. .1 . 1 ! Saturday, May 23, 1925 ~ ~ NOTES FROM BEAUFORT. On last Monday night, The .. First African Baptist Church" was filled to its capacity with r___ the people of Besmfort, both colored and white, who went there to attend theamrtral Slab. town convention which met at that place. It was declared to be the greatest entertainment feature of, the ^easpn. The entertainment which was given by the Missionary society of the said church, was a complete success, financially as well as otherwise. It is to be repeated next Monday night down at Port Royal. Many from Beaufort .1 tire anticipating seeing itagaimr ' ,1. --On last Wednesday night, the Tabernacle Baptist Church wiibl .^packed^wTfh both colored and white neonle to witness tho mocf remarkable musical recital given . ..this season by the Voorhees quintette. The recital was one ..that the .people of Beaufort will pot soon -forget.- -We~lTope for their soon return here. . Thursday and Friday nights of last week the Ladies' Aid So.eiety -of the Weleey ~M. E. - - . CHurch had impromptu concerts at its church^ The programs both nights were indeed instructive as well as interesting. The program- consisted orf sotos, ; duetSiL recitations, readings, and ."short talks were made by RrolV Jas.., Riley, Dr. M. P. Kennedy and. Attorney Chas. E.Wa shin gf on ~ able social feature 6f the sea_son was the "first annual reception given by^the Calendar club, at the Odd Fellows Temple-on lasFThnrsday night. After the l_..ordep of dances was completed, a menu consisting of five courses was served. The music had been < specialty arranged for the occa^ sion was furnished by the famous Bryant's orchestra. Mrs.- Adele Flemming carried ton of her-music students to Alleftdale last Monday to render a musical, recital. The recitaL was l ~la comftlete success, and the small children enjoyed much I.U their trip through the country. The-people-of Altendale-express ed themselves as having thor~^ughly~~~eTi j u.y ed.the conceit, which-was evidenced the continued applause^during its ren dition. ** ~ ' TV.. w:n: i>-- lT * uu_ Williams, Lilt: UNai.lonai evangelist of "Louisiana, is in thV city, conducting a series' of Kflpt.ist. Church _.^... hold of Ruths had their annual Thanksgiving sermon preached .. to them on Sunday, the 10th. The churoh wau filled to itu eapacity. Rev. John Gifford delivered a very inspiring sermon. The people of Beaufort were shocked on last Sunday morn .ing when the news reached.here of the unfortunate tlrovyjoipg of Prof. Harry Cook of Penn school. It appears that the pro' fessor went out to take a morning swim, but went too far out, before aid could reach him he * went under. This was Prof. . Cook's first year at Penn school but he, because of his wonderful personality, had a host of friends~rrr Beaufort as well as on the Island. Prof. Cook came __ from Virginia and was bookkeeper at Penh school. We feel the loss as keenly as his rela tinriH- .. Miss Etta Washington, who has been teaching in the High School department at the Blackville Training School, has returned to the city. Miss Wash ington reports a most successful school term. Mrs. Florence C. Sanders is visiting the county schools in. the Bluffton sectToh this week^ Those -who motored to tho closing ol the Sheldon school -test Thursday night Were: Mrs? Florence C. Sanders, Mrs. Mamie Beamer, Misses Maude FuiUttnd MarloTT rayson, *" ^ ... '11 ii Charles E. Washington. . T¥f<£ exercises were exceptionally good for a rural school. v Miss Ruth Quick of Orangeburg is in the city for a short visit. -While here she is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.'Nathan ^Tehkinsr .. ~~~ The Beaufort~ County Training School, of which Prof. J. S. Shanklin is principal, had its closing exercises on last Friday noon. Rev. Bellinger of Alabama