ... Happy spring and happy gardening.” Notes from Laurie Graham Shearer spoke of happy times: “I will spend Christmas with my late husband Bob’s family, most notably with my step-grandchildren, who live nearby, but also with Bob’s seven sisters and their families, three of whom live about an hour from here and four who come in from farther away.  All of this makes for much noise and confusion—not much “peace on earth”—but its fun. I am still living happily in Pittsburgh, with frequent trips to Paris. I had a wonderful reunion in NYC in November with Tobé Anne Miller Malawista and Barbie Kellogg Stowe. The occasion was the concert at Merkin Hall by Tobé’s Mirror Visions Ensemble. The concert was highly original, beautifully performed, and a delight. Another Mirror Visions concert—in Paris in October 2011—is already marked on my calendar.”Tobe Anne Miller Malawista wrote: “My Mirror Visions Ensemble, www.mirrorvisions.org , is giving me much pleasure, and is very fulfilling.  We have a concert coming up in NYC  at Carnegie Weill Recital Hall, on Tuesday, May 24th at 8:00 pm –  a new program entitled  NIGHT AND DREAMS  Songs and Song Cycles involving—what else!  Night and dreams - As you can see I am enthusiastic, and hope that Madeira classmates living around New York will come to the concert. It has been great to see Randy Jarvis Smith and Laurie Graham Shearer at concerts this year, and perhaps next Fall Judy Kingsley Duncan,

family have taken a back seat again. But that will stop. I am truly re-prioritizing. It is tough to do so, for the patients so appreciate my work and old patients still stay in contact. It is very, very gratifying. But I have poems burning inside me, and much still to do. It is also time for me to find a warmer climate, so I don’t fall on the ice or something. I have been lucky.” Judy Kingsley Duncan shared: “The good news from here is that although Jack and I are slowing down (he more than I, since he is 8 years older) we stay busy.  My biggest realization is that the future is much more immediate and clearly not infinite.  We can live where we are until we cannot drive, or terrible health concerns arrive.  In the mean time, my solution is to travel as much as we can.  We just returned from a pleasure/family/business trip to San Francisco.  Mid March we are going to Barcelona for a week.  It is a city we truly enjoy, and are not trying to go anywhere else.  (Heaven forbid we travel in an organized group!)  Then early May we are going with friends to dive in Grand Turk.  Grandson Sebastian is waiting to hear from colleges.  Again, the good news is that he will go somewhere on the East Coast.  He is not a good enough swimmer to swim at Cal Berkeley or Stanford.  The rest of the vaunted California university system is falling into disarray.  UCLA no longer has a men’s swim team. Davis is/has dropped their program.  At U Cal San Diego you have to join a lottery to see if you can major in the subject of your choice, i.e. chemistry is not a problem, but the chances of majoring in biology are very slim.  How sad is that?!  For my 70th, Jack is sending me (or allowing me to go-leaving him alone) for a week of golf with either one or both of my sons-in-law in California.  My silly daughters, like Jack, have yet to take up the game.” What a great tribute to a Mother-in-law! Anne Severy Keleti focused on her “bucket list”- I love that term and the dreams that it signifies. She wrote: “I have been in touch with Cammie Crowe White...which is just wonderful! Re: turning seventy... I have so very many things I still want to do...while I can walk and talk reasonably well :-) I want to go to France for at least a month with at least two of my granddaughters...to somewhere no one speaks English (probably impossible now). I grew up in Paris and need to get my French back.

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She no longer works, was a clinical social worker at an international adoption agency. The past year has been very sad with Julie’s husband dying in February and their mother dying in October at age 100 after living with excellent health for the first 99½. Julie Grennan Ronhovde tells us that her husband’s death was a terrible shock for her and her family.  He was 63 and had never been sick beforehand. There is a terrible void in her life, though her

by the disasters in Japan and has been in constant touch with many friends there. A couple of her former Japanese students, who have been traumatized by the tragic and on-going events, are coming to stay with her for awhile.  Leelie Harwood Dow left Jan. 2 for 4 months in Florida. She is not riding for the first time in 20 years – no time for a horse right now. Maybe later.Jodie Grennan Gleason reports she has 4 wonderful grandchildren.

1964Madeira Fund Total: $22,190Participation: 35%

Class SecretaryVirginia “Ginny” Storrs Akabane100 Hubbard StreetLenox, MA 01240-2332(413) [email protected]

The class sends its condolences to Julie Grennan Ronhovde whose husband of 39 years died last February after a four month struggle with pancreatic cancer, to Janet McClendon Vaskas who lost both her parents in the past year, and to Babo Mattman Walkley for the death of her sister Sandy Mattmann Gros ’61. Izzy Hitz Goff reports she helps with her 3 grandchildren, who live in Providence (RI) and is taking art classes at least a couple of times a week. She is also learning bridge, but hates the rules! She went to Savannah, Boca Raton and Virginia on a Garden Tour, and is waiting for her own garden to bloom. She rents her house in Boca Raton, so if anyone is interested, go to VRBO.com/199117.Suzy Reynolds Bennison wants to get into birding one of these days. Her yard is always full of birds passing through. She loved getting together with Julie, Jodie, Margo, Marion, and Mary and hopes the group will continue to meet, with perhaps a few DC area additions and anyone passing through. Suzy’s been devastated

1960Madeira Fund Total: $20,090Participation: 33%

Class SecretaryAnne Palms Chalmers49 Janet RoadNewton Center, MA 02453(617) [email protected]

Hope to hear from you soon.

1961Madeira Fund Total: $42,186Reunion 2011 Giving Total: $42,186Participation: 41%

Class Agent and Class SecretaryMargaret “Meg” Hemingway 5752 MacArthur Boulevard NWWashington, DC 20016-5303(202) [email protected]

Hope to hear from you soon.

196250TH MADEIRA REUNIoNAPRIL 27-29, 2012Madeira Fund Total: $6,350Participation: 24%Hope to hear from you soon.

1963Madeira Fund Total: $29,350Participation: 20%Hope to hear from you soon.

The Class of 1961 Celebrate their 50th Reunion: Alice Brown Lacey, Ruth Campbell Austin, Barbara Quandt Breslau, Diana Russell, Alice korff Boardman, Archie hufty Leidy, Julie Schiefflin, Marily-Anne Middleton pletcher, Wendy Watson, Mollie paul Collins, Meg Stahl Clifton, pat Shea Ward, Lucinda Friendly Murphy, Lockett Miller, kay koser Schwartz, Eleanor Rubottom Odden, Nancy Spering Scull, Marianne Bell Reifenheiser, Grace Barlow Bowman, Meg hemmingway and Colles Baxter Larkin

1960 Bettie McGowin Miller, Eleanore De Sole ’68, Bambi putnam ’72, Julia hansen ’56, and Marti Bellingrath ’72 in hilton head on April 1st

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HOW OLD AND CRINKLED WE LOOK AND HOW PATHETIC OUR MEMORIES ARE. LET’S CONSIDER MAKING IT TO OUR 50TH REUNION. The reason she says this now is that she says it takes her forever to get from visualizing to actualizing and she figures it will take her about ‘til 2014 to pull it off! She has also noticed she is getting pretty sentimental these days. Soooo.....she is planting a seed early and hopes it grows. This winter she got to be an usher at a pro tennis tournament in Palm Beach. Tennis is her main retirement exercise, and she spent two weeks admiring the expertise of the pros. Her kids are all doing great:  one married, 2 engaged, youngest with a serious girlfriend. One teacher, one marine electronics specialist, 2 in the ski industry in Vail, stepdaughter a teacher in Vail with 2 granddaughters.  And her mother is still going strong at 89. Maggie adds that she loves her monthly social security check and is getting ready to start Medicare in December. She feels grateful that she continues to be healthy.Judith Putzel agrees on reunion. Start planning now. She plans to go to reunion and hopes lots of us make it back. Last reunion was so nice! The few who made it really missed those who didn’t. She suggests creating a group letter, unless someone wants to opt out, copy all, and we can have an e-reunion in the mean time! Judith says she plays a lot of tennis. Unfortunately, she was bumped up to 4.0 in USTA Team Tennis, and her club has no 4.0 team, so no more team tennis for now. Judith asks for help in deciding which Medicare option to choose for Option D.  Ethel Peirce Churchill added: My college class has a google group that has been very successful—we share book recommendations, travel plans, advice on aging parents, support for those struggling with their own or a spouse’s illness, and many many reminiscences. I lack the know-how to set up such a group, but if there’s any interest, maybe someone in our class could do it.Annie Penson Sheegog wrote that she definitely plans to attend our 50th reunion in 2014. Her  missions right now are to stay healthy (trying to get back into working out), being close to family and friends (writer son in Boston, health coach daughter in Santa Monica, sisters and their families are doing great, AND mother and father are really doing pretty well for their ages of 86 and 90 -- still living in their same

out of retirement to run a charter school in the South Bronx this past fall. Fascinating experience - a very different one than what she knew from almost 20 years at the Spence School.  It was a lovely way to give back and to try to make a difference.  She loved the kids, the faculty and the board.  She is at Sanibel Island, FL until May 1st, as her husband is Chair of FL Audubon and a guide in the Fakahatchee Strand State Park, so they have to be there part of the year.  Margo Dolan reports that her life is full of way too many responsibilities and is pretty non-stop. Working for herself is 24/7, helping her husband who has had medical troubles is 24/7, working at home means household requirements are 24/7 and then there is everything else including Ballinglen Art Foundation (in Co Mayo, Ireland) direction from afar, all details of life as in insurance, medical, taxes, bills, maintenance, laundry, staff et al and all those other family members who are all at ends of spokes of a wheel. Having written all that what we do is fascinating, we live & work in a magical house (designed by husband Peter Maxwell) in Philadelphia & an equally magic cottage in Co Mayo when we’re in Ireland where we work in another building he designed filled with Studios, art, artists, local staff. So she does not complain - she is simply breathless.  Lynn Ward Barrow says she and John love the convenience of walking to places they like to go and the friendliness of Berkeley, CA where they moved last June. Quite a change from their 13 years of rural life. She loves that she can simply jump on Bart and get off in San Francisco. They are both healthy and flourishing. Joanna “Jo-Jo” Noel Rodriguez says this is the year for opening communication lines with people from the past! She spent from 1979 to 2009 in a nursing career. Got hurt and retired on disability. She  lives on a small (11 acres) farm with her roommate Susan, her teenage daughter, three dogs, two parrots, two big horses, one mini horse, one mini donkey and twenty-one chickens. In March, she was already putting in her garden for the summer. Her fruit trees were blooming as was the wisteria - so beautiful! I love spring. (Geez, we are just getting to spring now in mid-April in the northeast!)  Maggie Odell says hi to everyone and has a request. LET’S ALL CONSIDER GETTING OVER

daughters, their husbands and her three going on four grandchildren bring her much joy. About 6 weeks after Kent’s death, her neighbors’ house burned down and did $40,000+ damage to her house, so she had to work on getting that repaired.  And, then, her mother died in Oct.  Not her best year. Plus both she and Jodie needed to have both knees replaced. Julie lunched with Suzy Bennison, Margo Bradford, and Mary McLean in December and was amazed how friends from way back mean so much - even ones you haven’t seen much of over the years.   Susie Saarinen has a new granddaughter born last October - an absolute delight! She continues to work but is enjoying more putting photos of family and friends into a digital format for the family archives. It has been rewarding. Sort of like looking through Granny’s old photo albums and remembering! She loves dancing, had a fantastic trip to Ireland and was looking forward to a clan visit in Denver over the holidays. Spouse, Eric, who is a seismologist, has gone to England to work on a paper. Son Erik continues to develop instruments for space and is now working on an instrument that will go into orbit around the Sun, and his wife, Susan, continues to be the “computer lady” at the local elementary school (K-5 kids). Their son, Kirk, is studying history at Colorado State University and their daughter, Emily, studies biology at the University of Colorado. Son Mark is balancing commercials in LA and music in NYC and his wife, Nunzi, has been doing theatre in NY & working on 2 webseries. For relaxation, Mark swims, runs barefoot & practices yoga fairly regularly. Daughter Kate starts back to work in January on a part time basis for Page One, doing internet advertising but she’ll be working mostly from home to be with newborn Ella. Her husband, Jeff, is studying structure and function in biological systems using lasers, aka”neurophotonics”. He has been offered a post doc position in San Diego starting in May. (Wow, Susie, that’s a handful to keep up with.  I bet it keeps you young!)Janet McClendon Vaskas wrote that she helped supervise her father’s care after April when her mother passed away to January when her father passed away, as he was debilitated with Parkinson’s. She and her husband, Alan, are well. She runs Alan’s law office, on an as-needed basis, volunteers

at Longwood Gardens and plays tennis. They travelled to Portland, OR last April for the wedding of one of her two stepsons.Alice Brooks Bourgoin is still married after 30+ years and is still teaching art in Charlotte, Vermont. She and her husband have a horse business. He does eventing, training, coaching and riding himself, while she still rides some but is primarily a runner. She completed several half marathons and a marathon last year, finishing in the top four in her age group in each. Hoping to stay injury free and spry enough to do another marathon this year, but it is tough training in all this snow and cold the northeast had this winter.Alex Garcia-Mata is still a full time Latin teacher at Austin Preparatory School with little free time except during vacations. She flew to San Francisco in January to meet her new granddaughter after she and her husband Steve hosted the rest of the family, scattered far and wide, in Manchester (MA) over the holidays. It was warm and sunny, unlike winter in MA, and they went hiking even with the baby. She is looking forward to the joys of grandchildren, which she hears about from all her friends. She really enjoyed the cross-country skiing this winter, especially since she can ski right out the back door to a nearby golf course and some adjacent woods. Ethel Peirce Churchill and her husband, Bob, are still living in Old Greenwich (CT) and working in New York.  She has cut back to three days a week, still at the Population Council.  They play tennis and cross-country ski (best winter for that in many years), went to Florida in January and are going to Turkey in May.  Daughter Katy is a lawyer practicing at a firm in the City. I plan to go to the 50th and hope many of us will be there.Victoria Friendly is rewarding herself for finishing the first year of Divinity school by traveling to Iona, Scotland for a 4 day retreat then crossing Scotland to Lindsifarne and back through Whitby, Durham, and Edinburgh. At Whitby she will perform in a play she has written about the Council of Whitby in 664. Two weeks after she gets home my son, Nick, is getting married to Lyndsay who has claimed her heart as well. Madeleine is performing with the Guerillaa Shakespeare Company and just had a great review playing Bianca in The Tempest. Polly is still working on an organic farm in California. She never thought retirement would be this hectic. Nancy Johnston Elting came

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cultural linguistics in Pittsburgh.  For the next year and a half they will have a long distance marriage. They are planning another ceremony in Morocco, which should be fascinating. Our younger daughter is living with us temporarily and looking for that elusive job with an art non-profit.”Joan Conklin Moody and her husband, Carlton, are both retired from education jobs and now spend four months a year in West Palm Beach, Florida.  “We have met so many people here and find ourselves busy as ever.  We would love to hear from any Madeira alum who happens to come to town!”Whitney Mason Germon is so grateful to be surrounded by so much family within a couple of hours of Stowe.  “My grands in Lincoln are three and a half and one and a half years old, and I continue to devote one day a week with Matt’s boys. My second son, Tait, is Director of Ski Patrol at Killington Mt..  He has a gift for people management and risk assessment is his forte! Ed has retired, but will have to wait for me for a few years, as my tile business begins to regain some momentum. Amazingly, I have had more customers in this year of austerity, who are unconcerned with price than in any other in my fourteen years at the shop. I almost took on a more recession proof business in 2010, but I realized that I like the designing and artistic aspects of the tile world, so full of color and shape. So I’ve settled back in with determination. I had a wonderful late summer birthday trip to visit my sister, “Zosh” Sarah Mason Batschelet, ’69 and her three girls and one wonderful son-

all her children, their spouses, and her grandchildren living in Virginia. “I continue to work at George Mason. We have a healthy, growing number of fascinating technologies, and we’ve been involved in creating several start-up companies around commercialization of them.  So life continues to be eclectic - and full of learning!”Ray and I continue to devote a lot of time to singing in the St. Francis choir.  We are very fortunate to have a number of extremely talented musicians – it is often a magical experience. I recently spent a wonderfully exhausting two months with the choir, its children’s choir, other talented adults, a fabulous music director and assistant director co-producing an inter-generational “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat”.... ages five - seventy-three! I’m still on my high.On a more serious note... I have a very good friend who graduated from Madeira in 1961 whose class is celebrating its 50th reunion. She’s been pouring over old files, records, etc. and has been thrilled by some of the gems she has found. I wonder if we all might begin mining our attics. I’d bet we could find such fun items by the time our 50th comes around.”Binney Rankin McCague writes “Our older daughter, Binney, was married on Oct. 9th.  It was a beautiful absolutely clear blue sky day. We were so lucky as the ceremony was outside with a gorgeous view overlooking a lake.  She is a third year resident in internal medicine and pediatrics in Cleveland. Her husband is from Morocco and is getting his PhD in

Class SecretariesWendy Berol Gifford708 Potomac Knolls DriveMcLean, VA 22102-1422(703) [email protected]

Anne Leavitt Sexton6813 Wilson LaneBethesda, MD 20817-4948(301) [email protected]

Hope to hear from you soon.

