Luke Chapter 1: 1. Who handed down information that Luke used in writing his gospel? (1:2) Eyewitnesses and servants of the word 2. What did Luke do before he wrote his gospel? (1:3) investigated everything carefully 3. Luke wrote the events of Christ’s life in consecutive order. True or False (1:3) True 4. Luke wrote to whom? (1:3) Theophilus 5. According to Luke 1:4, the purpose Luke wrote was what? So people could know the exact truth about Christ. 6. Who was king of Judea in Zacharias’ life? (1:5) Herod 7. What was Zacharias’ job? (1:5) Priest 8. Who was Zacharias’ wife? (1:5) Elizabeth 9. Elizabeth was a descendant of whom? (1:5) Aaron 10. What did Zacharias see standing beside the altar? (1:11) an angel 11. An angel told Zacharias to name his son what? (1:13) John 12. When was John the Baptist to be filled with the Holy Spirit? (1:15) before his birth 13. John the Baptist was called a _____ to Jesus. (1:17) forerunner 14. John the Baptist was to teach in the spirit and power of whom? (1:17) Elijah 15. John the Baptist’s work was to do what? (1:17) make ready a people prepared for the Lord 16. What was the name of the angel who spoke to Zacharias? (1:18-19) Gabriel 17. Why did the angel cause Zacharias to be unable to speak? (1:20) because he did not believe the angel’s message about John 18. In what city did Mary live? (1:26-27) Nazareth 19. Who was Mary engaged to? (1:27) Joseph 20. Who was the virgin spoken of in Luke? (1:27) Mary 21. Joseph was the descendant of what great king according to Luke 1:27? David 22. Name the angel who appeared to Mary. (1:26) Gabriel 23. What was the name Mary was to give her son? (1:31) Jesus 24. According to Luke 1:32, Mary’s son was to be called what? Son of the Most High 25. Whose throne would Mary’s son receive? (1:32) David’s 26. How long would the Kingdom last over which Mary’s son would reign? (1:33) It would not end 27. Mary’s offspring would be called what according to Luke 1:35? Son of God 28. Fill in the blank: “for nothing will be _____________ with God.” (1:37) impossible 29. Zacharias and Elizabeth lived where? (1:39-40) in a city in the hill country of Judah 30. What happened to Elizabeth’s baby when she heard Mary’s greeting? (1:41) He leaped

Luke - Camp Hill church of Christcamphillchurch.org/publication_files/luke-study-guide.pdf · 2. The word of God was being taught in Luke 5 to the multitudes from the boat belonging

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Chapter 1:

1. Who handed down information that Luke used in writing his gospel? (1:2) Eyewitnesses and

servants of the word

2. What did Luke do before he wrote his gospel? (1:3) investigated everything carefully

3. Luke wrote the events of Christ’s life in consecutive order. True or False (1:3) True

4. Luke wrote to whom? (1:3) Theophilus

5. According to Luke 1:4, the purpose Luke wrote was what? So people could know the exact

truth about Christ.

6. Who was king of Judea in Zacharias’ life? (1:5) Herod

7. What was Zacharias’ job? (1:5) Priest

8. Who was Zacharias’ wife? (1:5) Elizabeth

9. Elizabeth was a descendant of whom? (1:5) Aaron

10. What did Zacharias see standing beside the altar? (1:11) an angel

11. An angel told Zacharias to name his son what? (1:13) John

12. When was John the Baptist to be filled with the Holy Spirit? (1:15) before his birth

13. John the Baptist was called a _____ to Jesus. (1:17) forerunner

14. John the Baptist was to teach in the spirit and power of whom? (1:17) Elijah

15. John the Baptist’s work was to do what? (1:17) make ready a people prepared for the Lord

16. What was the name of the angel who spoke to Zacharias? (1:18-19) Gabriel

17. Why did the angel cause Zacharias to be unable to speak? (1:20) because he did not believe

the angel’s message about John

18. In what city did Mary live? (1:26-27) Nazareth

19. Who was Mary engaged to? (1:27) Joseph

20. Who was the virgin spoken of in Luke? (1:27) Mary

21. Joseph was the descendant of what great king according to Luke 1:27? David

22. Name the angel who appeared to Mary. (1:26) Gabriel

23. What was the name Mary was to give her son? (1:31) Jesus

24. According to Luke 1:32, Mary’s son was to be called what? Son of the Most High

25. Whose throne would Mary’s son receive? (1:32) David’s

26. How long would the Kingdom last over which Mary’s son would reign? (1:33) It would not


27. Mary’s offspring would be called what according to Luke 1:35? Son of God

28. Fill in the blank: “for nothing will be _____________ with God.” (1:37) impossible

29. Zacharias and Elizabeth lived where? (1:39-40) in a city in the hill country of Judah

30. What happened to Elizabeth’s baby when she heard Mary’s greeting? (1:41) He leaped

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31. When was Elizabeth filled with the Holy Spirit? (1:41) when the baby, John, leaped in her


32. According to Luke 1:48, who would all generations count as blessed? Mary

33. How long did Mary stay with Elizabeth? (1:56) Three months

34. How old was a child when he was to be circumcised? (1:59) Eight days

35. Who wrote these words on a tablet: “His name is John.”? (1:62-63) His father, Zacharias

36. When was Zacharias’ mouth opened? (1:63-64) When he wrote John’s name on the tablet

37. When was Zacharias filled with the Holy Spirit? (1:67) after he named John

38. Who was called “the prophet of the Most High” according to Luke 1? (1:76) John the Baptist

39. Who grew up in the deserts? (1:80) John the Baptist

40. In what chapter is Jesus referred to as “the Sunrise from on high”? (1:78) Chapter 1

Chapter 2:

1. Who gave the decree that a census should be taken of all the inhabited earth? (2:1) Caesar


2. What was Quirinius’ job when the census mentioned in Luke 2 was taken? (2:2) governor of


3. Where did Joseph go to register for the census? (2:4) Bethlehem

4. In what region is Nazareth? (2:4) Galilee

5. In what region of Palestine is Bethlehem? (2:4) Judea

6. In what town did Mary give birth to Jesus? (2:4-7) Bethlehem

7. Why did Mary lay her baby in a manger? (2:7) because there was no room in the inn

8. The angel of the Lord appeared to whom in the fields in Luke 2? (2:8-9) Shepherds

9. Who said, “I bring you good news of a great joy which shall be for all people”? (2:10) the


10. Bethlehem is also called what? (2:4) the city of David

11. The angel in Luke 2 said that a Savior was to be born where? (2:11) in the city of David

12. “But _______ treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart.” (2:19) Mary

13. How old was Jesus when he was circumcised? (2:21) Eight days old

14. When was Mary’s baby officially named “Jesus”? (2:21) at his circumcision

15. To whom was it revealed by the Holy Spirit that he would not die until he had seen the

Lord’s Christ? (2:25-26) Simeon

16. What sacrifice did Mary and Joseph offer for the baby Jesus? (2:24) A pair of turtledoves or


17. Name the man in Jerusalem who was “looking for the consolation of Israel.” (2:25) Simeon

18. Anna was a what? (2:25) prophetess

19. Of what tribe was Anna a descendant? (2:36) Asher

20. Where did Anna live? (2:36-37) in the temple

21. Who kept increasing in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man? (2:52) Jesus

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22. Where did Jesus’ parents go every year at the feast of the Passover? (2:41) Jerusalem

23. How old was Jesus when he went to Jerusalem for the Passover in Luke 2:42? 12

24. When Jesus was lost as a boy, how long before his parents found him? (2:46) 3 days

25. Where did Jesus’ parents find him when he was lost as a boy? (2:46) in the temple

26. What was Jesus doing in the temple as a boy? (2:46) sitting with the teachers, listening to

them and asking them questions

Chapter 3:

1. In Luke 3, who was reigning as Caesar? (3:1) Tiberius

2. In Luke 3, who was governor of Judea? (3:1) Pontius Pilate

3. In Luke 3, who was the tetrarch of Galilee? (3:1) Herod

4. Name a brother of Herod in Luke 3. (3:1) Phillip

5. Who preached “a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins”? (3:3) John

6. Where did the word of God come to John the Baptist? (3:2) in the wilderness

7. Where did John the Baptist preach? (3:3) in all the regions around the Jordan River

8. What O.T. prophet did John the Baptist quote saying, “Make ready the way of the Lord,

make his paths straight.”? (3:4) Isaiah

9. Who did John the Baptist call a “brood of vipers”? (3:7) the multitude

10. What was God able to raise up from stones? (3:8) children of Abraham

11. “Every tree that does not ________ is cut down and thrown into the fire.” (3:9) Bear good


12. A man who has two tunics should do what? (3:11) share with him who has none

13. What group of people did John the Baptist tell to “collect no more than what you have been

ordered to”? (3:12-13) tax gatherers

14. Who was wondering if John the Baptist was the Christ? (3:15) all the people

15. Who said, “He who is mightier than I is coming and I am not fit to untie the thong of His

sandal”? (3:16) John the Baptist

16. John said Jesus would gather “wheat into His barn,” but what would he do with the chaff?

(3:17) burn up with unquenchable fire

17. Who was Herodias? (3:19) Herod’s brother’s wife

18. Who locked up John the Baptist in prison? (3:19-20) Herod

19. At what event did a voice from heaven say, “Thou art my beloved Son, in Thee I am well

pleased”? (3:21-22) at Jesus’ baptism

20. How old was Jesus when he began his ministry? (3:23) 30 years old

21. In what chapter is there a genealogy of Jesus’ family? Chapter 3

22. Name four famous Bible people in Jesus’ genealogy. David, Abraham, Noah, Adam

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Chapter 4:

1. Where had Jesus been prior to being led into the wilderness by the spirit? (4:1) the Jordan


2. How long was Jesus in the wilderness before the devil tempted him? (4:2) 40 days

3. How did Jesus reply to the devil’s question, “If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to

become bread.”?(4:4) “It is written, man shall not live on bread alone.”

4. In chapter 4:6-7, the devil tells Jesus he will do what thing if Jesus worships him? Give Him

all this Domain (Kingdoms) and its glory.

5. What was Jesus’ reply when the devil asked Him to worship him? (4:8) “It is written, you

shall worship the Lord your God and serve Him only.”

6. The devil led Jesus to what place in Jerusalem in Luke 4? (4:9) Pinnacle of the Temple

7. How did Jesus answer the devil when he asked Jesus to jump off the Temple? (4:12) “It is

said, you shall not force a test on the Lord your God.”

8. Where did Jesus return to after being in the wilderness when the devil tempted Him? (4:14)


9. What book did Jesus read from after going to the Synagogue in Nazareth in Luke 4? (4:17)


10. What did Jesus say after reading in the Synagogue that made the men say, “Is this not

Joseph’s son?” (4:21) Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.

11. What did Jesus say about the way he was being received in the Synagogue at Nazareth?

(4:24) Truly I say to you, no Prophet is welcome in His home town.

12. What were the men in the Synagogue in Nazareth going to do to Jesus after he had finished

telling the story about Elijah? (4:29) They were going to throw Him down the cliff.

13. Jesus met a possessed man in the Synagogue of what city in chapter 4? (4:31) Capernaum

14. In Luke 4, Jesus healed whose mother-in-law? (4:38-39) Simon’s

15. What was Jesus’ reason for leaving the people of Galilee in Luke 4? (4:43) I must preach the

Kingdom of God to the other cities also, for I was sent for this purpose.

Chapter 5:

1. Jesus was teaching the word of God to the multitude by what Lake in chapter 5? (5:1) Lake

of Gennesaret

2. The word of God was being taught in Luke 5 to the multitudes from the boat belonging to

whom? (5:3) Simon

3. What did Jesus want to do after He had finished speaking from the boat in Luke 5? (5:4) put

out to deep water for a catch

4. Simon Peter fell at Jesus’ feet in Luke 5 saying, “depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O

Lord!” when what happened? (5:7) when the catch of fish filled both of the boats so that they

began to sink

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5. What were the names of Simon’s two fishermen partners? (5:10) James and John, sons of


6. After landing their boats in Luke 5, what did James, John and Simon do? (5:11) They left

everything and followed Jesus.

7. After healing a man with leprosy in Luke 5, what did Jesus order the man to do? (5:14) Tell

no one, but go and show yourself to the priest and make an offering for your cleansing, as

Moses commanded for a testimony to them.

8. As the news about Jesus was spreading and multitudes came to hear Him speak and to be

healed of their sickness, Jesus often would do what? (5:16) slip away to the wilderness and


9. How was the paralyzed man brought before Jesus in Luke 5? (5:19) let down through the

roof on a stretcher

10. Seeing the faith of the men who brought in the paralyzed man, Jesus said to the paralyzed

man, “Friend, your _____________.”(5:20) sins are forgiven you

11. After healing the paralyzed man in Luke 5, Jesus went out and said, “Follow me” to _______

who was a _________. (5:27) Levi, tax collector

12. What did Levi do immediately after Jesus told him to follow Him? (5:28) He left everything

behind and followed Him.

13. What did the Pharisees and their scribes say when they saw Jesus at Levi’s house? (5:30)

“Why do you eat and drink with the tax gatherers and sinners?”

14. Jesus’ response to the Pharisee criticism of Jesus eating with the tax gatherers was, “I have

not come to call _____, but _______.” (5:32) righteous men, sinners to repentance

15. The Pharisees questioned Jesus as to why His disciples eat and drink with Him instead of

fasting like the Pharisees did. Jesus answered by saying what? (5:34-35) “You cannot make

the attendants of the bridegroom fast while the bridegroom is with them, can you? But the

days will come and when the bridegroom is taken away from them, then they will fast in

those days.”

Chapter 6:

1. In chapter 6, on a certain Sabbath, Jesus and His disciples were passing through where and

doing what? (6:1) some grain fields, picking and eating the heads of wheat

2. What was the Pharisees reaction to Jesus and His disciples picking grain on the Sabbath?

(6:2) They said, “Why do you do what is not lawful on the Sabbath?”

3. Who did Jesus say entered the house of God and took the consecrated bread because he and

his companions were hungry? (6:3) David

4. Jesus said to the Pharisees in Luke 6 that the Son of man is what? (6:5) Lord of the Sabbath

5. On one Sabbath, Jesus was in the Synagogue teaching and there was a crippled man whose

________. (6:6) right hand was withered

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6. Why were the Scribes and Pharisees watching Jesus so closely? (6:7) to see if they could find

reason to accuse Him

7. Jesus knew what the Pharisees were thinking about healing on the Sabbath therefore what did

he say to them? (6:9) “Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good, or to do evil, to save a life, or to

destroy it?”

8. When Jesus completely restored the man’s hand in Luke 6, how did the Pharisees react?

(6:11) They were filled with rage and discussed what they might do to Jesus.

9. In Luke 6, where did Jesus go to spend the whole night in prayer to God? (6:12) to the


10. After spending the whole night in prayer in Luke 6, what did Jesus do when he called His

disciples to Him? (6:13) He chose twelve of them whom he named as Apostles.

