PRESS AND TRIBUNE. . I i The State Baak of IUiaoJ Reports were in cixcaJatiiiB ou Tuoaday afternoon afltectiog the eUn*rBg of the •• State Bank of Illinois," at Soawmutowa. The facta bearing apoa the ease will be found in our money article, and in the letter from our Springfield correspondent elsewhere. The bank is all right. •— a — Making a Virtae of Necessity. The Time* says it intends to go before the people of the State at the next election, on the Dyer Lecomptoa charter. This Is a very ingenious and pleasant way af stating a most disagreeable necessity. The public will under- stand that the intmtium thus proclaimed by the Time* is precisely similar to tkalt enter- tained by the convicted felon to close his life on the gallows. m m m A, S a d d e n Change. As long as there was any hope of getting the fifty-four Democrats ia the Legislature to force Dyer A Co.-'s Charter down the throats of the people of Chicago, the Raw* earnestly advocated its passage. The moment the sub- mission clause was inserted in the bill, the 'June* abandoned it, and its editor went to Springfield to beg bis friends not to pass it. The Timen has as wholesome a tear of trie people's vote on the measure conceded by its own clique as John (Candlebox) Calhoun had of the vote of the people of Kansas on the Lecompton Constitution. TRLfX OF HEiWBY JUMPl F»r thr Hnr4>T of Sophie Wer»*r, Hit I s - trrss, at fltf-g-, Harch «tii v 1*58. CHAMflE tfi U*V OF ; TftiALS, TtSTlMOKT POH DDT BIJOU. shop TUH l\dSK VLOSKU. SEVENTH DAT-MORXINTO SESSION- In the Circuit Court of Cook Countr, Maaiarre Presiding. Judge The Dewocraey a n d t h e Tariff. A L'emoer&Uc caucus on the tariff was held at Washington yesterday—Mr. John Coch- rane of N e w York, in the cua'r. A large majority were opposed to any alteration of the present duties, and in lieu of action on the problem of an empty Treasury, it was resolved to raise the wind by a fresh lwn and appoint a committee to swelter through the dog dayj—maturing a plan by which the gov- ernment may bold itjelf u p b y the hoot straps for the next year or two. The committee will be expected to propose a financial scheme by which forty millions of receipts will cover a hundred millions of expenses, and create a sinking land for an extensive balance of Treasury notes falling due. We suggest that Cebb and Klo/d be placed on tie committee, and that they have pewer to consult Frank Steele of Minnesota, with a view of applying the fiscal principles of the Fort Snelliug Hade to their embarrassing complication. Health or Judge McLean. We are sorry t* hear from Washington that Judge McLean's health is evidently again giving way. Oo his return to the Capital he was for a few days enabled to vigorously prose cute his duties, but by last accounts be was no- able to attend tbe sittings of the Supreme Court, and it was said he would soon return to Cmcin nan.- Cleveland Herald, \tl THGE CITY. - > £g" Andrews has a large assortment of vul amines' for sale at 39 Ctark street. ' Frederic* Douglas, of Rochester, will lec- ture upon "The Races," at Metropolian HiU, on Friday evening next, the 4th inst '• ' . B&" The Third Annual Festival of the Cleve- land Lodge, No. 211, A. F. and A. M. takes place at the Tremont House this evening. CHICAGO liOMSOFATHIO MlDICiL SOCISTT.— The regular meeting of this Society will be bald this evening at Dr. Shipman's office. H T George Sumner, Esq , of Boston, will deliver the r«gnla£lectaro of the course colore the Young Hen's Association thia evening at Metropahtan Hall. Subject—" Spain." FKISH SALMON AND GKSEN PBAS.—Our friends Taber, Hawks k Co., of the Richmond House, will serve up fresh salmon and greeu peas for dinne r to-day— being tbe first of the se^on. H P The Church Uncord for February is promptly issued and contains the usual variety of entertaining matter. El.tsd,by James Grant Wilson, Baa. QWICK Tnra—Two hundred and fifty barrels of highwines were shipped by a firm in this city, over tbe Michigan Southern Koad, tor New York. They were received in New York and sold in seveu days after their delivery at this depot. Mar or THS GOLI> Kioto*.- Rufna Ulanchard, LaSalle street, has for sale Jahnson's new rail- read and country copper-plate map of the Kan- sas and Nebraska gold region. Tnis is the only correct or reliable map of the routes to the new gold fields that we cava seen. \3F The English papers of January 151b, the Chess Monthly for February, and the American Almanac for the current year, have been re- ceived by McNally k Co., opposite tbe Foat Of- lea. A IO, ( Braithwaitc's Retrospect, and "Whs". Will he Do with it" i > THS Scions AT BLUB ISLA»»—The man who committed suicide at Cooper's Grove (Bremen), on Tuesday, was named Francis K'ent, a German. He cut bis throat in a cow-hop*: adjoining the premises of Nicholas Englehart. He bad shown signs of iosauitr for two or Uiree weeks before be committed tbe rash act. Tbe Coroner went to Blue Island on Tuesday night to hold an inquest, and returned at a late h ur last evening. DBWTBTCTIVK FIBS—About two o'clock yester- day morning, a fire broka out in the small row oi wooden buildings oa the south side of Lake street, between Wells and Franklin, which almost en- tirely destroyed Noa. 205, 207,209 and 211 Lake street, and considerably damaged Noa. 213 and 115. The fire originated in No. 209, which was unoccupied, and was, with hardly a doubt, tbe work of an incendiary. 205—This store was unoccupied, and is owned by Mrs. Sarah Walker. Tbe building was of small value and uninsured. 207—Was occupied by Garrison Bloom, below for the sale ot hats, cape and clothing, and the upper part as a dwelling- His furniture and stock were mostly destroyed. He estimates his total loss at 13,700—insured.for 12,000. 209—Owned by Dr. Pester, and unoccupied. The Building of not much value. i 11-Occupied by Wm. Sbaeffcr, as a lager beer adoon, whose whole loss will not exceed 150—no insurance. The building was owned by F. Otto. 115—Occupied by Solomon WTtkowvky, dealer in cloMng. Wry Hit)* of bin stock was saved. Lots estimated at I/OOO—iu-urcdfi.rtoOO. Build ing owned by Dr Foster. Tbe builJing* were all old aad of an iuferor order, and consequently tbe loss on them Is not heavy. CKLBBBATION or WASHINGTON'S BTBTHDAT.— The Executive Committee, immediately after the adjournment of the meeting of citizens on Tues- day sight, were called together and His Honor Mayor Haines chosen Chairman, and W. W. Dan eahower apppointed Secretary. The following resolutions were unanimously adopted: Retotved, That room No. 1, be the head quar- ters of this Committee. Bmohtd, that tbe stated meetings of this Com- mittee, be held on Tuesday aaerSetarday evenings at 7J o'clock. Huehotd, That J. B. Drake, Esq., bo reqaested to correspond with U:e Agent or the Sirakosch Opera Troupe, lor the purpuve of giving a matinee at Me Ticker» Tneatre. uu the 22d mat., for the benefit of the "Meant Ve non Fund." Remtctd, That she Uvlie* of this city, be invited to attend a meeting, to b held at tbe residence of Mrs. John C. Ha'nes, corner of V m Buren and Sangamon streets, on Tbuisday, afternoon at 1§ o'clock, for tbe purpose of making arrangeoieois for a bazaar or fair, for the benefit of the "Mount Vernon Fund." Reteived, That Geo. A. G-bos, Esq., be request- ed to interest the snippets, ship builders, sailors, ate-, in this movement, and Invite them to take part in the procession. MesotW, That the Butchers, Draymen and Ex- preaaaaea of ear city be requested to parade on bomebaok. Resolved, That the Commandants of Regiments and Volunteer Companies be requested to meet at Room No. 1, Tremont Hau-e on Friday evening next at 7§ o'teak. Rteotmd, That toe Leaders,of the Bands in the city be requested to meet thai Committee at Room No. 1. Tremont Home oa Saturday eveuing next. Jtaaofoad, Thai Alex. White, B A. Stampofftki, Geo. W. Gnaw, Philip Conley, John H. Kiaiie , Christian Wake, Wm. Vfaymae, Reuben Taylor, and Jo W. Bell be a Finance Committee to solicit aubecriptioos from our citiseoa for defraying the exaeaaasof the proceedings, and that they pro- ceed Immediately to canvass tbe city. Adjourned to meet, as above, oo Saturday eve- nine next. Joan C. fLuxsa, WM. W. Damraowna, Secretory. The important murder trial still continues to engross a large share of public interest and at- tention. The Courtroom is densely thronged throughout the day, and good seats command on many Instance* the high premium paid by waiting in tbe vestibule a ha If an hoar or more before the opening of the door. Muoh talk has been caused, and the subject has been vigoronsly discussed what would be the legal and necessary result, should the trial remain incomplete on tbe approaching Saturday night, when the present term of tils Court ex- pires. Obviously the long and careful proceed. inga already noted must have remained to be done over again at aosna feUewiag term. The present pro*psreta are that bat UtUe mar- gin will be allowed far tbe jury to decide upon their verdict before the hoar of necessary ad- journment on Saturday, a matter now, however, of little moment as ere this a law hae been passed by the Legislature' now in session, pro- viding far just this clans of eases. Intelligence reached this city yesterday, that Mr. Peck of the delegation from this county, on the 1st mst, stated in the House that he had just received a letter from tbe State's Attorney and City Pro-seen nog Attorney of Chicago, stat- ins that the trial oi Henry Jumper.z for tbe murder ot Sophie Werner, now in progress, will not probsbty be concluded by Satnrdav eveniog next, at which time the Court in comae lied by law to adjeorn. lis, therefore, asked the unani- mous consent of the House to introduce and pase immediately, a bill to>)low the Court to hold over, when capital trials are pending, antil such cases are disposed of. Leave was granted, and the bill rerd three times arid passed with- out a negative vote. Within less than an hour alter it passed tbe House, a message was receiv- ed that the Senate had concurred in its pea- sage. It baa doubtless become a law, aad though it may not be needed, is timely and well done. The Prosecution having closed their testimony on the evening preceding, that for tbe defence was commenced as follows : A. W 0-941: tvorn -Hava known Jumperta nearly taw years; hrstaawfaira inChioagr; en- gaged him to work for me in Milwaukee; be worked there eight or nine months; he woikad in two establishments for me all that time; his character as a peaceable and inoffensive man was good ; it was a little over a year ago that I first saw Sophie Werner ; sometime in the winter; saw her at ber house in Market street, Milwaukee; think she was living with Henri. v*. Did be make to you a full ditelosura of bis relations with Sophie ? (Objected to : objection overruled.) A. He told me that be had a wash- woman who d.d bis washing aad cooking for bitn, and he lived with her, and she kept house for him; this was in Chicago; and he wanted to know if that would be any objection with me; he wished to get away from here and take her with him ; I told him no, I had no objection, ail I wanted him to do was his work; he said she was in a family way ; while they were residing together bad a conversation with S. about J.; I was to m»e t J np to his bouse, for tbe pur- pose of showing him a lot; got there half an hour before he did; got talking to her about their living together, saying we joked Henri a great deal about her boing his sister ; she said sha supposed we knew she was not; told beryer; she ashed me if I was going npon the hill with Henry if I wouldn't ask him to marry her really; and.to gVvn ber the answer whatever it may ke; I Spoke to Jninuertz about it, and he positively sia-d "No;" she wasn't the right person for him to marry; I asked him why be did not marry hsr;" told bail I thought she waea hard-working saving woman, and might make him happy; he said "ho," he couldn't, she wee »ith*r. t«* old. ee mmmaHmg an** effect; there was nothing satd which Indicated anger at her; 1 came into ihe room and told Sophie that 1 hai a»ked Henry and she need not depend upon him ; that he bad absolutely refused; expressed no conviction myself; she said, " I cannot be mad at Henry if he does not marry m«; I toid ber that now the child was dead she was clear of him, and she had better keep clear and not get in that condition again. He was preparing to go to Chicago then ; she said " Yes. she supposed it would be tbe b«at thing; she did like Henry very much." From what I conld hear he treated her very kindly; I shouldn't think he had much monev when he left Milwaukee; he had just booght a lot; when I came back from New York I wanted to raise some money ; J asked me how much I wanted, told him $150 or #175 and would give him ten per oent; he let me have it and 1 gave bim a note for |212 secured by mortgage; be gave me that note for a lot valued at #370 or $380, sub- ject to a mortgage of $125, and $62 of which was due the first of last March ; all of the lot, except this $125 was paid op; this was a year ago laat December, 1 think; we all used to joke him in the shop about his sister and his sleeping Vith her , he always spoke of her kindly. Alexander Otfier, of Hoffmann A Gelpcke's bank, called by the prosecution, then read a copy of the bank account of Jumperta during 1858. Croee-exaimnatian of d. W. Goeta -Saw de- fendant in jaii; had conversation; asked him why he cot uo the woman so; replied that he couldn't get her in the barrel without it; that's about all I remember; defendant said "they say I poisoned ber;" ( said you had better prove it is not so by showing the entrails; said he didn't know where they were as be took them out at night; this WJS two or three months ago; it waa eiUier in July, Aaguit or Septem- ber; Sophie was made aware of the purchase of the lot by me at tbe lime when we were on the way to look at it; believed that ahe would make him an industrious and saving wile, when I told him so; never had a conversation with defend- ant about a transaction in the old country ; heard of it but nut from b m ; it was a person acquainted * h aim Q Will you tell what it was? [0 jecud to and obj cuun sustained oa the grouna ib«t anything satd after bis arrest was inadmissible J Never neara his cnaracter questioned Before or alter Sis arrest; never heard it talked of more particularly alter hia ar- rest ; he was spoken ot as a cever fellow. To Mr. McUomat—While be waaia the other firm my partner spoke of bim *M industrious ; should have been likely to have heard of it. IHUer Jim.h*titer$tr, tworn. - Lire ia Milwau- kee; know Junuperti; hare known bim since a year ago last May ; he came up from Chicago and came into our so op; 1 was partner with Uoe i; he worked there trom May to the middle of December; he brat worked for Mr. Goets alone, and afterwards for me; bis general char- acter was pretty good everywhere among those who knew bim boat; met S. Werner several times on the street; she earns after Jumpertx to Milwaukee ; he said he had got a woman in Chi- cago aad he wanted her to come up and keep housetorbim. [Witness also testified as to the circumstances of and eonv ersatioos in ths late visit of Mr. Mc Comas, counsel for the prisoner, and Sheriff Gray, to Milwaukee. Sheriff Gray was also called upon toe same point] Witttam H. Kddy, worn.-Live on Archer road; t9 *Mjf store u>r the storage of goods at 84 Randolph atiaat; know a woman whom I •opposed to bo Sophie Werner, told me she was the wife of one Werner who kept a shop, the third store from 84 Randolph street under tbe Young America; talked with her ahont the time an indictment waa obtained against Wer- ner and a woman named Adotphina; took steps to procure that indictment; had observ- ed tbe woman Sophia in ths abop; appeared to be a servant girl; saw her bring in to wels and sturts for the men; one morning I waa com- ing trom the Court House when she spoke to me by name aad began to relate her trouble; sha said that sho wae treated worse than a aiggftr; that she was witUag to work for rospeotabis peo- ple, but to work for that w——e and sleep in the same bed with her and Werner, she wouldn't do that; I aaaed bar to detail mors particularly the history ot hsr troubles, aba slated that W. was her husband and that she was compelled to sleep in the same bed with bim and the woman; that sbs performed all the menial services for tbe family aad in the shop, and that this wo- man trusted her with mors contempt than she bad heard slaves or niggers had been treated; when tbs spoke of wishing to be dead her man- ner wan peculiar there waa a continual gloom over ber; don't know that I ever saw ber smile ; she said she bad no desire to live under such trouble, and there was no prospect of its being ended , told her this wss rash, and I wonld act as her friend to relieve ber trom that trouble ; asked her where aha lived, ber name and the name of her husband and toe woman; told her I would attend to it immediately; the Grand Jury of the Recorder's Court was in session at that time ; met John Wanton ; mads complaint to mm, and both of them were indicted ; ths hus- band left shortly afterwards; said she waa once happy; expressed distrust of ths ability ot the law to render her any service, that she was poor aad the taw wan ao good; said to her sbs could go sad she pasaed oa down the street crying; did not talk to ber afterwards; observed bar of- ten; after W. left and the property was transfer, red to this woman she would come into the shop, took round and suddenly go out; think her ap- pearances of sorrow were increased; she told me that sue was destitute and waa sick; that she had kind of complaint which proven ed her from doing any hard work; thai woman was left in po-* session of bis property and afterwards disposed of it; have seen Jumperta; saw him once or twice in toe shop where be worked. Cress Examined.—I think this conversation waa about two years ago; Daniel Mcllroy was State'* Attorney at tbe time; it was on the street; thinMIsnoae to ber afterwards; think sbe WM abovi ths mediam alse. Shelby lasinssnlnw egofjhto Wer- ner; tbe occupation of toe woman seemed to be to tend the counter; found her there one day; sbe looked detected; she lesnarked she" felt bad, she would kill herself;" said "he to jealous of me; he has got another woman;' ber dejected manner struck me; she bad been crying; she said, "I feel very bad; J believe 1 shall kill myself." / » Jatr. Haven— Sbe hadn't been in the lonsr be»ore that time. 7b Mr. Mc Comae—Saw her after that; eke was more or less dull after that. * 7b Mr. Mcllroy—Think her hair was of a Hght color. Ib.Vfr. JtfeCowuu—Tbiak she Would weigh 130 or 135 pounds. John Lute tworn— Liv* at corner of Oak and Woleott streets; work wt Frazza A Ribolia's; been with them two years; knew Jumper!