XI. DOV r EJ{, MORRIS COUNTY, NTEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, JANUARY 1, 1881. NO. 4 THE1R0NERA B EVtBV SlTCBOAt BT Thd Dover Printing Company, Offlct) on Karris Street ntiar Blaokwall. TKIU1S OP SU1JSCUIPTUI8 JKT.BUIII.IIH ArvAMOK. O n e Year, - - - - - - - $2.00 Six Months. - - - - - - - 1.00 r u r e e lumiLbs, - - - - - - - 8 0 ADVERTISING RATES. S WEB. I 1 110. PASSAGE TICKETS AT ORAM, HANCE& Co. f s STORE, POBT ORAM, N. J. 17*011 all tliu prim-inn, llnei or fteanwliii-e J: from Ssr fork Llvurrmo, nt LOWEHI BA.TE8. Also DIUFTH OH QIIKAT B1UTAIK iNDIBELANU. MM 1 WTt. it 7f> 1 2-> 1 7.1 a 2.1 •i 7fi 3 fill 4 fill ii m 11) (HI 2 wXB. .t r a 2 3 4 5 (', 8 25 00 7fi f>() 25 25 50 00 U 00 I* 1 50 2 50 3 /iO 4 fiO 5 GO 7 00 8 00 10Sfi li) 00 IS 001 10 f)« 18 .10 2C (10 82 001 41 00 1*17J 8 6 $10 01 211 fiflj 4fi O< »7 r»o| on ooj lso oc TICKS 15 0KNTS PHI ESTABLISHED IN 1851. r >UItl! Dl'.UOS mill MRDICINES, FAIKTH, Uils, OIIHM, llniMhi'.H. I'errumerv, An., Bold bv JAMES A. aoOUALB, tlio fri I)ruKBiVt,iiriJfJK!r. Hl<irn .iiii-min HONE___... fur tliorinli>of Muiliciui's only from 3In 10 1. M., and from -I to 5 P. II, ii-ly f j OIIN P. STICICI.R, Counsellor at Law AND MASTKIt IN CllANCEItY, ROOKAWAY, N. .T. Corner of JiladiwoU and HiifldtixR!a. DOVElt, N. ,7. I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor, L. C. BIERWIRTH, ANALYTICAL CHEMIST, BOVEI1, N. J. ANALYSES of <il DESCRIPTIONS OF OUES AND MNE11MA TTT T. IiKPOUT. Counsellor at Law, ANB MASTER IN OHANOEBY, OiHeo in tlie National Uuiou Hank Buildiun 3bkor*^L ST., DOVEH, N. J. JOHN DRUMMER'S SHAVING ANDHAIR CUTTING SALOON, SUSSEX STREET, (botwuuntlie MANSION HOU8EaudDopot,) DOVER, N. J. The plice aaii baen onlirelv reflttod In s neat mmiiiior. LADIB8' nntt CfllLDUEN'S HAW UCTTING A SPECIALTY. lEKOSEHEOIL, LANTERNS AJTD BBITTANIA WAKE, HN & JAPAN WARE, 'RUIT CANS, *o., TIN BO0PING, EAVES, TROUGHS, .EADEIIB, Bud nil kinds of Jolibing Iu my lino, lone iu tlio bent manner anil at tho (bortoii »tice. Highcpturlcea p»id lor old Iron. ^ Copper loai anrt pnwter taken In exchange AIIEXANDEH wroHTON. December 24tli. 1870. 1-lvr OTSKEOUR Si SMITH, f COtJNSELLOES AT LAW, Cor. Blackwcll nnd Smsex St». DOVER N- J. I. H. UBIOIIBOUR. A. C. SMITH. L W. THURBER, BUPEMHTENDENT OF rUBUO HC T OOIV OF JtOMtIS COUNT?. Offlco over QEO. RICHARDS Ik CU.'R STOKE, BOYER, N. J. JLfOSES BLANCHAItD, ATTOHNEl'ATLAW, IHD MASTER INCHANCEHY, DOVER, N, J. Olttoo or<r A. Wichtcn'a Btovo *nd tin atom 17-ly Blickwcll utreei. Ii. 1 B. HOAGLAND, M. S, PinSIOIAN AND SURGEON, BFPIOE AT Silt. TH08. WILLIAM'S, 4am HIKE HILL, K. J PIANOS AND ORGANS TUNED AND REPAIRED, FOB RENT AND FOR SAliE OJV INSTALLMENTS. TO. 8. WRIGHT, Dover, N, J. Lock Box S8. 8-tf Agont! for Fairbanks' ScaloB and Ter- wffliger't Safes. VOORHEES BROTHERS, MORRIBTOWN, B0ILDEH3 1 , CAWUAGE MAKEIIH 1 , UIACK- BMITHS', CONTRAUTOllS AND MIR- ING BUITLJES, igricultars Implements, Seeds, Fertilizers, Ait, VMLII, Qilu, OlABB, fto. WAtTEE A. WOOD'S Delegated MOWERS and REAPERS. O1OM* E. TOO0IIKE8. JiMEfl H. TO0BKRES. MarrlitowD, Deo. lHth, 1678. McKinnon Bros. MilTUriOTUREflBOT Axes and Edge Tools, "ROQKAWAV, N. J. It hiyiuL' been ri'porLo.l that tbli old-oitab lUtiBil »n« woll-kmiirn firm bat KODO cat oi bu.incai., wu lako iliin uitautt oriiii'drminR lli b l l o ^ i t ntjiili ianut tlio 9110. Vi'pgfostjl lijBlijcsa, Unvo no copnedinn ^it); Anyotptr 1 ol[-KUu«n Boods witli greitfr cam thin efcr. 11 our good* iro bftiid-niBilo thronphoot »ml Up Are tUfi onlr firm iu BocknimymiklnR sqSh gooJa on lire If by haqd. Water TuyerH far W. F. DAY, CATERER and CONFECTIONER Morristown, N. J. >.ira, l«.l|<al.ina fri»il« ?>"!«. "W lotulfsrta part, with wllti /nil lino 'I »«?iq«, cioikurj, .IITI Utile llnon, 8oor olotbi, Bawen, mnsla, Aa. iS-SB R. A. HENNKTT, M. J) , HOMCEOPA THIC P1IYSICUN & SUBOKOS, Cor. Blackwell & Warren Sts. WE TAKE PLEABUBE IN INPOBMINQ OUBPATRONS THAT KOT WITH STANDING TIIBIB GBEAT S0AE0ITY, WE HAVE SUCCEEDED IN PEOODBING AFULL LINE OF BCBBEB ANDPORE GUMBOOTS, ABCTIOS, ALAS-, K\S, AND EUBBEBS IN LADIES' MISSES' GENTLE- MEN'S, YOUTHS' AND CHILDREN'S SIZES OF TIIE CELEBRATED "WOONS00KET" BRAND THAT WE ARE DISPOSING OF AT LESS FIGURES THAN ANY HOUSE IN MORRIS COUNTY SELL COMMON AND INFERIOR BIUNDBIFOR. D0WB.N.J., Dlataoe. of Wmien and OlilUron, kiid Eje uid K&r .pooialtlei. DSloi Hour.: lt.!» A. M., I toBimHiolP. U !B90pd REUBEN BOWS, having luued Ibe irbuU of Ibe pronorty trlio '• ii.TiasdnlargodfHcfJitk'B for the repair winjc MICIIIHIJI. FlnurtttH, MuucaJ farir m|g, otc. All klndi af Golrl, Kilvev a) -..ale) Plating dune, A largo •Hgnrtntent QOIK] Receud-iiMul Sowing M«ali.iK>n, Iron 11.50 op. A Bluuk uf iDiuioii) l » r r » ' flrearme 'etc. Vmnt, »\mv.i l»t.Jt, J, ROOMS TO LET! A PPLXTO M. &I, SEARING. H. P. SANDEBSON, luler In WAOOH uid OABBUQE WOOD WOEK, OPPOfllTB DOVER DKFO1'. Allklndf d if FINE COLOUR for carriage uid wagon painting. Also OILS and VABNI6H, both foreign find Domestic. TDHPZNTIHE, WHITJ LMD, eta. Paint, Coloring am 1 Varnish iruehflB and Striding Pencils, a full stock. All of tlie nbovu goods from tbe h»Ht luaL rn kuown by puiiitcra. PIUST-CiABfi IARB1AOE aid BLEIttH OUNAUBN'JB. Hiiviug IHW. ulargo BxpurltJiico fitnuurly n ciuriugu builder, from ii Ihnriin^ii knowl .go of ibi' bnniiiens I huve advuntnuen n«<n iv other dtifiW. THE OLD STAND. UNION HALL BUILDING. Blai'li well Street, Dover, Hot Air Furnaces, tliu latcit .mil iiiuut iiiijjruviid utrlcH, foi faniiiui; jmUio itnrl lirivate bnildingg. 'A hrgi iisdurtnien'.iif ytpvud, cheap for eiish, COOK, l'AHLOK. HUAIING STOVES, RANGES, &o. AUo a Tnr.otj of !> AIOltKlS COUKTY CALL AT STINER'S NEW YORK ANDGHINA TEA GO, BLACKWELL St., DOVER OUR 50 CT * re betler tbmi BOI.1 flstwhtire at 70 cin, One trial will iirnyo tlie fnot, Onr blgli giiidfj new crop lens, scasoB BHO, retailed at 70 eta. per 1b. SIEW MARBLE YARD IKT DOV33RI llHfi milwrrihi r ]ms opened H nowr»rd nfnr J 111.' cuni.'r of BLACK WELL AND ICIIGKN htM.,[md ia jircima-d to furuieli T d all .ithcr work in IIIH line Ccmcltry lutu i-lo-sfclwill "rrtint^ananiarblfipontM. Will) iK ii[icnci)cf and rinnonaljUi pricos I fool ulldeat lliat 1 CHP Mtiufj Hie juiblic. TEOa. JOUNBON. For Sale! „ flno property iwar Dover. A gooil dwel t\. \m\i hoimu witli ciK!it rooms, with mil 1 cistern Wfttct convenient; two teuemen I'B t'f fmir rminis ouch ; a Rood barn will, iiidfor two horses; lot of 0110 aero with unTly etioieo asKortinfiU of Iroit. To mi a iTinble. Applyto IB-tt 0. B. GAGE, Dover, N. J. HE ROXDUBY HOTEL! (FORMERLY AILIE'9 HOTEL,) SUCCASUNNA, N. J. . MAST, - - - Proprietor. The above houtto b located In ODO of tlio altbiuut and nioht ohaiming plncce in tba ita.witbin a tow rainitoB valk of the D. & W. RuilronJ on the eosl, and tlio CBU- ,.J1 Eailrond of N. J. on Ihe weat, nnd less than au boar'a drha of Budd'a Lake and iko Hopntcong, The propriotor doBipiito ike tb> UpiiHO one of the rnout ppbnlor FiceR itt Hun Kpctinn of the State, and pat- lulnrly witli thu tntvolinBpublic, for whole rcry convRtiionce and comfort will be snp- licJ at moderate prices 8ucca?uiiLii, N. J., Dec. 18th, 1678. if mm SIP! Chas, T, Clark & Son Lvc nponod n xww n1iop inDovtr in Sealing fl bullilmi;, COnSFB ULACKWELLAND UEItflt^N HT8., nml invite tlio p.\tioi,ane of. the (iuli|io. Horse Shoeing raado b snccia|tT of tlje bamnoai. andfttrlft) mnorB ot linrau* h reHprotmlh MOllpiled. " Adjourned Sheriff's Sale I Oinnoory or Hew JOIBBJ^FI. h. Tor sklo of partgiffHl pperajifls. nberelp Jolin Will IB DorciiliWLt, BnU Jobn R. Milli. John fltiari- d»n, Btchird Bomb, Epbratm Iiindiloy and Fr«Q0i. H. Freenttt, VabD E. HosRlAnd. Wtlll«m B. ln(B*er, Amron Pook, WilllnmA. Wood. William OtiUsnRO. Union M&nnftc- tarlne Oonpany. Beldrn T. Scrmton, Tbo Mnrrh CuuA «nd TlankinK OompMiy, J»mo» Cook, Abraham Bewardi FrMmmi Wood, umiTlng Adniiniitrntor, Jko , of Wiilfmn Woul, dba'd, TUotn.8 H- Armiironc, Wil- ItHin ArtnitronB »nd Itojort W Armatrnntr, turvlflnr Bixooaton. *o., Thomas Artn- itranK. dsoSl, John' B. Mul'crJ, John D. t'ftiraina *nd Abbr D. flewanl arn-dortud- anta. Bolorntblo to lit Tnradnv Io Fttbrn- ary,lB65. A. W.UELt.Bol'r. Tbo iclo In behalf at tbe nbore partioa Rt>nds Ijnrned to tako PUCD at tbo Oourt House, WriBtoirn,lf.Jf.l>Jn UOSDAY, tho10th d i ; ot Jinnirr, D. 1B81, botmten thohoars or 19 o'olook M ludBo'clock P.M. JOSEPH W.G0E, former HbortlT. D»«J Sept. 3511,18*). 11601 I'VE BEEN THlHKiKC. j Tvt been Ihltiklog, I've been •nuking, ffhatatflorioui world wew ILEi, fmid pouple mind Miolr bailncMi more Aud IOIIKI ttelr ueigLlKiurM 1 leu. Port nut IDOO, TOU and I, mj iWend, Arp iidly prone to talk Of nutter* tbst ooneern va not, And otber*' ftjliei mock." I've bnsa IbfnUng 1! ire'd begis To mind our ovo tlDtirs, 1 Tiitt pouJltf oar Delgbtwn might OoatriT* tomnna«e tbelrs. FK'TP fsoltt enoasb it homo to raeni, It rosy bo eo wlUt o t h e r i ; t would awtn itrange if ll were not, dluw nil Kiankmd »re brutliera. And would that vahad onirltr For ercr; rain ind tromati; Porgivenew is the mark of those Who ICDO* to err fa human, riion let OBlwnlih Jealousy, Lot'i lift our falleubrotb.T, And u wo Journey down life's rood, Do good to one mother. COMMON BEMBB. ALAHGE LINE OF LADIES WOOLEN LLNLD LAOE AND BUT- TON U0OT8 AND BLII'PEIIS THAT WILL KKI.P THE FEETWDBM AKD DBY. ALWAYS OK HAND. ALTFO AHV1L SUPPLY OF COM MON SENSE BOOTS IN ALL SIZES ANDWIDTHS, SOMETHIJFO: NEW FOB THE LAMES. THE POPUL&BITY 01' THE (OMMON SENSE BOOISISBOOKEAT THAT L'AOTOBIBS THROUGHOUT ITEE COUNTIH AHE TAXED TO THE UTMOST TO TILL TEE OBDE1IS THAT ARE BEING SENT FROM ALL PAETS OF THE 0OHNTOT1011 THEM. THY THEM. POBTIO. A OEM KVKUY MONTH, Oy her who In tbli moutli In born No gemma Gamuts ilioald l>e worn ; 'Jlioy will Insaro huroiiDiiaccj 1 , Troe frlondflblp au<] fidelity. JOFFEE! COFFEE COFFEE! .eluding Kiel) Old Moclin, Governmtut, Javit, Mnrncaibo, Santos, Bio are all Btentn rousted. Ahvuja front.. S U G A R S SOLD AT COST. Tim mliaWfjinta of Dover ami Morris County will do well bjf pprpbjisinff tboir intor Bupply from UH, ' 40-ly HE U(TVER LUMBEB C0, fiora to buiklura tl(o Ijoyt oppartuniiioti in ibo purchase of LUMBER ovoiy grmlo autl description iacludiug LOW PBICE8 and the great dvantago of having Lumber Worked to Order maolduevj fit tlio place where it is purchased, greatly lessening the coat of building by tho great snviag in manual labor. Our stock always includes Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings ,nd UJMBEU of every deBcription, and especial pains in token to give satisfaction in every particular OEOBOE lltogju I. W. SiuBMo, THE CELEBRATED ROCKAWAYAXE! IHIS nntod liand-mado mo has lonff oi,jo7c(l tliu riiniUtbn of bcinenno of tin very iliii Hi. .-mint™ for FO1UI, JUTEltUL DENDUItAKCI'f. Witli new aplianccH ftir i Irmlrt dicni'L'r tlmii evur litfoiii, anil olfir intltii^. Via muku any otlicr ulyli) noodi-it, aics iMite'lty me aro HlrieUy band-made. IIBS nl«<i oddtfd tobin buslueui HORSE SHOEING (o IIAH scQprea no cipertencud liorHoliner iba Hill •(munuitce neutral rnithficlioti to all flio rill ravorhlm with a call. Fur further [are enquire of J. J PEER, Ko<*ii?ay,ty<>rr.BC(>,lN,J- THE HOLIDAY SEASON iVB lDcrenscs tlm carrying trado, And par* oB ordering HOLIDil GOODS, or eendine OLIDAY GIFTS to friondi, willfindtho CENTRAL EXPRESS bast and olBarwat ronlrt hj ^ | o t | *0 *oaA. D. A. SEARING, Agent. OFFICE ATHEUBEH EOWTB, aVMBX. BTAEBT.DOVEr^ THE! SINGER Sewing Machine is acknowledged by all to be the most reliable and best ma- chine in the world. Its sales exceed by far all others. They have an office in every import- ant town in the United States, snd are not responsible for second-hand dealers represen- tations, Buy direct through their own office and you have a responsible warrantee, Ma. chines sold at $3 a month. P. H. BURRELL. SOLE AGENT. KEAK THE DEPOT. S, SIEBER, louse and Decorative Painter, reipoottalljcilliittenllonMhi. NBW STORE. IOH. BL40KW1W, »MESSEX Sn., B0VEJ, where boliai a floe dlipliy oi WALL PAPBRS, setoral hnndrcd itrlri ot the neveit dt- ui, for I3fB6a*i 10 IS per roll.' Barderi fDrlccDttaTSoUporyird. Tfaa Ifttog. inj prettiest thiaift In SUtcirj, Center pjeoop, Panel PICDUK andbnekoti. MM *fionIIQB nf >IOTUHEI'1UMJ\S, will «oJ eelliiia inon'd- un«,l]O3k», elo, Dt-iixnii tor all bind* of frer •a\ng (in Imr.l. CONlltAOTB TAKES foi rlntlD)r (be oiierlori or lioaao* nail (inbtia lilillRffi and dwonting Ibe lnhrlon, October 381,1880. " J BEEMER & COAL, WOOD, HASOiJS 1 MATEHIAL3, BLUE STONE, FERTILIZERS. UiRD AND PALE BRICK, OAIjOINED PLABTKR, FBOSTBBIOK, VIBE CUY, 7II.E BBI0E, FLAG STONES CCBBIWG, OELLAB STEPS, OOPINO, SILLS, LINTELS PHOSPHATE, Bone Dust, Guano, Poudrette. WOOD sawed in stove lengths. STQVE, EGG, CHESTNUT. Ordfirt tpiy be tflttreiMiJ thnmghthflPoii OB»LookBoiS8, oriBft»t A.Bwmtr'ioHs In DUokwell St., n«*r BniHX, mit (be yirfl. BUOKSMZTHV COlL«MUnUjon bind, y Sincerity sndpeacflcf mind, Froedom frtto pillion *.ni from oua. If tlio; tbo Anietbyat -ill ffuir. 7ha on ttii world of oars their oje» In M«rob flnt opca -ibill be wlio; ' ?|i dBjfiof f oiil mj»'»na braya, And war a Dloo3»ionB totueir gtavo, Sbeirbn from AprlMrten her roars Diamonds ihonld wwr, lest bitter loan For-vain ropunlRUdoJflow; this stone Emblem of Itinooenrt Is known. ua, Who first Uolioldi the light of ilsy Jn 8priif> mat fjowciy prmil, of U«y, Aud flusri an Utueiild all bur life, tilinil bo B lovoil e JUKI, m o cones with SnltiRwr to tliia tatlU, And OH-QB toJoDO bor day »f birth, With rirR or ARSIO OL tier bund, Cun hoalUi, vetlth »r4 IOHJJ Ufa toDimml Tho p'offlng Unby dtoiild adocq Tboaowliolu rfaiin Jiilj ire born; Then IT 111 they be oiooipt and frao From lore's doabls and anzloty. We»r t Sarflqnyi, or for tlfeB No oonjufftl felicity f The Annnit bqrn. without this atone, 'TIs said, most lire DDloTud and lone. SBPCKHSSBi A m*14op born whan Autumn loaves Are rustling in flepteraber's breawi, A Sapphire on nor bropf should bind— "-Twill oui'o dlsouas of tbo mind. petober'a child U bom lor woe, Aud llfe'i Wcliiimaei urn it knavr | Bat Uy anOf a! on tier brcait, And hope will lull thoio words to reat. M0TBUBIB, Who flnt eomci to Ibis world below, Witb drear Hovombar'a fog and mow, Should prise tho Topax' amber hue— Emhlem of frlendu ifeb loiors trne,, If acid Deoembor RIVB jon birth-- The month of mow and Joe and alrth- Plioo on jcar Laoila 'furquaiie blue; BncocsB wilt bloai vrhate'er you do. EBA-DlATIUNg". Thec^nrph Question™" HUB the BDC- qnd bell rang jet ?'• A woman who dcea lier needlework by hand ought to be Beff-flat-icated, "There's plenty oi yoopi at Ihe tpp," the bal<l,hoa(te4 mau Baid to bis fall I beard. n may not think a Chicago girl beautiful, but you'll find her hands Bome, Themflnwbo ottered burn log words loonsomed much time in multtog his leech. A Newport girl is so jealous of her lover that ebe wants to lock him op, Bat lova laughs at lochs, Miu, Hasbitnd—"Mary, my IOTP, tlm upplft dumpling is not half ^pne,' 1 "Well, ^nishidtheD^inydenr.'' It's prpbahly trne ^at the abnroh Is the pewreat place on earth, einQe so wey of the pODgregatioo glaap. Ur. Barfili btis been Informed that potato bugs inthe West ere suffering greatly on account of cold weather. rcqm'res but a abort time, for & young Indy, ont shopping, to loarn the erHign of t i e dry goods trade, en wtio smoke miinh are apt to be- come ubDonl-mindcd. When you ar« asked for tlio loan of Sr>, think of lUn. No wondor Hoyes baa been n snoce&a- f«f man. Ilia wife bna De\er had a day's Bcrious illness in her life, A cheap transportation oonYgntionwas held iu Ghieugfi, recently. Tbi u for a convention of editors, eat talnly. Tho glnss of soda aud, tb,e looking- glass resemble woh otlicr. Tfoo can see tho Boda'fl fixz in one, nnd year own plus In the other. Tbo American Indian really acknowl- edges the civilising influences of the Btovti-jjipti hat, iiml puts ib on the head ol his squftw, "Hob, wbnt's 8tenm ?" "Boiling water." "That's right—eompnre it' "FosiUre, boil; eompurative, boiler; mperlatire, burst." A new fashion for In^ea ^ to «pi| a long green s^^ ^ronnd the maiBt in plnoa of 8. belt' They seeui to be a iort of delirium trimmings. When a hornet gets down a man'B back bo'doesn't begin to-know language pnouglitodo^lje'fii^Uoc juBtlpc.' But ^ ^ a t i dpesnit liTe'who won't try it all the #tmo.-rBlprt A. yonng motier wrqlft to tier ehjldren'a it " UdtJy wta full ol " arJ reQuivf.-d a diguifled BQJ reprimand for allowing one jroooff <* to drink at all." . One o[ tho first reqniaiHonB reoei^ fromanawlj-appoiDled xafl^py station A^entwos: "Bpnii we a gslloiiofred oil (or the danger lonteras." AObianmnn, BSJB an exchange, has entered HarvurJ Oollega But it failed to say tbflt ha CMQQ oat agu^a witb a •tudeiit'fl this week*4 waili andor Its arto, Qo far as at present known, tho giraffe is & fiilsnt anistal, like tbe elacrl aud tbe kangaroo and has nerer been heard Io nttw a soaod oven wlioa Btraggling ht the agonies of clefttfa, Small bay (nubing in front of n j< bdy ftoarirjjf Inrga pfifcn bonnet, and staring tier full ip. the fnoe)—"Yon'Te tost your hot, Obarlie; I told you it #arn't an old woman," YOUJTa PEOPLES' COLXTK [From Harper's Young People.] THE BRAVE SWISS BOY. Witli renewed conrjge tie olnnibcn np tbe Blmost purpendicuiar rock, bia curly Imir aud suuburned (ace sue above tlie edge of the nesl T|ie next moment be leaned over, neizu tlie young birds iu spite of ibeir angry cries, trausferred them one after tl otber to bis bug, and til rowing it norm ibouldar, begun to return on iti dangerous rontl by vbiob be bad ootai ID comiDOQ, however, with tbe ex\nr'\ enee of all wlio Lave ascended precipii- ousbeiglits, be soon fourjii tbat goiug down was muoh more diffloult tb&n Imi been tbe oomicg up; but ignoring thi fact that lie bad beneatli him a precipice wo tbouEiiml feet deep, be devoted al attention to tbe work immedictel; before him, and oorcfull? descended th< loaky wuli step bv slep, till be renobet tba level lidga opce more. He fben ;nrned Blovly round, slang bia bag in froutofhim, and leaning buoH i the wall, Bunded tbe giddy road .vliicb mtiBt traTerse to reach tbe glacier and ;ho atepp deolivitini of tbe Engclliora, ,nd thereafter bis Dative vulley. It WOJIftdifficult aud dangerous road but ibe young mountniuper's heart woi now fall of joy ond confideuce, for be in3 aurmnutited tbe grottcat JiCmilty, md tbe prise of bis bold and during renture was ia bin possession. Ho ut- tered an exclamation of triumph ; then, ibnnking God for tbu liolp lie had egeiyed, lie fipplojcd tbe Divine prolec- Ion on bis horoeffard jourD"'. Tbe iurp ridge made it necessary fur him, is bclore. to work bis way forward itride on the rook for some time; but } HOOD got within night of a part wliern would be possible to go os h\n l^nds id tneos, and ifus ju&t about to phanpe \B etrnddling poaitiou foe tbe Hiorp .9 of orowlinR, «ben [he mutant elirleking of tbe young vultures liis ban vras answered by a piercing *y from above, followed tbe next mo loot by the loud rusbing of powerful Ings ctoso to hk epr, Tlie Itoy utl«rej i enelnmitfou of horror, and clung tli all his might to the rock to prevent imseli from falling,' Iu an instant lie perceived tlefea ,ngi2r Hint Uircfitjuod biro. Ono. or larhaps both the nld birds had been tracted by tbecries of tbeyoung oi ltd were abont to avenge themselves <m ie robber of the|r nest. Walter guessed lat a hard fight would probubty tuka luoe, end bis first imuulso was to throw is-bttg with tbe yourjff birda into the illey beneath, andthen try to tnako bis •Upe ns well as 1IB might Buthoflooq md that this plan wag mare readily irtned than it could be exeouted ; for ifore he oould make a single movenieut felt tbe blait of the wings Just nbnve Is head, while tbe screaming of the raged bird so confused his gensos that bud great difgoulty avoid being tried Iron, his narrow resting-place to tbe raving below. Tbis Biidden inger, although it attrmed him for tbe loment, awoke the next moment tbe mrage and determination of tbe brave- >arted boy. It T&B a case qf Ilia or jath, and it was ^aiu Ip think of retir. \\g frpm, the contest So, snatching his »from bis belt, he aimed a poworful IT at the old vulture as she swept; \m upon him for the third time. He looeeded l^oyond his expectation, (or ', made almost at random, atruo.k io wing ot tbe bird, which, after vainly empiing to continue (be ?ttnggler fell Iplessly into the abyss, Relieved of bis antagonist, Walter felt impletely exhausted, and wus obliged lie di>wu at full lenglh for several Inn tee on til be regained bis breath and If-posaesB.oa. He then made the best bin way along till he reached the steep and leading to the giaoier, and bad got •oat half way down, when just in tba 3t dnugerfiqs part be heard tlie omln- Bcream eguin, andsaw with a slirick- ig horror that tbe male vulture, at- acted, ]ikai> mate, by tbo continued ies of the yonng birds, huddiscovered Im. In a f ory of rage tbe angry bird irted downward,, and sweeping post itb outstretched talons, tried to harl headlong from tbe crag. Iu this dreadful crisis, Walter pressed bard as ho could againBt the rooky rag, having but one band ot liberty ta lefend himself against the fa^ona attack tbe bird, ^t was quite Impossible for an to get at bis axe, and tbeforce with lEah ho was assaulted caused hm iearlytolet go LIs hold, Ho tried to iize the vulture's throat and strangle it; it the bird was too active, and made , suoh attempts perfectly useless. He auld senroely hope to continue suph » .ngerous strnggle muph, longer, Ho 1(0103 faint from terror, and his ift band was fast growing benumbed tb grasping tbe rock. So hadpimost ;esigned bimgQlf tobis fate, nnd expi'oted i next moment to be dashed to pieces tbe field of ice beneath, Suddenly, treycr, ha reQaUecLed his. pookeNknife id a new ray oi hope dawned. Giving tbe attempt to qlnlch at tho furious bird, be drew tbe knife out of his pocket id opened it with his teeth, and aimjngj ro or three blows at tha erei^tu.re's :, he found, nf last that he hail been. Ip raaohiog same mortal part, fluttering of tha wings ceased, nnd lie dying bird stained tke virgin snow ith its blood on tbe ice-field bolow. 'alter was Bnved ; there was no oth$r aemy now to fear; lijs life was no. longer in cfangoi; but his energies were ixod Io. tbe iilmngt, nud it wa| well for Im that the teirihlo ooiitest hftd lasted iq longer, Pale, trembling in every limb, and mattered with the vulture's blood as well that which trickled from the mnny ands ho bad received, the v&IUat yonng oragaman sunk, helplessly to tho roundt flfhere he lay for some minutes, paralysed with the terrible exertion, he 'isd Rone through. At lengtbt honevcr, be so fir recovered hixoself as to be able hiB fatiguing and dntgerout lurney, und noon SQccceded in naolilng ie spot where be. qad loft IH'B jacket, ilioes, and alpeostook. Having gained pla&e of safoty, lie poured forth hii inoka to Qod for dolivoriog him from boch greiit d4nger, and began to bind np " }3 wounds, wiibli for the first time nero iow paining him. When this was ao- lomplisfaed \o a rough and ready sort of ray, be had a peep at tbe trophies in is bag.wbosecapture bad been attended witb such adveuturciUB dunger. and witb the aid of hiB alpeuafock succeeded io getting the dead body of tlie old bird,, which ho found bid beon «tzupk right to theheirt. But bis knife lie could nol reonver, BOconcluded that he must huve dropped it after the deadly encounter, "Tliat doesn't matter mueh/'Biud he io liimBelf, as lie looked at tlie aiieof the bird. " It is agood eiobnnge ; and iflgivelliestianger tbe old bird with tbe young ones, Idure my lie will give me another knife. What a splendid crauture 1 Tully four feet long, and tbe ings at leant three yardaecroaa. How father will open bia eyes when beseed lie deed Lumincrgeier—and the Scotch ;i3iitleuian too 1" Tying the legs of the bird togotbw 'Mb curd whioh he had forlnnatel; rongbt, be slucg it across bia Bhou o balance tbe weight of tbe bug, "len started on liis journey aoro&atbi ;Iacier, the foot of which be BOOI icbed, aud was then within hailin; A MEitUV MOUfiSEU. A DfiMnODiT DELTVEBB AX OBATIUH AT istunoe of tbe holel wbeio the strangei wan residing. It was agood tbing that beIwd IIOI eeii kept longer away, for tbesun wai >egiuning to set bj the time be readied 1 valley, and ouly the highest peaki 'ere Jit up by itsdepartiugglory. Tired [1 hungry, Walter was thankful to fiud nsi'If once more at Ibe door of tbe inn, ere there was tbe same crowd of truv- llnrs, guides, horses, and mules he bud in tbe morning. His appearance id attracted general attention as be cscended the last bill leading to tbe itel. " Why, I declnro it's Watty Eirzel!' claimed one of tbo guides. "H.e was ;re this morning, and I declare he's it a young eagle bunging noroas hia ' lur. '• Y RU old vulture, Mohrle, and you II be nearer the mark,"replied th« lad cheerful tone and with sparkling r es; for be. felt »q proud of tbe triumph but) uchieYed that Ml futigae be forgotten. "Au old vulture, ibrle, aud asplendid fellow into tke irgain I I've got the young ones ii bag here." "Yoa're a pretty fellow I" said anoflier. py lido, with a sneer. I suppose you au to te\l iia tbat you'va killed the old 4 and carried oil the young ones ?' ! 'Yes, that is just what I mean to tell >u," replied tha boy, smiliqg, and pay- IR no atteutton to the sneer of the h.er. "I've done it nil alone. I took youngsters out of the nest, an,d hnd 'gulur Qgbt witli tlio old ones afler- -d. I broujrbt one of them home; t tUe other yon will flud somewherej ihe TJrbacbt Vulley, if yoq l|ke to go. dlook for it," think the lad speaks Ibe truth," :d Mohrle, gazing at Waller witb ua- lisbment and respect, "Tou've had ong joqrney, my boy, aud you're cov- •Hwith blood. Bid tbe old vulture itt yo«i f" 'Yes, tbe brute stuck hfc daws, into , and if I hadn't had aBbarp knife in pocket, it would have been all over ,\x me. But let me through, for I :nt to tako the young birds up stairs a gentleman here." Mohrle and tbe other guides who had. irrounded tbe courageous boy would idly "have detained bim longer to hear tha particulars, of bis daring adven- -e) but he pressed through tbe crowd ing to tell tfiem oil abont it after- ird, and made bis way op to the room mpied by Mr. Saymour, who received, im witb as muoh astonishment p> tbe ides baddone. There, sip," exclaimed Walter, EH ha ik tbe youiig vultures out of Its bag ' ptaced them on thefloor—"thereare birds you wanted ) and here ia one the old ones, whioh I brought witb from tbe Eucelhoru. But yon must them have something to eat—the liva es, Xmean ; for they're had nothing nearly awhole day, and are forhnngsr." Mr. Seymour Btood for a moment less, He waa filled with delight tbo sE^bt of the young birds Le bad BO ig wished for, bat waa at the samo is dnmfounded at the courage and of too yonng mountaineer. Is it possible V" be exclaimed at last j [ave youwally ventured to risk your 3, although I told you that I didn't 'ant the birds ?" - i "Well, sir, I know yon said so ; bnt I ,w bj your face that yon would like to them all tbe sam,8 j and so, as you id been so k\nd to me, I didn't mind iftiog alittle risk to please yon, al- mgb it was hard work. Bo there they bnt yon mustn't forget to feed im, or they will be starved to death [are morning," "Ob. we will take good care tbat they »n't die of hunger/' replied Mr, Sey-t mr, ringing tbo hell, "I tbink, as you ;Q suijh &warm interest in the welfare the birds, you must feel rather hun* ;ry yourself. So ait down and have :, and then you can tell 'all abont your adventure," When the waiter oame, some raw meat \s ordered for the fledgelings—which ire presently safely housed in tbo ata- •yard—and a Rood dinner for Walter, IO, aided by Mr. Seymour's enooung-r remarks, did justice to a meal the ;e of which he bad, never before seen -a finale w,faioh wa> to him by far the ^t agreeable part of his day's work, len tbe hid commenced, in simple Ian* igo, to describe all tbat he hud gone rongb, whioh, while it pleased his host uraughly, caused him to feel s,till •eater surprise and admiration at his inng friend,'a unaffected bravery of mind, 'You have jierforroed &brave and dar- IR option," mid he, when Walter bad lished bia story. "I Bhonld call it a ill and fool-hardy adventure, bad you >t been actuated bya Doble motive ht Tying it cut. Afeeling of gratitude ipired yon, and therefore God was thy00, and preserved you. But tell te, boy, how is it tuut you tad courage. d resolution enough, to expose your- If to BUUU afrightful risk ?" [TOBBOONTINTJED.] Wood is so expensive now-a-days in lunegtiont that real nutmogH are cheap- tbfin the Oonnectiout article, In the London zoological garden is an ter that aanwrite. It probably spendi time writing otter>grcphB, Teaober in high school at : "Are iro and oon synonymous or opposite firmB r" Scholnr: "Opposite." Teacher Give on example." Scholar : "Pro- aud Congress." K boyidb novice in smoking turnod sadly pale and threw away bis cigar, hid ho: "Tbnr'B BOmethlng in that Air i^gar that's made ma siok." "I know 'hat it is," said his companion, pulling away. "WhaU" BEPCBLIOAH —AKB A ZaCVEIiT ONE IT IS, Tlie Radicals of Clariutlu, Page Oo, Iowa, hod a jollification meeting on F day night, tbe 5th ult. Aoeordiug the Council Bluffs Nonpareil, they bai 'he biggest kiud of a time, witb illnui nations, flre-worka, mosie and Bpeeohi. fying. After several repoLlican orators, among them Congressman-elect burn, had given vent to their feeling* with spread eagle speeches, including course tbe usual abuse of Democrat, tbe crowd called loudly for Lou B. Oaki. Cakeia a Democrat, aud the Nonpar* says he looked too depressed to apeak, bat tbe crowd wouldn't be put off, so be tnonnted a box and made the following unique speech ; FetUm Giliient: A man usually Attends bis own fucem!, but it it is not expecleL tfaat he should talk agreat deal. [Laugh- ter.] I knew the funeral ceremon; would go on without me, BO I concluded [ bad better bring in tbe body, [Laugh- ter.] But it takes a great deal of grace "0 sustain u man who helps to furnish ha corpse for on occasion like this, Xungbler.] Nobody bat a Democrat could do it. [ApplausB.] It is certain that no one aave tbo Democrats bos bad a chance to try jt for the last twenty years. [Shouts of applause.] Di^ ippotutment is tbe modern Democrat's birthright J mourning bis normal com tion. They took out a patent on disaster; ;wenty years Pgo »nd it has never been infringed. Ibe patent run out in 1676 they have just got it renewed. Looking over the landepape of tbo last twenty years J behold noies and acres of busted Lopes, cords and cords of dis- intled ambitions, bmrela aud barreli •f unveiling tears, oceans and oceans strewn with tbe wrecks uf pbautom •nee burdened, witb Democratic dalu- [Great applause,] Disappoint ment is an anohor to tbo Democratic ul both sure and steailfi&t. [leaves have their t]mo to fait. And fiowen to, wither at the north wiad'« breath. intl stars to eet, bntftl),0, Democrat! :hou h u t all times for thine owudeath. I might say witb Sbylool yep, ivffirmco is the bodge of onr tribe, ~ could give you 829 reasons for this. [Laughter.] Alawyer offered a judge lxtee_u reasons why tits client wai nut present in court: Pint, be was dead, 'be judge told UID ho might omit the itber fifteen. The tirst reason of my 2\! is we lucked tbe voters. Tou will How me toomit tbe otber 828, |Ap* plausivo consent.] Hut I could give ou more than SHE) reasons, Tea. Mare-7 letter, Jobn Kelly didit with his little racket, [Great applause] Wade Hampton's mule broke hi* leg instead or his neck, and Ben Hill wasn't 10m a mute. English had foreclosed lis mortgages and we couldn't redeem. ?hen~. <Tis the Sooth that can supply Solid comforts white we die. In some Staofs the Greenback party sll through a oraok in their platform id crippled ns. [Laughter.] Bat the emooraoy still lives. [Great appIaQie.] t's like the mule, it never dies. Bat, unfartenatob. like the mule, whilo it lives it is forever throwing its riders. It bucked Oreeley off and killed him in 1673. Titian stnok on till he passed under the wire, [applause,] bnt there na& so much daylight between him and this Democratic quadruped the judges lounted him ofl, although he had bis feet In tbe utirrnps. This year we got a Bplendid send off and might have won; "iut the donkey was stricken down in Indiana with (g) Landers, [Applaa&e,] ~ e olose tli» oliaptorofbistory with tbe lope tbe BtoTj will not. be continued in lurnext, [Cheers.] We accept defeat *ie more cheerfully because of tbe mag- aanimons manner witb whioh jon take leviotory. We Uke it every four jears^ . ia a standing prescription. It ought well be called the quadrennial ipecac, "DroanB.] It works np before 'election ii worhB flown as the returns come in, r e thank you for the unanimous way . which you tarn oat to ocr funeral. [Applause.] We congratulate you on 'ie magnificent and imposing grandeur 1 the obsequies. (Here the speaker's [eeu'ogs overcame him and he retired imid encoring earthquakes and ap- laasive avalanches. [Note—Tbe last .odivldtiai who mount* id thB mule was Jobn Selley. Tbe anl- IB true toMr. Cake'a description if hint, and has bucked Mr. Kelly into ;he ditch. ] Where tbe Angeli Took Hand. A colored man named Bounty Bmirb, living OD Aotoine street, «u before a Justice of the Peace yesterday forenoon cnorgod witb tbelarceny of stealing fifty cents worth of fire wood from a whita man living next door. Tie prosecution bud &circumstantial case. Some 0110 wiu heard at the wood pile in tbe night. There were tracltB in tne snow leading directly to defendant's house. Tbe de- fendant was found in possession of wood exaoLty like tbat, missed from tbe pile, and headmitted that lie had not pur- ibawd nny wood this fall. The defend- aut Baid he wished to be sworn ia bis iwn defence, and after be hadtaken the id he began : " He claims dis wood wastooken away Sunday night. Now, Sunday mawoia' I war 'tacked with -heumatiB an' couldn't step till Monday light. Dis right legwar bent back BO, 1' din left on s war' skewed out so, an' ty wife bad to feed me wiJ a snoon. r ar' I in ahnpe to go out an' steal wood ?' Oo OD.' *Well, 'long 'boat dark de ola oman said de las' stick of wood war* one, an' we went to bed to keep warm. louldlgoout wlea I war' in bed,?* [guesflno.. 1 'Sartin I couldn't, When rememombered dat we had s o wood JV da nex' day I went to p'royin' dat rich man'a heart might he open to liarity. Fust I kaQwed de etiaks oE 'ood began to hit de doah. an' de olo Dman Borambled oat and fotcbed dam If any man robbed dab man's wood le it war 1 an angel who war* sent to ielp me.' 'But yoa forgot the tracks ia snow. Tbey were just tbe PI» of mr boota.' 'Tracks I Was dey any icks?' 'Yes.' 'Well, dat'annffln agin an I see. I 'spec, de angel bad to .a' alongside de wood pile to load np/ of (he Jurors seemed to take this iw of tbe oase and the result was a dis* igreemeut.—Detroit Fret Preii. in French Women Cross tke MtreeL Oress" writes from Paris to tbe licago Jitter- Ocean / It is a treat to see Farislenue croBs a mndfly street She Ivances tip-toe to the edge of the pave- ient. There ehe poises like a bird lady for flight, and then deftly sue her dress more than enough to iow her embroidered skirt, the dainty and elegant bottines, and without iore delay she trips across, toe and beel barely touching, and mud refusing oling to tbe fairy feet that hardly ive an impression of it Landed on other side, she gives her fine feathers ittle shake into place, and passes on ith shoes tbat look as if pat on at that )ment. Watch an Englishwoman immediately iBrward, Sbe readies the curbstone* comes to a dead standstill, and stolidly intemplatm tbe muddy road. Finally selects a route. Then very cautions- she lifts her shoes, making sure that tops of her boots are under cover, id then slowly advancing, sbe pate right foot out—plum it goes, the .ter ooaing over it, and then splash1 Josh I until the other side is reached, lien with soiled skirt* and soaked shoes, proceeds on herwet andmuddy way. Nothing could,be more aharacteristia their respective nationalities, and •thing oonld be more amusing than mntual contempt for each other's) Sense from the Lluie Kiln, ''Down on de Central Market de idderday,' tiegan Ihe old man "I heara man longin' fur a chance to become a heto. Ee wanted to perform some! brave act. He wanted to lay himself mt on sultan* horoio- He wanted inve hjsitelf; pinted out us a big gun, d he Borrowed bekase de day of leroics had. passed. I moved arena' him and looked him obcr. He had on flbin two weeks ole. Hisfaa'rwas mg an 1 greasy. His ftio- aa' bands leaded soap an' water, I 'apect dat his chiU'en war bar'f uted an' bis wife oblee ;• ! edto take in v,iauin'. i war sigh in 1 :o be t) hero, an', de obanoe war right befo* him. Few of ns kin be trade spot ia time to save railroad trains, steam- boats an' hotels from fire and kolisuu We can't diskiver plots to blow np opera IOUBDB. De water am so ooJd dat wa iato to jump into de ribbex, au' save de ives of a sknle houHO full of c' iU But sinoo | saw dat would be hero Tae been wonderin' if, de man who works steadily, takes good keer of his family, pays bis debts, tells de trnf, keeps on de ien' side of de golden rale, an' carries a ilean monf aroun 1 wid him wn not abont is big a hero aa da Nineteenth century ;in bring forth. Its my opinyun dat he sm, an' X'ae gwinB to insist on greetin 1 sich men as entitled to admiration an' respect"—Frae Prat. "Nothing," remarks the Philadelphia Newt, " BO takes the conceit ont of tn< Lverage man as to order bis paper dis- oon tinned, and tb<in see tbe editor going along and gettiug rich without him. Why are a true lover'a visits like a iccessful nawBpaper ? fiecarjBe they commence weekly, then become aemi- wookty, then beer me tri-weekly, d tbsn daily with Bnnday supplement. Hi, boy 1 I'm a stranger in townt Tell mo where I can get some wax," And the boy st-nt him to the school mast* beennae be said the &choolma!>tBr had more wliaoks tban any person he knew of. flow to Trade Mules. " M?'eperienoe in .lis life has dat the man who sw»p9 mules wid eyea shut am sartin to git de wnst ob Brudderiy feeliog goes & good ways case of sickness, or want, or death ; it Beldom reaches down to a hosa p ade. If I warbuyin' a mule of a man id knowed all my life I should begin de hoofs and look that animile ober up to de point of his nose. I ildn't spect him to tell me dat h» filed down any teef or puttied ober hoof cracks. My advice am nob to 01 deceive in trading mules, bat to iswer as few qoeshnos as you kin an" m Bort o* keerieas whether your offer •ceptedornot"—Detroit FnePreu. It was getting BIODR veil io the night ie yawned and then asked him if be •er sawa snapping turtle. " One," be )lied, "in a show." Said she,' "It's funny, but do yon knoW you sort ialnd me of that biroY* " Why V* asked, "Oh, yoa bang on so long," looked oat of the window into tbo ikoesfl, said it looked like rain and 'd be going. Tbe Proper Way to Uutner Wilflls. Andrew** Bator Bays " eathered waiste very mnoh worn," If themea would ither the waists carefnlly and not ueeze BO like tbe blazes, they would he worn eo maob. Some men go to ork like wasbiug sheep, or raking and 'ndiog. Tbey ought to gather a waist though it was eggs, done np in a fua- Bhapad brown paper at a grocery. At tbe ball: Once (whispering)— •What lovely boots your partner's got, laryl" Mary (ditto)—"Yes nnfortu- itely he ahioes at tbe wrong end." At Chattanooga a wedding dress van n&de for a bridesmaid in five boors, be had lost her trunk in a railroad sc- lent, and there waa no time to spare* " Oan there be happiness where tbeire no love 9" solemnly qneriea an anther a book on marriage. Not much hap- lew. perhaps, bnt if the girl is awfully rich there can be lots of fun. A. young couple in their honejmoon •6 dallying languidly with the grapes at dessert. Sbe says : " And yon don't "nd it tiresome, all alone with me? Yoa re quite, quite iure tbat yon don't rish to go hack to your bachelor ljf« again?" Eesays : "Qcito,mydarliog. " udeed, married life !B BO awfnlly jolly iat, you know, if 70a were to die to- igbt I'd get married to-morrow." Snooks went home the other night af- Iioted with double vision. He sat for me lime with bis sleepy gate riveted Mrs. Snooks, and then complacently remarked : " Well, I declare 'f you two els don't look *souf{h alike to be twins." Boston editors know more than most QSO. Oneot them deliberately siya; 'Mile. Bernhaic't, who is grace personi- ledandwbose every movement is (ho wetry of motion, does not wear con-eU, md three Boston woaen have followed suit." A gill in Diblin strnok her oroqaek partner on the hetd witb a mallet * Vain fever tet in, ind the young BUB nearly died. The girl was kept uridf£ irrest nntil his recovery, and when KB got well BUS married him and now- «'• sorry hBtUdn't die, "^

