LYHDHtniST M B R A B Y VOLLEY BROO" AVE. AND TMX MOCK REVIEW All of tho Nom impartially Told •rand C h . Matter. A«t _ t IS. IM I. gt Ito IW O«. «I »ato.rtoni. M r. Ji LYNDHllSt N. Local Boy» Warlrii Way Ob Board Chari»«, and Al- C. N'eglia, lira. Hendrickson, ttv Margaret L tbr, Anna Knwpi, • »Immir, g and an■■•.tor anil lr«wH Ik* take « u n ) n H . »• well aa tW otv* al Ito tort ram Endelko*fer. Charle* De«- We with to npreaa . oar tintan KOward Stampter, B Roerhen. thank» to oar relative« and friend* ti«»»». Jame« Mär. W. Mmr.-far O etr fctadn«a» w d lympaakr and l'ndelfc*af*r. Charte« Nagel, beautiful floral offering« rmtméué to Jamba. Art har Bastar. Irving m» «• tto death at uar beloved eoa L Pohl man. and A. Hendrick Anthony Joaepl» Alao U tto Rar. T I McDermott for hi« kind word. - a at »yinpaüiy aad Undertaker V . C. i Mr». Wad Ketat of STS tod Coöta« fe» MBetoit aervtaaa ' h**e retomad from a pleasant TIMOTHY RECAN » E -» Darham. New Torfc. , ~ CBCtUA CRÜIRE ERG AN ALL THE 1 ) . ' éam 1 NEW!5 i L eader ADS i’ rHAT PAT tto Art e« Ma*«» ^ i m VOL VIII. No. 8 POLICE PREVENT Grand Re-Opening DANCE MARATHON ; Of Rex Theatre ' IN LYNDHURST Saturday, July 21st I The Re* Theatre of <34 Park Ave- Kighteea of tto Original Thirty- noe, Baat Rutherford, three Caaplea Who Were Ported it* theatre to tto Ta Sto* Ttoir Dance Marathon in day, July 21, 1928. MAN BURIED WHEN SEWER DITCHCAVED IN ON RIDGE ROAD STOPPED IN OTHER will re-open Steaa Shovel I nearthed Maa Stortly on Satur- After Acrid—t Occared aad After Being Treatedby Dr. Mae tor at Your Rex Theatrewill opin with Lyadharat, Waa Seat ta Weal Had- > wawsr aad gsMWll|lw Mti! *** " • • ■ • I ———^ (policy. —— j To meet your popular demand they FACE WAS CUT BY SHOVEL TO" N> „ill play double feature flret run photoplay* midweek« at a great re- I.yndhurst w u host for a few m nu- rfuftian in pricea and further meet who happened to be driving up Ridge te« to the dance marathoner« on /Tt- >rHj gratify your wishes by preaent- Road, on Monday afternoon, about day evening, which *t»rted their ac- (ing f|v, a<-t* of excellent vaudeville the time that a man wa* recovered tivities in Newark on Wednesday eve- on Saturday«. Sunday» and holiday«, from a eaved-in ditch on Ridge Road, ning. and were requested to cease ac- Mr Hfnrjr j McCune has been In- wa. called upon to treat him. tivities in that city. j augurated as resident manager and ' The man was Peter Furiina, a la- About aix thirty P. M. Officer Jam es you have but to come to him to have borer, thirty-flvc years of age of Geary was riding past the Roosevelt your wishes granted. North Eleventh Street, Silver Lake. Dance Hall,next to Roosevelt School j It is with the greatest pleasure Hehad been employed byJoseph on Stuyvcsant Avenue, when he saw that they return to you. * Kingsley and Company, Hackensack three bus loads of young men and wo- The Rex will run matinee and eve- contractors, and was working on a ; men stop in front of the hall, and nings everyday. For next week’s conduitseveral feet below the sur -1 start to unload. ------------ j program you will find on another-page j face uf Ridge Road, rieaF the S5SS-T Tto local toy« a r* »ayoytng tto «m m er by working ttoir way atout tto eoantry on toaid ahipa Mahan, «on at Mr. aid Mr. Maton of Forest A roan ., has Cialvoatoa, and froai there will LOCALFIRETRUCK TAKES A PRIZE IN FIREMEN’S PARADE Aatkaay J. Rtgaa Dits At Habitai After Aa Operativa Ralph Wengland, aw of Mr. and HELD IN RIDGEFIELD PARK Mr*. Joseph Wengland of Travers Lyndhurst Place has reached Panama He will visit points bofore The Lyndhurst Are department »nd other interesting brought home tto ftret pnse for the returning to t.yndhurst Urgeat Are track in the parad. « in time for tto opening of High Saturday after*»*, at RntgvAeld School. Both Mato* aad Wengland Parfc. of the Volunteer Fire IWpart are seniora in tto te a t high achool. POLICE CONTINUE SEARCH FOR TWO GIRL ASSAILANTS Ftrenia Attend Parad« of Anthuay Juaepfc Regan, *ev*a year* Jene» aad New loth Volaa of a*», etdeet *«n ..7 Mr .ml Mr. twe Ftee Departure*!* and Keren. TW>th> * Regan. of U4 Slnyv*. Ftra* Prise far the Largest lln m ii 'A imw», |u.<«< ava y ,«n .Halar day al Ito Hartoasaik Haapatal atta*] *n litara* at ***** «eek. Anthony aa* operated «a at the lUctonreck Hoapital > m w**h. ag*- hy Dr Angelo Uva at Rutherford fu» ma.totd. After heing al ths h*, pltal Ini lev week* ha a a . brretght honte, and a a. agata carried hark l» Ito ho.ptlal for mart .od .«, tto il», ***** Again he a a . operated «ut. ami again he w»isni !.. he reco*, ring 1 «rHrfi i<*lti|t!lt«(i.«n «ri in tmt tkr little .hap |>*.i».| f,..*, lottile . Fuw»ral lervKe. aere h«U «a M»« tatieee jooied Ito North Arlington * > ' atom in* at the ^reM tt»ai< delegation and formed a I nit umh-r t . i b..li. i t^ t Hn, . t . meal Association of Northern \ea Jersey and Southern New \ orh There were more, than 100 piece, of Are apparala. In tto parade Chief Arthur Schreckendem loi iS. local Are laddies The local repre«en He inquired what it was all about i °t this paper and he was told of the marathon ---- dance which was to take place there .1 Mrs. William dary line of Lyndhurst, which is be- Th*' *» » l yndharst men who it i. ing made a state highway, and is l* l,*‘*'H* * rv responsible for the two Fitzpatrick, and badly tom up. Heavy rains have i Hfuoklyn girls being brought to Chiof William ITlIier at North Ari tngton There were more than Ï.OOO Are in the parade and a amre of Officer Geary telephone Sergeant daughter Dorothy, of Newburgh, for-.! made it almost impassable, and police * yndhiir.t and assaulted last Tuev h -.j, ' James Jonea who was doing desk duty] m«*rly of Lyndhurst, has been visiting patrol the stretch night and day ^ • » sOM a t large attractive » - r> at th^H .ce headquarter*, who in tu rn ers. Fred Bracco, of Post Avenue. Shortly hefore quitting time, Furiina Sergeant John Flynn, tHfU-er ,»re.l ami -n e ,l hy til iZ.r .1 called Mayor Woods oh the phone to ask if a permit had been given the manager to conduct the show. Thè manager gave his name as W. C. Downing of New York, one of the transcontinental runners. The Mayor emphatically replied that no such permit had been given, and he also instructed Sergeant Jones to in- vite the marathoners to move on, and that if Newark and other towns would not tolerate the marathon exhibition, certainly Lyndhurst did not intend to do so. At 7:46 they were again on the road. Once more the weary would-be dan- cers boarded the truck, and at eight . . r. - ... t - . psred and »erved by the Ladle*- Au* was in the ditch when the sides of IVter* and other monitor, of th- iliary of the RtdgoAetd Part Com it caved in on him. Other men work-! Lyndhurst police fore» have been pany. waa served after tto panule Ug near looked just in time to see 1 working on the case, and c«pe.l to A block (tarty with dancing a a* alao Fur ma’s head disappear. , make an arrest very shortly It I. « featurr of enjoyment . Firework, i A ljpf the workmen present starte<l underst.KKi that tto man fiequent a ..r e alao di.played dunna the e>. HOT DOT,” STAND »hovel with hand shovel, but this I thickly populated Italian >«c(toh in n m f * BAVTB U 1 A l i i / nmv«H .Uw -^.1 - _K. ___ »1 IIriu.klv« mmA *W^as ~ ill A ...Ua ... ^ CHhrr ivihpaniFi in line *"?»» from Saddle River Townnhlp. Jla.bruo«'k THIEF BREAKS INTO JAUNCEY AVENUE umn ... . which had been used in the constnic William Plant of 7<S Sixth Street Re- tion work was brought up and it ported Cigarettes, Candy, Auto- began to dig the man out This work mobile Tubes and Money Had Been had to be done carefully, for fear of Taken From His Stand Sometime : another cave in. Friday Night. I Within twelve minutes from the time that the man’s head was seen proved too slow and a steam shovel! Brooklyn and they will no doubt vi»it | there before long. It la in that «*<■ and New Jet*ey A«.nur, with lb. Ret Tfcamas J M>|V?ta*Ht, .diktat •n*. llitrrnt.nl followed at Holy I'r.taa t'eatetery, Nertk Arlingt.ai Anthony i. .» n im l by hi. parent*, and three brothers. Timothy J t , Vim .»til and Andrew Regan MAN UNDER BAIL FOR THREATENING OTHER WITH RIFLE LEO REILLY O IK VACANT POSITION OF TOWN COUNSEL ta.aal W'Maefc t We« „4 Ikrpaty 1st t oHeetae tai N m .m I teraaaisM »liWW .1 , , RKtM.I tPriMVTMKNT Pttrt LAM Tto Iferee i m u o m m fM .ti. 4 M .f tto tew a^p peewwael m+4. « *_ dMIh aad n «ftu lt..i «•dree at «peeaia fw -aaaae lia» ti*. tka «f « t i f i r b r i Nutol» »mmi Bv i i ^ W b .r rva.w , ttrhit. Z •»r «Mnl» By tto death «tf | other %¡K .if.r A>paty ta« «IW l... iw^*. , « w ) Ib. reaigaali « ..f Mr. »Ma.; , vy aa» l'ocello .... AOtfltoa. b . r.t ESTIMATES LOSSES AT Hot dog stands, gas stations and thirty p. m. were dancing on the Awr of the Grand View Amusement Park at Singac. where they were permitted to use hr.lf of that hall until midnight. By tMia time there were but eighteen of the original thirty-three couples who began the contest. The winning couple will receive $2,600. Here they danced un molested until 1:30 Sunday morning, but as Singac dose not permit Sunday dancing, they were again asked to move on. Again the dancers, their managers, and nur- ses boarded the trucks, and were again on the road, headed for Coney Island, Here they stopped at Stauchs Dance Hall, and when they were nicely start- ed with their dancing, again the police stepped in, and again asked them to move on. The police captain stopped the show because it had no permit, and the manager of Stauchs asked the dancers to leave the building. This they did and 8 tooil on the sidewalk out side of the building. The police captain kindly asked them to stay at the police station. They decided that the police station was no place for a show, and while they stood and thought the mat- ter over, one of their number a Miss Khoda Reich, of 1671 Vyse Avenue, the Bronx thought of a brilliant idea, and invited all to go to her father’s home in the Bronx, and there con- tinue the contest. tince more they were on the road, and headed for the Bronx, reached the Bronx, and the apartment at one o’clock on Monday morning, and immediately started to dance. Here again the police stepped in, and gave all, one half hour to de- part. . * The manager, Joe Tenner, of Bay- onne, immediately got in touch with a dance hall on Broadway, and it is un- derstood that permission has been granted the couples to hold their con- test there unmolested. From reports it looks as if Mike Haggle, Arthur Peppe, the other two promoters, and the manager, William (' Downing who were with the group when it stopped at the Roosevelt *ance Hall, in Lyndhurst had deserted the show, as Promoter Tenner seems to have taken the reins. When they stopped in Lyndhurst they had no mUaic, and the dancers fur- nished their own music by popular catchy aira. other road stands supply the passing motorists during the day and are often very successful in their sales. But when one is visited during the night, after it has been locked up and the owner has gone to his home to rest after a hard day’s work, that is another story. The service station and hot dog stand located at the comer of River- side Avenue an<) Jauncey Avenue, has such a visitor, or visttors between the hours of midnight and six o'clock In the morning, on Saturday. When the owner of the stand, who is William Plant, of 762 Sixth Street, arrived to start a buay day, such aa Saturday usually is at this time ofi the season, found that his supply of goods had decreased considerably since he left the night before, and that no money had been left for them. Upon investigating, it was found that an automobile containing a young man and a young woman was seen near the stand, during the night. The unknown persons took - with them several cartons of cigarettes, a dozen boxes of chocolates, two auto- mobile tubes, a box of blow 9 out patches and boxes of cigars. They the fatal night to collect money for liquor which they tod delivered. by tto to disappear, he was brought up to the surface. In digging the last shovel of earthy the shovel of the steam plant «truck the man under the chin and cirt his face and scalp. Dr. Mosher arrived at this time, and was hailed by one of the work- men. The man was unconscious and. Patrolman Eagan and Kean of the 1 North Arlington police were working over him when the doctor passed. The doctor «aid that the man owes his life to the patrolmen, who lifted him from the ditch and worked for five minutes to bring him to. Dr. Mosher treated the man for his injuries and ordered him taken to the West Hudson Hoapital, where he Is under Dr. Mosher'« care. ti.m that IK.. ¡'anuir niv»r i.>aa«lti|>, .lla>tiruo<k uon inai im* un« vie li in of ihr mrn » H-i-htw f'*rU«a.ti u..aw » attention«, aaid the men «toppWf'jSK Woodridge. W.llmgtoñ and Lyndhurst wa* arrompanMd _. — Elka Afe and drum corpa In The local polle* were notified nf ctaded in the paratie wa. ut old piec, tto case about mtda%ht of tto affair. I of apparato, «hich wa. u-rd by the when a telephone M ap came to Ridgefield Fire Department more than headquarters froa a woman on thirty year* ago Thoma* A venue w tonatd that two «wa^,. , _________ , men were acting awpWou.ly near ' ïw .. ,„,¿7 Ml. Natalie Held I ode ifter Heartag la t mat* Naatber of Mea liaed Pa» Mg At bu ttala ad V a l Mm Mail (P ■ l-atl.t MISS SHIRLEY NEAR IS THE BRIDE OF MT. VERNON MAN her home, other call In a f«M minute« OTHER t AHEM ARR HEARD - . I I-.H 11 . Natalie, uf Ml labe A »etto. : *n.»tr.| ^1 Tb Virola y by ‘ '“■a—- Geotg. .St hrrt»ltda<k.I ua of t’baile. D. Andrea, of 7 « jlee ottd At aft or, who etorgwi that Na talle threatened ta d*Ml him with a rtAe * »•! at Uw * » l>! *» II» It-ar.l t . , ).**»ae-«al Ito T >«a Hall * M .«.«.• lea:k| V. j I«« »elUy «T H l'to w ) it.naa •IL# d * t tM>n ilH iy awt M' **' ami bat atoa.r* i.J***!'ÜA ftum» i 'be i-»tO grammar « Iwl r,.,m ¡ Kutbrrfonl Itieh fik i 1 | Fordbate I eit.t.n, 11 t ,-i. tM 1 to utmpMed the regatar tatr |nlt •*’«»'» obtaining .a t it tag.» .mi then .tattle.! three year* a..re .1 iha «sate unlver.ity mali,.« Ut U a .*> gree Mr Re«ll. t. . ^ire,y,.r ^ •to Ftr .1 N.tien»; IU«k .# | .«.Ihwrat and ta tba nasanal f-r tin, *» amrtal tn.tituli.>a a* m il *• f .r the |to«a* Waa BttiMing aad fj«a«-■ Atawlatbaa. Mr Rallly epeaed hi. ta* MB»»* to l ymtbui.l futi i t . year* ago tMa we*k II. i* married, ba*iag Itc rbiblren the -i.w,t 1*^ it iheaa r—r* aidfami lb. t .•.»«..! t-a-a. la», tmmlh. .44 Mi RelMy'i Itt inlnuit1 . to. been riywM aad Mg wteioabte.lt. y m . a »1 palili mm ta year aa f.dloa* tram A «Ari ».llüT- ï f . JoKh for h«*lu ThoimIím m m ,n( a .b» Kondall of I'asmuc, Kt*n««r»r|r «U'v «•ene after tto first gall and had ar fCru’ÎIdl' nved a few minutes afte, the .eeond |. I * call was made. T " ,WT&. , ,,k v,n’ ». , . . . , dent. Me hula. Whmenn.>ur of llubo They found on*gift who had toon ku>. ae.relary, t barl*. Ttoef «f ‘I L * Ridgefield, >*».!.tant -t K.I ^ ,U rhfu“r RWgewood. Ana.,. 1.1 lllr.w tu, ,^rT "*"’*• *n,< secretary ami II J Sp.n.|er of K.-h I. .5 Ï ^ Hrr e,,mP *"1"" ell* Park. trea.urer William I Alptn. . ......................... she aaid had toen tatou away by tto of GarfWUl » a . re ele. te.1 to tto b.«nl Andrea ? . t* the y t o Laf Mta f a l l « . ! ^ tinrjtt» . Natali* waa tab. 0Nk*r Peter« fb«BR tto ottor girli Among tto local Areiarn attrudine told andel Afty 4»ilar* . . . a w S « i : s r ^ , ï ï : ï : î ! , '‘ --------------- •— Lyndhurst police «tation the a*xt Schre. ken.ieiii .John s t',U rt M t^ to ^ m f*T ä . " “d W '■ T h ";" * * r'r+ “ ••to,. MHMUd the identity at the men are t^orr IlnnkerboiT. I.ranl I'aIteratili li ih »,,t. . t. t (John Hoyle, t harte. R.m, Godfrey Both gifts were taken to Ito Hack Msn.field, Warren JomJe.o.*, ||r, -------- is. m / * ! ’, "** Wi" ^ "e“ tort HougMon. Walter W.df. John Mr. and Mrs. Kmmet Kellock Near aò.,JTÌ!^.i.., W ,' 'T”* 11’ »**,|‘ iln l» tlw Patters»«. Victor S. hre, km.iem of 8(15 Page Avenue, Lyndhurst, an ! The atrlàw" 11 * mtB; , .. Chart*. Pattersua. North Arlington nounceil the marnage of their daugh- ¡„ H ^ , n *<> I-jMhuyat wa. reprewntett hy f..m ,, i , Kief —■ 1 m « ' hrysler »edan U-Drive car ttaorge lihert. Thief Mill,.,,, Mill.,, an K.wr* County licence » » . . r .1 Selleck, llrym.n ¡Schmidt, Stephen ■*“ ~ John llanlo. ter, Sh,rley Hazel Near to Kenneth |,Mrlnil William Rose of Mount Vernon, N. Y. plate They were married on Saturday af-1 temoon, July 14, 1928 at S.15 o'clock 1 ‘ MarvtM Kta MKnute-r. »All evidently did not care for frankfur- ^ Little Church Around the; Local Young People ters, as none of them were taken. Corner located at E 2‘J St., New York ■" * - - - C The owner of the stand estimates City. Dr. Randolph Ray Rector of the I his loss at about $ti0, He has left C hurch officiateli. --------- no light in the stand when he closest Rose was sixteen years old j it at night, but from now on two ¡I*"* March and had the distinction of' Ibr I .n.h!|> it.rry Milt.« at ,v» |s»« Are a»» ar|tu4*l*d 1 « tto poattwai An argument . * . taking plaee be j *•< •» >b>,h Mi MtlW* l»e*n Natali, and Ds Andre*. .* 'to |M|a» to* ««aapaay a| Ridge Rrtad la frwrt .tf J .* G atpiti’. wbtrb 1-ammnmtmt rtafttsKa« ta liin. b t*H>nt at *l.t*n forty ftghi, nv»»**»i Mr MtlU. wa* . mailf Thurnlay , night, wh.ii Natalia It I*'' «W »ta‘*d rt .rm aatot charge.! drew the nA. *»4 tbreaUnad »<•«> < tort.. I...M and ¡atm gt.ro ■Natali* was tatoa te tto ^ f? ” ^ - a* ^apptdaiad dspaiy la* «41*.«**, toll, wblrh waa famutod Tto waa told a* n tim a j , . ^ ***** '**, * —t e t o Wto. brard tofore Judg* Hre.lu. th* „HMtnL) *_* III Ifc» rorwr^om r*mrt, he mm* h»M* »hto M tiToimi |glf. un,- n l to*rtng Harry Iim .*. at f i t I*,.** 4, — The folloalag, y.oilh. were air..ie*l ... . ,.p.,iM..l t,. tto a«l an.1 ftnrd for taRenag ...H.n.1 lb-,..«t hy Mr I.I.K. .(w. ill** * t u t*'"*’ I-” i 'to 1 — ilt.m -f 4 .P .I . ta* .w la.«., Anl.mlo, of l^St’aalle T .rr«. T.my im . ta.am , I. Mill I- h. SIU4 of .«« i*.tl. Te.r*.. Ttol I* th. .^ .«.y ,h. Map,,ll„. ,,f Jrss 1 .^1* T.r ) |l «,.| ,f ||..j,h Hoc.. *lta. of Ridge R ad re.ignat.,« t Mo|s..tl*., .,f ¿M f* P*g*. M rn# s«t« mlirifi.i, .,pf Orifiii Way Marin«, f •«* Th«.». * will be left, to detect thieves ^ younfent girl ever to be. The* IhirtV Miith Reich j °r help them locate the loot m o n *to church. Mr. Rom** wax convention, of ih#* Union T. Att«ä N*tíoa*l MISS FRANGIPANE Y.P.CU. Convention TENDERED PARTY ON HER BIRTHDAY easily. annual Young Societi*« national People, of the Annual Convention Of The Legion to be Held on July 28th |terCounc«or.of Mount Vernon C t o ^ ^ Tto Hudson Preibytery. ,,f ,hlch Preabytenan | ^7 J.— phlnr. .bo ha. ma.I. h The second annual convention of the American Legion of Bergen County will be held at Palm Gar- den«, Teaneck Road at Cedar Lane, Teaneck, on Saturday, July 28. The convention will start promptly at 3 P.M. proceeded at 2.30 P.M. with a concert by the American Legion , band of Hudson County. At 6 P.M. a parade will start from the Conven- tion Hall and aril! be of short dura- tion. Dinner will be served at the singing f“* lm Garden Restaurant and will be followed by a dance and entertain- i ment from 8 P.M. to midnight. Andrew P Frangipane of liar ring ton A v*nue, entertained about I Ml gae.’» at the h.mt. of hi. father Joarph Ptangipattr <ot War ren Street, on Hatur.lay in h.«no;r f t I the thirteenth blrtltday of hi> .|*ugi> twenty-two years old in June. Mr. (Christian Rose is a graduate of Columbia Uni- United Presbvterian rho~h Park, Pa., on July 2«. to July SO . «».w * 1 Tit* 11 .. «4 — -.*aF fk m t y a 1 ter, Order of Dp Molay nnd in a mem He was recently appointed manager of w"m ^m ey'toThl^onveVuiin i *" *un’ ***** death .1 the Neve Drug Co store a, Pelham, c .r s v .n ^ ^ * N- Y. , Avenue will toad ik. _ ' • r" i «»phl'te wtll n..» mak. ttri homr After returning from their honey | « ^ H li '-‘tor moon trip to Boston, Providence ami i T, ... f Joaephinr aa. pre—-nlrd with many Banger, Me., they will re.ide st 39 i * "" Jul>' *' »ml toau’iful gift. Am. i.g thro. wa. a South 12th St.. Mount Vemon, N. V T , p “V 1 on Sun gold .n .t aalrh fr..m -tor. faib., ................. ........... | d»y. tr«m there thr, will gt> to Cret U ..JJ _ /*• teydairg, and Ne.rs.tle arriving at narora lienn iiiven ' “ »“ ut ..n ThU,».iay juiy mas,,ut Surprise Partv By _______ . __ Neuhau«rr. of Weart Avenur d r«. A 1*» .« I " " “ j * vlf* pre.iilent. of the Hud am, »» ite Un iMrtndav ,*»hrt*ry. .m pre.i.i» at <««* 01 thr J meetings, when thr Bare, Howard ¡¡¡££ S islEKÄT- surprise Harold Dehn of 220 Avenue was tendered "Mia _ ____ ________ __ ] Italian dleto. aa. alao a feature of Si M àH liaii» C nrU ., Arrangements to sttefld tMs gffglr birthday party at W* Ko-h- an M «*-• m T y f*i |^^_j^?y*l-tto party • " t d l l n C W S OOClety can be made through the Ljmdhurat <*ay evening by. Mr«. Deh i, and other | . , ,,, j' “ " t t o trip are| Am..ng thr gue.t. were Mr ami C »; I n a* T represenutive, J. W. Corwin. 229 relstlve«. [M gr— rtM qtoatay gf jujM illllife, J.-ph N.cli. Mr sml Mn ~ Avenue, Miaa Anne Mile toll of Lato Victor R l.«.. Mr arwl Mr. J..hi. Joseph Aidndge, preeldenl j (¿accion.. Mi and Mr. John Frangi aorietyj Dan Pattiaan. pane. M, and Mr. Frank t «tree«.* u ” 'to '««I socirty and. Mr and Mi. J Manata»^*. Mi ami M l« hdtth NeuhauM-r, ^ Mrt rt>„k ( Namur! Iiifftsni, Vkt4»i rrionn», Mr oiwf M n fKsfnintoh Ikgnrih. Mr Mony tx<u«|urla «f (luttfi «rrr tl«« pfrM*ntr«l it» MU« The |Mirt) ««a >vrl-t -»di tKr l« » n tif Um» Kr»D|i|MiiM hoiw rim! it » m • pmi) pidurv «uh iu rttUml Jm |i •nrMr la n tr m * >n<{ »Hhrr «Wi»rBU«4is Mu*i< fu rthr tknrmi ••• fymuM hy thr Kranfl|NUM* o n h M ir o A dr Ikk'Ui »ttpprr of »fMwMilly |*rr|Mipg*l DR. CLICK, SERVING AS INTERNE, SOON TOGET HIS DEGREE l yndhufrt will au»«t Kat. an„th.i mnatier i»f a pruf**al.in. ah.; I~ f «>' hi. early mltwali.« In ‘ .It. l ymlbui.) Public H.h«i>d... Ila la I ». |) > n'. r * '•lick. ..f M, and ‘Ml. .. #WU*t Glwk of llidgr R«aad..*to aft.r ¡am more yrai a. an intern., aili t.. ,<m an actlw me»ib.i of (lai prof*Mion D* «tllík w «j ä fyaVrUal. .f lh> I,yndhur*t puldir «hm ti. ami at lb. Rulhrrf..rtl High Afh*»d, yi*| lb... Imib a f.«ui y.ara' m a i. al Ma,yt*mj I nit.».lit III. |ire medirá!»«true hr look at Cornell Mmioat na-iaml iaal year I. pa».l ih. N.. V NW.I..I r aamui.l>„«,( Dr Itileb ha* alr.ady .rH aa. year a. an intern, a. th* • umtortaad Hoapital In Hrtmklyn kM«t «rant hy tto re..-gn.t!..o -f i’artntn. ga.fin.. .I*a re.lg*t*>| ihre. year, ago V *•» *«» g>». *Ub «â.. ami >fatr.f.r*, 11tore ... ... nut «ai tto y4 . «**iu'tt»4 a yia ■t tto” *i can representative, ! Post Avenue. • tiiailU vfV d ijV v lv l Y Enjoyed Outing Ti Oakland Beach Sun. w ’ he Young People« Society of St. M >tthews Lutheran Church, with their ‘Heods enjoyed an outing to Oakland ach on Sunday. An early «ervice The color »cheme wa* pink and white, «nd the room« and the refresh .. _ . .. ment table were very attractive with _ !f* . *JfÍT*r¡ the gay decorations. A large birth , ’*'** *®e**ty VICTOR HAIST DIES OF HEART ATTACK ON SUNDAY MORN — ’? * * —pMttKi tb . It-tanl >.f « :a a u .¡ .n*»* Ito» .* th. re.**!..!, at tata *fc* -PW^ - -.li)».tiKg pa * «.g* -f aa enlutan., hy th*' W M th* isa Pt^v.mrnt ,.f Itot rtreet t ho.Mbe and alm».« .... y re.VI.nt aa. tto ^nmt «a* yi.«.i and mada ato a--tto rmr^rod- readsitg" ..rdlnanre . . . m*.«. .Ttoy afr.ld Ihal Ih. th.e*t#tg tl th. Mal iary re*r, a «Id .ntail a .... Wi *• aa»aam«( and ie*t.y to l ytM- 1 bb a ... *.t*we I I. futí t! a . t Sna'ly 4..¡.la»t hy tto-Maya# lh*l « »"< "0 » .14 ha v.'.t hy th.» reafei.nl. th. . tifiaam* t y . ,y-H 9 Mato- - atañere *nd .»..»■«*• iKt.re.ted *m 'to gr..and •**■!*t the Iím.«.*. #» at% To . ala i «t..¿M 4 í.íy ti Tto i.i a y.rail I.» .re.« ««al «.rh.t . ... I’arh trama. mar tto tl I ,1 i th tre»h*. .W h moa rh Mtat. im aiaiel *i th. y n tM . aw .ii., ,f Ito temrd aln. * a . dy|e.«a4 lo hy tto re^daal. aa l'ait tita* a.a—a» “*gg.»ird that ito real h. *d*»*d ta th* faeWy «-^.tMa. atoea it areatd *ai g.m| ...oh..«, .mi la preriat» th. .«ha. at «tol. yeiput, ll «.»» 1.1 ata, reufeanga* th* I n á af .M U », «a. «M h .1 w «a.«.o» «aaip kya l*tii ti..a re«hij»al___________ j.Tto r. a a o .< * . n «*at* f(t . tto «.hta««, -Ih»», Large Crowd Buy the gay decoration». A large birth As Dlelimaaa'a 6 .L rske frosted with pink and whit* Al M e n m an s d & le made a pretty center piece for tto Avenue, of the local Did you nee the large crowd <*t the church gave all an opportunity women going through Valley Brook with «inging and dancing, to attend before leaving for the pleas -1 Avenue last Saturday and Monday ? exhibition by Mrs. May ant day. I suppose you know where they were c red Dehn, aa waa tto bi_______ ... _______ The day being beautiful, made the heading for, a« mo«t likely you were tie, was enjoyed by all preaent. * table. of The evening wa. pleasantly »pent A tango Halm and balloon bat ride to the beach mo«t enjoyable. The one of the . wise shoppers who know l'*thing and the games added te the great values when you see them <nt. rtainment for all who attended. ,f y°u *> "t know where they wer- »ho were: Rev. George Muller and r>»ng, we will let you in on the ’Irs. Muller, Mr. and Mr*. Georg* secret. Jt waa to Riehman'« Store at Mackay, and daughter Dorothy, Mr Valley Brook Avenue, to take of Traver* w i Mr. C. Mackay, and daughter, ' •s Mr.rie Mackay, Mr. and Mr*, tto Kees, and «on« Mr. and Mra. •g Ham. m, Mrs. W. ^ »* Ida Bose ben, «■irsraret Boachen. Mine Druhl. F^tna R°th Brw ■^ndnprr At midnight dainty refreshment, were aerved by tto hoateaa. Among tto gwaata Mr., Arthur C. Dehn Avreiue, Mr. and Mra. Lady Foresters Enjoy A Trip To Lake Hopatcoag and Mra John 1'alm.rrt. Mire Bufan... Mr and Mr» I•*>,d I...Ill, Mr and Mr* Anthony Franglpan. Mr and Mr» Mirlta.1 Frangtpaaa! Mr. Jo*.ph Hern*4ino and family, i ... , . , Mlaa France* f.alloway of New t .ii, t Mr ami Mr* M .to l l.alW . S.* wa» enjojred by' A d i T» «Mien Y*rh. Mr and Mr. R..**rW M*tl*i.. - of the I mdharet O rel., Mtoare Mary I ilhan arel to r. of thr |..reat of Amarte-*' Prmngt|>*nr Voh..(a. Frangtp*M aa>t ; Mr and Mra litd <"K.gmaw Two w.ll filled t>r U ae baa*a left • —- . I.yndhurrt about I o'cUek aad ar ' Mr. William nubert.. arèi da«gf rived at tto |ato in ttata tat • aghil, ta» Mart* at Rataatanra, N Y and arnond tto lake, oir for a *w,m Mr and Mr* A ft Itati af Allanta tofore lunch, A^e» lunch mare tore torn Ito gire*, .ti Mra A L fa» tto y*.< I*« wreto Mr* Aagvio • to. h. 4 lnm.h Are**», are re>M.tag arrival at a baby 4»*gti« tto PaaaaH t¿*aar.l H .y. ílron», Mr . to b~hl * -~m1» re«., .tth th* nyn'palhy t. toing .ttra M u> Mr r,4a^aay t* <.*> Hai*«, ai t o * V a ti*y Bnmrfc A re.'a»u>ln* wa* whp»a4 h* Arenu. ^t ito d^th « »«mta, of .'■a.i..,* , , to re.,-.. .W A. hi. father. Viet«» llaol tarmi y at* t‘aM y » .M d g re. a. .hi,,, i,. , P *" *• AS1 Rargaa Areaa*. Jaaaeay V m s a ramâtf mad ■ to J T to a * »»a. g.wktod tto l%lwt« toe llai.t U tanlnd by a atf. .hi* ’ ampar , u , «t.«. ttol. >.«.to "** **•• tbre* daughter«, ■< f. -at tto tl.kr at tto «*«*.1 t„ tho ’a t« * gr.mkh.Urea ami Ihre, great **.U , ih. ..^.t ^ a.—* |«fM d -hiidre. ' wta.h M to to * «».•. H «h «., •to tonar ml *nl«, «... h*U' ***tolto I, a.* « t.~,t,,„ 1 »rea» f»«m Ito Maatotlan l«tto»*a t toreh. Valla, A.wog t .... Aerewth A ..*«,aad t «»4 Mna. A.*awa H *» York f'tty, <*• Wa4m*a4*, af'.» Tto .n eurem«, m«m lat*rta*at f*Ho*«d *i ito/o/Plr tam.i hmm f.«..» t ■ U ttoiia OMmÉh Umm MmM f5Rf . d*ad ««t i Mr Italai etartad hta »mi la l.yad aafk aai maamtam *»»« to n t alerei Is* wreh. ag>_. ami . . . y a t.1 « '» of m tto rery to., ai to alt h, bat i| rè A »..»*»«)«* ■ i «»aderMreid that (to toal affretm* ht.' trev—l .* ».Hi rem«ng f t ...s toart. and to pareml ***, tmhtaaly »*g 'to *«aa «awl1 to . . . rr M fere, a toart a lla i <a toad.y amra d»a«**oo, trem ila,, to ,e ..tr •■g *■ t^iatold Area*, and' Tky«d .III ....I II.I I«t-— •*. ' » a gaogmaat ti -tm ..»a. Mr ami Mr* titlaa gUh*n »' ****»' lit taiatotd A reare* tore am*atm* I. m V.agfci. ta riel tto »«.*• am* grna M l., Aaa* MìS.h.1 ai fay. A ..m ta. d tto g>** aa4re> tthf’ re tre. Im< Mare tai» V..a.«re» ■’ Waart *tm -t.. am by Mr. lUr Ayo». Ud rh.da. aire a.Il Iprat Ito», ea—Una »ita-mairre. ta MaA»ai| i.»a, ./ I .*■ «»1 Mrs Fred Av«u * have * Kaat d t o y»ia*»l a n t tag H ret ihliliK la a M». M. »a-h Mlat Part f -amait tia. l'a» fW rea ai g . re F » « h,**ha 11 », ai IttS atU repeareat Ito V . <*.<» ai tto' tomi K.re..naJ rmafcp lall» ' toe.» *t «to to'tomaj ,a# I l *d al r .aa*a it. Ih, M r. m. i

