Lvynt Nnn -OVER SO^ READRS- tUkSS P0STA6C PAW AT LOS AWtlXS. CAUF. piituSHto wcoar except LAST WEEK OF TEAK PACIFIC CITIZEN WOC.. 58 NO. 10 FRIDAY, MARCH 6. 1964 HIGHSCmOlTO SHOW S8CCESS OF ITS NIH0N60 CLASS MonrM H«h in San Voltay Clip iA^L «o th» Pacific ClUnni IXB AJfGELES. - James M<»roe gifti School io the westoiiSr <rf San rereaodo Valley Is one of three icbooU which O0en Japanese as t repilaf class subject in Califcr- ^ And not many Japanese AHWTK-ans reside in Oic area. Tu mark the procrets and parli- fpUr success of the project, the Kbool U boldine a Japan Day pro-, (ram Seed of rriendship'*. on Kar for the local and natiobal '^s Cultural and athletic phases ( Japanese will be presenie ta.boys' *yin, followed b: i^iae demonstrauen by n ^ of the cUii. nie hichUcht ,aj| be the presenutioa of a (kerry tree symboUtin* the hope to peace and frindship Masaoka, who was invited ^ Arnold Miller, principal, to lend emphasis on the respooai' toLv cif the schools toward mter' Mhofial friendship, expressed hii r^ts in not belni able to at- UMi because of bis cwnaiitments I Washin(l.-e. In roncrslulatinc Monroe HiKh SeiKxii. Masaoka also noted that CL was very much interested tor offeruK uf Japanese as i r-. uf the refular curriculjm u _ secondary schools Of th Uaircd Siales. -parueularly wb«. are considerable numbers of lotpecpvc Japanese American adents". Vpresentinc JACL. however. a be Taklw.TCama*uina. D»»n- ni L A. chaptor presideot and . toe Bank of Dikyo. ^ lan^uace peucram at Mon- High IS under sponsorship of •fic O^. grant and beini d by the lis. Dul 18lh Biennial National JAGL Convention Program $hto-Men*C«dittac HeM DMevH, Midi. nwme; HUMAN DIGN'mOUA CHALLENGE TBMday. Jwn* 30, 1M4 Naliopll Board Meeting - ' 2 p.m,Pree,-Radio. TV conference 5 p.m.Host Dinner with chapter officers 7 p.m.Registration and hospitality 8 p.m —Youth get-together Wednetdey, July 1. 19« 8 a.tn.Registration Uoinll 5 a.m^ational Council Meeting ^ 10 a-in.—Youth Assembly 12 n. LunctwoQ 2 pjn.National Ccfminittee Meeting Tours 6 pjn.Dinner on own Youth Banquet 7 p.m.*Opening Ceremony 9 p.m.'National JACL Oratorical Contest Finals (Joint) Thvn^ July t 1964 Oration (J<HOt) Japaoese Is Mso belltg Uud>t Dorsey and Venic* High . sals. At present there arc US Mdems enrolled m the fluee Js- a.'s^ dksset conducted locally. Texthaafc PreJeet TUs week, the U.S. Office ol Ehsesuon granted U8C a SS.M8 to orgaaito a reseai r productMo cf Japai textbooks « Ktsic^. A number of coUege available but require extensive nDdilicaUoo for high school usage. &-riuse of the modem audio- -'T-ial method in teaching foreign -L»£uac«. tape recordingi -ij planned to aecacopany each for textbooks to be pre- ;«rtd for the throe levels of high ;Suol. according to Dr, Theodort HE.. Chen, department chairman Asiko and Slavic Studies, who - be the project director. Tbxtotoks' in Chinese are -abc " B* developed •'WiUi the pro- LtooEi of good textbooks. iCooUnued «a Page 4) 8 a.m.- •• Golf Tournament 9 a.m.National Council Meeting 12 n. Lunch on own 2 p m.-Outing to Pine Knob (Jdid) - Fashion Show (Joiiit) 8 p.m-Outing Dinner (Joint) 7 p.m.—-Outing Program (Joint) Friday, July 3, 1964 8 a m.Registration iJointi 9 a.m.Natkmal Council Meeting •• Bridge Tournament 12 n. -Official Luncheon \ 2 pjn.National Council Meeting & Youth WofWmp 8 pjn.—-Testimonial Banquet (J(^) 9 pjn.—1000 Club••Whing-Ding^y<Hilh Dance Sdvrday, July 4. 1964 8 a.m.Registration (Joint) 9 a.m.—National Council Meeting 12 h. lainrheon 2 pjn.Ne«F National Board Meeting ' Tours 6 p.Bi.■Reception and ConveiHion Banquet (Jdnt) 9 p.m.'Sayonara Ball (Joint) Official F.vcnls V *'Booster Eyenls 18TH eaiNIAL THm ' STRESSES CIVIL RIGHTS DETROrT.-"Hjmsn agnlly - Our ChsUmge" w«, offlBiiili'v ar,- ncKmcrd ai; tor tocme of the ISto Bienual Natiaoal JACL Conveo- lioo to bv held bere Jul.v M CommctiUng . oe Uw theme. C(inv('n-.«,n Board chairmaB Kraak *Wa-tooabe stressad the JACL historr of oobcHll for civil righu and bsmah digBity. He the Negro AmcTicae struggle for Righu f. our challeog.-. Wala- pabr poinud out The Sattooal JACL Orau.rical and Essay cumesU being held in conjunction with -the Natsaonl JACL Conventicn will also rtress •JACL and DvU Rights ' Advertising fates for Conveniion Booklet aimomceid DeMtime fur »ds is A-pnl.tS. •u. ssjr.^:',TU Front Cover .lo^teek cover S.1, Cost of Convention Aefivities 1, RegistraUon •2- Individual 2.00 7.50 8 Events Offldai EvenU KWchapienhear bealtli pin details uOS ANGELES EnmBment has nsried in some of the JACL chap- 1 the Los Angeles area fa b. recenUy approved Group Medi f- Inruranee Plan ns offered by Ciaaol'Liie Insurance Oo.. aecord- ^ to the So. Calif. JACL Regional »h. 2C marked the tint such ■nUug when George Nakao. Capi- Life agenU outlined toe plan »= also tunmd to K new mem- l>;:dup appbeattow to West Los A.-.ce!es JAd. duptor .president. Mrs. Tby KaoegaL Those preseM at the meeting the JACL major medical 'l^a to be exccUtnt and would Wsefit the membeiMiip- K^-ttood and Cerdena. Valley Tbspters met tots week to learn ibe health plan detaQs. Similar meeting with toe gen- fT.I membership have been ached- ^ IS folkTWJ: ^Uiweil LA. JACU-War, II, » p m . at Cefitwarv Metoodisl ^«ch. 3S00 S. Horoandie. \eniee-Culver . JAO, Mar> 10, ^ PTC . at 12ttt Braddock-/^ ' Row that toe e(troUmeBrp»iod ftarted. members toouM 'give T-T7 oonsidemtion to our new ^xlu pUn." Isaac Matsushige. '•^kKnal director, auted "It has ^ carefully itodied aixl en- "■ Ted by intelliaeiit. competent to toe hwarance fUkL- ^^tMoal meettogi are being ('•ianed by other JACT, chapters toe Paeffic Souttwofl DttWirt Comeu. which bad enttorsed toe '^■otocal tosurance tian at ha tort ^ Phoentx. Aril: n HaUe Vototoaki headed ^ conmittoe ktotoh tovwtigMad toe various plaaa> 320.00 YOUTH ACTIVITIES Events PackageD«1 ISZfee'"""''IZ - 6. Convention Banquet.................. 6 tXI ............. - 3^.50 iRdivklual V.i.oo ) 5--50 5.50 200 8.00 4.00 325.50 Impressions BT I&A4C MATSD8RIGB. PSW BcglfMl PWi atot UVBB tip TO NAME Life Insurance Co., undervritm WhaVs good news around here? PSWDC JA<S- Croup Major liOV. BROWN snu UNCERTAIN WHEN TO SET INITIATIVE Want* GrMtetf Numhtor ef Veters Te Decide on hapo S.4CRAMEVTO - OfTir;a;lr cer LfH-<! a> qualified few toe baltoLt toe queition to place tor iBhiatis-e 'to rr;<eal the Rumford Ftor Hous- tng Act in the June i>mnarie: or Nosr'nber gnerat eiectioo ■> still tmrrurivtd. Brron can place it Lo th< June ballot by sruinc it as a siicvul matter. U approved, toe a-urr would prohibit toe stair kttal goveiinaeBt from utter- frriiig with an owner's ntfil to re-_________ K to sell, lease or rent property | be railed- "Tlie onl.» thing 1 .waut to be tevdership. r. u! if that tt's OR the ballot when tor greaust number of will be aUc to pus- judg- Washington Newslottor: by Mike Masaoka Historic debate in Senate ^ on Civil Rights bill looming W.4SHINCTON.-lf <; to*, n..- rrad.v dune toe Cuaea S'ui-.r. , fiiii char.g-.-d b Thi M.-vn-atian, ir. admitting Ihai. ciw.I rigbten Lacked Upright viM i- tmnkifit fiocr and tot otowoen;* k»; two , not toe Dem> Democriu who voted agaM bypuaing toe Judiciary C.M tec from S^Jte^ in wludi JACL Right.- Art of 1964, toe mH»t eftm- eons-,»tia.'j- » not necessariiy - f»eh;.n.-uve and meaningful legisU- jewel He Sgrend that brpasstog has ehapt^s wwAUnB^^ jtm of its kind «wr aj^nived fa} cwinrutUe» i. not eitooai? protv- Howard Canam U Nevnai.^Oto MtofT Chamber of the Congress dx-e. but ciaimed that it is based Haytei of The necroaary prol.m.nary tor «, , prouedm-. toat ba» i»t ^ f .ha- prurmse- to U an h:«u.nc abiurd and i- juaUfied m virA cU A WOhs ttobertm of Virgtoito deaate iv Ispmnn digmi} and dc- the rralitm o( tor C.v.i rights Repik^ani in toe uamr i-i-nc-y wa* woo SiXOe ten dayi ago fight gicy were Wallai-e Brimrtt. «l, -»>h, 26- when, bya rote of .M riimo.saa expiained hi. C'-«h. Dirkseo «d tUinins. Lm 4^ i. «. BdwL-aiea of civil ri^ts (hange of opmiuti b> remindmc dan of tdako. nad Milwnrg aM|^ Kuc(}>edrd in keeping the' bill on um m UST toe Judiciary Com son of Wyoming tor Seoatr Calendar Thus, n may n,iu«e bad already beM U dayi Not uetoag. but aoniMBC«a UM toneby tor heartogs before. UieHpu»e bdl paired Awe Repubhcaa OtoBa Tet'hairally. the vote was on , Fmk LMsetae of reached toe Senate ^ held Ihat Alton of Colorado lor, adequate beanags^hd not been rrat iliag an- afiprql by Dixiecral ^Itf on toe pending House bill i -bard Russeil, venerable leadet t,. toal three of tor Sinithem bloc, ag.mst the ruling of toe (ireiuding officer that ; z- govemce-reiterated that he beLrved it would have a bed eflr.-l on toe state if tor Rumford : were outlined will not oaw have a bad eRi-ct in Caitfoniia . . it win cer- iauilv have a profound eRect upon tesHilri all over, the world." Mater Jndg^ AfbL'RI^-Oofge Toortiiro bas tikd a dK-laratiuti uo mtentiOB to .erk tor judgeship uf tor CoUaa di-t: .1-1 th;. past wrek. riiree vtficn are on toe Ust for bring vacated bv- Charlrs Crowv. ^ Senate comrontee, Judiciary, I Commrrct and Letae- i . ration - il Commerce and Loiae- ana map Hck odiy faeeaiiar ^ tov vM Calendar wllbiai: bring lir>l rr- ^ But. op- will br respoiLsmlr «gr dedaag|M terrrd <L the Seqat. Judi.-mry ^ ^ v-ar«^provu»< of toaTS: saewted as rt did in 1957. wWen - ' th.v d tor CuogresK enaitod the first na- Va4lH ta Bypaaa m.. IsVmI civil fights law in M years. .,un.i That year, as tor veteran Ce«- The first test cat ovd rigbU to ginb tewmakir poimed .«!, then this Cttogrrsx showed » Rnail^ the acknawM^ cMI liters John touedy aad l.yn c«is yhaing 34 Dei^r.L._ai^^- \l civil 04hU 4 S^ti------------------------ - - - dun Jitonaun v-rue8 to refer . Maiomy r JudiciafJ Com- In thii .i-ai VOU-. ia>a Majur.ly cnn> juiJung 29 Dvmocrnl ui --ui.