196745TH MADEIRA REUNIoNAPRIL 27-29, 2012Madeira Fund Total: $4,860Participation: 27%

Class SecretaryJulia Bradford 126 E 95th StreetNew York, NY 10128-1705(212) [email protected]

“Last summer was one of transitions for us,” shares Laura Mink Gardner. “Our daughter, the younger of our two, started her freshman year at James Madison University, and our son was married in Costa Rica in June and transferred to Virginia Tech with his bride. Fortunately they are all within two hours of home so we hope to see them more than just occasionally! I’m still working as a court hearing reporter and am picking up more hours all the time which is great. I have had to temporarily put aside singing in our symphony chorus to make room for a few courses at our community college. I’m really too old for this! But I hope to go back to singing.”Carolyn Jones Gray caught us up on her news. “Bill and I still live in Acton, Massachusetts but have a farm in Canton, Maine where we spend time in the good weather growing organic vegetables, herbs and flowers. We often discuss downsizing, but can’t decide where that would be and how we would leave our Acton friends of 33 years. I am enjoying being the grandmother of four, two of whom live nearby, and I still teach ESOL in nearby businesses. Bill and I celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary in June ’09 with a barge trip through the Langedoc region of France – what a fabulous way to live! Both of our children live in and lure us to Virginia – our son, Will, who makes wine in Crozet, and our daughter, Jen, who lives in Falls Church (and has the two other grandchildren).”Jennifer Owen Murphy loves having

house), plus travel. She left in April for France, 4 countries in Africa and then back to France. She and David travelled to Africa last year also.For myself, I can’t think of anything really new. Last report it was x-c skiing season. Now it is canoeing season. One way to keep track of the seasons. Pretty soon the trails will dry out, and it can be mountain biking season a/k/a black fly season. I am still working as an independent real estate title examiner, though there is still not much moving, and as an on-call outdoor sports guide for Canyon Ranch, where I am busy in the winter skiing and snowshoeing and in the summer canoeing, kayaking, hiking and biking. I am volunteering with the local library used book sale, where we sort and price books year round and make about $25,000 in August. And I am raking, pruning, whatever it is needed, for a local non-profit conservation organization. I went to Ecuador on a birding trip in February and got absolutely overwhelmed trying to see and identify all the different birds. I had a good look at about 180 species in seven days! Next time, I think I will go where they have fewer species. Thanks to everyone above for your news. For the rest of you, I am hoping to receive your news sometime - [email protected].

1965Madeira Fund Total: $1,375Participation: 16%

Class AgentAdelaide “Addie” Donnan Valentine28 Fox Den RoadWest Simsbury, CT 06092-2216(860) [email protected]

Class SecretaryAnn “Nancy” Weathers Callender42 Windsor RoadHastings On Hudson, NY 10706-3011(914) 478-3873

Hope to hear from you soon.

1966Madeira Fund Total: $22,445Reunion 2011 Giving Total: $22,445Participation: 29%

Class AgentsAnne Leavitt Sexton6813 Wilson LaneBethesda, MD 20817-4948(301) [email protected]

The Class of 1966 Celebrate their 45th Reunion: Sarah pettit Daignault, Sharon Collins park, Taffy Fisher Field, Tracy Savage, Anne Leavitt Sexton, Anna Johnson, keven Carney Wilder and Alexandra Breed

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any surprises in store for us. We hope the tank is still intact and has no leakage. They attempted to install the new oil tank in the basement, but the configuration of the stairway was such that they couldn’t get the new tank in the house. We are now awaiting the installation of two smaller tanks. At the rate we are going, it’s going to take a year before we put the house on the market and we haven’t even started to get rid of twenty-seven years of accumulation!To add insult to injury, my car died on our way home from a long weekend in New Hampshire. The auto dealers have a racket going: for $1,000 they would tell me what caused the engine to seize or I could bite the bullet and get a new engine or buy a new car. All we know is that it wasn’t lack of oil that caused the problem. We decided to buy a new car – no easy task. I test drove numerous makes and models, narrowed the selection down to three brands and models, compared prices on-line and then started the negotiation process. Five weeks later, the painful ordeal has been completed. I am feeling very poor right now and am amazed that standard equipment on the older models are now considered extras, even for the top of the line models. The selection of colors has also become limited. Now that the new car decision has been made, it’s time to refocus on the house.The next planned event in our life is our daughter Alexandra’s “hooding” ceremony in June when she will receive her Masters in Architecture. It has been an intense program, but she is now ready to tackle the world and make it a better place. Her focus is sustainable urban development and urban agriculture and she will be spending the summer in Berlin to get more hands on experience in this emerging field. Berlin is considered to be on the cutting edge of this approach to development and if they can make it work there, where it is cloudy most of the time, the concept should be able to be utilized in other environments.”Rindy Higgins’ last note was a rather gloomy one as 2010 was a rough year, from having been laid off after twenty-one years at a job she adored, to a knee replacement, and then her mother’s sudden passing on Christmas Eve. “The gray cloud is heading offshore and I feel like I am already in for a more joyous 2011. I’ve found some comfort in being the recipient of continued and beautiful notes about

and hope this year to go north this year to Desolation Sound and the Broughtons.Our daughter, Lauren, is a commissioned officer in the Navy as a physician assistant, and is presently in Denver helping people evacuated from Japan, but is normally stationed in San Diego.  Our son, Evan, is involved with computers and works for a major seafood company in Seattle. He continues to climb mountains, summited Mt. Rainier in 2010, trekked in Nepal, and is prepping for Mount Denali in Alaska.”  Betty Webster’s fourth granddaughter, Charlotte, was born February 2nd joining her sister, Djuna, age two. “Two granddaughters live right here in Sandwich and two live in California where their parents both work at Stanford, and we go out as often as possible to see our California family. Our son and his wife moved back to the East Coast last year to Portland, Maine, and started Eolian Renewable Energy, a wind energy company that develops appropriate sites in New England for alternative wind power, a positive and exciting field. Our older daughter, an artist, and her family lives close by and we spend time with Willow and Raven, ten and eight. Can you tell I love being a grandmother?For quite a few years, I have been dedicated to practicing yoga, teaching a few classes, and I really enjoy it. I am doing a teacher training certification program and will become a registered yoga teacher in the next year. It was good to see Sylvia Bravo Larsen at her husband’s, Bob, art opening in Concord. His paintings are beautiful. She has worked so hard and accomplished so much for New Hampshire and I am sympathetic to the new challenges she and our state face.” Maria Nyhart Dahlman and her husband are in the slow and painful process of preparing their home of twenty-seven years for sale and have already had a few set backs. “One of our beloved oak trees dropped an 18-inch diameter branch that destroyed twenty-one of twenty-two arborvitae trees. We soon discovered that the tree had a rotten core and the 110 year-old tree had to be removed. We have to be thankful for small favors. The arborist advised it wouldn’t have made it through the rough winter and if the tree had fallen, it would have landed on the house. We are now removing the in-ground oil tank and waiting to see if there are

in-law in Switzerland.  We drove down to the southern alps to spend 4 days hiking with one of my nieces.  What a visual extravaganza!  Then I had another fabulous fall visit to “Beana’s” (Serena Welles Moss) in Acadia, Maine meeting up with “Annie” Anne Huyler Baker and Maida Parker - St. Hilaire. We missed Rindy Higgins, who was in the throes of knee surgery recovery.”  Anne Huyler Baker shares, “I continue to travel to New Hampshire to be with my grandchildren. My granddaughter, Caroline Anne, was born on October 8, 2010 to join her brother, Christopher, now age 2. They are truly lights in my life. Seeing the world through Christopher’s eyes is one wow moment after another. This grandmothering stuff is pretty cool and a colleague of mine and I are planning a grandmother workshop.” I love life at the farm and am busy putting in a vegetable garden. I am finally learning how to ask for help. If anyone is making a trip to DC or Maryland, please come see me.  My door is always open and the farm is just one hour from both DC and Baltimore, close to Route 70 and Route 81.I am building up my hands-on healing practice. Besides being a Reiki master, I practice cranio-sacral therapy, zero balancing, EFT, and aquatic integration therapy. I’ll give any classmate a complimentary session. On the volunteer front, I am working on the Earth Charter and other sustainability efforts for the world. I am involved with a year old food co-op, am part of a group of alternative practitioners in the tri-state area, and have just signed up for a Women’s Build project with Habitat for Humanity. In addition I am a core teacher in the Masters in Leadership and Social Change program at Tai Sophia Institute and an adjunct for several students in mindfulness studies. This all sounds like a lot, but it is all interconnected.  I am having a blast and finding plenty of time for stillness too.”Sylvia Bravo Larsen writes, “Here in the New Hampshire statehouse, we have lost our first-in-the-nation status of being the first and only state to have a state legislative female majority. It was a fabulous group of very capable women senators, which I was honored to lead as Senate President. This last election decimated our numbers and the new leadership seeks to rescind much of what was accomplished.  On a more personal note, Bob and I are grateful that our grown children

are flourishing, Amelia is in the exhibits department of the Chicago Field Museum and Nate is heading into law school, most likely to Lewis & Clark in Portland, Oregon. If only they were closer! We loved recently seeing Betty Webster and Alexandra Breed at Bob’s watercolor exhibit - a one-man show in a downtown Concord gallery. Anyone passing through Concord, please stop by the statehouse – friends become even more treasured in this environment.”Jan Weathers recently completed five weeks of training in France, which was spread out over two years. “I still have my private psychotherapy practice in Natick, Massachusetts, but I was also on a team of five teaching a method of psychotherapy that has applications in the medical field. The training was done at a hospital in Normandy. We had a fabulous group of trainees, and it’s been a great experience. My husband is a professor at the Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology, and we continue to vacation in France whenever we can get time off.”Priscilla Watkins Welles is coming up for air. “I own and manage a Wyoming cattle ranch solo having divorced my husband of twenty-five years six years ago. I recently lost both parents and am working on suitable living memorials for them. Both adult sons are wonderful. One is married to an angel; they live and work at The Ranch on Rock Creek in Montana. The other works in the energy field in Texas. The ranch is still home to them, and they share as much as possible. I am anticipating a part-time home near Fort Worth for a winter spot. I work on natural resource stewardship and landowner issues and take comfort in the sage prairie and open space as I try in a small way to protect and preserve a bit of the world.”Susie Pool Moses writes that Pacific Northwest had a rough winter with more than the usual rain and wind. “The Japanese tsunami reached us in Port Townsend, but was only a foot high and did no damage. Boats in the marinas sloshed around a bit. I am still recovering from back surgery in August and a total hip done in December. Are we really old enough to have replacements? I continue to be very busy with AAUW (American Association of University Women). Our branch is the largest and busiest in the state, and I will be co-chair of membership next year. Dale and I continue to cruise Puget Sound and the Canadian Gulf Islands,

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our block from as many past and present residents as we could find. It took us over two and half years to complete, but we are delighted by the rave reviews that we have received. One former neighbor suggested that it belongs in the New York Archives!

1968Madeira Fund Total: $45,992Participation: 23%

Class AgentAnn Lord Sparrow109 Cottonwood CourtChapel Hill, NC 27514-1629(919) [email protected]

Class SecretaryJoan “Joanie” Humphreville Fitzgibbon3 Gray Heron RetreatSavannah, GA 31411-2936(912) [email protected]

Ladies,This year continues to bring many joys and challenges to us all.Polly Talbot Donald is retiring after 17 years as the head of the Friends School in Boulder, CO. She did take time to travel to Morocco for Christmas break to see daughter Cate who is teaching in Kosovo. Eleanore Leavitt De Sole figured she needed a spiritual enlightenment for her 60th birthday. She traveled with her girls to Bhutan. Joanie Humphreville Fitzgibbon traveled with her husband for 3 weeks in India, including Delhi, Varanasi and the River Ganges among other places, a remarkable lesson in contrast on every level. I did not go the ashram route, however, just in case you think I might really have changed.  The trip was my high for the year. My mother’s sudden death at 85 in March was the low.  As a Madeira girl, she finished in style.  Sadly, Mary Hufty’s mother died in November after 98 wonderful and productive years. Mary is making a lifestyle change in her horse of choice, importing a gaited Peruvian Passo which should provide her a smoother ride in her advanced years! Cindy Achilles Coldren has been taking advantage of her daughter’s college years and her husband’s retirement this year.She has spent 2 weeks in a favorite English village this winter and 2 weeks in the Low Country this spring, including Brugges and Ghent on a river cruise.  Lynne Marmet McCombs stopped by my

French properties. I photograph and write about houses and apartments all over France and my art history background and architecture work really helps here. I spent a month in India this winter and loved it and I am going to Tanzania and Zanzibar in June to celebrate my sister’s 60th. I volunteer with refugee children, mostly Somalis and Ethiopians ages 11-18 years old, at a Seattle school where twenty-four languages are spoken. I help them with their homework and am just there for them – I like teens. Many of them came from refugee camps and are glad to be in school. I have to hand it to Joan Mower on working to help girls get an education so perhaps they won’t be married at 13!I also work with the Washington Women’s Foundation, which is a women’s giving circle, which has grown from a few women to 500. Each year, we give a certain amount and have a grants program in education, the environment, arts, social welfare, and this year an international grant, which went to PeaceTrees Vietnam. Our daughter, Virginia, is a photographer, teaching photography and is showing her work.  Our bonus daughter, Siobhan, works in financial consulting in San Francisco and got married this fall in the Russian River Valley.  I am still basking in the glow of my son’s wedding over Labor Day weekend in Walpole, Maine. Perhaps all weddings are perfect, but Christian’s to Kristen Hague was more than perfect; it was exceptional. Hurricane Earl decided to go out to sea and glorious weather followed; the setting was gorgeous, everyone had a wonderful time, and we were thrilled that my 92 year old mother was present. I couldn’t have chosen a better daughter-in-law and I discovered that I love her whole family. What a wonderful outcome! Meanwhile my daughter, Helen, lives and works in Los Angeles where she is Director of Operations and sommelier of Animal, an award=winning restaurant. It was featured in an article in the New Yorker, “Killer Food.” The food is fabulous and she loves the two chefs. We are planning a visit to LA when their new seafood restaurant opens this winter.Otherwise I am back teaching reading to struggling first graders in the mornings and working with struggling students in the afternoons. I finished a huge project that I had undertaken with a neighbor to gather stories of

22 Madeira Today SUMMER2011

my mother, with being kept busy with the administrative details of my mother’s estate, which has been made amazingly easy by her very strong organization skills (the trick here is to put everything including one’s car in a trust), and with planning her interment in May in Massachusetts. The latter has put me into research mode to find my long lost cousins, and, excitedly, I have reconnected with three so far. East Coast relatives, my sister, Bill, and my kids, Emily, 28 and Eric, 26, will be by my side in what is looking like a ceremony filled with poetry and flowers.Bill is excited with his new position, Director of Public Relations for OpSail, which will bring international tall ships to New Orleans and several ports up the east coast next year in collaboration with the bicentennial celebration of the War of 1812 and the writing of …what national song (a teaser to remember back to American History)?I have begun to rejoin the outside world. All are volunteer efforts so far, but I refuse to stay in the house all day and these activities are related to my interests and skills. Neither a club joiner nor a political activist by habit, I have joined the local League of Women Voters and will be part of a team to create a clean water educational program and teach it to local second graders. I was accepted into the Mentor Program (even though I flunked the necessary fingerprinting because I have worn down my whorls) and will mentor an at-risk child in a nearby school. I am also writing a series of newspaper articles on the ecology and culture of local shellfishing. (My writing skills are really far from the journalistic style so Bill has had fun red-penciling my first attempts.) As a member of Westport’s Shellfish Commission, I have been trained to count fish at the local fish ladder and since I live at the mouth of the river, it will be interesting to see what I swim with! My newly expanded garden has been the grateful recipient of my extra time to start many veggies inside! I am one hour outside New York City and would love to see classmates passing through this area. I look forward to renewing my annual get-togethers with Beana, Whit and Annie.”Joan Mower has a new project supporting girls’ education in Northern Nigeria. “Only a third of the girls go to school (despite mandatory primary school), many of them are married off at thirteen (four wives allowed), and Nigeria has one of the highest maternal

mortality rates in the world. The men often won’t let women go to male doctors and there are about ten female doctors for a population of 50 million. I’ve spent the last two months visiting Sokoto and Kano. At Voice of America, two lovely Madeira seniors have been updating the VOA Facebook page and preparing all the material for me. I’d like to start a program where college/high school girls spend a month in northern Nigeria helping young women learn technical and computer skills. I welcome any ideas on how to proceed. If you friend me on Facebook (Joan Mower), you have access the VOA Nigeria Education page for more information.Other than that everything is fine – Alice is at University of Virginia and I am climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro in July with fifteen other women (and hopefully fifteen porters). I first climbed Kilimanjaro the month before I came to Madeira so we all know how long ago that was!”Melanie Mander has loved reading the news from everyone.  “By comparison I’m afraid that my news seems much less exciting and worthwhile. I have worked in the film and TV industry for almost thirty years.  Most of my work has been based in Los Angeles. Most recently I was working on an NBC comedy called “Community”.  My work on the show is now complete and I am in search of the next job. I would love to find work on a New York based show and be “back home”. The probability of succeeding is somewhat slim as so much more work exists in California.  In the meantime, I am working with a theater producer to co-produce a small Off Broadway show and a Broadway musical.  Additionally, I’m working with a TV/film producer on a feature film and a TV series.  All sounds fabulous except nothing seems to move forward – until it does or does not.Ginger Vorhees Wilcox has recently been in Alexandria, Virginia clearing out her parents’ townhouse and shipping antiques and other belongings to Seattle. “Thankfully my sisters and brother are also helping and we get along well.  We’ve kept the house for the past five years for visits, kids, etc. while my mother was in a retirement home. We are sharing our summer house in Sugar Hill, New Hampshire and forming an LLC to do this.  I hope it works!Meanwhile I am busy with Francehomestyle.com, a home and apartment rental company of

