■-fti . ' V (lt® Ili S, N(lMnE|l 183. ■ . liil ' : . , H c S ; , W i l l - -E un : ;i , Hj>lan ;for ' Vdo^mior aiid Thpmp: : s o i l 'J p f 'S m -aiiCAOO; Now a-Openlns ol tt d tl« totjritrtnttllon o r- lliB, nylttn- .■niaBpMn-^IbJril ililnl p»ny.' no* UOd«r icoi»l(l«r<llon...»ltl B«rntt tlio ' cm(com«' at'.lhli'iprtiiB’eliy elMtloaa. . It-wM/lMniiB]';toilAy:(rom'' m rcw . cloie to'lha Chleaco msTor. ;Mkjfflr‘T1ioiniiiDa.lji'MP«ilRj tli» rawl.tillt«r;(l|lil or llh putllleal ca- .rMr:in'hlt aKori to bo’ro-clKlcd bi Ui»:chI»l.'«**cutl»«-of-tH1c#iio.,tiMl • fpriB*..:: ' Tbt'Jdu Ot B third' pBrlf tisi Ions Imo a drum wItH Tliompun leadvM. •,Thay;MI«<r<d.>haiiTIiQRit)i(iB:cou1d ' . b» alactri lo'tlio aenale and «<rcii tu ' tUe wWti,hou»e,lliratf«ti..n,ihlrd mi- '.J)«(li]K»‘roni}''w u'|lun (D ttilr liope socordTac lo nporta, whan Majror \\i‘ lan'and'ilearat.vara lo Cbleaio laat _____w«k. .'.Thompion daring lha cbn^-. «*t«r,'UlnB..’'«hara Ftad Lundia, bit chlet llaBlenaDt,#ad political »d»laor, ' U nndec tratlnaak Uinden la under* iiood l?bifa uritd Tbebtxtm tvkeep .oni otlanr-BclUo p«rt|dpa|lon In the tblrd otfanlntlon unUI , aRar ibt April aleetloni, wh«|. If aleciad; he' .. ,»l1l:he,ln,iiidonilaiUBf ,ppilUon. . ' AcSSBjirii flW rtaiSTiiirra* la'tbB Thonpaoa cMp, BO artoru wilt J.am idi'^;«Srilfr llylta lo.toro fl thinl p«rtr ont|l fh« Me If.li IM- r poailbl* .Cor l i m i .to iKComa' Ihr • • ■ ' prHldenUil nmlBM qf,tha_ Dimocrai- ir detlBltfobaclnalonvu'to tb.la po«- ..X. • M»Jfo^•«JrUll^lha o n lro ae ot .llia •• UirH'itiiB*k«;*nydifliili».iUlemenl \ mni \ . • ,Bad'naltbar'p«rty‘nnmIn»tea.B eaadl- --3-l|lpw| i ------ :— rOCATBLLOrNdTrM-Ai-a-nanll- of a ihobtlfliHfhldi occurred Tuwday '..fna pMM««;‘8ol Nnrra/UJn a hoa- pital Mffartoi wl|h'.» aefloua : ^ouadyn:.bto lafl. il<1« »nd Ihoulder ' ------ ’»nd'OoiB*f'Orean.li,lnthacouBtrJ»ll • .clari^ir|tt|*Btt*mpl.l8 cqmmlimur- ; f n e ahoollai.' aeebrdlnit to QrMn. - « U ’&’‘iMutt.ot'.a’ quarre) tba.nUbi. .. befora'i*hleh ocmrrid In ihd nejro dtotricl'batwean.uraral niirou nbo hi4 li«n'drlnklni!.'or«B had r«elyr ' '«d a im r f beitlnc. he iild, and when ''.'.b'«rmat'*‘M am r ihti-atum oon. .Ihe . . : .;iUrtad.t»,twcb,forhU Mn)lTar. Tha •;as»s6yj»ffjs iahoaldw;:^ItMa't)«lliTed Ihal Murray : rv ' Hope^^r.Gettiiig ;; .a;Iien^ii,M u^ j: ' .MiUUONJIL/NoT.-Sl-Hope ot la- •/ . •,-''cBria«:»'lutr,In lho flrat HenIn •.iB M m rt 'lrUl..I>e?er« Thiakmrltir • - V Tho.UiW'.ivuiel et flfiy-proapecllre ; ( 0 B t ' n r a t ind eaeoBd panel! . lln wbltb nlnera:>iro predominant, •'.ThlrWtthre* *ira'*«mlned„wliho!.i • ■•a iln itt' Ja.ryBin.Mlaf lalectod.. 'VA>n.T TOIflOSIKfl CASE'M ‘ ^ . :DB HTEffpOATHIl BT EXPEnTflt J>08aAy\yAa;J^THlltB.PKBAHR|l : LMicipTE^'Ohio, Nof. :U_Arr*»la ta ihe'LudHlar.poUonlBK, wblch ki - .lerdar warred tha llvaa af a fiially of lalt'wliriTaltow^aH-Boop M.i-r^poiU . -from'Coltfinbtia lay tbii< artenie h u ‘ .bean' fouiid 'ln the atodiaeha ot Mr. ;’«V?tor OiW^"Wddlfra *d«u'r»d^ Mondiink. '■ilfiiaerion ./ • >, trom-wb«t.‘Uia ,phyilcUn'bille»»d le ' ' .b*aW-ttd?i«aln». loWilm ha.faared ' ' VnRnlaai'^b roantad.hia anplor- ’ nenl M B'lirlkabrNkcr u tbe.Penn' ' .,.»yl»aala-'t*tlroid ihopa.'wan .trjiaf ;to.-cer-;w»'‘ M m —Succeeds .Wirth * ;_ C « r m n / wDI now hava B . « n i . n l ot bualneaa'nMn aa ■¥/«. '■ ^ tiilm Cuno. dlreelo^stneml ot.the bins lho naw Qinnan sovcmment. The new tMlma mtc.litcr la JnyiUnt. V 'inio hU caUntt men hitti In lha »i OtfmanlndmlrlalworW.. iliiiii. If. . - —r— ^. JP ^BEATTI^ Waah..^ Not^ JJ— ll*. beroraC&(amloir ;.W. W. .abapperd, who .lodar -wai coallnuins lha fed- tnl irida , commliilon'a. InreallM- '• tlon Inlo,-iU own'chinaa aialnat ed’ the: Doujlia Flr Baploliation and III Biport Co. ■m DIotdii. ylco praaldanl of H- lh# .company, wblcli Inclndea .107 hr mitei Ib Waal>lnglofl, OrajoB aad ll- CallforBla. •Iiiued a-.ilatemeBt d*.- M- and employed bihtr uBfilr)nilfl«ii iVih:otfa;ioU»ln',c6alMPga^l^ lia Bildinco iBlrdducad Ifl 'tha; iaS*. nl eril Irada c6mn>Ualotf/| compWatlp.- eludea a lailar aald lo ha«,.h;HB ,li wrIlUn In IWO br W. a 111* K DWIer, at llmo.iieh 'wn*; 4|. aier ot th# dataadaat company. lU- a erring lo eompilltan,' lha letlar __ (Illlu In Purii ~ •— ' ----- -~ * ‘ .-rn#' only-kind of aclloh lhe« pMpla nndenland-lrforco.; I.'than- lore. airaa'fully wllh your'auiiea* tlon-Ibal w«. ahould . farrr lh# w»r Iplo'lh'elr camp throuihMha .China " builneaa and’ maka It lo unproflla- :i bta for lhani ihit .lhty will ba glad iss.yf'iraf'iiASS- -!; go tha tull dliianc# .lMlead.'<rf part ' • way-; ' ' . w Fight for R^uced let Freight^ R at^ Is , Sl on Senate . WAflHINQTON. A C, ,Nor. in. Opening tha farm bloe'a flKht tor ra- ;bl dufed railroad ratea. Biiitor,Capper, TO Kaniai; la .'n 'lpotch to tha at&ite hu today,- <|eGlared Ihat It tht^ grail ly. agrlcnllHral wctloni ol. lha couniry en ara lo :ba realond lo pmaperliy, he congrni muit repeal Ibo. rale .mak-. ha Inr ieellona ot. llie prn e n l 'l mna» "Sjr JVnBQuu' liiw uiiQ' ri* 'u' BuUitu ULu' ha cconoinle baiti tor the .nuiklng ot nd. ratlrMd'ralw. ASSOCiATE JU8TI0I! JIITLER' ’ .. MIUlNATKn DYi lUROlXfl WASu’iNQTO.sV a ' c . ^ N M / n . - rierce Duller of-fit. raui, wai nom- Inaled by Preildent lUrdlng loday, . - towb* an-.BMi»lala Juiilca of ■Ih* St UBlled- Slalea lUprema court Duller ll a domocraL Ila |i now . regant ot Iba Unlvanlty ot Ulaae- If* aola to which he waa appolnled;hy ; ; oi.i.t»or.joh.- i.jo h ..,!; tlma-.InUmale trlead.^ , ,. n* Insane Patient^ lu ' - ‘ Fight w th Guards »i LUU, 0.. Kor.lss—Criminally In* ' iane Inmalci toaght-a pllcbod bai- . .lie wllh guarda.on lhe leuiid floor . or:tht.'Uffia aiato hoapllal ban. to-: 'flt daJr. . .. BD -,A plaiooB ot SS atlendaBli toBgbt ' birtflilcd-'fdr mora than'an., hoar agalail 38 patlanli betore lb# tallar tlaaliy waro quilted. ; ' . .f MeUI alugi lorn trom lanlory ^ equlpmut'. wera i^nrjod, by . .(her in; [,? “ TS''’ri8M'to;iaid''to'.b«i''btan ah M. oalircmU.of .a..'long..brawing.halr»d et inmaiaa for, lhair aiiandahta.. • LOWELU 'Maiii.-)l£#:'niedmiin. Ooatoni woit lha.Naw;£nxtand baa- o( Umw^lgbtj.champIoublp.vlrr .uUng ^ ‘’ .THE TOTHBB . . lag Tonight-and rtlday, fair.'and eon* ' • tlnutd cold..; V ! Pi’eraier Bonar Law ‘ : Hppes .Thal This Na- ' j tion .Wil! Join Kirope .to Save O l d ■ World nv! KARLA,'UiCKKL. . '|]O.SPO.S.-XO«; ? J-B rlllih hop? tor, American' parlMpartbmn-Europoin _ attain.'Ifelplng. 10 rasfua lha 'Old world.trwn ihe.chaoa.cauicO by .ihe war'wai rolce<t hy Premier Andnw ’ Uoaar Law..ln.an eicluiire Inlerriew given the,Unlie<l.rro<i. . \ ■■ < In forty nilnuirii coArDnailon, Ihh nar Uw Rninled the tint alalement ) he.haa. thade lo. any itewiipaper: cor- ' rctpoBdeni' alnce' hla arr,»«ilQn< to ilie [ ' He ret'elted nie in the hitluric'cab- Inei chamber ot No. lO'Downlng atrtel in wlilqh lho Bre.U problema. of-lhe world war*'wera faced and aolred, . '. -Thcre'la'nalhliig lo irouble ua on lha we«l«ii hpHiuu,’: Iloaar Uw de- . . dared, addliiK he, hoped. Amorlcal '' which he dewrlbvd aa lha mint litaal- loilc niulon In lho'world, would - In . aoma way becoma aaaoi'liied with the Uague nf Nnlloni, Ibua.fulllilliig o duty t« rellevB Knropean cham. ; I'ltmler I'ndentaadi U. 8. 'Aflain If nonar Uw dliplayed' ketneil Inter- T eil'in American alfaln.and ihowid I t ihTelMuTupd^Snding of American political and'economlo ijueilloni.,De- '. iplla Ihe.rlgon'ot a gruelling cam- paign, he Bppeared to haro reUlQed - Ihe tull; rigor of-hrt iifensih aa hk >Pok« of Iba problemi DrlUln li'fao- ing^greallr Wring rumor, that bla heallU-.li weakening. . ••• -rOnr relallorii wllh our Wnimeii ” ) utoaa ihe -AtlanUo Involve lomethluk more-lhih bargaining.''.Ihe premier . declared,. In hit ‘lUlemeni lo. i Ibe, ol Ualled I'reaa. ;Th*r ar# ibe.'But- In trofitb ot comipon vltwi,-.common idMii' and'co^mon'aurtirlns ib’.- | liJ <jD«fore:lhe yrar,.bolh'peoplea k m wronj.' ' *1“ ;ja<oxn»UoB H i any atmule ^ -u?iu B iiot X did Iba BrlUih amplr* In lh*, peat wari'and onee'tb#yhad enlarad:,lnin »• Vji«M A n ^ Will iel(i LaapiV:; • "Tliay*,l»:aolhln*!to‘ ,uouble ua oo «• lha weitem horlton. llul,' wlibpul r»l TUlurlBg .th#.,allghuit .erlllclaai'.ef n* America, I cannoi glre up hope^lhai ah* will gndsally come to tiei: tbit 1*5 It tk, htr duiy.'W.help in ihe ehaoa in-iomi-inirbe'uweiated-wlib'tbe tugua ot nation!,-IB auch aa ariBt lha niue ot th# league woold b^tm- , mmurably. iBcreaied." .• r :..,n ^ .~.TH1SB1RD;S^ r i-.'V-'':-' re- • ,. ate ' J 4 " aal ' • ■ :> • , \ ' .'T W IN FALLS, ir '§ m jp A H O r.fiiT O S D & Y , N ' Timber.^^ JNortKWest H it. BM W iile .Pme BlisUi;]^^t|c^:P^ 3 i>OHTLM^yfD^Nor; :a.-Tlie Iblrd whlia f.Rlnejbllilir'-'ruit con- ., ferenee, whict.oMaad-here yialer- • day waa to'SonllnJa lo4v fh"* M- ' illtlonai raporU B-.tbi..apraad of tha dIiiaa^:VllT)«'.recelred-. and when “ "ir5e?eWped.'.wiVeadBy,',wh'en re- porla wat4'«rtira&''by-prlraie; ami public toreir'' 'ec^liilo(ui' which - hove b('V 'i»drl« tba blight lhai '.' tbe diioaio'^Ii:ot i.aporlferoua char- acter andlbroVe o» llrit'.in.Drltlih Columbia,.:vflfane*( ll, ,|i'ai^ -apread 1 . allfljlly IBl6';i'.Wi#lnglon,.'.MonlanB * and IdahavainW : Wild'. currant i&buibe*. act-VM^'Iwrnedlary J n ihe d <ranam[MloR?ot‘ t]la' (liliaie. il It . rlaBned.la.JntfllBlt a .vigoroua cam- ' ' palui lu .rid'-noRUweit-'liloe' fornU of Ihla•flora.'’ .;!::;^'...-.;^-;; ' • liilp T - * (Iiy u X U A K iii^ iiK.VEi)icr,) , on wASlUNOtON, Nov. :s~Amorli;aii le- wom....... '.-eiperlonwd ;al enough in H lll» B hol^'hlgh oHIce; il* lucli aa a iaaUn i)egrew,'Jle|ireien- In tullvo Allctt.’llobrMon of,'Olilahoma he lald ioday.‘ r, i . .- I Uho aald hir, o « career. In .cong- '• raMhai'conrlflcotfhk'rv^.UaL. •. « "Women haren'iuad antiugh axperf lenee yet to'.he.‘refo„fbr.om.ee.'’. aht h'ow lo.rolfr'.'rrbti attaf,*^hlle we •1'Ssftai'ar.w- f? ."-AtlniTkllM-.wA.afraid'her ro- 'f maritr would' ba' i^lruc4"a»\"iour ;.-"flal'lVu'BoU)tokit ifi* kind,- ih'r 'In Vou rtmemher I eppoied wmnan M lat 'Theftlma ahoQld'-never come, lal^ Ilri Mri. Roberuon whan a woman-.wll', ’a<l neglect her home'.tor polliic*. " ' ha ' ‘■Holding office;" ahe declareil.-.’ can Boteompare.lo.ti>Hig.cAULsL«J>nEL and railing chlMren. . • 00 .’-Women will hot-Iearn the funda-' ml menUia of poUUca aa ther ahould,'' et aha aald,run|ll Ihey are williag l( lai Uke It aerlonily. lit . (Copyrigljt m ! , h y j;. P.) ‘v*. hiSDlTS UET 11,000 . ISF -OiOTaTlff.-r.Mos-fJovr-M^'fllt- H t miyor.'.iown manhal aad boiel keep- liii *r.w an .wouBdid and the Flnt Na- lb# ilonalrUMtc-deatroyed-when-bandlli IBI nldedilbla iowB early today, m- 1-T tt bandlW eicaped wllh H.OOO at- n I*;-. JBltlngi, llB(«-oI'>commdBltallon. 5H 0W sM N S P F iR E S l! 'BtTTea / • - M M NOVKMBER 23, 1922. •lillS; i lilN E lal ____ _ :j|; Alabama's Second Big »« Disaster Wil!. -Total h 0 85 .Lives'-Lost in Mine Explosion.' ■■ • lirUKlX(llI-\'M. Alx. Nnv, M-ll'wl-' lea u t't: vlcllnin u( the •iz|>li»lui> . which entnmlitd 476 workorii In the Dulonilie mipe ut ilie WcxJilu’iircl Iruii Un. near Here, lud been liruu;;hi tu (he lurfaro nl an rarly hourto>layf : .• ' 'The'ilealh tnli ot Alabnma'a imuihI arvatfKt ilinsnirr waa pxpeciol tu bo n<vi'llrd l» IUU hy drntlia^ ut anme u> . the 71i wiirkera »ho llu In licrtjiitaN . «o«mly Injurcil «r burnwl. . i r 'T ha other inlnrn euti.mbrd by ilie U eiplMinn »t mine . dual yeitrrdny ll. «tra-Uuddl«d.lO£ulher .aafoli’...Kb«n '** fouml by rw u i. >guad<, .Ilelatltri Wall far I.uied Unr« I (Iniwrla ot rolniim nnd , triendi |amnied'alHj.iit Ihv mlii> inuulh bi-came '_,i no tYanlli: aml.liynlflrle' aa boillM-wor? bruuElil to Ihe lurlaco and alackeii In ,n^ lieapn'uaaltinn undtttaken tlidj mil-. „» itla wa* callcd lo cunirol .lhe iltua- Uun,- It- The armed 4!«»rdiiin«n iircnuntrtl a barrier .betnwn the' dead ond tw,- cr- rraied relatl*ei.,aMloua lo learn the ■hr (bio ot their luVedoilei. '- ' . . , In- The flnt toad ot Head waa brought I aoL .u.tba.furfacaJiU.'iilclock.iail nlfihCI Ica, •nie bodle*were placed In limponryl my itrucitirei while BwiJilnE alrelchen' Idy ind'cotllM from Illrmlngham. i,' 'f® ^crfiBlBg Wamen HlBBil Bt EBlnnn 8cr«inlng women ,'and- chlldnn .nood, at lha flaming entrance ot the 'oni liope ihatt waitblngJnJagony ‘"J llie work or reicue. -The reiCue worken wero allll «'• ,, plorlns Ihe moat dlitanl receai'ei ot Vr (ha mine, .while a hBndtuI ot ■(he houianda of rllatlvea nml curloua V'l ipecuion whd jammed about..(lie aina,mouth, aa load after, ioad df _ lead wni atackcd ob ihe.cdid groa&d. ' tllll Qlll*d,a'round,tbe'Dliarr«d'-iBd ‘lectflc. apark'IgBlllBS m ine' duit. ^haeia of tlama i;wept Ihe.-mlnt'and ^ intnnce. Tho tlrat ot the. entombed ' f/ nnn-l2G blackened workera'-<anv« . 11 ' ,>ul ot lhe ahafl Immedlaiely atler the ,. 'ilail. ahd within two houn maiir oib- c n -ta wllh lerrltled face* appeared.-At- '«r l)ial a ateady a irc ^ .o f nhtn]ure<l .'-Crowdi gathered at lha enlnnco’ai l( -ronl ot Uie dliuler iwapt- lli* Iillie : -ellloment. nilllK CAX LIVE o.f »750 8A.S FIUNCIBOO. Nov. 2J^\Vork- flit- i*» |f.«!rii rttn Ilva well In Calltornia ep- tor about JTW jicr year7aSdrtlIng liT S'*. 1 reporl aubmUtnl Ihe «Ule Indui- IIU .rtol-w»Ifare-'comml*ilon to-lay-.by • - ipeclal InveiHgalon who had corired at- Ja Angelea. Qakl.and and San Fran- loo, ;lico ta ihelr atudlee. • • . . - rro Uniform-^Aulomoblle Laws for Tourist Are Urged by 11 Governor a \ s (■•iiASi'iKi':), Nov, rnirJ ot. clfvrii wi-ilurii «inti-« itul hrre twlny 10 ill.cuiii tmiirotement* am! uniform aiiloraublli' tr.irdu Lin">. "JtKl whnt rnn hr ddiir U prriblrlii- micat." milil (Icirrniiir I h n of Wnnli- “ inKinii whu was'iirtli'i! In hrliiiilui: blioiil lhl- t-iiDli'ri'nct- "Illll, w« all Ci-i’l . * llmt lhl’ iiiiloiwMli- luurlit !iii> fi-aili-l fll iHpliit-'wliPn- 111 ' 1» »li lra|iori:iiii.; ijpuinil. "Il l« uur. ik'>lri< to lirliic ^ili»i>i utilliiriiilly of liiKK mill ri'iiiiliiilun', I Ig 'u'hli'h will rniiii«>f niudi uf tti- :iu-. l l iiuyaiii'e ciiuiukI thn luurUl. iinJiT tin', •* proient ayntviiii uhrn hu iibbish Inmi IG' OIIP llatc In amillier" Moffatt Xunnel to Be Started First of 1923 Vll hu ' DK.S-VKIl. '.Vot. 2S-Wurk <111 lliv UN MDtrm liiniii'l 10 h" roiialrudcO tu ihroHish Ja iu riir* '' '■' Ihc-'I'liliirs.lu r - Knc'ViMw'ili tie iipRun ,iii| ll .wan lipllrrpil hcri'. Kxlu)' lullnwliiii 1)0 Ihe »l3lii,»iU'lfme imin'pi iiriluii In u( hulilliii; •niihlliutluiiul tlu' uil provlil- .1 , 'n r Inr Imll.lliii; o( lhl' iuhi> hy iKiuini; ' . bnndi, , .• I, 'I'liv «!» mill- iiiniwl will Illl ult i„- lulli'i* Ilf 111" .oli’i'iii-'l rallraul Ktailvi ] ; In Illf' mail- uiul nill pn>tlil>' n murnj dIrM ohilci lu S.1I1 I.11VP n iy »h.'n «lwi«lnn of III" Miilfnl • rnltlnnil li am.miiHhIir|L__________iM M iilL - I bid IK i i i s.wt an ,fl' WABIii.S'dTOX, -Nov. ;3-^,\f,:unu'nli< vn ut Oeorgei Clcinetii-rju In ,:>-ti;ii>.i- nf ii,, Ihe French Inifrnatlonal jirld will ' V lw anlwer^I iu the aenaie, Arouurd by '"r lha Ilger'a flr.1 ipoech in.N.w Vork ' leverai lif lhe ‘irreconcllnblca" In thr Venalllea treaty (Uhl and olher aeii- y alu n who.oppoinl ratlllcatlun uf n'l) pact wilhoul ' rclorva^lolu, ara lire- “ parlnR to carry un a dehato wlUi Clemencesu belore the American |iiib- .1 . ' ,nd .•'The'beller.provallcil here Bmunsl bli IWI* ot,-Uia,»enale ‘'ItreconcllablK” i jhab.Clemeaceau'wfca bruught.hero I?'' •rk advocate! of Amertcaii Ihtenniiluii S 4jrBB»pc-li*1ha1iepro'lwlTlBr«hi*- lit I>ague Dt Nallont Imue nr ot furclUR ,nj Ihla cnuntry to iniarveaa in old wor(il wfTallV. ■ ' ^ Iwd Some ot lhl lenalon are ao nfbui- nv» td Bl-CIemenceau'a flnl ipcoch that the he may nol ho liiirlie.t lo addroia tbe itb- lenale, 'when he romei to Waahliig- At- tim-ft honor uiually ncconled fnrolan rnl itBteimen, ; «hl ttcnaion' Jlllchrock. 'lloruh^-fara-- way and Edge, already hav* attacked 'Bl b|» ' Matemeala aa<^ II ',ia probeble llle Ihal hla ipe«che> will he made lhe cauie of.a aharp debale -in lha lon- aie loday or lomorrow. 1 Swaler Allafk. Prtwlfr of Francr. ila’ Senator Hitchcock. Nebraaka. tor- ^15 mtrr-thBlmaft-Hir-lba-ror«lgn_relt>. Ul- lloni commliiee tormaily replied lo br lho Ilger'a attack un-lhli cnuntr}‘!i ' J piiilSrar poiicrr— - ' ---------- an- "if FVanei bad' lo aend an anvw lo (he Unlled-Staiea lo enl1*t Amet- - Icah aympatiiy lh# could have choion . a-man-more.appropriate than Cle- ' menceau.’' aald Besator Hitchcock, "While 'Climinceau.'la hoi .known aa aiich n nitliariil aiTolacare and ' * dthen he h u been recognied ai np- — • Ttaenling an nlremely .hanh policy lowanl .Oermany.'V; . S tate Railroad. . . ' Cdmmissibiis May ---------- ; -5;ej^jllo.r>jl WAaillNoVoK, n, Ch Nor. t t . - ' Preildenl HahUns wbi Baked lod.ay ' 10 T^ommend In hli BDnual ncaiaxa to coognii amendmeBia lo the tnaiporialloa act realoriag to lUta railroad. commliiloni. Ibe '.powin; ' ther'iBjoyed ,prlor'.lo .the war Ib conirol over’ lalentatt ntei.,dia*' irlbullon of carfr ; - - The requeil waa pieaenled by a copimlliee ot the >'Bllenai Aiioclav . tio(| :ot..8lale-,BaIlroad^C6mmliilon. en. headed by Dwight. H. Lewli. pnildenu -i'. It aiked; . • I. fleitontlnn ot .aBlhorllr lo ..i .'ilate eommluloaijo conlrti Inlra- alale nlea.--'.'. !. AuUioriullen ,ot flnlt. rmnmle- Ilona lo control dlilrlbuilon ot ra n - or ahlppimbeiween'Ihalr reipecllvo itatea' renrdlna of' the deilln'ailon . ot'fnight. • . i. Congrciilonal iupport by. p ro t' tr approprliiloDi tor the raluilloh of-railroida now beifig. nndertykes ' by lhe ialenteie commerce .comBila. . lion.;',. ... AXOTIIER I»l0‘ PACnitn ■/■ ' : .WASHINO'TOK.' D.' ,CV N w ! OoTtmmenl'-.offlclali '. a r o b e l u ; ' aounded out. on Ihelr altilude lowanl . aaolliir Wg .picker Bwrger, iMwai H -' leareeif -her* .today., w . •>. Tb* aecoBd prepoaal, toilowtaf 'the reetBt rtgnHl ot AmMr, *}Oo.; , to coablB*vVllh W ^iA i..C (^..lg , BaM,l#.lBV0lT» lll•V»l^^lr;er•3TO■ .:';'' aoi( aad Oo; vjlb iBoUiir'ef tha big MBS ,..OLD VOL. x r a - N O . fl- . Iiil ?NOIWi ^iriir i|-yNii)pDBi: ,Ui,iiun Hcad'Pieads I'of' 13 li t g h o r W,Qge-’ o n " " uv Ground That Roads ', "I Are 'Making Money. ‘ Illi CIIK'.MiO. .S’ov, 23~ltnIIroiiii man- In iiKi'tiiciilH :in- loiic i'nlliiK t larKe port -. ' III- Him of ||ii;li_!iil.farniil:i while pro-' 111; liniliiR''fli:iilii« ifraiiiliii': worUm iiit- . iV-li'iii iriiii-n 111 iiialiilntn a' minimum ^'Ixi.-iiiilnnt o( lirliiii, K. II. Kltui'raid. tvi I uiiliiii lll'lli). •Iii liiri'il .UNinr In ap p ra l-' irnjlMK III III" I’nili'il Klnii.'i hiilrnail la- I'H Ixir liiMiil fur |mV liii-ri'aiu-*, ' ' , ll Kiiir.i'n’ ilil. pn'ililoni mF Ihv iiiolh'rr- liucxi <i( Itullu'iiy .mil , tilu.unKhlii I'liTku. Kri'iiilH II..... Kxpri'ii and Hnill.iii ;«iii|il.'jM. .'iiiiiiirl^lnK 270,- 1 ,11 ivorliiTj. i<iiai;lu uii mlvnncc ot Bp- |irii>liiinli-l)' :'n |ii'r Kill In wiii:i'ii. llo ,'..iki'il iliui'ilii' u,iti' Irvul be rnlnfil III tli(il hrl hv Itio liihur ho:ird In lln lii< i'iiil.iu j<t in:u Kiiiili K:>va an lo- I M:im' I,( :ii Ill't I','III. :<lmi< Ihal time |iu> ur llu-x' ihix-itH or^orken.haa liii'ii'i iiri»ii-«-uMco’ i:!i.*«r fvatC *C anil I.ii'ir iht rvnl. i .1 il.-.llruiia< ,lre In IIihkI Khep* |.[_!_.i::j,-.;i,ii,.- I'laiiiu _iif. |ulil-jirop«au.------ llln*. railtosila Bre iiuw ,ln ojcelleat. lln!.in'Ul I'uiidlilon." ntiiiuraid. de. I'luri'il. "’riiirnei hicunie nf ihe nil- ' ' iuail.1 of ihe.country waa |HIWOO,«H) k-ri'JitiT III lho nine monlhi anillug Oc- 7 " lutur SI,'l«:.tlian In Ihecorreapond- .‘'f Ins porliiil ntloSl, . . . i’f,; l-jnliii-. .\d iiirrra'<r.ol..:ii)J'frCeBf ,ij. -Thfl lni:rca«« r.eprjurnu-ha ln» • Il'l) crcmv Ilf JO per rent after all tajet . ,ra. and opoMiInR cipcniei are pait" , lUi KlURonId preicnted data teodlng to Ilb- prove ihM mllroad iratfle al praaeBl II lieavler than at BBr prevloBi.Uma ,^S cxcepl'lSW.- ■. M" ^ "Wtrklr car toadlngi haTBRm,evir 1.000,00u unlr BU';Un'e*;-ln'.Wiiory.-, : Iun n t f g Brald's!almed . : ^ ^ .wo^ ...- Iur t;urnlnr< Sp^l in,Xe'«rEijaipanl,. "T Inw mal'nlena^ • ~ '0^' back Inlu new e4uIpmenl.'’liiclr.baU. ... hal Inline and'uihcr Impravemaoti. Sar-' (he Inft .the rirat’-ieven'uooihanot' t m »*• lltiy Amftli-an nilrradi.apeal'raor#' l*n than __Sluu,oilI?)fla In. ,ovaMad«an*v-: irs' -ptt'ti’dme for the anranw.'n im^tf—? ked iicclarcd thal worken. haTOi.carrM , hie iiivir bhare of the barden'of helpiaf ^ . (he ,aa,ln throuih Uielr-perlod'ot tlaaa* ^ on- llnl itiffiuuliy." •. • > Senator ]Sinatiioii8\WiU; Sitgceed_Underwood(a» Deniocralie Leader ~ ~WAsiHN'flT0.s. Nor. is-^aAli'; r Democrat Ib caucua'today rlf taally.. ' Uiote Seanlor Shnmosi. .Nortb<Carb* ' Ilna. nilheir leader loiuce*a4 6*nuor.-. Clear Undtrwood,',Alitania;; iwn Kemrror UBin!rwood,rwho .OB'ele^ ^nd tlon iilKhi anauuncediho would iiot',b«, ' "p! B-eandldaie la 1U««<I’.hlBaelt.,U;:. |i „ leailer-wiii'n lili:pr«enUBnn «xp(rk-,.- '. on March' 4. wlii coailBUa a« tU doio><'■' tnal party head. bul-hlt':payalci^ooVi mtlon will, mil perftR'blnKio .^ M i ‘- ^cll*B .leadenhlp..' SillNIIlllG'WILHI^ |.S||^|P ” *• PlXlS-a, CbiM, N br.'iir^U 'iai! ■ Japan hara'Reached an vitraaBtat , “ through th*.Jolni 8hinuiBi.:eaBBl*iw.-! alon under which'ooBUOIWtbi'Sha»)..'; «”■ lungTenlBiuli aubjMt'Of'iBBfli.’eaB*'.;-.’. ''I'- troreny, wlil -te-.reiunid.-.hy-CblBt^'-;.; , , The agreiaent.'t;BiH,'lrf;\l>*ibi?,ifls;'- down' in iho'torm.of B'lnaty. 1. ■. Under Uie.lerBi..orih*;Vt*aly.Cbl^l,.';:i . will tike nrer dyil conirol ot. Talar,V-*' y™ in.iuaw 11. k»B haa.beeB.lhraajjnjnrttaW^U^^^^^ olu ot 'lha ,0r eal-^|4^l% ;^|V |w U ||^ . pcace coBfenacf c p a ^yt-r^*^;;?.^’ , : JapaB.WrtlffiS^i™f.S^^ !, '< litns dnrlBK iBBXirwijrtLHP^ ' ' R troB-Oarmtff^'AUluQsTO co: c aB tar^‘ J<aMm;t«UpidlNm itiBTar Oilaa'f pfptoWi 2^ uBUi: lha ;wkihlig Sa.«iim^^ llu Hoar, e«nfi.WBW0anO5^^ '•rd to -foj

M m '§ m M M —Succeeds .Wirth • lillS ; I i i l 3 i lilN Enewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014-12-12 · ’ Uoaar Law..ln.an eicluiire Inlerriew

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Page 1: M m '§ m M M —Succeeds .Wirth • lillS ; I i i l 3 i lilN Enewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014-12-12 · ’ Uoaar Law..ln.an eicluiire Inlerriew

■ - f t i• . ' V ( l t® I l i S, N (lM nE |l 183. ■ .

l i i l

' : . , H c S ; , W i l l - - E u n : ; i , H j> la n ; f o r

' V d o ^ m i o r a i i d T h p m p :

: s o i l ' J p f ' S m

-aiiCAOO; Now a-O penlns ol tt d tl« totjritrtnttllon o r- lliB, nylttn- .■niaBpMn-^IbJril ililnl p»ny.' no* UOd«r icoi»l(l«r<llon...»ltl B«rntt tlio

' cm(com«' at'.lhli'iprtiiB’eliy elMtloaa.. It-wM/lMniiB]';toilAy:(rom'' m rcw

. cloie to'lha Chleaco msTor.;Mkjfflr‘T1ioiniiiDa.lji'MP«ilRj tli»

raw l.tillt«r;(l|lil or llh putllleal ca- .rM r:in'h lt aKori to bo’ro-clKlcd biUi»:chI»l.'«**cutl»«-of-tH1c#iio.,tiMl

• fpriB *..::' T bt'Jdu Ot B third' pBrlf tisi Ions

Imo a drum wItH Tliompun leadvM. •,Thay;MI«<r<d.>haiiTIiQRit)i(iB:cou1d

' . b» alactri lo'tlio aenale and «<rcii tu ' tUe wWti,hou»e,lliratf«ti..n,ihlrd mi-

'.J)«(li]K»‘roni}''w u'|lun (D ttilr liope socordTac lo nporta, whan Majror \\ i‘ lan'and'ilearat.vara lo Cbleaio laat

_____w«k. .'.Thompion daring lha cbn^-.

«*t«r,'UlnB..’'«hara Ftad Lundia, bit chlet llaBlenaDt,#ad political »d»laor,

' U nndec tratlnaak Uinden la under* iiood l? b ifa uritd Tbebtxtm tvkeep .oni otlanr-BclUo p«rt|dpa|lon In the tblrd otfanlntlon unUI , aRar ibt

• April aleetloni, wh«|. If aleciad; he'.. ,»l1l:he,ln,iiidonilaiUBf ,ppilUon.

