UJTTW- WO1wtesflWi THE 6UH18VILL1 SUN FEBRUARY 22 19 fi i t- a A HOT MY W1NTB HUE CONFEKN6E- MM WAS t z J 11- 1t v MM o THOU aaytB IBM BBS alt E ttaart tk let tka past wfck Ma ale well ftr- aia mi waat at aaa waHiiag Nr ntff 4 i J Jg- ft tort ea aaA haaa wa- Wa aat- i that Iff IV 11RI BNf- WW GOODS ash MilM FOCI tfiht BwilmMC Chairs Ic- JHMI TMHIV vMVTt XfWf HayM4 Crete ID MWEIS M4 C9XXLH8IO XCRCNAS- TSFwiitdrt Qufinswiri- Mnvy Crtciriis lilt Grail M Prtdvct- OflM u4 War keM oa A 0 L Trees WM 8 ightrt rrim Pied rW- lemepeadeaee Balfeitad Special aa ta Oar Mrs a as few Qaatasiaas s 1 un f- 117tU 1 Ii lids II- r I- trd1J t M- etl Jfi vise E i was t Iot fUIll A 1 t II 5 Ill t i t Ii- f t 7 E t- N I JILCI l I 1M- r i- 1rN11t J II- fL JJU11 lie ITWiiiW- bi d tH I tf we k W tin iltiI Y Wkft Sar r w- 1fl h t aM- t I rf J t 1 t I f 5 It- f f1 1- t L t 1 elICITS rot J Ti IUD t v h J an a- Md Y 111 autAIt FIlIi GrIll c C o POWELL Co Fla ties htv 1 welts lair Cuter IJIIIMIIQ- w TaNN- LY L sled M vs Trsssl Ni- r risky I Iltw r Oirser Mss esN he litlemlaR- dqtr ohs Mept sdiass 1 e4 t11e711bse1 sis at tun sasl- Ile 1111 Oeritsaaa ttsa ass to tes pebtblg l 1 wIIllwtpt yks we a ban biee- t s irtl stet tllrleIp Is TI IEa N- c AIIr attn tt 1bs peer ttesN N tilt Ussis5ld MM MM eppaftaN ek tea as s1 t NMMIMMr wY r iMb Ins MesetNd ttpl beIId M the Oafrsss befre sb- i11IIM M be ibg r i t leis pletfeeag- st a wtirad with a iit- i y Iy1SsrIi N aeittierlee Ipbp cheer i M f Nttpell hg s tcrvestt- i t I Cart MSS esi11II a MlI- iM19 M see iapuswlw- a trNtlareileM- S 111 iWisS et vMsh wee tR iDedig s his s5 bee egg M i Iehitbe eiaskd U Min ash nsrt- iletp iNllli Wt a51 Mi ssi Ns Is sir tiilNd N piewaad- a ZifS S sesM fie Msti p fh Ht pwp Ie l s k eg Is WiUSI 11 eM Metap 1 1iNSIL pane wh wee ttswpa uf1 Mep p31r sad I ie polid ip aid I s ealM iist krieb she ret s5d- r sMMee ebei 1 J ae s N eIS apse tell ilMe pi sMs athietll grew aver the setis4 is h r titeasfrwisi s 4 1 UUSEITMUU CO- ULLUIIOP iseersata5iee- F d sttaattea to steers Ivy and t egr z erde- nssWki y i hallssMwisdWesd heeds Lard dell s Is t Mel IsiM X4rdware dire t a and Fh5dae s p01111 s- WJis a is eI sit iItssi 4 f > < < = + < >> > = + + > yield BMT Braille rhea say other part ef that BH f M The ifBitfr f B 4 Ire bf steeper tafl II Ber tnm to that eM- CMBfte U ftM MTk llq are to to f- A ri for U fB M f V bats kM ta vste Bt the thM- lt U teed MffOrttftv f I VI WlfpawviVIB- BBBB k VP- Wweri will k thug will Mef tlt- vvrsl tefk elude BABfiB- gT rgl ffivM all BW- Iaw4a wara IB a whtokty barrel er a sea The lies i t a4i ef BB- Bfcay Every BaAcklM t m lU MIg- JhiQBm I BBB ftaVUI BBV vvwinra i BM If f eeaM smell BtB wield task tick tk 0i ff f BBBttky sad tklftftotk iirora Bleed which to Bk MBtkiB frcm rarsrhe yon to ItBTB it bat MBttotte how that dl erea IB this k te4 t cans wMBkvy citlMrwirMtly or w4 1 My B that 70 teat 4U- ratUf Tk Blood to kreakiag ef- tlMfakhatk Skew sews wkto- katfaill the eaaaiat aalaaaa ea lea 4ay and I will vkaw yea a tawa wkiek- waat sat rtgtfri the Sakkatk M a day bat Mule killer then aay ether Tka If tk alaa4 to aaa af gray Hy ajmkllM ktaaate whea a f llaw- BWaktoBkaUa thief kcaaaM k to- gat Hag taamfchm for aaUilBf4ia to- raaWaf lbs etkcv fcllaw The fa Mia arie8Mto bead ia the whiskey earta to the BMlkav af MBbltag You do sot aaly 999 aaikllB aawag sea bet the wa MMi kava take li up IB their bases play Bards for triaketf lad a aaaaetoatlaa Christie aaa las Bfttae hew ridtoaloat a lot of wamea wield spear akwlag aroasd frog oae aril cable ta aaathtr la aa endeavor ta via a at IM Tka boys are at it It to aa aaaaaiBMa tkiag aowadaya to aaa a ara 4 af beys wka ought to be at sakaal a at heate or at work kelplag their BMtkcrfl does oa their knees la tka unit alayiBg awrbe for keeps I dare tay sea af theca meter OB their bases far say other object bet to- gaaiala wish atarble should HMif iK nakVteBt interest la their hey ta knee what they are doing and wets then of the wroeg Their aeg Hfeace oaa thing