Lviv International Summit. Issue 3

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EditorialNo matter what the future brings, as time goes by

Four days passed by and here it is time to look back on what you achieved, what you developed and what you are going to bring home after the session.

I’m not going to say much, because you already discovered advantages on European Youth Parliament and Lviv International Summit.

Just look around and do your best to remember these faces. All I want to say that this occasion will never repeat itself. You will never see these people together, you will never be in Lviv with the same amount of people, you will never have same delegates and same committees, you will never see the same combination in chairs team and you will never have your first EYP session again.

This moment is unique.


by Oleksandra Gipsh

ContentDiscover:• How to survive in Ukraine• What numbers did we use during the session• Financial crisis in Europe

Compare:• How to make Ecotourism more attractive• Are you ready to fight and protect• Fracking is an option• Is visa important• How to protect cultural heritage• What measures should be taken to support Ukraine

Think:• What memories have you gained during the session• What we are so different, but so strong together

Page 3: Lviv International Summit. Issue 3

Rules to survive in UkraineGirls! Did you and your parents ever have the problem with saying "NO" to a prospectus husband? Just treat the guy with a pumpkin! They won't go away without anything, at least.This is one of the marriage-related traditions in Ukraine you may face, like also serving traditional bread called Korovai instead of a wedding cake. It symbolises the birth of a new family. Korovai is also served with salt, to long time expected guests. "It's like a welcome package" - jokes Michael (journalist, UA).Guests in Ukraine are also welcomed with a "normal portion" of vodka, and by normal it means one bottle per three people. And what's the "cure" for a hangover like this? It's called "opokhmelitsya", but it's not a special medicine, it means drinking a small amount of alcohol the next morning. This practice it's not uncommon during business meetings, which makes agreements easier to sign. And what about eating? The Ukrainian cuisine it's mainly formed from natural ingredients, like tomatoes, lettuce, pepper, onions etc, although a fundamental component it's certainly "salo" (pork fat). "Salo is our national pride" - Ukrainians usually joke.So how should foreigners behave in Ukraine?

"Most of Ukrainians are very religious but very superstitious as well, so there are some situations which are better to avoid,” advises Alina (delegate, SUDEV, Ukraine). One of them is that you should never to shake hands in a doorway, because it is said that it may bring misfortune to the guest. And never leave an empty bottle on the table, or you should drink it up when it's open. In addition, it's also good to know that putting your thumb between your first two fingers is a bad gesture. Finally, when you're leaving for Ukraine, don't forget to sit on your luggage first! It will make you trip safe and unforgettable.

Speaking about memory, there are few things that you should better keep in mind about Ukrainians. They may seem weird for foreigners, but let's go through them. The majority of the population in Ukraine speaks either Ukrainian or Russian. Sometimes, two people may speak to each other in those different languages and they will perfectly understand each other, without noticing they're speaking different languages. They also get very expressive while

talking and are not afraid about their gloomy feelings. If they're not happy with something, they just show it and do not pretend like Americans do. Public transport in Ukraine is also extremely crowded. Additionally, Ukrainians are afraid of drafts (current of air in an enclosed space),that are considered to be dangerous for your health. They won't open the windows when it's really hot, save for when it's 30 C. On the other hand, Ukrainians may be careless. 5 minutes means for them 20 and wearing seat belts may be taken as an absurd.

But of one thing we may be sure. With their kindness and friendliness they will always let you experience something new and absolutely amazing!

By Adelaide Di Maggio

Gerogian pronunciation and Mazoh cafe

And what are your memories from the session?

With the session being in the full swing, there are few people who think about it upcoming end, long way home and something we call Post-EYP Depression, or simply PED. Nevertheless, PED is never far away and here we are with a little reminder, as well of lots of things which will make it much worse – your very best memories and impressions from the session.Writing an article is being stressful as it is, we took the interviews a bit in advance, but memories were aplenty already. After listening for your lovely voices for some time and being proper EYPers, we decided to do a bit of grouping, phrasing and absolutely accidently ended up with a short resolution (which, of course, can happen to anybody). Thereby, we are proudly presenting:

Motion for a resolution by the committee on Four Great Days in Lviv“Taking into consideration the unforgettable time spent on the European Youth Parliament (EYP) event, Lviv

International Summit (IS) 2014, and keeping in mind the fast approaching end of the session, how can we manage the upcoming Post-EYP Depression (PED) while keeping memories strong about the best we had?”