m ii imw .1 at · H O T D O T ,” S T A N D »hovel with hand shovel, but ... ported Cigarettes, Candy, Auto- began to dig the man out This work ... gas stations and

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L Y H D H t n iS T M B R A B Y

V O L L E Y B R O O " A V E .


All of tho N om im p a r t ia l ly Told•rand C h . Matter. A« t _ t IS. IM I. gt Ito I W O « . « I » a to .r to n i. M r . Ji


Local Boy» Warlrii Way Ob Board

Chari»«, and Al- C. N'eglia, lira . Hendrickson, ttv M argaret L tb r , Anna K n w p i,

• »Immir,g and an ■■•.tor anil lr« w H Ik* take « u n )n H . »• well aa tW otv* al Ito tort ram

Endelko*fer. Charle* D e«- We with to n p re a a . oa r tin tan KOward Stampter, B Roerhen. thank» to oar relative« and friend* ti«»»». J a me« M är. W. M m r.-fa r O e t r fctadn«a» w d lympaak r and

l'ndelfc*af*r. Charte« Nagel, beautiful floral offering« rmtméué to Jamba. Art har Bastar. Irving m» « • t to death a t uar beloved eoa L Pohl man. and A. Hendrick Anthony Joaepl» Alao U t to Rar.

T I McDermott for hi« kind word. - a a t »yinpaüiy aad U ndertaker V . C.

“ i Mr». W ad Ketat of STS to d Coöta« fe» MBetoit aervtaaa ' h**e retom ad from a pleasant TIMOTHY RECAN» E - » Darham. New Torfc. , ~ C B C tU A CRÜIRE ERG AN


1) . ' éam

1 NEW!5 i Leader ADS


t to Art e« Ma*«» ^ i m

V O L V III. No. 8


' IN LYNDHURST Saturday, July 21st I The Re* Theatre of <34 Park Ave-

Kighteea of t to Original Thirty- noe, Baat Rutherford, three Caaplea Who Were Ported it* theatre to t to Ta Sto* T to ir Dance Marathon in day, Ju ly 21, 1928.




will re-open S teaa Shovel I nearthed Maa Stortly on Satur- After Acrid—t Occared aad After

Being Treated by Dr. Mae to r atYour Rex Theatre will opin with Lyadharat, Waa Seat ta Weal Had-

> wawsr aad g sM W l l | l w M ti! *** " • • ■ • I — —— ^(policy. — — j’ To meet your popular demand they FA CE W AS C U T BY SHOVEL

T O " N> „ il l play double feature flret run“ photoplay* midweek« a t a great re-

I.yndhurst w u host for a few m nu- rfuftian in pricea and fu rth er meet who happened to be driving up Ridge te« to the dance marathoner« on /Tt- >rHj gratify your wishes by preaent- Road, on Monday afternoon, about day evening, which *t»rted their ac- (ing f|v, a<-t* of excellent vaudeville the time th a t a man wa* recovered tivities in Newark on Wednesday eve- on Saturday«. Sunday» and holiday«, from a eaved-in ditch on Ridge Road, ning. and were requested to cease ac- Mr Hfnrjr j McCune has been In- wa. called upon to trea t him. tivities in th a t city. j augurated as resident m anager a n d ' The man was Peter Furiina, a la-

About aix th irty P. M. Officer Ja m e s you have but to come to him to have borer, thirty-flvc years of age of G eary w as riding past the Roosevelt your wishes granted. North Eleventh Street, S ilver Lake.Dance H all, next to Roosevelt School j It is with the g re ate st pleasure He had been employed by Josephon Stuyvcsan t Avenue, when he saw that they return to you. * Kingsley and Company, Hackensackthree bus loads o f young men and wo- The Rex will run m atinee and eve- contractors, and w as working on a ; men stop in fron t o f the hall, and n ings everyday. F o r next week’s conduit several feet below the sur-1start to unload.------------ j program you will find on another-page j face uf Ridge Road, rieaF the S5SS-T

T to local to y « a r * »ayoytng tto « m m e r by working tto ir way atout tto eoantry on toaid ahipa Mahan, «on at Mr. a i d Mr.M aton o f Forest A roa n . , has Cialvoatoa, and fro a i there will


Aatkaay J. Rtgaa Dits At Habitai

After Aa Operativa

Ralph Wengland, a w of Mr. and HELD IN RIDGEFIELD PARK Mr*. Joseph Wengland of Travers

Lyndhurst Place has reached Panama He willvisitpoints bofore

The Lyndhurst Are department »nd o ther interesting brought home t to ftret pnse for thereturning to t.yndhurst U rgeat Are track in the parad . «

in time for t to opening of High Saturday afte r*»* , at RntgvAeldSchool. Both M ato* aad Wengland Parfc. of the Volunteer Fire IWpartare seniora in t to t e a t high achool.



F tre n ia Attend Parad« of Anthuay Juaepfc Regan, *ev*a year* Jene» aad New lo th Volaa of a*», etdeet *«n ..7 Mr .m l Mr.

tw e Ftee Departure*!* and K eren . TW>th> * Regan. of U 4 Slnyv*. Ftra* Prise far the Largest l l n m ii 'A im w », |u.<«< ava y ,«n .Halar

day a l I to Ha r to a sa ik Haapatal atta*] *n litara* at ***** «eek.

Anthony aa* operated «a at the lUctonreck Hoapital > m w**h. ag*- hy Dr Angelo U va at Rutherford fu» m a.totd. After heing al ths h*, pltal Ini le v week* ha a a . brretght honte, and a a . agata carried hark l» Ito ho.ptlal for m art .od .«, tto i l» , ***** Again he a a . operated «ut. ami again he w»isn i !.. he reco*, ring 1«rHrfi i<*lti|t!lt«(i.«n «ri in tm t tkr little .hap |>*.i».| f,..*, lottile

. Fuw»ral le rv K e . ae re h«U «a M»« tatieee jooied Ito North Arlington * > ' atom in * at the ^ r e M tt»ai< delegation and formed a I nit umh-r t . i b..li. i t ^ t Hn, . t .

m eal Association o f Northern \ e a Je rse y and Southern New \ orh There were more, than 100 p iece, of Are a p p a r a la . In t to parade

C hief Arthur Schreckendem lo i iS. local Are laddies The local repre«en

He inquired what it w as all about i ° t th is paperand he w as told o f the m arathon ----dance which w as to take place there.1 Mrs. William

dary line o f Lyndhurst, which is be- Th*' * » » l yndharst men who it i . ing made a state highway, and i s l * l,*‘* ' H* * rv responsible for the two

Fitzpatrick , and badly tom up. Heavy rains have i Hfuoklyn g irls being brought to

Chiof William ITlIier at North Ari tngton

There were more than Ï.OOO Are in the parade and a am re ofOfficer G eary telephone Sergeant daughter Dorothy, o f Newburgh, for-.! made it alm ost im passable, and police * yndhiir.t and assau lted last T u ev h - . j , '

Jam es Jonea who was doing desk duty] m«*rly of Lyndhurst, has been visiting patrol the stretch night and day ^ • » sOM a t large attractive » - r>at t h ^ H .c e headquarter*, who in t u r n e r s . Fred Bracco, o f P ost Avenue. Shortly hefore quitting time, Furiina Sergean t John Flynn, tHfU-er ,» r e .l ami - n e , l hy t i l i Z . r . 1called M ayor Woods oh the phone to ask i f a perm it had been given the m anager to conduct the show. Thè m anager gave his name a s W. C. Downing o f New York, one o f the transcontinental runners.

The M ayor em phatically replied that no such perm it had been given, and he also instructed Sergean t Jon es to in­vite the m arathoners to move on, and that i f Newark and other towns would not tolerate the marathon exhibition, certainly Lyndhurst did not intend to do so. A t 7:46 they were again on the road.

Once more the weary would-be dan- cers boarded the truck, and a t eight

. .» . r . - . . . t - . p sred and »erved by the L ad le *- A u*was in the ditch when the sides of IVter* and other m onitor, o f th - iliary o f the RtdgoAetd P a r t Com it caved in on him. Other men w ork-! Lyndhurst police fore» have been pany. waa served afte r tto panule U g near looked ju st in tim e to s e e 1 working on the case , and c«p e .l to A block (tarty with dancing a a * alao F u r m a’s head disappear. , make an arrest very shortly It I. « featu rr of enjoyment . F irew ork,

i A l jp f the workmen present starte<l underst.KKi that t to man fiequent a . . r e alao di.played dunna the e> .H O T D O T , ” S T A N D »hovel with hand shovel, but th is I thickly populated Italian >«c(toh in n m f *BAVTB U 1 A l i i / nmv«H .U w -^.1 - _K.___»1 IIriu.klv« mmA *W as ~ il l A ...Ua ... ^

CHhrr ivihpaniFi in line *"?»» from Saddle River Townnhlp. Jla.bruo«'k


u m n ... . „ which had been used in the constnicWilliam Plant of 7<S Sixth Street Re- tion work w as brought up and it

ported Cigarettes, Candy, Auto- began to d ig the man o u t This work mobile Tubes and Money Had Been had to be done carefully, for fear ofTaken From His Stand Sometime: another cave in.Friday Night. I Within twelve minutes from the

time that the man’s head w as seen

proved too slow and a steam shovel! Brooklyn and they will no doubt vi»it |there before long. It la in that «*<■

and New Je t*e y A «.nur, with lb . Ret Tfcamas J M>|V?ta*Ht, .diktat •n*. llitrrn t.n l followed at Holy I'r.taa t'eatetery, Nertk Arlingt.ai

Anthony i . . » n i m l by h i. parent*, and three brothers. Timothy J t , Vim .» til and Andrew R egan




t a .a a l W'Maefc t We« „ 4Ikrpaty 1 s t t oHeetae t a i N m . m I teraaaisM »liWW . 1 , ,

R K tM .I tP riM V T M K N T P ttr t LAM

Tto Iferee i m u o m m fM .ti.4M . f t to t e w a ^ p peewwael m+4. « *_dM Ih aad n « f t u l t . . i «•dree at «peeaia fw -aaaae l i a » t i * . tka«f « t i f i r b r i Nutol» »m m i Bv i i^W b .r r v a .w , ttrhit. Z•»r «Mnl» Bytto death «tf | other %¡K. i f . r A>paty ta« « I W l . . . iw^*. , « w )Ib . reaigaali « ..f Mr. »Ma.; , vya a » l 'ocello ....

A O t f l t o a .b .r.t


Hot dog stan ds, g a s station s andthirty p. m. were dancing on the A w r of the Grand View Amusement Park at S ingac. where they were permitted to use hr.lf o f that hall until midnight. By tMia tim e there were but eighteen of the original thirty-three couples who began the contest. The winning couple will receive $2,600.

Here they danced un molested until 1:30 Sunday morning, but a s Singac dose not perm it Sunday dancing, they were again asked to move on. Again the dancers, their m anagers, and nur­ses boarded the trucks, and were again on the road, headed fo r Coney Island, Here they stopped a t Stauchs Dance Hall, and when they were nicely s ta r t­ed with their dancing, again the police stepped in, and again asked them to move on.

The police captain stopped the show because it had no permit, and the m anager o f Stauch s asked the dancers to leave the building. This they did and 8tooil on the sidewalk out side of the building. The police captain kindly asked them to stay at the police station. They decided that the police station was no place for a show, and while they stood and thought the m at­ter over, one o f their number a M iss Khoda Reich, o f 1671 Vyse Avenue, the Bronx thought o f a brilliant idea, and invited a ll to go to her fath er’s home in the Bronx, and there con­tinue the contest.

tince more they were on the road, and headed fo r the Bronx, reached the Bronx, and the apartm ent a t one o ’clock on Monday morning, and immediately started to dance. Here again the police stepped in, and gave all, one half hour to de­part. • • . *

The m anager, Jo e Tenner, o f B ay­onne, im m ediately got in touch with a dance hall on Broadw ay, and it is un­derstood th at perm ission has been granted the couples to hold their con­test there unmolested.

From reports it looks a s i f Mike H aggle, A rthur Peppe, the other two promoters, and the m anager, William (' Downing who were with the group when it stopped a t the Roosevelt *ance Hall, in Lyndhurst had deserted

the show, a s Prom oter Tenner seem s to have taken the reins.When they stopped in Lyndhurst they

had no mUaic, and the dancers fu r­nished their own music by popular catchy aira.

other road stan ds supply the passing m otorists during the day and are often very successful in their sales. But when one is visited during the night, a fte r it h as been locked up and the owner h as gone to his home to rest a fte r a hard d ay ’s work, that is another story.

The service station and hot dog stand located a t the co m er o f River­side Avenue an<) Jauncey Avenue, has such a visitor, or v isttors between the hours o f m idnight and six o'clock In the morning, on Saturday.

When the owner of the stand, who is William Plant, o f 762 S ix th Street, arrived to sta r t a buay day , such aa Saturday usually is a t th is time o fi the season, found that his supply o f goods had decreased considerably since he left the night before, and that no money had been left fo r them.

Upon investigating, it w as found that an automobile containing a young man and a young woman w as seen near the stand, during the night.

The unknown persons took - with them several cartons of cigarettes, a dozen boxes o f chocolates, two auto­mobile tubes, a box of blow9 out patches and boxes o f c igars. They

the fa ta l night to collect money for liquor which they to d delivered. by t to

to disappear, he w as brought up to the surface. In d igg in g the last s hovel o f earthy the shovel of the steam plant «truck the man under the chin and cirt his face and scalp.

Dr. Mosher arrived at this time, and was hailed by one o f the work­men. The man w as unconscious and. Patrolman E agan and Kean of th e1 North Arlington police were working over him when the doctor passed. The doctor «aid th at the man owes his life to the patrolm en, who lifted him from the ditch and worked for five minutes to bring him to.

Dr. Mosher treated the man for his injuries and ordered him taken to the W est Hudson Hoapital, where he Is under Dr. M osher'« care.

ti.m that IK.. ¡'anuir n iv»r i.>aa«lti|>, .lla>tiruo<kuon inai im* un« vie li in of ih r mrn » H-i-htw f'*rU«a.ti u ..a w »attention«, aaid the men «toppWf'jSK W oodridge. W .llm gtoñ and

Lyndhurst w a* arrompanMd _ . — Elka Afe and drum corpa InThe local polle* were notified nf ctaded in the paratie w a. u t old piec,

tto case about mtda%ht of tto a ffa ir . I o f a p p a ra to , «h ich w a . u-rd by the when a telephone M a p came to Ridgefield Fire Department more than headquarters f r o a a woman on thirty y ear* agoThom a* A venue w to n a t d that two « w a ^ , . ,_________ ,men were acting aw pW ou.ly near ' ï w . . , „ , ¿ 7

M l. Natalie Held I ode i f t e r H eartag la t mat* Naatber of Mea lia e d Pa» Mg At b u tta la ad V a l Mm

Mail(P ■




her home, other call

In a f«M minute«


I-.H11. N atalie, uf M l l a b e A »etto. : * n . » t r . | 1 Tb Virola y by ‘ '“■a—-

G eo tg . .St hrrt»ltda<k.I ua of t ’b a ile . D . Andrea, of 7 « jlee ottd At aft or, who etorgw i that Na talle threatened ta d *M l him with a rtAe

* » • ! at Uw * » l>! *» I I » It-ar.l t . ,

) .* * » a e - « a l Ito T >«a Hall * M . « . « . • • le a :k | V. ’

j I«« »elUy «T H l ' t o w ) i t . n a a •IL# d * t tM>n ilHiiy awtM' * * ' ami bat a to a .r *

i.J***!'ÜA ftum»i 'be i-»tO gram m ar « Iw l r,.,m ¡ K utbrrfonl Itieh f i k i 1 |

Fordbate I e i t . t . n , 11 t ,-i. tM1to utm pM ed the regatar tatr |n l t •* ’« » '» obtaining . a t it t a g . » .m i then .tattle.! three year* a ..re .1 iha «sate unlver.ity m a li,.« Ut U a .*> gree Mr Re«ll. t . . ^ire,y,.r ^ •to Ftr.1 N .tien » ; IU«k .# | .«.Ihwrat and ta tba nasanal f-r tin , * » amrtal tn.tituli.>a a * m i l * • f .r the |to «a * Waa BttiMing aad f j« a « - ■ Atawlatbaa. Mr Rallly epeaed hi. t a * MB»»* to l ym tbui.l futi i t . year* ago tMa we*k II . i* married, b a *iag I t c rbiblren the -i.w,t 1*^ i t iheaa r— r * a id f ami lb . t .• . » « . . ! t - a - a . la » , tmmlh. .44 Mi RelMy'i Itt in lnuit1. t o . been r i y w M aad M g wteioabte.lt. y m . a »1 palili mm ta

year aa f .d lo a *tra m A «Ari » .llüT- ï f . JoKh

fo r h«*lu Tho imIím m m ,n( a .b» Kondall of I'asmuc, Kt*n««r»r|r «U'v«•ene a fte r t to first gall and had a r fC ru ’Î Id l ' nved a few minutes a f t e , the .eeond |. I *call was made. T " ,WT&. , , , k v,n ’

» . , . . . , dent. M e hula. Whmenn.>ur o f lluboT h ey found on* g ift who had toon ku>. ae .re la ry , t b a r l * . T toef « f

‘IL * Ridgefield, >*».!.tant - t K.I^ ,U r h f u “ r RWgewood. A n a.,.1.1

l l l r . w t u , ,^rT " * " ’* • * n,< secretary ami II J Sp .n .|er of K .-hI. .5 Ï ^ H rr e,,mP * " 1" " ell* P ark . trea.urer William I Alptn. . .........................

she aaid had toen ta to u away by t to of GarfWUl » a . re ele. te.1 to t to b .«nl Andrea? . t * the y t o L a f Mta fa ll« . ! ^ t in r jt t » . Natali* waa ta b .0 N k *r Peter« fb«BR tto o tto r g ir li A m ong tto local Areiarn attrudine told andel Afty 4»ilar* . . .

a w S « i : s r ^ , ï ï : ï : î ! , ' ‘ --------------- • —Lyndhurst police «tation the a*xt Schre. ken.ieiii .John s t',UrtM t ^ t o ^ m f * T ä . " “ d W '■ T h ";" * * r 'r + “ • • t o , .MHMUd the identity a t the men are t^ o r r IlnnkerboiT. I.ran l I'aIteratili

li ih » , , t . . t. t (John Hoyle, t harte. R.m, GodfreyBoth g ifts were taken to Ito Hack M sn.field, Warren Jo m Je .o .* , | | r ,

-------- i s . m / * ! ’, " * * Wi" ^ " e “ tort HougMon. W alter W.df. JohnMr. and Mrs. Kmmet Kellock N ear a ò . ,JT Ì !^ . i . . , W,' 'T ” * 11’ »**,|‘ iln l» tlw P atters»« . Victor S. hre, k m .iem

o f 8(15 Page Avenue, Lyndhurst, an ! The atrlà w " 11* mtB; , .. C h art*. Pattersua. North Arlingtonnounceil the m arn age o f their daugh- ¡„ H , n *<> I-jM huyat w a. reprewntett hy f ..m ,, i , Kief— ■ 1 ‘ m « ' hrysler »edan U-Drive car ttaorge l ih e r t . Thief M ill,.,,, M ill.,,

an K.wr* County licence » » . . r .1 Selleck, llrym .n¡Schm idt, Stephen

■*“ ‘ ~ John l la n lo .

ter, S h,rley Hazel N ear to Kenneth |,Mrlnil William Rose o f Mount Vernon, N. Y. plate

They were m arried on Saturday af-1 temoon, Ju ly 14, 1928 at S.15 o'clock1

‘ MarvtMKta M Knute-r. »All

evidently did not care fo r frankfur- ^ L ittle Church Around the; Local Young Peopleters, a s none o f them were taken. Corner located at E 2‘J St., New York ■ " * - - - — C

The owner o f the stand estim ates City. Dr. Randolph Ray Rector of the Ihis loss a t about $ti0, He has left C hurch officiateli. ---------no light in the stand when he closest Rose was sixteen years old jit at night, but from now on two ¡I * " * March and had the distinction o f'

Ibr I .n .h !|> i t .r r y Milt.« at ,v » | s » « Are

a » » ar|tu4*l*d 1« tto poattwai An argum ent . * . taking plaee be j * • < • » > b>,h Mi MtlW*

l » e *n N atali, and Ds Andre*. . * 'to |M |a» t o * ««aapaay a |Ridge Rrtad la frwrt .tf J . * G a t p i t i ’. wbtrb 1-ammnmtmt r ta f t t s K a « ta liin. b t*H>nt at * l . t * n forty ftgh i, n v » » **» i Mr M tlU. w a* . m a i l f T hurn lay , night, wh.ii N atalia It I*'' «W »ta ‘ *d rt .rm a a to t charge.! drew the nA . * » 4 tbreaUnad »<•«> < t o r t . . I . . .M and ¡atm

g t.ro

■Natali* was ta to a te t to ^ f ? ” ” -a * ^apptdaiad d sp a iy l a * « 4 1 * .« * * ,

to ll, wblrh waa fa m u to d T to waa told a * n t i m a j , . ^ * * * * * ' * * , * —teto M»

W to. brard to fore Ju d g * Hre.lu. th* „H M tnL ) * _ *III Ifc» rorwr^om r*mrt, he mm* h»M* »hto M tiToimi | g l f .un,-n l to *r tn g Harry I i m . * . at f i t I*,.** 4, —

The folloalag, y.oilh . were a ir . . ie * l . . . .,.p .,iM. . l t,. tto a«l an.1 ftnrd for taR en ag ...H.n.1 l b - , . . « t hy Mr I . I . K . .(w.i l l * * * t u t * ' " * ’ I - ” i ' t o 1— ilt.m -f 4 .P . I . t a * .w la .« . ,Anl.mlo, o f l^ S t ’aalle T . r r « . T.my im . t a .a m , I . Mill I- h . SIU 4

of . « « i * . t l . T e . r * . . T to l I* th . . ^ . « . y ,h .Map,,ll„. ,,f Jrss 1 . ^ 1 * T .r ) |l « , . | ,f | | . . j ,h

H oc.. * lta . o f Ridge R a d r e .ig n a t .,« tMo|s..tl*., .,f ¿M f *

P*g*. M rn# s« t« mlirifi.i, .,pf O rifiii Way


f •« *

Th«.». * will be left, to detect thieves ^ younfent girl ever to be. The* IhirtV MiithReich j ° r help them locate the loot m o n * t o church. Mr. Rom** wax convention, of ih#*






national People, o f the

Annual Convention Of The Legion to be Held on July 28th

|te rC o u n c «o r .o f Mount Vernon C t o ^ ^ T t o Hudson Preibytery . ,,f ,h lch

Preabytenan | 7 J.— phlnr. .b o ha. ma.I. h

The second annual convention o f the American Legion o f Bergen County will be held at Palm G ar­den«, Teaneck Road a t C edar Lane, Teaneck, on Saturday, Ju ly 28. The convention will s tart prom ptly at 3 P.M. proceeded at 2.30 P.M. with a concert by the American Legion , band of Hudson County. A t 6 P.M. a parade will s ta r t from the Conven­tion Hall and aril! be o f short dura­tion. Dinner will be served at the

singing f“* lm Garden R estaurant and will be followed by a dance and entertain- i ment from 8 P.M. to midnight.