LUMBER B Ctest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/... · Arp iidly prone to talk Of nutter* tbst ooneern va not, And otber*' ftjliei mock." I've bnsa IbfnUng 1! ire'd begis

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McKinnon Bros.MilTUriOTUREflB OT

Axes and Edge Tools," R O Q K A W A V , N. J.

It hiyiuL' been ri'porLo.l that tbli old-oitablUtiBil »n« woll-kmiirn firm bat KODO cat oibu.incai., wu lako iliin uitautt oriiii'drminR lli

b l l o ^ i t ntjiili ianut tlio 9110. Vi'pgfostjllijBlijcsa, Unvo no copnedinn ^it); Anyotptr

1ol[-KUu«n Boods witli greitfr cam thin efcr.11 our good* iro bftiid-niBilo thronphoot »ml

Up Are tUfi onlr firm iu BocknimymiklnR sqShgooJa on lire If by haqd. Water TuyerH far


Morristown, N. J.>.ira, l«.l|<al.ina fri»il« ?>"!«. " W

lotulfsrta part, with •

wllti • /nil lino 'I »«?iq«, cioikurj, .IITIUtile llnon, 8oor olotbi, Bawen, mnsla, Aa.


R. A. HENNKTT, M. J) ,


Cor. Blackwell & Warren Sts.


D0WB.N.J.,Dlataoe. of Wmien and OlilUron, kiid

Eje uid K&r .pooialtlei.DSloi Hour.: l t . !» A. M., I toBimHiolP. U


REUBEN BOWS,having luued Ibe irbuU of Ibe pronorty trlio'• ii.TiasdnlargodfHcfJitk'B for the repair

winjc MICIIIHIJI. FlnurtttH, MuucaJ farirm|g, otc. All klndi af Golrl, Kilvev a)

-..ale) Plating dune, A largo •Hgnrtntent „QOIK] Receud-iiMul Sowing M«ali.iK>n, Iron11.50 op. A Bluuk uf iDiuioii) l » r r » 'flrearme 'etc. Vmnt, »\mv.i l»t.Jt, J ,





Al lklndfdif FINE COLOUR for carriage uid wagon

painting. Also OILS and VABNI6H, bothforeign find Domestic. TDHPZNTIHE, WHITJL M D , eta. Paint, Coloring am1 VarnishiruehflB and Striding Pencils, a full stock.

All of tlie nbovu goods from tbe h»Ht luaLrn kuown by puiiitcra. PIUST-CiABfiIARB1AOE aid BLEIttH OUNAUBN'JB.Hiiviug IHW. u largo BxpurltJiico fitnuurly nciuriugu builder, from ii Ihnriin^ii knowl.go of ibi' bnniiiens I huve advuntnuen n«<niv other dtifiW.


UNION HALL BUILDING.Blai'li well Street, Dover,

Hot Air Furnaces,tliu latcit .mil iiiuut iiiijjruviid utrlcH, foi

faniiiui; jmUio itnrl lirivate bnildingg. 'A hrgiiisdurtnien'.iif ytpvud, cheap for eiish,


STOVES, RANGES,&o. AUo a Tnr.otj of



OUR 5 0 CT*re betler tbmi BOI.1 flstwhtire at 70 cin, One trial will iirnyo tlie fnot, Onr blgli

giiidfj new crop lens, scasoB BHO, retailed at 70 eta. per 1b.


llHfi milwrrihi r ]ms opened H now r»rd nfnrJ 111.' cuni.'r of BLACK WELL ANDICIIGKN htM.,[md ia jircima-d to furuieli


d all .ithcr work in IIIH line Ccmcltry lutui-lo-sfclwill "rrtint^ananiarblfipontM. Will)iK ii[icnci)cf and rinnonaljUi pricos I foolulldeat lliat 1 CHP Mtiufj Hie juiblic.


For Sale!„ flno property iwar Dover. A gooil dwelt\. \m\i hoimu witli ciK!it rooms, with mil

1 cistern Wfttct convenient; two teuemenI'B t'f fmir rminis ouch ; a Rood barn will,iiidfor two horses; lot of 0110 aero withunTly etioieo asKortinfiU of Iroit. To mi aiTinble. Apply to

IB-tt 0 . B. GAGE, Dover, N. J.



. MAST, - - - Proprietor.The above houtto b located In ODO of tlioaltbiuut and nioht ohaiming plncce in tbaita.witbin a tow rainitoB valk of the D.& W. RuilronJ on the eosl, and tlio CBU-

, . J1 Eailrond of N. J. on Ihe weat, nnd lessthan au boar'a drha of Budd'a Lake and

iko Hopntcong, The propriotor doBipiitoike tb> UpiiHO one of the rnout ppbnlorFiceR itt Hun Kpctinn of the State, and pat-lulnrly witli thu tntvolinBpublic, for wholercry convRtiionce and comfort will be snp-licJ at moderate prices8ucca?uiiLii, N. J., Dec. 18th, 1678.

if mm SIP!Chas, T, Clark & Son

Lvc nponod n xww n1iop in Dovtr in Sealing flbullilmi;, COnSFB ULACKWELL AND

UEItflt^N HT8., nml invite tliop.\tioi,ane of. the (iuli|io.

Horse Shoeingraado b snccia|tT of tlje bamnoai. and ft trlft)

mnorB ot linrau* h reHprotmlh MOllpiled.• "

Adjourned Sheriff's Sale I

Oinnoory or Hew JOIBBJ^FI. h . Tor sklo ofpartgiffHl pperajifls. nberelp Jolin Will IB

DorciiliWLt, BnU Jobn R. Milli. John fltiari-d»n, Btchird Bomb, Epbratm Iiindiloy andFr«Q0i. H. Freenttt, VabD E. HosRlAnd.Wtlll«m B. ln(B*er, Amron Pook, Willlnm A.Wood. William OtiUsnRO. Union M&nnftc-tarlne Oonpany. Beldrn T. Scrmton, TboMnrrh CuuA «nd TlankinK OompMiy, J»mo»Cook, Abraham Bewardi FrMmmi Wood,umiTlng Adniiniitrntor, Jko , of WiilfmnWoul, dba'd, TUotn.8 H- Armiironc, Wil-ItHin ArtnitronB »nd Itojort W Armatrnntr,turvlflnr Bixooaton. *o., Thomas Artn-itranK. dsoSl, John' B. Mul'crJ, John D.t'ftiraina *nd Abbr D. flewanl arn-dortud-anta. Bolorntblo to l i t Tnradnv Io Fttbrn-ary,lB65. A. W.UELt.Bol'r.

Tbo iclo In behalf at tbe nbore partioa Rt>ndsIjnrned to tako PUCD at tbo Oourt House,WriBtoirn,lf.Jf.l>Jn

UOSDA Y, tho 10th d i ; ot Jinnirr,„ D. 1B81, botmten tho hoars or 19 o'olook MludBo'clock P.M.

JOSEPH W.G0E, former HbortlT.D»«J Sept. 3511,18*). 11601


j Tvt been Ihltiklog, I've been •nuking,ffhatatflorioui world wew ILEi,

fmid pouple mind Miolr bailncMi moreAud IOIIKI ttelr ueigLlKiurM1 leu.

Port nut IDOO, TOU and I, mj iWend,Arp iidly prone to talk

Of nutter* tbst ooneern va not,And otber*' ftjliei mock."

I've bnsa IbfnUng 1! ire'd begisTo mind our ovo tlDtirs,

1 Tiitt pouJltf oar Delgbtwn mightOoatriT* to mnna«e tbelrs.

FK'TP fsoltt enoasb i t homo to raeni,It rosy bo eo wlUt otheri;

t would awtn itrange if ll were not,

dluw nil Kiankmd »re brutliera.

And would that va had onirltrFor ercr; rain ind tromati;

Porgivenew is the mark of those

Who ICDO* to err fa human,

riion let OB lwnlih Jealousy,Lot'i lift our falleubrotb.T,

And u wo Journey down life's rood,Do good to one mother.



P O B T I O .


Oy her who In tbli moutli In bornNo gem m a Gamuts ilioald l>e worn ;'Jlioy will Insaro huroiiDiiaccj1,Troe frlondflblp au<] fidelity.

JOFFEE! COFFEE COFFEE!.eluding Kiel) Old Moclin, Governmtut, Javit, Mnrncaibo, Santos, Bio are all

Btentn rousted. Ahvuja front..

S U G A R S SOLD AT COST.Tim mliaWfjinta of Dover ami Morris County will do well bjf pprpbjisinff tboir

intor Bupply from UH, ' 40-ly

HE U(TVER LUMBEB C0,fiora to buiklura tl(o Ijoyt oppartuniiioti in ibo purchase of LUMBER

ovoiy grmlo autl description iacludiug LOW PBICE8 and the great

dvantago of having

Lumber Worked to Ordermaolduevj fit tlio place where it is purchased, greatly lessening the

coat of building by tho great snviag in manual labor. Our

stock always includes

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings,nd UJMBEU of every deBcription, and especial pains i n token

to give satisfaction in every particularOEOBOE lltogju

I. W. SiuBMo,


ROCKAWAYAXE!IHIS nntod liand-mado mo has lonff oi,jo7c(l

tliu riiniUtbn of bcinenno of tin veryiliii Hi. .-mint™ for FO1UI, JUTEltULDENDUItAKCI'f. Witli new aplianccH ftir

i Irmlrt dicni'L'r tlmii evur litfoiii, anil olfir

intltii^. Via muku any otlicr ulyli) noodi-it,aics iMite'lty me aro HlrieUy band-made.IIBS nl«<i oddtfd to bin buslueui

HORSE SHOEING(o IIAH scQprea no cipertencud liorHolineriba Hill •(munuitce neutral rnithficlioti to allflio rill ravorhlm with a call. Fur further

[are enquire ofJ . J PEER,


THE HOLIDAY SEASONiVB lDcrenscs tlm carrying trado, And par*

oB ordering HOLIDil GOODS, or eendineOLIDAY GIFTS to friondi, will find tho

CENTRAL EXPRESSbast and olBarwat ronlrt h j | o t | *0 *oaA.

D. A. SEARING, Agent.




SINGERSewing Machine

is acknowledged by all to bethe most reliable and best ma-chine in the world. Its salesexceed by far all others. Theyhave an office in every import-ant town in the United States,snd are not responsible forsecond-hand dealers represen-tations, Buy direct throughtheir own office and you havea responsible warrantee, Ma.chines sold at $3 a month.



S, SIEBER,louse and Decorative Painter,



where bo liai a floe dlipliy oi

WALL PAPBRS,setoral hnndrcd itrlri ot the neveit dt-ui, for I3fB6a*i 10 IS per roll.' Barderi

fDrlccDttaTSoUporyird. Tfaa Ifttog. in jprettiest thiaift In SUtcirj, Center pjeoop,Panel PICDUK and bnekoti. MM * fion IIQB nf>IOTUHEI'1UMJ\S, will «oJ eelliiia inon'd-un«,l]O3k», elo, Dt-iixnii tor all bind* of frer•a\ng (in Imr.l. CONlltAOTB TAKES foirlntlD)r (be oiierlori or lioaao* nail (inbtialilillRffi and dwonting Ibe lnhrlon,October 381,1880. " J









Bone Dust , Guano, Poudrette.

WOOD sawed in stove lengths.

STQVE, EGG, CHESTNUT.Ordfirt tpiy be tflttreiMiJ thnmghthflPoii

OB»LookBoiS8, oriBft»t A.Bwmtr'ioHsIn DUokwell St., n«*r BniHX, m it (be yirfl.


ySincerity sndpeacflcf mind,Froedom frtto pillion *.ni from oua.If tlio; tbo Anietbyat -ill ffuir.

7 h a on t t i i world of oars their oje»In M«rob flnt opca -ibill be wlio; '?|i dBjfiof f oiil mj»'»na braya,And w a r a Dloo3»ionB to tueir gtavo,

Sbeirbn from AprlMrten her roarsDiamonds ihonld wwr, lest bitter loanFor-vain ropunlRUdoJflow; this stoneEmblem of Itinooenrt Is known.

ua, •Who first Uolioldi the light of ilsyJn 8priif> m a t fjowciy prmil, of U«y,Aud flusri an Utueiild all bur life,tilinil bo B lovoil e

JUKI,m o cones with SnltiRwr to tliia tatlU,And OH-QB to Jo DO bor day »f birth,With rirR or ARSIO OL tier bund,Cun hoalUi, vetlth »r4 IOHJJ Ufa toDimml

Tho p'offlng Unby dtoiild adocqTboaowliolu rfaiin Jiilj i re born;Then IT 111 they be oiooipt and fraoFrom lore's doabls and anzloty.

We»r t Sarflqnyi, or for tlfeBNo oonjufftl felicity fThe Annnit bqrn. without this atone,'TIs said, most lire DDloTud and lone.

SBPCKHSSBiA m*14op born whan Autumn loavesAre rustling in flepteraber's breawi,A Sapphire on nor bropf should bind—"-Twill oui'o dlsouas of tbo mind.

petober'a child U bom lor woe,Aud llfe'i Wcliiimaei urn it knavr |Bat Uy an Of a! on tier brcait,And hope will lull thoio words to reat.

M0TBUBIB,Who flnt eomci to Ibis world below,Witb drear Hovombar'a fog and mow,Should prise tho Topax' amber hue—Emhlem of frlendu ifeb loiors trne,,

If acid Deoembor RIVB jon birth--The month of mow and Joe and a l r t h -Plioo on jcar Laoila 'furquaiie blue;BncocsB wilt bloai vrhate'er you do.


Thec^nrph Question™" HUB the BDC-qnd bell rang jet ?'•

A woman who dcea lier needlework byhand ought to be Beff-flat-icated,

"There's plenty oi yoopi at Ihe tpp,"the bal<l,hoa(te4 mau Baid to bis fall

I beard.

n may not think a Chicago girlbeautiful, but you'll find her hands Bome,

Themflnwbo ottered burn log wordsloonsomed much time in multtog his


A Newport girl is so jealous of herlover that ebe wants to lock him op,Bat lova laughs at lochs, Miu,

Hasbitnd—"Mary, my IOTP, tlm upplftdumpling is not half ^pne,'1 "Well,^nishidtheD^inydenr.''

It's prpbahly trne ^ a t the abnroh Isthe pewreat place on earth, einQe sowey of the pODgregatioo glaap.

Ur. Barfili btis been Informed thatpotato bugs in the West ere sufferinggreatly on account of cold weather.

rcqm'res but a abort time, for &young Indy, ont shopping, to loarn the

erHign of t i e dry goods trade,en wtio smoke miinh are apt to be-

come ubDonl-mindcd. When you ar«asked for tlio loan of Sr>, think of lUn.

No wondor Hoyes baa been n snoce&a-f«f man. Ilia wife bna De\er had a day'sBcrious illness in her life,

A cheap transportation oonYgntion washeld iu Ghieugfi, recently. T b i

u for a convention of editors, eattalnly.

Tho glnss of soda aud, tb,e looking-glass resemble woh otlicr. Tfoo can seetho Boda'fl fixz in one, nnd year own plusIn the other.

Tbo American Indian really acknowl-edges the civilising influences of theBtovti-jjipti hat, iiml b« puts ib on thehead ol his squftw,

"Hob, wbnt's 8tenm ?" "Boilingwater." "That's right—eompnre it'"FosiUre, boil; eompurative, boiler;mperlatire, burst."

A new fashion for In^ea ^ to «pi| along green s ^ ^ ^ronnd the maiBt inplnoa of 8. belt' They seeui to be a iortof delirium trimmings.

When a hornet gets down a man'B backbo'doesn't begin to-know languagepnouglitodo^lje'fii^Uoc juBtlpc.' But^ ^ a t i dpesnit liTe'who won't try it allthe #tmo.-rBlprt

A. yonng motier wrqlft to tier ehjldren'ait " UdtJy wta full ol

" arJ reQuivf.-d a diguifled BQJreprimand for allowing one

jroooff <* to drink at all.". One o[ tho first reqniaiHonB reoei^fromanawlj-appoiDled xafl^py stationA^entwos: "Bpnii we a gslloiiofredoil (or the danger lonteras."

AObianmnn, BSJB an exchange, hasentered HarvurJ Oollega But it failedto say tbflt ha CMQQ oat agu^a witb a•tudeiit'fl this week*4 waili andor Its arto,

Qo far as at present known, tho giraffeis & fiilsnt anistal, like tbe elacrl aud tbekangaroo and has nerer been heard Ionttw a soaod oven wlioa Btraggling htthe agonies of clefttfa,

Small bay (nubing in front of n j<bdy ftoarirjjf Inrga pfifcn bonnet, andstaring tier full ip. the fnoe)—"Yon'Tetost your hot, Obarlie; I told you it#arn't an old woman,"


[From Harper's Young People.]

THE BRAVE SWISS BOY.Witli renewed conrjge tie olnnibcn

np tbe Blmost purpendicuiar rock,bia curly Imir aud suuburned (ace sue

above tlie edge of the neslT|ie next moment be leaned over, neizutlie young birds iu spite of ibeir angrycries, trausferred them one after tlotber to bis bug, and til rowing it norm

ibouldar, begun to return on itidangerous rontl by vbiob be bad ootaiID comiDOQ, however, with tbe ex\nr'\enee of all wlio Lave ascended precipii-ousbeiglits, be soon fourjii tbat goiugdown was muoh more diffloult tb&n Imibeen tbe oomicg u p ; but ignoring thifact that lie bad beneatli him a precipicewo tbouEiiml feet deep, be devoted al

attention to tbe work immedictel;before him, and oorcfull? descended th<loaky wuli step bv slep, till be renobettba level lidga opce more. He fben;nrned Blovly round, slang bia bag infroutofhim, and leaning buoH ithe wall, Bunded tbe giddy road .vliicb

mtiBt traTerse to reach tbe glacier and;ho atepp deolivitini of tbe Engclliora,,nd thereafter bis Dative vulley.