11. Name the twelve apostles Jesus chose in Luke 6. (6:14-16) Simon, also named Peter,

Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James the son of Alphaeus,

Simon the Zealot, Judas the son of James, and Judas Iscariot

12. Which apostle of Jesus became a traitor? (6:16) Judas Iscariot

13. Jesus said to His disciples, “Blessed are you who are poor, for _______.” (6:20) yours is the

Kingdom of God

14. “Blessed are you who hunger now, for __________.” (6:21) you shall be satisfied

15. “Blessed are you who weep now, for __________.” (6:21) you shall laugh

16. Jesus told His disciples that if they were hated and insulted for His sake, their reward would

be what? (6:23) great in Heaven

17. While talking to His disciples, Jesus said, “_____ your enemies and ____ to those who hate

you.” (6:27) love, do good

18. Jesus said, “_____ those who curse you and ____ those who mistreat you.” (6:28) bless, pray


19. Finish this quote, “and if you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For …”

(6:32) even sinners love those who love them

20. “But love your ____, and do good, and lend expecting_____; and your reward will be _____,

and you will be sons of the Most High; for he himself is ___to ____ and ____.” (6:35)

enemies, nothing in return, great, kind, ungrateful, evil men.

21. “The good man out of the good treasure of his ____ brings forth what is ____, and the ___

man out of the ____ brings forth what is ____; for his mouth speaks that which ___ his ___.

(6:45) heart, good, evil, evil treasure, evil, fills, heart

22. Who does Jesus say people are like who come to Him, hear his words, and act upon them?

(6:48) Like a man building his foundation on a foundation of rock.

23. “But one who has heard and has not acted accordingly is like _____.” (6:49) A man who

builds a house upon the ground without any foundation.

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Chapter 7:

1. Where did Jesus go after the Sermon on the Mount? (7:1) Capernaum

2. What was the matter with the centurion’s slave in Luke 7? (7:2) He was sick and about to


3. Whom did the centurion in Luke 7 send to ask Jesus to heal his slave? (7:3) Elders of the


4. What reason did the Jewish elders give Jesus that He should heal the centurion’s slave in

Luke 7? (7:4-5) The centurion loved the Jewish nation and had built a synagogue.

5. Who said to Jesus, “I am not fit for you to come under my roof? (7:6) the centurion

6. How did the centurion in Luke 7 propose the healing of his slave take place if Jesus was not

to come to his place? (7:7) Just by Jesus speaking

7. About whom did Jesus say, “Not even in Israel have I found such great faith”? (7:9) the

centurion in Luke 7

8. Where did Jesus go after healing the centurion’s slave? (7:11) to the city of Nain

9. Who was with Jesus when He went to Nain in Luke 7? (7:11) the disciples and a large


10. When Jesus approached Nain, what did He see? (7:12) a dead man, his mother, and a crowd

of people, a funeral procession

11. What did Jesus tell the woman in the funeral procession in Luke 7? (7:13) do not weep

12. What did Jesus say to the dead man at the city of Nain? (7:14) “Young man, I say to you,


13. How did the young man that Jesus saw at the edge of the city of Nain react to Jesus’

command? (7:15) He sat up and talked

14. How did the people react to the miracle that Jesus performed at the city of Nain in Luke 7?

(7:16) with fear

15. Did the miracle that Jesus performed at the city of Nain in Luke 7 get talked about? (7:17)

Yes, all over Judea and the surrounding district.

16. Who was one person spoken of by name in Luke 7 who heard of the miracle that Jesus

performed at the city of Nain? (7:18) John the Baptist

17. What did John the Baptist do when he heard Jesus had raised a man from the dead at the city

of Nain in Luke 7? (7:19) He sent two of his disciples asking if He was the One who was


18. Jesus did something to prove Himself to John the Baptist’s disciples, what was it? (7:21)

cured many of diseases and afflictions and evil spirits and healed the blind.

19. What did Jesus say was preached to the people when answering the disciples of John the

Baptist in Luke 7? (7:22) the gospel

20. Who did Jesus talk to the crowd about after He had talked to John the Baptist’s disciples in

Luke 7? (7:24) John the Baptist

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21. What did Jesus say about John the Baptist in Luke 7? (7:28) among those born of women,

none is greater than John

22. Who is greater than John the Baptist? (7:28) the least in the kingdom of God

23. How did the Pharisees and lawyers reject what God had purposed for them in Luke 7:30?

They were not baptized by John

24. How did Jesus say His critics compared Jesus to John the Baptist in Luke 7? (7:33-34) John

came not eating and drinking, and they said that he had a demon; Jesus came eating and

drinking and they said He was a glutton, a drunkard, and a friend of tax gatherers and sinners.

25. Jesus went to a Pharisee’s house to eat in Luke 7, what happened? (7:37-38) A woman broke

an alabaster vial of perfume and washed His feet with tears and anointed His feet with


26. What did a certain Pharisee think of the woman who anointed Jesus’ feet with perfume in

Luke 7? (7:39)He thought Jesus should know that the woman was a sinner.

27. What did Jesus say to the woman who anointed His feet with perfume? (7:47-48) Your sins

have been forgiven.

28. Jesus told a story or parable at the home of a certain Pharisee in Luke 7, who was in the

story? (7:40) A money-lender and two debtors

29. When Jesus forgave a woman’s sins in Luke 7, how did the crowd react? (7:49) They

wondered who this man was who can even forgive sins.

Chapter 8:

1. In Luke 8:1, we read that Jesus went about from one city to another doing what? Proclaiming

and preaching the kingdom of God.

2. In Luke 8, when Jesus traveled around preaching, who went with Him? (8:1-3) the twelve,

Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Susanna, and many others

3. Relate the parable of the sower in Luke 8. (8:5-8) the sower sowed seed which fell: beside

the road, was trampled and the birds ate it; on rocky soil, grew but withered; among thorns,

was choked out; on good ground, and grew.

4. In the parable of the sower, what did Jesus say the seed was? (8:11) the word of God

5. In the parable of the sower in Luke 8, what did those seeds beside the road represent? (8:12)

those who heard but allowed the devil to come and take away the word from their hearts.

6. In the parable of the sower in Luke 8, what did those seeds on the rocky soil represent?

(8:13) those who received the word and believed for a while, but fell away when tempted

7. In the parable of the sower in Luke 8, what did those seeds among the thorns represent?

(8:14) those who heard but were choked with worries and riches and pleasures

8. In the parable of the sower in Luke 8, what did those seeds in good soil represent? (8:15)

those who had an honest and good heart, who heard and believed and held fast to the word of


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9. Jesus said no one lights a lamp and covers it with a container or puts in under what, in Luke

8? (8:16) a bed

10. Who did Jesus say was His mother and His brothers in Luke 8? (8:21) those who hear the

word of God and do it

11. What did Jesus ask the disciples after he rebuked the wind and waves in Luke 8? (8:25)

Where is your faith?

12. After calming the storm in Luke 8, where did Jesus go? (8:26) to the country of Gerasenes or


13. Where is the land of Gerasenes or Gadarenes? (8:26) on the opposite (east) side of the Sea of


14. Who first met Jesus in the land of Gerasenes or Gadarenes in Luke 8? (8:27) a man possessed

with demons

15. What was the name of the man possessed with demons in Luke 8, and why? (8:30) Legion,

because many demons had entered him.

16. The demons in the man named Legion according to Luke 8, did not want to go where? (8:32)

the abyss

17. Where did Jesus command the demons in the man called Legion to go in Luke 8? (8:32) into

a herd of swine

18. When the demons entered the swine in Luke 8, what did the swine do? (8:33) They ran into

a lake and drowned.