made the commencement address. It was indeed a masterpiece. Many of the white friends were present. VOORHEES NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL Ends Successful Year's Work. Sixteen Young Men and Women Receive Certificates and Diplomas.Dr D. H. Sims n * 1 w»Tvia vuiuiiiciicemeni /\adress. ZT" Denmark, S. C., May 13, 4S25..The_2Tth_ annual commencement exercises of VooK hees N. &.I. School, located at this place which ended today, marked the close of a very successful year's work for this well kfiown institution. * The 'closinpc exercises were begun oft-Friday nighty Ma& 8th, When n very entertaining program was rendered by the pupils of the___.Model ' School -Er-^Blanton-is the capable and etticient principal. The Commencement Sermon on Sunday, May 10th,.by.the Rev. R. E. Brogdon, Pastor ol the A. M. E. Church, Orangeburg, was wholesome and helpful. Patron's night was observecHMny 11, when an exce.U lent program was rendered. The Class day exercises on the afternoorrof~May T2th were nr» l AiroKla< Timo/^ntr ivwi j v.iij kjj uyn.. j. ixcoua.y evening the Oratorical Contest was held. The three.young men and three young women-contestants all spoke quite well. The winners -were Charlotte: Hunter, Victoria Chapman and .Rosa Brown. Long before the hour schednled for the program to beg'n on Wednesday, May 13th, an overflowing crowd of relatives of the -graduates and friends of the insHfution had assembled on the Campus. ;.: Promptly at 2 o'clock the school's excellent brass.band -sounded-the-atrains of an appropriate time ar.H lie irrand nrocession JTeadCcl by Principal Blanton and Treasurer Menafee, marched up the avenue, and 111 lu I He chapelr^....fan miniif 00 in/lno^m'ol Ii uv. tyn ixuuui^o -uuuoii ltu display at the beginning of the progx'am gave the audience an insigKt" into wlTaf the students do in the varioQs shops of the "school. The "following members of the class were speakers^ Johtt-H. Cochrane, Salutatorian, Subject: "Lfcst theTeople Ferisht" Reather M. Qibbs, "The Negro Woman as. a Community Builder,"- Martha E. Carolina, "Stepping Stones to Greatness^ XT G. Barnwell; "Veterinary Science an Asset ta Our SehooFj" Valedictorian, Ruth O. Bailey, "Education for..Efficiency and Efficiency for Serv'ce." -Dr. G. A. Eigner, Atlanta, Ga., a former graduate of the .schooLand a sttcccessful druggist, made a very interesting ,speech. A special feature of the program was the charming rendition of "Creole Love Song" by Victoria V. Chapman, a The Commencement Address, by Dr. D. H. Sims, Pres'dent of Allen TTnivprsitv 77nliimV»ia was indeed a masterpiece. Dr. Sims is one of our most pleasing and convincJng platform speakers, and one of the race's foremost educators. .* < Pres. R. S.-.WttkHwon of in-rlinipo' THE PALMETTO 1^ - STRAY LI A Department of C § ~ ^ By WILLIAM D. (All contributions to this Departi "g; poetry," accompanied by stamped ~a S; and sent to 1501 Ya Taylor St., Colum -£_ column. Allworthy manuscripts will ~i; . that, talent, if you have it.) "The Editor of this. Department o fi siring poems on any subject for any g moriams, expressions of friendship, 8 kinds. .. \~ T THE JOV 01 By William D. -Is there no balm to heal t No magtC"touch to bid Shall Grief forever pierce u -The souLfEom bitterness And Death, the grim, dark Shall it be never shut, o To hide its horrors or relt Shall. WP forpypf siigh til Of this sweet hope, the ah The Christ has teft ns^ Why does it not remove tl And flood earth's darkne Here in my soul, torn nowTaunted by tasted joys I beg a healing balm,-.un Sweet promise cannot ai ' I listened to a bird that pc In wildest ecstacy upon t "And from its souhrr-sent sc A sweet philosophy that A flower bloomed in beaut; Stooping, I saw .within it Life's deepest meaning.in i .. ThaL.ewcn Death its toiif "Be happy," .breathed to m Sweet -with the-kiuscmn "Be happy," sang the birc I knew the secret of life's And lfke the <birds^Ofeard . , In living joy liKe to a pi That purged my heart of t Turned life into a happi The Joy of Life! Why e'er ___JSpat4de with its sublime And play like children,.fr And thru th' eternal cy< The Joy of Life! Within-yc * It calls to me, and ans\v< At Death, and mo^riSorrc Crush you to my wild b The birds, the 'flowers,Ta ..