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Botanical Garden. She is traveling more each year, and with one daughter in Chicago, one in Boston and one studying in Buenos Aires, she has plenty of great places to go. She stayed at a friend’s flat on Smith Square in London last September, taking in shows, museums, markets, and shops.  And she still goes to Maine for seven or eight weeks every summer. Not too bad!Anne Runyon wrote in for the first time in ages to report that she is happily married and living in North Carolina. “Much has happened: Loved ones born and loved ones lost. Work shifts to adapt to circumstance. Small dream of writing and illustrating a children’s book accomplished, with more in the works ... but slowly. In December, 2010, our son graduated from North Carolina State University with a BS degree in Economics, minor in Spanish. Hopefully his job-seeking will bring results soon!” You can see her fantastic illustrations on her website: www.annerunyon.com.Coke Anne Murchison Wilcox is still running Picklena, a fledgling pickle-making business with part time employees including a chef from the Maidstone Arms, the hotel Coke Anne used to own in East Hampton, NY. She also promotes sales of husband Jarvis’ paintings, locating galleries, organizing openings, and helping with his website. In her free time, she has become a potter, working at Silvermine Art Guild in New Canaan, CT, using porcelain and liquid gold glaze. She also manages her business portfolio and home renovations on four properties. On top of all that, she still cooks meals for her three kids about once a week and walks her poodle for two hours a day! She writes: “Please tell everyone to visit picklena.com to purchase yummy jalapeno pickles and to visit jarviswilcox.com to check out Jarvis’s gorgeous paintings!”Elinore “Wendy” Evans reports that her mother turned 93 a few weeks ago and still loves to play backgammon with her grandchildren. Elinore’s daughter is about to embark on a two month meditation retreat at the Phuket Mind Training Academy in Thailand with the renowned meditation teacher, B. Alan Wallace, a Stanford trained physicist and well known author of  fifteen plus books, including Mind in the Balance: Meditation in Science, Buddhism, and Christianity. Elinore’s nephew Andrew just hosted the first international Skype call from Gulu, Uganda with students at Madeira. Her older son is planning a country style wedding in

of women at Princeton in late April. In September 1969, Emily, Julia and Jeanette Kellogg Wotkyns were among the roughly 100 first freshmen women to enter Princeton. Our training in “function in disaster and finish in style” prepared us well for the fishbowl in which we found ourselves that first year.Perry Carpenter Wheelock and her husband Arthur also traveled to Guatemala earlier this year, visiting a new grandchild born to Arthur’s daughter Laura.Last of all, some personal news from your secretary. On November 20, 2010, my former husband Patrick Guilfoyle died at his home in Washington, D.C. He had been in declining health for several years. Our children are faring reasonably well—for all of us, some days are harder than others. On the brighter side, my 86 year old mother and I spent a week in southern California in April, visiting many friends, including Lyn Alford Cason and her husband Harry, who entertained us in Pasadena. We also stayed in Ojai, a gorgeous town in the hills above Santa Barbara, visiting Gillian McManus (who left Madeira after her freshman year, to join her parents in Germany; she would have graduated in 1970).

1970Madeira Fund Total: $17,868Participation: 29%

Class AgentAnne Stickney 633 Dickvale RoadPeru, ME 04290-3108(207) [email protected]

Class SecretaryCatherine “Cathy” Harris Shraga205 E 69th StreetApt 8CNew York, NY 10021-5437(212) [email protected]

Robin Brooks is delighted that after 35 year of working in the graphic design field for others, she has finally decided to work only on her own writing, art, and spiritual teaching. Connie Norweb Abbey had a great dinner in February with Sarah Gardner Ridgeway. “We share a love of Maine and, of course, there is always a bond with another mid-Westerner... no matter how long one may have been transplanted!” Connie is on the board of Hathaway Brown, a girls’ school in Cleveland, where she went to before Madeira. She is also on the board of the Cleveland

Carlin Vickery writes from New York that her children Julia and Reid are both graduating in May, Julia from Davidson College and Reid from the Kennedy School of Government. Borden, her oldest, is in his first semester at Hunter College, studying for an MFA. He had his first solo show this spring in an avant-garde gallery on the lower east side. Julia is planning to work in New York and Reid will be heading to Washington. The family will be taking a 2 week celebratory trip to Turkey. Carlin says that she is “really looking forward to this trip as at least one last time to have my children to myself.”Fumiko Masuzawa kept us updated on her life during the earthquakes and subsequent tsunami. Fortunately, she remained safe. On March 14, 2011, after the first major earthquake, Fumiko sent the following email: “Our university commencement had to be postponed because of the earthquake and the lack of train services. Everything is in chaos. There is little food in the supermarkets. I have some food, maybe can survive for a week. As the Wall Street Journal says, we have no riots or turmoil (yet). People quietly lined up at the cashiers in the stores, at the stations and at bus stops to wait for the trains and buses. I guess we are a very patient race. We are grateful as many countries sent us the rescue teams, including the United States. At home, I will be quite comfortable as long as food lasts. Plenty of water and enough heat. I even have wine and ice cream. As many entertainment places are closed in order to save energy, I now have time to read and watch DVDs since I don’t have to go to my office for a couple of days. It’s so dark in downtown Tokyo. In order to save energy we cut down the neon and other electricity.”Emily Fisher sends news that she and her husband Evan Griswold are now grandparents—Simon was born to Andrew and Marcie in September in Portland, Maine and Amelia was born to Oliver and Ellen in January in D.C. Emily reports that “I love being a granny! We had a fun trip to Guatemala for my 60th; celebrated my actual birthday with a glass of wine on a rooftop in Antigua watching a volcano sending up puffs of smoke—quite impressive! Otherwise, we continue to live happily and quietly in Old Lyme.” Emily and Julia O’Brien will see one another at “She Roars,” Princeton University’s celebration

house in Savannah in search of a place offering warmer climes in the winter. She and her newly retired husband rented on the West Coast of FL in March and loved calling from the “beach”. Happy Phelps Sobell lost her dear sister this year, but was able to take the trip her sister had taken and planned with her toHong Kong, Singapore and the like. Her husband is also newly retired   But, Happy is working more at the store her daughter and son-in-law own. In September, she is going with a group of golfers to the Sonheim Cup in Ireland captained by Rosie Jones! Sally Castleman and her husband Chris moved to Park City In July,2010 and love it. They own a ULA-equipement company in UT that makes light weight backpacks for hikers.  It is mostly web based.  Sally is still painting, now mostly animal portraits with 10% going to the Animal Rescue League. She is doing lots of mountain and road biking, having written that she just completed 100 miles in 2 days in the Moab. Huh?! Greer Hardwicke has spent her husband’s sabbatical from Boston College in Rome and Sicily.  Her daughter has completed her 2nd year at George Washington University and is in the Eliot School of International Affairs. Warren Moore Miller took a break from NYC to spend a long weekend in Bermuda this April. She keeps up with a big group of Madeira contacts in the city.  Let her know if you are in NYC. Betsy Buckman had the trip of a lifetime to South Africa with her son and daughter. Katherine has been accepted into a 3 year doctoral program in educational leadership at Harvard and Colin will be a senior at Stanford this fall. Thanks for bearing with me during my technological crisis. Keep the stories coming.Joanie

1969Madeira Fund Total: $9,530Participation: 24%

Class AgentClaudine Kuhn Klose81 Echo Valley RoadRed Hook, NY 12571-2303(845) [email protected]

Class SecretaryJulia O’Brien4501 45th Street NWWashington, DC 20016-4424(202) [email protected]

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Received by Madeira:The Madeira community was saddened to hear that Caroline MacNichol lost her brother, Douglas in a tragic accident this past November. From Mary Boney Denison: As many of you know, I am about to make a big change.  I will be leaving private practice in June to join the US Patent and Trademark Office as Deputy Commissioner for Trademark Operations. 

1975Madeira Fund Total: $33,713Participation: 15%

Class AgentLouise Holland Peterson8417 Weller AvenueMcLean, VA 22102-1719(703) [email protected]

Class SecretaryRenee Dagseth PO Box 1176Seattle, WA 98111-1176(206) [email protected]

Hope to hear from you soon.

1976Madeira Fund Total: $9,850Reunion 2011 Giving Total: $9,850Participation: 19%Hope to hear from you soon.

197735TH MADEIRA REUNIoNAPRIL 27-29, 2012Madeira Fund Total: $5,476Participation: 10%

Class SecretaryNina Brown MacDonald10152 Byrum Wood DriveRaleigh, NC 27613(919) [email protected]

Hope to hear from you soon.

1978Madeira Fund Total: $40,673Participation: 10%Hope to hear from you soon.

It is with great sadness that I report that Anthony Collins, the husband of Alva Greenberg, died April 2 of brain cancer after putting up a valiant fight with Alva’s constant and caring help.  Jane Cannon and your secretary, as well as Kyn Tolson ’69, paid our respects at the funeral in Chester, Connecticut.  Keep those cards and letters coming!

1971Madeira Fund Total: $11,900Reunion 2011 Giving Total: $11,900Participation: 27%

Class AgentKatherine “Katie” Lord 19 Dartford CourtChapel Hill, NC 27517-8667(919) [email protected]

Received by MadeiraFrom Peg Gilliland: Martha Calihan’s husband Charles Beardsley died on April 12, 2011. Martha had wanted to attend the reunion but was unable to.

197240TH MADEIRA REUNIoNAPRIL 27-29, 2012Madeira Fund Total: $10,780Participation: 19%

Class SecretarySylvie Ball McGee9121 Littlerock Road SWOlympia, WA 98512-8536(360) [email protected]

Hope to hear from you soon.

1973Madeira Fund Total: $11,989Participation: 16%

Class SecretaryTheresa “Tea” Beyer 30 Oakdale AvenueNew Rochelle, NY 10801-3622(914) [email protected]

Hope to hear from you soon.

1974Madeira Fund Total: $12,110Participation: 10%

Class AgentElizabeth “Lisa” Wray Longino4636 N Versailles AvenueDallas, TX 75209-6016(214) [email protected]

oh-so-hard to get out of being president of our little 6-unit co-op – so thankless” and trying to become a serious potter. She says she would love to find an outlet for the dozens (and dozens) of pots sitting in her apartment. “When all is said and done, I still miss the challenges and frustrations of being at JPMorgan. Alas, life moves on and one finds other interests.  Hope everyone is well and thriving.”Barbara Hoversten and Anne Stickney met up in Colorado this spring and took a  long weekend trip to the Garden of the Gods, where coincidently, Nieltje Gedney had just been a few weeks earlier. They summited Pikes Peak (14111 ft!) via car where it was a mere 15 degrees.  They also went to see the Red Rock Amphitheater.  

September with a pig roast. Hilary Miller writes that she has “lived in Manhattan for over 35 years, worked at JPMorgan Chase for 29 of those, been ‘retired’  for the past 6 years, and ran into Jane Cannon in April (for the first time in too many years).”  She was the general contractor on the interior renovation of her co-op several years ago (“quite the stressful experience given I was a banker, not a renovator!”), volunteered for North Shore Animal League (the largest no-kill shelter in the U.S. – arguably the world) , volunteered for The Central Park Conservancy, and is now working with a wonderful cause called Pestalozzi, an organization which builds schools and educates children in Africa and other Third World countries. She is now “trying

1970 Barbara hoversten and Anne Stickney in Colorado

The Class of 1971 Celebrate their 40th Reunion: Joan Morgan, Milbry polk, Melissa Fisher Barker. Ellen humphreville McGuire, Cressida Mckean, Ceci Viso, katie Lord, Marcy Ladd Champagne, Lois Gibbons Sager, heidi hill, peg Gilliland, Ann Rasenberger and Diana du pont

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she comes through London in a few weeks - I just hope I make it to the top of the queue - she’s staying at Henry VIII’s old hang out (or a cottage on the property) Still, a fabulous way to see the sights in this great city.  Looking forward to meeting up with Caroline Acheson who lives in London, so close yet so far! I was very inspired (cheesy, I know) by the latest mailing from the Madeira Fund.  The top left has a print out “Leader Alumna Best Friends Surprises Laughter Tears Women Writer Thinker”.  Don’t know, but it worked for me. Loving getting the updates via email/Facebook, etc.  While I’m not a regular contributor, I do love reading about everyone.  What a fabulous bunch of women, and I feel privileged to have grown up with all of you.Kay Krogh Gallagher wanted our class to look for a spring break reunion, Part Deux, Bryan, Cecil, Hannah and Kay meet for spring break again!  We are meeting in California and staying at Cecil’s sister’s house in Malibu.  We have plans for a half century Bonfire on the Beach so look for pics on fb. Life for me is chugging along.  My son, Neil is a sophomore at James Madison University and daughter Sara is a sophomore at Churchill High School here in Maryland.  I am still working at Westat on various government projects, the latest of which has me diving deep into social media to support government projects. Loving the newest toys for communication and still trying to figure out how they can work for government communications. My husband Neil and I will be celebrating 25 years of marriage this spring! Bryan, Cecil and Hannah were all in our wedding party.Pam Fairchild writes: Great dinner with the amazing Kelly Taylor Merriam, Robin Gart, Julia Jackson Bellinger, and Julianne Fanning-Brykczynski last Friday- so wonderful to spend an evening with them - thanks to Robin for bringing us all together!!! Great visit to Boston last fall to spend the weekend with Juliet Davison, Laura Binder Hughes, and Ann Armbrecht!!!  What a lovely weekend! Working hard - enjoying life - loving my children Elizabeth, age 13, and Winston, age 11 - and thinking of my Madeira Class of 1980 friends -there is no better class.  We functioned in disaster, and continue to finish in style - what amazing women all of you are, and I am so blessed to have you in my and my children’s lives!!!  Hope everyone is well, and sending you the love from Mt. Vernon in Virginia!

still maintaining it as one of the nation’s most livable cities!Kelly Taylor Merriam writes: Kelly Merriam thanks Robin Gart for coordinating a visit, dinner, and overall great evening together at Clydes in Reston with Pam Fairchild, Julia Jackson, Julie Fanning Brykczynski, and Robin. “Even though my bedtime these days is usually 8:00 p.m., I had so much fun that we stayed out until midnight! It was a special night! Let’s continue getting together more often for anyone living in or visiting the VA/MD/DC area!” Kelly’s daughter Taylor is finishing her first year at Va. Tech, and younger daughter Maggie is a high school freshman.Laura Gill writes: Hello all, since I last wrote, life has changed so dramatically.  My son, Bennett, 7, was diagnosed with leukemia.  It is amazing how on a dime, everything shifts.  He’s going to be okay in the long run--treatment is every week for 6 months and then every three weeks until March 2013, or 25 months in total. Adjusting to all the steroids and chemo is an ongoing process and well, it rots!  Yet, in the midst of it all, I have learned that humanity does exist.  Friends, family and total strangers are supporting us holistically.  The outpouring has been so heartwarming, so amazing, that my partner and I have decided to ride in the Pan-Mass Challenge (190 mile bike ride to raise funds for Dana Farber Cancer Institute and the Jimmy Fund Clinic-Bennett’s treatment site) as our way to give back.  We hope to raise $10,000 by early August.  (Shameless request? Please donate!).  Laura Austin Allyn writes: Hope this finds you well. I live in Skaneateles, NY with my husband Scott and we have three kids Noah(19) David(17) Grace (14). I run a multi arts facility in Syracuse called Red House Arts Center. Scott is a physician. I do a fair amount of acting still-just appeared in new play on theatre row in NYC. Life is good-don’t know where the time goes!Michelle Dorion wanted us all to know the following: not much to tell, life, thankfully, going on well.Last summer was able to see Baba Paul and that was a great treat- we were talking to each other on the cell phone, trying to locate each other - and we were in the same room! Our eyes met across a crowded room.....sounds like a South Pacific song!  Baba showed me her fabulous jewelry pieces, very nice!Hoping to see Jean Henry when

we all shared with each other during our time at Madeira. Reconnecting our friendships has meant a great deal to me and hopefully it will to you all as well. On that note, I just returned from DC where I was able to catch up with Kelly Taylor Merriam, Pam Fairchild, Julia Jackson-Bellinger and Julianne Fanning Brykczynski. We spent an evening at Clyde’s laughing and sharing new and old stories. Too much fun. Beth Dawson Rodgers writes: Life in North Carolina is beautiful right now as we are in the middle of spring. There was a storm the other day though that brought the neighbors live oak down on my garage so our garden club will be planting lots of shiitake mushrooms in those logs. I am now looking for new roof tiles that have not been made in fifty years, but we love this old Tudor house we bought five years ago and have even carved a garden out of the overgrown woods. I volunteer with the local democrats and write up the newsletters for the downtown historic community organization (and the mayor doesn’t run quite so often when he sees me). My daughter is 15 and has already been in two rock bands and is working towards her black belt. My son is twelve and has me back in full baseball-Mom mode until the fall.Yesterday my husband stopped at Angie Koulizakis’s restaurant in Pittsboro on his way back from Raleigh and I have been eating her spinach and cheese pastries all morning. You will find Angelina’s Kitchen (but not me) on Facebook and it is a really cool page.Kudos to Emily for helping to lead Nashville through disaster and

1979Madeira Fund Total: $6,037Participation: 11%

Class SecretaryDeborah “Debbie” Lyne Simon2120 Lakeridge DriveGrapevine, TX 76051-4613(817) [email protected]

Hope to hear from you soon.

