m3640318a Warriors Code V1.3

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Warriors code

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So you’ve chosen to attend one of our events here at Warhammer World, the spiritual home of the Games Workshop hobby? A wise choice indeed, for awaiting you is a fantastic chance to see great miniatures, meet likeminded hobbyists, wage war on the gaming tables, and be inspired by the breadth of your hobby.

Our events are aimed at you having as much fun as possible, with camaraderie and friendly competition at their core, and The Warrior’s Code is designed to ensure that everyone taking part has a fantastic experience. The Warrior’s Code is mentioned in most of our event packs, and explained in more detail here. Whether you’ve never been to an event before, or you want to double check details before taking another visit to our hallowed halls, this guide should help you plan for a smooth event.

When attending events at Warhammer World, we require that you abide by The Warrior’s Code, which is designed to ensure everyone taking part has a fantastic experience. We expect that:

1. All your miniatures have been produced by Games Workshop (Citadel, Forge World or Warhammer Forge).

2. All miniatures in your army must be fully painted.

3. All miniatures in your army must be fully based.

4. All miniatures in your army must be fully assembled.

5. Your Army List must be selected from a current Codex or Army Book.

6. All miniatures in your army must have weapons/equipment as listed.

7. You will use an appropriately sized and painted movement tray for any units that arelarger than one model.

8. Unit Fillers represent no more than 20% of the unit and roughly equate to the fighting prowess of the models they replace.

9. You do not use proxies at Warhammer World Events.

10. All major conversions are approved by the Warhammer World Events Team in advance of the event.

11. You treat all your opponents in a fair and even handed manner.

12. You embrace the Most Important Rule; play in the spirit of the game and do not get bogged down in the details of the rules.

All your miniatures have been produced by Games Workshop (Citadel, Forge World or Warhammer Forge).We do not allow the use of other companies’ models, scenery or conversion kits at Warhammer World. If we see such a model on a table, or we suspect that a model falls under this criteria, then we will politely ask you to remove it from the table.

It is in your best interests to make sure that you adhere to this rule as you don’t want to lose anykey units halfway through a game.

If you are unsure then just contact the Events Team at [email protected]

All miniatures in your army must be fully painted.We expect that all your models are fully painted in time for the event. The main reason for this is that part of your event is the chance to play against fully painted armies. This is a key part of our events for many people as they are often up against the armies of grey plastic miniatures, or sprayed black legions.

We purposely do not define what “fully painted” is. We do not wish to either restrict our customers with an overly elaborate, airtight definition as we believe this will do more harm than good. You should be free to paint your models however you choose. Likewise we also do not want to have in place something like a “Three Colour Minimum” which is extremely ambiguous and easily open to abuse.

Simply put, every hobbyist knows, deep down, when a model is painted or not. We ask you to ensure your models are fully painted out of

respect for everyone else at the event who

have made the effort to get their models done, as well as the plethora of people who stay up late the night before, furiously painting their models just to get them finished.

All miniatures in your army must be fully based.“Fully based” means that the base of every model in your army has had some texture added to the entire base, replete with an appropriate paint job. There is only one exception to this very simple rule: the smaller clear flying bases for jet bikes and other similar models are exempt. We do expect that the large oval base used to mount the larger flyers to be based as explained above.

Please note: Simply painting your bases a certain colour is not enough. A good example of the minimum standard we expect are Citadel textured paints, as they cover texture and colour quite nicely in one, quick, easy to apply package.

All miniatures in your army must be fully assembled. It is expected that all of your miniatures are fully assembled. If you are missing any parts such as arms, guns, tracks, wheels, war machine crew, chariot crew, or anything else that leaves your miniatures feeling incomplete, you will be asked to stop using the miniatures until the missing components have been added and painted.

Here are some examples of incomplete miniatures:• One Mangler Squig on a base (even if you

strap a smaller Squig to it with a chain – it’s not the same model!)

• Two Scarabs on a swarm base (it’s not really a swarm if there are only two, is it?)

• A War Mumak of Harad with no crew• The sidecar of a Space Marine attack bike

being replaced by a multimelta haphazardly glued onto the front of a regular bike

• An arm on the floor representing a Skeleton (it’s not been fully raised boss, honest!)