-Fm son of Earth,.-my Fat 1 crush you to my hean This new~philosophy has n 1 With which my souLiaju When Sorrow's gloom a-bou Flee t<$ a happier plaee;. w TO AfRS.-vCORA T _ By William D. 1 Mere wordff can never eulc . .rci. "T""""* ine pen is, powerless to Thfi glory of a soul that ni Her name is writ 111 gokn And yet 'tis/fltting that ihi i.'o^gfbthu/' .ail thenvealth And let'poetic beauty keu{: .To its own "glory,- her-H+ Though dead,, she lives,.In She^ lives in golden deeds; But from the field of lal She lives. liveslrT the soul A shining Ideal 'that by 1 Was- taught Athe lnftini-ss-X And with h^r life, interpi - She lifted "woman to iier^j And with the cords of lo Of Christian service for her And Christ-was glorified L.i.iJ. In vain are tributes writte In vain'are flowers cast Let each who loved her str That she" has left,.excel ting language presented Dr. Vc Sims to the audience. Mrs. S. CI L." Collins of Bettis Academy (It made a short. taBcf Nc __Prin. J. E. Blanton and Prof., ch Moore, head teacher, presented in diplomas and certificates to the1 wc sixteen members of the gradu, , . : ating class, who completed both: wa industrial and literary courses. ^ The musical programs ren- tw dcred at all of the exe rentes-by-- an the choir and-glee club were of les a very high and ^ntertairffngd ha order, the solos, trios, etc., were bei especially good. ' ha At. this pointj.Prin. Blariton pit explained thaTthe affiliafion .of ha -. ... ~j~ni - ' LEADER " I" CAVES:-: ' "J; Current Poetry ROBINSON., - ;e| nent must be typewritten, "real « rul addressed retbrn en7clope7 bia, S. C., to the Editor of this :C; I be printed .under your own g; -this is- your chance to develop^S^ (Ters his services to anyone de- p occasion, such as epitaphs, me- :9 or topics for programs of all F LIFE. Robinson.r he broken heart? life's sorrows flee? iJi with his dart ? 7? ~ be never free? Kate of the Unknown, r never ope, ;ase the flown? te dead sans hope? ^ stract, airy vision, rfthe life ^reborn,. le horrid vision, ss with its brighter morn? by many^sorrows, -. soon snatchjsd away,., born tomorrow's . x lswer for today! trched and sang t bough ; j ( 1 nig suddenly sprang, . heals me now. : ^ |? y at my feet,. . j s lovely face, ^ _ . i dream so sweet h could not erase: J ' o~the*soft spring breeze, r the now boin Mowers: Is aloft the tr^els4=^<.__>^ i weakened powers. Life's sweeter call, jlsing stream >urrow, ailQ AVlinai, living dream. _ 1 the mighty stars ! and holy glow,. ee TTOm -sorrow's bars; jles dancing go! >ur love-lit eyes, jring, I laugh >w's gloomy skies ; eating heart and laugh! ; nd"ev'ry-Hring-thing4. ,.' her is divine: . ; t,-<aiiid 1 am King! lighty wings, ^ . merl to flee nwav ; it its dwelling clings,. -a sunrrier-dayl 7- * 1; h BOYKIX. J Robinson. ; urizfe flic great. . magnify asters fate: in honor's skies! : * I -1 e pen should strive - 4 < of harmony, .v-*-^ alive,. _. . * e*&3ftelodyJ.: b~ r J. \ res in the grateful hearts -} uce heard her name;.; trml' such departs ~ bor, pain and blame. of yomanhoTidr^ heayenly^yision, i£_sisterhood,.. .H roted the vision. * ', < I ... , JTopcrr place; ve, she made strong bands "needy race; , j by her helping hands: n on the tomb.: : i. t_ upon the grave:. < lve to fill the room\"r. il ^the life she gave. | idrhees with the American J lurch Institute for Negroes £ x:ated at 281. Fourth' 'Avenue, J !