Kellie Dimmette CI 5980

ltl.appstate.edu · Web viewNovembris is the Roman word for the number nine and is used to name our eleventh month, November. 1 All Saints’ Day (Christian) All Saints’ Day (Sweden)

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Kellie Dimmette

CI 5980

The month of January is named after the Roman god Janus. Janus is said to have one face looking back and one face looking forward (perhaps to a new year).

1 Emancipation Day (African American, United States)

Feast of St. Basil (Christian, Orthodox)

Japanese New Year (Japan)

New Year’s Day (United States)

Independence Day (Cameroon, Haiti (1804), Sudan (1956)

Liberation Day (Cuba 1899)

Kwanzaa (Afro-American Holiday)

Chinese New Year

2 Kakizome (Japan)

4 Independence Day (Myanmar, Burma)

Trivia Day

5 Guru Gobind Singh’s Birthday (Sikh)

6 Epiphany (Christian)

Three Kings’ Day (Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic)

7 The Nativity of Jesus Christ (Christian, Orthodox)

Christmas (Eastern Orthodox Church)

8 World Literacy Day

National Culture Day (Angola)

10 Eid al-adha (Islamic, Muslim)

Iroquois Midwest Ceremony(Canada, United States)

11 Republic Day (Albania)

National Unity Day (Nepal)

12 Revolution Day (Tanzania/Zanzibar (1963))

14 Pongal (India)

New Year (Eastern Orthodox Church)

15 Adult Day (Seijin-No-Hi) (Japan)

World Religion Day

16 Irish Free State Established (1922)

Humanitarian Day

Adult Day (S’eij in-No-Hi)

17 Blessing of the Animals (Mexico)

18 National Revolution Day (Tunisia)

19 Singapore Kite Festival (Singapore)

20 Babin Den (bah-bean den) (Bulgaria)

22 Ukranian Independence Day (1918)

26 India Republic Day

Australia Day

27 Germany: A Day of Remembrance for victims of Nazism

28 Democracy Day (Rwanda)

29 Chinese New Year

30 Independence Day (Pakistan, 1972)

31 National Holiday (Nauru)

Floating Holidays

· Dr. Martin Luther Kind, Jr.’s Birthday (United States)

· Vasant Panchmi

· Solday (Norway)

· School Nurse Day

· Midwinter Festival (Iroquois Nation, Native American)

· World Religion Day (Baha’i)

Click here for an explanation of January celebrations.

The Roman Feast of Purification was held during this month. The Latin word februo means “to purify,” thus, the month of February was named.

1 St. Brigid’s Day (Ireland)

National Freedom Day (United States)

2 Candlemans (Christian)

El Dia de Candelaria (Mexico)

Groundhog Day (United States)

Imbroic (Wiccan)

3 Setsubun (Japan)

4 Peacekeeping with the Forest (United States Native Americans)

Independence Day (Sri Lanka)

5 Constitution Day (Mexico)

CCm Day (Tanzania, 1977)

Weatherman’s Day

6 Waitangi Day (New Zealand, 1840)

7 Independence Day (Grenada)

9 Jamaica Became Independent (1962)

Chinese Lunar New Year (China, Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam)

Tet Nguyen Dan (Vietnam)

10 Argungu Fishing Festival (Nigeria)

Al Hijra (Muslim New Year)

11 Youth Day (Cameroon)

National Day (Iran)

Empire Day (Japan, 660 B.C.)