Submitted by: delegates and officials of the Lviv International Summit (IS) 2014 (all sorts of countries)The European Youth Parliament,A. Appreciating the work of the organisers of the session, smart planning of the available time and precise executing of the plan,B. Realising the usefulness and productivity of the committee work in EYP in general and on the Lviv IS 2014in particular,C. Recalling the amazingness of the Euroconcert, particularly the improvising singing of “Tri Charapahi” and the sense of unity and common spirit it brought,D. Expressing it’s appreciation for EYP teambuilding activities and the way they make the team stronger, with the favourite and the most mentioned ones being “Pass the ball” and “Alele Kitabunga”,E. Further underlining the unforgettable impressions of a certain French chairpersons made on her delegates with her extraordinary loud voice and great leadership skills,F. Noting with approval the piece of cake shared among the officials after the dinner on Friday,G. Recognising the impossible beauty of the Lviv State University of the Life Safety,H. Underlining the importance of both academic and non-academic sides of EYP and the international environment Lviv IS 2014 been managed to create,I. Further emphasising the role and importance of international teams on the Lviv IS through the learning of Polish habits and Georgian language,J. Believing Lviv’s thematic bars being the best;

1. Requests further participation in the events of the EYP;2. Recommends going through this article, sessions’ other media products such as photos and videos whenever the PED will be in action;3. Notes that Lviv IS will never be forgotten as a bright and special memory it is. by Natalia


Page 4: Lviv International Summit. Issue 3

Numbers of the session

by Michael Pytlyk

Financial crisis“If you followed this economic crisis and you do not think that the world is getting flatter, you are not paying attention. We saw the entire global economy at one time acting totally in sync. The real truth is the world is even flatter than I thought. Our mortgage crisis is Killing Deutsche Bank. You still don’t think the world is flat?” (Thomas Friedman)

Since 2009 economic crisis has been raising in some member states of European Union, which was caused by the failure of their government’s monetary and fiscal politics. The main cause of the ongoing situation lays in increased austerity measures in countries of recession. Austerity policies and welfare cuts, that were implemented in highly indebted countries, have been heavily affecting population, thus leading to intense increase of a gap between poor and rich, resulting in high rate of poverty.

Number of countries that are suffering from crisis has been increasing. Portugal, Greece, Ireland, and Cyprus entered the crisis zone lately, due to different reasons. Each country has been implementing different policies to fight the crisis, some of them decided to put emphasis on fiscal austerity measures, while others took more risky decisions, putting the effects of the crisis on the shoulders of government, but still managed to pull it through. Effect of Austerity policies are controversial amongst economists, but the term itself refers to measures, that decrease sovereign debt by cutting government’s spending and reducing social welfare, which definitely is resulting in dissatisfaction of citizens. Besides just dissatisfaction, there a lot more ways it is affecting society: unemployment, disability on health-care system, poverty and lack of social services are the main outcomes of austerity measures, affected countries’ citizens have been facing lately.

Furthermore, austerity usually tends to increase economic inequality within a society, since poor people depend more on state welfare. Put simple, welfare cuts affect most directly the lower classes of society. Because of this, voices rise that suggest a new economic and social model which would take the Euro zone out of the crisis by investing in education, public services and infrastructure measures to put people back to work. It is up to the government to decide

what kind of measures should be taken to either slow down or stop the process of recession; also it’s government’s duty to come up with the ways, money is supposed to come from. The usual solutions governments come up with are increasing taxation and decreasing number of jobs in public sector, which is resulting in increasing gap between rich and poor and high rates of unemployment, for example in UK by 2016 1 million public sector jobs are planned to be cut out. Such kind of decisions lead to redistribution of wealth between social classes and the outcome of the created situation can only be social unrest in the country. Affected countries are not only dealing with public dissatisfaction, but also undergoing the process of recession.