Andrew P F ran g ipa ne of lia r ring ton A v*nue, entertained about I Ml g a e . ’ » at the h.mt. of hi. father Joarph Ptangipattr <ot War ren S tree t, on Hatur.lay in h.«no;r f t

I the thirteenth blrtltday of hi> .|*ugi>

twenty-two years old in June. Mr. (C hristian Rose is a graduate of Columbia Uni- United Presbvterian r h o ~ h

Park, P a ., on Ju ly 2«. to Ju ly SO. — — — — «».w * 1 Tit* 11 .. «4 — -. *a F f k mt y a1 ter, Order o f Dp Molay nnd in a mem

He was recently appointed m anager of w"m ^ m e y 'to T h l^ o n v e V u iin i * " * un’ * * * * * death .1the Neve Drug Co store a , Pelham, c . r s v . n ^ ^ *N - Y. , Avenue will toad ik . _ ' • r" i «»phl'te wtll n ..» m ak . ttri homr

A fter returning from their honey | « ^ H l i ' - ‘ to rmoon trip to Boston, Providence ami i T , ... f Joaephinr a a . pre—-nlrd with manyBanger, Me., they will re.ide s t 39 i * " " J u l>' * ' »m l toau ’ ifu l g i f t . Am. i.g thro. w a. aSouth 12th St.. Mount Vemon, N. V T , p “ V 1 on Sun gold . n . t aa lrh fr..m -tor. f a ib . ,

................. ........... | d»y . tr«m there th r, will gt> to CretU . . J J _ / * • tey d a irg , and N e .r s . t le arriv in g atnarora l i e n n i i i v e n ' “ » “ ut ..n ThU,».iay juiy m a s , ,u t

Surprise Partv By _______ . __ Neuhau«rr. of W eart Avenurd r « . A 1* » . « I " " “ j * v lf* pre.iilent. o f the Hud am,» » i t e U n i M r t n d a v ,* » h r t *r y . . m pre.i.i» a t <««* 0 1 thr

J m eetings, when thr Bare, Howard

¡¡¡££ S islE K Ä T -surpriseHarold Dehn o f 220

Avenue w as tendered"M ia

_ ____ ________ __ ] Italian d le to . a a . alao a feature ofS i M à H l i a i i » C n r U . , A rrangem ents to sttefld tM s g ffglr birthday party a t W * Ko-h- a n M « * - • m T y f *i | ^ ^ _ j ^ ? y * l - t t o party

• " t d l l n C W S O O C l e t y can be made through the Ljmdhurat <*ay evening by. Mr«. Deh i, and other | . , , , , j ' “ " t t o trip a re | Am..ng thr g u e .t . were M r amiC » ; I n a * T represen utive , J . W. Corwin. 229 relstlve«. [ M g r — rtM q toatay g f j u j M i l l l l i f e , J . - p h N .c l i . Mr sml M n

~ Avenue, Miaa Anne Mile to ll o f L a to Victor R l .« . . Mr arwl M r. J..hi.Joseph A idndge, preeldenl j (¿accion .. Mi and M r. John Frangi

aorietyj Dan Pattiaan. pane. M, and Mr. Frank t « t r e e « .*u ” 'to ' « « I socirty an d . Mr and M i. J M anata»^*. Mi amiM l« hdtth NeuhauM-r, Mrt r t > „ k

( Namur! Iiifftsni, Vkt4»i r r i o n n » ,Mr oiwf M n fKsfnintoh Ikgnrih. Mr

Mony tx<u«|urla «f (luttfi «rrr tl«« pfrM*ntr«l it» MU«

The |Mirt) ««a >vrl-t -»di tKr l«»n tif Um» Kr»D|i|MiiM hoiw rim! it » m •p m i ) p idurv « u h i u rttU m l Jm|i•nrMr lantrm* >n<{ »Hhrr «Wi»rBU«4is

Mu*i< fu rthr tk n rm i • • • f y m u M hy thr Kranfl|NUM* onhM iro A dr Ikk'Ui »ttpprr of »fMwMilly |*rr|Mipg*l


l yndhufrt will au»«t Kat. an„th .i mnatier i»f a pruf**al.in. ah.; I~ f «>' hi. early m ltw ali.« In ‘.It. l ym lbui.)Public H.h«i>d... Ila la I ». |) > n'. r *'•lick . ..f M, and ‘M l. .. #W U*t Glwk of llidgr R «a a d ..*to a f t .r ¡am more yr a i a . an in tern ., a i l i t . . ,<m an actlw m e»ib .i of (lai prof*Mion

D* «tllík w « j ä fyaVrUal. .f lh> I,yndhur*t puldir « h m ti . am i at lb .Rulhrrf..rtl High Afh*»d, yi*| lb ...Imib a f.«ui y .a ra ' m a i . al M a,yt*m j I n i t .» . l i t III. |ire medirá!» « tru e hr look at Cornell Mmioat na-iaml ia a l year I . p a » . l ih . N . . VNW .I..I r aam ui.l>„«,(

Dr Itileb ha* alr.ady . r H aa. year a . an intern, a . th* • umtortaad Hoapital In Hrtmklyn

kM«t«rant hy tto

re..-gn.t!..o -f i ’artntn. ga.fin .. . I * a re.lg*t*>| ih re . y ear, ago V

* • » * « » g > » . *U b « â . . ami >f a t r .f .r * ,■ • 11 tore . . . . . . nut «ai tto y4 .

«**iu'tt»4 t «

a y ia■t t t o ”

* i


! Post Avenue.

• t i i a i l U v f V d i j V v l v l Y

Enjoyed Outing Ti Oakland Beach Sun.

w ’ he Young People« Society o f St. M >tthews Lutheran Church, with their ‘ Heods enjoyed an outing to Oakland

ach on Sunday. An early «ervice

The color »cheme w a* pink and white, «nd the room« and the refresh . . _ . . .ment table were very attractive with _ ! f * . * J fÍT*r ¡the gay decorations. A large birth , ’* '** *®e**ty


— ’? * * —pMttKitb . It-tanl >.f « :a a u . ¡ .n *»* Ito». * th . r e . * * ! . . ! , at t a t a *fc*-PW ^ - -.li)».tiKg pa *« .g * -f a aen lu tan ., hy th*' W M th* isa Pt^v.m rnt ,.f Ito t rtreet t ho.Mbe and alm ».« . . . . y re.VI.nt aa. tto ^n m t « a * y i . « . i and mada

a to a -- t to rmr rod- readsitg" ..rdlnanre . . . m*.«. .Ttoya fr .ld Ihal Ih. th .e *t# tg tl th . M al iary r e * r , a «Id .n ta il a ....W i * •■ aa»aam«( and ie*t.y t o l y t M - 1b b a . . . *.t*we I I . futí

t! a .t Sna'ly 4..¡.la»t hy tto-Maya# lh *l « » " < " 0 » .1 4 ha v .'.t hy th.» reafei.nl. th. . tifiaam* ty . ,y-H9Mato- - atañere *nd .» . .» ■ « * • iK t.re.ted *m 't o gr..and •**■!* t the Iím .«.*. #» at%T o . ala i «t..¿M 4 í . í y t i

Tto i . i a y . r a i l I.» . r e .«««al « . r h . t . . . . I’arh tram a. mar tto tl I,1 i th tre»h*. .W h moa

rh Mtat. im a ia ie l * i th . y n t M . a w . i i . , , f Ito temrd aln . * a . dy|e.«a4 lo hy t to re ^ d a a l. aa l 'a i t t i t a * a .a —a» “ *g g .» ir d that i to real h .*d *» *d ta th* faeW y «-^ .tM a. a to e a it areatd *ai g .m | . . .o h . . « , .m i la preriat» th. .«h a . at « to l. y e i p u t , ll « .» »1.1 a ta , reufeanga* th* I n á af . M U » , « a . « M h .1 w « a . « .o » «aaipk y a l * t i i t i . . a re«hij»a l___________

j.T to r . a a o . < * . n « * a t * f(t .tto «.hta««, -Ih»»,

Large Crowd Buy the gay decoration». A large birthA s D l e l i m a a a ' a 6 . L rske frosted with pink and whit* A l M e n m a n s d & l e made a pretty center piece for tto

Avenue, o f the local

Did you nee the large crowd<*t the church gave all an opportunity women going through V alley Brook with «inging and dancing,to attend before leaving for the pleas- 1 Avenue last Saturday and Monday ? exhibition by Mrs. Mayant day. I suppose you know where they were c red Dehn, aa waa t to bi_______ . . . _______

The day being beautiful, made the heading for, a« mo«t likely you were tie, was enjoyed by all preaent. *

table.o f The evening w a . p leasantly »pent

A tango Halm and

balloon bat

ride to the beach mo«t enjoyable. The one of the . wise shoppers who know l'*thing and the gam es added te the g reat values when you see them <nt. rtainment fo r all who attended. , f y °u * > " t know where they wer- »ho were: Rev. George Muller and r>»ng, we will le t you in on the ’ Irs. Muller, Mr. and Mr*. G eo rg * secret. J t waa to Riehman'« Store at Mackay, and daughter Dorothy, Mr Valley Brook Avenue, to take o f Traver* w i Mr. C. M ackay, and daughter,' •s Mr.rie Mackay, Mr. and Mr*, tto Kees, and «on«

Mr. and Mra.•g Ham. m, Mrs. W.^ »* Ida Bose ben,«■irsraret Boachen.Mine Druhl. F^tna R°th Brw


At midnight dainty refreshm ent, were aerved by t to hoateaa.

Among t to gwaata Mr., Arthur C. Dehn Avreiue, Mr. and Mra.

Lady Foresters Enjoy A Trip To

Lake Hopatcoag

and Mra John 1'alm .rrt. Mire Bufan... Mr and M r» I • *> ,d I . . . I l l , Mr and Mr* Anthony Fran glp an . Mr and M r» Mirlta.1 Frangtpaaa! M r. Jo * .p h Hern*4ino and family,

i ... , . , Mlaa Fran ce* f.allow ay of New t . i i ,t Mr ami Mr* M . t o l l .a lW . S . *

wa» enjojred by' A d i T» « M i e n Y *rh . Mr and Mr. R..**rW M *tl*i..- of the I m d h are t O r e l . , Mtoare Mary I ilhan arel t o r .

of thr |..re a t o f Amarte-*' Prmngt|>*nr V oh ..(a . F ran g tp *M aa>t ; Mr and Mra litd <"K.gmaw

Two w .ll filled t>r U a e baa* a le ft • —- .I.yndhurrt about I o'cUek aad a r ' Mr. William n u b e r t . . arèi d a « g f rived at tto |a to in ttata ta t • aghil, ta» M art* at Rataatanra, N Y and arnond tto lake, oir for a *w ,m Mr and Mr* A ft I t a t i a f Allanta to fore lunch, A^ e » lunch m are to re torn Ito g i r e * , .ti Mra A L

fa» tto y*.< I * « w reto

M r* Aagvio • to . h. 4 lnm.h A r e * * » , are re>M.tag arrival at a baby 4 » *g t i « t to PaaaaH t¿ *a a r .l H . y .


. t o b~hl * -~m1» r e « ., . t th th*nyn'palhy t . toing . t t r a M u> Mr r,4a^aay

t* < .*> H ai*«, ai t o * V ati*y Bnmrfc A re.'a»u>ln* w a* whp»a4 h* A renu . ^ t ito d ^ t h « » « m ta , of . ' ■ a . i . . , * , , to r e . , - . . .W A. h i. father. Viet«» l la o l ta r m i y at* t ‘a M y » .M d g re . a. .h i , , , i,. , P * " * • AS1 Rargaa A reaa *. J a a a eay V m s a ramâtf mad ■ t o

J T t o a * »»a. g.wktod tto l%lwt« toella i.t U t a n l n d by a a t f . .h i* ’ ampar , u, « t . « . tto l. > .« .to

" * * * * • • tb re * daughter«, ■ < f . -at tto tl.kr at tto «*«*.1 t„ tho’ a t « * g r .m k h .U re a ami Ih re , great * * . U , ih . . .^ .t ^ a .— *

|« fM d -hiid re . ' wta.h M to to * « » . • . H « h « . ,• t o tonar ml * n l « , « . . . h *U ' * * * t o l t o I , a . * « t.~,t,,„ 1 »rea»

f»«m I t o M aatotlan l « t t o » * a t toreh . V alla , A.wog t . . . .Aerewth A . . * « , a ad t«»4 M n a . A .*aw aH * » York f'tty, <*• W a4m *a4*, a f ' . » T to .n eurem«,m«m la t * r ta *a t f*H o *«d * i i t o / o / P l r tam .i hmm f . « . . » t ■U t t o i i a OMmÉh Umm M m M f5R f . d *ad « « t i

Mr Italai etartad hta »mi la l.yad aafk a a i maamtam *»»« t o n t alerei I s * w reh. ag>_. ami . . . y a t .1 « '» of m tto rery t o . , ai to alt h, bat i | rè A »..»*»«)«* ■ i«»aderMreid that (to toal affretm* ht.' trev—l .* ».Hi rem«ng f t . . . stoart. and to pareml * * * , tmhtaaly »*g 'to *«aa « a w l1 to . . . rr M fere, a toart a l l a i <a t o a d .y amra d»a«**oo, t r e m i l a , , t o ,e . . t r •■g *■ t^ iato ld A rea*, and' Tky«d

.III....I II.I I«t-— • * . ' » a gaogmaat ti -tm . . » a .Mr ami Mr* t i t l a a g U h * n » ' * * * * » '

l i t t a i a totd A reare* to re am*atm* I . mV .agfci. t a r ie l tto » « . * • am* grna M l., A a a * MìS.h.1 a i fay. A ..m ta .

d tto g> ** a a 4 re> tthf’ re tre . Im < Mare t a i » V . . a . « r e » ■’ Waart *tm



by M r. lU r Ayo». U d r h . d a . aire a .Il Ip ra t Ito», ea— Una » ita - m a ir re . ta MaA»ai| i.»a,

./ I

.* ■ «»1 Mrs FredAv« u * have

* Kaat

d t o y»ia*»l M» a n t tag H ret i h l i l i K

la a

M». M. »a-h


f -amait t i a . l 'a » f W r e a ai g . re F » « h,* *h a 1 1 », a i I t t SatU repeareat Ito V .<*.<» ai tto ' tomi K .re..n aJ rmafcpla l l » ' t o e .» *t «to to'tomaj

,a# I l*d al r .a a *a it. I h ,tâ M r . m.


Mrs. S tcu d ben Hostess To Bridge

Club Last MondayThe Monday Evening Club was en­

tertained a t the home o f Mrs. Rose Steunenberg, o f Stuyvesan t Avenue on Monday evening.

B ridge w as the gam e enjoyed, with Mr». E . H. Newman, carrying off high honors, and MUs, C lara Dehn a close second.

A fter a p leasant evening spent with the gam e, the hostess served refresh­ments, and a social hour was en­joyed by all o f the guests, am ong whom were Mrs. E. H. Newman o f Rutherford, Mrs. Kenneth Farrington of Hasbrouck H eights, Mrs. J . C. T aylor o f Rutherford, M iss M amie Halm o f P age Avenue, Mrs. Charles Lobm ayer o f Stuyvesant Avenue and Mrs. Charles Moench of Stuyvesant Aveue. , i



T R A V E L E R S ' C H E Q U E S

Y o u r t r a v e l s w i l l g i v e y o u g r e a t e r p l e a s u r e i f y o u a r e f r e e f r o m

w o r r y a b o u t t h e v a l u a b l e s y o u l e a v e b e h i n d a n d i f t h e f u n d s

y o u c a r r y w i t h y o u a r e p r o t e c t e d f r o m t h e f t o r l o s s .Population Contort

The world’s largest cities a r t Lon­don, New Tork, Berlin, Chicago, Parto and Boenoa Aires, according to recast official estimntes

Banking ServiceTwenty- four HourUncommon Sense


15x15 Damask Napkins Hemmed, Reg. 10c each. Sale 89c d m . O R D IN A N C E NO . 28M

60 in. White Border Table Cloth Reg: 90c per yd. Sale 50c per yd.

Turkish Towels; in limited quan­tities, 8 for ¿ 1.00

P r o d u c e

MarketChildren s Socks and Stockings

12V* to ^ per pairLinen Finish Kitchen Towels. Reg. 29c, Sale 6 for ¿ 1.00

Misses Madge Richman and Agatha Johnson of Muncie, Indiana, are visiting Miss Richman’s uncle, Mr. J. U. Richman of Willow Avenue. This is the first trip the young ladies have made to New York and have had a wonderful time seeing the “sights."

Mon's Union,Suits, li Sal. WDotted Swiss, Reg. 29c. Sale,

6- yds. ¿ 1.00Large Sunkist Lemons .........

Large Long Islan^Potatoes ...............

__ All kinds of Bottled Beer a t a

Silk Brassier Bandottes, all colors, all sues. Reg. 79c; Special, 29cKitchen Sash Curtains. Checked

Borders, red or blue. Reg. 49c. Sale, 25c per pair Girdles and Corset*, all sues $1.00

5 piece Ruffled Curtains; full size, 79c

Pure Silk Ladies Hose, full fash­ion, all Sizes, al) shades, ¿1.00

Mrs. Oscar Osback and family of New Jersey Avenue, and Mrs. Eliza­beth Johansen and family also of New. Jersey Avenue, are spending tho summer at the Osback farm at Sus­sex.

PHONE RUTHERFORD 2745F o r Your O rd « ^ -W . Deliver Promptly

Criss Cross Curtains, Reg. $2.50 Shi Sale, ¿1.39

leer and Chiffon Ladies Hose, Reg 52 49; Sale, ¿1.39

4-piece Linen Sets—scarf and vanity, ¿ 1.00 i Miss Elizabeth Biaso of Green

Avenue motored to Massachusetts, where she will stop for two weeks.

HOUGHTON (Beat By Teat)

JAMES R. HOUGHTON Hollow Building Block

"BUILD BETTER HOMES'"CHEAPER"O B c e : 276 R idge Road. Lyndhurat, N . J .

Factory: New York Avenue, west o f Ridge Road, Lyndfcarat, N. J.Phone Ruth. 4039 j '



You can afford a hom e ©/concrete

m asonryConstruction economy assured by concrete makes it possible for you to own a masonry home.Homes o f distinction and charm are built with these units every day—upkeep and de­preciation are lowest on concrete masonry.


N ow , at a record low price', the new Standard Six brings you the quality suprem acy fo r w hich W ILLY S-K N IG H T is famous. M ounting sales and g reater facilities enable us to offer this beautiful

Six at a price never before possible.


C o a c h r e d u c e d t o S e d a n a tG R E A T S I X

S e d a n

K u tn errora u v e n a n a -M u g n t i 0 . , I n c .

Whippet S a l e * a n d S e r v i c e Willys Knight 4 0 A M E S A V E R U T H E R F O R D , N . J .



O lo m e jb r S e r v i c e s ------------ — i143 STUYVESANT A V I. f t

\ PHONE RUTHERFORD 3 0 0 0 ' '!7=|X L Y N D H U R S T . M . J . J /W


ENDURANCE TEST« •fc K o f r r . f i auiM p tr

k w r .W fcnrta« the C o W u M n 'i per­

formance. a nock Studebaker DictatorThe ability of StwMMtkier and

Krskine cars to deliver th e i r full quota of championship sp e e d ami endurance In the hands o f th e aver­age driver was strikingly demon-

- -t rated in a recent series o f tests unique in m otor car history. Piloted entirely by women ol oeiljr avenge driving experience, four fo lly equipped stock car»—th e President, T h e Com­mander, the Dictator and th e Erskine Six , each covered 500 m ile s on the Atlantic City Speedway be tw een Ju te 13 and June 1< a t sustained avenge speeds ranging from more t h a n M to more than 77 miles per h our.

The first car to complete its 500 mile run was a stock Commander

PK A T H L E E N A. F IS H E R , B jL

O rganist a t M. E. C h u rc h Associate of the A m erican

Guild of Organiat* Announces the O pening

of Classes in Pianoforte and Organ Harm ony

For Advanced S tu den ts and' beginners

A ddress 4M Stuyvesant Ave , Lyndhurst

Telephone Rutherford 2024-J

and tires, cov- a a average of The P i w i M


e n d the MO auiee a t m n miles per how.5 passenger average o f 70.1 miles par hear fo r the 500 miles, and an Erskine C lak Sedan finished the .trials With aa average • f &*.« miles per hour.

The M s were held a id e r the Uon aad observation of the Contest Board o f the American Automobile Association, which checked the time ¡ and speed of each car's ran.

Immediately a fte r each run was completed the car was examined by a technical committee appointed by the A. A. A. aad certified to he strictly stock and folly equipped.

The average speeds a t which the runs were completed offer conclusive proof of the ease and safety with which the speed of Studebaker and | Erskine cars can be obtained and con­trolled. In commenting on the runs, Studebaker officials emphasise the importance of the balanced engineer­ing and "good m anners" of the Studebaker cars in perm itting such high sustained speeds in the hands o f women with little experience in handling cam a t mile a minute speeds, and totally inexperienced in handling cars on a steeply banked board speed­w ay. j '

W ttm m M. h tw hnet, U M g s lU edss la charge ef the Oeeheetra. *f Newer*. wkMfc laeksden talee* f»em ' l i e M e n l , N e w e ll, hearay.

Osretss Am a *w-

C O M 6 fltO H T O V E f t ,~ D o c T o n -

W lL V _ tE , iS S k < _ K ‘

_ _ rA'fSJEUF-

O fiE P h o n e cml\_ f o r !Tw e PUOM6ER S A w t S E V E R N -T O j

, t h e d o c t o r .

~ ih is Ô eautifuLm L L R A C K ,

S S S i w à i «E A S Y . K Ü J M W A T C H

Amr WSm *0ryj a sheer rtmeeatp.

Abe’s H ardw are Store500 Valley Brook A ve. Lyndhurst


On june I }. St Atlantic City Speedway, » fully f^nippr.1 Studskifcsg C-ffTl driver entirely by women, traveled Hm mil«« in VSs v m u lt i l i minuit» (um im rìai se average speed of 77 21 mile* per hour The Urge lllusttslum shows TSe C.imiuandtt virçhng the trsck at an 80 mile dip Insets show four ol (hr » v w n who dmw |K>, and other Studebaker cars at the speedway

ISsbiw Ser* we C»Miftttnafted Tra*. |* r t e fe rate« the Vsrgeet IW l »f Wae» la the I ailed States. m i 4 4 u | te a ■»»tu l artseW ta. the W t II Mew. of l'abita- Servt*. News. The s s llw i a t ths article. lera « % Lewis, wspsr .ntew,toa< e l ' baa «uu»le«ai»s. safe that “frv-Sa the beginning "ef- baa .eg <-raU«a ui 1SÏ4. tke .^«aperti kaa ta rreaaed the ' nemtwr 4 r s is e w ** harte. frwm * » t to the prearet total •I ! v is tsaaas sn.1, spprnaiiMetely ' O l «en «te cars srol trucks th is »pere •.t.* M e r s . s largr »art .»f the Stet»

1 Vea 4<>sr) and w eessita te s many •ats, le garages to Wxsse end ausin a I* t.hi W sea anj r e fr íe» car«, e i lu sit* <*( the Has SN**pa *

"In ondee lo more f i l l i m e ntis s i« ~ith ih» S fa a r k i l i ,**!*•>(“ >'» Ita« Sbt«* «ere isw a ll) a .» e d frwm In ingtun inte a fsea IhiiMi s i al *Ot K ein Mfwet. N eaerh. >e thè sanse prêtants a ilh the Newark Cer Hhupa. Thls huiUlinf inetmting the Ha» Mr..re. . . lu p ie t sn aree »f .pf»r«ti mutely i«a> «past* feet, ami ta .ase of t he4h*|t* I» \ her fSk'lHtw» f.«f fcaivsttfftg itt •«! Im * »♦pair* »tt lim4lhiA im i »«*n»I r%I»*# V*l De» iKèiuUi

*' I\|t 11» Sr-t \ We t «net malliU ÌA * ft m i t r * l rte-et f Im w m fr»m>


The G. and C. Sewing Club went on a truck ride on Sunday. Tht» member* had an enjoyable time. Those present were: the Miaae* Josephine B idfolia, Roae Bidgolio, R ita Verile, Josephine Curioni, Ju lia Moai«itti, M rs. Mofuwtti, John Moaaitti, Tommy V erile, Albert and John Verile all o f Lod i; Mis»«*» Ju lia and Tillie Lipriick o f Garfield; Mr. and Mr*. Nicholas Verile, George Lombardi and Sam uel Palum bo from Lyndhurst.



