TURE AND SC3INCE. "AYe' ,esgIW-3LCWTIOx *v rosegseas. grami ne Decided Upon-The Coulge me e Establshed as once. SBoad of Supervisors of the State Univer- Asricultural and Mechanical College the Executive office at 11 ,. m., acting Wilt; ea officlo preeldent, In the chair, useant: Meears. Williams, Grimes ad and absent: Messrs. Ganby, Brent, Lsaher, Taylor, Ryland. Sanford, Bonn- SMdollom and Ferrar. action, a recess was taken until 12 m. that hour the acting Governor again oalled THE SOLan TO o0nan, belng present a fall quorum. minutes of the previous meeting were read ed, when the acting Governor stated the president of the faculty was present, hqufred if bhi report was ready. Boyd replied that it wee, whereupon he to read his recommendations, and eampletlg the reading of the same, it was, altMon of Mr. Mo~ollom, decided that the on. be taken up and considered This wee done, and the recommenda- hs a pted, and in the ehape of a report New OaLtsse, October 18, 1877. Memorable the Members of the Board of a of the Louselana State University Agrincltural and Mechanical College: In obedience to your instructions I to submit the followin : nanclal condition of theInstitution so far have been able to ascertain in the limited llowed, it, for the present academic year: .. h in hand July Interest tural and Iioohanical Col- . ed................... $8887 00 interest on ame........ 6.887 00 available fund......... $18,785 00 i-Balance in band of late treasurer B. College, as reported by the LATva BOARD or OOlTat. lastitution, say 14800 interest on semi- J s and January coupons; 6 per cent 18 000 bonds, $8280; of which $187,. a bonds converted into new State yield, at 7 per cent interest, $8754, one eity (New Orleans consolidated) total $681. Total contingent, $10,014. the only safe way is to have the ex- for the coming year in the absolutely 'eaue, which Ioly $18,000, and even t may have to be paid old claims late Agricultural and Mechanical Col- ating to some $821 15, leavIng, in fact, a8to begin the new institution with sany) of $19,919 b6. that am1n9t Ps our starling point, 1 could only safely organse the Ineitln- t on the ver Ismited baits of two pro- rs the president, and those two pro. better be of mathematle and mechan- F ral and agricultnral chemistry. rec mmend the appointment, mat oiier professors. basis the probable expenses might be he comIng year at the following fg. and acting professor of lea- ........ ............ $8500 00 it mathematices........... 9,000 00 of general and agricultural try ....... ........... 8,00000 int of quarters, estimate... 8 00 00 of eeretary and treasurer .... 750 00 espenses of Board of Super. estimate ............... 756 00 fees (0.1. S. B. Kelly)....... 800 00 , prining and stationery, ..... 0............. 6000 (janitor and watohman) esti- 410 00 hts ................... 800 00 drayage and other Incidental .. . . ... . ......... 800 0 o chemical and agricultural s and other contingent say..... .......... 180 86 probable expense foryear. .. .$12,912 85 if the minor items In this estimate are, smail. respectfully suggest thatto the president two profeseors be entrusted the prepsra- a course of study to be reported to the i supervisors at the regular quarterly in D-cember; and that meanwhile the be empowered to adopt such course of may to them seem best. also suggest that the rules and regula. the la e Lnislana State University be adopted as those of the new school snot modifications as the President of and the vice president of the board may deem necessary to conform " laws esseablehing the institute; and that tadifoations of those rules and regulations ted at the December. meeting of the of uspervitore. would fur' her suggest the propriety of com- tiag with the honorable the Secretary of yetaiive to the assignment of an officer of ted Stat s Army to this institution to give in military tactics, strategy, etc., in with a general law of Congress, pro- sau enah assignment to the several State and mechanical colleges. suggest, too, that the vice president of d of supervisors and the president of the be specially empowered to make such ar- ate as they may deem necessary for the BOARD AND LODGING in the building of the institution, that said boarding department must be Ing and that no part of the endow. the institution shall be used in defraying '~emses of boarding and lodging students, that these two officers shall report any such eat which they make to the board of at the December meeting. are other matters of importance to be e the board, but my time is out and the 15 all peihape that the board has now time abonelder. esspeetfully submitted, B. F. BOYD, President. Islet, the adoption of the repnrt as given, Brent asked if the rules referred to were and what they related to. yd replied that they included every. bat WEBS IN MANUSCRIPT, the oily reason he had for the suggestion to Set the school started, to get it in shape. . itrickland presented the following amend- t to the second propoeltion, which wee sed, That when quarters are allowed to professor the same shall be assigned by the PRESIDENT OF THE FACULTY, that not more than 8200 per annum be for any one professor, and whenever and convenient quarters shall be as,- in the university building. Brent thought, after the adoption of the ,that perhaps the rules alluded to re- TO THE UNIVERSITY, the board had two different schools to r, section four, he said, of the act of making the donation made the fund his for any other purpose than that speci- and he proceeded to " EAD THE SECTION, a 4. And be it further enacted, That a derived from the sale of the land by the States to which lands are appor- and from the sale of land scrip hereinbe- ded for, shall be invested in stooks of States or the States, or some other yielding not less than dve per centum per value of said stooks, and that the so invested shall constitute a perpe nal Wtl of whioh shall remain forever except so far as may be provi led Afth of this sot, and the interest of e oal abe y l pa ?elATa!D B* EACH STATE toka aode e~ the bat of this act tuad libeal atd p agetsel of Indnstri t lalsses i the evecnl and proteseions In life." Aet approved J 181 w ( Gen. Brent continaed tat while workloa the construction might be made by some that the board was working on the seminary fund for agricultural purposes. and that he desired to correct before enoh impression had become circulated throughout the State. He would, therefore present, as covering his ideas and as an amendment to TEa PU2IDmxT'5 zEPOrT, the following, to be considered as an additional portion of that report: Whereas, The board of supervisors have been unable, by reason of canese beyond its control. to prescribe in detail the coarse of stndies to be pursued at the University and Agricultural and eechancal College; and Whereae, It is Incumbent on said board to de- termine upon a system of instruction to be pur- sued; therefore, beit Resolved by the Board, 1. That the leading ob- ject to be sought by the president and Tacuty is to teah such brancbes of learning as are related to agrlolture and the mechanic arts, without e:- elaung other scientiflo, classical OS MILITASY STUDIEs. 2. That in execution of the object there shall be organized, in obedience to section twelve of the act of Incorporation, and according to its classIfication First-A sechool or schools of literature. tiecond-A school or schools of scienoe, wherein mathematics and such other branches of learn- lug as are related to agriculture and the me- chanic arts shall be taught. Third-Much other schools prescribed In section twelve as may be organised with the limited means at the dieposal of the president and fao. city. 8. That the president of the faculty, until fur- ther direction of the board, be charged with the duties of professor of civil engineering, and that he Is authorized and directed to assign to any professor the duty of Instructing in other branches than that appertalnlng to his particular chair when, In the judgment of the president, the same can be conveniently done. 4. That subject to the foregoing deola~rapn, and to the law of Imororration, the prlidit and faculty are uathorIze to prescribe in detail the course of studies In the respective schools, and that at the regular meeting In December next the president and the faoultybe directed to submit a report recommending In detail a course of studlee as prescribed and provided for by sec- lion fourteen of the act of incorporation for the consideration of the board. The preamble and resolutions were adopted. A motion prevailed requesting the Governor, as ex-omficio president of the board, to communi- cate with oae wits THU ECRETARY 0? WARl, requesting that an offioer of the United States Army be detailed under existing'laws of Congrese to instruct in military tactics at the institution. 