Recession itself cannot be predicted weather will be long or short term, but it can definitely be viewed as a result of low quality stimulation of national industries, that are no more able to compete with international ones. Some member states of the EU are facing harsh economical issues that could have a destructive influence on their economics in a long run. Dissatisfaction is arising among citizens, while government is putting policies into action, but the outcome still is not good enough. Economic policies in the EU did not only fail to bring balance into action, but also arose risks that could worsen already existent situation.

by Giorgi Elisashvili

Page 5: Lviv International Summit. Issue 3

The Cat Came BackGlasses, grey hair, tie and long coat. You may often hear his British accent during session gatherings, speeches, announcement and recently even during the Euroconcert. He may be older than the rest of us but he has a young soul. I think you know whom I'm going to write about in this interview.Even if it was 11 pm, Doctor Flowers the EYPer/neuroscientist, was able to share a bit of his time and his energy for this interview.

- What is the brief history of Doctors Flowers involvement in European Youth Parliament Belarus?- This history cannot be briefed actually, but I'll try my best. I was invited by someone I knew through cultural activities in Belarus to find two EYP people to join an international festival of cultures in Edinburgh, in April 1998. I found those and then the following year I was asked to find a delegation of 6 people that were eventually to join a session in Weimar. These people became the founding committee of EYP Belarus, with the help of the British and the German Government. The organisation grew up quite strong and I felt I might dedicate my spare time to it, because it was encouraging and supporting European values of democracy, which I felt that Belarus were somehow overruled. I've never stopped finding Belarusians for the last sixteen years.

- Which are the thoughts about this session? - I agreed with EYP Ukraine, that we would hold it in Lviv because it is a city I'm woking at - helping people in universities, I know Lviv very well and it's just a superb city for an EYP session. I'm very disappointed that more Belarusians have not come to Lviv, after the effort and promoting this. In terms of work and activities, there was a superb atmosphere at the Eurovillage, with people bringing food from their countries, as well as a marvellous Euroconcert with a huge impact from Victar Rudenka, the former chairperson of the National Committee of EYP Belarus. The venue for the

committee work is absolutely magnificent, but in terms of accommodation for the session, it's disappointing that we weren't able to get sweet rooms for all of the delegates on the first night. But I'm sure it will be a memorable session for what we're doing when were together

- Do you think this session may have a special impact on the EYP Belarus work?- Well, the main impact is that the Belorussian delegates may come and see how EYP can operate in a free environment and how to support EYP understanding in a small, but legal way.

- Some thoughts about the future of EYP Belarus?- Well I hope that, as a result of the session, the future will be very positive. There was not much activity in the last year, and I'm looking forward for a much more active 2015. From the youth I've seen here, I'm sure there will be someone who will continue the European Youth Parliament activities in Belarus.

by Adelaide Di Maggio

Commission on Sustainable - Development

The Nature Watchmen

"I wanted you to prepare for the General Assembly, where you will be asked about the topic, generally, so you have to act like you're explaining the problem to a 3 years old boy. You have to be able to explain the issues clearly" - President of the Lviv IS 2014. The "Ecotourism" issue was a tough nut to crack for Belarusian, Ukrainian and Polish delegates of SUDEV committee. It was difficult at first to understand the problem and formulate the issues related to it, but finally, when they realised how they may talk about it to be better understood (with a bit of Presidents help), everything went smoothly. The chair of the committee: the jolly Marilou, was able to lead them to the right path and create a hardworking and peaceful committee. They were able to understand each other without any problems and didn't need any contracts or rules regarding reciprocal respect. Furthermore, they managed to fasten the working pace, when it was necessary, and work under pressure. Ecotourism is the way of a responsible and experienced travel to places and the aid in development of local communities. Mainly, it's responsible tourism and respectful towards nature. "The main problem is lack of information about Ecotourism in Eastern Europe, is actually neither popular, nor well developed. There are no policies nor rules about Ecotourism, so we don't know legally, what it is" explains Alina (delegate, Ukraine).Delegates came up with the idea of proposing to the International Ecotourism Society, along with the governments, to take the lead regarding the ecotourism implementation in Eastern Europe. They think the IES should develop policies about ecotourism that should be adopted by various countries."As ecotourism is also very expensive, they should as well organise a grant competition for projects, and make it an attractive investment for, so the winners will have the chance to provide and implement ecotourism on their territory" says Nastia (delegate, Ukraine). Ecosystems are endangered by human activity; so green routes in Eastern Europe should be created. Green Routes are routes that are not polluted and are safe for the nature. Creating cycling and hiking paths, furthermore improving the infrastructure on rivers - is one of the solutions developed by the SUDEV committee.