H av a y o u r H«du>la o iw ra tr d lrvctly fro m your l ia h l am’kol. do in* aw ay w ith a ll d ry o r w«*t b*tf»ri«*» O u ira n tM 100 p e r c«»nt lmprt»vr in tn t o v e r fonm *r b a t te ry <»|>«*r»tlon an d w ill ae rv tce one y e a r f ree ol c h a rg e a ll In s ta lla tio n s . OthlN m a k ra of rad io s H fctrH lw l a n <1 rr p a ired . R adi»« tratfn l ab a trlu t^ v

Amaranth Bus Ride Tickets To Hopatconf

Are Selling RapidlyTickets are selling rapidly for the

bus ride to be held by the Adorn ram Court, Order o f the Amaranth, to Bertrand Island. Lake Hopatconir, on W ednesday, A ugust 8th —

One bus will leave the corner of Stuyvesant Avenue and Valley llrook and the other bus will leave th. com er of R idg« Road and Valley Rrook’ at 8 30 lo'clock. They both will be o f the large sight seeing IV Luxe busea. <.

Mrs. Jac o b Burke of Kingaland j Avenue is chairm an o f the committee j and she is being assisted by Mrs John : Simonson, o f Rutherford Avenue and) Mrs. W illiam Francoeur of Ten Eyck { Avenue.

The tickets for adults are $!.?& i and for children under twelve, 11 00 j

Lyndhurst NotesHaruM Mahan, wW* i* a p»*»ia'

in»|krtt..r in t 'k i( i |t t , u vu ittnc hi» brother. Mr |<alph Mahan and fani ily of Fore at Avenue

Mm Victor Schmutt. o f I Tark Avenue has rttum isl to her home frum l*ake Hopatconf

Mr and Mr* Harry i i i lmotw nf ■Tracers I’laor left Saturdet f.*r l>e ln»ll, Mich . whe.fr the) wtl! atlrntl the Knights Templai ( \ kkU«« Urtnc held in that city

Mr and Mrs i O <»> r|»feri and son Wemrr, t<f l*agr Avenue, tailed »»n Saturtlay for iterm any, wher> they witl return home ah mt .Septet ber 1st

Raymond ('alame .if Astoria. I. I 1» a rue at at the home ,»f hi* parent», Mr and Mr» W (i t alame, of Wat son Avenue

the jm iyly c it j 11 He to the fwil vmt fc>r t >pr ami inter»tate (h o I V totai m«i9%thU m tleafv tpviate%l k* m re than .S.MttOOO bus mile« TX** e|«riatis*n n ecesíta te» a rM d inspr«

f n m at the gar«fv>5ome of the k «#« >pr»lr n».<re tksit ’Kk» «mie« itatly and total apfm iti máte)y — .000 miles y'early TKis I» (hartnularly t /w in the t'anwlen «e* Ihn where a large number *»f <1» iu»e bu*e» are in *ervior

’’The maintenance mtM sW calls for the inspshi'ti.iñ «of a bus every 10W mikes, which Is appr^«trmale4y a UNNsk‘a mileage \ i tht* in>partlnm Ih» Uk*a 4» pUrtptl ni» a ramp, thrf outfhh If rea w l ami ¡nopevted

I* "A k temple te t hange *4 «il Is ma*le In the engine and any a*l/u»tments that »re nere»»ary are ma«W Th» bu* io then gì h en a r»*ad test tu «le termine Us performance t»a» elee trtc tMises are te d n l for engine par fttrmance on a water barret, the lai

< 1er atrting a» à rhmatat a(HÌ 1« ftl» tietle.1 «Ilreell> t«* the generator ef the hu» TKls permits «letarminlng the |*eif rniaiii* a t 1ha engine w ith • •Ut îhe bu» laring movevi

“The Hu* Maintenante iWpaHment is ct>ntinually watching for improve ment» in the Held whkh s»«iM he .*f

e l ke OUng a kewvy graé i W g e w se wkieh m «aey 4emr *Mi to h w kafceteatn*., ami kw*s atm*e#e*1ed c^aa*¡ÉmÉI» •ev *-v"?u ^vw* th$ p^remma awthai*

* At Ikt pea issa I tkmw WMSaikalnm m kein« iNMeOe m the larger «wrwge» %f severail iyaam w keake twatiwg as* chinea. T W e n w l u m are asi sèactrw aneSaf 4 m er trwa*m>««n** 4yw*mi>«aeter awd saa««>m tHe keak tng a#k»rt at ewtfk kewke«| wheel *t a twaa the wfawl *1 Ike aaó4er ewlUek*»a twriNMl a«W:H*t fr^etaaa krwkw re«* «tane» ky Ike p»>w«r >»4 Ike SMK Ir» aiM4o« “and the *lf »rV4a rw*4 waa a ss* 1er «a term* al *»'*snêa e l fvxflia* paail T W vn*taiìa(e*w »I machete in a (♦ '!< • p»ewMts the esp»ah«At»*'* ‘f Ike krak*ng ate « l 11 easlt I

"'Te fprllilwle tka n e r i lw s *t ka«*tm *mt ear «rf *ke g s n g N as»4 »I lk»* a r » an» te » «Masi • »Sai latM» tua* been revendIy nmnAs *1 a* « » ***»<»*V a p»*mp* ' I'emsedhimtMia!aa hirtflg *l the psawrwt tiaawt*. tks' »n«taUatw-.A *r a., maehttie« »a an ##*¥*■ It» stimmate» «»«e »if tke> U k t f a n h s i m * v . w a»hi«ig *f th e ku«r»

“ I’.tir thw m.-*mten*n^a> 4# «»(m• pment in the. H«a»tkerw THntitMt tH ektl%«i»ni«n (warntain*. »t» .<»« tkwi¡nr at

I I'nonAm whnk «nake« k*.»«k «naje# an«| mtn**r >*f W«e« - h .1»

w»tk a«k>«wrt arvd tueh* ,t I hie- *»fr,a.l n f 4, ; 1M».I4-------

ike«el aa»l *ke we*;-■»< farther te*t

a*t'«skrr th*- selff mamé»w a re «yatewt whn'tt 1» ».iw in -.'»pera*!*-m, m*-*t , . f the rr>air wwtk. t* a«t'>M^i«lei( *t 4hs..'sM»tai*|r - garage*, kvt kw-ae« »«*1 «mit* w huh It is f «ami l a f ia t ^ a ) to repair at Ike a***gw<e4 Watt**«»* are aa< in to tke ah»*pa f<»| viwrkasl **

I S titt w r i t ' s" R T i m n ^ i i r n r " t r w Tra i n -r- Ti» g fttfc t. MIA a» M U ' _

H» *i»is#t» ■W'tm# -*r t»M* •'1.^1o| i \ i N * i i » * * * • -m )tih u t *4J+m* Vi«Mii*e* ‘ *.»■* r « «»a•*'»*• *e 4 «**<♦»*. «..ew «ker.i«f«*v Mt»e*»tJ !• (•t'ti.-iMsé« e«M*|.t*s*t -M-*.»-*Seil «•» f* H k^«*W«|mmI»<p>I ■ ««sfMMa* *» ‘1 ►< -♦! »»-et»«# mêttwesr 1» palet»*«»* * rw11• .. ss .m m»m -9** in# tec* -t*» -# .i««««! t»«aellwMittsI *<M fe«Mtlr •> «*! ««.»I <e m-W#»s*l« M«h» W»*e a»*l

, i»*«a» »•« n *a ***a a* ta* »a<aa»<*{kk.* •*•»>! .. ; Ikiek HNi4l*kS» *a

Tlh# .•khwaa -# «s*« ««Mt W4 »V .a*m*m »I ta* »* • '4 lo *»*» . l ia n»*»*# in« ■-■«. mimx

iS»«« »'•»■*• k*l <«<) |watliu«MelititN i nnftái in th a«**

“î J 'r «

IN SU R A N C Ean d










115 STUYVESANT a v e n u e L y'xlhurst, N. J.

T H . Ï U ' T I E R F O R D Ì JO f

K l e c k n e r ’sS T U D I O O F M U S I C

n a n a , Violia. la i ip k e e e Csrwst


Bach, o f Mujic 7S3 Rid«« Remé

PWawa 770-Re

FRANK REIMBOLDP a i n t e r & P a p e r h a n g e r

Estim ates Cheerfully Given

24« Clinton Terrace

Car. Jersey Aveaae

Lyndhurst, N. J .

wawwa wwww wwewwwewwiwrsrwwsfwwwwrwwwwwwarwa a a a a a sra a ana a ■ sra i



Free of ChargeJust save the coupon» given in our envelope containing your

<X<veloping and prin ting orders. W hen th ey total th e nominal am ount o f $5.00, we w il l preient you with a ' i 7 enlargem ent from any negative you w ish

Kodaks, Films and Supplies2 4 H O U R SER V IC E

LEVY’S PH A R M A C YStuyvcs— it Avenue a t Valley Brook

- a w o r ld o f s t y le

” a n d / t o w e r !



A lw q i A t

Z I M M E R M A N N ’SQuality Bakery


S t u d e b a k e r h a n a d d e d n e w b e a u t y

t o i t s c h a m p i o n r a r n t o m a t c h t h e i r

p r o v e d s p e e d a n d s t a m i n a .

F o u r g r e a t l i n e s o f c a r s — m o d e m t o

t h e m o m e n t ! N e w s l e n d e r r a d i a t o r s ,

f l a t - c a p p e d a n d w i n g e d — h n n d H o m e

w i n g e d h e a d l a m p s , a l l i n c h r o m i u m .

J a u n t y S t u d e b a k e r “ p o l o c a p ” v i n o r .

D e l i g h t f u l n e w c o l o r s c h e m e s . •

N e w l u x u r y ! D e e p l o u n g e u p h o l s t e r y ; —

h y d r a u l i c s h o c k a b s o r b e r * . S t u i i e -

b a k e r ' s e x c l u s i v e b a l l - b e a r i n g

• h a c k l e s i n t r o d u c e t h e g r e a t e s t

i m p r o v e m e n t i n r i d i n g c o m f o r t

s in c e t h e b a l l o e n t i r e . S q u e a k n , ____

T k e a m r f V r W 4 r a a l - f l f M

r a t t l e r * a n d a d j i i M t m r n t a e l i m l n a t e d (

i n s p e c t i o n o n l y a t 2 0 , 0 0 ( } - m U e i n t e r ­

v a l * , w h e n l u b r i c a n t m a y b e a d d e d

i f r e q u i r e d . S u p c r - b r a k e s t h a t a c t

l i k e a h a n d o f a t e e l i n a v e l v e t g l o v e .

T h « m o d e o f t o m o r r o w — S t u d e -

h a k c r ' n 7 6 - y e a r t r a d i t i o n o f i n t e g r i t y

■— p r t i v e d p t ' r f o r t n a n c e — a l l a t O n e -

P r o f i t p r i c e s !

l i k e Prrw idrnl t i g h t

T h e ( Mmmandrr T h r I H e I a t o r . . .

l i t e I M i n r . . .

t i a a * t o r n a s

1 0 3 l u 1 6 * 5

i i * ï t u i m

. IV > l o H M i

IM / t r i m / u , l i f o r > •

t i i t t M '.t M a h r :

PARK MOTOR CAR CO.20 Park Avenue Lyndhu««. N. J

Phone Rutherford 1571 117?


( P 0 R T (

BY GUY SAVIN0 [ 1. .



Loral* in Fine Fettle a s Kray Allown Four Hita— Team Field* and Rata in Early Sea non Form— Miieski Star* in O utteld.

Polish Americans W in From Governors o f Jersey, Pennsylvania— The Dice A. C. With Scot* 9-2 Converse Over 600,000th Telephone

SOME weeks ago a Rutherford writer penned to the effect: "Withboth Lyndhurst and East Rutherford using the local field for track

practice, our own High School ’runnirs are King handicapped " It was the lonely wall of a sore'stricken, hut it had some truth attached to it.

^¿ith runners from three different schools cavortin g aroun d • the place, it w as more than a little crowded- Since then , how-

- ever, M unicipal O i l has come into being. It is com fortably near the H igh School. ¿Steps should be taken to m ake the

field more complete.A cinder tracks laid around the field would be a great help when

school again begins. Not only that, bu t m an y o f those besides the , , r .sjxth inning took aw ay four runs schools afflicatcd with the desire to ttar on the cinder path would have that the Superiors had piled up and an opportunity to train

The H igh School field will not be com plete fo r another year, at least. W ith the M unicipal O v al m ade more com plete it would make a ready substitute.SORT COMMENT—


It didn’t rain Sunday, and it didn’t take the Columbus Club more than an inning to show th at {Re rain that fell in the first gam e w as very, very providential for the Superiors of C arlstad t. The Superiors were any­thing but superior a t Lindberg Field and sank slowly, but with a d is­heartening sureness fo r their rooters,

I to an 11-0 defeat.The game w as a South Bergen

League affair.You will remember th at the Colum-

; bus Club won by a fluke over the sante team , 7-4, ju st a few S u n d a y s ago. Rain that fell about the fifth

U n M .M M telephone In Newof Ite

one of ItaDice Ahead For Five Innings Then Cave In—ZetnzukkiAllows Five Hits As Rivals Get Together At Last, Boat Important ladastrlea. waa In-

______________ _ stalled to the *


Harr; Moore at Treotoa on the last

Part of what Governor Moors meaat by the Importance of the telephone la New Jersey is disclosed to the state­ment that, although only three state« la the oountry are as small la area as oars, only ten of the forty-eight has

j gave-the Club the gam e.It was practically the sam e Colum-

; bus Club team that faced the. Carl- stadt, Sunday, but the Superiors

| never knew .it. The fielding was

For five action-steaming innings the Polish-Amencans had trouble- on their hands, but after that the Dice A C. caved in like a ruptured tire, allowing their under-the-hill rivals to draw to a top heavy lead and to a 9-2 victory Sunday at St. Michael’s Oval, before a crowd that wa*. surprisingly large for the suddenness that the game was decided upon.'

The gam e, runaway as it seem s in i the outer garden Beans Zableski w asthe score, w as anything but that. It was a sizzler fo r excitement. The Polish-Am ericans, as was predicted, won. B ut only a fte r having to tight tor every van tage. For five innings, it w as anyone’s gam e, and if any­thing, the Dice’s . The younger team squeezed acro ss a run in the third and hung onto the slim lead.

S teven s Blows lip It was in the fifth that the Politi

cal Club th rust a pin into the rosy dream s o f the Dice. Their heavy artillery opened fire and before the

WE knew if we waited long enough a mystery would happen about This came from an unexpected source from that royal trium­

virate, Joe-Loski, Joe Majuchak and John Dwyer. A fishing trip was jyed, to—ratfrrr-endtnrxi hy t hem, accord ing to report.-«, at Bclm .irelTJuycu, ul Id

last Sunday.W e saw Loski first. It w as M onday and he walked slow ly,

a s if on eggs. T h e sailor’s roll which he had gained on the tr ip accounting for that, no doubt. H is hat was cocked hack on his head-— "becau se my forehead is sunburned,” he explainedquickly.Four fish were snared by the group Mr Loski went in lengthy

and intricate details. Into our ears he pourdcd a heart rending talc o f high sens, of sharks tweiify-five feet long; that threat« ned to cap size the tir.y craft, and of sea sickness..

Mr. Loski did not suffer from sea sickness. "Almost he confessed, freely, "but not quite. It was Joe Majuchak who was sick I caught all the fish." Later We met Majuchak And he told us a story. Willi

cleaner, the hitting was stronger, the ¡nnjn(? had ende(i they were in poK. team played like the aggregation that j «.«sion of five runs, started the season in such fine style. The inning started with two

Keay Turns in Neat Game | »cratch hits th at seemed harmless. William Keay pitched for our side [¡ut Stevens, the Dice flinger, weak-

jaroi the smiling one . was laughing eneij, He walked two In the inning, before the game was completed. Red an,j a Daj r nf doubles coupled withWas never in any sort of difficulty, two more sin g les gave the Polish- The tummy ache that bothered him j American’s their first blood. Nine the week before was gone to the j mcn faced Steven s in that session and place all properly behaved tummy 1 a]| took a substantial nip a t the ball, aches go, and Red whipped the ball The winners snapped up two runsacross to allow just four hits. 11“ in the seventh and two more in thestruck out six and failed to grant eighth. Petie Kowalski supplanted

j even a single pass. -Red was at his | Stevens oti the mound, in the seventh, Scotchest, Sunday. j but he w as hit freely. In the ei&hth,

It was just a pitcher's game through j Walters took his place and finishedj and through. Igmitz Miieski who the game.! has been known to'do a turn or ;<o| Gam e a Clean Onej on the mound romped merrily inj The Dice edged out their run in the j center field, snaring everything that [ third frame. “Junie” Soscienski

. . . . . . , , t , , . f i came his w«y «nd banging out a trio! walked at the start of the inning, heout embellishments he poured into our ears a story of high seas, of, of hits, two of which went for two | waa sacrificed to second and remainedsharks twenty-five feet long that threatened to Capsize the tiny craft, j bases. Bear Fox was another three there as the Leo Zemzuicki fanned

credited with a perfect day. He made several good catches and h i s 1 hitting a s usual, w as the backbone of the Polish-Am erican’s offense. ;

F o r the Dice, B ittner at third a n d ! Soscienski at short were features. I The la tte r also starred on the offense scoring the first Dice run.

Team s Will Probably Meet Again Now that the ice has been broken

and the water has not been found so bad, another gam e between the team s will no doubt be forthcoming. It should. What differences that ex ist between the clubs would be patched up very quickly.;

Also' it was shown by the unthusi- asm th at the gam es will alw ays draw. The b ig g e st collection at St. Michael’s Oval th is year w as taken up at thegam e; With more time- be fore thegam e to advertise, a b igger crowd could easily be attracted. •

Mr. and Mrs. William Coyle, of Stuy- vesant Avenue, are enjoying an auto­mobile trip to Canada, and the New England States.

O o rm o r Moor* com'erte» vith (Governor f'iiher of Pennsylvania over CM.iMieth telephone in S’eir Jersey, installed in the executive offteei.

day of May. and the occasion was mark. >1 by a call from f.ie Governor to Governor f ish e r of Pennsylvania.

Governor Moore called Cover.-or Fisher to lell him that the New jersey toell Telephor» Company had instai' zi its 6ttii.#W>th telephone, a i l that the growth r f Ih- telephone system "means a great deal to our Industrial tad c . cial world.”

as many or more telephones. There are more telephones in New Jersey nr.n- t h a n o n t h e entire c o n t i n e n t« n tSouth America and Africa, with half of Italy included. Almost 3,000,000 calls a day are l;a,'ag mad-' on the telephone here, using enough wire to reach to the moon nnd back more than flvs times.

a n d o f sea sickness.-O -

A L I. A T S E A

hit man and Mr. Vic Scelsa could not knock out any more than three

- singles,I In all the club collected fifteen

asthe next man. However, Petie Ko­walski hammered out a double to score the first run.

Zemzuicki turned in an ace highj y j R . MAJUCHAK did not suffer frlimsuffer from sickness "Almost

fessed freely, "but not quite. It was Joe Loski who was sick all the fish."

W ell, that was that. W e staggered aw ay in srarch o f a M r. D w yer who was not to be found. H is tali- would have settled the question o r perhaps it w o u ld . have added further to them ystery. A s it stands now, M r. Loski and M r. M ajuschak caugh t all the fish, neither was sea sick, though alm ost, yet b o h were sea sick. A rather contradictory m ass o f facts.The sea was rough, sharks abounded and the fishing snack

small. That both agreed upon. But as far as finding out who se a sick and who caught the fish, it seems impossible

, o -M O R E S P O R T O N T H E P A S S A IC

he con- I caught

bingles before calling it a day. Ted j performance. He was wild at the Allen who lamped them in the Co- j .start when he filled the bags with lumbus Club-Dice A. C. war last j only one out. But he gained his con-year, was behind the bat and sat

! isfied as usual.The line-up:



motor race.Plans have been completed for a fifty mile outboard to be held July 29, by the Lyndhurst Boat and Yacht Club

T h e race, according to advance inform ation, it to he one o f the biggest an d most origiital' v tunls ever pulled o ff on the P assaic. T h e race will start at the Y acht C lub , and a course will b e m apped to the Battery in New York. The trip back hom e will m ake nearly fifty miles o f travel.A large gold loving cup is to be given the winner^ And he shall

deserve it. Entries are pouring in. A large field is certain to start But the race is long for outboard motors, and it sec In > to he a case of “Many are called, but few arc chosen,” lor if a quarter of the original starters finish it will startle a la r e : umber’ besides the competitors themselves.


The race is bound to bring a large amount of credit to the local boat club Which will not be amiss. Ex-Commodore Jack Holden w’as one of the first to see the come back of the Passaic He spread thegerm to others. .--------------- • ------ —-------- -------- -— —.—-

A nd a d u b was form ed. A regatta was held, the first to be held on the old Passaic in a long, long time. I -1st year it h eld another one, and a third will be held in Septem ber.The river on Sundays and holidays hums with activity. Boats of

all sorts and descriptions race in and out the coves. It is with some satisfaction that it is realised that a local organisation was one of the pioneers in bringing the river back to prominence.

------------- 0T H E G A N G ’S A W A Y

AH R. H. PO A. E.Fox, s.s ........... . . 4 0 3 0 1 0Valenti, If 4 1 0 i 0 0Halm, üb ......... . . 4 1 1 2 3 0Miieski, c f . . . . 4 2 3 3 0 0Livelli, lb . . . . . . 5 2 2 12 1 0Landells, 2b , 1’ 2 2 2 0Scelsa, r f ......... 1 3 0 1 1Harbtisch, c . . . 5 1 0 7 1 0Ke«y, p ........... _5 1 1 0 1 0

Totals ......... 11 15 27 10 1SU P K R 10R S

AB R. H. PO A. K.Skrienek, ss 3 0 0 2 0 1Reickert, If . .. .. 3 0 0 8 0 0Henery, 2b 4 0 1 r. 1 ISpitzer, cf .. 4 0 1 2 0 2Nadler, rf . . . . 4 0 1 1 1 0Daeschler, lb .. 4 0 0 fi 0 2Barroline, 3b .. . . 3 0 0 1 1 0Schell, c ........... . . 3 0 1 fi 2 0Hessler, p . . . . 1 0 0 0 0 2Holzer, p ......... 2 0 0 i 2 0

Totals ......... 31 0 4 27 7 8Columbus Club . . . 211 111 004—11Superior A. C. . 0 0 0 on< 000— 0

trol and retired the side without a tally. He allowed just five hits and struck out nine.

The game produced all the bitter­ness that was expected, but it was for the most part cleanly fought. The crowd found plenty to yell about and did and for the entire nine innings

It was a triumph for both teams. Two local men umpired and from the players came absolutely no argu­ments. Walter Miller called them from behind the pitcher and Steve Colombcwsli tagged the— bases. Their performances were the high­lights of the day.

Fielding Wins for P. A.Very little went through the hands !

of the Polish-American's fielders and that was one of the big reasons for their success.

Korpalski at third and Lemonwitz at second played errorless ball. In

Rex TheatreRE-O PEN S

S a tu rd a y a t 2 p. m .JU L Y 2 1 st

w ith P H O T O P L A Y S a n d ------------

5 ACTS of exceUent VAUDEVILLEPopular Prices - - - Come Early

* * * Received-from far away,* * , * “The streams run clear, up this way, and fast. Big

trees, verdant foliage " Thomas Dominico, and James Veluta, presi­dent and vice president of the Rod and Gun Club at Sullivan County, N. Y.

* * * " 1,000 miles, and going strong,” A! Weyersberg andNat Kleber at Portland, Me.

* * * "1 am becoming positively virginal in this atmosphere,’'annonymous, etc.

* * * "A great life," Charley Lorden, Atlantic City.Sanches fight was as appealing as an

j unripe quince.

Runs batted in--Fox 2, Miieski 2, Scelsa 3, Keay, Livelli, Landells 2. Two-base hits—Miieski 2, Landells. Stolen bases— Barbusch, Scelsa. Sac­rifice hit—Valenti. Sacrifice flies— Halm, Skrienek, Reickert, Henery. Double play—Hessler to Henery to Daeschler. Struck out—By Keay (>, by Hessler 1, by Holzer 4. Bases on balls—Off Keay, 4; off Hessler 1, off Holser 2. Hits, Off Keay, 4; off Hess­ler, 5 in 2 innings; off Holzer, 10 in 7. Hit by pitcher—By Keay (Reickert,) Holzer), by Hessler (Scelsa). —Um­pires—Messrs, Allen and Jaugstetter.

- — —-o --------------

Hohokus Auto Races Postponed Until Sat.


1/ocaí Hoy Win« Seven of Eight Hounds—Had South American In Had Straits—l'eretti tiains Draw.

again Wwlnes-Jo e y Eulo warred day night an<l could d is a s t r o u s than gaining the decision | o ver Tommy Abobo, South American flyweight, in eight punchfui rounds j i t Hackensack. It was the second, time the boys have mingled anti the i result was a ditto of the first.

A1 Peretti, Joey Dorando’s local bantam, punched his way to a foUr round draw with Jimmy Randaxxo, of Clifton in a prelim.

Eulo Han Rasy Time For jeven rounds Mr. Eulo had a

party. He sat back on his heels and waited for Abobo to stick some por­tion of hi a anatomy within striking d i»tam *\ and when that happened his le f t flicked out and hooked him. Th“ monotony was varied when Joey sub­stituted a right hook for the left.

But worms and fighters sometimes tu rn , and Mr. Abobo did his turning

He race<) out

The heavy fain of last week left the race track at Hohokus in an unsafe condition and the Eastern Speedway Association found it necessary to post- pone the automobile events until this Saturday afternoon, July 21st.

Manager Eddie Otto, although dis­appointed in not being able to conduct

,the meet as scheduled, has been Al I erretti s habit of fighting in able to gather three more of the best

spurts cost him the decision in Ins j drivers ¡IT the Metropolitan area to fight. At that he seemed to have the compete in al) seven events, edge. Everythin* he landed he hurt,! -Wild Bill' Abertson, who created a but his inability to keep going after new track record over the Ttohokus landing a punch cost him the decision, j half mile course in the opening meet

Peretti Fights in Sp u rts

to nothing' mow I 'Tw* Mealy was alone in hislof the season, will be back in "an ef- idoa that the fight was a. draw. - j fort to break his own mark of 0.28

Every ringsider gave the fight to 4-5 seconds for the half mile.Al by comfortable margin.