0o0 Boyd said he would like to make a state- ment, and said as the board will be short of pro- fessors he proposed and was perfectly willing, and would suggest tfat there be employed a fOUSSOB OF ANCIENT LANGUAGES, at a salary of $9000, that sum to be paid oue of his own (Boyd'.) salary, and he would look to the seminary fand for his salary when that could be made available. Mr. Sanford thought it better to take a portion each from the salary of the other professors than take it from the president. (Gen. Brent was opposed to the idea of taking anything from the president's salary, it "wAs Nor BUsnxNes."1 he thought, aad the board desired to conduct It- self on business principles. Vol. Boyd replied that the institution needed a start; he was willing to trust to the seminary fund for his salary, if by so doing he could assist in the start and secure the requisite number of professors. It would, in his opinion be much better for the reputation of the institution for him to look to this fund ror his salary than for one of the professors to do so. Mr. MoOollom was not in favor of such a move. Mr. Lusher was also oPPose To tr, and moved that the request of the president of the faculty be recorded upon the minutes, and that further consideration of the subject be post- poned until the next regular meeting in Decem- ber. 0arried. On motion of Mr. Lusher, it was resolved that the expenditures for the ensuing year shall in no case exceed the amounts named under the re- apeotive heads in the report of the president of the faculty. The secretary presented letters from the Sec. retary of State and the 8State Treasurer in re- sponse to his inquiries as to whether those offi- cals would deliver the seminary bonds for fund- ing. The letter of the State Treasurer alludes to the resolution of the board irst, and concludes as fol- lows: "I WILL SAY that under act 182 of 1857 I doubt if any author- ity is vested in me as custodian, or you, gentle- men, as members of the board, to dispose of said bonds as directsd, except by a legislative enact- ment." The Secretary of State rpfers to the reso- lution first and then to act No. 8 of 1874 regard- ing the funding of the bonds according to the provisions of act No. 182 of 1857, and thinks the bonds should be held as a perpetual fund for the purposes for which the said fund was created, and says accorditg to the provisions of the sots, it should not be diverted for any purpose other than that for which it was and is pledged. As a sense of duty," he continues, "I feel constrained to decline parting with those bonds and especial- ly to convert them into securities at a d.ecount of forty per cent, except under legislative enact- ment or under an order emanating mena or unuer an uruer emauaung NEOw THE COURTS of the State" Gen. Brent moved that legal proceedings be instituted to test the question of the right of the board to fund the bonds, and that the presi- dent of the faculty be authorized to employ c unsel and to take each steps as he may deem proper to test the question referred to. Carried. The ex-oficio president declared then that nominations for professors were in order. Mr. Btrickland moved that the board go into executive session. Carried. After remaining in executive session for an hour the doors were opened, when Gov. Wilz re- marked that NOMINATIONS WERE IN ORDER. Mr. Lusher nominated as professor of mathe- matics J. W. Nicholson, of Claiborne parish. There being no other nominations, the election was made unanimous. As the professor of chemistry, Mr. Strickland nominated Dr. Joseph J. Jones, of New Orleans, and he was elected without opposition. On motion of Gen. Brent, it was resolved that a professor of ancient and modern languages be elected in addition to the professorships already established, and that a salary of $1500 per annum and quarters be allowed said professor until in the opinion of the board its fnances will allow it to be increased to $2000. On motion of Col. Boyd, Prof. W. C. Wilde was elected professor of ancient and modern lanr gusges. On motion of Dr. Williams the president of the faculty was authorized to take possession of, re- ceive and receipt for, any and all property, assets, etc., belonging to THE TWO COLLEGES. Col. Boyd stated that he understood that some notes were due, or were about to become due, on the old Agricultural and Mechanical College; but he did not known in whose hands they were. He knew, however, that there was =2(',000 in State warrants as collateral behind these notes, and inquired as to the course to be pursued. It was thought and decided that the resolution covered the case. On motion of Mr. MoOollom, a finance com- mittee of three, to consist of the president of the faculty, the vice president of the board of super- visors and another member, to whom shall be referred all questions of floanoe arising during the BECESS CF THE BOARD, but without power to audit claims, was ordered. The acting Governor appointed as the addi- tional member Mr. Strickland. Mr. htricaland moved that an executive com. mittee oonsisting of three members be appointed, to consist of the vice president of the board, the president of the faculty and another member. Carried. Gen. Brent was appointed as the additional On mution then TEE BOARD ABJOTUENX until the fires Monadq in Deoember, when the wiet behel int, Brou~e, awl wham ~ ~ ~ h -ar Ihtle Iaglr r. MU CI~PAL Dfc*3u~. !lien Malone, for pilferin wood on the New Basin, is in hook in the Central Station. Laura Wynar was looked up the Third Station, charged with being a "vag." Joseph A. Gerardot is in the Third Station, charged with having swindled Mr. M. Galltan out of his "super." A. Z. fibble for saving that he would take Mrs. Ribble', lie was placed behind the bars of Capt. Meaning's hotel. John Boses found carrying a concealed weapon, was bunoead by a myrmidon of the law and landed in hook. Auguste Gabriel assaulted Fanny Gray with a dangerous weapon, and was lodged in the Third to answer. Wi. Steward is In durance vile at the Central Station, charged with obtaining from Wm. P. Green the sum of $15 underfolse pretenses. Henry Bower was yanked inkc the Central Sta- tion, charged with breaking and entering the house of Bes Lambert, No. 264 Delord street. Fui that bridge at the corner of Tohoupitonlas and Belioeastle, or some wayfarer will break his shins and then there will ;ae a lawsuit against the city. The shed of the house No. 80 Franklin street is said to be in a dangerous condition and liable to fall at any moment, endangering the lives of pe.- deetrians. It should be repaired or torn down. At 1 o'clock yesterday a sailor named Thomas Fitzpatrick tell down the hatch of the sloop Itasosa lying at the head of Louisa street, and broke his left leg. $e was taken to the hospital. The gallery of the house at the corner of Girod and Fulton streets is in a dangerous con- dition, and portions of it are liable to fall and in- jure pedestrians. Yesterday at 11 o'clock a boy named Wm. Schmidt, ed 11 years ran away from his pa- rent's residence No. 124 Jackson street. He is described as beig dressed in a calico shirt and gray Jean pans Any information concerning him can be given to the Chief of Police. At 10 o'clock yesterday morning a colored man named Chas. Penn, while painting a house on St. Charles street, near Calliope, fell from a soaffold to the yard a distance of ten feet, slightly injur. ing himsellf about the head. He was taken to his residence, No. 250 Calliope street. The body of Alphonse Chaueon, who fell over- board from the steamboat Eva, Sunday a week ago, was found yesterday floating in the river at the head of Conti street. The deceased was twenty-three years of age. The coroner was no- tidied to hold an inquest. Baptiste Bainberen and twelve other persona were yesterday before Judge Miltenberger, charged with having participated in a oharivari. After the testimony was heard the Judge fined seven of the crowd $10 each or thirty days, and discharged the balance. Bainberen was unable to pay his flue and went to prison. Stay atabbee. Yesterday, Bergeant Purjol arrested a negro man named Geo. Gray and lodged him in the Al. giers Precinct Station, on the charge of having entered the house of one Caroline Price in the night time, armed with a dangerous weapon, to wit, a club; and while in said premises did com- mit a murderous assault upon the occupant, beating her severely. This took place Wednes day nght at the abode of Caroline, two miles below Algiers. The woman was ordered to be re- moved to the Charity Hospital, but at last ac- counts had not reached there. Preacher Bryant Again on the War Path Geo. W. Bryant, the boss colored preacher or the Fourth District, at half-pest 9 o'clock Wed- nesday night, walited into the Afrioan Baptist Church, and while the preacher of said churob was delivering a sermon on the subject of how Jonah went a fishing and got swallowed by a whale, made the preacher out his sermon short and get up and "git." He had no so ner got rid of the preacher than he dispersed the congrega- tion. Fortanaely for Bryant he had left before Offoer Dwinen heard of the affair, or he would have been in the "jag" sore. Dora Willams' Story. Between the hours of 9 and 10 o'clock last night the stifi'd cries of a woman calling "Watch I Murder I Help I" came from the neutral ground on Basin street, between Canal and Gasquet. The officers responded immediately to the cries of the woman and, on arriving at the scene, they found a woman named Dora Williams. who stated to them that she had been accosted by a penitentiary convict named James Davis, alias Joe Alexanler, who informed her that unless she acceded to certain demands he would put an end to her and his threate were backed by a knife that Ae held in his hand. Believing that her life was in danger she cried for help, but the police seem to have taken but little stock in her story, as they arrested her on the charge of disturbing the peace. The man Davis, Dora sta'es, at the approach of the officer beat a hasty retreat. Personal. Mr. David C. Moise, lately connected with several city papers, is now with R. 0. Dun & Co.'s mercantile agency, D. Webster manager, 102 Canal street. Getyour kid gloves at Igreeger's. Offner's grand opening takes place Monday. THE COURTS. Superior Criminal Court. ABRAIGNED. Thomas Picket, indicted October 12, 1877, for the murder of Jack Low and Wm. Knuckley, committed January 11, 1876. Pleaded not guilty. Mortimer Carr, indicted October 12, 1877, ut- tering as true two forged receipts for 750 bales of cotton, alleged to be shipped on account of the firm of Carr & Lian, of which the accused was a member. Pleaded not guilty, and was remanded in default of $20,000 bail. Bosenthal, charged with willful and corrupt perjury, was yesterday released on $5000 bonds to appear when notified. OONTINUED, Murder.-.