"Ecotourism is not so accessible to society, because it's really expensive, that's why delegates thought about creating some facilities to prevent it, like establishing an exchange programme for volunteers, where people create ecotourism areas and host other ecotourism volunteers and subsequently they may enjoy ecotourism in another country. We should also work with travel agencies that organise ecotourism holidays, and convince them to do discounts for students and job seekers" declared me Grzegorz, the SUDEV delegate from Poland.

These are few of the great SUDEV ideas. "Stay tuned" during the GA for more!

by Adelaide Di Maggio

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Ebola was never an optionReady to fight and protect

After two days of proper wondering through the West Africa’s Ebola outbreak, the committee of ECHO finished up with a resolution which covers the problems, provides solutions and takes into account the European perspective and interests. Trying to balance the best intentions and practical approach isn’t that easy, but Sergey, Vlad, Lasha, Kaja, Yanya, Vlada, Sasha, Igor, Tanya and Dasha had made the best out of the situation for the sake of the whole world’s wellbeing.

Being a rare problem which money can actually solve, Ebola outbreak demands lots of resources.

Trying to deliver humanitarian aid and help those in trouble, the committee was nevertheless concerned about the limited finances EU can freely use and the way to distribute them more effectively. The elegant solution they used is a launch of an international project which would encourage more countries to unite and contribute to the help delivery. Ever thought about making a point about where the money will come from? Too late, the ECHO committee had sought it through and put into the resolution.

After assigning the name of the United Aid Project to the initiative the committee thought through the particulars about how the money can be put into use. Ever heard about vaccine and treatment development being not profitable for the leading world research centers? About the lack of the education and general

awareness in the areas affected? About the volunteers needed? Ever thought about that story when the Ebola patient was wondering on the market because there was no food enough in the hospital he was threated?

Well, all of those are exactly the things the ECHO committee took into consideration while developing their resolution. The money raised through the United Aid Project will be used for researches and work in the field, as well as raising the awareness and improving the general level of living in the affected regions, as it’s often closely connected to the start of the outbreak of diseases, including Ebola.

Moreover, as an Ebola fever has long incubation period, the committee also proposed the development and introduction of screening tests, which would significantly minimize the spreading of virus thorough yet undetected patients. This and their others solutions are a guideline for the

saving and protection of millions.

The Ebola outbreak might be dangerous but isn’t necessarily an unstoppable hazard.

Nevertheless, going away from the problem isn’t solving it, and in order to combat the pandemic and prevent it’s further spreading, we need unity, some money, bit of courage and a lot of efforts. The committee on humanitarian aid and civil protection and their resolution are totally ready for all of these.

Are you?

by Natali Khenkina

It’s time to drill and researchAfter 2 days of intense and productive discussion committee of RDEP, came up with resolution that may seriously influence on the future developments in the area of fracking technologies.

So, the core debate had fired up during the discussion of solutions of this sensitive issue. However, before we start evaluating solution it would be logical to describe the current problems of this area. RDEP, stressed that EU is highly depended from gas monopolist, as an example 60 percent of EU gas is imported product and only 8 percent are produced thanks to renewable energy resource.

According to RDEP, another significant problem is lack of research regarding the development of both, alternative energy sources as well as environmental impact of fracking process in long term. Thirdly, the problem of misunderstanding between key actors, means Governmental representatives and private companies, as well as representatives of the local communities, in the regions were fracking process are suppose to take place. Also, it’s important to mention the lack of regulatory procedures, which would create a common framework on what, where and who is allowed to perform fracking procedures in European.

If one would take into consideration all previously mention problems and think about solution, most probably your ideas will be quite to similar to the one, presented by RDEP. So, member of RDEP consider that shell gas, in the light of recent events is much more need then ever before. Even if we take into consideration all the risks, the advantages are still stronger. Yet, the solution is bipolar, because in case of starting the fracking procedures, on should take the public opinion into account. Addition, fracking should not be overused, like in the case of USA where in the period of 12 years shale gas production has grown from to 2% to 40%. Europe is not ready to take environmental outcomes of such energy revolutions. Hence, Member state should simultaneously develop the alternative energy areas and create certain equilibrium between both, fracking and Bio.Besides that, it is important to remember that keep updating the society and research in the area of fraking may change the whole picture and avoid panic. Therefore, another suggestions is to create the institute which can deal with research part and play a significant role in making the final decision about new mines of shall gas.