19. How did the people react when they saw the man, Legion, sitting quietly at the feet of Jesus

in Luke 8? (8:35) frightened

20. When the people saw the man, Legion, sitting at Jesus’ feet in Luke 8, what did they ask

Jesus to do? (8:37) to depart from them

21. What did Jesus ask the man, Legion, to do after He cast the demons out of him according to

Luke 8:39? To go to his house and tell what God did for him

22. According to Luke 8:41, who was Jairus? An official of the synagogue

23. What did Jairus want of Jesus? (8:41-42) to heal his 12 year old daughter who was dying

24. What happened to Jairus’ sick daughter before Jesus got to her? (8:49) she died

25. What did Jesus tell Jairus when he heard about his daughter dying? (8:50) not to be afraid,

believe and she will be made well

26. Who did Jesus allow with Him in the house when He was going to raise Jairus’ daughter?

(8:51) Peter, John, James, and the girl’s mother and father

27. When Jesus healed Jairus’ daughter, what did He tell the parents to do? (8:56) Tell no one.

28. How did the woman with a hemorrhage in Luke 8 get cured? (8:43) by touching Jesus’

garment hem

29. What did Jesus say cured the woman with the hemorrhage in Luke 8? (8:48) her faith

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Chapter 9:

1. What kind of power and authority did Jesus give the twelve in Luke 9? (9:1) over all demons

and to heal diseases

2. In Luke 9, Jesus sent out the twelve to do what? (9:2) to proclaim the kingdom of God and

perform healing

3. What were the twelve, that Jesus sent out in Luke 9, supposed to take with them for their

journey? (9:3) Nothing

4. When the twelve Jesus sent out in Luke 9 began preaching, why was Herod perplexed? (9:7-

9) because some people were saying that John the Baptist had risen from the dead. Herod

had him killed.

5. Where did Jesus go when the apostles returned to Him in Luke 9? (9:10) Bethsaida

6. Did Jesus get away from everyone by going to Bethsaida? (9:11) No, multitudes followed


7. What did Jesus use to feed the 5000? (9:12-17) 5 loaves and 2 fishes

8. How much food was left after Jesus fed the 5000? (9:17) 12 baskets full

9. When Jesus asked His disciples who the multitudes said He was, what was their reply? (9:19)

John the Baptist, Elijah, or one of the prophets

10. Who did Peter say Jesus was when asked in Luke 9? (9:20) The Christ of God

11. Did Jesus, in Luke 9, want it preached that He was the Christ of God? (9:21) No

12. What did Jesus say you must do to follow Him in Luke 9:23? Deny yourself and take up your

cross daily

13. What must you be willing to lose to follow Jesus? (9:24) your life

14. How soon did Jesus indicate the kingdom was coming in Luke 9? (9:27) Some there would

not die until the kingdom would come.

15. Who was with Jesus when He went up to the mountain to pray in Luke 9? (9:28) Peter, James

and John

16. When Jesus was praying on the mountain in Luke 9, who appeared with Him? (9:31) Moses

and Elijah

17. What did Moses and Elijah discuss with Jesus? (9:31) Jesus’ departure; that is His death

18. After the two men appeared with Jesus in Luke 9, what did Peter want to do? (9:33) make

three tabernacles or tents of worship

19. On the mountain in Luke9, what did the voice from the cloud say to Peter and the others?

(9:35) “This is My Son, My Chosen one; listen to Him.”

20. When Jesus came down from the mountain in Luke 9, what was wrong with the son of the

man who came to Jesus? (9:39) A spirit seized the boy

21. Who tried to heal a spirit possessed boy in Luke 9, but failed? (9:40) Jesus’ disciples

22. In Luke 9, who said, “The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men.”?

(9:44) Jesus

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23. When the disciples argued about who was to be the greatest in the kingdom, what did Jesus

do? (9:46-48) Took a child and stood him by His side and said, “Whoever is least among

you, this is the one who is great.”

24. What did Jesus say about someone who was casting out demons in Jesus’ name, but did not

follow Him? (9:49-50) don’t hinder him; whoever is not against you is for you

25. On the way to Jerusalem in Luke 9, did everyone receive Jesus? (9:51-56) No

26. On the way to Jerusalem in Luke 9, Jesus asked two men to follow Him. What was their

reply? (9:57-62) One said he must bury his father first; the other said he wanted to first go

and say goodbye to those at home.

27. What did Jesus say to those who would not follow Him immediately in Luke 9? (9:62) No

one, after putting his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.

Chapter 10:

1. When Jesus sent out the 70 in Luke 10, how many of them were to travel together? (10:1)


2. When Jesus sent out the 70 in Luke 10, what did He plan to do Himself? (10:1) to follow

after them

3. Jesus said to the 70 in Luke 10, “Go your ways; behold I send you out as _______ in the

midst of ____.” (10:3) lambs, wolves

4. The Lord told the 70 in Luke 10 NOT to carry what three things with them? (10:4) Purse,

bag, shoes

5. Finish this quote: “For the laborer is worthy of _____.” (10:7) his wages

6. In Luke 10, when the 70 entered a city and were not received, what were they to do? (10:11)

wipe the dust of that city off their feet in protest of that city

7. The person who listens to those that Jesus sends out to preach, also does what? (10:16)

Listens to Jesus

8. The person who rejects ______ is also rejecting Jesus. (10:16) those that Jesus sends to


9. When the 70 that Jesus sent out in Luke 10 returned, who did they say was subject to them in

Jesus’ name? (10:17) demons

10. Jesus told the 70 in Luke 10, “I was watching ___ fall from ___ like lightening.” (10:18)

Satan; heaven

11. Jesus told the 70 in Luke 10 to rejoice for what reason? (10:20) that their names are recorded

in heaven

12. When the 70 returned in Luke 10, who praised whom? (10:21) Jesus; the Father

13. What has been handed over to Jesus by the Father? (10:22) all things

14. Who asked, “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” (10:25) a certain lawyer

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15. “You shall love the Lord your God with all your ____, and with all your ____, and with all

your ______, and with all your ______; and your neighbor as yourself.” (10:27) heart, soul,

strength, mind

16. What is the name of Martha’s sister? (10:38) Mary

17. What lesson do we learn from the story of Martha and Mary? (10:38-42) Do not let worldly

things keep us from hearing Jesus.

18. The man who fell among robbers in Luke 10 was traveling between what two cities? (10:30)

Jerusalem and Jericho

19. When the robbers beat up the man in Luke 10, who was the first person to come by that

place? (10:31) a certain priest

20. When the robbers beat up the man in Luke 10, who was the second person to come by that

place? (10:32) a Levite

21. When the robbers beat up the man in Luke 10, who was the third person to come by that

place? (10:33) a certain Samaritan

22. Which one of the three men who came upon the man in Luke 10, who was beaten up by the

robbers, stopped to help him? (10:33) the Samaritan

23. Who said, “Take care of him; and whatever more you spend, when I return, I will repay

you.”? (10:35) the Samaritan in Luke 10

24. About what two people is it said that they “passed by on the other side”? (10:31-32) a priest

and a Levite in Luke 10

Chapter 11:

1. Who said to Jesus, “Teach us to pray”? (11:1) his disciples

2. Fill in the blanks: Give us each day our ______. (11:3) Daily bread

3. When teaching how to pray, Jesus said we should pray, “Lead us not into ______.” (11:4)


4. In Luke 11, Jesus tells of a person going to a friend at midnight and asking for what? (11:5)

three loaves of bread

5. Why did the man in Luke 11 not want to help his friend who came to him at midnight? (11:7)

because he was already in bed

6. What finally made the man in Luke 11 help his friend at midnight? (11:8) his friend’s


7. Fill in the blank: _____, and it shall be given to you. (11:9) Ask

8. Fill in the blank: _____, and you shall find. (11:9) Seek

9. Fill in the blank: _____, and it shall be opened to you. (11:9) Knock

10. In teaching about prayer, Jesus said that when a son asks his father for a fish, he will not give

him what instead? (11:11) a snake

11. According to Luke 11:15, who is Beelzebul? Ruler of the demons

12. What happens to a kingdom that is divided against itself? (11:17) it is laid waste

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13. Jesus said, “He who is not with me is _____.” (11:23) against me