\v York) and the Episcopal < v urch of S. C., was but a step \ the direction of mak'ng the { »rk more permanent. That is affiliation was not an effort j yliaiiiperiiig flic schoat in .anyj iy. He said : "Ehzabet.h E. j ..fl.n a f M i i i-t i f i rignc lounueu mis scnool wiin *, 1 idea of having a plan* \v_hmi_2 y-worthy hoy or girl, regard-; j s of his or her religion, might J ve a chance to develope the ] it there may be in them. This j s always bedti so, and the j ins now bein-g made are made_. \ ving in mind making thisij t » J ».» I'll' 1 even more possible than it - is today. _ * ?". t S. A number of prominent visitors attended the Commoncenient exercises, among whom were >\irswJ. Dorsey Green of ' Detroit, one of the. first teachers in ltieTh"sQlijti<»n';' Rev .Mrs. W. W.jCUappelle and Rev. and Mrs. Isaac Myers, Bam"' her}?; Prof. F. My- Stale.y," State College'; Key. I. E. Lowery, Co- lumbiajpRev. and. Mrs. T. A. Robinson, Rev. II. II. Matthews * and Rev. J. .11. Coleman. .The.14)24-^5 .school year vjLLt Voorhees was a great successT Both teachers and students worked hard in Mess room,-! amd . .1 " . i-nupn uiiu on mo iarm. , 1'rin J. 15; liluiilun uirrf-J-rcasr Ah.- -A.-1 Manatee .are two stalwart, hard- tvorking^ etliueTTtri)u*n. who are-* really putting over a big job- them is "a faculty oT 32 well trained earned men .and women who are helping to put Vo~pr... * #. bees-over the top. . i j i i London, England, expects soon .o have a garage with a revolving flodr. Thus a ea-r parked m the floor can be brought a-t f>und t ythe door by -the -rota- + iorf-op^he floor. r Alonzo P. H ISCOKI'O .-o J UNDERTAKERS^ Runeral Supplies^ i 1012 Washnigton St., ^ I'HO! i ifcaiiiinfTrf^ffftTTrmnwanww { OJIice'.Phone 602G V- JNT. J. FEE t* i* Attorne3r-at -Law ai t* - Practice in alt Courts : £ 1119 Washington Street, jlj .7-** c* ' * A XBMHranmBaiHBBHnnMMiaMKVMHMH \ .- -J, H. ROB || { MERCHA?S! If" TELE PHO ! 1118V2 Washington Sirred, ' f * |-t ' .. REESE'S DR | , - MRS. P. R. R1 A Full Line of Paten | Madam . J. Walker's | Times. Ice Cream and I > -- PHONE jjj 1122 Assembly S.treet, >®:tto»»^o:o:o;oaoo^:o:ooAao:o:ocio»o: 1 i :>xa2rc2roma[a^oxcao-0w0^^oo^8» ^ < - * j - - - i-.r- P. A. s: i Cleaning-, Press t and Dyeing. A anteed. ; -v., ...... *' . ^ >'>:o:c^o;o;o<yo'oooooo^o:oo<t>'6'o:o^^yo^ |Lrr-r" ' WHEN IN COLCTII BROADWAY i : ~ S frlSH : - ' in se; 1 . I), w. woe ' ^ -i -r ..-. "" "" ^THKEE M Davis Flower Shop and | Beauty Parlor ^ "Poro "System" \ J Roses, Carnations, Sweet Peas .and .-till Seasonable Flowers. ^ Wax and Fresh Cut. we deliver: IH5URS: A. M. TO 7 P. M. 'j Sundays 9. A. M.. TO 1, P. M. ^Mme. Sarah B. Davis, Mgr. . 2103Gerv£tffe St., Columbia, S. C. NELSONjS BEAUTY -1 PARLOR Hair Dressing of . -..AIL Kinds. Mme, "Josephine Nelson, Mgr. 1317 Wheat St., Columbia, S. C. * : : :. .j Martin & Thurman 7. . ^ -: 1.. ^.: ; " 9 a ..r.- . .:h 'S*-..r.... .23 Electrical Contractors , " " . jr» v v . 3 -J _Phones 8723-885.4 Columbia, S. C. i ; ' ardy & Co. V RATED ! '' /: at Lowest Prices 77 ** . 7 \ NE 3922 Columbna, S. C. *~n 3 X~XXrX"X~XK~X~X~>*;~>«XM'X*^>< Residence Phone 6798 < ,.v- ::_.I DERICK :: .:. 7 id Notary Public. J 7 ' t.State and Federal. ~~. j_ . .'. *o.i > 1 Columbia, S. C. * M«*:wM"K"X"X"X"X"'X">K,,W<' 4 k ERTSON '; :[ F-TfriLOIt 1 [- -jj -* X To Order. | NE~4003:* - i *" Columbia, S. C. $ 3 ' v ^ . w. . 3 5g^>j]ruuuau^UO.UO-OiDX>^mCKg9ar ITG STORE *I EESE, Prop., ' i H t Medicines. Cigars, as. A Full -Line of i ^ \ Preparations at all £ 1* Sodas. : 8 > |_7S20 __ ..... I Columbia, S. C. £ MITH Trrr. "i; | iiTfT, Altering -v" £ -1 -.-J 11 Work Guar Columbia, S. C. . \ j *ta,eatat the .^ ::.-i "* ~ -.-* « -S DAIRY CAFE RY AND Ui'-TO'DAXE ! L Jj )DS, Prop. ; ; Jl ^ ^jCcrfiimhia, S. C... i r J