. ' A cS S B jirii f lW r ta iS T i i i r r a *la'tbB Thonpaoa cMp, BO artoru wilt

■ J . a m id i '^ ; « S r i l f r llylta lo.toro fl thinl p«rtr ont|l fh « Me If.li IM-

r poailbl* .Cor l i m i .to iKComa' Ihr • • ■ ' prHldenUil nmlBM qf,tha_ Dimocrai-

i r detlBltfobaclnalonvu'to tb.la po«-

..X.■ • M»Jfo^•«JrUll^lha on lroae ot .llia

•• UirH'itiiB*k«;*nydifliili».iUlemenl

\ m n i\ . • ,Bad'naltbar'p«rty‘nnmIn»tea.B eaadl-

--3-l|lpw|i------ :— rOCATBLLOrNdTrM-Ai-a-nanll-

of a ihobtlfliHfhldi occurred Tuwday '..fna pMM««;‘8ol N nrra/U Jn a hoa-

■ pital Mffartoi wl|h'.» aefloua: ^ouadyn:.bto lafl. il<1« »nd Ihoulder

' ------ ’»nd'OoiB*f'Orean.li,lnthacouBtrJ»ll• .clari^ir|tt|*Btt*mpl.l8 cqmmlimur-

• ; f n e ahoollai.' aeebrdlnit to QrMn.• - « U ’&’‘iMutt.ot'.a’ quarre) tba.nUbi.

. . befora'i*hleh ocmrrid In ihd nejro dtotricl'batwean.uraral n iiro u nbo hi4 li«n'drlnklni!.'or«B had r«elyr

' '«d a im r f beitlnc. he iild, and when ''.'.b'«rmat'*‘M a m r ihti-atum oon. .Ihe

. . : .;iUrtad.t»,twcb,forhU Mn)lTar. Tha

■ •;as»s6yj»ffjsiahoaldw;:^ItMa't)«lliTed Ihal Murray

: rv' H o p e ^ ^ r . G e t t i i i g ; ;

■ . a ; I i e n ^ i i , M u ^

j: ' .MiUUONJIL/NoT.-Sl-Hope ot la- •/ . •,- ''cB ria« :» 'lu tr,In lho flrat HenIn

•.iB M m rt 'lrUl..I>e?er« T hiakm rltir

• - V Tho.UiW'.ivuiel et flfiy-proapecllre

; ( 0 B t ' n r a t ind eaeoBd panel!. lln wbltb nlnera :> iro predominant,

•'.ThlrWtthre* *ira'*«mlned„wliho!.i• ■•a iln i tt ' Ja.ryBin.Mlaf lalectod..



: LMicipTE^'Ohio, Nof. :U_Arr*»la ta ihe'LudHlar.poUonlBK, wblch k i - .lerdar warred tha llvaa af a fiially of

■ lalt'wliriTaltow^aH-Boop M.i-r^poiU . -from'Coltfinbtia lay tbii< artenie hu ‘ .bean' fouiid 'ln the atodiaeha ot Mr.

;’«V?tor OiW ^"W ddlfra *d«u 'r» d ^

• Mondiink. '■ ilfiiaerion

./ • >, trom-wb«t.‘Uia ,phyilcUn'bille»»d le ' ' .b*aW-ttd?i«aln». loWilm ha.faared

' ' V nR nlaai'^b roantad.hia anplor- ’ nenl M B'lirlkabrNkcr u tbe.Penn'

' .,.»yl»aala-'t*tlroid ihopa.'wan .trjiaf;to .-cer-;w » '‘

M m—Succeeds .Wirth

* ;_C «rm n / wDI now hava B . « n i .n l ot bualneaa'nMn aa ■¥/«.

'■ ^ tiilm Cuno. dlreelo^stneml ot.the

bins lho naw Qinnan sovcmment. i» The new tMlma mtc.litcr la JnyiUnt. V 'inio hU caUntt men hitti In lha »i OtfmanlndmlrlalworW..

i l i i i i i .

If. . - — r — ^ .JP ^BEATTI^ Waah..^ Not J J —

ll*. beroraC&(amloir ;.W. W. .abapperd, who .lodar -wai coallnuins lha fed- t n l irida , commliilon'a. InreallM-

'• tlon Inlo,-iU ow n'chinaa aialnat ed’ the: Doujlia Flr Baploliation and III Biport Co. • •■m DIotdii. ylco praaldanl ofH- lh# .company, wblcli Inclndea .107 hr mitei Ib Waal>lnglofl, OrajoB aad ll- CallforBla. •Iiiued a-.ilatemeBt d*.-

M- and employed bihtr uBfilr)nilfl«ii iV ih :o tfa ;ioU » ln ',c6a lM P ga^ l^

lia Bildinco iBlrdducad Ifl 'tha; iaS*. nl eril Irada c6mn>Ualotf/| compWatlp.-

eludea a lailar aald lo ha«,.h;HB ,li wrIlUn In IWO b r W. a

111* K DWIer, at llmo.iieh 'wn*; 4|. a ier ot th# dataadaat company. lU- a erring lo eompilltan,' lha letlar

__ (Illlu In Purii ~ •— '----- -— ~* ‘ .-rn#' only-kind of aclloh lhe«

pMpla nndenland-lrforco.; I.'than- lore. airaa'fully wllh your'auiiea* tlon-Ibal w«. ahould . farrr lh# w»r Iplo'lh'elr camp throuihMha .China

" builneaa and’ maka It lo unproflla- : i bta for lhani ih it .lhty will ba glad

i s s . y f ' i r a f ' i i A S S --!; go tha tull dliianc# .lMlead.'<rf part ' • way-; ' ' .

w Fight for R ^uced let Freight^ R a t^ Is , Sl on Senate

. WAflHINQTON. A C, ,Nor.in. Opening tha farm bloe'a flKht tor ra-;bl dufed railroad ratea. Biiitor,Capper,TO Kaniai; la .'n 'lpotch to tha at&itehu today,- <|eGlared Ihat It th t^ grail ly. agrlcnllHral wctloni ol. lha couniryen ara lo :ba realond lo pmaperliy,he congrni muit repeal Ibo. rale .mak-.ha Inr ieellona ot. llie prn e n l 'lmna»"Sjr JVnBQuu' liiw uiiQ' ri* 'u' BuUitu ULu'ha cconoinle baiti tor the .nuiklng ot nd. ratlrMd'ralw.


WASu’iNQTO.sV a 'c . ^ NM/ n . - rierce Duller of-fit. raui, wai nom- Inaled by Preildent lUrdlng loday,

. - towb* an-.BMi»lala Juiilca of ■ Ih* St UBlled- Slalea lUprema courtDuller ll a domocraL Ila | i now

. regant ot Iba Unlvanlty ot Ulaae- If* aola to which he waa appolnled;hy ; ; o i.i.t»or.joh .- i . j o h . . , ! ;

tlma-.InUmale trlead.^ , ,.

n* Insane Patient^ lu ' - ‘ Fight w th Guards» i LUU, 0.. Kor.lss—Criminally In*

' iane Inmalci toaght-a pllcbod bai- . .lie wllh guarda.on lhe leu iid floor . or:tht.'Uffia aiato hoapllal ban. to-:

'flt daJr. . ..BD -,A plaiooB ot SS atlendaBli toBgbt ' birtflilcd-'fdr mora than 'an ., hoar

agalail 38 patlanli betore lb# tallar tlaaliy waro quilted. ; ' .

. f MeUI alugi lorn trom lanlory ^ equlpmut'. wera i^nrjod, by ..(her in;

[,? “ T S ''’ri8M 'to;iaid''to'.b«i''btan ah M. oalircmU.of .a..'long..brawing.halr»d

et inmaiaa for, lhair aiiandahta.. •

LOWELU 'M aiii.-)l£#:'niedmiin. Ooatoni woit lha.Naw;£nxtand baa-

o( Umw^lgbtj.champIoublp.vlrr .uU ng

‘’ .THE TOTHBB . . lag Tonight-and rtlday, fair.'and eon* ' • tlnutd cold..; V

! Pi’e ra ie r Bonar Law ‘ : Hppes .Thal This Na- ' j tion .Wil! Join Kirope

.to Save O l d ■ Worldnv! KARLA,'UiCKKL. .

'|]O.SPO.S.-XO«; ?J-Brlllih hop? tor, American' parlM partbmn-Europoin

_ attain.'Ifelplng. 10 rasfua lha 'Old world.trwn ihe.chaoa.cauicO by .ihe war'wai rolce<t hy Premier Andnw

’ Uoaar Law..ln.an eicluiire Inlerriew given the,Unlie<l.rro<i. . \ ■■

• < In forty nilnuirii coArDnailon, Ihh ■ nar Uw Rninled the tin t alalement ) he.haa. thade lo. any itewiipaper: cor- ' rctpoBdeni' alnce' hla arr,»«ilQn< to ilie

[ ' He ret'elted nie in the hitluric'cab- ’ Inei chamber ot No. lO'Downlng atrtel

in wlilqh lho Bre.U problema. of-lhe world war*'wera faced and aolred, ..'. -Thcre'la'nalhliig lo irouble ua on lha we«l«ii hpHiuu,’: Iloaar Uw de-

. . dared, addliiK he, hoped. Amorlcal '' which he dewrlbvd aa lha mint litaal-

loilc niulon In lho'world, would - In . aoma way becoma aaaoi'liied with the

Uague nf Nnlloni, Ibua.fulllilliig o duty t« rellevB Knropean cham. ; I'ltmler I'ndentaadi U. 8. 'Aflain

I f nonar Uw dliplayed' ketneil Inter- T e il'in American alfaln.and ihowid I t ihTelM uTupd^Snding of American

political and'economlo ijueilloni.,De- '. iplla Ihe.rlgon 'ot a gruelling cam­

paign, he Bppeared to haro reUlQed - Ihe tull; rigor of-hrt iifensih aa hk

>Pok« of Iba problemi DrlUln li'fao- ing^greallr W ring rumor, that bla heallU-.li weakening. . •••

-rOnr relallorii wllh our Wnimeii ” ) utoaa ihe -AtlanUo Involve lomethluk

more-lhih bargaining.''.Ihe premier . declared,. In h it ‘ lUlemeni lo. i Ibe,

ol Ualled I'reaa. ;Th*r ar# ibe.'But- In trofitb ot comipon vltwi,-.common

idMii' and'co^mon'aurtirlns ib’. - |

l iJ <jD«fore:lhe yrar,.bolh'peoplea k m

wronj.' '*1“ ;ja<oxn»UoB Hi any atm ule

^ - u ? i u B i i o tX did Iba BrlUih amplr* In lh*, peat

wari'and onee'tb#yhad enlarad:,lnin

» • V j i« M A n ^ Will iel(i LaapiV:;• "Tliay*,l»:aolhln*!to‘,uouble ua oo

« • lha weitem horlton. llul,' wlibpul r»l TUlurlBg .th#.,allghuit .erlllclaai'.ef n* America, I cannoi glre up hope^lhai

ah* will gndsally come to tiei: tbit 1*5 It tk, h tr duiy.'W.help in ihe ehaoa

in-iom i-inirbe'uw eiated-wlib'tbe tugua ot nation!,-IB auch aa ariBt lha niue ot th# league woold b^tm-

, mmurably. iBcreaied." .• r :..,n

^ . ~ . T H 1 S B 1 R D ; S ^

r i-.'V-'':-'re- • ,.

ate ' J ■ 4 "aal ' • ■ :> • , \

' . ' T W I N F A L L S , i r

' § mj p A H O r . f i i T O S D & Y , N '

T i m b e r . ^ ^ JN o r tK W e s t H i t . B M W i i l e . P m e

B l i s U i ; ] ^ ^ t | c ^ : P ^

3 i>O H TLM ^yfD ^N or; :a .-T lie Iblrd whlia f.Rlnejbllilir'-'ruit con- ., ferenee, whict.oMaad-here yialer-

• day waa to'SonllnJa lo4v fh"* M- ' illtlonai raporU B-.tbi..apraad of

tha dIiiaa^:VllT)«'.recelred-. and when “

■ "ir5e?eWped.'.wiVeadBy,',wh'en re-■ porla wat4 '«rtira&''by-prlraie; ami

public toreir'' 'e c^ lii lo (u i' which- hove b ( 'V 'i» d r l« tba blight lhai

'. ' tbe diioaio'^Ii:ot i.aporlferoua char- acter andlbroVe o» llrit'.in.Drltlih Columbia,.:vflfane*( ll, ,|i'ai -apread

1 . allfljlly IBl6';i'.Wi#lnglon,.'.MonlanB * and IdahavainW : Wild'. currant i&buibe*. act-VM^'Iwrnedlary J n ihe

d<ranam[MloR?ot‘ t]la' (liliaie. il It . rlaBned.la.JntfllBlt a .vigoroua cam- ' ' palui lu .rid'-noRUweit-'liloe' fornU of Ihla•flora.'’.;!::;^'...-.;^-;; ' •

l i i l p T -

* (Iiy u X U A K iii^ iiK.VEi)icr,) , on wASlUNOtON, Nov. :s~Amorli;aiile- wom....... '.-eiperlonwd;al enough in H l l l» B hol^'hlgh oHIce; il* lucli aa a iaaUn i)egrew,'Jle|ireien- In tullvo Allctt.’llobrMon of,'Olilahoma he lald ioday.‘ r, i . .-I Uho aald hir, o « career. In .cong- '• raMhai'conrlflcotfhk'rv^.UaL. •.

« "Women haren'iuad antiugh axperf lenee yet to'.he.‘refo„fbr.om.ee.'’. aht

” h'ow lo.rolfr'.'rrbti a ttaf,*^hlle we

•1'Ssftai'ar.w-f? ."-AtlniTkllM-.wA.afraid'her ro- 'f maritr would' ba' i^lruc4"a» \"iour

;.-"flal'lVu'BoU)tokit ifi* kind,- ih'r

'In Vou rtmemher I eppoied wmnan M

lat 'Theftlma ahoQld'-never come, lal^ Ilri Mri. Roberuon whan a woman-.wll', ’a<l neglect her home'.tor polliic*. " ' ha ' ‘■Holding office;" ahe declareil.-.’can

Boteompare.lo.ti>Hig.cAULsL«J>nEL and railing chlMren. ■. •

00 .’-Women will hot-Iearn the funda-' ml menUia of poUUca aa ther ahould,'' et aha aald,run|ll Ihey are williag l(

lai Uke It aerlonily. li t . (Copyrigljt m ! , hy j;. P.)

‘v*. hiSDlTS UET 11,000 .ISF -OiOTaTlff.-r.M os-fJovr-M ^'fllt- Ht miyor.'.iown manhal aad boiel keep- liii * r.w an .wouBdid and the F ln t Na-lb# ilonalrUMtc-deatroyed-when-bandlliIBI nldedilbla iowB early today, m- 1 -T tt bandlW eicaped wllh H.OOO at- n I*;-. JBltlngi, llB(«-oI'>commdBltallon.

5 H 0 W s M N S P F i R E S l !

'B tT T ea ■ /

• -

M MN O V K M B E R 2 3 , 1 9 2 2 .

• l i l l S ;

i l i lN Elal ■ • ____ _

:j|; Alabama's Second Big »« Disaster Wil!. -Total h0 85 .Lives'-Lost in Mine

Explosion.'■■ • lirUKlX(llI-\'M. Alx. Nnv, M-ll'wl-'

lea u t ' t : vlcllnin u( the •iz|>li»lui>. which entnmlitd 476 workorii In the

Dulonilie mipe ut ilie WcxJilu’iircl Iruii Un. near Here, lud been liruu;;hi tu (he lurfaro nl an rarly hourto>layf :

.• ' 'The'ilealh tnli ot Alabnma'a imuihI ’ arvatfKt ilinsnirr waa pxpeciol tu bo

n<vi'llrd l» IUU hy drntlia ut anme u>. the 71i wiirkera »ho llu In licrtjiitaN . «o«mly Injurcil «r burnwl. .

i r 'T ha other inlnrn euti.mbrd by ilie U eiplMinn »t mine . dual yeitrrdny ll. «tra-Uuddl«d.lO£ulher .aafoli’...Kb«n

'** fouml by rw ui. >guad<,.Ilelatltri Wall far I.uied Unr«

I (Iniwrla ot rolniim nnd , triendi |amnied'alHj.iit Ihv mlii> inuulh bi-came

'_,i no tYanlli: aml.liynlflrle' aa boillM-wor?bruuElil to Ihe lurlaco and alackeii In

,n^ lieapn'uaaltinn undtttaken tlidj mil-. „» itla wa* callcd lo cunirol .lhe iltua-

Uun,-It- The armed 4!«»rdiiin«n iircnuntrtl a

barrier .betnwn the' dead ond tw ,- cr- rraied relatl*ei.,aMloua lo learn the ■hr (bio ot their luVedoilei. '- ' . . , In- The fln t toad ot Head waa brought I aoL .u.tba.furfacaJiU.'iilclock.iail nlfihCI Ica, •nie bodle*were placed In limponryl my itrucitirei while BwiJilnE alrelchen' Idy ind'cotllM from Illrmlngham. i,' 'f® ^crfiBlBg Wamen HlBBil Bt EBlnnn

8cr«inlng women ,'and- chlldnn .nood, at lha flaming entrance ot the 'oni liope ihatt waitblngJnJagony

‘"J llie work or reicue.-The reiCue worken wero allll « '•

, , plorlns Ihe moat dlitanl receai'ei ot Vr (ha mine, .while a hBndtuI ot ■ (he

houianda of rllatlvea nml curloua V'l ipecuion whd jammed about..(lie

aina,mouth, aa load after, ioad df _ lead wni atackcd ob ihe.cdid groa&d. ' tllll Qlll*d,a'round,tbe'Dliarr«d'-iBd

‘lectflc. apark'IgBlllBS m ine ' duit. ^haeia of tlama i;wept Ihe.-mlnt'and

^ intnnce. Tho tlrat ot the. entombed ' f/ nnn-l2G blackened workera'-<anv« . 11' ,>ul ot lhe ahafl Immedlaiely atler the

,. 'ilail. ahd within two houn maiir oib- c n -ta wllh lerrltled face* appeared.-At-

'«r l)ial a ateady a irc ^ .o f nhtn]ure<l

. '-Crowdi gathered at lha enlnnco’ai l( -ronl ot Uie dliuler iwapt- lli* Iillie : -ellloment.

nilllK CAX LIVE o.f »750 8A.S FIUNCIBOO. Nov. 2J^\Vork-

flit- i*»|f.«!rii rttn Ilva well In Calltornia ep- tor about JTW jicr year7aSdrtlIng liT S'*. 1 reporl aubmUtnl Ihe «Ule Indui- IIU .rtol-w»Ifare-'comml*ilon to-lay-.by • - ipeclal InveiHgalon who had corired at- Ja Angelea. Qakl.and and San Fran- loo, ;lico ta ihelr atudlee. • • . . -

r r oUniform-^Aulomoblle Laws for Tourist Are Urged by 11 Governora \ s (■•iiASi'iKi':), Nov,

rnirJ ot. clfvrii wi-ilurii «inti-« itul hrre twlny 10 ill.cuiii tmiirotement* am! uniform aiiloraublli' tr.irdu Lin">.

"JtKl whnt rnn hr ddiir U prriblrlii- micat." milil (Icirrniiir Ih n of Wnnli-

“ inKinii whu was'iirtli'i! In hrliiiilui: blioiil lhl- t-iiDli'ri'nct- "Illll, w« all Ci-i’l .

* llmt lhl’ iiiiloiwMli- luurlit !iii> fi-aili-l fll iHpliit-'wliPn- 111' 1» »li lra|iori:iiii.;

ijpuinil."Il l« uur. ik'>lri< to lirliic ili»i>i

utilliiriiilly of liiKK mill ri'iiiiliiilun', I Ig 'u'hli'h will rniiii«>f niudi uf tti- :iu-. l l iiuyaiii'e ciiuiukI thn luurUl. iinJiT tin', •* proient ayntviiii uhrn hu iibbish Inmi IG' OIIP llatc In amillier"

Moffatt Xunnel to Be Started First of 1923

Vllhu ' DK.S-VKIl. '.Vot. 2S-Wurk <111 lliv UN MDtrm liiniii'l 10 h" roiialrudcO tu ihroHish Ja iu riir* '' '■' Ihc-'I'liliirs.lur- Knc'ViMw'ili tie iipRun,iii| ll .wan lipllrrpil hcri'. Kxlu)' lullnwliiii1)0 Ihe »l3lii,»iU'lfme imin'pi iiriluii Inu( hulilliii; •niihlliutluiiul tlu' uil provlil-. 1, 'n r Inr Imll.lliii; o( lhl' iuhi> hy iKiuini;' . bnndi, , .• •I , 'I'liv «!» mill- iiiniwl will Illl ulti„- lulli'i* Ilf 111" .oli’i'iii-'l rallraul Ktailvi ]

; In Illf' mail- uiul nill pn>tlil>' n murnj dIrM ohilci lu S.1I1 I.11VP n iy »h.'n «lwi«lnn of III" Miilfnl • rnltlnnil li am.miiHhIir|L__________•

i M M i i l L -I b i d IK

i i i s.wtan

,fl' WABIii.S'dTOX, -Nov. ;3- ,\f,:unu'nli< vn ut Oeorgei Clcinetii-rju In ,:>-ti;ii>.i- nf ii,, Ihe French Inifrnatlonal jir ld will ' V lw anlwer^I iu the aenaie, Arouurd by '" r lha Ilger'a flr.1 ipoech in.N.w Vork

' leverai lif lhe ‘irreconcllnblca" In thr Venalllea treaty (Uhl and olher aeii-

y alun who.oppoinl ratlllcatlun uf n'l) pact wilhoul ' rclorva^lolu, ara lire-

“ parlnR to carry un a dehato wlUi Clemencesu belore the American |iiib-

.1 . ' ,nd .•'The'beller.provallcil here Bmunsl bli IWI* ot,-Uia,»enale ‘'ItreconcllablK” i jhab.Clemeaceau'wfca bruught.hero I?''

•rk advocate! of Amertcaii Ihtenniiluii S 4jrBB»pc-li*1ha1iepro'lwlTlBr«hi*- lit I>ague Dt Nallont Imue nr ot furclUR ,n j Ihla cnuntry to iniarveaa in old wor(il

wfTallV. ■ • ' ^Iwd Some ot lhl lenalon are ao nfbui- nv» td Bl-CIemenceau'a fln l ipcoch that the he may nol ho liiirlie.t lo addroia tbe itb- lenale, 'when he romei to Waahliig- At- tim-ft honor uiually ncconled fnrolan rnl itBteimen, ;«hl ttcnaion' Jlllchrock. 'lloruh^-fara--

way and Edge, already hav* attacked 'Bl b|»' Matemeala aa< II ',ia probeble llle Ihal hla ipe«che> will he made lhe

cauie of.a aharp debale -in lha lon- aie loday or lomorrow. 1Swaler Allafk. Prtwlfr of Francr.

ila’ Senator Hitchcock. Nebraaka. tor- ^15 mtrr-thBlmaft-Hir-lba-ror«lgn_relt>. Ul- lloni commliiee tormaily replied lo br lho Ilger'a attack un-lhli cnuntr}‘!i

' J piiilSrar poiicrr— - ' ----------an- "if FVanei bad' lo aend an anvw

■ lo (he Unlled-Staiea lo enl1*t Amet- - Icah aympatiiy lh# could have choion

. a-man-more.appropriate than Cle- ' menceau.’' aald Besator Hitchcock,

"While 'Climinceau.'la hoi .known aa aiich n nitliariil aiTolacare and

' * dthen he h u been recognied ai np- — • Ttaenling an nlremely .hanh policy

lowanl .Oermany.'V; .

S ta t e Railroad. .. ' Cdmmissibiis May

----------;— -5 ;e j^ j l lo . r > j lWAaillNoVoK, n, Ch Nor. t t . -

' Preildenl HahUns wbi Baked lod.ay ' 10 T^ommend In hli BDnual ncaiaxa■ to coognii amendmeBia lo the

tnaiporialloa act realoriag to lUta■ railroad. commliiloni. Ibe '.powin;

' ther'iBjoyed ,prlor'.lo .the war Ib conirol over’ lalentatt ntei.,dia*' irlbullon of carfr ; - -

The requeil waa pieaenled by a copimlliee ot the >'Bllenai Aiioclav

. tio(| :ot..8lale-,BaIlroad^C6mmliilon. en . headed by Dwight. H. Lewli. pnildenu - i ' .

It aiked; .• I. fleitontlnn ot .aBlhorllr lo

..i .'ilate eommluloaijo conlrti Inlra- alale nlea.--'.'.

!. AuUioriullen ,ot flnlt. rmnmle- Ilona lo control dlilrlbuilon ot r a n

- or ahlppimbeiween'Ihalr reipecllvo itatea' renrdlna of' the deilln'ailon

. ot'fnight. •. i. Congrciilonal iupport by. p ro t'

t r approprliiloDi tor the raluilloh of-railroida now beifig. nndertykes

' by lhe ialenteie commerce .comBila.. lion.;',. ...

AXOTIIER I»l0‘ PACnitn ■/■ '


OoTtmmenl'-.offlclali '. a r o b e l u ; ' aounded out. on Ihelr altilude lowanl . aaolliir Wg .picker Bwrger, iMwai

H - ' leareeif -her* .today., w . •>.Tb* aecoBd prepoaal, toilowtaf 'the

reetBt rtgnHl ot AmM r, *}Oo.; , to coablB*vVllh W ^ iA i..C (^ ..lg

, BaM,l#.lBV0lT» lll•V»l^^lr;er•3TO■ .:';'' aoi( aad Oo; vjlb iBoUiir'ef tha big

M B S,..OLD VOL. x r a - N O . f l - .

I i i l?NOIWi^ i r i i ri|-yNii)pDBi:

,Ui,iiun Hcad'Pieads I'of'13 l i t g h o r W,Qge-’ o n " " uv Ground T h a t Roads ', "I Are 'Making Money. ‘Illi CIIK'.MiO. .S’ov, 23~ltnIIroiiii man- In iiKi'tiiciilH :in- loiic i'nlliiK t larKe port -. '

III- Him of ||ii;li_!iil.farniil:i while pro-'111; liniliiR''fli:iilii« ifraiiiliii': worUm iiit-

. iV-li'iii iriiii-n 111 iiialiilntn a' minimum ^'Ixi.-iiiilnnt o( lirliiii, K. II. Kltui'raid. tvi I uiiliiii lll'lli). •Iii liiri'il .UNinr In appral-' irnjlMK III III" I’nili'il Klnii.'i hiilrnail la- I'H Ixir liiMiil fur |mV liii-ri'aiu-*, ' ' , ll Kiiir.i'n’ilil. pn'ililoni mF Ihv iiiolh'rr-

liucxi <i( Itullu'iiy .mil , tilu.unKhliiI'liTku. Kri'iiilH II..... Kxpri'ii andHnill.iii ;«iii|il.'jM. .'iiiiiiirl lnK 270,- 1,11 ivorliiTj. i<iiai;lu uii mlvnncc ot Bp- |irii>liiinli-l)' :'n |ii'r Kill In wiii:i'ii. llo ,'..iki'il iliui'ilii' u,iti' Irvul be rnlnfil III tli(il hrl hv Itio liihur ho:ird In lln

lii< i'iiil.iu j<t in:u Kiiiili K:>va an lo-I M :im' I,( :ii Ill't I','III. :<lmi< Ihal time |iu> ur llu-x' ihix-itH or^orken.haa liii'ii'i iiri»ii-«-uMco’ i:! i.*« r fvatC

*C anil I.ii'ir iht rvnl. i .1 il.-.llruiia< ,lre In IIihkI Khep*|.[_!_.i::j,-.;i,ii,.- I'laiiiu _iif. |ulil-jirop«au.------

llln*. railtosila Bre iiuw ,ln ojcelleat. lln!.in'Ul I'uiidlilon." ntiiiuraid. de. I'luri'il. "’riiirnei hicunie nf ihe n il- ' ' iuail.1 of ihe.country waa |HIWOO,«H) • k-ri'JitiT III lho nine monlhi anillug Oc-

7 " lutur SI,'l«:.tlian In Ihecorreapond- .‘'f Ins porliiil ntloSl, . . . i’f,; l-jnliii-. .\d iiirrra'<r.ol..:ii)J'frCeBf ,ij. -Thfl lni:rca«« r.eprjurnu-ha ln» •Il'l) crcmv Ilf JO per rent after all ta jet .