-: Leader Mike Mamlteld and now porung Uw appenl *4 Gma-gw , Mmunlv Iwader Everett Dirkat* Seaaur Rusrell Compared to tor rrveraed their 1957 pudUoas. »*7 voir of 45 to 29. the B Page 1>, WladeipMn bMored ai'engin^l year' bytoHeagnes Pen pal tneident uds on clean note MySNiAPOLIS The Rev. An dr*w C«^h-jjLjtiaJlif«-tor's Re port published in toe rebruary issue of the J A. Journal, sato th< imernational IneideBt stirred b' Japanese pen pals refosiitg to write to some students <4 Uneoio Jr. Kigb School here -see Dec 13 PC) bas been resolved favorably. The mcideDl. e-hicb was also publiciied in Japan, resulted some 150 letters fitmv Japanere w-b} eranted to correspood with Negroes and Jewish pupUs a' school.-the-Rev, Oum said Dr. Fred P. RoesseL Lincoln JHS [Tincipal. had been told by Nagoya Mtoool teadtof that "Jb- panese have peculiar feelings towards Negroes. Koreans and Jews" and accordingly aixitocizrd PRLNCETON. NJ. The PrbfeCr siunal Engtoeers Bviety of Mer cer County. N.J.. hEtDred Tada- fumj Mifcuriya, wellJcoDvm Philo- drl|4ua JACL^ and lOSO Oub life' member, as «ts EagUMr of tor Ye^r darwg tor Natioaal Eiigi- oem Week observances Peb. IS 1 the PrinertOB Inn A l ivi! and structural ettgoii-er who DOW own.' and cqjvrato* Tada Eaginct-riag Co . 3 cunsutUsg firm. lYentuo. Mikunva' wai bom in ga. Japan and graduaUd from imtoWDl, EngiBeertng College In m. hr came- to the Unilud Slates and wvH-kwi tor'toe Baldwin Locomotnr woiks in Philadelphia and m~Ued a, the Umv. of Penn- sviviaoii Hr received hii B.S de- 1K6. his MB degree in 1SZ7 and C E. degree m 1935 . mailer's toe^o.. Sliku- .rrtuKl aad drvvioued tor -Thewy of lanomce Equation, lor toe .Analysis «l (pdetermtoaie Structuresa paper whu h was pubbihed to IK7 Brasdesung tor toe.irws Ibis work Msved as toe Uu-su for bis profeuitotol degree US civil cogumrMg Material froeo toe toewu ha* baeh uaed tte many years by toe Univ of Pe vasto for lOstnicting gradua' dints. Hi* fim job was n-ith American ■BrMge Co. ai a structural drafte- ma,B Beeaine ^ the defwessioB during ^ «6s wrhen work scarce. 8e reiaiacid to Japai several years Upon his retur*. hr engaged m mdependent research and wrote articles lor eiigmecring magazmes Tadafumi Mikuriya Nisei coached baskefliall tpam nipped in finals for dly iitle UiiuAika may .materiaUre i! ed-jcstion Shig it iervitg oa the Chicago j frosh-sopb J.ACL tjeecuave board T-l<v High part four j-ears. be ha* enach of toe YouUi Con basketoall elanc. assisted Ra Mgam BitetBd Pbae. MQ pmUMt nm.ADEI.PHIA Rqy KiU. an clectroBic engmeor with RCA was (bo»en chairman of the Philadel pbiB. JAH. board at a board meet- mg held last Friday- He lives ai U32 Wav-ne Rd . Haddenfield. N.J The new officer.s are to be in stalled on Mar. 14' at Cmi-al;-- Country House m Cherry HUl. N.J. MSaDOKATBON CALMMU GROUP RM RoamiB i«. ANOElJ-5. - NetoM JL ftoctetcliei 8B-vi>t. RepnMIrW !i-esid.-m.«; deirgBtkio was otoBt iwibbc Mundav by L'£. San. TlMIto KuMwi and K inelote toto Sia-sse-ii determinad to ealto Ctobforato tare Kanes Barry Ooldwi filed Ian aae WeU. Dr. Hitoshi Ikeda from lm- Medical Plan, j penal Valley ChapterJcalied a few fvspoiise from a of thia faealto penal Valley ChapterJcalied a few fvspoiise from PSW chapters to davs ago . . . ktog distance at' eodarsing of this medical j4an. to that. Here's what he had to say: its chapter members. ■•We>b sold aU of toe Detroit ® ■ncket Bo-vkleis. What do we do «»« - - ___ with toe loot'!!)Mr. Roy T. Ka- program, Cafntol Life has givai n>k„ Iv-traii- beto nleasel much study uid coasidefation to FW fiad watoa madto. wim mdividoal chapter board members topenal. How come Imperial ViL to tat tber be the first to 3 these pleas- MENLO PARK Albert Nakai was installed as tWt chapter presidesi at toe Sequoia JACL dinner-daare beU Peb -i at Brave Bull Boa- tauranU Over 'flO guests and mem bers attetided. Eugeoe Kumagai. Sequoia Jr JA<^ raerideot and his cabmt-l were'abn iiutalJed. Waller Mails, public ^laticto.officer tor toe San Franciscw GiasU. was the main speaker. Dr Harrr Hatasaka was Mstmaster Mr*. Sally Taaauye srai dinner ■toairman. also remtods me. A pre- »w« questmnt from toe member- vkws can. long dixtaoce . . same »*P- party . . same ehaptw n»d to ^ quote: "We ve exceeded oot^196S Geoi^e Ndkao. 3>bb Vo- Mteto. Mgteomoto. J^w Shi,'' touU alrWbdy! Got a cards!" So moves Imperial Valley Sato> George Capitol Life ampler lor mt. QpgraluUtiom' ^ jACLers. who are BEALTH PLAN ' meea« almost sightly wfto n«u,T- rs-si. ^ will *x* be tamfliar «v«!-»« SMtSe pMc kSmI tKtn Hii9Bt> CBvne SE.ATILE - .A'course in Japa- nete lang-oage amt-culture is being oTfeiwd be- toe Sesttlr Pubbe iSpecal Ui thi' Pwctlic Citiicn- CHIC.AGO-Back m i»C wluk- be ter's dcgi MmKtoka Relocattcn Ci-n- Pretty soun. Shig Mabo. Shig Murao never bavke'toall cu^ct dreamed lha: one ^y he might School. be coarhing > rhawiptoosbip bas-' Seven yeari ago be iwilcbed ketbay team He was «ily' IT then. Waller aad beca^ varsity coato. eral vidunteer havftilxvn'rvaruated from Seet- Twice hu cKibSvtied for the Pub- mer Nisei bask tie h^d^touiacc be League west serttoo Bate Divte mg toe bum jtfteA was given a sioo U-Jr. but nevCT an outright .vouagstets ranging in 4ge fiwn chanft to vulunteei- ami fight lor - champumship. Three timet be to 14. . . - the/uunlry which earlier thought toought hi> teams to toe Dm!* Sum toe ebnic ww» iniuwted. a hi /flioukl' be •retocatod" With New-s-Roosrvelt University heiiday has becumn so p-vulat toat aV toou-vaods trf others like him Shig basjetoail tournament But nevei tendance bas mcruaU joined toe 442i*d RCT and fought »•» able to move beyort toe .vear Tbe lads whostarted*ftin> through France nad luly a: an semifinals until tois past year. program fmu- jjyar.* agoare to mfinlry rifleman. Waller High play<d its heart out Uy piayt^ <m toe teams m to. After-toe war came college.at in toe futeb. lowing 52-48 teWaah- Chicago Nisei Atotetir Asm Sprin^ieM 'Mass.) and then Chi- mgton High. But with his brand leagues ............................... eago where hi* family had moved, of defen*e* and tehmt-pJus boys up The 2964 elibic is beoPg aaenOM Then came more classes at Niwto- fnmli an accoropiisbmiijl which by ansae 48 youas. western and Georie WiUiams CoL seemed an m.jx>^.obiUty back in iContiouad on Page 3) >ap«riBl ImI tdM MtoOddMiAK OAKLAND Imperial Bc-wT Nti I ol Settle took toe lead in toe team event in tor i-uixent CS-day Amenran BowUng Cuagress tour- nament'last Sunday, with a MOB score It wa> ro(lmg ia toe speemi JACL squad. ladivMual scores Ak.. Vsnatevan *U Utet The same ev-enuig. toe AO- Coast V^nenraer team from Ur pasato toem wrto S.«B q^, KiaoshitB and Hariey Kusu- fil.A> of Los Aagriev combund foe «eru-» atsd ttofd place toe' reguUr (Lwit4e> Sunday They e HB t»a*' 00 toe IJIS pace set toe same day by a pair bam ParaiBU*. N J Art Nish id Baao Id Tbm Yr»o ere fi«nh m toe Oassic divi«»m Ito 1JS4 pto*.' 8ito Natarri piled up game totM U IJB2 Tuesday and uok tor aO-eeeBts lead. The Sd 129 th. gardeaer who bat aversgei' more than ia «•» M gnmew of 'B2B m wan fCMtmasd a* Pk«e i) LA. coRsnl-gBaBriE LOS ANGELES Reports bam Toky.) Tuesday indicated BmI^ Tosturo Shimanmjrbi aauM M named as successew of Ctoted General Matao Urui. aho te» bees here since February. ML ShimaikMichi.' tonigb been pan. was rearrt .io Cahtamla. tmfiArwif primary scboci] in Sto Francisco and graOuatieg bato Occideqtal CoUege in Los AjtoMne. His fatltei. the late Ryoen SbBtete oDuchi. w-ks gsaaral saanager tm toe JapaMse AmencsB New* in San rransstn and later fiihjltoM' toe Rafu NicUbes here. Mimriar Shigeru Yosbid* W tor IBH peace cnatere*M>e Frsaci»». and other g meni officiab In tor late IBSBs. be was o-------- r a: tor Japanese Embwsg li Washingtra Hu .rounger ' Naosh.. is also in toe J. curreatiy r AJA vetefans loM pbee needed to keep migralion fKord of Issei ttf^waii HONOLULU. Nisei veteran Kuwayr sivAr the inrUllatioe groups were urged U?1 week V) bafiqu. l wh-. h »w Nrii K. Ko- uder toe tormatwwi of a deprAi- f»t» .4 t-'u- 442nd Veteran.. Oub lory- to preserve documenU Yela- hnnored as cuunii! president The tive to the JapMese migratm* to council is comprised of tour ciuto Hawaii ^e other* bemg toe MIS Vet Unless tor Niari s«s of toe' erans, l39Bin Enginn-r Veteran* U*ei migraots coUort tors.- turn- and Ou-fa of-toe-ceotarr leUer . onuisl pa- More than 358 Island vHersns pers and other eecoedi. many may and toeir lamilir* are already be kMA a was pointed out signed up L> attimd toe vete^an^ Iff DtmaM KuB«y«..mitgD(ng pees- Teuane in July fimn July 81 to idanl of the Oahu AJA Veterans Aug 4. it wws reported. Ovei OaiDca to* expected, accoeding to Rnwayo. toe outgoing president. Sbiro Ks-tosw. and George Kawa said be bas written te toe Univ. gucbi. of toe hart canmittee. here of Hawaa dbout pftevaiag qiaee last swrit to ewenurage attendance, te stere Japawae migratma esc- * Olds and received an mdieaUi*i KW Baete toat tlte Univ^rsilT wnuM be ia- 'Soeeial to toe Pa^ Cttma) SEATTLE -Cieurge Keij, Saw. 41. ■The JACi. Japanese fiistory and 442nd veteran, wa. elected Project ba< wlenady .secured ap- romtnandrr of toe Seattle Kiari imova: from toe Univ c4 t^tetoa Vedeeam Oanmittee, whirt at Los Airies te estabUsh a re- hosLog toe 1BB4 aatemal Ntsai Vet- .cart* tdware m Jajtenese m eran. Reunioc here next aumatef Antetwa aiM rti» «• beto* te-. g* toe ISih romroander. be sac- M at ^ jaaaeat time te store roads John MatBinnHo InstaUa towte*^ w1«h are being used tote will be brtd Mro. 14 at RW te Project cwumiuae.i Swedish Oub. si tte New Yoril eqteulate «M- eral Sbimanpu<.-bi i* expected te aw ■umv bB post here a AprQ. Cbte >ul General LYu i* srtwduM leave Mar 2B for Tok.ii« te reaxsignad as Japan's JbM a bassador te Algena. Consd gmird «o Imvb (jOS ANGELES-Ccasid Cm Mstao Uriu at Japan leetteB ^ 1,-ed as qew amhsiiMte te Algeria, wjl be booorad at te «T.: testimonial -b* toe Japtei Combes- of Cnmrnsrce and tod te ..-al Jspu Amenrs Society an March 14 * 30 p m . at *w r%HWe Hotel Husk Han. aiANGC or MM» snteUWWn 4