Independence Day (Vatican City, 1929)

12 Lincoln’s Birthday (United States)

Burgsonndeg (Luxembourg)

Lantern Festival (Taiwan)

13 World Marriage Day

14 Valentine’s Day (United States, Canada, and Europe)

Race Relations Day

Read to Your Child Day

15 Flag Day (Canada)

Nehan (Japan)

16 Basant Panchame (Hindu)

Independence Day (Lithuania, 1918)

17 Carnival (Brazil)

18 Italy united into one kingdom (1861)

National Holiday (Gambia, 1965)

19 Kiddie’s Carnival (Trinidad and Tobago)

Martyr’s Day (Ethiopia)

20 Ramakrishma Utsava (India Hindu)

21 The Cherokee Phoenix

Martyr’s Day (Bangledesh, 1952)

Malcolm X Day

22 George Washington’s Birthday (United States)

Unity Day (Egypt)

Mother’s Day (India)

Independence Day (St. Lucia)

23 National Holiday (Guyana, 1970)

Lantern Festival (Taiwan)

24 Flag Day (Mexico)

Gregorian Calendar Instituted (1582)

Independence Day (Estonia)

25 Powano Hop Sun Festival (United States Native Americans)

National Holiday (Kuwait)

Revolution Day (Surinam)

Australia Day

27 Independence Day (Dominican Republic, 1844)

29 Leap Year Day

Floating Holidays

· Shrove Tuesday (Christian)

· Ash Wednesday (Christian)

· President’s Day (United States)

· Holi (India Hindu)

· Losar (Tibetan)

Click here for an explanation of February celebrations.

The month of March was named after the Roman god Mars, who was held in high regard. March originally was the first month of the Roman year.

1 Smaijol or Independence Day (Korea, 1919)

Constitution Day (Panama)

St. David’s Day (English, Welsh)

3 Hina Matsure (Hee-nah math-Soo-ree) (Japan)

Liberation Day (Bulgaria, 1878)

Martyrs’ Day (Malawi)

Anniversary of the Throne (Morocco)

The Doll Festival (Japan)

4 World Day of Prayer

6 Magha Puja (Buddist)

Independence Day (Ghana, 1957)

Discovery Day (Magellan Day) (Guam, 1521)

7 Vasaloppet (Sweden)

8 International Women’s Day (United Nations)

Revolution Day (Syrian Arab Republic, 1963)

11 Independence Day (Lithuania, 1990)

12 Moshoeshoe Day (Lesotho)

Independence Day (Mauritius, 1968)

13 National Holiday (Grenada)

14 Fallas de San Jose (Spain)

Commonwealth Day (United Kingdom)

15 Our Lady of San Juan de los Lagos (Mexico)

1848 Revolution Anniversary (Hungary)

16 First Black newspaper, “Freedom Journal” is published in New York

17 St. Patrick’s Day (Ireland, United States)

18 Ibu Afo Festival (Nigeria)

19 Dia de San Giuseppe (Italy)

20 Independence Day (Tunisia (1956)

21 Noruz (noh-ROOZ) (Iran)

Higan (Japan)

Benito Juarez’s Birthday (Mexico)

Independence Day (Namibia

International Day

International Astrology Day

Naw Ruz (Baha’I, Persia)

22 New Year’s Day (India)

Arab League Day (Jordan)

Diabetics Awareness Day

23 Republic Day (Pakistan, 1940 & 1934)

24 Philippines Gained Independence (1934)

Defeat of South Africa (Angola)

25 Feast of Annunciation (Christian)

Independence Day (Greece)

26 Prince Kuhio Day (United States)

Teacher’s Day (Czech Republic)

29 Commemoration Day (Madagascar, 1947)

31 Transfer Day (Virgin Islands, 1917)

Floating Holidays

· Passover (Jewish-March or April)

· Shivarati (Hindu)

· Mothering Sunday (England)

· Eight Hour Day (Australia)

· Purim (purr-EEM) (Jewish)

Click here for an explanation of March celebrations.