M 1^ J; Shop€¦ · program-consisted orf sotos,; duetSiLrecitations, readings,and."short talks were made by RrolV Jas.., Riley, Dr. M. P. Kennedy and.Attorney Chas. E.Washin gfon

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Page 1: M 1^ J; Shop€¦ · program-consisted orf sotos,; duetSiLrecitations, readings,and."short talks were made by RrolV Jas.., Riley, Dr. M. P. Kennedy and.Attorney Chas. E.Washin gfon

. .1 . 1 !

Saturday, May 23, 1925 ~~


On last Monday night, The.. First African Baptist Church"

was filled to its capacity withr___ the people of Besmfort, both

colored and white, who wentthere to attend theamrtral Slab.town convention which met atthat place. It was declared tobe the greatest entertainmentfeature of, the ^easpn. The entertainmentwhich was given bythe Missionary society of thesaid church, was a complete success,financially as well as otherwise.It is to be repeated nextMonday night down at PortRoyal. Many from Beaufort

.1 tire anticipating seeing itagaimr' ,1. --On last Wednesday night, the

Tabernacle Baptist Church wiibl.^packed^wTfh both colored and

white neonle to witness tho mocf

remarkable musical recital given. ..this season by the Voorhees

quintette. The recital was one..that the .people of Beaufort will

pot soon -forget.- -We~lTope fortheir soon return here.

. Thursday and Friday nightsof last week the Ladies' Aid So.eiety-of the Weleey ~M. E.


. CHurch had impromptu concertsat its church^ The programsboth nights were indeed instructiveas well as interesting. Theprogram- consisted orf sotos,

; duetSiL recitations, readings, and."short talks were made by RrolV

Jas.., Riley, Dr. M. P. Kennedyand.Attorney Chas. E.Washingfon


able social feature 6f the sea_sonwas the "first annual receptiongiven by^the Calendar club,at the Odd Fellows Temple-onlasFThnrsday night. After the

l_..ordep of dances was completed,a menu consisting of five courseswas served. The music had been

< specialty arranged for the occa^sion was furnished by the famousBryant's orchestra.Mrs.- Adele Flemming carried

ton of her-music students to Alleftdalelast Monday to render amusical, recital. The recitaL was

l ~la comftlete success, and thesmall children enjoyed much

I.U their trip through the country.The-people-of Altendale-expressed themselves as having thor~^ughly~~~eTij u.yed.the conceit,which-was evidenced the continuedapplause^during its rendition. ** ~ '

TV.. w:n: i>-- lT *

uu_ Williams, Lilt: UNai.lonaievangelist of "Louisiana, is inthV city, conducting a series' of

Kflpt.ist. Church _.^...

hold of Ruths had their annualThanksgiving sermon preached

.. to them on Sunday, the 10th.The churoh wau filled to itu eapacity.Rev. John Gifford delivereda very inspiring sermon.The people of Beaufort were

shocked on last Sunday morn.ing when the news reached.here

of the unfortunate tlrovyjoipg ofProf. Harry Cook of Pennschool. It appears that the pro'fessor went out to take a morningswim, but went too far out,

before aid could reach him he*went under. This was Prof.

. Cook's first year at Penn schoolbut he, because of his wonderfulpersonality, had a host offriends~rrr Beaufort as well ason the Island. Prof. Cook came

__ from Virginia and was bookkeeperat Penh school. We feelthe loss as keenly as his relatinriH- ..

Miss Etta Washington, whohas been teaching in the HighSchool department at the BlackvilleTraining School, has returnedto the city. Miss Washington reports a most successfulschool term.

