The Official Publication of the New England and Bermuda District of Key Club International The YanKey February 2015

 · LTG and anyone else on the District Board for help! We are here to make your job as easy as possible and help you do We are here to make your job as easy as possible and help

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Page 1:  · LTG and anyone else on the District Board for help! We are here to make your job as easy as possible and help you do We are here to make your job as easy as possible and help

The Official Publication of the New England and Bermuda District of Key Club International

The YanKey

February 2015

Page 2:  · LTG and anyone else on the District Board for help! We are here to make your job as easy as possible and help you do We are here to make your job as easy as possible and help

In this issue of the YanKey:

Word from EditorGreetings Key Clubbers of the New England and Bermuda District,

It’s certainly been an exciting year so far. However, even with all the snow and the holidays, I have received many contributions from Key Clubbers across the District. It’s really great to see interest shown by members! Thank you to those who helped produce The YanKey.

Want to feature your club in the next issue? We would love to feature articles about your club in the YanKey! Did your club do an exciting service project? Share your success with the District. Articles don’t have to be long—one to three paragraphs is sufficient. My goal is for many different clubs to be able to contribute to The YanKey.

In addition to club highlights, you can contribute in other ways such as submitting a photo for the front and back cover or writing an article about the organizations that Key Club supports. If you have an interest in either of these, please send me an e-mail so we can include it in the next issue!

I hope that you enjoy reading!Yours in service,Colin PattersonDistrict Bulletin [email protected]

The YanKey

Word from the Editor �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3Messages from the Executive Board ������������������������������������������������������4-5District Educational Conference 2015 ���������������������������������������������������6-7Club Highlights ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8-9Preferred Charities ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10KeyLeader ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11District Projects ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������12-13International Convention ������������������������������������������������������������������������ 14Circle K International ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15



Twitter/Instagram: @NEDKeyClub


Find the Neds!In honor of the Spy/Mystery theme for this year’s DECON, 7 Neds (including the one to the right) are in this issue of The YanKey. See if you can find them all!

Page 3:  · LTG and anyone else on the District Board for help! We are here to make your job as easy as possible and help you do We are here to make your job as easy as possible and help


Messages from the Executive Board

Hello Key Clubbers!I would just like to give some advice to club treasurers around the District. So the initial dues deadline has passed,

and congratulations to those of you whose club received the Early Bird Dues Award! For those of you whose club has not paid dues yet, you still have time. The deadline was February 1, but try your hardest to get dues in as soon as possible. If you are having trouble with dues, feel free to contact your division’s LTG or myself at [email protected].

Other than dues, your duty as club treasurer is keeping track of club funds, which can be a big task. Here is some advice: Do not be afraid to ask your advisor to help you! Having an adult help you will remove some stress. Also, ask your LTG and anyone else on the District Board for help! We are here to make your job as easy as possible and help you do service in your home, school, and community. Money is a big part of that, so I am here to help you with any financial or general Key Club questions. I hope you all have a great rest of the winter!Yours in service,Cole JacksonDistrict [email protected]

The TreasurerHello Key Clubbers!

I hope that all of you are having a wonderful winter and that you are as excited as I am for DECON 2015 in Springfield, Massachusetts. The District has been extremely successful this year, with an increase of paid clubs and membership totals as compared to last year. Lieutenant Governor Caucuses are happening right now and I would like to offer congratulations to all the candidates who became LTGs-elect. The deadline has closed for applications to run for a District Board Position at DECON, and I am proud to say that we have a very strong field of candidates.

February vacation is coming up, and I hope that a lot of clubs will take the opportunity to perform more service projects when out of school! My home club is hosting a spaghetti dinner for our Kiwanis and a silent auction for the community. If your club is doing an awesome service project, I would love to hear about it! Finally, do not forget about the DECON registration deadline on February 20!Yours in service,Malcolm Badger District [email protected]

The Govenor

Dear New England and Bermuda Key Clubs,Hope everyone is doing well. I hope that everyone has made their Key Club resolutions for the 2015 Key Club

year! As we head into winter, we begin new service projects and get more involved. As an update, the problem we had before with the secretary reports was that I would get the emailed versions of

the secretary reports, but the computer generated the wrong reports to me. I was receiving reports that showed a name for the high school, but the actual report was for a different school. For example: it would say “Secretary report for Maine High School,” but the report would actually be from “Massachusetts High School.” Now, all problems have been fixed. I am receiving reports the correct way. I’m in the process of regrading the reports that were graded incorrectly, and I will send the corrected reports soon. I am sorry for any inconvenience.