1980Madeira Fund Total: $10,180Participation: 14%

Class AgentsAudrey Baxter Young2230 Abbotsford DriveVienna, VA 22181-3219(703) [email protected]

Mabry “Courtney” Michaux Douglas2834 Bitting RoadWinston Salem, NC 27104-3004(336) [email protected]

Class SecretaryRobin Patrowicz Gart2625 Castilla IsleFort Lauderdale, FL 33301-1506(954) [email protected]

Hey all, I hope these notes find you all healthy and happy. I know it may seem premature, but I would ask that everyone start thinking about making preparations (at least financially) so that we can have a great 35th reunion in 2015. It would be awesome if we can all make it a priority. As we get older, hopefully we can appreciate the sisterhood that

The Class of 1976 Celebrate their 35th Reunion: Wayne Weiner, keecy hadden Weiner, Natalie Ambrose, kitty Grimes Cunkelman, Jane krumrine Lawson-Bell, Ann Schlesinger and Liza Niemann

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talented daughters.  Ceci Mermel MacCallum, Meg Koster, Alison Mayer and I spent a very relaxing weekend at Tybee Island, GA.  Katherine Oxnard Ellis ’82, paid us a visit and a few of us met her wonderful husband and two step children. I always get to catch-up with our Class Agent, Kim Ablard McGowan, as she never misses a Boston event! Robbie Oxnard Bent had an April meeting in D.C. Always a trooper, she crashed on my air mattress and instead of hitting the town we had a slumber party with chick flicks and chocolate truffles. Saw Judith Wall Guest this May in NYC at a Madeira Cocktail Party.  She lives in Virginia but was en route and able to attend.   A quick trip to Atlanta gave me a chance to see Anne Mobley Hassett and her two daughters (already teenagers!) Feel free to drop by campus anytime or call me to arrange a mini reunion for ’83. Stay well everyone.

1984Madeira Fund Total: $8,935Participation: 22%

Class AgentPaige Williams SmithPO Box 162404Austin, TX [email protected]

Class SecretaryJill Roberts 879 N Stillman StreetPhiladelphia, PA 19130-1837(215) [email protected]

and adults and I totally love it & can’t believe I get paid to be on the inside of people’s lives every day.  Fascinating work that is different each week, challenging, and intellectually and emotionally rewarding. So all and all it is a good report.  I look forward to our reunion.  I still think Madeira girls are the perfect combo of smart and fun and am ever grateful for my lifelong friendships. 

1983Madeira Fund Total: $16,502Participation: 23%

Class AgentKimberly Ablard McGowan154 N Main StreetCohasset, MA 02025-1320(781) [email protected]

Class SecretaryElizabeth Weber French7330 S Jay StreetLittleton, CO 80128-4661(303) [email protected]

Received by MadeiraFrom Holland Williams: Since the last issue, I often have quick chats with Sally Scott Swiatek and Kecia Brown, right here in Madeira’s dining room since their daughters, Sally Swiatek and Sarah Nia Coleman are both in the class of 2013.  Tami Smith Brown is a board member, so that brings her to campus several times a year. In February, Brenda Slaughter Reynolds attended a Madeira event in Los Angeles and the next day she introduced me to her two

198230TH MADEIRA REUNIoNAPRIL 27-29, 2012Madeira Fund Total: $8,820Participation: 17%

Class AgentBeth Ann Trapold Newton7825 Old Dominion DriveMcLean, VA 22102-2425(703) [email protected]

Received by MadeiraFrom Page Thomas: Finally back on my feet after divorce in 2008.  I am happily living in the little Georgetown house on Q street that many will remember from our 5th reunion and our single days--thank goodness I never sold it--it feels very “me.”  Carter (16) is a sophomore at EHS loving it--I see other EHS moms Alicia Ragsdale Alford all the time and Betsy Fralin ’81 and Sarah Robinson ’81 among other friends there.  I have so much fun at parents weekend and WFS/EHS games etc that on several occasions Carter has said  “My mom thinks SHE goes to Episcopal.” and I have been known to miss parent meetings because I am too busy socializing....oh well.... Mimi (12) is an avid ice hockey goalie and all around athlete--obviously not taking after her mother.  She will go to Edmund Burke in DC next year--very arty & progressive and all about the individual, so we are both excited for that.I still spend every summer in Prouts Neck, Maine where I see Juliet Davidson ’80 and usually Cappy Flynn will pop up with her kids for a visit from Boston. I saw Stephanie Henry in her cute house outside NYC on the way back home last year. And saw Amanda Nisbet who is rocking the Design world with a new line of fabrics--very proud of her. I talk to Jane Peeples on the phone and see her occasionally when she is in town.  Susannah’s daughters came for a week visit in Maine and we had a great time. They also visited Sally Gambill last summer for a week. They love to hear stories about their mom, and I encourage you to write them with funny or even mundane memories. They are doing well in Warrenton with their Dad and lots of friends.I’m trying to be mindful as a Buddapalian these days and doing the yoga thing-- I like to lie down while exercising as much as possible!  My therapy practice, which started with a focus on  Child & Adolescents, now includes many college kids

Maurine Shores Halperin wrote, “I was in DC in February and pried a double-Blackberry toting Audrey Baxter Young from work long enough to have a drink with me. It was lovely to see her, and to hear about her family and work. I don’t get to see her enough! I also got to see Courtenay Valenti ’81 and her sweet family when I was in Los Angeles in April.”As far as me, I am still doing my substitute teaching, going to school to get a degree in education to possibly become an elementary school teacher, as well as doing my guardian ad litem work and playing tennis and pilates. My husband, Brian and I are going to Amsterdam then Switzerland in May for some work and fun. Our Daughter Caitlyn has joined the workforce after graduating early from American university at a lobbying firm in DC and is living near Chinatown and loving it. Zachary, our baby is finishing his freshman year at University of Denver and I wonder if he will ever return to Florida as he has fallen in love with Colorado. I will be staying around hot and sunny Florida this summer as I begin to prepare for a 6-week teaching job that will begin mid-August, so I must plan and be as prepared as possible. It should be a great learning opportunity. All for now, and I hope to hear or see many of you this year. Stay well my dear friends and classmates.Love,Robin

1981Madeira Fund Total: $30,681Reunion 2011 Giving Total: $31,681Participation: 17%

Class SecretaryJoan “Joanie” Tanous 4580 Vail Racquet Club DriveApt 305Vail, CO 81657-5268(303) [email protected]

Hope to hear from you soon.

The Class of 1981 Celebrate their 30th Reunion: Anne Murray Gambal, Ande Torgersen McCally, page hopkins, Joanie Tanous, kari hamerschlag, Gail Guinee Inman, Bronwyn kenneweg Thornton, Amy Wallop Mann, Sarah Robinson Cowden, Debbie Miller Greene, Carolina kuczynski Reid, Julia Walker, Libby Jewett, Jackie Arends and Betsy Coley Fralin

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13-15 at the Snipe US Master’s. My Real Estate business remains slow but steady.  The last few years I’ve been doing more sailing than selling, so either way I cannot complain. Sending lots of love to our classmates – especially those we have struggled to overcome life threatening illnesses.  XOXOAna Webb writes: I am preparing to complete my Masters in August and welcome my third grandchild. I am still enjoying my work as a Hospice RN and researching information for a nonprofit organization, focused on women with chronic health diseases. Indra Caudle ’85 and I had dinner 2 weeks ago as we so frequently do and we were fondly remembering Madeira in the Spring and how beautiful the campus is. Otherwise, all is well and life continues to be a blessing. I hope that all is well with everyone and hello to all. Phyllis “Phi Phi” Wiley writes: My official move back to the DC area will be in June, right after the children get out of school.  I will be staying with my parents in Reston, VA. My husband found a job at Morton’s in Georgetown, but he really needs something in the Reston, VA area. We didn’t realize that the commute these days has gotten SO expensive.  I am still searching for the career of my dreams...LOL.

1985Madeira Fund Total: $11,050Participation: 11%

Class AgentIngrid Schneider 1281 Middleton CourtVienna, VA 22182-1489(703) [email protected]

Class SecretaryLaurie Zerwer 2340 Malcolm AvenueLos Angeles, CA 90064-2206(310) [email protected]

Hope to hear from you soon.

11 years - Jackson.  I started with them in Santa Monica, CA and they moved us to Denver in 2002.  We are owned by Prudential PLC of the UK, so I went to work at our parent for 2 1/2 years in London from 2003-2006.  It was an incredible experience and enabled my current role in strategic development and global shared best practices.  I frequently work with our folks in London and Scotland as well as our sister companies throughout Asia.  When I lived in London I went all over Europe, and since moving back to Denver, I’ve been to Hong Kong, China, Korea, Thailand, Singapore and India on business.  I love seeing new worlds and spent this past Christmas and New Year skiing and touring in Japan.  This summer I’ll hike the Dolomite mountains and visit Verona, Italy.I’ve also gotten into wines and wine tasting over the last 10 years.  I’ve been tasting in over 20 countries around the world and keep a 460 bottle cellar.  Laura Rhame Tranquil lives in wine country, OR, and I’ve been out to visit her a few times tasting their local pinot noirs.  Julie Scher Smith ’85 is moving to Boulder this summer, and I can’t wait to have another Madeira girl local!If anyone wants a place to stay in Denver, they are always welcome.  If anyone wants to come ski Vail next year, come on out!  Hope to catch up with most of you at a future reunion.(Jill again – looked at the phone and here is a part of another message from Pam)…A random encounter with another Madeira girl - one of my closest Colorado friends lives in Vail with her husband and two kids, and is now good friends with Weesie Warren Newton ’86 who moved there last year.  Small world! Gina Melin writes: Well.... I met the most handsome Cajun on the planet, Jason Robichaux! We went to his country this past weekend where he completed the half Ironman - 70.3 miles.  But we couldn’t travel to New Orleans and not make room for plenty of Cajun cooking: fried catfish, red beans and rice with andouille sausage, and especially his mothers Bar-B-Q shrimp and Red Velvet cake – pure goodness. Jason, a mechanical engineer (civilian contractor for the Navy) lives in The Bahamas.  We look forward to seeing each other on the weekends when he travels to South Florida. When he’s not working or training, he helps out at my sailing regatta’s when I’m competing.  I’ll be racing May

Madeira would be an option.Best and XO – Liz(Note from Jill: I just checked the phone and Will selected EHS)Schroeder Stribling writes: We are bracing ourselves for adolescence as our girls are now 13.  I am very focused on my work with N Street Village - it is an interesting and challenging time for the non-profit sector as demand for social services is growing while resources are shrinking.  I invite anyone in the DC area to be in touch and come visit our organization www.nstreetvillage.org.  We are looking forward to our usual pilgrimage to Idaho this summer where my parents live.[Jill here again – what Schroeder is too modest to tell you is that N street Village just had a gala and it was a huge success bringing in more than $30,000 above the set goal, and as we all know right now, raising money is hard, really hard, which speaks to the amazing work that Schroeder and her colleagues are doing at N Street Village – way to go Schro!]Ashley Roosevelt Althoff writes: Kids are awesome, if I could freeze these years, I would (Christopher 9; Brendan 7).  My husband just got a job developing an in-home sleep device that lets you know how you sleep without going into a sleep lab.  He is very excited, but I think I sleep just fine.  As for the rest of the world, sleep is a BIG DEAL!Hailey, our Toller puppy is insane, but keeps me very busy.  If anyone is headed up to Boston this summer we are around.  I really miss my Madeira friends!!!  Not sure what you could put in class notes from this, but I will say my 9 year old could type it much faster than I seem to be able to.  AHHHH technology & I am way out-done by my kids!!!XO, Smash (yes, my family, including in-laws still call me that)Kate Armfield writes: Kingsley (7) told me yesterday that she hates homework as it is too boring, but she wants very much to go to Madeira. I am not sure that the no homework plan will get her there, so I will try to turn that around.  We are going to start raising chickens and hope to have them soon; this was the kids’ idea.  We need to figure out how to keep the dog, foxes, raccoons, etc. away from them or the kids may be getting an early “circle of life” lesson this summer.   Pam Aurbach writes: I’ve been working for the same company in the financial services industry for

So I usually throw in my two cents worth of news at the end but just to be different for these notes, I’ll start. Thanks to all who sent notes, we may not have as many this time but we are hearing from some classmates who we have not heard from in a long, long time and it is just great. I am doing all the same stuff as always, I have decided to re-do the kitchen and one bath at the same time, friends are placing bets on when I will actually select the cabinets, counters, etc and get it all installed, I hope by the December notes that I can report it is done or at least started. I keep threatening to visit folks, the most recent is Josephine Duell Routh, and again -perhaps I’ll have something to report next time. You will not see a note from Lisa Shaddick but she did manage a few lines letting me know she recently had shoulder surgery and was kind of one armed for a while. Lydia Bartholow sent a photo with her daughter Katie who will be Madeira class of 2015 (there were a few exclamation points I think Lydia’s thrilled). I managed to respond personally to all of those who sent notes (aren’t iPhone’s grand?) and hope to continue with that practice going forward – it was great to have a bit of back and forth “conversation” with some of you. Be well and keep notes coming – even if I haven’t sent out a plea late at night shortly before the due date J. Warm regards, Jill Now, as always in your own words…Liz Wilkins Talley writes: OK – you got me!  I have been sliding under the radar for way too long!  And am finally willing to fess up!Living in Richmond with husband and two boys, six years apart, long story!  Oldest boy, Will, accepted to both WFS and EHS, but he cannot decide.  We are all waiting!  Any day now we expect an answer. Youngest son, Hays, loves 2nd grade and really has no desire to move on to 3rd grade.  I am rounding out a decade of volunteer service and wondering what to do next.  I have served on the boards of the William Byrd Branch of the APVA, Historic Richmond Foundation, the Jr. Board of Sheltering Arms Hospital ( of which I am now Pres.)  But I think I am finished (for the moment) with community service.  I want a job (anyone have any ideas?)Thanks for always reaching out!  I wish I had a daughter so that

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supply.  I have also been spending a lot of time on nutrition trying to improve the school lunches in my neighborhood.  Tomorrow I am working at a Small Farm Summit which will hopefully build community awareness and facilitate positive action in support of local food production, farmland preservation, food waste reduction and recycling, water usage, and agricultural education. Floramay Holliday Ervin Rac writes, “The Texas heat has come earlier this year and we are enjoying an especially warm spring in Dallas. My husband, Gabor, and our two girls, Flora, 5, and Adelaid, 3, are having fun playing music for the school and church. Gabor plays harmonica to my guitar and the girls love to dance and play drums and percussion. I am still performing occasionally in Austin with my All-Girl Southern-Rock Band, Sis Deville, to keep me young! (you can friend us on Facebook!)  In late June, it’s off to South Carolina to visit and play a show with my family band, the Roseneath Ramblers.  We will be at the beach for my birthday July 3 (where I always get fireworks!) and then head to Upstate New York to summer on Skaneateles Lake at my husband’s family camp, as we do every summer.  I will play a few shows in the North East, and then we all fly to Budapest, Hungary to see Gabor’s family.  Flora begins kindergarten in the fall and Adelaid will be in PK1.