-Pimon St. Gemes, charged with the killing of Francis Hoffman. Continued until Tuesday, the 28d inst. Juzv STILL OUT. The jury in the case of the State vs. Ernest Peppe, charged with murder, were last night or- dered to be looked up for the night. This is the second night that the' jury has been out. It is understood that they stand eleven for conviction and one for acquittal, which goes to show the benefite of the jury system. Second District Court. sucCESSIONs OPENED. The successionb of Mary A. Meeter, Mbad Mill- er and Eliza Farretta, deceased wife of Jean P. Jacob, have been opened in this court. Fifth District Court. In the matter of the heirs of John Slidell pray- ing for a reduction of aesessments, movers aver that they are owners of certain property situated in the First District of this city, which has been assessed for the years 1875 and 1876 at the sum of $24,000, which is an over assessment. They ask the court to order said assessment reduced to its real value $18,700. Rule on Tax Collector of the First District is- sued and made returnable Saturday next at 11 o'olock a. m. New majolica ware at Offner's, 174 Canal, op- posite Varieties Theatre. Get your kid gloves at Kreeger's. DREVITIES. At a meeting of Company A, Crescent Grey., Louisiana', Own, held lest night, the following offilers were elected: Wm. Gowan Captain; John R. George, First Lieutenant; '. J. Smith, Jr., Second Lieutenant; F. U. Rcheaster, Junior Second Lieutenant, and H. J. Henderson, Third Sergeant-the other non commissioned offilers having been elected at a previous meeting. Get your kid gloves at Kreeger's. Dave Young. [Natches Democrat. October 13.1 If the State of Louisiana should succeed in getting a change of venue in Its case against Lave ~Young, for embezzlement of school funds, the robabilities are that he will get j i thought it would be almostin- lefor hi t gt lusie in Coneordia. mes~b Jstceis thtif he em- OPFICIAL. PUfLAC sCHOOLS. Orrxcu BOARD DIRECTORS oF PuBLIC SCHOOLS, t City of New Orleans, October 18. 1877. ) At a meeting of the Board of Directors of Public Schools of the ity of New Orleans held this day, the following assignment of teachers has been made, and in connection with the same she following resolution was adopted: Resolved. That the following named teachers n the public schools of the city of New Orleans are appointed, subject to a probation of three months' service, and all those who may not be removed for cause within three months from the 22d October, 1877, are hereby declared per- manently elected, subject to removal only on written charges and aftr trial and correction by this board, in the manner and for the causes specilled by law. THOMAS J. SEMMES, President Board School Directors, Jons J. OBuIEN. Se-retary, JACKSON BOYS'. Principal-Warren Ea-ton. First Assistant-ltSiss J. E. Linsler. Becondl Assistant-Miss M. E. Purcell. Second Assistant-Miss J. D. Pickens. Third Assistant-Miss M. H. Anderson. Third Assistant-Mrs. Kate Slack. JACKSON GIRLS'. Principal-Mrs. F. C. Tomes. First Assistant-Miss M. G. Oliver. Second Assistant-Mrs. A. Castnll. Second Assistant-Miss . Herby. Third Assistant-Miss B. M. Murphy. Third Assistant-Miss M. Ellison. PAULDINO BOYS'. Principal-Mr. V. Meilly. First Assistant-Miss M. A. Nugent. Second Assistant-Mrs. E. M. Keplinger. Third Assistant-Miss Belle Young. Third Assistant-Mrs. T. J. Beck. PAULDING GIBLS'. First Assistant-Miss R. M. Woodley. Second Assistant-Miss T. M. Elliott. Third Assistant-Miss Julia A. Buckley. Third Assistant-Mrs. M. A. Larkin. CLIO BOYS AND OIRLS'. Princi cnl-Miss M. A. Armstrong. First Assistant-Mrs. A. W. Brown. Second Assistant-Miss M. A. Cumberland. Second Assistant-Miss B. A. Houghton. Third Assistant-Miss M. A. Reuter. Third Assistant- - Third Assistant-Miss Ada Hickman. Third Assistant-Miss M. E. Penn. MABREALL BOYS'. Principal-F. A. Golden. First Assistant-Mrs. J. C. Robinson. Second Assistant-Mrs. K. H. Diboll. Second Assistant-Miss K. Eastman.' Third Assistant-Miss S. Bloomfield. Third Assistant-Miss M. J. Dornan. Third Assistant-Mrs. B. F. Golden. Third Assistant-Mrs. E. Dobie. FRANKLIN GIBIR'. Principal-Mrs. M. E. McDonald. First Assistant-Miss Eliza Todd. First Assistant-Mrs. M. E. Taliaferro. Second Assistant-Mrs. E. B. Johnson. ,Second Assistant-Miss Ida Patton. Second Assistant-Miss Mary Ames. Third Assistant-Miss A. I. Mayer. Third Assistant-Miss Alice 1 amberton. Third Assistant-Miss C. Charles. Third Assistant-Mrs. C. R. McKinley. JEFFEBRON NO. 1. Principal-W. F. Mead. First Assistant-Mrs. C. A. Curtis. First Assistant-Mis-r M. A. McLaughlin, Second Assistant-Miss Ag ies Cass. Second A sistant-Mi-s H M'lotte. Third Assistant- Mits M. 11. Goodwyn. Third Assistant-aMies Mary A.Broderiek. Third Assistant-Miss Maggie Stroudback. Third Assistant-Mrs. J. C. K iley. WEBSTER GIRLS'. Principal-Mrs. N. E. Cooney. First Assistant-Mrs. J. '. lenediet. First Assistant-Mrs. J. E. S ehie. Second Assistant-Miss Mary O'Brien. Second Assistant-Miss Sallie Harris. Third Assistant-Miss (1. 1. Lambourne. Third Assistant-Miss Jennie Reese. Third Assistant-Mise C. Lahatt. Third Assistant-Miss Jennie C. Dodge. MADISON GIRLS'. Principal-Miss J. Jae' son. First Assistant-Miss N. H. Watson. First Assistant-Mrs. K. C. McCann. Second Assistant-Miss M. Micord. Second Assistant-Miss A. J. Coll. Third Assistant-M s J. A. Mulvey. Third Assistant-Miss Sallie Lytle. Third Assistant-Miss Ki. E. Sullivan, Third Ass stint-Miss Ida Bennett. Third Assistant-Miss Mary Donnelly. Third Assistant-Miss Therea Harnett. WT5r RAnown* Princlpal-Thomas W. Dyer. First Assi tant-Mrs. Annie Mackin. First Amsiwtant-MIss Isabella B. Grant. Sicond Assista-it-Mrs. E. L. Vfnables. Third Assistant-Miss ++. K. Hambiett. Third Assistant-Miss Mary A. Mulvey. Third Assistant-Miss A. J. Hamilton. Third Assistant-Miss Mary McCarthy. Third Assistant-Mi s A. J. Shelley. Third Assistant-Miss A. L. Miller. EDMONIA. Principal-Mrs. K. J. Ricker. First Assistant-Miss M. H. Williams. Second A' 8sitant-Mlss E. Vigers. Secon t Assistant-Miss C. Kenne dy . Third Assistant Mis' Florence Johnson. Third Assistant-Miss M. A. Jones. Third Assistant-Miss S B. Allen, SUMNER. Principal-A. P. Williams. First Assistant-Mrs. C. Ke pard. Second Assistant-Miss L. V. Miller. S cond Assistant-Miss M. A. Francis, Tuird Assistant-Miss Anna Mason. Third Assistant-Miss Josephine Hille. Third Assis ant-Mrs. LeoniseJett. METAIRIE RIDGE. Principal-Miss M. J. O'Neill. Third Assistant-Miss F. Conroy. BIENVIILLE. Princiral-ThomasJ. B Flynn. First Assistant-Mits M. J. Paul. Second Assistant-Mrs. O. M. Casa ova. Second Assista't-Mi-s Addle Mtord. Third Assistant-Mrs. P. Ducatel. Third Assistant-Miss M. J. Carr. Third Assistant-Miss kmma Torney. Third Assistant-Mrs. Anna Deisler. ROBERTSON. Principal-Miss A. Fry. First Assistant-Mrs. F. V. Hooper. Second Assistant-Mrs. E. Peniston. t'econd Assistant-Miss G. Kiern. Third Assistant-Miss E. Hilariot. Third Assistant-Miss M. E. Cuggy. Third Assistant-Miss J. Elsele. DERBIONY. Principal-Mrs. M. F. Gerrard. S-cond Assistant-Miss Julia Vfoony, Third Assistant-Miss M. H. Hill. MASON. Principal-Miss Fanny S. Delacy. Second Assistant-Miss Sailie Boyce. RAMPART. Principal-Miss M. V. McCarty. First Assistant-Miss M. Sassinot. Second Assistant-Miss Katie Brown. Second Assistant-Miss Ida Whitaker. Third Assistant-Miss A. Coudrain. Third Assistant-Miss Belle Armstrong. Third Assistant-Miss Ophelia Letten. Third Assistant-Miss Julia Donovan. Third Assistant-Miss Marie Popham. CLAIBORNE. Principal-Mr. M. T. Mullady. First Assistant-Mr. H. Rigglo. Second Assistant-Miss A. A.Finch. Second Assistant-MIs. M. H. We'terfleld. Third Assistant-Miss A. M. Magnon. Third Assistant-Miss Etla Kerns. Third Assistant-Miss Amy Sinclair. Third Assistant-Mrs. M. A. Stockulale. Third Assistant-Miss Kate C. Clark. ST. ANN. Principal-Miss J. M. Mettaxa. First Assistant-Miss M. V. Sarran. Second As-istant-Miss A. E. King. Third Assistant-- - 'Ihird Assistant-Sidonia Holmes. Third Assistant-Emma Licroix. ST. BEILIP. Principal-G. Andry. First Assistant-Mrs. J. B. Prados. First Assistant-Miss L. M<Anulty. Second Assistant-Miss S. B. Redwood. Second Assistant-Miss M. C. O'Connor. Third Assistant-Miss Ellen Moran. Third Assistant-Miss Marian Brown. Third Assistant-Miss Flortnce Forshee, Third Assistant-Mi-s L. Faust. Third Assistant-Miss F. P. Golden, BARRACKS. Principal-Miss M D. Cooper. First Assistant-Mss H. McCarthy. Second Assistant-Miss J. L. Del Trigo. Second Assistant-Miss M. M. McCann. Third Assistant-Miss M. A. Ferguson. Third Assistant-Miss H. L Points. Third Assistant-Miss Liie Donneily. 1?neipal-E. 3. L~dmuuds. First Assistant-L. florapurn Second Assistant-Miss Del iphe Mayronne. ilecoad Assistant-Miss A. Ii. Urban. Second Assistant-Miss S. A. Grant. Third Assistant-Miss Irene H. Yennl. Third Assistant-Miss O. K. Chellet. Third Assistant-Miss M. A. Cur an. Third Assistant-Miss H. Brugnaens. FILLMORE. Principal-George H. Gordon. First Assistant-Miss M. A. Cusack. First Assistant-Mrs. M. F. Stephens. Second Assistant-Miss A. Hart. Soeond Assistant-Miss E M. Brown. Third Assistant-Miss J. fcAnuity. Third Assistant-Miss I. Brown. Third Assistant-Miss M Perez. Third Assistant-Miss Florence A. Smith. Third Assistant-Miss A. W. Duval. Third Assistant-Miss Emma Ducoing. BAYOU BRIDOE. Principal-Miss A. E. Vat Camp. First Assistant-Miss A. board. Third Assistant-Miss Rebecca Smith. Third Assistant-Miss Allen Quayle. LA3IARPL Principal-Mrs. M Chambers. First Assistant-Mr. Chas. P. Guichard. Second Assistant-Mrs. E A. Jones. Second Assistant-Miss Mary Wilson. Second Assistant-Miss A. P. Myers. Third Assistant-Miss Aline Lewis. Third Assistant-Miss I. CampaneL ONNTILLY. Principal-Miss M. E. Anderson. PONTCHARTRAIN. Principal-Mrs. M. Moore. BEAUREU ARD. Principal-Mrs. V. Ducatel. First Assistant-Miss Nettle Parr. Second Assistant-biss K. Munster. Second Assistant-Miss K. Toole. Thiri Assistant-Miss L. Chevello. Third Assistant-Mrs. Emily Golding. VILLERE. Principal-Miss E. P. McCarthy. Second Assistant-Mrs. L. Ward. Third Assistant-Miss Josephine Stewart, LE BRETON. Principal-Mrs. L. Lowe. First Assistant-Mrs. A. M. Dorioconrt. Third Assistant-Miss Kate E. Murphy. M'DONOOB NO. 2. Principal-M'ss Caroline Hubbard. First Assistant-Mrs. A. Bell. First Assistant-Miss M. O. Carter. Second Assistant-Miss E. Lynch. Second As'.istant-Miss M. A. Stewart. Third Assistant-Miss R. T. Moore. Third Assistant-Miss Annie Twomey. Third Assistant-Miss Edith Harrison. Third Assistant-Miss Ci-tra Davis. Third Assistant-Miss Susan wmith. Third Assistant-Miss A. Dain. Third Assistant-Miss F. Huberwald. x'DONOOH NO. 3. Principal-Miss M. B. Chevallie. First A ssistsnt-Miss A. Harris. First Assistant-Miss