* when I asms there; be was working there; think he csme back from Milwaukee before Christmai; was working there on the 1st of March; he was working there then; at that time Jumper?i got op from a chair and wanted to go to tbe Pose Office; went and got a letter; came baek aad gave it to Sisglitz; Siegiitz read it, and it tend, '* 1 want to coma to you, kiss you and then dis." Sisglitz said, " Ob, what fool- ish things," Hs took the envelop off and leaw Milwaukee on it; ha threw it in tbe stove; he said; "itdon't hurt ma any—I can keep it;" sent me for an envelop; I got it, and then put toe letter in a cap aad carried it boms; I went to the Pest Office between three and four o'clock; don't recollect the exact time or day of the week; been at J a mpertz's room in Pitkin's building; saw a bedstead, dock and rocking chair, and ether furniture there; bought a bed- stead, sofa, lounge and other articles of Frazza, befcra be •|s»MyfiLM iJ,l '* tt **»- CVsas-JfaemMsaT—Caa'l tell the tune bo got, the letter; I bought a vest in the middle of March fromja man on Lake street, and it wae before this; Sfeghts reed the tetter and George Warner was present; didn't read the letter; only it made ms Uugh whan Sisglitz said "come to you, kiss and then dja," JumpeMf didn't asy anything about it; he never snowed me any otoer letter; 1 was sitting near tbe stove; saw " Milwaukee," and tbe mark through tbe envel- ope ; it ia a store stove; we burn hard coal; he said be had no use for the envelope; put U ia the stove ; he. showed it to Siegliiz; it was be- tween three and four o'lock; did not take Sieg- lits or George Werner to the beck part ot the shop; told George to come up to his room and • be wonld read it to him ; it was after he burned up the envelope; I can read German ; saw the mark " Milwaukee;" had no particular reason for look|ng at it; afier he put thejasnvelope in the stove be sat down and read it; George asked him what ths news was, when a customer came in; Sieglitz was doing nothing; hp read i t ; I have been in the jsil to see Jumper)2, to carry him papers; have been in every Friday or Tues- day ; never spoke to bim ahont thai letter ; he never cut mv heir in the jail; I can get thM done in ths shop. j To McComat—Saw a latter in the StaaUXti tung to Heinrich Jnmrerrz. Frederick Becker iworn —Publish the National Democrat; advertise letters for German par- ties; ia our paper of the 2d of March, 1858, there was a letter advertised for Henry Jnm- periz, (referring to a file of the paper) ; it was spelled "Hein. Jumpertz" ; publish no paper Monday and publish it Tuesday. 7b the Court-it is a two weekly list. Croes-txmm*ned—Tbe letters lay in the Post Office two weeks; can't tell bow long these let- ters have been in Post Office; don't know when the list waa mads op. To Mc Comae —A. letter published here may have been in one day or fourteen. AFrEBKOON SESSION. Mr. MoUomse fir the defence stated the de- sire of the counsel for prisoner to put in evi- dence the detailed statements made by the pris- oner aad published in the daily papers of this city. The Court did not consider the newspapers as admissible evidence, it could only be reached by putting the reporter's themselves upon|the stand. The matter was postponed for the pres- ent. Cyrut W. Pomtroy, in the employ of 3. B. Pomeroy A Co., who leased the room to the prisoner, sxhibited a diagram of the 4th floor of Pomeroy's butiding and the location and ar- rangement of the rooms. The excellence and public advantage of the black-laws of our State, was demonstrated when in the course of tbs tes- timony of this witness, statements of matters believed to have a bearing on the case, hut told him by the colored porter of the building, Wil- liam Jackson, were excluded on the usual ground, as hear-eay evidence, nor oonld ibey be sworn to by tbe porter, he being a colon»d man. Tbe point, whatever its value, wss thus lost to the people. &^nd~er~I8>iol3ttltmn—Am of the 'firm of Frazza k Ribolla; Jumpertz has been in onr employ for most ot tbe time since he c» me to the city in 1355; character of prisoner wss good ; did not not recollect allowing him to go to the Post Office for a certain letter. Dr. Paddock and other medical witnesses were put npon the stand; their examination and cross examination going very thoroughly over the ground of death by poison and by va- rious modes of killing, with the appearances tbcreafur, modes of detection, Ac. EVE > ISii SESSION. At tbe evening session nothing was added to tbe evidence already in possession of tbe Court. At 9 o'clock the case wss closed. The arguments will be opened this morning by D. Mcllroy, E <q , for the people. Mscnajiics' iNSTiTtrra.—An interesting meet- ing of tbe Mechanics' Institute, waa held at their library room on Tuesday evening last, V- W. Gates, Esq , the President, in tbe chair. Af- ter the transaction of some business of no im- portance to the public, Mr. Gates read a long and entertaining address or inaugural, in which hs set forth in a plain and comprehensive man- ner the present condition snd future prospects of iris Institute. We give a synopsis of bis sd- dress. Mr. Gates, after enumerating what he believes to be the duties of the presiding and other officers of the Institute, and speaking in terms of commendation of the present Board of Directors, says that heretofore, from ignorance of their duties, or some other cause, the affairs of the Institute have been conducted in a very loose and unsatisfactory manner. There has never until now been a set of books kept, show ing how the rffairs of the Institute stood- - what ware their receipts and disbursements, the assets and liabilities—aad consequently whan the prtesens officers came into power, no statement of its condition could be found. The Recording Secretary was called on several times for a re- port, bnt was only able to gneM that tbe liabil- ities of toe Institute were about $2,500, and that about $1,800 of tbe amount was due tbe 1st of January, 135S. Tbe President strongly depre. cites and condemns this state of things, and says pointedly that any business to be success- ful, must be well done. The Secretary ahould be a thorough and neat accountant, and should be required to show a balance sheet whenever called upon by the Directors, and a full state* meat at least twice a year. Ths offices of Secre- tary and Actuary should be merged into one, and be tilled by a man of thorough capacity. Ths books and accounts of ths Institute were placed at ths diiposal of the President by a res- olution of the Board of Directors, and a ooatpe- tent man was employed by that officer to go through them and see if order could be brought out of confusion. The resuIt, aa near aa could be reached, wss as follows: Mourn. ISM-Ja-uary I. Balarne mhajdsof Lews-Dod«- ...n 331,39 1859—January I. Total rec«l»tstorInitiation fern and doestorthe roarenuinc January UI3SS..... j,-£-a-J» 18 a mount of receipts for rents and use of hall dur- ing tbe rear .... •.•••.-•aii- *••• J J8 9 -U-cetou of the Meahaitlea' Fab- ...... XStO.46 Received of P. Oarpe.ter for ststssold him 7U.C0 DlJOCRflMUT-. Debt* 0' 1*57 paid .01.364 37 Rent paid f. K W Peck gSSt Iveoin* School ....... J 5 *?? HulOoie Jo. s bins. 3S13S Fuel »00 PrinUncaud adverUstoR ..• —- 64*0 Expenses of Annual fair ***** Oenrral Expanses <•••. «JUSJ For expenses Incurred this lear. not likely to oc- cur next 1.M6H •B,0» OS issue Caab In hands of Secretary sod Treasurer.. Total MJMOf Amount of indebtedness January 1, 1359, as per statement by Lewis Dodge, Secretary, to wit: P,F. W.Pack J .............. *1,6|7.I0 • ••>•••••«•*•• Wm. H. Wells. Isaac Bpeer Supposed amount duetoradvertUag Boo* * Smltn. « Barry * Oashmc St Kelly.... - Edward Hamilton a. L. tattle. L. Douse Mast's Childa 160.00 ..... 6B.M ".".*." 69.03 90.00 ..w... SS00 *te . 33.00 we oo V.'.'.Z 38.00 Total ..-•...>..«• .... •...•»... aa,4*S 73 From the manner in which the accounts were kept, it is impossible to tall what wee the in- debtedness oi the Institute at ths Commence- ment of I860, bet it is supposed to have been $1,485.55, and ths result shows that the mdebt. ednees of the Inatitnte baa been increased about $1,000 It is evidsnt from this statement thM soma change should be made immediately: the expenses must be reduced sad the receipts in- creased. The President estimates ths receipts for the coming year as follows: Fees sad dues (same as tost rear) 'Halt oi Fair mCaaaai. taMeflSM teu."* The ex pens* of fitting up the Hall, whieh WM $ 1,000, will not occu r this year. Deducting this, there would still be a balance of expendi- tures against receipts of $800, without any pro- vision tor paying the old debt and replenishing the library. : ' Cast year there was a resolution pasaed allow ing the Secretary it% per cent, commission for collecting fees and dues, which proved to he a Wise plan—there being about six hundred mem- bers thereby added. The continuance of tbe same plan in recommended. The Board have, offered three premiums, $25, $15 and tlO to the person who shall secure the greatest number of neW members daring.the year- The President thinks this plan will accomplish mnch. The renfs of the Hall, by proper effort, may be considerably Increased. A'resolation has been passed allowing ladies to become members of the Institute, by paying one- half the amount which male members pay. This movement, it is believed, will decidedly strengthen the Institute in every particular ; and premiums will be offered to the ladies for the largest list of names for membership secured by them. Other ways,and means for paying eff tbe debt of the Institute were recommended, snch as holding fairs, festivals, eta. The President urged npon every member the necessity of each one se- curing at least one new member, and that every other effort possible be made to save the insti- tute from bankruptcy and dissolution. Tbe President recommends that the Constitu- tion of the Society be so altered as to allow the Board ot Directors to appoint the Secretary and Librarian ot the Institute, instead of being elected ss now, and these two officers thereby placed more immediately under their control ; and the abases which have crept into theae de- partments be thus avoided. Lectures by able and popular lecturers are recommended. It also reoemmends that the Associated Congress be again permitted to oc- cupy the Library Room of the Institute. A Committee WM appointed by the meeting to raise subscriptions for the purpose of clear- ing off the debt of the Institute. The by laws were so altered as to allow ladies to become members upon paying half does. And also allowing persons not connected with mechanical or manufacturing business to be- come Honorary Members upon the payment of 13. —— | m TnnPSBAMCB MISTING.— The Chicago Wash- ingtoniac Union meets to-night at the rooms of the Young Men's Christian Association in Lnyd's Block, 205 Randolph street. The meet- ings are open to all, and a good time is ex- pected. HSAVV HOGS.—Twenty nine were brought to this city by P. Grant age, of Bureau Co., yester- day morn ing, the average weight of which was 377 lbs. each. They were bought by Cragin A Co. at $7.50—tbe biggest hogs and biggest price of the season. Thev were of tbe Leicester breed. £i»T" There will be a meeting of tbe members of the Chicago Bjard of Trade at their Rooms this day at three P. M. Per order of the President, W. W. MITCHSLL, Sec?y. ,j^~ The regular meeting of the Citizens Fire Brigade will be held at their rooms on this (Thursday) evening. A full attendenci is de- sired. S. B. RAYMOND. Capt. H, N. MAT, Sec'y. LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. U *orst> STATU CIRCUIT (JOUST, FEB. 2D, 1658 Junob DBUMMOND, PBBSIDINO.—Camp <& Son ve. (r. 6. Hubbard & Co. This was an action on an implied warranty of the merchantable character ot 100 barrels oft. How, furnished by defendants to plaintiffs in November, 1854. It appeared that the sale was by order. The plaintiff's were manufacturers ot candles at Sheboygan, Wis. Tho defendants were packers snd maksrs ot tallow at Chicago. Thsy accepted the order, but hading themselves unable to supply the ona hundred barrels of tbeir own rendering, purchased it of Cragin. A Co., «~a skived to pia.lni.ii'* The 100- tbU proved of greatly inferior quality—claimed to be mere soap grease. The Court charged that there was an implied warranty of the merchantable quali- ty of the tallow, inasmuch as the defendants knew what use it was wanted for, and especially as it waa a sale by order, with no opportunity to examine it. Also, thst in such case the ven- dee is not obliged to return the interior article, but may rely on his warranty and law for the damages, and that in such case the measure of damages is tbe difference between the value ot the article as it ahould have been, and the value aa it was in fact. The jury found for the plain- till $1,175. E. C. Larned and S. A. Goodwin for plaintiff, M. Causin for defendants. POLICE MATTERS. The following cases were disposed of yesterday morning: George Spring and George Davis, for disorderly conduct in pulling down signs, A c , were fined $3 each. Barney Thornton, drunk and beating hia wife, fined $20 Michael Riley, drunk and disorderly, $3 ; An- drew Henley, do, $3 ; Abigail Doolan, do, $25 and 30 days ; Prank Vogt, do, $5 ; Daniel Hinlon, drunk and drayage, $3. Albert Trumbull (a boy), larceny, sent to Re- form School. John Tracey, stealing wood, $1 and five days in Bridewell. Patrick Hennessey, vagrancy, $30. L.O. AL, HATIEHM. JjgT Gilbert A Sampson will sell this day, at their new salesroom, 82 Lake street, a very large quantity ot good second-hand furniture, carpets, crockery, Ac; also an extensive assort- ment of new furniture of every description. Sale to commence at 9 •>$ o'clock, P. M. LOST. Left borne on Friday last, Martha Bed ing wn, about 11 years old. She has dark brown hair, dark eyes, pale complexion, snd is rather small for a child of ber age. Had on when she left, a dark plaid dress, red cape, and worsted hood. Any information concerning her will be thankfully received by her parents, at 143 Weat Harrison street, second door west of Jefferson. -in 11 •" '•' ' 1 S> a A GLORIOUS ACBISVBHBKT BT GAYSTTT !— Nothing can exceed the success achieved by J. C. Gayetty's Medicated Paper for tbe Water Closet. Files will soon be a disease no longer known except in name. Tnis pure medicated paper is unequalled as a preventive, and unap- proachable as a euro. Tbe proprietora wish it to be spoken of according to its merits onlv. It is vary cheap—1000 sheets (or *l ; 600 sheets for 50 cents. Sold by all druggists, and at the discoverer's depot, 41 Ann street, Nsw York. "J. C Gayetty" is watermarked in each sheet, aad his autograph is ou each package. Sent by sxpreM from 41 Ann street, New York, npon receipt of price. The trade are invited to cor- respond aa to terms. For sale by J. H. Reed k Co., wholesale and retail druggists, 144 k 14$ Lake street, Chicago. ja$2-2w-c63 t^$~ See advortmement ot Dr. Sanfords' Uvsr Invigorator in another column. •. *w~ See advertisement ol Boudoir, Sewing Ma- chines. 122 Lake street. ja4-ly-b906 See advertisement of Quaker City $30 Sewing Machine." L. Coaxnu. A Co., eeS6-ly 138 Lake street. DIDD. On Wednesday. February U, BKNJAMIN, son of Ban- iamin and KLaabetn aolcrook, aced ten weeks and five ears. The funeral will take place at the parents residence JM West Harris MI street, to-day at I P. M. Hope Fire In ur mre (jnipnaj, OP WEW YORK CITY. CaSkiSMtS $1T4, Osv aoTBoarrv) la Oasaaoo. Xamotds. Halloa e'ramam. Otden. Fleetwood a Oo,. Clark a t r * T. 6. South.' o«Hi tv law Deter. VAN B I H M , Ace*. 1, last eor. of South Water and Clark-si, UPSTAIRS. 1 8 5 8 . Iltrioh River Packet lenpany. Ihcornorted l$M-Oapital Stock, $200,000. IK J. HANCOCK, r r e s t Wat P. HANCOCK. Secy. [ROUGH BILLS OF LADING GIVEN for Xrasahk to St. Louis and all points on the Illinois aver at the lowest rates, Prefahttak. MtDd Railroad to eeoria, and for pa/Uculsn apnly w ~ AUtXI i by Umeaao snd ' at trom is apply to T. ~W. AUtXinDIK a CO., ajtanls, tetlm-eMS jJSggSS »»^»t..6Vioaso7ln- r- P BLISSES A PROCTOR, Csncoaasors to Stanfcri A awards 1 Net. M8 Broadlway, New York, Have Baeeatty Pabuened POPE, OR PRESIDENT; 8TAITLINO DI8QI,08UKE9 OP K0MANISM. A j Revealed b- Its Own Wiitera Facts f o r t h e American People. ltao .... 0aota .... atC0 This iaaaertant b x>k thoald b* In tbe hands of every intelnsaot ohria<ian In oar ocantry- it is no tirade of abuse aninst the system it treats ot but a clear revelsv- t an of RasMla-frwa its own sianda-d. and authorities. and eaaaodtea tacts that nucntto startle into watchiutaeaa ever* proteaiant thatreade tl."—{Protestant Churchman. tVOvpiea sent to any addiem pre-p id. on the receipt ofthenrioa Por sale by bookselUrs ran*rally. Canvas- sers aad A|*nU wanted In every State of ths Onion. WE HAVE RKMOVSD BAkasTrt. suae * oo -QEMOVAL. - •W , w5i•" Uk, JsJp»»sr~AW ^Sanas BY TEtEGRAPrh TO THS w Aim i THIBtmK. ecntive sea- adjourned rkansua, from a, reported a and Patents to naturalizing of prti.i mr was ID XXXVtk COHWKESI—SBCOHD SESSION. WASHWOVOS, Feb. 2.-J-Ssirar»i—A memorial was presented from the Indian Aid Association of Nsw York, asking Congress to organise no new territories without consulting the Indians as to what portion of their territory they wish to be located on; also, sskiag Congress to grant money for Indian anj- The Secretary of tbe Navy transmitted in ac- cordance with Mr. Wilson's recent resolution, a statement of all the contracts made for live oak, which was ordered to be printed. Messrs. Seward and King presented various memorials from New York and Long Island for works of defence. \ ,, Mr. Bayard, from the Committee on tbe Ju- diciary, introduced a resolution sppaoying Min- ister Reed's decree of February, 1353, regulat- ing the consulates in China, and declaring that no legislation ia required to legalize it. Adopted. Mr. Brodsrick introduced a bill to establish a line of steamahips from San Francisco to Shang- hai via the Sandwich Islands. Referred. Mr. Pugh moved for any correspondence with Prussia relative to the compulsory enlistment of persons claiming American protection, in tbs Prussian army. Adopted. The'House bill for the punUhmant of coun- terfeiters of Military Land Warrants wss read and passed. Mr. Bayard, from the Judiciary Committee, said ha would to morrow reaayct on tbe Indiana election case, in response to the memorial of McCarthy and Lane, claiming»to be Senators. The Agricultural College Bill wss taken up, and on motion of Mr. Pugh wis recommitted : ATBS—Bayard, Benjamin. Bright, Cbesnnt, - Clsy, Clingnsan, Davis, Fdeb, Filspatrick,, Cwin, Hammand, Houston, Ivereon, Johnson of Tenn., Jones, Mallory, Mason, Polk, Pngb, Reed, Rice, Sebastian, Shields, Slidell, Toombs, Wsrd, Yulee-88. NATS—Alien, Bell, Bigler, Broderick, Chan- dler, Clark, Collamer, Crittenden, Dixon, Doo- litlle, Douglas, Fessenden, Foots, Hale,HamIin. Kennedy, King, Seward, Simmons, Stnart, Thompson of Ky., Thompson of N. J., Tram- bull, Wade, Wright -26. The Indian Appropriation bill was then tsken up snd further debated, bnt without taking a vote upon it the Senate went ij sion, and on the opening of thr HODSB.—Mr. Oreenwood, o the Committee on Indian A bill providing for the issue of the Shawnee Indians, and tb them ss citizens of the United Stsates, Mr. Houston, of Alabama, spggested whether this could be done in this way, as tbe Constitu- tion requires a uniformity ot naturalization. Mr. Greenwood replied that they wore not on the same footing as foreigners. Some of them were able to take care of theui own affairs, and as intelligent as many foreigner*. Mr. Bliss, ot Ohio, said it wae inaugurating a new policy to make Indians citizens bywspecial act of Congress, and suggesad whfether matter'was not left to.the Statle aloie. Mr Greenwood remarked t h y the bill accordance with the 9th article af the treaty with the Bhawnees. W Mr. Colfux, of lad., said that many of toe Shawnees were as intelligent as some ot the gen- tlemen in the House and folly competent to take care of their own affairs. The bill authorizes the Indians to alienate tbeir lands under such regula- tions as the Commissioner of Indian Affair* may prescribe. We should open their country to set- tlement ana encoarage tbeir advances in tbe pur- suits of eivitived life. Mr. Montgomery of Pa., lemarked that the citi- zens of Texas were naturalized l»y treaty and so were others. At present these Indians have no redress for trespass, as none but citizens of the United States can sue in the Federal Courts. The naturalization clause was then striken ont, and the bill was then rejected by a majority of nine. Mr. Taylor, of La, made an ineffectual at- tempt to introduce a bill providing for tbe ac- quisition of Cuba by negotiation. Tbe House then went into Committee on tbe Judicial, Legislative and Executive Appropria- tion bill. A desultory debate followed—Oarnett, Qid- dings, Smith of Illinois, Bingham and Stanton advocating retrenchment, and Davis of Miss., Phelps, Phillips snd Keitt defending tbe ap. pronation. On a motion to reduce the appropriation for mileage, Mr. Bingham ssid the abuse of mile- age ought not to be tolerated. The rates were fixed unequally, some members receiving near- ly #12,000 and others only $6*4. Tbe item of #200,000 for milesge was stricken out by nine majority. Without coming to any conclusion in regard to the bill the House took a recess till seven o'clock. Oa re assembling a general debate took place. .J P as jgjfc—i ' - , L Front Washington. Naw YOSK, Feb. 1.