Mrs. Florence C. Sanders isvisiting the county schools in.the Bluffton sectToh this week^

Those -who motored to thoclosing ol the Sheldon school-test Thursday night Were: Mrs?Florence C. Sanders, Mrs.Mamie Beamer, Misses Maude

FuiUttnd MarloTT rayson,*"


... '11 ii

Charles E. Washington. . T¥f<£exercises were exceptionallygood for a rural school. v

Miss Ruth Quick of Orangeburgis in the city for a shortvisit. -While here she is theguest of Mr. and Mrs.'Nathan^Tehkinsr .. ~~~

The Beaufort~ County TrainingSchool, of which Prof. J. S.Shanklin is principal, had itsclosing exercises on last Fridaynoon. Rev. Bellinger of Alabamamade the commencementaddress. It was indeed a masterpiece.Many of the whitefriends were present.


Ends Successful Year's Work.Sixteen Young Men and WomenReceive Certificates andDiplomas.Dr D. H. Sims

n * 1w»Tvia vuiuiiiciicemeni /\adress.ZT"

Denmark, S. C., May 13,4S25..The_2Tth_ annual commencementexercises of VooKhees N. &.I. School, located atthis place which ended today,marked the close of a very successfulyear's work for thiswell kfiown institution.

* The 'closinpc exercises werebegun oft-Friday nighty Ma& 8th,When n very entertaining programwas rendered by the pupilsof the___.Model ' School

-Er-^Blanton-is the capable andetticient principal.The Commencement Sermon

on Sunday, May 10th,.by.theRev. R. E. Brogdon, Pastor olthe A. M. E. Church, Orangeburg,was wholesome and helpful.Patron's night wasobservecHMny11, when an exce.Ulent program was rendered.The Class day exercises on

the afternoorrof~May T2th werenr» l AiroKla< Timo/^ntr

ivwi j v.iij kjj uyn.. j. ixcoua.y eveningthe Oratorical Contest washeld. The three.young men andthree young women-contestantsall spoke quite well. The winners-were Charlotte: Hunter,Victoria Chapman and .RosaBrown.

Long before the hour schednledfor the program to beg'non Wednesday, May 13th, an

overflowing crowd of relativesof the -graduates and friends ofthe insHfution had assembledon the Campus. ;.:

Promptly at 2 o'clock theschool's excellent brass.band-sounded-the-atrains of an appropriatetime ar.H lie irrand nrocessionJTeadCcl by PrincipalBlanton and Treasurer Menafee,marched up the avenue, and111 lu IHe chapelr^....fanminiif 00 in/lno^m'ol

Ii uv. tyn ixuuui^o -uuuoii ltu

display at the beginning of theprogx'am gave the audience an

insigKt" into wlTaf the studentsdo in the varioQs shops of the"school. The "following membersof the class were speakers^Johtt-H. Cochrane, Salutatorian,Subject: "Lfcst theTeople Ferisht"Reather M. Qibbs, "TheNegro Woman as. a CommunityBuilder,"- Martha E. Carolina,"Stepping Stones to Greatness^XT G. Barnwell; "VeterinaryScience an Asset ta Our SehooFj"Valedictorian, Ruth O. Bailey,"Education for..Efficiency andEfficiency for Serv'ce."-Dr. G. A. Eigner, Atlanta,

Ga., a former graduate of the.schooLand a sttcccessful druggist,made a very interesting,speech. A special feature ofthe program was the charmingrendition of "Creole Love Song"by Victoria V. Chapman, a

The Commencement Address,by Dr. D. H. Sims, Pres'dentof Allen TTnivprsitv 77nliimV»ia

was indeed a masterpiece. Dr.Sims is one of our most pleasingand convincJng platformspeakers, and one of the race'sforemost educators. .* <

Pres. R. S.-.WttkHwon ofin-rlinipo'


1^ - STRAY LIA Department of C

§ ~ ^

By WILLIAM D.(All contributions to this Departi

"g; poetry," accompanied by stamped ~aS; and sent to 1501 Ya Taylor St., Colum-£_ column. Allworthy manuscripts will

~i; . that, talent, if you have it.)"The Editor of this. Department ofi siring poems on any subject for anyg moriams, expressions of friendship,8 kinds. ..\~