M. Sweeney. Second A slstant-Miss M. Marsuall. Second Assistant-Miss E. McCarthy. Second Assistant-Miss J. A. White. Second Assistant-Miss M. Walsh. Second Assistant-Mi.'s L. Bortus. S'cond Assistant-Miss D. Kennedy. Second Assistant-Miss M. Gordon. Second Assistant-Miss Sarah Young. Second Assistant-Miss Kate Delesdernier. MARIONY. Princi pal-'"rs. S. Easton. Second Assistant-Mrs. A. L. Savin. Third Assistant-Miss Eliza A Tohin. Third Assistant-Miss Addie Lynch. WASHINGTON NO. 1. Principal-Miss L. B. Wilder. First Assistant-Miss Annie Shean. First Assistant - M sa Charlotte Stuart. Second Assistant-lis;sJ. C. Chevillon. Second A.sis ant-Mrs. S. Blaneq. Third Assistant-Mrs. G. Cncullu. Third Assistant-Miss Rosa F-arby. Third Asslstant-Miss Mary C ark. Third Assistant-Miss Rosa Dionne. DAUPHINE. Principal-Miss L. W. Morris. Second Assistant-Miss J. Donnelly. Third Assistant-Miss E. B. Thomas. M CARTHY. Principal-J. M. Sharp. First Assistant-Miss B. Nolan, First Assistant-Vliss J. A.Mavberry. Second Assistant-Miss Kate E. D vino. Second Assistant-Miss Clara L. Stuart. Third Assistant-Miss R Fortune. Third Assistant-Miss M. Curiey. Third Assistant-Miss Mary O. Reynolds. Third Assistant-Miss Emma T. Tayor. ELMIRA. Principal-Miss M. J. Mills. lecond Assistant-Miss Helen Phillips. Third Assistant-Miss Delphine Pointz, HANCOCK. Principal-Mi s M. A. Murphy. Second Assistint-Miss Lizzie Hart. FULTON, Principal-Mrs. H. L. Garrett. First Assist nt-Mrs. J. R. Dicks. Second Assistant-Miss M. A. Tharp. Sec end Assistant-Mrs. J. J. Tngraham. Third Assistant-Mrs. M. E. Golden. Third Assistant-Miss Ada Jenks. LAUREL. Principal-M. M. Lowe. First Assistant-Miss M. E. Tank. . Second Assistant-Mips E. Wheaton. Second Assistant -Miss I. Fredricks. Third Assistant-Miss L E Lambourne. Third Assistant-Miss '. Jourdain. Third Assistant-Miss Katie E Glenn. Third Assistant-Mis M. F. Rennyson. ST. MARY. First Assistant-Miss E. Wagner. Second Assi-tant-Miss E. C. Carolan. Third Assistant-pigs Martha L. Martin. M'D NOOH NO. 1. Principal-'Nrs. M. E. Mallam. First Assistant-Miss R. L. Auvray. First Assisiant-Miss S. S. MiEn ry. Second Assistant-Miss L. E. Bibb. Second Assistant-Miss C. G. Fort-hey. Third Assistant-Mis M. Emanuel. Third Assistant-Miss Theo. B. Duval. Third Assistant-Miss Sallie E. Forshee. MAGNOLIA BOYS'. Principal-B. Wayne. First Assistant-Miss M. E. Finnerty. First Assistant-Miss M. Bridgins. Second Assistant-Miss M. E. Reese. Second Assistant-Miss Sallie Campbell Third Assistant-Miss Emily Brooks. Third Assistant-Miss Irene Rondeau. Third Assistant-Miss M. Weaver. Third Assis~ant-Miss Etta Portner. MAGNOLIA GIRLS'. Principal-Mrs. L. M. Williams. First Assistant-Miss B. Cenas. First Assistant-Mrs. Josephine Reed. Second Assistant--Miss Phebe Packard. Second Assistant-Mrs. C. D. Cooke. Third Assistant-Miss 0. P. Beecher. Third Assistant-Miss N. Bouligny. KELLER. Principal-Mrs. C. S. Reese. First Assistant-Miss K. M. Cooney. First Assistant-Miss Rita Howard. Se ond Assistant-Miss A L, Beecher. Second Assistant Miss M J. Kearney. Third Assistant-Miss M. . Carroll. Third Assistant-Miss M. A. McLorinan. hird Assistant-Miss D. L. Bostick. Third Assistant-Miss Eliza Hunter. Third Assistant-Miss Carrie Forrer. ST, ANDREW. Principal-C. Hunt. Second Assistant-Miss a. Johnson. . Second Assistant-Miss Amelia Kelsey. Second Assist:nt-Miss J. E. Baptiste. Third Assistant-Miss 11. B. Barrett. Third Ass s ant-Miss Anna Stokes. Third As-istant-Miss S. Payne. Third Assistant-Miss Henrietta Diamond. DRYADES. Principal-Mrs. S. F. Williams. Second Assistant-Miss Amelia Young. Second Assistan-Miss M. A. Sullivan. Second Assistant-Miss F. Flemmich. Third Assistant-Miss N. O'Conno. Third Assistant-Miss Louise White. 'lhird Assistant-Miss B. Plique. LIVE OAK BOYT'. Principal-H. Dufllho. First Assistant-Mrs. E C. Geddes. First Assistant-Mr-. M. A. Baby. Second Assistant-Miss Clementine McManus. Second Assistant- Miss Maud O'Brien. Third As-is ant-Miss M. J. Dowty. Third Assistant-Miss M. Horan. Third Assistant-Miss Maggie Fergnson. Third Assistant-Miss E. B. Brown. LIVE OAK GIRLS'. Principa'-Mi-s N. A. Wickes. First Assi taut-Miss M. P. Hero. Second Assistant-Miss I. E. O'Brien. Second A-sistant-Miss Ellen Claup. Third Assistant-'1 iss L. Whitaker. Third Assistant-Miss Rluth H. Welch. Third Assistant-Miss Kate C. Connolly. Third Aselatant-Mies L: zie Cowl. 'DONOOB NO.,4 Prv i~~3 . Third Assistant- ii Oh en. Third A~ssistant- ids ,M.Turner. M'DONOON NO. 5. Principal-John H. Corhin First Aistatnt-Miss E. T.' ayden. First As-istant-Mrs J. L. Huuston. Second Assistant-Miss L Howard. Second Assistant-Miss M. Jj Turner. Third Assistant-ain is Lizy~e Keeling. Third Assistant-Miss Mary Redlich. Third Assistant-Miss Mary D. Stokes. S CUT-OFF ROAD. Principal- - - BROADWAY. Principal-Mr. J. L. Furm-n Secon Assistant-Mi as Emily Ohlsner. M'DONOOM NO. 6. Principal-Mr. I. M. Se rey. First Assistant-Mrs. Ii. Rodriguez. Second Assistant-Mrs. I . G. coin Second Assistant-Miss Julii Stwmos, iocond Assistant-Miss rnnie dmdy. Third Assistant-Mis. Mary Mertz. Third Assistant-Mss Kate . L nnon. Third Assistant-Mrs. Z. A. McNeill. Third Assistant-Miss A. Behrei. Third Assistant-Miss Anna Thiel. M'DONOOH NO. 7-ois.o Princlpai--Thomaiss Li. Preston. First Assistn-h im MM. i Ori'weil. Second Assistant-Miss L. E. Prest. Second Assistant-Miss ii. U. Hayes. Third Asststant-Miss S. H. ivans. Third Assistant-Miss May Brooks. M'DONOon NO. 7-onLms. Principat-Miss E. S. Rossner. First Assistant-Miss M. L. Moody. Second Assistant-Miss Isabel Fer gsoar Second Assistant-Miss H. O. White. Third Assistant-Miss I. J. Dart. Third Assistant-Miss M. A. Blood. LINCOLN. Principal-Mrs. K. .lark. First Assistant-Mts. N. M. Duffy. Sec nd Assistant-Miss M. Mulligan. Third Assistant-Miss Mary Leddy. LEONTINE. Principal-Mrs. K. Railton. Fi'st Assi'tanrt-Miss Kate Kelly. Second Assistant-Mi..s Alice Mort. Third Assistant-Mrs. M. L. Hampson. OREENVILLE. Principal-Mrs. C. K. Sproule. Second Assistant-Miss Mary A. Tallieu. WAsHINOTON NO. 2, Principal-Miss Flor'nce Gordcn. First As.istart-Mins Lizzie Kelly, Second Assistant-Miss Rowena K. DraRtna Third Assistant-Mips Doyle Curroy. Third Assistant-Mli's Bossit Woods. Third Assistant-Xiss Eva Allen. JEFFER5ON NO. 2. Principal-Miss L. A. Paddon. First Assistant-Miss Nanon J. Kelly. Second Assistant-Miss G. A. Anderson. Third Assistant-Miss A. M. Neely. Third Assistant-Miss M. Sommerville. Third Assistant-Miss N. B. Hathorn. UNA$BIONBD. Miss Katie K. Carr. THOS. J SEMXPA President of the Board of ubio teodi Directors of the City of New Orleans. Got your kid gloves at Kreeger's. THE CONFcDERATION OP THE C31. TEAL A$ERICAlq REPUDLIg , [N. Y. Nun.] PANAMA. Oct. 4.-The news from five repb1Z is favorable, and the pronpects of a p susanet peace are more strongly indicated. Nrs ha joined the republioe of Guatemala, J and Hondurns in the s' h me for a coatu . tion. or a closer binling toe'her of the d ent States. It now only remains for Costa la to add her name to make the compact comphon l This, it is hopel she will do as one repu alone cannot well adopt an picy or take a tgn4 in antagonism with the other four. Since Don Tomas Guard a re'umed the presidency i1 Co ta Rica, only a few weeks ago, matters bavo greatly improved in that republic, and it is be- Iieved that in a little time many of the evilsof the late administration-that of Don Vinen Herrera-will be done away with. Airsad by a decree of the new ['resident the liberty the press has been res'orel, and elections for deputiestoa constitutional assembly to meet on the twenty-third of December next have been called. Get your kid gloves at Kreeger's. The Nez Perces War. [N. Y. Sun.] Taking together the original slaughter on, Camas Prairie the fight with Norwood l fights with Whipple and Perry theb5 with Howard, the one with tibbon, with Sturgis, and finally those with e. the Nez Peroes warriors probably killed or wounded twice their own number of o*r regular troops and citizens. That wa a heavy price for driving into war, by inju an Indfan who had always been at peacewts the whites. When the Indians surrenoIa there were 160 warriors left, with a e more than that number of women and 'hM- dren. Get your kid gloves at Kreeger's. The New York Sun gnashes its teeth mnd howls In its rage over the crossing into Mar, ico of Lieut. Bullis to recapture stolen erty; but the Sun, of course sees n worth kicking up a fuss about in the coming over to our side, breaking open jails, releasing our prisoners andan people. The Sun could not talk oth than it does and consistently remain i. organ of Lerdo.-[San Antonio Express. HOTEL AR IVALS. CITY HOTEL-Mrs H Rockwell Chicag. W FwlVr New York. .I T Fleming la J . Morris Poplar B nil, H B Swift Chicao Fjoh- `t s n St Louis, Nlis England Mobile, noa5 Handy Miss. M W Garlirgton Phtiadei Wm Bartlette O ean springs, T C ThompSOfl Galveston, CJ Conev Mtss.J P Aive La, A J Smith and wife Miss, M. L Wtl lberville. ST. JAMES HOTEL.-A E Carter Port H x son, R B Whitche d La, H Handy Miss, Foster T B Edwards city, C G Wagner Ala, ] H Fairchild Crnn., C Thompson, NC, AI Oh St Louis, MN Dickson J D Johnson Ohio, Thomas Ohio W B Jenkins Conn Gea.J Raedolph Va, fY W Morrison New York. Sa0u L Dewing Michigan, B N SandersMiL Watkins Tenn, A Carlton La. Get your kid gloves at Kreegcr's. UUL yoUr liU gIVUVW aL Areegrr e. RAILROAD PEURONALS. The following were among the departui ay the Mobile line last evening: W. H. W l. Atlanta. Ga; B. Hrotherston. Charlest n; ward A. Yorke, Philadelphia; Henry aet, M L" waukee, Wis.; Robert Henderson, $elLxms. Ala,;. J. A. Decker and wife, Cedar Keys, Pie.; H. B Bazar and J. R. Boazar, Greenville: J, Thompson, Washington; A. W. Wendloret.. Jacksonville, F. a. Get your kid gloves at Kreeger's. Read Navra's invitation to the China Palace. BARGAINS! M. L. BYRNE & CO. Having received most of their Fall Purchases. are now offering BARGAINS in Several Departments, including DRESS GOODS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, SHAWILS House Furnishing Goode, and a CHOICE LINE of heavy, full fniskMdi Balbriggan rose, As S se.s a Patw,