,ra. and opoMiInR cipcniei are pait" , lUi KlURonId preicnted data teodlng to Ilb- prove ihM mllroad iratfle al praaeBl

II lieavler than at BBr prevloBi.Uma ,^S cxcepl'lSW.- ■ .M" ^ "Wtrklr car toadlngi haTBRm,evir

1.000,00u unlr BU';Un'e*;-ln'.Wiiory.-, : Iun n tfg Brald's!almed . : ^ ^ .wo ...-

Iur t;urnlnr< S p^ l in,Xe'«rEijaipanl,.

" T Inw mal'nlena • ~'0^' back Inlu new e4uIpmenl.'’liiclr.baU. ...hal Inline and'uihcr Impravemaoti. Sar-'(he Inft .the rirat’-ieven'uooihanot' t m»*• lltiy Amftli-an nilrradi.apeal'raor#'l*n than __Sluu,oilI?)fla In. ,ovaM ad«an*v-:

irs ' -ptt'ti’dme for the anranw.' n i m ^ t f — ?ked iicclarcd thal worken. haTOi.carrM ,hie iiivir bhare of the barden'of helpiaf .(he ,aa,ln throuih Uielr-perlod'ot tlaaa* ^on- llnl itiffiuuliy." • . • >

Senator ]Sinatiioii8\WiU; Sitgceed_Underwood(a» D eniocralie L e a d e r

~ ~WAsiHN'flT0.s. Nor. is - ^ a A l i ' ; r Democrat Ib caucua'today rlf taally..

' Uiote Seanlor Shnmosi. .Nortb<Carb* ' Ilna. nilheir leader loiuce*a4 6*nuor.-. Clear Undtrwood,',Alitania;;

iwn Kemrror UBin!rwood,rwho .OB'ele^^nd tlon iilKhi anauuncediho would iiot',b«, ' "p! B-eandldaie la 1U««<I’.hlBaelt.,U ;:. | i „ leailer-wiii'n lili:pr«enUBnn «xp(rk-,.- '.

on March' 4. wlii coailBUa a« tU doio>< '■' tnal party head. bul-hlt':payalci^ooVi mtlon will, mil perftR'blnKio .^ M i ‘- ^cll*B .leadenhlp..' •

SillNIIlllG'WILHI|.S ||^ |P”*• PlXlS-a, CbiM, N b r . ' i i r ^ U 'ia i ! ■

Japan hara'Reached an v itraaB tat , “ through th*.Jolni 8hinuiBi.:eaBBl*iw.-!

alon under which'ooBUOIWtbi'Sha»)..'; «”■ lungTenlBiuli aubjMt'Of'iBBfli.’eaB*'.;-.’. ''I'- troreny, wlil -te-.reiunid.-.hy-CblBt^'-;.;

, , The agreiaent.'t;BiH,'lrf;\l>*ibi?,ifls;'- down' in iho'torm.of B'lnaty.

1 . ■. Under Uie.lerBi..orih*;Vt*aly.Cbl^l,.';:i . will tike nrer dyil conirol ot. Talar,V-*'

y™ in .iuaw 11.

k»B haa.beeB .lhraajjnjnrttaW ^U ^^^^^ olu ot 'lha ,0 r e a l - ^ |4 ^ l% ;^ |V |w U ||^. pcace coBfenacf c p a ^ y t- r^ * ^ ;;? .^ ’

, : J a p a B . W r t l f f i S ^ i ™ f . S ^ ^ !, '< litns dnrlBK iBBXirwijrtLHP^' ' R troB-Oarmtff^'AUluQsTO co: c a B t a r ^ ‘ J<aMm;t«UpidlNm

itiBTar Oilaa'f pfptoWi 2 ^ uBUi: lha ;wkihlig S a . « i i m ^ ^ l l u Hoar, e « n f i .W B W 0 a n O 5 ^ ^'•rd to -foj

Page 2: M m '§ m M M —Succeeds .Wirth • lillS ; I i i l 3 i lilN Enewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014-12-12 · ’ Uoaar Law..ln.an eicluiire Inlerriew

SOCETViM n. 0. r . Budcc, 8oc1<

' Karprlte («r Kheriniin ('hiirrli-'Oii# I «Ttn(D( rectntJ)' Slieriiii»ii «:irufrh was ■irmbljr KvriirlMil m ili^ cimmry I)om« of hit p»r<-nti. by •rviTtil ul lilu fiitBiU wliu um e III 111 "pcnil tlif

' tTiBlDK wllti htm, Oamcj ivliil iiiuflc,___ . ,w*re'eaJoreil uiitl)-«-laa hour when

* dellcloui lunelieoii v s i tartnl lo (li« fallowlpt: M liut il»rl» SIcXcli. ’StrnsrdlDa idlli, N m Jonen, Allrv CtrW o; E«i*r Slai.r. CttilirHlfliwr.;

■ .Velm« J*»rUh. \Vllm»,l’arl«l>. llUncli*' • ' thnwlr. 'U uni Lenler Churiili.-Cutcia

, i<lchol*^ Jeiile Mclioln nml Mwiir.:'U tnnaii Cliurcli, Kraiik llrrr;' rrcil & «r, Albtrt ilarpfir. Kcle Mie». U (C. JoatM. Lon Bawycr. Mlln Sirli- e h . Howard Mllli, Mr*. Tt-l.l .and i*» 4IHI# daniihter*. >lr». W. <;. (IrlUln. U n. OKir Mc.S'(lii, Mn. Mllla. ■Mr. ■nd Mn. Cliurch. Mr. und Mn. 'Coekrln iod iliiar. Mr. mid Mn. S'uili

■•VlehoJ*, «R(J .Nr, sod Mm. J-V.mk

•,• j 'K iU i 8«lTri»V-Mr.-»nd Mn. j. 'w .

iMIIU ia4 (tDllr.wbo eipect 10 leave ,.th« te rn toon'io make ttitir liome In iJTwin F illl w»r« W )' iileaaaiKly aur-

SasiUiy I t Ihetr rouoiry. Jiiuiiu ; aontbwHl of lown when a numlor nl •',tke|i> fritndi-arrlve<l 9n can wlili .wall fliltd Uikela-(u-Kprn<l lhe dny,

',H ia d if waa ipesi anclably ami n clu- ullcloai dinner, waa atrwd in iha rol-

• iiJbwIni:,li Wr.'#BifiAlf»;:J. W. Mllli, Nr. ami < U n. OKarUcKelr. Hr- ond Mn. .S'nah

• Nlehol*. Ur. #tid‘Mr*. M. K. llurrow*. •lUr.'’and Ur», K Sf,'•Slaler. Mr, nnd ijU n: Oimr Callamir. Mr. ami Mr.. •irrad 8*«r. Un. CburcIi. MI»m ll«r-' rnadin* U’Ul..\VlldA.MItU, Anna Me*

Utrln Uc.Vol(/ Crclle Slalrr.. ,);ndBa fflaYirr Mi« Wl..... Il|a«.'lift

^Churcb, U u r l Leaier Cliiirrli, Cort-ia ' :NlcboU. JmiIb NIthDli; Wllnm Ralln- ' ! n i r , M ttin .’. Hernlce Ullla. Vvrlln . >!|Mllli, ErlS 'Joan.-L S. Jnnn, >>'rAMi.

• • 'S iM r. micrmin'ChuMlOllln .viiimirt . . — ..^bealer ?»llp«r and Earl l^lliiMr. -

'■ W rtr for Utlle llor-On W«.lnc«■ dar iRemoon Mn.' Kyaiik MnltUnii Mv

' . ' . ttrlalned n ’numlirr of imall Riirxtr----- :in honor of tha ninili blrthdar ot htr -aon. Frank. 4K, who rtceHcd miiii'

i ' • ‘ situ . Thythlldran were amu«o.r alitn d o o rw rtM M ijt four o'clock woff

' 'deitail •rouftOa beautltul lahle whirli r.,’. .' . ‘ihid Ihe lilnbdar t»ko fur n renter- '■■■■[ -plec*.. Tb# eiV# waa irlmiaul 111 nil'"

. -jMBdlt* Md Id and r. Tlia kuhU were


I f l n

y . . f y i fw i^ e p c « n g : ^ o n Moat K)ieinl rhetuntiUmaitM

f; , i;i . ltocaeon|eitloft.Ari>1rSloin't. . y 1, ■ Don'trah. Itpennraidiotbe t i , «r« ipot. Manlnjihe Wood clr-

calnln;..Thti reducra palnlul ‘ ' . eonseH ftm-thtfnllim niilnn.. y " •H in tiK r-----T-------------------h " -

i'-' f, TwiririkM ^^dla^lTcbfjL",

. i-- S\os:i3U ti\Tzait-kiH spai.-}!

p I W h U e -y ? J n C a l i i i n e t a >

/ M o s t b a k i n g P------- fe— — — r-J)on!U ise.aJeaveD_ . • ' • contain w h iteo f-ea

. you take chances— ] of spoiling your bal

" I C A L LT h e E c o n o m y B A K t

contains n small amouni; ma kes it possible J o r J r

V '"co m p an y to te s t it frer ' strcngih—rig liton ihedea

butabso lu tely /rcslistock ' on tlie dealers’ shelves. 1 J, to tlie high Calumet stand

■ \ RcmembertJcgginCalum

• -> / • Hie success

.-! • nom icglposi\ . (lay aid and

2} times a s nB j i | P a | a ofanyoihcrbi

j . Apoandeanei . i.V;' W i r i ^ ^ r r t l l e o n ta in s fa l l.

- ‘ V.- S o m c b a b m g.. eom ein]2oar.

■ e f J S o m c e• ta r e y o it g e t

ic A r f t^ t f t o a

: ; r ' T H E W O B L D 'S C B J M T O

ANDaUBSsclcty Editor, Phone SOll-E •

[ie|l.nrfiia Uiwilcnnllk, Ihirla siid'llalpli nU.o'Klifiin, Cliurkii Mini, Hugenv am) ry ll-lin Mulmlfty, (imrcp Hcnni-i and ill ticruM AiiiltrKiix. lir • • • . .lie The W.ir Mnllirn’Wlll mrri nt thrtn hm..... . Mf». C, HiKKin* uii Krldaylo BlKrriiixin, ll. • • • . re n'tJlirvdnt llrldsr-Mra, U T. ir.'WrlRlil waa Ihv hujlrai tnr Ihlii fluli hr ,\Vr-Uu'«duy. Mr.. U. It, Spsttord.wo.ii la the hlah .riirr prl»u nnd Jlri..' Cliirlri r.: Macuiilry .'ih'T ..nimilallnii, —I'd . • •

Hurmnnf' C lnh-m HWiifKlir it- ll- lefMimn Ihr lliirniony I'lul. iiiel^t IHr

Imme cif Mrs. K I'. Ilrrbr t(> play I"' lirldM, Mr». H. 1*. Ilarsrr won lhe >a. Ik.1 prlte. Mri. Marahall Cunurir ibe r»- Mriiinl. mtd iln . Krntal Whllo waa

awardol (bo coniolailon. Mn. 1, Ih H’a i alto a club fufii. Uflec«

• lable ihlnia lu eai completed the Bfiernoon. ' - -

iV. . . . ■»t Tlie I'rihlan S litrn - SocIM club In will Rirot Kllh Mri. IX Ih Fldchrr. r- 411 Main wni, l-'rlday atirr0Q0n,,.S'u- U" (■embrr 21. .nl . . .til J------------ -------

............ ul Ihr hriuily nf’' In nalu'mli„| nMc-lnlli«i.. llnly la iiriH'inlno.tlrIh lhrlau.l.nf ,««1lr.lnndmK.lcnlnn.K ■*. |x»lll>mii, rny* Itiuul H, 'Ihmnniin In Id Clirl.lh|ti S.l*m-r ilunllnr. l \ i wrlle ?■ aod ihiR tumirla aiipruprlalr (o rtrry

ei’i'iil If Muunk* th* liitUiirla uf thr luBiio. ' , . .

T«o Cormf <.t M k t m t are Iv J>*

- not chirr thnn ihrre nr four trniorlra.

;;!f ln«mrrMrn^lMV'»tl’il rnmnionlr Itai

l«n,'«Uh„U6liI..hrcnnit aurh «hry hadfft to In^r thplr flFl£lPi) il)ntrcllcji) fvriwrl ------ r —----------r- ; Dtnilurid Aleehel. ■

TVnaHircl nirnhrd la cnin aloihnl madr nnpi fur uin ii» a iHTirap-.

~ Compltlrlr ilcnatiirnl alrnli.nl In madt hr iMliir I«1 coUou* 0* “ " 'J "'tull'.'' and n Imlf Kidlun nf lirnilne lu llXl

I fall.in-l i.f rlhyl alodi.d, Ttd» ll fref I fmm E/ivvniiiirni lax and uiar be I l>nuthM.r anr unt fur we ai futI orI llBhl..I Tlit dfMBturln* nu»l lie done whroI the Blciilud ll tifu>I'i"<l onit In tiondwtI tt-ari'liuiiw. ii.rd>icluilvriy for HitI . iiuriHM- nnd fur iivrlni drnalurtd xl-I fnhul. Bill) Itf .luM> inWf‘ll>a'iui>trTl'

I llir lau-, Tlie Enin olrolml luir br I m d f'tn x a truin, row; jwiatm'* "r I ilmllnrlr ilBrrliy rnxluni. bul ihV

ftindiilnni undrr which It muil bt pro- . duftcl mnke It tmptactlcable trctpi

I fir wtll-MuHnied f«fturli-«. ‘ •

Dally Niwa."I llrtl: at Ihe |<aiier e rtrr mom-

lne," »"ld Sin. HouatOr. 'lo ita wliM n-ualtUn hnve Ii«|'|>*aed to inr frlriiil*." .

"tt'liBi pa iitrr-Till- lly iiaii«r.''-Loulitllle Coorll^


____Whira 6tniQ8lta NtUQht Avill. 'A man waa rttrndr'cRrrleil l'< « '

'•ecliirr odlce to b t marrle-L Mi"t •rldti;mnm<; Imwetrr, rtallte thni,Ii •» bt«t to su flatclfr-London nptnt.ni

i-b£-EggE l d n e n t

P o w d e r s l a c k' e n e t - t h a L d o e a j io t - ___________2gff. W lien j ^ u do I— y o u r u n th e r isk c la n g s .

m E TmG'powikRn t o f w hite-of-egg . T ftls .r c p r e s e n f a t iv e s o f th e re o u e n tly fo r le av e n tag le a le r’s c g u n te r . N o th in g c k Is p e rm i tte d (o re m a in '

I t m u s t a lw ay s b e u p indard .

r th ew h ite -o f- 'im c tp ro te c tsS3 o f y o u r ( \ I t i s t h e e c o * « , jo s i t i v e b ^ e - id i t s sa le is I n u c h oa tha t r brand.

moFCtttitmet ■ \ • v ' / • •i l l lG e a n e t t . I T /n g p o w J tr t ■ v H r V itmee in$ltad:e e a h t, ' B t • ^ _Aje t a po a n i • S S X ' want it. s

g S T B A K I N G P O W D E R \' , V

• H e a l t l i R e t u i


J M f / W W W'I '


Hr ; c B ^ ^ H K a n D B S B f l

'aa '

ill- • i ' • “ . '■nl ■ i

1 Th« vicor and itrfn/illi ot IVonI"- :j«rt In Aniiriran pollilri In the nnIn 'of tht fonner prctlilcnl thowa huivlie ■ Jtw raootha.

: BAGS OrPAIStiYml ■ ■ . '■

ll'e Late Style Acocssory Is Made of 7 , ; 'Bits of Old Shawls. .r«, _________

DIack Meir. Man sHlifactory All ul Around Material; .Oeaded Mod«U ,ti; ' Hava Paiicd Awar. 'ahad ■ Tilt llllle hand liuu* arr lu n(m)e UL^'ua Ihal. Ihrr vuiifrniil •mu al ever}

lum', aod r t t mui.y uf (hnn nrt' ini' braullful. One liM t" hunl nnd 'huni

, hffdre conihic'tii'im nn'jihhii; whnlly „ pltimlns and Mll»fnrlnrr. i:ilht*

Ihrr Bm tuo Iri-iiiiilful 10 bo rillclrni or Ihrr »r<- Ino rRlrlrul lo l.e.claue.1

lill ailiuns ttio tirauttfiil. fi tlivrr any ^ itihiE uvnx than unn u,f thuwliuiith)' h» bapi, miivdnl trilli tun niuih lualrrlal

and luuklns Uku u badlr wnmO bundItT

. . Home of Ihe iii>«rr haga are made of ' , l’Bl»lryr''li» 'bw ntd ■»hinvl.-iiud i„ ihry are luuii kail.fnciury. Thtr Brr I luvrly blia uf culnr, tu brslii ullli, and

tbrn thry. lirR,Mio,\;t .u |j|itf IhwJiBTn i pilfloiia riiuuiili liilrrlupi tu inakr

“ rraillilr mrry-iilli. inr thr ivoumi, nr who mun hnve waip imcki’i.ln whirli 1, lo |iul llw Iirlprut uptillnurri for livr •u. ouidiair niftkr'Uii.. Soinr of tlirne

VaUltr hSK* arv hcRilnl.aluiie the uul- llnr*.uf tb tlr pnttrmi wlili-n>iva uf •Utl litnda nnd thi< rlliTi |>f thut intm tiiuch uf wnrk l> a clmrnillis nudltlun Tbrrt »ll) I'o.'n <K'tl I'l-odnl i-trliiEj Wllh which In rnrrr a bus of Ihla mn

““ and ofltn n aiMl laii<d ur l«n I4 u.i-,1 furla Ridali ul Ihr jiuliil uhrre the ihape.uf Ihe bns rndt.•-Tlie blni'l; iiudrr hnt" Irn prrhni'i

Ihe moit .»atl«fni Ary ull urouiid nnd Ihrr >re clilrllr liuihlilr fur tlir rmiiin*ti|niii whlrlr-llir3'-ftf i»i*iinlni-iiiMl*ilw»‘Iturr or Jrnvlnl rlna]>a uaH [•■ aniip Ihtm msrllirr.. Thu.ulii: bic viilut i>f n

,. Mark hni: la Ihal ll uiw wllh rverj. „ Ihlns. ■, JJi'Bdrd Iiwa, uiilfM Ihrr B r f n - ^ iraonlliiarllr luind>'<iuir. Imve paiknl "■ auay a« n uruiis uai'rt lo Ihe Inllpta

<if a iniari wniiiui;. Of cniint, ihrrr aro limit Hnrly " '• 'rii iiunr.i i>r l-oadi nlilmll Ihiliipi which nir ao ritrruirlr rulnrful that Ihry will nftm Ut ihunrii lu help nui a watiiinr Ju.l ln-canw nf the ahliilns tntirh whlrh thrr an- «(>•

. ahle of addins. Hut thr In-nd l«ic Ihnt naa 10 pruitdnrnl'bai fndiMl nunr al- li'srlhrr. IcavliiK In lm idnce nnlr tht illkni w ta by which ll. la.iKnilh1e.tu


Shewing' a black tralalni eaat draii whi'eh faitana «n the left hip with an smarAent In brilliant nd. DHppIng nenk«r fur calla altinllen t» tha tight ilttvci and outlinci (he cellar which and* at thi |il( hip.


u r n s T t o W i l s o n , ’ : ;

■ ■ ■ ' '

Voftlrow Wllwn will play an ImportaHt nrll t«;n yoin' Tid* laleil pliolocraph . luiv much,he Iiu lmpre\-ed iMha laat' ~ r

Y ‘ ^. . . A t -.t h b :.,.

T H E A T R E S -

tllKIIK t.\ (IIIII.ST l'll.\KK . 1, Wnliri: lllfrn’liobbltd Into ihv I'ar-

amouni aiudlo" ona ninrnlnK oa b' ' rane. "Whal'a the mailer with r o ^

minieoue aiVed. ,"Spralnrd R IlKamtni In mr !<(•

le WBI the rejilr. ery "HoWd rou do UT' i,„, "CliailnK Rhitiiu.''

Crrtabi acrnr* In ‘The phoat llrraker." iv now I'arumouni plciurea

' ' klarrlns Wallact’KchI,'which wlll.be .hown; al thv Idaho theatrt todar.

fl end 111 which Walter Ilien auppllet much -of Ihn comedy Imilntaa In hla

^r- rote or Ku.ir Knuw. a colored raitt.i hy rtqulred lliai the comeillan ctiaaa «i lal crnwd uf annorpl fiRurta down a «0 hlllaldt, brandLblnK hla rator. Wlllle

rnKaKlni! In tbla chaie. Waller atep- of i't<l on a rock, tururd lili ankle and

, It waa levcral diiin <>efora he waa <(b1» la put on fJie burnt cork. ' ., |

‘ ll '. WIIJIKN”«'M.V K X r.\r ' .

I*" '{ m -jyer'y tfin t v ' o ^ f

rll The csacitnr nmrtnR pirliire rtn.'ofivr (odar.rleniandx ene fiandred per cent 1ne ptrfcrilon In a pruducllon beforo' ha |j|. or ahe will piare the atamp <if ap*i„f proTBl utvm It.; The-fBct that ‘‘I f

me: Wt rrliulldrCAUILUC and in J’ACKAIII) Rioion taclerr itile. I'l'l (luafanteed. good a i new,

STEPKEH O.VI., Q RI!® . 00 .I" *'............... ' ' ml l ---------------- ^ ^

D It'S Ulo baJcinC powder tiu t '“ - tells the «tory o? ileHcatc

cakes, lig h t b itc u lit , a n d ' dtdnty muSias. Sdeoce has diBCovered tha t a baking- powder combining the two neceuoiy leavening u n its , produces best result# .with* out w orry over carefuldoor- closlng, tip-toeifig, Or frantic hurry, ;Experiment h u show n that C rescent B aking t>owder

• - meets every.'test o f a per*, fect bak i^lJow ^er. '

P r o a any grocer

We rtholld CAjiJlXAC itsd I , , r,U;KAIII) noion ficletr ilr le |.\ flnarnntMd sood aa new. j > S T E P m .TOL, GEIND, 00 .

IES •Womtn Only Knew." the new noberl- Koii-Cole rtlcMt, lieailii ot jutl lach nn Mrrncr. la uniloublrdi)' the rtaion f«r the enthUAlaitlc accltalm w.lih which It bai btrn reeelrtd wliere'ci .liowii. Tlie photoplay, wlilcli drals

. wllh an abiorbloR problem ol Ui< lirrariit dar. wllf upi» at lhe Orph- earn ihealre hetlnti)nt loiJar l»r * nii of ont day only.

■nm itnrr ot "If Womtn Only - Kntw- la baird on llaliac'a ‘'Mfdlla.

lloni on MarrUse." atid wai adapted to the icrron.by Gardner Huntlns 1 H. OrlffUh dirrcled.

. -. London Sleek Exchangi.Tbe-lTndua a'tiick ajcbanse.'hni

now n menibsnhip or fOUa Whts nr*i npmtd ll bad 690. ■ PMrtoutlr bmktn did biialntM |d'N eir: loss- Ilmn'a CCfTri ' ftow .' irh«e rufrow decided tb call ll lhe alock exchasce,

COOKCII FOUI) S.tLR Ijullei ot the I’JeBiant View I>rta<

brterlan church will bold • copkn' food late Saturdar at cloa'Bookiton

D r e s s- —r'For-AlK

] The F/

S P ^ u fHti

i'f l ^ ^ ^ b ir :


^ Dresses ai '• $33.75 is t}, —4;— ^

It' Proven;e

a that we have sold lg- grander, than any 0I, ■ I . .—,1*r- / t f V

: , ^ . r

i . I " . *

I 75 Assorted

ji . ROGE!

«ri* Threa Ptaka Out of On*.ftrninaoif of the /re ise *w p«rtJct»

‘0“ lirir tnlrrcailn* In ib i'tlK kr Uoun- ' tain NiMupal park, when husa taller*

hare Ui:n plowed oul il>>nii{h eount- ” 1; In i acra. potalhly 0,000.000 rtar* b{0. p.p),. OlBrUn-tnuifonntd wbat.wM a iID' rus tie mnuntnhi niait Inti th m |>tak>-

Utns‘8, Wrcker and I jd r Wa'hli'pon )„ly - a i ther. a rt inncrn. wllh Ixins'a rl» ilia, ns tn an. elevatlun nf 14.253 fett. er tiled ta rlr llit-i'*- ullra nhuvt, tra luivL' InS' • " • I,

Flawan Midy Cemmedlty.■fn (fie F nnfh.ilollitm nivo pror

. ■ Intea all kloil* of nowtr* nre sroivii li rnonnou* quBntlire*. mlrtr ‘for thi

L„- aaka of ibtlr iitffaiiie. Ilundrwli-o In the rulllrailun o

)fl« 'h t r la vlulri and Olhrr flotten.. -

= Y ^ jC |t j5■ 0,af3>MaaMjin,UmiY4ch.

s e s a n t lOccasions at Re Low Prices at

4SH10N large, purchi

ust made at m: ifacturers’ cloi )ut price by ( )uyer in ]S[( fork is- most

md floats-froi the wonder of

Holiday-Seaso — Is On

You w,ill want a pretty ■ess oi\a coat We have, t the lowest possible prices

i r B e y d n d lId merchandise this / previous season.

F o rS a tu rd a.We offer gi;eat re^uctior ir entire stock—a discoui ich garm ent It is worth': hile to come and be conyir

sd Suits Positively al


rrnnsD 'AV , .xo T O n iE n .gaiOMa.,

■- 'I ■ ' - 1 S S I ' - 'Itr* ■ . ^ 187,ill* 'X f i ^ > M p .t a - I ' .


Corns Vanl?hnn-i ’

m : 8old 'ln 'T w ln»F#lljll/Ro5«r*on ^ HoleI.'Plianaaey.- ’ - f

'W« frame plcturei. Cloa Book Store._

G o a ^[emarkably

basenan- ■o s e - 'U ^ Wo u r ' ^ ^ P -

F e w ’ . \ n ■

.:as- '

o m i $ 9 ; 7 5 ^

f this S d lS i

i o n . - M ' ' ~

y new ' ■ ■'■jf|" v,';!,"v; . S'them ■ ■ ■ ' } jea.. '■

I’ali- cheaper, b e t te r , '

i o n s o n ' :

mt on I IJ- '■ i; h ' : y o u i ' . '. . | ( , ; ^

v i n c e d . . . •■' -5

at Half Price ■


Page 3: M m '§ m M M —Succeeds .Wirth • lillS ; I i i l 3 i lilN Enewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014-12-12 · ’ Uoaar Law..ln.an eicluiire Inlerriew

' " -“ " rn u n sD A Y , N ovEM pRn

' ■ S k

; ' f i i l ', PAntiELu !-;jNBW YOHK, Xor. M-Two df 'l

motl OUUtabdlBR' t»vl>l-.-f :

! .^Ui»-Apufaqa Nsry I Rlhi• . ; “ W « # i t ‘.l’W!«dclphI* ••:

,V#I# Ksw lUr«n.;:;,’ rb r eae#; Yi1» and H sm rd.w JJltiU; ucood ltddl« u u r a i ih«'R«

public H^.rtnc«rnRl.;-J»rlne«)i . u'i^U'Rlretdy wVB:iUiav:ibleV-ih»

;tht»p1onihlp. Ih rrird hM 1.M •,^a twic# aod to h w Yb|».

. Wwt Polnl and^B spo lir alwa:, • 'hiralih lh« m l » p ^ | # ot Hit «

•jaon a n ^ t llm'wtMliM In-ii nU'.l

, ■

■ ‘ llM.OOP’TinWAOXR**' i WAifuai; 81IT STAnn:

.A TUN T^.Oa; Nor. » -A tlnnii;• ‘ ter Wdll«r M dler.aiid for Mrt. ClKi

I.K. »)'f|«ld..prJ(u:lp<U Is lho' tm.O'. damait ia.ri,-flled l / Mri. Byriold /.■Il«nd lafvrla rcc•lT^I ader

, .ebimpainiA Mrty on bokrd an Atlai .tic tin a t.lu i B«pl»mb«r. ilalH indo

• . ;-'(l»t‘lhaJaii'K onl hJu|.b'eo:i m I<I I tio c ^ i t 'a t l l U BOM to irlal.

• , ' ' 8lXTiuK'i>iJl8»X8 ACCfHri) r>: ;• OF '9H im iS(J-C IIIS A ’IEX

, . » m u iigo ii;isT O u.: i

f 'l rENSACOLA. n a ii Kov. H -Bll

. : S H S s i : a S.. a^lffaed I Iq Uid. United 8Ulc3 <lli ,v tflcl pf-norida iBdwJ-^—


: j p ^

. . . - orM eys &nd Boy;

'---—Vr ; ~'' O ood'ftW ^oilica to r r u l tl

’ 1 ! : ■$15.00; While * irJp« . Nerfo)lL.'JtrIe '5 r looking woiS lUlt lhai will

• I V U W o i k ' C o a t e i

• .(' ‘A -l^eatr' tfBek-coal -wliIi a - i

y , leaiberaBd »IoaTN‘.'tir t8B)« mc , ;j{ 1 aBil fofly. I t Ineht* loBsi'iUe

II : i- .-ShSp Lin Vei; Dflib'nioIei1iIfl Wlih‘b’rowB'lM

,.1 'ir/{R-rBniT>,Ji«P p»K; M Me

- I

oaui^if te itH n ro f mol«iklnV<

T . ,Ju8l to Rmiih:-piaV.«?i«.(?olB«' lo.halpjj abrUtmii '(lu>n. tWr.iJiIi jrei

^worl'liAliila'^prettiSit'fir ertr , fkmHK m;iht» 6t.o'*tOTe. ;Mt-,»J - 'ih l l lo (Ml p»n« In and la ■< ■ ryBt ^ iill 'tV y u 'l iy ja j 'lh c a

'v . I, ; A F T E R . . : ' A ^ ;

*■" •'. J ‘ ■ T • '

:n n, 1M2. •

o f th e Spo]~ TWO'CRACK PUCy


T '«th.rr

and .

'•bm. ■ *.vV’’<®^Sg0iN)on , , ' . r . iy

iwa>t . . .

ii'S - ■ ■ W,»«n 'LEI'T..TO JtlOII'i:

o t ihVCa'lltofnla *Ih vho (l{ur^-lo ila r In lho ita ^ o Kamii'.'M.'oeU ai lho conicfl wl

ITKI» «“ t It Calirornia Bitin-- wl:

™^;~sP0RTjrAB‘s10,MJ CIIICAOO-Hr an’ order ot il: d jm tO B . pfwWcnrof H»o Aincrir; ' " UtjlBe.'Ty Cobb hi>« boMi mad«

.400-111IICT for m ir^Johatoa rot ,«>“>■ llltl n funiblB by't^oroll Si'OU In

Kamo in Ncw.York la.1 Mnr »l>ou ti9>o yen cro'lllul a* n Ult Inikad

• nn error, roWinow Hm hit ;100 lbr ^ tline j nml t'od tho reconl held hr Je

L\:% ■' --------■; '!8U ^*^in t-

i.Jlcl- defend*hi*.tlllo In Madlton Sqim

wire “ •'.------, • '= 7 ^ '.NBWyOHK.-N*ir_Or|MM h:

. . lycn_ ^ h ataln br, tli« Xow Yo


s D e p a i• I- O f f e r s s o r

>y«’ Work . • “ w o r k i n g m

e « , “ o u f a p p F f fI tcrrlce; dark cord- . f i r f d theS C

- . a b l e , , d o n

If-- :.X ™ u. 7 a »»1 J h e n yp .u !

S $ 6 .0 O ' ■ Jinao In .tii,;. lliri-

__lJ__-__Mbrowo* •pUf’ttwiilda''' Rxira'heaty.x J m ttfrU l,' Knll collar ’v n ii 'gl:ei 3l i

l lm 3( 10 U. wllb ilNTCt ro

^ e . t ‘$ 9 , '6 o I . .iMiliw'il««roi: lined • JWlacph loot- A danJ/. g

to .$2.50 - lleaV Ki>rm«111-t!anntl*t end*. A that-are ilrl!

. ’ i Patrlck’ rram

:bala.:$24.00 1 • .IngT llere'a. your .eoal.' - -■;firown:-'ihMp, colfir.' im •, /VInVand jaWrdlni. Tho

'.'■.•i'.-.’ .* '-: ' • • '•-.“ ■•■Jlwr afl.'i'Ml'' . ,., . 1, . I ■ klndn'flf wealh

i m d " 'Y 6 “u -pjypu.h»y# a ,betier ,.jrtir... Tou.w n.flti^ ..............