—The Daily Newg Wash- ington correspondent says tbe $30,000,000 Cuba proposition is likely to psss tbe House. Ths Timet correspondent telegraphs that letters from Central America announce a matri- monial engagement between Miss Ousley end a yonng English nobleman, now Lieutenant on board the English war steamer Valorous. Sir William is proceeding rapidly in his negotia- tions with Nicaragua, and hoped soon to return to London. WASHINGTON, Feb. 1.—At a meeting of tbs Committee on Ways end Means to day, no as tion was held upon the Tariff. They are await- ing the return from the principal Custom Houses for the month of January, from whioh tbe Secretary of the Treasury expects to draw definite conclusions aa to 'be revenne that may be anticipated from tbe present tariff. He ex- pects these returns will foot up $6,000,000. A Democratic caucus was held to night John Cochrane acted as Chairman, and Messrs. Baffin and Cavanaugh aa Secretaries. About fifty moa were present, principally from the South, bnt including two from New York, two from Min- nesota, one from Ohio, and five from Illinois. A great diversity of opinion existed as to the prop- er method of meeting the present pressing emer- gencies of the Government. But a very general impression prevailed that the estimates were si- together too high, and that measures must be taken to reduce them very materially. Resolutions were finally adopted; first, that it is inexpedient to disturb the tariff of 1857 ; sec ond, that a committee of five be appointed to report to tbe next caucus, means by which tbe expenses of tbe Government can be reduced, and the caucus adjourned nntil Saturday night, when a g neral call is to be issued to tbe Demo- cratic members, and the question of retrench- ment is to be debated * WASHINGTON, Jan. 2 —In pnrsnance of the res- olution adopted at the Democratic Caucus on the Tariff last nigjit, Messrs. Girnett, Vallandingham, Crawford, Burnett and Marshall of Illinois, were appointed a Committee to report at the adjourned meeting on Saturday some plan of retrenchment in the expenditures of toe Government. The Select Committee appointed to examine the acts of Mr. Seaman, the late Superintendent of Public Printing, expect to complete their labors next week. The select committee to examine tbe alleged abuses in tbe navy department and nary yards, bave already aumtrioates} and continue samtaosv ing more witnesseswkni they can conveniently examine during too present session. Tbe Senate in executive seeaion today re- sumed the'eonsideratioo of the nomination of Emory D. Potter, as Collector of Toledo, bnt aa norqaorum was present tbs question was not taken. The Committee on Military Affairs is still en- gaged on to* consideration of the Waahington aad Oregon Indian war debt. Messrs Lane and Stevens, the delegates from these Tern to- nes, last night hsd a bearing on tbe subject be- fore tbe committee. Hew Jersey Legislature aad Use Quar- antine War. TBINTOX, N. J., Feb. 2 —Both Houses of tbe Legislature bsve by a strong vote adopted em- phatic resolutions against the Quarantine at Sandy Hook, and instructing toe Senators and Representatives of New Jersey in Congress to oppose action to that end by tbe General Gov- ernment. i • • m From Mexico. WASHINGTON, Feb. 1.—The steamship General Rusk, with dates from Brazos to tbe 28th nit, has arrived. A conduit has arrived at Matamoras with one million dollars in specie and bullion. Gen. Gar z a was preparing to march from Tam- auiipas to the assistance of-toe Liberals. aa s> • From Utah. LnavsawoBTa, Feb. 1.—The Utah mail, with dates to January 7th, haa arrived. News unim- portant. There had been a grand review of all the troops by Gen. Johnson. They are represented to be in a high state of discipline. a sj a. i From St. J okas. ST. JOHNS, N. P., Feb. 2.—The stesmer Cir- casaian sailed from here at 9 o'clock this morn- ing, tor New York, where she will be due about Monday, the 7th. Wind N. K., with heavy snow-storm pre- vailing. m » . Rival steamship Lines Nsw YORK. Fob. 2.— The Vanderbilt opposi- tion line to California advertise the Northern Light to sail for Aspinwall on the 10th of March next, to connect with the steamer Uncle Sam on the Pacific. ay as , . oe Municipal Election. LANCASTER, PA., Feb- 1.—At the municipal election in this city to day, Sanderson (Dem.) was elected Mayor over Burrows, by 7 msjority, in a heavy vote. a > ai Sailing o f t b e Europa. Nsw YORK, Feb. 2.—The steamer Europa sailed at noon to-day for Liverpool, with 44 pas- sengers and $072,000 in specie. NJCBJ Hdflertisemmti. fTC. B. SCR1VEN, Moertituuj Agent, S3 DtarhornuL, is authorized to receice Adcertitementt for this and all the Leading Papera of the XorUi- Wet, jsj bSM lj •f*/'ANTED—A SMART ACTIVE BOY.— .IT. Apply at BOOK k KAfNKE'a New Prt rcHptlon Drue Store, Cbctavo Clark street, opposite the Court House, feSlt* ri'O RENT.—TWO NEW HOUSES, ON JL on Brie street, near Mar.et. EUbt rooms in each house at S21 per month. fe3 ci6l) lm Inquire ana Olauc street. X. WARD. ftlD fe3o!67 4t REWARD.—STOLEN FROM THE _ enclosure of tbe subscriber on> the H h nit,, two dark brown milch cows. One v.ry lar k e snd the otber mnch small er. Smaller one curriea her real very ________ low. Ice above rewari will be paid for their oeiivery to the subsci iber st bis place near Oltavervilie, or at the a bie of rlatt A Hupluas, on RmdqU>h street. "" """ HBWBV KViagT. D' •^SOLUTION OF CO-PARTNERSHIP. The co-partnerahln here ofore existing between the undersigned under the firm name of Converse A Thompson was this nay dissolved by mutual consent. •LAM OOMVKB8C Ja., Feb. 1,1859. J T. THOMPSON. Tbeucdersls;ged win continue the Boot and Fhoe busi- nrsoat th« old stand No. 180 Kandolih street, and s alone amhoiixed to collect al' demands du« the late* firm and settle all demands against tti- same. fe3 C166 3t ELAM OONVKRSB. JB. I R I S H Shred and TAPIOCA Coxe's MOSS. Sheet isinglass, FRESH HOPS, f parkUi>? Gelatine, SAGO, OAT MEAL, CONCENTRATED EXTRACT OF LEMON", SABGEAT k ILSLEY, apothecaries, fs9 cl'8 140 Lake street. ROOT & OADT, 96 CLARK STREET 96 At the £ign of the Star fpatgled Banner, Z=F Sjat -f- + long may it wave WH0L1SALE AND R I T a H DEPOT lathe only rJacefwTeje aH'of MiSON BROTHERS MD- »or the sale of Pioging Books of every delcrlption. Thia lathe only ilace where all of M4S0N uROTHEi" SIUALfCBMCAI'IOMS are constantly on hand. CbAir«.ra M u s i c Books, Jubilee Sabbath Pell. Shawm. Hallehlsale, Oantica Laud s. New and Od Oarmina Sacra. Boston Academy Collec !"•>, Psaitery, National Psalmist. ThankseWlng. Lutecf Zioa, Ac. All the late and popular G-loe Rooks. Including Festival f-lee Book, N T. Glee and Chorus Book, tt.ee H ve. Voca.ua, i o.ial Glee Book, Family Oir- me Glee Bn k, N. E. tt ee Book. Minnehaha Glee Book, Union olee Ucov, u.ci ian Glee Booi, Ac Juvenile Hooka, Normal Stag r goni Boo* of the fchool Boom, Little Sons* (or Little 8in«ers, Wl'.der's School Music, Wllder's Mu>kal E emeutary. Normal rona Book, Young Shawm. ¥OUOK aiimtrel, hinging Book for Boys and Girls meet- ings, Ac. aa Rooks for Female (seminaries. The Musical Casket, a new book recently published, and already introduced In' o the principal Seminaries of Mew Y r», Brooklyn snd Chicago; Musical album, Academy Vocalist, Musical Class Book, Mntlcal Boa.net, Musics, Bcho, Institute Melodies. Webb's Vocal Uiass Bock. Ac Ai Also, a great variety of CoDgregUional Tune and Hymn B ok>, Opera and Sacred Chorus Books, Ua-iiatas Oratorios. Ac. Ac. General ascortment of Technical and Scientific Musi- cal Works Mutual Litera.ure, Ac WA Liberal Discount to tbe Trade. QTATJS OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF i) COOK. 88.—Cook County Court of Common Pleas, Febrnsry i'erm.. 1868. Charles H. Booth and Charles Tattle vs. Oi ville Finch.— Attachment Public notice la hereby given to the said Orvtlie Finch that a writ of Attachment Issued out of the offloe of the Clark cf Cook County Court of Common Pleas, dated the. fi at day of Febuary .A. D. 18SS, at tha suit of the said Charles H, Booth and Charles Tattle and against the estate ot the said Orvtlie Finch -or the sum of six- teen hundi e J anu forty-two do lars and forty-eight cents, directed to the Sheriff of Cook county, which said writ haa been returned executed. Now, therefore, unless jou. the arid Orvflle Finch shall personally be and appear before the said Coek county Court of Common Pleas, en or oeforethe first day of the next term ihereo', to be holden at the Oourt House In the city of Chicago, on the urst Monde- of Febru- ary. A. a li*9. give special bail and plead to the said plaintiff's action judgment will be entered against yon and in favor of the said Charles H Booth and Charles Tut le, and so much of the property attached as Buy; be sufficient to satisfy the said lodgment and eosts, will be sold to satlstytha Same WALTtR KIMBALL, Clerk Thompson A Bishop. Pit ns Atf ye. fc3clo930d I ^HE CO-PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing between H M. Higgins snd A J. Hltgins, under the name and style cf Hit-gins Brothers is this aay dissolved by mutual consent. H. M. Higgins assumes all theliabiutlei of the late be paid. __ Chicago, Feb. L 185». .-m and to whom 11 d«bt» must a M/HiGGIHS. A. J. BIGGINS. HIGGINS returns his thanks to his customers 1 hopes by strict attention to business H. M for part favors, and to merit their future patronage. •" sty stock la by tar the Urges'., sad most complete lathe Northwest. s^TNew Music received weekly bom all the Saatern publishers. tr My c jtalcwue of my own publications is now the finest of any published in tbe United 8tatea. to which I am constantly adding from the best composers in the Baatern and West rn States. H. M. HIGGINS. fe8-lw-owM g Lake street M. HIGGINS, MU£IO PDB- LI*HER. « Lake street, still has on hand the largest stock of Musical merchandise kert by any other house In the Northwest. I am sola agfents for the cel- ebrated " Model Melodeon," saade br Mason A HamlLi. "oston alaoag--nt« ior Lighte. Newton A Bradhay's PIANOS, with the "P tent arch - rest riant," wh.ehta •seu by no other Manufacturers in the wortd, aad Is the •aoatimjo tant mechanical uaprivemeBt. Instsa >. o using iron as most mak rs do—whioh sires th ins/o- mentam talk and disagreeable soand-~or oslng wood in the ori inary wa.—which readers it necessary to weaken the part of the I astmosent wherein the greatest possible strength is reouir d—by cutting acrosa the grain of the wood. U«hte. Nevton A Bradbury's have a neth't whereby they spring this patent Wrest Into proper form by tbe aid of steam and powerful saaehinerv. if. of ten tuna will mak no impress-on '.', I'.res Of the woo *' oontin Astaln the arch, when tbe fibres of the wood Instead r<f being weakened by the beiag Interrupted at short distances, have their p wer of resistance gieaUy augmented by the pec liar form they are made to assume in the Patent Arch Wrest. Kv=ry instrument is warranted. All kinds of Char :h Music Boeksfor sale. l i e cheapest and lalee.ttlee Book out ia the MIUNB HA-HA. Priceai_gle copy 58 cents, sent by mail post- paid; per dosea e.M all orders must be addressed to a. M. HIGGiNA 46 Lakes*.. Chicago Ja 6 bSM ly RUG CLERK WANTED - O N E THAT is honest and faithful: capable of atmH'ft; to Nova Scotia Telegraph Company. Naw Yogs, Fab. a.—The annual report of ths Mora Scotia Telegraph Company haa boon published sad distributed ia this city, from which it appears that there ware SO,000 mas- sages passad through tbe Halifax office to aad trom other offices in the Pro vinos last year. It also appears that the annual receipts of the com* pany less the amount paid the connecting lines) waa $20,900, and that ths repairing and working of the lines cost a trifle over f 17,000. Other ex- pecses hsve absorbed tha whole of the receipts, and the Directors say that it appears that whea the country offices are taken collectively the total expense of maintaining and working them exceeds the income by about 9400, so thst ths profits of the company are derived exclusively from the Halifax office. Tbe directors also state that with all their ea- deavorsand constant and wearisome attention, tbe expenses of the line continue to absorb - all of their receipts, and yet these are the lines which certain specnlators ia Boston and New York have been trving to induce the mercantile community to purchase at the round sum of $120,000, or to lease at a corresponding figure. as » • . N e w Y o r k State Medical Society. A LB AS r, Feb. 3—The New York State Medi- cal Society has been in session here yesterd t y and to-day. Dr. Monday of Staten Island, moved that a committee ot three be appointed to in res- , tigate lus lact. in relation totb. J^J-jWJJUCHINERY & WHALE OIL •H3t i \(\C\ WANTED Wly?]/«v/V-/v/ months, to us. e eaoriptlon business snd not afraid if work of any kind. •at apeak G ertaan. Address box Oj, ttjfagia fe»3t* FOR SIX _. . - — _ -. — In a legitimate business, to be secured on unincumbered City seal Es- tate wotth as.ooo. any one having the abore saa to l/>an will pleeso adiresa, etatiag t«.-ms. BNTKBPRISK. P. O. box3187. fe»l»» V ALUABLE WHABFING PROPERTY to Ken'. Wharf Lots 27 and 28, in Block 88, Schoo' Sectian. on the east s'di of South Branch, be- tween Harrison Mid Van >-u en s recta. They can be rented for a single yetr or a term of yt are Inquire of fe3Im K. O. LAKNKD. g Wsshfagton , , Pure Sperm Oil, the resolution met opposition and , The prise or the beat dissertation on sesrW' fever was awarded to Henry A. Oarrington/of Hyde Park. The committee on vaccination re- .ported that small pox was more prevalent in the state at the present time than ever before sinos the introduction of vaccination, and recom- mended that the Legislature pass a law em- powering the trustees of each school to exclude from the benefit of public instruction ail who have net been vaccinated. A resolution was adopted approving the action of Mayor Tiemaan in endeavoring to place the control of the sanitary affairs of the eity of Sew York in the hasps of medical men, and exhort* ing the Legislators to psss laws to effect such s result. More Difficulties ia Utah. ST. LOCIS, Feb. 2 —A private letter from Bait Lake City, Jan. 7th, says Judge Sinclair adjourned the Grand Jury tine die upon petition ot nine members in whieh they declare their in»- *btlity to proceed in the examination of witnesses in consequence of the excitement and violence manifested. Jury composed ot 9 Gentiles, 12 Mormons, and a factious spirit ran so high that revolvers were drawn and a general fight, with difficulty, was prevented. Tbe letters adds that ths idea of sa impartial jury, or justice being obtained la that eity, is preposterous, and » martial law probably will be established. BCSIN, SODA, SODA AfH, BAU90BA. OAtfPHXaa, POTASH. ACTUM, ALCOHOL. PRINTER'S BLUES, TWINES, MANUFACTURERS' & GROCERS' GOODS, Large Stock in Store which we offer Lew. J H. REED A CO., WHOLESALE DBUdOISTH UsAltt ....Lake Street. 144A146 »«» $14,000. A N ESTABLISHED BUSINESS, STOCK a£V ofQoods sad Hoase and Lot ia this city for sale Two-thlidi of the amoun will be taken In Improved Fanning t a i o a Address launediateUy " J. X." aox 1800, with description of property. fel-lw* 'IK) EXCHANGE.—WE HAVE SEVERAL JL valuable Horses and Oarnasea, which we will ex- change far Groceries. Loa er. Hardware. Boots and shoes or Dry Goods. Also a new Seven Octare Piano, as above. ABBvrTT A K.INGMA.N tag beat la MO sad B s South Otork street. J RETURNED.- DR HUBBBLL IS HAPPT •' to Inform his numeroui friends sod patrons that ^haa !ue< returned from a t »ur in Burope, and having, while there visued soma of the ortnttpal aoerital let ' ES^^SHSE OIL, OHBAFBBT aSD Mfst Brilliant light Yet discovered. M.las Hand Lamp, i SB CaV'GALLON burning three *" hours each da*, la** TUAEE MON rfia jdv- ingali httquil to efirht Candle a When tb* LaAiD ia proper ly teimm- ed there is lit, SsMke or Saeil. OH 81 PEE GALL'S. j*Bb»493m WattitiX ?ja—-ss. w H OUSE AND FURNITURE WANTED A House contalcint six or eif ht rooms h> the South Dtriilen. at a low rent. The rurritnre wiM b« bought or rented if desired. Address Box " *S&," Post Ofijoe. fel-8t-cU8 ^^ ANTED TO PURCHASE OR RENT * first Class Residence on the Nnrth Bide. In this eity. located between the streets of Pine and North ' earborn. In Una and Saprrior. Lotto be not lets thtn 78 feet front, with a lane atd eaaunodlons House. Apply at the "ffl3« of "Taller A Oo, $3. 17 8tae street, tr at o y res deoee. No. 171 M;c„l*an aveeor jag iet cits BaB a **,«.««• I NFORMATION WANTEtt OF HENRY Hurst One-tham otherwise James Henry Horst, native of_Mtnebester, Bngianc, aged SS years, apply -"'•aw to this office. vy_ ._ paid Address or aippir to SAM Jtandolph street, Chicago. A N T E D . - H U N G A R I A N GRAFS Seed, for whieh i he h|gbest mar set price will be - ™ D t | / h H1BTZ, No. 5* jat8.lm* Jar Sale ARE JEV Poultry aad Produce Stead In tbe eity. South f for Bale. Address ' JT^Draw 8807. tfhlcigo. 111. laLlss* CHANC8.-THE IBEST MEAT, ado. F OR 8ALE.-THAT SPLENDID DWELL- mo House and Lot on thscor-er of Wblcott and krie streets, now ocenpied by T. P. Phillips. The house and areata ar s in perfect order, and SU too af the pur- chase money can remain on B >nd and Mortgage for a term of rears Ar ply at the office of PHILLIPS A VAN WAGENSM, No. 3 Looml,' Uuudi. g, eOraer of Clark and South Water atreeu, r j e \ lw-cltt C OKE FOK SALE BY T&E CHICAGO Gas Light and Coke Company, at the reduced price of ten eeats per bushel ior aay anantiay. jajMw-ojj F ORSALE -THE PROPELLER <• J. BAR- BBR." was built in Cleve snj In 18*>; length. U6 86100 leet; breadth. 261100 fe 11 9epth 8 (S-lOi feet; measurement 2t3 81-Sfi tons. \ for price and terms apply to LINDA SLATE t. Canal. near Madison street. f jattlm* OTICE. — TO DRAYMEN AND EX PKBSsMtN.—1 have for sale'one good Truck in and Harness: fire good I on A i d Drays and Har- s. Ihe above for sale cheau. Inquire of L. TIF- IT, at Richmond A Go's, uffice corner Nor-u Water and Dearborn streets, I jag bSSl am F OR SALE, BY VAN INWAGEN & CO., _ Office No. 3. DolaJs BaUdlng. Chtcaga, ID., -«-., the following vessels: % * J | J j K ^Ht Schr. SOCKET, Class .. BUZ* L6GAV, .. a .. GRKif EAGLE. .. a. .. MGoTlNGME. .. AT .. WINGf OP THE WIND .. INTERNATIONAL .. GERALDINK. .. Ptrrast* j 1) bS7U3m tir Ha ,u .sea .400 .370 THIRST CLASS DWELLINGS FOR SALE, THE TWO FIRST-CLASS DWELLINGS Now being Erected^ On As ash, n*mr Superior St., And to be finished May 1st. These houses are 95x46 feet, three stones, with basement, Milwaukee brick front, built and to be nntahed in the best manner. The lots are 147 feet deep to an alley, and will hare a good brick barn on cash. Persons pnrehasing soon can make such al- terations aa may be desired. Term favorable. Apply to DR. BRAtNARD, «a Clark street, from 9 to 10 o'clock A. M. ja6 H OUSE AND LuTFORSALfc SITUATED on the corner of Wood and Warren street! In the » eat Division, near Union Park, occupied by V P. Hay- ward, The house ia new, built of brick two stories, and atone basement twenty-four Dyflfty-ihre*feet, with a fine observatory; finished in the most fashionable manner with all the modern inmrovenMnta-#marble mantels. grates. Ac, Ac —wou.d be a desirable, residence. Tbe lot is sixty-six by one hundred an J tWentr-teven feet, with a twenty foot alley in the rev of It ; wis be sold very cheap—on canal time, or the whole 1 of the purchase money may remain on mortgage on it and other property for roar or live years, or it- will be exchanged for un- doubted real es a e securities, having''several years to run apply to E. T B »KKK*. P. O. Box No 31W or to a H. BURNS, 18 Dearb rn at.