LupinHillPFC Meeting Minutes

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  • 8/3/2019 LupinHillPFC Meeting Minutes


    Lupin Hill PFC General Meeting___________________________January 6, 2012

    Meeting began @ 8:08 AM: Flag salute.

    Welcome & Presidents Report: Kim reviewed the following:

    *December was a busy time for the Lupin community. Thank you to room parents for all the

    extra duties and for continuing to motivate all parents to help as they are able.

    *Matt Heller of the City of Calabasas Parks and Recreation Commission has announced that

    they have funds to donate to Calabasas schools for individual classroom needs. Kim is compiling

    a list to submit for funds and requested input from classroom teachers. Ms. Mizrahi

    volunteered to coordinate this. Kim also warned that the school district will most likely cut

    school funds yet again and the PFC may be asked to provide more school supplies. The PFC

    currently funds approximately $15,000 towards this budget item. Parents noted that other

    schools request more money per student during their PHEMAC drives. Kim noted that she has

    this data.

    *Thank you to David Agresti for developing the PFC website. Look for this at The website will included specific e-mails for PFC Committee chairs. David

    can be reached at [email protected].

    Committee Reports:

    Family Science Night is scheduled for Thursday, January 19 from 6:30-8:30 in Hees Hall. Some

    of last years favorite activities will be available together with several new ones. Flyers will be

    coming home and students will RSVP through their classrooms. Camp Calabasas will offerscience based activities for siblings 3-5 years old as children under 5 are not permitted to

    attend the actual event. Kim will check to see if this is a drop off service or not.

    Kim reported that the Bear-A-Thon was a big success. 285 bears will be made as the result of

    Lupin donations once the stuffing machine is repaired. Older Lupin students will help with this

    process and 250 of the bears will travel around the world with the Smile Train. Great job,


    February Family Dances will be chaired by Jacque Graham and held on February 10th

    & 11th


    The theme for the dances will be sports. Volunteers are needed and can contact Jacque at

    [email protected]. Thank you for keeping this event going, Jacque!

    Matt Freeman reported that Lupins Family Restaurant Nights have been very successful this

    year. Having choices in restaurants on the same night has been a plus. JVs netted over $300

    recently while Islands netted over $200. Parents reported that the socializing is lots of fun, too.

    Thanks, Matt!

  • 8/3/2019 LupinHillPFC Meeting Minutes


    Box Tops collection continues to break records. Steve Rifkin reported that there is a classroom

    contest currently running for the most box tops collected/earned. Steve encouraged all to sign

    up for the Growing Local Learning (link is in Tiger Tidbits) and to make any online purchases

    (including Valentine flowers) through the Box Top Marketplace to earn extra points/dollars.

    Thank you, Steve, for your passionate effort!

    Westfield receipts should also be turned in to the box in the front office. Lupin receives triple

    points for January receipts.

    Lisa Heller reported that the 5th Grade Committee is going strong. There was a good turnout

    for the Hugo movie outing with 100 tickets being sold. A pajama/bagel/hot cocoa breakfast is

    being planned for Friday, January 27th from 7-7:30. Other planned events include a girls night

    out, a boys night out and an end of year party. For more info or to volunteer contact Lisa at

    [email protected].

    Carnival Committee has met once. The carnival is scheduled for Sunday, March 25. Kim will

    check with Angelique to determine the next meeting date. Raffle donations are needed from

    families. Stay tuned for more info.

    Student Green Team continues to meet on Wednesday mornings and is focusing on air

    pollution this month. Leila and Bonnie reported that they met with city officials and are

    working on a plan to make comprehensive recycling a school district policy as Lupin trained

    Middle School students report wanting to continue the Waste Free lunch policy. Thanks, Green


    The Jog-A-Thon will be held Friday, January 25th. A T shirt design contest is underway and

    sponsors are needed for the T shirts. More info will be coming home in Friday folders.

    Teachers Report:

    Ms. Mizrahi reported that students have been very well behaved with the exception of a few

    minor mishaps and that the anti-bullying program seems to have increased awareness of

    responsible behavior in students. She reported that Lupins low-key approach to classroom

    parties seems to be working nicely. Students have also been involved with several service

    projects including collecting Nickels for Nails (Habitat for Humanity) in the 3rd grade and sewing

    scarves for people in a homeless shelter. Other service projects are being researched and

    considered. Classrooms continue to take advantage of the free bus provided by Durham BusCompany for field trips each month. Thank you, Durham Bus Company!

    Ms. Mizrahi also reported that Ms. Sank is requestingfunding for student science programs for

    the 4th & 5th grade outdoor education program. The science kits requested are from the

    Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountain Conservancy and include a series

    of hands on activities (models of the water shed, playing a food web game, using microscopes

  • 8/3/2019 LupinHillPFC Meeting Minutes


    to see plankton, testing the PH of common products) that engage 4 learning modalities (visual,

    auditory, kinesthetic, tactile).

    Minute and Budget Approval:

    Last months minutes and budget were unanimously approved for posting.

    New Business:

    Raz Bolourian reported that student Art Cards will be made this year; the project will be

    coordinated with Michelle Young. More info will follow. Thanks for coordinating this, Raz!

    Having a raffling of a car or other large item was discussed briefly but no decisions were made

    regarding this.

    Lesli Kraut won the raffle drawing of an I-Tunes gift card.Congratulations, Lesli!

    Next PFC General Meeting: Friday, February 3, 2012 @ 8:05 AM in Camp Calabasas.

    Meeting Adjourned at 9:30 AM

    Minutes respectfully submitted by Bonnie Latham Lyon, PFC Secretary