M. L. BYRNE & CO.action, a recess was taken until 12 m. that hour the acting Governor again oalled THE SOLan TO o0nan, belng present a fall quorum. minutes of the previous meeting

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Page 1: M. L. BYRNE & CO.action, a recess was taken until 12 m. that hour the acting Governor again oalled THE SOLan TO o0nan, belng present a fall quorum. minutes of the previous meeting



grami ne Decided Upon-The Coulgeme e Establshed as once.

SBoad of Supervisors of the State Univer-Asricultural and Mechanical College

the Executive office at 11 ,. m., actingWilt; ea officlo preeldent, In the chair,

useant: Meears. Williams, Grimes adand absent: Messrs. Ganby, Brent,

Lsaher, Taylor, Ryland. Sanford, Bonn-SMdollom and Ferrar.action, a recess was taken until 12 m.that hour the acting Governor again oalled

THE SOLan TO o0nan,

belng present a fall quorum.minutes of the previous meeting were read

ed, when the acting Governor statedthe president of the faculty was present,hqufred if bhi report was ready.

Boyd replied that it wee, whereupon heto read his recommendations, and

eampletlg the reading of the same, it was,altMon of Mr. Mo~ollom, decided that the

on. be taken up and consideredThis wee done, and the recommenda-

hs a pted, and in the ehape of a report

New OaLtsse, October 18, 1877.Memorable the Members of the Board of

a of the Louselana State UniversityAgrincltural and Mechanical College:

In obedience to your instructions Ito submit the followin :

nanclal condition of theInstitution so farhave been able to ascertain in the limitedllowed, it, for the present academic year:

.. h in hand July Interesttural and Iioohanical Col-

. ed................... $8887 00interest on ame........ 6.887 00

available fund......... $18,785 00i-Balance in band of late treasurer

B. College, as reported by theLATva BOARD or OOlTat.

lastitution, say 14800 interest on semi-J s and January coupons; 6 per cent18 000 bonds, $8280; of which $187,.a bonds converted into new Stateyield, at 7 per cent interest, $8754,

one eity (New Orleans consolidated)total $681. Total contingent, $10,014.the only safe way is to have the ex-for the coming year in the absolutely

'eaue, which Ioly $18,000, and even

t may have to be paid old claimslate Agricultural and Mechanical Col-

ating to some $821 15, leavIng, in fact,a8to begin the new institution with

sany) of $19,919 b6.that am1n9t Ps our starling point, 1could only safely organse the Ineitln-

t on the ver Ismited baits of two pro-rs the president, and those two pro.

better be of mathematle and mechan-F ral and agricultnral chemistry.

rec mmend the appointment, matoiier professors.

basis the probable expenses might behe comIng year at the following fg.

and acting professor of lea-........ ............ $8500 00

it mathematices........... 9,000 00of general and agriculturaltry ....... ........... 8,00000

int of quarters, estimate... 8 00 00of eeretary and treasurer .... 750 00espenses of Board of Super.

estimate ............... 756 00fees (0.1. S. B. Kelly)....... 800 00

, prining and stationery,..... 0............. 6000

(janitor and watohman) esti-410 00

hts ................... 800 00drayage and other Incidental

.. . .... . ......... 800 0o chemical and agricultural

s and other contingentsay..... .......... 180 86

probable expense foryear. . . .$12,912 85if the minor items In this estimate are,

smail.respectfully suggest thatto the president

two profeseors be entrusted the prepsra-a course of study to be reported to thei supervisors at the regular quarterlyin D-cember; and that meanwhile thebe empowered to adopt such course ofmay to them seem best.

also suggest that the rules and regula.the la e Lnislana State University be

adopted as those of the new schoolsnot modifications as the President of

and the vice president of the boardmay deem necessary to conform

" laws esseablehing the institute; and thattadifoations of those rules and regulations

ted at the December. meeting of theof uspervitore.

would fur' her suggest the propriety of com-tiag with the honorable the Secretary of

yetaiive to the assignment of an officer ofted Stat s Army to this institution to give

in military tactics, strategy, etc., inwith a general law of Congress, pro-sau enah assignment to the several Stateand mechanical colleges.

suggest, too, that the vice president ofd of supervisors and the president of the

be specially empowered to make such ar-ate as they may deem necessary for the

BOARD AND LODGINGin the building of the institution,

that said boarding department must beIng and that no part of the endow.

the institution shall be used in defraying'~emses of boarding and lodging students,that these two officers shall report any such

eat which they make to the board ofat the December meeting.

are other matters of importance to bee the board, but my time is out and the

15 all peihape that the board has now timeabonelder.

esspeetfully submitted,B. F. BOYD, President.

Islet, the adoption of the repnrt as given,Brent asked if the rules referred to were

and what they related to.yd replied that they included every.


the oily reason he had for the suggestionto Set the school started, to get it in shape.. itrickland presented the following amend-

t to the second propoeltion, which wee

sed, That when quarters are allowed toprofessor the same shall be assigned by the

PRESIDENT OF THE FACULTY,that not more than 8200 per annum befor any one professor, and wheneverand convenient quarters shall be as,-

in the university building.Brent thought, after the adoption of the

,that perhaps the rules alluded to re-


the board had two different schools tor, section four, he said, of the act of

making the donation made the fundhis for any other purpose than that speci-

and he proceeded to" EAD THE SECTION,

a 4. And be it further enacted, Thata derived from the sale of the landby the States to which lands are appor-

and from the sale of land scrip hereinbe-ded for, shall be invested in stooks of

States or the States, or some otheryielding not less than dve per centum

per value of said stooks, and that theso invested shall constitute a perpe nal

Wtl of whioh shall remain foreverexcept so far as may be provi led

Afth of this sot, and the interest ofe oal abe

y l pa ?elATa!D B* EACH STATEtoka aode e~ the bat of this act


libeal atd p agetsel of Indnstri tlalsses i the evecnl and proteseions In

life." Aet approved J 181 w (Gen. Brent continaed tat while workloa the

construction might be made by some that theboard was working on the seminary fund foragricultural purposes. and that he desired tocorrect before enoh impression had becomecirculated throughout the State. He would,therefore present, as covering his ideas and asan amendment to

TEa PU2IDmxT'5 zEPOrT,the following, to be considered as an additionalportion of that report:

Whereas, The board of supervisors have beenunable, by reason of canese beyond its control.to prescribe in detail the coarse of stndies to bepursued at the University and Agricultural and

eechancal College; andWhereae, It is Incumbent on said board to de-

termine upon a system of instruction to be pur-sued; therefore, beit

Resolved by the Board, 1. That the leading ob-ject to be sought by the president and Tacuty isto teah such brancbes of learning as are relatedto agrlolture and the mechanic arts, without e:-elaung other scientiflo, classical

OS MILITASY STUDIEs.2. That in execution of the object there shall

be organized, in obedience to section twelve ofthe act of Incorporation, and according to itsclassIfication

First-A sechool or schools of literature.tiecond-A school or schools of scienoe, wherein

mathematics and such other branches of learn-lug as are related to agriculture and the me-chanic arts shall be taught.

Third-Much other schools prescribed In sectiontwelve as may be organised with the limitedmeans at the dieposal of the president and fao.city.

8. That the president of the faculty, until fur-ther direction of the board, be charged with theduties of professor of civil engineering, and thathe Is authorized and directed to assign to anyprofessor the duty of Instructing in otherbranches than that appertalnlng to his particularchair when, In the judgment of the president, thesame can be conveniently done.

4. That subject to the foregoing deola~rapn,and to the law of Imororration, the prliditand faculty are uathorIze to prescribe in detailthe course of studies In the respective schools,and that at the regular meeting In Decembernext the president and the faoultybe directed tosubmit a report recommending In detail a courseof studlee as prescribed and provided for by sec-

lion fourteen of the act of incorporation for theconsideration of the board.

The preamble and resolutions were adopted.A motion prevailed requesting the Governor,

as ex-omficio president of the board, to communi-cate withoae wits


requesting that an offioer of the United StatesArmy be detailed under existing'laws of Congreseto instruct in military tactics at the institution.

0o0 Boyd said he would like to make a state-ment, and said as the board will be short of pro-fessors he proposed and was perfectly willing,and would suggest tfat there be employed a


at a salary of $9000, that sum to be paid oue ofhis own (Boyd'.) salary, and he would look tothe seminary fand for his salary when that couldbe made available.

Mr. Sanford thought it better to take a portioneach from the salary of the other professors thantake it from the president.

(Gen. Brent was opposed to the idea of takinganything from the president's salary, it

"wAs Nor BUsnxNes."1

he thought, aad the board desired to conduct It-self on business principles.

Vol. Boyd replied that the institution needed astart; he was willing to trust to the seminaryfund for his salary, if by so doing he could assistin the start and secure the requisite number ofprofessors. It would, in his opinion be muchbetter for the reputation of the institution forhim to look to this fund ror his salary than forone of the professors to do so.

Mr. MoOollom was not in favor of such a move.Mr. Lusher was also

oPPose To tr,

and moved that the request of the presidentof the faculty be recorded upon the minutes, andthat further consideration of the subject be post-poned until the next regular meeting in Decem-ber. 0arried.

On motion of Mr. Lusher, it was resolved thatthe expenditures for the ensuing year shall in nocase exceed the amounts named under the re-apeotive heads in the report of the president ofthe faculty.

The secretary presented letters from the Sec.retary of State and the 8State Treasurer in re-sponse to his inquiries as to whether those offi-cals would deliver the seminary bonds for fund-ing.

The letter of the State Treasurer alludes to theresolution of the board irst, and concludes as fol-lows:


that under act 182 of 1857 I doubt if any author-ity is vested in me as custodian, or you, gentle-men, as members of the board, to dispose of saidbonds as directsd, except by a legislative enact-ment."

The Secretary of State rpfers to the reso-lution first and then to act No. 8 of 1874 regard-ing the funding of the bonds according to theprovisions of act No. 182 of 1857, and thinks thebonds should be held as a perpetual fund for thepurposes for which the said fund was created,and says accorditg to the provisions of the sots,it should not be diverted for any purpose otherthan that for which it was and is pledged. As asense of duty," he continues, "I feel constrainedto decline parting with those bonds and especial-ly to convert them into securities at a d.ecount offorty per cent, except under legislative enact-ment or under an order emanatingmena or unuer an uruer emauaung

NEOw THE COURTSof the State"

Gen. Brent moved that legal proceedings beinstituted to test the question of the right ofthe board to fund the bonds, and that the presi-dent of the faculty be authorized to employc unsel and to take each steps as he may deemproper to test the question referred to. Carried.The ex-oficio president declared then thatnominations for professors were in order.

Mr. Btrickland moved that the board go intoexecutive session. Carried.

After remaining in executive session for anhour the doors were opened, when Gov. Wilz re-marked that


Mr. Lusher nominated as professor of mathe-matics J. W. Nicholson, of Claiborne parish.

There being no other nominations, the electionwas made unanimous.

As the professor of chemistry, Mr. Stricklandnominated Dr. Joseph J. Jones, of New Orleans,and he was elected without opposition.