■ T w ; >

) r t W o r ldC V 'E R S . ^l > r C A L I F O R N I A E L E V E

j : .NkSl!l.',llOR l>K«KKY. ‘(leren Ith'o rlthl. to- npr'c tcni' tile coi

are Xeililt niul nerXer. NotbIt' noted for lilt imntlnR obllliy n

• “ f* Kerkrr nu lii witb- "Urlck" .Mull will* a« a. Kftal end,

e YinkTTat their ir.ilnlnB camp, ne^ leanou. Work wfll be .lnrle.| abo

March 1. Tlie Vanka end II lliin nrooklrii Jtobliia wlU do Ibelr ugu;rlrjR .]ouV;« acl im Hit wny norlli />d« a Ilio oiHiiiliic ot lho kCaiuii.ruled :-------In a VAIIIB.-rCbullenceni for Ibe IIrI

■ad lit varateil by liattlliii: Sik? niiiil 'Il ibroo Ibelr Bpplleailuni beforo Notembr JCKD ao. the h'rencb builnE tederallun a

.) . nouiiceil. An. elimination Verlei w1.. bo. ildried III mId-Deccmbor.

i’"«ni ■ KKW YOUK-mi«i lloppe Koli|: quMc C-Sfi nnd « jl.flOO.'medtl for wlnnli ticno Ibt wcr1ir»'-.faimanl - chaniplonthi

• no n y p r tlk e r Cocbran J5:0;.T h u r.rcn* ^ec(lpi|i’ wera tlTiOOO and. l

York eipenieija^oq.,^; ^ ' ’j*];


iome good', values .fpivth.ej man, .the farmer,-, th a r man., Altijougft you w i l t ) ;

!se' prices .veij'i'.tfason.;i> on't iiass on','.them forji: itil you haye.averaged te r ar 'of these ' .gaments.;’ ) , u ' l ) . b e , s u r B n M d . . ' ; ,.ii;

B r a d l e y , S w e a t e r s ; : ’■; ,oo;to$S5p - , _ |i: hiep-orW llr lt i wllb: ibe repe itlldw ^ M ^ u l i r '^ ^ .aiKl paitersi; nil ilietfS,

Meh!s Knit Veate •' - ' V. ■,' I

Jh>nA|i’ butloni; a m l ' n m wotlc;- I t to <1. T!:e same Teiti f f ^ S A ’’,'',• for ---------------------V 7*W W .v

M c^t^aw : Coats f., 8.5bf:f6:$17.7S ; , frmenit tor rousb :and- readjf.weir. j, ilrilib .«Bdi:|ood, looklii; mtile by am'.llii:',Tlniln.’WDbl ot 'ihelip that :hti mow. Plaldi aDiI.’plilBi. '

. H S o i , t p '? 5 . p O ' i f t ; ; IMl'i'lIlWi rdr.aeo;iw'liQ''^e'oui In alfej altier.-'Dluet.’ grejn; lanii; kbakl In; t t «^t«UJici._,;, .[j 'I , ,

[VJen-8>’jDrideiiiear .“j ' :;.$t25,to $7;5'poputardepBttineBt wlth'ut. All kiBdit*t ly nrlee—Colion, collon' and , wool, a llf

i f f i i i f e lX E v j . T O T R A D E . |


t T H E i a

E c ^ O ]i s , g e t t i n g , r f i a d y : f t

, a s s ,p r i 'm e n ( s '. a i ’e ’'g c ^ . 'b a s e i i \ in t i5 ! o . l l ': d q n ’ =" ; s h o e 3 f ; i ', : I j i ip k 'i a { :o u

i ’ a i id '- b b o K s f o r t h d :

' Bo:ics''j1 I . . s . B t A o e i i i ij j A b litv loco lllnh thoe. uI j »mnll- he»l, ntk oiilei;

• i ' . 'b r o w n KJI A browD kid'butlon thn*. iI eiilea, aolld Icuilier iIiuci;

•' ( • 6 lo ... .........' .BLACK OUNM

A beavr lilack (unmelal I hear}’ •ole. tprlns bcel»

iB loc cap*; inwiI .'riutduor ilu. 1 s <0 ..............;..,,1.

i BROWN OAI A brown ralf Ure; edra 1

.1, bcvla. licuYy lolci; e>ira t

/ J < i lo ,.S ........................

. i '■’• s‘4’ io 11,;.:.,.,;..,:.:.^.,..,,..

I ... ................- | ' S ‘ , I1LK-.PUY81

A brt)wa dk piar »lw«; a J" elkaklB. upper, roand loe r

luirof • •«» '> »tun.I.r ..hoe_-

' j cy lo X...... ........ ....

.S: 'w “ !'...:....... .............BLAOK K m L,

. T i ' f l . • ' >"'i '« '• >«diui' “^ |f l Kunrnnicfd rotid Ti.#lher-• • Ihw. O.|p.plcco Tlim.. ai»a

' bevli nnrl B«)d hrary lurinco' • “> _____: 'tl1c • , 'EXTEA HIOH

A tnnboitnny brown ilile. mild Ifalher "flltr'llran

, * " l plice r»m?r. osk tolet: . I ' iMlher h c tli-


i„«i:. iBOYb: WORK’ -Tlie . A bor'a h « r r outdoor wo

l;(he ipllt 'leaiber-opper beav; 'ii': ■ enil beUiti^itoniue; - a c .’I I 1 .......

~ ■ 'oR o w D ia o r.y ' '',A Kmwini , firl'i blick klA - . . . . eooil round'.toe;„medIiun,liS '. , lop :,« f-tn ‘T.._.,—L ; ■ ■ : ' r HEAVY BCHOOL[j; A b 'm y'ichool’ iboe-of 1M- • . I , low .flat' heel, medium ro

leather jbroushdut;

'f “ ' ■ L A D iE fl'Il a o i'■] . ■Ladlei'.'liliek kid lice Iboe

- - •-with rubber H p i! .a- roi

^ ■ ~ S ' 19

V ' ^ , COIi . , A lolld Uilber "Sur Drai

Jll i _ ,ii.rffll.rT O fort.ih<S-nUI . ....•>. I . i - t —

I I , 17” bI m u O S SI ■' , A'few dilldrin'i I

. button ah'oM; iliei,', ' 'a 13.to'S atJ'— _— iiiL -~ .

; Lealher'tBM"- Vv'-; .<5'l I ., m ----------

^ . • "ZZZZ ZIHZZ:ij ' s s iA iL /p m R S 'B o n

V • • .•VorrflroiijlniiriJIBTrraD? {<, era;-’inapit(%nd a Corbin’ 1rt : . ,..haniJr...lliile c iie - ,tc . vlMncb ' .I' llta •— ' . I ----- --------- V-

, .iMneb '*, ' ’'l l ta ....... ......... .—

i ":V".l: .JJIUBBMPXST)! .. ’• -V 180i, s ' Pot’InfiBla'nnd n u ll, chilli

' • . | 00d._quilltr...eud • ban

r t : ' f i • ...i ' ;

S s; . . ‘■iBiK'tf ,w ry 'good •



[ E S '

W IIO 1)1.i*.

( i i o m yi f o r C l i r i s t m a s . : : ; I t ’s M o w 'g o i n g f o h e l p . m a k e , a . ; n e | n ’t h a v e ' l o b o ^ t r a ' v a g a n i OIU’ p r i c e s , , G i i n y o u ' h e a t ,0 k i d d i e s . J V e 'h i i y , b : J h c m

} ' ! S i y p { : C H I L D R E N ’S Shiiaii,':rv''-v , ■0. ill lulld Inllirr,

:... ;,,$1.45 - p f emb'

ie. i|irlii|: |ie«l. onk .

”i . $1.45 r aMMETAL'r-,. . . .al Iflce nbnf; Koii-lcell, ejtra liciivr •

S1.48O A lP

" ' HEAVV OCd WA A lit»*r out.liwr »t

K'ove kullior. A «0 4 A A ulirf'Wben w eti-i '

. i 9 l ' a 0 9 Ilrnnd" >li«»:

31,12.29"::“ ’; , " ’”''S H O E '• ■ '•: a JiMrj-oak ««?«■. lU i lo ! . ....... ..le mill Hinsll liv^; BO'VS' D” • A boy'a nioboRnn)'

. S 1 . 8 9 -...........$2.09..,= , „ . . , . „ . , i ,

• H A W .. ,

ima’I tol'il iMlbiT . .•' '

„™’‘.;,S2.29IH T O P . u - ' i ; , i j „ v ..........le. I'Jifa hlRli tiiji,iraml" ehoe; one- . 13 .......,.,ct mill low aolld

$2.39•' n n p»n A sun metal ralf IC- $2.79 "«........... y * - * a V

.K'BHOE .and onk xolei— work ihoe: henry '

eavy cjimme ’aole' SM'tn 11........... -


QIBLS ' OIRLS' 1kid ichool Iboe: A *lrl'« brows'calf

:n blRh C A 'Q O ' 'tedium roum u 9 a i 9 D bish io p i:- :u lu

a' J / L "of .brown luiher. f|„i;y^nbbor -lieel,

round- iw ' Mild; ,,,0, .

• • -’’S2.98' ’— •-’•LADIES’ I

IOK XID A ladlea' blick klilIboe; mllltiry heel heel., rublicr tip. f good - comfortable tine dreai inoo- for

= rr$ sa 9 - ir£ ;^ z ^30MHON BEN8B 0OM7ORT SHOEnrand- nlioc: low flit rubber heel, broad iU .Pd.f5;_______________:____

i s SHOES ■ . PBT.T .Rf.tPt

■■'Misi— V l e f i t f ’ - the |,i,onieai.a

L:-'?t50’, ••<««»«».MJ “•tJIT ,O A U B n m r.TtBBn m w a -iirB— I —fl’ lock! a u ry ... Thtie mitietii «

^ i i . 09' - r r i ; " ; :......81.16 I l.btrgilBi I t — -

X V I,'- .‘ . j— ---------- :---------

iildren;’,’! Tory ' , , - ■ X ’.:-barfiln. ' - - ••••••- i f t A v ,

lOomeiw ' ' W ® •.

S S I I S "E F r iS iS ? ^ ”sS'H. I' ff '.:i: ‘

' t j j S ^ a r i y ; wife i:

^ A e G r t

f l l H I

'A R T M E N l

r B a s eV o v e r h e a ’d r q i u i n t i t y b u y i i

n e i T i d * C f i r i s t m a s f o r yoci i n t t o b u y f f o o d t h i n g s . .

s a t t h e m ? D i s h e s a m i u t e

m a l l .

5H 0£s . W(

ODTBOOB SHOE' S ” ,• nrliool liKie of VlmcitUle'. ■ i uline llial. wlll nnl sel ,.iM:«»mtiieed nil IrnibiT . ,io»'; liiw fl«t rnbbcr heeln brd ■

' $2.88i $ 8 .2 9 ,: , ,

DBESS SHOE ' ' . ny c;iir Kiiftll.b toe drc»n ,Uli’lil:inlnn oak tolei. rubber ' >1

' - - : 1 S f£SCHOOL SHOE’ :«4 »»

, cnlf roiMiil ton lehoiil ---------'ilentlicr 1011.11 and rubber

. $2:59, X ..........$2.79 .

.... $3.19 ■ »liliSTALOALP- \ Z , Jf Knsll»b Intd.nhmi; e«lri . . , u m raniceci; n nolld lonther - loe; low flnt . rubber beel

f\...,_$2.49 ■

' EXTRAMOP. . ■ ailficliooraboe;.low flat

L.L' . DRESS S H O E -PS gW» rfrmv .»b»,',,Joir

I’ DBEBS' SHOE ( T T —kilt dreai 'aboe; military'

I. f ln l grade leither; a , .for lhe woBiin'.wllh.lha,..........— —3E . »«" '>»d tne wlth nn llnxlog; •

/ ' . leed I ------------------1;----------- - ouldoo

^ P E B 8 FOB 3 ^ , ; ; ; '

i to ’.ntw fell allpiHiri^^for' ’ X'tnaa ,,ahoe Ilore,. Tlicy afo., ’ rpnad make dandrrpKWikti.;,'

>■ - ■ '■ ■'':■'

i 'a W rtiBMl' llB^i;,’.and.i ■■■; lede.corered; In alicf- 1 .' '

™”'"“ i”“ 49c « “, . aole; (

) len,-. Manx^;mpK::,Tdys I ut.iri' prder to avpid'-coi

p give,j;pu a. ch&'cexfe; ii’e .pi^eniiigiit' ndfeJD^ii’t

f r ' D61,lii;Tii6y' a^i.'tieai:

f A O l 'T H H E l


j u i e i i ty i n g , q u i c k { u r n o v e r a n d 'o « . I f y o u s h o p in - t h e .

. O u t f i t t h e f a m i l y in>; U e n s i l s f o r t h e w i f e , t o y s v ,

;______________ ' - ! •’

W O M E N 'S O X F O R D S , .

A Conjcrvallve Shop ,• iiuiiiir.. hrno ii .’Illf low rubber heel

53.30 .

STRKET OXFORDSblnck kid oxfiird. CuhiiH hrel, snxl '

......$2;75'fiiniii In ,bru»v-n, • , '

A BIG GIRL'S OXFORDMr Klrl'. bbi’k-kia ojfonl. medium

’X-'V4*rJ:11P In' brown cnlf- , § 3 . 2 3

SPOR'r O jffORD ' . '■ brown kid oxford wllb liiw.'rub'bc'r.......... .dium round romforlahle t6e;' ' 'Hfto.1 iliiK for wool bon; ^ 0 ^ 2 9

QOOD SOHOOL’S H p B -m lm f brnwn, calf oifofJ; a gooi • iiKil nlnm ullb rulibrf livel nnil laiicr .

;r5 .. .,.$3.45'-. 'DRE§S-OXFORDS.

Unit rrnde brown kid womin'i o i- ,;d; mllllurr brel nllh nibbiT llpi.

.......v$3»89- - A COMPORT SH O E-t'lDi'.riirt. i>ho<. fcir the nired feel;

ick kill tai-o oxford,-cuiihloB Iniolr. ’

af iKr','''!!;,''.™''. $2.73OOMFORT S P A X -^ O E '

comfort K|int Rllpper; 1 broad'lof;~' r flnl . herl .aKi'jxr ; ^

MEN'S SHOES : ' ■'■.HOIE smre ;:,. v3i': M

ainil'i ' aiirk~ijmiMitm‘. i hbBi- i bp wtfT " P ht welslil work ahoe, lo .wear with ■ ’< \

_ i a B N ’S W 0 R K .8 H 0 B i . i t i : . : i :■n'a heary bUck work ihi>#it*iuf»ari. v-,'d lolld lenlher; a ' |ood.-<,he«vr.- : : idoor ahoe; _ '■>''•“8 2 9 8 ' ' '

■-■’ 'M E ji'S DRESS raO B 'li^ y r'- 'h j','maa'a brown cait dreu •het];medlBB i- it.'

n'l hish Uii. booli!:'MBChtttp»,t*iir,V ,i';-

. . i 2 .d ( o h .b o o tb : ’. '. ' j ^ , \1 '. ; , L>miB-a. IMneh" hljth top' ItwiylBckTi v -v.It; heary cbrame auler'

v,'.,'*.. ;■ t';

'auties. ' -

'-ffl jjfcBHBSMH

Page 4: M m '§ m M M —Succeeds .Wirth • lillS ; I i i l 3 i lilN Enewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014-12-12 · ’ Uoaar Law..ln.an eicluiire Inlerriew

H. ■i-1 ' "■ ■ ■■■■■’ ■' '

i x n W B I '

f THETW INFi!| 4 td ln g M6wip>iHr of th

•kbU lhftl'vrw X i i l u £te*j ■ __________ m y .

1\ t - a ju B n R B -------------------;

. <I

! , tourW t l Ui* T vli f^Iti Fmi•V •, . .• , PabllMl

■j ' ■ ; sirascii on« ye a r ......................

' D*ily, i lz month*---------------| { , ■ O lU j, dn . B o n l h e - - ^

l - i .. 'IViliuc (Iclimiii, n 'lm .it ti; 1. ’ 'IJiWHndor lo lli.- I 'liilnl Sliil.' ' ' kUcIi mity bu xii|i|>'>si'il

•'/mcricniiii.. He iim fa'd 'i-iiji Iji: •, ' • ■ Eiiuliiih wi-li, w-lii.'li iK I. y n I ' ' • i-umn 0 nntioiial lirni by l ^ i

' • ' Col di I<niis, 0 rurtirip<l l i i ^

; • - INVESTIGATE 1i • ' ,’ .3 v ; '■

The Umiptl'Mim- \\> ik i U n ilc d KtaU'n voal c-iiiiiiJiiK.<>ii '111?* b cpu i.. T llf wiicKi'HlioiiH

, w id irto Ijo lidiifiil. a)iil Ilii'y • .'B ldcml fully, liy lhe bnar.l

l!j • . ' i Tlie niiilp w orki'ri’, c-nm ’if '-, ’■Hftllfr of flbsrHlcc owjim lil ; ) • I r l i ip i «p'<iuo«lioiiii of ri‘i;ul

KtorBRC, incrvtiNi; in 'Ihc iiiiiiil • _ Ihp nnnnal iucomc of iiiiiicni.

I dsllj’ WBRC nml the yearly, ci, ■ , l l I* ciicoiiraKiiiK to-iiolo

, cW jiiUslon; This i* w lm l’lh ; , , I® p « y « ) l lalmr- jruulijp wni ) fimi oilk the wroiiRH of ihf

Ncttlnricnl wil! Ih- iirrniHiii'iit.


U lu-n* Miiiorily tlmt ma tJic houio>omiiiittcc on u'ayH

1 I t ^ ru hcniorily llial inai the xcn&te finance coiilinitlre.

. ' f t WM Kcniflrity-timt m ■, tlia Miialo'cornmittcn u i r f t ^ t

is'Dl n t 'U ll sljiiiil|'m-^)t.in a^v . .• ifa o iniJfave pift JJr.J .'V _ ft tariff: Nor woulil nn Ol.l :] ' Kenato hnve inlniMcd to Mr.f j r y ■■ tiiriff Lill tlmt Mr. Foranry.

' , 'pmicn-nlion nliiii*i-*viiuUr lm '

. •. ,AJI (jT this jjivcH point to |;;'i • (or. Lutisv urKuiir liml llm ^vll i > , tiio iirvrariiHJK liolil Ijilil Loiii;

I) •. ■ of in lirc ; ,vi:l llii-rr is nntliinji'v _______ llliiiiiis trt |hi> Iinu- li^p^ii^vniifc( '. ' |ttil)li'; unlil nfliT i-lcptiii

------ tcbukei!-W( IIii‘-|'ki1Ik-4iiiiI-Uic-| j v I’-onfnpy will nut tie ii in

iietlhepvill-MvI.'umlHT, nnd I Iml ON tile ronmiilti'CH u ln iid '■

M ; ' complimird Kitunliini will di'v<I V • •' tlje J'ur.lncy-Mi-euml.or in riff K fiiuiiK'ft'c'mimitU'p; but tin ' nr.'I : Polii-llp, wli.i his .•imiiulii f • ; lo UfavIy pvtfy policy iif iKi- i

________.UuimiiiK-4l)ut-Uul)i<uumiuj l . . ' clniM*tls rcvouiit, Ihp next nini! ]■' . commiltnr, nn ftirpi«ii r(;l«linm!• ' posTit'In’tho ri'rvi^n poljuy of|. wrni to l)ii‘ foreiini pnlicy of lli{ ' . _ Ky (ilis Mimi' ]iroi'i!n« Ijh Ii . niiuH on llie M'liali'' I'ommiilrcrj[ , Kciiiorily rule (irahiini of IVii| r ■ RUWPtI V'olslcud iN flniiriniin| l ' ’ Ihr i-nnnnlltpi’ thnl fniiiii'il tin [ | • Thl' iticrihsisli'iM-ii | ; • r'ltii' nri! iumimi'nililr, ami npi

■ roiKii of ini'diotTily Ihnt rosnl » ' liio country, i f cti'oli'ii In lln ' li

j y cnonjili by n ,lMii'br.ini I'oiiHtiti. ; mail of lln- most. iin|Hirliint vn

. All htf. ni'i'd do i* in’ rc-rloi'lni ; M m to r M.'Ciinnil'it’K jir^

nrv oil bouiid, Iml it is Mifc ,K ^ ' wlien conRfCM nn’cls. Tlic milI ' an te o f pou-cp. nud mitc thp

} •rcpublirau. IpailiTs wonhl- Ixr udJ '• wrfl aak Ihrm to rnt thpir'own•r >'eviTtbrli'w, Ibo KciiinriiyI ' - ; in both hm nthcs of i-oiiKn'ss n: I ' * leSBl the equal nf ImiKlb of set JV - . forn lh a i eoniM abonl. Iin«cvi4 * • W hile ilouH' umi a fonnnj rue r ' • •vjdbiiity for w u R rm .ns tlio-lnn 1,' ■ ; never bc done nndpr the llnrdi • ■ ' . ' r aJV i» i»'wj?‘'wDij)le m a ttrr.”

V , . SV '. , .Under a rcnliy rcuponsildo Jmportaiit comihilltOi o t the ho

j . ■ V incn, - r c g ^ i b j i o t seniority, w 0, • V' ^ h i te 'I Io tu o iMJiicica. and wiio i

, ‘’ tlip lidmlnistrntinn’n progrnm. 14^: •> ■"■h'i.'i ' :M o v ■ . . - I

FALLS DAILY TIMU x c ity t t t d . OoMty d Twla

leept B u a v b7 Th* TUam m iU b ti f r. Tvla rtlU , Idabo.'

i>o*(offic* u e*ceB« C liu U atur w '• IhUoo. April 11, lltL


I to Mi<'i'r>';il l{olim<1i i l i m ns. lliilii(U liiti's. is n iiiiin wbo dops'ihinuH, an nliy iiri-i'pfiiliit'- lo lhe b'nsi'lsli and |i enjfincrrinif iti Jlii« (•(/imfry, aikI «( pwil adTiiiilHK''', iJurini,' tin- wnr lii lyiiiK Ibc'mini! .which hlow Ihc toji ol i^ t 'l l i i i t lliri'iitcnci) Ihc ilidinn imtit


iiiipni o f Anicrii-a hiivc filed .witii wion wiVKmliutiH for Ibo hn'piify w IlH bololtpii n .sp irit of I’o-npcrntion' cy iloubltcM Wlli 1)0 \v'i'lconTfd ainiI. . 'iiuimitliio rt'i'<>miiii-ndM iDiihin:; 'nln •*bi)> •ii>f 'n t-'iijw-of Inbor Iroiihlo, };idnti<>n'ijf. Ibl,' indiiHir>‘. srionlifi'! iinbiT of I'ofll oars, prodnijtioii cost, ;rH. It drn^vK a' dixlini'lioli between

earninijs of wnrhers. olo tbat wIllliiK dlH]n)sition to nssixt 'liro publio likes to KOC. The best iin l'In improvo geuernl eonilitioiis i: lie industry niid rii;lit liivni. Tbeii ■nt. •’ . '

;n t b y s e n io r i t y '

made -Ioso|ili \\’.'.Fonlnoy ohnirniigi ya and means.made I'o rtcr <1. McCumber ohnirnian re. , •nja/n? ffenry Cuhot LoiIro .clmirnmn iviKn rolatioii*,. .. •i..iii...-u:Au1.tJiy . IIMV (Icliliernli- nclinii Ho.v of Ib r biuiincss of iiinliId (Inard soiialc. o r nny olhor kind lr . .MoCumber the tns)t of rewrilini oy..lmd- framed. The instinct o t fc hnvo,been sirffieiont lo prevent jh

to Ketifllor McCnrniick-« lottor.lo S>( eniorily nilc Iic abnmloiiitl. fn vJimv odRc biiK on IiIh own lon'ure of offi

lii.iK to iiidicali! llmt lii'o sonalur fr ,'nneed Ilus suRRohlion. ivvliich-wns i •ti(iii.''i’'Xpcotedlh7il~iiiiriiudc\'jivriii^ he.Uld-U ulird-liniciioidly nuhui'si'il.

inentlior n f tin ' .‘'i.^ly-pif.'lifli m W ' :l l-mlKo is. baiiRinl! on hy bis oyeiiII niuliT. liio scniiii'ily nilc n »lill ni ovoh>v. Kmool, mi iirdoin Mi|ipiirlcr •iff, '.will lie ohiiiniinn of' tlie .wm no.xl I'aiikins rc|.nMlciin mrinlRT'is lUfiRU iipiinsl .lho liifirf and in opi'ic (e llanliiiR iidniinis(n/(ii<n.

.... ..MikiiiR r.i-|mlilieau. roinlu-r o t Ibc sen: inns is llnriih. w hin is hnnlly less i o t llic liiirdiiiR uiliiiiniKtniliim lluin,' the Wilson ndiiiiiii%lrntlon. ■ n I'ldletlo is Hillmnlinnlo only In <.'u 1-0 i>ii iiitcrsliilc ciiiiiiiii'rcc. aiii),l/.»‘ I IViiiisvlviiiiiii, n piMtioniieotl w d. ,«v lliu Ilf tlh- hoiiM' JiKliciiir.v coiiunilt' llic jiniliil'iiioii onrnn'ciiicrit ne t.iM-ic.s llmi. I'l'siiit tfiim the KCiiioiiiipiii'l Irtim the incimsi^itcni'ies is I '.suits. Tho jiiiist Klupid iudiviilnni0 hiniso or lU'nafo iimf kopl /Aero f()i titueiie.v, will' incvitiibly licj'omp eliacoiiiniilli'e lillll ho ba^ipptis lo eovi

lod nnd tieoji niivo. * , ir^unii-Mls iiRuiiiM the M-iiiuriiy I’l ' lo sny ihlll thcro wIIMh- no chiin radiofll n'pniilii'iins now huvo lhe bi IP Kpnioriiy rule wero iiimuiionisl ( udrifi, Soimlor MeConnick nuRhl

vtl ibroals and he done wilh il.I.V nilc will I'voiitiiully he nbaiiiloin1 nnd iibility will he roeliRtiiwd'as ; sorvii-o in nmlicni of IcRisIalion. II ever, tbeir will bo ii I'huiiRc in ll rueoRnilioii of liic pn-siilpn(’n respo loader ot Iho mnjority pariy. it .on rdinB llieory tlmt "uovorntnem, afli

bio Kftvcrnnu'iit, th e, d iiiinnen 'o f ll huiixe nnd sonule unist noopKsaril.v^l wbo ore aelively in sympathy wil

10 arc jirtpured tu slniul or full ^eil

I •

' . T

= ? = TA'Ki: XO TllOf<I I raUk Tiiku 111) 1huiir.!u, naxiii'i.* **** Hliiill V.. c.:i: nr. WlUt .ill:

ft— "f 'yii'Towlllinl siiiillcitrdw.- l our jMir liM-eal, iliiT kai\2:«i!i:iiiia je ihivc m

■ Illl lllllo Ililiii;’ .—.M:iltiii'''

I PUBLIC FORUI a»jii J_________________ !------ —.

jioiiE h k h u i 'Iu tk : i'I.a.v i . m:kiii:i> i \ iiiiiinv.w

— W.W) To IIM fiUdir: . •S.OO OuH |>aM liiKli»0>' 'pxi>prl<im'

« _ .60 I'liimltu ilip iif 'l lor a morr ili'ii Is I'lan ui riail Octuliiiniii'iit

. ' counl)',: .. i/f fln ii’M r f<fi- rf Wtfr*^ n am. ,,ttf(it|,«hion \it Uu- |iuliH« laand us itiR Its rosti illalrii I* tneciiin

1 i» i'll.. t“»‘ir-lliroiiKliciiUill llio mall'll* I" n»i1 bulldlni; In I'urrlvil mi-»i

lully, Jiriil II »h»uW'<;«il ewnn c• 111. ll.. “l!"npnt I" "i" lilKliwny nrdl*

IK in- Twill.h-Blli illslrlol. A proKtjI nf the IilKliway ilevi-liipiiiriil nml indNc

III. nitrKlDK...fllll-rli:liloriiL« Inifi (in.- llli! Ii.jw irml -vm nflEliHrlimKl In lou iimH ini-1 inhlna not lo lie u'fliclii'il uH

9 Y icnilerpti cpcp. Ilun<l ruiiUs plioa ■ lie nTnllalile lu nallsrj'liH'nl hiCli

Oflh* |.ouy ucnl* nf an Imlli itll llie ‘’‘ualil I'C usnl In u iirogr

road Uullillni; llial n-:i| .-i/fcin' wliieli xrcBiMi reoiilli uiirt ilig blccJt

on' and relief |u> sibtfi fur ilir itpenl. An llie ilemnnit far mori-

III con- w an lacrtaiM li becomti mor' ficuli to ailmlnliiar our roail ni

, iRAianret arlie whereby nnnis lln llic srMi itemrdiic <if recocnUIou lo, nnil' KlIatilM' timl oiliem .Inviffcil' |i ■!,. ......1' nf.Iiufil'e (niernii. To 1u. en.ii agalnil nucti mlmnkM wlilrli 1 isl/niid <lUccir.rin Hir IwnllilM nffc'tfi' I..... ti... I‘l((li«a}- I'onmilMloii nlioulil rmi!-Ul me ,ie»cinp a «„i,iti „f repreiniii

ir;ferclij- «»cr)- IniparwnJ lucall I , ,, tlie itlnlrlil In' reiirwenlpj nt ilii-

when thiv piMis arc be-ni: iin.l f.t wny llio Imiiruvi-nieiila Icir Ibe oii K IH In I’' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' "f »<}!“'' I'rfleil the mrclliiRs will {lave a (Miileiic)' :

Bwitr.wUb Ihft illstrual nllll nilsu• ' lUindlni, wlinc ilir rivfllrlfs’ exI

anious lhe ilelcKitM vrlll l>rlti> , , ll)D »lri»iKJiH arKUiucul* In far

sood roada. In ihla or soin<i sl war n rval. publle xntlment treaieU vhkh vrlll bronli nu Iiik

iliui of <le»'elupiiiniit oJ. , foflil*. ■ '■

II. ai.Avi.s‘ nan of r '


, Yenlenlii)'’ th* VlpcUnnii for' lion ol j-rmfiii'" J ililt took iilaoff lh» nnkitlK prrloil, Ttm four claani'ii vinini . , . Ibe Biaoi'lnlr eilllurA nml eliink nitl 01 rrarnlnllvM. Khllfl lhe .Jiuilor* Iinif n elected nn a>alaiAni editor nnd 1 r knir T''® reiull* wero a t fiitl‘ Edilor. Una filaHof.l; a*iliU»ni

liiosu llor< Slanley Crom; ntlileKc ec CUrcnco Klas; art-*edlinr. Ji Doon*; manater, Mnnliall Ko

Sena- »iliua>>t mantKer. Larled kina: ealMidnr editor, llnrrlct 0'.'