Lvynt Nnn PACIFIC CITIZEN SO^ READRS-€¦ · Lvynt Nnn-OVER SO^ READRS-tUkSS P0STA6C PAW AT LOS AWtlXS. CAUF. piituSHto wcoar except

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Page 1: Lvynt Nnn PACIFIC CITIZEN SO^ READRS-€¦ · Lvynt Nnn-OVER SO^ READRS-tUkSS P0STA6C PAW AT LOS AWtlXS. CAUF. piituSHto wcoar except




WOC.. 58 NO. 10 FRIDAY, MARCH 6. 1964


«o th» Pacific ClUnni IXB AJfGELES. - James M<»roe gifti School io the westoiiSr <rf San rereaodo Valley Is one of three icbooU which O0en Japanese as t repilaf class subject in Califcr- ^ And not many Japanese AHWTK-ans reside in Oic area.Tu mark the procrets and parli- fpUr success of the project, the Kbool U boldine a Japan Day pro-, (ram ‘ Seed of rriendship'*. on Kar 1» for the local and natiobal '^s Cultural and athletic phases ( Japanese will be presenie ta.boys' *yin, followed b: i^iae demonstrauen by n ^ of the cUii. “nie hichUcht ,aj| be the presenutioa of a (kerry tree symboUtin* the hope to peace and frindship

Masaoka, who was invited ^ Arnold Miller, principal, to lend

emphasis on the respooai' toLv cif the schools toward mter' Mhofial friendship, expressed hii r^ts in not belni able to at- UMi because of bis cwnaiitments I Washin(l.-e.In roncrslulatinc Monroe HiKh

SeiKxii. Masaoka also noted that CL was very much interested tor offeruK uf Japanese as i r-. uf the refular curriculjm u _ secondary schools Of th Uaircd Siales. -parueularly wb«.

are considerable numbers of lotpecpvc Japanese American adents".Vpresentinc JACL. however. a be Taklw.TCama*uina. D»»n- ni L A. chaptor presideot and . toe Bank of “Dikyo.^ lan^uace peucram at Mon- High IS under sponsorship of •fic O^. grant and beinid by the lis. Dul

18lh Biennial National JAGL — Convention Program$hto-Men*C«dittac HeM — DMevH, Midi.

‘nwme; HUMAN DIGN'm’—OUA CHALLENGE TBMday. Jwn* 30, 1M4

Naliopll Board Meeting - '2 p.m,—Pree,-Radio. TV conference 5 p.m.—Host Dinner with chapter officers7 p.m.—Registration and hospitality8 p.m —Youth get-together

Wednetdey, July 1. 19«8 a.tn.—Registration Uoinll5 a.m^ational Council Meeting ^10 a-in.—Youth Assembly 12 n. —LunctwoQ2 pjn.—National Ccfminittee Meeting

• • Tours6 pjn.—Dinner on own

Youth Banquet7 p.m.—*Opening Ceremony9 p.m.—'National JACL Oratorical Contest Finals (Joint)

Thvn^ July t 1964Oration (J<HOt)

Japaoese Is Mso belltg Uud>t Dorsey and Venic* High

. sals. At present there arc US Mdems enrolled m the fluee Js- a.'s^ dksset conducted locally.

Texthaafc PreJeet TUs week, the U.S. Office ol Ehsesuon granted U8C a SS.M8

to orgaaito a reseai r productMo cf Japai textbooks «

Ktsic^. A number of coUegeavailable but require extensive

nDdilicaUoo for high school usage.&-riuse of the modem audio- -'T-ial method in teaching foreign -L»£uac«. tape recordingi -ij planned to aecacopany each

for textbooks to be pre- ;«rtd for the throe levels of high ;Suol. according to Dr, Theodort HE.. Chen, department chairman Asiko and Slavic Studies, who - be the project director. Tbxtotoks' in Chinese are -abc " B* developed •'WiUi the pro- LtooEi of good textbooks.

iCooUnued «a Page 4)

8 a.m.-•• Golf Tournament

9 a.m.—National Council Meeting 12 n. —Lunch on ow n2 p m.—-Outing to Pine Knob (Jdid)

- Fashion Show (Joiiit)8 p.m —-Outing Dinner (Joint)7 p.m.—-Outing Program (Joint)

Friday, July 3, 19648 a m.—Registration iJointi9 a.m.—Natkmal Council Meeting

•• Bridge Tournament 12 n. —-Official Luncheon \ •2 pjn.—National Council Meeting & Youth WofWmp8 pjn.—-Testimonial Banquet (J(^)9 pjn.—1000 Club—••Whing-Ding”

^y<Hilh DanceSdvrday, July 4. 1964

8 a.m.—Registration (Joint)9 a.m.—National Council Meeting 12 h. —lainrheon2 pjn.—Ne«F National Board Meeting '

—Tours6 p.Bi.—■Reception and ConveiHion Banquet (Jdnt)9 p.m.—'Sayonara Ball (Joint)

•—Official F.vcnls V *'—Booster Eyenls

18TH eaiNIAL THm ' STRESSES CIVIL RIGHTSDETROrT.-"Hjmsn agnlly - Our ChsUmge" w«, offlBiiili'v ar,- ncKmcrd ai; tor tocme of the ISto Bienual Natiaoal JACL Conveo- lioo to bv held bere Jul.v M CommctiUng . oe Uw theme.

C(inv('n-.«,n Board chairmaB Kraak *Wa-tooabe stressad the JACL historr of oobcHll for civil righu and bsmah digBity. He

the Negro AmcTicae struggle forRighu f. our challeog.-. • Wala- pabr poinud out The Sattooal JACL Orau.rical

and Essay cumesU being held in conjunction with -the Natsaonl JACL Conventicn will also rtress •JACL and DvU Rights '

Advertising fates for Conveniion Booklet aimomceid

DeMtime fur »ds is A-pnl.tS.

•u. ssjr.^:',TU

Front Cover .lo^teek coverS.1,

Cost of Convention Aefivities1, RegistraUon •2-


8 Events

•—Offldai EvenU

KWchapienhear bealtli pin detailsuOS ANGELES —EnmBment has nsried in some of the JACL chap-

1 the Los Angeles area fa b. recenUy approved Group Medi f- Inruranee Plan ns offered by Ciaaol'Liie Insurance Oo.. aecord- ^ to the So. Calif. JACL Regional»h. 2C marked the tint such ■nUug when George Nakao. Capi- Life agenU outlined toe plan

»= also tunmd to K new mem- l>;:dup appbeattow to West Los A.-.ce!es JAd. duptor .president. Mrs. Tby KaoegaL Those preseM at the meeting

the JACL major medical 'l^a to be exccUtnt and would Wsefit the membeiMiip- K^-ttood and Cerdena. Valley Tbspters met tots week to learn ibe health plan detaQs.Similar meeting with toe gen-

fT.I membership have been ached-^ IS folkTWJ:^Uiweil LA. JACU-War, II, » p m . at Cefitwarv Metoodisl ^«ch. 3S00 S. Horoandie. \eniee-Culver . JAO, Mar> 10, ^ PTC . at 12ttt Braddock-/^' Row that toe e(troUmeBrp»iod ftarted. members toouM 'give

T-T7 oonsidemtion to our new ^xlu pUn." Isaac Matsushige. '•^kKnal director, auted "It has ^ carefully itodied aixl en- "■ Ted by intelliaeiit. competent

to toe hwarance fUkL- ^^tMoal meettogi are being

('•ianed by other JACT, chapters toe Paeffic Souttwofl DttWirt

Comeu. which bad enttorsed toe '^■otocal tosurance tian at ha tort

^ Phoentx. Aril: n HaUe Vototoaki headed

^ conmittoe ktotoh tovwtigMad toe various plaaa>



ISZfee'"""''IZ -6. Convention Banquet.................. 6 tXI



iRdivklualV.i.oo—) 5--50



ImpressionsBT I&A4C MATSD8RIGB. PSW BcglfMl PWi atot

UVBB tip TO NAME Life Insurance Co., undervritmWhaVs good news around here? PSWDC JA<S- Croup Major

liOV. BROWN snu UNCERTAIN WHEN TO SET INITIATIVEWant* GrMtetf • Numhtor ef Veters •Te Decide on hapo

S.4CRAMEVTO - OfTir;a;lr cer LfH-<! a> qualified few toe baltoLt toe queition to place tor iBhiatis-e 'to rr;<eal the Rumford Ftor Hous- tng Act in the June i>mnarie: or Nosr'nber gnerat eiectioo ■> still tmrrurivtd.

Brron can place it Lo th<June ballot by sruinc it as a siicvul matter. U approved, toe

a-urr would prohibit toe stair kttal goveiinaeBt from utter-

frriiig with an owner's ntfil to re-_________K to sell, lease or rent property | be railed- "Tlie onl.» thing 1 .waut to be tevdership. r. u! if that tt's OR the ballot

when tor greaust number of will be aUc to pus- judg-

Washington Newslottor: by Mike Masaoka

Historic debate in Senate ^

on Civil Rights bill loomingW.4SHINCTON.-lf <; to*, n..- rrad.v dune toe Cuaea S'ui-.r. , fiiii char.g-.-d bThi M.-vn-atian, ir. admitting Ihai. ciw.I rigbten Lacked Upright viM

i- tmnkifit fiocr and tot otowoen;* k»; two , not toe Dem> Democriu who voted agaM

bypuaing toe Judiciary C.—M tec from S^Jte^ in wludi JACLRight.- Art of 1964, toe mH»t eftm- eons-,»tia.'j- » not necessariiy - — ■ ■

f»eh;.n.-uve and meaningful legisU- jewel He Sgrend that brpasstog has ehapt^s ww AUnB^^jtm of its kind «wr aj^nived fa} cwinrutUe» i. not eitooai? protv- Howard Canam U Nevnai.^OtoMtofT Chamber of the Congress dx-e. but ciaimed that it is based Haytei ofThe necroaary prol.m.nary tor «, , prouedm-. toat ba» i»t ^ f .ha- prurmse- to U an h:«u.nc abiurd and i- juaUfied m virA cU A WOhs ttobertm of Virgtoito deaate iv Ispmnn digmi} and dc- the rralitm o( tor C.v.i rights Repik^ani in toe uamr i-i-nc-y wa* woo SiXOe ten dayi ago fight gicy were Wallai-e Brimrtt. «l,-»>h, 26- when, by a rote of .M riimo.saa expiained hi. C'-«h. Dirkseo «d tUinins. Lm 4^i. «. BdwL-aiea of civil ri^ts (hange of opmiuti b> remindmc dan of tdako. nad Milwnrg aM|^Kuc(}>edrd in keeping the' bill on um m UST toe Judiciary Com son of Wyoming tor Seoatr Calendar Thus, n may n,iu«e bad already beM U dayi Not uetoag. but aoniMBC«a UM

tone by tor heartogs before. UieHpu»e bdl paired Awe Repubhcaa OtoBaTet'hairally. the vote was on , Fmk LMsetae ofreached toe Senate ^ held Ihat Alton of Colorado lor,

adequate beanags^hd not been rrat iliag an- afiprql by Dixiecral ^Itf on toe pending House bill i -bard Russeil, venerable leadet t,. toal three

of tor Sinithem bloc, ag.mst the ruling of toe (ireiuding officer that ;

z-■ govemce-reiterated that he

beLrved it would have a bed eflr.-l on toe state if tor Rumford : were outlined

will not oaw have a bad eRi-ct in Caitfoniia . . it win cer- iauilv have a profound eRect upon

tesHilri all over, the world."Mater Jndg^

AfbL'RI^-Oofge Toortiiro bas tikd a dK-laratiuti uo mtentiOB to .erk tor judgeship uf tor CoUaa di-t: .1-1 th;. past wrek. “riiree vtficn are on toe Ust for

bring vacated bv- Charlrs Crowv.