I know this year will continue to be great, and I look forward to seeing how we all will make this year better than the last.Yours in service,Peter TournasDistrict Secretary [email protected]

The SecretaryHello Key Clubbers!

With the new year have come new opportunities for everyone to help improve both themselves and their communities. The winter is a time that truly can bring people closer together, be it by a warm fire or a giant pile of snow. However, it can also leave some people in a cold situation. There are many people who are in need of coats, hats, and mittens. Try to start a clothing donation system at your school, or work with ones that are already present. You could help someone a lot!

Another great service project is snow shoveling. Shoveling is a lot of work, but if you have plenty of people working on it at one time, it can go very quickly. Reach out to your local senior center or council on aging to find elderly neighbors who need help shoveling after a snowstorm. Your club can organize a group of Key Clubbers to shovel a few driveways in your community and make a huge difference for the elderly in town!Yours in service,Colin PattersonDistrict Bulletin [email protected]

The Bulletin Editor

Page 4:  · LTG and anyone else on the District Board for help! We are here to make your job as easy as possible and help you do We are here to make your job as easy as possible and help


Hello Dedicated Servant Leaders of New England and Bermuda!

Much is going on in the New England and Bermuda District of Key Club International! At this point all of the clubs in New England and Bermuda should have received their DECON packets which are filled with a lot of important information about how to register for DECON and what to bring! There are lots of ways to get involved in helping out various projects throughout DECON weekend. Just a final reminder, DECON will be held on April 10-12, 2015, in Springfield, Massachusetts. Here are some ways you can help make DECON 2015 amazing:

1. Cracking the MNT Code Dance! Join us for the Saturday night semi-formal dance to raise money for the Eliminate Project. During the dance, there will be a “One Minute Marathon” of change collection. Remember, it only takes $1.80 to save a mother and her child. If every member puts in this amount during the “Service Eliminates MNT” dance, imagine how many mothers and babies we can save!

2. Help find NED! If you have watched the promotional video for DECON this year, you will know that our District mascot has been taken by one of the Board members. Please help me find out who took our beloved symbol of service by bringing your sleuthing hats and inquisitive brains to DECON 2015.

3. Spies of Service “One Minute Marathon!” Join us for the Friday night spy themed dance to raise money for our District Projects. During the dance, there will be a “One Minute Marathon” of change collection. Help us support outrDistrict Projects and fill as many jars as we can with change! Optional: Dress as your favorite spy!

4. Bring your checks for the Parade of Checks! Bring a check reflecting your fundraiser success to the Award Session “Parade of Checks” held on Saturday to donate money to one or more of the District Projects.

5. Admission to the dances will be a canned good or $1 (per person). The canned goods and money raised from the admission to both the Friday night and Saturday night dances will go to a local Springfield, MA food bank.

6. Finally, bring a smile, a laugh or two, and a good attitude. DECON promises to be an amazing time, and if we can get every single person in the ballroom to smile, the good vibes sent out by 1000 smiles will be wonderful.

Also, keep an eye out for Public Relations Committee members at DECON. They will be going around and talking to Key Clubbers about the service they do! Those Key Clubbers will be featured on the New England and Bermuda District’s version of KeyTV that will be published on YouTube during DECON.