• A Daemon Prince with no wings that nonetheless has the flight upgrade (no-one is that psychic)

• Any model whose silhouette is vastly changed by the exclusion of parts from the model kit intended for use during assembly

• A Dark Eldar Raider or Venom where the crew are not in place

Your Army List must be selected from a current Codex or Army Book. The following list of Codexes and Army books are in use at events run at Warhammer World. If the event you are attending is using the Warhammer Fantasy Battles system, the

following publications (either digital or printed) are available for you to choose your armies from:• Warhammer Armies: Beastmen• Warhammer Armies: Bretonnia• Warhammer Armies: Daemons of Chaos• Warhammer Armies: Dark Elves• Warhammer Armies: Dwarfs• Warhammer Armies: High Elves• Warhammer Armies: Lizardmen• Warhammer Armies: Ogre Kingdoms• Warhammer Armies: Orcs & Goblins• Warhammer Armies: Skaven• Warhammer Armies: The Empire• Warhammer Armies: Tomb Kings• Warhammer Armies: Vampire Counts • Warhammer Armies: Warriors of Chaos • Warhammer Armies: Wood Elves• All Warhammer Battlescroll publications from

Games Workshop: Digital Editions

If the event you are attending is using the Warhammer 40,000 system, the following publications (either digital or printed) are available for you to choose your armies from:• Codex: Adepta Sororitas• Codex: Blood Angels• Codex: Chaos Daemons• Codex: Chaos Space Marines• Codex: Dark Angels• Codex: Dark Eldar• Codex: Eldar• Codex: Grey Knights• Codex: Imperial Guard • Codex: Inquisition • Codex: Necrons• Codex: Orks• Codex: Space Marines• Codex: Space Wolves• Codex: Tau Empire• Codex: Tyranids• All Warhammer 40,000 Dataslate publications

from Games Workshop: Digital Editions• Any Codex Expansion, for example Iyandan,

the Farsight Enclaves, Black Legion etc.• Rules and unit entries from pages 34 - 81 of

Escalation.• Rules and unit entries from pages 12 - 36 of

Stronghold Assault.• Death from the Skies – please note this

compendium from pages 53 to 72 will be in use at all our Warhammer 40,000 events. Entries will be replaced as time goes by, as Codexes are released which include the units presented within Death from the Skies. We expect everyone to use the most recently released version of each unit entry. If you have any questions regarding this, please just contact us.

All miniatures in your army must have weapons/equipment as listed.This rule is fairly easy to adhere to, given the vast majority of plastic kits now available, and the stunning array of options contained within.

If your Space Marine has a missile launcher, or your Empire unit champion has been bought two pistols, then the model must have these upgrades modelled on. If your unit has upgrades that require different models, such as musicians, banners and Night Goblin netters then such models must be used.

There are exceptions to this rule, in terms of melta bombs, grenades, pistols, talismans and certain enchanted items (the list is too long to go into here). We expect everyone to be sensible about these. If it can be hidden in a pocket, or stowed away in some webbing, you do not necessarily have to model it on. If you are in doubt, contact the Events Team at [email protected]

You will use an appropriately sized and painted movement tray for any units that are larger than one model.Movement trays are part and parcel of playing games of Warhammer. Convenient for moving units around, they are also essential for maintaining facings and general unit coherency. Not using movement trays for large regiments can make your games last an unfeasibly long amount of time.

So in order to ensure that games begin and end in a timely fashion, as well as to protect everyone’s experience during the game, you will need to use an appropriately sized and painted movement tray for any units that are larger than one model.

In the end, if you are unsure, or wish to use units you don’t feel need movement trays, then all you need to do is contact the events team and we will be only too happy to discuss further details with you.

Unit Fillers represent no more than 20% of the unit and roughly equate to the fighting prowess of the models they replace.Unit fillers are best described as adding character to a Warhammer regiment by replacing rank and file models with an appropriate model. This can include Khornate shrines, totem carrying Orcs, captive slaves, dancing bears and so on. Unit fillers are allowed at our events provided the following rules are adhered to.

• Fighting models are not replaced with inanimate objects – you can’t expect a gravestone to fight, no matter how many skeletons you put around it

• The replacement is roughly equivalent in fighting power to what it is replacing. A troll with a black hood replacing four night goblins, whilst carrying the tribal bad moon totem is fine – replacing six night goblins with an orc with only one leg and a whip is not

• No Unit filler can take up more space than 20% of the units total size. For example, a unit of twenty Empire State Troops could have an Ogre as a Unit Filler, but placing a one-Night-Goblin-thick line of Night Goblins around an Arachnarok Giant Spider would be unsuitable

• As ever, if you are unsure, or have a great idea for a unit filler which isn’t covered by these rules, then please contact the Events Team at [email protected]

You do not use proxies at Warhammer World Events. If there is a model available for any given unit, we expect you to use the correct model. If you wish to convert models to suit a theme for your army, please see the next section about conversions.