- loom I. jeleJU2m* Malt! Malt! tflalt! 1 A i i l la 1 I B ^ . NO 1 CANADA BAR- XvJa" " r%J LET MALT. \u store sod for sal* by " WHITNEY A KIMBALL. ia6 b»40 3m 1ST Kensie street. itfoariMng a FEW GENTLEMEN BOARDERS CAN •*\ be accommodated, with or without rooms, at 240 Madison street; also a suit of rooms, suitable fir a small family. References given and required. ja£> lw« B OARDING.-TWO OR THREE GEN- tiemen can procure Board and Pleasant Rooms at No. 71 Monroe s reet. Also, a few day boarders can be accommodated. jat8-lmcli B OARDING.—FIRST CLASS BOARD and pleasant rooms, either suites- or single, st MS South Clark street Transient Board at reasonable rates. Ja4-3m» B OARDING. SINGLE ROOMS AND suits of rooms newly fitted up, with board, on rea- sonable terms, may be ob'ained on application at No atf State street. 0. D. OUVkR, daaaaas* * $o Eetti. npO BENT—THE STORE *>Ot 41, SOUTH A Water street, suitable fcr a Wholesale Grocer or Dry Gcids Jobbing H use. Sent moderate. Apply to MaTTHEWLAPLlW. 49 Sooth Water-at. la8»cH18W I^OR RENT.-INTENDING TO BEMOVE I to ournew premises, Ns. 28 !*>• st-eet. on he 1st o/ February next we will rent to a good tcnam the Store we now occupy, r>v. 1ST 8 >uth Wat-r street. Ap- ply to jaiWm DOGGKTf, BASSsITT A HILLS, P ARDEE'S BUILDING. — FOR RENT, ihe oommodloos offices on tha ft-st and second floor in rardee'sBoiidlns. comer South Water and Well* streets. aAUn tiro lofts and a Una corner basement, suitable fo»a dlnin.- hall For terms apply to the lubsori ber In the building. No. IU South Mater stmet JaiabSsSgai a A WILLIAMS. T O MILLERS, MECHANICS, AC—TO RENT, for a term of years, that lajhre building next East of the Elevator of Gtbba. <,riffln A Oa.. with the line Lot on which it stands—being SO leet, more or lest, on the river and running back to the G. A O. D.B. R. Attached to the building Is a steam engine room, with an engine. This is a tine locnkxi for a flouring Mill, or for Mechani- cal purposes, Por I sans Ac. atipiy to 8. B. WIl.hlAMS, d*3t bglf Sm 2tf BoutFWattr a T -aJL jparticuliV Notices. \rOTICE.-WE HAVE THIS DAY PUR- 1\ chased the interest of John J. Intus in the house or Bookee. Tunis A Co.. and will continue the j * b< le- aale Drua bo tin en sa before at the old standi No. £0 South Water attest, aider the style of Boc.ee. Phullpi A Co. C hicaao,reb.L'«. W f l S B h l fel-lOt c!34 eJO. W 8TOefrENBrjR6H. Dearborn Seminary. T HE NEXT TERM OF THIS INSTITU- UonforYoung Ladles will begin on Monday, the ltth Circulars can be obtained by addr easiag the Principal or by ealHn< at the S.-mioary B ildlnj lel-aw-cta* . PARTICULAR ATTENTION'S CALLED JL to s rare chance for investment in t, badness where there Is no eompet Hon. and which paSa to these-hard timet fatty one hsndred per Oent The busin ss is well established nd oa the increase, and will in a ye/ r's time be worth SWOOO. It can now be purchased for MM, part esse The proprietor is about to leave for Ptke t Peak, address " P.O. Box lsaa." ; jaav-St*eia» $5,000 to $20,000. P ARTIES WISHING TO DI-POSE OF Stccka of Dry Goods, Groceries or J other personal property in exchangeforpart cash and part real estate, can be treated with advantageously. A city residence als . wa w d for cash. Sad outside real estate. North 8,de preferred. Apply to HiU. A *«Asar:. Aneuonesri. Jatfellet ; Ho. H Dearborn street. B tiding, i Z 6R0VJ3L Principal. tea k I ii iH WORTH OF MERCHAN 'alrl/V/ DISK wanted la exchange for Bonds and Moi tra.ee on Eastern City .Property, and first Mortgage T per cent. Railroad Bonds. None tut prtnoip;Is t eated with, aadreaa. wuh raal name and dia- cdot on of Goods, "A Z. C.T^box 3196, Chicago, Post OBoe. issaeaalaa M O N E Y TO L O A N At Ten per Cent, per Annum. FOB rxva TBABI, Ptrst-claa Real Istate and COMMEBCIAL MOTES WANfTElx nunlsg from One to Twelve Months. _^ . . _ . iaat c3B B. F. IK)WNING m 00.. *7 Clark-at dll afsAl I -»* TEN PER OENT—X OT 1 e V r v / t ' ipart* w shea aae U sen a isaal' 1«*« at alow price en fairterma. and loan tha purchaaar 11,000 or upwards, at ten per cent, on other security, one or Asviioatioa to be made to is* personally or *• L. Las. box a m by letter. !• jalS At Waoaworth A Oo'a j j Clark st . P. O mo EXCHANGE FOR FARMING LANDS, MerebaodisaarOttyProp rtv. about •lO.INO worOi ofjewelry. Gold Pens. Penclk Ac Address "J. W. »..•' Box stag, Ohieago P. a farUb»»71m rpKLEGRAPH EXCHANGE ON V 1 W TORE. DrarU. Aoosptsnoea aad Notesi paid in New York on the day of maturity, or last day of grace, and money de- p stted lor account in the ctty of KewTork and sent to cities in tbe rictnliy of New Tors on Tdegrai/bic frders. E " E ^mfek Securtttea, ^musemmtga i ^Uiction Sales. Tbe ExcHsiitr Society ftsOfmh T HE "EXCELSIOR SOCIETY OF THE City of Chicago" will oelebrate IU Xerith AaniversarT, ON TEE EIGHTH DAT Of FsBRCAlT NEXT, Br s Grand Dinner snd Soiree st the MIOHMOirZ) HOTJSB. Th« Commitle" of Arrsmgesienle wtU see to It that nothing shall be amsMqaj to sjutka the featival equal to any f. rmer one, which is all teat Hew Vort can oealra. r-IAtOTT ANTHONT. President. GTJEBDON PERKINS./ W. S DAVT*. \ TIce Presidents. , OHABAaaa H. RAT, 1 vaJW "• J P . L. SHERMAN, ternary. J. f. BAB COCK. Treat arte i i m o* suxaeaas. J. R.Hganln, IFWi E.D. W, Robinson, JC. M. 1'rury . H E . Voc 0. . Syoney Smith. H. 8 Konroe, OT B7Psrw( " O. W. Boonaa. Was. LBn K.8. tti'l.ams, E. Van Bur-n_ »eU. ONET LOANED ON CITY RtiAL ES- iuea. Mortgage* TraatDl oteaand sal good negol— ties bought and sold. OerttAoates of Deuoiu and Cbecki M ONEY LO tV3-« Has booaht andKAA at the hWhest market price'. sin andlowalanda. imnroved farms suburban Iota anc Otty Reaa EsUto. OfBoe No. 6, (second floor) MetroaeeV Dealers ii. •ia Wlscon- ANNIVBRSAR1? or- Washington's Birth. Day! THE j \atlenal Laird tatiru Win cetebraie tha Nations HoU- '• day by a DltESS PABADF, And In the evening will give a Grad Fall Dress Mlhtary —aXD— CIVIC BALL, At their Hall, corner of Marked and Rudolph tt-eeta TUESDAY EVEH1JNG Feb'y 3.1&, 1859. To which an Military are lo- vlted to be rasent In FULL UNIFORM. HONORART MANAGERS H in. Fte hen A. Donglaa. UutWo B. Egtn, Gen R. K Sain, Gen. Beaubles, Capt. McArthur. Colonel Tayjoa, Oolmel _ Capt. W. mac. Capt. Parker, Capt. Jaa Smith. Lieutenant Gage. OFFICER OP THE EVENING, Capt, Geo. L. Sanborn, RECEPTION OOMMTTWE. Js»- Dj Witt, A. A Oohb, K. B. Knox. g. W. aoeta. FLOOR MSNASkRS. Llea».-«obt. Wttherell, Robt. Ross, Lieut J. R. II ay oat,. Wm Inula lieutenait J. H. Clybonrne. W Music by the GREAT WESTERN BAND. fel-td C137 S IX POPULAR LECTDRES FOR LADIES and Gentlemen upon IIuinai AutsBtj aad I'hjsielef\. Or the Stricture and Caea ot the Various Parts of the HUMAN BOOT -BY Prof. R. H. PADDOCK, A . M . M . D . —ar »•«— Mechanics' Instittite Hall, To commence on ntxt Monda Evening, ''» u'cLc •, and to be cuttleued on each Sat Monday kveningi followina: till oomwleted. i ickets for the Oourje. S1.00 each. For a f$ngie Lee tore, 3a cents each. To bt n. u at the urug Stores o' J. H_ keed A Oo , Late street. L. T. Huaeston. No. 60 North Obrkstreet a. B. Brrsa. do. £0 fteat Madison street, Gale Br u.ers. No. foa Randolph street, and at the office of Dr. Paddock, P. rtl tnd Block. Room 13 fet-M el41 Fab. 7th. laterday and T HIRD ANNUAL —or— FESTIVAL Cleveland Lodge, Ho. 211, A . F. AND A. M. ', AT THE TUEOONT HOUSE, OiTuirssa}, Feb. . , A. L.&8»9, A. D. 1859, Yourself a -d Ladies Lre respectfully invited. Members of the Fraternity are requested to appear In Regalia .viuelc by the Great Weste/n Baud. S. T. DEAN, OaJltt, Tickets may be had at the Tremont Hooae. and at the Arm of suerson. Miller A Co.. 71 Canal street. HoBO'-aav araxianu. M. W. Ira A. W. Baek. G. M., H. W. 11 6 . Rei ncdv a. A. E. w. W. aritcbell, O. M. K. Reuben Taylor, H. P., M K. J V. Z. Blan j. G. C , Ma N. D sJa-ood. G. H. P.. M. K. H, A. Johnaoai, H. P.. 1. I G. W. UrariDtG. M. ooamirrac or AH*tsosstssTd Reuben Cleveland, P. M-. W. T. Miller. P. rl W„ W M. Egan. W. M., N. W. Huatley J. W.. M D. F. Wilton. T. jal», r lit td fuuria Hen's Assdciation. FEBRTJART, "Bialn." -Ufe in the North." LECTURES FOR 3d-GtORGES0MNER. Subject: lOth-BAYA \D TAYLOR. Subject: 17th-E. P. WHIPPLE. Subject: 24th-HKS.MAN MELViLLE, ruhjeot: "8cuthSeaa" J*8. ''RANT WILSON. HKNRY W. BtoHuP. Jr.. JNO. Ll'LE aING. js25 i.ecure Ootapilttee. rjj HE THIRD ANNUAL FESTIVAL OF Cleveland Lodge No. 211, A. F. 4 A. .*!., Will erne < IT at the TrenvTit House, on THDBSDAY EVENING. February 3d. WML j»»td-c81 USICAL UNION ACADEMY.— O. M. CADT, Instructor. Flemenu-y Class. Tuesday. 7 o'clock P. M Advanced Olaaa. Friday. 7* o'clock P. M. At tha Lecture Room m Portland Block. W Tuitions-SAOO per term o. IS weeks. isJS Im-cH Silver-Plated Goods. SILVER PLATED CASTORS IN GREAT M 8 i variety. Rfeesa Forks Tea-sets, Goblets, Ac. Ac. - for sale lower than at any other h' uie in the city, A JAEGER A CO.M French China Enporium. 103 Lake street, between Clark and Dearborn. ja»-ly-c3a Country Merchants ARE JtfVITEU TU EXAR1.SE OUR J5L large sijck of Crockery' and Glass-warts before msslnSjihnlr narchasers els-where, with the assurance that our best endeavors will be m tde to make it for tbeir advantage to purchase stock at t e China BtnpoiiatB of A J AKuKK A CO., .03 Lake street, between dark and Dearborn. IsSy-N-eSt New and Attractive Goods. \\TE RESPECTFULLY INVlT* THE W attention of the ladies of Chicago, and ' ke pu» »c in ren' ral to ur a- ge and oomp ete stock of fine French China. One Cut Bohemian Glass W.re. Otockery Ware. Br tenia Ware. A3., Ac . as we are satisfied the auality and lew i riaes of our goods, are su".a sa ts> give the best satisfaction to a'L A /AEGEa A OO . 130Lake street be- tween Clark and Dearb i.n Ja»ly-c34 Fine China. F INE DECORATED ND RICHLY GILD ed Dinner 8 Is. ( • Flos decorated and richly gilded Tea Sets. " •• " ToUetSeta. ... Beaotlful deoarated Vaaaa, Mot'^» Oao*. Oologna, t a t s a Te e Sets, Card Baskets Ac_ el sverr fM'UfSL"H win besold very low at \. JAWER A C J.'A 193 Lake sv Jas0.1>-o** . ' 1 »HKU->DER8IGNBD HAVE THE PLEA- SURE of Inlormiog tbeir custom*r« that they have removed Their stock of crock-ry, glass and china worn NS S3* Lake mreetto the new and elegant store. No. iOa lavke street, where they wfli be thankful to reoeive aoontlna- aeee of the Hberal patronage bet^ofore bet tewed «y>on th«n a jaaaitR A CO. 1(8 Like street between igehernto them. A. JA*<4£R' A CO, 103 Lake Clark and Dearborn. jtSO, between ,yo84 fi 0 AND VISIT THE FRENCH qHINA U T ftnporiumof A. JtEGER A 00^ No IU Lake *m£gE& Ot|U^.and.Pa»wb<w«. . . ... . ; ... _ NO. 4S STATM JSr&ttHf. B UTLER ot HUNT HAVE M O * 0J» baud thet«llo»nn»slse»oi prlBtj - 1 ... , »i47 18a*-' iliM >>aW J9t*l »«42 18x44 m *. 3iJJ OxSi ili*7 and are r^ceivmr a utrgcsaaurtment of BOOK PAPBS LSM reams oi WKA''i'INiJ PAPKB of difereA aiaes. 1,000 reams Manilla do. 1 M reams Cap aad letter, and a goaanuassortansatoi Printer's Stationery- ,_.'.,,, urtnn Ltsj) tag* of Mathar'a aiearatea RCWS AJtD BOOI INK AllofwWeh wOl be soil, tor Oaaa. ble rates. t—.• .„ ..^ J SsT* ask i>aid >r r.a- . arw .,1 V • . . i . attk«iow««< mo BUILDERS, OWNERS, * ROOFERS w«, a. somas. a a sorssat. WM. A. BUTTERS &, PO. AECTIOIfEEIS AJfD 1PPRA1SEE8. 76 DBAKBOBN SIBSBT, (Near the Post OAse) Chicago, Illinois. sVOssh advance! on all kinds of Merchandise, jst fet-ly-cUl ' c 0 PARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—THE UN- _ derlgned have tMs dav f-rraed a oo par'nershia undo' ths nam* of HILL sc SWASBT. f r the pur- p se of condu:tlcg ihe General au-tl >n and Commission Wooes HOatTIO "II L Chicaso. Jan. 3 , 18S9. cAsfTJEL SWASCT. HILL OBNBBAL & SWASEY, AUCTlOaVEE: -no- Commission Merob.stn.ta. ^besubacriber is prepared to famish, in Uvrge er small MM Corrugated Booflng. "Jiu^- aa-aji SSDISOSof the various methods of 3g^^rE*v2RaS SS Chicago' no» b44S ly^ m m CtTY WATEB CUKE. .«[ CaUBWBIaAJfssH OHIO. rngjb INSTITUTION IS DELIGHT- I vilI.LYaituatedoa the outskirts of a beautiful forest, wthis L the lim.SIf .13 city of CievdC-4 ^ ^ ^ haaa the Post Offioe. The buildihg is new, of brick, "J rnrasaaSdttSt best style, The bath roomsare aos»Ued with pure, ioft , mug water. Tbe large P a * * ^ * * * " * tils establishn ent is at present rsesjaaas..sfsss.qw*sgs and otl^rwe-ern eitiea, is a aauorlng ^ " ^ . ™ * 1 i ,0 £3 lUBOpulariirandflouruuiii.g coiiditiou. l>r.JUr»sa SOT lis?: tor : crly of the Lake View Water Care nearCh) lady, for rrrly of oasii-ar'i connected with tbisinstitotKin L«ti raof iaqalryto esive prompt attention. ,.S-»f r«4 tthprofihe Phratdana, will JAMKS K. (JROSN «. a wsm. nil i. a. '*«!'*«. M ...... <..DKAEBORaf STREET 64 Win advance on evwy daoerlailon of goods consigned for And .on Sales. IT STRICTLY A OOVMIaTIOIf EOCSE. -aH swaa.no im. gsRSj aaarotx swaaiT. T GILBERT A SAMPSON. B ElegantKew aad S e c o n d H a n d Furni- ture, Knsrra vlng», arpeia, Crock- ery aad Stoves. JL.T A t T O T I O N . ON THTJR«BAT and FRIDAY MORNINGS. Feb™ a n ad ana 4th, at *H o'olooa A M . . «acb day we wU sell the tntlre rffeott of two 'am lies dee.inl g nosste- ksnplnsj. and caing to Pike's Peak, at cur new salesroom, No. 83 Lake street, oppo ite the Trtmont House, con- in pat t ef SOLED ROSEWOOD Iff BROCAXELLX Parior Suits, hair cloth «rd pluah do: Tete a-Tetes, Marrla-top TaMea. B ok Cases, ata-era. So.as. Hall ttanda. Card and Centre Tables, Parlor and Kasy Ohalrs. Otaonens. BID-ROOM FuRffrnrRK. Oak. Rosewood, Walnut and Maaosaay Chamber Sn'ta: Rosewood and Mahogany Bedstea>'s Mart lettp and plain Dressing Bureaus snd tiaehatsnda Ward- robes In Rosewood and Mahogany. Hair aaaatreset. Feather Pihowa nod Bolsters, CosaKrter*. Cane Chairs aad hoeaera. OUt Frame Mirror*. L^una-ea atecepUoc Chain. DI l u r a ROOM FURSTTURI. Mahrganv, Oak and Walnut IMnl*' ahttentlon Tablea Ohalrs. Stde-Boa'ds, Crockery, G- assware, Crockery and other Stoves. Kitchen-ware of all kiaca. CARPITS AND ENGBAVI5GS Rich Tapestry, Bros lis, three ply and other Carptting Elegant Snsravines in tilit Fr >na, 0 oc./, As. To- ga her with a sreat v.riety of others ods Sale positive satd wUho->t reserve. reS-td c'S» GILBERr A 8AMP«ON. Auctioneers. §crdmare St Ularritntrrj. M A 'Ohieago : MMOTH MILL WORKS Branch of the old Buffalo Mill Furnishing Es- tabMsament ] JOHN T. NOTE A OO, Ifiic B. HTMSV Rwldent Partner and Millwright, SS Market street. Chicago. Uikaoia FRENCH BURR MILLSTONES Millstones. inanufuetarH at thia establishment, are finished on new ard Improved principles and are as near perfect aa obtained by the best manufacturer! In the world. The credit or this eslablist mr.i for tha paa twenty-arve years in furnishing Mill Findings for nearly every State and Territory in tha Colon is well known aad shall be maintained. K»tra Selected Mill 8>ooes made on Special Oootract trom Choice New >r (Nd Quarry Btook Noye's Improved Oockhead and H Ikr bolndlea. fitted In stonrs with Iron eyes, warranted best In usetorlarge and email atones. Alao, Imrorters and dealers ia Extra HaavT DiUh Anker Boltlsg Cloths. MILLERS in want of «'»I .Tl V . « L<»TII»forsaaaav faeturtng Extra qualHv of Flo-w. can depend upon get- ttss the gsmotna OLD DCTCH ANKRR. Single and Doable Extras. Bosliua Ctoths made up in a superior style. Try gmua leogtn «nrl diamHer of Red ui feet MudiBchet. John T. Noye'sImproved Oenbitucal Feed- ing and Flour and Grist Mills. Plantation Corn xili MidOestinaa and Machinery o' every deaeriptioh fur ni-hed to order on short not! e, from new patterns Noye's Intproved Pr^awe MM. Agents 'or u.e Buffalo Soa<e Work, rouble Ex.ra Caa Steel Mill P'cks Im- provwd Tuvbice, Perrussion Re-s^tlon and C-ntral Dia- charge water Wheels warrantee <qaal to the beet, fitted with Caa Bteel or Boiler Iron Bucket*, warrantei to uro- d s e a k l g t poronctige of power. Pmat Machine and ing. Hose and Steam Packing. Laudphore Spoke Plsnfaag Machlnes aid Ml FarnUhini geaerally. Having the lanreal M u kunustnng B ock hi the W est. we can sell at a lower rate than any other establishment. N B.—We will ooniraot to farnlsn and bail ' Mills com- plete, ar faraisb nlans and .p—lficaiion* lor Millwrighta a«r- Address JOHN 1. NuYE A CO., Chicago. Id. deaopr»ly It. 1. tiraue & Bio., 109... W»* LiU* Mr** ..109 tuirrvaCTCsaas ajm caaxaas is STEAM, tJAS 1SD WATER PIPE, BOILIRFLUBS. V ALVIS, OOCKS, STEAM WE18TLs>. m Caps, Csajrt CSCILS, Sttaa A VTtter GsUtfes, 8TEAM APPARATU8 F o r W a r m l n t Hotels, (liurtKi, Fae- torless, «,f, dsjj _V F. W.fitiUs,WttTKf, utiliaefi * Frastf. M ANUFACTUREHS OF RAILROAD CAAf Portable asd SaatHnarr 8teaui Kngiue.sr and boilers, rortaole Clrrnlar Saw MilhJ, Oales- Patent screw Cutter, aad Ageoui lor ;ke sale o; foriable Kiour aad com sttijs and Bolts: Cnglnc ana Hans Lathes, JpHghi Drills. W#oc Macbiaorygenerally, SalngiejiUrf Slide rests. Steam and water Uaugua, liuishd tiraaa War* POWER AND HAND PLANERS. ETC. BW Castmgaand Mill Oearbag made is order. 8AGLE WORRB. CHICAGO. ILL. •ark Qoeda—"OATN8 A OO." r. w. «a«w. .a. a ••>'» . waaasa.. Apmn. ;«*. las*. BARUVTsVRK FOI SPRISfi TRADi. JEVTBTT ok BtTTsLssUsV, IS Lake Btrwoa. »«• TNvTTE TRR OOUKTRT TRADK TO TH1 A following: »0 Tons Annealed fence Wha aaaertadawmaers. * Bright KsjsMaiti assorted sssos and araaata. Sdls Sheet Iron—assorted. ga| - - "ifl, If OsaaYj Sheet B n c M PLATE. PIG TIN. OPTBR BOTTOMS. BREASTB and OO V t AA BITBXB and EARS. TINNERS TOOLS. Aa. A CK3BCPL.ETE ASSOBTMENT. Ejpii ssw> ly] fa/ro9REGOR'8 ORLKBRATED HRATWO JVL BTOVEB,«siBei, sar Parior* Ulncee. Stores; Halls and ohurchet Also rrrwABPS oooatiato STOVTIS. Tocether with s tne assortment of PARLOR STOVES. .-.— atytes and pattenis tor sals by C sfTPL ptoto^trestTbetween Monroe and Adanat. oo>0baa.saa n g n AIR * PRRFKOT TR^ITILATloi^ of sottryingtotpea- thM Uc that they have secured IjarwyasOf And are now prepared to furtdah them to r / w e u W Ohwshea, Bohooss. *e. AMe, thstr Stovea toe same erinotpaa, for aad hafla, and, aapealaUy •VAUatOaVD OaaJtB. ay aB reeaat as which they nr* and warmlns to any resjuh-ed tompcrautre. We refer to Messrs. ^ ^ " o ^ f i r a a j O . L and Oaraar A Besnr. ArohHsMs ef thta ctty. error partkalars inquire of the aaseertbers St thsfc oice No. »7SdiB8^th LaaaUestreet. u>iEK ^ ooSbeT-ly Chieaao.Oot. 8th. isfB. fDitttB ft CiqucrB. W. T. Mmfeldt & t+* UAH CF A CTC AJtae FOB j±_ F. O R O S K E 7 , it . . - - Scatta Wsktwr stveet, - - - - i s . (Oernsref Waaeeh Aissst.i iDssultors el ALCOHOL, PURE SPIRITS, ANO WHISKYS, Alsc Manufe^tureri e' OnmssT- U«*«*> atufxlaas anmlale —AsTB— JKALEBS M neBWlWasS AMD RBOTirriste OOAIa be Trade snnsBsd at Market Bates aad on Ltter. to., A. H. TAHOK A Dsslersla Dimension & r ?^JS, stone ' Bnren and Harriawn streeta waaa no . .. mtPH-1« ALRR8 AND OOM8UMIR8 ThlALEBS AND U asjavm "•* ajasapsBBBBsaajaa. a. w. a ess.. are now Seaal attOCk. B LEAOHBD RLIPHANT OIL iaielWtheOaisorBJAb- ^eaMetto" 1 " 0t *"*** *"' L ^DA^DSO < C r _T -«*«Wjtf» Chlcatre I B S MUwsskee tall read Ceaaas; T BR ANNUAL MKETINQ) OF THE Stoekhoiders of the Ohloago aad Mil wank ee Baa- road Oompany, which was advertised to beholdati al their ostse la OUeajp en the lath im at 10 o-ojoot-AVM.. has. sear, and thstrai FOB NEW YORR PAioa A or>. fill 01 "HABGi ofFtoe No.1 iass,at ..noUleaattha the deetlon of transavolen of i AS. DO C AMPHOB ICE. suH Isal-ry-htTt GLASS ! 11 — ollarswshtes aa •SON A baflTM. NiwK aa awiv m -«• - •***' . A OONT1SIENT AKD Hands,torsaleJ>y OOIIHG fKMfM^aTPwaS to l!srSe 1 w^ ,, JOHN I T ANA Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