1989Madeira Fund Total: $13,500Participation: 17%

Class AgentKathryn “Kathy” Savitz Steinman6114 Madawaska RoadBethesda, MD 20816-3112(301) [email protected]

Hope to hear from you soon.

1990Madeira Fund Total: $3,260Participation: 12%

Class AgentCaroline “Cate” Tower Morris1113 Woodside ParkwaySilver Spring, MD 20910-1664(301) [email protected]

Class SecretaryAmy Matson Drohan1473 Gerhardt AvenueSan Jose, CA 95125-4840(408) [email protected]

Hope to hear from you soon.

1986Madeira Fund Total: $36,550Reunion 2011 Giving Total: $44,550Participation: 39%

Class AgentSheila Sampath 630 Hammond StreetApt 104Chestnut Hill, MA 02467-2347(617) [email protected]

Class SecretaryAdria de Leonibus Black556 N Saint Asaph StreetAlexandria, VA 22314-2320(703) [email protected]

Hope to hear from you soon.

198725TH MADEIRA REUNIoNAPRIL 27-29, 2012Madeira Fund Total: $46,740Participation: 28%

Class AgentMary Day Fitzgibbon20 Loudon Heights NAlbany, NY 12211-2012(518) [email protected]

Class SecretaryRandall Moore [email protected]

Hope to hear from you soon.

1988Madeira Fund Total: $8,365Participation: 23%

Class AgentNancy Rodwell Tuohy830 Roslyn RoadWinston Salem, NC 27104-1032(336) [email protected]

Class SecretariesAshley Eriksmoen 950 61st StreetSte AEmeryville, CA 94608-1343(510) [email protected]

Augusta “Gussy” Reese 33 Wawapek RoadCold Spring Harbor, NY 11724-1209(631) [email protected]

I have spent a lot of time lately working on Conservation issues that affect Long Island.  I have been trying to spread the word regarding the use of pesticides and fertilizers on lawns and how dangerous they are for children, pets and our precious drinking

1986 Suni Teker, Tuppy Blair Carnie, and kitty Jarvis Blair ’52 at Tuppy’s Wedding, May 22, 2010

The Class of 1986 Celebrate their 25th Reunion: Seated: kate Roosevelt, Angie han Culin, Dulany Cain Anning, Adria de Leonibus Black, Sheila Sampath, helaine Osterneck Brill and Carrie Rocco Dennis. Row Two: Colman Rackley Riddell, Claire hebeler harrington, Diana Gilbert Sparrgrove, Charlotte LoBuono, Emily Carruthers Forrey, Jane Robertson, Valerie helbronner, Eleanor kinney, Julia Bovey, katie haden McCormack, Elizabeth Bunting Burke and Avery Miller. Row Three: Cameron proffit Taylor, Eliza Wilson Ingle, heather McMillen Blevins, Lydia Faulkner Newman, Alex kuczynski, Carolyn Ince Mansfield, Mary Alice Boehm-Mckaughan, Michelle Malek Olson, Sarah hayne Reilly, Brooke Sabin and heather huffman Carskadden

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Ty are great. Ty will be the chef of a new craft beer/food focused restaurant In the city opening this year. After Tabla closed, he was able to take some time off, which was great. We did a bit of traveling and lot of projects around the house (an old 1840s frame house in Brooklyn). I see Amy Coxson all the time, and will be seeing Jena and Anna in a few weeks. I still find in very hard to believe that it’s been 20 years since Madeira, It feels like yesterday!Jennifer Gerstenfeld Argenti’s says my daughter Lalla Lee turns 2 this week. I am busy with her and Charlotte Brody my custom clothing line I started 6 years ago. www.charlottebrody.com. John, Lalla Lee and I are enjoying living in New York City but look forward to summer with my family on the Chesapeake Bay.Amy Sullivan writes that she still owns and runs Country Way, my floral and wedding design boutique in Middleburg, Va. and am still writing and singing songs with my band The Whiskey Darlings. We were nominated for best country band and best country vocalist by WAMA this past year.   Hubby and I don’t have any kids yet, but in the past year we’ve added two border collie mixes, Townes and Bess, to our family! I’ve gotten to spend some fun time out in LA with Kelly Kerrigan and went on a great trip to Playa del Carmen with Heidi Heller!Caroline Ko-Dauk says I finally finished my Ph.D. research in Neuroscience/Mouse Genetics in 2008 at Northwestern University/University of Toronto (collaborative project between two labs), did

Elizabeth, 10yrs, is travelling to National Tennis tournaments and also all over the place with soccer. I am working part-time(during school hours), playing tennis and running kids to activities. We are in Las Vegas a lot for tennis!! Get in touch if you are ever in Vegas!! My husband manages 7 cattle ranches and is on the road a lot. Everything is great here!! Jihan Hassen is living in Toronto with daughter, 5, husband Jose, and 2 old cats. Expecting a little boy in first week of September, God willing, and considering a move back to DC area. Also considering grad school. So nice to be back in touch with all you gals! Alumnae visiting Toronto should feel free to look me up or visit Barberian’s Steakhouse, where Jose is now executive Chef.Catherine Best Kotz says everything is going well, looking forward to the summer. Sam and

for the OC division of YogaWorks. Husband Azeem just left his CPA firm of 10 years to start his own practice (www.dhallacpa.com) so life is full of adventure!Angie Powell writes that son, Djani, who turned 14 on April 1st, recently had an opportunity to meet the FCC Chairman and took pictures with him as part of a school program with his class. He’s been involved as one of two middle school students from the Howard University Middle School Math and Science Charter in an apps lab program where they are learning to design iPhone/Android phone applications. I’m sooo proud of him.Mary Jackson writes I hate that I am missing the big 20th!!...I didn’t even realize it has been 20 years until I thought about it. Wow time has flown by!! I am still living in Idaho. My oldest, Thomas, is in Jr. High and doing well...does Karate in his free time. My youngest,

1991Madeira Fund Total: $13,945Reunion 2011 Giving Total: $13,945Participation: 18%

Class AgentPriscilla “Polly” Lawson 5232 Chestnut LaneEarlysville, VA 22936-1818(434) [email protected]

Class SecretarySarah Chellgren Cornwell747 Rosewood DrivePalo Alto, CA 94303-3638(202) [email protected]

Zeena Hamir Dhalla is living in Ladera Ranch, CA with her husband Azeem of 9 years and daughter 3.5 years old. Little Zaleeya is in preschool and loving it and Zeena is working as the Pilates Director

May 1, 2011 Race for Hope-DC: Tara Nayak Palmore ’88, Yogita Upadya Mumssen ’88, Carol Warren Welsh ’88, Senna Austin ’88 and her daughter Nomi, Jeanne Smoot ’89

1989 Nora keating Gvozdov’s son Anthony “Tony” Victor was born January 26, 2011

The Class of 1991 Celebrate their 20th Reunion: Emily klein with her son Benjamin Fleming, Brie Tuten Evans, Cassee Stevens Olson, Jen Evers Shakeshaft, Angela powell, polly Lawson, Shannon Stockett Goldwater, Caroline ko Dauk, Tone Rawlings, Lisa Marinelli, Zeena hamir Dhalla, Sarah Chellgren Cornwell, Eleanor Brown, Sylvia Bunyasi and Jaime koepsell Myers

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Class SecretariesTammy Gaines3101 S Manchester Street #60Falls Church, VA 22044(202) [email protected]

Jeannette Pugh Mock1002 Francisco RoadHenrico, VA 23229(804) [email protected]

Received by MadeiraFrom Jennifer Doyle Bobrow: Currently, I am studying Danish and working towards becoming a licensed physical therapist in Denmark so that I can practice here.  Until recently, I was a stay at home mom with Elliot, 2 years old, and Quinlan, 3.5 years old.  It is really interesting to live in Denmark and experience the Danish way of life.  It has a very different approach to gender roles and work/life balance than in the U.S.

1995Madeira Fund Total: $3,955Participation: 14%

Class AgentPatricia Anyaso Sasser8328 Georgetown PikeMcLean, VA 22102(703) [email protected]

Class SecretaryRajul Sanghani Parekh3235 Chaucer DriveCharlotte, NC 28210-4809(704) [email protected]

Rajul Sanghani Parekh wonders how the calendar keeps filling up. She is finally trying to lose all the “baby weight” (again) and is doing group personal training one night a week with her Book Club. She and her husband Aashh took a 5 day trip to the Mayan Riviera in Mexico to celebrate their 10 year anniversary. Mostly they just sun bathed and swam in the pool but also had amazing experiences like yoga on the beach and a rugged bike ride into the town of Puerto Morales. Thank goodness for both grandmothers flying into Charlotte to take care of the kids! Sophia is 6 and just completed Kindergarten and Dillon is 2 still getting into everything. Summer plans include attending my sister’s graduation from her OB/GYN residency, visiting my sister and brother-in-law in their new home in Williamsburg,

Melanie McCaffree Clark, who lives in North Arlington, VA, had a baby boy in January. Andrew Lee Clark was 8 pounds 11 ounces and he is doing great. Katherine (4) is very excited to be a big sister. Melanie recently saw Susanne Stetzer (’98) at a baby shower for Susanne. Lisa Marinelli (’91) and Michelle Marinelli (’98) were there too.  Melanie says it was great to see them all! Dara Trought MacDonald and her husband Mike had a beautiful baby girl named Rye Isabella MacDonald on 1/1/11 – very cool birthday! Rye got lots of attention in the hometown paper for first being the first baby of the year. Dara loves that she gets to see lots of Reid Armstrong and her two kids in Colorado!Finally, I write with sad news - Poppit Sadtler Jacobs’ older sister, Sarah Sadtler Feather, passed away earlier this spring. Poppit says that spending time with Sarah’s two beautiful boys has helped her family find strength during this time. All of us send our thoughts and prayers to Poppit and her family.

1993Madeira Fund Total: $1,265Participation: 7%

Class SecretariesStacy Armstrong Driscoll1612 Funston StreetHollywood, FL 33020(703) [email protected]

Katie Wilson Hart1 Oak Glen CourtGreensboro, NC 27408

Hope to hear from you soon.

1994Madeira Fund Total: $1,275Participation: 14%

Class AgentsSarah Piper 600 Bashford LaneSuite 2311Alexandria, VA 22314-1196(703) [email protected]

India “Indy” Dozier Rows552 Cobb StreetAthens, GA 30606-3006(706) [email protected]

a short research position at UT Southwestern (Dallas) at Department of Neuroscience in 2009, got married at a destination wedding in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic on May 14, 2010 to an amazing, wonderful man named Chuck, and currently doing research in developing Nanotechnology for Cancer Therapeutics (in particular for Brain Cancer) at Northwestern University Department of Chemistry.  We recently moved to CT/NYC area due to Chuck’s work, and in search for a permanent place to live (NYC or the ‘burb?).  We have until June to decide.  It’s been difficult commuting to Chicago each week for work, so also in search for a new job.  Excited to be back in the East Coast.  To anyone in the NYC area, would love to get in touch!“Erika(Portanova) and Matt Songer welcomed first child, a little girl, Greta Grace born on March 10th. Neice to Monika Calitri ’92. Erika is sad to miss everyone at the 20th HS reunion, but hopes to catch up with everyone at the next one.”For me, I hope everyone is getting ready for summer. My husband Trevor, daughter Maggie and I have finally settled in Palo Alto, California, just in time for Maggie to start Kindergarten in the fall. I’m excited about the Reunion but also excited that my sister Jane Chellgren Stiteler ’95 will be having a baby boy two days before! Polly Lawson said she didn’t have much to report so I’ll report for her. Her brilliant daughter Mary (and my goddaughter) became a big Kentucky Wildcats fan this March. I believe that it was Mary wearing her UK sweatshirt every game that helped the team make it to the Final Four.Also, congratulations to Lauren Brantley Deady who ran the Boston Marathon this spring.I started a group on Facebook to gather everyone’s Class Notes, I think it worked well. It’s a closed group available to only people from our class - [email protected]. We have 55 members! Great to see some of you at the Reunion, there will be photos posted on the FB page. Sarah Chellgren Cornwell

199220TH MADEIRA REUNIoNAPRIL 27-29, 2012Madeira Fund Total: $33,735Participation: 7%

Class AgentJennifer Gifford Bainbridge7724 Desdemona CourtMcLean, VA 22102-2718(703) [email protected]

Class SecretaryAlison Lefrak7903 Jensen PlBethesda, MD 20817-4671(202) [email protected]

I hope everyone is enjoying the end of spring and the beginning of summer. As I write, it has already reached the not-so-delightful temperature of 98 degrees here in D.C. Lauren Spieler is eagerly awaiting the arrival of her second baby, due in August. Her son Gavin (6 ½ ) is extremely excited about his impending new role of big brother.Buckley Kuhn Fricker is happy to announce that she just passed the Certified Care Manager Exam and that her eBook on financial, legal and health care considerations from retirement through the end of life will be coming out this summer. Maureen Rohowsky Forman recently moved from Los Angeles to Atlanta in September because her husband Peter has headquarted his company there. Maureen has been traveling globally quite a bit.  She was a “Fashion on the Field” judge for a horse race sponsored by Peter’s vineyard in Australia. Maureen also had some adventures in Hong Kong. Maureen talks frequently to Vicki Vantoch. Vicki had a baby boy named West in September. She lives in Vancouver, Canada where her husband’s TV show is filmed.  Lina Abirafeh moved to Beirut and took over her parents’ old place that they’ve had since 1972. Lina says that it has been great to have a home and to finally be able to unpack. She is taking short trips in the Middle East and is working on book #2. She adds, “No man, no kids, no pets, no plants - no problem!” Sara Quainton is expecting a baby boy in August. Big sisters Adelaide (5) and Eliza (20 months) are looking forward to the new addition to the family!

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Jane Chellgren Stiteler had a baby boy, Henry Fielding Stiteler, on April 27. He is doing well. Jack, 3 yrs, is adjusting to his little brother. Step-daughters, Alison, 16yrs and Samantha, 12yrs are excited for our addition. She and her husband Scott are thrilled with their baby bundle. They are having a quiet summer- Henry- growing and hopefully sleeping. Jack- day camp and swimming lessons. Samantha- sleep-away camp and a trip with the grandparents. Alison- getting her driver’s license (yikes!) and a trip with the grandparents. Scott and Jane hope to have a few nights away in Napa. They are also taking a family vacation to Coronado Is, just outside of San Diego.Shayna Lefrak Showalter is finishing up a year of clinical research at the University of Pennsylvania and will be starting a one year fellowship in breast surgical oncology at the University of Pennsylvania in July.  Then, after 4 years of medical school and 8 years of surgical training she will finally get her first real job!  Shayna’s family is doing well- Lillian turns 4 in June and Tessa turns 2 in August. She is excited to spend a few days with Jane at her mom’s house in PA in a few weeks, and to meet her new son Henry, born in April.  Shayna also hopes to spend time with Carrie this summer and to meet her daughter, Van. Shayna says congratulations to Megan on the birth of her third child, Isabel, born in Apirl.Danielle Phipps Artabasy writes, “Kellen Burdine Artabasy was born on 4.18.11 at 2:32 pm weighing 7.10 lbs and measuring at 20 1/4 inches long. He is a beautifully sweet and chill baby...the kind that make you want at least 3 more! So far, he has been to the South Carolina coast, North Carolina mountains, Florida beaches and will continue his summer tour of meeting family and friends in the Outer Banks of North Carolina and lakes of Wisconsin. Parenthood, at least for us, has not proven as tiring as travel has. Chris and I are exhausted, but love being new parents to our little man!”Received by Madeira:From Katie Smith Hopewood Announcing that on January 10, 2011 Lily McCrum Hopewood was born!