Aprilis, which means “to open” in Latin, was used to describe the month when trees and flowers began to grow. The name was then shortened to April

1 April Fools’ Day (Europe and North America)

2 Hans Christian Anderson’s Birthday

3 Sizdar-Bedah (Iran)

4 Independence Day (Senegal)

6 Van Riebeeck Day (South America)

Organization of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

7 World Heath Day (All Nations)

8 Hana Matsuri (Japan)

Vesak-Budda’s Birth (Buddhist)

9 Martyr’s day (Tunisia)

11 Liberation Day (Uganda, 1979)

Pan American Day (The Americas)

Youth Day (Angola)

13 Sinhala and Tamil New Year (Sri Lanka)

16 Queen Margrethe’s Birthday (Denmark)

17 New Year’s Day (Burma)

Independence Day (Syrian Arab Republic)

Flag Day (American Samoa, 1900)

18 Independence Day (Zimbabwe)

19 National Holiday (Sierra Leone, 1971)

21 Kartini Day (Indonesia)

Traditional Birthday of Rome (753 B.C.)

Tirandentes Day (Brazil)

Kindergarten Day

22 Earth Day (United States)

23 St. George Day (England)

Children’s Day (Turkey)

Book Day and Lover’s Day (Spain)

24 Arbor Day (United States)

25 A.N.Z.A.C. (Australia and New Zealand)

Yom Hashoah/Holocaust Memorial Day (Jewish)

25 Confederate Memorial Day (Southern States)

Tanzania Union Day (1964)

27 Independence Day (Togo)

Independence Day (Sierra Leone)

Take our Daughters and Sons to Work Day (United States)

29 Cheng Cheng Kung Landing Day (Taiwan, 1661)

30 Walpurgisnacht (Europe)

National Honesty Day

Beltane (Celtic)

Floating Holidays

· Palm Sunday (Christian-March or April)

· Good Friday (Christian-March or April)

· Songkran (Thailand)

· Ram Navami (Hindu)

· Sechselauten (Switzerland)

· Easter (Christian-March or April)

· Lambri (Greece)

· Tyi Wara (Mali)

· Sham al-Nessem (Egypt)

· Qing Ming (Chinese)

· Sealing of the Frost (Guatemala)

Click here for an explanation of April celebrations.

The goddess of growth was called Maia. Thus the name may was used to name this Springtime month.

1 May Day (Worldwide)

Labor Day (Sweden)

Labor Day (Argentina, Mexico, Panama, Angola, Tunisis, Namibia, and Burma)

Law Day (United States)

2 Burma Peasant’s Day

3 Dia de la Cruz (Latin America)

Israel’s Independence Day (Yom Ha’ Atzma’ Ut)

4 Youth Day (China)

Memorial Day (Netherlands)

5 Cinco de Mayo (Mexican American, Mexico)

Children’s Day (Japan)

Liberation Day (Ethiopia)

6 Yom Hasho’ah or Holocaust Day (Israel)

7 Birthday of Rabindranoth Tagore (Indian)

8 International Red Cross Day (Worldwide)

9 Victory Day (Russia)

National Teacher’s Day (United States)

10 Mother’s Day (Mexico)

14 Independence Day (Yom Ha’tzmaut) (Israel)

16 St. Brendan’s Day (Ireland)

17 Constitution Day (Norway)

18 Peace Day (Worldwide)

19 Malcolm X’s Birthday (African-American, United States)

20 Armed Forces Day

22 Thanksgiving (Haiti)

24 Slavic Script and Bulgarian Culture Day (Bulgaria)

25 Revolution of 1810 (Argentina)

African Freedom Day

Floating Holidays

· Kentucky Derby (United States)

· Preakness Stakes (United States)

· Ascension Day (Christian)

· Pentecost (Christian)

· Shavout (Jewish)

· Mother’s Day (United States and Canada)

· Memorial Day (United States)

· Vaiskha (Thailand-Sri Lanka)

· St. Joan of Arc (France)

· Victoria Day (Canada-except Quebec)

· Dollard Day (Quebec)

Click here for an explanation of May celebrations.

The month of June was named after Juno, the goddess of marriage and the family. This explains why June is still a popular month for weddings.