14. Blessed are those who ____ the word of God, and ____ it. (11:28) hear, observe

15. After calling his generation wicked, Jesus said no sign would be shown to them except what

in Luke 11:29? The sign of Jonah

16. Jesus said that his generation would be condemned by what two people(s)? (11:30-32) The

Queen of the South, the men of Nineveh

17. When someone lights a lamp they do not put it in a cellar or under what in Luke 11? (11:33)

a peck measure

18. When someone lights a lamp, they put it where? (11:33) on a lamp stand

19. The Pharisee who asked Jesus to have lunch with him in Luke 11 was surprised that Jesus did

not do what before lunch? (11:37) ceremonially wash

20. Although certain Pharisees tithed (gave a tenth) of many things they received, they

disregarded what two things? (11:42) justice and love of God

21. Who did Jesus accuse of loving the front seats at the synagogues? (11:43) the Pharisees

22. Who did Jesus accuse of weighing people down with heavy burdens, while not touching the

burdens themselves? (11:46) lawyers

23. Where was Zechariah killed? (11:51) between the altar and the House of God

Chapter 12:

1. Jesus said that the leaven of the Pharisees was what? (12:1) Hypocrisy

2. Things that we whisper in the inner rooms, will one day be shouted from where? (12:3)


3. How should we feel toward those who could kill our body only? (12:4) Do not fear them.

4. How should we fell toward the One who can both kill and also cast into hell? (12:5) Fear


5. In Jesus’ day, how much did five sparrows cost? (12:6) 2 cents

6. Fill in the blank: “The very ____ of your head are all numbered.” (12:7) hairs

7. If we confess Jesus before men, what will He do? (12:8) confess us before the angels of God

8. If we deny Jesus before men, what will He do? (12:9) deny us before the angels of God

9. In warning against being greedy, Jesus said that “not even when one has an ________ does

his life consist of his _____.” (12:15) abundance, possessions

10. When the land of a certain rich man became very productive, what did he decide to do with

his crops? (12:16-18) tear down his barns, build new ones, and store his grain

11. What lesson did Jesus say we can learn from the mistake of the rich man who built new

barns? (12:21) It is foolish to lay up treasures, but be poor toward God

12. Jesus said that we should not be anxious (worried) about the future. To illustrate this, He

names what three things that God cares for? (12:22-28) ravens, lilies, and grass

13. Who, with all his glory, was not clothed as well as the lilies of the field? (12:27) Solomon

14. God will supply all our needs if we seek what? (12:31) His kingdom

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15. Where is the “unfading treasure” located? (12:33) in heaven

16. Fill in the blanks: “Where your ___ is, there will your _____ be also.” (12:34) treasure; heart

(the order is important)

17. When will the Son of Man (Jesus) come, according to Luke 12? (12:40) at an hour when you

do not expect

Chapter 13:

1. Who mingled the blood of certain Galileans with their sacrifices? (13:1) Pilate

2. Unless we repent of sins, we will what? (13:3) perish

3. What tower fell on 18 people, killing them? (13:4) Siloam

4. What happens to a fig tree that does not bear good fruit? (13:7) it is cut down

5. On what day was Jesus teaching in the Synagogue? (13:10) on the Sabbath

6. In Luke 13, how long was the sick woman bent double and could not be straightened up?

(13:11) 18 years

7. In Luke 13, what caused the sick woman to be bent double? (13:11) a spirit; Satan

8. When Jesus healed the woman bent double in Luke 13, the synagogue official criticized Him

and said what? (13:14) people should come to be healed the other six days of the week, but

not on the Sabbath

9. In Luke 13, Jesus called certain people hypocrites because they said that He could not heal

people on the Sabbath, yet they watered what on the Sabbath? (13:15) their animals

10. What two animals are named in Luke 13:15, as those that were lead to water on the Sabbath?

(13:15) Ox and donkey

11. What did Jesus say was like a mustard seed, in Luke 13? (13:18-19) the kingdom of God

12. What good thing did Jesus say was like leaven in Luke 13? (13:20-21) the kingdom of God

13. Jesus said that we should strive to enter what door, that many would like to enter but will not

be able to? (13:24) the narrow door

14. In Luke 13, Jesus names three persons that will be in the kingdom of God along with all the

prophets. Who are they? (13:28) Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

15. In Luke 13, what king is said to want to kill Jesus? (13:31) Herod

16. Who does Jesus call a fox in Luke 13? (13:31-32) Herod

17. Jesus said, “It cannot be that a prophet should perish outside of _____.” (13:33) Jerusalem

18. The people of what city would Jesus have liked to gather together, as a hen gathers her chicks

under her wings? (13:34) Jerusalem

19. “_____ is He who comes in the name of the Lord.” (13:35) Blessed

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Chapter 14:

1. In Luke 14, Jesus went to a leader of the _____ to eat. (14:1) Pharisees

2. Who was watching Jesus when He went to eat at a Pharisee’s house? (14:1) the lawyers and


3. In Luke 14, who was in front of Jesus when He went to eat at a Pharisee’s house (14:2) a

certain man suffering from dropsy

4. What did Jesus ask the lawyers and Pharisees in Luke 14? (14:3) is it lawful to heal on the

Sabbath day

5. Did the lawyers answer Jesus when he asked them if it was lawful to heal on the Sabbath?

(14:4) no

6. What did Jesus do to the man with dropsy in Luke 14? (14:4) He healed him

7. The Pharisees in Luke 14 were willing to help a _____ or a _____ out of a well on the

Sabbath day. (14:5) son; ox

8. What causes Jesus to tell the parable about a wedding feast in Luke 14? (14:7) Jesus saw

guests picking out the places of honor at the table

9. Tell the first parable that Jesus told in Luke 14 about the wedding feast. (14:8-11) when

invited to a wedding feast, go to the last place so the host will ask you to come to a higher

place of honor

10. Tell the second parable Jesus told in Luke 14 about a host and poor people. (14:12-14) the

host should not invite only those that could repay him, but invite the poor, crippled, lame and


11. Why should you invite the poor to your feasts? (14:14) you will not be repaid here as you

are in the resurrection day

12. Tell the third parable that Jesus told in Luke 14 about the people who would not come to a

dinner. (14:15-24) A man was giving a dinner and his guests gave excuses why they could

not come; so he invited the poor, lame, blind and crippled and those first invited could not


13. In the third parable in Luke 14, what was the first man’s excuse for not coming to the dinner?

(14:18) He had bought land and needed to go and look at it

14. In the third parable in Luke 14, what was the second man’s excuse for not coming to the

dinner? (14:19) He had bought a yoke of oxen and needed to try them out

15. In the third parable in Luke 14, what was the third man’s excuse for not coming to the

dinner? (14:20) He had married a wife

16. What people did Jesus say we had to be willing to give up to be his disciple? (14:25-27)

mother, wife, children, brother and sister

17. After Jesus said you had to take up your cross, He said you had to count the cost and He

compared that to what? (14:28-32) a man building a tower and king going to battle

18. What things must you be willing to give up to be Jesus’ disciple? (14:33) all possessions

19. What is salt good for if it is tasteless? (14:34) nothing but to be thrown out

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Chapter 15:

1. Who came to listen to Jesus according to Luke 15:1? (15:1) tax gatherers and sinners

2. Who began to grumble when they saw people coming to Jesus to listen to Him in Luke 15?

(15:2) Pharisees and scribes

3. What did the scribes and Pharisees grumble about in Luke 15? (15:2) that Jesus received

sinners and ate with them

4. What was the parable about sheep that Jesus told in Luke 15? (15:4-6) a man has 100 sheep

and one is lost; he seeks that one, finds it and rejoices

5. In the parable about the sheep in Luke 15, how was heaven affected when the sinner repents?

(15:7) more rejoicing there than over 99 who do not need to repent

6. How many pieces of silver did the woman in Jesus’ parable in Luke 15 have? How many did

she lose? (15:8-10) 10, lost 1

7. When the woman in Luke 15 found her piece of silver, what did she do? (15:8-10) she

rejoiced and called in her neighbors

8. To what did Jesus liken the coin lost by the woman in Luke 15? (15:10) a sinner who

repents, causing joy in the angels of God

9. What is the parable about a family in Luke 15 called? (15:11-33) the prodigal son

10. Was it the younger of the sons or the older that wanted his share of the inheritance to spend,

in the story of the prodigal son? (15:12) younger

11. What did the younger son do with his share of the inheritance in the story of the prodigal

son? (15:13) spent it on loose living

12. After the younger son spent everything in the story of the prodigal son, what happened in the

land? (15:14) a famine came and he was in need

13. What did the prodigal son long to eat before he returned home? (15:16) food of the swine

14. Who ate better than the prodigal son, while he was away from home? (15:17) his father’s


15. The prodigal son was willing to do what to return to his father’s house? (15:18) humble

himself and ask his father to take him back as a servant

16. What did the father do to his younger son when he returned home, in the story of the prodigal

son? (15:20-23) he ran and embraced him and kissed him; and then had a feast for him