Versus”, shooting now in NYC. Check it out! - http://collider.com/bill-pullman-debra-winger-joel-kinnaman-lola versus/96222/Gwendolyn Wilson Osborn and her husband just welcomed their newest addition, Adelaide Marie Rose. She joined them on March 20th, arriving very speedily in a pretty incredible water birth. Maternity leave has been made stressful with a pending move back to California. Their house is on the market in Portland and if it sells, they will be on our way. Gwendolyn is realizing that two kids is a whole different ball game, especially with two step-kids regularly visiting. She is in desperate need of a vacation.Zoe Washnis Goss’ son, Hunter, is turning 4 on Sunday, June 12th. She is expecting another boy in September and just started her third trimester so she states she will be expanding all summer! She has a 9 year old stepson as well, so she will have 4 boys in my house including her husband. Talk about being outnumbered! That’s ok because she is the queen bee. No more kids after this one so I will have to get my girl time somewhere else. They plan on spending their summer in where they live in Annapolis and on the Chesapeake Bay boating and swimming, etc. She is working at the US Coast Guard Headquarters in DC up until she gives birth and will take 3 months of maternity leave before going back in December. Zoe would love to entertain any Madeira ladies this summer who are itching to get out on the water and soak up the sun!

are!  She is missing her Madeira buddies, and thinking we need to take the time for a nice cool glass of wine on a back porch somewhere!!! If anyone is game, let her know because she is around all summer.Carrie Southworth is doing great.  Her daughter, Van, turns one this weekend - crazy how the time flies. Carrie enjoyed reconnecting with Maryetta Anschutz (‘93) in LA - she has joined my bookclub and adds fire to the discussions as only a Madeira girl can.  Carrie also had a wonderful evening with Luci Spurling (‘94) when she was in Beverly Hills for the film festival a few months ago. One thing we all can appreciate – Carrie has introduced the concept of “founder’s day” to her personal trainer.  Once a year she shows up and instead of a challenging workout in the gym, she takes Carrie out for margaritas!Sara Grace said that one of the best things about moving to NYC has been the high concentration of Madeira pals here. In particular, Melissa (Missy) and Tai did so much to make Sara feel immediately at home. She couldn’t have done it without them!Lanique Eubanks and her family are looking forward to celebrating her daughter’s 2nd birthday this summer as well as a vacation in the Outer Banks in August.Sonya Gogna Barlas is expecting baby #2 in October and is moving to a new house this summer.  Life is relatively quiet and that’s a good thing!Tai Burkholder is a production supervisor of a feature called “Lola

VA in July, and Rajul will be an aunt this December! Our family will also take our annual trip to Isle of Palms beach in August. Rajul is contemplating going back to work full-time as her cardiology practice has some openings for the Fall. Such a hard decision!Massoumeh Emami Osterhout is doing well. She and her husband, Sam, are expecting a little one & they are so thrilled! Sam has been reading all the baby books! She is due in November. Other than that, Massoumeh has been working a lot and trying to enjoy the nice weather before the brutal heat sets in.Dianna Fiore Radoslovich is pregnant with another boy and is due in August. Her husband Steve, son Steven, and she are still living in their apartment in Manhattan, but plan on moving to the suburbs in the Fall. They are in contract on a house on Long Island and the closing is 2 weeks before Dianna’s due date! They are not going to move right away, so that will give them some time to fix the house up a bit before their newly extended family moves in.Ashley Pehrson Storm reports that all’s well in the Storm house. Two healthy girls keep her busy and a boy on the way is due this September! Life is never dull as Ashley and her family prepare to relocate their yoga studio, grow the waste oil business, and start an organic market. Sometimes she wishes things would slow down a bit, but then realizes she would go nuts if they weren’t just as they

1995 Margaret Gillis married Bill platter on October 23. She is pictured here with India Dozier Rows ’94 and Betsy Branch Garrard ’95

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reading about all the great things you’re doing! Meghan Stalker Wood is enjoying married life in Collegeville, PA and starting the process of trying to become a veterinary practice owner - lots of due diligence involved but she hopes it will pay off.  She enjoys reading all of the Facebook updates and would love to get together with anyone living near Philadelphia, PA. Joy Morris reports that she is still teaching in North Carolina. She is wearing more skirts and running trail races. Joy loves keeping up with classmates through Facebook. Ashley Eaton is busy teaching sixth grade in Fairfax County. She is getting married in May! Congratulations Ashley!Arie Goldberg Finkel reports that her big news is the birth of her son, Alexander Morris Finkel, who was born on December 15, 2010. Arie and her husband are living in New York City and doing great. She’s looking forward to returning to work at a local law firm in June. Hoda Kazmifar has been busy practicing dentistry for almost four years now. She will be joining a new practice with her father in Reston, VA early this summer. She has a beautiful one year old daughter named Ava who keep her very very busy! Ava enjoys playdates and The Little Gym classes with Moon Paul Athwal’s son, Raushan.In other baby news, Kerla Moore Wolf, gave birth to a daughter Fiona Rose on March 8th in Manhattan. She is enjoying her maternity leave and is looking forward to introducing Fiona to her great grandparents and extended family in Ireland in May. Adele Cowart Nelson has been working for

find out how to contact her.Priya Kathpal is graduating from GW’s Business School this May and looking for positions in international development in the DC area and abroad. She spent Spring Break in Argentina and the highlight of her trip was 4 days in Mendoza. Marina Zavahir Chaudhari recently moved from Kansas City to the Denver, CO area with her husband and son. They are in the process of house-hunting. She reports that the scenery is beautiful and the weather is generally pleasant. Caroline Toumey Dellinger and her hubby Sheldon enjoyed a recent vacation with Anya Turcheck and her boyfriend, Will Wicker in Culebra. Caroline enjoyed catching up with fellow Madeira girls at the most amazing wedding of the year (MINE!) this past August. Caroline says I looked stunning in white! She also attended an alumnae social to meet the new headmistress in Charlotte and thought it was a great event. Caroline and Sheldon are open to visitors in Charlotte if you are ever in the area! Their pups, Pepper and Rusty, love to socialize!Alyssa Flanagan is busy planning for her October wedding in Virginia! So far its been fun and not too stressful, which is awesome. Her chief resident position at UIC ends in June and so she is busy applying for jobs right now. Most likely, she’ll be staying in the Chicago area. She passed both her Internal Medicine and Pediatrics board exams last fall and hopes to continue working with the urban underserved population. Alyssa is also finishing up her MPH degree with a focus on health disparities. Congrats Alyssa on everything – I’m tired just

Class SecretaryAndrea Press Yue10412 Barrie AvenueSilver Spring, MD 20902-4115(301) [email protected]

Hello ladies! Sorry for being such a slacker for the past year and not writing notes. It been great to get back in touch with you guys and read about all the great things you all are doing! I’ll get right down to business…..Angela Scoggins recently moved to Nashville, TN after driving 3000 miles with three dogs and two cats. Her boyfriend got an amazing job that allows her to stay home and do art. For now, they are living in Angela’s grandmother’s house who passed away last summer and Angela is using her artist studio to work in. She loves feeling the connection with her grandmother as she was her favorite person in the world. Angela is also working on a website that will allow her to sell her artwork and make a living being creative. She is enjoying being back in a big city and exploring her new location (if you consider Nashville a big city!) Heather Desmond reports that all is well in St. Louis. She will graduate with a MEd in school counseling this summer and is currently trying to find a job, but there are none! So most likely she’ll be back to school for a few more classes and will try to get moving on the 3000 supervised hours she’ll need to get licensed as a professional counselor (LPC). Eventually she hopes to be able to work in private practice. She’s going to Mexico at the end of April and is really looking forward to a little rest and relaxation. Heather would love to hear from Muna Hamza ’98 or

1996Madeira Fund Total: $3,790Reunion 2011 Giving Total: $5,110Participation: 23%

Class AgentsEleanor Johnson Estes2936 Southwood RoadMountain Brk, AL 35223-1233(205) [email protected]

Phoebe duPont Harris500 Beechwood LaneNarberth, PA 19072-1705(215) [email protected]

Class SecretaryNatasha Linn 200 N Maple AvenueApt 214Falls Church, VA 22046-4344(703) [email protected]

Received by MadeiraFrom Katherine Petty MacLane: Henry Taylor MacLane was born March 4, 2011 to Katherine and her husband Jared MacLane

199715H MADEIRA REUNIoNAPRIL 27-29, 2012Madeira Fund Total: $1,295Participation: 11%

Class AgentMeghan Stalker Wood512 Andover LaneCollegeville, PA 19426(215) [email protected]

The Class of 1996 Celebrate their 15th Reunion: phoebe dupont harris, Laura Viehman knighton, Sarah Barokas Shalva, Eliza Andrews, Erica Stukel probst, Teresa Fort, Jenny Mayo, Anna Brooke, Nichelle Sanders Coleman and Christina Lehmejian-karaszewski

1996 katherine petty MacLane and Megan krause ’98 at katherine’s baby shower in Los Angeles in January

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1999Madeira Fund Total: $1,240Participation: 22%

Class AgentMaya Scott 601 W 139th StreetApt 44New York, NY 10031-7314(703) [email protected]

Class SecretariesAlexandra “Alex” Cooke Walden1648 Gillette CourtLongmont, CO 80501-6714(434) [email protected]

Abigail “Alex” Cooley 1529 Liberty StreetApt 1Los Angeles, CA 90026-2548(646) [email protected]

Lisa deGorter celebrated her lack of congressionally-induced furlough by purchasing another goldfish. She was excited to see Maree Martinez-Day when she was in town, and to be at Kate Furst’s bridal shower with Lesley Milner. She can’t wait for the wedding!Recently, Isabella Armbrust went to visit Rita Del Curto in Monte-Carlo to celebrate a mutual friend’s 30th birthday. (See photo.) Besides celebrating their friend’s birthday, they also celebrated Isabella’s engagement. She will get married this July in Mallorca, Spain and Rita will be her maid of honour.Isabella is taking some time off from work and is currently traveling around Asia with her fiancé. Rita is working as a broker in Monaco.Kate Blood recently changed jobs, rented her house and is planning to move to Hyderbad, India for a year for work. She will be working with a team of software developers that support US clients (not a call center). All visitors are welcome. Her move date isn’t determined yet, but should be some time this summer.

an event planning firm, Linder & Associates, in DC for the past three years. She welcomed her second child, a daughter, Molly Morrigan Nelson, born March 30th. She reports that she is very happy. Congratulations to both Kerla and Adele! Erin Fox Polak is busy nesting and preparing for motherhood – she has a baby girl due to arrive May 8th!As for me, this year had been a whirlwind! Wedding in August then bought and finally moved into our new home in Silver Spring, MD in February. I am continuing to work as a psychologist in a private practice in downtown DC. I am enjoying married life and we are now expecting a baby girl in September! With all these new baby girls, I’m envisioning a Madeira class of 2029! Wouldn’t that be crazy?I loved hearing from some new girls this time around – everyone sounds like they are doing great! I hope to hear from more of you next time!

1998Madeira Fund Total: $2,485Participation: 22%

Class AgentsMegan Krause1494 Evans Farm DriveMcLean, VA 22101-5653(703) [email protected]

Julie “Julie-Hume” Talmage Gordon755 Boylston StreetApartment 402Boston, MA 02116-2678(617) [email protected]

Class SecretariesMerel Kennedy56 Walnut AvenueMill Valley, California 94941(415) [email protected]

Ann Renzy Maclean8328 Georgetown PikeMcLean, VA 22102(703) [email protected]

Received by MadeiraHope Smith has re-located to Westchester County, NY to accept a position at Guiding Eyes for the Blind, a fifty-year-old non-profit that breeds and trains guide dogs to partner with the blind and visually impaired. If any Madeira alums in the NYC area (or anywhere else, for that matter) would like to visit the facilities (or donate!), they can contact Hope at [email protected]. She would be happy to connect for any reason!

1998 Julie-hume Talmage Gordon’s son James hume Gordon

1998 Camille Fox Lefere with her husband kevin and their son Benjamin

1999 Isabella Armbrust and Rita Del Curto in Monte-Carlo

1998 hope Smith with a future guide dog at the Guiding Eyes Canine Development Center

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Coast) and my interests include Spanish, writing, and education. I’m interested in working in Higher Education – maybe working with international students or in the Foreign Language department (I have my MA in Spanish). I’m also especially interested in finding bilingual publications where I could write and edit. If you have any leads or suggestions, please contact me at [email protected]. Thank you!”Lysandra Wolberd Scott sent me some great photos and updates from a few Madeira girls. Last summer, Lysandra married her husband Cody Scott on August 8 in Boise, Idaho, and Julie Middleton (’99), Raina Gough and Courtney (Homan-Jones) Wolff were there to celebrate. Julie is in grad school at Georgetown and Raina will be finishing her PhD is Chemistry this spring from CU-Boulder. Lysandra and her husband are living in Boise, where she is a Montessori teacher. Congrats, Lysandra!Courtney (Homan-Jones) Wolff returned from her first tour as a

2000Madeira Fund Total: $2,000Participation: 17%

Class AgentChristina “Christi” Ferrari Yarnall19 Chestnut CircleMerrimack, NH 03054-6611(703) [email protected]

Class SecretaryEleni Garbis Simmoneau1900 Hamilton StreetUnit C18Philadelphia, PA 19130-4074(703) [email protected]

Happy Summer! Lots of good news to report from our class: first up, congratulations are due for Caroline Christy – she completed her MBA from Villanova and got married on May 14. Her new name is Caroline Campbell, and we look forward to some pictures from the big day!Laura Flippin shares some news from abroad: “Greetings from Madrid! I am looking for jobs in Spain and in the U.S. (East

CrossFit, and at this time we are 3/4 of the way through the events that will determine who goes on to the Regionals.  We are both doing pretty well, in the top third or better of our Region as well as the world.  The first four events are complete, with two more to go, so it all comes down to what comes out of the hopper!  There are so many amazing athletes competing in this event - over 22,000 all over the world - it is really amazing to be a part of it!Received by MadieraFrom Alexandra Buss: Well, after eleven (eleven?!?) years away, I am back on Madeira’s campus six days a week! In October 2010 I opened The Pilates Center at The Madeira School, a fully equipped, traditional Pilates studio. After dancing professionally for years after college, I decided to pursue my passion for the Pilates Method. It has been a dream to own a Pilates studio on Madeira’s beautiful campus. One of the best parts is the opportunity to teach the Madeira students eight Pilates classes a week. I wish we could have taken Pilates for P.E. credit! Come by and visit me the next time you are on campus- I’m in Ms. Reilly’s old office in Main! You will be amazed by the change!

Katherine Piggott-Tooke writes: I’m graduating from Berkeley Law School in May and will be moving to DC in August to work at the DC Superior Court. I will definitely miss the Bay Area but will be excited to be back on the East Coast. One of the best parts of being out here was living near Stella Manship, but she just also recently abandoned the west coast and moved from San Francisco back to NY.Alex Cooke Walden contributes: The New Year of 2011 has brought some sadness, but mostly amazing experiences that have made us realize that the future is full, just full.  I traveled with my husband to Yakima, Washington early in January to attend the wake for his aunt, his mother’s sister.  She battled cancer for several years, but finally succumbed to it.  For such a sad occasion, it was still a great opportunity to meet and spend time with Eric’s cousins, nieces and nephews, many of whom he hadn’t seen in a long time, and I had never met.But from there, things have been just wonderful.  I continue to work with my horse 3 year old filly Robin, watching her progress through the stages of Western riding education, as I myself also learned to ride in that way.  I found a cowboy who knew how to put her in her place, and while he wasn’t the best teacher for me, we made it work and now Robin and I are riding together very well!But the most exciting thing in my life this year has been our boy Finn.  He has grown from a squirmy little infant, into a fully mobile and interactive little dude!  He crawls all over the place, pulling himself up onto anything that will support him and exploring every nook and cranny of his ever expanding world.  He is starting to use some basic words - dadada, mamama, and ball, but we can watch his knowledge and experience grow every day!  It won’t be long before he is walking and talking, so look out world!Eric and I have also kept on with

1999 Joanie Taylor at the Melting pot with her Grandmother Selina Taylor, her brother Steele and Steele’s daughter Olive

1999 From left to right: Alex Cooke Walden and her son Finn, 10 months; her son Finn, 9 months; Training for the 2011 CrossFit Sectionals; her son Finn, 9 months; and competing at the 2010 CrossFit Colorado Open

2000 Julie Middleton ’99, Raina Gough, Lysandra Wolberd Scott, Courtney homan-Jones Wolff at Lysandra’s wedding

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drinks in the spring and were glad to hear they are enjoying Philly! We were also lucky enough to have Maya Dutt and her new husband Jonas come down from Boston for a visit this past January.