It WOJI ft difficult aud dangerous roadbut ibe young mountniuper's heart woinow fall of joy ond confideuce, for bein 3 aurmnutited tbe grottcat JiCmilty,md tbe prise of bis bold and duringrenture was ia bin possession. Ho ut-tered an exclamation of triumph ; then,ibnnking God for tbu liolp lie hadegeiyed, lie fipplojcd tbe Divine prolec-Ion on bis horoeffard jourD"'. Tbeiurp ridge made it necessary fur him,

is bclore. to work bis way forwarditride on the rook for some time; but} HOOD got within night of a part wliernwould be possible to go os h\n l^nds

id tneos, and ifus ju&t about to phanpe\B etrnddling poaitiou foe tbe Hiorp

.9 of orowlinR, «ben [hemutant elirleking of tbe young vultures

liis ban vras answered by a piercing*y from above, followed tbe next moloot by the loud rusbing of powerfulIngs ctoso to hk epr, Tlie Itoy utl«reji enelnmitfou of horror, and clungtli all his might to the rock to prevent

imseli from falling,'Iu an instant lie perceived tlefea,ngi2r Hint Uircfitjuod biro. Ono. or

larhaps both the nld birds had beentracted by tbe cries of tbeyoung oiltd were abont to avenge themselves <mie robber of the|r nest. Walter guessedlat a hard fight would probubty tukaluoe, end bis first imuulso was to throwis-bttg with tbe yourjff birda into theilley beneath, and then try to tnako bis•Upe ns well as 1IB might Buthoflooqmd that this plan wag mare readily

irtned than it could be exeouted ; forifore he oould make a single movenieutfelt tbe blait of the wings Just nbnve

Is head, while tbe screaming of theraged bird so confused his gensos thatbud great difgoulty t« avoid being

tried Iron, his narrow resting-placeto tbe raving below. Tbis Biiddeninger, although it attrmed him for tbeloment, awoke the next moment tbemrage and determination of tbe brave->arted boy. I t T&B a case qf Ilia orjath, and it was ^aiu Ip think of retir.

\\g frpm, the contest So, snatching his»from bis belt, he aimed a poworfulIT at the old vulture as she swept;\m upon him for the third time. He

looeeded l oyond his expectation, (or', made almost at random, atruo.k

io wing ot tbe bird, which, after vainlyempiing to continue (be ?ttnggler fellIplessly into the abyss,Relieved of bis antagonist, Walter feltimpletely exhausted, and wus obliged

lie di>wu at full lenglh for severalInn tee on til be regained bis breath andIf-posaesB.oa. He then made the bestbin way along till he reached the steep

and leading to the giaoier, and bad got•oat half way down, when just in tba

3t dnugerfiqs part be heard tlie omln-Bcream eguin, and saw with a slirick-

ig horror that tbe male vulture, at-acted, ]ikai> mate, by tbo continuedies of the yonng birds, hud discovered

Im. In a f ory of rage tbe angry birdirted downward,, and sweeping postitb outstretched talons, tried to harl

headlong from tbe crag.Iu this dreadful crisis, Walter pressedbard as ho could againBt the rooky

rag, having but one band ot liberty talefend himself against the fa^ona attack

tbe bird, ^t was quite Impossible foran to get at bis axe, and tbe force withlEah ho was assaulted caused hm

iearlytolet go LIs hold, Ho tried toiize the vulture's throat and strangle it;it the bird was too active, and made, suoh attempts perfectly useless. He

auld senroely hope to continue suph ».ngerous strnggle muph, longer, Ho

1(0103 faint from terror, and hisift band was fast growing benumbedtb grasping tbe rock. So had pimost

;esigned bimgQlf to bis fate, nnd expi'otedi next moment to be dashed to piecestbe field of ice beneath, Suddenly,treycr, ha reQaUecLed his. pookeNknife

id a new ray oi hope dawned. Givingtbe attempt to qlnlch at tho furious

bird, be drew tbe knife out of his pocketid opened it with his teeth, and aimjngjro or three blows at tha erei^tu.re's

:, he found, nf last that he hail been.Ip raaohiog same mortal part,

fluttering of tha wings ceased, nndlie dying bird stained tke virgin snowith its blood on tbe ice-field bolow.'alter was Bnved ; there was no oth$raemy now to fear; lijs life was no.

longer in cfangoi; but his energies wereixod Io. tbe iilmngt, nud it wa| well forIm that the teirihlo ooiitest hftd lasted

iq longer,

Pale, trembling in every limb, andmattered with the vulture's blood as well

that which trickled from the mnnyands ho bad received, the v&IUat

yonng oragaman sunk, helplessly to thoround t flfhere he lay for some minutes,

paralysed with the terrible exertion, he'isd Rone through. At lengtbt honevcr,be so fir recovered hixoself as to be able

hiB fatiguing and dntgeroutlurney, und noon SQccceded in naolilngie spot where be. qad loft IH'B jacket,

ilioes, and alpeostook. Having gainedpla&e of safoty, lie poured forth hiiinoka to Qod for dolivoriog him from

boch greiit d4nger, and began to bind np" }3 wounds, wiibli for the first time neroiow paining him. When this was ao-lomplisfaed \o a rough and ready sort ofray, be had a peep at tbe trophies inis bag.wbosecapture bad been attended

witb such adveuturciUB dunger. and witbthe aid of hiB alpeuafock succeeded iogetting the dead body of tlie old bird,,which ho found bid beon «tzupk right to

theheirt. But bis knife lie could nolreonver, BO concluded that he must huvedropped it after the deadly encounter,

"Tliat doesn't matter mueh/'Biud heio liimBelf, as lie looked at tlie aiieofthe bird. " It is a good eiobnnge ; andiflgivelliestianger tbe old bird withtbe young ones, Idure my lie will giveme another knife. What a splendidcrauture 1 Tully four feet long, and tbe

ings at leant three yardaecroaa. Howfather will open bia eyes when be seedlie deed Lumincrgeier—and the Scotch;i3iitleuian too 1"Tying the legs of the bird togotbw

'Mb curd whioh he had forlnnatel;rongbt, be slucg it across bia Bhouo balance tbe weight of tbe bug,"len started on liis journey aoro&atbi;Iacier, the foot of which be BOOI

icbed, aud was then within hailin;



istunoe of tbe holel wbeio the strangeiwan residing.

It was a good tbing that be Iwd IIOIeeii kept longer away, for tbe sun wai>egiuning to set bj the time be readied

1 valley, and ouly the highest peaki'ere Jit up by itsdepartiugglory. Tired

[1 hungry, Walter was thankful to fiudnsi'If once more at Ibe door of tbe inn,ere there was tbe same crowd of truv-

llnrs, guides, horses, and mules he budin tbe morning. His appearance

id attracted general attention as becscended the last bill leading to tbeitel.

" Why, I declnro it's Watty Eirzel!'claimed one of tbo guides. "H.e was;re this morning, and I declare he'sit a young eagle bunging noroas hia

' lur. '•

Y RU old vulture, Mohrle, and youII be nearer the mark,"replied th« lad

cheerful tone and with sparklingres; for be. felt »q proud of tbe triumphbut) uchieYed that Ml futigaebe forgotten. "Au old vulture,

ibrle, aud a splendid fellow into tkeirgain I I've got the young ones ii

bag here.""Yoa're a pretty fellow I" said anoflier.py

lido, with a sneer. I suppose youau to te\l iia tbat you'va killed the old4 and carried oil the young ones ?'!

'Yes, that is just what I mean to tell>u," replied tha boy, smiliqg, and pay-IR no atteutton to the sneer of theh.er. "I've done it nil alone. I took

youngsters out of the nest, an,d hnd'gulur Qgbt witli tlio old ones afler--d. I broujrbt one of them home;t tUe other yon will flud somewherejihe TJrbacbt Vulley, if yoq l|ke to go.dlook for it,"

think the lad speaks Ibe truth,":d Mohrle, gazing at Waller witb ua-lisbment and respect, "Tou've hadong joqrney, my boy, aud you're cov-•H with blood. Bid tbe old vulture

itt yo«i f"'Yes, tbe brute stuck hfc daws, into, and if I hadn't had a Bbarp knife inpocket, it would have been all over

,\x me. But let me through, for I:nt to tako the young birds up stairsa gentleman here."Mohrle and tbe other guides who had.irrounded tbe courageous boy wouldidly "have detained bim longer to heartha particulars, of bis daring adven--e) but he pressed through tbe crowd

ing to tell tfiem oil abont it after-ird, and made bis way op to the roommpied by Mr. Saymour, who received,

im witb as muoh astonishment p> tbeides bad done.

There, sip," exclaimed Walter, EH haik tbe youiig vultures out of Its bag' ptaced them on the floor—"there arebirds you wanted ) and here ia one

the old ones, whioh I brought witbfrom tbe Eucelhoru. But yon mustthem have something to eat—the liva

es, X mean ; for they're had nothingnearly a whole day, and areforhnngsr."

Mr. Seymour Btood for a moment

less, He waa filled with delighttbo sE^bt of the young birds Le bad BOig wished for, bat waa at the samois dnmfounded at the courage and

of too yonng mountaineer.I s it possible V" be exclaimed at last j[ave you wally ventured to risk your3, although I told you that I didn't

'ant the birds ?" - i

"Well, sir, I know yon said so ; bnt I,w bj your face that yon would like to

them all tbe sam,8 j and so, as youid been so k\nd to me, I didn't mindiftiog a little risk to please yon, al-mgb it was hard work. Bo there they

bnt yon mustn't forget to feedim, or they will be starved to death[are morning,"

"Ob. we will take good care tbat they»n't die of hunger/' replied Mr, Sey-tmr, ringing tbo hell, " I tbink, as you;Q suijh & warm interest in the welfarethe birds, you must feel rather hun*

;ry yourself. So ait down and have

:, and then you can tell'all abont your adventure,"

When the waiter oame, some raw meat\s ordered for the fledgelings—whichire presently safely housed in tbo ata-•yard—and a Rood dinner for Walter,

IO, aided by Mr. Seymour's enooung-rremarks, did justice to a meal the

;e of which he bad, never before seen-a finale w,faioh wa> to him by far the^ t agreeable part of his day's work,len tbe hid commenced, in simple Ian*igo, to describe all tbat he hud gone

rongb, whioh, while it pleased his hosturaughly, caused him to feel s,till

•eater surprise and admiration at hisinng friend,'a unaffected bravery

of mind,

'You have jierforroed & brave and dar-IR option," mid he, when Walter badlished bia story. " I Bhonld call it aill and fool-hardy adventure, bad you>t been actuated by a Doble motive htTying it cut. A feeling of gratitudeipired yon, and therefore God wasthy00, and preserved you. But tell

te, boy, how is it tuut you tad courage.d resolution enough, to expose your-If to BUUU a frightful risk ?"


Wood is so expensive now-a-days inlunegtiont that real nutmogH are cheap-tbfin the Oonnectiout article,

In the London zoological garden is anter that aan write. I t probably spenditime writing otter>grcphB,

Teaober in high school at : "Areiro and oon synonymous or oppositefirmB r" Scholnr: "Opposite." TeacherGive on example." Scholar : "Pro-

aud Congress."

K boyidb novice in smoking turnodsadly pale and threw away bis cigar,

hid ho : "Tbnr'B BOmethlng in that Airi gar that's made ma siok." " I know'hat it is," said his companion, pulling

away. "WhaU"



Tlie Radicals of Clariutlu, Page Oo,Iowa, hod a jollification meeting on Fday night, tbe 5th ult. Aoeordiugthe Council Bluffs Nonpareil, they bai'he biggest kiud of a time, witb illnuinations, flre-worka, mosie and Bpeeohi.fying. After several repoLlican orators,among them Congressman-electburn, had given vent to their feeling*with spread eagle speeches, includingcourse tbe usual abuse of Democrat,tbe crowd called loudly for Lou B. Oaki.Cakeia a Democrat, aud the Nonpar*says he looked too depressed to apeak,bat tbe crowd wouldn't be put off, so betnonnted a box and made the followingunique speech ;

FetUm Giliient: A man usually Attendsbis own fucem!, but it it is not expecleLtfaat he should talk a great deal. [Laugh-ter.] I knew the funeral ceremon;would go on without me, BO I concluded[ bad better bring in tbe body, [Laugh-ter.] But it takes a great deal of grace"0 sustain u man who helps to furnishha corpse for on occasion like this,Xungbler.] Nobody bat a Democratcould do it. [ApplausB.] It is certainthat no one aave tbo Democrats bos bada chance to try jt for the last twentyyears. [Shouts of applause.] Di^ippotutment is tbe modern Democrat'sbirthright J mourning bis normal comtion. They took out a patent on disaster;;wenty years Pgo »nd it has never beeninfringed. Ibe patent run out in 1676

they have just got it renewed.Looking over the landepape of tbo lasttwenty years J behold noies and acres ofbusted Lopes, cords and cords of dis-

intled ambitions, bmrela aud barreli•f unveiling tears, oceans and oceansstrewn with tbe wrecks uf pbautom•nee burdened, witb Democratic dalu-

[Great applause,] Disappointment is an anohor to tbo Democratic

ul both sure and steailfi&t.[leaves have their t]mo to fait.And fiowen to, wither at the north wiad'«

breath.intl stars to eet, bnt ftl), 0 , Democrat!:hou hut all times for thine owu death.

I might say witb Sbyloolyep, ivffirmco is the bodge of onr tribe,~ could give you 829 reasons for this.[Laughter.] A lawyer offered a judgelxtee_u reasons why tits client wai nut

present in court: Pint, be was dead,'be judge told UID ho might omit theitber fifteen. The tirst reason of my2\! is we lucked tbe voters. Tou willHow me to omit tbe otber 828, |Ap*

plausivo consent.] Hut I could giveou more than SHE) reasons, Tea.

Mare-7 letter, Jobn Kelly did it withhis little racket, [Great applause]Wade Hampton's mule broke hi* leginstead or his neck, and Ben Hill wasn't10m a mute. English had foreclosedlis mortgages and we couldn't redeem.?hen~.

<Tis the Sooth that can supplySolid comforts white we die.

In some Staofs the Greenback partysll through a oraok in their platformid crippled ns. [Laughter.] Bat theemooraoy still lives. [Great appIaQie.]

t's like the mule, it never dies. Bat,unfartenatob. like the mule, whilo itlives it is forever throwing its riders.

It bucked Oreeley off and killed himin 1673. Titian stnok on till he passedunder the wire, [applause,] bnt therena& so much daylight between him andthis Democratic quadruped the judgeslounted him ofl, although he had bisfeet In tbe utirrnps. This year we got aBplendid send off and might have won;" iut the donkey was stricken down inIndiana with (g) Landers, [Applaa&e,]~ e olose tli» oliaptorofbistory with tbelope tbe BtoTj will not. be continued inlurnext, [Cheers.] We accept defeat*ie more cheerfully because of tbe mag-aanimons manner witb whioh jon take

leviotory. We Uke it every four jears^. ia a standing prescription. It ought

well be called the quadrennial ipecac,"DroanB.] It works np before 'election

ii worhB flown as the returns come in,re thank you for the unanimous way. which you tarn oat to ocr funeral.

[Applause.] We congratulate you on'ie magnificent and imposing grandeur

1 the obsequies. (Here the speaker's[eeu'ogs overcame him and he retiredimid encoring earthquakes and ap-laasive avalanches.

[Note—Tbe last .odivldtiai who mount*id thB mule was Jobn Selley. Tbe anl-

IB true to Mr. Cake'a descriptionif hint, and has bucked Mr. Kelly into;he ditch. ]

Where tbe Angeli Took • Hand.

A colored man named Bounty Bmirb,living OD Aotoine street, « u before aJustice of the Peace yesterday forenooncnorgod witb tbe larceny of stealing fiftycents worth of fire wood from a whitaman living next door. T ie prosecutionbud & circumstantial case. Some 0110wiu heard at the wood pile in tbe night.There were tracltB in tne snow leadingdirectly to defendant's house. Tbe de-fendant was found in possession of woodexaoLty like tbat, missed from tbe pile,and he admitted that lie had not pur-ibawd nny wood this fall. The defend-

aut Baid he wished to be sworn ia bisiwn defence, and after be had taken the

id he began : " He claims dis woodwastooken away Sunday night. Now,

Sunday mawoia' I war 'tacked with-heumatiB an' couldn't step till Mondaylight. Dis right leg war bent back BO,1' din left on s war' skewed out so, an'

ty wife bad to feed me wiJ a snoon.rar' I in ahnpe to go out an' steal wood ?'

Oo OD.' *Well, 'long 'boat dark de olaoman said de las' stick of wood war*one, an' we went to bed to keep warm.lou ld lgoout wlea I war' in bed,?*[guesflno..1 'Sartin I couldn't, Whenrememombered dat we had s o wood

JV da nex' day I went to p'royin' datrich man'a heart might he open to

liarity. Fust I kaQwed de etiaks oE'ood began to hit de doah. an' de oloDman Borambled oat and fotcbed dam

If any man robbed dab man's woodle it war1 an angel who war* sent to

ielp me.' 'But yoa forgot the tracks iasnow. Tbey were just tbe P I » of

mr boota.' 'Tracks I Was dey anyicks?' 'Yes.' 'Well, dat'annffln agin

an I see. I 'spec, de angel bad to.a' alongside de wood pile to load n p /

of (he Jurors seemed to take thisiw of tbe oase and the result was a dis*

igreemeut.—Detroit Fret Preii.

in French Women Cross tke MtreeL

Oress" writes from Paris to tbelicago Jitter- Ocean / It is a treat to see

Farislenue croBs a mndfly street SheIvances tip-toe to the edge of the pave-ient. There ehe poises like a birdlady for flight, and then deftly sue

her dress more than enough toiow her embroidered skirt, the dainty

and elegant bottines, and withoutiore delay she trips across, toe and

beel barely touching, and mud refusing

oling to tbe fairy feet that hardlyive an impression of i t Landed on

other side, she gives her fine feathersittle shake into place, and passes on

ith shoes tbat look as if pat on at that)ment.Watch an Englishwoman immediatelyiBrward, Sbe readies the curbstone*

comes to a dead standstill, and stolidlyintemplatm tbe muddy road. Finally

selects a route. Then very cautions-she lifts her shoes, making sure that

tops of her boots are under cover,id then slowly advancing, sbe pate

right foot out—plum it goes, the.ter ooaing over it, and then splash 1Josh I until the other side is reached,lien with soiled skirt* and soaked shoes,

proceeds on her wet and muddy way.Nothing could,be more aharacteristia

their respective nationalities, and•thing oonld be more amusing than

mntual contempt for each other's)

Sense from the Lluie Kiln,''Down on de Central Market de

idderday,' tiegan Ihe old man " I hearaman longin' fur a chance to become a

heto. E e wanted to perform some!brave act. He wanted to lay himselfmt on sultan* horoio- He wantedinve hjsitelf; pinted out us a big gun,

d he Borrowed bekase de day ofleroics had. passed. I moved arena'

him and looked him obcr. He had onflbin two weeks ole. His faa'r was

mg an1 greasy. His ftio- aa' bandsleaded soap an' water, I 'apect dat his

chiU'en war bar'f uted an' bis wife oblee ;•!

edto take in v,iauin'. i war sigh in1

:o be t) hero, an', de obanoe war rightbefo* him. Few of ns kin be trade spotia time to save railroad trains, steam-boats an' hotels from fire and kolisuuWe can't diskiver plots to blow np operaIOUBDB. De water am so ooJd dat waiato to jump into de ribbex, au' save deives of a sknle houHO full of c' iU

But sinoo | saw dat would be hero Taebeen wonderin' if, de man who workssteadily, takes good keer of his family,pays bis debts, tells de trnf, keeps on deien' side of de golden rale, an' carries ailean monf aroun1 wid him wn not abontis big a hero aa da Nineteenth century;in bring forth. Its my opinyun dat he

sm, an' X'ae gwinB to insist on greetin1

sich men as entitled to admiration an'respect"—Frae Prat.

"Nothing," remarks the PhiladelphiaNewt, " BO takes the conceit ont of tn<Lverage man as to order bis paper dis-

oon tinned, and tb<in see tbe editor goingalong and gettiug rich without him.

Why are a true lover'a visits like aiccessful nawBpaper ? fiecarjBe they

commence weekly, then become aemi-wookty, then beer me tri-weekly, dtbsn daily with Bnnday supplement.

Hi, boy 1 I'm a stranger in townt

Tell mo where I can get some wax," Andthe boy st-nt him to the school mast*beennae be said the &choolma!>tBr hadmore wliaoks tban any person he knewof.

flow to Trade Mules." M?'eperienoe in .lis life hasdat the man who sw»p9 mules wideyea shut am sartin to git de wnst obBrudderiy feeliog goes & good ways

case of sickness, or want, or death ;it Beldom reaches down to a hosa

pade. If I warbuyin' a mule of a manid knowed all my life I should begin

de hoofs and look that animile oberup to de point of his nose. I

ildn't spect him to tell me dat h»filed down any teef or puttied oberhoof cracks. My advice am nob to

01 deceive in trading mules, bat toiswer as few qoeshnos as you kin an"

m Bort o* keerieas whether your offer•ceptedornot"—Detroit FnePreu.

It was getting BIODR veil io the nightie yawned and then asked him if be•er saw a snapping turtle. " One," be)lied, " in a show." Said she,' "It 's

funny, but do yon knoW you sortialnd me of that biroY* " Why V*

asked, "Oh, yoa bang on so long,"looked oat of the window into tbo

ikoesfl, said it looked like rain and'd be going.

Tbe Proper Way to Uutner Wilflls.

Andrew** Bator Bays " eathered waiste

very mnoh worn," If the mea wouldither the waists carefnlly and notueeze BO like tbe blazes, they would

he worn eo maob. Some men go toork like wasbiug sheep, or raking and'ndiog. Tbey ought to gather a waist

though it was eggs, done np in a fua-Bhapad brown paper at a grocery.

At tbe ball: Once (whispering)—•What lovely boots your partner's got,laryl" Mary (ditto)—"Yes nnfortu-itely he ahioes at tbe wrong end."At Chattanooga a wedding dress van

n&de for a bridesmaid in five boors,be had lost her trunk in a railroad sc-lent, and there waa no time to spare*" Oan there be happiness where tbeireno love 9" solemnly qneriea an anthera book on marriage. Not much hap-lew. perhaps, bnt if the girl is awfully

rich there can be lots of fun.

A. young couple in their honejmoon•6 dallying languidly with the grapes at

dessert. Sbe says : " And yon don't"nd it tiresome, all alone with me? Yoa

re quite, quite iure tbat yon don'trish to go hack to your bachelor ljf«

again?" Eesays : "Qcito,mydarliog." udeed, married life !B BO awfnlly jolly

iat, you know, if 70a were to die to-

igbt I'd get married to-morrow."

Snooks went home the other night af-Iioted with double vision. He sat for

me lime with bis sleepy gate rivetedMrs. Snooks, and then complacently

remarked : " Well, I declare 'f you twoels don't look *souf{h alike to be twins."Boston editors know more than most

QSO. Oneot them deliberately s i y a ;'Mile. Bernhaic't, who is grace personi-ledandwbose every movement is (howetry of motion, does not wear con-eU,md three Boston woaen have followed


A gill in Diblin strnok her oroqaekpartner on the hetd witb a mallet *Vain fever tet in, ind the young B U Bnearly died. The girl was kept uridf£irrest nntil his recovery, and when KB

got well BUS married him and now- «'•sorry hBtUdn't die, " ^

Page 2: LUMBER B Ctest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/... · Arp iidly prone to talk Of nutter* tbst ooneern va not, And otber*' ftjliei mock." I've bnsa IbfnUng 1! ire'd begis

^ilE IRON ERAThe Dover Printing Company,

, Jui!» 1st, 1880.

THE NEW YEAR-t\ii If ginning of aunther yenr comes to

t h e Blirevvd, cooi-lifiiidtdmtiu of affair* ju

fi doubt if iiuy Yulc-tula 6*liv.tl evtgtit uioro j > j lo the v*lQl>to "f t l l iB t u w

did tho liwt. I*U. r biul been plentyafuir, mill tliugtiniruHitciil.itiuuor tli

currency w-"1 s 0 eqn,ilizi;ied to bnv« a little

l tbat (

tbutw w nhiuil to

vitne^ l immy

as any oilier period of lime comeo. Hewaston no fipntiinunt over tha departure ithe old, cr tbe coming of the new yeai'liwoK oml teaHonH itro alike to biui, eioeran tU^ytiivo varied opiiortmiiUinity for theexiruiae of hid power*, or for iwwtiou of money or position.

Hut to the muss of mankind there arualwuja thoii^lits, more or less soleuu, of tbed a m n i n g old year, aud more or Iisf joyouscf ibo coming now year. O a r division oftime into y s u n is not arbitrary, it in nature'.o ui way ormnrJiing periods. While everyone iu to all outward seeming tho same Inperson and in cireuinstrinceii ou the last dayof the old yenr and on tlrn first dny of tbinow, j e t them in a. propriety, apart fromg e n ral human cubtoni, in paying special at-tention to thuH4 lapses of time. Who, thntis not eutiruly burdened, caa avoid or wouldavoid broking hank a* tuo year draws to it*close, andcoinpariughfr couditiouiit the bt>giiiuing and nt the end of the year ? T h e nis always an t lement of na<lness iu retrospect.However one may bavo been prospered,sOiiiettiiug IH apt lo he .musing, Very few canreview a whole year with perfect sotisfition.

I f tills wero all, tlio close of each yearwould find the race of nion tui-orablidied. Huppily wo uro BO constituted tbatwa look forward mow thuu backward. Aint I'ju tliresuoh. of a new year, who is notfull ol hopEH of nchiuviiiK new miecefisi s,rt t i iuviug moral or m-tUriul failures, oftlolnu -Lose tiiiiiRH whiub ought to he dona,and of leaving uDilone those things wbi

1 • I am gning to turu over n new lenfthe flint of January," IH heard on all Bid™.Jlul how oftfcii it in tbe same old leaf thatturned ovtr y m r nfter year. How miurmen tako tip tho book of lifo just whore Ibltf I it u yenr nf(O. Thus Ibo ptoci'us ({OPH <your after yenr, nnd no real I'rogroKsii.mlo. Vt.y ia this? Mniuly bromine mi

. liivve i) tnho notion, or R wenk piTfonuauonf whnt Ihfy should he j t r m n g after.Mainly litcBiiHo tho DIEUS» of niatauooilTiiiuly striving year nftcv year to attain wliulit enils h a p p i a t m Ah, if men would bilfnru that iiBtftilucHH, not uiippinusa, U tli,highest piruuit , tharo would be feot the OIOHO of uaeh ytar , and fewtr ohhaves to bo turned over anew. Evtirv Dmty.ti IHJ useful, f«w fan bu always happy.

" Not enjojttii'nt and not sorrowIs our destined end or way ;

But to live that emsb to-morrowH u d UB farthar tbau to-day."

tin. b n y t n «»<> filial nil the storea wnl keptM tnriwuum b w in rti»jf.iiK fe™^ B u i l l u

ChrUtuws fiiiU In ilia HlreetH nl

auv thai) might he i[iieAitrd boiui'l,tlisllk.ii<fe of \'

thn port ut New York, uH of thfi forciyu coiiuuoroo

cling for the histtwelve mouths to uoarly one thousand milion rtollnrfl, hna been uorriud ou under felgn flitgK. If one year »go this proportioubad lieeu revened, nud tbrec-foiirlbs of thevojtselH bad locu jmrchiwed outright uiflonled tbe Bten and Siripes, ononuous a(]viititngBB woulil hiivo accruod to tbo peophof this country. Tba carniugs from tbetrausportntiou hick and forth of uearly uluehundwd millions in value of produce numnmifiicturerw vonld bavti bean retuiued itho United Bluteit, Employmout wonlhnvo been givou to every udvunlurouyouth fond of tho sea, lo every idle baud foiwhom tbero was no opcuiiig ou shore, nud truituy r ir whom tho broad menu in n phioifttfety iu scouring ccuipitrativu frceiloui fnnit!i« tftnptiitioiis they cannot escape ou 1au<Who would have uucti injured by it ifbrief net of Ccjtifjreiw had hcun piiKBed a yparago petinitting BUCI) a trunsfer of foreig

t i i uaUtoA 'n t r ium owners? Not u Te>fle]hm would have been built throughout allour «ido domain. Nol au irou foundry,nor shipyard, unr n single mecbntllc woollotto an order or n day's work by Ibo change.On tbe contmry, evrry one nkillml in tbo artwntitd hare had bin hands full to rcpuir nurefit ihe «o*ly acqnired property.

At presfint tbeuep

i uro repnirod nni• refitted, except in enno of absolute necessity,

in foreign auipyimlH, Allowing them to he-euuie nationalized and to suil under IboAmerican flag nnd with American refibtlerswould lead lo a new era in Americanbuilding. Thepurehi.se of vesaeh awould be only a lejjiuniiig. nnd whenAmerican cipitnl, now idle by the inilliouB,linil been put into tbifl form of enterprise,<tetnnud for Americnu cr.ift would vorflpeodily nrlta But in order to meet suchdeinirarf unlive capital inuist become inleestad in fibipowningnud ho aclivisly enduedin competing for Iho ocean carrying fiwle;and the Hliipownirg industry ou a larfiecm be set on foot iu ibis counlry only byallowing our citizen* to lunke a fuir blurt byat Qrst buying hhii>a wh>.ro thoy can bithem cheapest. When they once KCI Blurtedin ibis wny thoehipUuililiugiutereHt lit homewill have no reason to complain, for itsclientage will be very largely increased.What our shlpytirdf. most lick now is i


Trouble in Hunterdon,Ann now comes the IHMVH that the peoula

who biivo been conducting tbe affairs of ourcontity ot Hunteriion are to be

investigated. Tho I'xpowurcs of tho doingsof offlclili. lu Warren, 8amers«»t and Middh«ox, bave shown BU much of corruption, thaia movement hiw bueu aturted in Huuterdiio uncover some wipposeil illegal trauHStioos of an tillered ring in that Bounty. Suera! ypnra ago tlio peculiar raBthotla of build*ing bridges iutlmtojuuty were eiposed inthe ptipert, bnt tbe prepoudorauoo of Domc-flntlio iufliienCB In tho county, and (he ..putbyluid timidity of the HepublicauB, pruveutodnny notion being taken. But a fight is nowiu progress between the Fidcock nud Birdfictions of the Douiocrucy, which is likely tobriug oat icmo uainogiug facts and lead tojudicktinveatigatlou of the aflairs of Uiecoanty.

The Kearney Status,t h e Btatne of General Phil Kearney wm

unveiled in Newark, Taesduy. Among th<prominent ppreonages present were GeneralGr.inl, Ocnernl Sburmun, General W»gnerofUieG. A. R, Qovtrnur McClellun uudetiiff, Qfiuorahi Hilpatrick, lfr>tt, Hawley andSswtll, Morgnn L. Smith, Justice Bmdley,JudReB Depup, Diion, Scudder, and mem-bers cf tba legultttira. After Ihe unveilingof (he statue euno ft very eloquent oration byCkillaudl Purkor, After the oration tbe in-vited gneita werB escorted to Standard Uall,

1 whera tbry wen entertained with a 1»D-qot t

It WW high time n mouuuieut stood ap inVev Jersey for Pni). Kearney. Ho soldierof tho wujsurpanaed him iu obivaloos iloingg.

i Mexican National Railway l.ad Asend-off in New York on Tuesday

when tlie subscription booki for tbe bondsand blocks weie opened, It ia Haiti Hisamount subscribed was in exceus of Ihe$15,000,000 of securities offered. Tba com-pany propout lo construct a main line ofrailway Irani the city cf Htiioo ta tlie bout),dory line of Uw United States near EaglePiua^ou tbe Bio Grandf. It is deuignoJ toconnect this Hue with the Southwestern•ystura of milroidp, so as to fnrm a trunkli»c from the Uaican capital to New York.

One immediate reason for the failure ofthe Democratic Congress to mike any con-siderable progress in necessary legislationbefore tbe holiday* was the hot that it &tno time mustered a quorum. It was in thepower of the Kepubliean minority to efftut-uslly obstruct progteia, but no dispositionw»s Hhown to doing ao. But the fcuK lieswith tbe abstntees, vbo dm« their pojr lorwork they !sU to do.