1 Navy Day (Mexico)

Victory Day (Tunisia)

Madaraka Day (Self-Rule) (Kenya)

Independence Day (Somoa)

National Day (Tunisia)

2 Youth Day (Tunisia)

Republic Day (Italy, 1946)

Labor Day (Bahamas)

Tano Day (Korea)

Hristo Boteo Day (Bulgaria)

Procession of the Golden Chariot (Beligium)

3 Eel Festival (Denmark)

4 Flag Day (Finland)

Day of the Rice God (Japan)

National Day (Togo)

5 World Environment Day (United Nations)

Constitution Day (Denmark)

6 Flag Day (Sweden)

Memorial Day (Korea)

Waldchestag (Germany)

10 Great Arab Revolt and Army Day (Jordan, 1916)

Day of Portugal (Portugal)

14 Flag Day (United States)

15 Valdemar’s Day (VAHL-duh-mars) (Denmark)

Magna Carta Day (Great Britain)

17 Republic of Ireland Established (1944)

Day of Unity (Germany)

Independence Day (Iceland)

International Peace Day

20 Flag Day (Argentina)

23 Fete Nationale Eve (Quebec)

National Holiday (Luxemburg)

Discovery Day (Newfoundland)

24 St. John’s Day (Canada, Europe, South America)

Macau Day (Macau)

25 Tarter Festival of the Plow

National Holiday (Mozambique)

National Day (Slovenia)

26 Independence Day (Madagascar)

27 National Holiday (Djibouti)

30 Independence Day (Zaire)

Army Day (Guatemala)

Floating Holidays

· Belmont Stakes

· Mihindu Perahera (Sri Lanka)

· Teej (India Hindu)

· Father’s Day (United States and Canada)

· Fete des Marines (France)

· Gawai Dayak (Malaysia)

· Top-Spinnning Competition (Malaysia)

· Agricultural Fieldays (New Zealand)

· Cataclymoa (Cyprus)

· Corpus Christi (Roman Catholic)

· Dragon Boat Festival (China)

· Midsommar (Sweden)

· Festa del Giglio (Italy)

· Race Unity Day

Click here for an explanation of June celebrations.

July was named after the Roman emperor Julius Caesar

1 Canada Day (Canada)

4 Independence Day (United States)

Fil-American Friendship Day (Phillippines and United States)

6 Dalai Lama’s Birthday (Tibet)

President George W. Bush birthday (United States)

7 Fiesta de San Formin (Spain)

Tanabata (tah-nah-BAH-tah) (Japan)

8 Fiesta dos Tabuleiros (Portugal)

9 Lobster Carnival (Canada)

Independence Day (Argentina)

Martyrdom of the Bab (Baha’i)

11 World Population Day

13 Obon (Japan)

14 Bastille Day (France)

15 St. Swithin’s Day (England)

17 Gion Matsuri (Japan)

19 Martyr’s Day (Burma)

20 Moon Day (Planet Earth)

22 Anniversary of the Pied Piper of Hamelin (Germany)

23 Parents Day (United States)

24 Simon Bolivar’s Birthday (Bolivia, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela)

Pioneer Day (Morman)

25 Republic Day (Tunisia)

Constitution Day (Puerto Rico)

31 St. Ignatius Loyola (Roman Catholic)

Floating Holidays

· Family Day (Lesotho)

· Heroes Day (Zambia)

· Esala Perchera (Sri Lanka)

· Raksha Bandhan (India Hindu)

· Green Corn Dance (United States)

· Beginning of Lent (Buddhist)

· Tour de France (France)

· Rath Yatra (Hindu)

· Kinderzeche (Germany)

· World Soccer Cup (Worldwide)

· Hopi Niman Dance (United States)

Click here for an explanation of July celebrations.

Augustus Caesar named the month of August in honor of himself; he was a Roman emperor at the time.