-Oh---Charlie (ianung, popular driver who

cleaned up in many events at Hartford ¡last *ook, will Im» seert driving his

WEEK END GAMES I will handle his Hudson Special. L ast' — i week Hoffman met with an accident

T H E COLUM BUS C L U B m eets a t New Market, but h |s car is now in another Passaic League team . S u n -; g r e a t , shape. All together fifteen of day, at the Municipal Oval, in the the leading drivers in the E a st will Union A. C. w hich a t the moment i s . face the starte r » t 2:80. leading the parade in P assaic. The | With the new process used to settle Pros have already come to Town with the du st placed on the track again this

Y ou’ll Smile Too W hen Y ou Have Us D o Y our Painting and Decorating


the resu lt-th at is not remembered kindly by the local fans.

But Keay and Miieski will be on hand Sunday and in that duo Patem o ing moments, has perfect faith. Incidentally the Unions cleaned up the H onebeads.il-

week, fan s shSuld be able to watch the c a n a t all turns and on the straightaw ay and enjoy many thrill-

4 or by some such acore.

Unions Play Atbenia Hoys ClabIn the eighth inning, o f h is corner when the bell rang for th e final and proceeded to throw T H E UNION A. A. m eets the At- ■ » ) thing but ttermy the Barber’* > h e n « H..ys Club Sunday ait IS o ’clock ntwiant at Joey. And much of the a t St. Mike’s. The locals have not a ttac k landed.

F u r a minute Eulo was non plussed, b a t Stood his guard and then wadedin witli a stream ing fire of le fts and lig h ts .

JUtdbo, caught in a corner, proceed­e d to battle his way out. The round a n a m m . But it left such a taste In tfc» croud's mouth that the Harrison

seen action since the Merkin game. ) D em arest, Johnson or T a g g a rt will perform on the mound.

P. A . Plays At St. Mike s , MW men

THF. POLISH -A M ERICAN S a good team at the S t. Michaels Oval,

Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Velie o f Court Avenue are spending two weeks at Honesville, Pa.

Mm W vm émr f t» « C —Ta obtain Um stagi» grani al n f t u

which the women of America gave to Madam» Carle when ah* visited this country to 1021 required the working of 400 tool of m e and the labor of BOO men for a ll months. Daring the proctaa of extraction there were' coo so roed 10.000 tooa of distilled water, 1,000 too» of coal and BOO tona el


I *

W e Guarantee O ur W orkW hether you have just a small

job or a big one the correct mix- ' ing and brushing of the paint is

important to secure lasting ser­vice. O ur experience is your safeguard when you employ us to dp your paint work, both in­terior or exterior.

D on't discard that old furni-. ture, we can refinish ft to look like new.

Phone us. for an estimate which will be cheerfully given.

t342 Travers Place

D E C O R A T O RP h o n e R u t h e r f o r d 4 1 5 6 - 4 2 4 9 Lyndtarst, N. J.

local t o u c h of the V h m ' i Chria- tia a T M f t n n I ' i m at tk t c o n » t w which m M 4 a t Ocean G tot* mm W i t i r i i » ! u d Thursday of

L ju ftgit Notes

Mb« M artha Munn of W aaU aftea.N. J , kM I m t m a t a t t l a haaaaof Mr. and M ra J. Pitha of Ntotk M r ^ M rv BS tre e t ________ S t i j m n t A rm or haw bran «njof-

„ tag a vacation in Venaoat.Mrs. Georg* Sheary and family of ______Fourth Street, have returned from a w . . : dauahtar. a c t i « , a t Cheater, N. J . - ^ £ £ ^ a e * £ d Z f i X

Mrt. Thomas B. Walsh of Jaimeey S H E ^ A ™Avenue and Mr*. Frederick Volt of „ the Highlands.Kingsland Avenue, represented tte

V ict-r r » to» l| iBii. of Valley BrookAaaa..c ' i u iTUimci f ro a a H n


 Π® S Ï S f i IN COUNTRY HONOREDf a t W ater Witck.

Painter and PaperhangerM. KELLER & SON

P A IN T S — V A R N IS H E S and W A L L P A P E R

124 Stuyvesant Avenue Lyndhuwt, N . J.

Phone Rutherford 4112-J ,

Mr. and Mrs. J . S . L a tsh i, m l daughter M argaret o f Livingston Ave­nue, are enjoying a motor trip to

| Canada and N iagara Falls.

Mrs. Joseph Aldridge and son Sid­ney. o f Ja y Avenue and niece Miss

¡C ;r t r u Je Aldridge o f Lake Avenue have returned from a visit to New London, Conn., where they visited Mrs. A ldridge's son who ia a t the *uh- i ilfrine base there.

Hotmdel Agent Awar.-*sd National Vafl Madal, Cath. lor Saving

Another’« E y es tah t.— ,— -—j — — "J1""11 -J— * • - •, —

A New Jersey » « » ia Is uae of all individuate selected trom tiinasaada ia the telephone lad »»try ia tkia coaa try tor aattaaal aeard» this year ol Theodore N. Vail .bedal» la ioM sad silver. A silver medal and a cask award of fJM hate been ure.e tiled lo Mrs. Mary K Algor, asest ot the New

LyaAvst Ne*esMr m t Mrs.

ktagatead A VMM Mr. aad Mrs. Walte r Caltfonua. whe are tee» « • a atrip.

J t f k ' l a n a mt S ta r» » —»I %i has i v l s n M froai tar« e w k > « f e s t at C

fcw lJ UAirkrd T u

M iss Johanna Van der Spek, of W ebster Avenue, who has bet-n study-

j L 'j f :r . the ¡ i , i t year a t Oxford L'lU- j versity, England, is v isiting her mo­ther and brothers and siste rs in Lyttd- hurst fo r the summer. Miss Van der Spek will sail for India in September, where sha will be an instructor in a mission school.


Selected Photoplays \

Sundays Conhnuous

S u n d a y , J u l y 2 2 n d

“THE DESIRED WOMAN” with Irene Richa l s o

“THE PHANTOM OF THE TURF’ with Helene Costello

M o n d a y a n d T u e s d a y , J u l y 2 3 - 2 4

George Bancroft in “THE SHOWDOWN” a n d

Belle Bennett in “THE SPORTING AGE”

W e d n e s d a y , J u l y 2 5 O n t h e S c r e e n

Clara Bow in “THE KEEPER OF THE BEES”O n t h e S t a g e


T h u r s d a y a n d F n d a y 2 6 - 2 7

Syd Chaplin in “THE FORTUNE HUNTER”a l s o

“THE LAST WALTZ” with an all star cast

S a t u r d a y , J u l y 2 8 5 A C T S O F V A U D E V I L L E 5

O n t h e S c r e e n

“HELLSHIP BRONSON”with Mrs. Wallace Reid and Noah Beery

K i d d i e S p e c i a l S a t . M a t i n e e

W A K I N G U P T H E T O W N '

Mrs. Gertrude Dawson, and' son Cedric, of Stuyvesant Avenue spent Sunday at Allendale, Pa.

4 H t W r l ï oj M T! ksi 11 IONSBy H. I R V I N Q Kl HQ


The Lya.ih.irat t r e d e f s r t a a s t was « Med M l aa Titeada? «úgh! ta -re­sponse te a <-aU froan H..« t * roraer « f Milton and Summ t Aveaae«. bat lea mesi that it « a s another , f a ! » alarm Bach taps w vr* »fe « minutes later

E lisabeth Lindsay. daagktrr * f Mi and M r. Robert U ad tey ,.f S e . .« . ! Avenue Is enjoying .a m p life at l am p lludsMMA. where she wili stay f..» several aesrka

Milfwa s a l a d í a parta»* weeid eee», «hi» ha«* basa k as* Waawat Maearr a a I te n teal U t a We»» s re gmag to

they —

•af«U».,„«ally CrïteM.White sad la r ry heat

i la M y a i

te•< a

baa la

" , K ' ' i v V ,L x V r > « " ‘ W o s t a rI » M»tt»r imI «aj / .


l>n IVtllKei M «I Uao* I»OKtUCK YVl CAI «K

M \ T t ’K M S i» tM i 't r V ô u O m _.U*f fli the b u t t V# J Un i r

i h*« in« riKitHI*J «aatoWr « u •j trwar am*U«lt .»f (Kt fcscr«.«^!

la Ma of Ih« a* i l latUh«Ut. n

tt».l«b» hl» iWM* «ni t Hir v u rt iIt I» ttW TT«^ IM» r W

m i k p lay « H i T u r a t e ; w % »

“ The Hla te a t l*Ttace.~ ptaya the part. M - - —- - - . -- a4 s^a ^ a • - —M ■ V ‘'w nw T w rilll§ W>V*tare ta t|w N ea M»rte wterb te tade apteaty Novare» plays ) h . part a . tteeagh he were bara t* lt. aad m «.•tag ae aaerety eia platee the aetMa» • f toa o a a aaceeto»» «h» . u w t» Am enca iweeral res ta ñ es bask Ms» celate I h ) bas the fsature.) f»a iw s>M e ta thè po tare

The aaasciate feature » « t be Mete Iteaw ts us “ The F ifty Fifty t a r t "

r w present day "W ild Party " a» a » it hw»w« ta ati its phase* in I » » , is r a t I rei y a ttwdtni ia»eath<a, which has sprw a« up d aH ag the la st eight year», acvsxvting te h o tert Kan» eh a sa p ie tà » . "M ad H ear” is to piai • a Wednesday aiwt T h aralay "M ad H oar.* tabea froaa H in .» Ulya's st»ry “The Man and the M oaaeat.* te a ls B«th J a » lev mg* a s s b n ysatth. a tth Its a 111 parties, aad the n a ^ HWs t r s H I a l n s > t be pahl "The»* ae re pleat» of evil» I» past years, bal i te «tenterete .•rgaaiaattoa o f a a» ailed atM party bv > »ang p e o p t m a

U Brother* wttk Marted Uayd Aa aetattea thniksr a aaw pair <f

lever». Fa» M ra j *md tiary t'aa fee m a g teal ptr ta sa - “The le f ta a «f Ite t'- a t ia a ii t . ‘ whwb will pkay «a F tt day aad Aatanday Fraaa eear» »a»»e» e l t te » —rid they m«aa That ea liaat kaad J t e tlw a te e e test tltoabaa aiet

had I te rf ♦•eryttoa* to ttte bad te s t» .aad deaik tte y aagetty ««a r t» I A

•eaaatiosial a** ttery ilrama *f tte atr- With i ; |o. wsmi Veaag I s s s f . ThrtlHag aad'.terns* with t te appeal »f "ttsaa Geste“' and "Mia*a~ «»i» biaed |ti reeled ky a <aaa a t e bisase If »as an a.*

Sow plating Wat1«** Itesry sn l (Uysn.a.1 Ils!« « ta “The Wife Mas er»“ aad “T hè I*»*» Net“ a tth G»*r»e Ban.r».ft

O H i m t i i N

ta last weaks sditi*<a of t te I s a k t a s States! that Mr* Martel hear a represaatative to stale <os«a*iil TV article sh aald base read Mrs M %*iie represaatattse I» « ta te ■' la te tl » •* t y*a r a

Mise M art. Ms ve* *t f l f tk A s * aae an>l Mt»» IB«i» T ai» aiar *t N e s

_arh—A seaae are_< » k i h | t s s ■ a e s A s

INS.OHt'KHKlV that alt t - t a a i

m Ih«! Unta

I 1 E R K !s h fiu|»*»i>itltIon w hlvb . » r- * * c o n l ln g to 1 1»«* Auit>rK nii I- ««Ik L o re U fo u n d in (he K urN t*rthesH t. IVrhiLiw th e sam e s to ry , o r » o m e th ln * v e ry lik e It. 1« toM In o th e r sec tio n * o f th e c o u n t ry ; v e ry lik e ly so f o r I ts o r ig in lie s dcvp In a n d e n t n iy tiio lo jf) T h e s to ry Is ms fo llo w s : A n o ld tra m p -w o m a n ra m eto a h o u se W here th e r e w ere tw o l i t ­t l e c h i ld re n a n d . th e i r p a r e n t s b e in g a w ay , s h e p u t th e c h i ld re n In to th e o v e n a n d ~ h a k e d th e m . W hen th « p a r e n t s c a m e h o m e a n d open ed th e o v en d o o r th e c h i ld re n r a n out In th e s h a p e o f tw o l i t t l e h e a r s W hich a c ­c o u n ts f o r th e p la n t ig r a d e feet o f h e a rs . T h e m y th s o f Is ts an d o f lH »m eter a r e e v id e n tly reupoiiM ihle fo r th i s s u p e r s t i t io n . In c id e n ts In (h e liv e s o f e s c h o f th e x e goddesscN hnv*I n r In th e c o u rs e o f so m e th o u s a n d s o f y e a r s s u ffe re d s l ig h t clum p*« a n d a d a p ta t io n s ?

Isl« in her w a n d e r in g s In se a rc h o f th e bo d y o f O siris , c a m e to th e h o u se o f a c e rh i in k in g d is g u is e d a s ’‘a p o o r t r a m p w o m an " a tid w a s en g a g ed a s n u r s e f o r tl ic k in g ’s so n . K very d a y , w hen a lo n e w ith th e c h i ld , Imín us*m1 to p u t h im In t l ie O re w ith th e In te n Ü on, o f g r a d u a l ly tm m in g s w a y u u 4 h o m a . M rs . A4s*tf r* -m e « h* re d TAM


Je r s e y B e ll T elep h o n e Coi psny a l H oim del. ‘ fo r in ltta iiv e , t r u r v ^ f a t nesit. iM *rslstenve snd J r v t h u to pab lie s e rv ic e ."

H tg io n sl a s a rd « o f biv n ie Vstt- Mctialh w ere m ade s e v e r s ! s e e k s sg o to »Mr>. A lgo r. Mr». M ar) t'tnik, ot N ew srk . and .Mis* Kuth A l*ease. o p ersto r at K lm er. Tb** a st lo isl aw ard o f a s i lv e r m ed al super» ded tbs bronse a w a rd t u r Mr*. A lgor.

T h e a w a rd to M rs A lgor a s s tor sav in g a w o m a n s ey e sig h t through reso u rc e fu l p e rfo rm sn c s o f her duty a s a te lep h o n e o p erato r. Oa duty one e v e n in g at the ilolm d< I sw itch board M rs. A lg o r mm« a d v u « d (roin N ew Y o rk that a w om an who g s v e her a d d re s s a* n ear l lo lt id«*! had taken a b o ttle o f s !t| front a drug store in p lace o f an eve« .ru p pr« scrip tio n . Hhe ca lled the \m s tm sm er, learned th e w om an s s * s u lster of a man liv in g about iU rsr m iles a w s y . and tried to ca ll him w ithout su ccess. Sh e re c a lle d that th« ntsu \«at d est, and m ade rea d y to drt*« to his hon»f with the w arn in g , bu! w h l !9 w aitin g "1 fo r an a ss is ta n t to com e tit ta k e o ver tb s sw itch b o a rd succeeded la rest b ing n eig h b o rs sn d learn ed no one w as

Altai fVdh] ra ta l« ihm Mhi U «i«e*aInVhtnl. mi tnnkt M um (Sta ..««ti •« «In

ÍVejirl M waw m Ih» »M» (“S ' t v 1 lh 4aj »SIS «I I#AM It. »h<*. I tkUte Wttk » . asst* w vkf tfc*«I 't laiKla Imipiii««!* K*f*4ittn>it*u I irai ratatr o( m i! J,>«ui S h t l .« * 4« t «>aairst a>t..ul t «toa»« h* k.4i aa « i l i U •uftu le n t to . hta k h u

II la tUr U.*f t> H !i»H »J> tR «t th»a .•rvirr I« tti Uw t%wu»«*ee «aii s t á l f , t Ih« m* m a»«*jpr * • a l tiSle*t»l* ft-r « il s p t à i a t t»*«t itw « i» »«a a

w , u i i t r t i rj m4éV'

I : HI .A t V W ir liM i ü k jc- . .. .M u r iu |« lf

V% N .iH D tN K S M K r.P h n l t i f «f Iv ti t im w i

1<? (Muÿ^aaant O r * »U n d h u r tL »N J


Imagine they art* practicing economy by paying about hilf the amount they used to.Years of experience has taught us that we can­not give a good and lasting permanent, nor c.ui anyone e ls e . --------------


m ortal p a rts and en d u in g him w ith Im m ortality. O ne d a y th e king cam e home and caught h er a t It. *tt-p|M>d the p roceed in gs an d th e child th us lost h is ch an ces o f e n tire Im m ortal­ity , rem nlnlnjr h n lf m o rta l and h a lf a god.

In the sam e w ay lH*iueter. search Ing fo r i»«*r d a u g h ter Persephone, cam e a* a "piM»r tram p-w om an " to the house o f d ie k in g -o t K leusl* and Iwing given sh e lte r w a s caught on *

th e m sn o cc as io n a lly catted a b roth er in N ew Y o rk , located the b ro th er at a N ew Y o rk hotel and g a v e him the w arn in g messa*«» bar« I y In tin ts to p reven t h is i l s le r vi t u * w as w llh him from usin g the a d d on b«t e y e s by m istak e

M rs. C o o k 's region al h ro a se s wa r d w ss fo r pullin g s g irl to sa fe ty who fe ll in to s s fs t r w « II in one o f the C 'om pany's b u iid in v* in N ew a rk last Ju n e .

M iss l*eas«< las* D ecem ber durin g a

K f f f i ON A D P iR K e T A V

i M l l I t O l l

A m an atM* t«> hta h»ll l«> hr in g c a re fu l in h»» esp irm lH u r»*

Hut don't »tint p H i r » l f s h r u It com e« to r lo th e a

— j< iw*k It kr a h ig h p ru e ,! maf» an*i it m aÿ ititi » ..m*-1 ^ir.g t» >t»ur s a la r )

I t 's InhiiuI to s ik i to p s t tust Isfacth tfi

A n y h o w ytni ca n s a v e a t**t a ~ tnttfir) b y p a rtK a » tn g p n t i w a rd rtd ir s i t r p * . - i im at t h o s h o p o th er fo lk s h s i r

H A N H I N <» 1« pM i n s s i t o r

IT I S t H p m s i U t , I i s d k s u il ’hofie Nut tir r fa a «m| . l l . ’ l K


7-9 Franklin PlaceP h o n e R u t h e r f o r d 2 6 5 5 * ^

We have the same satisfied customers each year. Our prices v e right and within reach of all.


d a y by the hitic bttkltig Ills ch ild In the Are w ill. th.. Inl.-ntlon .,f 1h u . ! * ' » ™ Pr»m |.Hv and I n te l l l^ n t ly

e o n fo rr ln * t„ s .t . II '» .m o r t a l i t y T h .. * d u r ' " r * ° 10 *ancestre»iw*i o f th e |MM»r (ratiip w om an o f the first sto ry a re apparent T h e t**nr part o f the s*>ry Is sub gented by llie p lau tig ra d e , fi*«*l of that anim al w hich so stro n g ly resem ble the f<»et o f a limn. A s in the chm-h of

Roosevelt Dance Palace558 Stuyvesant Avenue Tel. Rutherford 2561-W

HALL TO HIRE FOR ALL OCCASIONS6 B o w l i n g A l l e y s a n d 4 P o o l T a b l e s

R u t h e r f o r d - B e l l e v i l l e B u s P a s s e s t h e D o o r

S t a g e 2 6 X 1 8 — 2 D r e s s i n g R o o m s

A N D R E W K R A F T , P r o p .

T h e list o f national s w a r d s u lh e rthun that to Mr», A lg o r Includes on«gold m ed al to Fred K llro w n , te lephone fo rem an In V erm on t, srho Inthe N ew tCngisnd flotn) last full s w u n g x

. . . . . , . . out on a f e w rem stntrig wi r . » over aIientHer «t..I M s the tti.kl.iu .f 11.,• rM lBf ^ „ rr , r, p„ ü „ , wtr. , 1Ild UBchildren w..s not ".an data, the chII | 0 | bm< k t J Uu4(Iren «e re li-ft 111 tit* anonmhin.condition of I In* clillilicn exp.-iliiiitii _ ______ ___ ___... ¡,ed upon by .the "poor trunp-tromen’ ¡ ,of the myt Ita. ' Col, «mi Mr, , I li «si. togrtlier with

l¿& bv MrClur. Npsi|»pvr Syndu».. I M?ljor ami Mrs. Jotiee of the Army t>— — I W ar College, were the week-end

guests o f Col. and Mrs. Dickinson a t Sea G irt, N. i ,

jO o a a a a a c a o p p B M PPOMOQWMB P B K


( h o u r M r dt» dnd Cirtxene»

I i m t. and \ egetaldes

151 Htdge Rd l yrislhitrst

I’hi.rur *19 Rui}i«rrlar»r 'y

î o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o n o o o o .-

NEW! “KUTK"Ked Knamcl Jaekctcd Doliera

I« k swsisap ««fti tla mmJLtm i —tsw Im asm U*«U« «•Ha«* Im « U • k^«i«n p|aM lM will i s l i l l is iH 1 « M i « * « Im « « » l i a i p « w « m m m , t m J « • « W « f s * l i « « a H s » •»a* »«a«« Istitiit'i ta Haawttlwl R«4 l a « a d sSk HU l m i i i l i f mm M * 4 f « e f m» ÿ * M a « s e l « f i l a t i » I m » « « a IImi Sm S «aailxt 4 « * l i l « |

V s i Im* mm U — IW>4 à s v l s f S s t n «# i

i m : T lt lT « IIFK C O M P4V Ttodi ta I n a « » , V a tA . % I

Um* tm b II I m i ttlk W ( haapa M l h* l i a i W


5 0 3 8 0 8 3 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 3 0 0 0 t

P H O N E R U T H E R F O R D 47>o F(^R A P K > IN T M E N T S

Town Hall Barber ShopAND BEAUTY' PARLOR

Expert Ladies H a ir Bobbing D O M IN IC K B O N G IO R N O Prop

Formally with Jo h n Frangipane 312 VA LLEY B R O O K AV E. L Y N D H U R S T , N J.


Phone R. n tKc'rf « »r«I

Michael PalazzoT R U C k i N f i ^rid i r x p k iù v ;

L o c a ! a n d P i s t u r u r

2 0 4 K m g * la n d A v r .

I vfullmr*!, N. J

3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C

**No girl ahouid let a fellow kl»*I tie r ju s t b ecau se he ese o rty- lier liotm; ^ ^ i s a y s F lip p an t F lo ; “ she sliould ! >' uk

up som e o th er reas<rti.**I »■ iCoprrtsat I


•j j s z . ’Q S

TO I lLO IItl o r

Third Liberty Loan Tonds

pUe. f r a - Nea" Y a r k .fi ] - N «M» —

The Treaaury o le ra a new M per cam 12-1 i year Traaaary bond ai rsc hange 1er Third Liberty Loan itoada.The new bonda win bearinter set froea J a ly 14. I M , Inter eat oa Third Liberty

«change will be paid- - - • n u

wm aaa a s a i l s '


. Haidars ahoald caaaiilt banks at once 1er h a tter da­tali» ot this odorate

n U U U t r U i B a Am atar» o a ih p tm mh i t IS , - a I 1S2S . anti trfll m a M S aar a tfe re tt oat tk a t d a la

* . '

A W MELLON.B a c rrta ry ol tita T l l n a y

laly V I « »




BUNGALOWSBúngalo» i, 1600.00 up


cur^m, « J.Tai. Sterseaad SIM

G -O S M - ^ CYour? DOCy

U O O K í >

5MAÍ?Tj "

T( ô /h a (?t ! i'll

nf SAV MB I S ' fr

J ? „ > — i nUs

I C A M f b H I M - t -1' A ( ? P M H J C r O lM ( » S T A N D

o n V O U ß H I N D L E G S o ai a i h * t y o u f *

3 / — A N D HE LL CiThEÍ?D o IT Oil Ml*

W O N ’T- !

y if

intrlligerwe, b y d ix . .uiitnii; hi* InlU tlicfcl»y mmii^ '(k. jwr t t»

.And in the c<>fhi<>rt «>1 hi* lv>me he IccU tn u r t ' Arid »h i1*« rru!

W hen a n u n «rdem RivTtwdr » relulile iUmii «.• «ekl Iw k«4» tnuft

Riverside Coal & Supply Co.Phone Ruilwrlofti 1075



í> M cC lure N ¿w jp ap « r S yndicate





J U S T H U M A N S» y O e n t C a r r LÜ

Onp of the striking: advances in motor car construction is the higher standard of inspection and assembly.

An ('xariiple Is tfie new practice (ft the Hudson Motor Car company in hand-fitting all pistons individually into cylinders, even a fte r a number of previous steps apparently have as­sured a perfect standard of work­manship. The new practice on Hud­son Super S ix es is described a s fo l­lows:

First, the cylinder bores are tested fo r accuracy and fo r size with Johansson gauges. Then pistons are selected for the individual cylinders— likewise measured by the Johanssons. These tests generally are considered to assure satisfactory results, since Johansson gau ges are science’s most accurate instruments.

But Hudson has how added an op­eration o f hand-fitting the measured and inspected pistons into the m eas­ured and inspected cylinder bores. A clearance o f two thousands of an inch


The entertainment committee o f the S tar of the J . Morgan Read Coun­cil, No. 44, Daughters o f America, held a meeting on F rid ay evening a t the home o f- the chairm an, Mrs. Muriel N ear of Page Avenue, whena rrangement s were m ade for apeach sociable and dance to be held by the Council a t the Odd Fellows Hall on Wednesday evening, August 3. Mrs. N ear was made chairman of the sociable and M rs. Arthur Schreckenstein was made the secre­tary of the committee.

The members of the committee

is satisfactory ; but one o f 2 ' i thous­ands causes a rejection and the selec­tion o f a new piston.

This closeness o f fit, it i s declared is possible because the Hudson pis-

j tons are built with a double strut invar non-expanding steel. It is said that these pistons can be fitted

i safely to even a closer fit than the ! old tim e cast iron ones, and that j they have the additional advantage J o f lightness to assure rapid accel l eration and smoothness.

All pistons in a set m ust match in weight, as well as fit perfectly into the individual cylinder bores.

Hudson engineers say th at these j standards have improved still further j the performance and durability of the | motors, and are an insurance against piston slap o r rapid cylinder bore j wear.

Hand-fitting hitherto has been an operation to be found only in the

highest priced cars. 7— ——

present on Friday everting were Mrs. Muriel N ear, Mrs. C lara Stegan , M iss Sadie Enders, M iss Celina Wheaton, M iss Ruth Stevens, Mrs. Lillian Johnson, Miss Phoebe Schnei­der, Edward B ayers, H arry Quinzer, George Quinzer, Theodore Quinzer, and Herbert Clutter.

The next meeting of the commit­tee will be held a t the home o f Mrs. Theresa Schreckenstein a t 294 Stuy- vesant Avenue, on Monday evening, Ju ly 23.

" T H E Y SA Y H E ’S S O M E B R IG H T B I R O ."“T H A T ’S O N LY S IN C E H E W E N T IN T O T H A T G R A F T 1*

Mrs. William Coyle o f Stuyvesant Avenue, Democratic committeewoman from the fourth district, w as one of the guests a t the Sm ith dinner at the home of Mrs. R. A. Allen, a t River­side Drive and Eighty-second Street, la st Tuesday.

R E X T H E A T R E2 Î4 Park A venue E ast R u therfo rd , N . J.