H’W o l phoioKrnpfitc ecilfnr. rtoai officc, repreflcntflilM. B1*lii SIksIhs;

l^iilonnre’ reiiKiieiiiiillvp, Jnek ' from I'ornii: IrrilUDim reprrsoiiintlve, 1

. um K niu; laculty m irrm ii/ ""I ,M|,« llirtiharl.

illd 'lir “ The work^ytfliir-yrnr Imi-'Ii wll < Rlll aborll)'. the oinllni' of Ibe 1

llil:----- .wni-bu-inadBJiiuil.vicek...:_.'J')'® '■JjiM'M «)»!> elNlP"! ri'i)tr

: 1 tnilrea lu reproirnt thrm al tlie 0 IU.ja conlcrencp'lo im hidd nejil

moro n PrHati lto, Deermlii'r 1. 2-nii , , Tlila wn* held In Tit la ttills Inm

anil ViK'alrll.. wuk aucroaful In M'lmlc rnnKliir Ki bavr ll thrre for Ibis > .' ( , Thn bUh iivbiMil rXlHTln tn nuny

rpprp'eiilBllrrH, alx Iniiii r»eh r il'iiMil thla >esr. Thn meninr.'(h iindiT

■■■■ uiitiil.-.'. o{ lhe V; M. C. A. of On Htid Jdalio._______ •

scnaie • ' With FoMtMujhi.Then- ll nn rti.id ion Ions in

■' " l'‘ Rinn whu iidmncB!! dHIberaieir Illl, ho ivlthmn imdiie hmic-; tlio'e arc

.liiinara lm ilUlani t'n Ibc laiiu ' im'1'HT.i hliiiirir fer theia ivlib

( uni- (ii-nri'.—I^ llriijeri',y l i t . ' _____________, ivill To Cltan SItycr.I . , . Whrn »llii'r«iire litfciriiea tarnlnli

plmn ll III ihituto wiiii'r a few nilnui rln>e In hot sudi; It will 1"»k Mm |

iin il V '• “a ecunoiiilcal mented #lw I iliue-«o»cr.'

mi in HoNilyi In thl Jungle,{otiff Al e'jiiM'T 1() MrirA ihvr*

niilj tw.. »r.i«u:i'i-«('t'.iiiO <Ir>. • f,„«icrm.V.'.d6btlm.MhsuJ..iai,

,'ovel. jrrniclus 11* ikun-*-* rnhrnnti Ilurlni! lhe dry m-.i.mi ibe ibi'rm cler niri'lj' c.h-* licJ.ur IH.

:: I f ill"P apo ’s Oold OompoUBd" A

, Quick. CoiU Littio. M d •ipon-' Never. Biekonti

•y '”’ I Evnrj' drucclil. iie’re Kiiarenii a fle r |.n jc\ pnckaRe-of "r»pe'ii Co!d Cu

. bouiid" . in break uj.' any cold a end eripp* m(«ery In ti few hoi

lno or tnnney relurned. Siufflneii. pa hwdictis.' feierlahnMi. Inllamed

‘ eoREeated. i|oa* 'nnd head rellei wltll l in t dote. The** lafe, pleau

with mlllfaa* no r l-ika (Attn fai(*(|l t«bl*U cMt only a few eeali a •ifkmlnt: finlnlne-—adr.


orTfidai ' KHi.vriM'M'Kit » “I icuiil «K-KoiiKi;ujariiK

OK Ji.lU.>f<:iiT- 1 ' . -------

Whal A. Krlcaun. I’lulnlllf. idiall »»1)1 uc U' I'- 0. Iklhuim and Kiniiia 8. 11 f«lK tils wltf, Jmip. n. U»lh«ol' iii'cil uf btilla Ilink and Trust coiai .' 0!31. .arpiiraiUm, Aflmlnl.iMWU

estute uf 0. While. Ilccenspi KnlH tlauk fc Truii (>>niMuy.

perailuii, Ua Wnilnnu and Wllllnnis. hla wife. Dcleiida

i t m ' 'i Under and by Tlna* oC an 0 l^iVi I iinlft nad'Douree of Koroclusi

I >u(d out of life District Court----------- ' Kle.entli Judicial JHitr/ci ct ib

• ct Idabu. Inland Jor llio.Coi >'IK Twin i ' lla. dated Iho’Gili diiy IV lli;iT. vemhor, 19::, m lho above <

ntilon. wfieruUi A. Kricson, ihc , named idiitiKlff. ubtaincl a

imt'cn c:i;- uKu.intt i‘. 0. lidliunp.nnil Kt li'mwr.il- licibaiie. his w|fr:'jnmea U. Il<j 111 lu this Twin Kuil* Hank & Truat Co

i> I'orimraUun. Ailnilnliirairlx ich irltirr n tn te of f t ' iVbltr. drcriteJ, la dirn;- l-nllj'llAnk k Trait Com|iiuy. lllii; wnn ixirniiou. Uo AVllllsms Rml . ll't whPMi WinUina.lils wUc. ilifrndima, •»u. ce«* co> dsy of .S.ivcinber. 1»:!. whit0 cnioer- .Jrcfffl uun on llw Cli) . ds of Dip .N'ornmber. 19::. recorded. In Juil Rram of |l<'>uk EIkIu.' of Mid UlMrlcl . ^dentully ni' i<ai!i) aoventy-iorcn, I am U« vnllfly insndnl to aoil nil of ibal c rln i«mlenud ;ijrru ur pjrenl of land tlimr 11- iiadcr. Die Coumy of Twin I'allv Sti ulin 111' lilnbo. nnd bnundod bnd dncr.1 i..il1d n..l tullow*. lo-Kll: -iitlucncfs Loin TwnnlMwo (2J). Ti idKldual. ii,rt« Cl) nrid Tweniy-fuur iisram of ]i|i>ck Twn C) uf lllue Uke.i ^ird the iiol, (u Tnln l-'Blla; as thD ran eJ( men* idittwp on Ibo om«lnl plat u IP money name ns filed And df rec.ird I irt- hlKli-' oHlre of the Ilecorder ot TwAi iiore Illf- CouDty. Idalio..- - '1 nffnlri. Pybllc Nollce la Iterel.y Given ue locxi OR the ISlli day of Ueccmbcr, !oii ate at .the Jiour of S'O'clock I’. M. C I IU Ihr inln Tlmei of i&ld dny. ni. tht •o i;usrd'front door nf ih* Court Hnuae .

.•reai«|Oiunty of Tw in .i’alla, Slale nt 1 'ted, iinrii »||]. |n otifdltnre lo nald On: irnduolly Ssle „nd Derri-n. of f^nreclosun.................. nbove .t.'»urllwd propfMy I.^Ilty III Irly plfllnllfr* .iccppn wllh (m tbo time tborni.M, luRelticr ulib nil ciiils Hide for havf Brcfued or may iiertlie, 1 oiiauinn lileheat hhliter’tnren.ib, lawtui ii prnKfov „f thft Unlind Slatea. ' • •Jll »u.|j Ulh risj' nf .Vore,-y 10 dll |5:i,-l»mi<U'f- • . K--II. HIIEllMAX, exMliis siittrliiR Olll IIV IIONNIE KKllHDfa^or " f ____________ __________ 1 ^will he We roii.itr lypowrUeri.-Clu*

liiicrlfr. Hlorei ,.' nill.MS ~ -

<i..- f.M te'ynur decoraled eWasn -n n 'a Art Simp,

IT* also — ”

ass a ' ’Olant e*l- - • ............... : -V J> - >LeiKior. fc/*V^Julian . ------- V I .

Bower. ■ ' /ed Jen- i \ X

S I " . ^i H i i

cV Cor- V \ /n, Clin- . \ \ ■ / ‘ '•uiailre. /

will hr. \ i - / - ------------------—It worli

IirMBj).n Oilier /« wenk /-w l 3. - m V / / C - c i ^ ■iM yp.ir 1 I _

fk-tan'J J.a« n iHf. Ump .n 'l und^l "•'re'tono", on in nchlns rnfii,I flaiii '"“Idly “ i^t •■up* hiirtlni:, I , ftbottly .yon lift ll jlsh t i.tt ’ OrrK.m ‘'"Mr*, Trulyl >-• . '

^ .Vour .Imneis; « l« n 'tfay br

ll. ficleat tO-rpmoM every hard c in lilt ‘ll* ‘IP Kft.t nml lhe calliisesj ulihoul aorencji 're So I'-rKaHon.

■"‘ HER AILMENTS « IILL GONE NOIInuies. .*' M rt. Sberinan H elped ' ' Lydia E .PinW iam’s V eg


.mom-' fM^ldM*l4redv

■ S d l i 'f l '^ B l d


no S d s 5

1 *lih .'’-WMiUiTSllI»iI*N.nouto Uke, Mich. •

Thero il MM fact women ’ihnttld ce (Idernnd lhalla thb-AVomcniurrftrfrt

Rilces l^eulirltiHsndx-arioutfocnsorteea

houn H»<i.i,rdla E. Rnkhim'* Comp«w

anathw ^ X » ^ g X

If yoor family phptd.n faiU to b<




Y o u Ni s Upside.luy. B cor-1 , .md Maudej .; ;

JuiltinenlId .Cliutl, . .

'rlnln, Illl. "' '•

S i Do Your, r s ; | : C le a n m

theEdsy— withfi,Ivon, Ibnti>cr, 19!!, '

. ‘the-eniij .' . i f H .

ntldalin.l ' / i • ' . H 'O r^crofl l m .: S '«ure sell I l m " ■y to sst- ! ■ • ■ « H •

Jeyuiy.'' •u« liouk •

In- T W f f iIS, llinn

. __________■ " , f f l

ll coru; u | |le toes, , .J

1 [ l uy h


si! IDy

'Veeiin’t Tumi-Down at House-

y.SaniiatyW ay yew Imprdved

’ ’There's rto need o t slackJnjr

,lh e curtalM ant] draperies nnd li ’ w hen hoaw lcanlnK time comes :

be thoroughly cicancd and duiitcd and IlB’oltflehmenlu, In an ordcrlj

' o f mnkinK n'lons. Imrd job of hoi TftIC iU.LY with the aid o f th e !

j_ „ ,v l,lc h 'c lc t t[ ia .by_mot^ n ir Euction, Is yours I

U sefu l^

) A f t O P D 'V e J

T m :iis i) .\Y; N-ovi-:.Mni:it a i , 19!

I Your Hotiiie-CleaningTtiti^

■■ •' . it'iM'i; -■ w in ' '

u . ‘ !i'-;i r

d r - ' y


njf up ihe rum iliire, iakinj^dowtr. d Icarlnt; iip tho niffs and carpets es around.' Your en tire homc'eatl' itoa with i t t DUPLEX P ilE M iE R , crly mnnner. Thero'a no necessity housecleaninRlf ilU -do ijc eLE C .; ' iie Duplex Premier.

r i V f o n #rrTmark^hly fine Varauin C i f i E ^ notor_'driven.bniah.nnd.po!r«-fuJ' rs fo r S1.00 down .a n d iW O .a ‘ lents tha t you'll hard ly misfc

Throw away the’ old >dust’riaiaJ 'IR broom nnd s ta r t cleaning, l \e . ‘ .‘ edcni, easy way, I’bone fo r a • m chstrelioR^today. . j . .. ,i . •

rical Gii^ow and Have Tlieiri:’, Set-Aside Until .

Chrutmas EveThis'Wiil in a llp ftib a W llty iW ’0 greatest clcctrical ChriaU’”« in a ll history. The vaM^af I] '■ ;ctrical acr\-nnts a re b c co m ln j. iro and niore apprqclatcd t homc. Those who w ani to >0 really Bcnaible g if ts will n o t !' ^ '•get clcctrical . appUanccs.'‘oni,: " 'Jlr g if t lists. • .

sclect now while stocks'arts'-- ' nplctc. Wo’ll hold any j^ llje '* ’ til C hriitm os fo r a small:tit.; . ^

Page 5: M m '§ m M M —Succeeds .Wirth • lillS ; I i i l 3 i lilN Enewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014-12-12 · ’ Uoaar Law..ln.an eicluiire Inlerriew


- GOOD I g g H W A Y S

» L L O ( ^ p FUTURE TR

4urprli1ng Pacu 8h»wn In C«u ,«n «n Rw^i In T«nne«M*-

• ; » twwbllH Owbltd.

.(rc«>ti«t kr.• I Id biilldUii.B rxNii] llbrrni aU 'ihmld l)« midt-iorJUudn iner ■tnSie. U fl thB hurt«u ot publl.

’ . t t . (hft Ualled UtalM Dtiiarto j&plnUan. A mme count c


f o

’ P • ind Afur CsmpliUsn.

V ' - ' .-•Vd by llie bnreau In e o ^ ■ >(lh:Ttnne»iM ofllrtali «n ■ a

. -0>tntO$ la D»rJ(J»» m riti , Jn.Kubrlllft'li locainl. ilVffi «un

■ . i»c ti whra comparfd wlih a i • • .k«unt;inJOia. Diitlns Illll p*fl

... . . . tofflobllft it(litratl»Di'har« <1ciirhll«,lhBjupbfr of motor ri CB.IhB tf f i-S a t f t tlmp»;ai er

. • InlOlO.‘ria/Qbi>M*-Jr#Wn.ar •<OMtblcl«-Hjiai wert'alisMt

Ifl.Tclurtfc lli'liBi hori(M]rairn' ;hl(l dKTMW.l-'Mly M m t I" T

- and conilltntm 10 P«r ctht III , ' lie, Botcr TehlclM'conilluitlPc I

Cfsf. •.■'.Obicmilnai In thil and oiher llct'Inil 10 tbe concluiloQ ihst i dt trafilf mijr Incrtaw lb. mucb

----- *fir«p«rtl0B thin tho number <' < 4«t.Ttb(it('i''aa'd’ will 't lio -dept

., '^a'lirse'danM on- th» condition • proT«BVitom>»,roBd Utd.eo lh

BPtDlc CfiBdlUMii In (ba adjocto


______ '.Um a'r Mittrial'for R«id Cen. : tlon.lo Do Olwn T u t by

. Burtiu at Roadi.

—pnblle m d ^ a lte d J 'S la tw Di

‘ , « w t 0f5^l{B ft."-W lth 'tll0p«Bi d » ^ 'T ' » roa^boiuini

.'Hil'O lBdiB a»rr'^ae^-«em*ni------- --------------« e-e f t^ rtildV tftB t.ftad.ulu

- - - .^-.pMllblf.-lBa^I«■turet^ ll no* A - ' ilecUB(4aTMU«tllm o(.diir«rw

• - HeHili'5tnr;m» lB‘rl«» /': - r :; O rt« ‘(iouillll*i Ot r t a j w i

.,found "It - ^ t ..tBmicci In 'w

p U ^ r f ^ ^ ^ l l w W ani

to w ctr,''«rtn |ih. i iOtiorpdon’ind'gfBeraUtllKr. *:

........ _ _ rt*"'!* ""!!! ba.eompirtd wllb ilJ {eiti:B«d*‘Bfi'dlbcf malerUU. ,

T —, naaber ot cob^lo roadi bnlll'

'llw ia tho eo«r»a'milcri»l. .1 ■riMd* will bft Miectrd Ib Tirinu* j t ' tb f t eoBBtfx IBd the rtporii ,|rth«r.»M)„th«jib«mlorT,lc»tn

------ ------ — |ilAflY:W0R'KER9pH-HlGHW

FJouni'-.aivin'Ou b 8ullrf«n''A«N(<IH .I ; - , [PmoM>r} BpBig.d,'

■ \ !^c»nllil|3^tSift(lff slTfn.ibt •ttiB.Amfrtcin Road lUiilder*' iti

.#>.000 ftdtrsl. ft»(e, town and ct >l|hw«r o ffldati.'T ^ 'road cot

,V • aooo-brWee contractor*. 1, 'ciTlCrta bUhwij ♦ flsln tin .l

7 ~ . j -

.jB |T T E R :flQ A p S ^

‘VoUlof^'W i'MiliiCiriitruet.d V'i'-Vftal-.'HUfififVthleh Wii Will

Vwr/o^'.-dUUBCft.tdBallotcBt lha width of tbaroontrr. n ilto i -iBllMge.bv.b«!a;bul1t br.Mi»i goTtfiiatBU. In coBjuBctloa wllh

•> ' 'rral a l l Ttift waalnlBit HMO i^»r».caBitreb(ed;iBdepwdenl ot

• ;tiiJ . i i ^ tiBc«. . •

>< ! tlKUKjf^Uneeln.Highway.. • '} *ni#:fla»l exIHlog iifcicb ot

Uaeoio' bl<biMr M r m V a . diy iBd.Sio mnclK o l*.aildit<

llou l p ttk inh# pliygppuBdi ot . / ' flittoa, woBld bft.l»f«»ty latcccn


EH,23, 1932.'

........... ■ -SILW-IOBWMBL-yE-BI

AuitrJin Ari'it»cra(i6.Hii)uUlti •on a P ir Wllh thi AellJr.

' ....... . Ooy.

rtfon lietkpl ot I.afijclloTRAFFIC »a ;i« tn .lin i|e rl„ r.a .l« .:

"The Auilrlon nrUiocmey n Counl Tik. Auitrl#-| '«*>» dmocmi4e_Au- 'ronicnt vefj l»K).,tnr Auitr I clely WM the anoit rigidly ei

Id tiio uorld. ynu had to hi< 'I‘»»«‘'ri«e*<ojo«rfofl{ofirm Ir, III the way Ibck to your

, alloirineo taiher and gnndmnilier on boi incTfaio In •ftf-a and mollier’i ilde. all your iibllcrmidi had'it. ho uoble.'A drop o( c irtmcol of blood, arid you irtra not'rectl t conducl- Court or In ioclely.■ ■ ■■ * ^ ili ahiurd Im tro t of goo , • ; I :t^aBi'»lid didn't liippen tn bi r-'.'.V. r deicnr.ed to tanlib ai It hai ra ^ for It .wai itupld.'abiuni, cn

i'act.'lt traa all of t'plecft wl ■ ■ H nctloa of lhe boy who wai toun

'UiB K th e nai teil\nx u n g t ^ H j j H "TH ram yo to b« a ftog 1 ^ 3 ' .dlanipolli Nerra.


Q f f i U Only Oni Llltli-Thlng Uavi ort Charictir of ihi Ideal

■ H . N «l^»r. .

iSSsfl <■'<> *'«'<»'> «• *>>sg l l | huibaodi aid joung cnougli'to i

no'hM,money enoughf ercryditoe-llie nershbon.want'

Id Bifari '<> «<. enrloiii.- ' , ,

Ue II l)U«y cnotiih lo ba an’e]4f>tntlen lo 'lho ta iy ' huiUndi and’ Icla aumber eoough lo make a jnwd companiJnwW th tJ im lift mn )c»d any kSid Wiurptlilng [mobile or*irJen loil; cnn pliya ilmllar el.eckcn, allibagt, bridge, pitperlod-tti- poker, gelt, Icnnli ind roque. t

doubled. dince.,awlffl.'and ride; he like*: rehlclei nnd knowi ]u>t wherk lo go foI gTMt ai tthned^or bolUed. Ilo can cluvand BO- tire and atari aa unifarlalitft cnDit enual Ha admlrt'a eTeiybody'a cliwn-tmOc and orBrjbody-i bouie. I .wa, pliIn Tolume booki, can. dogi'ud pulten.( the irat-. 'IliV'ldnl ntlnbbor, Ttiere li onoe Bt prr dliogreeablo tlilog about lilm. ^

)lke>' bto.-IJ/e.Iher eoon- ' . 'It roluBie • Thi NiW 0«mocf»ey.jcb great- Sflmuel Gnmpera u ld i t a bierof tno- IB Waihlngton: . .lepcnd to “Tho mlllenolum |i allll a lonlon ot.lin- o( cour»e, bol Ih* worker Inilhfteco- alare lie uied lo.be. Few . oficcBt tor pleaiurea aro dealed lo lh« worl

"A {bfeuiooal Wil glrlng I

TESTS - S , , " ' " * " - - '■' - 'HoM yenr.nfsBH looifly, i

Conitrue- wld- 'Loo«ly. mani looaelyl t>y bold tt aa illff a t If you wera i

carrier.*s r ^ ‘But'-.tald-tb#nMr c8»nib«-j

u ."i " “ hod-farrlff.vr a t t ^, • . r i tliatWrttor cnwla from K* « w l ! WM a p r a l l y S ^ feller wheal;

lied me.hert laittainmer.’' dlign ?h.V.V« '^ M la Burt DIsXftf, relUBla.

"iieo I wai up to i f td ly thli * /w fld.M t A* ftala-f gor B8 ■ at ill. :At(cr.rd .Ufn (bifre «

“ W ha'd-tflke'mo ofifiad o# (bo UullMi of Kaniaa Cll got » ahara and.a ihlne. and i

i« m C Ifhadldn'tlako'matoieftSwopoN »«i»r *''• and .a Jn l of rich fi' rMldeaeei. Beaurin of Kiaiai

tl'Ilmllar City Su

- - - n i d t i L m '^ K U llIwn o f a cwwfrr Md Xonrw may |J«0ilU'wllh rnallly'wfini tha new itallon , .Thcik hU ngbulltonthoiuram ltoM I iui paru mandon. n IMOfoot mounialnporta. to- . » w n . Norway, li cotnplelftd.tfll, will ImproTcmenla now imdtr coaatn cja' be iontlil of arrangwninta' for 'B

' (Mcgiiiph itadon wllh a 3,000-kl lef.radlBaand-aBSOOJdlofflBleri

fiWAYS ^• .monllL •

•Out hy ■ : • ------------ ---------: Cautleua. "

’, “1 ttll yah. rinoa.** aalrt-th*-' ' ,nui inan wbo waa about to b« ma

n.iut t y «j w|ih'’ytili'U ctit oul tbat part i Buocln- ci,„ini. me. Juit ikl|l 'II. y'u

ilawJ.-lero ire -nu i u la in' lha' fotni. my Je# 1 coonty and— • , ‘

"I get ynb^Parsoo: hnt It yuh I. 10,000 Ihat In .Htn* diy ibell aay al I .-10.000 m tafltw aiM ddlB '.toor-K U h fljlBOora Tlmea-Dlipitcli,. , • •

1 . , „ ■ ’ ' Wont K «il fn. EnolirMt. REASE .'.Dtgatori had Jmt relumed frt

. butlneu Irlp.(O.a llula iown.il tid L lit UidliBdt, and be-wr'lclllBg i iVlih ’ ihflholel lhere.’w|,leh'.ha'<Iettrll>

'lliewoNthBknaw..'To,e*p.bla gvrH,-« 'U m (brrr, l>a awnkaja.iho nigbi d ,roada .fouad tlio gai aiaiplng.- t .— . lie* IMI U u l.' then.- aalrf, h», 'm i .C05 tB time* 'blamft (b« gat.: I would Lart eK to flh li myKlf If ihrre’hadbMB«Botb«r lit alate la tbo place."-Undon TIt-Blti. lilh fed- • :DO iillie* • Mtnfy fer SmpMati. ot.fid- ....Tbfti.talnliier bad .betB-.itrte

ahow.ni ttia polat la lilt aermoB bad got qaltft ezelted.

ty .. DurlBg a'lBllJackto piped npof Ihft Ihrlll Tolc*. "Uimma. what'a b

rortf oad aboBtr, * • a ito'he -;w# bonltd him ro n t’imia i

, ot (hi fng ebiopfoo fB;th» penoa c t U

’• . " T . V S A . X A t :o h f : ' '8Bftn(*d hll ptawea Ib tbt to* I, M»id .he»l coBtBta by wartlBg tnm U

'toTJrtghJoB; S' « « a a » » f W »}II

lie collega

Riuii ho cmtlc gnr- - uitrlan iiv r exdutlro havo four

our grand- ■ ■ ■ H A B f l boih-falli- .

'ectlTed at

good Aut- .Dhennblft .I ranUl'ied; : ‘cruel. -In ■ ■ B g r o i B g

I with (ho ’ound alon- . t e l x t t l t :

sisi■ ■ ■ n B S S B

> ault (h« ___to flllt (lie . Ixugh (0,.10m t'todo . Mt of Ihem ' ,

B’erample '' leliurely ninlon for '

auio- '>liy .

no canCMI for ’ change a

jc n r . - •• (■ ’ .•m il kind ofa «m trcblldrto . I nben thg (tn-MCond n.Mg

. picture*, Jirtfl Mplalnlng fall icthi.lo1. Ilo li —— — = - - - -I only ono llllKAll SAI.i:• ^«' >l^y The .M. 8 .'* a 'd u l l will )

' bre.ii/ mil' !^aitieit.iy utieriionn Itochilalo iHorb Cur lho beiieril

'■ canning team,» banijoct

long wny The Cbrliimai Cnrd lino lir lia 'l the pleie. Mnke your ielectloni ci

Of Ilfc-i Clat {look Store. . s rorkerto-

IS » new Ib iKwn

r. Ilr,* bo (lyi Tnu .ra a liod- ’

“CASMS’W h en Sick, .Bilioui

“ .7“ i ' ■ . Sour Stoiracli, :hla.*SSk“®. CletB your boweli-lhoti fee?Bd d^w '--WhoB yon; feel alclr dluy, ‘?J,- , blllo:i». .when your hesd^U d 7 ‘/ ‘ ‘ aeblBg, or yutir momach. Ik ai

gmy.-'lmUiikfl_pnB ,ur..jgi iu-pinm«i eafju. .- ’M oB «b» bowBli bcsl>iai Clly ---- --------- =-------------Star. •

- i lT '

I f n P lt-Runde- ■ I | : f F i r d aln.near . 'I f I '’/ r ' J ' - N *d.j.Xhe I |. . | . j . i'.l- '|. |j'B radio l l I V i i l l l l B i f t

0-klIome . i f

g 5 ; I. » \ T ie .iM f f .o

“: . S :in about tholr cropi .

. TUol»mo;blJm rilr . lir r ic t . I ll

Tih leato ’ I aeom*.all tbe ' ’ 1

iUhmoBd ; I • •- / . .W e n r o w o n

n i i J o l m aking a

. T i i : l l ■■ ■ : '-"1 i> » 'w in lo 7If about . l l i -. '

' I J ' w h y iio H lll

':«■« ' ““i''lulHarbotel ‘'' 'v '- 'w ttO t it, whi

S'. ' iNTER ll‘,rs.i a . » p i otn«-Br>i1 . j l i .... - . ' w : •' . UiifeasaSSSSS^MSq n H .- '

■ ' ' '


uisitive Edison, ^

W i n


nere dJd you uw ob thatr- atkod Tliomaa WU vie liad been iiiai>i<cd. Tho cunonutian li sho' ii.lduo to (Ue uutier Inventor, v

l “ j s S 5I carly-at -Bl ■>

l o ^ I Prt CllANBpWEl) u s , . H eadachy, C onstipa ted , , fi

ll, G ases,'B ad^ B rea lli , C olds

fcot.tloet Ing atid'bowel polion.and■y. uptei. gMOi aro cleared away. ,yoi> dull nr teel Ilko B new pennn.I aour or Caicareu 'neror ilekcn ortwu_Cii». YOU,. Alin aiilemlid fnr cunt’

. children. 10 cenin a box. alnoicgla acl*. SO ccnt aliea. Aay drug tloro

M l j P

.of Butumn. I l in tho a ir.'

en, are b tu llf ,i| m iin f gnnarie 'i an'd .ailoi;

i;lrewor» oro gathoriny wild

The fQ uin tli oro sntboHn^'

'ODdering if rou*had thoiighi. ' .. |

; a s j pwI*3oa /o r ib'e com; ' ’

■r? ■ . •

fill your bln to caplicity

ott^'V.wWIa. ths ,

tmd can be, dali.?ere.d tu; Y,m "

w hen .yeu 'im u it'it? ' ."..7

u u f i g p f i )j a r s o n Mqr. I■ o f r f f i n y ■


A c r o s s

g ’. F r o m P . 0 . '


I mI . FtI

I f I '

“ 1 111! ' 1 >’> 1 i l l

Men’siI Men’s Caps $1.7!

- houie Hint telli-. reguln

S 1 . 7 i

Men’«. $2,S0 am $2.75 Cloih Hatl

1 =g5-35-aTJ-t ---------S A 1 ± 1

Men’s Hats, $1.2------------, Men'n now Knll atyle clol

linin In light and dark cu

H ■' S i “ “ ....$1-21 ^ '''Men’riVIedium

I I ■ W e i g h t 'W o o lI t ’Sox, 25c.'H M Men'* nCc medium wolglI f l l wool work los; . O C ,V | | Bnturdny a|>eclal - . . .6 0 *

\ Men’? and BoyiX i ievLStrau^Jffiaij/ I Overalls,, All

|;> , '.’ Sizes, $1.85-

I Iin’s Armj

' IM l ’ y '


j i ,

I 'tmimI I i i » nI I ; K a ^ , ; h e

H . p u r€ L (B p i - ' O p p o s i t e ■

S i c w P b a t ^ f f i c e . .

M S PRICI0 N ° -


Meii’s Net■■ ' ' ^ / 5We slill hnve nboul. 15 JM

day to effect-a complet the entire .choice of any

last, choice .... ;...............

W o r t h ^ t

New Overc.75 , Men’s MuleaWn ^ "Z ' ' Gloves, 50c '

Knmoua Frank ,JIumoII niaV« muli m m wllh and without i:orduroy backx' 1 0 flnturiUy. iwlr — I..,..--------------

Boys’ O v C T c i

I $3 9i■----------W ^i«ro'-jiiiii-6 - 'l>oy»‘-wool-<

n e . !«'<■ In alica 8. 7, i; wlillo I. 4 0 Sntunlay: worth regular 0clolli'--. 18,76 ■________________ 1 V'cul.,2S___ Men’s Quting'Flain Gowns, '85c.1 ' Men'a 'II.SE alrlpeil nultng flan:

well mailo nnd Rood jjuallly;. Sulnrdny ___ L____ ._'J__

Big 'Special Sale oT Soft Collar Dress Sh

• MflB'a IlHo'«iunlliy. lott collar, coh >ys ahlru: worth up to tl.G!>;: ,. H;jt_apecla_l -----------------------

[i • Men’i Storm w d Ph Rubbers, All Sizes,

ny Shoes $2.95^ K « n 'i nH.ImUair H m . W

• 'j r ■ son ,k i t army, ilu e ; a ',

\ thoo • tha t will wear

a n d pm rM lecd to ; j

slyo la tiifac tio ii-’

,, Special $2.95, .»'J.11— - I I . ^ |i.i ' ^ l

d rg etw eh a v ties o f D R Y een G reatly Q SIN G OU^

• , fA U l f i v a

A c r o s s

F r o m P . 0

![ REPmiTlflNS


iwFallS|it?5 . 0 0Men’s Siiils left,'so-o^ Satur

lete cicarancie, we offer yoi ly suit in. the stote wlule:^ej


-to $24:5.0 ■

coats $16.5Cf e t k ......... 7 5 c , f e > , f c „

MleiklB ijlorM. jie jT T puro . allk • fOBr-lt ‘'•W hand IJei; 'all now 7» ........aiylca; ihcy will makft-M

coatsMen a .Flwnn^l-

l ' l ? ‘ Shirts All Reduce!

«I-oy«rc<Mi(ii- .,,« .as Mi n'i . J l a a > .tf a -4 < l« Ihey laal nol Shlna—

C Q Q C m o .Ven'k n u - f fO Q t. , nel 8hlna_____ ^ ^ U ftO t

----------- MSS Men-a Plaa- f i j : o ind 8hlna____

tlanaol Mwaa; . Men’s Quh‘qg i__85.C Flannel. CbwiuVoT Men’.« Worth Regular) Shirts, $1 $1 >50, Saturdaycolor^ lirlped

9 l * v U ' Meti^ exlra .•'*004 ’.floil

Plain Toe A a i..c u ? “” rand*"aJ !S, $ 1 . 2 5 . - .g S U y x J j i M

- . ’. -.r.i'l-i •.’■.■I.}.

_ B o y a ’ P e p C a jM , 2 S c ;Uo)V.<*c Pep Cap».'lB all eolflri; f t |S * Saturday.’ cholco____________ '...s _ -A u l

Men’s 4*Bucicle AH. R ^be i Overshoes, $ 3 . 9 5 c l vv>

ilen-a ^.bucklo all 'mbbcr oT er> 'Q Q ;o e ihnoa; apcclol. pair — ........

Men's 4-BuckIe Red. Sole Arctics $400 ?

>lcii-a fxira good-qualliy i^iucljl./AjcUw .iiandani mndo:; 'C / l 'A f l Baiun y ------ 9 4 * U l )

ve m any com- GOODS that Reducfed for

' T S A L ^— J— I '

Page 6: M m '§ m M M —Succeeds .Wirth • lillS ; I i i l 3 i lilN Enewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014-12-12 · ’ Uoaar Law..ln.an eicluiire Inlerriew

rASB'ltj " ■


-Rcmarkabty Good Results Shgwr h ■ In W tsttrn'C lllea.

Mllh Dctlir DItllkci lo Oi SurprlHc ' Wllh OlHy PrMuct on Hit Wijan.