•iUe SDWX Nstiooil Sank IWM oovtr 9913.000, the iftrgest mnonnt 011 record,U 1 bai ubo jnrt declared* semi-jHiDtul dh•

i ich uprepared witli i•uronioroiuteriwtiiii:iSlivitieB of the

pHRH]IVTtllU.ii• e» observed in thiit Ohuu'hye. The duly dcuonitimi ut tbeoatlfullr4j*l1(Hi'iH».»M"H

' peojleiLh their HTUIH ln'lenjkrtgtH. Iii nil l«o l»-riitt muH ov« fell iu inurei vicinity tliun it hiul

A pir.Wiiut Mature ofvt-r in tba geneml xic-uucLiiu with the Snu-rHroanr (hi* y d r were

and, if poiitfihle,

ustfour o'clock, for which occasion thechurch WIUI detorultul in cicellBLt taste, Tba

idovra wiire bordered with green audbanks of th« Hums filled the lyd^ta, upouwliich v t r v luid croaaes, s t a n , tn-foils andothor emblems. Under each wiudow wan a

:riptural quotation in text, and such in-w!riptioun as ' ' U u t o ua a Lord i* Horn,""Unto us a Bon is Qm-n," ' J JeLold tbyKiug Cometb," •' HoKannah in tba Iifgh-L-«t," and others equally appropr ia te wereiiotio-d. In the ebsneel was * splendid

plftyiDB in t h e t o pUuv. Mr. tiishop con-

i hrUtmiui tree, diiStar (if Bi ' thiuheu.duoted thu excrcin«fi, tha introduc ory partof which coDBJHted of ii portioa of the

ch servioe, Scripture rsudingn and tining of carol*. ' Ibuu U r . liinhop niudt)

X brief wldreiw from tbe text, " The bl*nfedpuny of all faithful people," which Ii*

explained ii from the service celebrating



tbe Holy E-icharist. Tho i

gnu loft. Thef r l | J

if«*niD « u mi aiubluaulio

ItUtfurui wiis IIIKUil. upi.n Ik-

•IU *if Otiriallun olmwtl'-r.u fimiiilitioi). DprjiiiniiiKWiirk of n temple pur*nf which wuu iiiecribud Ibe

ir Iho <oij»Thf WocU f"ijtlii wuro mu le in imibniui. o:

M, itiiil innli donntftil Komu t n ir.f ('Ilarmier. Ai for iaprtisiMiluil hy t?»«J*l; virtue

liy \M\Kf, kWl»IfilK« I'J »«• tur(]UniK0-,y [iearl ; fl-illiii«« ">' "Pl ' l i iw

by ihe ruby j ]">- '*y llw inn

f..niMtt.t f,ii!ii w.vi

•nn lent men I t»y on hi In

ift-d Iho pn«t«.r ro«d »u np|impri,itScrijiturit test, n wM r brmiylit He UnatothfpUvirnrmmiil m.nhi A roeitnllim fwiiient to the subject, and SuperlutouiieuN-'iBhhmii »ml hiK n*sislnnl \A\veA them iposition, tbe *I»I1B Ihrnilng n beautiful **iitclno and a hauilsnino.y eoontroclou titniploTIIB usiTfho w * tli" cottiposlsifHi nf tho juutor, Kiiv, W. AV. liillowitj, Jr. , who is tu b

ill"" lt» After tbi

Ing for thonol l» put nff, nud Ihntn C h n

ipuciitl prizes wire (lo tivdvt.1 ticlHiiud t » o Ijnyu who ff* I"rhblmtlm bad liaoii jwrfcot i» tttaudiin mL-uioriziuR vewfli, iu kiuitrledgd «f tinciileirhiHin, iu l«.irii,r.B ibo lensonH nutl iipnrliuuiit. Aii'illif-rrnrol wit* BUDU and IhiMeliool ttuH fritoite udjmirned to Ilio r .oihchiw. l i t r e a dwelling pinto for ftmtnClaim hud be™ couMtriicted Iwforo whichniKilber iuterwliug tuorefso took nlnae.eymiiiltteewiMiHi.piiiiiti'il to wull nn Haulmid lettru if he bid bniURlit RifW to thischool. Iu aiiHwer la their knoek nt the cot't»no Iwo dw-rtrf Berviiufc* appeared, who uppriwidold K m * cif lhf i rvwHnud lie mudibiBiipiienmuce thrmigli tho elilmney. tl*WIIH nt firfit of Ibo opinion thnt he Li\d noth

I. hut tbe comuiittoc woiil, tarth

..eh fi»uii«l n supply nf Hn°d tbinK» inml But a now ililBculty nroBO baonw

IIB liad notliing to pu t thom in , hu t nfleiiltHtinn tbU WBI Botllml by tinpf n fairy, who provided Blocking*, iui<

every ncliolar ffiu treated to n slocking Illlei•ith gnod th ings thus ending » VCTJ' """'""

nble etityrlaiuinent for the partictpimtB. OnCHItlnTMAH D1T,

, WHB held in S ' . JUIIU'H Chnral.,,e newly oilled Itectrr. R « . D. D[>fCnnuocliciit, prenohed

tbut is hi«li1y «p«keii of. MBHSBB wcrt> Miiilit threo diffi'rent "ours ° f ^6 morningSt. Mury's Chnrcb, They were mudu oom»-sint« for n|ie(!inl offi-riuRnftT tbo ruiluctinnf tlw d«ht nf Ibe cbiircb, nnd the eoutriliutioiiBUniotmtedtu about *425. Abant tavitbo day was n qniot one, nnd wns mnrked hio mniHinil danionfitritions. Tho

FI113T ltf, E, OBDHCtl BUKDkT BCHOOIfchi'lil their Cliriutimw tree oelebntjott on

: uigh' , beulonfug nt hnif-pnst nio'clock. The ducom lions of tli4 clmrclwere mnro ehibonite anil bandKOiiier thniianytlii'iR ever before Attempted, nine bindrml feet of etPrRrocn rone hnving l ecn usedin tbe o ntiition, Prom Ihe side wallto thocciliiipf pondentBwere •impended, nmfrnra tho ccilitg corners to tbo center wen

featoonB. l'rom wbere tlieyfjdttered tit iha centre wns Hvung n inhome HIIOD, of (jilt, bordered with green,which wiw eight fi-ot blgb and seven feelbroad. Under tha nrch behind tbo pnlpiidepemltd a crffli HPVBII f«ot ltiph, v i t b ceit t r nf gnlrt, eitgod with _ carmine nnd thewhole burJereil with Rroon. U[>on the faceof tbe crnsB vm i\hnndniino atnr, eonttriicteof tbo KftUie luiiteriiih nwl IDIUID brilltatit bynflnctors. On tlie wull on each BIIIB Vgrern borilereil eliield, with golden gronntami nsare bar, and upon the h t t o r t h e wort" Fnilli," in white. Two ChrUtnms treiRniL'ed (be pulpit pid«a, and two liliea inblanin, one white nnd the otber red,added to Ihe tflYct. U|>on tbe wnlls weiBt-ripluml quclativnii tipjiropriate to the day.

The exercises weie icitor«perscd through-out hy the singing of now ChriBtmao cmounder the direction of Chorister J. H

George. Prtiyet i offered by Itev, MiThe infant clnw pnsenled

Huccewii-n of etcreises which were londlynpplmdeii Bnd evii.c»-d Ibe careful traiuinftof their leacbir, MIBB Litzie Morrow. Atihe coiichiKiou of Ihtir part t l e y Rurprisedtho Siiperlnleudeiit with i\ beautiful boqaetof tu l flowern. Old Snnliv Clans etilcred thechurch nnd look n ptorolaent sent amid mncb

and excitemeut. Declnmatlons anleg b j older members of lite school fo

lowed, tbB CbrlstniftH trees were lighted,and each member of Ihe fichool wtis preneuteiiwith ft pitU coutaiuine coarecUouory onnuts. Then old &intn L'lani revealed him'self, And to the Rnrpr.R0 nnd deliftbt of alt h ewos found to be Mr. Of. Garrobrant, of Fat-eraon, a former Superintendent of tbe School,who h*d been wcrelly procured foi the p a i -


A rule of the scfeool pKT nted the givinjof prcsentB at tbU time, but a number wereprivately made to officers teacburiaud schol-arf. On ChriBtmat eve Ibe tencben of Iheschool mflile a surprUo VIBU to th« hoaie oftheir Superintended, John 5. Oilflon, andp r i n t e d him with an elcgnut swinging icepitcher nnd mUR, or (diver; from Harrii'fi.LsaiuUnt Superintendent Disteway mndB Ibpre»entRlion Bjwecb. On Weduealny even-ing of thin week the ndnlt claw of Mr. J. It.George mnde him a "nnn>riB«" at He homeand nretented him with a superb copy of theBible Qulbry lUiRtntei) by Dorr. Mr. Mun-son Searing, tlie late orgaulst of the school,wu "enrpHiwd" on Friday mning, by thigift of a luiorbm* easy chair aud s napkinring.


ujoyod a merry occasion at their churchon Ohrialmiui night. Festoons dependedfrom Ibe cenUr of the celling, where & oolired light wtu auHpeaded, to tho gollcry pil-

Inni, nud the pillars were twined with green.Noor the pulpit was one oi the Iurgeit andmost cyminetrlcnlly formed Cbristmiw treaiws liara ever seen. I n proportions uonldnot have been more petffct if they had beentrimaiec.fartlieoecwloii, Tbi snrc imofthe school, uaiet tht direction iif Saperintendent Uartiri, wen of* moit aaUHaiaiagehsAater. Tbe recitutiou snd mufiical te-leotiona bj the sohntnra wet* nil goad, nndthe ringing of tbe icbool «&• eioellint. AUtha ohildnn were nmembetvd with hojeiof confectioner]', snd many ipedal giftswere made to officers, teachers and ichnUm.Members of fiimilies also utilized tha happyoccasion for nuking gifts to CBch other, inc.added considerably to the enjoyment of theglad occasion, Amoog Ibe surprised reoipienti vos tbo pastor, Rev. J. L Oil!, whoreceived a remembrance in tbe shape ct a

indxotne dreming gown, and Hre, Oil! re-iped a wrapper. The wife of Snperintend-it VstJn reooived B fioo gold watch and

oluiu from bar boaUud.ST. JOBE*i l i pp iTH BCUOOL

had thsir Chriitmas Iree, will} accompuiy-,4ag f^livltlea, on Mood.; afUrnpoc at haU

ion of faith'fulneea and bleBaedueii was his tinWhile the Kcbool uaug the carnl, " G a t h e rAround tbo Christina* Trne," the tree WBIilUmilntitid by A multitude of l ights, whiciu the deep twilight presented » benutlfieffect, While the lighting was going cJlr. Bishop engnged in BOIUO HIOM reniarksrespecting tha Cbristinaii tatifal. Thbiithe giftn were d i s t r i b u t e and flvrry &eboluriu the Mihool f i d remamberad in aHtautial manner. The carol, " I ' a r e w t l l iolieu, 0 Christmas Tree ," followed, a

after tbe Hinging of other carols tho tx<

i-iscs rere brought lo a clone,AT M0BRIB1OWW

the OUriKtiuuK-tide brought, ia URUAI, tnanjokhervances In the oburuheu.t m i w was held m St. Fetal

Epi^oopnl Church and it and tha «ervica oft moruiLg were largely attended.

The uhurob was very tastefully decorated.The Dhuruli of the Uedeemnf wna artintiea l lydress td for CbriMniaa. A'hatiDiil ficreou extuuded from tha wull t<Ihe floor, which was intertwined wilh sviyreena and laureU. At the Cfariituiu fos-

of thin Bahbnth BL-hool a JunolIndder, lieimly l a J m with gifts wm t!principal attraction. All tbn other ohurch

I* tbo town wore hmidi-omely dwornUd aitho tibildren of each Sabbath School we

ibMautittlly r*inuinlieri?d.

At Miwlitnn tho tyisuopnliim, Pnr-Bl)it.-ri:imid Mtihodist Oliuruhiw worn deci.mltbeRtilifully forilifl occiibiini, mid thfru weiinanyflnii'ftftttmK in Iho Hiiblmth S.lmuBlebntlmiB, imimiuent niuititj! which wiii novel iiilro-iiictioii of SunU CIIHIHRI tlPrfuhyt.riau Oliunsb. All day OiiriBlimpxerel'svH wYrahetil in thu M. E Oliuroh atlihnlliain, which wiw fluely IriiuuiBd

AtTais lppnny tlw SE- K. ^nMntli Hchuohud a vary ji lenuut tLtortaiunieiit ol-'hrlbtniBsovo.

Tbo llnptiBt Hiihhiith Sclinolut Druko^villlintln joyful time on Cbri«tma« itve. Tlieutt-rtaiimieiit was firct-mt', ami fromflue tree cverj meutbpr reeuivad a |{i't Lthe coucliiffion.

In all tlie fmirriabbi.th 8clunl-< of Idn-.to1i;renliunoutcrliiliiii.eiiln wiT't ijiveii, mi

in overy iim'i\tiP6 ilm int:iulii*r<« «l" Lhi- r-uhoitto trtMili-il tn CbiiHtm^ «ifi».Both of the Flan J e n Babbalh Schools h*i

very eujoyublu eiitcrtniiimtnitH mill nil of thieuihorii were substantially roiui n i b i n d .Other obBerranoQB are noted tbroitgboutir columns by ourdifftrcnt correepotideuts.


Dorainio B,\dtr is conductiicdiug at tho New Foundliind M. E

Church.Doni.tilo VreeUnd is insisting in bttildiuf

n new Bnptint chnrcb at Btouetown, newVViMMque, iu Wnyni

Hilton bad its Christmas Tree on Wed'Tienday eva after Obriiitmai at tlie Uiltoshurch.

Frank Mosier him establislied nn ngeno,for freeh oystcrB «t tlio Corner House sNow Foiindlnml.

A btautiful npechnen of white weasel wascaught at New Foundland & few days since.

Voting and middle-aged mm should mani-fest lutareet enough to organize s DebntiiSociety at Now Foundlnnd, in which theymight profitably spend their evenings iusteadof loutiginf! about, tbe hotel) nnd itor*>i.

Willinm Steer and others have beeu van-dalizing the benuty ol twrnaps at wholotalcto supply tho Paterson market with Ohrist-

lan trees. This should not be allowed.Tbs Uuion Benefit Society at Stockholm

i struggling for its reorganisation. W*should regret to lose sight of no good an or-ganization, after Eavitg to our Uipayernhundreds of drilt.ru (>y itsiuvestigatiug com-mittees.

Somebody hints thnt Milton line a " uhcolmarra" who IB willing to bosrd around.Perhaps it would be belter for some of ouinchool diBlricta it ttnehen wmild boardhome until they bud attained n proper ngifor lenehirig.

TUeo. Brown Jfl Isying in A good Btook olbuilding material to ruetjt the demand of th<bnildtra tbis coming year.

Now in n good time lor a plenisant surpriBeparly in which our deserving poor should beibe recipients, to nid them in passing thim inter comfortably. Every village has iworthy cbnrnctera that should be aided.

Miss Lillian Crayon, a youug lady uot y. : her teens, has a fine diaplnv of wnflowore copied from nature, from flower*found In tho garden and fteld. She ha-proved an adept at this artistic work,

It is rumored tbat the water Is io be take;from tbe ihafla of the WillUniBvllle minije i t week, au4 th»t mining will oommecciafter Boma needed repairs. Tlieao uiii

ave not been worked in some yearn.About U» teams are engaged in liivjlrai:

ore from the Canister mine to tho Stockholmdepot, from which place it is ahlpped toFranklin Furnace.

Mr. Joseph P. Lelghton, a former teocherat New Foundland, is now teaching at Win-aqne,N.J.

The goasipB are busy in fixing the exacttime of ths next wedding to take place alNew Foandlaud.

Mr. A. L. Diy, of Paradise, celebrated hibirthday en Christmai b j a large famll;gathering.

The Eov. It. R. Thompson ot the NewFoundland Presbyterian church, has droppedBotne of hii mwly appointments owing to 1"'1 health.

A New Tear's party «t New Fonndlund hy^imB of our young folks will be given iuwhich three grandfatbem and four grand-mothers are invited. The third and fourthgeneration seldom meet without being in-clined to be (.

The New• and feitire.

indlatid Baptist SundaySchool held their Christmas festivities onTuesday eTentnfc- after Christmas. Tbechildren and thoee of older growth enter-tained the audience by recitations, dialoguesand readings, sndlng by dlBtributing thecifU from the Chrlstmu Tree, and tbe goodhbjp from Bauta CUui

Mount Hops.The Sunday School of the II. E. Ohnrcl

had a grind time on Christina! Eve. Theohurch wu finely trimmed with era*n,Ohrlitmu Tree beautifully adorned with at-tractive gifts for the ohildrm Banta Clauaappeared in full dress, t° the amoBement ofK>me( to Uia larpriae of others, sod to thraUnn of a f«w. Hie oScen and teacherswith schoitn vent ovtr the Ane programmeof " Th< Viiit of the Magi," to tho great de-

BbtofthBsndUnie.The whole affair reflected gnat iwdil on

tllvho had to do in projecting tbe enter-tainment. The oSoen and l*ftcbers of the

feel under ipedal obligation to Bu.-Wllianw for the deep in-p M

tereit be manUeaUd fcn4 Ih* Bid he gave.A nob treat Is anticipated on ffetgrdayenlug of this week In listening to the lec-

ture by Dr. James Strong on what hi b uwen in Bible lauds.

Ohristmt* bis brought joy and glsdneumost of the families or Mi. Hope, Many

if the gifU to tho children from pirentfl,L, at their homes hare cost but little, j»t

tbt»H I*''* ond* both thi paitnts and thehildren happy.The pastor, Her. J. K TutUo, preached a

CbriitmM atrmoB on Sindajf morning.

ipper oauio first, I t was folioivisd by >tinf(-ig, a prayer by the pantor, more uiugiuK, aleeuh by tbe i ter , Geor^H Miller, »nd theliutribution of the fruit ot those two troe».

,taid until 10 o'clock aud they wen' pickingortiii[jeH aud bauin&H off those trecn y«t.

may nfctmut, for tbe ohwgB, and hut for thrlucky oliauco of your viiit Inn*, sji Wl.y your imue of the llth iti-it., w« U)ii|htImvu existed iilmort nn uuVuowu factor inthe iunko up of little New Jeisey. We arehulf inuliued to b iieva itll the uiev

Ou Saturday e ren iug the PrcsbyturiaLS of \ y 0 U gnjd of us, if you are on Editor anilStaubope BB*« tbeir littlo people a Curi»t- i privtleg«(l to u*o. a good du*I of latitude

also. The tren wai ft niafjuifiueut j -llt u n i t i n g of Ihittgd iu g-u 'n t l . Usfidea,ii, beautifully litjhtiidup, and lookingu«| you bridly h in lo j at uertuiu propurntlom

.hough it hsd jimt coiiii; iu out of one ofeuuor'u miow stortiii.Tbis tree aUo was laditu with orauQeB and

candy and pm.mitH. Queer fruit. Therttwo autheins hy thu ch'ir, rceiintiuus

by tbo children, iutenpcniiid witb ei'ugiuij>y the icbooL The fruit of the tree WUH

then dtHtributttd. Supsrint^ndiiut Unvidionpresented Mr- Porter, who lius been fillingtbe pulpit for a few weeks and who in to bethe new pnstor, I premiiuo, with a nice Unip,

a neat little speech, aud Ur. Porter re-plied appropriately. After » little talk hythe pautor to the children, they wera din-

By 'J-MQ P. M, the tree was takendawu, the church awojit oleau audrumly for tiabb&th gervices. Tboie tliiugilake time and patience to get them up, utid

fjood de»l of work, but it innkei tbu littlifolks happy to know that iboy are not for-gotten on ChriHltnas.

Our Sunday Sobool at Port Morris had ().Will F- N. G. plewe i

tha ted ore imported fro

i we whethern Africa aud tha

inlands, of tlie ma hiw hum disuoveredwhere in the Uuited HMea of Anifirica? Ifwe produue thnt ore hats then tbc-n 1B uonieforce iu liia srguaifttt, if not, bow diinterfere with our honio industry V t askfor iuforinnliou solely.

Tha engine Ceoteunifil. which bun bueurunuing nround tbo road for four yu"numbered ii!), IN now murked 100.

Komcbotly in Allontowu tilled ToiMcQionu'H dog Suiurday nlgbt at hi« owugal.

The following offiwn were eleotod lnatMcndny evening by Olive Loilgo No. 41,I. 0. or 0. F, tii serve for the ensu ing term:N. 0., Janes W. C.iiii|ibell; V. <-., V. 3.UcDed*; 11. H.t W. 8, Newman j P. H., A.J. Drake j TmuBurer, Tboiiini MoliiiiuU.

Nn lunn who \a moro tbnn five f«»t lullshould go bmkicif nu a freight trnin if leilon't want to KL-t lli(* l i r i l ( i ^"'kau- ' r«°lulebt viutim ioa young mun nmued Audisr-sou, who was tunililfil uff tbe top of u boxtnr &t Port Murmy litfct week. He has auugly gmib acroKs hi« fort-bt'iid, nnd hits not•pokeu sa intollifihk word tibice last week,'lien the accident occurrfd.

Coudiictor l'ulrick 3. Hayes, of Wu«hing-ton, undertook to euupla ono or tliosenbomiiiflble coko enrs of thu I'fiunsylvauiilRailroad to a coal oar Uie other day mul gotbndly MiutfZ'd. Ho in K*-'*1'

i«h, and cxpeote to go to waik in a fewdiijs.

The Mailer Cur Hiiildcrii of tbe Unitedinttt held n nianKng in New York & cmip'e

of ymra ngo oiul took HOIUO teKtiuumy whicbnccordingta the HUH'H report, left tho iiu

siou on my mind tbat tln-y wcro trjiuRiy tho blame for all deluoU on tbe cur

inflpectors. Now thnHO moat potent, grmmid reverend fleiguiorn, my very noble andiipproved good master*, know very well thattiiti car inupcctors are not consulted at all,hout tho couHtructiou of railrond cars, aud

piling thki fuulta ou their hvadu in nil INext time thane gentlemen g«t together they

ight resolve on a uuifonu syutcm ofbuilding, and above all tilings make tbeiroars tho same hoight. There aro morobrukcraeu nnd oondnctorB maimed, woutidedand killed hy trying to couple hi«b and lowcars together tban in any other wayThose Ponnnylvnnia llnilrond coke can , lorbutanes, aro so high that when they comenei t to a cool enr in a train, tba ook* carsbumpers go right over the bumpers nt thecool cur, luid If they come together bnrd,rliich they Bomellmes do, the chances are

thnt Uie end hoards of the conl car arecrushed In. What would happen to a maif he wan between them then ?

For the namo reason when a train is goiijdown grade the three liuk is »pt to becoma

inpkd, thu tr&in breaks in two and ruuutogether, and there i s a smash up for whichHoniubodj hat to pay, generally the compnnvon which road i t ocenra. I migbt write acouple of columns In this game strain, bn t Iliopo I huve said enough to call attention ofthe proper authorities to this most import

tlm uburotcB, luufcjng tovordiw b k h was all true, and <n due time devttl-

i.d fruit, to t h s great tii>jf>ym»nt of tliatic toU, an well iis th« un.t imij ' juvenile.

Hut, you mwt be very ctn-tui not t> let thocat out of tin bag" m-xt tirni, a i d w* willmd you au iutiUtion Ut ha yrecent andike a oliauit* iu nt the p f inu t i and candj .H we did not Bea jou at either «f the gstb-

eriugs, wo will just giv« you a Uiut idea ofthu " d o i n V for tin* bfinKt of thoso u'ufor-LuQiite ouou who failed to bt> prt iuat .

Tlit) H. E. Cbnrah " ««Bt in" OD Ckrixt-ruaa eve, tnkiug tliua b ; the fomlock, BJ ahs4lwtij-n does. Tha roam bad been b*witi-fully tr i innud for th i occaaiop, with a raistdIilatforni ou the Itft of tha pulpit, a t d aCUrintitisn true in the want cor ier toadadwitb tli* jiifia of frital-i, tcliolatt and

A. Being hnuilrniindy l ig l t -d thavvt IOOU Qiled and tliu praliniinarTm andor iha dirootioB «f tba *icel-

great deul of mnii.euu-.il to thoio presout.Mr. Andrew F. Paiitiuitr, of this place,

inaried ou WoduueuUy ufturuoou of lu ttik to Wiis Funny IlaJeui, of Jcrwy City

Helghta, and returned with his brid* ti, lilioa Vedueadsy of this week. Two

ilher wtiliiiogtf took place during the pastday* burs, aud it in uaid uuiitber oas or

,wo tvill takti phue noon.i douation will bu iuad# to ih» psstor w

le U. 11 (-Lurch n u t Thiindty ev«mu{j,Lth, iu tb« ohuruh her*, whim it it to behoped thht all ibow who hivs sny iutereati the weifm of 'h» ehuroh rfi'U ha pnsint

iliiouuibuuioinathiugto^rditi support.Tha mills hers art idiiioit oompletol;onttJ for the Must at n*Uc, B. I?, ff.

leut fjfistnr, Itov Mr. g i i iUl byMr. IJowell, the JSupniutondent, wari

d ip ill

. m d to varied a i not to iii% tli«little cncn. who wore unoa gmlilted with,to iliwii, tha uiOHt itttsrsitiay (isrt of t inprogritjime. (5 if Is wer» diutrilmted rapidlyto their great untihfiwtioi). All want oil

THE COOPER MONUMENT,Having l i t rer ama tk« Gtitf t l l Ooupai

louiiiueut, •r»fl!«l by tk« fiseilj of ( isuiral', A. Ouoptr in tha cauial t r ; n t i r ChMtar,•il bainj curioui to viifit tha Damtscj , ita i» i the oh lu t iu Hurt .* •onatf, IT« a . • "

<lavi.aiui!i d t m a r v t r t * it, I t ii knotra a«ta« " f iaitt i i t Hill Cimetsrv " and I>M be-,ws«n Cb" t« r « d FliBdors o i fta l a m m uif t bill aoruiuandinu an eitessivB viaw aftho miuouBdiug country, with Black nvarflowiuj; thmiigk a r ia l a&d fattila valley • »' i« atoiuti, prtNAuliaga aariM of UuJioapr tttied i i iuMrMt and «f extnorctinarrmiity. The uais«l«ry WM originally tb*OH Hill Cliurch Yard," tha ruiaa u( tha

routidaUiou uf tbe eburnk, built ur»t»bl j aiig ISO yen» »tfit, bsiaj; itill vnibi i . Tha

lint uiiutaL«r uriaiaad orar thia cksrchn t k m &i th« chnrcli of Ittubiiry) V M

ly, ctcept thai tho jt a m «i who nhiatlpoaunts at the h-u$ none of h u frie-ud iu th»w i t pew, somet ime mlnji-d the innrk audhit Houifbody cd*" in the wn'ngploue. Boy-.tlou't throw peanuts iu tho bouva of God ;ilH uwthfr gentlemanly »or rtverent ; Ktran-ppr* take ootiee of it too, and tlio girii will

The i'rotjbylerian Ohurch githeriim was onHnttmliiy evening, Though th i weather wanKuMy, tbn Imuxu was flllrd to replution.

fervleva, conducted by tho ttuv. Mr., tho pantor, was opeasd b / a Curifituia»

enrol, in whiih nil joined Thou caino anorijfiunl nx'-rclac, nrrmujpd by Iho itautor, iuv. l , : j , r..i:;bl...|, ,,f t h i nuboUo took part,and were aallcd l>r nuinbcrR, oai-h givingletter of tbo alphabet a i they IOH«, airrprutinR o text from tho old tustmuentprophecies or Christ. Tlio eighteen Utter*

forming t inThou four wand talked

ordi " Ohrilt tbs wnndirfulmnti of uriotitu! tneiu n

nf tha coming Christ. They

ant subject to railroad men.Frnuk Laird goes from here to take Tohu

Humilton'a place on tho Elibernia ISino Bail-•oad Monday morning. Frank is a first-cliwu man and will give entire BiUiafootlon to

e new einplnvsra I have nti doubt.John Hamilton goea went to try his for

tuue. I wish him BUOOOBS, I remeni' erwhen John flret went on the HibcrninRailroad very well.

Tho chances ore now that Audcrsnn, whogot knocked off the top of a box car by thePort Hurray bridge may recnvor. Ha stalk a little they say. Hia skull is fracturedbut tho doctor Bays he can fix that if he isnot injured otherwise.

Al. Mase, who is working on the uighldrill, got thrown off tbo running board of acoal car tha other night, Ills head came iicontact with tho target of the switch, whichmade a hole in bis bend. He weut over toDr. Neldeu's, had it tewed up and carmright barir. to work, He said the newiug upof the gosh hurt bitn woreo than strikingagainst the target-

I SAW Air. Itobert Bald rlu'ii brother atStanhope the other night nnd did uot knowhim. He used to have a very black beard nndmoustache. Now bis moustache is a littlolight "thing of another color. Ho told ithat for some cause which he could not ex-plain, hia biwd and eyebrows had all fallennit.

DoUh Joha told c atery to-day of an oldgentleman in South Eoston, who hud somedisease af tho body, and the hair of hishead and faca nil caino oat in tbe same way.Ba tried all the doctors and they could dohim no good, To day he has not the flueiithead of hair in Enston, It [H aa black aa araven's wing and carls beautifully,oould not remember his name but be vto be watchman in Sheets'... Whan he wasasked wbnt be dons to make his hair growout no nicely he replied, it was praver donait. Many aud many an hour lie prayed toGod to heal him aud his prayer <swered. If he goes anywhere and hearsany one eay anything ngaiout God, or swear?ing, he cever says a word but he goes outand they never see him there again. Whenhe prays iu churoh he always gets on bUknees. That it the kind of man to arguewith Bob IngersoII, He knows, Bob don't.That is all tha difforencB between them.

Will tbe Easton Free Presa man find oathow much truth there is ia this story audgive us tbe man's name.

I aee tbe Sun takea the ocoaiion nf Dr.Obapln'H death to aocuae tbe orthodox chria-Uana of going back on the good old doo'rineif literal hell-fire and brimstone. If there

sbonld he a hell after all though, whatwould become of tbe Sun r

What strange ideas got Into oblldrou'sheads 1 " Papa," said one of mine the otherday, " b,pw do people know there la a heaven

helL Did any body over go there andoomelacktoUUoHtf'

I would liko some of your reverend readersvhp make Umology a Bludr to answer tbeboi'i tjuesUw through the ooitnutu of tbe

iif.One of tbe wtather prophets predicts that

• e a n going to have enow on twecty-sixdojs in tha mouth of January. He uightjuiit sa well luva mude It tfairty.-ons. Vb»t

the UM of being itingy about saoh »littXathing as thai J

People in the vicinity of Franklin, Ham.-3UT£R aud McAfee h&re col recovered fromtbe panic caused by thn roacnt apiKtaratueof a mad dog in thow plicae, which fait manyother*.

i joined hy tlie Hli'jiliprdi anil IM th« ;CD nf Ihu c x p « t « l MQKHIIIII, K largrspiirnticy wiia uuonvfrt'd rt^vmtling tbii k "Chrl i i t tho wonderful," and t h i

fj|Tf.ri'itis rang itrou", " O l o i y lo Ciotl oiutrth, rx-'iice, giioil trill fo men," followed byHiiitiible [s iU of ui>w ti'HtauieulHcripturcetohtifjiug of Ohriht as. the Bavin ur of men.

A ijinrl'-'lto WAS Hitmlrnlly reudo»d bythe homo tnlnut of tho church, th« SOID, byn young lady (onohrr of the Suuday Ebtiiiig oi'ppolally fine,

But bark I wbnt mean those bclU ? a rust-ling viw) hoard and out from the roneHRos oa (jimint old fire place, jus t revealud by tbilifting of a curtain emerges old Siintit Olnu1

In full costume. He Beemcd quitu mipthed to eee en many iifctoiNOOU from cri|xicioitn ntoren fuuml KDUIUfor nil.

It wan announced tbiit tlio Bnporiutetw Hick and unable to ba present, w

nil rfrgrelted, but that a It t ier from him tothe Bchool would ha read by a monibor orhis family. Harry Informed tho pastor tbni;liere wan a niPRsngu for him nlao, aud IKnwii t id Ibo reading. A few brief word,recognizing hk labors for the pleasure andbenefit of tho school, and a pleasant gift b jbis friends of pure'gold was placed in HUband-<. I t was a onmplete Burprise, and wasBuitnblv acknowledged by a few well timedand hearty thnnlis,

A Bong of pruUe nnd the benedictioa bythe pastor, and tha crowd quietly separatedfeeling that they had really enjoyed" l i e r ry Ohribttaas."

. Mint Hill>Christmas passed off quiellv nnct ihoer-

fully here. There were no great demonstra-tions of joy, no special atuufctmeuU duringtbe div, hut In tho evening the bright ligtitbot fell from avary window, the peals •merry lnughler and th* sonndi of sweetmuiio thnt rang upon ths cilcnt air. apnkaof a hnppy, joyous time withiu. " 'Tin midnight's holy hour and silence now ii brooding like A gaulle Bplrit o'er ths still DmpuUek'Ha world." Ths belli are tolling thdirge for '81). Their melancholy smuiduhave died away aud out rinifs tlio joyouttgreeting to '81. Wuloome 'HI whatever youbring, whether it \u puacn or difconknt, joyor Borrow, wolcomel From Ctiriaduiw till

the New Year we hafrom life'* hard nnv

breathingr-endiuff toil. 'Tin a

time for tlur-p nflji'tlnii. It is then weshould look down the duu vista of the pnsl,that we intist go bock in memory throughlira's thorny labyrntb nnd there, gniiug ontbo briars of har.lKhin and troulde tbahave so oftuu sumtobnl nud out oar npiriUtill they worn left bruised nnd bleeding audd t lifl ldmoat l , learn lesBons ofguide UB in the future. Onr pn-Tious pathof life niny ha HO dark and gloomy that vroRhudder to retrnm our Hlepn iu njoiuory lestthe ghosts of our dfpirtrd troubles nhouliappear to us. TMs should not bo; wthoul.l Kludy how we might have avoidedthese dnugon ard thus lay up o atore olknowlcdgo to guide ui onward. If our palhof life nan boon always brightened by theuuHhine of happiness, and Imteiid of briar*

and thiHtleB obstructing our way nothing bairoaee nnd frugnmt flowers bave left theireroraa to tbo air, then we can study still *tbat we may sot forget those principles andlessons tbat have guided ua iu our puth oflife. With the New Year cur work willbegin nnew. W'% may not hive a capital loincrcasa or if wit hava one It may not be avery largo one hut if wu bar* a moral capi-tal, thai is truth, honesty, iuiigrity lowhich may be added decision, firninen,oourags and pewtveraqofl, we hare a cnplUlthnt ii but the aknplng-itonc tv mrcssi inlife. In thia Sew Ttitir let ua drive awnyfrom oar hearts thos* aerpeuts, euvy, prideaud hatred, that may perchance bave io en-twined themselves aronnd our hearts thatwe were wholly in their power and Ut uaUiitfftd take to our hearts good-will,'uadeslyanil lota to our fellow man, Our whoolwill re-open next Monday, A tbrios Happy

Now Yoar from Voiuox,


a brought \ gn-at i mnj- of thosehnme who havi been absent from boreworking In Patenon and other places sincethe oloilng of the cotton factory, and a frreitmany famll;ar faces were seen on our itrsetaduring the day. Had the day bten Hue andthe skating good, there would have baenlively times on tbi cotton mill pond, Aa itwaa the day pulled very quietly, Tbe millswere all doted and business partly sui-pended. Berrleei were held in tbs Outholiechureh In the morning, which was tbe onlyreligious ssrvioe b"ld during Uie day. Iuthe evoolag the fair in aid of the Oatholiochurch opened in 8 t Mary's sobool boast,and was very largely attended. The youngladle* connected with this church, bad beenpreparing for it fur several weeks previoui,and ejerjihirg conncntad with It was verynicely ft-'tten up. Ths Ublss f t ra loadsdwith all klndi of artloles, useful snfl •m*k-rasnta}i fnojudlcg re(rsshm-*nts qf tha ehoio-est kinds. Do*n stairs was riaerrwj for

, and the young folks msde ggoiUBsof it, a string band bsina crtseut whoaale morio suited to th* ocoaqiao.