On motion of Gen. Brent, it was resolved thata professor of ancient and modern languages beelected in addition to the professorships alreadyestablished, and that a salary of $1500 per annumand quarters be allowed said professor until inthe opinion of the board its fnances will allow itto be increased to $2000.

On motion of Col. Boyd, Prof. W. C. Wilde waselected professor of ancient and modern lanrgusges.

On motion of Dr. Williams the president of thefaculty was authorized to take possession of, re-ceive and receipt for, any and all property,assets, etc., belonging to


Col. Boyd stated that he understood that somenotes were due, or were about to become due,on the old Agricultural and Mechanical College;but he did not known in whose hands they were.He knew, however, that there was =2(',000 inState warrants as collateral behind these notes,and inquired as to the course to be pursued.

It was thought and decided that the resolutioncovered the case.

On motion of Mr. MoOollom, a finance com-mittee of three, to consist of the president of thefaculty, the vice president of the board of super-visors and another member, to whom shall bereferred all questions of floanoe arising duringthe


but without power to audit claims, was ordered.The acting Governor appointed as the addi-

tional member Mr. Strickland.Mr. htricaland moved that an executive com.

mittee oonsisting of three members be appointed,to consist of the vice president of the board,the president of the faculty and another member.Carried.

Gen. Brent was appointed as the additional


until the fires Monadq in Deoember, when thewiet behel int, Brou~e, awl wham

~ ~ ~ h -ar Ihtle Iaglr r.

MU CI~PAL Dfc*3u~.

!lien Malone, for pilferin wood on the NewBasin, is in hook in the Central Station.

Laura Wynar was looked up the Third Station,charged with being a "vag."

Joseph A. Gerardot is in the Third Station,charged with having swindled Mr. M. Galltanout of his "super."

A. Z. fibble for saving that he would takeMrs. Ribble', lie was placed behind the bars ofCapt. Meaning's hotel.

John Boses found carrying a concealed weapon,was bunoead by a myrmidon of the law andlanded in hook.

Auguste Gabriel assaulted Fanny Gray with adangerous weapon, and was lodged in the Thirdto answer.

Wi. Steward is In durance vile at the CentralStation, charged with obtaining from Wm. P.Green the sum of $15 underfolse pretenses.

Henry Bower was yanked inkc the Central Sta-tion, charged with breaking and entering thehouse of Bes Lambert, No. 264 Delord street.

Fui that bridge at the corner of Tohoupitonlasand Belioeastle, or some wayfarer will break hisshins and then there will ;ae a lawsuit againstthe city.

The shed of the house No. 80 Franklin street issaid to be in a dangerous condition and liable tofall at any moment, endangering the lives of pe.-deetrians. It should be repaired or torn down.

At 1 o'clock yesterday a sailor named ThomasFitzpatrick tell down the hatch of the sloopItasosa lying at the head of Louisa street, andbroke his left leg. $e was taken to the hospital.

The gallery of the house at the corner ofGirod and Fulton streets is in a dangerous con-dition, and portions of it are liable to fall and in-jure pedestrians.

Yesterday at 11 o'clock a boy named Wm.Schmidt, ed 11 years ran away from his pa-rent's residence No. 124 Jackson street. He isdescribed as beig dressed in a calico shirt andgray Jean pans Any information concerninghim can be given to the Chief of Police.

At 10 o'clock yesterday morning a colored mannamed Chas. Penn, while painting a house on St.Charles street, near Calliope, fell from a soaffoldto the yard a distance of ten feet, slightly injur.ing himsellf about the head. He was taken to hisresidence, No. 250 Calliope street.

The body of Alphonse Chaueon, who fell over-board from the steamboat Eva, Sunday a weekago, was found yesterday floating in the river atthe head of Conti street. The deceased wastwenty-three years of age. The coroner was no-tidied to hold an inquest.

Baptiste Bainberen and twelve other personawere yesterday before Judge Miltenberger,charged with having participated in a oharivari.After the testimony was heard the Judge finedseven of the crowd $10 each or thirty days, anddischarged the balance. Bainberen was unableto pay his flue and went to prison.

Stay atabbee.Yesterday, Bergeant Purjol arrested a negro

man named Geo. Gray and lodged him in the Al.giers Precinct Station, on the charge of havingentered the house of one Caroline Price in thenight time, armed with a dangerous weapon, towit, a club; and while in said premises did com-mit a murderous assault upon the occupant,beating her severely. This took place Wednesday nght at the abode of Caroline, two milesbelow Algiers. The woman was ordered to be re-moved to the Charity Hospital, but at last ac-counts had not reached there.

Preacher Bryant Again on the War PathGeo. W. Bryant, the boss colored preacher or

the Fourth District, at half-pest 9 o'clock Wed-nesday night, walited into the Afrioan BaptistChurch, and while the preacher of said churobwas delivering a sermon on the subject of howJonah went a fishing and got swallowed by awhale, made the preacher out his sermon shortand get up and "git." He had no so ner got ridof the preacher than he dispersed the congrega-tion. Fortanaely for Bryant he had left beforeOffoer Dwinen heard of the affair, or he wouldhave been in the "jag" sore.

Dora Willams' Story.Between the hours of 9 and 10 o'clock last night

the stifi'd cries of a woman calling "Watch IMurder I Help I" came from the neutral groundon Basin street, between Canal and Gasquet.The officers responded immediately to the criesof the woman and, on arriving at the scene,they found a woman named Dora Williams.who stated to them that she had been accosted bya penitentiary convict named James Davis, aliasJoe Alexanler, who informed her that unlessshe acceded to certain demands he would put anend to her and his threate were backed by aknife that Ae held in his hand.

Believing that her life was in danger she criedfor help, but the police seem to have taken butlittle stock in her story, as they arrested her onthe charge of disturbing the peace.

The man Davis, Dora sta'es, at the approachof the officer beat a hasty retreat.

Personal.Mr. David C. Moise, lately connected with

several city papers, is now with R. 0. Dun &Co.'s mercantile agency, D. Webster manager,102 Canal street.

Getyour kid gloves at Igreeger's.

Offner's grand opening takes place Monday.


Superior Criminal Court.ABRAIGNED.

Thomas Picket, indicted October 12, 1877, forthe murder of Jack Low and Wm. Knuckley,committed January 11, 1876. Pleaded not guilty.

Mortimer Carr, indicted October 12, 1877, ut-tering as true two forged receipts for 750 bales ofcotton, alleged to be shipped on account of thefirm of Carr & Lian, of which the accused was amember. Pleaded not guilty, and was remandedin default of $20,000 bail.

Bosenthal, charged with willful and corruptperjury, was yesterday released on $5000 bondsto appear when notified.


Murder.-.-Pimon St. Gemes, charged with thekilling of Francis Hoffman. Continued untilTuesday, the 28d inst.

Juzv STILL OUT.The jury in the case of the State vs. Ernest

Peppe, charged with murder, were last night or-dered to be looked up for the night. This is thesecond night that the' jury has been out. It isunderstood that they stand eleven for convictionand one for acquittal, which goes to show thebenefite of the jury system.

Second District Court.sucCESSIONs OPENED.

The successionb of Mary A. Meeter, Mbad Mill-er and Eliza Farretta, deceased wife of Jean P.Jacob, have been opened in this court.

Fifth District Court.In the matter of the heirs of John Slidell pray-

ing for a reduction of aesessments, movers averthat they are owners of certain property situatedin the First District of this city, which has beenassessed for the years 1875 and 1876 at the sumof $24,000, which is an over assessment. Theyask the court to order said assessment reduced toits real value $18,700.

Rule on Tax Collector of the First District is-sued and made returnable Saturday next at 11o'olock a. m.

New majolica ware at Offner's, 174 Canal, op-posite Varieties Theatre.

Get your kid gloves at Kreeger's.


At a meeting of Company A, Crescent Grey.,Louisiana', Own, held lest night, the followingoffilers were elected: Wm. Gowan Captain;John R. George, First Lieutenant; '. J. Smith,Jr., Second Lieutenant; F. U. Rcheaster, JuniorSecond Lieutenant, and H. J. Henderson, ThirdSergeant-the other non commissioned offilershaving been elected at a previous meeting.

Get your kid gloves at Kreeger's.

Dave Young.[Natches Democrat. October 13.1

If the State of Louisiana should succeed ingetting a change of venue in Its case againstLave ~Young, for embezzlement of schoolfunds, the robabilities are that he will get

j i thought it would be almostin-lefor hi t gt lusie in Coneordia.

mes~b Jstceis thtif he em-



Orrxcu BOARD DIRECTORS oF PuBLIC SCHOOLS, tCity of New Orleans, October 18. 1877. )

At a meeting of the Board of Directors ofPublic Schools of the ity of New Orleansheld this day, the following assignment ofteachers has been made, and in connection withthe same she following resolution was adopted:

Resolved. That the following named teachersn the public schools of the city of New Orleansare appointed, subject to a probation of threemonths' service, and all those who may not beremoved for cause within three months fromthe 22d October, 1877, are hereby declared per-manently elected, subject to removal only onwritten charges and aftr trial and correctionby this board, in the manner and for the causesspecilled by law.

THOMAS J. SEMMES,President Board School Directors,Jons J. OBuIEN. Se-retary,

JACKSON BOYS'.Principal-Warren Ea-ton.First Assistant-ltSiss J. E. Linsler.Becondl Assistant-Miss M. E. Purcell.Second Assistant-Miss J. D. Pickens.Third Assistant-Miss M. H. Anderson.Third Assistant-Mrs. Kate Slack.

JACKSON GIRLS'.Principal-Mrs. F. C. Tomes.First Assistant-Miss M. G. Oliver.Second Assistant-Mrs. A. Castnll.Second Assistant-Miss . Herby.Third Assistant-Miss B. M. Murphy.Third Assistant-Miss M. Ellison.

PAULDINO BOYS'.Principal-Mr. V. Meilly.First Assistant-Miss M. A. Nugent.Second Assistant-Mrs. E. M. Keplinger.Third Assistant-Miss Belle Young.Third Assistant-Mrs. T. J. Beck.

PAULDING GIBLS'.First Assistant-Miss R. M. Woodley.Second Assistant-Miss T. M. Elliott.

Third Assistant-Miss Julia A. Buckley.Third Assistant-Mrs. M. A. Larkin.

CLIO BOYS AND OIRLS'.Princi cnl-Miss M. A. Armstrong.First Assistant-Mrs. A. W. Brown.Second Assistant-Miss M. A. Cumberland.Second Assistant-Miss B. A. Houghton.Third Assistant-Miss M. A. Reuter.Third Assistant- -Third Assistant-Miss Ada Hickman.Third Assistant-Miss M. E. Penn.

MABREALL BOYS'.Principal-F. A. Golden.First Assistant-Mrs. J. C. Robinson.Second Assistant-Mrs. K. H. Diboll.Second Assistant-Miss K. Eastman.'Third Assistant-Miss S. Bloomfield.Third Assistant-Miss M. J. Dornan.Third Assistant-Mrs. B. F. Golden.Third Assistant-Mrs. E. Dobie.