^ Senate comrontee, — Judiciary, I Commrrct and Letae- i . ration -

il Commerce and Loiae- ana map Hck odiy faeeaiiar ^ tov vMCalendar wllbiai: bring lir>l rr- ‘ ^ But. op- will br respoiLsmlr «gr dedaag|Mterrrd <L the Seqat. Judi.-mry ^ ^ v-ar«^provu»< of toaTS:saewted as rt did in 1957. wWen - ' th.v dtor CuogresK enaitod the first na- Va4lH ta Bypaaa m..IsVmI civil fights law in M years. .,un.iThat year, as tor veteran Ce«- The first test cat ovd rigbU toginb tewmakir poimed .«!, then this Cttogrrsx showed » Rnail^ the acknawM^ cMIliters John touedy aad l.yn c«is yhaing 34 Dei^r.L._ai^^-

\l civil 04hU 4

S^ti------------------------- - -dun Jitonaun v-rue8 to refer

. Maiomyr JudiciafJ Com-

In thii .i-ai • VOU-. ia>a Majur.ly cnn> juiJung 29 Dvmocrnl ui --ui.-: Leader Mike Mamlteld and now porung Uw appenl *4 Gma-gw , Mmunlv Iwader Everett Dirkat* Seaaur Rusrell Compared to tor rrveraed their 1957 pudUoas. »*7 voir of 45 to 29. the

B Page 1>,

WladeipMn bMored ai'engin^l year' bytoHeagnes

Pen pal tneident uds on clean noteMySNiAPOLIS — The Rev. Andr*w C«^h-jjLjtiaJlif«-tor's Re­port published in toe rebruary issue of the J A. Journal, sato th< imernational IneideBt stirred b' Japanese pen pals refosiitg to write to some students <4 Uneoio Jr. Kigb School here -see Dec 13 PC) bas been resolved favorably.The mcideDl. e-hicb was also publiciied in Japan, resulted some 150 letters fitmv Japanere w-b} eranted to correspood with Negroes and Jewish pupUs a' school.-the-Rev, Oum said Dr. Fred P. RoesseL Lincoln

JHS [Tincipal. had been told by Nagoya Mtoool teadtof that "Jb-

panese have peculiar feelings towards Negroes. Koreans and Jews" and accordingly aixitocizrd

PRLNCETON. NJ. — The PrbfeCr siunal Engtoeers Bviety of Mer­cer County. N.J.. hEtDred Tada- fumj Mifcuriya, wellJcoDvm Philo- drl|4ua JACL^ and lOSO Oub life' member, as «ts EagUMr of tor Ye^r darwg tor Natioaal Eiigi- oem Week observances Peb. IS

1 the PrinertOB Inn A l ivi! and structural ettgoii-er

who DOW own.' and cqjvrato* Tada Eaginct-riag Co . 3 cunsutUsg firm. lYentuo. Mikunva' wai bom in ga. Japan and graduaUd from imtoWDl, EngiBeertng College

In m. hr came- to the UniludSlates and wvH-kwi tor'toe Baldwin Locomotnr woiks in Philadelphia and m~Ued a’, the Umv. of Penn- sviviaoii Hr received hii B.S de-

1K6. his MB degree in 1SZ7 and C E. degree m 1935

. mailer's toe^o.. Sliku-

.rrtuKl aad drvvioued tor -Thewy of lanomce Equation, lor toe .Analysis «l (pdetermtoaie Structuresa paper whu h was pubbihed to IK7 Brasdesung tor toe.irws Ibis work Msved as toe Uu-su for bis profeuitotol degree US civil cogumrMg Material froeo toe toewu ha* baeh uaed tte many years by toe Univ of Pe vasto for lOstnicting gradua' dints.

Hi* fim job was n-ith American ■BrMge Co. ai a structural drafte- ma,B Beeaine ^ the defwessioB during ^ «6s wrhen work scarce. 8e reiaiacid to Japai several years Upon his retur*. hr engaged m mdependent research and wrote articles lor eiigmecring magazmes

Tadafumi MikuriyaNisei coached baskefliall tpam nipped in finals for dly iitle

UiiuAika may .materiaUre i! ed-jcstion Shig it iervitg oa the Chicago j frosh-sopb J.ACL tjeecuave board T-l<v High part four j-ears. be ha*

enach of toe YouUi Con basketoall elanc. assisted

Ra Mgam BitetBd Pbae. MQ pmUMtnm.ADEI.PHIA — Rqy KiU. an clectroBic engmeor with RCA was (bo»en chairman of the Philadel pbiB. JAH. board at a board meet- mg held last Friday- He lives ai U32 Wav-ne Rd . Haddenfield. N.J The new officer.s are to be in­

stalled on Mar. 14' at Cmi-al;-- Country House m Cherry HUl. N.J.

MSaDOKATBON CALMMU GROUP RM RoamiBi«. ANOElJ-5. - NetoM JL ftoctetcliei • 8B-vi>t. RepnMIrW !i-esid.-m.«; deirgBtkio was otoBt iwibbc Mundav by L'£. San. TlMIto

KuMwi and K inelote toto

Sia-sse-ii determinad to ealto Ctobforato tare Kanes 4» • Barry Ooldwi filed Ian aae

WeU. Dr. Hitoshi Ikeda from lm- Medical Plan, j penal Valley Chapter Jcalied a few fvspoiise from

a of thia faealtopenal Valley Chapter Jcalied a few fvspoiise from PSW chapters to davs ago . . . ktog distance at' eodarsing of this medical j4an. to that. Here's what he had to say: its chapter members.■•We>b sold aU of toe Detroit ®■ncket Bo-vkleis. What do we do «»« - - ___with toe loot'!!)” Mr. Roy T. Ka- program, Cafntol Life has givai n>k„ Iv-traii- beto nleasel much study uid coasidefation toFW fiad watoa madto. wim mdividoal chapter board members topenal. How come Imperial ViL to “tat tber be the first to

3 these pleas- ““

MENLO PARK —Albert Nakai was installed as tWt chapter presidesi at toe Sequoia JACL dinner-daare beU Peb -i at Brave Bull Boa- tauranU Over 'flO guests and mem­bers attetided.Eugeoe Kumagai. Sequoia Jr JA<^ raerideot and his cabmt-l were'abn iiutalJed.Waller Mails, public ^laticto.‘

officer tor toe San Franciscw GiasU. was the main speaker. Dr Harrr Hatasaka was Mstmaster Mr*. Sally Taaauye srai dinner ■toairman.

also remtods me. A pre- »w« questmnt from toe member- vkws can. long dixtaoce . . same »*“P- party . . same ehaptw n»d to ^quote: "We ve exceeded oot^196S Geoi^e Ndkao. 3>bb Vo-

Mteto. Mgteomoto. J^wShi,'' touU alrWbdy! Got acards!" So moves Imperial Valley Sato> George

Capitol Lifeampler lor mt. QpgraluUtiom' ^ jACLers. who are BEALTH PLAN • ' meea« almost sightly wfton«u,T- rs-si. ^ will *x* be tamfliar


SMtSe pMc kSmI tKtn Hii9Bt> CBvneSE.ATILE - .A'course in Japa- nete lang-oage amt-culture is being oTfeiwd be- toe Sesttlr Pubbe

iSpecal Ui thi' Pwctlic Citiicn- CHIC.AGO-Back m i»C wluk- be ter's dcgi

MmKtoka Relocattcn Ci-n- Pretty soun. Shig Mabo. Shig Murao never bavke'toall cu^ct

dreamed lha: one ^y he might School.be coarhing > rhawiptoosbip bas-' Seven yeari ago be iwilcbed ketbay team He was «ily' IT then. Waller aad beca^ varsity coato. eral vidunteerhavftilxvn'rvaruated from Seet- Twice hu cKibSvtied for the Pub- mer Nisei basktie h^d^touiacc be League west serttoo Bate Divte mg toe bumjtfteA was given a sioo U-Jr. but nevCT an outright .vouagstets ranging in 4ge fiwn •

chanft to vulunteei- ami fight lor - champumship. Three timet be to 14. . . -the/uunlry which earlier thought toought hi> teams to toe Dm!* Sum toe ebnic ww» iniuwted. a hi /flioukl' be •retocatod" With New-s-Roosrvelt University heiiday has becumn so p-vulat toat aV toou-vaods trf others like him Shig basjetoail tournament But nevei tendance bas mcruaU joined toe 442i*d RCT and fought »•» able to move beyort toe .vear Tbe lads who started *ftin>through France nad luly a: an semifinals until tois past year. program fmu- jjyar.* ago are tomfinlry rifleman. Waller High play<d its heart out Uy piayt^ <m toe teams m to.After-toe war came college.at in toe futeb. lowing 52-48 teWaah- Chicago Nisei Atotetir Asm

Sprin^ieM 'Mass.) and then Chi- mgton High. But with his brand leagues ...............................eago where hi* family had moved, of defen*e* and tehmt-pJus boys up The 2964 elibic is beoPg aaenOM Then came more classes at Niwto- fnmli an accoropiisbmiijl which by ansae 48 youas. western and Georie WiUiams CoL seemed an m.jx>^.obiUty back in iContiouad on Page 3)

>ap«riBl ImI tdMMtoOddMiAKOAKLAND —Imperial Bc-wT Nti I ol Settle took toe lead in toe team event in tor i-uixent CS-day Amenran BowUng Cuagress tour- nament'last Sunday, with a MOB score It wa> ro(lmg ia toe speemi JACL squad. ladivMual scoresAk.. Vsnatevan *UUtet The same ev-enuig. toe AO-

Coast V^nenraer team from Ur pasato toem wrto S.«B q^, KiaoshitB and Hariey Kusu- fil.A> of Los Aagriev combund foe

«eru-» atsd ttofd place toe' reguUr (Lwit4e> Sunday They e HB t»a*' 00 toe IJIS pace

set toe same day by a pair bam ParaiBU*. N J Art Nish id Baao Id Tbm Yr»oere fi«nh m toe Oassic divi«»mIto 1JS4 pto*.'8ito Natarri piled up

game totM U IJB2 Tuesday and uok tor aO-eeeBts lead. The Sd 129 th. gardeaer who bat aversgei' more than t» ia «•» M

gnmew of 'B2B m wanfCMtmasd a* Pk«e i)

LA. coRsnl-gBaBriELOS ANGELES — Reports bam Toky.) Tuesday indicated BmI^ Tosturo Shimanmjrbi aauM M named as successew of Ctoted General Matao Urui. aho te» bees here since February. ML ShimaikMichi.' tonigb been

pan. was rearrt .io Cahtamla. tmfiArwif primary scboci] in Sto Francisco and graOuatieg bato Occideqtal CoUege in Los AjtoMne. His fatltei. the late Ryoen SbBtete oDuchi. w-ks gsaaral saanager tm toe JapaMse AmencsB New* in San rransstn and later fiihjltoM' toe Rafu NicUbes here.