On Clirlatmss Eve Ihe children at ths'rosbyterian Babbatb School hsd an enterr

telsisent iu tbo olmroh oousU lng of filrging,

knble about this, except that ths wif«In aoarly alztr »ui the husbaad about

What Everybody Wantspieman!, reliable audiolastbttnmr does

•NT Mrm.aud urare'ih ana cur»» dinaaa bjiiui( tao itoniuh is »tr/eel vtir, tbedt nguUr, M'l tka kiau«*i itnQ llraraa-

Seei a madiulnt i* farkar'a &mgtr.._;•. Unllcvas arat? sue, iart « k m

HJCB alaeki of lot m i horn Uiuuitds nhohiv*•trad and car*d bj it.-X»mi»i.

Tor nla by Toaj.it & Kitlgare,

OVEE00A.TSIli*i raducsd for kk» BOLIDIIS at

p. u. uoiruui i. son,Uorriatpwn, N. J .

IR;.iiCH AT 6HEITEB, fl, i.

THE LATIIT ST7LISof SOTS' a»d obildxw's salts Tiry ohiap fw


' Uorristwini, V. I.

[Uv. Sninael [fitrk<uui ilf«c«at. l laOct. ai«t, 176V, bnt

II»rBoor, of Hug'to Ltorris eountjruinad lout doe-

triutl ntur* wbioli oansed hii i# paw tioniroui the FrwIiyUriao chntoh. T s . caoieb(rjdlhinwitlins- H paat»r fur sum y««w,irlmu iu I7i;a li*t. Tfw, Womlbnll irai "ill-adtoit. (I'builer. Mr, WMIIBHII, ire •vv tlio Iiwt.no, vrtn al!<o « ujorabec of ttat N. J. L-gbiUtun.) Thin it will Iiiueu tba «ruiinii in hutono, buifijj ooo of tliiNLr?gul»r uhiimbu* id thnt sectfou. Th*Mt;t woi inmrjirrateil as the Plmant HillJmuati Tf Hi;pt. 1J, 1856,

Tha nionuuiout U now the most strikingrcature uf the place. It WM tnk«» from tieChesUr lUiirond noroei Bluok Uiier and tothe summit ol tLa ioug aud atit^ hill sitlyby Ibe UIONL UrtUsi work, Uud now itend« a

mim«nt tn the memory of uoi of theHI uotablu mttircB of Morris County as

well us sii Btiil-nc* «f lov* and erteem.following is a drtcriptii'U of tat >[«n» :

It In built or Quinsy gran'h and was de-sinned Pipeciullj for GBB. 0oop« by Mr. H.il. Pavis of this IOTP, by whom it wasir.'ck-d. Tlies followlLg aw tbt ditntuiiunsjf tli* different blouks which ar« Urgt a'ituawir*. 'Hie firBt or (/round bt.i is 6 rt.i(iii*r«, 3 ft. I inch highHiutre, 1 ft. l i i f i h h

l d l * 7


SL1SIUHS, both swell body

and Portland cotters, for

alo at Geo. l '

Carriage Factory.


pfamily n

l i h d

Ever alucu it beonOough was

ttCO'td blB8 5 f>-third uai«i« h « »

., -.-... square, l f t . • IOB1

n the front cf this b u t i i a mnkenith pnli-Ln"d baud amuuil it, tho

ue Com-en ie cut lu raiwd uimlmb'il four anil oae-haif inch a«a.d*<ltilorb letter-. Ta« (lit in * «• 1" f"1"nqufiru nt the bane, fi ft. 4 incliL-* lii|,hlifts » sunken jtfiuol on t'tchof tlia lour IIL-M,(hot-id'n niid top nf wliioh ar<> iluishsd with. moiildui l*« 1; in the. center ut thi* paualin a puliebod Bhi^ld mined oue and one halfineb niKh, tlie effect of which in very graud.Iu fact we never na% nuytLiiiguandBubatiiiitial iu stonev»ork. Ou Iha frontshield ultovo the f.uoily iiaaio, i" ibfl follow-hie, cut in siiukau letter*: " G u n NathanA. OiHiprr, bom April M, I8"2, di td July25, 187!);" iiuuwiliutnly above tbe -—*••-mucl and under Iho mp ou eoch corner o

tiiu die in a iiolixlicd circltf; in tho center njiliiH cirelu ivy Icuvun aru carvud. Tbo cmiu 4 ft. 3 iuuheu square, II ft. •£ imhe. . liighon (he f,icifu of t lm c<ip an* pu'dimontn in thtit'litre and each corner; on tho ouuler pedilifut in fri mt iiru unrved crosaod KWordH and, l)rig;ulie)'^euti',il'n c a p ; in the center ped-Ui-nt <jf tbe o t b i r t b r e u faces of cup anjulwUd bundu utid curved oak Itavenibovuthuee pedlm ntu tlio cup rises in thiibupe ol a dome to meet an urn, (wliioh surinouutu the whole) 3 It. 11 'lichen high aud1! ft. fqtmre, thu hip ?epr«nt utiug a Jlmiie ;bis urn is fiouielbiug now iu (lesigu being

cut nqunro uud priuontx a very pleasant r*.lief from the old.f.mbiontd r o u n d u r u . Th«noiiument stands as u whole 17 ft. high aud

uOBtab'Ut $2,fiOU.—Banuer.

John B. Cough's New Book-


io known that John B._ it writing n new book!

ippoitrmtce hiisbeeu wt»tobt!dwithinterest I t has recently boeuand the enorraou , wilea- afford a striking Ii

moe of Ihu sucottw tkat Usare to he nvaid-ed to o renlly good work. AllhoB|]h onlyjual published, the tweutj.fiiith thonsiiud i*tOreudy printed ; Hinl thin fact alontt isthy of nolicr, fur a bunk fthioh nulls lik'atltU must bu nf estraordinniy .n terss i

Tho work tutboJIen thu story of thv life oltba great tctnpemnca aclractite—tbs d tp thsofdegredat iuutowbioh ho hud fnltau. hit,rufuruiiitiuu, nud thu btirriug events of hUwuudurful life.

"auulfgbt nnd Bbadow" Is iudoed » . »luuvkubltt hook b j K remnrliPibU man. MiGuugh't. leciillcotioj of bin owu eiperiunoekbavu mmle him ever ru*dy to laud > helpingbum. to others, itud tho very nature of bfnlili-work Itna bnnigUt him into OIOHO couluiwith piiverty, orimt<, diHlitniiou and vice,•nui be ha» listensd to lifo-hUtnrlus of themint tlirllliug imtiira, um. wituustiod scantsUnit ti-Riify uiiow lu Ihe truth of tlti" Faut i« ^Irnnner Hum Fiuiian." Some ofthe KAdileet nnd most putlietic incidoullull are niirraled in Uie present work, amitbe iet..er'aeyenfl-.H (ill iu spite at blmsellnt the power of Mr. Goiigh'a pathos ia de-criliing BUtineB tbut bavo cuuie ntnlor hUobacrvntiim. But "Sunl ight and Slimlowh uot ultogfitlierh record of (.itrk experienibiicea. Iiluut a bright and HUuuyBfrie, MrGniigl.'d dtories nml doHcriptloas of the hu-morous side of life, ashnhnaeetmtind eiptsr-it-nced it, )tarUny mnny nmiiiliig Bcnncs.

Above nil tbe work is kttud^onidy illiruled and bound, and tihunld be in evt

houucbuld, Mr. J . H. Brnan, of EookdWfifjdtit for Uii« wecti'in, and tho work

am lie seau at thu store iu It'juknway,, : — • »•. .—,—, *

\bhrlhe Iron En],THE OLD YKAll AND TUB NEW.


IParcnell Oepirted year forecurmoro I

Thine etU from oar ovcr-ouatijini; itoge,JDotti alone In Lifs'c gruat hooli Anetlur page,

With all oai juyg nod siirrowa writlsn oDemcmlirince now a prntive bour woild pore

Upon thin iolicr volrnne of our age;And wctp tgiin o'ar gti ofi abe would aianage,

Or fair mil t»do3 aapuea ah* wonld rritare.-Tho craint ot guld wulih Ml front Life's

[cr tears and tanrior withes iroald reaall JTo uurk tbo hours ot nanibine ir» «iw pan

Thoueb but too In tie treainrodtt thalr fall,ranell departel >e»r—a dear adisa 1I'll not forget thts wkila we hall tka nav.

II. -On tbei doth happy Hops belli ap i Ihroaa,

BtlllnilU our plivthinira in a&rktndi ars mIntent on ptsaiare !• toy pitaa nniiowo,'Tit iweet to mnae o'ar Joja forever flown ;

Bat Rwtetsr fsr lo draam of «btt may baYet ffiittig for t i in futnrily; '

The brightoit beams that «T«r on i t akoae.'Tucre vata to wiidi tht tsmlng j tsr tnlffh

Aa a clad, toBtlcneil oloidleaa morning;Swiet bopea which rna an jrildod wmga will

die,,n4iri!hei Fail wowblipercd a l Its dawningBut witb priipltlonB HeiTCD'a imltes to viairWe hid thfi old farewell, and hail tbe now.


IB it Mr. Swsyie.-or the 8nuex CountyGrand Jury that is MI trial ?

Newtnn aupports three livery atablei.The atore alerks there a » wialtuy.

Tha UackuttstowB U. E. Church ndBOd•400 for miwJgnarT purpowa Babbatb beiora

Last week Mr. A. Tetter ihipped toNewark, from Blalrstown, 12,000 pouodi ofpoultry.

The village of Q.anchi-lllF, which last •<•on wai bjwued vith (bra* mluUfafair to Wfutcr thfi yciw »iika4t siij

TeHnu oroiied the Dolawsrs this year oaico in tbe month of November, vhlah iasomething that has not before occurred in anumber of Tetri.

What so appropriate f sr B ChrisraiM praa-t at t n i t «f slakkH. Tk* yhu» to |»t

I M l ' # i P. H.lOFfUANtSOFS,Utarlstava, M. S.




Sergaa Ui, Dwr.


>ic.lltk,lll9.Tliomu arimii, Joimh Korrli,Ur,. Uui KtUr, Ura"> Bajooldf,

Jam»I.TnUa(3)TtDbtlia lit «r tb* BbtT« nt bttm "«•rtiud" aud {iT. 411. of ibil lilt.

J0H1IEAK0B, r. H.



fining M«t«ri»li,

l u Pips anil Fittinit,



Celebrated Rand Drillthi bsit la tht «tnitf.

l iIH t beP* i tO0x« at D«T«r.N. J

DM. 1(111, UII.Uilton Albiittoi, Wn. J. BraaglEUigDii EftrlM,P. 1. UtituiMH,S-llio S:u:tl (3)Iltr .!. Unflbtrg,

C lUeurj Curtlsi»,Tn nlit.i

Jooki Limn,Uun Iforiu,(»»•. Uot[»n,Itik !«,»•!,U«tj 1. ftiiult,s

uy uf tli* abort latter! 117 "J f hilfM



hl t

FUNERALS!W (if Mm ill Prnlts epprMistid.

j ' r ti cl vo^ininitiin of tie but.n [ur lihenl p*tronii;e iu tha tiasl

lsiL>ira|>s mtutnjer «r Istspsuvi



by tha Hev, T. 0. Mtiyliaia, Peter N,EnrlcH, of Lynnaville, aud Auriila Wnrd,

All taxes not pnU in the township ar

IUndolph by

January 39th, 1881,wilt be recorded ia tbs County Gink's effic«

at Morrifltowu, as .tens against ths proper-

tics upon which they ar« aiseosed.



FOR BALE IA property comprising thirty-tv# nerti,

moBtlf iroprorei. and lotnt»4 «t OraaBlowBtwo miles from Dover *u tke rcoi luadit« Ohsstsr. Oa tbs prwises ia a


and outaoaiei. Alo« a twnnnt fcaose. FUnfyof good fruit, early anal lats, and A verjr tseBpriaii of wnttr nsor tk* houm. Apply I

MltH. JAKE K. \riLLUUIi,4-tf ~ on thi prcHfi


7 5 1 BROAD S t . NEWARK, N . I



of buildingg iBparlntendcd, l-t«

14 STOP ORGANSitool, boon and tnusl*, hoxtd aid ibippemtylSS. NcwPianoa. (1115 to *l,IOt, Kl

aanimbr oiler Ill'it'd Tree, AitlreiiDANIEL F.BEATl'lf,

v rTtihl/igtvi, ii. 1

Merit Must Reap itsJust Reward."

Of Itio many Oi t i r rh and Hay l i v e r redfea ire kiep in itock there ii none of vrliour eustomon speak n o r * blchlT tsnnlilv'i Oroam Balm. A comp»r»tiTe)y new dtovcry, but oue winch, from tli« Dnny rtjmrtunii ovtdrDC'is of cures nrudm^ed, W'duiliidto lie a lending irtfcle. We b i ru n«ver band,l e d s remedy which h a s iBorot in laar ip idhin Bales or tbat bai Riven inch «n iTem(itfactiou. lYiae 60 els.

G. N. OIUrrEiNTON, 116 Falton St..i-iv NOR Y»rt.

Have You Ever Knownany porion to be .-isnoKsly UI without n weakBtomack or tnaatlva livtr u r kldneyn? A Hwhen those ortaBS are iu gaud •nBdiiitn d~ i uot find their t>ossiisnr enjoj im fo*$

iltit T l 'arker's Qinjer Tonic sl»»j< rIati-B theie iispurttnt o r | i n i i nn t» t«to ui iks


larkers Qinjer Tonic sl»»j< rie iispurttnt or|ini, inn t»t«rs tli* bliiod rich and pan, *n

ilreucttieti •torj part of tl« sisten. Itonred hmilr«d«i nr detuuNnc inviNdjo«. nilulibor about It.

r Ml tn<1 tnI h




FILLING, *<=.VTO additions! chirgu Tor eitraillni wlttuI i new teeth are Smarted. VTsartDvtiufl'iif beattir«I sett of IseUi for


ALL, WORK WAKRAiNTEI)DnTw.fieplcinherSfith, Wfl . ' .



MRS. S. TREWARTHA'S,wholeiale and retail dealer I i



CUnrrb Fair, . Faltllala .a i l PI . - , . i t . , af .kJodd aupijlied flliyipajr ikfts tkey can beelac-ffbcri> nltti Rood goods i l i a the "OANUT«" '>S» w l i r W - ronowaot ICousb Dj.

, at resaoDatlH ra t ta .b.T Ih* DAY or


wliolsaala I n d p fln'f, I ans alwaja pr tpara lto eorFLr sroiiEt I,II> a . BEST



Till* Bsit nf W'lrea n^onty f« unlcd for MgSOOD BUTTER HAKf R.V I bmr i i . nM k m i i

l H I W FJtODOCA. Order brm>f!BBdtBT gutdi rrettiantl to#d t h e turn* i*» .

tad torn SuropB.

1881, Carpets! 1881OikPJTM hrMati .UiBfim furitcrt. OAftfiH* forHtta.

ALL WOOL (UBF1T (*r « ch.7UOJ- ClMflT f«r Tl «W.

iHUottBLH CAlPaVri, ak«ti< patlmt. far I•H. •» Mid. 'I^i Rait ^Mlltlti of Brtinl CaipaU; Cl iu KsttiKf. " f • " *••**

•that:; HafilU rfitliljjlw; Slit.lra<(*H; Btitr 0*rMH: Oi' Olelsa; LinI n n ; TUIs •>! Cloth ; AaUi ••JUiidt, Iall cslori. Oarptti m$6» aid laid i Hiat.Ittadkad l)tt*t. gaod jabgnarsnt**<lst


OILBIBl1 * VlLLARBViLl TIAVttL,t«fPB*F!t iBi .? 1 i i i jolaTU>aj] , u i t Tl»id, Q inse nan TiriUci Fl iBi*! , CBMUQ 7 1 >

nrl , frntn 10 lo 3£ ttH,, ti)««fhfd nad anhle d ; euloreii canton flinnrlnpl

w. H. BABiir. JOU Tatilc DntTinBk, hatrauil inllhk-aabei j BiirnRflr Tub!* tlncn, D'nible Damn

niid Double Statin Damask, l'ablu Lin s,NnIL>, T'ltscli, ate,, at

W. 8. BABUITT'8.

fJIfDHRWHAR,for Jddios,OentB oU'1 Children at


ONE DOLLAR A YEAR.Tlio •ir«n!«ti<>« »f lhi« P*l>alfr afi«nii?ptr i

OURUUIIV IHU Mmi|, It lovUinn »U tki'adiufr »fvi »f ihu Dailt Ui-rolti -i>i iipjr.vittalum.vdsvsitneils. Tli*

FOUJsteN NEWU»».a..as spi bial tiUi.Mtkfi Irora all q


it tlio tkctpil.. Jlttlj Tf»'k ii givm A m,foi raaort of


jurtii Af lit* ipo»»b« »f •siiuei, politwi»n

TBB TitiU BSPASTUZRTcftkaffatkly EiriM SJTIB ibi Istoil t i it i 111* aatt prtetiaa] mgj»«H.i»i aa<j <Jn<orita raliiins to Iha dat:Mr<ftb« f«n»or,hinrornititig Ollt!* Poultry, Orana, Tr*H, Tc,eiabl*i, Ac-, with infsiBtioEi far ittw.ihntldliit and IifQiBf nt*fii,;s IE rejiir, Ti

wide]/ fyltii, •n**r ttm hftt ofTUB HOUT,

eivin|r<aipia for praftieri iiukmmkiHralothinK t\ad for Ui-jtiae •Utmt Fiflk-ioBf at Ui« IUWRM priet.•fsvaklaf arceoaonj su&gitUil imnwatiBDneUaallv tesied Ifure poWI«M.i». lrtttM 'LUKIOH *orf«a»*inl*mta en i:it> VIITJtjibloui. TBO Bun* Dep»r.wti. «Vtaklj H«rala1 will MVP tbu k<ua^vifs"--- —~ lairdrajfi h'mn ti« priitafkia

h.T uMrt• asr Pitrii



nlast phAitnercbtacliHMI tht IBHUI

af i\m h,&*. AYIly rsnorl


3"ua«b!« rJiioia

unrk«U. CI'LIalira isfwaalKjBilitit

^-—» in. • • *> mm A 4a f

T! • m •• ' • l '« ' .«r t1 i igKiscntorofAbnliWMI M . Ceresjstl '..ill olTn Dt uui'lic ts l r . ,

it ii « n r f * iii'f < f rbe - l m em 5, u«ki< it ,CL. . . a . . . , tFH^..^h / X . P H , . . V .* . t _ "M»* ^iac^*uti»n» Vhmn t>j«niyrN(ir Join

'lil l3DA¥ tJ»nii!Uj'17tb t l ,>h- bfitirmf 13ind fio'citick t' MASD ICi'ofliBllBn aorf.BitQitnl'iiiihntu, Hum* Cmitt^ Bew j £ f - t ! ,

nfotBRl"in tn rtesrd n this propertj ?tu utoil of HGH;» PHH* twr Lhe |irem,i"», Cnu-

lou^ nwAf tttioffooii tUtiffn.]* jnilaiu.,,,}ie given b* tflUntO

, Jr.,BLAIKSl'OffN, S. J.

0. BOI, 2.1. ,


W.S. BABBITT.TBB but OOL0RE& nA."ir.fBltifS in

Itt!* ftjrll *]| . pi.fif],TkshsiiBUCK CASHllCnz ttr timi

Tk* but UetntCLn-i iiTka b«»t Banrutli 01

Drm daiilt nf a. 11 kmrii.

ind tletjhlt wirtlU. ntl»ri *

« ' . fi. KAIUSMT'S.

W. 6. lABBITT'S.

IVPiS bnt BLH&CHHD l imi l f l for ] • rt<. (»ry»r4ii*tW. p.BApBn'TS. Umi-

ird lie sited UiuliDi, V. T. u,i: , ciitu, 1'tul.nt rh*) Wilt, Tr»wiaUi,frnlt if thr Loom 100.Fruit af tb* L(*n, Hill, Ilnliu^ntilie, Btiltrwith nnj oikir sitktt of NQIII*.

All* HolsaaivillB lickt-fowa cation extraI I B Drill, •**., at


EUTIi W1DT.I limUKS, tl, to, « . a,

USI1LEACHE1) MUSLIMSall tk* vldthi IB lUiJurd ituliei *t



Ai Ihel

B or WU. TOllTJIin, Hl U J Md l, U , . rn*0 ( n i , l j ,U . J . Mod l i . i . ,»T ,. .f

tanl •• l iv , I I kmda snd 1 t ick \nth ;II iu 1«» . By Robert Bonoer1* ae lahnt id

HtnllioiiEdw. EwwV ; cluni Iti>llu, lijTenmnitHnwiiloti.Qiaii, Terms S1S.D0 tu lusuro. ti.dO

lilvst t-irar. 18-11


l 1 i « . 85.101 n

hibittil. FiveEtocunt il I


r xwitk Muh pia ocun deti

i l ! ami jwwu-fal iu Icnit. Kirst-ehm, Imvi t i , Ontal»Ka>«« hi*. 3.1,0, Fri,rV.t«',417I H VT, S t b lit., t u t , »th sad 16tk Avtu.

Hew Inik. P,oaw neskiuu l\m piiier wlicrnt k i d t i t

SHERIFFS SALE!r JfriPT BgiicfiBt (ieirl-Unrris Oiuliti

E i l j ; K M V E t ' l i l JrtilJ.ulilu

B j

i 1I*B. el 'ur. IB <]').(.nrj'JWK. A.B ItPI.B0BSBT1. CfiLfffOOD, itl'y.• of ah* alun* »tot id writ or flti'i

fpr.Hiin H I ImsJiil Ktiail fsjmie lor ml* i t1'uUlit Vi'E(!iif,ftl tha 0»on Hunt, in Uumr

130UIUT, tkt filsl dor t>l Jmimry aeil,k. fe. 1K1, b t t i .a i ttitfattiit tf 13 M. Bti Io'cloik r . H,, tbnt i» ta IOT ntlt 'ci./d in \h»i r i t n « » ui Htid tlij, cli'kti* d u t r , ritLt,tlti* aid ieurtid vf the m J Earry W. B. Fin-E*rclii. i« tnd to %ll that trtci of Irod •*•!

, aim •*, lji::£ axri I isn* ID Use tnwn-' ia tViO^amter Ui.rrima*

»(IOBO*(1 ID I. tJtKSiibtri

(jr*miifi,»:lnc.u,lji::£ n•hip or KiH'.iiiirh, ia tV* 0tu t* af b-'*ir Jtntj, IIIO•t folldTfi to\rit:, to-wit:

i hiikorj ir*

if a *nn:tr «f )it.4i lit* nf Edward Lewi*m i d ; tinner ranmni;, L»., ,,m a soari^

11 »tn.i r.Ttt-iijbt itiTift r u t KtTcntroaCIIMIIE md Hgkij-»ii Ijnkfteltaiiilanrtlitlkl*" ri» [:n.Bi»r, Are'A ; tanci (1) nirth thiriy

d*ttt<« aHU fiiariicn tbmti. »IK1 fnrt.

thirlen cbua% inlo (li« rotn\ti uiU i.Oilii . ; thtn.r dewt h i l tt th

rotd Is nil a i Irum

r*ii(1) s

.Oiliii> tt)« p ri.nnr •that* fu

l r i i -tg t » i i t ! R t i « n c > fa tbirij'-fuar il«trJMatt liati ta a ftnio Tinra; th^niaid ii.fefnrk1! Una (I) anrth fift" <1«-«t t* tie .OMII'T nf tM Idriflilt.'x

N (0) H(.rtt< fifty a>-rrei anil In a(T) • l l i t d K» (T) • r l l t

n-1 Hf(T

I U l

s (airofHi*

! P. Mci

PP.Oi'UCK MARKET.- nrliitg nr vn at linnc nttA ilrmd, lo i

witk a »iorT tivrrv vc(?k, * irrmoB hjrilntrot dhlao, uttntrv, autJeil, dran

^.noiiol auil *o« lot**. Hurt is n* pijithaworW wltick amUiaiifl mack ntwi

tvurr wcrk nt Uia VaMj H.Talil, whiit, p«aln|e fnc, for a » iaIUr. Vos « n


0 N ° E " 0 0 L L 7 R ft YEAR.AtmnBts

NEW YORK HERALD,Dioiowil iSD im iriiur,



iIM il ' . ,

IUCKETTSTOWN, S. J.•jaa«ra*i«r»r af t»a aid tn Upbuecfn, »»•

il Mtr.ai*a. IT« list I'kaiUii, Brtwi^r» •priBt; ananlva. «int!t >»| Phwlom, c»i-ntlj a* hang, xmi wti* ts •nlcr *f th*

_ it raileritl ail by t i t bnl m*hini«i, «»nsat rti btil *«rtoaa •mfjtt l r t r^bt j

jlnall.ibnialiM il tha siait raaiaiabti talaa, aarir* •atmfla.alina a im, Ca)Ini-ci.i. vitk Till ba rtnid . a " All ,r<*r.fOBjtlf aHanfal M, aJfltit is ian*m « bVtail. I ••ploy na aajeaaa to aall for n*, n*r«y na par •»•*. to »ij an to acll s ir era**ork. kmj at* vliklif ta ynr*ha*t vill ntt«i.n».Wi.nii»K to mj taalarv har*rs fr-Itaiiai a lur••», a i l invTil t tk ml an.

NOTIOEIN«UM is ker«ky |lvsa that aU aewiBta

fsr BibacriBkioi to sad sdvirtiseniuts latk* LMKlai das iBnj.min B. Tart ««rattadpied l«pt«Bbsc IStk, 1M0, U I*aa« E.Jollaj, u i Iff Ua ks Tht Dor.r Print farOomptary, ** WBDBB ika aaat B*nst1»a>Md.Vo trtis tUflptH •npitrrats oFUiato«npiBjk«anlt«ri»p to raKtirs my sooner or rt-•*Irt aijr bills fnr' »dv»rtiapn«ti or sab-HiriptisiBforasrl? neloafrtafrto B. II Ysfrt.


. J., Da*"lilt, l | |o ,Bum«M Vonox—Tfai aaaoal atectiaii

far Dimann of iaia Bank wt!l bs h.ld B | thiBankini Him* an Taeidav th* alevaitlisjof }%*<nry nsxt ae ID •'sloak A. 41.

F l l bFalls op*n out bapr.'i.T&lHUT,C)uUar,

j'.? tf»» linlntmd thir t t wlili.-. 1. « b i rUrv tr?* r.ibro-ii, BBDifarr oanior .hud ; tk<<act (I") f anih f.tvoiv* i:li.iii,i i-*J S '•Mien ; t b i i c e l l l

i k i i tn« hic

ftisrac (») aaitta Ik-rtv il faar abr.ii,! nn

tb j

t (131 *r>tilh «ifxh;r«iBliskiiat and •is!y-fnnr linlci;tkirli-lT* dtErr*i «at. tkrt

W i l i i u tlie l


o (ISI

of l1f

tweuWitiTia l i i i i u a ofcoitf t'nlnj fortT-iaren tnd • ka.1fa<tn •, br tba•iraa n»i* or \tti Eirffpltnc; m d TaksiTluBthttTfTQ.0 fi ls» yird, b s r i mill, l u r t ti»a«eI r . , iarln4-r1 <• the ih. ira bimnflinc* "nilwhfeh in r e hawli rnr i ifiW ami onnvved IdIha uii ])..n;*l SchMi-t. dBP'.l, *nrl nt.jrh nranow owned and p«*avir>.1 l i r J i r hD.Pnnnoll ,

WM. II, M c D l T l T . SherifT,IMtA M*T. lOtti, 1880. (10 80


HBi*«rriiEnn1 wilt fnrnif.li I

• a,. r,,rh «l0Bk ,

rsnt«N, Ilia

*f me. »«dIB Morris

Standard Appla, Pear,

Chirry and Quince Trees,

PhiQa>t, | n i*i tni Hiergrttnt for Stdclni.'Ihiali fir• ithii tram Qtneia V. I . I m r -•M tha J i j i i . j »nd paikint m( • . Hoek andativsiraBi ti* •*«• lr«l>alan anl Ira* tt•ana si4 altaapsr t%n iki *li*»p*it,

flw in StrawberrieB.

PratrTiast Llscoln, mi *f ih* »J^ "t\i "n*w.* k * * « fir lin and qntity. il la

_ nanSharpleinniiraraninriorlnqnil-i.T. I kira IIPO Hit eitrr>l*i< IBa MonircB• r i a * w H t . r ? l l j ttiait\ pi , , , , whaleiala

lilalvarvlawralaa.sri isit bj mall nil) rwje nretvpl at-D G.ff.C

Morristown Institutionfor Savings!


I)epoui tii pad» on or before Jau-uajy Id, 1BB1, will draw Interestfrom that date.


', A. Nicgoua, Tret* - 2-3w

Page 3: LUMBER B Ctest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/... · Arp iidly prone to talk Of nutter* tbst ooneern va not, And otber*' ftjliei mock." I've bnsa IbfnUng 1! ire'd begis





A Happy Neir Year.

Tht days are lengthening,

ffui candloa at J M . A. GoodnV*

Next week IB the week of prayer, ~

1681 will have flfty-tbree Saturday*

Try the light running " HpuBelioM."

Tli* time for "swearing ^

U*e Orange glycerins for chapped bands

and lips.

The tr;&l of Congrtssnmn Voorhii in »g»In

pout paned.

Thtirmometeni at Jan. A. Goodalo'a lied

Front Urng Pkive.

You cnn write Ififii hficfcwnrda and no

Lnrm will be 3ou«,

VnlunbU Lfilid»y goodi >l J- A Qoodale'.

liei\ Front Drug Hlore.

1'tiB " Household" i« po^itiTclj tho best

The Oolurnl M. E. SiitrtiaUi Hchool »t








W t



H T f





i ,n


t t


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' y j

1 d(

k sf

' • '


rr ls




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11 th



th I



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H i




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iti tlis n

die (.!c?

rlith1? '.in!

From Di

liitiiiK ol

ail or »

Ik;: mntl

ii mi l '1

ili.-Li miu . s i j t i i i r

ryrm-il..« l.rd

linik.-n IHo,., <,r

fin it nll UK B I



ily Northern Stuffniur,

llibtkkw bit Jan. Aid H«.r«.

l.ilH aftir to-diiy if

Colornl Minstrel*.(•why niiiht.

1 umlcrwfflr. of all, Jlorritflowii.

, irikuridPiivelniiMrout Drug Store.

n imrulory fi:rnliip-

fiwnrif any ol ourony of iho ERA of

It In Madison tbofonrtli vifu mid tUo Iriiicund.

i UUe iith cofft

B not complete tm-c Ijy Ihe New York

Blurtftn-t UimiH.of Morriatown, .ninth*coui'tyjiiil, cliiirced witL taking 450 fromHie ]mi:k.-l i>f Win. Wright.

Wiitcli-iiiirht BtrvircM will bn lield in theFirst SI. !•-. rimivli thin U''rid>y) eveuiDR,comtiiriiritit:nl tm o'clock.

Wesley JJciiliy WHS emmiikterl to thocnmily jfiil hy Jiwlicfi flngn for keeping adisorderly house unit Milton,

Tim MVftk of I'm) IT will lio olisemd intho rioTcr rrw-bytprimi Church uext weekby mectitujH lidil evory eyunini;.

JaniM Thompson, of EA<.kingridfl9, Urn\ttl Hint plii1.) fi-r Teias, to t»Lo churge of% farm of twenty tliousnml t r m .

Had d<-2» !!•»« bfi»-n operating in Monfl-Lmn, itml the townnhijv cDtiituUtoo ban•rffired the luuzzliiiB o f n i l lifiuiiiPB.

TLw Morristowti Chronicle wants R youngmen film CAU p*iut in wuttr colors. Do(bey want to aeulrnliza the otker tint?

Tim new -bel^f Ibo Hoiilh St. Churoii,Horristowii, wM'wi'igh a,fl(K) pounds.' OvftP-$1,01(0 IIBVK bonn raidrd for its p«rcua«.

Tin Miwimnrj Hwiety of tho Now Ver-•ou Pffilijlaritm Cburcb b»u icnt a box of•lathi ig md i»«tfri»li to % KansM miiilon-

'ITiiegi >ro quite bmk.ftt tbe \ndotcrfan»<:«. I t i i probnblf tint •t»-ikNo. 1will bi pat la bint after tl« flnt «f theyttr.