Summing up all previously mentioned, it is obvious that members of RDEP did a great job. They suggested the bipolar way of solution, which in the same time should develop research in new technologies of alternative energy resources and decrees his massive energy dependency thanks to fraking. Of course there are hundreds of other aspects to consider, but for nowadays the previously mentioned bipolar way is the optimal solution. So, think again about energy freedom and our beloved Europe! Vote for RDEP’s resolution.

by Michael Pytlyk

Page 7: Lviv International Summit. Issue 3

Eurotrip Traveling through Europe safely.

Traveling around the world requires navigating a spider web of regulations, visa programs and inexplicable border security guidelines. At the same time cross border criminality is a serious issue. Opening borders is a politically sensitive issue because of the many dangers in the world that voters are afraid will spread to their own nation. The committee on freedom of mobility has tackled this issue, taking into account the importance of national security, but that the ability to travel and live through out Europe is important.The committee wishes to make visa requirements more transparent by creating a non-governmental organisation that monitors embassies in order to insure a fair visa application process. This non-governmental organisation will also combat corruption in the visa application process. If a visa request is denied explanation should be provided as to why the application was turned down. For some people the visa application process is too expensive or time consuming, the cost and length of time it takes to get a visa should be minimised as much as possible. If possible visa requirements between countries should be removed completely as the effort of applying for a visa reduces tourism, diminished trade and means that travel has to be prearranged.

The committee recognises how common delays are at underfunded and overcrowded border controls. This should be improved, although due to the dangers of human trafficking, cross border criminality and illegal immigration borders need to be secure.

In order to make working and studying abroad easier education and employment requirements should be standardize. International agreements as to what diplomas entail make it easier to compare the qualifications of people from different nationalities. In the future education should become more similar through out Europe.

In order to combat prejudices against immigrants and create realistic expectations of how life in a foreign country will be every year a different country should become the European country of the year. This would entail media campaigns about the country, its cultural and economy.

The committee hopes that these common sense measures will be accepted by the parliament and that together Europeans will be able to freely travel work and study, diminishing inequality and providing opportunities for people to learn about different cultures.

by Daan Brouwer

Cultural HeritageCultural heritage is the legacy of physical artefacts and intangible attributes of a group or society that are inherited from past generations, maintained in the present and bestowed for the benefit of future generations. Cultural heritage includes tangible culture (such as buildings, monuments, landscapes, books, works of art, and artefacts), intangible culture (such as folklore, traditions, language, and knowledge), and natural heritage (including culturally significant landscapes, and biodiversity). Ethics considered that what had been inherited should not be consumed, but should be handed over, possibly enriched, to successive generations. This was a moral imperative for all. In the aspect of cultural heritage it can be distinguished in a several ways. Built environment (buildings, townscapes and archaeological remains) this is what is mostly attractive and mainly valuable for tourists.

Natural environment (ruler landscapes and agricultural heritage) that should be only preserved by people. Artefacts (books, documents pictures) that are inherited from generations to generations by keeping the whether safe or secret in different museums or archives. Due to cultural heritage has great importance and impact on our lives people started creating organisations or movements that would be able to take care of people’s wealth.Significant was the Convention Concerning the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage that was adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO in 1972. As of 2011, there are 936 World Heritage Sites: 725 cultural, 183 natural, and 28 mixed properties, in 153 countries. Each of these sites is considered important to the international community. In additional, UNESCO has begun designating masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights sitting as part of the United Nations, Economic and Social Council with article 15 of its Covenant had sought to instil the principles.