Yours in service,Malcolm Badger District Governor (2014-2015)[email protected](603) 733-8600

Call to DECON

District Educational Conference 2015APRIL 10 – 12, 2015

Friday, April 103:00 PM Registration Opens4:30 PM Candidates’ Meeting5:15 PM Governor’s Reception6:30 PM Opening Session8:30 PM State Caucuses9:30 PM Dance & Game Room10:00 PM Advisors Workshop11:00 PM Sergeant-at-Arms Meeting

Saturday, April 117:00 AM New LTG Session8:00 AM House of Delegates I9:00 AM Advisors Workshop9:00 AM Talent Audition9:30 AM Workshops10:45 AM Group Service Fair11:45 AM Lunch11:45 AM Oratory Contest1:00 PM Workshops1:00 PM Nominating Conference2:00 PM State Caucuses6:00 PM Recognition Session9:00 PM Dance & Game Room11:00 PM Sergeant-at-Arms Meeting

Sunday, April 67:45 AM Interfaith Service9:00 AM House of Delegates II11:30 AM Farewell Luncheon2:00 PM Dual Board Meeting

Conference Schedule

Learn more at:


Page 5:  · LTG and anyone else on the District Board for help! We are here to make your job as easy as possible and help you do We are here to make your job as easy as possible and help


The first thoughts of Halloween that often arise in minds consist of an opportunity for overpriced costumes, jumbo bags of fun-sized candy, and a chance for children to act upon their sense of greed.

However, one program is promoting the opposite. Hermon High School students participated in a Key Club tradition Halloween night known as “Trick or Treat For Unicef.” Instead of asking for candy, the group requested donations in cash.

These funds are to be contributed to the worldwide Kiwanis/Unicef Eliminate Project. The current project, which requires at least $110 million dollars in funds, is in hopes to eliminate maternal/neonatal tetanus. According to the Kiwanis website, this disease affects over 60,000 newborns each year, and it results in extreme sensitivity to touch. The group toured through Hermon areas, including Levant and Carmel, on Halloween night.

According to Hermon High Key Club President Casey Whitney, the local organization raised over $500. by Emma Shaw, Hermon High School

Treats, with no TricksAs life harmoniously drifts off in time, we change surroundings, come across

different characters, struggle through hardships, and challenge what’s been learned. We prosper through adversity, embrace diversity, develop morals, and face temptations. The point of it all is that change is inevitable. However, along this journey, we carry on what we’ve discovered and what has impacted us to create who we are today. We have the power to control the quality of our lives by considering the organizations we choose to participate in and represent. With that being said, Key Club is more than another school volunteer organization. We are an extended family. As we lose ourselves in the service of others, we establish and gain eternal moral values and unconditional relationships.

Recently, Haverhill High School’s very own Key Club hosted our 50th Anniversary at Maria’s Family Restaurant on Wednesday, November 19, 2014. There, we were graced and honored to unite numerous charter members including James Rurak, Larry Faretta, and Phil Primack. As the night went on, we all noticed a feeling infused in the atmosphere. There were two predominant forces in the hall: the traditional and older generation of Key Club and the modern and youthful generation of Key Club. Despite the separation between the two in terms of times and lifestyles, we are united on one focus: the spirit and drive of giving and serving. We were told that the creation of the Key Club was inherited through familial legacies. Little did the charter members know that in a span of 50 years, the legacies birthed a renown and ever-growing club, molding and sculpting individuals of noble character. The authentic and honest words of the charter members emphasized that Key Clubbers are among the future leaders of our growing nation. It was encouraging that we were promised a better and more cultivated future as we venture into the innovation and individualism Key Club has to offer. It was genuinely a night to remember and by the 75th Anniversary, it’s practically guaranteed Key Club will have multiplied the number of accomplishments and successes created by its members.

Haverhill Key Club 50th Anniversary

Alex’s Lemonade Stand is a foundation dedicated to raising awareness and money to research the causes of childhood cancer. In 2000, Alexandra Scott set up her first lemonade stand. She told her parents she wanted to give the money to doctors for research for a cure. Alex raised $2,000 just that first day. Alex continued to set up lemonade stands while battling cancer herself. Others inspired by Alex began to set up their own lemonade stands to contribute to her cause. In 2008, Alex passed away, but her efforts continue to inspire people with her courageousness and devotion towards finding a cure. Alex’s parents set up the Alex’s Lemonade Stand foundation for cancer and are carrying out Alex’s mission to find a cure. Individuals, schools, and various volunteer organizations inspired by Alex contribute to her mission whether it be their own lemonade stand or even participating in one of the national lemonade days. The organizations have raised millions of dollars for research and funded multiple research projects looking for the causes and cures of cancer. They have empowered people, many of whom are children, to make a difference for children with cancer.