Mimriar Shigeru Yosbid* W tor IBH peace cnatere*M>e ■ Frsaci»». and other g meni officiabIn tor late IBSBs. be was o--------r a: tor Japanese Embwsg li Washingtra Hu .rounger 'Naosh.. is also in toe J.

curreatiy r

AJA vetefans loM pbee needed to keep migralion fKord of Issei ttf^waii

HONOLULU. — Nisei veteran Kuwayr sivAr the inrUllatioe groups were urged U?1 week V) bafiqu. l wh-. h »w Nrii K. Ko-

uder toe tormatwwi of a deprAi- f»t» .4 t-'u- 442nd Veteran.. Oub lory- to preserve documenU Yela- hnnored as cuunii! president The tive to the JapMese migratm* to council is comprised of tour ciuto Hawaii ^e other* bemg toe MIS VetUnless tor Niari s«s of toe' erans, l39Bin Enginn-r Veteran*

U*ei migraots coUort tors.- turn- and Ou-fa 1«of-toe-ceotarr leUer . onuisl pa- More than 358 Island vHersns pers and other eecoedi. many may and toeir lamilir* are already

be kMA a was pointed out signed up L> attimd toe vete^an^ Iff DtmaM KuB«y«..mitgD(ng pees- Teuane in July fimn July 81 to idanl of the Oahu AJA Veterans Aug 4. it wws reported. OveiOaiDca to* expected, accoeding toRnwayo. toe outgoing president. Sbiro Ks-tosw. and George Kawa

said be bas written te toe Univ. gucbi. of toe hart canmittee. here of Hawaa dbout pftevaiag qiaee last swrit to ewenurage attendance, te stere Japawae migratma esc- • *Olds and received an mdieaUi*i KW Baetetoat tlte Univ^rsilT wnuM be ia- 'Soeeial to toe Pa^ Cttma)

SEATTLE -Cieurge Keij, Saw. 41. ■The JACi. Japanese fiistory and • 442nd veteran, wa. elected

Project ba< wlenady .secured ap- romtnandrr of toe Seattle Kiariimova: from toe Univ c4 t^tetoa Vedeeam Oanmittee, whirtat Los Airies te estabUsh a re- hosLog toe 1BB4 aatemal Ntsai Vet- .cart* tdware m Jajtenese m eran. Reunioc here next aumatef Antetwa aiM rti» «• beto* te-. g* toe ISih romroander. be sac- M at ^ jaaaeat time te store roads John MatBinnHo InstaUatowte*^ w1«h are being used tote will be brtd Mro. 14 at RWte Project cwumiuae.i Swedish Oub.

si tte New Yoril eqteulate «M- eralSbimanpu<.-bi i* expected te aw

■umv bB post here a AprQ. Cbte >ul General LYu i* srtwduM leave Mar 2B for Tok.ii« te reaxsignad as Japan's JbM a bassador te Algena.Consd gmird «o Imvb

(jOS ANGELES-Ccasid Cm Mstao Uriu at Japan leetteB ^

1,-ed as qew amhsiiMte te Algeria, wjl be booorad at • te «T.: testimonial -b* toe Japtei Combes- of Cnmrnsrce and tod te ..-al Jspu Amenrs Society an March 14 * 30 p m . at *w r“ %HWe Hotel Husk Han.

aiANGC or MM»



Page 2: Lvynt Nnn PACIFIC CITIZEN SO^ READRS-€¦ · Lvynt Nnn-OVER SO^ READRS-tUkSS P0STA6C PAW AT LOS AWtlXS. CAUF. piituSHto wcoar except


»pinM<i> nrtrw* *Tsu».*eimii«» Aim«n •le aMiuosal iw yw. rem«« »• *■Or Boy N-r..k*w». 0--l>

KABRY K KOM>A . .Swu^SSaya^ .'.

». Poctflc Ciian Bc«r<

K* Northwest Picture: by Elmer >>9iw*(^n Housing Election Issue

SEftTTlJC-A< thi* At ti»P. St, n-t*. »•• c<«nr to Ibo br^Partftr own »iH p»'^i piputA’*"KTAer ID 8e»tOe on MMt* *. ftr of StmIOc Acrortm* to the m». <S»v More the City etectjoo. Bit reliAMe recent n it Ja-re«dw wa piohDbly be » pa»e»e, mouirrDblyfcflow am ^ h the last po•^iW( prc '<I fiifurc-. ; Chine*e. 4-07S; ctamee to m«ke preelerliw coai- KJipmas, 8,7S6; AmerlCBO lodimi, m««to m the «mrov*T«Al open l.TJB; and 71* noBerhW cl var^ bcwamc ordinance. ‘•J* eoceetry- AbB aertswf to

Si Tui?:r«eet woM tnahe a leaer or to*BBKt UaWe to iweec t-tollito lor . The infe«rati « of taces trthre ttre)odu-f to Mlltot or renti* ci than Neetr. h. fBOeOrd ay fairt. b.HiniK pn^eny, to acitnmt ol well arm«ed in th*» racially h* race, relwwn. «>r natmnal onem. rr»»l ^it a towW pc«W«n. ^

The oMc'pmhJem ha* been »u- t>( the ssluattoo. *ayy; pertn? anhbmd by Ih^iJirteD;- --The rate, and amount of d- ce«rA e«tor Be* Conr tn a eenr< |mr.irto anwit* rtr Japane«- have of five injtaUiBcBU Iroto Frt> 23 been murh freatcr ihas fir o!hrr to 2f. - mmotity race*.Ob a contrwareial iaaue. the ' With the increaied Chiiieae

like* of Bluch have hut creatod popjUtion. the report noto* a no- »oeh a tUr to many yeua. the. Ureibic tendehry to Ub out further 4«iniaci« of courae. are divaled- itotUi and »udi of the rentral Sana people aay ‘ Siy mind » dirtrirt Allhoii^ n»n Chl^c made 19” - other* lapeat tbU (e<j thi* i* a MtmUve rabiert. ♦Utonieol. but add. "But don't try movemeDt ha* bee* curtatiefl by, to htofnre me *tth vaur facW ' many Ui the coamuntty tabs * ould oarers »ay; "WelU 1 ju»t Arn't like to *A'elop a ln« Chinatcwn know—there arc »o many pro* and with the ethnic look and a can- cue* " Othen. and we surniw iner^ atuaebvneai of San that they art voter*, ja*1 havf*’l mari»co s. These adnese would paid much adcDtim to tha iaat», like their own par. of ton and

they are hoiwfuC that ail non- Sertom Thaatk* Chtocse-whito*. Netrt and the

Tb the ffd in the laWer cate- r«t“^ elii ahmi. fuate*. itorfaapt well Ij «u«- '^OrtedtakRest a fea muaient* K-*en to KCfiou* lhou*ht. For the nunnetit

t® Itobor 8

Masaoka- ~'' r?S-'S..X’S:wl2:rlOjCvRw wriOmuiler at lean token fh* D«*ecr»t ojtoOslboB«>— ~ u “ sr;,"s.“:SrrSSi"S.._ -------^

U rUim cr«t; lor -- “'oJ nihty JadtolatroB this »e*sa», ra-

_____________ ther than risk no civO rlfhis Uwi, . orororr.’S 'SL'Sli,“ .A*

Lartiniiwirto?ui«y«W' iT,S,.°U!SS»'S‘ IS“ho-o. r«. »«.».rsss?s2rs.“r«^.- - •

j,.’Wrt>W=™«" ' ;"i‘. “,£!,''S!SSrt.'ir°6<»»'0» brr, m Hr Sr«.tr r.-™«urX'iJ:r“ir»^. “““ "Minority WWp Tho*M» "J u,e Senate if tJOlitenda wouJd be the overan ^ ^e made moOOP Oobr leader. »«h the lollop amcodmeet* u« tms floor captain.: Kemeft ^ bottof of Be* Tort fTttto 1-. wotSof rt(rt*>. touaa «< .^d.....................-Title n—?i*^c arcom- ,

____aittoe ftit ____haarUi on the Detfto.-rauc Seoat

r^- —_____'*■»«’« ^ dtflKultie.I flke K&leefty Loedo- deonrea. ■ mvoktot ctoture on t

. ackvrM prmii®e» and «n*wt ujm •■■- u- ie»:»rtitioo House P*s»rd h-»« re meamnaial. mimmum, re^tordle*. ^ lid ra-eito the maads on then

IS imvisinlu. to state The J.ACL i» coanmnnei » nei^i a !eU a* f«le«l. elee- .ecure theM hM

.....____audiaBe the Atlnme.v and oppor-amiues fer all Amerv-Ttue 11—^miyc aev^u-- ceneral to file »uit* fee crvii ia^I. Jacob Jartu of s«» • ■

ire suii* sws —nHdSSfidai. Jacob Jaelu of Be* t,^>ticaj''to protect all the civC York ftWle m-dese«re*«wn oJ ^ jj, o^t citaens.pBblie facarties). J<*8 ShermanCooper of KmtuclP TlUe IT- 8haieda*eti AipeweheaSSThiW. »o,BiOfl- ^or* y AUUI ■ >*»■*< - . -r,

"crtM "rf " Btinpafclre Rw«-«mu, wUtoodUcriminatton to hh coU^rms were

- ----------------------- and take

Yamaha mitiates ’3:^2 new cusfe^ plan

Iitos lHm>mwa: - -- ti£ac* aeauuKd iro *4 m <*■•* ae. to.

r at ten -a«

PhHadeipHa—tCaMimed tai n«M

f_Uialli amistad wo*r*m.»' and «»» aovaniase *•'m^"***" •^P'^ f,rr rmj right* oHvir-al. > O' ai-Ali the dnai—am ReBoMtoaW.

FraM ra*eierostnKltoO of »dch T«dKU a* All W-brtoae. tran*mUaton »«m. to- ekrtjrt SaMtor. Hra«fci and Crt du^tol buMIns* and eotop»aU

He returned to the „ven ataUi: Be* JW- Bahraaka. and New HanBraixe 1“ ii.-nrking in cnginre rs«*ettouH. Dela- are cenaidotod aopiewhat » un usm' on um no . >. ... --Philadelphia for same time and »«.*■•• Maryland and ritou of ^ iii'wo,.m. au a nuoabe: wkJe the civU rigbierr roii»t keep ^then iranafened to their i^t ® . of oimUm* are bea -----

«C*jn ■€»«* r,.— ~-4 -.. Alt-Viugh hr dal —-:^- kto. ara eeaU-toown liberaj. and the njatbematK-. .d a flt»u*lci

Hanenhat to the left < learl.s. favor the deutinpied mi- Of »a)anty Leader Diritsen. The twnty.^ «>------------ ---------------1 V.W Hamwahiren -r. kec.il'bCy

^ ------- --- ANTIF.;^ ^ith the tevcnot rvi-ey parlwi- ari]ui4l*n «W>r<v-k» to (r**>f«t'

:------ u. pimiQf to- the homry Yam,.h-a*p, jy maimSTtu* a new >ervire for Calih»rna - ■*—TOidinaTOiTUna to erm Jmitu. a**iytan'

>tato. manas^ of Yamaha bitrttiatanoa!* ript.tjed in a rei-etn Tim< Bine art«rt. Yamaha >•

"ihr Siati^re and knoten av ike worWy bi«e't “ Three of hMir-ma* maker

FlfMV Vkn Gtffess noh«HPI II torn* dw rt dWiTinin lu niaitoi »a* to«a» ai«n red war warn tor kas fWpMsw e IB St. ar - m« e-sm,«rt'i!!SWST.jw

tony A kireiito Wrew frre >» Swop•“YSiSrs^

sN c^iB^^^ tii) M^t-saw.S,Y!rUSWf&

tm Ma.to.toi • H«h TtotohreWmflTmmSSmiSreetattito ■ Eatoda irewt

ZM S Ottwd 141 - Ml A-T4M"'.jr.K’.".,-

Htow • toant ■ iawen • hreatoS105 W Jetierire »M 08> ■£ l-4ia

a buddiiddinf a I wUl prudi * I'ian-.

I pidODi a menUa hs, depatodihiP-arel <h**hJr

chief enpneer for Keyrtooe SITU.- -Matt Chatea j^^iaitert, the poMit time of the day or reght- OnUira ij wtoeapread usage ffi toe Unitedrural Steel Co.. Trwfoo. aMammodaiiaB* and a»e ■Nm*. -re^-er been invoked on civU SWes.lo.fpu. he formed hU own firm- Mtouriya i» the tether of a aon family BaaUtet nyh:. s nre WU7 a-hen this proee- 'Samrta P«w. are bemi

which spociallie* in ftrueluril •» two dreidhtera. to nddilteB » «Stw^re cowtoered to he th <junr was r.. -; adorted ^ b-' ci-i'P«;|^r r«-»"k......................active.wMh JACL ami aerw ^ *^1 objactianable pKn-iarec

lie chnpter bnerd ter e to the OBBaarratiae BapuhBcanI spocallie* in urucairai •«•

itoineering. iDelitoiiig analytical re- , „ search. dc*i*B and .-pervldon ^

period, be to a member of the IMb'-' Club Axnerteao Sxiety of

»K_ Cnil EJiQuirer* «»«. «•» —»^ the Society of Profesaooal Eagtnem.

Sir* .< u.«, - «b-oat- aa.v ordinanee howe been Aie “crei^

sjihbs; ■ =riiS==-v™ "™

b.> cutiipuM-r erank ui«v-ser.