. EipecUlly Whtn nttulit . • Ar* Publlih»d.

iritMtM m>i><

HiirrriKi'ininC wnleDit-teiilrMt.lc«lilcli llie lullk tolit I f tarl....... .m In a .cltf I* wmpnn^ Iiy (nklni Rntn|ilM ocnituDnllf.nliliuui \iBtnlh:

. _ -nhnrr b«ii v rrr i Hm iIvii In Iroi'rurltij, ------- tliB tnlllt iupplji.orinwiK-flil«. C’w

-in tf D( Ihlt kInJ earflnl nut «lili thr ' flMliunceof lhe Uiiliml HmirK Hrjmri.

un it o( AtrlcDllurr Iio r iliunii tr- tnarkalilr m u lti In « imiiilirr of prn dllw . 'T im baclwlal.ciimiU nn.l

' tlivtuUI mllk »carn for nvrlilrKHi-rii ‘ uiiflu np; fron Ih* rr*iili« nf i.'«ia ii| : w np lil fnm each o( the ilcllvrrr

ittDf .uh LMt^nMCb; Callf -IlK- ftmaiir

' bact«rlal mudI IimIi* itnt roiil>->i na. . 1 1 8 ^ ; ' In.til’s )aM 'rni>ir>t It «>n>

dm nn-io -ll^a-ln lh»-ilnit th'n ivw. .• ap! icon of Ib'a ihllk wlil Hirrc «in

U M . aUil la lli* l«» li wn« up »i.07. ' Tbt lallk Hid tn ll|TPr>hle. CnllN hn.

I ' -praml'Ia^&ictcritl'roiini from Kil,An----- • -ii> :8 ^ ’ 'and 'tm In Kure (RIIB tUAU

“ ^ lo -.l ttO l: T«;AnitctM a* aroaulC o( ibeie nniriM rooinm. iiiailr S fn t lib'prortmeol In thr iinilli)- i>r

• ibemlljL,! wpplj;-brloeluxMlown tlir : .eounl-(no M.ia> to 12AM and ml*'

■ Tlienionji of Portland,'Or^’-thanEtd from 148,401)' io;i8,0TU. abd (ram mil) lo

' D im ' Th«.nDB)I>rr.nf lu>rlerra':in a ruble m llm itf f 's f ’Setiitlv mllk wat

- —i'ttrevhl-fron (M.lSVdoirn to at/JOT, and ttiiKore'w ailUiedfnoiSUM la

'-V;; r. .. :\A 'nUkdM l*rd»eipatllkeiob«auN

• prli«4 wltll diny nllk cn hit wafon»,;____..rtpMill]r..«ti(n.tba itiult* oMhe.l^U— antobtpBbl Uht dlnlhalocalptprci .

' Wbm'bla^Kon iom ep b» firnli ih» , "Ti'hiia'baf'of 1118 tuiiontra joln'i tih:

wbtt.lb* birterlBl couHi IncrfMM hs i: , ■ • niidi an lomaM In.iht numbrrof t euitoawa.'


. Flral »tip .In Eradlcallefl la W Pr*

In,Early. Fall. . .

- ''' .oiib'^MUla.thliik, Bliu kBavs'iilhe eur»«tl,tliUllf. It the «or»t wtcd.pau>-It Treadahjr liiriwlkjri-

V,' ' uma Bi-w«ll Bl b r »«nl.. Ill rrfldlrv a ia m or Hwlr. ,

•, 'Tlw a m Wtp'-Weridlcallnij, wyl ' . VBlienJiy fann isen. Ii fu prc'rcht

. »#td-.d«t*lip«cnL After thp train'

' ' ' bo'plond d»p cogushjo-brln; tba’TOOU ef.'th# IhliiU to ■lbe"»urturf.!

. n iU iif Uw K Tltet nlilTalJdn in-ihe ■ firly fall *tn prawnt ibe ro"ll> at

•'■'OiVida Thinli. ' I

' . ' i b t platiti,wblU plowlni laler In lli( fall«m eipi>K'lbe rooia lo ilie acitun uffrcati. , 1. I t 'tb e tdiut prnliia afKr all lhl«

puBlibmnit. aa U prehatily will. ■ llirc*-ntr nititloD of (nln, I'lovcr aiul curn oraon* olber guliiratril crup nil!turellli'tbe knockoui blow. Ilelnfarce-aicarctn be prerentnl tiraof tl^e rotailOD. j


Wm. Fox PrcBentB’ SHper.riiDlopiir-,

' ‘S H A M E * ’

W ltt,A n .A ll^ l4 T OMt

J0H 5 :fliL^fenT, n o m s .n T rx , ■' UEOBQC .SlEr-MAK and HOSE-

' ,SUBT IIIEIIT , , • ,

i S n n i ot Tolraale Ferre jU3d.C*pUnU(nf m n l y . ..

IT S O M ,

• ; -AI>3US8IOX-10c-S5« •


I , L O C A I . B R I E F S

. Jfo/il .lottMl llatl'illft-Tlia Tnl Kullk Klrani Uumlr)' vnipl»K< wvr fiuenta <if .Mr. nnd Mm. K. J. .Murrn

)Wn “I nn “I’ll" ! bnnt|uti In Tum’i cat ' Tui'Aihr niBlii, ^

Ililrli frt)Ri'llMHer-K>r. Kn»|>c i lh«' linnpr foundry reiurneil ..li"ln

iMd ffofn ji hunlncjiK «rfp frrt(oM<’r ew, nccltil wllli llte «iirk' of IiIh luumlr

• anil iIic lalv uf Id pr<»luiii,

. TiilU lu llnlnrx l.unrheon-Dr. > W. Almnnd u( Ihn xtslc hriillh diipart

mol mcnt. Kpiike on IiIh . iloii-iniiioniu work: W. Zciis* amllir«i'(/r on lli (latierr 5n«ilr«» and Ji. / ( HM(I V

l''»l* ncwapapir work. al,lli« Uolurr clu khit luBclieun rc«KriI»x. ulus • ' ■ .rltii Court m>r< Jndihtieatr-JudRe W. f

UalicctfKld-loy In a cflnieiietl JorwloJ ure ciar of K 11, 'Wllllimi, vcnu

. Ileniill reprc»«iled thb plalntllf aiii " Ij O ilrm * OfM'fl Ibe ilafi'ridani.

‘I’m Car Kllunllitn JDiproilnc-Apple > tlf ami pDtainei nre mudnii In-tier^durlm

Ihil paal law •layi and Ihe't nniirMCi I'undllinn la' rnpiair leliis rriiioreil Alioul JU car* were loaifeif HVdHcmla} .Manr polaiofi an(l Bpplra are ilure< and Ibu number uUempllnj; lo .ililp li (Mdeneil.

"»•: IlarkH I'luj.j Cen(rr-;oe •Ilurk", aoi '•W.’of lle^.'and rfra, W. W, nurhi i.f llil; lin-tc'lir; la plnlns cenler un tlie .Wa»li

iA(i> inRton tflaie CalIrB< fuuttiiill leatn. Ji ;‘AU llic junie wllli lhe UnlTcnlir uf Oit n a r.un no rccelted ipeclal lucnilou Ir aiif (lie larRcr dallr papen.

,v ' Trial In llbhe-Juilse ” Jamti II [!olbwell,;rcprMcnllii* ihe.plnlnilH nnd a ' bL' WoUe. rcprMtnilns lli«‘di> famlaot. so.to Bolie loniorrow'to ar Kiio B mollon fur a naw trlal./Uea b)

l<t 111# .plalnilff In the case uf .McMmiei 1 a aicalnit Uufliu The caao Rretruui o: m a tranaacilun lliTolrlnn tbs Kale o' JOT, lulli. While {Here Mr. Wollle wll ) to BrRUa Ibe aiiprtwo court.B-mutlui

to Wimlii caie filed by dcfenrtnnil Ib llie caie of OuKirle tf ftoitcii oKalnit u m toilun. Mr. Wolfe rep. rdcnii the pUlnilffi. Tlie'caia aiart. id- while Arthur UotccB-wai.practlc;

ff'- ln« b> n panacr of Mr. fluUirie. Haw- lh» Icy A Hawley nro on llie ntlier ilile

he I'llatp't 4up«llen-ltov. J. I-; "!1lliu|: ez. prcnclivd In nn nllcnili'e alnllcncn Ia«t

iilRlil M llio ret'lvul mecl1>i|;i<. IlxfipoVc nil lliit <iUfHii)ii I’llnti-- l»it K' llie J(wa. I’WImt llirn Khali I <UV wllli

1.C '.’MUiir He anld. 'ThN'nuiBlUm naki <d liy’tlie Humnn dnvrrniir-'rua the

>r* rci'cIiliiK Ullll nvrr aakril nf nny

.illy onci rliBlly litro Iwfure' vatli one

.it 111 aa lie n u before I'Haiu nml 're cm iin'murc.enidi.' ihu anawer

'I I tban did ho, Wa nniwor ih# ouMlIbn irnt /rom Iho iliriino of nur.nwn roswn: ija-'i'nnaclcncf. nml ilinlcr. then Je*ui ira^'Tlll nniwfr ihli choice we mike frnm . ni« thrrine, • Wo ourhl lo welRli well '■ iiM JnfTnrnrtT'tliafawk- to**!l«riiiln»

I ror Uli Ibe nniwer we nmke," .

iln 'o iB L ’S STATEMENT -w i l l ’ --------- H B L P T W IK .P A IL B

ireJ Many women wlll.proflfby tlio fol- ih.'lowlns awtemenl of-oae . of. their w aex: - "I wai afralil lo"*Ml' ua ac-

• counl bf alnmacli4hmble__F.Yon.rlce—I did nul airro. Atler laklns. Adler-I*

kn-i .can. eut niiy iblnft." Adler*l-ka nclii' on IKJTII upper, nnd lower lonfH,, romoWan fpul uialier . wblfb

. - imlHoned aiomscb'. EXCKU.liST [or 7 • W l' on tho arwiiifli "or. loSVT lnSP - och. Ouanli ' utalnit apBendlclili. .} ’ It.brlnEi out pnUonsui mailer you ,t BOTor lliouihi Wll III your lyitem. 5 FUhcrrOrug.Co.,,

i " It tb« bouaa yoo dro teeklLt li nol R , *dnirl**d la'ibti'cglnmD'todsy,-iD' « ( tn a: Will#'ad of yoor own Ib ib« t wnBted^lopyimeBtand boun columi« Vi*- ■ -

|;p n |E S u Z l



■ ‘‘X ' ■iiirprl«iiiirfflwedf rDRiBnfe,', ,nllh n itf^Dt ra«l of rainrllM.

"BO Y ,'B EA R AND A DOQ"- ., \ |fB - ■ -

.IM'V ViCJll'S t.lUTOOX-^- nihl

I “ iD.v. rnoaf. TUK m r.s.s''

..... y TWINE


. Ucldi n Fatinf; Uniurpautd. T„/„ ' Hay; Haa Hljh iCirrylnj

■ '■ Ctjiacliy aa Pailuri. irrny ” ”lalu ' .N'l fornse rrnji culllrnlnl In ll

'Unliiil «iiili-n.Iii a»nl mrci'Mruliy »i. iiilHiy nnVi ua alfaUa. U la iiii>

!''• “f i,inrly n [■•rlrcl f"rii(!r Ihuu any nih ■"Iny \.ri,|i crnuii In tlila ruuiitr}-.' ll la uy i" ' »unin«'i' «« Imy wwral

uml l>m u hleli rarrjlUK cnpwliy paxiurr. Wllli proiHT haivlllne «'>■

r y I n-nutla ran he ul.lallit'1 «lOi It iia |,'art- »ullliii: crup, It inskci ncHli- DOlul i-lla« and xOirn urnunil Inm mral I llie 11 K»wl nnd ivilly Imndlwl fi'cd., J 'I </n falfn (a ki htgMr rcsinfnl (ara.

iiuii ,iuiiDe ivrioua tiuvc aliempi<.il rn-aiV n drmand for ll ni iMiman fix i:n|lni»ln»1»:hiiv» trlnl lo ihniv 111 IMiM liinllrln'nl «liie. Ilnftevcr,

' i " : oinnai cMtni.fie ri .....................: ,uf .inplf i rfipa Bnd; In far aa kunwii. S y -J)iuJ2U-aWaJ«I.l)M‘illrliinrpm;H.rll>-«. and AlfnUu It nul mily vnliinWr a.'

fnracr crnp, hul niui na a vill li 'prow. It 1* ni‘l Mpll lulapleir;

>!>■(* nhorl ruinlliiiiv, Illlt thi- crt>|>l’liii! p'l 'fl”* nn nnm fnnii« luli l>r iirriiiis-;il m ; '***" 10 halldli' Ihr rr-ili nniM;nlrti|IV.. jfed.Klar. ■ — :“f*“ . story ct tha HIgli Htol.' ■

Tlie hlj1i.lieel»d ahoo wai Intn dil«il 111 the Sllfl'dle asr*, ■wlirii bol

ann inr» and uninrn tuok lo II.Illll Man. hotiei,.r, aoon f.nind Ilml i aili- could liul-llic n man'u llfr and ili> I. In rnin> «Tifk wIdJe.Mnfrlne Wc!» l i f l Oit- nml w nviniiii.d bli Inw-hMnl ilii.rI I" teprlni Iilch lierll In llie laillri, nil

■ >vlium they haTe'alwipi M u popi ,, lar.

„ , }• Tlir nwlern Ilish lieel l«. lu Ita wa;0 irliinipli.ivf art, liflns nf wn'udi «ldc

, U Itclilfr Ilain jBilbrr.iiBd J!Ci‘|>ii Jl Ihy »tinpe.' Thr (laJ cwiinlni I'.apriin ,aler M'lilrb ndda lo llle uni«‘ nf Ita irrftiII ol <-r'a.»iill:. A» Iha InUrp l» rnl«i.<l Ih of ilgitrr ln'throM-n allKlitlj' fnrxvnnl. an will n priinniuiml rlrsance-lx lhe rrtul 'Iiu» *lliit II nin<l lie nilinlliul (hn IiIkIi herl.

-IhnuKh InipmiloK 'llie appearnnrr. d nnl alivnya Improve th> pliy>l-inr e

V.'.?' 'I'fl'' «••««?*■ 'nd aro frequ'cnll :llti. III- ea| h.law- • ...........

, • Juil a ’ Otitun. iiiii. "WharKuoil dld’li do you 10 rm Ia*t V y"" ' *''"1 *"* Bvlalorl YiIII, cuultln'l pojulldy lili lilniT

1 lo "VVilt." ri'plU'd 111" Irnir funw >’llli "I'm Ki'llln' llrril nf Ilinn MI'T- d>l ink- low uver iny lir<i;>Pfly.' Mr niiiWii llir’ hrnr me Whiil othrr »ny ,i|ld nny Im'vu H* I'XprrM my ►enrliuruuf

liliiiiIii:J,:ii|ii .^selliTuld.. ;

I B i i S i" " j THin KMW .rineU . . .

’ s i i o m s i r to w t- - ? : o s k :d m -, OXI.Y. ...

, Tb#'- Unuiual Voloiilny Fratur« X ff RnHlW------=-----------


,|||t.(ed on llnliirV'MedHallona onf-I- i jr«rrliiiN„ r ; H Wobicb-I laly KM n-Tbrj ,M, . ; ';Wo«id All .

Ill* ' 't'ou .tn ’ AnifHran Hiory o( i’fr'cnl em. I>ny Kotiely-Fntt oi Artlon, Eioe-

.Hen and JjinKblrr>-CI«n and • lifimallr

______ AII-Slor.faM___________,lllBBcbP Oannport, llobert' (ier-

tea, Ylr^lnh Jm ani OlUen

~z. 11- nOXKX O.M.T KXlilV


iV WOME.'* O.MV .K.VtiV jfflir T J iir ..viAY fimia..




■. .A lio Shanlnn Comedy-r- ';.."h o t : ovk t h e r iu ;ss"

I; ' Also Meilc ChaiV; ■ • llrphfBm OrrbMlm

■ . Ilenrmi AdRihUoni r--M nflnee-Jf-Bnd M r.-. <•

E«rnloir-10f.,Mr. Sic I Tbl. l’roimiw Today. Only

.The -Orplieum' ..shona Are^Uelter'


'SES : I " i

M a iirih , ■ . ■ ' ■, 'S yo '"««'> -Values Will Miilllply H m

'J ." i ber Becausc It Is Th

•al l»; Oiir preparilloni nto bclDK n.^ |.i - bIjIp ncrrLaiidlifi of ilyle, cbi

e-atlca In our baylo^. -

. The'kjncl,thaliso(for( Ilml’ -ers does!hbt meet our sU

3 , " i i s l y l n s S p u r.pa lrons.*11. II; Tb'e pwple'iliave lane tRO (f tra.. j ;>tlelnj- RBiVloail offcrlaci.

. I t.li our altltl'pellry to adi* itilitellana'wh'ere oannfarlureri '<I*A . Uy mcrrhandlie al reduced pric

' II la 0 aftfe'Bnd aduBil Mliey ....... bavo lo offer l»ef<lre buvln^.' ' ,^unj|^7 .how, pflccd Bl lo^ B

lii.r«! ■ y ' . •" ‘‘f i 'J . 'i r .C o a a Colton ! H i i : I

■ , Thread, 12 Speoli len.

S 5 8 c , ' :Ml* -----------ri«6; .['uie P r i / G o i > d 8 ^ .and 3d' rCBOALD-Ful tolo:

'“ 'J'; ■ In lliihl lad dark eoleri, la.,bir1 irlrellon ,of piltotni, n n^ gf .Voy pritfj . - ---- ------------

i m 'IKOU PEECALB ~ Th'» »e.......... I>rit' Qunllly wo eiB Vuyi in estii

- ly new d(il|pu, celora u i] palteii

2T ^MClr CTAKTABO 'SU I OINOUAUS, IKtl Beal anil olh

iMii'lj lif^ndJ. 1b -vW'li and cliccki,illd'I ....... .. ncnr tbTs’rlrgi, liib -prixif.li> - . <|ualliy It vill j>ay you to laa'

i i . ■ i nj l j " . \iixy iiifpiii^.-.... — i w'

li^ j 3! IKCII ,;CTA.VDAni> DSEI y i I aiNOlWMallra.l <nlera, on,I a<

; nnd pirtilcr^J'ylri aad ralora. .|.|pi..lid 'lualily /or drctiei of I

IT ' *.

1 . lU«h«f ptlcei are la eTldenei— r*— raT-8nnii^.- u i r -m i^ i m

Yuad i'to effect'UTlnit to jrea Wl u n m bnylnt KOW and 8AVBI • , .

on i __ .

. Wool Dress Goods‘ (H' THK D1:TTKH qWALlTy.

— I - iO -B ^OU',' .'A^L ■■WrOOI.,-eTOUJBCKO&.Cloi'Fly woven ntul of Xir

"I bi'dy, very deilrabla fo( dteue

_ • « IKCU AliiiffOOli^BTOkl ir- :' BEBaB-^TIik clolb ll ip«B|«d ai

' thrunlc, Ip jia r/ hint, «Bd •' win ' dill nuallly elelb for dtetee* u

» m d u ALL. w ooii E ibai -SCnaB^A n'extra 'wide aalerii

' aiiil-'WlIl eut'-lo belt advaaltfi thr«ok aod ip o s ^ , « elaUi n i

^ I ablo for drriieii iklrt^ drniea an■ . I -eo il i .: will 'elve'niailwum wei.

l'rl«ed vtry " " C l Q( ;• ll« ia l_ a l___________ S . l .O J

Kww/ia FiaheletteJ A nattn rTiilli f(ir klainna for coli'

•. rr'w raiU r, aoft flnlib, In flnr: patlrrn., in dark . color* I'rlsn

......- j . . . 2 4 <;

Bleached Turkish Towels

Ai n sift for 3;iaai,’i<otbln« ca lake Itie plare of Icwrla, vrn»

; , rlolha wlib B cmlialfd odKO. Va' lira f,<ive nlivayi (iCcn featured li

, ; .tbla driurlaifnt.

. jpzai T tn n n sn T 0w zt.-A c«<>i airo luwrl and vety ^ C /

I fllir iiiinUty ...-------1------- l U l

18X3S TUSSIStl TOWBIr-Of ei. I n ’>iuall(y bnd bra«l«r WilgbC.'V

_____ 2 5 (29*39 • n m c s ii T ow m

^ Ihrcad, .uakla(( It a ilrtni«t-.Wi . mnre. djwaV'" " t" " ''* ' P»rtleol<tl,

0 ndai<led;fot..liolal aed OKir rt.omlnB:boa«: uie . . . . - .^ O D C

MxM AniLETTIO iOWEL — 'jcnrdaioy weave- IBwfl, w.bitli fo

■ ‘ wear, ratinoj lie eifclled.- 'l'/i<ei

Bee ottr larce'Miorlmost et faa cy wnvca Toiklib toweli, in faac; ilmisni, McaVn 'BBil folori Prleti


i l i i i i'ou and For Vs

le ic D uring M ovcinber.and D e e m The M ost Opportiine Shopping -

ll Of Alt T ta Y ear "i;; made aail kre eilenilfo boeauia ilepead characler and <iua]lty' ii tlio. fln t. eeiiilil

lered on b a rg a in rac k s and coiinl' s la n d ard — n o r would i t ipreve sal-

• I '-* ' i l l .0 grown llreil of ovtr-valuclng aid voderI. . . . . . •. .adbeye.to reilaMllly flnt, aad icaionabli

ireri ct” «• *<• oppoilanliy t# offbr qaal pricei.,'.- . . .,lier to alwayi i«o ifliat tlis.VBlted 8}o?ti trf'-Cweful eomparlMB .will find nlUbU •r a i depeBdablo'.metebudUe'.eaB be p t

tiikiijiM ikimmmM mm; a Cfoebii Cof ("• '-U B w iiJoaft- , en. AU colon , l •: B a f . •

. . i j Q c ' . i s r , :

H J M T f ^ A t..to. . Big Sdiliriasibirjo,

Statloneri/—TaUeti«rr •

intlre- '.’Penell TablcU ............ ■ Iiteiii, Ink Tabloli --------- : , _ 8e, 1(Jhe ----- f i e r c e , ' 1(

■*r ' A,t nn» - - IM S8 • ------------------a for Be, Iolhor rpnJoiUlnr*' _________U-L——_ t

II, In i’eBsil'siiarpcnlr* — ,___ ti'f- A • Colored Crayoni----------------- 1(

rnlBli In b o » i ------------- .lOe, ill y C Ink* ----------- :--------— -8C, 1!

iiioio I’ttrto' _____ ItSebesrBaok HIrapi _‘_ _ _ ^ '. i (

i ’l ------ ----------if too

}5C"- ./■■jfVofoOTW.

anee . J ’W'pby.lae-tJo Toolh Jjruabci-Jt 'l'o<lHi llm«h« «r*ni

S “ -'I. d™i."--------10.1. «HaJr Jlfiubc*-------------is le to M

■7 — Kall-Tlle* - —

^ .Wlie iuirTioi_>_3fM Ec,'sci 10 . , larUlble .Hair Wai — ■ s

finn Hump Hair I'ini ___;6(i 10

O Q IW f I’iM ______ '.<^0olBgl* SBd doable.

«RM l i1 a B d~ '^» ‘*’ Cf««li»‘‘C4H«». larBOilM-*ipi.w- ««., *ji ---------- : _ j 2, Bllckerel Drald ..— ___ vy,59 Collar raada _____ ^ m

' Bcada ' ....... - ' . ■MIddr D raldi________ f l c , W

,^1?: Middy Lacci 1.----- _ _ _ 6c. ,W ■ .rrlllci! and flUned Blbbon Elai- weif. - t t ’ 1° ^aoey patlcrai aod eelew,Q Q . vard -------------------- -------- « ,

Blotk Kaoek-Aboida

t e ,t>rr..l^;r Ce«l.., wUI*—.. niafk'llobbrr ConU »_lOo to M<r b S ----------- lOe, to 4ft»l«<i.l._Boadolr Capi ----------- fOe to.»S<' /►■“ llaif Ilow K aiifo rra-:.^ ood 10<

.Rbfll H a lr.r io i_____ 6c. lOe, 15<. C^ouion rina ---------------- fc, lOc

Safely r i M ------------------6c,'J(X. Snap raitcBon __ : ____ jo«

r - ------ -------— -Val- AI.WAY8 m T U IU flo . TUK .MAKKCT’8 BEST (juALlTV,

-OITKBW08. , ■ ' ,

,5c! . Toilet Accesspr^esg g • PAIM OLITe 'BOAT ■

ilirly, ,. noBej; Oirl ........ w/'5C ■ :--------------jP6

' PoBd'i Oreoaii _____j » t , 8f<j i j ry Q „ a „

ri<ed I*bI» Olka Cnnn - ' in» Marii Toilet W e U r._ _ .^ L - .^

r , Wlllaai'- lAdeica Faee Pawdor, regular 33e ralue, rery ipe-

5*4-5. --------- . . . - - - . Me, W ailw i' Tac.


Distinctive Ne ' . _ Coats fo r I

jm '"TLere li notblac Bow /or Ibd

' . fcaiura U.VUtiUAL COAT UAliaA you tbat it hai bem ytara.alace

■ciid. 'I 'y «\'<f t'i"* opiwrlna Illll- tndalh of KOVIiIUllEU eoaU at p

and you will appreciate that thii ml* ■ Wo' an coBierraUva in our' 1: ,ni ; ia y 'tb i t tbo raluei offered repi •ai* iK'laiti 10 bo fooBd nt tbu time

Oar looiU ara natkcd ob a ' ’ bcaco.lIieMroductiraiarecalef


fo'*. Tbe makori make lurh 'poiintio.

l‘luihci,.wilbaut aad .with fur coll noiuBi, Blijk.Opioiun, Ib tbi sew

' ■ Ibe aad tlltelt, beltiiJ I ^ ^ I ' . I b colon'relBdoer,.iorreato, Ucbti

• . A t V e r y S p i

M ! V k la n ------- _____ 'IS7.7I•KHJIJ Vaiaei :------- .^ ■ « J M l

7~1' m«.'Valuct'-..>..-i__tatw

_ S i i i Cits- ■ |82jio‘yatd at ..-.r:T'':'* li?.50"V8lu'w U .....'-^„.-,':w .0(

' ’ »K.Oa'Valaei;a

" T . ' , , , . _ B8B OTO W•W ', AlHpadt’wiU aeldTo_ B i ■ ;■

Siik Petticoats,'IOC- ^ ^ t ver_y ipeclal rtdutsd ptieci ic, Se . I n ' illk ialloi and taffptoi, wltt _{>e . flxnncloii BBd of lolKtnl

ijualliy.: 1b all Ibe ao tt wanlei! colon.

-S _S3.74

Tabie Linens... ..AV'haj Wa«»li«ep» ■ wil^ j ot- tab

- 'M iihi l i 4 ( i i i , &peelally wltb-ptleei 10 mucb lOTfoi

_ _ _ — >haa.lb«y. t i r iib«in fj r yaar».«»d ■". tbl quaWy bolUr.- OiAlco.patlcrtii

' ' in fliral, perfoelly plala aod block > We iwlteraa . ' "

S 'SI‘C S i - ~ ! S 2 : 8 5

" on10c- Merteriiod Daaukj

jjQj Inch; yard ■■ ' ’ 3 ; 0 t

^ Sukjjn^erwear.and. . Gowns

A pleaalo(. lelecUon of *llk“ ua. ' dergannceti, beaullfally . fubloatd

UOe ' of.erepB'de eblae and la tln i.' Tbiy lOc- aro a tlm tl r i lr ' trimmed in em-

, bnldend ntiillloBi ' aad Ue«. You'll flad'ia tbla eelltetioa m ay

I- uiart itylei to;Mleet from.* I l iy

Hc - K , - - — - W 8_____________ $5:98

K i,__ ._ ;__$6 ;98 z a . ____ _,:.S7.98

FancyI K. . - • . . .ny . -ror.)UbboBerafl&VelUe«,.io-aaB:

■ .'ribbone tbat you WlU appreetale,our of fancy riblioaa wo aow have. -■/

- ’■ ■ no»#5a}.f,-«etaa50'l>eu(iieta, rnalllei .1 wia,' cuihloBi, ueheia, bandkeicbli j EirlcM, Uwa, baby mii, rotetUi ai

Bpcc/al prJcei privaJI oa our /aafy, 1


J5c ■ \ >jpo U i t i b a ^ Ol

■ A lm n l

; . i j ;.Me_

.998 ■ ' IIU l.‘'lir I I I |.l


I" • V

^ew F a l i , , ■

Less" ’Ibb' United Uterei , t o - ' : ' J H | B r ^ ' : ' ' ' '

laAlSa, bill we aiiaro'. V n M f n f . VBCe the women of Ibli / J .Vtlnalty' to buy la thl It ptleci.io resioaabl^ .thil l l BB £V£KT. ' , n . - vVvI M K >

T' lUlcBiCBt when w e 'W ' I 'l-nlM P^'’"Tepreaeat n o gicateat [>■ -• j> i ■ •mo anywhere. . , I ' ll-a very' eloie aargU . I .; .ef tbe erdlaary. ll ■

m LL IUESB OOA*.a W'iW B S ? . ,,U ; . > .

IJo.. ' . - - ' i V 'jplajf’ wIlb'OBMoallly .- ' V " ■' 'illollvlAi, VeloBM, HUk . 'collan, ik Coaiy, Opt - - ..M , - j i . , Be«v>t ilyleiL itralstit. • ■ Jrt ■mUtIf, n i l u littti* . .. . p . .tcBver, Bary, black. ■

^peciat Prices ‘57.78 IM.D8 Valoei a t ,------m t WMS Vafuci at

21S8‘. ' Olher yalaoi down

ts 'firea tl'fltt19.00 'WWO .Valuei a t - _____

oi;at IIB.T8 v, ■

iLA.Y-AWA7.PtAH; 7ow. Beiictlofl U ntU .W am .-'- ; •

W wl Sweaterb^ ,ticca. }‘aB(y tlTite-gtiaiter Initb/iweat- wltb r ti wl}b bell, In colon, of '*i>c<l*l ' Ktcd • Iiualliy, jivlnj' ulBioU..^.»oluw..at .nied lowcit i>oulblo,’prlce.^:.jUlj'ilici,'a.

very, diruy modet ,’jumper. ilyle..' - f t drtn'iweaUn. : . - . ‘.'.;li o d .UeRular I0.7J. ' " 4 Q

Art Needlework ^,. . ■' Thousbli.tn. i u r i l a i ^ 'f e mak^* '■ . ' H « -u ie ra i:.x ia ^ .B tf^ ;::;m ttr»•;., i<,»i|„ Uao^.a.flfti.mada ^-jaw-

Mfor o»a-haad lt’.liere, you .?rlll_ flbd;"mauy.at w.I’deaifT^ a a.-'j^ - a'w r

•mi .aou.:>iuoBable.. -'.aBd-iiftl^yotu.s ltli mora tbaa yes bid'abtlelpat*:

. ' ccf.. -P « W » ..r« l i^ o f r«Ul'ktBd4'> i A plllew: topi,'iafaBta* 'oBd-’ekUditB'a'

id ' ■Newesp^ali:

. faotijoear- 'liey . nrewB to if sad- falaok'vkldiV f- m - fordi aod:p«mpi. ' Alieittrap Ms-i. ■ J'^/dali,- la .lo re* .''T o :bo’ pbperiyj 1, 1 : drened yii« wW llei, ' offcriaei for tb e ir 'n a r t Uppw-/>

19 .-?-:S 6 .^9:

Brottdtloth^SB^ts,) 8 In hM.er, lanp«, duk b tm . -Tw,IQ , wlll.llkfl'tho nMlllj-‘aail.WOTkBUi-;J o '.hip.aBa

)8 : S ’s a r A

I Ribbonsaaay j<telty-lhla(i-ean. l»e madi‘w ti» tr ,our .iutseilb>ni,,ud lhe ’la r^ ’.'aiaQttaeBt'. .-•All Ihne. giflH^B be'.,iaade,-ii|o’weni lll« ,^ 'i« rri;> rf-iray^ -tiafr.ta ’i» ifn r ' ’"rcblef- bOJci,- eamliolci, ilOta .'MdAtoaad;'• and Irlmmlnjt flOweri, anj iq ia jr> m * lO '.u b b o M ,^

vxD:98C'..m yA np :ii'.V ,v ''

.oj- ■Ba told m I«»-iTmHWm -I 'n a i d . t t ' X t . • Y - ' ' ' * " ' , -■-

I J ’.:

. i' ■' ;T" ■ ' '' •

Page 7: M m '§ m M M —Succeeds .Wirth • lillS ; I i i l 3 i lilN Enewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014-12-12 · ’ Uoaar Law..ln.an eicluiire Inlerriew

tiiimsbAY, it. i!i22

' B b », '■ - ■

■ L -S e eM _ !V TyPlST¥*W ri IK-nOO weekly, m r * (Iriio.rcppTlnE sulhort' mun- In: icrlptK. 'jWrlle.R. J: Curnn, Auitiun' Ascoi, 'falUpooia. Cb.'. (ur pardcu-

•j. WAN ^ ^ ^ i r l n i t , . Phoat t BXJPBfilKNCBI) tVi-IBT wnnlB Bi^ VltlOR. I’hoDb unns.I—,.I—.... ae

• J.WOMASIWaXTBI) for cooklns anil J.. |>B«rnl ^of|i. JolfMiiDii Huom«, -

(01I •) ( 5.1 WANTGD-Woman l a . u r t .for - I-chlldrtn and ll«lit liouiekeepiDi;I na m t to h u p up. Jtn . S. Ororvr

■ I Rich, c t r f National IlotoI, Uurley,■' , I n

. V tl iE U * ^^A^TEI)-<Iltl.■(or seawal c"' !iDiuevork.''at7 4ih.‘bv«nuo cut."' " °<i

, WANTEtf-Smill chlldrcD io board • I . „tBd Mke cart ut. »S1 7th attnue tatl. !«

■ g i t u a ' a o h W a r n e d • '*

.'i’ w/fh'Bf)-Expor(«n«iJ gltl lor y n e ra l ilipuitwork. :06. 8llt_^urlli.' „o i, Udy;«ni{iloy^. vtlib 3 year otil (tltl. 'Vlilioi room In prUalo ruiiilly, cluts jn j^C all IMJ tlurlnn oKlct liouriC

' ■ ' ^ a f i ^ ^ t o c e l l a n e b u a £

^ WA.STi:[>-KI(wr 'lamp. Miim liate I----- i'ti-M-onfco. -ClBude Urown ilmli:,Co. Ki*

, q>l . B«IL___________ ______ “X"WANTEO-RuMtnvr and boaritrr b( yei

■ Sit in l aTcnuo.ctit. I'liono I31DW. .• WXOTE() TOTliAUE--Jor»'*ymllk 'il! cow'for llglil car lii Konit-condlllon. j loijulro W; ll.' care Tlniti. . bo;

' WANTRD I.COO feci lecond hand ^ '3x4 and Sxll. MO feet r-S'cailliii:. 13}

■ Van Uuren.B;.. . ■ -' ' ' WANTED-runl sedani. coupet and .l

Open 'c an , - Ani paylitg uiiti (or all for b«KltU.' .-'C^fltrtI Oamec, 3U SHo- Vo.tlioiia 81. W; . ._______________ ,

' . WANTED-Ooo<] farm or n o d i In cor

. » ! ! ? , « , ; . " S ; s s s : ; : =■!!