17. What did the older brother do when he heard that his younger brother had returned home, in

the story of the prodigal son? (15:28) he became angry and complained because his father

had not done the same for him

18. In Luke 15, what did the father say to the older son in the story of the prodigal son, after the

older son complained? (15:31) All that I have is yours; your younger brother was lost and is

now found

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Chapter 16

1. Who was squandering the rich man’s possessions in Luke 16? (16:1) his steward

2. When the steward in Luke 16 had been relieved of his duties, he said that he could not beg

because _____. (16:3) he was ashamed

3. When the steward in Luke 16 was relieved of his duties, he said he could not dig because

_____. (16:3) he was not strong enough

4. “He who is faithful in _____, is faithful also in _____.” (16:10) a very little; much

5. Who said that you cannot serve both God and Mammon (riches)? (16:13) Jesus

6. “No servant can serve” what? (16:13) two masters

7. The Pharisees are accused of being “lovers of” what in Luke 16? (16:14) money

8. Who knows your hearts? (16:15) God

9. Since when was the gospel of the kingdom of God preached? (16:16) since John the Baptist

10. When did they stop proclaiming the law and the prophets? (16:16) when John the Baptist


11. What does one commit when he divorces his wife and marries another? (16:18) adultery

12. In the story of a rich man and a poor man in Luke 16, what was the poor man’s name?

(16:20) Lazarus

13. In Luke 16, where was the poor man taken upon his death? (16:22) to Abraham’s bosom

14. Who carries people to “Abraham’s bosom,” according to Luke 16? (16:22) angels

15. Where did the rich man go when he died, in Luke 16? (16:23) Hades

16. Since Abraham would not comfort the rich man in Luke 16, he begged him to send Lazarus

to his home to warn who? (16:28) his 5 brothers

17. If the 5 brothers of the rich man in Luke 16 would not listen to _____ and the _____, they

would meet the same fate as the rich man. (16:31) Moses; the prophets)

Chapter 17

1. How many times are we supposed to forgive one who sins against us and repents? (17:4)

even as much as seven times a day

2. In Luke 17, who asked Jesus to increase their faith? (17:5) the apostles

3. What is a slave’s duty to his master? (17:11) to do all things which are commanded him

4. In Luke 17, Jesus met how many lepers? (17:12) 10

5. When did Jesus cause the lepers he met in Luke 17 to be healed? (17:14) after they left him

and were on their way to the priest

6. Jesus healed a group of lepers in Luke 17. How many of them returned to thank him?

(17:15) one

7. How did Jesus say that the kingdom of God was NOT to come? (17:20) with signs that

could be seen

8. Who entered the ark when the flood destroyed the world? (17:27) Noah

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9. What were people said to be doing in both the days of Noah and the days of Lot, in Luke 17?

(17:27) ordinary things, like eating and drinking

10. According to Luke 17, what great destruction came in the days of Lot? (17:29) fire and

brimstone rained on Sodom

11. Who said, “Remember Lot’s wife”? (17:32) Jesus

12. In Luke 17:35, what are the two women said to be doing when one was taken and the other

left? (17:35) grinding

13. What gathers where a dead body is? (17:37) vultures

Chapter 18

1. In Luke 18, Jesus told a parable about a certain judge and a widow. Why did He tell this

parable? (18:1-2) to show that we should at all times pray and not lose heart

2. Why did the judge in the parable in Luke 18, finally give the widow what she wanted?

(18:5) he did not want her to keep bothering him

3. To whom did Jesus tell the parable about a Pharisee and a tax gatherer (publican) in Luke

18? (18:9-10) to certain ones who trusted in themselves that they were righteous and viewed

others with contempt

4. Where did the Pharisees and the tax gatherer (publican) go to pray in Luke 18? (18:10)


5. Who prayed, “God, I thank you that I am not like other people.”? (18:11) the Pharisee

6. Who prayed, “God, be merciful to me the sinner.”? (18:13) the tax gatherer or publican

7. What happens to a person who humbles himself before God? (18:14) he will be exalted

8. Jesus said that the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as who? (18:16) children

9. Jesus said that no one is good except who? (18:19) God alone

10. It is easier for a _____ to go through the _____ than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of

God. (18:25) camel; eye of a needle

11. Things that are _____ with men are _____ with God. (18:27) impossible; possible

Chapter 19

1. Where did Zaccheus live? (19:1-2) Jericho

2. What was Zaccheus’ job? (19:2) chief tax gatherer

3. Was Zaccheus rich or poor? (19:2) rich

4. What do we learn about how Zaccheus looked from Luke 19? (19:3) he was short

5. Name the kind of tree into which Zaccheus climbed? (19:4) Sycamore

6. Why did Zaccheus climb up into a tree? (19:3-4) he wanted to see Jesus, but could not see

over the crowd

7. Who said, “Zaccheus, hurry and come down.” (19:5) Jesus

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8. How did Zaccheus tell Jesus that he would repay those whom he had cheated? (19:8) with 4

times as much

9. Zaccheus promised Jesus that he would give what amount of his possessions to the poor?

(19:8) half

10. Finish this quote: “The Son of Man came to _____ and to _____ that which was lost.”

(19:10) seek; save

11. In Luke 19, a certain nobleman went to a distant country. Who did he put in charge of his

business while he was gone? (19:12-13) 10 slaves

12. How many of the 10 slaves in Luke 19 did not put to use what their master had given them?

(19:16-21) one

13. Bethany is near what mount? (19:29) Olivet

14. What did Jesus send 2 of his disciples to get in Luke 19, about which they were to say, “The

Lord has need of it”? (19:30-31) a colt

15. What did the disciples put on the colt on which Jesus rode in Luke 19? (19:35) their


16. When Jesus’ disciples were praising him in Luke 19, he told the Pharisees that if he told his

disciples to become silent, what would cry out instead? (19:39-40) the stones

17. What was Jesus doing when he said, “My house shall be a house of prayer, but you have

made it a robbers’ den.”? (19:45-46) casting out those who were selling out of the temple

Chapter 20

1. In Luke 20, who asked Jesus, “Tell us by what authority you are doing these things.”? (20:1-

2) chief priests, scribes, and elders

2. Who asked, “Was the baptism of John from heaven or from men?” (20:4) Jesus

3. Why would the chief priests and scribes not say that John’s baptism was “from heaven”?

(20:5) because they did not believe John

4. Why would the chief priests and scribes not say that John’s baptism was “from men”? (20:6)

because the people would stone them to death, because the people believed John to be a


5. Who did the man who planted a vineyard first send at harvest time to get some produce?

(20:9-10) a slave

6. How many different slaves were sent by the vineyard owner in the parable in Luke 20?

(20:12) 3

7. What did the vine-growers do to the son of the man who owned the vineyard in Luke 20?

(20:14-15) they killed him

8. Because of their actions, what did the owner of the vineyard in Luke 20 do to the vine-

growers who had first rented his vineyard? (20:16) he destroyed them

9. Against whom did Jesus speak the parable of the vineyard in Luke 20? (20:19) the scribes

and the chief priests

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10. Who believes that there is no resurrection from the dead? (20:27) the Sadducees

11. How did Jesus answer the question, “Is it lawful for us to pay taxes to Caesar or not?”

(20:24-25) He asked whose inscription was on a coin. They said, “Caesar’s.” Jesus then

said, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s”