•V were toncttiin that Uie.w c«i inrni* arc directed to the- Nisiinrni* arc directed to the- Nisei Ite odvanUfry of open hiuidaK"- voler. in view of thu pcbticatam-* He »ay* that the clamor ftnm circuUtton. Of courae Xirei voton JaiBHUwe Oitoce and the re»t ismoat of an wcU BMByefsheto «wi

_____ __ ^ prncTices au«i«*"v..tandarte^ 2!l’d£r -mote amtfi A, of f|»i* *nttof, two fUibos- most objertambieout aa.v ordinanee hawe been Ale ^-rted the jroaenia- tars. «■ -e«l*ied dAale". r -T'± bS tee pteMDe. fto. may be on tee 7

v> ail ptoTts erf SctoOle (mw a tka to take foe Boaoe poMAiB conchtoioo of his Ak ci^ TtoAfteni kom the Senate Caktoter and

.neolacr. Bob Cour any. th« _a« . 1*- way mk. it toe pendin. btoArete.< — —-

.« CDBChlSUO —-------------------------itienlary. Bob Cour *19* that the

••otker" nuDority grouw teelpmB^rec. xmm may to vu •«.•- --• — --------- -

_________ tkto to take toe Boore paiAl hill a» opinioB that PrefTkAfisni kooi the Senate Cakttter and « could not afturd totram we aenan v.aic_.. ~~ ----------------------

„ _______ rtwtai it toe pendin* toulnter of an.v prwauon. —Si "SIS. ST'S! ™ Sin ita. of 0» Om. 0» S«»» Tl. oOh, win " •

1 reiiia uire. iiiLOS .A-VeaES - The Japanese PiBtoarmactie Owklini of Lea .Ad-

h* rtvTrtcurtd diiwclioB of Ak.ia Ki-^ ^ at the Ntohl Honcwanji. Profram Lereier m ‘~k)de*

WakADih^ Saeifto: - care See*

KkBBOto TnTCl SWTies

«aS*OKA-ISHIM«t t aSSOCUTB Mt.I Canakau*I WamMeiar toauan

91A . lf.t bi M (W

, ■■ ■■ ■ ,, ■___. _ Detrreaion. like *0 manyd>. thr some. At the polls, perhapf »* —

Ni*ei voter* -can aire a eompaa-Great the Sanato. The other wiU be on while Senate Maj-sriy Leaaer in re^wow m o-toairo. re u

Datreaaion. uae re a-ftolnl civil riAU packa»i l»7 and ih® because then bis « * “‘?ir„,%35S5.’**i&r **"-UsTS^done Tto. reoad, H«. itaA. rewtertauon* concerning evU a™ «protertalion* con^

.... . ______ _u, *m jmA a'iktoteo* to the recent pnst. toe Diiio- rifhi* wW become• rita *aiO. WIU « •if' __ . __ ________.k- l_ .w.lU »--------------------------------«svr«-*1 «»<» lift—rt i* ai; a matter of <foapter in the Japoneae Blrtiey crate hare prmciBto. Project.

rest, nic Xhxw ricbto wouM become bus] fUtomstered the A would Iom favor with «*

to take up civil. riAB nonties and others backma mcan-

e then bis ua.ar< toreewto Mu a. K.CSI-^ uie mi- ^

Ask for . . . •Chfrrtrmd*

Select Your Piano Now Right in Your Own Home!. -- rv ■ ■ '


Yamate pianos are produced in Ihe larpesl and most moddm piano faclory in the wotid.

One oi Japan's inostproduds, equal in qoaRy ■ tolheirsnperbcaniefasandeiedranicequipmeiit.

RoMtnably pritod, bul used by artists all am the ymM.

Thit MV »mpha tnicA trill odl at yoot haia iHQi Uae YwritoT^aao you aeled.

L; 1 Med a I ] GRAND PIANO { l anNBT PIANO I 1 <X9IS01£ PIANO


^0% DISCOUNT ^j| If Ytow Mail TMi CMpn t






Page 3: Lvynt Nnn PACIFIC CITIZEN SO^ READRS-€¦ · Lvynt Nnn-OVER SO^ READRS-tUkSS P0STA6C PAW AT LOS AWtlXS. CAUF. piituSHto wcoar except

■14>aCIFIC CITtBN Friday, March «, 1M4

By Bit! Hosokowq

^ XCiftiiy ^ rttt g Immiiy. T^eob' jw*r e Six ^ “W s -xcnurr, tat « pobadI K> aiader Aoot ber own

v«irf. to be just* liHlc ^ atXHiL taint «a aduU, ^ »Iieb‘J.v <Tv«n»betaed . rMtijaUOo tbat u just ten ^ die «i» ta nn of M 'eki Ob. ttat 1 could tm.at wd Ulked. and 1 i and for Suuu the ev«

M ita would knew ^ ber or«aa. ^^jvu dui-in« ir vears. of course, i -irnimsianca bad bvn Weft CMst home to a U > htven in the quirt < t'T ra^Sital of ln«a. ]' ivorked frawi S p m. onlil met on this idRht , irriral orared, thtTr wa* aan home. AUk said she M a cab to the bospiial.fAB YEJUK-Remen

• the war years, were btrd to come by.

M BDoe nen dotr to n b<r » to <M. Sbortftr b I hurried ots to the oaraar ta^t an owl bus. Attor rald- tte street cars and bussM

on the bour. I rode m

Wto another bas » visit Susan and her molhei When she csine bsme. Susan

bad some dtfffcidty adjuslinr * Brea

was raliOBcd in those days. Twice week I'd satber up toe radon oks and take thk I

niBibct ^mtitos-n. bdy up as many cans as we were anUtled to.'and take the bus borne. Then lor qaick supper, nod ofl to work a<am on the t

TBBi m*vB rmHfiftvStories surb as this are tcarcely believable to today's younertms.

vast cult has iveoed between the war years and life as «c know It today h » alm'oM-iec-rcdi-

to them that there ever wai Evacuation, or that lata had be mtanta. or ttat wie dton'l

have cither a teiephooe Ata .vet all 1

chanjted. not in a Utrtime. but in the bnef vears it ha' token for

ehanae fi^

AlK«'r room ata we visltta ^le. Ata then, at l,md on the assurances that •Ki't a toinc I could do, d* Bic 2 rm bus ata b rest.Mnebold was iqi earty oext

hiked to toe comer soon as it was open

ANGCIES JAPMiBi ASOAITY IMSUHAHa ’ ASSOClATieN:Mf Inuirancr Pretectioa—lA Prdra, UA S-90al

n MS. ACT. fsMkMhl, jhtoii'Mki. 21B S. Sm Me itazrs. h6 2-740A

a>bika SelmenUi

lumr JapaiRK ^ to viH retaihiANCSUCS. - Seita Dept, on Witaiire Blvd.'s Miracie

hJ:le will cease opiTadons as a retail store on March 20 ata vrrt its boOdtai to hndusfiiaJ ndhbi! haH. R sms an- n uimd lest wt«i by Aktoa Rtobi. executive -- . _ -■Entirpiftifs

tiavit! eervtce <,ientr is toe baiidisif. atataTbe decUtOD to close *I Seibu's home office to Tbkye since toe store had not shows pixdR Since it opened on Marta 14. OK. HtoM rxntotoec was t^itaed to rarrv top qaalRy

* * * but inrecent

Takep Atsumi, dJwcWr m tor Tokyo fim. wlH hand toe new Los An«cles eosipaay. Mw-liaitiikr Kajimn <d Thkye wiB be chnitBinn

Jepaaese of tbe bonid ata ' educated son. vicesimtarnt SumiVifflo SUk Ao«elr> office Will occupy the froiita ftoor <d the new with drived Unliues

UtaercToimd (wtaita atat of Seibu.

from Jap it addfl c

St“;Her brother, a toddler when she

was born, is abeady out oi own. making a livmi m hU taosen field Her younger brother

' nr* BO l0ta«r taddmn. either- Ata so toe years have tpta awwy, and that s.hita

close to us must now be celled as tales of long ape.The otoer day a fWtow caUta ata asked me to ttSi to a pwip of Sapsei about the Evacuathm, ata the hcritola they have had banded down from their Issel gratapsrents ata their Nisei

"These youngsters eothing of theii past." he said, "ata it seems to me that they ought to be told sametolng as part cd toeir edticntiei Of course, toey should, ata I

agreed to sp^. And’I’m glad ! did. because She past is sHpptafsway ata it is necessary Mme-

5 to remember it. Tbe presait lorr poignant, ntore appceci

Bled, ^ta better understood la remembenbg the past.JAL hof«( to Open

TOKYO.—Tbe 4>«om Kawasaki Sikko Motelr-tanc Tbkye hnemn- lioQtl Airporu is scheduled to opta Augnst 1. according to the hotels operator, toe Japan Ah’ i-hx* N®- tei Co.. Ltd. It is locnted on the top three ftoors of a ten-story biilding facing the Kawasaki sia- nn o! the Japan Natiwial Rail-

t» miilirm to show a irofilS.F. Crater Pralert

SAN FRANCISOO- — CoaslrucJJoii work on a.Japanese theater Uunn: in die new Jepnn Ctotural ata Trade Canter wiB start AufuiL aceneding to Ktaiao Ma-

Osaka Tbcatrical mue- preneur.Work oo the city-owned garage

betov the ground level beorato theater resaurant is etaectta start around Aug. 1. Maisun

19-stMY boildingIXB A.SGEX£S.-Tbe New Miy^o BuOding. a l*4lory offire structure replace tbe ste-stsrr Miyata) Ho- , oo E 1st ata San Pedro Su .

was officially announced Feb, 24 by Kajima Intematianal Inc.Kajima CanstruetioD Co. of Tb-

kvo recently decided to subscribe ,to aU rf First Enterprise Ctorp.'s S3 million enpiul tnerense ata coDtribuita SI million to the com­pany w^iefa DOW operates utaei




ConstruettoD is eepertta to start -b.' year ata be completed by tbe ieta of IMS. Ikwever. litigntioci by the NeT[ Cthia regtaurnnt hold BP the pr«?)tcl.

SoMiNMO Bm* BWrifct MsILCchwIwSAN FKANCISCO —'Makoto Sa­saki. presideiit of the 8in«Bne Bank «f CtliforoU. was dertod

deal uf the Nmlheni Caiifor- ftpanese of Com­

merce for IM4- He sucertas Hifoahl IsMMawa ot

RiUinani, Sakamoto rol M laMt&.AN JOSE—Tbd Sakamoto joined 1S6] Angel Kati'ana of Serrw-

BtojfcM-(OMAbtalnm I

County Obiob Growvrs A*sn. re- cedtly. Croup IS curreBtly exerting efloru m Washragwa to i»ev-ent rrdoetkn of tarWi oa beportta onions ata urged tbe active Saake River VaHey JACLer to sert» an- other year heennse <d his Ckperi-

ttom FroM Pagei dtables ata ME stogies. Re bested LBl which has been toe high since toe ttumam^ began two weeksHarrv Oshiro ata Ken Tbnigii-

chi. both of L A., ar^sato* dotates with ixa. •Tb* top-average team I

JACL NationaU toUmg tois week in Snemmento, tbe Hnwab Peren- ,pta Stars with LBU. rtiUed last Fridky to leta «»en m toe ABCs

ARCHina APfOWTBD TO '67 WORLD'S FAIR BOARDREGINA. — Ari-hitrcl Kiyodii Irumi. C, wto- one nf « anximted' from serosa Canada til the B<tv-i.«ory board on arehl- teeture tor the JM7 VorkTs Fair

George Amuni. He remains tie wnr flnji as vice^wew OtoeANisei naaociated with Kaji-__ lateniattMial inelude SaburoKido. board member: ata .tor law

of JuD Mori ata An Sata- yama, cocsultanta-

.. Montreal.Cmuidered an expert oo arehP ectural psydatagy. dw Vnacou- .-er. B.C.-tara Nisei is a gradu­ate of .Tectabtocy in regiomfl, pUnmng and rtndled eeo«»amicf. law ata soeial scirwees at Harvard.He is currmtly esewultmi} tS.

state tafpital programs ih Geor-; gia. Cdlortao and^Peimsylvama.