A “proxy miniature” is a model that is standing in for something else and has not been changed in any way. These are not allowed at any of our events. A Cadian Shock Trooper cannot be a Genestealer, a Tyranid Ravener cannot be a Fiend of Slaanesh, a Savage Orc witha large ball and chain cannot be a Mangler Squig.

We insist on the correct models being used because we want to avoid any confusion at our events, which could lead to players getting upset or not enjoying themselves.

Please note, this also covers proxying whole armies. If your army is modelled and painted as a Chaos Space Marine army, we expect you to use Codex: Chaos Space Marines (or a relevant supplement codex) and not, for example, Codex: Space Wolves. We ask this to ensure clarity for all your opponents

All major conversions are approved by the Warhammer World Events Team in advance of the event We know many people like to take the opportunity to convert models for thematic and creative reasons. We actively encourage this, but do ask that if you are going to do so, please check with the events team first. We may ask you to make allowances at the event in order to ensure there is no confusion for your opponents.

Examples of the kind of Conversions we would want to check:• Converting Centurions into Obliterators• Using a converted Khorne Lord of Skulls as a

Bloodthirster• Turning an Elf Dragon into an Eldar Exodite

tank• Using a Bad Moons Rhino as a looted Ork


If you believe that a conversion you have planned conflicts with the Warrior’s Code please email

us some photos of your projects at [email protected] or ring us on 0115 900 4994 and we will be happy to discuss it with you.

You treat all your opponents in a fair and even handed manner. You know how good a game feels if your opponent sympathises when you make a bad roll and laughs along with you when you make an exceptionally good one, or points out a recently updated rule in their army which you may not be familiar with. Agreeing on anything you aren’t sure about in the rules before the game starts, letting an opponent take back a bad move they didn’t want to make, offering a handshake before and after the game, regardless of the result; these are the kind of actions which help make a game great regardless of who wins.

Because we want everyone to have a good event, we take the rare occasions which go against this attitude very seriously. If you are guilty of any of the below list, we will immediately remove you from the event and will most likely insist that you leave the premises.

This includes, and is not limited to:• Any kind of verbal abuse, either towards

players or staff at the event• Knowingly interpreting the rules of the game

in your favour to take advantage of another player

• Using loaded dice• Changing your Army List during the event.• Falsifying event information (such as Army/

Race Type at a Throne of Skulls)• Continually asking the same Rules Query of

different Events Staff in the hopes of getting a favourable answer

• If we think you have drunk too much alcohol and are potentially a danger to yourself or others around you

• Do anything that the Event Organiser deems to be disruptive to the event

N.B: Warhammer World Management reserves the right to refuse admission to any and all events run at Warhammer World

You embrace the Most Important Rule; play in the spirit of the game and do not get bogged down in the details of the rules. Here at Warhammer World we prioritize enjoyment of the game over victory at all costs. We want all our players to embrace the use of the Most Important Rule – in other words, rather than wasting valuable gaming time arguing over the rules – just roll a dice for it and move on with your game.

If you need assistance with a rules clarification you can expect to be asked to look up the relevant section of the rulebook so you will save time by doing it yourself first. We find that the vast majority of questions we get asked are solved just by looking in the rulebook. So rather than lose 5 minutes of your game, just check the rulebook before you ask one of us.

We would prefer to have as little impact on your games as possible, so we will do our best to resolve all situations using the rules as they are written in the book, as this will allow us to solve the majority of any rules queries without bias. If you are unhappy with a decision that has been made, feel free to let the Events Staff know, they will be ready and willing to help you and your opponent(s) come to a sensible and mature decision.

What happens if I break the rules (unknowingly!)?Don’t panic! We are understanding human beings and hobbyists. We will discuss the problem with you and attempt to find an amicable solution. If a few models are not based, we will ask you to get them done as soon as you can. If your entire army is not painted, we will have no choice but to insist that you work on it until it is painted, but we will happily put aside some space for you to get on with your painting so that you can work in peace.

We deal with each case on an individual basis.

If it’s clear that there is no way you can adhere to the Warrior’s Code in order to take part in the weekend (for example if your entire 3,000 point army is not even undercoated) then we will ask you to remove offending models from the table.

It is worth pointing out that, in some of our events, those of you who adhere to the Warrior’s Code will benefit from extra gaming points (the amount varies depending on the event). Turn up with your army and army list completed and ready to play, and you’ll receive this reward for your efforts.

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