12. Where do people neither marry nor are given in marriage? (20:35) in the resurrection from

the dead

13. Writings of David are found in what book of the Bible? (20:42) Psalms

14. In Luke 20:41, Christ is called whose son? (20:41) David’s

15. Who wrote this: “The Lord said to My Lord, sit at my right hand.”? (20:42) David

16. In Luke 20:46-47, Jesus said that the scribes did what three things that were not right? walk

around in long robes, devour widow’s houses and offer long prayers for appearance sake

17. Jesus said that the scribes loved what three things, according to Luke 20:46-47? Respectful

greetings in the market places, chief seats in the synagogues and places of honor at banquets

Chapter 21

1. Jesus saw a poor widow put what amount into the treasury? (21:2) two small copper coins

2. Who did Jesus see putting gifts into the treasury besides a poor widow? (21:1-2) rich people

3. Who did Jesus say puts in the offering out of their surplus? (21:4) the rich

4. What was Jesus speaking about when he said, “There will not be left one stone upon

another.”? (21:6) the temple

5. Nation rising against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, great earthquakes, plagues and

famines were signs that would come before what happened? (21:6-11) the temple would be

torn down

6. Jesus told his followers in chapter 21, that persecution would lead to an opportunity for them

to _____. (21:12-13) testify

7. Jesus’ followers would know that Jerusalem’s destruction was at hand when ______. (21:20)

they saw it surrounded by armies

8. When Jerusalem was about to be destroyed, where could people flee for protection? (21:21)

to mountains outside the city

9. Jesus predicted that his followers would see Jerusalem “trampled underfoot” by whom?

(21:24) the Gentiles

10. After Jesus described the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple in Luke 21, he said that all

things would come to pass when? (21:32) before that generation died

11. “Heaven and earth will pass away, but_____ will not pass away.” (21:33) Jesus’ words

12. According to Luke 21:37, where did Jesus spend his days at that time? teaching in the


13. According to Luke 21:37, where did Jesus spend his nights at that time? on the Mount of


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Chapter 22

1. Who was seeking a way to put Jesus to death in Luke 22? (22:2) the chief priests and


2. Which one of the apostles did Satan enter into? (22:3) Judas

3. The chief priests agreed to give money to _____ if he would betray Jesus. (22:3-5) Judas

4. In Luke 22:6, where did Judas begin seeking a good opportunity to betray Jesus to the chief

priests? apart from the multitude

5. In Luke 22, who did Jesus send to the city to prepare for the Passover meal? (22:8) Peter

and John

6. The Passover in Luke 22 was prepared for Jesus in what place? (22:12) an upper room

7. According to Luke 22:15, Jesus told the apostles “I have earnestly desired to eat this

Passover with you before I _____. Suffer

8. Jesus in Luke 22:16, said, “I shall never again eat it (Passover) until it is fulfilled in the

______.” kingdom of God

9. What were the apostles told to do with the cup that Jesus gave them in Luke 22? (22:17)

share it among themselves

10. As Jesus broke bread, He commanded, “This is my _____, which is given for you; do this in

______ of me.” (22:19) body; remembrance

11. When Jesus took the cup in Luke 22, He said, “This cup which is poured out for you is the

new ______.” (22:20) covenant in My blood

12. In Luke 22:24, a dispute arose among the apostles dealing with which one of them was what?

regarded to be the greatest

13. Jesus said in Luke 22:26, “Let him who is the greatest among you become as the ______, and

the leader as the ______.” youngest; servant

14. Jesus told the apostles, “As My Father has granted Me a kingdom, I grant you that you may

eat and drink at _____.” (22:29-30) My table in My kingdom

15. Who was Satan going to “sift like wheat”? (22:31) Peter

16. In Luke 22, who did Jesus pray for, that that person’s faith may not fail? (22:31-32) Peter

17. Peter told Jesus in Luke 22:33 that he was ready to go where with him? prison and death

18. Peter was told that he would deny knowing Jesus how many times before the cock would

crow that night? (22:34) three

19. When Jesus arrived with the disciples at Mt. of Olives, He told them to do what? (22:39-40)

pray that they would not enter into temptation

20. In Luke 22, what did Jesus do at the Mount of Olives? (22:39-41) pray

21. In Luke 22:43, how was Jesus strengthened on the Mount of Olives? by an angel sent from


22. When Jesus returned to his disciples on the Mount of Olives, he found them doing what?

(22:45) sleeping

23. How did Judas betray Jesus? (22:47-48) with a kiss

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24. What did one of the disciples use to try to keep the high priest from taking Jesus? (22:49-50)

a sword

25. Jesus did what to the man that was struck by one of the disciples with the sword? (22:51)

healed him

26. When Jesus was arrested and taken to the house of the high priest, who followed? (22:56-60)


27. What was Peter’s response to the three people who said he had been with Jesus? (22:56-60)

he denied that he knew Jesus

28. What happened as Peter was denying knowing Jesus the third time? (22:60) a cock crowed

29. Peter went away after he had denied Jesus three times and did what? (22:62) wept bitterly

30. What were the men who were holding Jesus doing to him in Luke 22:63? mocking him and

beating him

31. In Luke 22:67, when the chief priests asked Jesus, “If you are the Christ, tell us,” what was

his answer? If I tell you, you will not believe

32. According to Luke 22:69, the son of Man will be seated at the _____ of the power of God.

Right hand

33. Who did Jesus tell the chief priests he was? (22:70) the Son of God

34. After Jesus told the chief priests he was the Son of God, what was their reply? (22:71) what

further need do we have of testimony

35. Judas was also called ______. (22:3) Iscariot

36. The Passover lamb was sacrificed on what day? (22:7) the day of Unleavened Bread

Chapter 23

1. In Luke 23:1, who was Jesus brought before? Pilate

2. Jesus was accused of doing what three things, when brought before Pilate? (23:2)

misleading the nation, forbidding to pay taxes to Caesar and saying that he was Christ, a king

3. Pilate in Luke 23:3 asked Jesus what question, after the Jews brought the charges against

Him? are you the King of the Jews

4. What was Jesus’ reply when Pilate asked Him if he was King of the Jews? (23:3) Yes, I am

5. What did Pilate first tell the chief priests and the multitudes concerning Jesus? (23:4) I find

no guilt in this man

6. Where did the multitudes say Jesus had been teaching in Luke 23:5? All over Judea, starting

from Galilee

7. Who did Pilate send Jesus to? (23:7) King Herod

8. What was Herod hoping to see when he met Jesus? (23:8) some sign performed by Jesus

9. When Jesus was questioned by Herod in Luke 23:9, how did Jesus answer? he answered him


10. When Herod sent Jesus back to Pilate, how did he dress Jesus? (23:11) in a gorgeous robe

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11. What kind of relationship resulted between Herod and Pilate during Jesus’ trial? (23:12)

