Mach 10 June2014 Spotlight on fit- ness: 30 day Chal- lenge PhotoShop Tutorial DIY Hair Style Caption This Excerpt from 40 page Guide to Ripped Abs A healthy twist on Fast Food

Mach 10 june issue

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Features an excerpt from the new fitness book 40 page guide to ripped abs. Our ever so popular caption this and photoshp tutorial. Also our spotlight this month is on fitness. Take the thirty day body transformation challenge. Mach 10 is growing. Next month we will feature casting calls and a list reputable photographers to work with based on a survey.

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Mach 10 June2014

Spotlight on fit-

ness: 30 day Chal-




DIY Hair Style

Caption This

Excerpt from 40 page

Guide to Ripped Abs

A healthy twist on

Fast Food

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Exert from 40 Page Guide to Ripped Abs

By Joe’l Ash

So its summer time and you look at yourself in the mirror and realize that

you want to obtain great defined abs like me model Joe’l Ash in the above photo.

You do at least a thousand crunches a day but seem to have no results. You’ve

wasted money on thousands of ab machines only to still find great disappoint

when you look in the mirror and see no definition.

So after two kids what is the secret to my success? Well the answer may

simply surprise you. What I have written here in this book is the personal meth-

ods and instructions I have used to obtain my tightly toned and sculpted abdomi-

nal muscles.

Forget your machines, diet pills, and countless sit– ups. Obtaining the cov-

etous six pack abs is easier then you think. Now I’m telling you that you will wake

up over night after following this with a flawless six pack. But following the

proper steps I will list in this book you will be well on your way.

Now I am that person that can eat for three and work out for about 45 min-

utes a day and still maintain my small frame of a size one standing at roughly 5’2.

I’m sure everyone knows someone like that and after giving birth to two children

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dren who are now school age I find a lot of females get disgusted by the fact that I

look like a child has never been inside of my body. Even though genetics plays a

big roll in a persons body type and health problems may incur and cause exercise

Issues I am here to say that if I can do it as person that has hypothyroidism from

absolutely no thyroid then you can most certainly obtain your goal.

So firstly I will start by busting a few myths that a lot of people have when it

comes to obtaining your wash board abs.


You can eat all you want and just do a 1000 crunches and you will have a wash


You can do 100– 5000 crunches a day but you will not see those envious

wash boards if your diet is lousy. You are literally what you eat so if you eat gar-

bage you will look and feel like that. The best thing is to eat clean and in modera-

tion. So if you have a bad diet then no matter how many crunches or sit-ups you

do you’re abs will not be visible unless you clean up what you eat.


Carbs are the enemy

I’m sure that we’ve all heard a person or maybe you’ve even done it yourself

go on this no carb diet because they feel that carbs destroy abs. The truth is carbs

are an essential nutrient that your body needs. Now fast digesting carbs, however,

like the ones found in bread, sports drinks, and potatoes can cause insulin spikes

that can aid in the increase of belly fat so its best to consume these carbs post

work out. Those will help aid in the recovery of you muscles. Instead get your

good carbs from veggies, fruits, whole grain items, oatmeal, and beans. And a

good general rule of thumb I follow is if you can’t pronounce it don't consume it. I

always like to know what’s going into my body.

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Sit-ups and Crunches are the only way to work the abs

While sit-ups and crunches are the most popular exercises to be performed

they are not the only exercises to target abs for a strong core. Abs are just like any

other muscle. They need strength and resistance to get stronger. I will cover a list

of exercises that will build a stronger core as you progress further in to this book.


Let me take a supplement

“ Oh I failed my diet I will just swallow a fat burner and it will all go away.” If

you have that mind set you are wrong. All though there are great belly fat burning

agents out there they don't seek and destroy immediately making up for any short

comings you may have had while training to get your six pack. There is no instant

fix for hard work and dedication. The only way to get your abs to show through is

by less body fat and more muscle.