under which cultural heritage is protected as part of a basic human right. One of the key documents of the body is Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, 1954, (with a definition of cultural heritage item adopted by some national law).Much of heritage preservation work is done at the national, regional, or local levels of society. (including variety of countries such as Japan, Canada, Australia, China etc. Broad philosoзhical, technical, and political issues and dimensions of cultural heritage includ: legal issues, political issues, nationality and identityCultural property law is the body of law that protects and regulates the disposition of culturally significant material, including historic real property, ancient and historic artifacts, artwork, and intangible cultural property. Cultural property can be any property, tangible or intangible, having special significance to a defined group of people, whether or not the group is vested with a traditional property interest. Cultural property laws may be international (such as international conventions or bilateral agreements) or domestic (such as federal laws or state laws). Two major treaties have dealt with the issue of cultural heritage protection during armed conflict: Roerich Pact of 1935, amongst the Pan American UnionHague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict of 1954, superseding the Roerich Pact. by Giorgi Elisashvili

Page 8: Lviv International Summit. Issue 3

Support UkraineThe crisis in Ukraine has seen nearly a million people displaced and approximately three thousand casualties. Clearly a military conflict of such scale is a tremendous worry to all Europeans. However up until now the European Union has not done enough to prevent further Russian aggression.

The European Union has imposed sanctions on Russia. Russians involved in the intervention in Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea have been banned from traveling to Europe and have had assets frozen. However the European response to the crisis in Ukraine has been muted at best.

The activity of Russian troops is referred to as an intervention or an escalation never an invasion. After three rounds of sanctions the Minsk protocol was signed, the European Union however has decided not to repeal the sanctions. The committee on security and defence thinks that this was the correct decision to make and calls for more sanctions. The targeted sanctions should be expanded to include those members of the Russian federal parliament, the Duma, who have voted in favour of the annexation of Crimea. Also wider sanctions should be introduced, perhaps including banning entire economic sectors from trading with Russia.

The committee calls for Ukraine to authorize the United Nations to provide humanitarian assistance to the refuges who have fled from the eastern regions of Ukraine. The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe should provide monitors for the ceasefire. This is because the ceasefire is not being enforced, since the singing of the Minsk protocol casualties have averaged at 36 every day. This is clearly not a peaceful situation. The United Nations is incapable of enforcing the ceasefire because they would be blocked by Russia in the Security Council.

The International Court of Justice in The Hague should look into possible war crimes on both sides of the conflict. The International Court of Justice should confirm the illegality of the Crimean annexation. Both the Ukrainian and Russian governments currently run airspace control centres authorizing planes to fly over Crimea. This is a safety hazard because if a plane is recognised by one organisation but not the other there is a chance of a collision. The committee believes airspace should remain under Ukrainian control.

The committee calls upon the Ukrainian government to request foreign military advisors and trainers in order to boost the combat strength of the Ukrainian army. Prisoner swaps between the Ukrainian government and the separatists should be monitored by an independent non-governmental organization. At the moment the separatists kidnap innocent civilians in order to have more people to exchange for captured terrorists.

The committee on security and defence recognizes that the Ukrainian conflict is a complicated geopolitical struggle. The committee hopes that by adopting these measures the conflict will not spread and the humanitarian situation in Ukraine will improve.

by Daan Brouwer

Diversity brings us togetherIf there is one thing EYP states loud and clear, it’s that together we are always stronger. That’s just it. Gathering people together is insightful and beautiful; doing it through EYP session is also lots of fun, which is after all quite important. If you listen attentively, you can hear it during the committee work, while writing golden rules and playing Alele Kitabunga; as I see it, it’s also particularly loud during the Eurovillage and Euroconcert, but, maybe, everything is just loud, bright and great there.

The thing is that, of course, sharing is caring; these Belarusian sweets and Georgian dried juices were simply great, just as Ukrainian sandwiches and Polish candies were; speaking and signing in various languages at once is mind-blowing. However, it may sound strange, but both Eurovillage and Euroconcert aren’t only functioning as an extra dinner and nice singing show. Wonder, why?

Being stronger together goes hand in hand with profound knowledge of each other. European cultures being so diverse, it would take quite some time to go through all of them while inter-railing or hitch-hiking and even taking Ryanair flights, and here were are, having so many of them in one place, brought by people being so passionate about them.

Think about all the people you talked to, all the laughs you shared, dishes tried and high fives given.

Think about events we happened to be a part of – think about them, as a mere introduction into the amazing world of Europeans, their habits, cuisine, talents and beliefs.

The introduction into diversity and the art of being together.

by Natali Khenkina

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Lviv, 2014