that to furnishing tka aaaiiag Heel fur drankeaaeM to Camatiment Fenncll Daring Dr Stuart took aeaaiioa ta pay dheriff Fenarll a de erriag eoaipliaiect Thank God OaiaMville to a eleaa Iowa ao far a the whiskey it concerned You have ae Mlooae and the blind tiger eena to be a scarce animal here NatwithMBBdiaR that you have prohi- bition Glory to if you did not have IB Alaehaa cotiaty the shot iff aay aeeaty e er had the blind would aoaaee down upon you and tuck your lifes blood God bit a your sheriff who had the nerve and the backbone to suppress the vile At this remark the large congregation was s enthused that the speaker and sheriff were vigorously applauded Evening Session IB the evening the service began at 780 Again the building was crowd- ed After the usual sung service a prayer was offered by Rev Thos P Hay After the prayer lr J F McKinitry Jr of the executive board of the Conference in behalf of the Board mad a short addre giv- ing the history of Conference ex- plaining its objects and why it or- ganized He explained that the bring- ing together of many of the molt widely known preachers any Bible scholars in the land meant an outlay of coB iderabIe money aid this together with the incidental cxpentes of the Conference naturally meant a heavy oatlay Dr MeKinstry stated that the Conference needed 11500 to defray these expensaa and asked for robots ry eoatribatieas With the assistance of Dr Stuart about 11400 was raised la a few mecneat Prof fiagby sang AbU ID was followed by prayer by Dr Btraose iahas Marrtcans Sermon Bi kaf Mesh a4iat Kaiaaaaal Okaiak taaak was la tetiw ai fie Dr Merrieaal that life he salt lie Ahe will lie lie III It Tit K M Ise frog TIlt A ef u- ri Ida f Mother t God thin I Me- wl eh H O MnMs u the ski ek Mrs hss lei she field esatsriee apps s vet vel wn etsc what the peeps pN she SMim tread rests she will grva e chi cbtithe sad false bteccs Dark Cede ire situ sad keg the the Ltd ear you whiskey Raspiest she is haw Is any 70 per eat eM tall the 1 lad lretly dare per tae a great d sad the head sad the they get is ay his dieoum curie best tiger 15 minute the was 1 wee > > ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + rat sppearaace at the Tabernacle Ha la SB iaipresslve preacher a great orator fi U f pathos and power and delivered a cost interesting sermon on the these Whit Shall I Do to Be Send The speaker made rang flae points His rtmrks were directed sot te the saved hot the snared he std sat to ke explained that the way te was aet aaly ia tuning ta a better life feet fergiveaeas far the 4iatka life A aiaa need ass aaatUer himself simply kaaaate ke hats gels siaaaiaR- ke said ka aiast reatfaker that ka has slaaes sad ke west seek fir gireaeas fir tkeai Whoa ke gets for Bieke llerrtoaa to aaasidered ta the farsc tad test elective within the Us ted States MattaWa she Taberaa- la wee as follows Lecture oa the Bible at 10 a ky Prof J R C Brews senaoa ky 0 Mill- er at 290 la the afternoon and preach lag la by Rev Jobs J Tigers LL D editor of The Metho diet Review This distiagaifhed vise is a most eloquent speaker and the urge aadieaae was deeply impress- ed with kto remarks FIOOKUC The services at the Taktraaele Tues- day were well attsaded The day opined with a soas evrvtoe st 180 sad from 10 to 11 Prof Brows eoatiaaed his series of Bible studies From 11 R C Miller lec- tured ea UBfaUlled Prophecies At the afteraaaa session which be gas with a toag service at 2 oalock Dr Joka L Tigers of Nash delivered aa iuterestlog dis Coors rid the days services were eeacladed with a sermon ia the eves lag by Bishop H C Morrisoa of New Orleaas Btokap Merrlsoa is a farce fal speaker sad held the closest teBtien of the large eoagregstiea There Is catarrh la this section of the euaatry this sib other diseases pat together aad until the last few years it was supposed to be incurable For a great asaay years doctors pro aodbced it a local disease and pre- scribed local remedies sad by con staatly failing to cure with local treat meat proaouaeed