Machine learning in IDS March 15, 2004

Machine learning in IDS

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Machine learning in IDS. March 15, 2004. Source Papers. T. Lane and C. E. Brodley An application of machine learning to anomaly detection , NIST-NCSC National Information Systems Security Conference, 1997 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Machine learning in IDS

Machine learning in IDS

March 15, 2004

Page 2: Machine learning in IDS

Source Papers

T. Lane and C. E. Brodley An application of machine learning to anomaly detection, NIST-NCSC National Information Systems Security Conference, 1997

J. Ryan, M. Lin, R. Miikkulainen Intrusion Detection with Neural Networks, MIT Press, 1998

A. K. Ghosh, A. Schwatzbard and M. Shatz Learning Program Behavior Profiles for Intrusion Detection, USENIX Workshop on Intrusion Detection and Network Monitoring, 1999

D. Endler Intrusion detection: Applying machine learning to solaris audit data, ACSAC'98

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Two Major Approaches

Misuse detection – define intrusions ahead of time and watch for their occurrence Can detect well-known attacks via patterns Future attacks cannot be preemptively detected

Anomaly detection – detect behavior that deviates from normal system use Learn a normal system activity profile Can abstract information about normal behavior to

detect attacks

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Basic Terminology

Concept Drift – behavioral changes undergone by valid users during normal use

On-line systems Run in real-time with users Computationally expensive

Off-line systems Run against stored user data at a scheduled time Cannot respond in real-time

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Paper #1

IDS must learn characteristic sequences of actions These sequences differ on a per-user basis Characteristic differences between these

sequences differentiate valid users from intruders Use the sequence as the fundamental unit of

comparison Omit filenames for privacy and focus on

behavior instead of content

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Paper #1

Parse the command stream into a token stream:

> ls –laf

> cd /tmp

> gunzip –c foo.tar.gz | (cd \ ; tar xf -)

becomes…ls –laf cd <1> gunzip –c <1> | ( cd <1> ; tar - <1> )

This token stream is stored in the dictionary, along with a similarity measure and a set of system parameters

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Paper #1

Compute a numerical similarity measure for pairs of sequences that have close resemblance

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Paper #1

Collected data from four users Experimented with different analysis methods

Sequence length had a major effect on accuracy Dictionary must be kept small to avoid false

positives, and for performance reasons The problem of informed, malicious users The system performed well, some caveats

No concept drift Novice users

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Paper #2

Describes the NNID (Neural Network Intrusion Detector)

Works off-line, identifies behavior using the distribution of commands a user executes

Selected 100 commands to describe the user’s behavior

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Paper #2

A machine was selected that had 10 users, for a total of 89 user-days

The network was trained on 8 randomly chosen days of data and then tested against the remaining 4 days of data

Two separate tests were run Identifying remaining vectors Identifying randomly-generated vectors

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Paper #2

Identified user vectors 93% of the time False alarm rate of 7%

Rejected 63% of the random user vectors Had an anomaly detection rate of 96%

All the false alarms were the same user, and were attributed to lack of data

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Paper #2

Overall, the system was a success How well does the system scale with more

users? To what extent does user behavior change

over time?

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Paper #3

Three algorithms were experimented with: Table lookup Backpropagation network Elman network

These three algorithms range from memorization to generalization

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Paper #3

Equality matching is simple but effective Data is partitioned into fixed-size windows For analysis, data is compared to a ROC

(Receiver Operating Characteristics) curve This curve is essentially an intrusive measure

that calculates the probability of intrusion

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Paper #3

A backpropagation network attempts to learn from network behavior

Multiple networks were trained for each program, and the best was kept

Networks were fed random data to generalize everything as anomalous

Allows single anomalies, but recognizes sequences of anomalies

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Paper #3

An Elman network can recognize recurrent features in the input

Perform classification of short sequences of events as they occur within a larger stream of events

The Elman network was the least tuned, but most successful

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Paper #3

Overall results

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Paper #4

Utilized the Solaris SHIELD Basic Security Module (BSM) for user audit data

Perl script parsed the BSM data into separate audit files for four different users

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Paper #4

Testing data consisted of normal sessions, interspersed with simulated account break-ins

Number of signal features was reduced to 13 from 488

Ideal window size was determined to be 6

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Paper #4

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Paper #4

Ultimately, the best solution was a combination of both anomaly and misuse detection

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Common Problems

If an intruder can breach the system during the learning phase, the system can learn the malicious behavior

All tests were performed against low user numbers

No real-world testing was performed

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Creating system usage “fingerprints” is a valid methodology for IDS

Systems can be run both on-line and off-line depending on the configuration needed

Real-world testing required before implementation