FRANKLIN GIBIR'.Principal-Mrs. M. E. McDonald.First Assistant-Miss Eliza Todd.First Assistant-Mrs. M. E. Taliaferro.Second Assistant-Mrs. E. B. Johnson.

,Second Assistant-Miss Ida Patton.Second Assistant-Miss Mary Ames.Third Assistant-Miss A. I. Mayer.Third Assistant-Miss Alice 1 amberton.Third Assistant-Miss C. Charles.Third Assistant-Mrs. C. R. McKinley.

JEFFEBRON NO. 1.Principal-W. F. Mead.First Assistant-Mrs. C. A. Curtis.First Assistant-Mis-r M. A. McLaughlin,Second Assistant-Miss Ag ies Cass.Second A sistant-Mi-s H M'lotte.Third Assistant- Mits M. 11. Goodwyn.Third Assistant-aMies Mary A.Broderiek.Third Assistant-Miss Maggie Stroudback.Third Assistant-Mrs. J. C. K iley.

WEBSTER GIRLS'.Principal-Mrs. N. E. Cooney.First Assistant-Mrs. J. '. lenediet.First Assistant-Mrs. J. E. S ehie.Second Assistant-Miss Mary O'Brien.Second Assistant-Miss Sallie Harris.Third Assistant-Miss (1. 1. Lambourne.Third Assistant-Miss Jennie Reese.Third Assistant-Mise C. Lahatt.Third Assistant-Miss Jennie C. Dodge.

MADISON GIRLS'.Principal-Miss J. Jae' son.First Assistant-Miss N. H. Watson.First Assistant-Mrs. K. C. McCann.Second Assistant-Miss M. Micord.Second Assistant-Miss A. J. Coll.Third Assistant-M s J. A. Mulvey.Third Assistant-Miss Sallie Lytle.Third Assistant-Miss Ki. E. Sullivan,Third Ass stint-Miss Ida Bennett.Third Assistant-Miss Mary Donnelly.Third Assistant-Miss Therea Harnett.

WT5r RAnown*

Princlpal-Thomas W. Dyer.First Assi tant-Mrs. Annie Mackin.First Amsiwtant-MIss Isabella B. Grant.Sicond Assista-it-Mrs. E. L. Vfnables.Third Assistant-Miss ++. K. Hambiett.Third Assistant-Miss Mary A. Mulvey.Third Assistant-Miss A. J. Hamilton.Third Assistant-Miss Mary McCarthy.Third Assistant-Mi s A. J. Shelley.Third Assistant-Miss A. L. Miller.

EDMONIA.Principal-Mrs. K. J. Ricker.First Assistant-Miss M. H. Williams.Second A' 8sitant-Mlss E. Vigers.Secon t Assistant-Miss C. Kenned y.Third Assistant Mis' Florence Johnson.Third Assistant-Miss M. A. Jones.Third Assistant-Miss S B. Allen,

SUMNER.Principal-A. P. Williams.First Assistant-Mrs. C. Ke pard.Second Assistant-Miss L. V. Miller.S cond Assistant-Miss M. A. Francis,Tuird Assistant-Miss Anna Mason.Third Assistant-Miss Josephine Hille.Third Assis ant-Mrs. LeoniseJett.

METAIRIE RIDGE.Principal-Miss M. J. O'Neill.Third Assistant-Miss F. Conroy.

BIENVIILLE.Princiral-ThomasJ. B Flynn.First Assistant-Mits M. J. Paul.Second Assistant-Mrs. O. M. Casa ova.Second Assista't-Mi-s Addle Mtord.Third Assistant-Mrs. P. Ducatel.Third Assistant-Miss M. J. Carr.Third Assistant-Miss kmma Torney.Third Assistant-Mrs. Anna Deisler.

ROBERTSON.Principal-Miss A. Fry.First Assistant-Mrs. F. V. Hooper.Second Assistant-Mrs. E. Peniston.t'econd Assistant-Miss G. Kiern.Third Assistant-Miss E. Hilariot.Third Assistant-Miss M. E. Cuggy.Third Assistant-Miss J. Elsele.

DERBIONY.Principal-Mrs. M. F. Gerrard.S-cond Assistant-Miss Julia Vfoony,Third Assistant-Miss M. H. Hill.

MASON.Principal-Miss Fanny S. Delacy.Second Assistant-Miss Sailie Boyce.

RAMPART.Principal-Miss M. V. McCarty.First Assistant-Miss M. Sassinot.Second Assistant-Miss Katie Brown.Second Assistant-Miss Ida Whitaker.Third Assistant-Miss A. Coudrain.Third Assistant-Miss Belle Armstrong.Third Assistant-Miss Ophelia Letten.Third Assistant-Miss Julia Donovan.Third Assistant-Miss Marie Popham.

CLAIBORNE.Principal-Mr. M. T. Mullady.First Assistant-Mr. H. Rigglo.Second Assistant-Miss A. A. Finch.Second Assistant-MIs. M. H. We'terfleld.Third Assistant-Miss A. M. Magnon.Third Assistant-Miss Etla Kerns.Third Assistant-Miss Amy Sinclair.Third Assistant-Mrs. M. A. Stockulale.Third Assistant-Miss Kate C. Clark.


Principal-Miss J. M. Mettaxa.First Assistant-Miss M. V. Sarran.Second As-istant-Miss A. E. King.Third Assistant-- -'Ihird Assistant-Sidonia Holmes.Third Assistant-Emma Licroix.


Principal-G. Andry.First Assistant-Mrs. J. B. Prados.First Assistant-Miss L. M<Anulty.Second Assistant-Miss S. B. Redwood.Second Assistant-Miss M. C. O'Connor.Third Assistant-Miss Ellen Moran.Third Assistant-Miss Marian Brown.Third Assistant-Miss Flortnce Forshee,Third Assistant-Mi-s L. Faust.Third Assistant-Miss F. P. Golden,

BARRACKS.Principal-Miss M D. Cooper.First Assistant-Mss H. McCarthy.Second Assistant-Miss J. L. Del Trigo.Second Assistant-Miss M. M. McCann.Third Assistant-Miss M. A. Ferguson.Third Assistant-Miss H. L Points.Third Assistant-Miss Liie Donneily.

1?neipal-E. 3. L~dmuuds.First Assistant-L. florapurnSecond Assistant-Miss Del iphe Mayronne.ilecoad Assistant-Miss A. Ii. Urban.Second Assistant-Miss S. A. Grant.Third Assistant-Miss Irene H. Yennl.Third Assistant-Miss O. K. Chellet.Third Assistant-Miss M. A. Cur an.Third Assistant-Miss H. Brugnaens.

FILLMORE.Principal-George H. Gordon.First Assistant-Miss M. A. Cusack.First Assistant-Mrs. M. F. Stephens.Second Assistant-Miss A. Hart.Soeond Assistant-Miss E M. Brown.Third Assistant-Miss J. fcAnuity.Third Assistant-Miss I. Brown.Third Assistant-Miss M Perez.Third Assistant-Miss Florence A. Smith.Third Assistant-Miss A. W. Duval.Third Assistant-Miss Emma Ducoing.

BAYOU BRIDOE.Principal-Miss A. E. Vat Camp.First Assistant-Miss A. board.Third Assistant-Miss Rebecca Smith.Third Assistant-Miss Allen Quayle.


Principal-Mrs. M Chambers.First Assistant-Mr. Chas. P. Guichard.Second Assistant-Mrs. E A. Jones.Second Assistant-Miss Mary Wilson.Second Assistant-Miss A. P. Myers.Third Assistant-Miss Aline Lewis.Third Assistant-Miss I. CampaneL


Principal-Miss M. E. Anderson.PONTCHARTRAIN.

Principal-Mrs. M. Moore.BEAUREU ARD.

Principal-Mrs. V. Ducatel.First Assistant-Miss Nettle Parr.Second Assistant-biss K. Munster.Second Assistant-Miss K. Toole.Thiri Assistant-Miss L. Chevello.Third Assistant-Mrs. Emily Golding.

VILLERE.Principal-Miss E. P. McCarthy.Second Assistant-Mrs. L. Ward.Third Assistant-Miss Josephine Stewart,


Principal-Mrs. L. Lowe.First Assistant-Mrs. A. M. Dorioconrt.Third Assistant-Miss Kate E. Murphy.

M'DONOOB NO. 2.Principal-M'ss Caroline Hubbard.First Assistant-Mrs. A. Bell.First Assistant-Miss M. O. Carter.Second Assistant-Miss E. Lynch.Second As'.istant-Miss M. A. Stewart.Third Assistant-Miss R. T. Moore.Third Assistant-Miss Annie Twomey.Third Assistant-Miss Edith Harrison.Third Assistant-Miss Ci-tra Davis.Third Assistant-Miss Susan wmith.Third Assistant-Miss A. Dain.Third Assistant-Miss F. Huberwald.

x'DONOOH NO. 3.Principal-Miss M. B. Chevallie.First A ssistsnt-Miss A. Harris.First Assistant-Miss M. Sweeney.Second A slstant-Miss M. Marsuall.Second Assistant-Miss E. McCarthy.Second Assistant-Miss J. A. White.Second Assistant-Miss M. Walsh.Second Assistant-Mi.'s L. Bortus.S'cond Assistant-Miss D. Kennedy.Second Assistant-Miss M. Gordon.Second Assistant-Miss Sarah Young.Second Assistant-Miss Kate Delesdernier.

MARIONY.Princi pal-'"rs. S. Easton.Second Assistant-Mrs. A. L. Savin.Third Assistant-Miss Eliza A Tohin.Third Assistant-Miss Addie Lynch.

WASHINGTON NO. 1.Principal-Miss L. B. Wilder.First Assistant-Miss Annie Shean.First Assistant -M sa Charlotte Stuart.Second Assistant-lis;sJ. C. Chevillon.Second A.sis ant-Mrs. S. Blaneq.Third Assistant-Mrs. G. Cncullu.Third Assistant-Miss Rosa F-arby.Third Asslstant-Miss Mary C ark.Third Assistant-Miss Rosa Dionne.


Principal-Miss L. W. Morris.Second Assistant-Miss J. Donnelly.Third Assistant-Miss E. B. Thomas.

M CARTHY.Principal-J. M. Sharp.First Assistant-Miss B. Nolan,First Assistant-Vliss J. A. Mavberry.Second Assistant-Miss Kate E. D vino.Second Assistant-Miss Clara L. Stuart.Third Assistant-Miss R Fortune.Third Assistant-Miss M. Curiey.Third Assistant-Miss Mary O. Reynolds.Third Assistant-Miss Emma T. Tayor.

ELMIRA.Principal-Miss M. J. Mills.lecond Assistant-Miss Helen Phillips.Third Assistant-Miss Delphine Pointz,

HANCOCK.Principal-Mi s M. A. Murphy.Second Assistint-Miss Lizzie Hart.