it incurable Scions has provea catarrh to be a con stitutioaal disease and therefore re quires constitutional treatment Halls Catarrh Care auaafaetured by F J Cheney A Co Toledo Ohio the only constitutional cure on the mark- et It is takes internally in dotes from 10 drops to a teaspoonful It ecu directly oa the blood and mucous sur- face of the system Thoy offer f 110 for any case it fails to cure Send for circular aad testimonials Address F J CJIESEV Co Ohio Sold druggists 753 Take Halls Family Pills for coasti 9Bttoa Attention Veterans Headquarters Stonewall Camp No H35 U C V February 19 1806 Comrades You are requested to meet at the court house in Gainesville oa Tuesday the 6th day March 10O at 10 oclock in the morning impor- tant buinei before the camp By or- der of HorAiio IAVii CommanJe- rJiiiv C MCGREW Adjutant Man Past Sixty in Danger More than half mankind over lixty jean of age surfer from kidney and bladder disorder u enlargement of the pros gland This i lioth painful and dangerous and Folds Kidney Cure thouM be taken at the sign of a it correct irregularities and has cured many old men of this dis eaie Mr Rodney Burnett Rock 1ort Mo write suffered with enlarged proitrate gland and kidney trouble for jHnr and aftrr taking two t ottl 4 nf Fotey Kidney Cure I feel bUr then I hut for JO tear nlihuuch I nm nov PI yurt old J Mtrollum A Co Pleasant Hill Notes Pleatsnt Hill Feb school is getting along very nicely and will be oat in two weeks when we will hare a picnic and everybody i invited to come and bring full baskets Some of the young people spent a- very delightful evening at the home of Mr and Mrs T J Stalnaker last Tuesday at a daaee Are You Restless at Night And harassed ky a bad eoaga Use Ballards Horekaaad it saaara yes eoaad sleep and sleet praaaat radical tare iaM by W asd lei 1 lie be- et I leek Prof K evening Prel alf more i I I I trat lint danger W 19our Sn 4 4 the heaved giving apsis slag past awed bet glveae- a u steed sae tk gram Monday pregna at a the die TUD h 112 eel ek past Till ate dt To- ledo nail ill r w ear A- y a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > + ° What Is CASTORIA It IB It ateatrajra W t It- rint lmrr It MSJMlkitM Uw regaJataa tbs Tbs CMUiaar- trCBNUINB CASTORIA AWAY liars MfMtw Tile Kind You Hare Always Bought Utt For 30 Year EAST FLORIDA TELEPHONE Hud Offici GiiMsvills Florida This Company connections with the following point and business- men will make money by using these lines in transacting business Alachua Evinstoa Archer Fairb nk Arredondo Fort White Braid Grove Park Bronson Hague Carapville Clark Hawthorn Clyatt Judson Potion Double Sink Kirkwood Meredith Mont brook Mnrriston- Haynesworth McIntosh New berry Orange Lake LaCrosse Lake City Jnetn Roehelle Point Romeo Rei Sawaanee River Tacoma Prairie Raleigh Wacahoota SWEAR OFF On Drinking Any Rut the WATER We claim that cur Bottled SodaWatr linger Ale Etc are purest 10 drink made by the GAINESVILLE BOTTLING WORKS- W Art Now TO PRICES Ml SMIMIT SIMPLES OF FALL GOODSF- or Men Women anti Children We carry everything reailytowoir and all orders will receive prompt and careful attention ALWAYS 1 We sfnl ools by expre to exanunuiion Ijeicire styles We allow 10 per cent disooimt for cash except on contract H LEVY BRO CO UVIMU SA i t Ts 11 I iii- JIITIt 1M uIII 11 IVV tr y f6 11 l 0 y 1Jr d1 ea o- Ie III 1 ti v 011 tier Ids nil Tsta JIrM sad TIle Over JIIfO COMPANY Flogs milton Eve nEST i those u y REME IBER C O D tibject accepting We send two 01 three of garments for selection a goods TIE STIlE Iri T aiw titan tiss laI- I s Me s ee a s birds ttis siti B bs 4 111 pry tdo4laltlkatg- W asear is dUela yw to tt- JM CaatNI aM Jats gs4 a bw- bpsts t M IiW wild tb tisaith awn i Izp w 1 Ull se lleegiw a NareMis e idea IM sMs M parstss att aye PsTalissa It D1arvRsa tail RMiC- a11s It tares CoetlptIi art Fend itsgcb tad Ilvis bktiy natural Mssp Zstbsrs flit the a- o t- In rnanreea iterw aae has Tyler Lake y y SODA 3 Rudy NOTE s r q t Be e i fi < = + >