I n n , SOO: flparutienu, ITE0.490. K. ,■ AVoodtli; 28 Soutii UBflllo. Clilcaso-

WANTE[>-I)arkr and cors. rboat 1’. .,M9ItI. —

WANTED TO OUY-Pat lieu. PboDD »MW. CM ypurUi ewt._________ “

• i W ANTED^ilom. cld«7 . naklss. >.^aBk'UcConaIck.;Fho&e'EOUl. pti .cnll|^.m(v U '.a llt.aorib ..p r tourUl \on

• ,«»«rr- nM k.. :Twki^F?ni*PoiSw”I C <E»i{.Co.' l(H Faurih avenu* louib. g

•{PhonclTK' ■ . C----- ■- I

" ' i ■ m s T E P i - .m s c l i i r T i o s r - I”• Noihlog finer than a ma<a-. |. '

' ■ tlae fOL|i,Clirliluu gl>u H ut iPhi ' r«UU; Ntl. M.W. WJilHla«un, -

• .Tmy. - , ■ • ■ - r- .

. Livestockv and Poultryi bo$‘ ' • • • i - l bln

■---FOn- aALB-UarrmJ Ilock polIMt •~2 ---------rrw ffireictlljnnayiilO iw inrrboB J -C

■ . i w v , i n » c ' , i « k . . ,- . ■ . “ {<"*TOn 8ALB»-:i Barred nock pul* — Itll. T. p . Ubffon, K mile «o., t t f -

' mllo eaii o(.rock crutlier. (, DBESSBD'OEESB FwTflALB-Stc | , •,per..|h-.i(lellMrt(l.»nyirhtr«. 10' ihej ■<<!Hr;.:J,.U Phipt> t;sM iut , I

' V FOR'SALG->-Turobr^ IiIr t -pe I’o- ! ^ tnd China sIlUj boart. ready (or I t r - I ;

------- Fylce-tron».>-imtr-jUiiaa,aUo.plo by l - Jibtctmber 1. J; K. Jorsenaen, Dltl--^Icb, Idatio, ____________ “

purebred WWle , C if lM fa i . 36 yearllnic heni, M eprln* * %otIeU. R, V. Plekitt, Taiusa Pool ~

^ f o r : s X ^ l 6 «wtt and tlx ewe — |-.1anibt. E«ei brtd. Inquire of J. H.

' ',U0U/^4 mll»:iootlrana % rails *«»i « « ■V-8onth,riirH,Qrocery. Twin Rillt,

FOR' SALIi-^Two mileh cowt, aert* 1321 'i4l«..poUtote'iBV'40'CtnU A tack dt-

— illTered;>UMft' cenU: at borne. 400 "V 4acki a t tl lb t cent*. >»..D. Hoaf, "f,"

^ m b tr l r :road. Phont i:M, : „ , |y , . ■ ■ JtOTICE- * • ' '“J

■■; Tho T w lB 'W lt PouUrj in d .£ » ™ 'Co. b u noted to IM Fourtb srtnu t ^

- ■ .4obU». • Wt.p*y,top price* a r all tlmti .-tor aar.MaouBt.. Pboae 17S ond we n ,TriH «lJW >oorpoitlW T irlB F«IIt T

. : . .- 'j '( » n ] th '/« fE n lo o ._ a ,a ^ in ,M 5f. •g i t ’FoBfUi BytBBo Mutb. Phont n t ­li i t)R ' 8A i;^T lIrte t' frvm Lanoo, ' >'«bU« Ltlbora >pnlItU.''B0W Itylnc-1 ^ ti- .K ey , Ktybnm Atenut, W tit’of ■

f m a ju x - r to a i i a B ^ e T i p t ' d a l prlct OD tood blrdi. rtady lo ;> t t t t f .n 8n a j u n . l ^ . , ■ — ..... ....

' ’ - 'i '. 'i r iW jIK W D .' • I '•' Tnriiiin. G«»^ D arti bbS I —

-— ■* a tck ta* . Ve buy allHbo-llBe. ' - 8» .M ber#re'jiB »«1tr .Tep ''prlM i.''4W SboihoBtW eit.O^ '■

...........^ t lU .H r v te r r S tA * ^ ; . ' _

- /EtnirioaVliit ' __

ilmtt u F ta t t< SwlturUndi. witb «.•S^..a(M <IIoc.4<A n.fcet.(iU (i(dt. ..V

. -M -tW BW Bftt'-tudi.irtanli lD tbt ••, 8 wl«'A lpi. and 88 mooaUlBi.blBnw .thlB.';Uout>t''S^e*t<'«al><>rD. tbe bUb- '

M t ^ k la Bwlucritnl

: " V

^ e t lFor Sale Mlspellaneousl

ro it 'sAUJ-O ccm fcir ThanlnRh - ' " Ins, I'tiuiiv r,u9H2, ' Ij ,

ttS t SAl.I->^Hi;«-ar.l huler. «l:.'!" l« l. Write 0 . J, Sanscr, tari; Tliiin., u

>X)R HAI.E-MO' lonT'tiooJ l w i “' ra it r handy. Uox i};s, Twiii t-'nlln,

roiFa A u i-s iT s ’ i^ irM o 'T M ’iii " aeparaior, practically new, Wruu 0. “■ J., SJBRor, earo Tiinc-i, L

TOR 'SALK-I’a.ot and knlnunilno ,, (or paliitluK .nml knliomlnlns, I'Jiuu« V8. Moun'a tiliop. ■ .____________ro it aAt,B-K«till«t. lor lawimund l!!

(ardrs*, Ahu llinl Tnry.Rvoil lylbi'riy' coal. Crotlor'Tninafor <V). I'aunu SU.j Jn

ro it SA U ;^m nio raraw, JO lir " 18 feci, palpicd.; *t|lnElcil, (iral claM condition; prlcM-’low. Thu lllnlce v SluitlD. ,i-Iionu ICS. ' Z. I'OR 8ALB Oil TUAI)B-»ou.« an.l ^ Int In Elm Park ttiMUloii, niao liuunc lo lg moici)..(roni pn-icnt lucnlloii. _fJiDiie 436J. •_______________ •

TOR 8Al.v:-Rciortcil iiolaloc*. Ilic ^ tack delivered, 30c nt (arm, W. U. _ I lu s , Klmlvrly road. I’lione 17(V, 'TOR SAI.B OK TltAnl':-Oood beavy ?}

Itam, buRgy, linpUmenii (or h'ord ur ,|i OuiIko carUn guod comlHluii. Poplar - Fam, 1 Mllo-cjut, ii Mooilj of /oun-djy _____________________^ , . fo

rOR SAlJJ-kVir llio, iieil wci'W, ” ' ' ' Root 0 riioia liuua<>. i cloavla. luili- lonin. full cou'crviu laaenicni. S'.i M*. ai •tmwberrka. anmll chicken hiiuieand ca yard., Wlll, conaldi-r n kAo.1 var nn - ia « payment. Cnil or wrlle llox tH. Klinburly, lilulio,' _

All kinda of winter applet, :!>o ptr box al ordinrd. Urine boxes, I''rank " CiySle. 0 wllf t Mcuib Twla ya})t. bt

M isceU aneous-. i. •;,T0 TRADB-Modern G room liouic “

for rOT,\TOKSi fclxclianRC Realty Cu. v o n buUdln g . ____________ '• TOR SAI-lJ-I'owcr bay linlor. goo-l condlllon. plenty o( balliig ,ioc5 wllh macblne. Call ni CoiiaolMatcO Wa- ,, gon £ Machine Co., ilannen. ur phont* C MIW, Twin KlilU. .■ .._________ _

llrlnR‘your (nr» in j'l8 3rd arenue ^ nortli and reculte cash for aamo. K.1’. Ucaay. ______________ __ , 1,

|IKK.S8]fAKIN0 > 'HI Phona Mn. E. Cameron. CD»W.-

>OTICK' \v!^Iral-'Olaiia--I)r«*aniBklDR al..,h:<lf

prke Ihla wlnler. Mlia fcl A. Kci- c,. lorn;. 636 Main W. • • ■ .

■ ■' g g K a g aC machine* a l t£.00 each. _6 machine* at 110,00 each.C machlnea a t Hfi.OO cach. • ■ mi H our/ SlDjor Uled two monilu ai.

' Bweet't Second Ihnd 8lore. .Phone UK. -Next door to Timn.. -

DAKER ROOUU-Bathi 2tc. . 44S r iTCufrnffiTs:'------------- ■, m

UAS'8 PI.ACB *1N'ew .and- aecond hand ctoihlns ley

boutbt ood told. IDS Soulb flhotboae gu Sintit. ■ . • . . an'-^ u r i t ln t-^ a tb td -e r -B lr t ic b e d - ” Uali orden. 4<B Soutb 'Ualo. Phoat eo< «M . Ka

' ' ~ wa

I ~ II . Oo to Iht'Hhodalr Roomi for . J«'

cteao, qutet .roomt and good <><' bedi. Prlcei {Oc, 76c. and |1. ” Bpeclal, rate* by Ult fe tk .o r month. Pbona CI. Mn. J D. Roseh, miia&Ker. Oror I'arrutt Qptfcat Co.. I'm lo.nU t, fdaho.

' . ' No

Fbr Saie Real Estate^FOR WLB.‘ CHEAP-4 acre IracL

WR TRADE, BAI.E OR RECT-IM „„ acru under tha Mllaer Low U tt pro- jecU AbuBdaace of water. If In* leretled P. K, Dc«n,or call at *“ 13« jUi'attBue OML Phone THW,' for SAI.B-tS4 acrrs bearlns al- n . nond 'orchard and bulldlnga.' Ona nilt from S u it Land Colony. Muat " iell to aeltle nn Gatate. Ono chance ^ n a life llmo. F»r' parllculara ad- Irew 0. N. n e ey . Cblco. Ctlltornla. «>


• ■ . : / ^ O ^ , WAIT AM. (30 DOWN .WITH'

\-WANT To 00 60

- ■ ■■ 3

V ' '

‘ - ' t w i n .f a l i

i|____F o il BENT•| I'OU REST—Four rouni lioiTio uud |fi<r.-ii:i'. Imiulle at 3il llarrlnun,

'! ro it RKNT—Fufnlihttl-Iiouirki'vii.-.'. InKimoina, uuMlda vniroiicr &ld , joml avfnue nonh. I'hons 45IJ,

TOR RI-ST—Funiljihcd (ront romn,with bnlh, clecirlc Utnl. tlV P<t

' montli, 343 illll -Wcniiu Wni. I'huiie ' '• " ' ~ •«'

n>R UK.ST- 0 room huUii:. I’lione[ 103 or tlOR^ _____________ __

'ro i t IlfXT-C ri)uiii (iirnlalied home

•I J'tJH JUiST-JrrJ*aifd /uhd in Coal- / dale. Alberta. <.Mnails, <nf«Ka. aniJ

Rrain. Cood dairy dlilrlct For caab

nnd raiUi uY.-illaUU'. M; IX Wllaon, lU ' B. Cth 8l.,.Mllintapo1la. Minn. , '

ro ll Rf.-ST-Tlirte room furnlali- ed npiiriipcnt. 116 per iiyinlh. IJunga- luw Apia., ;nd BTcnut, 5(1i atreei K

ro it Ri:.ST-.SIcely (urnlilicd room Killl board.' I'lione 1234, Call J2I l^Venlh atfnue iiurlli.

roR RE.ST-I'our room innderji. fumlahed lioun«. Alio 4 room lipuae unlu’rnlalieii, Johnaon, 1443 Ad- dlnciii atenue e.ial. >

H)K JIK,'iT-J!lrclrJe lioicd room for ou* ur twu people. UuanI If do- aired, clone In. 31[> Secoad nurih.

ro n , RU.ST-I.lRhl ' hounck-eplns , and aleephiR rfoma. 2:13 Sth aieuui .

eaat.ro u HB.ST->-urni«htd loom, (nr.

iiaca heat. 311 Tblrd north.r o n RENT-Ilouap' keeping apart-

m iau, complelelr furniibed forjigll bouaeketplng, oue, two and three roomi, cloat la, tud low rate*, by weak or monlb'. Tbt Oxlord. 411 UaluN.-------------------------- -------------- -.

TOR,RENT-2 and 4 ronm furalihed IlRht' IiimiekeeplnR apirtmoni*, olao out I room liaufe furnlfhrcl, dote hi.CM Main aouth. Plioue 707'or pbone > I6S3._________ . -

For Sal&^Auiomobiles |For “Pep" *ee "Slep,- Hit Cylinder j

Orlnder, 147 Second ateuue nnrih, 'TOR SAI.E-l'ord rofldaler with “

alnrler, Ilrat claaa »hape. fiOfi 'Third l'l

.FOR HALB-Ooo-l IIrIiI five pnn- iwnRer car. almoafnew, Ih (Ine ahapc, cl<Win cnnaldiir Ford roailaler oV coupe, nfwm kIvu icmir.-'fiee't-uubenhehn at MiBmllh C U uWnli'eiin nealty. . ac ’ FOR BALE Olt TRAOB-WaxweH

Bwcct cider *By (Ite Rallon loia or i't more Uc a Rallun. Ed Vance,-I’Ubllc ^l’ Market. C

Lost and Found '"1/OST—Weildlns rlns between tiie eni

Tlmea and 244 Elshih atenue aorth, chi ItelunT Tlmea. ,Ke«arii,~ , . CJj

LOST—between Ilaielloif' and Dur- ley, IteminRion pump IS-muge ahol- sun.- Reium to Abe Martin, Ilurley, ed and reteita r<i.ward. . pi

LOST-Pair imek-chaln*,— waiton coter and acrew Jack -between Twin * K'alli and'JeroBie.by Dlue Uke*. Re- C. ward.'» . 0 . Anderaon; I'hone 1» I .

TOR BALB-A (ew Raliont 'Rood, loira lo rjrhm - J. K nalfeny, Kim- Iberly, Idaho,- :------------- . R^

TIUW SCnEDUlB ■ «h •‘^-HClty or Woaautn Tln«.J, , Jl-

— ■ .BaitbM d^.'No. JM ......— n«r»ri 7:20,*. a

n.p.,1 (I-1B p r Weatbonad . .lc e l

No. 83 ------------Depart IttSO ^ m lanN0. 16S ________Depart 4:30 p. m cor

BO0ZB50X UnWCM TBiWS ’ Soathbeuaa

No. M 9............... Dapart 12i40 p. tn .Kertbbonnd • ®

No. S40________■ Arritt 4:05 p. mPbont7». • «1

Claarlng the Eya-If tomnlilng r n la ibe «re try }](

flrat drawing lha upper Ild down ta 7.2)far u.poulble. next rolling It beck toter a pendl and ihcn Mowing ilia hisoue. If (hete {hlngt ttll. tian wllb 17.1tall and w tm wittr- ' • 8


k MIKUTE. lU f ' ( '

SOME SHOPPIHS I ' " = = = r j ^

= = i I

L L S D A I L Y r T m E S ' ^ ' "

i tT H E I

titw rixcT

■ ' B i g , ' #

. ,WI

MARSHAL OTCY. WALKEP3 .Ba r r y m o r b s w i t h ,a n

l^L O D G e SU PPE R W H ^

• ' ' rcc(■R.US PRICKH (’l,II.Si;i> umKR

(IN .niK'.WJll HOAIill (IF TllAlli:

CIIICAOO,^Not. 23,-Omlh prIi'W clonnl Inwi-r on the ClilniRii board „ ' of trnde oil depr<.-»lnR l.irelsn ra- / ' MM.'a (ull doiacatln ilemanil'aftd. irp aciltliy on the part o(,e«i>orieri.

Heaty aoRInf rtmlcprd loin In ''

l- r l T l -r 'i- ' l"=!December wheal •npened olf ',lc ''

nl tl.IxVi nn<LclnMd-oU.Kc;.;ktay * opened iinclmnRtd a t II.KK nnd ' cloM'd .off He: July 'OiH'iivd i(m- ehuiiKcd nt }|.08>( ami rloae<l off m. Me.............. ............-i—------------------

December corn opened off ‘te nt , 70Hc and cloaed ,ofr 'Sc; May op- ened olf ..Me al 70'V and cloied nn- changed; July opened unehanned at cjStrnnil-T:i(Kta-wM{c:--------------

Decemlier oata otitned iinchanRed un at 43Uc'timl cloied olf Kc;' ..May nc opened iindianRCil al 42;ic nnd cloa- lU' ed off Uc; July opened unchansed ' al 3»!4c and cloied unchanseij^

njmcToorxStT'12^W hnu=Ca»ii: 'r , ' No. 2 reil.'»i.28H:'No, 3 red, 11.20; NO..J hanl, |i.200I.2«K. ,

. • POTAmS. • - «•!CHICACO, Ul, ,S-or. 2J-Poialof»-

Recoiplfl 41 cnn; S'orlh Oakolt .Red nuKitera OhIoa, aaclicd. l£09Cc; round In'while, bulk, 80G90c; Idnho nirall, aii JM6OI.20, , , . , .

('iiirA(iii .siiK»;p. I _CmCAOO,_SoT_SLwhetp_-wRn- _ J celpit, 1900; market weak lo lower: un lamba. |13.00(fU,tSi Iiimba. cull and lec common. IS.2SOI17S; yearllnR weih- ,iiu era. »JSOI2.60; ewea. 16.0008.00; - ' cull lo ,common eweilr'.|i78RS.;G,

' ■ oJfAIIA MVKfiTOCK ?,'!.BOUTH OMAHA. Not. J3-Catllc rc- “I

celpl* SCOO: market I0C16' hlRlier: yearllnsa |&.00(113.00; ilcir(.iH.711(;13.26; cow* and heifer* t;.:i;0C.2l;: .1Kffcken and feeden «.2Ij&7.2£; crrcaitca |4.00(r'|0:0<];' bulla and alasa jt3.00O3.Ii0; wntern.'ranRen K.OOfr tpi 7.211.

IloRih-necelpl. 1500; tnarkel 10hisher; hulk of oalei |7-00(i7.l0; lop The17.80. , - »lr(

Sbeep-necelpit S300; tnarkel 16* u k

Torn Gets Bawl

d P i: O L D H O M E T O '

AUflT ------- -r r i



« lower: xwrlinn* »to.5«»i f:.'"!: • M'tiihent |7.DU<f;ur,: lamln »13,«HH, cr 13.75; ewea |3.r,(i|iT.OU, U(

' l ’OIlTI.,tNtlTrn;STtK'K u• I’0RTI.AS1>. Orc,.'.'5ov. M -rulIlc Uj rccd|iia 200; markel 25 loweT-;' cholcu 'i'u alrvra C.754l7.5U; (uir to roihI nlcen {|i |5.50(i7.00; chuli-e cown nnd iii-llura g( M.50ti5.00; ramicr>i 0.50*200; Imlli Ui |.T,aOC4,f»: caltr. (I.m /S.M . Bt

Hue*—IterelpiH 33; mnrkel nicaily. uiPrime mlxe-1 W.j5+K,7fi; rniiKii licav-' jjiJea J/!.fi04i»,00: . Ill‘.Bhcct^llrcelpi* fiO: nmrkit meady. ]><Prime lamba lll.00(M2.50; fair tu UiHc/IJuni ^lO.noi/Jl.lN); yrarJIn** »)(.5u j ‘ifl5,50; wethm »7.00««,5u: -owet pc5!.iiu<ji;,uir. --------------------- ; ' ’ ’p

- - Aa-Nloht Adee Day.' ,.The Kcne »aa biilriwiu In n aulh

url,. niul a itiiirlnl ptirciil waj.prom- g,, '»nnmnnnp"HnDrTit*a- wi'irii*,hi)ur of ca' lhe rurly iiiurii, wltli hi* )ln>i'l)iim in Ca hi* iinnt Many vnln Mclrarum t« Tn Mjutho lhe lli(unt‘a I'rltn' had Ixrii Ce

under the Inii’rc.fihni that liilnst ^ nceiled waking U|- and'thut he wu* lhe »1’’ IH 'rw H lu 'duil.^ ' • jj,

"ll »eemi Io m<>\(iu knew what yoa Were nliuul," RruoAwi Plckelhury 10 hl» gu'

-uirc,Ji;whvn4o'uJiixli(cil.fin .(tic cfillif Itai belns callnrlluRh.'".

“Whm lini hla mini.e lo dn * i||i hit “ fn'lfulnciir' aaiu'il Ihe uitfui;>lclciui wife. . _

•'EverjlhlnsI- re)illed the wreiched _ niBB,>"Vou.would lull him 'Ilurh.' y»u • bfl'ow, niul wlirre Ihi-rc t* a Iin«,iliefo'i ainay* a cry.''-l/indBn Ty-lllit. .

Our Engllih Languaga. . g MliPlaeed tdiraaw cauic'nuiny fflf*-'

"undtriiandlnga, Jiero aro wiuir I'uT *” lecVeii by KrerylHXIy'ii Mnjaiiliip, frwn ^

, piihllcallona ali over the muniry. ' ■• The 6wnen of apple tree*, aeine ol I

, Mlilch have net Ixfi'ii looknl 'artcr <>i Ijenr*. nr* undrrgolng • pruiilus ail j ibmiigh thla aeciiuii, . I

’-tiiKYjal dlnlngTvuin for lfldlc^ fc aienk* and chopa." U

For Sale-Flvo-room lioukc, nil iiiihI- H ern, UiX'.l thlrkni-liuuff." «

A phj-»lcian aiivN’* lun'iil* iirver to P' apnnk u clilld on an eniply »l.>iiinili. .

The coil It im all-you will get Ibe dt. firrf xttBlli. Pbede yeur ad 10 » - L . u k for waat ad taku. ' ' | _

wled Out' ■ . .: ■. V'’

;. ■ ■ :.v' • ' I' -::■ u r - VOUKgAaM. I^IE BEI!M


I'vB SB E N V ooR -rrPtr- BEftiffc-THeycw H

- i - i LOCK v w

) W N ' ■

y y a i h g .


— 'J i S L i f i i . .W H E E L . ■ -

— ----------------- S(' TIYLf FALLS BKTAIL rSlCBS

Cream»chec»e _ _ _ _ _ _ — JOcOnci O ltlM »Celery ..'____i.1_________ 714010cUtluce. bunch ---------------------- -•«>llfcad - — — ----------------------We ...TiirkeyN .. ..»................................ 35<Hen* _ ..................—l.CSprinRen .. ---------J .------------ «

Ilacoa - -30C35c

£ r ? “ ~ . r = i b i K “i » c t S ' : = r z r 4 3 s SUmb chop* - .... ................ 25PItc ^Vork roaiJ . - l : -----------------20O»0c \ \Pork t tu u i* -------------------- - 20>T-bona' tleak •.......___________ 3Pt|

OralB anT u m tee kWheat. .Sn. 1, per cwi.................»1.55JJm * „ _______ _____ _____««7HC _Bleen _ ___—4HQ6C ,

g r . v : = = z z z i i s s r -■ £ ;2r;:.:::::;;i= ;= :z= SDuck* .......... 1 ,.._____________12c

5prla*'ini'".7'’.” .l.--;:j—...— ....28c 1Mnlloa ....... ..........Lambi _______ -----------------------tc “

PRODUCEBullerfal -----------------------37C40a »»Itanch.buKar.-Cet-Pouaif ----------40e j jSgR« ■ -------------------- --------- <CC

Forr»iuiu, iry T b t'nB tt.W tat Ad ^

We rebuild CAPILUC and . “ J PACKARD moltvv^facloiT ilyle

----- Ouarantee'd' good' u Btw. ; •BTEPKEN OYL. OBIKD.’OO,

I . Falls - Boise' I Stage , ^

U aret Perrlaa IlottI at.8;So h l a for Filer, Duhl, lURerman. Dllu, Ooodlng. Olennt i’erry, Mouauia I Home, making connecllona at Uountain Home wilh Na » tor I .

I Porlland-Seatlle- I Doi

Trask Bros. Stiage Co. fb,•PboBe BeterralleB Sl-eMIT —

I We baadit iruBkt |■ ■ i

^ / / \ t ' . / / / / y

M . J '



'O ar (iam oto«->W |i wiQ r«> fond the c u b on U J w u t t i th i t doet DOt.prodnot tv lM ■« ciftDT ropllei u tb i n i u . u In Ihjr o tb ir TwIb FaOi

’ navrtpapar, .

Business DirectoryUlt. (IlliJl C SAW'TIB

Oiitopathic I'byiidtn .) eo ie J asd 2. OeiB Balliiat.

Pbant IHO-W. 'He*. IM»J

Attorney!PORTiir * W im *ll LavTM

Ball* 1. Hmllh A Rie* oidg.

^IIAD u llontiLS'-Atiomey at U * . ’ ncxim fi. T»lo Fnlli Uank ft Trtial • llulldlOR. I'boae tS3.

• *■■»< It. iTollitfrll OrrCkapBaiIf(irifirEf,f.'4 ClflPjaiT

"W da llalldlng.,R .ieaiit.|,7 .M .«

aW*K,ET.;* 8WEEL1T. AliorMH flrat Walloatl Uaak Pldg. ■

A*b«r . a Wllioa OfflM ftret NaUonal lunt' b u j .


ladlea' and men'a lult* lo order, at bl* retldeace, 340 Aiu atreet, be-

- -4.’ “ " atenue eait, oat^ lo c k from tb* bouieitrd.

Shoe Eepairing ' , •ilOVAL SHOE REI’AIR SH0P>7.

ileycra. Proprietor,'. IJO Secoad Alrott Eaal, Twin Falhi, Idabo.

' ■ . Wel3!Sg~W. N. ' aitlNNER-Oxy aeatytas. •

welllDg. Auin apriag* made i« or^ '' <ar. Ulaekamlibiag. Pboae U i

3!0 2nd Att. Soutb.

. 'Moaay ;iol loaa o t a«>«.i» 4i»UlM. irthurL , Bwlat,.' ■ -.... ..

Bicycle Repair Shop ^SCIIAUE REPAIR BllOP-^SicycIt,. '

Lock aud Key Work*. pboBogrtpb Uei' IMag a 'tpecU lty .'I0< Hall'

H e m a t i t c l i i i i g ' - .

! iBB o iB B om nrm 'IU Mala Att, Bo. r f ta t l lW


Phone 121 J, •

■ . l.NhTJRASCB t Firo and Auto. I.owef 'ra lu . S. U '■ Crafs. Asent. ■ Swlth-Rlct DIdg.

Second Hand Ga.odsBweeli Second Hand 8l«rt

, 26t Malo E.-Phont .IMS. ■

- — ‘Miscellaneouq - — ^OKU STATI m o A m a m i o o ^ '


. teiS. .Wttl. ... . •'

: V:PboP* 3K0. . . ■ '

Transfer ■ -7..R0Z1E31 TIUNSrCB'OOUFiMT-

raoBt HI.

U ’NIOHOLB T & A l?SnB . f t '•BTORAGB ' . ' . '

O t ^ 'n a * l W , M j ’'-V -^

E lec te t^ ltie p a in . ,*Sectrlcal R ipidr'br- ' '

a u iw L B K no '-:- 'Experienced Motor • M-wlBdlai-i

Uolor Dtarlaga.Ileadanartera ElMtrio Btnlee;8laUoa

■■________Phoa* » . '■ ■. •;;.;j;

Sewuig MachinesDooght, aold. excha'ngedV riattd.' n> ■ ; paired. 2^6 Uitla E. 8»ie ti ' 8tor% ■ ' Phoae 1H6. ■ • ..._________

.7 PcL' Farm L o i ^ , i .A nTntTB L. SW IM -4 ' ;dbW

. - . . " -:\i

■ -slV , '<!: - ?

s / s H B Sttolilo H A V i^T!^J •aLAPPIlo.voy,.•-^■^^^.J■l-..•K , RlCHT IM TM fiM Cfi-fj 5 i, IT' ^WtPKAVft' -./ U-'y'''] \ i w e D y o y

t 3 C nI M h / ^

Page 8: M m '§ m M M —Succeeds .Wirth • lillS ; I i i l 3 i lilN Enewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS... · 2014-12-12 · ’ Uoaar Law..ln.an eicluiire Inlerriew

PAOii i;i (in T

i i i i i E

. I S I M E^pperin tendenl. King of Idclio

Pow er Company Sai'j ODtloBlt lo r .I tj 'O onitniction b Favor. itl)Ie: SftUroad Proipccti Seem

^ ^ B rig h te r jT u rth e r P liM 'to Be

' SobnU ttei

. '"ThlBU Jock . . , . Sup«rimMil«tii lllrlinril • n, Klnc .it

; lh« |(lAbo t’ourar Cn.'W|ien Rikn<| ihU noniln i in m t n l in ilin ciitinirui:*

• — ilOTi o to 'paw or line from TliDU«;.mlSprlRRi .tii,ttlrer>l>)«. rollnwliiK ' tl<i> |

' Iinil tonhfBDCu.ljnwfon him uml .(I. , WoKIe and.hU'OIilaUumii imrim>r«. ,

■ ■ ir, -W. Cnnlwell «uil 1), (I. M.'Nully.. ,Tbiil.«ou]d mean a rallriua, «i>nlil i

, ; i t a o tr.b a wfli BsktU. 4 ,woubl .iWnk m " nrJlf') -Vr. .

Kins.. *^n« woulil nuppi/Kii ihul it i• Ihtr thould cnatiruci'B mill'ihsrir, ... .......................................................... 1

. wsni a n llm ad.lo carry, l( nul. .Ncii- ' .. MCMiirilr. or cour»». Rlnr* tho.i op- .

per would b« r<Hlu«d'tn a roniuani- ' - lUtIr imall Muniiilir In ilir mill.’'