Continuous Performance Saturday, Sunday and Holidays

Sun day , Ju ly 22 ‘ O n e D ay O n ly

R eginald D enny in “ G O O D M O R N IN G JU D G E ”

Rex 5 Act Vaudeville Bill

M onday, T u esday , Ju ly 2 *-24 T w o D ays

Lila Lee in “ A B IT O p H E A V E N ” V iola D ana in “T H A T C E R T A IN T H IN G ”

W ednesday, Thursday , F riday , July 25-26-27 Three D ays

V irginia V alli in “ L A D IE S M U S T D R ESS” T om M ix in “A R IZ O N A W IL D C A T ”

Satu rd ay . Ju ly 2H_______ r>— r>

A n to n io M oreno and C laire W in d so r in “ N A M E L E SS M E N ”

Rex 5 Act Vaudeville Bill

Lyadhint Not« L E G A L N O T IC E,

t o w n s h i p o f l y s d h v h s t . n j . 5 5 - f c T t i ™ ‘S T 'th .“ I th e bids.

fro m th e A rch itec t upon aeouaii »10.00 In c u t w h ich will upon delivery of Um plans to th e A ^ t* ?l . c f ha-fo r* - t h e t i m e t t f t h a -

Mrs. and M iss E . Wolf o f Kings- 1 land Avenue, and M rs. J . Carley Gill of P ag« Avenue are touring to Canada stopping a t a ll points o f in­terest.

Mr. Joseph N ullert, Sr., is sailing Friday , Ju ly 20th, fo r a trip to Hon duras and N icaragua, Central Ame'r ica.

M iss Susette Thom as is visiting her sister Mrs. C arl Albrecht, 545 Lake Avenue.

John Patterson, driver of the Valley


H E A T IN G a n d V E N T IL A T IN G C O N T R A C T O R S

H E N R I D ANTOND a te d : J u ly I I , 1»M . “ « H e t Clerk.

Hid« a re h ereb y so lic ited by th e B oard K ducation o f th e T ow nsh ip o f L ynd-


N. fo r -» B lan a g s y s te m to

initta lled in th e 1 Lincoln School build

of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _h u rs t. C oun ty o f n r» hr* tin g andhe -..‘T - j 1— — —------------ — ------in« a t R idge R oad , in acco rdance w ith p lan * an d aoeciflcation* p rep ared fo r •am«* by A. L. V eaiian te , A rch itec t, i t f»assMic- S t . G arfleid . S . J . » *

S e p a ra te b ids a r e h ereby a lso so lic ited fo r h11 la b o r an d m ateria l^ req u ired fo r ic rneral co n tra c t w o l'Work, c a rp e n te r woi fo r re p a irs an d a l te ra t io n s building, in acco rd an ce w ith p lana and spe<iArafciona p re p a re d fo r sam e by aa id A rchitect-

All b iddera are to submit alternate n » ». J * J J bida an d separate blda aa required byBrook Hook and Ladder, is recover- th e s p e c if ic a t io n tind a ll bida muat be ing from an operation for appendici- accom pan ied by a caah o r certifled . . . check d raw n to the order o f the B oardtifl a t the Hackensack Hospital. o f E d u c a t io n o f Ljndhurrt. N. J.. in

th e fo llow ing a m o u n t: F o u r <4% >

m a t e r i a l n q u i m i l o r o rk . Including m ason work, etc .. requ ired ra tio n « In M id school

T O W N S H IP O F L .Y N DH V R8T, N. J

N O T IC E TO C O N TRA CTO RS O R D IN A N C E NO. * « 5 4 - «

S E A L E D p ro p o sa ls w ill be received b . th e B oard o l C om m issioner« o f th e T o - „ ■hip o f L y n d h u rs t. N ew Je rsey ,. a U l a r M eeting o f th e s a i d B oard t o £ held l~ th e T o w « H a l» ^ a l l w b r o o k a » 5 W e a r t A venues, on M o n d iy ' Auau.1 • th . H J I a t « P.M . P re se n t Tim e f "i th e C onstruction o f S to rm W a te r Hew.r G rading; en d c o n s tru c tio n o f C u rb G ui t e r an d 1» B itu m in o u s M acadam Dat.." m e n t upon K ir S tre e t betw een For*.« A venue an d D ead end , o r ' “'

Mrs. A rthur Gamblin of Oriental Place who has been in ill health for several months, has returned from a v isit a t the Hijcon farm at Bridge- ville, very much improved in health.

_____ - _ . Vjn PIK*r ce n t of the a m o u n t o f th e bida fo r !

e a tin g and V en tila tili*— . . an d T h ree H u n - G eneral C o n -

Mr. and Mrs. John Bell o f Ten Eyck Avenue have been enjoying a motor trip to A tlantic City.

d r e d < |3ViM D o lla r* t r a c t .

T h e B o a rd o f E d u c a tio n r e s e rv e s th e r i g h t to r e je c t a n y a n d a l l b ida.

A ll b id a m u a t h e e n c lo a e d in a s e a le d e n v e lo p e a n d d e liv e re d to t h e u n d e rs ig n e d in t h e H ig h S ch o o l B u ild in g , F ^ m A v e ­n u e . L y n d h u r s t . N . J . . o n o r b e fo re e ig h t ( 8 ) P .M . ( D a y l ig h t S a v in g T im e ) T u r s - * d a y . J u l y 31. 1928. a n d n o b id s w ill b e r e c e iv e d a f t e r t h a t tim e .

P l a n s a n d s p e c if ic a t io n s m a y be h a d 1

P lan s , specifica tions an d o th e r In fo rm a­tion m a y be o b ta in ed a t th e office o f i t , . T ow n sh ip E ng ineer, T h o s F . Bowe (M r R B row n) In th e A ssocia tion Bulldln» E a s t R u th e rfo rd , N ew Je rsey . '•- All p roposals m u s t be enclosed In » p ro p e rly sealed envelope, p la in ly m a rk , ,I on th e ou tside , w ith th e n am e of the b id d e r, and th e n a tu r e of th e bid con ta in e d the re in , a n d b id m u s t be sccom pan led by a C ertified check in T en IW C en t o f the bid to ta l . A ll checks to be m a d e o u t to th e o rd e r o f •‘T h e Town sh ip o f L y n d h u rs t.’* n

T he B osrd o f C om m issioners reserve th e r l* h t to re je c t a n y and a ll b ids fo r a n y cau se w hatso ev er.B y O rder B oard o f C om m issioners

D O M IN IC K J . L IV E L L I T ow nsh ip Clerk

D s te d a t L y n d h u rs t. N . J. on J u ly 18th, 1 I J I .

New Vacation Clubs Are

Many people in this community

have cashed in their Vacation Sav­

ings Club accounts and now have

plenty of money to go on their va­

cation. You may be sure, everyone

is starting a new account for next

year. We welcome you to come and

let us explain about this splendid

system. You may start for as little

as fifty cents.


Stuyvesant Avenue (comer Court Avenue) Lyndhurst, N. J.

T he C om m ercial L ead er’s H om e A d v ertise rs’ P ag e_ _ _ _ _ _ does rr pa y to a d v er tise?

The Commercial Leader Presents to its Readers a Series of Sketches of Prominent Business Men and Concerns

L. N. NICHOLSON & CO. JOHN T. COLLINST hey A re Leaders In T h e R eal Estate

A n d Insurance Business In T h is Com m unity.

In this review of the onward progress o f this sec­tion the Commercial Leader wishes to refer its readers attention to the L. N. Nicholson Co., located at 147 Stuyvesant Avenue, Lyndhurst, a s iriost re­liable real estate dealers. They are men whose word you can rely upon and who enjoy an enviable reputation for straight-forw ard dealings. Those who have property which they wish to dispose o f to ad­vantage, will do well to consult the L. N. Nicholson Co., for they will be able to obtain for them the highest price that the market perm its, and those who wish to purchase cannot do better than to have a conference with them, for they are fam iliar with many parcels of valuable real estate which can be bought to great advantage. They also write in­surance in all its different branches.

The Commercial Leader is pleased to commerid this very enterprising concern to its readers.

Lyndhurst Sheet Metal WorksFrank Polka and O tto J. Brusko P rop’s.

T hey are Experts In A ll T h a t P er­tains T o V entilating, Cornices, Skylights, T in and Sheet M etal W ork.

Established 45 years— C onducts A Fun­eral D irecting H om e T h a t Doe? C red it T o T h e C om m unity.

The inevitable in these practical; tim es is faced somewhat differently from the older days. When death comes to fam ily or friend now "there is not so much sentiment displayed. We accept the situa­tion gracefu lly and proceed quietly to do our duty by the departed. In this respect, the experience and latter day methods o f John T. Collins, located at 19 Lincoln Avenue, Rutherford, aids much in the passing event. He assum es fu ll charge of all funeral arrangem ents and moves about in his solemn duty in such a manner a s to relieve the living from a s much serious thought and sorrow aa possible. He is thoroughly schooled in his calling and is in keeping with the demands o f the present day. John T. Collins, has an up-to-date equipment and service the best, and conducts a complete funeral directing service a t m ost reasonable charge. He con­ducts branches a t C arla ta Jt and Hasbrouck Heights. Phone RutKerford 629.

A. C. WINDSORM ost Progressive G eneral C o n trac to r

and Builder.

J. T. WILSON & CO.They Specialize In Real Estate and

Insurance.The Commercial Leader wishes to direct its i

readers attention to the splendid work turned out by Frank I’olka and Otto J . llrusko, and who con­duct the Lyndhurst Sheet Metal W orks, located at 137 Stuyvesant Avenue, and who devote themselves to all kinds of sheet metal work o f every description, including gutters and leaders.

They have the best o f equipment for giving prompt tyid efficient service to all, and with it, their charges are always fair and reasonable in every way. They can make most anything that is made from sheet metal, and have alw ays made it a point o f seeing to it that every customer is a pleased and satisfied one. A s a result, Frank Polka and Otto Brusko in the short time that they have been in business inLyndhurst, they have already gained the good will and established a splendid patronage of the people o f this community. The Commercial Leader predicts for these young and enterprising men a fa s t growing successful business, which they Justly deserve. Phone Rutherford S376 and a representative will gladly call on yon. *

In th is review, the Lyndhurst Commercial Leader wishes to give prominent mention to J . T . Wilson and Co., who are located at 136 Stuyvesan t Avenue, Lyndhurst, New Je rse y , and who have gained a splendid reputation in the realty field, and also for

j doing their part in boosting th is section. J . T. Wil- | son and Co. tran sacts a general real e state and

insurance business, and are well prepared to give clients the best o f service in every way. Their busi­ness has been built upon the firm foundation of strict Integrity in every business transaction, it is their desire to be o f the greatest assistance and service to all who have dealings with them.

J . T Wilson and Co. know realty values tB It* every detail, and no person i* better prepared to handle your interests in this line than they are, for they safeguard their client in every way, and omit nothing that will be for their beneflt, in consequence, they have gained the highest esteem o f all with w h oa they have came in

I t i s alm ost Meedtegg to inform our readers of this progressive numtier, that New ark is the home o f a number o f very large and m ost efficient contracting firms, one of them is A. C. Windsor with offices at 717 Broadway, North Newark, and who is practical in the building line and supplemented by wide ex­perience and honorable fulfillm ent o f contracts, Being progressive and enterprising, he prom ptly furnishes estim ates for all kinds o f building work. During his career in N ew ark ,lie has completed many important contracts, and a t the present tim e has the contract fo r the new public library in Lyndhurst, Which is f a s t nearing completion._ Mr. W indsor has built up a m ost substantial

business through his honorable and conscientious dealings, and gives his personal attention to every contract that he enters into, therefore he is deserv­ing of a g re a t deal of credit fo r his p a st success. Honorable in every way, progressive and public spirited to a degree, he ia a man th at the Com­mercial Leader desires to give its hearty commenda­tion and bespeaks for him an ever grow ing successful business. Phone Branch Brook 0263.

F. USK0WHis Products Are Favorites Through-

out This Entire Community.There are reasohs for the success of the above

bakery which is located a t 100 Stuyvesan t Avenue. In the first place, Mr. Liskow the proprietor of this enterprising bakery, has had large and extensive experience a s a practical baker, and in the second place, he u ses only the very beat of floor, butter and other pure ingredients in the m anufacture of his bread, p iss, cakes and the many other bakery dainties, and the plaqjt which ia moat sanitary throughout, ia fully up to the requirements of good'

G. AND F. FURNITURE CO.A. Fineman and H. Fineman Prop’s.

A Credit to Lyndhurst Is This Big and Well Stocked Furniture Store.

That Lyndhurst is rapidly assum ing the a ir o f a metropolitan shopping center, is dem onstrated in the store and the business of the G. and F. Furni­ture Co., located at 485 Valley Brook Avenue, fo r it is truly a b ig store not only in appearance, but in the extent, character and quality o f stock carried a s well a s in its manner o f doing business. It is truly a store th at does credit to Lyndhurst a s well a s its owners. A t least a full page o f the Commercial Leader would be required in doing justice to this splendid exam ple o f successful m erchandising in Lyndhurst. F o r the tim e being, we can only refer to it briefly, suffice, th at the G. and F. Furniture Co., make a special business of household furniture o f every description, furnishing the home complete.

They a lso carry very extensive lines o f carpets, rugs, linoleum and m any other very useful articles fo r the home on easy payments. It is a plain priced store, and aa it keeps iU faith with the public in every other essential and under the new management aim to give prompt and efficient service and enjoy the people's confidence and tran sacts a large busi­ness. Their prices, quality of goods and liberal treatm ent o f custom ers attract» buyers from a wide territory surrounding Lyndhurst.

JERSEYSTEAM LAUNDRYA Complete Up-To-Date M o d e r n

Steam Laundry.A laundry that is meeting the requirem ents of

the people o f this entire community in a m « t y - - i - factory m anner is that o f the Je rse y Steam U u n d . v located a t 331 Green Avenue.

This laundry is well equipped r n d prepared to render the best of service in this line o f wor< frrm flat work, fam ily wash, rough dry and finish work, they have gained a splendid reputation for the quality o f work turned out and the prompt service rendered, In consequence, they have gained a con

VIVERS GARAGEAn Accessory And Service Station

That Is A Credit To The Section.That the V iver’s G arage and Service Station lo­

cated a t 700 R idge Road is a m atter o f much con­venience to car owners living n ear or passin g that way is quite evident in the very liberal patronage it receives. The services rendered a t th is well known garage is alw ays so prompt and satisfactory in every way, that m any people go out o f their way to obtain i t Only the best g rades o f g a s and oils a s well as accessories are carried a t this popular garage .

A fully equipped mechanical shop is maintained fo r the repairin g o f all makes o f cars by expert mechanics who know the business from A to Z.

Your w ants are quickly served, and i f you are not acquainted with the splendid service alw ays at your command a t Vivers G arage, you ought to be, for its really worth bearing in mind. N ext time you are in the vicinity and your ca r goes wrong or needs attention, it will pay you to a t least g ive Dad

***• enterprising garag e a trial«nd be convinced o f the good service th at aw aits you there. Phone Rutherford 4488.

ALBERT FERNConducts One Of The Most Appreci­

able Bakeries In This Entire Sec­tion. .

baking. The result is ju st the most delicious bakrry stantly grow ing"raM ^na«* • * * * *I?V* * con~Products that can be had « „ w h e r e at all hour, o f I 7 ^ t s r e ^ T o A T w Z l"the day. Mr. Liskow '. bread Is worthy o f the a t - ! owner, o f t h ^ r r , w ^ . . T ° u ^ T , bT tn e t ta » o f att house wives, it is good all the wav the alert to the besTTnter*«» * * * 1 —through, and would do grace to the dining Uble oft omit nothing that will be for « i l i r ^ r e ' f l t ^ “ d the most particular house, and when you patronise Phone Rutherford 7« j .ssvs: ss: ewErsi £ ?jra

e— — .w w w . ■''■■■■■'srarwsrsTH ■ ■■ • a ■ r m . ............. ..

I f you are not a regular patron o f Albert Fern, J \ ’i “ * ? 256 Rid* * Ko« d - Lyndhurst, you

ought to be. for the fresh and delicious bread, cake, m* nr other bakery dainties that he

v th* very b e st sort, the most much experienced and ths purest in-

gredientscan possibly produce. T h s plant is modem y eq Ipped and in position to turn out freah pro-

1 * Z to m ~ t »*' d * m » d s under the most ^ " « a r y conditions. You will be more than pleased

rr * al‘ it rou once become a patron o f k ah w r. a tria l wffl c o m i n c T r -

always had the best interests of fa wiB£ and has wen s a n e d the fepata-

* ! from many o f the

Commercial Leader , i M , | , his P*»*<*«• and bespeaks for Ur. Albert K m

a fast growing bwdnass which he lastly 4esarres.

T H E CO M M ERCIAL LEA D ER A a n C d U a G m tParty Oft Birthday

U n t » II l U k l k - I '

!!!■■ ■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■I4 « CIAmm at

IniKtU*. l im i -4 TimiI — » .. . ( « M a ,

i t t m n « t u n 1 HaiHarfw*. M i -

I I t v a a l t » t k a r f * r d « H 4 M

P la n k A dopted by d ie B o ys 1. — ... M r. 4 W H « .A tta . a* I «« .

* ' « * • aatrrt*«»4 » n<ta.Har - f tolti» f r e n i . .« THar*ia). m M m *f ihr li*!tà ü t t í f f f t t r y -f b y A w »'« N r tk lt i

H i i i o w a n t Pon. aow **>« O U l t b CM» M K lL ««!»*►

f o M J P ?« * fNTHUlj *r r « f« ia r i arth à > m n I tad r n p |M^r> A Ut«»N r tM ij .« » • iHr < m iif..f I I» laHir

TM UUtr l u i b u Ukl Hr' IlM kii W I» rtilrrtalfani a ith *»■>*«, and értt*lnf»ì rrfirnhntoat« * •>»« * a .tfca rwi|Mrtt «f aw n) Haaat.NI H«MH 4a) |t n > .

A a- n« (Hr (w > i> »*r* la > tetl.dUH r tl*. IN'»« J S n « * i . t!a>. > M. « r i » * . K.*<* I1>)Uu Ku4>4pH. t ia r a S laa ttk t. Anna ami MiMmi i > * U a

tfTtriA ÍH6 Mil MAÜ£ The WirSPKIN6 ftMRDtn tftt cowry T H U fttW S 0UJIT1

MOOCRATV.I M CI Al \ HCVCRKMSV« A • H O * SO f»AMt IF R ID A Y , JU L Y : 0 , 1928

Mr* t. tir«ah> IVHn iia<;>a»d A « - nar Ha* triaron* fruta a trip I« |Wr Hanâjnitl* , IM K pturaa *r* t„

Ia »'»“ ' **"* ì-m Ha« Miti avrai * M fv i.> M t •****! | | iaa» a 4 r l* l « 1 |M>waa Mk a ..a a Ot atm« a>lk y«a«

• I f * * a l It . a i ^ a r i A la «t« r IHii MK:lara ,H^~

Mi»a N iU ra l l*a )« r «>1 l > n A « « * » I* Hartuiin« a > a n l M al lin e m an a

M l» A Irianlr l i l lM n N >tf T r a a r r » tiara , a ill . . „ . i h * at Maid tr i«a n . N Y

Chas Lobmayer(Copyright. tH lH

Lyndkurit Market

U V u m u a i %a%

lyn tD i tar»!, N. J.

F i v e Y e a r s A g o T h i s W e e k J


U^IIKN aup |«r tilt»« r\HM« «b«I Ih r r* la ntM hlng httf lo w n « f%*f

li te rim iti liu ti, |T | ( h i t atropi* a n d «aa? " n r ^ N lw r » o tta

CuHé'd Supttr Otta flprrad lulflilrui illtt« ot l»rra<1

#!lh ballar, 1«; m ■ |«<«ait>g diati i'à ttr w tihgraird ibavaa SII ih* aio» Min! Ihrtt co%rr «Uh ■ rtiMint • • f»4 U»w« : diti« p itilo f (1*1 fk and H it tight !y b flltn rgea -JfcilfN ««! ■ fr«> l«»ttr* of paprlka M. | Int.. » s* .»♦», I. t*«aa NVh#H »rii puffr«l utt.l Uro»« »rr«t «i •‘OPf. Thla 1« roioh l'tr iti L*ndct • 0 (1 ahnlllil t»«*f *1 m lui « I r l i i > « d . f l e

u n a «• u •nrfM ii r**t n • • fot anjr ruiTar<t i»» in ..* «Tiro Ti la ««il rouktd


K ingilon Coal Company*» Coal

O f l u e « m l \ 4 f t l W UI \ < l l r \ I ) h m i I A v r n u r

1 L y a A .—<t N. J __________

Julia J Mr Null» Trtr|.H. rir Jaiaaa W M« \ . ( | j1 ‘rr.ldrnl K ulM rf,.H «*04 » - a r a t.r

‘ H —t T— t t f H =Manli ihr >oík» uf futir I «rii « «*»4

effg« %lih chrM» f«mrihë *>f a ropf«l «*f luna flati « r i i rt;i^r«i a>M a ful uf It-niim an t it*if » ira•iMNinful uf aalt l<> i*n«> tt*lr«l . u( ful o f ntttji»«iii»lM> ilrrawina *«l l ••.. r k».rh• • f a t r n a |M Mill f l i t I l f II It t « n i ■ f r i »

c r a i , a u f « a t r n t i r u n i i « rn t> ir4 » i> * M 4 if« i

o f rh < » |> |H * il a ^ J . I a t r « a | « » 4»

ful i» f > I i» m iI i **■! «» i n i# , i h # m a ) "« i

n a l a r a m t u a v t o * i u f f i t * r « a a * 4

|i ln i« f i i t< « * a « I«l i It l i m r I**ntii ì a r r f u l l y

( I r a l h t M Mi*l r m ti If! a * r m |>aati r n

l i l m r n l i M H i « h i r l i l a w t« ~ * n i « f e f u t l f

HI It'll, a r t* firm

T h e iS A N D *


W H F N I N N E r n ( >P a n y K l N 'h ( *1



F R E D * S A U M2 2 - S tuyveM ni A v rn u r I >iulhiir«i. N J

■ L I ln wir KuthrrfuiJ 4<»<2

I'IIo n i-’ H ir m i ki DRf ) 4.» »

Por (,>iiK k IV li’.cry ( >»

C O A LP U K ia .U COAI, CO ., IN C

661 \ «llr\ llrtxTk Avrnur | vmlliurtl, N.

lo hloom?" a*k(H) l'urkjr. **Tlia btida Ihrm arlv« don*!, ri*» UioyT*'

•'No. pW tjila,’' anli) Mina l l a m pii* la lk lim i « a y l*%a tirar« ) I ti rm « l i r n Ihf* |»rn fi»» Imh’II w llh o u l fiMMi an d t l i r r r fin« In***»i r»<»9lilfik ria«* In d«i

MA ru| i h r j iS r la ik w l o f Ilià l o r a l f a p r ln i t t lm r arul <»f Ha iM ituijr a ro l o f (ha f1n « r r a a |> p rn rln g aro l t h r hloa- aom a a m i lì ir g r r r r i c ra a a a to l a ll a w h lliln g a .

**1 hry Ita«a. ararti«**! qiilla happy •bruii it.

“1 « a a n 'l Ih ln l i ln f o f « ny o f ih i« « ll i ln g a g ru fil. fc'mi t.** aa trl N f l j i l 'Ig

**l «raa ^ n k l b f o f o f f - r r t l iln g a Mj> Ih lU lg lila u r r r nf itiud. o f lM>a<|t Ifiil, h ra u H fu l tnud Ih io tg h a p lgla n « l hy . o m u r r im n i l n l I r a n n n f h r lp r r « l l ln g in j i^ ^ rn aliw^ul II

**r»f c o u ra a ! »• 'i lr ln 't , . h a » a rtitn IMiarU 1» had lt '“ f h a*« f h a i I h a w lo I r r ali* 1 g r ta llrr*«ir»i^ an>tt#»i| Ih la U nir nti<l l l i r r r « # * n ‘| W ttrh lo t|<i r*f lo r a t a n d I Iho o g lil o f h a p p y l ln t r# • hra«l *

"ì atìfifMCa t rairtw»! hrfp hnt Hatra.*' Miaa tlarn aal'l t«* librarif. "oaUMM I •ho i|i« | I # òtti atid "Ut r>»4* an«i gw uff, •n>l fi»rr» !at»‘l aM «hrra roti« h lo gn H> lW a thlf f 'tl>M Thal ■ ll*a » #y arlth |*orta

"Thry ■:« a i• ».•«» tM at a 4!aa4 rantag». fortirt tm* at»4 ù*>w Imi»»! tirar tha fa^a» "

N r l f Mg ran«wt>ra( :

Koiia4 •'« .k. witiì j H ; a g*«H| to ra l t*H r4»»*p t w i

.¡J.ui..4»,'sg44».4 «|iah lo UM «tiro. « *«rjf I« a frrti h Iti# .«fiali m > • «i lia li a rr a t p r t i r 4 A 1*1 * ig *

,‘rrrn al ri iti ?*r«.na «iti* 1W ¡ .g rrrn |Mrp|M r. ai>4 H o » l| **f i* Mu*at liuurlatilng diati rwajr * rt

J U S T H U M A N S.9 y Cene Carr Mi «o«i y • Í a • Iw Kit; if TKtt*i

Arrnuc, artil «l^ughtrt « «ríil arr « ( ir iiiiiitf « u m m rr al l lr m a n iiY l !]#

'* W t f B n i w n r i n o o n n n n n i i ím n m

j 1 .l! y>»i a ie « .« a u rru p la m ^ U .t l !» .|¡ ¡K n y r u

SICURI: YOi/R 1*1 ANS M>UW . H . H A R V E Y , BuilderW iH Hr liU sl U) l m , ^ , A il f Halt ,4 11, r>à «,»| t a t un.

Spcv-ul 4 ttrniHH> J iiv rn to rrnva J r lu ^ j j i i .J enlarging ym« |>rr«rnt Ir^tx

|Umm<4 »I 0*» |»-ar,.| Una I « t « , . i» u <tM«akn u 'i W ,( V V »n K ifa i A v o tw . K - j t l j r l . f i *•

llirw ic K u t l i r t l .w d 4 1 7 t

16 IT IV I R S lIX t A V I ; . I Y N D H U R M , N J

^G®O900®000ei3O00O<^£>0OQ30M « § Lyndliurst Fret* Public U b ran f¡

H l V A I4JL V HM «X>K A V I i m , « r - r ---------- V

H o t » « l a r « a Iraa A a ln M l i , « mi M ~ 4 a . ZX A lia r e .—w e I la I I W t i a a la y , A l i M a f Ô

Z t i M t a s * t la • P M èéam dm m . T V n 4 f | u 4 » W

tirai afirlnctltua aould Ha ■!•>«( | » fura nnyooa knr« II. frunt, «rum.

'la i l« ratin i li» .ar iar .........I alna I **' « nr r . tHar I m * « i m n -. >«.* i t i i i f**i Fur itoarra iHrii>wi a a l . j A«, «wri«aa aio4'In a a irH ln 4 «I 4nara a Hl* 1 «lu U n t i l al IITHa a>a4 a lia aa aakaa a fraal In

1 <|.*'| Hrll><r - aa!4 Mita Itala' l i a i II la ta r i la t a f ' a a t n• f r r a l MI. Hai ll-aa a t raa ran l 'a M a i a IW rari latrai I t a 4 . a l ^ n r y a ad iHarr aa Irllta« a h .» Inala mmf 4 » (ari i-alarlj |rf( i m i '

Rat paid « a « I ta a ru « IHaaa aadnAad atlk i la aa4 M il.>H IHat Ha >4 Had n a l aaa la ilaina la UJ

'Vr., «od j u « n H | log II■filo.* «ald Mlaa llam

-Hot." aha ranltiiiinil aflar. « «m mani, “whj «r» mi Iti1rraalr.ltAra »mi | f a I n i ,artnlia»-tii*l l » auaa Il 1« «pru>«tln>af l>a |>«i frat aa though pvu arra «»t^( lo n r r j plg arad la «ulna rtinrm uf fuotif Mtaa h | «M H > I» Iwt: — -

•1»«crlU aa Cl* tal aaa t*n.»lda for joa ftarararV Soli*!»* aoa l4 gtta s a (rraiar >u|.*

co. no. Ho.“ grtjafrd l*orll| 11« ■T4 Barar «af «»filila* Mia (k«l l a «o old p it. t r i Ut »■» a a ja «od tm Hat f*>l»* la Htaaga

• « l a i la «>ra. I mmH araat «a)T

A. PCERT 4 SONl - v m ih in g In M r i l i***n s'T' Y V I S A K T A V *

V P r f l, l ' ^ tt i . « ' I *Y V I.V A N T A M

I’ i Ka^t JAM


Chief Landells May Return to Duty Mon.