Mr. and Un. Wn. L- Strykor held ftrsflcplina iu Harkettstowu Utit s lu ing towbi'-k « nui»bor «f Doter pooule wereiBTil-4.

It U itat'd tint»lilTsr dollar of tho ooin-M>» Bf 1710, if uot Biiktilutfd, in worth#1 «), and thit a iilvar dolUr of tbn j » r

Boiled appU juiaa ielU far $1 25 per gal-lon ftud tlie (tor«ramant tux U niimty cent1},Uftring but tiiitty-flvo c»utN at a mnr^n fortilt ru»nuf*ctui^r.

In tUs aaooml « . E. Chiiruli a wntcb»i e l t amict will bo lield Ihin (1'rMny)Hunitig, and. rcTivsl nrrvicua will bo held•rcrj uijjhl neit week.

It will not bo lb« tiling thii year toflxhibit briddl iiroK*nt». Frifirla of thobrido elect willplense mrtko ft aoto of tbiwTLny «ro weloomp to it.

RT * recent deciflion of theHuprnmo Courttbe FiHb ConuniHsiuiMrs hi\ia tlio \mwi-r inlemovti nnd df-Hlroy fiwh bimketu placed in»ny streams in tbisHI:\to.

SertnoiiH ftjiiiroiirinta to the beginiiinK «ftbn Now Year will bo pwiichrd by Rev. J.I. Morrow in tlie First-M- E Church, Sun-day morning and oioiiiiig.

Mr. Wni. S. Wrijjht bna iowntcd n inwfiil

ttct the euda of music rucks from braiding.

The Union Foundry, ltoukuwny, will Tiebusy for Kiwia liino to noiuo in filling South-*rn cnlet* for Hnc!iiuinti'i. cnnUurn, triitia•f rolls mid other niftcliiiiery.

Hr. Jumps T, Spurt", of Port Omiu, wftilit* lucky winner of tho RewinR muouine•wtioli S. H. IlrneiP disposed o( l.y lot nmonghis cuitomi-rs on Chrislnmn Day.

. Tho National Union I!i.uk has deducd ft•eiui-numiul dividend of four per cent.,pnynblo Jan miry 3d, and lmvo added tentiiDLififltid dollnrs lo their MirphiH.

burg 'lint " doctor" Uaeoii WAS dfftd, he fltilllmn, Hud is furomiui of n toiubhtoue fnutorjID ConnwUcnt.—D^Widere Apollo..

The Dtttertown Iiuli vc-udent quotes ;"Thrice is In- nrmnl i!mi liiUli LU qunnt-1junt. It might mid: "And flva timesariuci! in he who gets his blow in fimt,

Mr. John Ilrntt, who in iniploycdin *hofoundry nt the mnebine «hapn, on Fridayof Inut weofc wan struck in tho eye by aflying dro» of molten iron auil painfullyburned.

Bifaliop FTurst, with liia family, has .leftMtdfaon for bin Western homo, Den ATilow*. The now President, Dr. BulU, iuutakf a poucmioQ of (be Tactted presidential

. EOT. D. D. Biihop, of New TariffTtlle,Connecticut, L»* be«ri called to the rector-•bip of St. JoWa Church, in thisftnd »ill pr«»oh his firewall sermon .(o >.•pr«i«Et oongTc^»lioo to-njorroT.

Tb.8 miiny friends of Dr. Earth* willMgret to h m lUt he baa hecn ill withmalarial (over for months pwt. Ha woiappointed to Bellenllo hat Spring, but liasnot been iblo to preach in a month.

Ownert of bonea die advised not to in-i t r t tlio bit into the mouths of their animals

, Wbilo that appliance. Is In <V state of friflid-ity. The o ld bll Initatas tbs month andfinally renders the bone worthless,

A bill has. been Inlrodnoed in CongreM. providing for double or return potinl cards,

t b e tmniuesa men claim that ttiey would bea great conteuienoo, M-th« w e l t e r wouldat onoo wri teu answer and remiUtbe oard.

The flTB doprew, M origb'afljr Inttbdncedjo Oia Ordar of Odd • Fellows, b4?e beenrsdaoed to three. The nempli&aatlon ofUiooUnge iii tha unwritten writ*, said to

- be Tery"imrresalra, wiU take tft«at Jan. i i '" ; " fften'^ahMd t tae i^r i ick flophfon

b*dlr, Ihe aaliiry of Ber. ThotnM Carter,ot tba I*ra«l»jteri«n Ohtircb, i t blirsqnent, was rcilneod from •1,500 to

.. Apthe ParUh nieetlog hut week tha amountWM j u t back to tho origiiiiJ figures.

Morris Courts open tha ltltb.

Tii! praikst t l i u ^ iu ctactifeet. ' '

Vm lodiue Liuiiqbut fur Ub^uiaatiRis.Kcurolgia and frosted feet. .

Many people bars frozou tbetr ears ao<lhand* doting tlte sold snap. '

cureslips} for sale bj 'J .

V»6 Expeotorative 8ymp far ooughi ip&

oaldn; f<Jr 8ab by J. i . Qoo*«K

£iL of 100 Fiowara, the bail of aU per-fQnieB; forsalflbf ^ 4* Gooflale-

O&yt. JTowpIiToty-ot fltanaopja, Lad thebm Chribtma-s gift. It w u aduutsLter. r

KipYan Wiuklt-"mlv,>rLiiod fur Wenefiday evening iu Dov^r, f llfd hi appear.

The Drakegville Lyoeum hu bses not-

ganutad aad meets every Tuesd -j

The poit offlae will dole at 10:80 A. ii.this moruing nnd renialtt dosed for the day.

Coasting an the hills fe'now ti^prlnqipalimuBement. Bat do keep oil ihe Bida*alk,

Expectorative Syrup ouren oongln and)olds; no remedy BO mfe and good for chil-

'Ihe Btiow Htorm which Icgan on Tuesdaybrought thu 6mt good sleighing of tb

ltnviTiil niottings aro being condaotfld ID1;« I'ltrnijijiany II. E. Ohuroh hy lltv. lllf.


A vnut auionut of lf-cul news is to be foundi our ci rretipi Jidoucij this week Uota allirtH of t te county.Tim idr Qst nnd best .asRorlment of onr-1H, nildotht, dnife-jota, «o., is at W. B.

.kbbitl'rf, MorriHtowiMis* Adttio LiuJHloy hun returned homotor an extended vihit to Dukotah territory

grontly improved in hanltb,A good New Year'!, resolution—to buylire tea", coffees,, epices, svgtn, etc.

the N, Y. anil Ohiiia 'X'va Co,IuTO»tigition' shows that peni-iy all the

uchiaiiry in the Doter Lumbf-r Millompletely destroyed by the reoeut fire.Eph. Uuikor's new place of: public resortill be the ooo now occupied by Solilho, IheJBUmian, whioli he takes nextRuv. J. I. Morrow will prrilch aermaoa ftp-

roiiriiite to the New Yearin tba First M.E. Ohurob to mdrrow moniing and evening*

Mr. J. W. Bkoole, lata of Ibis placp, ba«been dangerously 111, but Ills ninny friends

will be fcbd to know that ho is im-jironng.

lie nttempting to drive pome obntlnfltdthe other day Mr. Edward Arnold, of

Uorrlutown, fell over a slump Biid broke bidtollar bone.

Tho National Iron Bank of Mom'stowois di<clnml a oeiui-aunual <ilvldpnd of threeid ooc-hitlf ptr oent., pnynble on and Afterumr jad , , ' ' ' .-' .litcclvor Iaaao S. Case IR now paying oi

itmdred cents on tlie .dollur upon everyigalust the limited partnisr-

thip of 0. F. Gftge.Bailijr, ix ynung man living

wuilfl hunting Tuusdnythrough one of his nrma mak-

ing a gbostly and terrible wound.Remember that wben you buy a " Hoa«s-~>ld" Sewfuq Maculae y m are getting onelatwilt prove to be all that it is repretnted. W. H. Baker, ngent, Dover.Tbe march of improvement sUadtly pro-•<•£*?*. We underntand tliat M. H. Dink-BOG, Esq., will remodel nud add greatly to

the uttraelivcnefss of hla Btore building.Mr. and aim. James Walker, of, Hanover,

reached the fiftieth ounitprsary of theirluurrtase on tbe 21st !nst, But tha occWotiwai a pad one, as Urn. Walker was seriously

The State LpgiHlnture rnei^ts on Jaiuaryllth, nnd on tho Iflth Oorcrnor Ludlowrill be inaugurated. Beyon days Hter thetepublieani will eloot a tmconiwr to Seuator

Tliia weittlier IH e\idontly t tb raaiilt oftppnmting an Ohio man " Old Probs,''and

lowing' iucb nii irrMponaibld fellow HFJmiuorto foul arouud witb thimja during

Mr. Alei. KUHOUPP In inylnR in AH im-cube tnipply of iou iu l<iu uuw li'iuno, witlivii>w to Imving n otocit on hnud next

inter shonlsi Ihe ttipjily be poor iu qualityir difficult to f;r>t.

Till! folliiwin(< Nil* wan'made by Sheriff•(!DiT» nn Momliy last: Dovor Bnnk,iini'Liinimt »-i, l'iilriclr lliiiis-i-11 et. ala. de-inluutc. Prop.Tly in Hniiil!)l|ib1oWLsliin j

Jodine Liniment cprei frost bites.

Tham\ny morniag VIM the coldest In

uiiiBteeti y«art ' ; ' ' , .

Metttlie brwAni at JTas. A Ooodate'i Bed

Front drugstore. '

Zofl nrcnui eun ba fam) h>-d«y at Ouas. H.

White 'Boss Tojlat B » d e r h fierfeoUybaroile^i and greatly imnrovea iho complex-ion | for Gala a\ the Aed Front Drug Store.

Seuntor-eleut Youogblood and AJuembly-meu-eleot Post and .JptutHin attended theunveiling of the Kearney etatao at Newarko"q-Tuesday. . " ; . . , ' •

Morrison Uk laid in a few man ttiauwadsof the ,ouoioest braodi of Jlva cent Beganiver offarsd In Dover, wbioh lie will whole-wile and retail.

Friday morning was an extremely oolione, but not quite aa bad fts,its predecessorIhe range of, tlie thermometer It quoUdfrom two to alx degrees belov zero,'

On Thuradar night an open oat filled withcattle arrived In Cover, and among the lotwere found fourteen of-tho poor animalsfrozen to death. The living ones weretaken out at this hi<r i.>n nnd put In box can.

The Fab-, Festival m><1 Oyster Supper ofthe Bockaway M. E. C'lmrob, will be oon-tliaued througlont New year's dajf apd even

i. K. * G . W, tickle's HnU. Don1

fnil to be iu, attendance.

Although the weather was intently ooldu goodly company assembled on Wednesdayevening tit tho home of llav. and Mrs. WmTretbaway, to wish tbem joy and Bulwtftn-Uaily remember, them on tbe ooaasioitheir golden wedding.

Glenn your eidewnlks I We sre rcqnastedlo BHk the delliiqufiuU. In . this particular toolsan their walks at once, The lawn ordin-aooe demands it, as wall an an apupf tbn golden rule.' As ys would that othersRbould HloTt) Iheir walks, do ye even soat bbiiie.

is ts probnt>ly tl»e dr;A<t frrozo of. tbeground tbjit JIBB been known for many years.A^flitullnr, Winter of deep frost with dryRrauud/some ten years slnofl, play id havoc

many trees and plaiits rrputei bard;.Tbe bnow fall, however, muy let tome mola-turn m o b the foots of avorgraens.,

David E. Mooreboase, of Moorehonwtown,near tbe Morris county line, wiu in^lnutlykilled at tbe Morris and Ewiei lloilroad nta-tion(,iu Oraifgs, qn.Monduy eveniiiliorae, Wbiob >os I ltd uear tho depot, b««came frightened nt a lnooinotive head lightnnd bmko away. He rnu (o catch it. Iidoing so he won run over nnd hndly mnu-gipd. The liome wayed. bat tlio fileightowhich it was attached *aa dumolinbed.

Ahoufiekcepor flt the piioouHge of St.ernard's Ohv.ruh, t i t . ltop«, tu-aidenlnlty

dropped a lamp on Wednesday evflaing andIt tixploilcd nnd pot on flre. FatherMttOahan tains to tlie reRiiie f)ud BuocnedtdIu exliuguUlilug the flntiira, using hia boaitHfor tbe purpose. Hla hands wan severelyburufdand in oue of them au artery wanout, compelling the Father to come to Doverthrough thu extreme oold for medical asslstauoe. :

Our Jarser Weathar Prophet.Vemww i» not to haveitiijl blso^u wtiy in

toRiilntiuglli9,wea(her, for A, J. ])dvop, oficWusiioV, iiiitlslfion urvingbis finger In

he jAc; He tretitu m very bittithnmely fornuutiry, bnt snyn that tbn weather will befflry peonllnr over the wholi country, In3nkfitu, MiinexoM, WiaoonHln and Miobf-

it will ba decidedly wurmtr tbnn iu theomontlLlBRtyeor, and in all the Sonlb-States It will be decidedly colder. Theriest Biiowa will fall h Illluoi*, Indiana

nnd Virfiinin. The bexvie»t rains will fall inlflconsiimud JHcliiRnn. It will be nmiRC-v dry ulou^ tlie Allimtlc «mst iiora MaineNorth' Onmltna. 'More ruin will toll in

Monlreivl. CanRila, than io B<Mlpn, lliiss.'he must pi'enllur ftmlurs of tlie wtmthnr iuiiu xectlui will bo Ihitt our BbnipeBt. ii»ysill ho Mloweii by ruin, nnd our mildest

Ktitimnting it nt flvo cirikkVto-the balf-iiit th'7 iiinoniit of (ii'iili' whinltny raanufiic-ir-d in MirriH Oonnty tills fall will whrt

hr hnimm Ihrimt iibout six million sii liun-

Thu riii'rnnd urossjiigiit Mudiwn Reema ton 5 futcd ifput. OiiWctlijrHtlayeventngthetiirlictlslown Mail ftt tliis craPHitig btruokftity ol J p<dhr by tbe immo of Pare ells findthriLlly towhiiulopU'ceB. .

The wot'lt nf prayer'will b" ntLinrfy ob-itvod in tlio Firnt II. E. ChnrcOi next weeky mootings evory cveiiing,.when the topicstpg<Hied by tho Evnt"gelio:il Alliance willp the BiiliJT'ctH for discussion, * ;

Riuid'ilpli Loctge, Ko. 1B0,1. O.'O. P., on?ufHiay evoiiitiR elected tbo following onVvm for the encuiug term: K. G.t Geo.

Stiicyj V. a., JflQibAlbere; R. fl., 0.Mnnn ; Treasurer, Gear Mann ; P.' S, JotnMitchell. ; • ' ' *'

Damo Fiu-blon bos ordered that the nexttylo of Indies' bead dross shall tako a now'pnrtnre, in having tbe hair brushed back, expose the whole fornhsadj* and'tho

bigger tho forehead tha niore styls willicre be about i t !'

TliuTB<lay raorclng rirmiglit us the coldest•eather ll'at wo huve bad for a ntmbo* ziears. Thormometers in t!/« .town marked

from ten to fourteen defpraeB below zero,t other plftoi'fl wo learn of It being as manyi sovontoen degrees below.

Mr. and Mrs Samuel B' r!ok,,rf"/illo,,, _ to U B twenty.fl if HI annive'r-

ryofturir innrringa a*\ the 1GI1 Innt, onjidi oendBion they wero "surprised" by ampany of about HeTentyave. friends andooived miuiy valuable gifts. .'

Bare tbe En* Carrier Addresses, as theyntain all the important- pninfei in ourloonlitory, aiul inponiirig yeaw will be Tdonhlflr rtfiKnos. OurloHrrier preBCBta-to-daybfund n*'w bnet'nnd wiibouf doubt will beleially reciivud by our readBre. ;

l ,


rber cow a.fe,w.'dpor8 ureit.. John v

..n'ocoHjiy the p«K^t barb«jr,Bh.pn* .ar'ftpuloenand will pqtiii:*'pool tahhv •;,,*; :"..

Han. George nldhardi, Ihe p'opnlftf Mayorof Dovpr, is rtronRlf urged bribta -friendalo beoomb a oandMirtf„ for tlpitad;pta|eiSenator. .Mr. Blobwdi..8 an jble.Qiwi andwould ma^^o^itaWo.ijtpreiwntatiMfwtbo HttW Stole ol Sew*"rlcwejr,—Wasmngtbr

t a r J f • • • • • ' ' " • • . \ ' ' • " ' . • ' • . . . \ \ S ' - ' - } •

A lady with wbom Christmas >HV Ieaymany. pl«w»ot •nrtiWHiw 1? "' fltopbeiWhitney, of Horrii PUltiH,'wbo sees ibat" 'tha poor people in that aeiglberuooa artamply provHed for on fJhrirttius Dayi Thenumber of her benaflolarlei this y « r waseighty-two. . '

Infonnafion'cbtnea fiom-all qnarters oft ie SUts ' .g$ tho sfcugliier of :«mali;gamq,,snoh A ' A » ^ » . rnbbitfl^partridgeB, Au., has

acouttd'ty irlortsaietl- tot game, .ft!ispropoftsd to,stop,the ahooting : for twoyeara or nioro.' , - „ • • * * ' ,

Anewbanking'^riD, of whiohMr^FrankJenkins la a niember, has just been organ-ized; und will begin bnsiiwsB with tho nswyear at No. %& Huo S t . New Ttorit Hewn).CoUins, Boiid-n t Janfciaa tompriwi thefirm. Mr. Qeo. Meeker, of this time, hai

a cngteed ai caahJer.-BuUeUn,

St. Bernard'Church, Mt Hope, amounted to the hand'BOUJQBUmcf t lS6 t , _ ,,

Shawls and dreM' goo&js may be found' iu(treat variety and at Moderate priow at W.

Subject* for the Weak of Prayer-Sunday, 2d. 'ITienie—Christ the only hope

f a lostVirM.Monday, 3d. ThnubBKiving for tho bless-

ipa, letnporitl find Hpiritunl, of the pastL-itr, and prayer for their continuance.

Tiitiuday, 4th. Humititition anil ennfes-on on uvuouut of iudhidual, aorial anddtinnal Bins.Wediwindiiy, 5th. Prayer for the Church

Df.CiiriBt, itsHftity and purity,,ita miuialry;nnd ior revivals of religion-•lhnriiday, Oth. Christinneducfttion, prnyer

for tho family, Snndty schoolH and oil edu-rntioual institutions, for Young Mun'aCbriRtiiin AsaooiatifliiH and for tho preni.

Friday, (lib. Prayer for the prevalence ofiRtioR, humanity nnd peace among allatiouM; for the nappresmon of inleniper-

auoe and S&bbath tluseoratloii,ShtnTday. 8th, Pmyur. for Ohriatinn .miHr

lonsriea and ihe conversion of the-world

SondSy, Oth. Theme—On themlnlstra-ioa of tbe Holy Spirit.

Fieri Culture, •Comin.iiaioi.ei -Anderflon teoelvod ;n

iHtt*r .hat. thtirsii..^. Htftilng - ibat 180,000Onliroroia minion badibeen dtetrihtjted!1 Iuthe heftd wnters of the Deiuwnre wlthiii Aitprfal of ton IIHJS, lenviuR 120,000 yet to bejiairlbuled. Tlio letlar stated forlber that al.rge ahiptnbut'bf troiit eggs had jn*t arrivedat,the Blnomsbary bntoliing house. Oom-mtiul-'Der Anderson vMiya the prospect nextyear for petlliift n good sripplyof iiind-lockedenliuonnud Oalforuiu Itunt eggs ia very

Tbe demaqd far thoaa eggsia(\uil;Stl(l>pi nro '$4*. enopgh to go

ironmi, Now Jersey, howover, ia onmlng iuir n gsnorunS shnre of them ibis tiiue,

' \}'- Sunday.Sohool;Election.';,'*'Tlie toaohere of the First M. E,r Sunday

'chonl, of this place, held their Annualelection on Monday evening, with the /ol-

iwiug refiUlt i Sipariutendont, Johu S.-Oibaon; Awtatant Soperiutendeiit, Samueldlstnraar i Reoretary, Cilia, IX. IMArrmo.

tBdsureri' L. f). Biatwiith'j Ohorl4t«r^\E.I, Young i Organic May ijn \' tib'ra-

rian.-Obu H. VVuhelKad, Asfilstant 11-irarlac, Llviug^bm Ddlryiqple, Tbe school

hAsmoreaaod tb 831 members,officers.and SI tcflohers, and,the averageattendanoo for tba year was 182. - ;••

BTlTnCEXT or ntON'OU •

Pinilng tbe HiSkftUWwu' •oiJai.iift. H. k B.R."it, lo Pepmytrania^for U»B ii«ek. - - » ' - -

evening, ~


Bonl i i iwiy": . . . ;> . , i . . -v 1 - -v" .Port6ram..; . : . ; i i . - i . . . . . .Oitoitor Tt. fl. (Ifin-ton Bt0nFwia'B,:^daifWoii]ia,,Va'ii»ttft and (Jlipa- ;

amietioo BUUoJHt)..; -•


. .Tottl-.

We ara filad t* hear 'that; tbay are tomepeople in this towu who Rragoiug to eom.wenceUie*f«irjear'b/dlBtolviBg partner-ship with Ihe Atmou rum, u they find nolb-ins "hut misery and d e f t U l i u i t a W e w i a h

tbem pod ipeed i n . M r tradertokhiK. Weanderaton'd thut/JnniM UorrbtoniR one olthis ntiinber." We fainpn that he will keop

'reiwlnUoiii aaitwiiNgliden the bpnrtsof, his jMtmntB'aria nwny dtiwn tq « • him

V Y t f ' * V

Her. John Bumll, a UethodM miniaierdied niddfliily 6n%Dday uorni'Hg from ln ;

flammattcn'of tbeauBg't. Ha w*» tlplj buttire or three days, fror the paat two yearahebiB beeu preaching at Ogdetulmrg andFranklin, ^»d WM;B1BO fteltrVfajtbt topf John (JeorgB.'Bt O^denBburgVyeanngn he mat fora abort time employedaa oondaotor on tbe Susxex railroad.

The Iron Trad-.Tbo Philadelphia Prew of Dsa. 27th saysiKotwitbHtnndinK the o mtiiiuous and oonfi-

dent talk oiiout liigber prioen and advancingrltbt, we see notbiug whatever to

any tnth pwHoWonx. If the Aarkot v n in anno dnubt that a rapid advance in prioe-t

would bo Dindu. Tbo exparienoe of the pasttwulve months, however, shown the intimateTelations which exist between Utisaud fur-oiga markets. Tbe increase of twenty-fivepernent.-in groduction in Great Britain,without any proportional movement in ex-porU, la taviug A very depresses; e&tbereandprioeeare veak, with a decliningtendency. The oouiae of the Americaomarket, therefore, l» watohed will tbe(Ibepeat interest, and if buyers begin tomanifest aoy aniiety in regard to supplierthe Eoglifih and Scotch iramuasters viU be

nly too gled to da|ilUat« last year's sales ofa niUlioa torn for abfpiuent to tL« UnitedBtaW Bayiug In BO euity under tbe presentByatatn of b&ukon' credit* that OD a ridingmarket tranBactJnua to the estent of tens of

of tons may be made iu oourso ofa few days, but to taks cam of it OD arrivnland to get it into consumers' bands baa beenfound to be quite another matter. There iino uumodlato danger to be eppreheuded inthis direction, and in nil' probability thiwilf nnt be any, witew a preminm is offer«lby advancing quotations of American iron.Bales during the week have beeu'madfl'at

2 for No . l foundry iron, ftZ2 for No. 8foundry and *20 to *2l for gray forge.Sailers mwt the demand freely, aod thers isno difficulty iu planing orders for All reason-able requirements at the above named rutef,Scotch iron is steady nt $S3 to $2fi, aoaordlug to braud, hut the demand is very trifling;OUnrpoal iron has sold at (88.50 to $36 forhot blast, and (88 to |40 for oold bleat.

WEEKLY IRON REPOKTS.The Engineering and Mining Journal of

lost Saturday nays:The approach of tho holidays baa drawn a

t i f b i

Ir Xov A B I Oim. Ttnv iU Kidney.Worarivvrdnemeut n BBotlior cnlumii, ai>d It wit(•xplsla toy in the rational mi'tboii or 'iillln^W4ill. Kidnoy-ffori will sav« yon mure doctor1'bills than any other uiedicmt kituwii. Aciiugwith speciSt energy.«n 1h<i tiducyii »ud liver.1 cured tlio wiirtit diseases oitnuwl bv t

. Uau It «l oncn in dry or liquidEither it oquallr efficient, tho liquid

tlie c»»lu»t, but tbe dry Ii tbe most ccou


large amount of atletition fromlied tbe Iron trada euBera inWe are informed, however, that there Is

important business going on in n quk-tway. Tbere I» unquestionably considerableinquiry as to pdoes, etc., for next year,which indioates (hat a large amount of bus-inesa will probably be done at an early day.

AMEWOMK PJO.—There has been someimportant tmuincss done, tbe particulars ofwhich wa are uot at liberty to announoa at

Ihkora are uot yet ready to namepilots for'next year's delivery. We quotalo. 1 Fouortry Bt |2fi i No. 3 Fonndrv,ml Porpe, $1U and 4^0. A contract to f ur-ilsb 0,0110IOLB of ttflter-plpe for nest year

Is repurli'd to have been given. We barennt learned of the purchase of t ie iron forIhewtmeyet. i

BCOICH Pio.—Balpa of nbout;7O0 to BOOtous in lots, part for future delivery, but ftllon jirlviito terms, are announced. 'J'be mnr?

. . . .. . W f l

[uotaEHlintonatjaii and •*# \ OoltnesR,• 84 and fS4 | ; Qltuigarn^ok, #M, andQnrtsberrie, S'21l and tW^. A Bale of 1,00ft

>i>sb( HWdloabrough, Nos B nwd i, h re-orled al417| , iu fi'ore in Pliiliideljjhfn,

A Sad CDlncidsnos at Pom i t on.On Hatiirfl >y evcuiiig before last, the wife

of Rer. IT. N. Jnnnen, pOHtornf tbc ReformedOtimob nt Foiopton, wita called to the spiritworld. At the" time of bcr death cha wasviniling some.ftimdi In New York. This is

tecond death in the fnmily within Rnbort time. About four ycarB ago Misn Ella

tutifnl niid aoaompllshed younftof Rev, <T, If. Jaaaon, wan

cnlted to berrewnrd, thus leaving Mr. Jan-tho only member of the family now


Another family Bimlldrly afflloUd Is thatif Dt, MoWithey, also a resident of Pomp-

A short time after the death of MUs\&mm, Hiss Mary Ma^ithey was callediwny, atd about two months.' ago Mrs.

Wither diufl while visItinR is Wew York,loaving the Doctor tbe Role mirvlror of bisonce happy fnnitly. Taking it altogether it

tbe most striking cpincidenos on record

Vonnor's Latest Prtdlcllon.Tbo Dcoomber predictions of the weather-

wise Vennor having been fulfilled, h* fore-cants tbo reat of tha Winter in a vary cool

anner, aa follows: "Hev Year's callersill bavo heavy sleighing thia year fromonlrcftl to Washington, D. O., and lexpeot

lookadei of snow in Ihe United BUteB abnutthe 7tli aud 8th of January, and raiay daysduting tbs month will its exceedingly few.Tbe second rjnarter will open witb heavyHHOW fallH and terminate in a oold ennp. Themiddle of tho month will bring snow fallawhich will terminate in milder weathrr

rard tto end cf tbe third quarter. Thinthaw, which will be interrupted by a briefold spell, will eitocd from about tbe 181b

of tbe month Into Ftbiuary. Tho record orthis month will thow It will have been a

ivere dm, nnd tbe general condition of tbe<-aiUer will probably remind ua of some of'hiitare culled ''rral old faBhicned Wiiitere."

A Good Chance for Smart Young Men.T*eoty-flve pndet engineers will bo ap-

lolnted next Scptomber npon competitiveintulnatlou at the Naval Academy at An-

napolis. Tbe age required for fidraifliion Isfrom .10 to30 years, ftnd the studies upouwbioh tb«y will be ezAiuliied are arithmetic,algebra, geometry, gcognphy and-naturalpbllosophy. Tne rank Is the eama as tbntof oaaot mldnbipinini—$r>00 per annum fcrthe four yean at tbt Naval Academy. Aftergraduation tbs aataiy is raised to ftt.oon.

olitical influence is not requlrod. Anyboy can get a permit lo appear f>r oxamio-atiott without Ihe assistance of a pongresB-man simply by writing to the Secretary ofthe Nary for It. Th,e toy of tflb bumblostparentage bai the same prospect m tha son

if tbe most wealthy citizen or tbe moatinfluential official in tbe government,

A Wrong Impreislon-Week b'Toro last there crept iu among

the- miHORllaoeoas reading matter on ourfirst p.iga » pnrngraph clipped at randomnuioiigother ijumorons notes, .whioU had a

to a young phyniolau, who wnsdesignated by on Initial. By a'stranfio andinnolieedcoincidQCoe'ths initialfatppencd

to be the same u.lhat of n young physicianpracticing hero, Vfaaro extremely sorry toloam that same believed that we Intendeda covert hit at this gentleman—sorry thatany should think that We' would sbiop to

a .meanness. She gentleman in qnes-llon enjoys a bighpiaOB in'tbe; eeteinVofthlfloominna|ty..onii t V . E " would be thelaEttttcaitan'lDppntaUon'St hia private or

qgfoolfitUly paid olglity-flvoj ilulhra in doctui

»ftot be hud hronann'by liU phyaiciiio* to die. Now myjan<l looU ai Well an ever, eatiroly cur

by thi't eioolliiut Toaio. &n& inaiisasi«k muniulglit bo well In a wsok If ttiej would only try

For Malo by Twgbt& Killfiurs.

NEURALGIA CURED.TJY J)r, liurr'i Nuuralgla tnrl Bid Huad

Mj adhePllli.'These ptlls ire a HpuciaJirapamtloU Bolt-lv for the enru of Hpoeini din<oasoMindforibrge 4lsuamtlioy arci vrcirlhyoft trial bv nil tulelliflont sunoroi's. Tuny arepruparfld (•iprodiily fur tUe oiiru - ' «—-'--••

Nla, Vniltinc _Puralyiis, Palpita! . ,-aohcnrisiug Trtim orer stiniuUtliiff. citlier byni>!uni or alcolmlio sttmulunti, ploBKuti. lo- ' - ' " -.y absolve in tlio moutlO, linrmffgt.

ttoilly euro all itim-nEFR ininins I'muted NfrTonu Hvatmn, Losi of NCI'VUHHiiOl'rimatiiie Duuay. ThoF eon in in

noophiui (irullier nnrcotics. l*rcpjrctl liy A.E. Btun, M; D., Soimiton, ra. Konl br iimllon roonlpt «rtii'ii!O—UOctB. JIOKIIBBUI) n it >li-IIIIIH nm( 0, N. flritlenilpn, Nuw York, A-sunts.

Dn, BNIBP•!iirs: I liace «nl(] DH DUltU'sraralda anil dioi Hitaa^be I'illn for yean-•

iDtl I oah i-tttJiiinieniVlliciii, Tlmj'Uftifo uiadi-inderfiil aunMl.it Hill m t M .

A.KNJIPF, M. I). PlliPtnn, Pit.

A Stian|« PurtHlr.Do you know fiat. Ihoro are itrntiRH

In ou.r coininimltj. we aa.v strangp bthey isom to profor to Buffer oud pasIBTB mlsorsMy, nrndo so by iiyliver oninnlailit, I a i t lipneral debility, w

guaranteed to cure kh

Firs in Morrlitoyvn.Morristo?(»cixperfer.()e4.i Tery 6>struo-

liveilw onMftqjafternoon at last week.At fl o'clock'natnes wen dieoovered Its *from the barn, on.the premjies of Day 4Uaobmore), the lumbar niewhanU nejr.,tbedepot, and in q little time ^ the lumber yardwas wrapped in the defouiing element. Thaflre depnrtin'en't did good sarvioe, but beforethe flataes wen etUngnlshed the boildingaand lumber were neatly all oonaumed. TinOre ia believed to hftVe originated in tinbay mow from t i e pipe ot some one In tb<barn. The lnas is eitlmated at 118,000,upon which tbere is ininraoceto tlie amoiuof about t6,00O. ' . ' " " - •

Wuron Oouiti wnunenoe EextXue$d*y,

' An Encouraging Outlook.A number ol .leading Iron maaufaotdrea ol

this country wuro lulervIewB^K* PittsbnrRb,on the 14th in regard to" tbs condition ot theIron bnBJna&i. They ajl said trade was neverbettor, nnd, all the mill* ore running on fulltime, with order* enough on ilia to Ustthrough tbe season. Iron Is aelHnR sbaqtone Jorlh of a oent below the pard, bnt theprioa la oomidored good.' - Mr. Martin, seo-retary af the Amalgamated, ABsoolatlon, saidIbat a l l oorreanondencti frpm every Ironmaking district in tbfl UniU3 SUtes ia to Ihoeffect that btuuieui U exceptionally good forDectmbor.

ELY'S OBEJIMBALHhas cured me QfCa-farrn at seroral yearn' atEinllng. I-iiave re-

n-cl my Home of tuHte luid snieJl hj itsme, hud can truthfully say thu Bilm list noe q n a l u a « u » for this lurrlfjle diieaae. V.G. OoDKK, Elizaliotb,». J-, Aagust l i tb, 1B79.