M Jtag beat la MO sad Bs South Otork street.fultonhistory.com/Newspapers 23/Chicago IL Daily Press... · 2014. 7. 7. · its own clique as John (Candlebox) Calhoun had of the vote

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Page 1: M Jtag beat la MO sad Bs South Otork street.fultonhistory.com/Newspapers 23/Chicago IL Daily Press... · 2014. 7. 7. · its own clique as John (Candlebox) Calhoun had of the vote


. I


T h e S t a t e B a a k o f IU iaoJ Reports were in cixcaJatiiiB ou Tuoaday

afternoon afltectiog the eUn*rBg of the •• State Bank of I l l inois ," at S o a w m u t o w a . The facta bearing apoa the ease will be found in our money article, and in the letter from our Springfield correspondent elsewhere. The bank is all r ight .

•— a — M a k i n g a V i r t a e o f N e c e s s i t y .

The Time* says i t intends to go before the people of the State a t the next elect ion, on the Dyer Lecomptoa charter. This Is a very ingenious and pleasant way af s tat ing a most disagreeable necessity. The public will under­stand that the intmtium thus proclaimed by the Time* is precisely similar to tkalt enter­tained by the convicted fe lon to close his l ife on the gal lows.

m m m

A, S a d d e n C h a n g e . A s long as there was any hope o f get t ing

the fifty-four Democrats i a the Legislature to force Dyer A Co.-'s Charter down the throats of the people o f Chicago, the Raw* earnestly advocated its passage. The moment the sub­mission c lause was inserted in the bil l , the 'June* abandoned it, and its editor went to Springfield to beg b i s friends not to pass it. The Timen has as wholesome a tear of trie people's vote on the measure c o n c e d e d by its own clique as John (Candlebox) Calhoun had of the vo te o f the people o f Kansas on the Lecompton Constitution.

T R L f X O F H E i W B Y J U M P l

F»r thr Hnr4>T of Sophie Wer»*r, Hit I s -trrss, at f l t f - g - , Harch «tiiv 1*58.

CHAMflE tfi U*V OF ; TftiALS,

T t S T l M O K T P O H D D T B I J O U .




In the Circuit Court of Cook Countr, Maaiarre Presiding.


T h e D e w o c r a e y a n d t h e Tar i f f .

A L'emoer&Uc caucus on the tariff was held

at Washington yesterday—Mr. John Coch­

rane of N e w York, in the cua'r. A large

majority were opposed to any alteration of

the present duties , and in l ieu of action on

the problem of an empty Treasury, it was

resolved to raise the wind by a fresh l w n and

appoint a committee to swelter through the

dog dayj—maturing a plan by which the gov­

ernment may bold itjelf u p b y the hoot straps

for the next year or two. The committee will

be expected to propose a financial scheme by

which forty mill ions of receipts wil l cover a

hundred mil l ions of expenses, and create a

s inking land for an extensive balance of

Treasury notes fal l ing due. We suggest that

Cebb and Klo/d be placed on t i e committee,

and that they have pewer to consult Frank

Steele of Minnesota, with a v iew of applying

the fiscal principles o f the Fort Snel l iug Hade

to their embarrassing complication.

H e a l t h o r J u d g e M c L e a n . We are sorry t* hear from Washington that

Judge McLean's health is evidently again giving way. Oo his return to the Capital he was for a few days enabled to vigorously prose cute his duties, but by last accounts be was no-able to attend tbe sittings of the Supreme Court, and it was said he would soon return to Cmcin n a n . - Cleveland Herald, \tl


£ g " Andrews has a large assortment of vul amines' for sale at 39 Ctark street.

' Frederic* Douglas, of Rochester, will lec­ture upon "The Races," at Metropolian HiU, on Friday evening next, the 4th inst

'• ' .

B&" The Third Annual Festival of the Cleve­land Lodge, No. 211, A. F. and A. M. takes place at the Tremont House this evening.

CHICAGO liOMSOFATHIO MlDICiL SOCISTT.— The regular meeting of this Society will be bald this evening at Dr. Shipman's office.

H T George Sumner, Esq , of Boston, will deliver the r«gnla£lectaro of the course colore the Young Hen's Association thia evening at Metropahtan Hall. Subject—" Spain."


Taber, Hawks k Co., of the Richmond House, will serve up fresh salmon and greeu peas for dinner

to-day— being tbe first of the se^on.

H P The Church Uncord for February is promptly issued and contains the usual variety of entertaining matter. El . tsd,by James Grant Wilson, Baa.

QWICK Tnra— Two hundred and fifty barrels of highwines were shipped by a firm in this city, over tbe Michigan Southern Koad, tor New York. They were received in New York and sold in seveu days after their delivery at this depot.

Mar or THS GOLI> K i o t o * . - Rufna Ulanchard, LaSalle street, has for sale Jahnson's new rail-read and country copper-plate map of the Kan­sas and Nebraska gold region. Tnis is the only correct or reliable map of the routes to the new gold fields that we cava seen.

\3F The English papers of January 151b, the Chess Monthly for February, and the American Almanac for the current year, have been re­ceived by McNally k Co., opposite tbe Foat Of-l ea . A IO, ( Braithwaitc's Retrospect, and

"Whs". Will he Do with i t " i >

T H S S c i o n s AT BLUB I S L A » » — T h e man who

committed suicide at Cooper's Grove (Bremen), on Tuesday, was named Francis K'ent, a German. He cut bis throat in a cow-hop*: adjoining the premises of Nicholas Englehart. He bad shown signs of iosauitr for two or Uiree weeks before be committed tbe rash act. Tbe Coroner went to Blue Island on Tuesday night to hold an inquest, and returned at a late h ur last evening.

DBWTBTCTIVK FIBS—About two o'clock yester­

day morning, a fire broka out in the small row oi wooden buildings oa the south side of Lake street, between Wells and Franklin, which almost en­tirely destroyed Noa. 205, 207,209 and 211 Lake street, and considerably damaged Noa. 213 and 115. The fire originated in No. 209, which was unoccupied, and was, with hardly a doubt, tbe work of an incendiary.

205—This store was unoccupied, and is owned by Mrs. Sarah Walker. Tbe building was of small value and uninsured.

207—Was occupied by Garrison Bloom, below for the sale ot hats, cape and clothing, and the upper part as a dwelling- His furniture and stock were mostly destroyed. He estimates his total loss at 13,700—insured.for 12,000.

209—Owned by Dr. Pester, and unoccupied. The Building of not much value.

i 11-Occupied by Wm. Sbaeffcr, as a lager beer adoon, whose whole loss will not exceed 150—no insurance. The building was owned by F. Otto.

115—Occupied by Solomon WTtkowvky, dealer in cloMng. Wry Hit)* of bin stock was saved. Lots estimated at I/OOO—iu-urcdfi.rtoOO. Build ing owned by Dr Foster.

Tbe builJing* were all old aad of an iuferor order, and consequently tbe loss on them Is not heavy.


The Executive Committee, immediately after the adjournment of the meeting of citizens on Tues­day sight, were called together and His Honor Mayor Haines chosen Chairman, and W. W. Dan eahower apppointed Secretary. The following resolutions were unanimously adopted:

Retotved, That room No. 1, be the head quar­ters of this Committee.

Bmohtd, that tbe stated meetings of this Com­mittee, be held on Tuesday aaerSetarday evenings at 7J o'clock.

Huehotd, That J. B. Drake, Esq., bo reqaested to correspond with U:e Agent or the Sirakosch Opera Troupe, lor the purpuve of giving a matinee at Me Ticker» Tneatre. uu the 22d mat., for the benefit of the "Meant Ve non Fund."

Remtctd, That she Uvlie* of this city, be invited to attend a meeting, to b held at tbe residence of Mrs. John C. Ha'nes, corner of V m Buren and Sangamon streets, on Tbuisday, afternoon at 1§ o'clock, for tbe purpose of making arrangeoieois for a bazaar or fair, for the benefit of the "Mount Vernon Fund."

Reteived, That Geo. A. G-bos, Esq., be request­ed to interest the snippets, ship builders, sailors, ate-, in this movement, and Invite them to take part in the procession.

MesotW, That the Butchers, Draymen and Ex-preaaaaea of ear city be requested to parade on bomebaok.

Resolved, That the Commandants of Regiments and Volunteer Companies be requested to meet at Room No. 1, Tremont Hau-e on Friday evening next at 7§ o'teak.

Rteotmd, That toe Leaders,of the Bands in the city be requested to meet thai Committee at Room No. 1 . Tremont Home oa Saturday eveuing next.

Jtaaofoad, Thai Alex. White, B A. Stampofftki, Geo. W. Gnaw, Philip Conley, John H. Kiaiie , Christian Wake, Wm. Vfaymae, Reuben Taylor, and Jo W. Bell be a Finance Committee to solicit aubecriptioos from our citiseoa for defraying the exaeaaasof the proceedings, and that they pro­ceed Immediately to canvass tbe city.

Adjourned to meet, as above, oo Saturday eve-nine next. Joan C. fLuxsa,

WM. W. Damraowna, Secretory.

The important murder trial still continues to engross a large share of public interest and at­tention. The Courtroom is densely thronged throughout the day, and good seats command on many Instance* the high premium paid by waiting in t b e vestibule a ha If an hoar or more before the opening of the door.

Muoh talk has been caused, and the subject has been vigoronsly discussed what would be the legal and necessary result, should the trial remain incomplete on tbe approaching Saturday night, when the present term of t i l s Court ex­pires. Obviously the long and careful proceed. inga already noted must have remained to be done over again at aosna feUewiag term.

The present pro*psreta are that bat UtUe mar­gin will be allowed far tbe jury to decide upon their verdict before the hoar of necessary ad­

journment on Saturday, a matter now, however, of little moment as ere this a law hae been passed by the Legislature' now in session, pro­viding far just this clans of eases.

Intelligence reached this city yesterday, that Mr. Peck of the delegation from this county, on the 1st m s t , stated in the House that he had just received a letter from tbe State's Attorney and City Pro-seen nog Attorney of Chicago, stat­ins that the trial oi Henry Jumper.z for tbe murder ot Sophie Werner, now in progress, will not probsbty be concluded by Satnrdav eveniog next, at which time the Court in comae lied by law to adjeorn. l is , therefore, asked the unani­mous consent of the House to introduce and pase immediately, a bill to>)low the Court to hold over, when capital trials are pending, antil such cases are disposed of. Leave was granted, and the bill rerd three times arid passed with­out a negative vote. Within less than an hour alter it passed tbe House, a message was receiv­ed that the Senate had concurred in its pea-sage.

It baa doubtless become a law, aad though it may not be needed, is timely and well done.

The Prosecution having closed their testimony on the evening preceding, that for tbe defence was commenced as follows :

A. W 0-941: tvorn -Hava known Jumperta nearly taw years; hrstaawfaira inChioagr; en­gaged him to work for me in Milwaukee; be worked there eight or nine months; he woikad in two establishments for me all that t ime; his character as a peaceable and inoffensive man was good ; it was a little over a year ago that I first saw Sophie Werner ; sometime in the winter; saw her at ber house in Market street, Milwaukee; think she was living with Henri. v*. Did be make to you a full ditelosura of bis relations with Sophie ? (Objected to : objection overruled.) A. He told me that be had a wash­woman who d.d bis washing aad cooking for bitn, and he lived with her, and she kept house for him; this was in Chicago; and he wanted to know if that would be any objection with me; he wished to get away from here and take her with him ; I told him no, I had no objection, ail I wanted him to do was his work; he said she was in a family way ; while they were residing together bad a conversation with S. about J . ; I was to m»e t J np to his bouse, for tbe pur­pose of showing him a lot; got there half an hour before he did; got talking to her about their living together, saying w e joked Henri a great deal about her boing his sister ; she said sha supposed we knew she was not; told beryer; she ashed me if I was going npon the hill with Henry if I wouldn't ask him to marry her really; and.to gVvn ber the answer whatever it may ke ; I Spoke to Jninuertz about it, and he positively sia-d " N o ; " she wasn't the right person for him to marry; I asked him why be did not marry hsr;" told bail I thought she waea hard-working saving woman, and might make him happy; he said " h o , " he couldn't, she wee »ith*r. t«* old. e e mmmaHmg *» an** effect; there was nothing satd which Indicated anger at her; 1 came into ihe room and told Sophie that 1 hai a»ked Henry and she need not depend upon him ; that he bad absolutely refused; expressed no conviction myself; she said, " I cannot be mad at Henry if he does not marry m«; I toid ber that now the child was dead she was clear of him, and she had better keep clear and not get in that condition again. He was preparing to go to Chicago then ; she said " Yes. she supposed it would be tbe b«at thing; she did like Henry very much." From what I conld hear he treated her very kindly; I shouldn't think he had much monev when he left Milwaukee; he had just booght a lot; when I came back from New York I wanted to raise some money ; J asked me how much I wanted, told him $150 or #175 and would give him ten per oent; he let me have it and 1 gave bim a note for |212 secured by mortgage; be gave me that note for a lot valued at #370 or $380, sub­ject to a mortgage of $125, and $62 of which was due the first of last March ; all of the lot, except this $125 was paid o p ; this was a year ago laat December, 1 think; we all used to joke him in the shop about his sister and his sleeping Vith her , he always spoke of her kindly.

Alexander Otfier, of Hoffmann A Gelpcke's bank, called by the prosecution, then read a copy of the bank account of Jumperta during 1858.

Croee-exaimnatian of d. W. Goeta - S a w de­fendant in ja i i ; had conversation; asked him why he cot uo the woman s o ; replied that he couldn't get her in the barrel without i t ; that's about all I remember; defendant said " they say I poisoned ber;" ( said you had better prove it is not so by showing the entrails; said he didn't know where they were as be took them out at night; this WJS two or three months ago; it waa eiUier in July, Aaguit or Septem­ber; Sophie was made aware of the purchase of the lot by me at tbe lime when we were on the way to look at i t ; believed that ahe would make him an industrious and saving wile, when I told him so ; never had a conversation with defend­ant about a transaction in the old country ; heard of it but nut from b m ; it was a person acquainted * h aim Q Will you tell what it was? [ 0 jecud to and obj cuun sustained oa the grouna ib«t anything satd after bis arrest was inadmissible J Never neara his cnaracter questioned Before or alter Sis arrest; never heard it talked of more particularly alter hia ar­rest ; he was spoken ot as a c e v e r fellow.

To Mr. McUomat—While be waaia the other firm my partner spoke of bim *M industrious ; should have been likely to have heard of it.

IHUer Jim.h*titer$tr, tworn. - Lire ia Milwau­kee; know Junuperti; hare known bim since a year ago last May ; he came up from Chicago and came into our so op; 1 was partner with Uoe i ; he worked there trom May to the middle of December; he brat worked for Mr. Goets alone, and afterwards for m e ; bis general char­acter was pretty good everywhere among those who knew bim boat; met S. Werner several times on the street; she earns after Jumpertx to Milwaukee ; he said he had got a woman in Chi­cago aad he wanted her to come up and keep house tor bim.

[Witness also testified as to the circumstances of and eonv ersatioos in ths late visit of Mr. Mc Comas, counsel for the prisoner, and Sheriff Gray, to Milwaukee. Sheriff Gray was also called upon toe same po int ]

Witttam H. Kddy, w o r n . - L i v e on Archer road; t9*Mjf store u>r the storage of goods at 84 Randolph atiaat; know a woman whom I •opposed to bo Sophie Werner, told me she was the wife of one Werner who kept a shop, the third store from 84 Randolph street under tbe Young America; talked with her ahont the time an indictment waa obtained against Wer­ner and a woman named Adotphina; took steps to procure that indictment; had observ­ed tbe woman Sophia in ths abop; appeared to be a servant girl; saw her bring in to wels and sturts for the men; one morning I waa com­ing trom the Court House when she spoke to me by name aad began to relate her trouble; sha said that sho wae treated worse than a aiggftr; that she was witUag to work for rospeotabis peo­ple, but to work for that w——e and sleep in the same bed with her and Werner, she wouldn't do that; I aaaed bar to detail mors particularly the history ot hsr troubles, aba slated that W. was her husband and that she was compelled to sleep in the same bed with bim and the woman; that sbs performed all the menial services for tbe family aad in the shop, and that this wo­man trusted her with mors contempt than she bad heard slaves or niggers had been treated; when tbs spoke of wishing to be dead her man­ner wan peculiar • there waa a continual gloom over ber; don't know that I ever saw ber smile ; she said she bad no desire to live under such trouble, and there was no prospect of its being ended , told her this wss rash, and I wonld act as her friend to relieve ber trom that trouble ; asked her where aha lived, ber name and the name of her husband and toe woman; told her I would attend to it immediately; the Grand Jury of the Recorder's Court was in session at that time ; met John Wanton ; mads complaint to mm, and both of them were indicted ; ths hus­band left shortly afterwards; said she waa once happy; expressed distrust of ths ability ot the law to render her any service, that she was poor aad the taw wan ao good; said to her sbs could go sad she pasaed oa down the street crying; did not talk to ber afterwards; observed bar of­ten; after W. left and the property was transfer, red to this woman she would come into the shop, took round and suddenly go ou t ; think her ap­pearances of sorrow were increased; she told me that sue was destitute and waa sick; that she had

kind of complaint which proven ed her from

doing any hard work; thai woman was left in po-* session of bis property and afterwards disposed of it; have seen Jumperta; saw him once or twice in toe shop where be worked.

Cress Examined.—I think this conversation waa about two years ago; Daniel Mcllroy was State'* Attorney at tbe time; it was on the street; thinMIsnoae to ber afterwards; think sbe W M abovi ths mediam alse.

Shelby lasinssnlnw egofjhto Wer­ner; tbe occupation of toe woman seemed to be to tend the counter; found her there one day; sbe looked detected; she lesnarked she" felt bad, she would kill herself;" said "he to jealous of me; he has got another woman;' ber dejected manner struck me; she bad been crying; she said, "I feel very bad; J believe 1 shall kill myself."

/ » Jatr. Haven— Sbe hadn't been in the lonsr be»ore that time.

7b Mr. Mc Comae—Saw her after that; eke was more or less dull after that. *

7b Mr. Mcllroy—Think her hair was of a Hght color.

Ib.Vfr. JtfeCowuu—Tbiak she Would weigh 130 or 135 pounds.

John Lute tworn— Liv* at corner of Oak and Woleott streets; work wt Frazza A Ribolia's; been with them two years; knew Jumper!* when I a s m s there; be was working there; think he csme back from Milwaukee before Christmai; was working there on the 1st of March; he was working there then; at that time Jumper?i got op from a chair and wanted to go to tbe Pose Office; went and got a letter; came baek aad gave it to Sisgl itz; Siegiitz read it, and it tend, '* 1 want to coma to you, kiss you and then dis ." Sisglitz said, " Ob, what fool­ish things," Hs took the envelop off and l e a w Milwaukee on i t ; ha threw it in tbe stove; he said; " i t d o n ' t hurt ma any—I can keep i t ; " sent me for an envelop; I got it, and then put toe letter in a cap aad carried it boms; I went to the Pest Office between three and four o'clock; don't recollect the exact time or day of the week; been at J a mpertz's room in Pitkin's building; saw a bedstead, dock and rocking chair, and ether furniture there; bought a bed­stead, sofa, lounge and other articles of Frazza,

befcra be •|s»MyfiLMiJ,l'*tt**»-CVsas-JfaemMsaT—Caa'l tell the tune bo got,

the letter; I bought a vest in the middle of March fromja man on Lake street, and it wae before this; Sfeghts reed the tetter and George Warner was present; didn't read the letter; only it made m s Uugh whan Sisglitz said "come to you, kiss and then dja ," JumpeMf didn't asy anything about i t ; he never snowed me any otoer letter; 1 was sitting near tbe s tove ; saw " Milwaukee," and tbe mark through tbe envel­ope ; it ia a store stove; we burn hard coal; he said be had no use for the envelope; put U ia the stove ; he. showed it to Siegli iz; it was be­tween three and four o'lock; did not take Sieg-lits or George Werner to the beck part ot the shop; told George to come up to his room and • be wonld read it to him ; it was after he burned up the envelope; I can read German ; saw the mark " Milwaukee;" had no particular reason for look|ng at i t ; afier he put thejasnvelope in the stove be sat down and read it; George asked him what ths news was, when a customer came i n ; Sieglitz was doing nothing; h p read i t ; I have been in the jsi l to see Jumper)2, to carry him papers; have been in every Friday or Tues­day ; never spoke to bim ahont thai letter ; he never cut mv heir in the ja i l ; I can get thM done in ths shop. j

To McComat—Saw a latter in the StaaUXti tung t o Heinrich Jnmrerrz.

Frederick Becker iworn —Publish the National Democrat; advertise letters for German par­ties; ia our paper of the 2d of March, 1858, there was a letter advertised for Henry Jnm-periz, (referring to a file of the paper) ; it was spelled "Hein. Jumpertz" ; publish no paper Monday and publish it Tuesday.

7b the Court-it is a two weekly list. Croes-txmm*ned—Tbe letters lay in the Post

Office two weeks; can't tell bow long these let­ters have been in Post Office; don't know when the list waa mads op.

To Mc Comae —A. letter published here may have been in one day or fourteen.

AFrEBKOON SESSION. Mr. MoUomse fir the defence stated the de­

sire of the counsel for prisoner to put in evi­dence the detailed statements made by the pris­oner aad published in the daily papers of this city.

The Court did not consider the newspapers as admissible evidence, it could only be reached by putting the reporter's themselves upon| the stand. The matter was postponed for the pres­ent.

Cyrut W. Pomtroy, in the employ of 3 . B. Pomeroy A Co., who leased the room to the prisoner, sxhibited a diagram of the 4th floor of Pomeroy's butiding and the location and ar­rangement of the rooms. The excellence and public advantage of the black-laws of our State, was demonstrated when in the course of tbs tes­timony of this witness, statements of matters believed to have a bearing on the case, hut told him by the colored porter of the building, Wil­liam Jackson, were excluded on the usual ground, as hear-eay evidence, nor oonld ibey be sworn to by tbe porter, he being a colon»d man. Tbe point, whatever its value, wss thus lost to the people.