1 Homowo (Ghana)

Armed Forces Day (Angola)

Parents’ Day (Zaire)

Lammas and Lughnasadh (Britain, Pagan, United States)

2 Nuestra Senora de los Angeles (Costa Rica)

6 Hiroshima Day/Peace Festival (Japan)

8 Defeat of the Spanish Armada (England)

11 The Perseids (Worldwide)

12 Bon Festival/Feast of Lanterns (Japan)

13 Independence Day (Central Africa Republic)

Women’s Day (Tunisia)

14 Family Day

Independence Day (Pakistan)

15 Assumption (Roman Catholic)

Independence Day (India)

Liberation Day (Korea, South Korea)

16 Palio of the Contrade (Italy)

17 General San Martin Day (Argentina)

19 Buhe’ (Ethiopia)

20 Muhammad’s Birthday (Islam)

24 Independence Day (Ukraine)

26 Women’s Equality Day (Worldwide)

Namibia Day

30 Santa Rosa de Lima (Peru)

Floating Holidays

· Eisteddfad Ginldlaethol (Wales)

· Tisha be-Av (Jewish)

· Olympics (All Nations)

· Naga Panchami (Hindu)

· Teej (Hindu)

· Yukon Discovery Day (Canada)

· Esala Perahera (Sri Lanka)

· Hopi Snake Dance (United States0

· Eyo Masquerade (Nigeria)

· Novasard Armenian Grape Festival

Click here for an explanation of August celebrations.

September got its name when it was the seventh month of the Roman year.

1 Independence Week (Brazil)

Libyan Arab Rebpulic Day (1969)

National Day (Slovakia)

Independence Day (Uzbekistan)

Israel Miraji Ascent of Propher Muhammad

2 Independence Day (Vietnam, 1945)

3 Memorial Day (Tunisia)

Independence Day (Qatar, 1971)

4 Newspaper Carrier Day

Animal’s Day (Curaco Curacao)

6 Independence Day (Swaziland)

Settler’s Day (South Africa)

7 Independence Day (Brazil)

8 International Literacy Day (All Nations)

9 Liberation Day (Luxembourg, 1944)

Independence Day (Tajikistan)

National Day (North Korea)

Indian Day (Oklahoma)

Chusok (Korea)

Moon Festival (China, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan)

10 St. George’s Caye Day (Belize)

Procession Day (Belgium)

11 Ethiopian New Year

Founder’s Death (Pakistan, 1948)

Patriot Day (United States)

12 Independence Day (Cape Verde)

National Revolution Day (Ethiopia)

Birthday of the Monkey God (Singapore)

National Holiday (Guinea-Bissau)

14 National Anthem Day

International Cross-Cultural Day

15 Independence Day (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, 1821)

Old People’s Day (Japan)

16 Independence Day (Mexico)

Independence Day (Papua New Guinea, 1975)

17 Citizenship Day (United States)

National Heroes Day (Angola)

18 Independence Day (Chile, 1818)

19 Prinsjesdag (Netherlands)

San Gennaro Day (Italian-American)

21 Higan (Japan)

Biosphere Day

Independence Day (Belize, 1981)

World Gratitude Day

Independence Day (Malta)

International Day of Peace (United Nations)

Public Holiday (Armenia)

Birthday of Confuscious Celebrated (Hong Kong)

22 Independence Day (Mali, 1959)

23 Checkers Day

Saudi Arabia Unification (1932)

Autumnal Equinox (Japan)

25 St. Sergius of Radonezh (Russian Orthodox)

26 Republic Day (Yemen, 1962)

National Good Neighbor Day

27 Cosme e Damiao (Brazil)

Ancestor Appreciation Day

28 Confucius Birthday (Peoples Republic of China, Taiwan)

30 Independence Day (Botswana, 1966)

Floating Holidays

· Shinbyu (Burma)

· Akwambo (Ghana)

· Sunrise Dance (Native Americans0

· Cure Salee (Niger)

· Braemer Highland Gathering (Scotland and Parts of Canada)

· Monarch Butterfly Migration (North America)

· Onam (India)

· Midautumn Festival (Southern Asia0

· Kite Flying Competition (Indonesia)

· Thanksgiving Day (Cameroon)

· Yam Festival (Ghana)

· Rosh Hashanah (Jewish)

· Yom Kippur (Jewish)

· Labor Day (United States)

· Native American Day (North America)

· Labor Day (Canada)

· National Grandparent’s Day (United States)

· International Day of Peace

· Cherokee Harvest Festival-Itse Selu(it say shay loo) (Native American)

· Wild Rice Harvest (Native American: Algonquin, Cree, & Ojibiwa)

Click here for an explanation of September celebrations.

