Luna Paints Top-Down Baby Cardi Designed by Anastasia Blaes W417

Luna Paints Top Down aby ardi - Cascade Yarns

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Luna Paints

Top-Down Baby Cardi

Designed by Anastasia Blaes


Page 2: Luna Paints Top Down aby ardi - Cascade Yarns

Luna Paints Top-Down Baby Cardi

by Anastasia Blaes


3 mos(6 mos, 12 mos, 18 mos, 24 mos)

Finished Measurements

Chest circumference: 18½(19½, 20½, 21¼, 23)" / 47(50, 52, 54, 58) cm

Length: 10¼(11¼, 13, 13¼, 14½)" / 26(29, 33, 34, 37) cm


250(265, 290, 315, 345) yds Cascade Luna Paints, (164 yds / 150 m per 3 ½ oz / 100 g skein; 100% Peruvian Cotton) Shade #9991: 2(2, 2, 3, 3) skeins

Size 6 / 4 mm knitting needles

Stitch holders

Tapestry needle

For i-cord buttons

10 yds Cascade Luna, (82 yds / 75 m per 1¾ oz / 50 g skein; 100% Peruvian Cotton)

Shade #714: 1 skein

Two Size 6 / 4 mm double-pointed needles (dpns)


18 sts and 26 rows = 4" in Stockinette Stitch


M1 (increase): Use left needle to lift horizontal bar between sts just worked and next st, knit into back of loop.

Designer Notes

You may prefer to work the yoke on circular needles so that it’s easier to keep all those sts from sliding off the needles. An added bonus: you can work the i-cord buttons with the circs, too.

Feel free to reduce the number of buttons and buttonholes, but make sure they’re evenly spaced and your cardie doesn’t gap. If you prefer you can place buttons and buttonholes at the yoke section only, for a slightly a-line look.

If your buttonholes seem small to you, wrap the yarn around the needle twice instead of once. On the next row, work normally as one stitch.

½ " store-bought buttons may be substituted for the i-cord buttons. Be extra careful that the button fits in the buttonhole, since it will not be as pliable as an i-cord button. And—don’t forget to buy matching thread!

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CO 38(40, 42, 44, 48) sts. Knit 3 rows even.

Buttonhole Row (RS): K2, yo, k2tog, knit across.

As you work the cardigan, work 6 more buttonholes evenly spaced apart. The last buttonhole should be worked at the hem of the garment.

Knit 3 rows even.

Increase Row 1 (RS): K5, *m1, k2, rep from * across to last 5 sts, end m1, k5.

{53(56, 59, 62, 68) sts}

Knit 7 rows even.

Increase Row 2: K6(5, 6, 6, 5), *m1, k2, rep from * across to last 5 sts, end m1, k5(5, 5, 6, 5) .

{75(80, 84, 88, 98) sts}

Knit 7 rows even.

Increase Row 3: K6(5, 5, 5, 6), *m1, k2, rep from * across to last 5 sts, end m1, k5(5, 5, 5, 6) .

{108(116, 122, 128, 142) sts}

Knit even until Yoke measures 4¼(4¾, 5¼, 5¼, 5¾)" from CO edge, ending with a WS row.

Left Front

K19(20, 21, 22, 24) for Left Front, then place rem sts on st holder to be worked later. WS facing, CO 4(5, 5, 5, 5) at beg of row for underarm gusset, purl across to last 4 sts, end k4.

{23(25, 26, 27, 29) sts} Working first 4 sts of Left Front in garter st for button band, knit even in stockinette st until Left Front measures 5(5½, 6¾, 7, 7¾)" from end of Yoke. Knit 1" in garter st for hem. BO all Left Front sts.


Re-attach yarn; remove 20(22, 23, 24, 27) sts from st holder and knit across. Working in stockinette st, CO 4(5, 5, 5, 5) sts at beg of next 2 rows. {28(32, 33, 34, 37) sts} Cont. in stockinette st until sleeve measures 4(4¾, 5½, 6, 6½)" from end of Yoke. Knit 1" in gar-ter st for cuff. BO all sleeve sts.


Re-attach yarn; remove 30(32, 34, 36, 40) sts from st holder and knit across. Working in stockinette st, CO 4(5, 5,5,5) sts at beg of next 2 rows {38(42, 44, 46, 50} sts rem Cont. in stockinette st until work measures 5(5½, 6¾, 7, 7¾)" from end of Yoke, Knit 1" in garter st for hem. BO all back sts.


Re-attach yarn; remove 20(22, 23, 24, 27) sts from st holder and knit across. Work as for other sleeve.

Right Front

Re-attach yarn; remove rem 19(20, 21, 22, 24) sts from st holder. Work as for Left Front, reversing shapings.


Weave in all end and block to measurements, using schematic as a guide. Seam back to fronts and seam sleeves.

I-cord Buttons (make 7)

Using coordinating color Luna and 2 dpns, CO 2 sts, leaving a 4" tail. Work i-cord for 1½", then BO and cut yarn, again leaving a 4" tail.

To form buttons: Grasp i-cord and form knot at one end of cord. Thread tail of end opposite knot through tapestry needle. Wrap unknotted end of i-cord firmly around to back side of knot just made and secure with tapestry needle.

To attach buttons: Thread tails from both ends through tapestry needle and sew to buttonband at location corresponding to buttonhole, weaving in tail ends to secure button to band.

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