Park IMwigBcrGAHDENA—I. nmip Fumkawi local architect, was autborixed by the County Board of Supervisors to develop nn Oriental garden ata

»al areh at Aktodiw Park.SS» W. Redondo Beach Bvd.Development will includf an out

door theater, teahouse. pnr>da ata latascaping.

sn» of Potine Cood NM B^n» ToonLmrt Ao,o<l U.15.16, ISM

HOLIDAY BOWLS7M Cnvsasw AM . kei kieeln 16

esrtecta in a -plek-up lAO, toumaHWsd. Hw liaee on tor SUrs IS being taka by G»a

In St JM )■pirie ttarwamart to Sent Wcefe^ PC

Adi Notions fo moveUJ8 ANGELB. - All NMkMs center. Incsted at OI E. M U mwvrag to OtA Michigan Ave. m Boyle Height* «iU eantng wetoi. Center was popular wito Ntoel to tito prewar era when many J«ie- — Americans lived in the area.106 ANGELES - The aevcoto ...".-t Btouai exhihi: will be beta Msr. t-lS a* the CaJtMmto Mn- aeten of Science and Industry at Exposition Perk.

the hft of Nisei bowlers who have pdled perfect 3M game* to sanr- ttooed ouRipetitiee when be aceom- pUihta Bus feat -Feb. « in the Han Jo«c Nisei CUssiC League at Palm fcwL eiTak Rdrtmaru rolled the first MO" game in toe So CaW. SBA

Classic la-agiK- at Kntiday Bow Los Angeles, ta Peb. 30 He f sished on games of iM-IM fur • sene* Tbe perfect game w-o «SW award from Bdiday Bowl

ata t3» fron a .bowling ahin ^aufacturer. *Sakamoto wasted liiUe time roll- )g toe 12 coDBecnbvc strikes, cstiw Ms 2M to bU first game Ir added IR-lTS he a <G senes He was the Mcnta San Josr

Nisei to (Bter the charmed circle ■m* firrf SW was hit I^r Jim Sa kantoto 'no relationi abnon raact ly seven yewrs ag« on March H7 in toe Vk-b’ Ni-4-r league al harman Oaks B-wl Tbrev years ago on Marr-h 8.

' Empire Co.En^lsh' and Japanese

COMMEItaAL ata SOCIAL PBOnOfOIM WdlUr St.. Lm Angatw 12___________MA I


I 34C . W. CJ» ST. - 43«B » aCBMA*AX J-5S71 tin AX 8-2010 5 Ttsn w 80.000 ina WaraiU

Fukui iiortiNiiy"THItEE C£NtUT>0KS OF EXPOtfpKF'

17 Ten-Sf to . las Aafstn aiLBI riKL't SAMKS NAAACAWA


NEW HOME?It’s Easy!

Adk Tbo.SunntoiBW Bai^SkSgn depnrtmenS te aldip-eost honio losa

Tlta StnooitOBio BankOP C’ALI PO-RNl A


Shiinitsu.J><Mti A Kubota Mortuars(ViSSrON NTSCI)

911 Vonie# 81v<L, Lo» Artgelkt 15 — Rl 9-1449toh -«yke' Ossu. kWdJ* 1. etiiawtaw. A. Tatoka KahMw

Dr. Seiko WadaITT aa Iht (aarhtnci ol tor (trsl * KosT an -Brslto. tans Ulr uid sm., J-« yja : BairWuaJ SasUaa A

THE WORLD BROTHERHOOD OF trHrTE TEMPLE■goto tel. S— mas, la WsUer aw—I. Uw Ansetrs U MA P4W

FredFomiioshin^DTU and Studtw Avsilshia oe Paqiiato

«0H«r, italWM A ernMtwbin Ntsr vSrt Stact EictisaW Tit W. 7W $T- LM AMfm_ MA o-ioao -An nwe All l.«22

Khrf FteM krf*. U e teams ai* Tka» •“■'viSree; ata Fsta Xta. Jtokr

ireiito hi; a g*peXisei-Ir.-.iL»l304i Suides to-.ima

.'hetd St Saratov Lanes r. ime tbe Bathmal ?A£T. BewV lounUmml wai u-ing. held

hereFussy Sbima.la «-f m-chburtnt

Santo cure h.t Uw fii't recorded jraguc- or tuurnainea-.

cuiniwLtintt in IMI PtsiasuU Nisei kague play at San Carku BiMr:

LWIr Ungaa ■aarhaBREDWOOD CITY. —J.ACL^. pi

1 Li-.-Jc League!1 Prartxe seasioos arc bri^ <B g-'ta«r aftemaocii at


Chkago—iComiDued frpm Frewt PnM* Skys aon.-pnken Shig: "I. tearf ata coach five Mys a week a Waller ata 1 see cmigb rf bi.v« ata baskHball ... 1 didn't plan to coach toe cntiic thfa .vear. tn.1 my own Wdi Itak forward to the clinic every Sunday, so here am."Ri.s buss bnvcs't micaed a B

day atoce the rurrenl program was starta bach ra NoAmber. t*B He drives to from EvaBswa even- Siitaay with'hU sons; John. 8; Peter. \ni>d daughter Ann. 5, to the Olivet Cbmnrunity Center Brmembered as <me of toe most

cnsstanding ffisel eager

w. ■g="-

Ysmafo Saring Cruise to JsyiiiLeaving March 23 via P 4 O-Orient Un« Oriana

Leaving April 3 via Japan Air UnesYonato TravelBvean

sa t Fim sl; Suite smLos Angeles 12, Ca&f..

MAdisoa 44021

bw . Oanct - CacStaliSMfTMU • janam naM

4 asVp^i •WIT - •»»


«ITt *»■ .1125 W. italtatast. L. A TB* TTI-iTM — TH-BBM •

lOTiT'SBt' i^p5f?u ATM: 7«7-«01 1,

( -WHSSU Ptol_y»4MtoTg

Lem'i CafePCM. CHWSC wsacs ’ S2« E U SL. Iw AwtoaPhosM Ordm TiImi

nU 4.^951

Sushi Bar — !^>ecial LandiMAS -mu Dfhtafd Basaact FastoUc Fw «Mda

ate intMwa- PwMs

ASIA TRAVEL BUREAU901 C. tsi. SI., Lm AnvaiM 12 MA 84292

iJr Satiny Lts!s i-

DaraMM Cafem » Mmm Pnto* BL. Laa 4agMw

Stocks • Bondi - hmstmenl Securtlesw lata Sstwtai •> thtoiM SsewMsi s' Mstta Nta

•e taSMii Sisdn ADP o' Jtosiww Data On*- Msaiaw Fwesnis PMm


SHEARSON. HAMMia i CO3294 WiUrfra Blvd., Lm AngalM 9. CaW.

OUnkirk 1-2355■itaiii of u» Pro Ywk Stack fadtota

ta Stow padia wcwwr sM »aimWtf MaMa


YDlH) KEV to auto loan SAVINGSmummTmmmMmm

SAI FtMCflCe tCAB 0FF1CC • h* Sutter Suta • YO 1-12M IM IBORH OBMM # 120 Sa Sai Pta* S«« • m *-U«S.F JAM! CStTO BUUBN • Suebanar A Stour Su • n6-76J>0 LA CREgSHAMr OMBCte • 8«I7 wr AtHwtai OW. • Ml-TSSai JOSE BBiAh • 13» k -Firw Strvn • PPaiw: 206-2*41 SABBOA BItUVSI • 164C1 Sa •sMro Am a FA 1-M02 ' a 14M Kroi Sl-v«' a PIM 238-0881 SAITA ABA IKUCN • 801 Ns ata St. a Mmw 8(1-2271


rOK UUSKRVATICMS CMI. MIVIU - IIUMI UWTHE FlfTiyXMX TIOI. jAPAireaa ciiiotPk Awa «mcraA». Mtnsaa

filj) the new moonM a 812 Srots Sto PsWv Suva. Las a

M0* ■ Au-u^.to... AAmarkait fi ; CMnaM DWiM W» Pact F«w Ta Tta Ol


I L.A. aiMBB

f urn OtaWtaw, Lao Aa«blM. AX 949«

wtetnakB... It diB rxiBBd^Stcckmen^s

CAFl - BAIt - CASINO , EOcd. Nairado

For Hofidov Nrtm mi WadAil RBCopliBH Dfffftt - SLOO Bffd «p - DoaqBfft - mo Mi •

fJm %wih6ayiCi^


Page 4: Lvynt Nnn PACIFIC CITIZEN SO^ READRS-€¦ · Lvynt Nnn-OVER SO^ READRS-tUkSS P0STA6C PAW AT LOS AWtlXS. CAUF. piituSHto wcoar except

•-PACIFIC cmiEN FrW«r. M«rch i.


»T NAKT TOGASAKIDETROIT.-Onr rf thf b«t pub­lic retotiMks )»bc diAf *>»Detroit Cbaptrr w« eccoiTipbfhrt «i)fe the preeenre ot Mifce >U*»o- I2T ii»iilietxB diB-


. Hike mMie »Q7 «ae ibepter He uitfoducMi Mtefaifas'* Sauior P&ibp A Hart.. fVlaclitti ipeskor uf U>e rvcBUX.; •to epoki oo inunicratioc^Aod

Mk^U' Fmlk^ Ba«. IM »muTt; ■ Ctwch u» W»lni

rsartsr ^Cut^-er-M —

;vi! ri«hl>The-aunoit . .

record sumacr oi, member* and frumd*. Bo? Kaneto. cbairmto ol

cha'ptef* Speaker'* Club, made hi* fir*t appearance a* toa»s- maiter »me* die froup wa* or- (aauad. Hoewred fue#t» wen- duly imprt-stod aitb the whole aHair Initalled by Dr Jame* Takao

MDC cbainnan. a* IW* Board.Goirraor* wej-e Jaioe* ftiitno-

„j. chainnarr. Charte* Campbell. Kichaid Fujmka. A1 BaUta, Nary Kamidoi. a«- Kantko. Gcorfe Na- «ato. Boy Nanjo. June OUujl. SturU-y Saleli. Jin Shimoda. Ed Shiroroa, Claire Tana»e, Fred Yo- Oiida. Prank Waianabe and Nln Tdftoaki.Jame* Norimichi Shimoura

hit acctplance *pe«h parajAri the conveatioe tk«an to "Detroit. Co tn Jim I* ». a native-___Detroiter and fraduated Ironthe Umv of-Nicbifan in buiinei* admmi»tratkiB. He i> o»ner the Oriental

tssi.'-tiSaE SisraLea eiiieto nwieral mrMitw

• » wniT-

Odca<D—tonnt* Day OIMl Comma-


ito-YouW B<ml(tetarean«U >-unt.lUn* Lean* towl-

KAOf rsannutThe Inheritance'

"nSSad by Maaaki Kotoratoco-nATtmx'TheBody‘


aatoi at CiutoaTab m-eso: — f<w

NOW nAYWG m MAR. 10BaM Catw m EmM SaO-Ildn

Gurwitai Jun{o-Ha(SentuDcouil W^totcr* SlamCi Kojiro Hcmcn

aas PuiiiSes, jaUfo'ChtoAMB

Twiryu Shbuki Goso

to kuntoXW ■ttoMr •*!«>'

SAS FRA.NCISCO-San Jose JA- CL chapter aa* narrx'd th^ No. Calif-Weftern Nevada '“D&trict Ctwnc.l ! -chaptet of the year for tab*secoBd »trmifht tune

r announremefit wa» made Feb 23 a: the flrrt 1*84 tjuarterij meetln^b* Sieve Dm of Saa Frac c»co. chairman oi the aelrctioaf cammittee.Dr Tom Taketa. president

the Saa Jote chapter duriaf boU winnux year*. act-e}Xed award.

mok> of Fremont. Calif.; has foui ctiildreB. a#e* » to >4 Jim'» family ha* a wide baek*rt.und in JACL work To him 19H ii a year of ckUemr and opportunity

Jr.'jiMXera JoinOy installed were Jr. JAO^ rs Carv Ouniji. presideDL Jadu Doi, Libby Natauhiro. Ales Hitau- na<a. Carol Mony.. Alyse Satob. Jo Ann Shimamurs and Jo Ana YememuraCary u the son <J active JACL- r> Mr and Hn Georfe Owuii The l8-?-car-oid i« a junior at Cast TVrhnical 1^ SchuoJ a tchool lor a telec:'upper ten percent if scholastic achieVemenl He i* a proven Iradt-r. bt-ini class presi dent and capt^ of the football

There aW 40 members to hi* Jr JACl. xnaip.

Pat BtonU-i ha Tbn An ioviution was estendad

Pat Suxuki. whb *-as ain(Ui< a< the Rocntertail. ou of Detroit's swankieft ni«ht apots But. be-

of her busy schedule, ibe lOt able to atteod. However.