By William D.-Is there no balm to heal t

No magtC"touch to bidShall Grief forever pierce u-The souLfEom bitterness

And Death, the grim, darkShall it be never shut, o

To hide its horrors or reltShall. WP forpypf siigh til

Of this sweet hope, the ahThe Christ has teft ns^

Why does it not remove tlAnd flood earth's darkne

Here in my soul, torn nowTauntedby tasted joysI beg a healing balm,-.unSweet promise cannot ai

' I listened to a bird that pcIn wildest ecstacy upon t

"And from its souhrr-sent scA sweet philosophy that

A flower bloomed in beaut;Stooping, I saw .within it

Life's deepest meaning.in i.. ThaL.ewcn Death its toiif

"Be happy," .breathed to mSweet -with the-kiuscmn

"Be happy," sang the bircI knew the secret of life's

And lfke the <birds^Ofeard.

, In living joy liKe to a piThat purged my heart of tTurned life into a happi

The Joy of Life! Why e'er___JSpat4de with its sublimeAnd play like children,.frAnd thru th' eternal cy<

The Joy of Life! Within-yc* It calls to me, and ans\v<At Death, and mo^riSorrcCrush you to my wild b

The birds, the 'flowers,Ta..-Fm son of Earth,.-my Fat

1 crush you to my hean

This new~philosophy has n1 With which my souLiaju

When Sorrow's gloom a-bouFlee t<$ a happier plaee;.



_ By William D. 1Mere wordff can never eulc..rci. "T""""*ine pen is, powerless to

Thfi glory of a soul that niHer name is writ 111 gokn

And yet 'tis/fltting that ihii.'o^gfbthu/' .ail thenvealth

And let'poetic beauty keu{:.To its own "glory,- her-H+

Though dead,, she lives,.In

She^ lives in golden deeds;Butfrom the field of lal

She lives. liveslrT the soulA shining Ideal 'that by

1 Was- taught Athe lnftini-ss-XAnd with h^r life, interpi

- She lifted "woman to iier^jAnd with the cords of lo

Of Christian service for herAnd Christ-was glorified

L.i.iJ. In vain are tributes writteIn vain'are flowers cast

Let each who loved her strThat she" has left,.excel

ting language presented Dr. VcSims to the audience. Mrs. S. CIL." Collins of Bettis Academy (Itmade a short. taBcf Nc__Prin. J. E. Blanton and Prof., chMoore, head teacher, presented indiplomas and certificates to the1 wcsixteen members of the gradu,, . :

ating class, who completed both:waindustrial and literary courses. ^The musical programs ren- tw

dcred at all of the exe rentes-by-- anthe choir and-glee club were of lesa very high and ^ntertairffngd haorder, the solos, trios, etc., were beiespecially good. '

haAt. this pointj.Prin. Blariton pit

explained thaTthe affiliafion .of ha

-.... ~j~ni

- '


CAVES:-: ' "J;Current PoetryROBINSON., - ;e|nent must be typewritten, "real «rul addressed retbrn en7clope7bia, S. C., to the Editor of this :C;I be printed .under your own g;-this is- your chance to develop^S^(Ters his services to anyone de- poccasion, such as epitaphs, me- :9or topics for programs of all


Robinson.rhe broken heart?life's sorrows flee?iJi with his dart ? 7?


be never free?

Kate of the Unknown,rnever ope,

;ase the flown?te dead sans hope? ^

stract, airy vision,rfthe life ^reborn,.le horrid vision,ss with its brighter morn?

by many^sorrows, -.

soon snatchjsd away,.,born tomorrow's .


lswer for today!trched and sangt bough ; j ( 1nig suddenly sprang, .

heals me now.: ^ |?y at my feet,..j

s lovely face, ^ _.

i dream so sweeth could not erase:


o~the*soft spring breeze,r the now boin Mowers:Is aloft the tr^els4=^<.__>^i weakened powers.