Slow reps verses Fast reps

Some will say slow reps are better. Others will say fast reps are better. I say

mix it up. Slow reps can focus on good form. Take it slow work it out. While fast

reps can increase heart rate and allow for weight loss. Plus if you mix things up

you will not fall into the dreaded Plateau .


Train your abs daily

Your abs are just like any other muscle of your body so if you have a day that

you train a particular muscle do this with your abs. Although I train my abs on a

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daily basis just because its harder for me to hold on to muscle mass so if you find

yourself having a difficult time holding on to muscle mass then by all means train

them everyday. I would say that it depends on your body. Keep in mind every-

Body’s body make up is different. What works for one may not work for someone

else. The best advice I can give you on this myth is find what works for your body.


Running will reduce belly fat

Running is actually the worst exercise to reduce belly fat and allow your abs

to show through. Runners tend to be skinny fat or skinny skinny but lack the mus-

cle tone and definition. Instead cut the ten mile run and sprint for 20 minutes or

jump rope or do jumping jacks. Those are actually more beneficial in belly fat re-



You need fancy gym equipment to work out on

This is beyond false. There are several body weight exercises that can be per-

formed to work your abs and other parts of your body so you do not need a heavy

piece of equipment to help. Especially if you are just starting out. There are many

other things you can do instead. I will cover those further into this book. Remem-

ber Abs are a body fat percentage game.


Add more sets

Adding more sets and reps and killing yourself with sit ups is not going to

burn off the extra calories from the apple pie you’ve just eaten . Spot reduction

only occurs in dreams and in fairy tales. You can’t spot reduce your way to a per-

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fect six pack no how. Instead add a little cardio in the mix of your strength train to

minimize your belly fat. Follow a strict diet or cut your calorie intake by 100-200.


Side bends will carve your abs

This is false. All side bends with a weight in one hand will do is build your

obliques which will make your waist appear wider and your shoulders narrower.

Not what you want at all. And now it will not get rid of love handles if you have

them. It will strengthen your core and trunk rotation if your in it for a sport.

Now that I have just busted ten common myths about building abs that you

may or may not have known I will take the time to explain to you what your ab-

dominals or abs actually are. Its no secret that a great mid section can attract the

opposite sex so if that’s your goal you have to build your abs. Yes build and de-

velop just like you would any other muscle. Do not be afraid of this because you

won’t get a bulking mid section from building your abs since the rectus abdominis

is a relatively flat muscle. It runs from the bottom of the rib cage to the pelvis and

the lines or divisions that you see when your abs develop are from the tendons in

that muscle. The abdominals are like an internal girdle and if properly train give

you a tight toned mid section.

There are actually three layers of the abdominal wall but what most people

train is the rectus abdominis muscle which is the muscle mentioned in the first

paragraph. The muscle is crossed by three tendinous intersections called the linae

transversae. The rectus abdominis is enclosed in a thick sheath formed, as de-

scribed above, by fibers from each of the three muscles of the lateral abdominal

wall. They originate at the pubis bone, run up the abdomen on either side of the

linea alba, and insert into the cartilages of the fifth, sixth, and seventh ribs. In the

region of the groin, the inguinal canal, a passage through the layers. This gap is

where the testes can drop through the wall and where the fibrous cord from

the uterus in the female runs.

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This a diagram of the

rectus abdominis

Proper Diet and Exercise

can allow this muscle to

show through like mine.

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Now that I have busted some common myths and explained to you as the reader

what muscles you are actually toning I’m going to go over a few helpful tips that

will aid in the process of achieving that great six pack…

Exert taken from 40 Page Guide to Ripped Abs. Copyright 2014 written by Joe’l


If you would like to read more from the book in-

cluding tips and numerous successful workout routines

then pick up this helpful book available on Amazon.

There are multiple work out routines in this book that

include free weights, therabands, and just plain body

resistance exercises. These movements are simple and

prove to be affective at toning tightening and helping

to achieve the six pack that you desire.

As with any new work out routine or diet it may

not be suitable for all people. So even though there

are exercises included on how to work your abs with a

bad back please check with your physician before be-

ginning any physical activity and find out which set of

exercises would be most beneficial to you the reader

in your current state. And this book or article is no

way intended to treat or diagnosed any aliment.