LY siti Ts a - ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.eduufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01403/00763.pdfDaring Dr Stuart took aeaaiioa ta pay dheriff Fenarll a de erriag eoaipliaiect Thank God

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Page 1: LY siti Ts a - ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.eduufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01403/00763.pdfDaring Dr Stuart took aeaaiioa ta pay dheriff Fenarll a de erriag eoaipliaiect Thank God


THE 6UH18VILL1 SUN FEBRUARY 22 19 fii t-









aaytB IBM

BBS altE ttaart tk

let tka past

wfck Ma ale


aia mi waat at aaa waHiiag Nr


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ashMilM FOCI

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XCRCNAS-TSFwiitdrt Qufinswiri-

Mnvy Crtciriislilt Grail M Prtdvct-

OflM u4 War keM oa A 0 LTrees WM 8

ightrt rrim Pied rW-

lemepeadeaee Balfeitad Specialaa ta

Oar Mrs aas few Qaatasiaas


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esN he litlemlaR-dqtr ohs Mept sdiass

1 e4 t11e711bse1 sis at tun sasl-

Ile 1111 Oeritsaaa ttsa assto tes pebtblg l

1 wIIllwtpt yks we a banbiee-


s irtl stet tllrleIp Is TI IEa N-c AIIr attn tt 1bs peer ttesN

N tilt Ussis5ldMM MM eppaftaN ek tea

as s1t NMMIMMr wYr iMb Ins MesetNd ttpl beIId

M the Oafrsssbefre sb-

i11IIM M be ibgr

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i y Iy1SsrIi N aeittierlee Ipbp cheeri M f Nttpell hg s tcrvestt-i

tI Cart

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iM19 M see iapuswlw-a trNtlareileM-


111 iWisS et vMsh wee

tR iDedig s his

s5 bee eggM

i Iehitbe eiaskdU Min ash nsrt-

iletp iNllli Wt a51 Missi Ns

Is sirtiilNd N piewaad-

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IsWiUSI 11 eM Metap

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uf1 Mep p31r sadI ie polid ip aid

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yield BMT Braille rhea say otherpart ef that BH f M

The ifBitfr f B 4 Ire bf steepertafl II Ber tnm to that eM-

CMBfte U ftM MTk llq are to

to f-

A ri forU fB M f V bats

kM ta vste Bt the thM-

lt Uteed MffOrttftv f

IVI WlfpawviVIB-


Wweri will kthug will

Mef tlt-

vvrsl tefk elude BABfiB-gT rgl ffivM all BW-

Iaw4a wara IB a whtokty barrel er asea The lies i t a4i ef BB-

Bfcay Every BaAcklM tm lU MIg-

JhiQBm I BBB ftaVUI BBVvvwinra i

BM If f eeaM smellBtB wield task tick

tk 0i ff f BBBttky sadtklftftotk iirora Bleed which to

Bk MBtkiB frcmrarsrhe yon to

ItBTB it bat MBttotte how thatdl erea IB this

k te4 t canswMBkvy citlMrwirMtly orw4 1 My B that 70 teat 4U-

ratUf Tk Blood to kreakiag ef-

tlMfakhatk Skew sews wkto-katfaill the eaaaiat aalaaaa ea lea4ay and I will vkaw yea a tawa wkiek-