It.WM l««rn«>i. hiiuY.v«r. ihnl ihi- OkUliotna’ [ndlcniv.l ihai i:»i trtiljdlnir’Of tho-pnwtfr - lh.it—u'liuld ( .probtblr l>« cnntlmn-m un ihn inn- |

- tlrfieUon of llio •f«llroa.l.-iir nn ««•' .turanco Ibll' It vjiulil ho imlli. xi ihr j

I cdDimoil nl'itr. Kink i< laken h«r>' rn ' . IndlcflllDR.A mnrn UrursMii ouUimk )

lor IbiftUildlnR of thu I.Iaho (Vnlral. ' , UIIIHDlimll 1‘tan-. " ' ■*.. I

C t^ .^ '^T Iirw dltfvenl |il»n* will h<- dra/iH 1 .• .^* ^ lir'lh » Idnbo t'owur roiripun>'' nml n

nuDnl to Mr. Wollls and 111* pnrl- <■-----------•.Btrt... BfUauCct-are-BOt-araitaiia. £

.'.ulbot Ibt lu t llRUrM wrro nFcurrit durlni Ibt noKollnKoni vliihi nmnihx ;

, . BRO. bul.^^l»nnd«r*lno^t,lha^nnr.on^' of..lbt pltnt woMid hirolie th» t t - I ptndliart of mere ilinu uon.oix). ''

. ' Mr. WoUlt nnd hla ■p.initvr* li l! -.for KlTtrtldt Ihit niornlnii. Thrr dli-

' . ‘ . cuutd tho .prolMt with Huperlntcnd- : to i,K ln i uam. a lltr mldiilshi lu t

nitbl and bad a britf conltrcnrp vlili • him btfort Ihty dtptried in.luy.

■'llREfMOFUi l i i i l i i ^

-.kaM ll S. Wight wot rtinlntd lor' ’ • .^Ibo-foartli'llm t.aa »w<ilarr «r tlit

Twlo Falli Cbembrr of Cosiimcrco by j a-m«tllnK'n( lhe board of dlrtnnm ,

------^b<fH-4aat-BlBht-«l-»hiH-h«m»-<*f-lh*: ^*' brctnlsailctii' <<

Tht Rtntral a'ltuatlnn In'ihn rlly I' and counir caD■h|l]r l at'lnnr.th r:

' ' end Itntatlvii pliuit rexurdliiE I■ ---------t


J — ^ • .• ’----------r-WAfctrtNQT0N,--D.-C..-Ko»,-3a,-: c. An aj/c#l for amnwlr for Ili« polf- '(

tical prIiODtrt tllll liwjall waa mado r lo Prtaldtnl llardlnc.tiMlar hy Vic- r

' • l o r ' .ilt r t tr , . Il«pr«iehlailye-cli'ci ■frpm WliconiiB. •

. ^^oiim H 4H V K ro]i.iioiiF : : ‘ . . iM -«nxATiox IIV iM n i iin itT ,

'WA8mSQT0.V, '.Snn :1-T1U> lAiiic j juillsfary commliitt Iiy unaiilmftU"

-J-:,i-HlH.P,Ul0Ul-UtM llllcail,AI»l-I2t!l]l'b _ ' crtiU pautd B r4M>hiiloti imliy rnll- |

llcan, ^tlnntaoia. to.iuhmll lioforr Il<’> ^. cemlicr I, mora apci-lflc cbarRM In hi« i,

Imptachmeni at Aiinrfloy (Icnrrnl ,liuucharir. ' ' I

• ' -llrirlnR* nn.tlio Impoachinoni nr? tel lor l)*ctml»r 4. r WffflR • M htfjorf :i

ilOL-|.TON'. Ia.-All.i.tl Jlinrh'y. IC. liand Iilrka hla durk* nul oC ihv nir.

X.- JliHflnRValons' In a dmir (at. h<- J . rtadiMl up.tnd pullod dnwn mu* bU h

fallow In A llocli aC Inw-CIylni: mal- <i larda. The duck la on eililbliluii. li


■^oco.lVlffl f'/riMrr. leKlln'i tiO.UO In lU.r.rj; iir» h;i!- in « ry aiwi'lnl u l ......... ...

' A t iCum and Kli>LV/yjli;i». values InI12.M. ai ....... . ........................All Rnllnr* Iniludid In llil* h.i I.,-. I Bporc Unia-— Vahin up lo iT.r.iii

, from ............................. ....................i Newt paiirrn* .iml irlnimi.il hci Terr ipeelal prlcrt.

Arid Don’t Mias Scci' . Bfceaieri, Hnt mid .^rarf Prti

■ Bcraralt plccca.lor ihr bjhtra nfid i

l . - i .- 'i '. '.-v .. . .

S h b r l J j o r n B r e e d e r ' , S o c i e t y D e c i d c s o n

, . A n n u a l S a l e

An niilli limliil ill till' Timr^ yr lPT- il.iy, Uir Hhiitlhiiril llrir:irrii' Bi:i«iu- lii'M ai, Ihrlr iti’ri'lliiK In ll.o lli>trl

' Kuiirrfiin •Icclivil In lutor »f hiiiilliiK llir iininul':ir.U' Irciiii Jununry IC In 'Juiiiiary Iti. iia unuul uikI Ki makn ll Ihr bixi'Jt 111 hUitiry. li'.•III liiVo plf.i- lit Ilu. I'. .\. JlcMii.1-

- I ' ; :* i:;[(Uri!. (i l,l»n liuirk rliiiwi Thir Jun-

Jum.ms IHE V P i l M ' l l I

s s ^ : r £ ? , i ; : r = - , ; sof Ihc hlnu l.u. Thih la of >• frw

». .,urh .h..I. aa.iiavo,boen mad® In thil. I 'H llu li nt Ihc alMo uml whllo Ihrro

'I h.v« lircn our ..rtw .. ..r |icrha|». aov- ^ril turh ahftln <>n rwnrd Ihoy aro

r. r. ty ri>tp>.‘Hri,ouB r.ui am hrr If iii.»Ir the Ilmll. ■ . • !

... . - IP r o f f r a m s f o r t h e }

• B u r l e y S e e d S h o w • A r r i v e i n t h e C i t y !

* I'niKtamn ba*n “hocn rrri'lrrd by '' I'ciuniy Acciit l i . '! '. liroiini.nl <iui- i; Mnlnc ti.a wnrk nf llir Idnho Hlini- '* [lord xh.w whh ll npni* at • lliirh-y,** Janiiar)' 9 .tor Imir ilnyn, Mr. llrni-," unrd ri'prrnciii* IMm ciimiy-.cu. ihr“ ii:mhllllir; - . • |!■ ■ Thrio will ho Kr.nin Itrudlnr, rnilni. Ii'.llin; ili-i.i.ili>lrnlliilifr. u urAl'itlr.- , d piav r»rn. acloclhin, poullry. hull ‘ d nnd iwlain >Iinii.’ nnd nlhvr dlniduya..• rihliiila ifnd dcinonilrall.m-i »f hitrr*a. f .j fn. liinaat............................... ..... .


= CWiiPP[fiS ; : iNIC[NiiPACIFIC i■ FOfifMiMNi

WASIIIXQTON'. I». r .. .S'nif. M— , Shippinii lnioro:>u ot . ('nUt.irnla wani cnniptllilon . ihmiiKh aironR . railroad ayaiotat raili<i'r tban Inrltl-

■ cioni atrvlco hr wcnk rallrnada, aald>• Alholl Mellcau, Tico-chnlrnian <it IhR , L (filirornfa alilpptra. eomiiilif««' »ii >'

thr wllnrta «Und ullli'a Siiulharn I’a- , r'llo-mcrFcr honrini;' lirri-lIE !5r"'

■ McRcan npiicnrrd tci npp.iJo the dla-■ lolntlon of tho CVntrai I’acUlc and

' iha’ Eouiharn I'urltlr Unr*.« "It waa B Ron.1 ibliiK lor tho '

Snnt.i ‘Kt nnd Wcaltrn i’arlllo In ‘J. roil ir l i w r f r u ^

“Wo don't' want *u much compAll-! r lion Ihnt ll will h m k down Ibr v h noixl arrrlcn wo havo. Ti>n many’ r tmnaconllnfnial Ihie-i cnier Wi<i>h-

nr# filrin* poor aervlfo."We dnn'l want to brrnk- U|> n

aironi! rnllroad ayrlcin nnd hnvo iwi>U «oak roaila'iu Hrpln.o; Weak rondu

wnnhl nn ia iq lft uh mniorlnlly In- Mwmlli«irni?/<llarkcia. for cnr prn-. .(ucla. «'o lUlfl wnnt lli« t'lTJoli' I’b ' |0 rttli! lo h/vik down ihc uno koihI <- rJllrtsid wXJ.avc rniw." .1 "Aro you ilirmliiiK hrlrka at tho >

.■?anln Ko .avMomr i.akcd ' H. C. : S'rtfndrpll. hlloriii'y tn'r Iho I'nlmi I’arlflc. • • . ,

f ".Md. Ihal la n won.lrrliil : bji:. , leni," 'hi- oAiworrd. ^

' I'llOl'K.'iSOIl TIKUNAX'liKTS’’ iMViinj-ti Wli'i; (ii'.ThMUiiv

■ I'. 'I'lcrmni. .Void* D.imr pr«toT«or, •* md prrnlnciii flKiirc In iho roiciii i* ffhiornlly raao. iiroiitnl n dlvorri' I " hsro loilay trom h'»' wlio timl nlvon I ' lUXIRily '’t t»o. i:hlldri!ti. ;Uary ui.d .

Irruo.C "llshy llllly" whn 'rirnnH.rrconil}

rturr.oil wna Ihr aon ii( llnrr;- iMiilli:, i rfo-ith Itfml'mcrthjni. «.:« gticw lo '.In, 1'i.ulln.

iiAMirrs liKT . ■.• nirriioiT, n..v. 2n.~Kivo h-i>i.iU"l

htid llp Iho (lrncf.ll ClKar f'o. uifl. K I- lirrr tnd.iy nnd rn.apnl wllh IlD.TWt

.■ . _ !


iln'r nil'! JJi.'Inl IflJij,’'.' valur* frum

- 8 5 . 9 5

. s o ■ ■

“ S 5 . 9 5

. (.|,r:ip,-r nl nrrl n.'JI.

‘ , . . $ 1 . 5 0 , , , § 3 , 7 5 .

hcla. ..‘ir.mc nl Ihoiii Inr lirlmK. nl

i c in g t h e K n i t G o o d s

'(la; T.mia. Hliawla nnd Hcla. or Ild Ihr •khWict.

................. T W

iflO M IO fi.M I O inim e:

iiC ilA IES, ___ .

I'.crilnH hlh!"ln«"nlKVi'\Vi^hi' V'.rrIilt

■ ■ ■ p & w - i & r T rrlni! ..ildrcM wua .Irllvcrod hy J. J.

nil. |)r. Murry liavli hud dinrsr.ot

:ii: -«cr« II. A. Kalmou: ndrl^ir llrutm- sc fRli.llf. Uavla. iMinW: K. V. l-wlrr. CO lunl conaiil commnndur: A, W, S..w)r.

s s ;r.; rwly nl llio Idaho fiirnUhiMr ..|iirr-

)EnyGiE[s roUIOFWESl. i: .FOR l i i•i; llnnsrn .Mun H'llhilra«» trom liarr lor

ilhtbnur C«iumK«lonrr: T. II. Ir. *■ nln (riin«rnl» lo IlijIrrt Triidrnoy ''* Shoiui III Mno r.|i III I'urlIrs j

■ ■ ------- • 1i A. Iv. I'ciiysrnvi. of llnnarn imlayi •.vlihdrow hla candldii.-y tor Ihc p.i.l-' ilmi of lilshwuy rommlajilniiri'. 11 »u* | rtporlcl hrro 1o<1av. A Icluplicino.

I iniHnaxc Id llanicll by thu Tinira con-!I Ilrin(d Ihv rriioci. • i

Thla wllh thu oairniiro of T. II. Ir-III nln. iiromlnvnt ftfrnicr and aiockinai.! U llTlnr. on Addlaon nvcnuo, oulalde of, 'I ihlx cliy, 1« Ihv ouly new - feuiuru,

iiarklnc iho ccnirai ot-llio c.mimla- jloncratilpa of tbo hlsbway dlairln. The elecilon>lll--lDk'v I'lnoo Kalur.lay

Z ln.ni S o'clock In the mornlnu unlll . T iHclcmk In tho evrnlnt. tn thia I'jiyi , he voilin; placrt will lir In lliv John-i

ion AUto Salai company room* hulld-j L Iub and In ili« rorrldora ot tho court ■J i j .™ I

' Mr.jlrwtn ndda aholh'r auhaiaiillik'' [■-'■(iiinii,*! lu lh;i In ; ut lilliiu nliii-a ir - u '>ll<;nt: >acrlllca Ibamiclvra far. „l '.lit son<i ot lilt pcopici' It chw'n. Tho, . ^lovamcui fur other rnndldalra goea'

- n apacr. Tht ilayl bMim r-aihvrnl I i„ impalua In Ih'a rlly, nnd Ihn frivmlal ,^ o t l.annfonl arc wotklitc-anilinala^-;

! Allacka are hrluj; mndo nn Knbrrt i ir ’Uayl and lliairJ.aualnrd In ilili) cliy. j iy<ill Ima licon rharscil Mnl the tonnvr. li. jia mil n iaii«yer. "Thl* *i»'r’ti«nt. la j

. ' c.tda of the rouniy In'i.aufrr will | (I nliow hiin.iii lie a hrnry ‘.aipayer. .,'D ll 'la charRfd ihal thn 'rhml'on 'nf la Iboan iwo will mo.in two Inim Ibr In aalmnn, 'Thla la. Ii la pnlnlctl oui. II- 'niy irchnlrully corrrci. Mr. Ilnrl'a > ' poi(nfrtrr“ frTwf.rniii.-."v-iifro ‘irrr h1 ».nnBfurd IIvm bI tho nlhcr rnd of

•lie .‘J’ninion irnci nnd baa Ihc Iniernla 10 i t n InrRc.ierrllory ouialdo Ihv a»1-

mnn Iran at .hcari.Thrro la a' Irndcno' for Ihfl pirllr:

• '0 rno i:i. t.-lih Hal. i.mr.lord, nnd Irwln on-nnn xlile'Bnil Dunaway. Car-1 (rr nud Wlaomon-ou Ilm oilier.. '


■r, -.-bo vraa found mllly of niiaanli nnd ill iiatlory on th* poraon of .Jnhn Wn-

Kiwflin end tlocd hy I’oller JudRo '11 Kmini'ily I’arknrd. haa aerved. )io;lco •d .if appnl, tic unnouncrjl thal ' hr

would Blvo bond In eppoal tomorrow.1} \ trinirl Irmimrnrlly auppllcd iho ro­ll. ipiirrd nurrly In tho form nf a rhook.

i — .yfMA n n o n r

E f f e c t i v e

R oyal t C rochet

A l l S i z e s — A i l , C o l o n

. ■ , .W h

: : ^ ' 3 f o i


lp m is.i)F :':■llGOMl^F- ;s -PREPimL

'j . im” Iw'ue^'^wIiDd"\.'htn"judw”\l''"''A!

'« i'll” lor'^ibt'Am^inin'"” lla ‘ p 'i5 « l nit At a mi.cl.nit prodded ovor by ITca-. h« )iii.ni Ororso Child* nnd held in the

Snrm i l’o«|b|lllfe«

(btermlnisl laler. Should lhe au- l>rri.iv court tuaialn* Judce ilabcock. I.f cuurac.. Ibe inaitor. ao f »r ii» Ibla Iirw ocdlnw la coiircrncil. will lie nnd- «d,

llolh SldH IlMidr __ . llolh ahira aro iirop^irM'fvf. n tIr.

iiroua <;iinpilp!li ot cdurJllon In . ro- ' Mtd lo (ho projoil Bnd II la l.rllmd

Ihal ilcinnhor l will acr tho dlicui-I alon luunchod in conical. Tho i|ur*tlon

r.t Ihu loMl alaiua iif tho. wntor rlnliia. {) ii< rcn.pnrrd wllh AthoMi wIll-Tio nnni

if llir liioi.t i|uml0R«. Thv IrlcudH oti Ihr dlatrlcl aay Ibal tllo rlchiiu^nw' hrld nro nccraaarlly. unlinpalrnl Iiy

°r <hp-<'roullnn oLUio now dlalrkL 8<>nin r . (Ajorinra doiiy ihla.' Oihcra drclarc ■} Unit aluco Iho Twin l-'alla tract,Im

ti.mplc water on n majority of m n , —'•l^onld-bo-nBirtor-to-lnir-mofe.-f'*'

h rp lr Iricnat of Ilia project aay thal irioYcn a partial Inllure ot n few cropi l- 'rn ociniilonol year wp.jld ro«l far ial mnro Iban Ilm rost nt tho dam. -10 Tlir'c.nrfiumcuti will h» nmplUIrd 1-! durins the comlirs ranipalr.n. nnd olh-

lir» addcl an boili ildet. r-lll.! - ................. ........... I

~;i HOLLISTER -1— ¥ = r - r — H

" l Mr. nnd j'frn. C. K, Porklna.and / MlaaiConi Perklna nf Caalttford tii- ]:.|led Irlrnd'a./ft Holllaler'Suaday.11 Mr*.. I’cier./Corak want lo Twin.

iTalla Xlfluday roiurnlnR Tueiday. ., J. It. Ittfhslt'Ol Twin h'tlh t h n f 'n r.rd hiialntiM.ln 1lolllilcl'J»'lomL«y

■' and Tuaaday.. ; , • - . •JIU* Florvhce rren ilu l r vlilllnR

"■'hrr a'aier Mrai I'rter Corak.="! .U’. B. tlabcpek of- Twin Fa'Jt waa l’yiin Ilollliier-.Mondar- ■ ^*"' Amim* the Hnllliler . people Iten '•:in-T«rlH Poll*^aalurday wtr t Mr,

rtiMra. K L IjBiard. Mr. nnd Mra. F. >’- ; i \ llaloa, % 'n i td M a. Uoy Wll- nr. Il\<u. Mr. nnd Mrx. Jno aertjar. Mr. 1"|aiiA Mr*. Vl K,, Uwrcm-o. Mr. and

:ii;xi!l»onBld. JlrrftBd^Mr*. Wllllam'’. ilntiiman: M«. W. F.: Kiwrneycr. nf MrV. II. II. Johnaon.' Mlaa Klliabcih :ir Ili/eriB. Minn Ivn- filnimoni. H. J. II. lillll. Anhur ITuU and J. ii. KIrrh- I'* urr aad Jamri Wflmla. ;'r? ~IK h'e-m sfflrif“ flf~no««r»nil“ wii< of la bualucai' Tlillor In ilollltler Mon> I* day,1- . (Irorsc r. m ile who lint Ixtn a

patient nl Ihe boapllal In Twin V ill* . . the. I’Hl IWO week* la 'conralraclnR.

Mr. mid Mni. S..P. Ihba and Mr.. and .Mr*. K 1 l.iwrenca moiored

lu’'rwl9 m ia Sundny,Mr*. A'. J. lClat:nonaid wa* a Tli-

Imr nl ihr rouniy aeal Monday.. i:. Iw l.nwrencft Iraniaeted bual-

II nf«« In T»ln rtll* Momlay. ..

i:- Uolllalor Kurtddy. ' - .10 .Miirrln Mlllrr liaa mnred Inlo tha:o lim ii .Mnri .raoIdcBrt in. Iha tlrook.ir dair nddlih.n, . , 'K. . tl. M.- ilall nf Twin ' Kallt wan0- imnnc lho ou'l nt tnwn-.vlallor* Ink. Ilollliier Monday. _______ _


n c e m e n t/ e a t O n c e

S oc ie ty ; Threadsj r s E x c e p t 3 0 - 4 0 - 5 6 - 6 0

i^ h itc

r 2 5 c ■' ■


•1| P E R S O N A L S i

----—Arlhor llrimll |*.lu ilujil'on hual-nvjia io.luy.

I I ’ 0. 9. llAlty wna liA'r'from Jerome I Ihl* mornliif.

! Mrn, It. E. -Siucdlcy of Ilurlcy waa In I Ihla elly laal, evening un bualne**.

' Jame* IJiidiey waa down Irom Ilan- *CR Ihla lanrnlnt on builnoa.

JudKO J,' M. Shans waar l i r r t al.* lomllni: dialrlci cuun from Iluhl lu-

• S '" ' - ■ ■ ■ ■ _ ’% J. I \ M bfe.li lii'itiwii Irm Ilme- '■f' wnrih looklnR afleV aome builnrta »t- A. fulr*. • . :

Krnnk Krnnody nf ilanirn la 'irana- noiiBK bu^neaa here tmlay.

Ihe! K. M. riarrns of JnrhldRn la In tho >'«'Mly (m liualnoaa. ..

'>»•' H. Koairr nf llicerman n m r orer >°r lait eveninR on m bualneat mailer.

Kra Iliidiion of JirbhUe la here nn 3 butlneat rnntier. ..

i ' / J. I’. (lulRloy of Joromo I* Irniu- »' arilBS bualneia hc{j. loday,

Oicar Allon la lirre from' I’ocalello. lho Rticai ot hla broiber, Wendell.

J,' C. DreckenrJdM,'accflmpanled bj;' :l‘- Ills wife, uina In from Winona Ijike, ll* ImllBiiB. ycalerday to Tltll hla brollier “I* t .. L ilrockenrliiRa and tamlly.

II. II, >‘ninrr* wn* in Ihu rhr trom Kllor on butlnra yeaiorilar.

' Wllllai]i Wcrkei Ictl laal -rtcn li/ tor HiK-hratrr. Xllnii.. tor inodlral-nt-- iftiUon,. . . ■ .

'*•! Mr*. R rrtno, prnprloinr of tho "".'Munyuu Unoina ai Fuler iclhrnod lati "Mr'cnlnR afler rculini: aomo' proimrly.

.lie uwna In Ihla cliy. j

. .iBcU llrallru of llollali'r la In till* I” r'ly tn.lny. U • _ ■

B. Tauhrr la nrcMfrom Wtndell | ,ai' |

J. W. Willlr-na of Jarhhlge 1« f " 'ii'thiei* tliltor here. |

V. R. Uud woa up frcm Iluh'l la tt! fVcnlnK. I

■ Mr. nnd Mra. J M Conk nro' dowii I - | from Ilurlcy on hualncat. I

i K. ,h 'Wlill* fa here from Huhl look- j I 'ns afler aome nullart. I

' Mr. Bod M:*. O.'.Fromol wtra in ilila h,i '^hr on bualnria njBlltra Ihla moro-

■— T ■'■Im • II. A. K.ii|»r »•-« ill Ih1.i clir Irotn

■ leromo thla mornlnc. , . ' |

^ ^ ’I'fl'inap i;aa n Burley rjillor'[

Mrt. m a k I)m 1 of noHtaon.-who . . r'm n nu Iiai rvmliii! in iraniar! hua-

Iliea*,. raiurnKi lo hor lioina iotla^

f" n. A.- KeelM'n-i of Ilnhl •«« In 'bl«n.i »>t 'i l« n n?wr?pniiT; J. {I Itarnea.'^'in with hit h-nUv

'inifl horo from lUnarn |*at wmV |ri „,{ I'l-o. weni 10 nuhl on builneia lOdoft

“ ArthurTloTr r7in"rneirio liufli”i ^fr. --------- ^ :------- ----------- :-----III I I

*■ T R A P P E R S !

“ - I hare an order for 300 corolei from B LiBBer nnd lunataeliirtr

' sf (nr Rirarflit lu te delUrrtd .br'JB auarr 1. lllde iirlcti are

'* onar up- See me before jon aell.I ran' handle jour beantr-K tod


E D . V A N C E,|. ’ SI7 baihaae flt. 5a.

F - -= 7 = . - ■ , ^

ha ■ •",1(. —— , » ■ .......... . ,1 ■ I,

; 3 N o v e l l

: * 5 ^ ^

' ' " -SpThree very pretty

that we can sell for 1 have decided to put window..B l a c k S u e d e a n d ~ 7

P a t e n tA blueher oxford of black, tutde. Irlrnmed with black pattai icalh;

' tr . Hat low heel, AU ilfct from 3 to 8, widihi A to a e s Q C

• Aliraetlitc, i)ew,-----

: T iiu n

" I day.. Hr remalnni orpr from ' IhaI Wiwduisj) iDlMBiliin.

J ' Tom Dtvl* returned to lluhl lo- duy Btier n bualueaa Irlp lo Ihhi-cily.

■■-A. .li. (Ilihaa rciurnad lo Miloer Ihla mornlnR-alier tptndloR iha i>aat tew dayt. wilb relailrea, hero.>mc I - • ' _ ,

! S i x t h G r a d e P r i z e ■ » E s s a y o n B o o k s

an-i The following by Illanclia Jewell of . I Ihcr W>hInRton achooi-It Ihe lUih icrade-caiay-iw ‘-The Flro-nookk-,1'

aiw.Mko Ucil.'- Which won-lhe..conltil m.. durins book wock:

I ' My.'firtl Choice It Ih^ "Ul'nla' Chrlat* m u Carol.'’ by Ualt IIourIbi WIrrIh,

4t- I ptrflc'ihny llkt ilili M t a* JI Ja a at- atory o t.a lllllo crlp1e<l. slrl who!

liponda'her ilme.dnlnii ru«I for otheni ' mntimd.-of lamenilRE orer her owa

n«- mlaforiune. • .I Anolhrr'une of my faTorllct ' It

, h'l'aity. >'Blrflelil." by Carolyn Wella. "'OiThla book la InterettlaR lo n tion ac-

I rounl of lit bupior. ^. I I cnjiiyed reading "Dlack Ueauty

hysawoll. na ll WM aboUl tho trail- . menl of. a hone I.r dltfarent people.

>:Tom Sawyer" U oBOIher .cholcoof m.inc. jl wia'Intercaltd .In ihia b«- cBuae of (bt prankt played by. the main clitracier. wrilieii l.y Mnrk' TwBln. . . -

- Anfliber.one. ihai I IlkO'Yerr well li 1,0 llw^lolit}''Twint OB Ibe Heel). Hlue

ara, by U u n U a Hope. Mike It oa . ncco)ini ot to much outdoor lift.

ll*/ SEDALIA,. Mo,—Two daughlera ot Morsaii i’umnili, who dltd rtctntly. touml <7,000 In pcnalci, nlckelt, dimea and tliver dollara ihelr.Ifllliar-had burlrd.ln a kuR. umler(ilie .iiaokA- Iiou»a.. .-

Iff . "■............ ................ ~” i , . . S a l m o n S e t t

ho' - . . ' f S l - . ' • . . . I .

V o Im j'ii» . - ' . . -

^„| ; . F o r H i g h w a y

. I o tho V oten of tfio Twin Ft

j •' A wUe a ad 'e f fid e o l ffij [ . necenity of the pnbllo m l f u I ' our' higfawoj' d litiic t b u ' been

r i e n ^ road buildet of nnqii I Tbo u n d e r f e d la ltla n o f U I by ih tl r kn^wledgd of road

' ' { to the 'xp ten of tbo district th , a t tbe tleellon to be held dox

lit .’" 'I ’ ,1101.1,1

,m] A. F. CltAVFA- ■ I C. C. IIUIX ■ A. £UUt&O.S’ '

H w. r, K»-VaMrrYFlt{--------- —H i. OKXjnaH-'WEmi ho "J . B. KWIIN •I"- J. DIIDLBV-

\y.\i. uAi;sMA.s' . : .,1,1 P- H. LESBYu J ________^ A. J. MeDO.VALI) •'^1 ■ 8. P. ha iLs'JJJ I jAME3 .'WOODS ■ '

J. 0 . sc n tii i x a ___'“ i r u " w ro n m -----------------------

_ F. A. IX)WE ■ • -„ L K LtK nU TZ'"

, ‘ J. S. STAim

' . IlHII

1 . H. QUVIS- i P. w. iiEiiovm ' ■e ' F. U ItOPBIl >• A. 0. VICTOtl •“ E. .U MOUN

•U IIUDDWSON ' ^} w. j ; mJTHKnFOiiD[/• - c. K BIIAW- '•

HUOH 1)001) , '

Ity O x l s r i i

t t y o x f o r j p a t t e m s j u s t ,ci r l e s s in o u i- D o w n s t a r i s S u t t h e s e o \ i t a t a s p e c i a l p r

' ~ . ” S a h ~ d 'B u c k - a n d - ' P i l e h t

de. A Terr liftaeilro anrt preiiy iport th; Ahot. Hat tpe-csp nnd aaddla ot jm ' black'palcnl-wllh balanM of thot .

S $ 5 ' 9 5

liiisDAV, XdVUMiiEU

ASPIjfaNlu- '


, k .

Vho Voteti'roii'M o'itbit'Badi.lU rer" |Itra oa paekan-or OQ .UbltU m aro iIWB not:|tlU a| lli,o’.'«tnBla#;Baytr'5 ro- ;

duefprcaerlbed br'phralclana o « r• It a reara and ptfred aala. br b IIIIom |dla. for ........' ,BC- Colda . . Ilaadaebe . !

Tooihaeha ■ . U n ta io _-rty- Fjiraehe ' * llh to inayam -rv

Nannlffa Pa/o.-ftlB* : )>■ , ■Accapt-^Wer.TabIoU'.of.%ittip“ :»»' oalr. lJ*cb.'uabrokea pacluiH^ W -?*• taltiiiprop*rairaeiiona.*ll»^;bQ»^

of iw tl»#,U bl*li,«iL :-ttw ,;«nta- . Drauliia alao aell botUe*>'et \-loo, . Aiplrln li, tho':lnLflij«arlt« i

I* Bayer Maaufaetnra'ot MoBoaeoileaeW* { e titr of Sallcrilcacid;’ '- ' I - ' ' ;

•We rtliulld .of I’APKAnD tno tbra 'riidefr'aU l* ;

/ ■Oiiaraiiteeiiodd'aa'.neiri'J ,■ad 'STEPKEK b V t. PBIND. Op. 'ikiw -. ' ■ • ; <i"l r - >’■

s t t l e r s i n d o r s e ; . . r j . .

l y G o m m i s M o n e r

I Falli Highway D Utriet! .Highway Cominltilbn' i i ' i prime . Ifare. I n 'O o m m i i ^ r Langford leen’lortnjiate '.ia bayliis:as'.exiw - aqueitio iied 'in tegri^ aad 'aU U ty .!■ the-aalmon 5 ta r t ‘ b ^ g artm iW ad conditl6ni,>bereby\'reco»meDd t the re^ee tio ii of B l iir i u g f ^ r ^□ext Saturdiy, N o V e n ^ 'M .- ^

)i.i,i»TEii ;

' m. auHBB.v ■ .CilHia » I O b O H U < A U 8 :u s. Louir.y .,> .....„c..

■ K.-W. WORT- . •, iioitr-BAYETrainit. co, 'A., B. CALDWELL .•

- F, U HA7JIUD - •' ■, F. A. DUDLEY , , . ', K..C. HE.NSTOCK . ' ' .

IlOBEn'r rALMER i l nAnMiousg •• • 'PEnnV MILLEK ‘.NV W. ,U\IlSbN- ' . • -

- II.'.WALTFJl ; -• V -,. .,E. E. LAwnegjB ' ■ -


J. M. IlllATri'-Nf

IHIKIKU. •, •• . '


, CEO. i* McORECOIt a >1. IIRADY . r- . ;W. W. STAim 'I». t t CjmiBTE.VSE.'J-.- A. U.,AYBR, ? - i ; '.

' • IL-odRfiT; ' ‘M. QATE8 • , " •

d s A r r iv e

t i S ->ale

c a m e ; - in a h d - t o r p W v e : . . S l i c e . D e p a 'r t m e n t : w e :

p r i c e . S e e '-{ I ie i4 i i n t h e ' \

Brovro Calf PalonI: ,■ ■‘" . T n i f t f i i i d ; ”; ' . ' . J .

rt A- Kood-lookin'* •-Md;-.praclicat ot Ilrcel ahoa. .Oood.qeatltr.broim M .calf. trim aiM 'w lA .tU ekpattnl.