Fur Bale by Vupgbt k Kill(,'oro.

-MEH8I18. ELY SUDS., Druggiata, Omgo,New York:. We find Oieara Balm taking frontrank in the lint <jf luucenilnl proprioUry art'-

Tbe sales are couttsntlyirfl frequently hoai' whoro tbe CREAMM b u affuctdd thuroosh cures af lory

obstinate »nd long existing caies of Oat*rrli,We congratulate joniu barlug put upun thetnatVet so valiuble and much desired anarticle.. 0. B. <tam ft DELL, wholonale drag-gists,Newark, N. J, Beeadi't.

7 & V 4 K7oa & B I Vonmrr 4 Kxumm.

A Miraculous Escape from DeathiKanorV quoted remark Iu our newepaparf,and yet, huw many snob oaourrenues happenevery day and are uuchronkled, nulieard ufaudunspprociated escvpt bv tbe lev wbo areclosclT intcrotUd.. There Is probably nolarger collection of snob facts than ia tbo cor-respondence of Q. V, ABTHCH it Ou.. whoseEHiirel Sulphur has caused ninny* graierulheart to'einieis its tbanbi for balp In timo ufdanger. Tb'a preparation Ii acerUin cure forall ulaeaiei of throat &n<I langi—cougbi, oolds,

ain pilot)) catftrrh, otc,Fur sale by Vuitgh

ElgtityFlvo Dalian Ust-"Too d>i not loll me that jonr husband isupid ubont igaio, and entirely cured by no slm

pie a medicine as Parker's Ginger Tonic?', iudood, I its,." nal<i Mri.Bonjimiii to lie

uiuidring uoighlior.aad that too when wo had





, Norvoui tteadaobn,ot Food, mpiainB Blk

pltaUno of tlie Heart, mid Hm er stiniuUtbiff cith

PR, i u m I uiitlMlek HMi i l„,., WPTO first, i

A, A

u Fills ovorThoy «i re

\{o haw ft <|ioittly mid pniltivo emu fluitarrh, dlphtliorln, rajlior mnalli ami lic.nl-

icbu, In Bliilnb'i Oalnrrh Itonmtly. A unwatj t o r fico vfth eacli bnitlo. Usu It 11' vou

e Uraltli, anil iiwi'et breath. Piicu lirt.v

oud pasx tliuiriiynptipala nt»loimtlpatioii ami

Five H unit red TltiiutanA Stmit|r.In tbo pail few mmttiiR there bus bei<n runrr

ban 5(K1,OOO bottles of BHHiOn'6 ODIIRJOL». Oat of HiQ. vast anmbw of ponpip wLnhaVII DHBO il,-mom than 8,000 ™ nf CON-flUMPIION UVB bncQ owea. All ooughi,croup, attain*, and bronolillls, jfeld i t ooco.hence it it that everj body ipeaksIn its prnlse.Tothoiowlio baTo not lied It, lot us say, II

m baTo a tongli.oryonr child tliech)Hp.sDdjii fiilan Ufa don't till tn try it. Pur lameuck, Mr or runt, n«e HUlloli's Porous l'lon-Sold bj Tonebt k Killcore.

ISAAC N. DOTY & Co,offer this any icorooscd attracliotiB in


CMS, Jackets aM UKBTS.Tliis being tlio lieigbt uE Iho BO'ISOU,

ur stciak Is miwt ooojiilotQ, nu<l lurciblvreoommeudi itsalE ID oil wbo art? inter-ested iu ut) uiirqnalMnseortmnt-tof HOIJliabiqiiablD ami durablo mtiterials..WARM UNDEKOLOTHINa--ffc

lava Ihe most exlonsiva variety of A I LWOOL and Muono IlNDBirwaAR incity. We buvo botb Whita mid aearlolTests and Drawera for Indies, Ounts nmlObildret; We-have a fall i-ango utsinns,from prajillcit to ]prgfi«ttat raty rensoa-ubie liriden. We o»a m i t ever^bedj intbis, department.

BLANKETH.-^Par the present sennorour Ulanket stock is anrivnlleJ for gi>n-eml eicftllence. In aJdition to a large

t f t l l 1








Slackwell St., Bcver, N. J.,




'ATCKES iugniitv.

iely, to wliich Mm ui

!Dti iu of buyin* In in


Wedding and Sea! Rings,Gents' Scarf Pins,

Gold Chains,Necklaces,

HAIR JEWELET, nmJo to onlcr. Special nttrnctions lor th«HOLIDAYS. COME AND SEE MY SHOW WINDOW.

Our assortment of CLOAKS and DOLPIAHS has been largelyreplenished for tLo HOLIDAYS and is now more extensivethan ever. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ „

HAND-KNIT WORSTED GOODS!Our stock of these goods is unequnllcd and consists of HOODS,

SCAUPS, NUUIAS, JACKETS, LEGOIEOS, MITTS, A C , ia fiuo and low pricedgoods. New novelties iu

Luce Goods Handkerchiefs, Collars nnd Cull's. &c.We show nn infinite variety ol new designs and combinations in


FURNITUREhim been replenished speoially for 'ho HOLIDAY TKADE with PAB-




upon tlia moat faTornbre terms, wu offerBlankeU ul-extrn eiae and •tiperbqnal-itv, nh ic lma guarantee better vuluetbouoau be fpuuH elsewhere iu this market.

OOMPOBTABLEB.—We raaunfiictim-every Oumforlubla aulj at our CHtnblisb-xoent, thus emibiiog Ms to pusitirnlvwarrant tbe filling to be pure curdedonttuo, nnd nnt the waste material UBU-allv employoii. "Wfl devotu special at'tentioD tJ tbU very duaimblo' ohm itfWinter Hoods, nml arn plcnt^d tn an-nounce tlmt our presp^t i|nck in munigreater, t!ip fit>lw vatixo viiried und ilie(irices eiinnlly as low as ot auy lormer

WINTER S K m T 8 . - I n this Jewnrtmeet no bnvo n greater rnuge of imvt>^ties than ifl lUttsouted by any otbor likedlaptej in the city. We have bnndsomoslylea and qualities in botb JVIt nii«JFJuunel, wbicli nre nffur nt' prices citreraely low. Wtt bnvo deoideilly tblargest stock of Winter Qooils in New-ark, n|ion wljioli prices are positivelyllio lowest.

18AAH N. DOTlf * Co..irrnHKhLY Moniti* A Di-rr).

Iii and 161 1LO1££X BT.,

'"ii fluid in Morvii C'uutity. Simplev duinitlft aud emj monfiw. Kvnr<rrMiitoil. |)o not ha pit) o<T witb miDei-tog and trtloK tbo "WHITE.1


MOimtB St.," DOVER, K.

I again iippcnr in tho cuiiipaigii field—not a can-didiite for the Wliilo House- but for tho purpose ofshowing who will sell you a Miit of clothes tho bestand cheapest. 1 have taken great pains in selectingmy stock, adapted for this fall and winter, in the lineof UEA1)Y-MA1>E CLOTHING for Men, Youths', Boysand Children's wear. A ver.v.desfuiblc line of PIE: >(300ItS of all grades and ittjucrlnlH, ami I am alwuy*ready to serve iny natrons to my utmost ability iimnkingn good iittlng gnrnmit for n very moderntoprice, A ftilUino of HATS CAPS and UENTS' FUII-N1S1HNQ GOODS of Ml dc^rriptions always on handI sincerely request tho people of Morris Counly to pny

.«attention to this, that coni|h;11tioti caitnoitouoh me this fall. All I ask of you is to call on

3J1 J=3 D E ! rE . ,The Reliable Clothier and Merchant Tailor,

N axtoor- to tba P.ist OSoe, Dover, H. J


Irani a outl to a buali, Ht Ilia IltON EBA OFFiCB.






Dot. 10th, 1880. DOVER, N. X





Mia ffitcb,

Hold Pent*,

I'cu aud 1'eDcit Casei,

Tooth Picks.

Ladies' opera and Vest Chains,Bracelets,








SCISSORS IN CASES, POCKET KNIVES,ILEIGH BELLS, and o grcnt variety of new nnd useful articles for

Go IUKI sot) tlio display nt

SIGN OF THE PADLOCK,'ovor, Oot. 12tt, 1880. '^ DOVER, N. J.

'otolior 20tb. 1880. (11-ly)

The LATEST im-

proved., most dur-

nl>le, and conTon-

ienb SEWINGr


family use and nuui

ufuc hiring, parpone

of any invented, A.

trail will convince


Agent,DOVER. N. J.

TO TWB FRONT!Djn't furget nmiJ tlio dip of bntlln

tliat WALSH, Ho oiie-|i'rice la"oria lurain in tha SnlJ with the flutaa ill] mosts lect stock nl


elnivn (Ms «Wo o t No« York,o g'M)da ljiivn bppu neleoieil wilUu ost FO:'UI)I])I]UB cure anil a iio-to matt the wums uf biB miiny

yiilimtl customers, wbo have Piitnm-ized him so liberal]., in Ibe past, niulb.- Likoi tliia oiip.Yitnnitj to assureficm nnd tlio public RPHMHIIJ that•mitbiTslriotntlputinu to tbpir wi«b-•a nor an n i r u x t eff,,rt on bin part*w b» wuutiJB b> Tutain tlieir « -ocmnd Uaitlunagt, All RonJa >o'd

™ ' " " J l l i s t a l " i d nbriink beforoboioR out «ml eicr» preoomior, l ak .n

.1, i wiioMuci iu nil nbo entrant tbrnr onlcniu q n » i l Ibut (uu lha im nil! luare Ibeirordtra

io iml 1 s'ciiia thnl nmMint <>•• iiti|.|i:li.n Dccnmnrt l o e r l l i n c«,.r'i. Witii iniiny tnnnlii to- j nn r fcvors in tbe jam JDd aa

u Hi ploijit in tlio fjtji'R, L t'niaii vnnri truly


October 2tl, 1880. SUSSEX JSt^DOVER, N. J .


VISITING CARDS, etc.,il to sngmiing. at oLflourtti tin1 [irio1, At i h s Ln :

Page 4: LUMBER B Ctest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/... · Arp iidly prone to talk Of nutter* tbst ooneern va not, And otber*' ftjliei mock." I've bnsa IbfnUng 1! ire'd begis


j , , i : , . »|:

i i . . | : i K i , - | . . . |

iii.-i U..-l<-.-ii1r

|i..!t ..Viil, '111

['WIMiltTt',1 t

art1 ,»ci-.^iuii

mixing rfns

s . , n , >.!„,,cl'ilill'L'll'H !•

nvii^y U ilmi?l, i l i! inbim«<,' b )i!


i. .1., II,

,•„,!! , , , | i

:ist It,.,,1,1 wSiitn i]

H u l l , , ,. , , , „ , 1<f f,r""l

I S UH.I.iirbmui.lid V,,i mis II

ore im>l

II MITESlir owu K,.• I..i-,,|]|\.

• l i y i t in

imsli "( IInili IIIV ,,lusif thin


ii.-inl fijinln,l [;iri»'VilV 11,1 ,

IS* i.lity emi

J tiimuml

..I'k Mill

« in tliu|!I,1I1U'C-

H. moni-

,. limgoi.„[, ti,,,..• s " " ' J1-flVllt IU

•ingly ouHeel,

«>n|> Hullibvi.il in

* Even



cb'Mrca iitv mvart; tit tliis fiiet.Tno iirmtliolfe g!»>HS on lault'e may

\jii eiwilv tviiumjj I'.v Bfttiug jslusfcCBswut wiibluiuoMiic H I ton the sluli. Al-m laf »I)V i.tii'l Wlij Kl'I'Ve, bllf liliIHil.il'IS tllLl f.iVUIlttl ilgl III.

A yn.'iit tanny yonng Lousukoojigi*full iuto tlie very u i luh l eriuruf tldiik.in ; tlmt lioiktl I'utatuoa biiunU ln>serv.il wiiii tlm uvn> nu natural. Tlit-jpruft-rvj thuir IW.ii vana'a liuLtt-r cooliutlHint w.i.v. it is true, bat tliu men ft.|.i*liiivo put iiito tan im-nruble I iiMt ofwiling uvit.iti.ica boilut) itilu il furwl 8S

In e;HHii]iK jiRacliof, mollicw sliontiiIij-ivc tlioit- liilfe 1m,ys I.olp them peelIbo fruit. AtfwutdraJuf tube* B Unitc 'mik i ) . A tntithi'f fatormn iw tl«i 1tla* pc,:ut]l.'Sslio biul KlljtjluHL'il would tillBis jura «mly n,adB five. Shu Imd bur |lilltcboii(n lid[> lu iioi'liup, nutl llerci-1fomgot tlirutigt) rtuuiog qtsiukei' lluiusbti dud aiiffcijuueif.

A prtat ilw.1 of tiicknrRS in I'liililtciimay be itvtjiil.il b,v JUIIODIS eating tUcBftscii fruit en ilicir itluiio Uii'iiiselvL's.A niiitfsJ effort in u m-if{lil)»rli(ii)l i«urofssiUT tn nuke I is is iviiH'il.v ' flt;i'ttia1.Hi-IIH iiml diiislrwa nm .n-oue to i-tiiihle,

'i'iit! atily known vrny la iwiUti j/it'lilcakfK'p is lo Ivck tlit'ui. up in lite store-nlo'ict i.n<] then tliruw mviiy liio la',y.

titlior m;-'!l(i)its iis

I'arlmndw, Halt i&mm, Malaria,ilMouft Compbiinte, and alt diseasesIndicating an Impure Condition of(lie Blood. This Grand Bemedr te acompound of vegetable extract*, tlmclilGTof which are HAJWmil l l lAmid STRLINULA. Tho cures effectedbv SCOY1LL** BLOOD MB LIVEltSVHUl' ore absolute, and theirrecord U un^Hgnred hj failure.



SUSSEX St. GROCER,tf to kwp a full Jiail frysb ijn


mid Provisions,

SEASONABLE FRUITS,ei^n and (tonicBlio, tbe beat gradedtiu! UOQJX, uml all enppUuH of theBelolii ill Lin lint.

'uru wilt nlwuj-B Ijo bitten to secure «oodsof tUo ti-st quality aud equal pains to sellili(-m at ibe uoot reiwo .ablu niurgins con.u'nteut wilii Uiu jmrofiwing price. fcjuHSe*•LrtiL't, iiunr Hit- coruor of Blaokvtill, Uovtir.

Ckitobtr u t b , iury.

A. KI:KSIIA\V.-H4viui,' touted (1K>


ProprietorjlOll BlIUBO, jUSl

itipulily auil :onvf(ii«utlyhmiiahv'l byHr.JKD tluvtin ou Washing UiuMvuut. Murrisluwii, I won 111 call tliu utieiitiuuof tlm olil patruiir. of Ihe tInline, and uf Biifmany fried dt In Murria and mrroHuiUitBi-iiuulii'H uni] of tUv tuiffJi'' generally, It» Utrriii|H<ri»r BiUantitgun it .iiior.. to both linn mi'litmd iirr.uai.tiit giieaU. Its apurtraeiitu artnil llr^-L'luttN, and tin- IHJUIO IIBH buuii musthiailv Bivli-tl tli'- "Uncut Hiitul ill Nurtliuru\e.v*J..'r*ny." Tbo rulcn lire low. Aeconu»u-' ' " iiiilitiiiicilniiiiib^riif linritii) kjil

nlfervii by cDUHDodinuH ettil.tci....... , * A.KEltHHAW,Lit* pniprictnr of Ton Ejoli Utiaw, Hwoer-





(M0BBI8 iHU lielSEX UIVIHutB iu Nuw Vurk, tout of Burcla

footulUliriaUiplmr St.

iuintuduK aiUSUAY. J UMi 7tl», lb80-LKiVfi NEW 1U11K.

7MU?A.)f. (TJ jn^l j Jl jurjruin), cutiug wiib lUu Uuuiiiuit liruuili t t l'mvil

fui Uuuutoo j Uiti L'lietU-r Unuoli at DUILTIi i B U t u a ttliii CUutttr; tin' £ubUt-s ituiliu

dUTtiiu, fur Auiiuvur, NtA-t«u Biid «fJ *>tbj lboU. ,L . i W. U. It. »l WMlilust'

k l l i k l V t U | ' Sln»im»liur

L-at Uumi, Duiijumuluii,i{,-n, Uuiiur, UorlUuJ.dvi

L Uuii.u It ailtin; a i ^ a l i'iiiJIilwlJUijv will. Ubi«l . ._UiiiirtmU ami Uu'f-ih ai,u S.iMiu.-ltaiJUii It-

Tor Until lulium, MaUCii Cbuiil., IWiiHH tinHauiuliui a.

Al m w A.. U. Oaifi'K" KsiiWfcf <^*.«uituum U»r« riitucliuil) Iioiii ftu» lui'L H». i ui

lid Uuotitun, mint tlirouuli tu ftaltGrew Ueiiil,

Uiii'liaiuiuu Liait Jlai-miiui C'ortjuud,tiJiuuiur, Sjracutw „„ „.., „ -

- irwith CboHter U. It., at Waturlou wilh!U a. J(. for AuJuviif, Kowtou aud all mi-; al I>«U«aru with Blairat

th'tauton, with .uluoniiburK DivlBiK i B t ffilkiburro Ban

«uil *11 a Wowii Ky., «l

thtauton, with .uluoniiburK DivlBiuii lur i'ittt-ton, KiugBtun, ffilkciburro. Bannl^.NurtL-uuiboriautl. do., bt iimclianicou with Vtio*U i l f Q N w i o b Utloi *uJ

clianicou with Vtio*Norwiob. Utloi, *uJ

Ub " 'ruuiie, Norwio

ugH. fftiaeu({o, « I'.rk, i ' ^ t r ^ i .»t Wfwliiiijjtou witiiB t I k l b l l u m

li>W and BEAST.Tor Extanial and Internal TJM,

I'.iin Ucliorer

t]i:it it

i>i>(] i l - t | j i

s SuuinlMJii'H vpc

tc fur iiciflci'. butin « liijuitl fonn.

voiU' liny Intime wli«n it i

FACT8 WORTH KNOW ING.flfiftr, Bnba. Jtaadrat*, SUIll.d* u dlaor other of Uiebest nedlciiiM known ar» todlilully toablned ia I'AHsu'a Qixosa Tomoi to nislo it tbo greateit Blood Purlflir and



mi fciblu iii f iut suiste.y.with proiiiiely uliow gumcafiinu.

L.tilici wlio t]n ilioir own niisliingahvliUl iiiowViul tall <\ies* white ihasciu|i!(^'cil is eonsiiliTod vulgar. Earrings mid finger lings amj be nlloned,Lui broocli niiil gnld wutcli c--niu never.Somo very bciintiful washing iiitn of jbine nml red mlia wild umnitiont trim-luinge aro sbowu, nuti lire meeting MIIUhigh luvor.—Boston Transcript,

I'Vn. unil Fireside.

3J"ur tulting out scorcli.—If a aliirtIjosotn or any other article lms Leonmarched in ironing, Jay it whvra brightsun will fall tlitvcily uu it. It will tukeit yniirely out.

Slock MiucePic—Four Boalon crnck-«ra ruiletl, two-tliiniaol a cupful of coldwnter, acupfn! of moliiases, linlf a. cup-

ful pneb of fciiigiir and viucgar.nn egg,aud ruiftine aad spices an fur miuce pios.

Oyster Pie,—Make n j>iuloiic for piccrnflf, iivo & shallow pm mth it, pat iaa layer of oystore, season with crnmbs ofbnttfii- and salt, itdd n hyov of urend or

So perfect Is OILlixaiB TONIG UiAt

.or Liver Duord.r, or if you need a mild itW->ulant, or appetiier, the Tomo la juat tie mad-

for you, as it b highly cuitulfa awl In-,. ating but never Intoilcatlng.you am slowlr wasting away with CON-'

...ption or m i dclqieu, if you ban a Piinf 'luahorabud Cold, VmmiK'a Qmttn "lax

w...II surely Help you, It gins new Ufa <uI vigor lo ibo feeble and ng5d. »nd is a cert*'cure for Rhaumititm and Chnlira Infhnlum.tt Qaa 6ftTtd Hnndredi of U T » I J I t atl

S a n Tgnri,It you ara feeling tniscroble don't wait untilouftre down aiuk, but u u tbe Tamo to-day.]

.,'o matter wlmtyourdiseaw or lymptonumaj,be ((will gin prompt relief.• Remember | Pijuufl'i Gwora Tonol i vet>• rum drink but the B«H ajrf Purtil Famll]iMidlcloa ever made, compounded by ft n n•proatBB, And ectlrely different from Blttongtog^r prepanUlona and all other Toolc*. Trj

' "can supply you.

process, *nd eal l re j dffre•gtoMr prepamtlona and all o[• We. botuST 1Xgur druggiit

ioutul gmrT or.l tiiiti mul wcnacii, uml of tiicirjiivtn, liut'is. and tniubk^ Tblsvjirleilmill muru iuleri'sling than

writliiR »i tvury column, andi o l i t V QcciiriL'y atid ducf< | i i

in tinu V i

Ut ofnvury ht T '« titbit i

tin Ir nlnifUt o f v y huTV. Hdnoiitcommoat. THEri(ur«n-Hi; (iiu rt;ark'S«ly about uiun Mid Hiinga.V. ftjiml cnmlui' in IV'UIIIIK *!t l i eui'li pnllt-

JII jai'tv nml LujuM rt'inlir-oas to cimnuciid« l n t m'lirnUtiwnrihy or to rebukit what UUUiii;iblt' in Dt-moirat or Bt'imbiicnn,

VI. AliBulutu itiilopondfiioi' or rmriigEnorluimthm, lint ntmavcnntt loyaJt.v to true,-mocintic ijruid|ilff. Ti iEBUHbeil tm t l i tic Oiiirnuiti'iU wliii'li Urn Const italimi niv

» (H n fitiud one to kivp. Ha uutloti of dutyi ' t i t t t ( t f l t r

' PARKER'S HAIR BALSAMThe Btit and BoM ECOBODICII Stir DmitifdquUittly perfumed and pofcctlf huralttt,

TTlll l lwtfi Beitora flrar «r rad*4 Balr ^to in orfpnal youthful «loi ud matwee, u d b•umMd lo »op tu bUrng, unit » pwrtll ud

...jiuct »t W f w i j j t uipuliuti;, Boston, Iklblulium. Vlleututrii,uburijiLiidpulutB uu (ho LoL<;b Vill.y,eliigb andtfusijuubauu* Jl». /«•)»; itl

pHbui-K will) liolvidure Divinioii or Pa. K.l l i l l T U d P h i l d l h i

At 1U.1« A. M. Dover . - _At ls*>W 'it, HniKdl EiprouHAt 1:0U f • M. U'liltamt'iu tiproii

tan a.UL'timl mui Uiruntfli tu WailuiK.Scruitou, lllrii[Uaiiitoii,byn<ounectiiMi*i Bcranfon wiili tacit, k U\

11. It. [or mtitoii, WyomlDi, KtnK*tOD and Wiikulltrre. taitjetiKura taking tbi* trtlu Uota HatYork, PatBniuiiaiiiliJuuutOD can couuevt i t WailiInuluu with train So. S,

LuaVfiNuw 1'ork at3.3lt p . M (Easton EiTHIB] cuuiicu tiuB ftl Waitrlnu [ur Audovur,Ii^tou*iii. Urauclivilla, aud at X'tiillifd'ritli L«lii(jb Valley Bitilroad au(l Li-bigliurKiuoluiiiia R. i t ' (or itutUK-beui, Ali-'iih-.,,I* MIIII- and ilurriiiburti. AIHD HitU ilul. Del.lailrtiiKfftirBchidurw.

At 4riO p , u , (UicbelUtiivrn £iproM)atu|>'INR ut Milbani, Hu.ninil, Cbiilluin, MaOUuu,,lun-Iriluivu and alt aUliuun wust tn IJ nek bit 8-[)wu,euuuijetio« at Walurluo tritli tmii "lUctuvcraml Notviou.

tiii« p. M »IIVur E i preen for fiutniuit,

ni Unaware Hull rOHJ.) Clm .u, Murriflkmu, Mornit Haius, Umivitle,

ltockawuy and Duvur, C(iiincctluK a tDeui lUBid; traiii for Uimttkw, 8» UufurwitljOIjolliiilrcmd fur CliusUr am' BuccaBimiiu.iuil alwith EiijresB trulu fur ff.iterlou, HackottBtowuWtiHliiiiKUin, Mnuiinha Cliuuk. Watvr Gup,Strnmlfibiirf;, Surautun, ^Hinbamtoii, tTtlcn,iticliliflilKprluKB, KmeugeaDd Onwego, tvltbflrO|)iu){ cars aitacljeii,

\t »:«« p. M. (kiwcgo Eipregfl hum SewYork (HkriiluguarMalUclii-d) via. I ' l u r u i iU.Hiiituii liiroupli to Waltr Gap, BlrdiiJr.inUH,Hi'nLnlnu. lJinuTiaiiituu, LUlu, Mum Hum, O r l -liiml. Uimitir, HvmciiHO »iul OHWL'IIO, o-'iunoctiit Wamrluu witli Htiwx Unilmad ror Anduvorma Nrwli.n ; ut DclaHHVQwIlli DlnirHtuwu lly.Al Ltj/^kiwiort vJtli tr*iu lurdxeint, OxUmi,

i" i>f 'K<) Hutiiniav ni^liis.At S.4S l'.M.Pl,llliiiil'iirgS|'oH

t'ittn, .linrristoivn, tti.vcr. Hui'h^ttstumi.WuHli-niKt,,ii, Fantaii, lli-lliklimi. AUrttmvu, ltcail-ti^ait.l DiirrixluirK, witlimit «lioiit-e.

Var tt,-rmwU\tth, lhMtigntlKo, Lyona,.SillhiftUiti. SilrluiK, Hilli ltd, Jti'Dioluy Hdglit I<iid all atrttiomt ou 1'iiat-aio ami Delaware It.IL. (N. J. Wi'»t Line: Itmlruiid) 11:43 A. M. and(:53 V. i l .

A. REANUHER, Supunn.«nd<

la the renewal of MoKIRGAN & Co.' sad*vertisement in this paper we feel that thisold reliable firm deserve more than a meremention. This firm has essentially ''StruckOil." Commencing business with the firstintroduction of Petroleum, by steady induscryand strict attention to business and the wantsof their customers, they are to-day the greatoil kings of the State. MoKIRGAN & Co.*OILS are noted for their PURITY, SAFETY,BRILLIANCY and ECONOMY. All thevarious brands of Oils handled by this firmare perfectly pure and are up to the markedstandard as rated. They handle no impureoils. This being the case dealers in MorrisCounty and vicinity, if there are any who donot deal with this firm, we advise them toopen business relations with them, as weknow whereof we speak when we advise themto that effect. Their Machinery Oil is usedall over this busy region. There is no opposi-t ion to it inthe market. Their BRILLIANTSAFETY and PARLOR WATER WHITEbrands lor illuminators are superior to gasand rank next to the electric light fcr illu-minating purposes.

McKIRGAN & Co., Wharf foot of THIRD AVENUE,8tb,l8W. aa-um NHWARH:, M". J"

THE BEST PUCEor Ita kind lar enjojmeut lii tbli Motion fi


D O V K H , i \ . J ./ml received tad pitted fn poittioa THDEB



enctter cruuibs, mid then addtbe liqutir nnd it little milk ; c#ver uitb«roat imd biiko.

Appto Bnttur Pudtlii.jf.—Four beateneggs, nud [iiotof rich milk, ti.-ociijis offlour, oiio tentpoopfnl nf salt, two eveuteftsjionutula of bilking jmwilor. Veclami L-uro eigbb ripi>, tiirt npplcs; put intoft deep Unking ilisli ; fill tbo center ofcaoti witli eufjar nnd pour tbo beatenbntlor over tbtira. Buko nn banr and catwitli cream (md sugar, flavored withnutmeg or leuon,

A (VHllnl KoVfliiHnn.Mr. Goober—as tlio story goc3—lived

in (lie Mnnnou can titty. Ha had butone irifo, aud never tbuiiglit of takingauv more till one dnj nn elder told biuit wna lib religious duly to soal untoliimacU a few f>tlicr«. Mr. Goober wentboDio aud fndly iuformcil bis wife ofwbnt tlic older bud said, mid Mrs. Goo-ber sakl slio Itfld no olijeclfou, pronged

tbo older tvoul.1 come round aud arguetbe cise flith Iier piously. Goober toldthe older nml tbe older dropped nrouud.Heoiuilcd snuL'tlyns Mrs. Goober nd-vunccd to rxcDt IIIID. Tdo next tMugho knew lio wns skipping aronad tlioroom witb Ijiacoat slit op tbe back andliis but hnocked into pi, while Mrs. Goole r wielded tlie broomstick. He tioallyjumped out oF a wiatlon', imd escapedwitli his life, n sadder uud a Winer amn,Tiio uoxt {iine iie mil Goober bo (oldbitn he bad had n celestial revolution by

which Goober van relieved lrotn tbo ne-cessity of lading any nore wives—Mrs.Ooober would count for almost 1,000 intbe New Jerusalem.

In the Ho|i

•Iii""[finc» ftuml tli

p Ha u u t l idstwowcr (tincfl>irt«\miij to v t lll r tl

r (ticflrto v t up anolliurTurin

riiniMit in Ilu nr tlmt *!ilcb «iMs.r 1681 ami ill'1 vcnni immouiatelj IONwill prubabW dwUfl U h au,.reniel.vn t contest. Tut HUK boiIevcR that tbo"ill IJC with tbo people »• against tbe

of niniioiiulf. the Uiugn for plunder,utKH fur imperial puwcr.

OurtrniHiircBHrnllovs:Yot tliu Daily HCN, & tonr-pngo »licot of

i i b t oniuiniiB, llio pricn by null, potteatfl i month, or IQ.50 a voar; or,

S l r n BlubtpiRo

Yot tliu Dtwciiiv-i.iijbtpaid in Aft eeat n l d l i i K ' l epaidtneluh

I in;-: 'lie Siw'lnY lHtpwri »•> "Mit-piK*of tlllr-sit ooiawnit, tlio mice is05 cents

• lace paid.c SUN IB *lao far-

Tfao prico of ilio Wexsu Scrw, *..ttv-rix colittnuK,['nf diilis of ton si

" I. W. ENGLAND.PulilUker ot TUK BOB, NOW York CUy.

SHERIFF'S SALE!Now Jci-cpy Riiptemo O««tt- ITniriB Conn'-y—

D i d J N ttty W il FnaRtrald

ntmsKT E. CHBTWOCD, Mt'y.Ry vlrlm- (if Iho almve rtnltid writ ot fieri

tannin niv linmlx. I HIMII expose fur sale at;ulilic Veullue, »t tlio Court HOUBO In Alorrls-

, the 17tb dny of Jananry neit,

For Catarrh,Hay Fever, Cold InI IK Hand, Jlo., In-sert viltti littlo 8n-

pirtioie of I

itrlb; DRAW

UOVElt TIME TABLE.ruins arriva uud Oaimrl from tbisatitl


• S.'-Wj linati'U Wail

r.Wilnut Cue, bciullful VrciK'h Vonrtrbn 1D4Btamli *nd I'liekttlar. muiie.

M,,-.vnv(u\-kPPt inui

DrKflnl B--mi mil, Wmnru k H[anl1lii|r A4*(irlll«itlfia«rtt jouM.nn bouir, Ic^n tlisrtlorti sen4 ouUhs flnt.runplforitiitliira nownl»|r>iit about roit, wljltieonnilurn •HICH for BJT from a. If jau do not t

. MANN'SNew Billiard Parlorurn] HALO OK, BUuliwell St., Dov.-r, just'titttid up witli u»iv aud el^anl appointineEite.otten. to the pleasure seeker oua of th« qai-etent end most Dlons;int piaues of eajoyintnti twn. THE iilLLIAJlD PAJILOU con-

ic two fine carom tables nod is fitted upwith everything neoeewiry for t ie enjoymeutof tkeg&uie, HUVrZltB LAO£Kr th« fln-utit beverage -itank, always kupt in fr«BDHUijpliaB, aud a full stock o( Gerninn cheeses,Mineral wateri. Pine Apple Cider, Preteela,SurdinoH, «to. Ge< go will be slwaya on•mud to please his friends, and will mak*ever)' stranger feel at home. £2-3m

Freeman Wood,

IliiHnishuia 8iwDuvor KiiiremtliackeH»UiwnEiNuw York Exp.

ranc. FODEW NESS, OCQnoually »Bpty

particle iuto tml back of tlm car. rtjbbtiig itborouglily, ELV'B CaEAM ILKiAreoeUiug tbo eudoraement of tho aufforer, iho irat;iat and [j!i/»tct«a, Norer htt *a article ofrnucbtntrit been produced for•• i pofraembrBCiI (]inoaseB &• tbliH^-^'li KBALM, md li univemftlly nekuowlodBed t tboinB *ll th»t is oUfmed (or It. Tbo tpptict-tioD is eaiy anil plemnt, omalng DO p»m, issoolhiog, and 1B fait luponodina too oie of

Cidej-R, liquiiitf, and itmifs. PrFco SO cent*.reocl]it of 60 cents, will mail t package

Tree. Hond foi oireular, witli fall informatioa.ELY'H CUKAU BAXU CO., Ovego, N. V.