waat sat rtgtfri the Sakkatk M a daybat Mule killer then aay ether

Tka Iftk alaa4 to aaa af grayHy ajmkllM ktaaate whea a f llaw-

BWaktoBkaUa thief kcaaaM k to-

gatHag taamfchm for aaUilBf4ia to-

raaWaf lbs etkcv fcllaw The faMia arie8Mto bead ia

the whiskey earta to theBMlkav af MBbltag You do sot aaly999 aaikllB aawag sea bet thewa MMi kava take li up IB theirbases play Bards for triaketflad a aaaaetoatlaa Christie aaa lasBfttae hew ridtoaloat a lot of wameawield spear akwlag aroasd frog oaearil cable ta aaathtr la aa endeavorta via a at IM Tka boys are at it Itto aa aaaaaiBMa tkiag aowadaya toaaa a ara 4 af beys wka ought to be atsakaal a at heate or at work kelplagtheir BMtkcrfl does oa their knees latka unit alayiBg awrbe for keepsI dare tay sea af theca meter OB

their bases far say other object bet to-

gaaiala wish atarble shouldHMif iK nakVteBt interest la their

hey ta knee what they are doing andwets then of the wroeg Their aegHfeace oaa thing that to furnishingtka aaaiiag Heel fur drankeaaeM to

Camatiment FenncllDaring Dr Stuart took

aeaaiioa ta pay dheriff Fenarll a deerriag eoaipliaiect Thank GodOaiaMville to a eleaa Iowa ao far athe whiskey it concerned Youhave ae Mlooae and the blind tigereena to be a scarce animal hereNatwithMBBdiaR that you have prohi-

bition Glory to if you did nothave IB Alaehaa cotiaty the shotiff aay aeeaty e er had the blindwould aoaaee down upon you and tuckyour lifes blood God bit a yoursheriff who had the nerve and thebackbone to suppress the vileAt this remark the large congregationwas s enthused that the speaker andsheriff were vigorously applauded

Evening SessionIB the evening the service began at

780 Again the building was crowd-

ed After the usual sungservice a prayer was offered by RevThos P Hay After the prayer l r JF McKinitry Jr of the executiveboard of the Conference in behalf ofthe Board mad a short addre giv-

ing the history of Conference ex-

plaining its objects and why it or-

ganized He explained that the bring-

ing together of many of the moltwidely known preachers any Biblescholars in the land meant an outlay ofcoB iderabIe money aid this togetherwith the incidental cxpentes of theConference naturally meant a heavyoatlay Dr MeKinstry stated that theConference needed 11500 to defraythese expensaa and asked for robotsry eoatribatieas With the assistanceof Dr Stuart about 11400 was raisedla a few mecneat

Prof fiagby sang AbU ID

was followed by prayer by DrBtraose

iahas Marrtcans SermonBi kaf Mesh

a4iat Kaiaaaaal Okaiak taaak was latetiw ai fie Dr Merrieaal

thatlife he salt






TitK M Ise



ef u-










wl eh

H O MnMs u



ek Mrs hss lei she fieldesatsriee

apps s vet vel

wn etsc what the peepspN she SMim

tread rests she willgrva e chi cbtithe

sad false

bteccsDark Cede

iresitu sad

keg thethe



Raspiest sheis haw Is any

70 pereat eMtall the 1

lad lretlydare per

tae a


d sad thehead sad






his dieoum



15 minute














rat sppearaace at the TabernacleHa la SB iaipresslve preacher a greatorator fi U f pathos and power anddelivered a cost interesting sermonon the these Whit Shall I Do to Be

Send The speaker made rang flaepoints His rtmrks were directedsot te the saved hot the snared hestd sat to ke explained thatthe way te was aet aaly ia

tuning ta a betterlife feet fergiveaeas far the

4iatka life A

aiaa need ass aaatUer himselfsimply kaaaate ke hats gels siaaaiaR-ke said ka aiast reatfaker thatka has slaaes sad ke west seek firgireaeas fir tkeai Whoa ke gets for

Bieke llerrtoaa to aaasidered tathe farsc tad test elective

within the Us ted StatesMattaWa

she Taberaa-la wee as follows Lecture oa the

Bible at 10 a ky Prof J RC Brews senaoa ky 0 Mill-

er at 290 la the afternoon and preachlag la by Rev Jobs JTigers LL D editor of The Methodiet Review This distiagaifhedvise is a most eloquent speaker andthe urge aadieaae was deeply impress-ed with kto remarks