Your local Key Club can get involved in a multitude of ways! On alexslemonade.org, register a club lemonade stand with a date, time and place as well as receive a fundraising kit to help you in your ventures. Participate in the annual Alex’s Million Mile. September 1 through September 30, log your miles and take the extra mile to fundraise even more! Register online at alexslemonade.org. Collect coins for cancer, even picking up change you see on the street or putting in change you found in between the couch cushions will make a difference. More information about these fundraising ideas and other great fundraising ideas can all be found at alexslemonade.org. Making a difference starts with you, so get ready, set and care!

By Annie Khamhoung, Jonathan Law High School

Club Highlights The YanKey

Alex’s Lemonade Stand

Page 6:  · LTG and anyone else on the District Board for help! We are here to make your job as easy as possible and help you do We are here to make your job as easy as possible and help


I have chosen one of the miraculous stories from children that have recovered from having received care at a Children’s Miracle Network Hospital (CMN Hospitals) to write about. I decided to pick a story from New Hampshire, where I am from. If that wasn’t close to home enough, the young boy I am writing about is named Jackson, the town I am from! Two days after he was born it was discovered that he had a ventricular septal defect and had to have surgery. At seven weeks old, he had open heart surgery. Because of support from family, his playful attitude, and the caregivers at his CMN Hospital, he went on a fast path to recovery. Today he is an outgoing person as well as a friend to all. He loves sports and enjoys playing Legos with his dad.

It is because of CMN Hospitals that children like Jackson can lead a normal life once again. What he had to go through in the beginning of his life was horrible, but thank goodness that there are CMN Hospitals. It is because of miracles like Jackson’s that Key Club supports the CMN Hospitals.• In 1997, Key Club made CMN Hospitals a preferred charity of their choice. • CMNH saves and improves the lives of children every day. Every minute about 62 children enter a CMN Hospital

in need of assistance. • CMN Hospitals aid children battling cancer, recovering from a traumatic injury, such as a car crash, or those that are

suffering from a genetic disease. • Since 1983, CMN Hospitals has raised $4.7 billion for over 170 hospitals in the US and Canada. Money raised in a

community for CMN Hospitals goes toward their local hospital. by Logan Hagerty

Jackson’s Story – CMN Hospitals

The March of Dimes Foundation was founded in 1938 by United States President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The goal was to prevent and treat polio until the vaccine was developed. Now, the March of Dimes Foundation works to prevent birth defects. It also works to reduce premature birth and infant mortality because prematurity is the leading cause of death in the first year of life.

Key Club began working with the March of Dimes Foundation in 1978. We raise money for their research and causes, as well as publicize their work. Key Club donated $116,000 in just 2011 alone! We also raise awareness every November, Prematurity Awareness Month. Key Clubbers can spread awareness by giving others facts about prematurity and have fundraisers for this foundation.

To get involved with the March of Dimes Foundation, one can participate in the March for Babies, the Foundation’s annual fundraiser. It’s a walk that raises money for the cause. Make a team and find an event near you.

By Lydia Gulick

March of Dimes

KCI Preferred Charities The YanKey

A weekend full of excitement, new friendships, leadership skills, and lots of fun can only mean one thing: Key Leader 2014! Key Leader is an amazing leadership program that takes place over the course of a weekend� This was my first year going to Key Leader, and I know I will definitely be going again in the future. When I first arrived at Key Leader, I was warmly greeted by the other girls in my cabin. Upon arrival, everyone was very welcoming and friendly, and I immediately sensed it was going to be an exceptional weekend� We socialized and got to know each other before going to dinner� At dinner I think everyone was surprised by how good the food was� During the course of the weekend, we worked through the Key Leader curriculum� We learned all about servant leadership, what makes someone a great leader, and how to be a great leader� While working through the curriculum we would break into groups or “neighborhoods” and work on group projects and have small discussions� Each neighborhood had around ten people in it so you really got to know everyone in your neighborhood� This year, my neighborhood was called the Glam Squad, and we all became good friends and had an amazing time together� On Saturday, there were many team building activities including various ropes course events� Team building activities are always so much fun, and they give everyone a chance to practice their leadership skills� It is hard to believe Key Leader only takes place over a weekend� By Sunday I had met so many wonderful new people, and I had learned so much, not only about leadership, but also about respect, integrity, and myself� Key Leader perfectly balances learning a lot of new things and having tons of fun� Key Leader follows a curriculum, but it also gives everyone a lot of free time to hang out and socialize with all their new friends! It also has a generous curfew of 12:00pm� The next Key Leader will be held on September 25 – 27, 2015� For more information you can visit www�key-leader�org� It is a life changing experience, and I strongly encourage everyone to go at least once�

By Lily Rogers

My Amazing Weekend at Key Leader

ELIMINATE Week - May 4–8, 2015

Page 7:  · LTG and anyone else on the District Board for help! We are here to make your job as easy as possible and help you do We are here to make your job as easy as possible and help


On December 6, Key Clubs from all over New England attended Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Institute (KPTI) Day. KPTI is one of the District Projects, and it was founded in 1981 with the help of New England Kiwanis. The Institute is an addition to the Floating Hospital for Children at Tufts Medical Center in Boston, and it was created to serve children in a better way.

On KPTI Day, Key Clubs toured the hospital and heard about all the contributions of the Kiwanis-family to the hospital. Many Key Clubs even brought socks and no-sew fleece blankets to donate to the Institute. One Key Club brought 104 blankets!

The highlight of the visit was the speech given by Travis Roy, a former hockey player at B.U. He loved hockey since he was first on the ice at age 20 months. His dream goal was to play in a Division 1 hockey team in college, and he reached that goal. Eleven seconds into his first game, however, he smashed into the sideboards and cracked his fourth and fifth vertebrae. As a result, he is now paralyzed and in a wheelchair.

Throughout his speech where he detailed his life, he gave advice. One piece of advice he gave was to set goals to achieve your dreams. He finds goals to be effective because they can show you how good you can be. As a result, you will have pride in who you are. He said, “Pride is knowing you tried your best.” He explained the importance of goals in his life by relating them to his story. When he was in high school, his main goal was to play for a Division 1 hockey team, and he achieved it. He was so proud of himself. Even when his father was on the ice with him after he cracked his vertebrae, he told his dad, “But, Dad, I made it.”

He did make it. Even after he got paralyzed, he still had a positive, yet realistic, outlook on his life. He said, “My challenge had chosen me, but I had a choice, too.” Everyone has a choice in how to react to what the world throws at them, just like Travis did.

The event was a great way for Key Club members to be able to see the impact they are making with their service. It was also a great motivator, since it encouraged them to continue their hard work in everything they do and in serving the community. By Visnavy Vickneswaran, Mystic Valley Regional Charter School

KPTI Day: 2014

Camp Sunshine supports children with life threatening illnesses and their families. Families with a child diagnosed with life-threatening illnesses such as cancer, kidney disease, lupus, and solid organ transplants can attend one of the week-long camps free of charge. The focus is on alleviating the strain that a life threatening illness takes not only on the sick child but also on other family members. Families have an opportunity to rebuild their relationships together and meet other families facing similar challenges.

On November 16, 2014, the Key Clubs of Division 6 participated in a fall cleanup day at Camp Sunshine. For four hours, Key Clubbers from Scarborough High School, Windham High School, Catherine McAuley High School, Deering High School, Westbrook High School and Gorham High School raked leaves around Camp Sunshine. District Governor Malcolm Badger of Kennett High School was also there. The Volunteer Day allowed Key Clubbers to interact and meet other Key Clubbers from their division, to see Camp Sunshine, and to do some great service!

Every winter, Camp Sunshine holds “Polar Plunges” in multiple locations throughout New England in order to raise money to send families to their camp. There are four events taking place from January to March. Help take part in this amazing cause and register at the links under each of the events.