they became friends

12. What did Pilate tell the chief priests the second time Jesus was brought before him as far as

guilt? (23:14) I have found no guilt in this man

13. Why was Jesus under Herod’s authority in Luke 23? (23:6-7) because he was Galilean

14. What did Pilate want to do with Jesus? (23:16) punish him and release him

15. Who did the crowd want Pilate to release instead of Jesus? (23:18) Barabbas

16. Why had Barabbas been put in prison? (23:19) for murdering and for insurrection

17. How many times did Pilate address the crowd to try to persuade them to release Jesus?

(23:22) three

18. What did the crowd want done with Jesus? (23:23) crucify him

19. In Luke 23:25 what did Pilate finally do with Jesus and Barabbas? released Barabbas and

turned Jesus over to the crowd

20. Who carried the cross behind Jesus according to Luke 23:26? Simon, a Cyrenian

21. In Luke 23, how did Jesus address the group of women who were following him as the crowd

took him away? (23:27-28) daughters of Jerusalem

22. What kind of people were the two others that were being led away to be put to death with

Jesus? (23:32) criminals

23. What was the place called where Jesus was crucified? (23:33) the Skull

24. What did Jesus ask God to do with the people who crucified Him? (23:34) forgive them, for

they do not know what they are doing

25. How did they divide up the garments Jesus had? (23:34) by casting lots

26. What did the soldiers say to Jesus while He was hanging on the cross? (23:37) if you are the

King of the Jews, save yourself

27. What did the inscription above Jesus say? (23:38) This is the King of the Jews

28. What did the criminal that was hurling abuse at Jesus ask Him to do? (23:39) save himself

and the criminals, too

29. The second criminal did not hurl abuse at Jesus, but asked Him to do what? (23:42)

remember me when you come in your kingdom

30. According to Luke 23:43, what was Jesus’ reply to the second criminal? Today you shall be

with me in Paradise

31. Darkness fell over the whole land from the _____ hour until the _____ hour as recorded in

Luke 23:44? 6th

and 9th

32. What happened to the veil of the temple when it became dark, on the day when Jesus was

crucified? (23:45) it was torn in two

33. According to Luke 23:46, Jesus cried out with a loud voice and said ______ as he breathed

his last? Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit

34. In Luke 23, after seeing all that happened at the crucifixion, what did the centurion at the

cross do? (23:47) began praising God

35. Who went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus? (23:50) Joseph of Arimathea

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36. What did Joseph of Arimathea do with the body of Jesus? (23:53) wrapped it in linen cloth

and laid it in a tomb

37. On what day was Jesus crucified? (23:54) on the preparation day for the Sabbath

38. What was commanded to be done on the Sabbath? (23:56) rest

Chapter 24

1. When did the women go to the tomb where Jesus had been laid according to Luke 24:1?

first day of the week, at early dawn

2. When the women from Galilee got to the tomb where Jesus had been buried, what did they

find? (24:2) the stone rolled away from the door

3. When the women entered the tomb, did they find the body of Jesus? (24:3) no

4. What did the two men that appeared at the tomb of Jesus ask the women who came there?

(24:4-5) Why do you seek the living One among the dead?

5. According to Luke 24:6, the women who came to Jesus’ tomb looking for him were told by

the two men there, “He is not here, but He has _____.” (24:6) risen

6. In Luke 24:7, the Son of Man was to be delivered into the hands of sinful men and crucified

and then the ______ day rise again. Third

7. To whom did the women who came to Jesus’ tomb report the happenings there? (24:9) the

eleven apostles and others

8. Name three of the women that were at the tomb of Jesus. (24:10) Mary Magdalene, Joanna,

Mary the mother of Jesus

9. What kind of response did the apostles have when told what had happened at Jesus; tomb?

(24:11) they did not believe what the women had told them

10. Which one of the apostles after hearing the women about Jesus’ tomb, went to the tomb

according to Luke 24:12? Peter

11. When Peter looked inside the tomb, what did he see? (24:12) linen wrappings

12. Who began traveling with the two men that were going to Emmaus in chapter 24? (24:13-

15) Jesus

13. Why was Jesus not recognized by the two traveling to Emmaus when he first joined them?

(24:16) their eyes were prevented

14. What was the name of one of the two men who was traveling to Emmaus in Luke 24?

(24:18) Cleopas

15. In Luke 24, who did Cleopas think that Jesus the Nazarene was? (24:19) a prophet

16. What did Cleopas say that he had been hoping Jesus would do? (24:21) redeem Israel

17. What events did Cleopas talk to Jesus about in Luke 24, on the way to Emmaus? (24:22-24)

the tomb being empty

18. In Luke 24, how did Jesus address Cleopas and the other man as they traveled along on the

road to Emmaus? (24:25) O, foolish men

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19. Jesus told Cleopas, “Was it not necessary for the Christ to _____ these things and to enter

into His glory?” (24:26) suffer

20. What did Jesus explain to the two men traveling to Emmaus, according to Luke 24: 27? The

things concerning Himself in all the scriptures

21. When the two men and Jesus approached the village of Emmaus, what did the men ask Jesus

to do? (24:29) to stop and stay

22. What did Jesus do when he had reclined at the table with the Men in Emmaus in Luke 24?

(24:30) he took bread and placed it and broke it and began giving it to them

23. What happened when the men in Emmaus recognized Jesus? (24:31) He vanished from

their sight

24. In Emmaus in Luke 24, after Jesus had vanished, what did the two men do? (24:33) returned

to Jerusalem

25. What did the men who went to Emmaus in Luke 24 tell the apostles when they returned to

Jerusalem? (24:34) the Lord has really risen

26. What happened while Cleopas was telling the apostles about having seen Jesus on the road to

Emmaus? (24:35-36) Jesus stood in their midst

27. Why were the apostles and the group in Luke 24 frightened when Jesus appeared to them?

(24:37) they thought they were seeing a spirit

28. In Luke 24, what did Jesus tell the apostles to do so they would know he was not a spirit but

was flesh and bones? (24:39) to touch him and see

29. After Jesus had told the apostles to touch Him, what did He ask them, to prove that He was

really not a spirit? (24:41) if they had anything for Him to eat

30. What did Jesus eat that the apostles gave Him, to prove that He was not a spirit? (24:42-43)

a piece of broiled fish

31. According to Luke 24:44, Jesus said that “all things which are written about Me in the _____

and the _____ and the _____ must be fulfilled.” Law of Moses, Prophets and Psalms

32. Repentance for the forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in Jesus’ name to all the nations

beginning from what place? (24:47) Jerusalem

33. In Luke 24, the apostles were told to stay in the city until they were clothed in what? (24:49)

power from on high

34. In Luke 24, Jesus led the apostles as far as what town before he ascended into heaven?

(24:50-51) Bethany

35. After the apostles returned to Jerusalem, what did they continually do, according to Luke 24,

following Jesus’ ascension? (24:52-53) go to the temple and praise God

Chapter Identifications

1. In which chapter do we read about the birth of John the Baptist? 1

2. In which chapter do we read about the birth of Jesus? 2

3. In which chapter is there a genealogy of Jesus? 3

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4. In which chapter was Jesus tempted in the wilderness? 4

5. In which chapter did Jesus call some fishermen to be His disciples? 5

6. In which chapter did Jesus give the Sermon on the Mount? 6

7. In which chapter does Jesus raise the son of a widow from Nain? 7

8. In which chapter do we find the parable of the sower? 8

9. In which chapter did Jesus send out 12 of his disciples on a mission? 9

10. In which chapter did Jesus send out 70 of his disciples on a mission? 10

11. In which chapter do we read about the Good Samaritan? 10

12. In which chapter did Jesus give instructions on prayer, including what is called the “Lord’s

Prayer” as an example? 11

13. In which chapter did the rich fool tear down his barns and build new ones? 12

14. In which chapter do we read about the parable of the fig tree? 13

15. In which chapter are there 5 parables? 14

16. In which chapter is the story of the Prodigal Son? 15

17. In which chapter do we read about the rich man and Lazarus and Hades? 16

18. In which chapter do we read about the unworthy slave? 17

19. In which chapter do we read about a Pharisee and a tax-gatherer praying? 18

20. In which chapter do we read about Jesus into Jerusalem on a colt? 19

21. In which chapter do we read about paying taxes? 20

22. In which chapter do we read about the temple being destroyed, with one stone not remaining

on another? 21

23. In which chapter do we read about Jesus being captured? 22

24. In which chapter do we read about the crucifixion of Jesus? 23

25. In which chapter do we read about the resurrection of Jesus from the dead? 24

Luke 1:1-4

“Inasmuch as many have undertaken to compile an account of the things accomplished among

us, just as those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and servants of the Word have

handed them down to us, it seemed fitting for me as well, having investigated everything

carefully from the beginning, to write it out for you in consecutive order, most excellent

Theophilus; so that you might know the exact truth about the things you have been taught.”