The services at the Taktraaele Tues-day were well attsaded The dayopined with a soas evrvtoe st 180 sadfrom 10 to 11 Prof Brows eoatiaaedhis series of Bible studies From 11

R C Miller lec-

tured ea UBfaUlled PropheciesAt the afteraaaa session which be

gas with a toag service at 2oalock Dr Joka L Tigers of Nash

delivered aa iuterestlog disCoors rid the days services wereeeacladed with a sermon ia the eveslag by Bishop H C Morrisoa of NewOrleaas Btokap Merrlsoa is a farcefal speaker sad held the closestteBtien of the large eoagregstiea

There Is catarrh la this sectionof the euaatry this sib other diseasespat together aad until the last fewyears it was supposed to be incurableFor a great asaay years doctors proaodbced it a local disease and pre-

scribed local remedies sad by constaatly failing to cure with local treatmeat proaouaeed it incurableScions has provea catarrh to be a constitutioaal disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment HallsCatarrh Care auaafaetured by F JCheney A Co Toledo Ohio theonly constitutional cure on the mark-

et It is takes internally in dotesfrom 10 drops to a teaspoonful It ecudirectly oa the blood and mucous sur-face of the system Thoy offer f 110

for any case it fails to cure Send forcircular aad testimonials

Address F J CJIESEV CoOhio

Sold druggists 753Take Halls Family Pills for coasti


Attention VeteransHeadquarters Stonewall Camp No

H35 U C V February 19 1806

Comrades You are requested tomeet at the court house in Gainesvilleoa Tuesday the 6th day March 10Oat 10 oclock in the morning impor-tant buinei before the camp By or-

der ofHorAiio IAVii CommanJe-

rJiiiv C MCGREW Adjutant

Man Past Sixty in DangerMore than half mankind over

lixty jean of age surfer fromkidney and bladder disorder u

enlargement of the prosgland This i lioth painful and

dangerous and Folds Kidney CurethouM be taken at the sign of

a it correct irregularities andhas cured many old men of this diseaie Mr Rodney Burnett Rock 1ortMo write suffered with enlargedproitrate gland and kidney trouble forjHnr and aftrr taking two t ottl 4 nfFotey Kidney Cure I feel bUr thenI hut for JO tear nlihuuch I nm novPI yurt old J Mtrollum ACo

Pleasant Hill NotesPleatsnt Hill Feb school is

getting along very nicely and will beoat in two weeks when we will hare apicnic and everybody i invited tocome and bring full baskets

Some of the young people spent a-

very delightful evening at the homeof Mr and Mrs T J Stalnaker lastTuesday at a daaee

Are You Restless at NightAnd harassed ky a bad eoaga Use

Ballards Horekaaad itsaaara yes eoaad sleep and sleetpraaaat radical tare iaM by W





leekProf K














4 4


giving apsis

slag pastawed


glveae-a u steed


tk gramMonday pregna at





112 eel ek




dt To-




r w ear A-

y a
















It ateatrajra W

t It-

rint lmrr It MSJMlkitM Uw regaJataa tbs

Tbs CMUiaar-


Tile Kind You Hare Always Bought

Utt For 30 Year


Hud Offici GiiMsvills Florida

This Company connections with the following point and business-men will make money by using these lines in transacting businessAlachua EvinstoaArcher Fairb nkArredondo Fort WhiteBraid Grove ParkBronson HagueCarapvilleClark HawthornClyatt JudsonPotionDouble Sink Kirkwood

MeredithMont brookMnrriston-

Haynesworth McIntoshNew berryOrange Lake


Lake City Jnetn RoehellePoint

RomeoReiSawaanee RiverTacoma

PrairieRaleigh Wacahoota

SWEAR OFF On Drinking AnyRut theWATER

We claim that cur Bottled SodaWatr linger Ale Etc

are purest 10 drink made by the


W Art Now


FALL GOODSF-or Men Women anti Children

We carry everything reailytowoir and allorders will receive prompt and careful attention

ALWAYS1 We sfnl ools by expre

to exanunuiion Ijeicire


We allow 10 per cent disooimt for cashexcept on contract




Ts 11 I iii-


uIII11 IVV tr y f6

11 l0 y

1Jr d1 ea o-

Ie III 1 tiv 011 tier


nil Tsta JIrMsad







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