&^nd~er~I8>iol3ttltmn—Am of the 'firm o f Frazza k Ribolla; Jumpertz has been in onr employ for most ot tbe time since he c» me to the city in 1355; character of prisoner wss good ; did not not recollect allowing him to go to the Post Office for a certain letter.

Dr. Paddock and other medical witnesses were put npon the stand; their examination and cross examination going very thoroughly over the ground of death by poison and by va­rious modes of killing, with the appearances tbcreafur, modes of detection, Ac.

EVE > ISii SESSION. At tbe evening session nothing was added to

tbe evidence already in possession of tbe Court. At 9 o'clock the case wss closed.

The arguments will be opened this morning by D. Mcllroy, E <q , for the people.

Mscnajiics' iNSTiTtrra.—An interesting meet­ing of tbe Mechanics' Institute, waa held at their library room on Tuesday evening last, V-W. Gates, Esq , the President, in tbe chair. Af­ter the transaction of some business of no im­portance to the public, Mr. Gates read a long and entertaining address or inaugural, in which hs set forth in a plain and comprehensive man­ner the present condition snd future prospects of iris Institute. We give a synopsis of bis sd-dress. Mr. Gates, after enumerating what he believes to be the duties of the presiding and other officers of the Institute, and speaking in terms of commendation of the present Board of Directors, says that heretofore, from ignorance of their duties, or some other cause, the affairs of the Institute have been conducted in a very loose and unsatisfactory manner. There has never until now been a set of books kept, show ing how the rffairs of the Institute stood- - what ware their receipts and disbursements, the assets and liabilities—aad consequently whan the prtesens officers came into power, no statement of its condition could be found. The Recording Secretary was called on several times for a re­port, bnt was only able to gneM that tbe liabil­ities of toe Institute were about $2,500, and that about $1,800 of tbe amount was due tbe 1st of January, 135S. Tbe President strongly depre. cites and condemns this state of things, and says pointedly that any business to be success­ful, must be well done. The Secretary ahould be a thorough and neat accountant, and should be required to show a balance sheet whenever called upon by the Directors, and a full state* meat at least twice a year. Ths offices of Secre­tary and Actuary should be merged into one, and be tilled by a man of thorough capacity.

Ths books and accounts of ths Institute were placed at ths diiposal of the President by a res­olution of the Board of Directors, and a ooatpe-tent man was employed by that officer to go through them and see if order could be brought out of confusion. The resuIt, aa near aa could be reached, wss as follows:

Mourn. ISM-Ja-uary I.

Balarne mhajdsof Lews-Dod«- ...n 331,39 1859—January I.

Total rec«l»ts tor Initiation fern and does tor the roarenuinc January UI3SS..... j,-£-a-J» 1 8 W «

a mount of receipts for rents and use of hall dur­ing tbe rear.... •.•••.-•aii- *••• J J8 9

-U-cetou of the Meahaitlea' Fab- ...... XStO.46 Received of P. Oarpe.ter for ststssold him 7U.C0

DlJOCRflMUT-. Debt* 0' 1*57 paid • .01.364 37 Rent paid f. K W Peck gSSt Iveoin* School....... J5*?? H u l O o i e Jo. s bins. 3S13S Fuel » 0 0 PrinUncaud adverUstoR ..• —- 64*0 Expenses of Annual fair • ***** Oenrral Expanses <•••. «JUSJ For expenses Incurred this lear. not likely to oc-

cur next 1.M6H

•B,0» OS issue Caab In hands of Secretary sod Treasurer..

Total MJMOf Amount of indebtedness January 1, 1359, as

per statement by Lewis Dodge, Secretary, to wi t : P,F. W.Pack J . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*1,6|7.I0

• • • > • • • • • « • * • • Wm. H. Wells. Isaac Bpeer Supposed amount due tor advertUag Boo* * Smltn. « Barry * Oashmc St Kelly.... -Edward Hamilton a. L. tattle. L. Douse Mast's Childa

160.00 . . . . . 6B.M

".".*." 69.03 90.00

..w... SS00 * t e

. 33.00 we oo

V.'.'.Z 38.00

Total . . - • . . .> . .« • . . . . • . . . •» . . . aa,4*S 73 From the manner in which the accounts were

kept, it is impossible to tall what wee the in­debtedness oi the Institute at ths Commence­ment of I860, bet it is supposed to have been $1,485.55, and ths result shows that the mdebt. ednees of the Inatitnte baa been increased about $1,000 It is evidsnt from this statement thM soma change should be made immediately: the expenses must be reduced sad the receipts in­creased.

The President estimates ths receipts for the coming year as follows: Fees sad dues (same as tost rear)

'Halt oi Fair

mCaaaai. taMeflSM


The ex pens* of fitting up the Hall, whieh W M $ 1,000, will not occu r this year. Deducting this, there would still be a balance of expendi­tures against receipts of $800, without any pro­vision tor paying the old debt and replenishing the library. : '

Cast year there was a resolution pasaed allow ing the Secretary it% per cent, commission for collecting fees and dues, which proved to he a Wise plan—there being about six hundred mem­bers thereby added. The continuance of tbe same plan in recommended.

The Board have, offered three premiums, $25, $15 and tlO to the person who shall secure the greatest number of neW members daring.the year-The President thinks this plan will accomplish mnch.

The renfs of the Hall, by proper effort, may be considerably Increased.

A'resolation has been passed allowing ladies to become members of the Institute, by paying one-half the amount which male members pay. This movement, it is believed, will decidedly strengthen the Institute in every particular ; and premiums will be offered to the ladies for the largest list of names for membership secured by them.

Other ways,and means for paying eff tbe debt of the Institute were recommended, snch a s holding fairs, festivals, eta. The President urged npon every member the necessity of each one se­curing at least one new member, and that every other effort possible be made to save the insti­tute from bankruptcy and dissolution.

Tbe President recommends that the Constitu­tion of the Society be so altered as to allow the Board ot Directors to appoint the Secretary and Librarian ot the Institute, instead of being elected ss now, and these two officers thereby placed more immediately under their control ; and the abases which have crept into theae de­partments be thus avoided.

Lectures by able and popular lecturers are recommended. It also reoemmends that the Associated Congress be again permitted to oc­cupy the Library Room of the Institute.

A Committee W M appointed by the meeting to raise subscriptions for the purpose of clear­ing off the debt of the Institute.

The by laws were so altered as to allow ladies to become members upon paying half does. And also allowing persons not connected with mechanical or manufacturing business to be­come Honorary Members upon the payment of 13.

——| m TnnPSBAMCB MISTING.— The Chicago Wash-

ingtoniac Union meets to-night at the rooms of the Young Men's Christian Association in Lnyd's Block, 205 Randolph street. The meet­ings are open to all, and a good time is ex­pected.

HSAVV HOGS.— Twenty nine were brought to this city by P. Grant age, of Bureau Co., yester­day morn ing, the average weight of which was 377 lbs. each. They were bought by Cragin A Co. at $7.50—tbe biggest hogs and biggest price of the season. Thev were of tbe Leicester breed.

£i»T" There will be a meeting of tbe members of the Chicago Bjard of Trade at their Rooms this day at three P. M.

Per order of the President, W. W. MITCHSLL, Sec?y.

, j ^ ~ The regular meeting of the Citizens Fire Brigade will be held at their rooms on this (Thursday) evening. A full attendenci is de­sired. S. B. RAYMOND. Capt.

H, N. MAT, Sec'y.


U *orst> S T A T U CIRCUIT (JOUST, FEB. 2D, 1658 — Junob DBUMMOND, PBBSIDINO.—Camp <& Son ve. (r. 6. Hubbard & Co. This was an action on an implied warranty of the merchantable character ot 100 barrels o f t . How, furnished by defendants to plaintiffs in November, 1854. It appeared that the sale was by order. The plaintiff's were manufacturers ot candles at Sheboygan, Wis. Tho defendants were packers snd maksrs ot tallow at Chicago. Thsy accepted the order, but hading themselves unable to supply the ona hundred barrels of tbeir own rendering, purchased it of Cragin. A Co., «~a s k i v e d to pia.lni.ii'* The 100- tbU proved of greatly inferior quality—claimed to be mere soap grease. The Court charged that there was an implied warranty of the merchantable quali­ty of the tallow, inasmuch as the defendants knew what use it was wanted for, and especially as it waa a sale by order, with no opportunity to examine it. Also, thst in such case the ven­dee is not obliged to return the interior article, but may rely on his warranty and law for the damages, and that in such case the measure of damages is tbe difference between the value ot the article as it ahould have been, and the value aa it was in fact. The jury found for the plain-till $1,175.

E. C. Larned and S. A. Goodwin for plaintiff, M. Causin for defendants.


The following cases were disposed of yesterday morning:

George Spring and George Davis, for disorderly conduct in pulling down signs, A c , were fined $3 each.

Barney Thornton, drunk and beating hia wife, fined $20

Michael Riley, drunk and disorderly, $3 ; An­drew Henley, do, $3 ; Abigail Doolan, do, $25 and 30 days ; Prank Vogt, do, $5 ; Daniel Hinlon, drunk and drayage, $3.

Albert Trumbull (a boy), larceny, sent to Re­form School.

John Tracey, stealing wood, $1 and five days in Bridewell.

Patrick Hennessey, vagrancy, $30.

L.O. AL, H A T I E H M .

JjgT Gilbert A Sampson will sell this day, at their new salesroom, 82 Lake street, a very large quantity ot good second-hand furniture, carpets, crockery, A c ; also an extensive assort­ment of new furniture of every description. Sale to commence at 9 •>$ o'clock, P. M.

LOST. Left borne on Friday last, Martha Bed ing wn, about 11 years old. She has dark brown hair, dark eyes, pale complexion, snd is rather small for a child of ber age. Had on when she left, a dark plaid dress, red cape, and worsted hood. Any information concerning her will be thankfully received by her parents, at 143 Weat Harrison street, second door west of Jefferson.

- i n 11 •" '•' ' 1 S> a

A GLORIOUS ACBISVBHBKT BT GAYSTTT !— Nothing can exceed the success achieved by J. C. Gayetty's Medicated Paper for tbe Water Closet. Files will soon be a disease no longer known except in name. Tnis pure medicated paper is unequalled as a preventive, and unap­proachable as a euro. Tbe proprietora wish it to be spoken of according to its merits onlv. It is vary cheap—1000 sheets (or * l ; 600 sheets for 50 cents. Sold by all druggists, and at the discoverer's depot, 41 Ann street, Nsw York. " J . C Gayetty" is watermarked in each sheet, aad his autograph is ou each package. Sent by sxpreM from 41 Ann street, New York, npon receipt of price. The trade are invited to cor­respond aa to terms. For sale by J. H. Reed k Co., wholesale and retail druggists, 144 k 14$ Lake street, Chicago. ja$2-2w-c63

t^$~ See advortmement ot Dr. Sanfords' U v s r Invigorator in another column. •.

*w~ See advertisement ol Boudoir, Sewing Ma­chines. 122 Lake street. ja4-ly-b906

See advertisement of Quaker City $30 Sewing Machine." L. Coaxnu. A Co.,

eeS6-ly 138 Lake street.

D I D D . On Wednesday. February U, BKNJAMIN, son of Ban-

iamin and KLaabetn aolcrook, aced ten weeks and five ears.

The funeral will take place at the parents residence JM West Harris MI street, to-day at I P. M.

Hope Fire In ur mre (jnipnaj, OP W E W YORK CITY.

CaSkiSMtS $1T4, Osv aoTBoarrv) la Oasaaoo.

Xamotds. Halloa e'ramam.

Otden. Fleetwood a Oo,. Clark a tr*

T . 6 .

South.' o«Hi tv law

Deter. V A N B I H M , Ace* . 1,

last eor. of South Water and Clark-si, UPSTAIRS.

1 8 5 8 .

Iltrioh River Packet lenpany. Ihcornorted l$M-Oapital Stock, $200,000.

IK J. HANCOCK, rrest Wat P. HANCOCK. Secy.

[ROUGH BILLS OF LADING GIVEN for Xrasahk to St. Louis and all points on the Illinois

aver at the lowest rates, Prefahttak. MtDd Railroad to eeoria, and

for pa/Uculsn apnly w ~ — AUtXI

i by Umeaao snd ' at trom

is apply to T. ~W. AUtXinDIK a CO., ajtanls,

tetlm-eMS j J S g g S S »»^»t..6Vioaso7ln-r -

P B L I S S E S A P R O C T O R , Csncoaasors to Stanfcri A awards 1

Net. M 8 B r o a d l w a y , N e w Y o r k , Have Baeeatty Pabuened


A j Revealed b- Its Own Wiitera F a c t s f o r t h e A m e r i c a n P e o p l e .

ltao... .0aota... .atC0 • This iaaaertant b x>k thoald b* In tbe hands of every

intelnsaot ohria<ian In oar ocantry- it is no tirade of abuse aninst the system it treats ot but a clear revelsv-t an of RasMla-frwa its own sianda-d. and authorities. and eaaaodtea tacts that nucntto startle into watchiutaeaa ever* proteaiant thatreade tl."—{Protestant Churchman.

tVOvpiea sent to any addiem pre-p id. on the receipt ofthenrioa Por sale by bookselUrs ran*rally. Canvas­sers aad A|*nU wanted In every State of ths Onion.


BAkasTrt. suae * oo -QEMOVAL. -•W ,w5i•"Uk,

JsJp»»sr~AW ^ S a n a s


Aim i

T H I B t m K .

ecntive sea-adjourned

rkansua, from a, reported a

and Patents to naturalizing of

• p r t i . i

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WASHWOVOS, Feb. 2.-J-Ssirar»i—A memorial was presented from the Indian Aid Association of Nsw York, asking Congress to organise no new territories without consulting the Indians as to what portion of their territory they wish to be located on; also, sskiag Congress to grant money for Indian anj-

The Secretary of tbe Navy transmitted in ac­cordance with Mr. Wilson's recent resolution, a statement of all the contracts made for live oak, which was ordered to be printed.

Messrs. Seward and King presented various memorials from New York and Long Island for works of defence. \ ,,

Mr. Bayard, from the Committee on tbe Ju­diciary, introduced a resolution sppaoying Min­ister Reed's decree of February, 1353, regulat­ing the consulates in China, and declaring that no legislation ia required to legalize it. Adopted.

Mr. Brodsrick introduced a bill to establish a line of steamahips from San Francisco to Shang­hai via the Sandwich Islands. Referred.

Mr. Pugh moved for any correspondence with Prussia relative to the compulsory enlistment of persons claiming American protection, in tbs Prussian army. Adopted.

The'House bill for the punUhmant of coun­terfeiters of Military Land Warrants wss read and passed.

Mr. Bayard, from the Judiciary Committee, said ha would to morrow reaayct on tbe Indiana election case, in response to the memorial of McCarthy and Lane, claiming»to be Senators.

The Agricultural College Bill wss taken up, and on motion of Mr. Pugh w i s recommitted : „

ATBS—Bayard, Benjamin. Bright, Cbesnnt, -Clsy, Clingnsan, Davis, Fdeb, Filspatrick,, Cwin, Hammand, Houston, Ivereon, Johnson of Tenn., Jones, Mallory, Mason, Polk, Pngb, Reed, Rice, Sebastian, Shields, Slidell, Toombs, Wsrd, Yu lee -88 .

NATS—Alien, Bell, Bigler, Broderick, Chan­dler, Clark, Collamer, Crittenden, Dixon, Doo-litlle, Douglas, Fessenden, Foots, Hale,HamIin. Kennedy, King, Seward, Simmons, Stnart, Thompson of Ky., Thompson of N. J., Tram-bull, Wade, Wright - 2 6 .

The Indian Appropriation bill was then tsken up snd further debated, bnt without taking a vote upon it the Senate went ij sion, and on the opening of thr

HODSB.—Mr. Oreenwood, o the Committee on Indian A bill providing for the issue of the Shawnee Indians, and tb them ss citizens of the United Stsates,

Mr. Houston, of Alabama, spggested whether this could be done in this way, as tbe Constitu­tion requires a uniformity ot naturalization.

Mr. Greenwood replied that they wore not on the same footing as foreigners. Some of them were able to take care of theui own affairs, and as intelligent as many foreigner*.

Mr. Bliss, ot Ohio, said it wae inaugurating a new policy to make Indians citizens bywspecial act of Congress, and suggesad whfether matter'was not left to.the Statle aloie.

Mr Greenwood remarked t h y the bill accordance with the 9th article af the treaty with the Bhawnees. W

Mr. Colfux, of lad., said that many of toe Shawnees were as intelligent as some ot the gen­tlemen in the House and folly competent to take care of their own affairs. The bill authorizes the Indians to alienate tbeir lands under such regula­tions as the Commissioner of Indian Affair* may prescribe. We should open their country to set­tlement ana encoarage tbeir advances in tbe pur­suits of eivitived life.

Mr. Montgomery of Pa., lemarked that the citi­zens of Texas were naturalized l»y treaty and so were others. At present these Indians have no redress for trespass, as none but citizens of the United States can sue in the Federal Courts.

The naturalization clause was then striken ont, and the bill was then rejected by a majority of nine.

Mr. Taylor, of L a , made an ineffectual at­tempt to introduce a bill providing for tbe ac­quisition of Cuba by negotiation.

Tbe House then went into Committee on tbe Judicial, Legislative and Executive Appropria­tion bill.

A desultory debate followed—Oarnett, Qid-dings, Smith of Illinois, Bingham and Stanton advocating retrenchment, and Davis of Miss., Phelps, Phillips snd Keitt defending tbe ap. pronat ion .

On a motion to reduce the appropriation for mileage, Mr. Bingham ssid the abuse of mile­age ought not to be tolerated. The rates were fixed unequally, some members receiving near­ly #12,000 and others only $6*4.

Tbe item of #200,000 for milesge was stricken out by nine majority.

Without coming to any conclusion in regard to the bill the House took a recess till seven o'clock. Oa re assembling a general debate took place. . J P

as jgj fc—i ' - , L

F r o n t W a s h i n g t o n . Naw YOSK, Feb. 1.—The Daily Newg Wash­

ington correspondent says tbe $30,000,000 Cuba proposition is likely to psss tbe House.

Ths Timet correspondent telegraphs that letters from Central America announce a matri­monial engagement between Miss Ousley end a yonng English nobleman, now Lieutenant on board the English war steamer Valorous. Sir William is proceeding rapidly in his negotia­tions with Nicaragua, and hoped soon to return to London.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 1.—At a meeting of tbs Committee on Ways end Means to day, no as tion was held upon the Tariff. They are await­ing the return from the principal Custom Houses for the month of January, from whioh tbe Secretary of the Treasury expects to draw definite conclusions aa to 'be revenne that may be anticipated from tbe present tariff. He ex­pects these returns will foot up $6,000,000.

A Democratic caucus was held to night John Cochrane acted as Chairman, and Messrs. Baffin and Cavanaugh aa Secretaries. About fifty moa were present, principally from the South, bnt including two from New York, two from Min­nesota, one from Ohio, and five from Illinois. A great diversity of opinion existed as to the prop­er method of meeting the present pressing emer­gencies of the Government. But a very general impression prevailed that the estimates were si-together too high, and that measures must be taken to reduce them very materially.

Resolutions were finally adopted; first, that it is inexpedient to disturb the tariff of 1857 ; sec ond, that a committee of five be appointed to report to tbe next caucus, means by which tbe expenses of tbe Government can be reduced, and the caucus adjourned nntil Saturday night, when a g neral call is to be issued to tbe Demo­cratic members, and the question of retrench­ment is to be debated *

WASHINGTON, Jan. 2 —In pnrsnance of the res­olution adopted at the Democratic Caucus on the Tariff last nigjit, Messrs. Girnett, Vallandingham, Crawford, Burnett and Marshall of Illinois, were appointed a Committee to report at the adjourned meeting on Saturday some plan of retrenchment in the expenditures of toe Government.

The Select Committee appointed to examine the acts of Mr. Seaman, the late Superintendent of Public Printing, expect to complete their labors next week.

The select committee to examine tbe alleged abuses in tbe navy department and nary yards, bave already aumtrioates} and continue samtaosv ing more witnesseswkni they can conveniently examine during too present session.

Tbe Senate in executive seeaion today re­sumed the'eonsideratioo of the nomination of Emory D. Potter, as Collector of Toledo, bnt aa norqaorum was present tbs question was not taken.

The Committee on Military Affairs is still en-gaged on to* consideration of the Waahington aad Oregon Indian war debt. Messrs Lane and Stevens, the delegates from these Tern to­nes, last night hsd a bearing o n tbe subject be­fore tbe committee.

H e w J e r s e y L e g i s l a t u r e a a d Use Q u a r ­a n t i n e W a r .

TBINTOX, N. J. , Feb. 2 —Both Houses of tbe Legislature bsve by a strong vote adopted em­phatic resolutions against the Quarantine at Sandy Hook, and instructing toe Senators and Representatives of New Jersey in Congress to oppose action to that end by tbe General Gov­ernment.

i • • m F r o m M e x i c o .

WASHINGTON, Feb. 1.—The steamship General Rusk, with dates from Brazos to tbe 28th n i t , has arrived.

A conduit has arrived at Matamoras with one million dollars in specie and bullion.

Gen. Gar z a was preparing to march from Tam-auiipas to the assistance of-toe Liberals.

aa s> • F r o m U t a h .

LnavsawoBTa, Feb. 1.—The Utah mail, with dates to January 7th, haa arrived. News unim­portant.

There had been a grand review of all the troops by Gen. Johnson. They are represented to be in a high state of discipline.

a sj a. i F r o m S t . J o k a s .

S T . JOHNS, N. P., Feb. 2.—The stesmer Cir-casaian sailed from here at 9 o'clock this morn­ing, tor New York, where she will be due about Monday, the 7th.