Octobris was the eighth month of the old Roman year. The name October is given to the tenth month of our year.

1 Independence Day (Nigeria)

Universal Children’s Week

Independence Day (Cyprus)

National Day (People’s Republic of China, 1949)

Birthday of the Monkey God (Singapore)

2 Ghandi Jayanti (India)

Independence Day (Guinea)

World Farm Animals Day

Birthday of Confucius (Hong Kong)

3 Leiden Day (Netherlands)

Tangun Day (Korea, 2333 B.C.)

Francisco Morazan Day (Honduras)

4 St. Francis of Assisi (Italy)

Independence Day (Lesotho, 1966)

5 National Day (Portugal, 1910)

6 German-American Day

Armed Forces day (Egypt)

8 Day of the Navy (Portugal)

9 Hangul Nal (Korea)

Leif Ericson Day (Iceland)

Independence Day (Uganda, 1962)

10 Independence Day (Fiji, 1970)

12 Columbus Day (North and South American, Spain, and Italy)

Independence Day (Equatorial Guinea, 1968)

National Day (Spain)

14 National Day (Yemen)

National Dessert Day

Lailat-Ul-Quadr (Islamic, Muslim)

Shemini Atzeret (Jewish)

15 Simchat Torah (Jewish)

16 World Food Day (Worldwide)

National Boss Day

National Heroes Day (Jamaica)

17 Black Poetry Day

18 Alaska Day

Heroes Day (Jamaica, 1969)

National Business Women’s Week

20 Revolution Day (Guatemala)

Kenyatta Day (Kenya)

21 National Day (Somalia)

Cirio de Nazare (Brazil)

Diwali (Buddhist, Hindu)

Eid-AL-Fitr (Islamic, Muslim)

23 Hungary Declared Independence (1989)

Chung Yeung Festival (Hong Kong)

Chulalongkorn Day (Thailand, 1910)

National Mole Day

24 United Nations Day

Independence Established (Switzerland, 1648)

Independence Day (Zambia, 1964)

25 Retrocession Day (1945)

26 National Day (Austria)

27 National Day (Grenadines)

Independence Day (Turkmenistan)

28 Statue of Liberty Day (United States)

Ohi Day (Greece, 1944)

Foundation of Republic (Czechoslovakia, 1918)

National Day (Hungary)

29 National Day (Turkey, 1923)

30 Halloween (Great Britain, Canada, Ireland, Philippines, United States)

Floating Holidays

· Columbus Day

· Discoverers Day (Hawaii)

· Kathina (Thailand)

· Divali (India, Hindu)

· Dusschra (India, Hindu)

· Oktoberfest (Germany)

· Sukkot (Jewish)

· Nairobi Show (Kenya)

· World Series (Canada and United States)

· Chong Jiu Festival (China)

· Mother-in-law Day

· Thanksgiving Day (Canada)

· St. Michael’s Day (Finland)

· Punkie Night (Great Britain)

Click here for an explanation of October celebrations.

Novembris is the Roman word for the number nine and is used to name our eleventh month, November.

1 All Saints’ Day (Christian)

All Saints’ Day (Sweden)

Dis de los Muertos “Day of the Dead” (Mexico, Latin America)

2 All Soul’s Day (Roman Catholic)

El Dia do los Santo (Mexico)

3 National Holiday (Dominica)

Culture Day (Japan)

National Day (1903)

Sandwich Day

4 Flag Day (Panama)

Arbor Day (Western Samoa)

Guy Fawkes Day (England)

5 Guy Fawkes Day (England)

6 Gustavus Adolphus Day (Sweden)

7 Birthday of Marie Curie (Polish/French)

9 Remembrance Day (Bahamas)

Independence Day (Cambodia)