2001Madeira Fund Total: $5,547Reunion 2011 Giving Total: $5,547Participation: 31%

Class AgentsKodiak “Kody” Hill-Davis 12 3rd Street SEApt 2Washington, DC 20003-3837(202) [email protected]

Sarah Gorrell Kulkarni155 W 68th StreetApt 1927New York, NY 10023-5832(703) [email protected]

able to meet up. Catherine hopes she can take a quick trip to London to see Lia later this year. And some baby news from Kelsey Martyn-Farewell! She and her husband welcomed their second son on January 16 – Maximilian James Pagel (Max). He was 9lbs 10oz and 20” long.  Kelsey says, “Big brother Michael is over the moon, and so are we!  I am so fortunate that I work for such an amazing group of people at the University of Oklahoma in that they encourage me to bring the baby with me to work, like I did when Michael was a baby too. I joke that he is the new office mascot!”Finally, Eliza Spaulding and her husband Dave moved to Philadelphia last summer; Eliza works at the Philadelphia Museum of Art in paper conservation and Dave works at the University of Pennsylvania Press. My husband Ben and I met up with them for

says for any Madeira girls traveling out west, there is a guest room awaiting you in San Francisco!More wedding news! Catherine Ickes is engaged and busy wedding planning. She stays in close touch with Emily Appel Newby, who is helping her with all the craziness. Catherine has visited several Madeira girls over the past couple of years, including traveling to (very cold) Montreal in January to visit Mona Chawla and her husband. They celebrated Winterlude in Ottawa and then departed for the Hotel de Glace near Quebec City. In October, Kim Brokaw was kind enough to host Catherine, her fiancé and her aunt when they were all in Maryland for Catherine’s mom’s wedding. Catherine says it was a great opportunity to spend some time with Kim, despite her crazy veterinarian schedule. Kim has since decided to stay on with her practice and has purchased a house – congrats! Catherine also said she has a “missed” meeting with Lia Choi in NYC this spring, meaning they were both within 2 hours of one another and unfortunately were not

Foreign Service Officer in Beijing, China last summer, just in time to get married on June 5 in Bethesda to her husband Ray. On the big day, they were blessed to have a great group of Madeira girls in attendance: Maggie Sibley, Jen Bain, Zarina Morais Burdge, Lysandra Wolberd Scott, Ming Thompson, Surbhi Gupta and Ashlinn Killeen. Mrs. Cleveland and Ms. Adams were also there! Courtney and Ray honeymooned in Hawaii and then moved to San Francisco in September. In addition to celebrating Lysandra and Cody’s wedding last summer, Courtney and Ray enjoyed visiting them again in the fall to check out their impressive home renovations and attend a Boise State football game. Courtney and Ray also traveled to Seattle in December and caught up over dinner with Ashlinn, and Courtney visited with Ming and Maggie when Maggie was in town for a conference. Most recently, Courtney and her husband have been enjoying the San Francisco weather and close proximity to Lake Tahoe, where they are learning to snowboard. Courtney

The Class of 2001 Celebrate their 10th Reunion: Anya GoldaGita Yitta, Tammy Lee, Emily hayes Bentley, Abeer Rayees, Anita Butani, Louisa Swain, Alanna Sklover, Liz Logan, Mary katherine Sisco, Sarah Gorrell kulkarni, Sarah Amsbary, Julia Collins, Nora Al-haroun, kodiak hill-Davis, kathleen McDermott and Breanna Byecroft

2001 Eva De Weever and Elena Isella ’04 in St. Maarten

2000 kelsey Martyn-Farewell with her sons, Michael and Max 2000 Courtney homan-Jones Wolff and her husband Ray Wolff

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George Mason University. Congrats Jo and thanks so much for getting back in touch! Moving around the country, Biz Wells writes, “It’s been a crazy and fabulous couple of months!” She just moved from Southwestern Virginia to Chicago this past fall.  She reports that, “besides occasionally hanging out with the lovely Jackie Prater (04), I’m interning at a wonderful LGBTA theatre company, About Face Theatre, and making lots of connections in the Windy City arts world.  For my official day job, I do science experiments with kids at the Museum of Science and Industry.  This summer, I’ll get to work as the Development Associate at the Grant Park Music Festival!” Sounds like Chicago is a great fit, Biz. Down in the Lone Star State, Caitlin Elmore says that “things are great for me!” Why is that? Because she’s finishing her PhD and will defend this summer---congrats!! Such a huge accomplishment. As if she weren’t enough of a rockstar already, she’s had two papers based on her dissertation research accepted for publication. In her spare time (what spare time?!) she continues to train for triathlons and marathons, spends time with friends and, oh yeah….job searching. Good look Caitlin! Also down in Texas, Virginia Simms graduated from law school in May. She spent the summer studying for the Texas bar exam and managed to squeeze a little beach time in here and there. She’s accepted a job with a civil litigation team in Dallas and writes that although she misses friends and family on the East coast, she loves Texas and is excited to stay there for awhile. As for your hardworking, if somewhat erratic class secretaries, we’re both still DC-based for the time being (and yet we hardly ever see each other….not cool). Kate is working for a consulting firm downtown, helping to set up a Risk Management and Organizational Resilience practice (in layman’s terms: how your company can face big scary things and still be able to function). She spent most of the spring traveling to Cincinnati, Ohio for work and most of the summer traveling anywhere and everywhere (including Poland, Denver, Boston and Houston!) to stay out of her boyfriend’s way as he prepped for the Virginia Bar exam. The summer ended with a spot as Camden Burton’s Maid of Honor at her August wedding in Vermont. Merin, on the other hand, is a big slacker. She’s put aside her dream of pursuing trophy-wifedom to act

working on a film about Benedictine Cloistered nuns and your favorite nun, Mother Margaret Georgina Patton (yes, that’s right, as in the Grand Daughter of General Patton) tells you she went to Madeira in the 70s and it turns out you both lived in the same room in Main.” How wonderfully random! We tried to get a picture, but no luck yet…There are still a few of us hanging around down here in Virginia! Melanie Denson is practicing law at a firm in Fairfax County and lives in Arlington. The warm weather has brought more fun opportunities to hang out with Madeira girls, including her annual cherry blossom walk with Cri-Cri Richards and Christy Steele, and seeing a host of Madeira girls at Kody (’01) and Ariel Hill-Davis’ (’03) March Mayhem party. Cri-Cri is still working at a law firm in DC and got engaged earlier this spring. We’ve had a great time celebrating! Christy also had a spring full of wonderful news: she’s moving to Charlottesville to begin a post-bac pre-med program at UVA. She’ll be taking core science classes and volunteering at the hospital while prepping for the MCAT. Lauren (Rosie) Edmundson and Ariel Hopkins (’03) are both down in C-ville; she’s looking forward to seeing them more often!Whitney Little is also down in the NoVA area. She’s still doing some volunteer work for the Foundation of Orthopedics and Complex Spine (FOCOS), a non-profit organization that provides surgical treatment in Ghana and the Caribbean for orphans suffering from fatal spine deformities. In addition, she’s founded her own company, Peace for Patients, LLC, which is a patient advocacy organization that offers a wide range of advocacy services to chronically ill children and adults. She’s also excited to host a baby shower for Dr. Erica Richardson who is expecting twin girls! We are so excited to have heard from Jo Yavari Reger for the first time since graduation—lots to catch up on! Jo graduated from UNC-Wilmington with an honors degree in Chemistry and a minor in Spanish. She stayed on to complete a Masters in Marine Science, which is where she met her husband! Jo and Rob got married at the Decatur House in DC in October 2008 and have since purchased a home in Old Town Alexandria. Rob works as a Biologist at NIH and Jo is currently working towards a PhD in Chemistry and BioChemistry (Ms. Chaffee would be so proud!) at

Class SecretaryKathleen McDermott 1433 D Street SEWashington, DC 20003(617) [email protected]

Received by MadeiraFrom Sandy and Tom Volk PP Jennifer ’01 and Stephanie ’03Dear Friends and Family, Tom and I are very pleased to announce that Jennifer graduated yesterday from George Washington University Law School.  She has been working the past four years as a Patent Agent at Cooley, Godward and Kronish, LLP.  They are giving her six weeks off this summer to study for the Virginia Bar at the end of July.  We wish her well and we are sooo proud of her accomplishments.Love, Sandy & Tom Volk

200210TH MADEIRA REUNIoNAPRIL 27-29, 2012Madeira Fund Total: $2,385Participation: 17%

Class AgentCristina “Cri-Cri” Richards 3700 Massachusetts Avenue NWApt 220Washington, DC 20016-5804(301) [email protected]

Class SecretariesMerin Frank Guthrie2013 New Hampshire Avenue NWApt 705Washington, DC 20009-3448(626) [email protected]

Katherine “Kate” Wisniewski 802 N Wayne StreetApt 201NArlington, VA 22201-1880(703) [email protected]

Class of 2002, you continue to impress us with your fabulous endeavors in both your personal and professional lives. We’re definitely proud to be classmates of yours! Starting off in the big city, Rickie De Sole is working as an accessories editor for Vogue magazine, sees the other NYC Madeira girls frequently, and expects to spend most of 2011 planning events for Tara Morley’s 2012 wedding! Elizabeth Leiter splits her time between NYC and working on the set of a documentary about cloistered nuns in upstate New York. Her submission is verbatim, because we couldn’t write it any better ourselves: “You know what’s crazy? When you’re

as Worn Magazine’s Style Editor, in addition to styling, co-moderating a blog and doing fundraising consulting for small nonprofits around the country.

2003Madeira Fund Total: $1,875Participation: 24%

Class AgentsAnne Kristol 6A East Myrtle StreetAlexandria, VA 22301(703) [email protected]

Ariel Hill-Davis 12 3rd Street SEApt 2Washington, DC 20003-3837(717) [email protected]

Class SecretariesElizabeth Black 1200 N. Nash StreetApt 501Arlington, VA [email protected]

Stephanie Volk 21375 Fultonham CircleAshburn, VA 20147-4892(703) [email protected]

Janie Nutter lives in the Park Slope section of Brooklyn with her long-time boyfriend, Dan. By day, she works in the Fashion Industry as an E-Commerce manager at an online boutique. By night, she still pursues acting by auditioning and occasionally appearing in small productions around the city. She also is the Lighting Designer for a small membership company called The Actor’s Project. She was in Egypt on vacation this past December with her Mother three weeks prior to the Revolution (whew) and is excited to be the Maid of Honor at Lani Gallagher’s ’03 upcoming wedding this fall.As part of the Alumnae Association Leadership Council’s (AALC) effort to plan gatherings of Madeira alumnae around the country, Elizabeth Black gathered a group of young alumnae in the Washington D.C. area in February for dinner and a trip back to Madeira to see the student production of Thoroughly Modern Millie. Elizabeth, Anne Kristol, and Ashley Elkin all met for dinner, and then met up with Ariel Hill-Davis and Caroline Romanoff ’04 at the show. We all enjoyed catching up and returning to Madeira for a great show!Lindsey Passaic continues to enjoy life as a newlywed in Paris. She is

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supervisor at Shell’s Houston Lubricants Plant; so if you are putting Pennzoil, Quaker State or FormulaShell motor oil in your car, Jackie is supervising the operators who make it! (But please don’t ask her if I get free gas... she doesn’t.) She had a big adult moment in her life last month and became an official Texan – she now owns property in this state (with an awesome house on top of it). Jackie, her boyfriend, the dogs love having a house so far, and always love visitors. She is hoping one of the Previti sisters might swing through H-town sometime soon for some Shiners and crawfish!You will still find Rebecca Landau on the west coast, living in Los Angeles, CA with Becky Dale ’05 and working for Bestor Architecture. She is dating BJ, one of the characters in her book Capacity for Delight. Rebecca celebrated her 25th birthday in Washington, DC with Lana Volftsun ’04 and Rebecca Eltzroth ’04. Julienne Kane has migrated up north to Cape Elizabeth, ME. She is pursuing teaching and coaching at the local public school. Basketball season ended and she is onto the spring lacrosse season.Grace Whang recently moved back to the Washington, DC area from New York City,. She is currently working as a LEED accredited professional and architect for Leo A Daly.In just a few weeks Kathryn Von Kann will finish her second semester in the MSSW program at the University of Texas (UT). She will then head to Accra, Ghana with a UT program to run high school workshops, bring donated soccer balls for the students and volunteer in an AIDS orphanage. Kathryn is excited about finishing the year, looking forward to her future travels and some time off in Austin before returning for her second year of school. This spring Haja “Mariam” Kakay will receive her Master’s from Georgetown University’s Conflict Resolution Program. After graduation she plans to move back to New York and find a job with an international NGO.After completing a long-term web project with the Environmental Division of the Pew Foundation, Rebecca “Becca” Estes is now a Publishing Fellow at The American Prospect. She works in Dupont Circle, Washington DC and lives in the Columbia Heights neighborhood of DC.Elizabeth Miller just returned from the UK where she spent two weeks

teaching and busy writing her blog, which everyone should definitely read (http://americangirlsare.weebly.com/)! Duvall Osteen writes “I’m still living in Austin and really loving it. I’ll be spending the summer in NYC at the Columbia Publishing School, which I am looking forward to. Virginia Sasser moved to Austin, and we get to spend quite a bit of time together. I feel so lucky to have one of my best friends, and former roommate living right down the street!”

2004Madeira Fund Total: $1,245Participation: 20%

Class AgentCaroline Salamack8328 Georgetwon PikeMcLean, VA 22102(571) [email protected]

Class SecretaryChristina “Chrissy” Previti 55 W 26th StreetApt 9NNew York, NY [email protected]

The Class of 2004 has exciting news to report including marriages, engagements, homeownership, new jobs and much more! Kit Johnson Cottone was married on April 9th in the Dominican Republic.  Meredith Poley ’05 was the maid of honor.  The wedding weekend was spent in two mega villas that were rented for thirty-five of the newlyweds’ closest friends and family.  Kit is in her third year of medical school in Washington, DC.  Somehow, in between planning her destination wedding and traveling to New York for dress fittings, Kit managed to get Honors on her exam the Monday before her wedding - Madeira style! Kit will stay busy through the spring with a reception at Congressional Country Club a day before her surgery exam. She is still planning to pursue Child Psychiatry, possibly in New York City. A bride-to-be...Caroline Salamack! Caroline is happy to report that she is engaged. Matt Clark, her boyfriend of four years, proposed on March 18th in Chapel Hill, NC. The couple met while studying abroad in Ireland and spent a year teaching English together in Japan. They are excited to be settling down in the DC area as a married couple.Jackie Geewax is still living in Houston, TX and enjoying progressing through her rotations at Shell. She is currently a blending

2004 Christina previti and Julia Cadwallender ’05 after running the Broad Street 10-Miler in philadelphia on May 1st

2004 kit Cottone at her April 9th wedding in the Dominican Republic

2004 kit Cottone and maid of honor Meredith poley ’05

2003 Elizabeth Black, Anne kristol, Caroline Romanoff ’04, and Ariel hill-Davis at Madeira to see Thoroughly Modern Millie, February 2011

2003 Elizabeth Black, Ashley Elkin, and Anne kristol meet for dinner before attending the production of Thoroughly Modern Millie at Madeira, February 2011

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this summer! Natalie also writes, “At the beginning of March (when I thought I might be going to school in England), I spent a few days in London with Clara Sanchez, who lives there and works at HSBC. We had a super time traipsing around the city. Then a couple days ago, Kenisha Marks completely surprised me by showing up in Iowa City for my birthday! She’s doing well and planning on starting law school this fall. So overall, it’s been a great spring!”  I was excited to hear from Mahsa Kazemifar. In December she graduated from The Culinary Institute of America and now works as a personal chef for families in upstate New York. She focuses on healthy food and for families with food allergies or gluten free, lactose free, etc. (Check out her website here: www.yourculinaryexp.com) I know I’d love to have her cook for me!Lucy Coolidge is still working away in her second year at Ole Miss law school. Lucy stays busy with classes and Moot Court. Lucy writes, “I adore Oxford and couldn’t have picked a better place to suffer through law school.” Fleming Longino can’t believe she has been in Dallas for almost a year! This spring has been especially fun with a college friend’s wedding, a Madeira reunion in Dallas, and great weather!  The Longino’s hosted six best friends in April -- Regi Previti, Julia Cadwallender, Jill Glenney, Taylor Ganz, Eileen Harkness, and Becky Dale “met in the middle” in Dallas. We looked at old photos, watched a hilarious video Jill had made junior year that reminded all of us about our ridiculous Madeira days, read from the quote book, and stayed up late chatting and reminiscing about all the fun times we had in Mclean, VA. Though we all look a little older, not much has changed!Becky is still living in LA with Rebecca Landau ’04. She is about to start a new job as an analyst with Global Philanthropy Group, a firm that works with philanthropists to address a wide range of social issues. She’s looking forward to trying something new and working walking distance from the beach! Taylor Ganz met up with and her family for a long weekend of skiing at Deer Valley at the end of February.  The skiing was great and the company event better!Taylor has been living in Lander, Wyoming since January, working as an intern in the Research, Risk Management and Curriculum Department of National Outdoor

walking the West Highland Way in Scotland and backpacking between Inverness and Edinburgh. She continues to work for Gap Inc. while completing her studies in Marketing through a UC Berkeley program.Following a long and cold winter, I am looking forward to spring and summer in New York City! I am still working at Credit Suisse and had a great winter getaway visiting a college roommate Oahu, Hawaii. On May 1st I will be running the Broad Street 10-miler, which Julia Cadwallender ’05 will also be running. Thanks to everybody who contributed to this issue of class notes and please keep the updates coming.

