8/11/2019 M11A - Other Hazop and Hazid Techniquesl [Compatibility Mode] http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/m11a-other-hazop-and-hazid-techniquesl-compatibility-mode 1/20 DNV GL © 2013 SAFER, SMARTER, GREENER DNV GL © 2013 Other techniques

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Other techniques

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Available Techniques

02 June 2014


•Conceptual Design

•Detailed Engineering



•Expansion or Modification

•Incident Investigation


•Rarely used or




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!y"ically done at an earlier sta#e in system/"rocedure de$elo"ment

Carried out at sli#htly hi#her le$el % system rather than com"onent

&o #uidewords

Assumes that a hazard occur and in$esti#ates what e$ents may cause this

02 June 2014


Hazard Identification is the first and most critical stepof risk management – Why?

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Types of Hazard Event

02 June 2014


1 Events which have happened before

2 Obvious hazards due to type of activity

3 Accidents which can be inferred from 1 and 2

4 Simple combinations of events

5 Complex combinations never before observed

6 Recognised hazards, but defeated by installation,maintenance or operations

7 Completely unknown or unanticipated hazard

Must beIdentified

in a

Hazard Id

Should be


in a

Hazard Id

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HAZID - Must be ealistic

't is tem"tin# to disre#ard &on-Credi)le* Scenarios )ut+

 &on-credi)le* scenarios ha$e ha""ened to others

Worst Cases are im"ortant to emer#ency "lannin#

We should consider com)inations of failures/ e$ents

e,ui"ment can )e off-line (e# Salt-water fire "um"s

safety de$ices can )e disa)led or fail to o"erate

se$eral tasks may )e concurrent

"rocedures are not always followed

"eo"le are not always a$aila)le

how we act is not always how we "lan to

thin#s almost always takes lon#er than "lanned

a)normal conditions can cross section limits

02 June 2014


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02 June 2014


•Conceptual Design

•Detailed Engineering



•Expansion or Modification

•Incident Investigation


•Rarely used or




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!hec"list Application

.sed traditionally to ensure com"liance with standard "ractices

Checklists are a "owerful hazard identification techni,ue

'ncor"orate "ast e"erience in con$enient lists of do0s and don1ts 2alua)le for re$ealin# an otherwise o$erlooked hazard

!hey can )e e"ected to re$eal most common hazards

02 June 2014


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All of the issues on the list are addressed

Easy to do and can )e a""lied at any sta#e of a "ro3ect life-cycle

Minimal man"ower com"ared with HA4567 etc

Standard checklist can )e de$elo"ed to ensure consistency

02 June 2014


Disadvantages Limited by the experience and knowledge of the author

Rely on past experience (not predictive)

Comprehensive checklists can be very lengthy documents

Checklists need to be audited and kept up to date

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02 June 2014


•Conceptual Design

•Detailed Engineering



•Expansion or Modification

•Incident Investigation


•Rarely used or




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&hat-If Analysis

Creati$e )rainstormin# usin# What-'f8* ,uestions to de$elo" scenarios for

undesira)le e$ents

9ased on "lant systems or su)-systems

'dentify the hazards and conse,uences of the scenario

'dentify eistin# safe#uards

02 June 2014


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'&hat-If( )uestions

What if 8

How could 8

's it "ossi)le 8

Has any)ody e$er 8

Etc7 Etc7 Etc8

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02 June 2014


•Conceptual Design

•Detailed Engineering



•Expansion or Modification

•Incident Investigation


•Rarely used or




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E/a0pl of application of *ME!A1

Maintenance plannin.

02 June 2014


PM system - download

•Equipment hierarchy

•Current maint. plan

Risk screening

Risk analysis(FMEA)Safety/health/Env.Direct costsDown time cost modelcosts

Internal and externalrequirements


Definition of maint.:Strategy, Activities,Attributes

An optimalMaintenance


• Today's maintenance plan

• Best practise

• Frame conditions

Preparation of datafor analysis

Define order inwhich to analyzesystem and whichequipment to detailanalyze based onthe function theyare upholding

Definefailuremodesfor eachsystem

Define maintenancestrategy, discipline,spare parts,document needsBest practice

Transferdata to PMsystem

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02 June 2014

 © Det Norske Veritas AS. All rights reservedSlide19

“Few accidents occur because the design team lack knowledge; most

errors occur because the design team

 failed to apply their knowledge” 

Trevor Kletz

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