•'MERIT MUHT REAP ITS XD8T BEWARD."OF tho many Catartb and H»y Fever rtms-

ilios we bocp In stock there Is none of whichi i t m r k flhi * *" " " -••**'-•-

Gfatm Bilrc discovery, We hare never Iwuflled a *&v(ivAy wkich bas Increased u rapid?in aitai or t U l In" given unch nnffcnaf iftt-liAutlon*.' fl. S. 0IIITTENTO8,

JfSFHltonSt.,HewYork.Van SILK nr TOUHHT 4 EfLWJORE.

And bj WUnleaale Erogglsti generally.

SHERIFFS SALE!In ChMjeery of New Joney—Pi. h, for sale of

t e J is herin Joh Rlno, forJohn


f Ne o n e y P i .premises, whereiBlnchsri and H

of Williai ; and I'bilipBtn* and Annd JimeBVanderreer, Eiec-t f Willi H Ntabl

pmises , wherein o» Blnchsri and Henry P,t f William llinehart, g

I ' b l iB t dEiflcutar* of William llineharmpUlniiDti ; and I'bilipBtun*hii wjfo, and JimeBVanderref tbe i

A. P. . lHfji, botwepo tlie liuurn of 13 M. and 6• " " I'ckwlt iu tho

right,Harry W. Jl.

illiliit truot oflindnii]

A. P. , lHfji, between tlie \>»an ofo'ctnuk. 1'. M.. thol Is to wiy at % o'artomoon of nniil dnr, jll tlia en(itlo uml interest uf iho saiJ UFit2gcrakl, in and to all tint trwt of Una »niironii>-i"< miusto, Irine anil being In the towtiltlp of llawluipb, in tlio County or Uorrii aiiKtaio of Noiv Jetaey, hounded sail iltiscrilw


An Artrnl Dreamer.

*'l Led n tiweem Ina'J jgiit, mamma."fluid little enrly lienil. " I dweemedtlmt I wna oil asleep in my bed, andStiuta Clans he came iuto tbo room dlie looked alt around till ho saw myatocking banging up, aud lie said, 'Ha ,La 1 what a Jiillo sliort stocking tluit is,auti theu he peeped over tlio foot of t i ebed luid said : ' Kelt Cbrislmos borrowtbe largest, 1 ogest stocking jon canflad: I can't fool uwny my timo fillingtip fidcli Htth hila of stocking?;' aniltli en bu noted mad and bo wcut away."Wasn't (bat nfaiinj dwecm, mamma ?"

• ' D P yon really bolicvo tbnl an DBSOTerspota to Balaam ?" qaeried a manwlio prided Limsoll oti bis intellect.Culeridgc, to vbotn tbo q nest ion woBput,reflected: " lly Meod, I bave no doubtwliatuvcr, bat that tho story ia true. Ihave been spoken to tbe sume way my-self." Tbe nan of the inquiring mindreliiuil /or meditntiaa.

FiingcrnUl,- iiuiiii', ijinp a:

uluiplt, in Uio i -if No.v JtJtfley, ImunJetl and

ti>l!i>iv9 to-witiDctiinnirRet a point vrlicro a hickory ti_-turriv giiHtd DM Hicrortli'Vaiit Bids of tlie

brouk below tho mill "n Mm aaid ptemface. Itbtjug n corner ol lands Iste or Ed nurd J>mli,

cil; thonua rnunitiR, &€,, on a coorioitli iorty-etelit degi-ces oast eoTcuitsenand elKht.f-Kix linL* to kndH of lue U.oCtaiurr. dacM; tlicnco (3) nortb thirty?n^« tint fonrtooD chama ami tortylui n Hald (Jranur'fl line to a clieitnutUonoe (8) north rorty-nine doereea wonta cluinB Into tho road Inarfinit fromifl lo C&laU; tJieuoudo-vD tho middle of*\ to tlio Honth corner of laudi formerly

imloucltie to Dtttiltl Scticock, decM [ thenco'41 north thirtv-futir degroes west tlz chaim.ud urtiitv lintm to a Ktoaa fencs; theace.IOHL' Haul iJcb.cnok'H Imo 5 nortli Bftv degrees

east to tho curlier of mid Scuonok'i land:tht'jictiO north tilt? dojruee oast to • alonefontw, thencG 7 tiorlh tiiity deftrtea weittwcntv-oiiu chafut and flfty llnltn to a cornerof the lain Willm- S It el longer'• land in DanielP. SKifclmnt'slino; thont-w 8smjtti - ' - • • —mnt'rjlino; IIIPHLWSsmjtti liity-tourdecrees west tbreo clialnB and twenty-fivelints; tticncu II Routki thirty desnoa and tbil*t j tDinutcB vcet foar cfaalas and forty linki toft lifcbor; tree ou tht o>mt sirfo of tue brooir,am.tl.er corner or «W akollonfcer's land:hence 10 tiodtli fortr-firo degrfti east twelve

jbalns BDJ fifty Iliiki ia % baap of atonci;tlience 11 south twaoty dcgrtoi Bast nine

aru ODm]Btonalii ,_ntor of tbe eilata of William _ . ,deceaiictS, are defendants. Boturoible foFebruary Term, A. D. 1361.


BY Ttrlne of tbe »t»ve stated writ of florifaolas in niy baoda, I ihall expone for sale

• t public vemJoe, on the premUea, ia Chilleril^ Worrii County, N. J., on

WEDNESDAY, Mio Otb day of January nest,A. D. 1B81, betwson tb» hgnncf 19 M. and 6o'clock P. If,, tliftt Ii to s»y t t JflWook in tlieaftornoon of laid daj, all tboio thrfifi hnolior pircels of land and premises, hereinafterparticularly dcecrfbed, litoate, I/log md bolnsin tho tnwrjflliip of Cbester, is tbe Count; of

Now Vorkicortn. 8:27'Via, Boonton Branch.


CHESTER BRANCH :ttf. 1TAT1ONI.i J .M,7.00 CheaterEU3 Hi'Tton0.17 Ironia

SucounnniHQCainiTllliPort OramDover



OP TJUOW. DOWK TBi.llA.M. P . H . A. H.7.30 4.80 Now York,B.SO 6,10 Pliilidelphia,Q.tS


Middle Vallej,Ocrniftu Valley,

SiPort Orim,


FZKIT Tn-tar,

thence 11 south tobalna to a lilckoty tth 1 2 t b cIcbt

ninfarm;t tthence 12uoutli olebty-figUtdrRreeiciut two

cliafna nod s.itf-fonr links; theaoolS ~""-tliirly-fivd degree* eiBt three obilnmndtv-scten linVn lo Ihe pUoc of liegloolntf, oon-laiDiiiR fortj-Ncveu and i half aorta, Iw thedame moro nr lent, Eieeptinj- and rcasifiB-tliorelrum » 1»u yard, bark mill, bark hon»Ao, inrliidcii in Jhu above bnnndiHfla.auwhich were horfltoforB told anil conveyed totbo Raid Dutilel Schenck, dsa'd,and wb.oh a nnow ovrntil nnd pouBCBacd by Jacob p , Bon-

""IM H. MODAVIT, Sberltf,. 1880, $fiaa

W'bon old Bunoby liatl gonogtlirnngU reudtag fa (no morning paperau a^ouat o( ttiu last flro, ebo tamedher spectacles trota her cjes tu tlio topof bcr liead und remarked : If tlie city3 rein on wonldwenr tbe gi-iierwino hum-kutt litockiotfl, flucb OH no moke atnwcariu (to era ntry, they wouldu't bebnntin' uf tlitsir lioso at oVcry fire.


D0VEE, 17. J.

OFFICE adlniniuR titt Dover Lumber C«m>pany'it mill. Contract! taken, and plan*,

ctflcali™* and material! of every kiud for-IOII fcr hnUMuga. Jobbing * specially.


_ _._ i, formerly7*eob Sheetslnnd, in the road leading from Larafogton toCheetev, aud where (hero li a red aund ftonefor a oormr; thenco acoordiag to tils preuentbearing ol the maffuetlo needle (1) sonth liity.— i » .•_... - i - | n i and forty-fonr

"Of aand

four lit) IfB to a hetp Q( stone bV an old stump); thenee (9i ooeth fortyminutes west along JOB- |

ity-aight chains and I6T-. ._„ „ -j imill Bmsifrts bmh

rn^KBd [ thence (i) north eloyeQ degrees andfiflj.one minnteB wett atill with Oroof • line,thirteen obaiaa and forty-fligliron-wood sapling; tjjeace . . . , . ._Iron Oomps,nj'i line north, thirtj-n!ne minUIOB rtat two ohains and flrty Ijnki to ft toaof stone: thenoe (6] north oqe degree and Qr*' - !•« minutes weft three ojutot sod two

eev«n ilegreos and sixepta Croot'i line, twemoutyone links to a

•flight linkitcaICP IB; with O

(y-caalinks; [7] nineteen decrees sni

uitsizty^ight finks ;thnorth eighteen degrwi and twenty-one rain-Uttfl VAit onf chain and fltty linka to a heap of•tone [ thanoe [91 north fifteen degreei andtblrtf-oine minulAi «ait one oh* In ind t i tteflD JiijJV* i fienoe tit} oottb fonr deginine minutef bait ono'ehain find ifiT«n_lne mlnalei u i t onehsin an4 ssTlinis; ttienee [11) north lejenteeand thirty-nice mionhs eait eightseventy-one links to a slake

it th H»seventyone links to a slakeancient corner; thence H»J n' rees and flftyronrminnted

T n T Uteen dagrnest obuo» andd stone* anth Bfty-fonrt fi h i

Blato fnriilithe em.ill nil•e a m l .imntiired, hy oxpari

ii from this bu t q a i n i u b yitlty or oar load, md laid, II it-

d workmen i t low nto*.

"Tlic troalile about tliking a Medicine,uttfl tn en re all diseaies is tlmt i

may not Jinoweincllj vtiat in wantedil r nml in tLat case it wilt go foolingaroutiil in tbo ftyalem trying to care youof Home diieasa tb«t you have not got."

A Tisitnr t'Jitcra a Froacb nowipaporoffifo UDII W gn-etod tiodly by (lie officebo;—'1 II moamnr come* to figbtIHP], be will hire tu bit kind eooogh lo»H n^iii, all <>ar editor* BW d

AQEVTS WANTED for oarnew book '-DldQHfS GOLD"

„ jkjMountains. DeatHbet how,gnli] In found and mined; bow mining eonvj

mutt »ro fortDPi) ami great fortonet made.i»t!* a (jraiibie hintorj uf rarloaa diiemerteiKoMaudiiilTar, cipfoUlIy thwe lately madetci.lTillr, lil.pk Hlili BDdGnnDiione

try. Thrilling totatt of cimf^life sin „,miitun; trickiof ibarpera expowO, etc. For

1 UUIiIUJlDBnOS,,7iSBan.rmBt,.rWladdpbU,P*.

, md flfty-fonr minutea nut flro ohalmA •ixty-aiffbt llnki to aheap of stones oornerJohn 0,Birkroan'alaiid*,theiioeU3]ionih

r jij-tevM dfigreciknd tw^ttj-oiie mlBatoaout piRbUeo cba|m and eighty-ntne links

. 1 . „ r; . ,_ theoMtii]

eirt'sliTchtfniittllirith Buta_ .degree* ind flfty-one minnwa eait tweaiy.ebaioi and ninety llnki to lli« plaos or hagin-nicj, conulnlng ninetyrDine atrti and fortyihrea hondredtfia of as acre ot It&d more orlesi, being the limit t rut of Und ai eonveyidbT Philip Binebart u d Jane K, hli wifa toPhilip Rtoue, by deed dated March thirtentb

'TB'I SwarD TSIOT, beginning t i t iton*•tandlnn In tha lontb tide of tht road, aodroDitbenee (1/aoalh twentj-fonrdegrwieMt throechains ftnd twentT-ttrw Unka to a notch outIn lh« top r»U pf thei ftnoa; [2] tooth rixtydegree* Mlt tare* onaini ana tweaty-tbr*eliokiit>*o?rn«o/l icnth liili or uud road;"*1 north tlity-lt^rjM d*jrtei «iit ititrroJD*

Insurance a Specialt)E. & G. H. Ross 4 Broest)


Insurance Agents,omce, Old on Bank liulldln

Morristown. N. J.lUprBaenis tlie following firBUIiiBBCOii.,.^....£ t N A FI11BIH8. Co. or Dar'tron!, O>. Cs]

Ital apd SttlplDS o.sr f6.TOO.000.HUtIFOHDIrlS.CC,, AButs orer ia,K»,aiBEBIOAN KtrajAL IN8. Co., ot Kiwi

H.J . Assatsorsr tl.iOO.IKHl.FIIlEUEN'fl MUTUAL IMS. Co., ol Niwarl

H.J. OspibtUml(j(irpf{is<'rer4l,0(N7,OW.MEIICUillTa1 MCTOALISB. Co. of Mewsr

N. J. pspitaland8arpliisaboatt],ODO,O0€0EHKANU itVTVlh INS. Co. of Seirark,

J. Capital aua Gnrplm orer $360,000.MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE 1KB. Co. of NoIT LIFE 1KB. Co. of


b u n n n u otectea on Ui dourlptiODS .proputj In m ; .action of UlV"8Ute, . t alav n t a u the riik wiU t r u r u t . il.bne> PUD PH0U1TLT, u d no oompromWog ImBttlomontl o n t .

remsm «* • 4»t«nc« san addreu u. kletter and reoeijo Ids a»me attenUon as•ppUotloo were made tojienw.

A. JUDSON COE,Sonrejor and CoUeotor, Dover, N.



STATgMorrlj) (Jaunty 0ip]»p' i0ourt.


4: ns.fiiphiu. Ooart held at Jfa. OonrtBOL» a Uorrlntoifj, in %aii '

tyof M o i tfd t lb I

BoiiiitjorirorrlB.oo aooO.j tlit BlilL da; .,Deoember, In the ysir of our Lora, onB then-uad flgbt tfqndrecl snd eiglitr.

nkHi north • J w W N jLnks la tn» plus or%BMBS

ntMD hunaredthi of an atreIss.! IIM^I»"<m«lriclo;l>oJa«'

•• " - " w a n f t t u s i i i L .." i His tnnlj^rlfa

a t ft Meglfc«MB"by Henry y. Hanit»«Lw *y i » r f «


•••*72 II-gnillc.nl Olft Hooka; OomooB'ot .u l t Boou i Superb Biblu u d Pn t i fBooks lim^t Riven awav. Orand HolidayOttajognt rnEE. Big t«rtB0 to Bnndsj

°°LEOI}AT BR0THEE8,opp. FM-Oau H«»Tork

In tli. mattw of Ibe oarMt BBaiostadmlttlDK to probate a sarltinpapsr wrltinK. pmpgrtiait to beIka-lHt WliraSdB.taS.mMWllUam K. Tnen. late of tbeOonnty of Horns, a«easod.It appearing; to the Court tbat tbeoltatlom

Tsa Tiau) T»*or. bBRlnaliv .1 . roes t ttl,5;"dot.Tm.lll,rli«e;o.ttir.bl.»ki«T«Visliop: tlienoe p i soalb thlnr-toor dnraan.tlhm ebslia and tsrsnlesn links alonrtbe llo. of Lntbar Child.; tboiie. (9) scaiSfort7-nlne dfgreM ind twenty alirtlra vesttbree .bsins and forty.rbar links to a sUke:Ibeoso t«J oorlli ImnlyftBr d««r™. aniltwontr mloabrs west uree ebalns snd twsntjlinks to Ilia rosi; tjmos Ml norlb tfly-nln'dsgreesaad,twenl.klnlniibeii JMS| two ehalnieast o ebslni

» «B ns4 to IbeootiinlDg one aore ofnj a part of the hna

3 .libtMlBtl llnls tlosi*, il btefnllDg. nnttf

Ddnadr. or MM I Dsini a part of tbB Itndfbnrcaamlbr Jobn 0. lo^rknun cf Jaeob W.filMts, belni tbe tbird lol dessrlM In ssMOsrkniBu's oUl. dstM April 1st, 18«, sutrecoroed In ibe Clerk's once Df ths Oonnt)' ofMorris on Ibe «.«ol« d«r of April, am. andneorded In look 7 of deals, pans 100, fe.;and it being ttM same foot of land ts convertdbWubn O. fiarsisin snd Alrolra Barkman bis«II.IDPb|llp^lo».. bySMiltb. stands J ot


Issued in tbe abore stated U I H ( [bsTObrjnrelnmeil dnlj itnml a. to Oatb-arlns « . Wear, Andrew J. Tntrn, Abrsni A.Teen, Jobn Knlgbt, Mary Kn'eht. William

•In, Annie Jtninl, Lei.li Xn|A|, Lou:bl, fd. Inlghl, Bntsn Knlrtt^ndXmJ[lit... And tkat Ann K. Bmllb, wlFe or M.I b*mlih, Biohtrd Tners. Obarlui Tnen,or rner. and Lies'. Otters, nalda out of

Ib. «tale of II.BW jBrsey or esnifijl to fonndtbaraln. ' " '

It U thartfore on thin tilth d*r of peonn- •jber, In Ibe ytu o/ our Lord, one thonun'd1 tisht bnndrrd md eight*. ord«tad by IhsDouri Ihit t|,o Mill Ann S. Smith, Btehard

l.r.lltaCooSSouK at X o r i W n , In MilOonnly of Morris<on Uondsyahe nerentn dsyof FMmsrr. A. B. rijnK.n onndmi and•ighH-CM, at tbe hour of ten o'clock In theIbreiuoBflf sab) day. And tbst in derantt or•"ibsppeanunwfrfchpMoiMdlnn w;.. msf Ihem as If iGylai1 aDpmia


V i m .MrHllb

Addr•ItntfaUT^iiuil Dtiitirii fliikif/ptiHi IB4 OTTUI tfput Free.

esB gr call on DANIEL F. BfcATTY, Washington, Now Jersey.




uanriornuu or








JAMES McGUINNESSWashington Hall Building,


MRS. BE. FARRof Port Onm, vc .tent (on of the Indie* of Ibktplaoe and ricinltyto her new ityloi iu FALL MUJJlflE "Hlio alio kiejw ftll Ihe latert noreltlci in

Ladies' Fancv Goods.Sbelsabo SOLE AOENT In FCBT OBAM

[or Ibree differeut Brms, via i

Btaten Island Djctop and CL.tlni;lishnv-nt, of Newark; tbe Rook Crystal Option!Comuanr, New York, apd for Hne . DeffisresfjnEUAiLB PATTEBS8. Olre beraesIL

Port Orsro.Usy 3d. 1680.


MASON AND BUILDER!PonlraotBtaken andraaferlsls farnls|Hd for


and all kind of wo, I, vbalbar of BBICK orSTONE.

OSes tinder THE Inos Ens budding, Uorriisliett, Doror, K. J. « - «


R0CKAWAY, N. J .FiTiMTii AUD numncrvus or



The New EmpireHot-Atr, Qas & Base-burn

ins: Cooking Store.

Pool Tablesfrom the celebrated mauuftctory uf J. H.


OKGHESTRIONalio iuit bee

'" uulib tijoppllod wian new tnnsiepitroni of tL. bonso more

)f 30 piece*,


LAGER BEERilw»;i on draught and Ibo best of

WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARSllwayi provided rot Ibe pktrons nf




DOVISH, N. .1.Legslly anthoriseil SBentof tbe follewlngDrst-

;In 111.world!


OLOBK, Capital (20,000,000,


Capital (10,000,000,


Capital tlO,ODO,ODO


Capital $8,000,000.

HUDSON COUNT!, Jerecy City,

Capital MOO.OOC


ot PbluvMphla, Asseta »6O0.0«).

Tha London Assnntnoe OorporatlonLondon, oapllsj |5,K«,000.

Springfield Fire Insurant Co., Itssaaoli-•etts, os;ital »1,500,000.

St. Nioholas Fire Irurorsnee Oompanj s]Hew York, capital t800,IK».

Fire. Insurancs Oompan;K«» York, capital |K»,000.

New York City Fir. fnanrano. Oompainrof New York, capital t300,00o.



and the KIDNEYS.THt tomMned ac&m ffiKt il toon-

eure aU dttuua.

to Uccm. tbygd or torpid, andhwntTiare lhcreft>rt forced

ihtMxtthia timid >a aijwfednaturally.


Also, s Urgo Aiiortof Coutliig Stuvo

FOR SUMMER & WINTER USE.AUo, a rhoict f*nok of


^ a^krn if thc& erguntiiSVisr pmr to throw ofi'

nby b»m KltepltuPW HLDJMCr WOET an4

tut,Uh. Hi* a try, ttyttttU

Qtl U ej your Ifrugnid, h* i«y enxtr U/or t w . Priu, tlM.


Oil Clothi, Carpoti , L.tt i jL, P


Kooftng, Plumbing uud Job


»t Mnuufac-turer'a nritti',

Kldn»rWort »Ur«aa» pr«pu*J. tMprlaUmtofUila oeloLr»toi vetotAjpu*lllnUq.uldrUtia M well u ixj, U Ii

«d, I* put up in lurte trotUei,uslV*fll*Biit»j>li*tputup dry JQ7t UVEA th* H*K4As(atX OF

matpwjpls. I'rloe, IL parbotUo.




l k l f b 1,1373.

Leading1 AmericanThe New-York Tr,bune/orl88l.THE LAltGEST CIItGULATION AMOKG


DnridR Ibo paiit Jtor THE KBIT You* 1'ei-I l b Uretkt


lattDU It I.ctpiiun of* iatni)tii(fii. 11


will try lt , , i | |

AflHBTS, «3,W0,CO

- 800,(W





Choice Lots in Dover,for iklo olioap, md


Freeman Wood,Jnttict of tho Po»oa »Dd Police M» i l r t te .


I would inform ruj old fncnili aud p&trcjl] tbo putiKc gonorally that my





fr«looketnfcnu»sa full line ia

STRAW HATS.uufx QODDI, and No-

IOHI, osually fannd ID a Writ CIMS Store.



Uinyofmj formerlearn, ti ' " ' " 't a n d


fmj former {tttropi wUl lie plotsedthat Hiii Minnie Doian, a nitlfiiitVpfability can be found with mo in tkt.



Plsnssudl3lX3(!lQcwtyl.nBfur)iiii!d!ugB,OoalraetBIstenstid tQ.tdri^ffi^ultji^.

^late Xtooflitg-Witt brtlor fatllllies I am enabled to pot

on S t i f B ROOFS cheaper tbnn ever ti.iii,^onebut the bsatoDalily of slate ami eraploying first olans jiei)bbniQ». \ can cniur.antes material and jrork in .very purtlou.lar. THT ribeatbing Folt always ou band.

Pjtea October 13th, 1880.




Soiltlx Bldo of FetrlL,



- - foHbsr erdrreJ Ibsl Ibis onlir getMtim If Hw law i u , a mwspiner print-ed and nnhlisked In Hid Oo.nlr oMlorrli, f.rsix vMks sitectulrtljr, at haal onit iu mrj

Atraaenpylrcm (bemlnnfes.CBAHLEIIA.OILLIN,

nnrrajtU and CWrkof said Ornhans' Conrl.Mw

I, TAYLOR & SON,1 (IjcJr new pTtvce of fcuBtjen orer flcargefilchirdi ft Oo.'i itore, litiiCKWELL ST.,

DOVER, HtillcoutitiQethaloftd In Ibeuunuhctore of nil klmli of

HARNESSill horse cqnlpinonlB, sad deslra to call st-ation to their stuck of Harnsis, consisting ofNE BIKaLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS,


HEAT? TEAK HARNESS.Ipeoisl atlontlon giren to the making ofMB HABWSSlo order. Hndqoarler. Itir

BOIUiE CllXrhCBTS of |1] kind?, lnolnllngArm/Blanksls. SqnirfBlinkBla.tli;.. «•-BVIFXLO SOht.% WOtJ BODES'


D0VE11A. J,

Carpet Wearing, in all irldths, done InSnt^inuB stylo at lowest rates. The beslkind of warp only used. New carpet* OL,nod for Bale. The highest price paid foraRfl. or taken in exchange for carpet,

(UI.OTI|l:S ffVED and CleanedID mail siy|e.

Dornr. Har astb. 1840. 3j).l«




ta vai H^OC» for 8Qnim«r VYtttif now de.igna in Ltd leu' BUooi,

Ktitffj ererj" purabttcr td pnoi-.

, i||olu<liu

Burls' Famous Shoes,the best in m»kc», n*nTtt kep» In ifock.Wbin»i>ltingMQrri«to?a »TB tbeamonntofjour f»re hj ljuyiug jopr BOOTS »Q<1 8HOE8

lbtihclm»yl«-ialH.Biiiiniorijuri Ptniilouu TUBiircc, its Bilthly tu nomiLlK'rltHais uo«>|»»ni-r.For 18H1, Tun TinnuHi

quill/ will <,r lUu pub)iAud It eauCitcnllT iin.clHilnlntrftlliJii ttipramulc ifrage.boutu ami N»nh. .tdclhin to Hdatc Iittlufilr/,Iu Indriial Iiiiiirufciiitiiiri.

WlAlurall)i>p»rTme>it\'iirre\Z'aiiu'ihcru•nd tat. Tbe nuuioli»].i » a tits V.Folks' Dopirtn.eiiu, ili0 literary, Himand religious ruitiuts tlio Btaudnril ma

"'fi.ndid'."'"1'' •"''•" °"°"i:

Terms of the Tribune.POBTAOE FKEEIS TUE UNITED BTAIEBDAU.Y TuBCm .13IXEuLTT«iB»i,.,»ltl1oiil8n»d;j,'j;i,™ lootBUHPiT ialBCHE JQ(

THE8EMI-WEEKU TRIBUNE.BlnBle copy, otw yen UO0ri»e copies, one fear 2 50 etch

THE WEEKLY TB1B0KB,twpy.oDeyeur 1200

juejear lMeacblook

f copiei of oitbsr edition BIrite AdUitloni io daba m

lul/ i-alei. Jlemii

pAny mnt.bM piei of oit

At tha time rite. AdUitl* * li l l



.ffi.ted^S.F^'jyr.ss"»tpajMnila'am inbiotlW., ana It «.lli tisllsllbii, JBSJ two ol tb. mo>l aMn™,.1 ever offered. Kelt tlie tollawinr:

The Great Bible Concordance.AKU.H10U, Coico«n»XB« « n j . B a n „„

a cf 111*te.


ir of a newsnd Qre.k

arau, JB79, Jtcd n i sold it (15.

vvo s»n no» ottir it In e'onnettonVhh' T»iFun ".5 th. r* Mlo«i»e >n»Ki«Hy low r . ™

iv * 6 ' h 0 C(lncor«l.1cesu J oiio cupy orTHII * ' " " Tsmuus fit. j i u i , or Uro api.snt»

FOrlijOlb'.'Ssi!! iriUnco .nd twtnly eupieB

The poslan . . tb. Ooncor<f.«co it 40 centi,hich the nubMribor will nmil if wl.blo: I' • b J » * E««pl [or .no»diit,n«.ith..il will ta tb.ipcr tli.n tko «,p,,,,. "

Gold Stem Winding, $40to $75 ; Ladies, $20 to $(,<)nnd Upwards ! Gents' Sil-ver Hunting, $10 to $25.Hoys' $S to $15 ; SterlingSilver F0KXS and SPOONS$1.75 per ounce.

IHAMONftS &JEWELRY, l'lated-Warc,25 iier cent, rtisfount.Frwich Miii'We CJocks and

idolizes. Goods sent liyExpress C. O. I>. witli priv-ilege of examining beforepaying. Fine Watch Repairingand lobbing a specialty,GEO. W. WELSH'S SON,

Car. PARK FLACK, 333 Orccnwlch-St,




fioase F r a i s l i &oofl.JOS. YORK'S





Joseph York*io-tf MonniSTuwiv. ft. J.

Readings 1 Recitations! Elocution!

» 3 !•] intlo« in Bin.

e can offi-r tins valuwitli TBE Tummr.11 M5--T1.. L.br.

ble, »ork m connt.i. follow! •

a Uuftcrul X B W |

e fft-eklj Tnliuno E yuanFPIl *20.-riic Library u

FOl.|2S.-Tb, LibWofUnlrnr,,, Kr.n.l.


The Woridjor 1881.TUE WOULD for 1B81 nil! be the bfnt and

hcipes' nowipapor pul)]inhed in UIQ KUBHIIJonvuu ,;;, dtaur slilo u. U,. Atluutic.

\Tah novv presHOd luriiauaing »ny over be-or» manufacture,! cien bv Hoe & LV; withcw ant] tin en fin] kit l.T{wcrspbic*l aud t>uci*t-88 faciliiioH cf all Horle, and Kttli i bettor

Lii'Bdiiindl telt'grA|)liio correapondenco through•ut llio worn! tlian tlmt of Any otliet AHHTI*on junmttl, TUK .fyiitu fur 1WI will affurdIH ri'ad^tH tluuy i tiuujploto, CdiH-lcusud audrthtwuiihy recuril or nl] cum*tit CVOIIIB.

In its Fifo HIDUINH Wllb the Nrws of tbo'"•• '*'" '• '" " ' ' ith


• unit tlm u-tcpliiiiie, ou tliii uf burinnt inoa.iln lotlantfroniLonda

If lent" |>>~ i- Jn i>xci*ge>

|->U WHptt fhisBJHT,

will be 21 cput i peietpnts.-thtj CUD bi

Horns CnaijHOCT

OSes.jOCT. J7th, 188U.

mitter or Wil]i«m A. Steplitai Ailntor of H*rtb If. stilt. d eccM o i

iiDQ f tt *f)o»e muied »dti B t l

lnB nimtliflWtol tbli order,

, i . ; a« ortli« no'itntrof Uorrii for

th i] d

Notes of Settlement.HAMCS It hersb* 7i.cn that ita aoeov

Oora as Insotnnl diUor, Ml t» aoilvsd snlsUkd bf Ib; Snmii.t., and m u r u d Ir* Kkt l w o t to Ihp Orphan^ (\>art of In. OonnlrofMorrl. an Tncsdir, Us <i«lilMnll( dsr S ;Jsnaarj neit. '

>•• atwaji on band a full kni' frtih ito«k of•Undird eoodBtl


UdMn'iwtattptnmtntwUbtoar. Askjonr gtooer for the hmow

i . diSmtifidii (mil o|*inu sffiinitumennilcroBtb,withinnlnB ni<mtliflWtn idttj , hj letilDB np i, enpt ol tbl d ul»dotj <)*« h«r«( | e r

cpl .M. In tho ooonth!, *D(UUo«lth

faj«avBrtlilBKlh«Bime In l t»onn of the new^.pen of tki*lime BpiCe of time (.tie Burroei

J ( 6 b

nuuibi. pobUcnoHco being cl».u . .l,ipob oroilltor iball be foraver d«.


oovjfrom IbeaBiSBtes.

dsbt.dOf DiDC

p9MRft"*fland Uke no other. Il It •Jvaji good-ean bertUed open oWj tTrie. fli&d.rion hi. It,ind on tfili OMfertod ta i Ituntwl bli floor

l» r«n t 14-tr

House and Lot for Sale,


A DISCOUNT OP fl PEE GENT.on d l goodi porehMed U

leiotMobsjU- lh« olhara. will faa«icnbor'pi tipC [ ] i e bj- ntt | c r « p « i i .



ril tend at

nWfcllstrt!, tnknn




•r» <ie f le ic«, or firs oi

:>tion tn »d

flutniiii "mi ni

... .. , __v .. .^ifiiB-Wit^'drfi'Jllitu iirjQEiri t u tprpf sOH ip TTIIIU}} tti^ iiilv* i"

turcuH nml aatlT^ puoplifof IUB oaurttrj tuVeiitllnlr fjifinpri, but •.•>(> or nil tlio fliiclutttiilfi •jnftnjineei <*x«rtetl upon thoit cnterpriseu tij

Stock E';clion|,Bt " 'Ho m*E wliu owo» or exploit, to an'jj so |i)-

ttrptt'in »ny corporate projicrty caii •ffpi.l toJT'U< fur i sitit-lp Uij1 tbo in rorm&Kun daily amiexclqiivcly Q\fvn In rjii Wnui.i), not only »Hlo live OJiiur*' aoil J«gi(itna.0«iarnoof«(T»irBtffealinff Itock Tuluel, bul aUa al tu llioplftoi, tolnriiei anil eombiniliotii wbioh aroIm-ciianlly mtkiiiR *rnl nnmaking ID md outof «»il i.icct to nflcct laogo Tdluea.

Tni Wtnuj (Ti)ntalni also every day (be•e«li.-Bl, fuJlcat *nd mmt inttmciiTo nollcot

' " " » " "••- -.ml inlumline Iu tbetore and ofiodil life,orpaa ut lie collcpfs of;cnr»ej aniJ Tiracjtj of

„ , covorinR all tbe nr iuuiathletic ktuuititncDt wbicb b ^ a

ig ui f,f \t%e e in . common il

:ihQi artr t , of liienItlithoaccrccliled

tbe Union, and tlie aiti iporling c


_ anuo will maintaiUniuu npinat ircttnna!i«

nrliuti in ill ineople agiiuntn

thq canne nf Iho| n all i i ! forms,

r.4 the, ofnso Of u,of ,1 all iti fornll. "



BR1TED BIXUABD « d MOLTAhLES.Wa h»T« no tranlitlii aRptHmannunbtratni f

TUB W0tM.il,M F l u Daw,

uwmtia.^.-;.J,. .,^ ,„