2005Madeira Fund Total: $1,280Participation: 20%

Class AgentFrancesca Buss 10711 Samaga DriveOakton, VA [email protected]

Class SecretaryJulia Cadwallender 717 S. 19th StreetApartment 2Philadelphia, PA [email protected]

Francesca Buss is still at Kent State getting her Masters in French Translation. Francesca also works as a Graduate Assistant teaching undergraduate Elementary French II. This summer she will be doing an internship with Interpol and the US Department of Justice translating international criminal notices. She writes, “It will be like Law and Order, but real life.” Certainly sounds like an exciting job! Sarah Begeman writes, “This spring I will finish my 2-year commitment for Teach For America, and will be leaving Texas (forever, I hope, haha).  I am relocating to NYC, where I will be attending Columbia for my masters in social work and hopefully my masters in public administration as well.  I am very excited to attend my little sister Rachel’s Madeira graduation this June!”Natalie Dupecher is also heading back to graduate school. She will be getting her MA from the Williams College Graduate Program in the History of Art on a two-year, full-tuition fellowship. She will to be interning at a gallery in New York this summer, and before that she and her boyfriend are going to Paris for a couple weeks. Natalie is excited about reconnecting with all the Madeira girls in New York

2005 Becky Dale and Rebecca Landau ’04 at the opening reception for one of Rebecca’s firm’s architecture installations for SCI Arch

2005 Clara Sanchez and Natalie Dupecher in London

2005 Girls Meet in Dallas, Becky Dale, Regi previti, Fleming Longino, Eileen harkness, Taylor Ganz, Jill Glenney, and Julia Cadwallender

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Leadership School (NOLS) and loving it.  In May Taylor will take a 5 week instructor course, after which she hopes to begin leading NOLS expeditions. Until then, she’ll be busy enjoying the climbing, backcountry skiing and all the recreating that Wyoming has to offer. Taylor hopes to spend the summer splitting her time between guiding in Idaho, and instructing in Wyoming.Eileen Harkness is excited to be starting a new job as a professional organizer. I’m hoping she’ll come to Philadelphia and use my apartment for practice! I am still really enjoying living and teaching in Philadelphia. In May I will have my Masters in Elementary Education and a certificate in Special Education and plan to stay in teaching at the end of my Teach for America commitment this year. I will also be working for Teach for America as a Corps Member Advisor during the summer training institute in Philadelphia. It promises to be a busy summer but I hope to find some time to visit friends as well!

2006Madeira Fund Total: $3,480Reunion 2011 Giving Total: $3,720Participation: 32%

Class AgentsCarolina Richards 6701 Michaels DriveBethesda, MD 20817-2219(301) [email protected]

Kristina Neighbour 60 S Van Dorn StreetApartment 1-2Alexandria, VA [email protected]

Class SecretaryMary Cadwallender 615 Fauquier StreetFredericksburg, VA 22401-3745(540) [email protected]

Received by MadeiraNatalia Doan recently finished teaching in Osaka, Japan. She’s now in Tokyo and enjoying the fast pace of work at Groupon Japan.

20075TH MADEIRA REUNIoNAPRIL 27-29, 2012Madeira Fund Total: $605Participation: 20%

Class SecretaryCaitlyn Gart 2625 Castilla IsleFort Lauderdale, FL 33301-1506(954) [email protected]

Received by Madeira:From Bob Harriman PP Krista ’07 and CB: We saw several families from Krista’s class of 2007, it was wonderful to see some of her classmates and hear how they grew in college. There are two items that you will be interested in: Katherine Kies won an award at Cornell and Caitlin Alderfer has been a fine arts major at Sewanee, she had pictures of her work and her paintings are wonderful!

2008Madeira Fund Total: $1,005Participation: 21%

Class SecretaryAngela Dean 6890 SW 44th StreetApt 216Miami, FL 33155-4767(703) [email protected]

Olivia Straub - After spending last semester in Ghana, this semester in Geneva and other European cities has been a little different speed. Although difficult to adjust, this semester has been amazing as well. Thanks to an amazing Eurorail pass, I have visited 24 cities in 14 countries on this continent, meeting up with Lily Sehn, Claire Healy, and Eliza Shaw as well as other friends and family along the way. I have also been lucky enough to be based in Geneva, the same city as Emma Little. This past year abroad has simply flown by. I still have a one month internship awaiting me in Geneva before I jet off to Poland for a month and then finally head home. Karolina Bassi - I was selected by Virginia Premier Health Inc. through VCU’s da Vinci Center as a summer intern. I will be working on a team examining energy solutions for converting their vehicle fleet to an alternate fuel source. Also, I will be working part-time for Red Orange Design.Rachel Fleming - This summer I will be working for Gilbane which is a construction management company. Additionally, I am the

2007 Madeira Girls at their UVA Graduation, krista harriman, katie Schretter, Alex Moore, and Nora Ellison. They were just missing one - Alex Nasif

The Class of 2006 Celebrate their 5th Reunion: Anna-Constantia Richardson, kathleen Fuchs, Olivia Fitzpatrick, kristina Neighbour, Virginia Savage, Lesley Swinley, Sarah Jeffcoat, Carolina Richards, Noelle Andreano, Alex Wisniewski, Mary Cadwallender, Caroline Groom, Nicole Marriott, katelyn Gibert, Lauryn Douglas and Lauren Farrell

2007 Girls Reunite: Julia Riesenberg, Caitlin Alderfer, Anne patton, krista harriman, pegah kazemifar, kristen Chou, katherine kies, Molly Shaw, and Charlotte harris show off their Madeira spirit

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Program Coordinator for a brand new summer cheerleading camp that I am working to start this summer.Arielle Andreano – I am going to Amsterdam in May for a while. After being unsure what path to take after graduation, I’ve decided to pursue a PhD in social psychology. I was formally initiated into Psi Chi, which is the International honor society for Psychology.

2009Madeira Fund Total: $615Participation: 20%

Class AgentVirginia Falzon10900 Pleasant Hill DrivePotomac, MD 20854-1513(301) [email protected]

Class SecretaryMerrill Roth8205 Falstaff RoadMcLean, VA 22102-2301(703) [email protected]

Hope to hear from you soon.

2010Madeira Fund Total: $480Participation: 27%

Class AgentMadeline “Maddie” Parks2506 23rd Road NArlington, VA 22207-4902(703) [email protected]

Class SecretaryJenna Pugrant10499 Patrician Woods CourtGreat Falls, VA 22066-2941(703) [email protected]

Exciting news to report from the Class of 2010! It’s hard to believe how fast freshmen year of college has flown by. It seems like yesterday that we were all in Senior Clubhouse at Madeira writing on the wall the names of the colleges we had decided to attend. As I push through my final quarter of classes before summer begins at Northwestern University, I can’t help but reflect on how much I absolutely love my life in Chicago. However, I know that I would not have been as prepared for all the challenges and new experiences that I have faced had I not had my Madeira experiences and friendships to guide me. My Madeira friends, while very far away, are still the most valuable

friendships in my life. I visited Sheycha Dem in New York City a couple months ago and it was so great to see her in her new life. When I caught up with her last, she had just declared her major at Parsons The New School For Design and will officially be taking classes in the famed Fashion School next fall. In her last e-mail to me, she wrote, “Currently, I am swamped with final projects and just finished painting 20X15” copy of Vermeer’s Girl With The Pearl Earring as a color study for my Drawing Perception class. Not really exciting, but just a gist.” Until classes conclude, she will continue with her super long days filled with extremely long art classes, after which she will return home to Bhutan for the summer. Elizabeth Gambal, who is at Kenyon College, has focused a lot of her energy at school towards pursuing various theatre endeavors. She just completed a play in which she was the only freshman out of a cast of 7 and in February, she was cast in the show “Dog Sees God.” She is looking forward to being in DC area for the majority of the summer. Samantha Clark, who attends the Rhode Island School of Design in Providence, wrote in, “I have declared a double major in furniture and graphic design and have also become involved at Brown University by taking “The Art of Curating” class there. I have already curated and installed a show and am in the process of working on my second amidst all my studio work.”Also pursuing creative endeavors, Katherine Foust is excited to announce that she was recently accepted to the highly selective Film and Media Production major at Arizona State. The program only admits about 20 new students each semester and on behalf of the Class of 2010, I’d like to say congrats! Katherine said, “I get to use professional equipment and collaborate with professors who are working or have previously worked in Hollywood.” This summer, she will be heading up to her cattle ranch in Colorado to work as ranch hand there.Maddy Brown wrote in: “I am loving my experience at Colgate. This fall, I joined the Women’s Rugby Team, and have had a blast getting to know the other players and learning the game. The Rugby season started up again in this spring, and the team recently went to Philly for a tournament where we played against other women’s teams from schools like Columbia

and Penn State. I also enjoyed taking a wide range of classes this spring - everything from Geology to Spanish. At the moment I am unsure of what my major will be, but I’m leaning towards Sociology and Psychology.”Hannah Bartram will be spending the summer abroad in Cádiz, Spain in a 5 week program through William & Mary. The program consists of taking classes in Spanish about language and Andalucian art, which Hannah is currently in the process of completing an independent research project on. She says she absolutely loves William & Mary and intends to major in International Relations.Tessa Newland will also be studying abroad this summer until next December in Santiago, Chile. Given how much she loves Miami University, she’s sad that she will not be in Oxford, OH until 2012, but is really looking forward to her travels. Until she leaves, Tessa said, “I will be busy with sorority functions and celebrating April’s Autism Awareness month as a member of Autism Speaks U!”Writing in from Duquesne University in Pittsburg, Becca Porte said: “As the school year is winding down, I’m finding myself swamped in work...yet it is still nothing compared to a Madeira workload. I have switched my major from Business Law to Sociology and the plan is now to go to law school after graduation. I joined a sorority, Sigma Kappa, in the winter and it is definitely the best decision I have made since coming to college. These girls remind me of my Madeira sisters and my home away from home. I only have a few more days of classes - my last day of exams is April 28th (and I thought graduating June 4th was early)! Over the summer, I plan on getting a job hopefully in retail so that I can continue work over breaks instead of just summer. I can’t wait to get back home and see all my Madeira girls...I didn’t know it was possible to miss anyone this much!”As for me, my winter quarter was amazing – I made some great new friendships and officially declared

a major. I also joined a sorority and received funding from a Northwestern entrepreneurial group to try to launch a business this upcoming fall. I will be spending the summer in the DC area and I’m so excited to meet up with local area Madeira girls once I get home! Thanks to the Class of 2010 for submitting updates and if you want to submit updates in the future, you can e-mail them to [email protected].

2011Madeira Fund Total: $1,547Participation: 100%

Senior Class Giving CommitteeChair: Maggie StichCommittee Members: Sarah Garman, Annaleise Girone, Brenna Healy, Kaitlyn Jeanneret, Anna Lewis, Collin Reynolds, and Hannah Wheelwright

Class SecretaryChristina Dean9623 Tackroom LaneGreat Falls, VA 22066(703) [email protected]

Hope to hear from you soon.


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MilestonesBirths 1994 Spencer Paul Blackwood, to Lindsay Krause Blackwood and her husband

Wade on April 19, 2011.1995 A boy, Kellen Burdine, to Danielle Phipps Artabasy and her husband

Chris Artabasy on April 18, 20111998 A boy, Anthony “Tony” Victor, to Nora Keating Gvozdov and her husband

Paul Gvozdov on January 26, 20111995 A girl, Lily McCrum, to Katie Smith Hopewood and her husband

Andrew Hopewood on January 10, 2011

Marriages 1995 Margaret Gillis to Bill Platter on October 23, 2010

2000 Courtney Homan-Jones to Raymond Wolff on June 5, 2010

2001 Sarah Gorrell to Akshay Kulkarni on May 21, 2011

Deaths 1931 Elizabeth “Betsy” O’Dell Woodburne died on December 18, 2010

1931 Jane Caskey Gouldin died on November 26, 2010

1937 Ruth Taylor Campbell died on May 21, 2011, mother of Ruth Campbell Austin ’61 and Cathy Campbell ’64, sister of Sally Taylor Swift ’48, cousin of Eleanor Edmondson Matchneer ’42, aunt of Virginia Bartholomay Butterfield ’69.

1937 Carol Tonner Hays died on December 5, 2010

1939 Jane Terhune Hall died on December 9, 2010

1940 Caroline “Curl” Hill Clark died on December 18, 2010

1940 Viola “Vi” Culbertson Geer died on March 21, 2011, cousin of Kathrina Tallman Lear ’35

1940 Helen “Stoepie” Stoepel McGraw died on December 23, 2010, mother of Kathryn “Kitty” McGraw Berry ’70, sister of Suzanne Stoepel Whittemore ’45, and cousin of Ruth Hirschman Chapin ’23 and Jan McMillan Montgomery ’47

1942 Maria Arcaya died on January 7, 2011, sister of Isabel Arcaya ’37 and Ana Arcaya ’40

1942 Joan Powers Humphreville died on March 31, 2011, mother of Joan “Joanie” Humphreville Fitzgibbon ’68 and Ellen Humphreville Powers ’71 and sister of Nancy Powers Lacour ’39

1943 Mary “Mary Pat” Janssen died on May 20, 2011

1944 Margaret “Brent” Thomas Clements died on April 17, 2011, mother of Louise Clements Robinson ’65

1944 Virginia “Bunny” Burgwin Vincent died on February 4, 2011

1945 Helen Chapin Metz died on May 13, 2011, daughter of Mary Noyes Chapin ’18 and mother of Mary Metz Evans ’70 and Helen Metz ‘72

1952 Agnes “Aggie” Fort More died on April 27, 2011

1952 Jean Lethbridge Cutting died on April 4, 2011

1953 Anne Van Slyck King died on February 25, 2011

1954 Jean Noble Colombo died on June 7, 2011, mother of Leslie Colombo ’79

1958 Nancy Trainer Muse died on January 28, 2011, daughter of Nancy Clause Trainer ’34, step-daughter of Evelyn Shuman Trainer ’34, sister of Martha “Mardi” Trainer Dingman ’61, niece of Barbara Clause Devens ’36 and Mary Clause Heard ’41, and cousin of Elizabeth “Beth” Heard Guy ’66, Perrin Moorhead Grayson ’68, and Jeanette “Jenny” Heard ’69

1960 Susan Bemis Perry died on June 16, 2011, daughter of Marjorie “Mardi” Bemis Perry ’34 and cousin of Rebecca “Beckie” McGowan ’66 and Hope McGowan ’73

1961 Julia “Julie” Schiefflin died on June 19, 2011

Former Faculty Charles Beardsley died on April 12, 2011

Former Faculty Sally Garen died on November 29, 2010

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Plan Your Own Event-In-A-Box No need to wait for the School to come to you, why not plan your own event? Getting Madeira alumnae together is an easy way to catch-up with former classmates, find out who’s in your area, make new friends and reinforce your ties with Madeira. An Event-in-A-Box can be as simple as three women meeting for coffee or a larger group attending an event in your community. The style and size is up to you, just keep it simple.

StEP 1: Contact the Alumnae Relations Office to receive a list of alumnae in your area.

StEP 2: Get the word out: email, telephone and Facebook.

StEP 3: Capture everyone’s name that attends.

StEP 4: Take a picture.StEP 5: Set a date and location for

the next gathering.StEP 6: Have Fun!

Mark your calendars for April 27-29 for Reunions 2012.We are celebrating milestone reunions for class years that end in a “2” or a “7”. If you would like to help plan your reunion, please call the Alumnae Relations Office at (703) 556-8221.

Madeira Today


8328 Georgetown Pike

McLean VA 22102-1200


Charlotte Event-In-A-Box: Gaither Smoot Deaton ’88, Courtney Michaux Douglas ’80, Mary Claire Zanini Wall ’72, Adrienne Thompson ’89, Stacey Campbell Rutherford ’89, and Allison Buchko Edgar ’94; Gaither arranged a private tour of Charlotte’s Levine Museum of the New South, followed by an optional lunch at a nearby restaurant.

Madeira Gatherings are scheduled or forecasted for the following cities… stay tuned for details or call the Alumnae Office directly to learn more.

Los Angeles, California

Pasadena, California

San Francisco, California

Santa Barbara, California

Washington, District of Columbia

Miami, Florida

Atlanta, Georgia

Chicago, Illinois

New York, New York

Charlotte, North Carolina

Cleveland, Ohio

Richmond, Virginia

Virginia Beach, Virginia

Seattle, Washington