Life's sweeter call,jlsing stream>urrow, ailQ AVlinai,

living dream. _

1 the mighty stars! and holy glow,.ee TTOm -sorrow's bars;jles dancing go! >ur

love-lit eyes,jring, I laugh>w's gloomy skies ;eating heart and laugh! ;

nd"ev'ry-Hring-thing4. ,.'her is divine: . ;t,-<aiiid 1 am King!

lighty wings, .̂

merl to flee nwav ;it its dwelling clings,.-a sunrrier-dayl 7-

* 1;

h BOYKIX. JRobinson. ;urizfe flic great.


magnifyasters fate:in honor's skies! : *

I -1

e pen should strive - 4 <

of harmony, .v-*-^alive,. _. . *

e*&3ftelodyJ.: b~r J. \

res in the grateful hearts -}uce heard her name;.;trml' such departs ~

bor, pain and blame.

of yomanhoTidr^heayenly^yision,i£_sisterhood,.. .Hroted the vision. * ', <

I... ,JTopcrr place;

ve, she made strong bands"needy race;

, jby her helping hands:

n on the tomb.: : i. t_upon the grave:. <lve to fill the room\"r. il^the life she gave. |idrhees with the American Jlurch Institute for Negroes £x:ated at 281. Fourth' 'Avenue, J!\v York) and the Episcopal <


urch of S. C., was but a step \the direction of mak'ng the {»rk more permanent. That

isaffiliation was not an effort jyliaiiiperiiig flic schoat in .anyjiy. He said : "Ehzabet.h E. j..fl.n a f M i i i-t if irignc lounueu mis scnool wiin *,1 idea of having a plan* \v_hmi_2y-worthy hoy or girl, regard-; js of his or her religion, might Jve a chance to develope the ]it there may be in them. This js always bedti so, and the jins now bein-g made are made_. \ving in mind making thisij


».» I'll'1

even more possible than it - istoday.


* ?". t S.A number of prominent visitorsattended the Commoncenientexercises, among whom

were >\irswJ. Dorsey Green of '

Detroit, one of the. first teachersin ltieTh"sQlijti<»n';' Rev.Mrs. W. W.jCUappelle and Rev.and Mrs. Isaac Myers, Bam"'her}?; Prof. F. My- Stale.y," StateCollege'; Key. I. E. Lowery, Co-lumbiajpRev. and. Mrs. T. A.Robinson, Rev. II. II. Matthews

*and Rev. J. .11. Coleman..The.14)24-^5.school year vjLLtVoorhees was a great successTBoth teachers and studentsworked hard in Mess room,-! amd

. .1 " .

i-nupn uiiu on mo iarm. , 1'rinJ.15; liluiilun uirrf-J-rcasr Ah.- -A.-1

Manatee .are two stalwart, hard-tvorking^ etliueTTtri)u*n. who are-*really putting over a big job-

them is "a faculty oT 32 welltrained earned men .and womenwho are helping to put Vo~pr...*


bees-over the top.

. i j i i

London, England, expects soon

.o have a garage with a revolvingflodr. Thus a ea-r parkedm the floor can be brought a-tf>und t ythe door by -the -rota- +

iorf-op^he floor.

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J UNDERTAKERS^Runeral Supplies^

i 1012 Washnigton St., ^ I'HO!i ifcaiiiinfTrf^ffftTTrmnwanww

{ OJIice'.Phone 602G

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t* - Practice in alt Courts:

£ 1119 Washington Street,jlj .7-**c* ' *


\ .- -J, H. ROB|| {


If" TELEPHO! 1118V2 Washington Sirred,

' f *

|-t '

.. REESE'S DR| ,- MRS. P. R. R1

A Full Line of Paten

| Madam . J. Walker's| Times. Ice Cream andI > -- PHONEjjj 1122 Assembly S.treet,>®:tto»»^o:o:o;oaoo^:o:ooAao:o:ocio»o:

1 i

:>xa2rc2roma[a^oxcao-0w0^^oo^8»^ < - *

j - - - i-.r- P. A. s:i Cleaning-, Press

t and Dyeing. Aanteed.

;-v., ......*'




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in se;1.

I), w. woe


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.and.-till Seasonable Flowers. ^Wax and Fresh Cut.we deliver:

IH5URS: A. M. TO 7 P. M. 'jSundays 9. A. M.. TO 1, P. M.^Mme. Sarah B. Davis, Mgr. .

2103Gerv£tffe St., Columbia, S. C.


Hair Dressing of. -..AIL Kinds.

Mme, "Josephine Nelson, Mgr.1317 Wheat St., Columbia, S. C.

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Martin & Thurman7. . ^-: 1.. ^.: ;"

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*ta,eatat the .^ ::.-i"* ~ -.-* « .» -S


)DS, Prop. ; ; Jl^

^jCcrfiimhia, S. C... i r J