FULTON,Principal-Mrs. H. L. Garrett.First Assist nt-Mrs. J. R. Dicks.Second Assistant-Miss M. A. Tharp.Sec end Assistant-Mrs. J. J. Tngraham.Third Assistant-Mrs. M. E. Golden.Third Assistant-Miss Ada Jenks.

LAUREL.Principal-M. M. Lowe.First Assistant-Miss M. E. Tank.

. Second Assistant-Mips E. Wheaton.Second Assistant -Miss I. Fredricks.Third Assistant-Miss L E Lambourne.Third Assistant-Miss '. Jourdain.Third Assistant-Miss Katie E Glenn.Third Assistant-Mis M. F. Rennyson.

ST. MARY.First Assistant-Miss E. Wagner.Second Assi-tant-Miss E. C. Carolan.Third Assistant-pigs Martha L. Martin.

M'D NOOH NO. 1.Principal-'Nrs. M. E. Mallam.First Assistant-Miss R. L. Auvray.First Assisiant-Miss S. S. MiEn ry.Second Assistant-Miss L. E. Bibb.Second Assistant-Miss C. G. Fort-hey.Third Assistant-Mis M. Emanuel.Third Assistant-Miss Theo. B. Duval.Third Assistant-Miss Sallie E. Forshee.

MAGNOLIA BOYS'.Principal-B. Wayne.First Assistant-Miss M. E. Finnerty.First Assistant-Miss M. Bridgins.Second Assistant-Miss M. E. Reese.Second Assistant-Miss Sallie CampbellThird Assistant-Miss Emily Brooks.Third Assistant-Miss Irene Rondeau.Third Assistant-Miss M. Weaver.Third Assis~ant-Miss Etta Portner.

MAGNOLIA GIRLS'.Principal-Mrs. L. M. Williams.First Assistant-Miss B. Cenas.First Assistant-Mrs. Josephine Reed.Second Assistant--Miss Phebe Packard.Second Assistant-Mrs. C. D. Cooke.Third Assistant-Miss 0. P. Beecher.Third Assistant-Miss N. Bouligny.

KELLER.Principal-Mrs. C. S. Reese.First Assistant-Miss K. M. Cooney.First Assistant-Miss Rita Howard.Se ond Assistant-Miss A L, Beecher.Second Assistant Miss M J. Kearney.Third Assistant-Miss M. . Carroll.Third Assistant-Miss M. A. McLorinan.hird Assistant-Miss D. L. Bostick.Third Assistant-Miss Eliza Hunter.Third Assistant-Miss Carrie Forrer.

ST, ANDREW.Principal-C. Hunt.Second Assistant-Miss a. Johnson.

. Second Assistant-Miss Amelia Kelsey.Second Assist:nt-Miss J. E. Baptiste.Third Assistant-Miss 11. B. Barrett.Third Ass s ant-Miss Anna Stokes.Third As-istant-Miss S. Payne.Third Assistant-Miss Henrietta Diamond.

DRYADES.Principal-Mrs. S. F. Williams.Second Assistant-Miss Amelia Young.Second Assistan-Miss M. A. Sullivan.Second Assistant-Miss F. Flemmich.Third Assistant-Miss N. O'Conno.Third Assistant-Miss Louise White.'lhird Assistant-Miss B. Plique.


Principal-H. Dufllho.First Assistant-Mrs. E C. Geddes.First Assistant-Mr-. M. A. Baby.Second Assistant-Miss Clementine McManus.Second Assistant- Miss Maud O'Brien.Third As-is ant-Miss M. J. Dowty.Third Assistant-Miss M. Horan.Third Assistant-Miss Maggie Fergnson.Third Assistant-Miss E. B. Brown.

LIVE OAK GIRLS'.Principa'-Mi-s N. A. Wickes.First Assi taut-Miss M. P. Hero.Second Assistant-Miss I. E. O'Brien.Second A-sistant-Miss Ellen Claup.Third Assistant-'1 iss L. Whitaker.Third Assistant-Miss Rluth H. Welch.Third Assistant-Miss Kate C. Connolly.Third Aselatant-Mies L: zie Cowl.


Prv i~~3 .

Third Assistant- ii Oh en.Third A~ssistant- ids ,M.Turner.M'DONOON NO. 5.

Principal-John H. CorhinFirst Aistatnt-Miss E. T.' ayden.First As-istant-Mrs J. L. Huuston.Second Assistant-Miss L Howard.Second Assistant-Miss M. Jj Turner.Third Assistant-ain is Lizy~e Keeling.Third Assistant-Miss Mary Redlich.Third Assistant-Miss Mary D. Stokes.

S CUT-OFF ROAD.Principal- - -

BROADWAY.Principal-Mr. J. L. Furm-nSecon Assistant-Mi as Emily Ohlsner.

M'DONOOM NO. 6.Principal-Mr. I. M. Se rey.First Assistant-Mrs. Ii. Rodriguez.Second Assistant-Mrs. I . G. coinSecond Assistant-Miss Julii Stwmos,iocond Assistant-Miss rnnie dmdy.Third Assistant-Mis. Mary Mertz.Third Assistant-Mss Kate . L nnon.Third Assistant-Mrs. Z. A. McNeill.Third Assistant-Miss A. Behrei.Third Assistant-Miss Anna Thiel.

M'DONOOH NO. 7-ois.oPrinclpai--Thomaiss Li. Preston.First Assistn-h im MM. i Ori'weil.Second Assistant-Miss L. E. Prest.Second Assistant-Miss ii. U. Hayes.Third Asststant-Miss S. H. ivans.Third Assistant-Miss May Brooks.

M'DONOon NO. 7-onLms.Principat-Miss E. S. Rossner.First Assistant-Miss M. L. Moody.Second Assistant-Miss Isabel Fer gsoarSecond Assistant-Miss H. O. White.Third Assistant-Miss I. J. Dart.Third Assistant-Miss M. A. Blood.

LINCOLN.Principal-Mrs. K. .lark.First Assistant-Mts. N. M. Duffy.Sec nd Assistant-Miss M. Mulligan.Third Assistant-Miss Mary Leddy.

LEONTINE.Principal-Mrs. K. Railton.Fi'st Assi'tanrt-Miss Kate Kelly.Second Assistant-Mi..s Alice Mort.Third Assistant-Mrs. M. L. Hampson.

OREENVILLE.Principal-Mrs. C. K. Sproule.Second Assistant-Miss Mary A. Tallieu.

WAsHINOTON NO. 2,Principal-Miss Flor'nce Gordcn.First As.istart-Mins Lizzie Kelly,Second Assistant-Miss Rowena K. DraRtnaThird Assistant-Mips Doyle Curroy.Third Assistant-Mli's Bossit Woods.Third Assistant-Xiss Eva Allen.

JEFFER5ON NO. 2.Principal-Miss L. A. Paddon.First Assistant-Miss Nanon J. Kelly.Second Assistant-Miss G. A. Anderson.Third Assistant-Miss A. M. Neely.Third Assistant-Miss M. Sommerville.Third Assistant-Miss N. B. Hathorn.

UNA$BIONBD.Miss Katie K. Carr.

THOS. J SEMXPAPresident of the Board of ubio teodi

Directors of the City of New Orleans.

Got your kid gloves at Kreeger's.


[N. Y. Nun.]PANAMA. Oct. 4.-The news from five repb1Z

is favorable, and the pronpects of a p susanetpeace are more strongly indicated. Nrsha joined the republioe of Guatemala, Jand Hondurns in the s' h me for a coatu .tion. or a closer binling toe'her of the dent States. It now only remains for Costa lato add her name to make the compact comphon lThis, it is hopel she will do as one repualone cannot well adopt an picy or take a tgn4in antagonism with the other four. Since DonTomas Guard a re'umed the presidency i1Co ta Rica, only a few weeks ago, matters bavogreatly improved in that republic, and it is be-Iieved that in a little time many of the evilsofthe late administration-that of Don VinenHerrera-will be done away with. Airsadby a decree of the new ['resident the libertythe press has been res'orel, and elections fordeputiestoa constitutional assembly to meeton the twenty-third of December next have beencalled.

Get your kid gloves at Kreeger's.

The Nez Perces War.[N. Y. Sun.]

Taking together the original slaughter on,Camas Prairie the fight with Norwood lfights with Whipple and Perry theb5with Howard, the one with tibbon,with Sturgis, and finally those with e.the Nez Peroes warriors probably killed orwounded twice their own number of o*rregular troops and citizens. That wa aheavy price for driving into war, by injuan Indfan who had always been at peacewtsthe whites. When the Indians surrenoIathere were 160 warriors left, with a emore than that number of women and 'hM-dren.

Get your kid gloves at Kreeger's.

The New York Sun gnashes its teeth mndhowls In its rage over the crossing into Mar,ico of Lieut. Bullis to recapture stolenerty; but the Sun, of course sees nworth kicking up a fuss about in thecoming over to our side, breaking openjails, releasing our prisoners andanpeople. The Sun could not talk oththan it does and consistently remain i.organ of Lerdo.-[San Antonio Express.


CITY HOTEL-Mrs H Rockwell Chicag.W FwlVr New York. .I T Fleming la J .Morris Poplar B nil, H B Swift Chicao Fjoh- `ts n St Louis, Nlis England Mobile, noa5Handy Miss. M W Garlirgton PhtiadeiWm Bartlette O ean springs, T C ThompSOflGalveston, CJ Conev Mtss.J P AiveLa, A J Smith and wife Miss, M. L Wtllberville.

ST. JAMES HOTEL.-A E Carter Port H xson, R B Whitche d La, H Handy Miss,Foster T B Edwards city, C G Wagner Ala, ]H Fairchild Crnn., C Thompson, NC, AI OhSt Louis, MN Dickson J D Johnson Ohio,Thomas Ohio W B Jenkins Conn Gea.JRaedolph Va, fY W Morrison New York. Sa0uL Dewing Michigan, B N SandersMiLWatkins Tenn, A Carlton La.

Get your kid gloves at Kreegcr's.UUL yoUr liU gIVUVW aL Areegrr e.


The following were among the departui aythe Mobile line last evening: W. H. W l.Atlanta. Ga; B. Hrotherston. Charlest n;ward A. Yorke, Philadelphia; Henry aet, M L"waukee, Wis.; Robert Henderson, $elLxms. Ala,;.J. A. Decker and wife, Cedar Keys, Pie.; H.B Bazar and J. R. Boazar, Greenville: J,Thompson, Washington; A. W. Wendloret..Jacksonville, F. a.

Get your kid gloves at Kreeger's.

Read Navra's invitation to the China Palace.

BARGAINS!M. L. BYRNE & CO.Having received most of their Fall Purchases.

are now offering

BARGAINSin Several Departments, including



House Furnishing Goode,and a CHOICE LINE of heavy, full fniskMdi

Balbriggan rose,As S se.s a Patw,