Wind N. K., with heavy snow-storm pre­vailing.

— m » . R i v a l s t e a m s h i p L i n e s

Nsw YORK. Fob. 2.— The Vanderbilt opposi­tion line to California advertise the Northern Light to sail for Aspinwall on the 10th of March next, to connect with the steamer Uncle Sam on the Pacific.

— ay as , . oe M u n i c i p a l E l e c t i o n .

LANCASTER, P A . , Feb- 1.—At the municipal election in this city to day, Sanderson (Dem.) was elected Mayor over Burrows, by 7 msjority, in a heavy vote.

a > ai S a i l i n g o f t b e E u r o p a .

Nsw YORK, Feb. 2.—The steamer Europa sailed at noon to-day for Liverpool, with 44 pas­sengers and $072,000 in specie.

NJCBJ Hdflertisemmti. fTC. B. SCR1VEN, Moertituuj Agent, S3 DtarhornuL,

is authorized to receice Adcertitementt for this and all the Leading Papera of the XorUi- Wet, jsj bSM l j

• f * / ' A N T E D — A SMART ACTIVE BOY.— . I T . Apply at BOOK k KAfNKE'a New Prt rcHptlon

Drue Store, Cbctavo

Clark street, opposite the Court House, feSlt*

r i ' O RENT.—TWO N E W HOUSES, ON JL on Brie street, near Mar.et. EUbt rooms in each house at S21 per month. fe3 ci6l) lm Inquire ana Olauc street.



fe3o!67 4t

REWARD.—STOLEN FROM THE _ enclosure of tbe subscriber on>

the H h nit,, two dark brown milch cows. One v.ry larke snd the otber mnch small er. Smaller one curriea her real very _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ low. Ice above rewari will be paid for their oeiivery to the subsci iber st bis place near Oltavervilie, or at the a bie of rlatt A Hupluas, on RmdqU>h street.

"" """ HBWBV KViagT.

D' •^SOLUTION OF CO-PARTNERSHIP. The co-partnerahln here ofore existing between

the undersigned under the firm name of Converse A Thompson was this nay dissolved by mutual consent.

•LAM OOMVKB8C Ja., Feb. 1,1859. J T. THOMPSON.

Tbeucdersls;ged win continue the Boot and Fhoe busi-nrsoat th« old stand No. 180 Kandolih street, and s alone amhoiixed to collect al' demands du« the late* firm and settle all demands against tti- same.

fe3 C166 3t ELAM OONVKRSB. JB.


Shred and T A P I O C A


M O S S .

Sheet isinglass,

F R E S H H O P S ,

f parkUi>? Gela t ine , S A G O , O A T M E A L ,


SABGEAT k ILSLEY, apothecaries,

fs9 cl'8 140 Lake street.

R O O T & O A D T ,

96 C L A R K S T R E E T 96

At the £ign of the Star fpatgled Banner,

Z=F Sjat -f-

+ long may i t wave


lathe only rJacefwTeje aH'of MiSON BROTHERS MD-»or the sale of Pioging Books of every delcrlption. Thia lathe only ilace where all of M4S0N uROTHEi" SIUALfCBMCAI'IOMS are constantly on hand.

CbAir«.ra M u s i c B o o k s , Jubilee Sabbath Pell. Shawm. Hallehlsale, Oantica Laud s. New and Od Oarmina Sacra. Boston Academy Collec !"•>, Psaitery, National Psalmist. ThankseWlng. Lutecf Zioa, Ac. All the late and popular

G - l o e R o o k s . Including Festival f-lee Book, N T. Glee and Chorus Book, tt.ee H ve. Voca.ua, i o.ial Glee Book, Family Oir-me Glee Bn k, N. E. tt ee Book. Minnehaha Glee Book, Union olee Ucov, u.ci ian Glee Booi, Ac

J u v e n i l e H o o k a , Normal Stag r goni Boo* of the fchool Boom, Little

Sons* (or Little 8in«ers, Wl'.der's School Music, Wllder's Mu>kal E emeutary. Normal rona Book, Young Shawm. ¥OUOK aiimtrel, hinging Book for Boys and Girls meet­ings, Ac. aa

R o o k s f o r F e m a l e ( s e m i n a r i e s . The Musical Casket, a new book recently published,

and already introduced In' o the principal Seminaries of Mew Y r», Brooklyn snd Chicago; Musical album, Academy Vocalist, Musical Class Book, Mntlcal Boa.net, Musics, Bcho, Institute Melodies. Webb's Vocal Uiass Bock. A c Ai Also, a great variety of CoDgregUional Tune and Hymn B ok>, Opera and Sacred Chorus Books, Ua-iiatas Oratorios. Ac. Ac.

General ascortment of Technical and Scientific Musi­cal Works Mutual Litera.ure, Ac

W A Liberal Discount to tbe Trade.

QTATJS O F ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF i ) COOK. 88.—Cook County Court of Common Pleas, Febrnsry i'erm.. 1868. Charles H. Booth and Charles Tattle vs. Oi ville Finch.—

Attachment Public notice la hereby given to the said Orvtlie Finch

that a writ of Attachment Issued out of the offloe of the Clark cf Cook County Court of Common Pleas, dated the. fi at day of Febuary .A. D. 18SS, at tha suit of the said Charles H, Booth and Charles Tattle and against the estate ot the said Orvtlie Finch -or the sum of six­teen hundi e J anu forty-two do lars and forty-eight cents, directed to the Sheriff of Cook county, which said writ haa been returned executed.

Now, therefore, unless jou. the arid Orvflle Finch shall personally be and appear before the said Coek county Court of Common Pleas, en or oeforethe first day of the next term ihereo', to be holden at the Oourt House In the city of Chicago, on the urst Monde- of Febru­ary. A. a li*9. give special bail and plead to the said plaintiff's action judgment will be entered against yon and in favor of the said Charles H Booth and Charles Tut le, and so much of the property attached as Buy; be sufficient to satisfy the said lodgment and eosts, will be sold to satlstytha Same

WALTtR KIMBALL, Clerk Thompson A Bishop. Pit ns Atf ye. fc3clo930d

I^HE CO-PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing between H M. Higgins snd A J. Hltgins,

under the name and style cf Hit-gins Brothers is this aay dissolved by mutual consent. H. M. Higgins assumes all theliabiutlei of the late be paid. __

Chicago, Feb. L 185».

.-m and to whom • 11 d«bt» must a M/HiGGIHS. A. J. BIGGINS.

HIGGINS returns his thanks to his customers 1 hopes by strict attention to business

H. M for part favors, and to merit their future patronage.

•" sty stock la by tar the Urges'., sad most complete lathe Northwest.

s^TNew Music received weekly bom all the Saatern publishers.

t r My c jtalcwue of my own publications is now the finest of any published in tbe United 8tatea. to which I am constantly adding from the best composers in the Baatern and West rn States. H. M. HIGGINS.

fe8-lw-owM g Lake street

M . H I G G I N S , MU£IO P D B -LI*HER. « Lake street, still has on hand the

largest stock of Musical merchandise kert by any other house In the Northwest. I am sola agfents for the cel­ebrated " Model Melodeon," saade br Mason A HamlLi. "oston alaoag--nt« ior Lighte. Newton A Bradhay's PIANOS, with the "P tent arch - rest riant," wh.ehta •seu by no other Manufacturers in the wortd, aad Is the •aoatimjo tant mechanical uaprivemeBt. Instsa >. o using iron as most mak rs do—whioh sires th • ins/o-mentam talk and disagreeable soand-~or oslng wood in the ori inary wa.— which readers it necessary to weaken the part of the I astmosent wherein the greatest possible strength is reouir d—by cutting acrosa the grain of the wood. U«hte. Nevton A Bradbury's have a neth't whereby they spring this patent Wrest Into proper form by tbe aid of steam and powerful saaehinerv.


of ten tuna will mak no impress-on '.', I'.res Of the woo *' oontin

Asta ln the arch, when

tbe fibres of the wood Instead r<f being weakened by the beiag Interrupted at short distances, have their

p wer of resistance gieaUy augmented by the pec liar form they are made to assume in the Patent Arch Wrest. Kv=ry instrument is warranted.

All kinds of Char :h Music Boeksfor sale. l i e cheapest and lalee.ttlee Book out ia the MIUNB

HA-HA. Priceai_gle copy 58 cents, sent by mail post­paid; per dosea e.M all orders must be addressed to a. M. HIGGiNA 46 Lakes*.. Chicago Ja 6 bSM ly

RUG CLERK W A N T E D - O N E THAT is honest and faithful: capable of atmH'ft; to

N o v a S c o t i a T e l e g r a p h C o m p a n y .

Naw Yogs, Fab. a.—The annual report of ths Mora Scotia Telegraph Company haa boon published sad distributed ia this city, from which it appears that there ware SO,000 mas­sages passad through tbe Halifax office to aad trom other offices in the Pro vinos last year. It also appears that the annual receipts of the com* pany less the amount paid the connecting lines) waa $20,900, and that ths repairing and working of the lines cost a trifle over f 17,000. Other ex-pecses hsve absorbed tha whole of the receipts, and the Directors say that it appears that whea the country offices are taken collectively the total expense of maintaining and working them exceeds the income by about 9400, so thst ths profits of the company are derived exclusively from the Halifax office.

Tbe directors also state that with all their ea-deavorsand constant and wearisome attention, tbe expenses of the line continue to absorb - all of their receipts, and yet these are the lines which certain specnlators ia Boston and New York have been trving to induce the mercantile community to purchase at the round sum of $120,000, or to lease at a corresponding figure.

as » • .

N e w Y o r k S t a t e M e d i c a l S o c i e t y . A LB AS r, Feb. 3—The New York State Medi­

cal Society has been in session here yesterd t y and to-day. Dr. Monday of Staten Island, moved that a committee ot three be appointed to in res- , tigate lus lact . in relation t o t b . J ^ J - j W J J U C H I N E R Y & W H A L E O I L

•H3t i \(\C\ WANTED W l y ? ] / « v / V - / v / months, to us.

eeaoriptlon business snd not afraid if work of any kind. •at apeak G ertaan. Address box Oj, ttjfagia fe»3t*

F O R SIX _. . - — _ -. — In a legitimate

business, to be secured on unincumbered City seal Es­tate wotth as.ooo. any one having the abore saa to l/>an will pleeso adiresa, etatiag t«.-ms. BNTKBPRISK. P. O. box3187. fe»l»»

VA L U A B L E WHABFING PROPERTY to Ken'. Wharf Lots 27 and 28, in Block 88,

Schoo' Sectian. on the east s'di of South Branch, be­tween Harrison Mid Van >-u en s recta. They can be rented for a single yetr or a term of yt are Inquire of

fe3Im K. O. LAKNKD. g Wsshfagton , ,

Pure Sperm Oil,

the resolution met opposition and , The prise or the beat dissertation on s e s r W '

fever was awarded to Henry A. Oarrington/of Hyde Park. The committee on vaccination re-.ported that small pox was more prevalent in the s ta te at the present time than ever before sinos the introduction of vaccination, and recom­mended that the Legislature pass a law em­powering the trustees of each school to exclude from the benefit of public instruction ail who have net been vaccinated.

A resolution was adopted approving the action of Mayor Tiemaan in endeavoring to place the control of the sanitary affairs of the eity of Sew York in the hasps of medical men, and exhort* ing the Legislators to psss laws to effect such s result.

M o r e D i f f i c u l t i e s i a U t a h . S T . LOCIS, Feb. 2 —A private letter from

Bait Lake City, Jan. 7th, says Judge Sinclair adjourned the Grand Jury tine die upon petition ot nine members in whieh they declare their in»-

*btlity to proceed in the examination of witnesses in consequence of the excitement and violence manifested. Jury composed ot 9 Gentiles, 12 Mormons, and a factious spirit ran so high that revolvers were drawn and a general fight, with difficulty, was prevented.

Tbe letters adds that ths idea of sa impartial jury, or justice being obtained la that eity, i s preposterous, and » martial law probably will be established.

B C S I N , S O D A , S O D A A f H ,


P R I N T E R ' S B L U E S , T W I N E S ,


Large Stock in Store which we offer Lew.

J H . R E E D A CO. ,

W H O L E S A L E D B U d O I S T H UsAlt t ....Lake Street. 144A146



a£V ofQoods sad Hoase and Lot ia this city for sale Two-thlidi of the amoun will be taken In Improved Fanning taioa Address launediateUy " J. X." aox 1800, with description of property. fel-lw*

' I K ) EXCHANGE.—WE H A V E S E V E R A L JL valuable Horses and Oarnasea, which we will ex­

change far Groceries. Loa er. Hardware. Boots and shoes or Dry Goods. Also a new Seven Octare Piano, as above.

ABBvrTT A K.INGMA.N tag beat l a MO sad Bs South Otork street.

JR E T U R N E D . - D R HUBBBLL IS H A P P T •' to Inform his numeroui friends sod patrons that

^haa !ue< returned from a t »ur in Burope, and having, while there visued soma of the ortnttpal aoerital let '





Mfst Brilliant l i g h t

Yet discovered.

M . l a s Hand Lamp, i SB CaV'GALLON burning three *" hours each da*, la**

TUAEE MON rfia jdv-ingali httquil to efirht Candle a When tb* LaAiD ia proper ly teimm-ed there is

lit, SsMke or Saei l .



WattitiX ?ja—-ss.


A House contalcint six or eif ht rooms h> the South Dtriilen. at a low rent. The rurritnre wiM b« bought or rented if desired. Address Box " *S&," Post Ofijoe.

fel-8t-cU8 ^ ^

ANTED TO PURCHASE OR RENT * first Class Residence on the Nnrth Bide. In

this eity. located between the streets of Pine and North ' earborn. In Una and Saprrior. Lotto be not lets thtn 78 feet front, with a lane atd eaaunodlons House. Apply at the "ffl3« of "Taller A Oo, $3 . 17 8tae street, tr at o y res deoee. No. 171 M;c„l*an aveeor

jag iet cits BaB a **,«.««• INFORMATION W A N T E t t OF H E N R Y

Hurst One-tham otherwise James Henry Horst, native of_Mtnebester, Bngianc, aged SS years, apply

-"'•aw to this office.

v y _ ._ paid Address or aippir to SAM Jtandolph street, Chicago.

A N T E D . - H U N G A R I A N GRAFS Seed, for whieh i he h|gbest mar set price will be

- ™ D t | / h H1BTZ, No. 5* jat8.lm*

Jar Sale ARE

JEV Poultry aad Produce Stead In tbe eity. South f for Bale. Address ' JT^Draw 8807. tfhlcigo. 111.


C H A N C 8 . - T H E IBEST MEAT, ado.

FOR 8 A L E . - T H A T SPLENDID DWELL-mo House and Lot on thscor-er of Wblcott and

krie streets, now ocenpied by T. P. Phillips. The house and areata ar s in perfect order, and SU too af the pur­chase money can remain on B >nd and Mortgage for a term of rears Ar ply at the office of PHILLIPS A VAN WAGENSM, No. 3 Looml,' Uuudi. g, eOraer of Clark and South Water atreeu, r j e \ lw-cltt

COKE FOK SALE BY T&E CHICAGO Gas Light and Coke Company, at the reduced price

of ten eeats per bushel ior aay anantiay. jajMw-ojj

FO R S A L E - T H E PROPELLER <• J . BAR-BBR." was built in Cleve snj In 18*>; length.

U6 86100 leet; breadth. 261100 fe 11 9epth 8 (S-lOi feet; measurement 2t3 81-Sfi tons. \

for price and terms apply to LINDA SLATE t. Canal. near Madison street. f jattlm*

OTICE. — TO DRAYMEN A N D EX PKBSsMtN.—1 have for sale'one good Truck

in and Harness: fire good I on Aid Drays and Har-s. Ihe above for sale cheau. Inquire of L. TIF-

IT, at Richmond A Go's, uffice corner Nor-u Water and Dearborn streets, I jag bSSl am

FOR SALE, BY V A N INWAGEN & CO., _ Office No. 3. DolaJs BaUdlng. Chtcaga, ID., -«-.,

the following vessels: % * J | J j K ^ H t

Schr. SOCKET, Class . . B U Z * L6GAV, . . a . . GRKif EAGLE. . . a. . . MGoTlNGME. . . AT .. WINGf OP THE WIND .. INTERNATIONAL .. GERALDINK. .. Ptrrast* j 1) bS7U3m

tir Ha ,u .sea .400 .370



Now being Erected^ O n As a s h , n*mr S u p e r i o r S t . ,

And to be finished May 1st. These houses are 95x46 feet, three stones, with basement, Milwaukee brick front, built and to be nntahed in the best manner. The lots are 147 feet deep to an alley, and will hare a good brick barn on cash. Persons pnrehasing soon can make such al­terations aa may be desired.

Term favorable. Apply to DR. BRAtNARD, «a Clark street, from 9 to 10 o'clock A. M. ja6

HOUSE AND LuTFORSALfc SITUATED on the corner of Wood and Warren street! In the

» eat Division, near Union Park, occupied by V P. Hay-ward, The house ia new, built of brick two stories, and atone basement twenty-four Dy flfty-ihre* feet, with a fine observatory; finished in the most fashionable manner with all the modern inmrovenMnta-#marble mantels. grates. Ac, Ac —wou.d be a desirable, residence. Tbe lot is sixty-six by one hundred an J tWentr-teven feet, with a twenty foot alley in the rev of It ; wis be sold very cheap—on canal time, or the whole1 of the purchase money may remain on mortgage on it and other property for roar or live years, or it- will be exchanged for un­doubted real es a e securities, having''several years to run apply to E. T B »KKK*. P. O. Box No 31W or to a H. BURNS, 18 Dearb rn at.- loom I. jeleJU2m*

M a l t ! Mal t ! tflalt! 1 A i i l la1 I B ^ . NO 1 CANADA B A R -X v J a " " r%J LET MALT. \u store sod for sal* by

" WHITNEY A KIMBALL. ia6 b»40 3m 1ST Kensie street.

itfoariMng a FEW GENTLEMEN BOARDERS CAN •*\ be accommodated, with or without rooms, at 240

Madison street; also a suit of rooms, suitable fir a small family. References given and required. ja£> lw«

BO A R D I N G . - T W O OR THREE GEN-tiemen can procure Board and Pleasant Rooms at

No. 71 Monroe s reet. Also, a few day boarders can be accommodated. jat8-lmcli

BOARDING.—FIRST CLASS B O A R D and pleasant rooms, either suites- or single, st MS

South Clark street Transient Board at reasonable rates. Ja4-3m»

BOARDING. — SINGLE ROOMS A N D suits of rooms newly fitted up, with board, on rea­

sonable terms, may be ob'ained on application at No atf State street. 0. D. OUVkR,

daaaaas* *

$o Eetti. npO BENT—THE STORE *>Ot 41, SOUTH A Water street, suitable fcr a Wholesale Grocer or

Dry Gcids Jobbing H use. Sent moderate. Apply to MaTTHEWLAPLlW. 49 Sooth Water-at. la8»cH18W

I ^ O R R E N T . - I N T E N D I N G TO BEMOVE I to ournew premises, Ns. 28 !*>• st-eet. on he

1st o/ February next we will rent to a good tcnam the Store we now occupy, r>v. 1ST 8 >uth Wat-r street. Ap­ply to


PARDEE'S BUILDING. — FOR RENT, ihe oommodloos offices on tha ft-st and second

floor in rardee'sBoiidlns. comer South Water and Well* streets. aAUn tiro lofts and a Una corner basement, suitable fo»a dlnin.- hall For terms apply to the lubsori ber In the building. No. IU South Mater stmet

JaiabSsSgai a A WILLIAMS.

TO MILLERS, MECHANICS, A C — T O RENT, for a term of years, that lajhre building next

East of the Elevator of Gtbba. <,riffln A Oa.. with the line Lot on which it stands—being SO leet, more or lest, on the river and running back to the G. A O. D.B. R. Attached to the building Is a steam engine room, with an engine. This is a tine locnkxi for a flouring Mill, or for Mechani­cal purposes, Por I sans Ac. atipiy to

8. B. WIl.hlAMS, d*3t bglf Sm 2tf BoutFWattr

a T - a J L

jparticuliV Notices. \ r O T I C E . - W E H A V E THIS D A Y PUR-1 \ chased the interest of John J. Intus in the house

or Bookee. Tunis A Co.. and will continue the j * b< le-aale Drua bo tin en sa before at the old standi No. £0 South Water attest, aider the style of Boc.ee. Phullpi A Co.

Chicaao,reb.L'«. W f l S B h l fel-lOt c!34 eJO. W 8TOefrENBrjR6H.

Dearborn Seminary. TH E N E X T TERM OF THIS I N S T I T U -

Uon for Young Ladles will begin on Monday, the ltth

Circulars can be obtained by addr easiag the Principal or by ealHn< at the S.-mioary B ildlnj

lel-aw-cta* .

P A R T I C U L A R A T T E N T I O N ' S CALLED JL to s rare chance for investment in t, badness where there Is no eompet Hon. and which paSa to these-hard timet fatty one hsndred per Oent The busin ss is well established nd oa the increase, and will in a ye/ r's time be worth SWOOO. It can now be purchased for MM, part esse The proprietor is about to leave for Ptke t Peak, address " P.O. Box lsaa." ; jaav-St*eia»

$5,000 to $20,000. PARTIES WISHING TO D I - P O S E O F

Stccka of Dry Goods, Groceries orJ other personal property in exchange for part cash and part real estate, can be treated with advantageously.

A city residence als . wa w d for cash. Sad outside real estate. North 8,de preferred. Apply to

HiU. A *«Asar:. Aneuonesri. Jatfellet ; Ho. H Dearborn street.