By Lexie Jamieson, Scarborough High School

District Projects The YanKey

In October, we did a fundraiser for Children of Peace International� We wanted to do something fun that would get lots of people hyped up and willing to donate� In the end, the solution was two words: duct tape�A week prior to the duct taping extravaganza, we set up a table outside our lunchroom� Students voted for one student and one teacher to be duct taped to the wall� The two top teachers as well as the top student from each grade were asked if they would be willing to participate� All six in our case were happy to do it for charity�With just a handful of people helping run the fundraiser, the duct taping commenced the Friday of our Homecoming Week� Our price was set at $1 per strip, with each strip about the length of someone’s thigh� While the students didn’t tape our volunteers to the wall very well, we raised over $120 with only a little bit of planning and counting by our Key Club members, a group of people interested in being duct taped to the wall, and several rolls of duct tape�

Fundraising Tips1� Make the fundraiser visible� Doing an in-school project? Posters on the walls may catch the attention of a few people,

but having a short memo read whenever your school makes daily announcements increases the likelihood people at least realize it is happening� If your fundraiser is community-wide, start talking to popular small business owners so they can help spread the news that you are fundraising�

2� Make sure the fundraiser is fun� The more fun you have during a fundraiser, the more likely you are to have people come back to participate again� It can also draw in other potential volunteers who want to have fun raising money with you�

3� Share the results of the fundraiser with those who participated or donated� Telling people how much money was raised and reiterating where the money is going will make people feel like their contribution has gone to use and makes them more likely to donate to or assist in fundraisers down the road�

4� Be creative� Sure, bake sales and bottle drives can be fun, and they can bring in a lot of money, but an original fundraising idea or one that at least isn’t used often can help immediately spark intrigue in what you are doing�

5� Timing is everything� You may have the greatest fundraising idea in the world, but launching the fundraiser at the wrong time could lessen the amount of money you bring in� Some fundraisers are more effective during certain seasons� When you plan a fundraiser, ask yourself: “Is this the best time to do this fundraiser?”

Children of Peace International (COPI) was founded in 1993. The primary goal of the organization was to provide aid to in-state operated orphanages. Children are the most vulnerable and suffer the most in any conflict, not only war. Even in peace, Vietnam is filled with orphans, so much so that child labor is a norm. COPI has been working with the Vietnam government in caring for its orphans. Here are only a few ways COPI is helping:• All orphans under the care of COPI are in public schools.• COPI invites artists, craftsmen, and specialists to come and train children on campus.• Eeach year, COPI hosts medical mission trips serving all citizens that would otherwise have no access to a doctor or healthcare.

COPI volunteers believe that it is a privilege to serve the children in Vietnam. After all, aren’t they the future to our tomorrow? For more information, visit www.childrenofpeace.org. By Nick Mahar, Oceanside High School East

Children of Peace International

Fundraising at Orono High School

Camp Sunshine

Page 8:  · LTG and anyone else on the District Board for help! We are here to make your job as easy as possible and help you do We are here to make your job as easy as possible and help


International Convention

Hi Key Clubbers!My name is Rachel Shanley, and I am the District Governor of the New England District of Circle K International� Circle K is the collegiate branch of the Kiwanis family, which is the next step after Key Club!! In Circle K, we participate and host many of the same types of projects and events as Key Club, including socials, service projects, and club meetings� We also have our own divisional events, District Convention, Fall Conference, and International Convention! Many of you seniors are now receiving college acceptances, and you will be going off to college in the near future� You don’t have to leave Key Club behind! We hope to see you join Circle K once you get to your college campus so you can continue your love for the Kiwanis family� If the college you are going to attend does not have a Circle K, we would love to help you start one� The process is quite easy with the help of the amazing Circle K District Board! If you have any questions about Circle K or college in general, even if you aren’t a senior, please feel free to contact me any time via email! The Circle K District Board also hopes to see many of you at our annual Circle K/College Information workshop at the Key Club District Educational Conference this spring! In service,Rachel ShanleyNew England Circle K District Governorrshanley�cki@gmail�com

A Message from CKI...

Learn more and register:


Circle K International

Gov� Rachel and Gov� Malcolm at the 2014 Key Club District Educational


Page 9:  · LTG and anyone else on the District Board for help! We are here to make your job as easy as possible and help you do We are here to make your job as easy as possible and help

Caring - Our Way of Life