11 Veteran’s Day (United States, Canada, England, and France)

Variante Festival (Angola)

National Day (Monaco)

12 Birthday of Baha’u’llah (Baha’i)

13 Birthday of Robert Louis Stevenson (Scottish)

14 Children’s Day (India)

King Hussein’s Birthday (Jordan)

15 Republic Day (Brazil, 1889)

16 Hungarian Republic Proclaimed (1918)

17 National Educational Support Personnel Day

National Young Reader’s Day

18 Army Day (Haiti, 1803)

Independence Day (Latvia)

National Holiday (Oman0

19 Discovery Day (Puerto Rico, 1493)

National Holiday (Monaco)

22 Independence Day (Lebanon)

National Stop the Violence Day

24 National Holiday (Zaire)

Discovery Day (Tasmania, 1642)

25 National Day (Burma)

Independence Day (Surinam, 1975)

28 Independence Day (Panama)

Independence Day (Mauritania)

29 National Day (Albania, 1912)

30 Independence Day (Barbados)

Bonifacio Day (Philippines)

National Day (Benin, 1975)

Floating Holidays

· Elephant Round-up Surin (Thailand)

· Advent (Christian)

· Thanksgiving (United States)

Click here for an explanation of November celebrations.

December names our twelfth month. It was once the tenth month, Decembris, in the Roman year.

1 Pioneer’s Day (Angola)

Restoration of Independence (Macao)

Independence Day (Portugal)

Independence Day (Iceland, 1918)

National Day (Central African Republic, 1958)

2 National Day (United Arab Emirates)

National Day (Laos, 1975)

5 King’s Birthday Holiday (Thailand)

6 St. Nicholas Day (Europe)

Independence Day (Finland, 1917)

7 Independence Day-Cote d’lvore (Ivory Coast, 1960)

Pearl Harbor Day (United States)

8 Feast of the Immaculate Conception (Roman Catholic)

Mother’s Day (Panama and Spain)

Bodhi Day (Buddha’s Enlightenment, Buddhist)

9 Independence and Republic Day (Tanzania, 1961)

10 Human Rights Day (Namibia)

Constitution Day (Thailand)

11 Birthday of UNICEF (All Nations)

12 La Virgen de Guadalupe (Mexico)

Yuletide (Iceland)

Jamhuri Day (Kenya, 1963)

13 St. Lucia’s Day (Sweden)

Republic Day (Malta, 1974)

15 Kingdom Day (Curacao)

Bill of Rights Day (United States)

16 Pasadas (Mexico)

Independence Day (Bahrain)

Victory Day (Bangledesh)

Day of the Republic (Kazakhstan)

17 National Day (Bhutan0

Underdog Day

18 Misa de Aguinaldo (Venezuela)

Republic Day (Niger)

21 Forefathers’ Day

Humbug Day

National Flashlight Day

23 Ozxaca (Mexico)

24 Christmas Eve (Christian)

25 Christmas Day (Christian)

Family Day (Angola and Mamibia)

26 Kwanzaa (Afro-American Holiday)

Boxing Day (St. Stephen’s Day) (England, Australia, and New Zealand)

Day of Good Will (South Africa)

27 Kwanzaa

28 Kwanzaa

Day of the Holy Innocents (Christian)

Proclamation Day (Australia)

29 Kwanzaa

Wounded Knee Massacre Anniversary (Native American, 1890)

30 Kwanzaa

National Holiday (Madagascar0

Rizal Day (Philippines)

31 Kwanzaa

New Year’s Eve (Gregorian Calendar Countries)

Revolution Day (Ghana)

Fire Dance (Samoa)

Floating Holidays

· Chanukah (Jewish)

· Sangamitta Day (Sri Lanka)

· Decorating the Christmas Tree

· Ta Chiu (Hong Kong)

· Sun Festivals (Native American)

· Hanukkah (Jewish)

Click here for an explanation of December celebrations.