____of the Detrolteri NcludiacPete and Dori* Pujioka took Mike tasaoka to sec her last sbo*. Rev. Nu Mochinikl and his wife

June-.'Pat's elder siiteri Irsveled the IN tnOes fnfm Wesaeni Usci» can University in KaBmaro to irticiMle ta our installation jau- •aro. ^cdmilnrs enfoyed* rtoew- ins a«

tOOOaub ReportPeb. » Rewan: The JACL 1«»

Cluo rtjion lor the last. »aU of Febroarj uirlude* 82 nc» and re­newal membership* received NaUmal Hendguarten •durin* the penud a* J^w*. .

aUTCKXTB TUB ton Lou VaUrr—to? T laouys.

p.^. TSuinmu H Ikemiira


Chapter Call BoardChkdfd JACL

aw: n>t Ouca^ JACL Youth Oommisstoo'. tourtb annual baiknball clinic ends Mar IS with a parent*- day ahow al CWvet Community Center.The pnocram opens at 12:4S p m

with the boy* '* throudb 14 year^ ed a»e' demg^ntina a aerie*

^pier presalent Oily known a* the '•ia» coJe; W lor Ln* Aitfeles Father Clement will be meeumc chairman. ^Tw wiBRirt —W far

v8h«Mu-rKUoa of hca< rao Game* srili pit the M*. IM2 aaf 12-14 a«e group playert Sam Zaupan. basketball piocrw iBair- man. sriU conclude with mscnia- tuc «t awards.stmctiooal bowlinf league lor >s.

__ _ . Com-mistion at the BovUum from Sun­day. Mar. 2S, with Hire Ui±ida •• chairman Special rates.

lid* and free rental of Aoes ... being oflered with al the cod of the series od May IDr. Jaine* Hamada. youfls

missioB chainnan. saM the bowl- and tbMr eondies will be in­

vited to a partyis srv’ss;^isitv'S£Sto«L

YtoU.S«> Or Siuceru Han. HMml“ --------- ~ ObarsiHu.

by calling the JACt. Office 'Mo 4-4»2< during the day or at the

Gileey JACL mmtu r%adt: GUrw

Smnti—ton Jto Onday.Bay

■Dcra TKA*- Citto-Mr* lU* Kiitoum*"srSSE-rilTilLTtsr"

ton PraocWCD—ton Suml 8 tolW-H^^tog^^^

Spokaiw—YoWi Marurama CoelR-aCMrv MamidaMl Lake cnjr------------------

MM-Celumh bM Lake C Wmt La* Al

Aliiineto—HUMiru YceekOTnasT VBABisjsssrsisr”'

ming left ijob wen dcee Kudos to Mm

TOcasski and his hard-wwrfcmf committee cnosisting of Chuck Campbell. Don* F83«*a, Martha Hada. Tom Madiimow. Mary Ka-With renewed rpirit. our goal •DetooiL Go in We bbpe y. have alread?' circled July 1-4 wi a red pencU to "Go Detroit •84-"

■ BM. LA. he 4-U48tolWIHHW =1^Hi_«r-riifc^:

HORN'S eSUWJW SHOP—Easter Siwcials—

p-r« ma.v.gs?s.n,Lajveie-

lU-r« ma) laur t-l«>Suimlws-TumttuiT


S'lSiJrS’!The enrregl fcdal i* l.Cf f* cei

pared with 1.810 at the end January, j

AR-JopmiNMiMrity hi Tokyo sot NUr. 21-21

TOKYO —An addr<-»* by US Am- baesador Edaun O. Reisehauer will highlight the AlUatiaR Nisei Cnn- ventuio to b^ beM-.lt the Imperial Hotel MarchPrincipal seUvitiet wiD include

prominent guest speakers. paneU and dtscusiios groups, and reports

Nisei activiues la Jnpaa ' Masaru Ogawa as well a*

be held at Uva* Meadows cb Sun- Mar. a. with Roy Uycoo and fainagiahi as co-ehairm«i

Final plans nre expected to be csmpieMd by Mnr. 10. when the piciiie coaunlttee wiD meet again. Ob the ebmmiOM are;TWn Otota. BUf rving: Sam Ta-

Snn FrBHctace JACLTbayiTT Orata^al; Ibe San

Francuco JACL' preliminaries the Nat*ona; JACL oratorical con- te»t wiU be held on Saturday. April a. at Pine Mettaodiet Cbureh. acemding to Yukto Wada. aucb Ave . local c^ptest chairman. The winner wHI compete tn the regkmal contest May 17 at Redwood City CoBtesUnu have unUl'March .10 .2 apply by letter for the local ccBtest. They mutt be between K and a. members of the total Jr JACL or have parent* vbo an current memhen of the San Fran- isco JACL The rcgMBal winner will recetvr

an expenae-p^ trip to Detroit to compete is the oattooal final* July 1.

Downtown LJL JMLTax 4Mle«4ar: Dosmtown L.A-'*

regular lunchetd meeting Thoraday. Mpr 1*. 12 n.. a Tkdyo K*B«n win feature county -ea'surer H.J. OsUy as the kpeak- er. according to Thklto,Yamar»-

UAchdtg erf JapBDeae aac in high scttools wiH be further impeiuj." Dt


ALAMED.A - Twoschotrf graduate! were, jeieetrd CO- winnerii of lh« Alameda JAO-* fourth admal scholarship award.was announced by Sluro Take-

iliiu. chapter fwesideot.Tiier are Eogese Tbmine.

«f Mr. and Mr* Susumb Ibnme erf thu City, and Joyce .Yu daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Yumae of Oakland Both pai

active members M the tecal JAO-Winaer* wiU he preeeoted with . full share of the OM award, accordiog to*Hann Imurx, schol- ardiip committee chainnan.•Xmnine t* a graduate of Ala­meda High School He U the «c-

............................family to - -

dulred by Ed Yamaroeto of MLake, wiE meet eritti loader* of ttte three Ortgeo chajMn cb Mar. 12. 8 p m . at the Epworth Methodist Churab to orgnnae an OtTfCB JLP board.A similar group tor the tour,

JACL chaplewdn the Slate of Washingum i* aim being coctem plated.TBe dWricl ccimcfl u ratmeer-

ina this phase <rf JACL activity to pl^moie the tonching <rf Japaneee

high sehaob. ^________

SuRiorl Our Adrerewr*

are pevsently aliendiiig Univ. r. iitnfw.* at Berkeley.Members of the panel <rf jndges


ONTARIO. Ore.-^chard Takao. studeat body presitft^ at <totarto High School, won the'giB hecood prae in »>* Oregoo Elk* srimlar- ship sUte ccBlcst aficr finiahiiig first in toe total and refamal coBtesU He plans toV.-Uidy medi­cine at toe Univ. of Oregoo in toe falLKokusoi Theater■ 'St-ciiimcnUI biob»MT.-".

feature at to«- Kokuvai to:.- week­end, tell* of the rivalry between two iDobs wito young girU joining U^m The weaker side stages comeback on the--*road to nosgag bAavior. ^



mBteFMSL W2-1M


MINKSAitd Ottwr

____ Finn Fwr*••b Matsumoto M. Jacques70e Swtk MSI«


Joseph's Mch’g WearDwwtaM CsSM



anoouMM thatDR. FRANK Y. SADAO

ar>d DR. RICHARD T. ARAKAWAart DOR- associated with him /. in Us practice of ofitometi7

u» AMOEtEs om^z cwhawBlvd.

GA8DES4A OFFICE isMl 8o. Westen At*.


t. ^^1h a z m o r e

studioof dress

UONerfSL SURtr]> Cnlum netBA-r*• e*n»m Pnfti-ic

* AnpatM 12MA.h«UIm


M» L la SL, L« Awaa



a«e e. ntsi sr« ul uMAS.WT 4-8801 (2 2. 4)

MfekeYs WMch ShepWatrK*. . Diamond* • TroplU.a

TAMURAam ca. as.

*420 «. JtHtfWB RM Lai Aafdn 11 - RC 1-724R

Fugetsu-DoMl E. Ut 8L. Ua AagihH tt


• CurrMt RbH FeMQwHrtwiy

FirfIfOBn. CnW. 1-4244

e Lnngiiagt Project i

cuttini* sNibBMie(CuDliBued from Fumes to aS memb*-.’• A* Sabaro Kldo - ha* “ “ li# -Ob*erv»lii*" <rf “ ' ""

». -I»a.Ship- an) that "In ooe —■* •“•rc anaxus to toy atruBg and «pf«i » which win bearCi: a**^^'aiiiin rtat« toll CapitolLife will pursue every effort ta ......retain toi* cooOdenre of Sebure tii I ■»erf service- and pos-ible beoefit*


Takai RmNy Co.3200 W Jifluw.lBd.Ln toBHR IB caw

dn AX V54K ■£ »■>»

bHljli &


fonew Your Membenfaipo7«.^Pe2rc&* sia BtcMd m. •

pBfitkowaa CloHtMaan crersmaw mvb. sum m

U* AnBfi • AX 2-2S11 SM* mm. Hb* UdM.

SMiat Wdara. ticMrt Tnjtosa


SAMIWANA_ am Ensu —

i Ttmw &t bu S-»»kA-Weto 2b tn CA 1-B2M

TO L/'.n;, IS Ti. •-xRin

#MEt?ITSAVINGSS4SE. First StineLUA. 12,WVOto* PbofMhLS.4-74&4Bears; 90 R.BL to S pjB. dailjrSaturdh.rs: iO rjb. to 2 pA


Toyo PrintingOHiet - inumes* - LBlbfbS SOSKSARPOieST.

La Ato*h> 12 — HA4aa« 8-I1S9• - MiBiwn r«»

COS khiRB* Unun Sentet tiaricf H Ttet htaiur wW Aiac. S272‘V C. SaHr SM., LX RA >-W« ,lmi Ah 2-7137


cmm. S|>.rtia CatAUIWU ttowniuSilsflrt eoe T rvl

Omf VmMI 4309 Ceetuwn Aw

(A) range Cty.WeST ORICKT

REALTYKwi HhTMM. Rnnltor

21 S> S Msrbw 8M Assknm Cslrf 19 Bioc*^ tout* <* D-xierUM.

IH 'T141 d£ 7.4911 LA Ptww « 3-0188

Nisei American Realty

ses suRsrr rlvs.. lx u

MidwayK4LTT 4 ■VEStimn' CB

Shnec hwMrs Arsnar A ABOclBei 4364 Wen WidMfii.. L«* AigWei

Wl B2T73

Steve Nakaji


• 'Sr3L?A sK ;s5 EriiLrEKE.K*» K K*m»» rweig.

... SL-n Katsrfm* Tb Mbwb

&*•»>■«» Oie _S^_




Realry Co.

savae MRTuua »mcommercial

REALTYMrvry A«Aw 4 *

12733 MW CweeC M PirttoM Ofwfm 97229

m 4-2M4

ReiJy Sj!m


M fiM. UAB4M A «n RnraS.4U m> TM4in-,iM : Fi*<w ewbaw Si& wM Sumn 0:11 tone .

....nboa ttpf bv T 'HA«u *49

A:- C-. I77|B L»ru^«: IX ihm ... IJBP3pw. oftr<n. i: 1 11 XX •!..«* . . tn

Deft SP IS-lt ?!■ aee. AWens. N V

Gliifornki ArHsis AoteriolyCi—iron 8 rm Aft s*m8c>

2420 « 7U Si. IJI AtoVto 57 00 3-208 lIMI OWr. OMMiy Swtot

The Phctfk Southwest JACL (>edit Udkm requests the* asisunce of Pacific OtiBo renden in torxting the follow- inC persons with their Ust known addresses so it can eiear its otdigatkms prior to disstdutkm.

Asm TBatotK 242 S $w f(«r»L<* anik' 12 — *U2r£j£r*si. s:.-r srs '*t** AapWiIm Ai«W* 83 isr—,

t« AagWR 5Please contact the B^oaal Office, m Weitor Si.. Lw

Angeles 12 srith any iafomatioB regif^aR these penoiK.

FUJI.e Pm - hototo it

tt-itui £«*v*ci

3t0C W 0>rwak BM . Li I T« IE 1-2372 Swi- J (F.k) Nua-i. P

(n)' 1 NakamDit / \ Realty

Eagle ProduceMAMteifSMM S. Sm Fwb« SL

— WholesMe Fnnto and VefctL« Anoalss IS

CAL-VITA PRODUCE CO., INCBonded Commitnon Merchaots—PndtJ * Vet«tt 774 X Cwitral Avx L. X—Whelwals TsrwibMl MfB

MA 2eSH, MA 7.7BIB. HA MW4

r« a IV sauar m va c

a Wh» Wiw ,m bf,