Chief Thomas Landella of the Lynd­hurst police department, who has been confined to his home with illness for some time is now much improved, and if no complications or relapses oc- cur, the chief will probably be back 11 uesday.

on duty » t h i* <*rsk in «he police st*~

His many fnen*U> in Lyndhurst and 1 BIBLE SCHOOL ISvicinity will be iW ightfd to see hitnabttut again.




Democrat! Organize For Fall Campaign

M rs. Edith OU, an d daughter M in : ( aroljrn. of Rider k oad . h a* left for

Los Angeles, where they will remain \ fo r about two m ootk».

Mr. aad Mrs. H m n f ft. Bridgman and family of Willow Avenue arc pre­paring for a vacation a t North port LL

The Seashore A t Hom et




w i t h a c o m p l e t e n e w l a y o u t x

H and Ball C o u rt — Sand Beach — N ew W a te r

Filters— Pool Enclosed w ith a new C oncre te Fence

A n I d e a l L o c a t i o n F o r S w i m m i n g a n d B o a t i n g


Lyndhurst Swimming Pool210 R IV E R S ID E A V E N U E , L Y N D H U R S T , N . J.

C o m e r C o u r t A v e . , E a s t B a n k o f P a s s a i c R i v e r

History of the Industry in New Jersey.

Mr. and Mrs. H erbert Houghton of About 150 children are attendingthe Clinton Apartm ent on Clinton j the Daily Vacation Bible School which j ________Tfcrrace an* beinff congratulated upon 1 is being conducted each morning at ■the arrival o f a daughter born on t h e Reed Memorial Presbyterian S fV U ral H aV * ReC0rtJS Pa 'a lle lin fl

Church, un,der the direction o f Miss Pauline Walker of Rutherford, who is a teacher in the Columbus School ,of Lyndhurst "during the winter months.

M iss Walker, when interviewed said that the children, despite the warm weather, are not restless and enjoy the work. O f the 150 chil- i dren enrolled, about an average of j140 attend the c lasses each day. m __

M iss W alker and the sta ff of teach­ers have arranged an interesting pro­gram . The school opens a t 9:15, when opening worship is held. This lasts about half an hour. The next forty minutes Bible stories are told and ex p la in «!.

Fo r the next fifteen minutes, gam es are played. Some are quite strenu­ous, while others are gam es for the brain U> art on. Iland-craft is taught for three-quarters o f an hour, and with a short closing exercise the c la sse s are over. The school will continue for six weeks.

I .The g irls are taught to sew, and I are m aking Friendship bags which ! will be sent to Mexico.! The pupils are divided into three ! groups. The kindergarten group is composed of the children between the

T h r m u ». - S o u t h O r a n g e , m ul C h a r i« « K

The Lyndhurst Democratic Club held a meeting on Monday night at the Town Hall when activities for the fa ll ccm paign w as discussed. The meeting w as called to order to dis­cu ss the possibility and advisability of organizing a Smith-Edward-Diil Club in the township, o f which theri will be two or three branches.

, ■ ' | Tentative plans were made, but noEm blem , .ym boll.ln * period. of <l»«nite arrangem ents m «ie for the

. . _ . club. The executive board m embersaervica la the Telephone Indurt/y preM.nt ^ ,»re8ident Howard S.ranging from #ve years to forty-elcht. Bridgem an; vice president, M rs. Anna* i > r m g i m a n , v ic e p r " h i u c n i , « fir» . A i i i idwhich Is almost as long a time a i to» Mundy; second vice president, Joseph .Telephone h as been In existence, lia t* C arro ll; treasurer, John K irby; fin- been awarded recently to thirty etn- ancial secretary, Frank Lopinto; re- ployee« of the New Jersey Bell Tola- cording secretary, Michael J . Breslin ; phone Company assistan t recording secretary, John

The hl.tory of the Industry In Naw RuK «iero; Ahp BenowiU' Wi,li* mJersey «tarts In 1879, when the Ball Telephone Company of" New York bo- gan furnishing service In Monmoutk County and the Gold and Stock Tale- graph Company commenced opera­tions in Newark and l'assalc.

John H. Donnelly, now with the company In Newark, received a nine- star emblem signifying that he has

Ard, John Boyle, John J . Breslin , Jr ., John Guidetti, and Mayor John F. Woods.

G . H O U R T O U L E

7 7 B A K E R Y . :V/v


Milton Goldberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Goldberg, o f Valley Brook Avenue, is enjoying the sports a t Camp Iago, Pa., for the summer. On Sunday past his parents with his

faithfully served In the industry for brother Sylvester, and Miss Blanche the last forty-eight years, or sin e« ths S ta r r of Riverside Avenue,' visited industry was an Infant one y ear old! him at the camp.Alexander Graham Bell had Invented : -the telephone only four years befoni. BUS SERVICE

IJanlel J . Sullivan of 477 V ose ave-

Y O N K E R S F E R R YBetween Yonkers, N . Y. and A lp ine, N . J


6 A . M . to M idnightW RITE TOURING BU REA U , YO N K ERS FER R Y , YO N K ERS, N. V.

F or free maps and road information

Prim ary group of the chifdren be­tween the ages o f six to eight years, and the junior groups are between the ag»*> « f eight to thirteen years. The gn»‘l<* in school o f the pupil is also taken into consideration.

Shaekford of Union City were given emblems symbolizing forty-flva years' service apiece.

In the Beginning jMr. Donnelly started with the Do*

The teachers a ssistin g Miss W alker, “ e ,tlc ™ *P » °n e and Telegraph * M isses E lsie Barringer, Emily Company as bookkeeper, canvasser,

collector and inspector August 9, 1880, Mr. Sullivan in 1883 joined the New York and New Jersey Telegraph Com­pany a s combination man, clerk and relief operator at Jersey City, and the sam e year Mr. Shaekford entered the business as n|ght operator at Paterson.

The aggregate number of year» served by the thirty is 508, o f which 105 Were contributed by women and the rest by men.


Nutz, Anna Taylor, Lucille Hansen (¿loria Turner. Fred Fogell, is a s­sistin g in the boys’ work.



T . C. S C O T O N ,Keys Made While You W ait—Locks Repaired—Lawn Mower«

Ground and Repaired, $1 50—Saws Set and Piled, 75c.- W« Grind A K iadi Of Toola

272 R ID G E R O A D L Y N D H U R S T , N . J.Phone R u therfo rd 1945

C harles Sutton, of 20H 3tuyve,sajjt , Avenue, was bitten by a dog, whos«* > owner resides at 649 Fern Avenue.1 Officer Peters took Sutton to the ! office o f Dr. Mosher of Valley Brook j Avenue, who found it necessary to

take a stitch in the wound to close it. The wound was also’ treated against

; poisoning.' The dog was exam in ed ' by Dr. KJlis, who found that the dog showed no sym ptom s of rabies-.


Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Conklin of P age Avenue had as their g u e s ts f

: over the weekend Mrs. A u g u sta1 Stew art, of Bradford, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cook and daughter, Miss E sth er Cooke of Hawthorne and Mr.

1 and M rs. Judson Cooke of Haledon. j.

M iss Dorothy Evans, daughters of Mr. ind Mrs. Kichard Evans of Valley Brook Avenue is spending a few 1 W eeks at th«* W<'/gf*fi County Girl j Scouts Camp.

Esses popularity in Chicago It part of a national and world prefer* enee that makra Essex sales the larg­est of any sis-cylinder car in history.

$735andupW ar T ax Off

The quick thinking and presence of mind of Construction Lineman J. Mead, of (he New Jersey Bell Tele­phone Company, probably averted a fatality In an automobile accident be­tween Toms River and Lakewood re­cently.

Mead, returning home to Toms River, was passed by a speeding auto­mobile. A tew minutes later an ac­quaintance stopped him on the road j with word that a car had overturned about a mile and a half down the road and was burning.

When Mead reached the wreck a small boy had just crawled through a window. A man, a woman and a small girl were still inside of the burning j machine. Reaching in, Mead pulled j the woman and girl to safety through | a window, then freed the man by first pushing him back Into the car, then clearing the seats away and pull­ing him, feet first, through the win­dow.

Being a Telephone man, Mead no- .tlced that the burning car was directly under the Lakewood-Toms River jcable, so with the aid of other» who had come jip, pushed it away. The flre had already caught dry g ra ss aad ] was fast approaching a woods, so as a good citizen. Mead at once summoned the Toma Kiver Fire Department. |

X E W A RK -M A CK E NSACK— lOi.North A rlington, Kearny and

Newark, Rutherford, East R uther­ford, Carlstadt, Woodridge, Has- brouck H eights ami Hackensack.

II a n r« l e a v e R id s« R o a d a a d V a l ­l e y B r o o k A v e a s s r —

S o u t h B o a adW e e k d a y s : 6 :3 0 A .M . a n d e v e r y

30 m in u te s u n t i l 4 :00 P .M . ; t h e n t v e r y 20 m in u t e » u n t i l 5 :00 P .M . ; t h e n e v e r y 30 m in u t e s u n t i l 11:30P . M.

S a t u r d a y s : 5 :30 A .M . a n d e v e r y 30 m in u t e s u n t i l 1 2 :0 0 m id n ig h t .

S u n d a y s : 8 :0 0 A .M . a n d e v e r y 30 m in u t e s u n t i l 1 1 :30 P .M .

N o r t h B o u n dW e e k d a y s " 7 :3 0 A .M . a n d e v e r y

20 m in u t e s u n t i l 6 :00 P .M . ; t h e n e v e r y 20 m i n u t e s U n ti l 6 :00 P . M .; t h * n e v e r y 30 m in u te s u n t i l 1 2 :30A7-M; —4 : _ ----_

S a t u r d a y s : 7 :3 0 A. M. a jid e v e r y 10 m in u t e s u n t i l 1 :0 0 A .M .

S u n d a y s : 9 :0 0 A .M . a n d e v e r y 30 m i n u t e s u n t i l 1 2 :3 0 A .M .

R U TH ERFO RD -N EW YORK— 122B u s e s l e a v e V a l le y B r o o k n n d

t t t u y v e s a a t A k e u u e o —F o r X e w Y o rk

W e e k d a y s a n d S a t u r d a y s : 6 :0 8 A.M . 6:38 A M . a n d e v e r y 30 m in u t e s u n t i l 10:38 P . M . ; t h e n 11:23 P .M .

P u n d a y s : 6 08 A M.. 7 08 A. M .. 8:08 A M ; t h e n 8 ;38 A. M- a n d e v e r y 30 m in u tf - s u n t i l 1 0 :3 8 P .M .; t h e n 11 23 P . M.

BUSES FOR HIREPublic Service De Luxe buses afford a splendid means of carry- ing parties to the seashore, moun­tains, theatre, or to athletic or other events. They are ideal for picnics, outings, or tours.Phone: Hackensack 7000, Ext, 5.

BERGER’S CEN TER S H O PNow Showing the Latest Models

— — .

P V B L I C S p S E R V I C EA - 15 5 -B


Corset-BrassiereW E L F I T

Kumfy-Cut Girdle


W E L F I T a n d K U M F Y 'C l /TB r a s s i e r e s , C o r s e t - B r a s s i e r e s , G i r d l e s , S p o r t G i r d l e s ,

G a r t e r B e l t s a n d L a c e B a c k C o r s e t s


228 S tuyvesant A ve. L y ndhurst, N . J.


' f r - c v * E s s e x mirrorspub/ic choice

The enormous spread of Essex success is due to an accumula­tion of values never approached under $1000, w hich is per­fectly obvious to the ordinary buyer as well as the expert.

At '7^5 and up you not only pet the brilliant performance and reliability of the famous Essex chassis; you also get a sat­isfaction, in appearance, richness and comfort, never even con­sidered w ithin hundreds of dollars of the price.

As you lounge in the roomy, high-backed form-fitting seats, every evidehce of quality and comfort surrounds you.

You have before you every control in their most natural and handy place. And all about you, the panelling, the w eather- stripped doors, the silenced body construction, the floor mat­ting and the hardware in graceful silvery patterns speak quietly and certainly of quality.

T h e Essex Super-Six h igh com pression motor is patented and exclusive, and is s o far as we know the most powerful of its size in the world.

E S S E XCOACH $735 SEDAN (4-Door) $7% ROADSTER $85«

COUPE $745 (Rumble Seal S30 extra)All prices f n b. Détruit „

— pa? f o r - c r * omt o | w co m » mt t e w n o w ild W # chargofor interest, hand ting and fcunrsac«

I L L I N G E R M O T O R C O M P A N Y2 2 U N I O N A V E N U E . . . R U T H E R F O R D , N . J .

P h o n e R u t h e r f o r d 7 2 4

The use of the telephone for botn private and commercial purposes ts growing rapidly in Palestine, in the rural as welÛas tn the urban districts. On January 1, 1926, there were 2,226 telephones in the country, a s cow pared with only 684 iu July, 1921.

There were 31 central exchanges In Palestine and most of the Important towns and villages were linked to­gether by over 6.925 miles of telephone wire. During the year 1925 there w«re more than 10,500,000 telephone call*.

Telephone Agent Aids In Three EmergenciesHer third outstandinr ser­

vice in the course of every­day telephone work wan ren­dered recently by Mrs. Adella Rogers, agent o* the New Jersey Bell Telephone Company at Farmingdale, when through use of her facilities and wits she was able, to discover the address of a former resident, a Ma­jor Lahdley, in time to got him to the bedside of his

- dylna a is tor . — T________About a year before, Mrs.

Rogers hurried a doctor to S' home in time to alleviate the suffering of a woman se­riously burned by paraffin while canning fruit. Months earlfc than that, she heard a man’s gasp over the tela* phone, promptly *ont a ph** slcian, and the man was r * vived from a heart attack

T h e Bogle B uildingReservations Now Being Made


Inspect T his Building- O W !

A r l in g to n A m p h H h * m t» rIn the pit of the Arlington ampM

thrater ft,tK», c*n tw> w n tM : 1» th* gnlltM-y. 1.000; In th» box»*« « 0. »nd on the *pe«k»r*’ *t»nd IW Thl» mitk« a total ot 7.130 Th» *»re<-tnr* 1» buttf of, nnd-«1««! t t nix' 000

F u r l h t i R t f a * « O ld D ortor Johnann M id putrì,H t,™ w a s the l»«t rpfuire o f »coiindrrt». Bu* In c a w that fait« n o w i.lm „ . v r , Mitt a w rit o f erro r, or cerflo rart, w h atever II I*. — P etro li N ew a

I n s p e c t this beautitul building now— while vacancies are available. Whether you are seeking a home or a business lo cation you will find this spot delightful and profitable. Here, at Valley Brook and Stuyvesant Avenues will be established the business center of Lyndhurst.

3*4-5 Room A partm ents w ith every appoin tm ent—

HrRf , truly’ is the horv,e ideal. A brick' limestone, tireproof apartment building whose thirty-seven families will enjoy the advantages of electric refrigeration, fold* away table, garbage incineration, private gar.iges, tiled bath room with showers, tiled kitchen with inlaid linoleum. Interiors beautilully decorated. No detail has been over-looked to make this one of the ultra' modem apartment houses.

A partm ent RentalsTHREE ROOMS AND BATH—Spac­

ious dining-living room, chamber and kitchen................ $50,00

FOUR ROOMS AND BATH—Spaciousliving room, dining room, chamber and

-kitchen ................ .....$ 6 5 .0 0

FOUR ROOMS AND BATH— Spacious living room, dining room, chamber and kitchen, OR Dining-living room, two chambers and kitchen................... $70.00

SIX ROOMS A N D BATH — Living room, dining room, three chambers and kitchen................ */ $85.00

^ ^ S k H R BOGLE m


" LR E N T A L '

305 V A LL EY B R O O K A V E. orO F F I C E

300 R ID G E R O A D

Up m i* C U LacsID. A.VMIOfpiM* A Master (M m Ctjr Lodge

i — Î » - l _ C - L » - ÜLäjan*or *■ acasa» « Mom. tu*I n n . m i c n a e u c i a c r The Lyndhum Democratic CM» will hold a black party on W eart

Mrs. G eorge MtehaelTelder o f P age A r m » on the evening o f Ju ly 2*. Avenue, w as' hostess on Monday a f- P rank Rusika o f Fourth S tree t I* it-moon to the mem ber* o f the R arab-: chairm an of the committee and will ling Hones. h aw a s his a ss is tan ts , M r*. John

The lad ies spent part o f the after- Flynn, Mrs. A nn» Mondy, M r*. J . noon sew ing, which w as followed with S. W oodward. M r*. John J . Dwyer, dainty refreshm ents served by the Andrew Dareo, M rs. M. R u sik a and hostess and a ll enjoyed s social hour. H arry Grossm an.

Among the members present were The committee m et s t the hosne of Mrs. H. A. W ells o f P age Avenue, the chairm en on Thursday evening Mrs. Louis H. Meyer o f F ifth A re when p lan s were m ade for the booths, nue, Mrs. Ja c o b Burke o f Kingsland and other arrangem ents made. They Avenue, M rs. George W. W estervelt, are m aking e laborate arrangem ents Mrs. G eorge Henry, Mrs. A. W. fo r the music fo r the dancing, and ('onklin and Mrs. A. Linnemeyer all other d etails to assu re a pleasant of Page Avenue. . tim e fo r all who attend.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Tucker o f the Jo sep h Muir o f Travers P lace has Clinton A partm ents on Clinton Ter- returned from s pleasant tw o weeks race, are enjoying a vacation a t Den- vacation a t a boys cam p a t N arrow sville. A burg, N . T .

hurst w ere M r*. C o lite W heat.«, councilor, o f F ifth Avonue; M r» Mir­iam ’ B ad ers, and M ias Sadie Eteler* o f Willow Avenue and Miaa Celine Wheaton o f F ifth Avenue

Mr» Andrew H ereth and daughter Mias Anna Hereth, o f >41 Tontine Avenue, have returned from a visit with M rs. Hereth’s brother, the Rev H. C Freim uth a t h is home s t Sii

a committee appointed which «rill a t­tend every meeting o f the Lyndhurst Board o f Com missioners and the Lyndhurst Board o f Education.

Am ong the m atter* brought up fo r discussion w as the subject o f the sa a stsr jan itor fo r the Lyndhurst pub­lic schools, which w as proposed by School Trustee Maurice Murphy at the meeting held U s t week by the board. The sa lary o f the o u ste r jan ito r to be «3,000.

The club voted to oppose such a position, statin g th at such a position

warnWhen the Weather Has Been

“Overcast and Warm” Let Electricity D ispose of the Big W ashings That R esultC o n s id e r W in te r

C o m f o r t N o wYou will have no problem of househeating next

winter, if you install gas for house heating before the cold weather arrives. No change need be made in pipes or radiators, only the furnace must be replaced by gas burning equipment.

In gas you will find the most nearly perfect fuel It bums without smoke or odor and works ideally under automatic control.

It will cost you nothing to consult our househeating engi­neers on costs of installation and maintenance Why not investigate this improvement that means so much comfort and convenience?

There is daily call for fresh linen in the summer when heat and humidity are at work.

CTHE W H Y os u p e r s t i t i o n ;

But even daily w ashing! do not interfere with the houac* keeping schedule when dec- trieity operates the Thor Agi- tator which waiahes the moat jelicate fabrics thoroughly and without injury


T IK iiK is a « u p r r s t l l lo a co m m o n In «Il p a r t s o f tl i« c o u n try to tb«

e ffe c t ( l i s t to le t a r td e fca* U is In yo n r haliti* b rin g « on a n e o o u s d l« * « « * - **pata«y*' th e y m ; In «on»« s e t t i» « « , tb « ••trem ble«,* o r |« r a ly « la . lb » y •* ? in o th « r |d « c« « ~ th s rw Is »»rjr s l ig h t v a r ia t io n In dlflTsrwnt r rg U aia . T h l« a u p r r s t l t io n I« b a a e d u|m«i tt»o m ag ie o f c o n i m i - m a g ic In n u a o f I ta m ost p r im it iv « form «. It Is th i s m ag ic w h ic h ts s u p p o s â t io o p s r a t s tn ttia ir a n a fe re ro w of d ls r u a a by m w sna o f w h ic h « ina iati y tuny b* tr« h s f* r rw 4 fro m a ch ild lo a «tog by f i l i n g ft*« dog so m e lia lr« frt»m tb s « A lle i t i c h i ld ; o r « in««) m a y rid h im s e lf of rh e u m « tl|i iu by alw*pUig « I t h « d ug In f W a a r e a b o d ; t t» # r h r .m a t t e m I— tin g Iti« inn ft «m l g o in g In to t b s d o g In tb « c««« o f fb « tt) lug r l i l t k r i i tb s i r i n s f t r w i r f I« t b s oib**r w «y . f ro m « fo w l to s m an. I t Is « |MM»r m a g tc w h ic h w on’t » o r l i fon ti w ay« . Any on# w h o b a s s o t t i « « I t t i «bl. i m ' Ioh>w« fiow It « a llib ila s y m p to m s w M .h th« «ti|i*rf1iT«l obs**r»nr w ould l a b s fo r 1 1 1«*sr* o f (infili) »>• s o n o tin»«*« tb r y Si*

tu a JIy « r t »u«ti At A ra t It w o u ld s r r i« a a if ttk«> »Ilk r l i i r iM i t a l l i i In lh s b a n d ougb t to ,r il»» i t ia ra a sl>as«lng to tb«* h o ld e r ms In tb * <-«.««. o f t t i r rW u o n itic in a n s*of thw th»g ItUt u l i w n é (IkS B ii|n r i« llll" t i M M)o u m usi not ” IH !♦»* «‘blcbsm dt«* In y o u r bsin«I«*’ In H»«*«mp •u i« rr» tlil» ttis «if tb s trailSfrWI»«*» **f d ‘ **asa* IsrlS r« '«

The A g ita to r costs only $105 cash; on m o n th ly paym ent plan $110; 15 down and balance m o n th ly fo r 18 m onths.

Telephone or writo o a r Houtt Hooting Depart-

mont for an — --------a p p o i n t m e n t .

Electricity Irons A l t h e rU w e » I I h » l it» « » Ith e S o u t h I W r y r n H o u l < amp. I» * * » l» < * » » I » t f c » k e 4 t o r e t u r » I » l h * t t home* nt-üiu-»aa le». t o t a t - i t t l t ■(.M r l e f t r a m p , t h e •> th*r » l* fc l» -«> h a v i n g r a l r t u i v d t h e i r r » g l» l i« t i« * » » I- f . * r , > i> . e i g h t * * n i n e » e e h » Twenty f ir ti r .n e w , « r t i p r r » e t i l e r m l W , '* » » • l a » i « g t h * t » | w H> •*/ I»It* limit

| i I» n i m l n l that r n t f »»ellaM* l>la- f » i l l l* im al «h» .am p 'i«> t u g «I, "but e f fo r t s a re g ^ ln g *.. ■h» ma.i» to ar»'wn.«iale »*«■'» •»>•*•« who « U h » , t» »tlrtMi l l> .* * * * » a .

Instead of standing up all day at an ironing board, be seated for an hour or two and guide the pieces as they are wonder­fully ironed by the Thor A uto­matic Iron-'! Ironed in the Thor, clothes and linens have the fresh appearance that expert hand pressing gives Its price is $17t cash, on terms $ 18T.50, or

Ideal Automatic Refrigeration

Tiny Gas Flame$5 Down—Eighteen

Month» to Pay BalanceThe principle of the Electrolux refrigeration by gas is so simple and the results obtained so satis factory that its popularity grows

m a n a u d an a lilio a l tl>«' «!>•#'«••• is j r n «•rally suiMKiapd ft* | » n f t u s th « m a n to t b s M u l i n a i , t b r m a n rs»"#»»«»»« In tb « ( w y r r o f « •«pulsion fb® a n im a l Inth s q u a l ity «»f r**<**t*fHity I tu f“ i r 1 R* « b i r h r n » r lu s l ly d ir« In tl»s b s « d th r u i t s d ia « « « » - 'w h ic h Is o f C^wr«« « n ««II « p lr l t h«» n o b m g s r « t*.*m# s u d g*<^s In to tb s m «n - « m l b s h a s i s ~trVm hlc«a" n f iH ifily a la . w b b h tl i# rb lr fc e n b a d . T b r r s Is a l s o In u i i •oi«ris»iii*^» I t i n g s «if th a t I tr l ls# o f |ifl*oi!|w # o»*n -» w h ic h la fou rn i In ii*«i»; r u r n n i au jirrstlt:«>«is ln f t '« r»*#»isgl**tt.r

«Ci Si Mel I*»* h#**. •

Summer Comfort Depends Largely

On Hot W ater

Ice cuhcs freeze quickly irt the 1 ; 1 i 5Electrolux because its temperature 1 "lC", l B 1 mvaries only a degree or two. I t T | B ■operates with practically no noise I v^-_J 1!and has only two small moving Iparts. “* ----

4-' • ’ .

Electrolux cabinets arc well constructed and may be had in finishes to match all the popular color schemes for the kitchen. From $225 upward.

A n y E lectro lux gas re fr ig e ra to r may tx p u r­chased a t s ligh tly h igher than cash prices for a 'sm a ll turn dow n w ith seventeen m onths to pay balance.

H O U S E SH<n|{m|i in |>ri»r» (m in

$5 to $10 allowed for old water heater if you install automatic • type now

**V y Whether you are at » irk¡S;l j-* I Y]j: | L f or at play real mmnwr c -in-

j i‘ fort demands plenty of hot||| I, water. The gas automatic

I VvJ //! ' storage water heater supi 'tes“S every hot water demand m

j your home withmit elfurt on\ I ~ your part Take advantage

I '¡I /I 111 ¿T> , of our trade in offer

O ld -T im e S c h o o ls< T lia ■r»»*»>l »• i-» ~ » » » ' . «»>•«

tnln*-(l t:i i« rva l lU i i a l« t>> .<»rtH itrlbu lioU « f*»f U r- r il iii a l l 'r t . i #t l t u t r s n d n rs l# « ls« l r|tUd»«-n ll*s o«*a la »aid Hu ba«s ortgiiniird o h I* John I’imiihIs. s |H«»r co b tji# f, wfou n s r . | to fM titff tb s-^aggs< l • till ir» « tn b-ls d is I r I« t an il Iss« I» i»h^«i a s i » « ^w»*r%«Hi| W ith th# lntro<Iu«'tt«*» of t i .# ««rtojml *i»ry sdw**«! l*»n ««*t In l«r?o i**#tr n— fuU*»*«a w as t« rg W | asad r w y in | a s d m a n y w«r« m e f f H tn t» <*»« fr«w »ctM»**l«.

— -O ■ — k ■

in I v .m lh u rsl 4»t.l M u i h r r f o n l

• W ith a

M o d e r n G a s R a n g e$5 to $10 allowance for your old $tove if you buy now

• IV. j»«• g«tw •'**umJ*fI 4 . i

Vk'f bsvc w ater hssfrr* of th is type tba l sell ft *f o IrttU sé$7^ 50 cash and our prue« in* dude maCalUuon.