B tiding, i Z 6R0VJ3L Principal.

tea k I ii i H WORTH OF MERCHAN ' a l r l / V / DISK wanted la exchange

for Bonds and Moi tra.ee on Eastern City .Property, and first Mortgage T per cent. Railroad Bonds. None tut prtnoip;Is t eated with, aadreaa. wuh raal name and dia-cdot on of Goods, "A Z. C.T^box 3196, Chicago, Post OBoe. issaeaalaa

M O N E Y T O L O A N At Ten per Cent, per Annum.

FOB rxva TBABI, Ptrst-claa Real Istate and

C O M M E B C I A L M O T E S W A N f T E l x nunlsg from One to Twelve Months. _^ . . _ .

iaat c3B B. F. IK)WNING m 00.. *7 Clark-at

d l l a f s A l I - » * TEN PER O E N T — X OT 1 e V r v / t ' ipart* w shea aae U sen a isaal' 1«*« at alow price en fairterma. and loan tha purchaaar 11,000 or upwards, at ten per cent, on other security, one or

Asviioatioa to be made to is* personally or *• L. Las.

box a m by letter. !•

jalS At Waoaworth A Oo'a jj Clark st . P. O

m o EXCHANGE FOR FARMING L A N D S , • MerebaodisaarOttyProp rtv. about •lO.INO worOi

ofjewelry. Gold Pens. Penclk Ac Address "J. W. »..•' Box stag, Ohieago P. a farUb»»71m

r p K L E G R A P H E X C H A N G E

O N V 1 W T O R E .

DrarU. Aoosptsnoea aad Notesi paid in New York on the day of maturity, or last day of grace, and money de-p stted lor account in the ctty of KewTork and sent to cities in tbe rictnliy of New Tors on Tdegrai/bic frders. E " E ^ m f e k


^musemmtga i ^Uiction Sales. Tbe ExcHsiitr Society ftsOfmh

THE "EXCELSIOR SOCIETY OF THE City of Chicago" will oelebrate IU

X e r i t h A a n i v e r s a r T , ON TEE EIGHTH DAT Of FsBRCAlT NEXT,

Br s Grand Dinner snd Soiree st the M I O H M O i r Z ) H O T J S B .

Th« Commitle" of Arrsmgesienle wtU see to It that nothing shall be amsMqaj to sjutka the featival equal to any f. rmer one, which is all teat Hew Vort can oealra.

r-IAtOTT ANTHONT. President. GTJEBDON PERKINS./ W. S DAVT*. \ TIce Presidents. , OHABAaaa H. RAT, 1 vaJW^° "• J

P . L. SHERMAN, ternary. J. f. BAB COCK. Treat arte

i i m o* suxaeaas. J. R.Hganln, I F W i E.D. W, Robinson, JC. M. 1'rury . H E . Voc 0. . Syoney Smith.

H. 8 Konroe, OT B7Psrw( " O. W. Boonaa. Was. L B n

K.8. tti'l.ams, E. Van Bur-n_


O N E T L O A N E D ON CITY Rt iAL ES-iuea. Mortgage* TraatDl oteaand sal good negol—

ties bought and sold. OerttAoates of Deuoiu and Cbecki MONEY LO

t V 3 - « Has booaht andKAA at the hWhest market price'. sin andlowalanda. imnroved farms suburban Iota anc Otty Reaa EsUto. OfBoe No. 6, (second floor) MetroaeeV

Dealers ii. •ia Wlscon-

A N N I V B R S A R 1 ?

— o r -

Washington's Birth. D a y ! T H E j

\at lenal Laird tatiru

Win cetebraie tha Nations HoU-

'• day by a

D l t E S S P A B A D F ,

And In the evening will give a

G r a d Fall Dress Mlhtary


C I V I C B A L L ,

At their Hall, corner of Marked

and Rudolph tt-eeta


F e b ' y 3.1&, 1859.

To which an Military are lo-

vlted to be • rasent In

F U L L U N I F O R M .

HONORART MANAGERS H in. Fte hen A. Donglaa. U u t W o B. Egtn, Gen R. K Sain, Gen. Beaubles, Capt. McArthur.

Colonel Tayjoa, Oolmel _ Capt. W. mac. Capt. Parker, Capt. Jaa Smith.

Lieutenant Gage.


Capt, Geo . L. Sanborn , RECEPTION OOMMTTWE.

Js»- Dj Witt, A. A Oohb, K. B. Knox. g. W. aoeta.

FLOOR MSNASkRS. Llea».-«obt. Wttherell, Robt. Ross, Lieut J. R. II ay oat,. Wm Inula

lieutenait J. H. Clybonrne. W Music by the GREAT WESTERN BAND. fel-td C137


IIuinai A u t s B t j aad I'hjsielef \ .

Or the Stricture and Caea ot the Various Parts of the H U M A N B O O T

- B Y — Prof . R . H . P A D D O C K , A . M . M . D .

—ar »•«— M e c h a n i c s ' I n s t i t t i t e H a l l ,

To commence on ntxt Monda Evening, ''» u'cLc •, and to be cuttleued on each Sat Monday kveningi followina: till oomwleted.

i ickets for the Oourje. S1.00 each. For a f$ngie Lee tore, 3a cents each. To bt n. u at the urug Stores o' J. H_ keed A Oo , Late street. L. T. Huaeston. No. 60 North Obrkstreet a. B. Brrsa. do. £0 fteat Madison street, Gale Br u.ers. No. foa Randolph street, and at the office of Dr. Paddock, P. rtl tnd Block. Room 13 fet-M el41

Fab. 7th. laterday and

T H I R D A N N U A L —or—


Cleveland Lodge, Ho. 211, A . F. AND A. M. ',

A T T H E T U E O O N T H O U S E ,

O i T u i r s s a } , Feb. . , A. L.&8»9, A. D . 1859,

Yourself a -d Ladies Lre respectfully invited.

Members of the Fraternity are requested to appear In Regalia

.viuelc by t h e G r e a t W e s t e / n B a u d . S. T. DEAN, OaJltt,

Tickets may be had at the Tremont Hooae. and at the Arm of suerson. Miller A Co.. 71 Canal street.

HoBO'-aav araxianu. M. W. Ira A. W. Baek. G. M., H. W. 11 6. Rei ncdv a. A. E. w. W. aritcbell, O. M. K. Reuben Taylor, H. P., M K. J V. Z. Blan j . G. C , M a N. D sJa-ood. G. H. P.. M. K. H, A. Johnaoai, H. P.. 1. I G. W. UrariDtG. M.

ooamirrac or AH*tsosstssTd Reuben Cleveland, P. M-. W. T. Miller. P. rl W„ W M. Egan. W. M., N. W. Huatley J. W.. M

D. F. Wilton. T. jal», r lit td

fuuria Hen's Assdciation. F E B R T J A R T ,

"Bialn." -Ufe in the North."

L E C T U R E S F O R 3d-GtORGES0MNER. Subject:

lOth-BAYA \D TAYLOR. Subject: 17th-E. P. WHIPPLE. Subject: 24th-HKS.MAN MELViLLE, ruhjeot: "8cuthSeaa"


js25 i.ecure Ootapilttee.


C l e v e l a n d L o d g e N o . 211, A . F . 4 A . .*!., Will erne < IT at the TrenvTit House, on THDBSDAY

EVENING. February 3d. WML j»»td-c81


O . M . C A D T , Ins truc tor . Flemenu-y Class. Tuesday. 7 o'clock P. M Advanced Olaaa. Friday. 7* o'clock P. M.

At tha Lecture Room m Portland Block. W Tuitions-SAOO per term o. IS weeks. isJS Im-cH



8 i variety. Rfeesa Forks Tea-sets, Goblets, A c . Ac.-

for sale lower than at any other h' uie in the city, A JAEGER A CO.M French China Enporium. 103 Lake street, between Clark and Dearborn. ja»-ly-c3a

Country Merchants A R E J t f V I T E U T U E X A R 1 . S E O U R

J5L large sijck of Crockery' and Glass-warts before msslnSjihnlr narchasers els-where, with the assurance that our best endeavors will be m tde to make it for tbeir advantage to purchase stock at t e China BtnpoiiatB of A J AKuKK A CO., .03 Lake street, between dark and Dearborn. IsSy-N-eSt

New and Attractive Goods. \ \ T E RESPECTFULLY I N V l T * THE W attention of the ladies of Chicago, and ' ke pu» »c

in ren' ral to ur a- ge and oomp ete stock of fine French China. One Cut Bohemian Glass W.re. Otockery Ware. Br tenia Ware. A3., Ac . as we are satisfied the auality and lew i riaes of our goods, are su".a sa ts> give the best satisfaction to a'L A /AEGEa A OO . 130Lake street be-tween Clark and Dearb i.n Ja»ly-c34

Fine China.


Flos decorated and richly gilded Tea Sets. • " •• " ToUetSeta. . . . Beaotlful deoarated Vaaaa, Mot'̂ » Oao*. Oologna, tats

a Te e Sets, Card Baskets Ac_ el sverr fM'UfSL"H win besold very low at \ . J A W E R A C J.'A 193 Lake sv

Jas0.1>-o** . '

1»HKU->DER8IGNBD H A V E THE PLEA­SURE of Inlormiog tbeir custom*r« that they have

removed Their stock of crock-ry, glass and china worn NS S3* Lake m reet to the new and elegant store. No. iOa lavke street, where they wfli be thankful to reoeive aoontlna-aeee of the Hberal patronage bet^ofore bet tewed «y>on th«n a jaaaitR A CO. 1(8 Like street between

igehernto them. A. JA*<4£R' A CO, 103 Lake Clark and Dearborn. jtSO,

between ,yo84

f i 0 AND VISIT THE FRENCH q H I N A U T ftnporiumof A. JtEGER A 00^ No IU Lake *m£gE& Ot|U .̂and.Pa»wb<w«. . . ... . ; ... _

NO. 4S STATM JSr&ttHf.

BU T L E R ot H U N T H A V E M O * 0J» baud thet«llo»nn»slse»oi prlBtj - 1 ... ,

»i47 18a*-' iliM >>aW J9t*l »«42 18x44

m *. 3iJJ OxSi ili*7

and are r^ceivmr a utrgcsaaurtment of BOOK PAPBS LSM reams oi WKA''i'INiJ PAPKB of difereA aiaes. 1,000 reams Manilla do. 1 • • M reams Cap aad letter, and a goaanuassortansatoi

Printer's Stationery- , _ . ' . , , , urtnn Ltsj) tag* of Mathar'a aiearatea RCWS AJtD BOOI

INK AllofwWeh wOl be soil, tor Oaaa.

ble rates. t — . • .„ . . ^ J— SsT* ask i>aid >r r.a- . arw

. , 1 V • . . i .



w«, a. s o m a s . a a sorssat. W M . A. B U T T E R S &, P O .

A E C T I O I f E E I S AJfD 1 P P R A 1 S E E 8 . 76 DBAKBOBN SIBSBT,

(Near the Post OAse) Chicago, Illinois. sVOssh advance! on all kinds of Merchandise, jst

fet-ly-cUl '

c 0 PARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—THE UN-_ derlgned have tMs dav f-rraed a oo par'nershia

undo' ths nam* of HILL sc SWASBT. f r the pur-p se of condu:tlcg ihe General au-tl >n and Commission Wooes HOatTIO "II L

Chicaso. Jan. 3 , 18S9. cAsfTJEL SWASCT.


O B N B B A L & S W A S E Y ,

A U C T l O a V E E : - n o -

C o m m i s s i o n M e r o b . s t n . t a .

^besubacriber is prepared to famish, in Uvrge er small MM

Corrugated Booflng.

" J i u ^ - aa-aji SSDISOSof the various methods of

3g^^rE*v2RaS SS Chicago' no» b44S ly^ m m CtTY WATEB CUKE. . « [ CaUBWBIaAJfssH O H I O .

r n g j b INSTITUTION IS D E L I G H T -I vilI.LYaituatedoa the outskirts of a beautiful forest,

wthisLthe lim.SIf .13 city of CievdC-4 ^ ^ ^ haaa the Post Offioe. The buildihg is new, of brick, " J rnrasaaSdttSt best style, The bath roomsare aos»Ued with pure, ioft , mug water. Tbe large P a * * ^ * * * " * tils establishn ent is at present rsesjaaas..sfsss.qw*sgs and otl^rwe-ern eitiea, is a aauorlng ^ " ^ . ™ * 1 i , 0 £ 3 lUBOpulariirandflouruuiii.g coiiditiou. l>r.JUr»sa SOT lis?: tor : crly of the Lake View Water Care nearCh) lady, for rrrly of oasii-ar'i connected with tbisinstitotKin

L«ti raof iaqalryto esive prompt attention.

,.S-»f r«4

tthprofihe Phratdana, will


wsm. nil i. a. '*«!'*«.

M. . . . . . < . .DKAEBORaf STREET 6 4 Win advance on evwy daoerlailon of goods consigned


swaa.no i m . gsRSj aaarotx swaaiT. T G I L B E R T A S A M P S O N . B

E l e g a n t K e w a a d S e c o n d H a n d F u r n i ­t u r e , Knsrra v l n g » , • a r p e i a , C r o c k ­

e r y a a d S t o v e s .


a n ad ana 4th, at *H o'olooa AM.. «acb day we wU sell the tntlre rffeott of two 'am lies dee.inl g nosste-ksnplnsj. and caing to Pike's Peak, at cur new salesroom, No. 83 Lake street, oppo ite the Trtmont House, con-


Parior Suits, hair cloth «rd pluah do: Tete a-Tetes, Marrla-top TaMea. B ok Cases, ata-era. So.as. Hall ttanda. Card and Centre Tables, Parlor and Kasy Ohalrs. Otaonens.

BID-ROOM FuRffrnrRK. Oak. Rosewood, Walnut and Maaosaay Chamber

Sn'ta: Rosewood and Mahogany Bedstea>'s Mart lettp and plain Dressing Bureaus snd tiaehatsnda Ward­robes In Rosewood and Mahogany. Hair aaaatreset. Feather Pihowa nod Bolsters, CosaKrter*. Cane Chairs aad hoeaera. OUt Frame Mirror*. L^una-ea atecepUoc Chain.

DI l u r a ROOM FURSTTURI. Mahrganv, Oak and Walnut IMnl*' ahttentlon Tablea

Ohalrs. Stde-Boa'ds, Crockery, G- assware, Crockery and other Stoves. Kitchen-ware of all kiaca.

CARPITS AND ENGBAVI5GS Rich Tapestry, Bros lis, three ply and other Carptting

Elegant Snsravines in tilit Fr >na, 0 oc./, As. To­ga her with a sreat v.riety of others ods Sale positive satd wUho->t reserve.

reS-td c'S» GILBERr A 8AMP«ON. Auctioneers.

§crdmare St Ularritntrrj.

MA 'Ohieago :


Branch of the old Buffalo Mill Furnishing Es-tabMsament ]

JOHN T. NOTE A OO, If i ic B. HTMSV Rwldent Partner and Millwright, SS

Market street. Chicago. Uikaoia

F R E N C H B U R R M I L L S T O N E S Millstones. inanufuetarH at thia establishment, are

finished on new ard Improved principles and are as near perfect aa obtained by the best manufacturer! In the world. The credit or this eslablist mr.i for tha paa twenty-arve years in furnishing Mill Findings for nearly every State and Territory in tha Colon is well known aad shall be maintained. K»tra Selected Mill 8>ooes made on Special Oootract trom Choice New >r (Nd Quarry Btook Noye's Improved Oockhead and H Ikr bolndlea. fitted In stonrs with Iron eyes, warranted best In use tor large and email atones. Alao, Imrorters and dealers ia

Extra HaavT D i U h Anker Boltlsg Cloths. MILLERS in want of «'»I .Tl V . « L<»TII» for saaaav

faeturtng Extra qualHv of Flo-w. can depend upon get-ttss the gsmotna OLD DCTCH ANKRR. Single and Doable Extras. Bosliua Ctoths made up in a superior style. Try gmua leogtn «nrl diamHer of Red ui feet MudiBchet. John T. Noye'sImproved Oenbitucal Feed-ing and Flour and Grist Mills. Plantation Corn xili MidOestinaa and Machinery o' every deaeriptioh fur ni-hed to order on short not! e, from new patterns

Noye's Intproved Pr^awe MM. Agents 'or u.e Buffalo Soa<e Work, rouble Ex.ra Caa Steel Mill P'cks Im-provwd Tuvbice, Perrussion Re-s^tlon and C-ntral Dia-charge water Wheels warrantee <qaal to the beet, fitted with Caa Bteel or Boiler Iron Bucket*, warrantei to uro-dseaklgt poronctige of power. Pmat Machine and

ing. Hose and Steam Packing. Laudphore Spoke Plsnfaag Machlnes aid Ml FarnUhini geaerally.

Having the lanreal M u kunustnng B ock hi the W est. we can sell at a lower rate than any other establishment.

N B.—We will ooniraot to farnlsn and bail ' Mills com­plete, ar faraisb nlans and .p—lficaiion* lor Millwrighta

a«r- Address JOHN 1. NuYE A CO., Chicago. Id. deaopr»ly

It. 1. tiraue & Bio., 1 0 9 . . . W»* LiU* Mr** . . 1 0 9

tuirrvaCTCsaas ajm caaxaas is


m Caps, Csajrt CSCILS, S t taa A VTtter GsUtfes,

8 T E A M A P P A R A T U 8 F o r W a r m l n t H o t e l s , ( l i u r t K i , F a e -

torless, «,f, dsjj _ V

F. W. fitiUs, WttTKf, utiliaefi * Frastf.

MANUFACTUREHS OF R A I L R O A D CAAf Portable asd SaatHnarr

8teaui Kngiue.sr and boi lers , rortaole Clrrnlar Saw MilhJ, Oales- Patent screw Cutter, aad Ageoui lor ;ke sale o; foriable Kiour aad com sttijs and Bolts:

C n g l n c a n a H a n s L a t h e s , JpHghi Drills. W#oc Macbiaorygenerally, SalngiejiUrf Slide rests. Steam and water Uaugua, liuishd tiraaa War*


BW Castmgaand Mill Oearbag made is order.


•ark Qoeda—"OATN8 A OO."

r. w. «a«w. .a. a • • > ' » . waaasa..

Apmn. ;«*. las* . BARUVTsVRK F O I SPRISfi TRADi.

J E V T B T T ok BtTTsLssUsV, I S Lake Btrwoa. »«•

T N v T T E TRR OOUKTRT TRADK TO T H 1 A following:

»0 Tons Annealed fence Wha aaaertadawmaers. * ™ Bright

KsjsMaiti assorted sssos and araaata. Sdls Sheet Iron—assorted.

ga| - - " i f l , If OsaaYj Sheet Bnc


A C K 3 B C P L . E T E A S S O B T M E N T . Ejpii ssw> ly]

fa /ro9REGOR'8 ORLKBRATED HRATWO J V L BTOVEB,«siBei, sar Parior* Ulncee. Stores; Halls and ohurchet Also

rrrwABPS oooatiato STOVTIS. Tocether with s tne assortment of

PARLOR STOVES. . - . — atytes and pattenis tor sals by C sfTPL 1» ptoto^trestTbetween Monroe and Adanat. oo>0baa.saa n g n AIR * PRRFKOT TR^ITILATloi^

of sottrying tot pea-thM Uc that they have secured


And are now prepared to furtdah them to r / w e u W Ohwshea, Bohooss. *e. AMe, thstr Stovea

toe same erinotpaa, for aad hafla, and, aapealaUy

•VAUatOaVD OaaJtB. ay aB reeaat as which they nr*

and warmlns to any resjuh-ed tompcrautre. We refer to Messrs. ^ ^ " o ^ f i r a a j O . L

and Oaraar A Besnr. ArohHsMs ef thta ctty. error partkalars inquire of the aaseertbers St thsfc

o i c e No. » 7 S d i B 8 ^ t h LaaaUes tree t . u > i E K ^ ooSbeT-ly Chieaao.Oot. 8th. isfB.

fDitttB ft CiqucrB. W. T. Mmfeldt & t+*


j±_ F . O R O S K E 7 ,

i t . . - - Scatta Wsktwr s t v e e t , - - - - i s .

(Oernsref Waaeeh Aissst. i iDssultors e l


O n m s s T - U « * « * > atufx laas anmlale —AsTB—

JKALEBS M neBWlWasS AMD RBOTirriste OOAIa be Trade snnsBsd at Market Bates aad on Ltter.

t o . , A. H . T A H O K A Dsslersla

Dimension & r ? ^ J S , s t o n e '

Bnren and Harriawn streeta waaa no . .. mtPH-1«

A L R R 8 A N D O O M 8 U M I R 8 T h l A L E B S A N D U a s j a v m

"•* ajasapsBBBBsaajaa.

a. w. a ess.. are now

Seaal attOCk.

B L E A O H B D R L I P H A N T OIL iaielWtheOaisorBJAb-

^ e a M e t t o " 1 " 0 t * " * * * *"' L ^ D A ^ D S O <C r _ T


Chlcatre I B S MUwsskee ta l l read C e a a a s ;

TB R A N N U A L MKETINQ) OF THE Stoekhoiders of the Ohloago aad Mil wank ee Baa-

road Oompany, which was advertised to beholdati al their ostse la OUeajp en the lath im at 10 o-ojoot-AVM.. has.

sear, and thstrai



PAioa A or>.

f i l l 0 1 " H A B G i



iass,at ..noUleaattha the deetlon of transavolen of i

A S . DO



GLASS ! 11 — ollarswshtes aa

•SON A baflTM. N i w K aa awiv m -«• - •***' .

A O O N T 1 S I E N T AKD Hands, tor saleJ>y


tol!srSe1w^,, JOHN IT ANA

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