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Summer is right around the corner and a lot of

models are getting ready to for competitions or

bikini shoots. So if you are a model that does bi-

kini shoots or competitions take the thirty day

body transformation challenge with Model Joe’l


What will be done during this transformation chal-

lenge? Well its thirty days. Everyday you are to

eat and train and sleep for eight hours. Hard core

dedication. In the process not only will you find

that through this you are transforming your body

but you are also cleaning out while promoting self

discipline and dedication.

Train your body everyday. Follow a good diet that

promotes muscle gain and proper strength train-

ing exercises. Take a photo everyday or yourself.

It must be a three quarter body shot in work out


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You can send your photos and strength training work

out routine along with your first name to

[email protected] with body transforma-

tion challenge in the subject line. You can also like and

post your photos directly to our facebook page if you

desire at



Like the page first and either message us your progress

or post it directly to our wall. Don’t be afraid to show

off your hard work and dedication.

This is just not for the models out there but anyone

could do. Just if you’re a model let us know. We are

curious to see everyone’s out come thus far.

Lets make this fun and great. Who is up for the chal-

lenge. Let us know.

Maybe next time we will shine the spotlight on you

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30 Day Transformation

Challenge Selfies.

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Show us your Day one

fitness Selfie

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Come up with a witty caption for this photo

and submit it to us under the contact section



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Before you proceed, make you sure have the 3D option available in the

version of Photoshop you are using. Also, some of the 3D functions used

in this tutorial may differ or may not be available in older versions of


1) Open a new document with

the following settings:

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2) Set the Foreground and Background color to light and

dark blue, respectively

3) Select the Gradient tool. Drag your cursor vertically downwards on

the image to form the background.

4) Go to Filter > Noise > Add noise and make the following changes:

5) Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and make the fol-

lowing changes:

6) Open a new layer and select

the Rectangular Marquee Tool. Drag your cur-

sor form the leftmost side of the document to

the rightmost side to make a rectangular selec-

tion of height 4 inches. This rectangular selection should be created on

the vertical center of the document. Check with the side rulers to ensure

this. If you do not see the rulers, press CTRL+R.

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7) Press SHIFT+F5 to open the Fill dialogue box.

From the Use drop-down menu,

choose Color and select the color Yellow. Click

OK. Do not deselect the rectangular selection.

8) Open a new layer. Right click on your selec-

tion and choose Select Inverse. Press SHIFT+F5

andFill the selection with White. Deselect the

selection (CTRL+D).

9) Open a new layer. Select the Elliptical Marquee

tool and draw an ellipse right in center of the Yel-

low stripe. Fill this selection with White.

10) Select

the Text Tool to type in the number

‘8’ as text. Ensure the following settings:

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11) Select all of the four layers you have created, in-

cluding the Text Layer.

12) Go to 3D > New shape from

Layer > Sphere.

Your Billiard Ball is now ready. We are now going to add some ef-fects to it.

13) Double click on the Layer thumbnail

to open the 3D Panel. Click on Filter: by

Materials. Click on the

icon for Environment and select Load Texture.

I have used the picture shown to the side. You

may select whatever picture you like.

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14) Go back to the 3D Panel and click on the Environment icon and choose Open Texture.

15) Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur.

Change the radius to 3.0px and click OK.

16) Now, go back to the original document and on

the 3D Panel > Filter by: Materials, make the following


17) On the 3D Panel, open Filter by: Lights and

make the following changes to Infinite Light 1.

18) Then make the following change to Infinite

Light 2:

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A Healthy Twist on Fast Food

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19) To get Infinite Light 3, you’ll need to create it. So click on the icon


20) And now make the following changes

for Infinite Light 3

20) Create an Image Based Light using the same

option as before and then make the following


Final Result:

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Get your copy Now. Contains simple but delicious clean eating

recipes for anyone with health problems or just looking to

clean up their diet. Sold out on Amazon when listed the first

Day. Sells for 12.00 plus S&H

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