Any gat water hratcr may K* purtha*«d «d Pub!« iWtvu'« >m the ra«y payment plan at a slight increaae over caah prue* vn tb« attractive termi of

The modern gag range ob­tains successful cfxikin^ re* tults with so little eff<tn on the p^rt of the h«nne maker, tl^at every woman should have one


$5 Down 12 to 18 Month* to Pay Balance

Our ga* range« feature all th« mprovemeats that are re*.ora- mended by domestic science ei* perts everywhere, including the oven beat regulator, the auto­matic top burner lighter, easy* to clean enamel fcntahe« and many other aids in cooking

s o i l |S l l ' b*SS a K *»WI t iw ii i f SO « 4 » tat«#» t h « t a * s s a l t tW i l ip é i fU M ià « *N *»y*r»g i i 4 i a t f w t s i « i M*fcÌK*iiog 1 ^ tM .kê t r a r s i r n g i n « f U i | «toll wf*«fc f ^...ts».!e su au n ry . {tlu islai> | fmténg 11ll is the m»mn im* »** ai pis*» *•> » ihmtt*»*-: afl a%tfe> o s a r « ta t sir* («ti a«*J .«alia |*s 4«s

Your Favorite Coffee at Its Best Percolated Electrically ■ Wr

Thu good looking H it point *et conauts of the siectrw per- I <colatoe, the, cream pig. iu<;ar Ubowl and round tray, and its •price i* 11) 71. *

Our price» befio at 151.7» ca»h and includ« conixctioi) Iro« fud outlct in your lechen by eapcncnced fa» itura.

A n y gas rang« may b t purchased of Pvhlie Service on tke easy paym ent plan a t a elight increaje over cash prices on terme o f $5 down— I t to in Wonthe to pay balance.

1 1 » * « K u th c r t i 'f ü *

eloog. flie ¿opic ofSundays


D. of A. Hold Meeting At Odd Fellows Hall

Avenue and Ridge Road, i» closing iU » “ Gods ProVidence ”third week with well sustained inter- fo r f t t t g ;M A .« .

” * — ------------ “ ---- !i:30 A. M. Sunday School.

Don’t I

est. There have been new enrollment« every day, whict- many have attended

______ regularly since the opening day and„ , are showing splendid progress in their

The S ta r of the J . Morgan Read wor|j Council, No. 44, D aughters of Amer- ^ rhi|drt.n p|eaMUltly and pro- ica, held a specia m eetin g on Wed- f iu jed elM.h ^ from 9;15nesday evening at the Odd Fellows A M u|)ti| U;30 A M H all with a large number of mem- . Thp firgt hour u devoted to sing_ bers present. Councilor Mrs. Celina in(f> story telling, Bible drills, patriotic Wheaton and her newly elected of-1 exercjsesi etc. There comes a period, ncers were in charge. Qf work during which, in the

Captain Estelle Coon, and her de- several departments many attractive gree team did the final initiatory an(j usefui articles are made( by the

Uncommon SenseBy J o h n B l a k «

Lyndhurst NotesM n. Charles Rierdier form erly o f

.yndhunit lies moved into her new __home a t Hudson Heights. While the| BKAl^D proposals will k t m l n l l>y

w th« H oard o f C om m issioners of the Tow n- home was under construction, M rs. , h lp o f I , jn a h u r i t . T few Je rsey . at » R ierdier made her home with her sis-

L k u a l* n o t i c e

T O W N S H IP O r Z x N D H V H K T , S . J .


O IU JO iA K C E No. M i t

it (Way1 e t tw t l e f s r a sa

_ e k e ________ r ^ J * « w io a e d In «

t»«i<eil> « M ie d e n v e lo p « p la in ly m a r k e d oa th e liu ti*!. trMh Uw a u » at Ih» b id d e r , a n d th* n a t u r e o r U te b id e o a -

a a d b idb y a cc ftW ed ch eck mi T e a P e r

f th a bid to ta l. AH chock* to be



A . . . . „ ■ - » — T 'H E other day I listened to a verywork until September, when two can- ■ chi|dren. These will form an interest-; 1 exCHlent « .„n o n by a celebrated didates were initiated into the coun-, in(f exhibit at the commencement, clp Kym„ n_ , Imin whose ability Is on- c , which will be held on Thursday eve- questioned, and who Is a power for

Among the honored guests of the ning, Ju ly 26, a t 8 o ’clock. The public K<),„ | |„ hi» community evening were Associate S ta ie .Vice js invited and paren ts and frien ds o f n e wa8 (jigcussing the question Of Councilor Mrs. Lillian Wanthouse, the children are urged to.ibe present „„glon and sWence aod showing veryn n d W i l i i a m U/ o n r h n i lo a AT I h o n 1 4Ua «.«ism iMA«i«iABniin4 .. w.. W. I ......

effectively how the; can be reconciled, and abide side by side, each doing It*

Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Moller and daughter o f Second Avenue; and Miss Dorothy White o f Long Island, andM rs. W. M art ¿son, o f Rutherford, have _ _ ___ _returned from a trip to the summer 1 {*• P T V ? !- A‘ * l,>cl* tlunhome o f the Moller’s a t Forked River. | All prdpoaals muat be ^n!cloie<l in

H « m i l t r M a t i n s o f th « m I<I H o ard , to

ter, Mrs. W illiam Neary o f Fem Ave- ^ d ^ 1 a n " id ,,Av«n^^o^M !m<i^i*AW u»t made out't» th* o rttr of —The Townshipi t h , 1921: a t E l« h t P. M . P re sen t Tlnn-. of L ^ n d b u n t ," W y «MWMyflU b id d e r fo r th e c o n s tru c tio n of co iureU f cu rb b » 1 , will be rwMftrod to ( w a |A bond fo r Ow »cutter an d atx inch b itu m in o u s m acad am J p roper p e rfo rm anc« o f fko con trac t. T h e a n d co n c re te s to rm w a te r sew^r.

U pon C opeland A venue betw een S tu y ­v esan t A venue a n T en th S t r e e t

P lan s , specifications, a n d o th e r In fo rm a­tion m ay be o b ta ined a t th e office o f the T ow n sh ip K n r in e e r Thorn. V Bowne. (M r

rill he rsuMi r od lo h n U . p ro p e l p e rf o rma n c e o f th eJ Board o f Com m i—l a s e rs reaenres th e

r igh t to re ja e t a n y a n d a l l bids fo r a n y I cause w hatsoever.

B y O r d « B a j ^ O — ,Tow nsh ip C lerk .

D ated a t L y n d h u rs t. N . J . on J u ly IS . I t f t .

fo r tb e pest S4 j m n . . H e ia a Collo go 0 —A p N

p ro p e rly sealed envelope, p la in ly m arked on th e ou tside , w ith th e nam e of th e

St. Matthews Churchand Mr. William Wanthouse of the at the commencement exercises. E agle Rock Council of Newark.

A social hour with refreshments served by the entertainment commit­tee followed the business meeting. ' --------

Mrs. M argaret Velie o f Court Ave- Eight-Thirty A. M. M orning Ser- nue will be delegate to the National j vice. In order to enable all to attend Convention for two years, and Mrs. j service on Sunday, we are holding Muriel N ear of Page Avenue will be our service at this hour. L a s t Sun- the alternate. day a very nice number attended this

-----------0----------- early service, and expressed theirW A o f m i n c f o r H V R S pleasure in having such an early ser-ffes trains ter U ' ¥ • D * vice, which gives them am ple tim e to

refresh their sou ls and a lso leavesThe W estminster Daily Vacation j time for christian recreation. Come

Iiiblc School, which is held in the j and let the auto bring you to church, Presbyterian Church at New Je rse y before that days outing. B rin g your

shore for the betterment of the world and the freeing of men's souls from evil and superstition ,

Hut while, in support of his com­mendation of religion he quoted many religious writer»—bei-ide those whose words are Immortalized In t!*e Bible —lie borrowed liberally. In talking about science, fr< m s recent book, and neglected to mention either tbe book or Its authri

This, perhaps, would not .inve been so subject to criticism bad tie not— unwittingly no doubt—conveyed the Idea that the many farts which he

I£arl Heiland, o f Stuyvesant Avenue, I bidder and the nature of the bid m - and W alter i . b . . talned therein, and bid muit be accoiti-an a W aiter Mitchel, of Lake A venue,( ,,anlcd by a CertlBed check in Ten Per! motored to Canada, and on their re-1 Cent of the bl<? total, a il checka to be turn trip, stopped a t Rock Hill, N . m,,de out to lhe order ° r ^ T,,wn"k“ * Y ., where E a r l ’s parents, Mr. and M rs. George Heiland and brother E rn est, of Lyndhurst were stopping.All returned home on Saturday.

A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Secred H eart Church on Sunday afternoon, when Miss Jennie Costa, o f St. Paul S treet, became the bride o f Jam es Ja n a l is , of Newark. The Rev. Thom as J . McDermott officiated. M iss M argaret Rizzolo was brides­m aid, and Paul Jan u lis, brother o f the groom was best man.

W e r f t

\H u n ^ ry |

Mrs. Anha Doremus of New Je rse y . , . . . . . Avenue is spending a vacation a t Lakeemployed h»d been gathered by him- Uotiatcong.

aelf throii'h hi* «vide rendliiK. As • * __matter of irulli be spoke of little, . , , , , Mr. and Mrs. John Ruckstuhl, J r . ,

o, the science side of 1.1« argument an<| s<m w . lte o f F jfth Avenu hav,;tha t w» . not con l i 'ned la-lh aM M U ^-7 , , , ^ a twu ww l[ .

m ade o u t to th e o rder o f L y n d h u rs t.’*

Tho B oard o f C om m issioner» th e r ig h t to re je c t auiy a n d aril b id s fo r a n y ca u se w hatsdtever.

By O rd er B oard of C o m m issio n ers D O M IN IC K J LIV K IJLI.

T ow nsh ip C lerk D ated a t L y n d h u rs t, N. J . on J u ly t r d . 1928.




g l l > > KOTCTTTTl« irgl»»MOTOCNM


Excavating, Landscaping, Grad­ing, Concrete Foundations, Trench, Sewer and ditch work.

Lawns Seeded and Rolled

141 SANFORD AVENUE Phonddutherford 1855-J.

O R D IN A N C E No. 2732-2807

ia tbe Stete of Nnr Jarsay and Maryland.

He has fitted orar fifty thousand persona satisfac­torily.

W h e n t h e c l o u d s h i p s g o a s a i l i n g in t h e b r e e z e .

E v e r y l i t t l e s t a r w a n t s e v e r y t h i n g h e s e e s

C a k e s a n d s u g a r c o o k i e s , h o n e y o n t h e i r b r e a d -

j u s t l i k e h u n g r y c h i l d r e n , h a p p y w h e n t h e y ’ r e f e d .

" I t ’s a happy place to buy foods." Folks say that about this shop


Ridge Road, cor. Kingsland Avenue Lyndhurst, N. J.

Telephone Rutherford 44504451



Phone Rutherford 3255

ticular hn«»lc.It* ntifhor did not pretend to any

erudition or i^sonrch—he Rave all his authorities—nnd told his story with­out nsklnjr any cr« dlt for tiimsHf. But the clergyman, lifting styry after story from the \oluine. went on l a d 00 mul

| on. cltliiK case lifter case—mid all of them, as was plain to one. who had read ll»e hook, came directly out ik that one volume.

s e eNow tills Is not theft, of course, or clergyman would not have used It. It Is mere thoug' tlessiiess.Vet i’ got for t.lm. In the eye« of

■ I some of his readers, a reputation for wide learning which he did not pos sess, and this was hardly fair. The

i clergyman occupies a peculiar posl tlon before his congregation and be fore the world. ,

I f he Is eloquent and able, he Is | greatly adailred—dnd what he snys has a real authority.

must rend widely, and think deeply to lie convincing, and he must

' above all maintain his Intellectual In ! tegrlty at a high standing.

lie cannot give page vers? and line as authority for everything .I n la y s , but when he dips whole handftfls of material .'rnm one book, it would be more generous for him to name the author of the honk, and thank him for having written It.

• •Scientists must depend on writing

men to make their work known. Tew writing men are qualified for this Job

This man was so qualified lie did an excellent work, lie rendered the achievements o f modern Investigation better than the Investigators could have rendered It.

Vet it I had not read Ills work, f would have given this pastor the cred­it for this achievement—ami he did not deserve It at all.

spent in the C atskills.

Mrs, William Geary, wife o f Officer G eary is recovering rapidly from the effects o f an operation fo r appendi­citis performed a t St. Mary’s H ospital

> in P assaic several weeks ago.

Albert W eyersberg, o f Valley Brook Avenue and Nathan Kleber o f

j K earny have returned to their homes from an eight day hitch hike which

j covered over 1,000 miles.

Anna Bogle, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bogle of Post Avenue is recovering from an operation for re­moval of her tonsils a t the Hacken­sack Hospital.

William K. Hickey and Mrs. W. B. K elly are on a motor trip to Scul- bille, A tlantic County, v isiting their siste r , Mrs. W illiam Hill.

S e a le d p ro p o sa l» w ill b e r a r i v e d by th e B o a rd o f C o m m is s io n e r s o f ®»e T o w n ­s h ip o f L yntlhurm t. N. J .. a t a R e j ru la r i M e e tin g o f th e saidi B o a rd , to b e h e ld In th e T o w n H a l l . V a l le y B ro o k a n d D H a fle ld A v en u e* on M o n d a y , AuKUHt 6 th a t 8 P . J ^ D ayM R ht S a v in g T im e , f o r th e c o n s tr u c t io n o f a r e - in fo rc e d c o n ­c r e t e a n d v i tr if ie d p ip e s to rm w a t e r s e w e r f ro m P e n n s y lv a n ia A v en u e n o r th ­e r ly th ro u g h M o u n ta in W a y to N e w Y o rk A v e n u e a n d v a r io u s p u b lic a n d p r iv a t e c o u r s e s o r p r o p e r ty a c ro s s e x i s t ­ing? s t r e e t s to S ix th A v e n u e , a n d s o u th ­e a s t e r ly th ro u R h S ix th A v e n u e to O r ie n t W a y a s p a r t o f t l ie N o r th K a s te m D ra tn = auce D i s t r i c t S y s te m a n d f o r th e c o n ­s t r u c t io n o f a v i tr if ie d pip** s e p a r a te o r s a n i t a r y s e w e r f ro m T h i rd A v e n u e th r o u g h p r iv a t e p ro p e r ty to S ix th A v e ­n u e . a n d a lo n g F o u r th o r I^ake A v en u e , F i f t h A v e n u e a n d S ix th A v e n u e b e tw e e n

| St. Thomas’ Episcopal Church

F orest and Stuyvesant AvenuesRev. Franklin G. Faber, RectorRectory: 361 Livingston Avenue

Phone Ruth. 1403-J.Service fo r Sunday.7:30 A.M., Holy Communion.9:45 A.M., Church School.11 A.M., Morning prayer and se r­

mon. yy8 P.M., Evening prayer and sermon.The church with a cordial welcome

to all.

St. Matthews’ Lutheran Church

Ived by ’ tm itttm nnnnnttnnm nnrm tnrm tm nrtnnnH r


D .L & W . Seraato* COAL Koppers C O K E

Office and Y a id

Mr. Thom as Hickey, traffic m anager for the Marine Transit Corporation at Buffalo, N. Y ., visited in town during the week.

Mr. and M rs. J . F. Hickey o f 616 Second Avenue motored to Bristol, Conn., and Springfield, M ass., where they visited relatives , during the week.


Valley Brook and T ravers PI.Rev. George F. Muller, Pastor

8:30 A.M., Morning service. in order to give all ample opportunity to attend our morning service, we hare changed the hour of morning service, from 10:30 to 8:30 A.M.

Lyndhurst Methodist Episcopal Church

Stuyvesant and Tontine Aves. George Fountain, Pastor

Morning worship 11.00

In the Leader la st week there ap ­peared a card of thsriks signed by j Mrs. F. Whitehead and fam ily, j Through an error, part of the article j w as omitted. M rs. Whitehead also [a t 8.00

| w ish es to sincerely thank her neigh-j Lyndhurst Women’s Bible C lass, ! bora for their kind services during T je sd ^ y aftcrnocn, 0 .0 0 ,

Evening worship 8.00 Bible School, 9.45 Epworth League, 7.00 Ju n ior Church, W ednesday night 7 Mid-Week Service W ednesday night

You are welcome to any and all of these services.

Classified AdvertisementsClassified Advertising

Rates6 lines 1 tim e .................................... 50c5 lines 2 t i m e s .................. 75c5 lines 3 tim es ................................1.00

Yearly rates on request. All ads payable in advance. AH copy must be in Leader Office before 4 P.M.Thursday. In figuring cost o f adver­tisement in advance figure that there are six words to the line.

■ A T T K R O B CHARGBD aad ranted. Prom pt and affleieat aurvioe. Radio repairing. T h * Radio Servioa Ce., ISO P ark A t * , RaU>«rf<>«d. H. J. Pkoo* R ate . 14M. tf.

ItE L IA B L E MAN will cut lawns, hed­ges. Apply 384 F o rest Ave., Lynd­hurst. Tel. Ruth.W ooliscroft.

5397. Charles 22-29-6-13

SIG N S a sign you want, see459 F (

I f its0 . C arrara, 459 F orest Ave. The sign man of the town. Lettering on trucks at reasonable prices.


FLOOR FOR REN T—5 rooms anil bath, all improvements, steam heat and hot water. Residential section.

- 508 Third Ave. t f

LO A N S to Housekeepers on yuur furniture in $50, $100, $150, $200, $ ¿ 5 0 and $300 Denominations I-egal interest only. Absolutely no other charge. Sm all weekly pay­ments. We guarantee the loan within twenty-four hours, Lynd­hurst Loan Co. Inc., 308 Stuyvesant Ave., Bogle Building, Lyndhurst, N. J . Licensed by the S tate Of New Je rse y , No, 439. Phone Rutherford 78.



Tel. Rutherford 2140 LYNDHURST. N. Jt

t*a&&&B!OOùiCiùiJtxKia a a BaaannnMrarttBuwmtnrmmmmm*wmmmummmm


“THE STERNER SHOP”U p h o l s t e r i n g

30 Ames Avenue Rutherford, N. J.Phone Rutherford 1160


Kleen Koal18 Park Avenue

Rutherford, New JerseyPhone Rutherford 2094


MOTHS IN YOUR P IA N O -M illion s o f egg s in the fe lt under the keys.I will call and show you. Let me moth proof and tune your piano, i J . E . Lay , “ The Pjano Doctor." I Belleville 3053. 404 Union Ave. \

PR IV A T E S C A V E N G E R -Y o u r ashes ! *n d garbage removed a t a very! reasonable sum from 2 to 3 times a week with no bother to yourself $2.00 and up monthly. J . J . Ferrie, 179 Copeland Avenue, Lyndhurst! Phone Rutherford 4199-R.

O D w rite : such r iv e rs e v ’ ryw h ere . And p rin ts such m ountain? on

the sky ,I w ould lit t w eep, I w ould not cure,

I f you should n ever read w h at I A ttem pt to sa y . Why fool w ith riu ies A m id our s in g in g su m m ertim es?

I bid you put the book a w a yAnd wiilk outdoors, and see the

worl 1.T h e re Is more tru th In one bright day

T h a n a ll th e trutl. th at man hug hurled

D ow n a ll the ages, m ore o f hope Ii one ¿ re e a b lad e on on e g ra y slope.

A nd. I f 1 a sk you. frien d , to read ,*T Is but to a sk that you w ill look.

A b ove, beyond, thl i s im p le screed And r e a t th e lines In G o d 's great

book.T ea . th rill w ith n :. the p o etry O f hill and ;ky and wood and sea.

« © b v M c C lu r * N e w s p a p e r 8 y n « 1 * c s te »

the long illness o f her husband and their beautiful floral offerings of sym ­pathy at the time of his death.

J Reed Memorial United iIn a separate article we stated thati n a . -

M rs. Whitehead and daughter D aisy ! [ P r e s b y t e r i a n t ^ n u r c h were called home upon being notified Stuyvesan t Avenue,'near Valley Brook o f the death o f Mr. Whitehead. Mrs. Rev. Ja m e s H. L ittell, D.D.,Whitehead spent a few d ays at Indian PastorLake to recuperate and daughter Sunday Services.

' Bible school, 9.45 A.M . ______Morning worship, 11 A.M.Young People’s Christian Union, 7

P.M.Evening worship, 8. P.M.Midweek prayer m eeting, Wednes­

day at 8 P.M.A conlial invitation is extended to

all to' join in the above services.

^otecaeMCBOBcecBaeacBoeceeeoKiPagw w 1

Frederick ResseguieORGANIST, St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church

D aisy visited with frien ds in , Long Island following the burial o f Mr• Whitehead.

Mr. Whitehead is survived by his w ife, one son Clifford and three daugh­ters, Dorothy, D aisy and Helen.H K K O K N C O U N T Y .O R P H A N S ’ C O U R T

In th e M a t t e r o f th e K » ta te o f J CORNKU'D oc.»ed .

N o tic e to C r e d i to r s o f I n n o tv e n t E s t a t e i n P r e s e n t C la im to A d m in is t r a to r

P u r s u a n t to a n o r d e r o f t h e O rp h a n s C o u r t ..f t h e C o u n ty o f th "t h e 1 2 th d a y o f J u n e , 1928, u p o n tn e a p p l ic a t io n o f A n th o n y C o rn e ll , » d m ln - H tr a to r o f t h e e s t a t e o f i f a n a J . C o rn e ll , d e c e a s e d , n o t ic e 1» h e re h y K lven h y t l » a id A n th o n y C o rn e ll . " I t a t "a fo r e s a id , to t h e c re d i to r « o f s a id e s ta t e i f F r a n k J . C o r n e ll , d e c e a s e d , to e x h ib i t to h im u n d e r o a th o r a '1 ™ » * 1" " ‘^ , 1

s;kTe- VoV-

e v e r ~I n s th e s a m e .D a te d J u n e C O R N E L I .,

ANlM Administrator.H K N N * B t ’ i tR .

6«5 N ew ark A jy ..J<,5 w t o r o f A d m in is tr a to r .

J u n e 22-29 . J u ly l - l l - H - ___________________

TeacherPiano. Organ, Voice. Theory by

oocnuBC fwnnow-----------

Piane DepartmentTouch Technic. Sight Reading.

1 heory MemorisationStud io : 53 L iv in gston A venue

(Second Apartment)

V o c a l

H ig h V « ic s ■ --------------

D ia p h ra g m a tic S v p p e r t « I T «

N . J .

Westminster Presbyterian Church


New Je rse y Avepue and Ridge Road Rev. John C. Lane, Pastor

(opposite Lincoln School)We prepare O yster F ry ’s to take home, or you m ay have them raw in pints and quarts.

(Open 6:30 A.M. to 1 A.M.)

FOR R E N T —4 large sunny rooms and bath, all improvements. Rent $35. Inquire Wm. P. K raft. 279 Kingsland Avenue, Lyndhurst.

_________ 6-28-4ti

FOR R E N T—Apartment, 3 rooms, steam heat and hot water. Jan ito i service. 305 Milburn Avenue. $45.


WANTED—Active Young woman in rental department of l<i*al Realtor to show apartments, houses, etc. 11 stenographic or typewriting exper- I ■ence not es^ntial Write, V alto r,P. O. Box 236 Lyndhurst.


FI^AT T o REN T— 4 and 5 room s with bath, all improvements including g “ 1- *25 and $30. A ddresa 705nidge Road, n ear Sum m er Avenue

6-28-4 ti

FOR S A L E —Ownej m ust ¡(ell, com er TO L E T —G arage a t 115 Stuy-, house, 6 large rooms, all improve­ments, large plot, near station. Price reasonable, 240 Court Ave­nue, Lyndhurst. 7-12-5ti

vesant Avenue. 233-M.

Phone Rutherfor I

FOB R E N T —3 rooms enclosed porch, all improvetD«<fts. Adults only, 342 Valley Brook Avenue, Lvndhurst. Rutherford 2002-W.

FO R REN T—5 rooms and g arag e , all improvements also piano for sale. Inquire 68 Park Ave., Lyndhurst. Phone Rutherford 4775. 7-18-Sti

FOR SA L E —3 piece living room su ite ,;Mahogany fram es, removable cush-.ions, fine condition. $15.00. Mrs. J . I , v . ■ —Goheen, 421 Third Avenue, Lynd-i V V . . A sum j> f money was

LAW NM OW ERS sharpened, repaired, called for and delivered. G. Ahrendt 315 Union Avenue, Rutherford. Phone Rutherford 5368. 7-20-4t

hurst. Phone Rutherford 2699-M7-12-Sti

FOR R E N T—2 rooms together or single. 256 Court Avenue, Lynd­hurst.

FOR S A L E —6 room house with sun- porch. Plot 35x198. Price $8,000.! S32 Riverside Avenue, Lyndhurst.

FOR RENT—S rooms, upper floor, 1 family house, all improvementa, also attic for (to n e* . Heat faroUhsA.

picked up on Valley Brook Avenue, Monday, Ju ly 9. Anyone interested may inquire' a t the F ree Public l ib r a r y .

LA D Y IN S T R U C T R E S S — Instruc-

License guaranteed. $10.00. 545 6th Avenue, Lyndhurst. T-90-St

FO R SA L E —Sim m on s' S ingle Bed. new, Walnut finish, bed apring and m attrets, panels set in. reasonable.

I 820 P »«« Ave., Lyndhurst.- 7 - M - *

S l V O U iM U T H F p r O P C 3 N


Ramon Novarro in ‘THE ROAD TO ROMANCE Bebe Daniels in “THE FIFTY-FIFTY GIRL”


“ M A D H O U R ”• _ - w i t h - r , ;

Alice White and Lowell Sherman Harold Lloyd in “THE KID BROTHER”


— with —Gary Cooper and Fay Wray '

“LADY OF VICTORIES”Another Technicolor “Great Event” Picture

“Seeing the World”__________________ An “Our Gang" ComedyNow Playing

Wallace Beery and Raymond Hatton in“ «THE WIFE SAVERS” -----

George Bancroft in “THE DRAG NET” D O N T W ORRY A BOUT SUMMER HBAT The Typhoooed Rivoli Will Keep You Happy


EMERY'SLyndhurst Loach

Room290 RIDGE ROAD(O eessM s L ineato School)

OYSTERS R IN SEASONWe pesears Oyster e i y , t , u * , •ama, er jth may Have tlww

raw In pints and « a n i (Opea «iS( A M. ta t A. M.)

G E O . H . H O L D E NRoofirfjr and Sheet Metal


Phone Rutherford 2233 323 Second Ave. Lyadhum, N. J.


Painter and Decorator»Estim ataa Cheerfully Gives

m s tay v eaaa l A v e , LyadharetPhene Rutherford 411$-W

Michelin Tires and Tubesg a so lin e a n d o il s

-evon m u aa ia —


Connelly's Auto Supply Store«7» v a l l e y b r o o k a v e .





R u th e r f o r d . N J X^ncfL .'‘f M other C hurch T he F ir s t C hu rch o f C h ris t r

S cien tist in B oston. M ass

ell A venue.Sunday services a t 11 AM.. p Wr.lnr«Ur .Teams sorrtco at •» » d a y School a t I N A.MK M dlns room w ith r a t r a a c e on

J, *” u A’'««»«. of*m d a lle from I to I o dock excap« Sundays lecal holkdaya V ' “

When Ia Need Of


s i g n

M. V . ft H. A.n n n t B U D

3S6 Sss«4 A«*.